Birman Mews - Winter 2014

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BIRMAN MEWS Official Magazine of the Birman Cat Club of NZ Inc.

Winter Edition - 2014

The End



BIRMAN MEWS Official magazine of the Birman Cat Club of NZ Inc


Katie Wiseman 43 Kennards Road, R.D.8, Waimate

Contributors Deadlines Autumn Issue Winter Issue Spring Issue Summer Issue

March July Oct Jan Reminder our AGM is the 8th February held at the Te Rapa Tavern, 45 Sunshine Avenue in Hamilton. 11am for a 11.30 start. Winter 2014 - Mews Inside this Issue Club Officials


Advertising rates

Presidents Page


Front cover (colour) $60 Back cover (colour) $50 (both include free B&W 1/2 pg inside) Inside front cover (colour) $40 Inside back cover (colour) $40 Inside full page (colour) $35 Inside full page (black image) $25 Inside half page (black image) $15 Breeders Directory - single insert $7 - 4 insertions $25

From the Past President


Editors Excerpts


Marco on the table


Wanted Advert


Clubs Affiliated


New Members


The usual activity of the Cat


Queens Pride -Free to club members Club Membership & Records Management Renewal Membership forms enclosed. These are due by the 30th November. Please help us keep our RECORDS correct. Send any change of address, phone number or email address to the Secretary, Maxine Jorgensen.

Natural Flea Repellents for Cats


The Secret


On a Cat Aging


The Garden


30th Birman Cat Show


5 Habits to keep your cat healthy


Reality bites


Leonardo Christmas function Sceiron Lady Windermere & Kittens All welcome, casual attire, bring a plate, byo and a $5.00 secret Santa gift please. VenCommon Problems—Spraying & Soiling ue, 113 Hautapu road, Cambrdge at 11am Kitty Glop on the 30th November 2014. The Cat Stop

Appearing on the front cover is: 10 year old Seal Tabbypoint Appleblos- The History of the Cat som Arianwen where she the matriarch The Search of the Wiseman household sharing it AGM Minutes with her two legged friend Katie.

17 18 19 20 21 22 24-27 28-29



Your Club Officials and Committee for 2014 President

Christine Sanders

07 853 2632 027 430 8423




Maxine Jorgensen

07 827 8858 027 944 1360


Sharon Jose'

07 884 9358 0272 920 650

Privacy Officer

Christine Sanders

07 853 2632 027 430 8423

Editor Birman Mews

Katie Wiseman

0210 499 681

Web Master

Linda Morgan

04 232 5322 021 400 773

Birmanalia Officer

Margaret Sutton

07 872 7804 027 6727 804

Christine Sanders

07 853 2632 027 430 8423

Rescue and Rehoming Officers

South Island Katie Wiseman

0210 499 681


Christine Sanders

07 853 2632 027 430 8423

Maxine Jorgensen

07 8278858 027 9441360

Margaret Sutton

07 872 7804 027 6727 804

Linda Morgan

04 232 5322 021 400 773

Katie Wiseman

0210 499 681

Sharon Jose’

07 884 9358 0272 920 650

Rosemary Wilson

07 884 7729 0272 958 985

Lyn England

09 426 9118

Hibiscus Coast


Tony England

09 426 9118

Hibiscus Coast


Vice President

The Birman Cat Club is pleased to be affiliated with the following Overseas Clubs: K Birma Sallskapet, Sweden Birman Cat Club of Canberra Inc, Canberra Birman Cat Fanciers of Queensland Inc, Queensland Sacred Cat of Burma Fancier’s Association of Australia Inc Birman Cat Club of Australia Inc Sacred Birman Fanciers Group of South Africa The Seal & Blue Point Birman Cat Club, United Kingdom Southern & South Western Birman Cat Club, United Kingdom The Birman Cat Club, United Kingdom


Te Aroha

Perfectpawz Katpurradice Shinoto






Te Awamautu Hamilton




Te Awamautu

Milais Sandylands



Perfectpawz Katpurradice




Te Aroha

Te Aroha






Presidents Page Hi Members. Welcome to our 1st Mews for 2014. We hope to have at least 3 maybe 4 Mews out a year from now on and on behalf of the committee I would like to apologies for not having one out as often as hoped last year. I hope you are able to find some interesting articles and pictures in this copy. I was elected as Vice president at the AGM on 9th February but as the elected president has since withdrawn then I have stepped up to take her place. I am very new at this type of roll so please forgive me for any mistakes that I may make and instead of criticizing any mistakes I may make I will be very pleased to have your advice. I would like to welcome the new committee for the 2014 year and I am sure they will all do a fantastic job. We have our 30th (Pearl) show coming up on 1st of June which is Queens Birthday weekend. As it is a long weekend and the show is on Sunday we hope to have a fantastic turnout of old and new members. Not only showing their already titled fur babies but their new babies. We have this year, decided to have a Companion section so fingers crossed that also goes well. We have now got a Facebook page so we would love to have you join and post photos of your Birmans and their antics plus any new litter arrivals. All the very best for the upcoming show season and remember, you take the best cat home on the day. It’s ll about fun and meeting up with friends. Best wishes, Christine Sanders,




