Volume: 20 #2 April-June 2011
A House Journal of IEEE Kerala Section
Robots and Robotics
21st century’s transformatic technology Do Robots Take People’s Jobs? Is it eliminate skilled workers and replace them with low paid button pushers? These are the questions. In this context just recollect ‌ What happened to all the secretaries in the 1970s and 1980s? Where are they now? If you follow this logic that if a specific task is automated that means a person goes to the unemployment line, then we would have tens or hundreds or thousands of secretaries in the unemployment line. They've upgraded their skills, are using computers, and learned to do more complex tasks. A robot is just a computer with an arm connected to it which elicits an emotional response from people. It enhances productivity and it release people to do other tasks. The future robot is an assistant and not a job seeker. The focus is that the robots can work closely with humans - helping factory workers, health care providers, soldiers, surgeons and astronauts to carry out tasks. New materials, new motor technologies and safety strategies are needed for new smarter applications adaptable to their environment. Such technologies could come out of a more focused effort in terms of R&D in robotics. April-June 2011
Kerala Section
GOLD Activities | Diary of Events | Global News | SB Activities
“Youth comes but once in a lifetime” Youth is the strength of a nation and an organization too. As a professional organization IEEE is proud of its youth wing - the student members - in their strength as well in their profound activities in moulding the global enhancement in its history. The former President of India, Abdul Kalam is always optimistic and confident in the youth of our nation. He used to say, ‘I see the youth development has multiple dimensions: The youth working hard improving his knowledge with a career goal, can serve the family, can serve the society, can serve the nation to which he or she belongs and can serve the humanity as a whole. All are uniquely connected.’ As a fact, the youth are our ‘hope for the future’, and they are the present too. It is the significance of youth. Besides, ‘we can only be young once. But we can always be immature’. The youth is, ‘after all, just a moment, but it is the moment, the spark that we always carry in our heart.’ It is easily deceived, because it is quick to hope. The surest way to correct a youth is ‘to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently’. So we can ‘create a modern mindset in the youth to develop emotional, moral and social values that will make a person self-reliant of high character, patriotic and possessing a social conscience in addition to the technical competency in his field’. This is what contains in Abdul Kalam’s message which states: ‘I would like to put forth that the ignited mind of the youth is the most powerful resource on the earth, above the earth and under the earth. I am convinced that the youth power, if properly directed and controlled, could bring about transformational changes in humanity for its progress, meeting its challenges and bring peace and prosperity.’ Of course, youth is the natural resource of an economy. We have powerful potentiality in our youth. Many developed countries experience a demographic deficit of talented youth. At the same time the present situation of our nation is entirely different. We have ample wealth of powerful youth. Most of them are excellently skilled personnel.
Kerala Section
April-June 2011
3 Volume: 20 #2 April-June 2011
A House Journal of IEEE Kerala Section
Contents 02 Editorial 04 Chairman’s Message
13 GOLD Activities TISP Workshop, Hyderabad
07 Kochi News: National Technology Day Celebrations
17 PAN India Meet 2011 09 NT’s Column Evolution of Artificial Heart
24 Diary of Events 24 Forthcoming Events 25 Global News 12 Society Report ComSoc
27 Student Branch Activities TKM College of Engg., Kollam 29 SIST, Velland, Tvpm
IEEE Kerala Section, Thiruvananthapuram
Office: ‘Harmonieee’, 2695-5, Ambujavilasom Road, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 001
Chairman Satish Babu
Vice Chairman Srinivasan R
Secretary K.B. Senthilkumar
Treasurer Sarada Jayakrishnan
Home page: http://www.ewh.ieee.org/r10/kerala | e-mail: ieeek@vsnl.com e-group: ieeekerala@yahoogroups.com | Phone: +91-471-2473515 International Headquarters: The Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Inc. 3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor, New York - 10016-5997, USA. April-June 2011
Kerala Section
Chairman’s Message The last six months of operations of Kerala Section has seen exciting developments, including some that will push the envelope as far as the ‘traditional’ activities of IEEE in Kerala are concerned. Some of the new activities that Kerala Section is undertaking, will reach down to the grass roots, and hopefully change the way education in general and science education in schools in particular, is undertaken. Organizationally, the most significant development in the last few months has been the approval of IEEE Cochin Subsection. This follows the decision of Kerala Section to promote the Cochin Subsection, taken earlier this year. It is good to see that the dedicated work by several Cochin-based members, including Mr. V. Chander (former Director, NPOL), Dr. A. Unnikrishnan (NPOL), Ms. Mini Ulanat (CUSAT), Mr. Shahim Baker (Grey Technolab), Mr. Rajesh M.V (College of Engineering, Cherthala), and Mr. V.S. Shenoi (NPOL) has resulted in this rather quick approval by IEEE. With this, Kerala becomes one of the few sections in India as well as internationally, that has two subsections under it. It is clear that there is a lot of hard work ahead in terms of nurturing the subsection. However, the local team at Cochin now has much more of functional autonomy to carry out Cochin-specific activities. Kerala Section would like to ensure that the new team formally takes charge of the subsection in the next ExeCom that is being held at Cochin on 31 July. The Teachers’ In-Service Program (TISP), recently held at Hyderabad, saw Kerala section sending the largest contingent of participants compared to any other section (except the host Section of Hyderabad). This participation, spontaneously emerging at different levels within IEEE membership - from senior professional to student - has also impacted the educational programmes of the Section in an important manner. The participants of the TISP program at Hyderabad and GOLD Affinity Group of Kerala Section have taken up a programme that aims at changing the way science is being taught in schools. The first training programme under this is being held at Quilon on 16 July. This programme is a milestone, as it attempts to forge a link between IEEE members on the one hand and school teachers on the other. If it takes off, the programme could play a significant role in enhancing the grass roots-level relevance of IEEE. Kerala Section
April-June 2011
2 Editorial
However, we have ‘to empower them with multiple intelligences’. We cannot always ‘build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future’. We could educate our youth ‘to develop cognitive intelligence to become original thinkers and imbibe emotional intelligence to have a team spirit and a rational risk’. Moreover, today, we globally lead in the supply of youth but other countries harvesting this demographic potentiality. We must have the courage to change old ideas and practices so that we may direct power toward good ends without shrinking. We can maintain the number and continue this potential asset for today and tomorrows. ‘The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible – and achieve it, generation after generation.’ The challenges and opportunities of the youth are numerous. They have ideas, skills and energy to contribute and tremendous capacity to learn, to serve and to lead. They are ready to accept more responsibility at their age and ‘are prepared to challenge the status quo and initiate change where they feel it is due’. Moreover, they are better equipped than other generational cohorts to embrace changes associated with technological as well as social development. We could give direction in each stage to empower them to accomplish with the ‘techniques in the practical application of principles of complexity management, thereby to promote their physical, intellectual and psychological wellness’. It is pertinent to note that always they have an intentional role that is developed and sustained through thoughtful policies and practices. It is the principle that is integrated to the key activities of IEEE and thereby understands and supports at all levels of the organization. It has an attitude of inclusivity, acceptance and flexibility and also the ability to view the organization through a youth lens.
