• Birch Hardware for finishing the bow tie - ½” (Part 011816) or ¾” sizes (Part 011820) for a larger bow tie if required.
• Birch x Gütermann Portofino Fabric 640957-STRIPE BLUE (approx. 1/2 a metre, or slightly more if cutting on the bias grain).
• 20cm of light-medium iron-on fusible interfacing for the bow and centre tie (we used STC001 from the Shape to Create range).
• Thread, Pins, Fabric clips, tape measure and or marking pens.
• Fabric Scissors/ Rotary Cutter (and paper scissors for cutting pattern pieces).
• Loop turner (Part 012422).
• Iron/ Ironing board.
• Sewing machine.
• Paper/ Ruler.
Template A:
Bow (20cm x 10cm)
Cut 2 in Fabric of choice. This will be used for 2 bows.
Template B:
Centre Tie & Fusing (9cm x 5cm)
Cut 1 in in fabric of choice this will be the centre tie. Cut 3 in interfacing.
1 piece of interfacing is to fuse the centre tie
2 pieces of interfacing are to fuse the centre of the bows.
Template C: Neckband (5cm x 40cm)
Cut 1 in Fabric of choice
Here is a guide to use when determining the size of your bows and neckband length. Our finished bow size for children was 5cm x 9cm, though we found this suitable for children and adults, however, this may be determined by fashion trends or your own preference.
Newborn/ Infant (0-36m)
Baby/ Toddler (4-8yrs)
Children (8-16yrs)
Adults (16+ yrs)*
*We used 5cm x 9cm and found this size ok for adults too, please adjust as required.
Note: Mark grainlines for straight grain or bias at 45 degrees to straight grain as required. (It can be fun to play around with directional stripes).
Tip: It may assist to notch the pattern pieces of the bow at fold lines at the centre to mark the fold lines on the perimeter and help assist with pressing.
Cutting out
Lay pattern pieces on the fabric and fuse following the grain lines, pin and then cut out. (Remember to also cut 2 fusing for the centre rectangle of the bows and centre loop.)
Take care when using a directional fabric, and ensure the design is running in the same direction.
Centre the iron on the lightweight fusing in the middle of the bows. Position and press fusing onto bows ensuring the sticky side is facing the wrong side of the fabric, taking care to keep the fusing aligned on fold lines. Fold the long edges of the bow towards the centre and press (where interfacing is placed). Then fold the shorter edges towards the centre. Overlap raw edges at the centre by 6mm on both sides. Press the bow thoroughly to hold the bow shape. Do this for both bows.
Once both bows are fused and pressed, place them on top of each other with the centre raw edges facing and hand sew three large evenly spaced running stitches with double thread along the centre lines of the bows. Pull the stitches tight to gather the pleats and knot firmly to secure the gathering. Pin to hold if required. Press the neckband in half and apply fusing to the centre tie (sticky side to wrong side).
Note: Sewing by the gathers by hand will give you quick, even positioning of pleats on both sides of the bow. It is the easiest method to evenly sew and gather the fabric layers.
Stitch the neckband 12mm from the pressed fold then trim the seam allowance back to 3-4mm. (You can use the same pattern piece for ¾” hardware, stitching 19mm from the fold and trimming seam allowance back to 3-4mm).
Stitch the centre tie 15mm from the pressed fold and trim back seam allowance 3-4mm.
Bag out the Centre loop and Neckband with a loop turner and roll out the seam lines while ironing to press thoroughly.
Sew set to tie before attaching bow.
Recheck the neckband to your neck measurement (plus wrap) and adjust the hardware. Sew one end of the tie around the centre bar of adjuster by hand (or machine using a zipper foot). Weave the other end through hook and back through adjuster with hooks facing inwards. (See diagram Steps 1-3). Sew the end around the bar of loop turning back and stitching the raw edges by hand or machine (See diagram Step 4).
Tip: It’s easiest to fold the fabric through when the loops are loose – the neckband hardware can be adjusted when the hardware is applied.
Place the neckband behind the double bow (See diagram step 5). Wrap the centre tie around the bows and neckband, pin and tuck in any raw edges and slip stitch by hand to secure the bows to the neckband and cover gathering. Hold the bow tie up in front of you to ensure the bow will sit correctly. Eg: you need the bow to be facing upwards when worn. Adding the centre tie will assist this process
NOTE: Do not catch the neckband with stitching to ensure it remains free and adjustable when worn.
We really hope you enjoy making, co-ordinating and looking sharp with your new bow ties. As always - feel free to photograph, share and tag us online! We’d LOVE to see them.