Size (approx.) 90 cm x 90 cm
Velvet Yarn 100g x 4 balls
• A pair 5mm Knitting Needles and 5mm Circular Needle (80 cm), or size that gives correct tension.
• A yarn needle.
13 sts to 10 cm in width over garter st, using 5mm needles.
Using pair 5mm needles, cast on 5 sts. 1st row - Knit.
2nd row - K3, yfwd, K2 = 6 sts.
3rd row - K3, yfwd, K3 = 7 sts.
4th row - K3, yfwd, knit to end.
Note - When number of sts become uncomfortable on pair of needles, we suggest using a circular needle. Work in rows, not rounds.
Rep 4th row until half the amount of yarn has been used (2 balls of yarn).
Next row (dec row) - K2, K2tog, yfwd, K2tog, knit to end.
Rep last row until 5 sts rem. Cast off.
DO NOT PRESS. Darn in ends towards centre of blanket.