Rescue Officers If you hear of a Birman in need of a home don’t forget to contact our Rescue Officers. Likewise if you hear of someone who is willing to offer a homeless or needing to be rehomed Birman, please contact us.

Hello everyone As you will see in the AGM minutes (appearing later in the MEWS), I have resigned from the position of President and it is with pleasure that I had over to Christine , who I wish all the best for her new role.

I have a lovely Blue point speyed and micro chipped queen who is looking for a new home after her family could no longer keep her.

I am intending to continue in the role as Editor of the MEWS and will endeavour to keep it coming on a regular (4 times a year) basis. Of course this means that I need YOU, the reader, to send photos, comments, items of interest (especially related to our beautiful Birmans).



From the Past President

Regards, Katie



1920 × 1710 -

Editors Excerpts Hello club members

I would like to say thank you to Sandy who has done a good job of producing the Mews for so many years. I am sure all club member will agree that the Mews is definitely something to wait by the letterbox for. It is unfortunate that circumstances have lead to Sandy being unable to get the MEWS out and now meant her relinquishing the role. Please send photos, jokes, stories suitable for the Birman MEWS. (Make sure you send me photos—otherwise you will see a lot of my wonderful family (of Birmans), as I am frequently taking photos of them so I won’t run out of new ones. Lets have some of your beautiful Birmans. Vets’ Advise column, a Breeders Story and a Birman Story will be included in issues. So if you are a breeder and wish to share your story (or stories) about how you started, why you breed Birmans or any other interesting aspect of breeding Bimans, please send me an e-mail. Also if you have a story about your Birman—whether pet, show or a breeding cat, please get it e-mailed so that I can include it in a future edition. Regards,


ELECTION ON NON COMMITTEE POSITIONS Rescue Officers: Kaitie Wiseman (South Island) Dyan Tucker/Tony Blewitt (North Island) Election of Show Committee: Show Manager: Philip Jose', Sharon Jose' / Rosemary Wilson - Carried Vice Show Manager: Tony England Show Secretary: Maxine Jorgensen will continue, Carried by all Show Treasurer: Sharon Jose' Rosemary Wilson – Carried Health & Safety Officer: Christine Sanders will continue – Carried by all Entry Clerk: Maxine Jorgensen will continue. Carried by all Trophy/Ribbons: Margaret Sutton will continue with Cameron Vujcich to help on show day. / Maxine Jorgensen - Carried Show Prizes/Stalls/Door: All Committee to be a part of this with Tony Blewitt and Ross Jame on the door. Cheryl Blake to co-ordinate Publicity Officer: Margaret Sutton & Maxine Jorgensen - Carried Show Committee Members: Philip Jose', Maxine Jorgensen, Christine Sanders, Rosemary Wilson, Tony England, Lyn England, Dyan Tucker, Tony Blewitt, Margaret Sutton, Maryannette Fowler ANY OTHER BUSINESS We have 70 member as of today's date. Maxine Jorgensen submits that Jane Comber, Philip Jose', Miriana Nordmark and Jilian Reed, that we the club exonerate these above members and wipe the fines that were placed on them and that a letter by the Secretary be posted to them stating this fact. Proposed by Maxine Jorgensen and carried by all. The 2015 show date was decided on the 10th May as our first choice and the 26th April our second choice. A submission is to sent off to the Show Portfolio Member. The 2015 AGM will be held at the Te Rapa Tavern, Hamilton on the 8th February 2015.

There being no other business, the meeting was closed at 1.15 pm




Maxine Jorgensen put motions forward. 1. Regarding the Club Officers. Should there be a problem that an officer is unable to continue in their position they must inform the club within 2 months of the previous meeting in writing. Should this not happen then the club is within their rights to replace that said person on the 90th day from the previous committee meeting. Also that all club property must be returned to the club within 14 days of the above. Accepted and passed by all committee members present. 2. For future shows to open the entries to all Long Haired cat breeds. Voted and Not accepted, Votes, 1 yes and 5 no's.

