Size (approx) 50 x 50 cm
Luxe Velvet 200g x 4 balls
A pair 9mm knitting needles or size that gives correct tension.
A yarn needle; Strong sewing thread for sewing seams; 50 x 50 cm cushion insert.
8 sts to 10 cm in width over garter st, using 9mm needles.
Using 9mm needles, cast on 39 sts.
** Beg 1 x 1 rib - 1st row (RS) - K1, * P1, K1, rep from * to end.
2nd row - P1, * K1, P1, rep from * to end. Rep 1st and 2nd rows for rib until work measures 6 cm from beg, ending with a 2nd row.
Beg patt - 1st row (RS) - P1, * K1, P1, rep from * to end.
2nd row - K1, * P1, K1, rep from * to end.
3rd row - K1, * P1, K1, rep from * to end.
4th row - P1, * K1, P1, rep from * to end. Rows 1 to 4 incl form patt.
Cont in patt until work measures approx 43 cm from beg, ending with a 2nd row.
Beg 1 x 1 rib - Work 6 cm in rib (as before), beg with a 1st row and ending with a 2nd row. ** Tie a coloured thread at each end of last row to mark foldline.
Rep from ** to **, measuring from coloured threads. Cast off loosely.
DO NOT PRESS. Darn in ends. Fold cushion in half so that cast on and cast off edges meet. Using strong sewing thread and a flat seam (to prevent bulk), join side edges together. Place insert inside and close opening.