Size S (M-L-XL)
To fit bust 85 (95-105-115) cm
To measure (approx) 95 (105-115-125) cm
Length 62 (63 65) cm 64
Sleeve length 43 cm
Ombre Velvet 200g x 4 (4-5-5) balls
A pair 6mm Knitting Needles, or size that gives correct tension.
1 stitch holder; A yarn needle; Strong sewing thread for sewing seams (to prevent bulky seams).
12 sts and 16 rows to 10 cm over stocking st, using 6mm needles.
Bobble - knit into front, back and front of next st, turn and K3, turn and K3, pass 2nd and 3rd sts over first st.
Using 6mm needles, cast on 59 (65-71-77) sts loosely.
Beg rib - 1st row (RS) - K2, * P1, K1, rep from * to last st, K1.
2nd row - K1, * P1, K1, rep from * to end. Rep 1st and 2nd rows until work measures
5 cm from beg, ending with a 2nd row. Work in stocking st until work measures
41 cm from beg, ending with a purl row. Tie a coloured thread at each end of last row to mark beg of armholes as there is no armhole shaping.
Cont in stocking st until work measures 13.5 (14.5-15.5-16.5) cm from coloured threads, ending with a purl row.
Work a further 12 rows stocking st.
Shape Shoulders - Cast off 10 (11-12-13) sts at beg of next 2 rows, then 9 (10-12-13) sts
at beg of foll 2 rows. Leave rem 21 (23-23-25) sts on a stitch holder.
Using 6mm needles, cast on 29 (31-35-37) sts loosely. Beg rib - Work 5 cm in rib as for lower band of Back, ending with a 2nd row.
Beg bobble patt - Work 4 rows stocking st.
5th row - K4 (5-2-3), Bobble, * K4, Bobble, rep from * to last 4 (5-2-3) sts, K4 (5-2-3).
6th row - Purl.
Last 6 rows form patt.
Cont in patt until work measures 41 cm from beg, working last row on WS. **
Tie a coloured thread at end of last row to mark beg of armhole. Cont in patt until work measures
13.5 (14.5-15.5-16.5) cm from coloured threads, working last row on WS. Work 1 row.
Shape Neck - Note - When shaping in this patt, do not work a bobble on the neck edge instead work this st in stocking st. Next row (WS) - Cast off 5 sts, purl to end = 24 (26-30-32) sts.
Dec one st at neck edge in every row until 21 (23-27-29) sts rem, then in every foll alt row until 19 (21-24-26) sts rem. Work 3 (3-1-1) row/s.
Shape Shoulder - Cast off 10 (11-12-13) sts at beg of next row. Work 1 row. Cast off rem 9 (10-12-13) sts.
Work as for Left Front to **. Tie a coloured thread at beg of last row to mark beg of armhole. Cont in patt until work measures
13.5 (14.5-15.5-16.5) cm from coloured threads, working last row on WS.
Shape Neck - Note - When shaping in this patt, do not work a bobble on the neck edge instead work this st in stocking st.
Next row (RS) - Cast off 5 sts, patt to end = 24 (26-30-32) sts.
Work 1 row.
Dec one st at neck edge in every row until 21 (23-27-29) sts rem, then in every foll alt row until 19 (21-24-26) sts rem.
Work 4 (4-2-2) rows.
Shape Shoulder - Cast off 10 (11-12-13) sts at beg of next row.
Work 1 row. Cast off rem 9 (10-12-13) sts.
Using 6mm needles, cast on 25 (27-29-31) sts loosely. Beg rib - Work 5 cm in rib as for lower band of Back, ending with a 2nd row. Work in stocking st, inc one st at each end of 3rd row, then in every foll 4th row until there are 37 (39-41-49) sts, then in every foll 6th row until there are 47 (49-51-55) sts. Cont without shaping until work measures 43 cm from beg, ending with a purl row. Cast off loosely.
With RS facing and using 6mm needles, knit up 85 (87-89-91) sts evenly along right front edge. Work 3.5 cm in rib as for lower band of Back, beg and ending with a 2nd row. Cast off loosely.
Work to correspond with Right Front Band.
Using sewing thread and mattress st seam, join shoulder seams. With RS facing and using 6mm needles, knit up 18 sts evenly along side edge of front band and right front neck, knit across sts from back stitch holder, then knit up 18 sts evenly along left front neck and side edge of front band = 57 (59-59-61) sts.
Work 3.5 cm in rib as for lower band of Back, beg and ending with a 2nd row. Cast off loosely.
DO NOT PRESS. Darn in ends neatly. Using sewing thread and half mattress seam, sew in sleeves evenly between coloured threads, placing centre of sleeves to shoulder seams. Join side and sleeve seams.