Did you know? Isaac Newton invented the cat flap door. Your cat purrs at the same frequency as an idling diesel engine. This is around 26 purrs per second. Guinea pigs, rabbits, squirrels, lemurs, elephants and gorillas also purr. Your cat purrs continuously‌. By flowing air past the voice box during both inhalation and exhalation. Your cat can run at 30 miles per hour! (48 kph) From

3. NZCF emailed out a possible change from our usual Schedule of Classes for our annual shows. This was read out. Each club can adopt the new suggested system or stay with what they already have in place. The vote was unanimously decided to stay with the old form of Classes as we are a Specialist Club and the members would want to know at the shows the individual winners in each colours.


President: Katie Wiseman Stood down Maryannette Fowler Christine Sanders / Sharon Jose' - Carried Vice President: Christine Sanders, Maxine Jorgensen / Dyan Tucker Carried Secretary: Maxine Jorgensen, Sharon Jose' / Rosemary Wilson - Carried Treasurer: Christine Sanders resigned Sharon Jose', Rosemary Wilson / Rosemary Wilson - Carried

Web Master: Linda Morgan, Linda Morgan / Christine Sanders - Carried Privacy Officer: Christine Sanders, Maxine Jorgensen / Sharon Jose' Carried

WANTED Articles, Photos, Stories Anything of interest to appear in the next Birman Mews To be sent to:-

Birmanalia Officer: Margaret Sutton / Christine Sanders Newsletter Editor: Katie Wiseman, Maxine Jorgensen / Christine Sanders, Carried ELECTION OF COMMITTEE: Katie Wiseman, Maxine Jorgensen, Christine Sanders, Tony England, Lyn England, Dyan Tucker, Tony Blewitt, Margaret Sutton, Maryannette Fowler, Linda Morgan, Lyn & Tony England

Editor, Birman Mews, Katie Wiseman, 43 Kennards Road, R.D. 8, Waimate.


29 Feline Lucky? Cat Survives 12-Story Fall Time Magazine



It should give his owner paws for thought A cat named Gizmo recently fell 12 stories from the penthouse terrace of a Manhattan apartment building, landing on a third floor landing and getting wedged between a skylight and a wall. Gizmo’s owner, Samuel Jacobs, didn’t see what happened, but speculated that his cat slipped through the door to the terrace and then off the edge, the Associated Press reports.

After climbing out of a neighbor’s window, Jacobs rushed Gizmo to a vet, fearing internal injuries. When they got there, however, Gizmo was given a relatively clean bill of health—some scratches and a single broken tooth. So how did Gizmo survive the fall? It turns out our feline friends are actually well -equipped to land unscathed after falling from high places. When cats are 3-4 weeks old, they begin to develop what’s called the ‘righting reflex‘, which is how cats twist in midair to land on their feet. It’s perfected at around 7 weeks old. (Here’s a cool schematic that shows how they actually manage to do it.)

A study conducted in 1987 and published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association examined 132 cats that had fallen from buildings and were brought into vets around New York Animal Medical center for treatment. It found that injuries per cat increased depending on the height the cat fell up to 7 stories, but actually decreased when the cat fell from above that threshold. The researchers speculated that this was due to the cats’ ability to right themselves and their relatively low terminal velocity.

WELCOME: The President Katie Wiseman welcomed the following members to the meeting opening at 11.30am on Skype. PRESENT:

Katie Wiseman on Skype in the Chair, Christine Sanders, Rosemany Wilson, Sharon Jose', Dyan Tucker with Tony Blewitt (proxy vote), Margaret Sutton, and Maxine Jorgensen. APOLOGIES: Were received from: Judy & Ross James, David & Andrea Allport, Russell & Susan Edwards, Eva Etting, Yvonne Murphy, Judy & Ross James, Sandra Broomfield, Nichole McLean, Maryanette Fowler, Charleen Story, Sandra & Simon Broomfield, Cheryl Blake, Tony Blewitt, Linda Morgan, Tony & Lyn England. Moved that these be accepted. Christine Sanders / Katie Wiseman - Carried MINUTES OF THE 2013 AGM: Held on Sunday 10th February 2013, at Te Rapa Tavern, Te Rapa Road, Hamilton, having been published in the Mews were taken as read and passed. Dyan Tucker /Christine Sanders - Carried President's Report . Katie Wiseman / Rosemary Wilson - Carried TREASURER’S REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Christine Sanders / Rosemary Wilson The Treasurer read out the Clubs’s Financal report up to the 30 th September 2013. A copy to be sent to the Incorporated Societies Bal 00 $ 7,221.46 Bal Show 02 $ 716.67 Account Bal $ 7,938.13 Approval of payment for the Venue and food Christine Sanders / Rosemary Wilson for this AGM was $123.