All the other programs of the Kerala section, including the different international conferences being planned for the second half of this year (and early 2012), are proceeding on course, with a lot of work being put in by IEEE volunteers at all levels as well as the institutions supporting them. Overall, at this time when we are just past the mid-year mark, I feel that the Kerala Section has retained and enhanced the vibrancy that we are well known for. With greetings,
Satish Babu
Chair, Kerala Section April-June 2011
Kerala Section
Teacher In Service Program (TISP) The first Teacher In Service Program (TISP) of IEEE Kerala Section sponsored by IEEE Education Society will be held on 16th July 2011 from 9:30 hrs to 16:30 hrs at TKM College of Engineering, Kollam. The program will be inaugurated by Honourable Minister of Labour, Shibu Baby John.
Talk on Network Simulation using NS-2 A talk on this topic is organized by IEEE Communications Society on 18th July at Mascot Hotel at 17:30 hrs. The main aim of the talk is to provide an insight into the features & capability of NS-2 in aiding research and Industry development. The speaker is Mohit P Tahiliani, from National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Karnataka. Simulation is often resorted to study, analyze and carry out performance evaluation of wired and wireless networks. NS-2 is an open source network simulator. It is the de-facto standard for research over a wide variety of networking areas including Wired, Wireless and Satellite Networks. 5 Editorial
However, the attraction of youth students towards IEEE is marvelous compared to other similar bodies. IEEE Kerala section has unintended consequences, gifted with talented young who are in the pave way towards the real world of professionalism. They get ample chances to wield leadership while developing the quality of leadership through volunteerism as long as they are in IEEE. We know that our youth have done fabulous work in the last few years, which are commendable, meritorious and a model to others and also well accepted by the headquarters through awards and certificates. The elder group of students, the GOLD members, is also exhibiting their excited and vigorous youth power domestically as well as internationally. GOLD activities also attained momentum in the recent years and are accelerating their celebrity keeping the rhythm. In this context, we have to remember the words ‘in youth we learn; in age we understand’. So we can understand and recognize our youth power and utilize the ‘cream of youth - imbibed with learning’ for the potential development of our organization by guiding to learn more in their practical life. In addition, we could also dream - ‘youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in our life!’ - K.Gopalan Nair Kerala Section
April-June 2011
Kochi News
Approval of Kochi Sub-Section The formation of IEEE Kochi Sub-Section has been formally approved by IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board on 25th June 2011. The dedication of the professionals behind this process is highly appreciable especially the team leaders Unnikrishnan (NPOL), Shahim Baker, Chander, Mini Ulanat and others. Kerala Section has encouraged the formation of subsections. Earlier, by 2010 Malabar subsection has been formed. This shows the commitment of Kerala Section to the growth of IEEE through the formation of subsections.
National Technology Day Celebrations at Kochi In connection with the National Technology Day on 11th May 2011, IEEE-CS Kerala section along with CSI & IETE organized a technical talk at Cochin. This was the first joint programme of the current year by these societies at Cochin. The function was organized at CSI Hall, Kaloor, Cochin. The topic was ‘The World of Sensor Networks’ by Santhosh Kumar, Associate Professor, Cochin University. Shahim Baker, Secretary of IEEE CS, Kerala Section, welcomed the audience and the speaker of the day Santhosh Kumar on behalf of IEEE and the other societies. He also explained the importance of the National Technology Day. Santhosh Kumar, who has completed his research on wireless sensor networks gave a very informative lecture on his research topic. April-June 2011
He explained various latest technologies related to Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). He described various topologies and challenges related to the implementation of WSNs. Various applications of WSNs were discussed. He also demonstrated the different types of sensor "motes". After the lecture of Santhosh, M V Rajesh, Hon. Secretary of IETE Kochi Centre expressed vote of thanks to the gathering and the Kerala Section
Santhosh Kumar, Giving his lecture on WSNs
speaker and invited non-members of the professional societies. He
informed that an event will be held at BTH Hotel, Cochin on May 17th, to celebrate World Telecommunication & Information Society day, which will be jointly organized by the CSI, IEEE, IETE and IIPE. The speaker, Santhosh Kumar was presented a memento by A.B. Rajasekharan, Managing Committee Member, CSI Cochin Chapter.
IEEE members can stay current in their chosen technology profession and keep connected to peers by joining an IEEE Society in their area of interest.
