Bio Eco Actual Media Kit [EN]

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What is Bio Eco Actual?

Bio Eco Actual raises awareness about organic food, ethical consumption and sustainability. With a combined reach of 10 million impacts to readers and 1 million copies printed per year, we can create a customized campaign to share your product or brand with our highly engaged audience.

Since 2013 we have been reaching consumers and professionals through our publications in print and digital format: Bio Eco Actual, Master Organic, National and International Yearbook, El Botiquín Natural, Bueno y Vegano and our special editions for trade fairs.

Bio Eco Actual offers services to numerous institutions, organizations and companies in the sector.


Editorial Values Thorough, up-to-date and independent


Our contributors offer their professional perspective in their articles aimed at spreading and promoting organic consumption.

Enric Urrutia Director
Montse Mulé Editor Oriol Urrutia Co-Editor
Ariadna Coma Journalist and Content Manager Jaume Prenafeta Institutional Relations Manager
Axel Domingo Design and Layout Manager
Jim Manson, Journalist specializing in Natural Health
Jaume Rosselló Publisher specializing in Health and Nutrition
Ángeles Parra Director of BioCultura and President of the Vida Sana Association.
Maribel Saíz Cayuela Biologist
Miriam Martínez Biarge Paediatrician
Roberto San Antonio-Abad National President of COFENAT
Aurora Abad OPTA Europe General Secretary
Isidre Martínez Agricultural Engineer
Montse Escutia Vice-president of the Vida Sana Association
Pedro Porta, Telecom Engineer
Mark Smith Director of NATRUE
Paula Gómez de Tejada Global Communication and Public Relations Manager of NATRUE

Gerard Gontier Organic Market Expert

Cristina Fernández Journalist & Blogger

Estela Nieto Master Degree in Psychopathology and Health

Iván Iglesias Expert in Nutrition

Eduardo Cuoco Director of IFOAM Organics Europe

Helga Willer Communication at FiBL

Bavo van den Idsert Advisor to Organic Processing and Trade Association Europe


Marta Castells, Pharmacist

Mercedes Blasco Vegetarian Nutritionist and Philosopher

Núria Arranz Food technologist

Laura Arranz Pharmacist and Nutritionist

Pedro Pablo G. May, Writer and Environmental Journalist

Markus Arbenz Consultant for organic development

Joanita Akello IFOAM Organics International Communications Coordinator

Freddy Acevedo Ruiz Spec. Integrative Medicine, Vegan Nutrition and TCM Doctor

Cristóbal Vidal Director of the European Institute of Dermocosmetics

Jordina Bargas Dietitian and Nurse

Noemí Alba, Animal Rights Activist

Juana Labrador Moreno PhD in Biology and Professor of Agroecology.

Gandarillas Journalist specializing in Natural Health

Johanna Eckhardt Project coordinator No Patents on Seeds!

Joaquim Elcacho Journalist specializing in Environment and Science

Elisenda Codina Naturopath and Homeopath

Federico Moreno Director of Nürnberg Firal

Núria Alonso BioVidaSana Certification Manager

Escoda Casas Animal Rights Activist


If Bio Eco Actual did not exist, it would have to be created

What our clients say

"If you want to keep up to date with the latest news in the national and international organic sector, follow Bio Eco Actual!"

Ángeles Parra, Director of BioCultura. President of the Vida Sana Association.

"The essential publication for keeping up to date with the latest news from the organic sector in Spain."

Marc Bàrbara, Food Service Channel Director & Export, B2B, PL de Nutrition & Santé.

"Bio Eco Actual are passionate advocates for the organic sector, and their detailed reporting and subscriber reach make them a very important partner for us in promoting our events throughout Europe. They are excellent partners and always go above and beyond to support their customers."

Carsten Holm, Managing Director Diversified Business Communications.

"Bio Eco Actual is an essential information tool for consumers and professionals (producers, therapists and specialised outlets).