We went in to Daphne and Fred’s home, where initially Leonardo was very nervous, but finally felt reassured by my presence he released his grip and got down to eat some fresh rabbit Fred had put in a dish. After filling his obviously hungry stomach, Leonardo looked at me, and then one by one he walked over and rubbed against Marie, Daphne and Fred, as if a gesture of thanks, before returning to me. His nervousness presided for a short time once home. His dreams woke him in nightmare fashion and I heard again that pitiful cry echoed in his sleep, that I had heard coming from the undergrowth. But where he was and what had happened in that time from home, only Leonardo and his nightmarish dreams can tell.

9 Cat Heaven by Cynthia Rylant The way to Cat Heaven is a field of sweet grass, where crickets and butterflies play. A cat may be late getting to Heaven...there is so much fun on the way! But an angel will wait at the yellow front door, and wait till a kitty comes home. And when she arrives, he'll give her a kiss and some milk in a bowl of her own. There are trees in Cat Heaven, trees made just for cats, trees growing so green and so high. But, no one gets stuck in a tree anymore--if a kitty wants down, she will fly! And, oh all the toys, kitty toys everywhere, thousands and thousands go by. There are buttons and baubles and small catnip leaves all afloat in the sky. There are angels, of course, with soft angel laps, where kitties can purr loud and strong. The angels will rub kitties' noses and ears, and sing them a Cat Heaven song. And when cats are hungry, there is God's kitchen counter--all covered with white kitty dishes, full of tuna and salmon and mounds of sardines and wonderful little pink fishes. The cats in Cat Heaven are so loved and spoiled, God lets them all lie on his bed...He walks in his garden with his wonderful Book and a kitty asleep on his head. Then when a cat needs to, she may simply ponder and watch the blue world deep and wide....she will watch the old house where she once lived and wandered, and the people who loved her inside. All cats love Heaven, they know the way there, they know where the angel cats fly. They will turn past the stars and the moon and the curl up with God in the sky.



and a pattern of visiting each evening to the property, was established. The cat never came too close, just a pitiful call from the bushes. I sat and waited, I called and responded to the pitiful calls – which sounded like Leonardo but not quite, not as I had usually heard him call. Sceptically I hoped it would be Leonardo who would reveal himself, but no cat was willing to venture from the sanctuary of the undergrowth. I struggled to believe that my boy wouldn’t come to me - what could have happened on his journey from home to make him so untrusting of me?. Daphne, Marie and Fred, the lovely people of the home, gave encouragement and hope. Fred set a trap with freshly killed rabbit, to which a response of the remains of his own rabbit catch were left – a clear message he could look after himself! At home Leonardo had never been much of a hunter, so in fact, this caused me to again be unsure of the cat in the undergrowth’s identity. Then 5 days and no word, not a sighting or a voice call from the undergrowth. Gone again. I had not even sighted the owner of the pitiful feline call, so was still unsure if it had actually been Leonardo. I made a last visit with a small gift of thanks to the lovely people. A last call around the property – just in case, and then I left with near deadened heart, the faintest ember of hope fading. It seems he must have been close. Seen by Fred and Daphne, the cat evidently came again just after I had left, calling, running down the path and heartbreakingly off down the drive, - following the direction I had driven off in. Somehow he must have known that I wouldn’t be coming again. When told I was back to spend the night, the day, whatever it took. I settled myself down, coiled in the blankets with the comfort of the outside house light. Sheltered by the undergrowth, down the steps, something moving. Then out onto the path, standing, staring, no sound, but no doubt in my mind, Leonardo stood 3 metres from me. I spoke, I called, he looked then turned and ran. How could this be the cat who was born, grew up and loved by me in my home? Now he seemed fearful, unsure of my mere presence. I didn’t follow, I waited – a long wait, I had now seen Leonardo, the first time in 2 months. But now he had gone again. "

The Garden

I speculate that he found a place where he could watch me, for when he came back 20 minutes later, it was with more confidence. He appeared as before but this time talking, calling to me, responding with ever closer steps as I responded verbally to him. He circled, closing in. Desperately I wanted to reach out and grab my dear friend, I had to contain myself as he approached. Sniffing my hand, Leonardo relaxed and I reached down, lifting him up to my shoulder, I held on and so did he! Together again!