Kerala Section
April-June 2011
NT’s Column
Evolution of Artificial Heart Finally, with No Beat
Compiled by: N T Nair, Former Chair, IEEE India Council & Chief Editor, Executive Knowledge Lines monthly
Our natural heart, probably, is one of the most efficient pumping systems in the world. It works within us without repair or servicing, throughout our life time. Also, the heart does not damage the blood passing through it. No man has ever built a pump which is so gentle, so strong and so reliable. There are two pumps in our heart, each with two chambers. The right atrium pumps oxygendepleted blood from the body into the right ventricle, which pumps it to the lungs. The left atrium sends aerated blood from the lungs into the left ventricle, which pumps it out to the blood vessels all over the body. The heart can go wrong if it is not looked after properly. Congestive
April-June 2011
heart failure, which is the steadily declining ability of the heart to pump blood, is one of the leading causes of death. This disease is caused by sudden damage from heart attacks, deterioration from viral infections, valve malfunctions, high blood pressure and other problems. When the attempts to rectify the problems of the natural heart through medication and surgical techniques fail, there are two options left - to do a heart transplant by receiving a healthy heart form a donor. The other is to go for an artificial heart which would do the job equally well. There is another reason also for more interest in artificial heart availability of human heart for transplant is very limited compared to the demand. It is in this context that the artificial heart assumes significance. The search for a perfect artificial heart by biomedical engineers is going on for decades. An artificial heart maintains the heart’s blood circulation and oxygenation for varying periods of time. The ideal artificial heart must beat 100,000 times every 24 hours without requiring either lubrication nor Kerala Section
maintenance and must have a constant power source. It must also pump faster or slower depending on the activity of the patient without causing either infection or blood clots. The two major types of artificial hearts are the heart-lung machine and the mechanical heart. The first type consists of an oxygenator and a pump and is mainly used to keep blood flowing while the heart is operated on. This machine can only operate for a few hours since the blood becomes damaged after longer times. A mechanical heart is designed to reduce the total work load of a heart that can no longer work at its normal capacity. Because such devices usually result in complications to the patient, they have generally been used as a temporary replacement
until natural hearts can be obtained for transplantation. The first successful heart-lung machine was used on a human being in 1953. Four years later, the first artificial heart was implanted inside a dog which kept it alive for ninety minutes. In 1969, Dr. Cooley and his team implanted the first total artificial heart device in the world which kept the patient alive for 64 hours until a suitable heart donor was found. The experience proved the viability of the artificial heart as a bridge to transplantation until a donor heart can be found. Dr. Robert Jarvik, scientist, invented an artificial heart called the Jarvik-7. In 1986, William Schroeder became the second Jarvik-7 recipient, surviving for about 20 months. In 1999, Charlie Chappis became the first patient
International Conference EPSCICON 2012 Call for the papers for the second international conference on power and energy, signals and circuits, controls and instrumentation, vibrations, and computations. The four broad areas identified are: Power & energy systems, control & vibrational analysis, signals & circuits and computations. Please submit full papers as per IEEE format for the conference proceedings (including latex versions/pdf) page length restricted to 6 numbers at: papers@epscicon.info The scope of the conference is essentially inter-disciplinary. Last date for the submission : 30th September 2011 Last date for the acceptance : 15th November 2011 Conference date : from 3rd to 6th Jan 2012 For more details: Sudha Balagopalan, (0091 9349196440) Institutional Coordinator, Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur, Kerala Kerala Section
April-June 2011
ever released from a hospital with a battery-powered implantable left ventricle assist device (LVAD). The development saga of artificial hearts continues unabated even today - to come out with a machine that does not wear out, break down or cause clots or infections. Now the researchers from Texas Heart Institute, Dr. Billy Cohn and Dr. Bud Frazier claim to have developed a machine that pumps blood through the body by using two centrifugal pumps, thus replacing the primordial sound of a beating heart with a quiet hum. They’ve tested the device on 38 calves and one human patient and say it hasn’t had a single failure, but that it still needs more work. Inside the institute’s animal research laboratory is an 8-monthold calf named Abigail. Cohn and Frazier removed Abigail’s heart and replaced it with two centrifugal pumps.“If you listened to her chest with a stethoscope, you wouldn’t hear a heartbeat,” says Cohn. “If you examined her arteries, there’s no pulse. If you hooked her up to
an EKG, she’d be flat-lined.” The pumps spin Abigail’s blood and move it through her body. The total artificial heart is made of two turbine-like blood pumps that replace a patient’s removed heart and provide blood flow, but no heartbeat or EKG rhythm. A single pump had been approved for replacing one ventricle in those suffering from terminal heart failure, but faced with a double ventricle failure, physicians Bud Frazier and Billy Cohn implanted two of the devices into 55-year-old Craig A. Lewis in an effort to save Lewis’ life who just had fewer than 12 hours to live. The implantation allowed Lewis to sit up and speak with family members less than a week later and might have extended his life far beyond if the disease that damaged his heart had not attacked his liver and kidneys. Because of Lewis’ willingness to try the total artificial heart, doctors gained new knowledge that is likely to lead to more heart replacement surgeries and hope for many who would otherwise face certain death.
IEEE Kerala Section bagged the following awards at IEEE R10 SC held at NewZealand • First Place in R10 - College of Engineering Website Contest Trivandrum • Second Place in R10 - Amrita Viswavidyalaya Paper Presentation Contest Kollam • Third Place in R10 - TKM College of Engineering Exemplary SB award Kollam Congratulations to all the volunteers of CET, Amritha and TKMCE for their outstanding effort to make these significant achievements! Also to LINK & IEEE Student Activities Volunteers for their proper guidance! April-June 2011
Kerala Section
Society Report
IEEE Communications Society - ComSoc ComSoc, IEEE Kerala Section, organized a technical talk on the topic “Dynamics of Public-Police Communications” at Institute of Engineer’s Hall, Thiruvananthapuram on 11th May, 2011. The talk was delivered by Krsihnakumar .B, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Kerala Police Department. The pivotal role of the police machinery in a civil society towards the maintenance of law and order was summarized. Awareness on police functions was rendered referring to the different criminal laws under the domain of cyber crime, traffic, etc. Critical facets of homeland security including threats, countermeasures and privacy were explained with case studies. The speaker mentioned that comprehensive solutions, based on networked information and communication services are
Krishna Kumar, Assistant Commissioner of Police delivering the talk Kerala Section
available for surveillance and protection of public safety systems. Speaker concluded that interaction forums, showcasing case studies and real-world examples, aim at the development of an effective interface mechanism for proper and reliable communication between the police and the public. Other major activities: 1. ComSoc Chair, Sasi PM, attended the Comsoc Asia Pacific Chapter Chair Congress at Kyoto, Japan on 9th July. The meet was attended by Byeong Gi Lee (Comsoc President), Goyal (VP, Membership Development, Comsoc) and Asia Pacific leaders. 2. ComSoc student chapter of College of Engineering, Chengannur has been formally approved, with effect from 9th February 2011. 3. MES College of Engineering has applied for formation of Comsoc student chapter, which is under processing. Some of the upcoming events: 1. Talk by Sasi PM, CDAC on "Wireless world" at Barton Hill Engineering College, Tvpm on 9th July 2011. 2. Talk by Sasi PM, CDAC on "Mobile Ad Hoc Networks" at Barton Hill Engineering College, Tvpm on 16th July 2011. April-June 2011
GOLD Activities
IEEE TISP Workshop Hyderabad Conducted from May 7th to 8th 2011 at Hotel Taj Krishna, Hyderabad About TISP The Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) provides a forum for IEEE volunteers to demonstrate the application of engineering, science and mathematics concepts by sharing their real-world experiences with local pre-university educators. TISP functions essentially as a professional development workshop aimed at helping teachers bring exciting hands-on engineering lessons into their classrooms. Once trained, IEEE volunteers can connect with pre-university schools in their local communities to deliver the hands-on program. What are the goals of TISP? The program’s goals are to: • empower section volunteers to collaborate with their local preuniversity community; • promote applied inquiry-based learning; • enhance the level of technical
literacy of pre-university educators; • encourage pre-university students to pursue technical careers, including engineering; • increase the general level of technical literacy of preuniversity students throughout their educational careers. TISP Hyderabad The Teacher In-Service Program, a flagship event of the IEEE EAB, was organized by the IEEE Hyderabad Section in association with IEEE EAB and Bangalore Section. TISP and Kerala Section 1. 14 members of the Kerala Section attended the event at Hyderabad. a. Of these 8 were GOLD members (3 GOLD EC Members) b. 5 Kerala Section ExeCom Members. 2. Kerala Section received good visibility throughout the
3. Talk by Mohit P. Tahiliani, NIT, Surathkal on “Network simulation using NS2", at CDAC, Trivandrum on 18th July 2011. 4. Two day conference on communications "WinGCom
2011" jointly organised with CDAC, Tvpm and College at College of Engineering, Munnar on 9th and 10th December 2011 at College of Engineering, Munnar.