I have known its editors since the first issue and they have demonstrated professionalism, consistency, constancy and above all, rigor and independence.

If Bio Eco Actual did not exist it would have to be created."

Pedro Porta, Founding Partner of Alternatur, Former General Director of The Nature's Bounty Co Spain (Solgar).

"Bio Eco Actual has gone from being the Spanish organic media to being number one internationally. Great work. It is very important that the news of the organic sector are available in all EU countries. We are happy to collaborate with this initiative by the Urrutia family. A super family business for the organic European cause."

Bavo van den Idsert, Advisor, Organic Processing and Trade Association Europe

"Very professional and always up to date with everything that happens in the organic world, we needed something (and above all someone) like this in the sector and fortunately they are already consolidated."

Armando Ducazcal Romero, Former Key Account Manager Spain and Portugal for Olga Iberia.

"Reading this monthly publication is highly recommended . Its always interesting content, reflects the tireless dedication of Enric and Oriol Urrutia and the knowledge about organic products of all its collaborators".

Eva Roger Piella, Commercial Director of Midsona Iberia.

"I have been working with Bio Eco Actual for many years, collaborating on content, event promotion and visibility. They are very professional, responsive and practice what they preach. I appreciate their dedication and what they offer to the organic, vegan and healthy diet lifestyles in Spain and Europe!"

Eva Berckmans, Communication Director of IFOAM Organics Europe.

Content structure

Organic food is the main focus of content, accounting for more than half of the total. It is followed by Organic cosmetics, Environment and society, Alternative medicine and Food supplements. Our professional sections also include: innovation and trends in the sector, regulatory news and activism, trade fairs and events, and market research.

All contents are original.

Real information that addresses readers' concerns FOOD

Main sections

Our specialists (doctors, biologists and dieticians) explain why organic food is essential and describe its positive impact on our health and that of the planet.


In this section an organic producer opens their doors and tells us their story, motivation and work process. Get to know first hand the industry pioneers.


Articles, reports and feature stories on relevant current issues presented by journalists and experts.


Reports on national and international trade fair activity in the organic sector.


Topics of maximum interest for the consumer and the professional, treated in detail by experts in the organic world.


Essential section dedicated to personal care for everyone, from the youngest to the oldest. Organic cosmetics clearly explained, in an unmissable monthly section.

The latest information on all those external physical, chemical and biological components with which people and other living beings interact and which affect our lives. Organic perspective for a healthy environment.


Each month we take a look, from a medical and nutritional perspective, at the different options for feeding babies and children with organic products, so that they grow healthier and stronger.


Organic food supplements, which are concentrated sources of nutrients, may be a great ally of a healthy diet. In this section our group of health professionals give advice on when and how to supplement.

Print edition: impact in figures

Printed per year

Over 50,000 copies

Over 650,000 copies

Distributed at fairs in Spain

Over 60,000 copies “in situ”

Distribution points

Guaranteed monthly circulation

Over 150,000 readers

Over 4.000 points

We are in every specialized store

Product made in Spain

Readers per month (print edition)

Variable printing (32-56 pages)

In press

Paper from responsible sources. FSC Mixed organic certification. C117096.

Who reads Bio Eco Actual?

Companies and professionals in the Spanish organic sector

Visitors of trade shows / events of organic food: consumers and professionals

Customers of organic, vegetarian and vegan restaurants. Rural tourism. Organic street markets

Spanish and European non-governmental and governmental associations for the promotion of organic production



Official distributors at the point of sale:

Dispronat Euskadi

Navarra Cantabria

Alimentos Ecológicos Gumendi

La Rioja | Navarra | Madrid


Madrid | Central region


Madrid | Central region

Intersa Labs

Canary Islands

MásQueBio Asturias León Cadidiet Andalucía

Stable monthly distribution throughout Spain, Canary Islands, Balearic Islands and Principality of Andorra. Through 15 organic food and cosmetics distributors, Bio Eco Actual is received every month by more than 4,000

2025 print edition advertising rates

Price per monthly insertion in Spanish edition + Catalan edition

The ultimate tool to reach the consumer and the point of sale


The insertion of the advertisement includes the link to the advertiser's website within the digital pdf version and the ISSUU. digital book.

