Intermediate Knit
Months/Years 12 (18-2-4-6)
To fit underarm 50 (53-55-60-65) cm
To measure (approx) 58 (61-63-69-74) cm
Length (approx) 33 (36-40-44-50) cm
Sleeve Length (approx) 18 (20-24-27-32) cm
100% Premium Acrylic / 8 Ply
1 (1-2-2-2) x ball/s 1st Colour (C1-Inky Navy #33 )
1 x ball 2nd Colour (C2-Ivory #02)
1 pair 4.50mm Knitting Needles, or size that gives correct tension. A yarn needle; 2 stitch holders; 4 buttons.
18 sts and 26 rows to 10 cm over stocking st, using 4.50mm needles AND 18 sts and 31 rows to 10 cm over moss st, using 4.50mm needles.
Using 4.50mm needles and C2, cast on 55 (57-59-65-69) sts loosely
Work 4 rows stocking st (these rows form roll at lower edge).
Tie a coloured thread at each end of last row
Using C1, 5th row (RS) – Knit, dec 1 (3-1-3-3) st/s evenly across = 54 (54-58-62-66) sts.
6th row – P2, * K2, P2, rep from * to end.
7th row – K2, * P2, K2, rep from * to end.
Rep 6th and 7th rows once more, then 6th row once, inc 1 (3-1-3-3) st/s evenly across = 55 (57-59-65-69) sts.
Beg stripes - Using C2, work 4 rows stocking st.
Using C1, work 6 rows stocking st.
Last 10 rows form stripes.
Cont in stripes until work measures approx 17 (19-23-26-31) cm from beg of coloured threads, ending with 2 rows of C1
Using C1 for rem, Beg moss st, 1st row – K1, * P1, K1, rep from * to end.
2nd row – P1, * K1, P1, rep from * to end.
3rd row – As 2nd row
4th row – As 1st row
Rows 1 to 4 incl form moss st.
Shape Raglan Armholes – Keeping moss st correct, cast off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows = 51 (53-55-61-65) sts. **
Dec one st at each end of next row, then in every foll 4th row until 37 (35-39-49-51) sts rem, then in every foll alt row until 19 (21-21-21-23) sts rem.
Work 1 row. Leave rem sts on a stitch holder
Work as for Back to **.
Dec one st at each end of next row, then in every foll 4th row until 47 (47-49-55-57) sts rem.
Work 3 rows moss st.
Divide for Button Opening – Next row (RS) – Moss 2tog, moss 9, turn.
Cont on these 10 sts.
Work 3 rows moss st.
Next row – Moss 2tog, moss to last 2 sts, inc in next st, moss 1 = 10 sts.
Work 3 rows moss st.
Rep last 4 rows 2 (3-2-0-0) times more.
Next row – Moss 2tog, moss to last 2 sts, inc in next st, moss 1 = 10 sts.
Work 1 row
Rep last 2 rows 3 (1-3-8-8) time/s more.
Shape Neck – Next row (RS) – Moss 2tog, moss to last 2 sts, moss 2tog = 8 sts.
Cont dec one st at raglan edge in every foll alt row 5 times, at the same time dec one st at neck edge in foll 4th row = 2 sts.
Work 1 row
Next row – K2tog. Fasten off.
With RS facing, join yarn to rem 36 (36-38-44-46) sts and cast off next 5 sts, moss to last 2 sts, moss 2tog.
Cont on these 30 (30-32-38-40) sts and dec one st at each end of every foll
4th row 4 (4-4-2-2) times, then in every foll alt row 1 (0-1-6-6) time/s = 20 (20-22-22-24) sts.
Work 1 (3-1-1-1) row/s.
Shape Neck – Next row (RS) – Cast off next 5 (5-7-7-9) sts, moss to last 2 sts, moss 2tog.
Cont on these 14 sts and dec one st at raglan edge in every foll alt row 7 times, at the same time dec one st at neck edge in every row 4 times, then in foll 4th row once = 2 sts. Work 1 row
Next row – K2tog. Fasten off.
Using 4.50mm needles and C2, cast on 29 (29-33-33-33) sts.
Work 4 rows stocking st (these rows form roll at lower edge).
Tie a coloured thread at each end of last row
Using C1, 5th row (RS) – Knit, inc one st in centre = 30 (30-34-34-34) sts.
6th row – P2, * K2, P2, rep from * to end.
7th row – K2, * P2, K2, rep from * to end.
Rep 6th and 7th rows once more, then 6th row once, dec one st in centre = 29 (29-33-33-33) sts. Beg stripes – Work in stocking st stripes as for Back, inc one st at each end of 5th row, then in every foll 6th (6th-8th-8th-8th) row until there are 39 (41-45-47-49) sts. Cont in stripes until work measures approx 17 (19-23-26-31) cm from beg of coloured threads, ending with 2 rows of C1
Using C1 for rem, work 4 rows moss st as for Back.
Shape Raglan – Keeping moss st correct, cast off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows = 35 (37-4143-49) sts.
Dec one st at each end of next row, then in every foll 4th row until 17 (17-25-27-27) sts rem, then in every foll alt row until 7 sts rem. Work 1 row. Leave rem sts on a stitch holder
Using mattress st, join raglan seams noting that tops of sleeves form part of neckline. With RS facing, using 4.50mm needles and C1, knit up 5 (5-7-7-9) sts across cast off sts at centre front, knit up 14 sts evenly along right front neck, knit across 7 sts from right sleeve stitch holder, 19 (21-21-21-23) sts from back neck stitch holder – dec 0 (2-0-0-0) sts evenly across, 7 sts from left sleeve stitch holder, then 6 sts evenly along left front neck = 58 (58-6262-66) sts.
1st row (WS) – P2, * K2, P2, rep from * to end.
2nd row – K2, * P2, K2, rep from * to end.
Rep last 2 rows once more, then 1st row once.
Cast off loosely in rib.
Buttonhole Band - Using 4.50mm needles and C1, cast on 5 sts.
1st row (RS) – K2, P1, K2.
2nd row – K1, (P1, K1) twice.
Rep last 2 rows once more.
5th row – Rib 2, yrn to make a st, rib 2tog, rib 1 = buttonhole.
Work 7 rows rib.
Rep last 8 rows twice more.
Next row – As 5th row = 4 buttonholes in total.
Work 3 rows rib. Cast off in rib.
Button Band – Work to correspond with Buttonhole Band, omitting buttonholes.
DO NOT PRESS. Join side and sleeve seams, matching stripes and reversing seam for first stripe row to allow for roll. Sew side edge of front bands to front opening, neatly sewing lower edges to cast off sts and sewing through both thicknesses. Sew on buttons to correspond with buttonholes.