April-June 2011
Kerala Section
IEEE Kerala Section Members at TISP Workshop Hyderabad
b. c.
4. a.
workshop and we were able to present the TISP Plan for Kerala at the workshop. There was a Breakout Session towards the end, in which we came out with a rough plan for TISP in Kerala. It was decided that GOLD affinity group will drive this initiative in Kerala along with the Kerala Section EAC. The minutes of the breakout discussion can be found below. The proposal is subject to approval by the Kerala Section ExeCom in the upcoming meeting on May 29th. Further Opportunities: Ranjit R Nair (GOLD Treasurer) and Namith Najeeb (GOLD Vice-Chair) were able to meet up with Jennifer A G, TISP Champion from Ottawa Section in Canada, who was one of the speakers for the event. Kerala Section
b. Over breakfast on the day after the workshop, we were able to strategise on how TISP can be launched in Kerala and how GOLD Affinity Group can work in tandem with the EA Committee of the section. c. She has promised full support to the initiative in Kerala. d. She also asked us to take care of the follow up of the TISP Hyderabad workshop, through the IEEE Online Community and Facebook. The Facebook page is under construction. The Kerala Plan Agenda Plan the activities related to TISP in Kerala Section for the year 2011-12. Minutes of Meeting 1. Transparency at the Section Level a. The TISP activities will be driven by the GOLD AG of Kerala Section. April-June 2011
b. Propose the formation of a TISP Working Committee at Section level to drive the TISP Activities. c. The following have been proposed as TISP Co-Champions for Kerala: i. Cochin (Central Kerala) : Mini Ulanat, CUSAT ii. Calicut (North Kerala) : Ranjit R Nair, GOLD Kerala iii. Trivandrum (South Kerala) : Viswanatha Rao, MBCET 2. Format a. Common format for the programs across Kerala. b. Centralised planning and disbursement of events to ensure transparency at Section level. 3. Implementation Strategy a. Primary level: Empowering
the Educators & Volunteer Workshop (Combined) i. Participants expected from Student Group/Academia/ Industry 1. Hub level Representation / 1 Student Branch Representative 2. Anyone else interested ii. Batch Size: 75 – 100 iii. 1 day workshop : 1. Focus on hands-on Sessions 2. Speakers will be the participants of TISP – Hyderabad iv. Tentative Dates: 1. June 1st week v. Location : Student Branch in Kerala (to be finalised) b. Secondary Level: Inculcating the Engineering Spirit in Students i. Follow up with the Educators immediately after the Trainings
Members Present No.
Namith Najeeb
GOLD, Kerala
Ranjit R Nair
GOLD, Kerala
Nitin Padmanabhan
GOLD, Kerala
Shahim Baker
Grey Technolabs
Mini Ulanat
Sajeer Fazil
Ittiam, Bangalore
Jijo P U
GEC, Kasargod
A G Hareendralal
IEEE, Kerala
S Viswanatha Rao
Santhosh Kumar G
M N Abhijit
IES, Thrissur
IES, Thrissur
Arjun R Pillai
Rajesh Kannan (excused) Amrita
April-June 2011
Email – id
megakannan1976@yahoo.com Kerala Section
ii. Assist Educators in procuring supplies and organizing trainings iii. Volunteers can help in the few programs (be physically present if possible) c. Reaching out to Educators i. There are 2 ways we plan to connect to the Educators at Schools 1. High Level – through the IT @ School Initiative (Govt. of Kerala Initiative for Schools) 2. Local Connections: a. Kochi: CBSE Schools (Immediate Pilot program after the Volunteer Workshop) b. Thiruvananthapuram c. Kozhikode ii. Number targets 1. Targeting 3 major programs (other than the Volunteer
Workshop) this year 2. Ideal Case : >=6 3. Number of teachers to impact : 50 per sessions (150 - 200 in an year) 4. Funding a. 1st Year: EAB Funding provided b. 2nd Year i. Section to fund the activities to sustain the TISP activities ii. Potential Sponsors to be identified iii. Once the program is up and running, the costs will be minimal and would have to meet; 1. Replenishment of Consumables in the kit (wires, batteries, boards, etc.) 2. Travel reimbursements for TISP Champions (Trainers)
5. Overview of Timelines May 11th Proposal to be floated for TISP Volunteer Workshop by the TISP Co-Champions
May 29th Kerala Section ExeCom Meeting
May 13th
May 15th
May 16th
Identify a Student Branch
Team to be constituted
Co-Champions – Meeting
May 24th
May 19th
May 18th
Finalise Workshop Content and Event Management
Start Publicity: Ensure 100 participants for the Volunteer Workshop
Follow Up with Section and get approval
Reported by: Namith Najeeb, Vice-Chair, GOLD Kerala
Nominations Invited IEEE Power & Energy Society India Council Chapter Awards Committee 2011 Nominations are invited for IEEE PES IC Chapter Outstanding Service Award 2011 from members of IEEE India. The Award consists of ` 10,000/. See website for more details. Kerala Section
April-June 2011
GOLD Activities
PAN India IEEE Gold Officers Meet 2011 A report on the PIIGOM 2011 - an initiative of IEEE Kerala GOLD PIIGOM-11, the Pan India IEEE GOLD officers meet 2011 held on the 19th of June 2011 became a milestone in the history of Region 10 GOLD activities and another golden feather in the cap of the Kerala GOLD affinity group. The event which was conceptualized and organized by IEEE Kerala Section GOLD at Hotel Grand Seasons, Cochin, Kerala witnessed the participation of five affinity groups spread across the geographical span of India. The meeting was convened mainly to discuss the strategies and action plans of all the GOLD AGs in India with the objective to empower the activities of GOLD in India. The
April-June 2011
event had a record participation of five affinity groups out of the total seven in India namely Bombay Section, Madras Section, Hyderabad Section, Bangalore Section and the host Kerala Section. The meeting became an ideal venue for the officers of the various affinity groups present to network with their peers, share ideas and give an insight about the activities that are happening in their respective GOLD AG's. The meeting that commenced by half past nine in the morning addressed a significant number of areas and issues pertaining to GOLD membership and Affinity groups in India before coming to a close by three in the evening. The
Kerala Section