Mechanical inserts

The flyer is mechanically inserted into the central page of the publication without clamping. Ideal for large-scale campaigns.

Hand-glued inserts

The flyer is attached to the publication page with removable glue, so that the flyer does not damage the inserted page and does not fall out. Ideal for trade fairs or specific actions.

Inserts available from €0.30/unit

Inserts available from €0.45/unit

Quality requirements for insertion

• Images: 300ppi (150lpi) at 100% in CMYK with ISOnewspaper26v4 colour profile.

• Avoid H or V distortions in the images.

• The ad text will not exceed 30% of the contracted space.

• Vector logos with inks decomposed in CMYK (without spot colours).

• Black text: overprinted (without reservation) in black plate (C: 0%, M: 0%, Y: 0%, K: 100%).

• Reversed type: avoid font sizes under 9 pt or light typefaces on four-colour backgrounds.

• Avoid dark coloured masses with excessive ink coverage (do not exceed 240% TAC).

• Black gain = 20%.

• Final artwork delivery format: PDF with ISOnewspaper26v4 colour profile.

Digital edition in figures

All the latest organic news at just one click:

300,000 visits per month at

Organic sector

Organic fairs

Dissemination of Bio Eco Actual activities


(broadcast WhatsApp messages)

Spanish, Catalan and European organic sector professionals

Digital edition: contents

Daily updating of the website, with articles from the printed edition and in collaboration with the main entities promoting organic production, associations and non-governmental organisations.

Collaboration with


40,000 subscribers to the weekly

Organic trade shows

• Asociación Vida Sana

• Coordinadora Estatal de Comercio Justo

• Ecovalia

• Ecoestética

• EFE Verde

• Fairtrade Ibérica

• FiBL Europe

• IFOAM Organics Europe

• IFOAM Organics International

• Intereco

• Natural Products Online

• Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica

• Soil Association

Bio Eco Actual official media partner of:

For your product to reach new markets

• Over 10,000 copies distributed “in situ".

• Distribution in the 100 most important hotels in Nuremberg during the trade fair.

• Copies sent in advance of the fair to over 300 European organic companies and organic sector.

• Newsletter sent to over 5,000 professionals in the European organic sector.

• Bio Eco Actual located with stand; two media pools; and distribution in all halls.

Do you want to sell your products in Spain?

With 12 years’ experience in the organic sector we can help you



Report with brief analysis of the market, leading brands in your segment, distributors and possible opportunities



Connect with distributors / retailers to represent and sell your products



Design and implementation of a customized marketing campaign for the optimal development of your products in the market

The essential tool for Organic Professionals!

Every week we bring you the latest news on organic food, cosmetics and supplements.

Product information

Description, Ingredients, Supplier and Distributor Contact details, EAN Code, and Internal Code.

Organic trends and developments

Food, Cosmetics, Food supplements.

The free annual print edition of Master Organic is published and distributed in May to more than 4,000 organic shops throughout Spain, as well as at trade fairs and delivered to the main retailers.

High quality journal organised in separate sections by product category for the convenience of professional readers.

A unique publication aimed at the retail professionals.


El Botiquín Natural is the independent and free monthly newsletter for the dissemination of Natural Therapies. Distributed in the natural specialised trade, pharmacies and health stores.

Impact in figures

Guaranteed monthly circulation

Over 20,000 copies

Over 250,000

Variable printing (16-24 pages)

Distribution points

Over 5,000 copies distributed per year

Product made in Spain

In press

Paper from responsible sources.

FSC Mixed organic certification. C117096.