meeting was moderated by Payees Amar Nishad, GOLD Chair of Kerala Section who announced the agenda for the day. The detailed session by session report of the meeting is elaborated below: • Icebreaking and Introductions The meeting started on a lighter note with some teasers to break the ice among the participants and a quick round of self-introduction. It was a perfect start to the highly intense marathon meeting that was planned for the rest of the day. The participants soon settled into their groves and got prepared for the all-important meeting. • Best Practices Sharing All the affinity groups present
gave a brief presentation on the best practices they follow in running their local GOLD affinity group. The affinity groups also had the open mindedness to share their working strategies with their counterparts. Each and every presentation was a unique learning experience for the attendees and a lot of best practices were exchanged between the fellow affinity groups. Some of the notable practices that were shared were as follows: Hyderabad Section GOLD Enhancing GOLD membership value by collaboration with IEEE sister societies. Bangalore Section GOLD Having a large GOLD Executive team for effective administration
News on Tech & Education
Massive Open Online Course What happens when you invite the whole world to join an online class ? In the last year, a growing number of educators are giving that idea a try by offering free ‘massive open online courses’ or MOOC’s, to anyone who wants to learn. Today, that experimental idea gained some more traction in mainstream higher education. The University of Illinois at Springfield announced a new not-for-credit MOOC devoted to examining the state of online education and where e-learning is heading. Nearly 500 people from two dozen countries have registered so far, with 1,000 expected to sign up by the time the course begins. These courses are part of a small but expanding push toward ‘open teaching.’ Universities such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have offered free educational materials online for years. The idea for the Springfield course grew out of a presentation called ‘The Open Future of Higher Education’ delivered at a conference this spring by Ray Schroeder, Director of Springfield’s Center for Online Learning, Research, and Service. For interested person visit: http://sites.google.com/site/openfuturehighered Kerala Section
April-June 2011
and member outreach. Madras Section - Tapping graduating students from academia in a successful and consistent manner. Bombay Section - Tie up with Industry giants and other MNC's in the Section for expanding and promoting GOLD membership base in the Section. Kerala Section - Effective team work and coordination for organizing well focused and quantifiable activities. The session met its objective and all the best practices derived from the meeting were documented and an output document "Best Practices for GOLD" was created. LD India - Enhancing GOLD membership value in India The next item on the agenda was discussions on GOLD India and how to enhance its membership value in India. The key areas that were discussed in this regard were steps to enhance professional membership benefits for GOLD members in India, to spread the awareness of various GOLD April-June 2011
utilities and resources available to members, and strategies to adopt for retaining student members in GOLD. The major points that were raised during this round of discussions were as follows: Branding IEEE GOLD-The necessity of branding IEEE GOLD as a value add among young professionals were discussed in detail. A lot of strategies were discussed among the attendees in this regard such as Co-branding GOLD events with major Section events, Introducing GOLD during Corporate Induction programs and setting up stalls in IT Exhibitions and Expos. Localizing activities - It was observed that a key to enhance GOLD memberships in the section would be to organize periodic and well-focused activities suitable and adaptive to the specific local areas of a particular Section. Publicizing GOLD events Effective publicity of all the Kerala Section
GOLD events happening within a Section should be given at Section level, Region level and beyond through mailing groups, newsletters and all other possible communication channels. Spreading awareness about GOLD utilities and resources - It was observed that majority of the GOLD members today are not aware of the various resources and utilities IEEE GOLD offers to young professionals. The need for spreading awareness about the GOLD benefits was discussed with due importance. Many decisions to this effect were taken at the meeting such as to develop GOLD membership development kits, to initiate an online research forum, and most importantly to initiate an All India GOLD website. Popularizing GOLD webinars and Mentoring program- The measures for popularizing GOLD webinars and mentoring
Kerala Section
programs was discussed in detail. Retaining Student members in GOLD: - This was identified as a huge challenge before the GOLD community and active steps to attract and retain students in GOLD after graduation was discussed with due importance. Collaboration of GOLD AGs in India The next agenda item that came up for discussion was about the Collaboration of GOLD AGs in India. The scope and various possibilities of expanding GOLD in India through effective networking and collaboration among the fellow affinity groups were discussed in detail. All the participating affinity groups affirmed their strong resolve to work together for the expansion and sustenance of GOLD in India. Some of the major points that were brought forward during this round of discussions are noted below: Combined GOLD events to be planned and organized jointly
April-June 2011
Awa r d s
The R10 has selected Madras Section as the 2010 R10 Distinguished Large Section based on the Annual Performance. PES 2011 Membership Growth Contest: for the Small Chapter Category <=1000 members: First place : ($1000) Kerala Section – 73% Second place : ($500) Columbia Section – 54% Third place : ($250) Calcutta Section – 40% Congratulations to Madras, Kerala and Calcutta Section/ Chapters for the fine work!
by different GOLD affinity groups in India. To initiate channels for online collaboration of all the GOLD groups in India through mailing groups and social networking sites. To organize a follow up meeting of all the GOLD AGs in a period of six months to be hosted by one of the participating Sections. The possibilities of organizing a Distinguished Lecture program for all the GOLD members in India were discussed. The Affinity groups to promote inter Section participation for all the major GOLD activities happening in their Sections. GOLD and other IEEE entities The scope of growth for GOLD in India by associating with its fellow entities such as technical societies and chapters was discussed next. A special emphasis was given on the active collaboration possible for GOLD with the Educational Activities of IEEE and the Women in engineering activities. Some of April-June 2011
the relevant points that turned up during the discussion were: To invite young professional WIE members for GOLD events and to recruit them into GOLD. To plan GOLD events in association with the local WIE affinity groups of the Section. To co-brand GOLD events with other IEEE societies in the Section like Comsoc, CSI, PESetc... Any major GOLD Conference or Activity planned in India to host similar meeting of GOLD leaders in India. Formation of All India GOLD working Group This was one of the most crucial decisions that shaped up during the course of the meeting. All the participating GOLD affinity groups affirmed their strong resolution to establish an All India GOLD working group to coordinate and manage all the combined activities of the GOLD affinity groups in India. The Group would be responsible to plan and implement strategies Kerala Section
for the empowerment of GOLD in India. Following are the important aspects decided regarding the formation of the working group: All India GOLD working Group to be established with immediate effect. • A petition to be submitted to IEEE India Council and Region 10 GOLD for formal approval of the Working group. The Working Group will be constituted of all the GOLD Chairs in India. The Working Group shall work for the expansion and sustenance of GOLD in India. Shall manage and coordinate combined GOLD activities involving two or more affinity groups of various Sections. • Proposal for conducting an All India GOLD Congress The meeting proposed to organize an "All India GOLD
Congress" which will be an ideal venue for all the GOLD members in India to come together, to unite and to innovate. The details of the Congress such as venue and date will be finalized later. • Resolution to conduct PIIGOM-12 The meeting unanimously passed a resolution to organize the Pan India GOLD officers meet annually. It was decided that PIIGOM-12 would be hosted next year by one of the GOLD affinity groups which participated in the present meeting. It was also decided that hosts each year for the meeting would be decided on a rotation basis. Meeting Outcomes: • Laid an ideal platform for the GOLD affinity groups in India to unite, network and collaborate with their peers. • Provided an insight into the activities and best practices
IEEE P2P 2011 The 11th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing 31 August - 2 September 2011 Kyoto, Japan Sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society Register on or before 29 July to Save ! Kerala Section
April-June 2011
followed by GOLD affinity groups in India. • Paved way for effective collaboration and joint ventures by all the GOLD AGs present. • Established an All India GOLD working group for the smooth conduct and coordination of GOLD activities. • Drafted a joint proposal to conduct an All India GOLD Congres • Launched a SIG (Special Interest Group) at India level on Tablet Computing in Mobile Apps. • Resolution to submit petition to India Council for GOLD representation • Resolution to host a similar GOLD officers meeting by end of year. • Resolution to organize Pan India GOLD officers meets (PIIGOM) annually. Meeting Decisions: • All India GOLD working group established with immediate effect for coordinating and managing joint ventures by GOLD AGs in India. Petition will be submitted to India Council and Region 10 GOLD for the formal approval of the Group. • A Special Interest Group, SIG on Tablet Computing in Mobile Apps has been formed at India level with representation of GOLD members from all participating Sections. The meeting unanimously elected Shahim Baker, Kerala GOLD to be Chair of this Group. April-June 2011
• An All India GOLD website will be initiated with immediate effect. • A petition will be submitted by the All India GOLD working group to India Council for GOLD representation in the Council. • Kerala Section GOLD to mentor Bombay GOLD affinity group with immediate effect. • Decided to conduct an All India GOLD Congress. The dates and venue will be finalized later. • It has been decided to conduct PIIGOM - the Pan India GOLD officers meet annually. The host Section for the meeting will be selected on a rotation basis. The first ever IEEE GOLD officers meet in the history of India came to a befitting end soon after with a high tea. The attendees from other Sections were all praise for the hosts Kerala Section GOLD affinity group for their great initiative in organizing such a highly beneficial meeting and for the great hospitality dished out to all of them. The meeting dispersed with a strong vow to meet again very soon in some other parts of India to take this unity and team spirit forward. Reported by: Payees Amar Nishad, Chair, IEEE GOLD Kerala Section With inputs from: Namith Najeeb Vice Chiair. IEEE GOLD Kerala Section
Nitin Padmanabhan
Secretary, IEEE GOLD Kerala Section
Ranjit R Nair
Treasurer, IEEE GOLD Kerala Section Kerala Section
Diary of Events April 01 Farewell to Mohammed Kasim - the person behind the successful establishment of IEEE SB of TKMCE by TKMCE SB at Kollam. 06 ‘Holistic Medicine’ Dr S Krishnan, Asst Professor, Medical College, Tvpm at IE Hall, Tvpm. 10 Execom meeting of IEEE Kerala Section from 11:30 to 13:00 hrs at IEEE Office ‘Harmonieee’ Tvpm. 20 Talk on ‘Malayalam Wikipedia Awareness’ by Fuad Jaleel & Kiran Gopi, Wiki Volunteer Editors at 17:45 hrs at IE Hall, Tvpm. 23 National Conference - ‘Recent Trends in Computational Intelligence’ (RTCI-11) at Central India Institute of Technology (CIIT), Indore. 27 Talk on ‘Application of Poly Average Technique for Entrance Examination Ranking’ by R. Purushothaman Nair, Scientist/Engineer, VSSC, Tvpm at IE Hall, Tvpm. May 04 Talk on ‘Celebrating Success and Failures’ by Swami Sukhbodananda, Chairman, Prasanna Trust at 17:00 hrs at IE Hall, Tvpm. 7,8 IEEE TISP (Teacher In-Service Program) Workshop at Hyderabad at Hotel Taj Krishna, Hyderabad. 11 Talk on ‘Dynamics of Public - Police Communications’ at 18:00 hrs at the Institute of Engineer's Hall at Vellayambalam by IEEE ComSoc. Speaker: Krishna Kumar B, Assistant Commissioner, Kerala Police. 11 Talk on ‘The World of Sensor Networks’ by G Santhosh Kumar, Asst Professor, Dept of Computer Science, CUSAT at 18.00 hrs at CSI Hall, 4th Floor, Penta Towers (Opp. Kaloor Bus Stand), Kaloor, Kochi. 29 Execom Meeting - IV of IEEE Kerala Section. June 01 Talk on ‘Waste Management & Environment Protection’ by S. Narayana moorthy, Retired Principal Scientist, Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Tvpm at IE Hall, Tvpm. 08 Talk on ‘Human Aspects of Project Management’ by Vikram Kumar BT, Kerala Section
Director (Training), UST Global, Technopark, Tvpm, & Vice - President, PMI Trivandrum Kerala Chapter 15 Talk on ‘Information and Communication Technologies for Common Man – Engineering Challenges’ by NT Nair, Chief Editor, Executive Knowledge Lines, Tvpm at IE Hall. 19 ‘PIIGOM 2011’ - a GOLD Meet at Hotel Grand Seasons, Kochi, Kerala. 22 Talk on ‘Nature & Engineering Design’ by V. Rajendra Babu formerly Civil Engg Dept, CET, Tvpm, at IE Hall. 27 The IEEE AESS Society organizes ‘2011 Aerospace and Defense Symposium’ at Hotel Vivanta, MG Road, Bangalore. 28 Talk on ‘Best Practices Meet for Data Protection’ at Hotel Lalit Ashok, Bangalore from 9:00 hrs to 17:30 hrs. 29 Talk on ‘Energy From Biomass’ by Shaji James, Associate Professor & Head, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kerala Agricultural University, Pattambi.