Distribution and dissemination at the point of sale

Stable monthly distribution throughout Spain. Through 11 specialised distributors, El Botiquín Natural is received at more than 5,000 points of sale


• Alternatur

• Asturdiet

• Centrodiet

• Dispronat

• Fitoinnova

• Hidalfarma

• Jahisil

• La Botica Natural

• Naturitas

• Natur Import

• Paudiet

2025 print version

Advertising rates

Price per monthly insertion

Our mission is to provide consumers and professionals with accurate and high-quality information on natural health

x 105 mm

x 105 mm

Full page

255 x 325 mm


1/2 Horizontal page

255 x 160 mm


1/3 Horizontal page

255 x 105 mm €800

1/4 Vertical page

125 x 160 mm €600

The insertion of the advertisement includes the link to the advertiser's website within the digital pdf version and the ISSUU digital book.

Quality requirements for insertion

• Images: 300ppi (150lpi) at 100% in CMYK with ISOnewspaper26v4 colour profile.

• Avoid H or V distortions in the images.

• The ad text will not exceed 30% of the contracted space.

• Vector logos with inks decomposed in CMYK (without spot colours).

• Black text: overprinted (without reservation) in black plate (C: 0%, M: 0%, Y: 0%, K: 100%).

• Reversed type: avoid font sizes under 9 pt or light typefaces on four-colour backgrounds.

• Avoid dark coloured masses with excessive ink coverage (do not exceed 240% TAC).

• Black gain = 20%.

• Final artwork delivery format: PDF with ISOnewspaper26v4 colour profile.

Mechanical inserts

The flyer is mechanically inserted into the central page of the publication without clamping. Ideal for large-scale campaigns.

Hand-glued inserts

The flyer is attached to the publication page with removable glue, so that the flyer does not damage the inserted page and does not fall out. Ideal for trade fairs or specific actions.

• Over 5,000 copies distributed "in situ".

• Copies sent in advance of the fair to over 2,000 pharmacies in Barcelona/Madrid and surrounding areas, depending on the location of INFARMA.

• Newsletter sent to over 3,000 pharmacists.

• Dissemination of the digital edition in social networks.

• El Botiquín Natural will have a stand and a presence in the media pool.

Inserts available from

Bueno y Vegano is the free monthly newsletter for consumers, producers, distributors and retailers of vegan products.

Created in May 2017 to inform and promote plant-based consumption. With its own headline and registered trademark, more than half a million copies have been published since then, advocating a constructive veganism. A nutritional guide for vegan and non-vegan readers, it is aimed at young people and activists, and anyone looking to take care of themselves ethically and sustainably.

Particularly noteworthy is the exponential growth of

Reach out to younger, more engaged consumers 2025 Advertising rates


Communication services for brands in the natural and organic sector, events, organisations and institutions: writing media releases, managing social networks, defining communication strategy, etc.

Third party editions

Editing and layout of print and digital magazines, event programmes and catalogues. Editing from zero to delivery.

Consulting services for brands in the natural and organic sector. Consulting

Semana Bio® is an informative and commercial strategy tool that companies and institutions can use to spread knowledge, and promote the potential for transformation and the commercialisation of organic food. It is a free and not-for-profit initiative.


• To raise consumer and professional awareness of organic food.

• Brand transfer for physical actions (promotions, offers, etc.).

• Transfer of web domains and social networks.

• Development of communication and/or commercial campaigns.

• Design, layout, printing, distribution (print and online)

• Providing content for professionals and consumers in each of the dissemination categories or featured products by the sector's leading experts and most influential personalities.

• To support the commercial sector to ensure that the promotional actions of brands and institutions have a positive impact on the end consumer.

• Brands: to increase sales and build loyalty among professionals and end consumers.

The special monographs Mes Bio® and Quincena Bio® in print and digital format are ideal for promoting organic production. Semana Bio®, Setmana Bio®, Mes Bio® and Quincena Bio® are registered trademarks of Bio Eco Actual Association. Trademarks registered at the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office. The websites,,, www.setmanabio. com and are registered domains.

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