Forthcoming Events July 01 The IEEE AESS Society organizes ‘2011 Aerospace and Defense Symposium’ Hotel Le Meridien, Janpath, New Delhi. 09 ‘ComSoc Asia Pacific Chapter Chair Congress’ at Kyoto, Japan. 10 Final date for sending awards nomination for ‘CRN Xcellence Awards 2011 for business leadership and excellence in IT’. 14 Talk on ‘ERP/SAP’ by Suresh Kumar, CTO Marikar Engineers, Kaloor, Kottayam at CSI Hall, Kaloor at 18:30 hrs. 16 ‘Teacher In Service Program’ (TISP) sponsored by IEEE Education Society from 9:30 hrs to 16:30 hrs at TKM College of Engineering, Kollam. Inauguration by Shibu Baby John, Hon: Minister of Labour, Govt of Kerala. 18 Technical talk on ‘Network Simulation using NS-2’ at 17:30 hrs at Mascot Hotel, Tvpm by Mohit P Tahiliani, NIT Surathkal, Karnataka. 20 July 2011 Talk on ‘Right To Information Act’ by V.V. Giri, Rtd. State Chief Information Commissioner, Government of Kerala at IE Hall at 17:45 Hrs. 31 IEEE Kerala Section EXECOM meeting April-June 2011
Global News Call for Nominations: 2012 IEEE Leadership Positions IEEE is looking for people with the skills, passion, and perspective to volunteer and serve in 2012 as IEEE officers or on committees of the IEEE Board of Directors. Visit the IEEE Nominations and Appointments Committee Web page to view the list of positions and to nominate yourself or a colleague. Select: Standing Committee Members, IEEE officers (Vice President Educational Activities; Vice President Publications Services & Products, IEEE Secretary,
Judges Needed for IEEEXtreme Competition IEEE is looking for volunteers to be judges at the annual computer programming student competition, IEEEXtreme, scheduled for 22nd October 2011. Student Members are not eligible to be judges, but all higher-grade members, including Members and Graduate Student Members, may apply. E-mail the IEEEXtreme team for more information or to volunteer.
(EXECOM-V) at Hotel Grand Seasons, Chittoor Road, Near South Railway Station, Cochin. 31 Last date to submit proposals for workshops at IEEE ICC 2012 to brunner@ nw.neclab.eu or granville@inf.ufrgs.br August 3-5 2011 International Conferences on Advanced Technologies for Communications Da Nang City, VN 15 Last date for submission of papers for ‘INDICON 2011’ (Subject: Engineering Sustainable Solutions) at Hyderabad from 16 to 18 Dec 2011. Contact: indicon 2011@ieeehyd.org 19-22 ‘IEEE Sections Congress 2011’ (SC2011) at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis, in San Francisco, California, USA. 31-Sep 2 (i) The IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing at Kyoto, JP. (ii) 15th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference at Helsinki, FI. September 06 ‘IEEE ICC 2012’ call for Technical Papers, Tutorials, Workshops, etc - last date of submission. For details visit: www.ieeeicc.org/2012
12-13 Annual International Conference on ‘Infocomm Technologies in Competitive Strategies’ at Hotel Fort Canning, Singapore. 14-16 IEEE International Conference on ‘Signal Processing, Communications and Computing’ (ICSPCC 2011), Xi’an Garden Hotel, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China. Website: http://www.icspcc2011.org or http://www.ieee.org.hk/icspcc2011/ October 23 Talk by Marco Chiani on ‘Fundamentals and Advances in MIMO Communication Systems and Networks’ at CDAC, Thiruvananthapuram at 17:00 hrs. December 09,10 Two day conference on communications “WinGCom 2011” jointly organized with CDAC, Tvpm and College at College of Engineering, Munnar at College of Engineering, Munnar. 12-14 International Symposium on Integrated Circuits (ISIC-2011) at Singapore. For more details: http://wwww.isic2011.org 16-18 INDICON 2011 at Hyderabad. Subject: ‘Engineering Sustainable Solutions’. For more details visit: http:// wwww.indicon2011.org
April-June 2011
IEEE Treasurer, 2013 IEEE-President Elect)
Kerala Section
IEEE Life Members Newsletter The June 2011 edition of the IEEE Life Members Newsletter has been mailed. To ensure that IEEE Life Members (LM) worldwide receive the LM Newsletter as soon as it is available, it has also been posted to the IEEE Life Members Newsletter Web page. The IEEE Life Members Committee is continuing to look at the LM Newsletter distribution process and will be discussing future enhancements to the electronic version. Please e-mail LM Newsletter with any questions or comments. Stay Connected to IEEE with the New Official Facebook Page IEEE recently expanded its social media presence with the creation of the IEEE official Facebook page. This joins many existing IEEE Facebook pages and groups and is designed to serve as the hub of all social media activities on Facebook. To provide easy access to the official IEEE Facebook page and other social media sites, a set of icons now appears on the top of every IEEE.org page. Simply click on the different social media icons (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube) to connect to IEEE’s corresponding social media pages. These icons are designed to encourage collaboration and dialogue on IEEE fields of interest across various media platforms. E-mail the Social Media Team for more information about IEEE’s official Facebook page and its content. Kerala Section
IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter and New Video Series In June, IEEE Smart Grid launched a new video series featuring interviews with IEEE experts from around the world discussing the latest Smart Grid trends and issues. The video series is available on the IEEE Smart Grid Portal and the IEEE Smart Grid YouTube Channel. Another highlight was NPR’s Science Friday program on Smart Grid, ‘Building A Better Electric Grid,’ that featured IEEE Senior Member and member of IEEE Smart Grid Task Force, Erich Gunther. IEEE Smart Grid engagement in social media is growing, with 425 followers on Twitter. Last but not least, IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter has realized a 111% growth in subscribers since its first month in January 2011. The June issue of the IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter, with all new, exclusive insight and information on Smart Grid, is now available. Major Robotics Initiative In a speech, recently at Carnegie Mellon University’s National Robotics Engineering Center, US President Barack Obama announced a new national program to advance “next-generation robotics.” The administration’s new National Robotics Initiative will make available up to US $70 million per year to fund robotics R&D. The focus is on robots that can work closely with humanshelping factory workers, health-care providers, soldiers, surgeons, and astronauts to carry out tasks. April-June 2011
Student Branch Activities
TKM College of Engineering, Kollam Farewell to Prof: Kasim: April 1, 2011 was indeed a sad day for the IEEE SB of TKMCE because that day witnessed the farewell to the pillar of the successful establishment and running of the IEEE Student Branch of TKMCEMohd Kasim! - Prof. Kasim sir. He was the previous Student Branch Counsellor and currently the chairman of the Power and Energy Society of the Kerala Section. Our Student Branch Counsellor,
Sunitha Beevi K and many of our faculty members were expressive in sharing their experience as his colleagues and some of them as his students. Not only the teachers, but also the students had a lot to say about their beloved Kasim sir. Words were drenched in emotion, and devotion and reverence were obvious in them! A beautiful memento was presented to Prof: Kasim by our Principal, S. Suresh Babu as a token of affection.
STEP 2011: The STEP 2011 was held by LINK and GOLD, Kerala Section on June 18 at Cochin. The event was hosted by TKM College of Engineering and Toc-H Institute of Technology. Our Student Branch
Counsellor, Sunitha Beevi K, Staff Advisor Premlet, Power and Energy Society in charge M.Jayaraju, GOLD members and organizing committee members from our colleges have participated for the programme.
April-June 2011
Kerala Section
Talk on “Energy Conservation”: The IEEE Student Branch of TKM College of Engineering conducted a talk on “Energy Conservation” on 29th July. The talk was delivered by Premlet, the staff advisor of the Student Branch and a faculty member of the College. Premlet differs from the conventional concept of energy conservation. He also advised the young engineers on the concept of creating new
Kerala Section
forms of energy sources. The topic shifted to the advantages of LED over other sources of light in spite of its higher cost. The uniqueness of his presentation was that he started with the construction of a simple diode and moved on to complex thermal effects. He also took up an initiative for the students to take seminars and get themselves closer to the technical aspects.
April-June 2011
Student Branch Activities
Sarabhai Institute of Science & Technology Velland, Thiruvananthapuram
Sarabhai Institute of Science & Technology is named after the legendary scientist Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai and is privileged to initiate an IEEE Student Branch at this college. The student branch got the approval on 16th June 2011 from the Headquarters of IEEE. The first meeting of the Student Branch in the history of this prestigious college was held on 30th June 2011 at the Seminar Hall of the College. The agenda included distribution of the Student Membership Cards received from the Headquarters, election/nomination of the executive committee members and an awareness presentation on IEEE to familiar with IEEE for the new members. The function was attended by the Hon. Director, the Principal, HODâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s of various departments and student members
April-June 2011
and marked an ideal flag off for the vibrant activities expected to come out in the forthcoming days. Distribution of Membership Cards Parvathy S R, the Chairperson addressed the dignitaries and participants in her welcome speech. It was followed by the felicitation speeches by the Director and the Principal. Director, K R Kaimal expressed his undeterred interest in IEEE activities and offered all kind of assistance and support to this noble venture. M K Jana, the Principal in his felicitation speech pinpointed the creative activities to be looked into by the Student Branch. This was followed by the distribution of membership cards to the students by the Director, Principal and the HODâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s of different branches. The first meeting of the Student Branch was concluded with vote of thanks
Kerala Section
by Sriram S Iyyar, student member from S5 EEE. Awareness Programme As the new members are freshers to IEEE, a power point presentation was made by K Gopalan Nair,
Student Counsellor, on â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;what is IEEEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, its origin & history, membership details, Societies, Affinity Groups, Student Branches, Contributions by the Kerala students in the global level such as LINK, awards & recognitions,
Formation of Executive Committee After the distribution of the membership cards a general body meeting of the student branch was held by K Gopalan Nair in the chair and approved the nominations of the Student Counsellor and the Chairperson. Then the Chairperson, Parvathy S R took over the charge and presided over the meeting. The following members were nominated and formed the Executive Committee. Vice Chair Sriram S Iyyar Secretary Bhagya Lekshmi V S Joint Secretary Siji Salah Treasurer Vivek Pillai Link Representative Vaibhav Hemant Waikar WIE Chair Anjali S Nair WIE Secretary Joan Mary Jojo Programme Committee Ravisankar K B (Student) Coordinators Deepa V T (Staff) Publicity Committee Nikhil K Narayanan (Student) Coordinators Vinitha V Nair (Staff) Membership Committee Shamna S N (Student) Coordinators Pearly Karun (Staff) R Nair (Student) Finance Committee Coordinators Rohith Arunjith (Staff) Staff Coordinators G Gopalakrishnan & Prasanth Kerala Section
April-June 2011
role of the student members, their benefits, etc. The presentation was inspiring and served the intended purpose. Action plan for future The meeting discussed various activities to be undertaken by the SB in the near future including inauguration of student branch, technical talks, seminars, awareness
in GK, GD, etc. Also decided to convene an executive meeting on 8th July to shape out future activities. At present, there are 70 student members and nine staff members including a Senior IEEE member. The studentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s interaction is fruitful and more students are coming forward with enquiries to join IEEE.
Reported by: Parvathy SR, Chairperson
Sudoku Use reasoning and fill each grid with digits from 1 to 9 without repeating the digits in the same row or column.
Solution to Sudoku in the last issue (Vol - 20 #1) 7
April-June 2011
3 3
9 1
2 6 1
3 Kerala Section
Copy to: Member32
E-Scientia Around the World Symposium E-Scientia Around the World Symposium is organized from 6th to 8th July 2011 at Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU), Montevideo, Uruguay. It is a combined effort of the IEEE Educational Activities Board and the IEEE Uruguay Section with funding generously provided by a grant from the IEEE Foundation Life Members Fund. The objective of this symposium is to plan the expansion of a handson museum exhibit called E-Scientia to science and technology museums in IEEE Regions globally. Activities will include a tour of the E-Scientia exhibit, discussions on the refinement of educational materials and planning for expansion of the exhibit through partnerships with local science and technology museums.
Key speakers
• • • • • •
Moshe Kam - Marcel Keschner - Prasad Kodali - Pedro Queijo - Martha Cambre - Wellington Mazzotti -
2011 IEEE President and CEO E-Scientia Program founder and Director IEEE Hyderabad Section Director of E-Scientia, Uruguay Director of Espacio Ciencia Museum, LATU, Montevideo Uruguay Director of the Baccalaureate Department of the Colegio Nacional José Pedro Varela, Uruguay
Participation of IEEE Kerala GOLD IEEE GOLD of Kerala Section along with the Educational Activities Group is collaborating in many events and the participation in the symposium is one among them. As a part, the delegates from Kerala Section, Ranjith R. Nair, Nithin Padmanabhan and Arul Prakash are attending the Symposium. Let our delegates uphold the name and fame of our Section and GOLD!
Printed and published by K. Gopalan Nair, ‘Kaivalyam’, TC 10/1368(2), Vattiyoorkavu, Tvpm - 695 013 April-June 2011 Kerala Section on behalf of IEEE, Kerala Section. Printing: Akshara Offset, Tvpm. Ph: 2471174. Editor: K. Gopalan Nair, E-mail: kgnairs@hotmail.com, Ph: 2363232, 9446323230