The Journey Home Leonardo, cat-naps on the rocking chair, seemingly unperturbed by the journey and events of the previous 2 months. Starting with the evening jaunt into the bush and scrub area next to home, Leonardo commenced a journey that’s tales remain speculative to all but feline speakers. Outside as he was, when the Christchurch earthquake shuddered our house and surrounding land approximately 100km south of its centre, it can be assumed, Leonardo was unsettled, maybe disorientated in direction. From this time on, came the searches, and calling for my beloved Leonardo to come home. Across field, up and down the bush and scrub covered gully, knocking on locals doors, all to no avail. The adverts on radio, in newspaper and local trader revealed some lovely local cats and many caring people. But no seal point Birman called Leonardo.


PROFILING BREEDERS If you are a breeder of Birmans and would like to present some information about your history of breeding, your cattery and any secrets or wisdoms from your experiences, please send your profile to: The Editor Birman Mews Katie Wiseman 43 Kennards Road R.D. 8 Waimate Or

There were a couple of possible sightings that were never confirmed. Description that fitted the seal point description of my Birman treasure. Single sightings, never to be seen in that area again. Other reports given by the well-meaning led my meeting other Birmans and Colourpoints. Like the beautiful blue point Birman queen who was reported to me as descriptive of a seal point male. Upon the second sighting of this cat, the kind people caught her as I rushed home from an event an hour north. Upon my meeting with this lovely queen, my heart plummeted with realization of misidentification. Or the Colourpoint who on first report was helping itself to another cat’s food. I met the cat while following up a search of the area, in yet another cat’s garden! A week or so later a further call, from another kind local, identified the same Colourpoint who was visiting another cat’s home to partake in culinary delights (making the most of many homes, I think). Six weeks after Leonardo had gone missing, I continued to live with a sense of disturbed and reactionary anticipation to every noise, but the sense of hopeless grief and searches that revealed nothing conclusive about Leonardo’s life or death. Then the call that a cat of Leonardo’s description was seen chasing a rabbit across a paddock about 6 km (as the crow flies) from home. I rushed over and while I was up the paddock calling for Leonardo another sighting down by the house. I called and called. To no avail. Another day, another sighting. He was seen again

The Usual Activity of the CAT



On a Cat Ageing - By Alexander He blinks upon the hearth-rug

Life will go on for ever,

And yawns in deep content,

With all that cat can wish;

Accepting all the comforts

Warmth, and the glad procession

That Providence has sent.

Of fish, and milk and fish.

Louder he purrs, and louder,

Only—the thought disturbs him -

In one glad hymn of praise,

He’s notice once or twice,

For all the night’s adventures,

The times are somehow breeding

For quiet, restful days.

A nimbler race of mice.

Ellen Goodman in the Boston Globe cited in Readers Digest, December, 2007

The Cat Stop



KITTY GLOP Very rich in calcium, this pudding can be used as a supplement for kittens, lactating Queens, geriatric cats, sick or under-weight cats and show cats.

1 can Evaporated Milk (can substitute kitten milk powder or goats milk) 1 can boiling water 1 sachet OR 1 teaspoon gelatin (1 egg yolk) optional 2 Table spoons plain unsweetened yogurt (not low fat) 1 Table spoon powdered glucose OR 1 teaspoon honey (Manuka) (1 acidophilus capsule) if not in yogurt (1 cup liquid unflavored Pedialyte or similar electrolyte supplement) Dissolve gelatin and honey in hot boiled water and let cool. Beat everything else together. Add cooled gelatin and beat again. The mix will set like a jelly, warm portions to blood temperature to serve. Can be frozen. *I sometimes use a can or cup of Chicken Stock for a change, in place of the water or Pedialyte. * All ingredients in ( ) are optional.

5 Habits to Keep Your Cat Healthy 1. Regular Physical Exams - Visit your veterinarian frequently for routine exams. Since cats age so much faster than us, yearly exams can help identify problems early. Be prepared to tell your vet about any changes in your cat's appetite, behavior or attitude as well as when it began and what might have triggered it. 2. Groom Your Cat Often - Brush or comb your cat at least once a week. Brushing removes dead hair and helps to stimulate blood flow to the skin. Brushing also helps prevent unpleasant hairballs. 3. Brush Your Cat's Teeth Daily - Routine brushing staves off tooth decay and helps prevent gum disease and tooth loss. Be aware of any increase in unpleasant breath. Cats have their natural smells and cat food can linger on their breath, but a change in breath to the point that it becomes strong or offensive can signal various illnesses. 4. Encourage Exercise - Exercise helps your cat maintain muscle tone, keeps the heart and digestion healthy and even improves your cat’s attitude. Walk with your cat at least twice daily. 5. Provide Good Nutrition - Feed your cat a good quality food formulated for his life stage. Stick with a good quality premium food and feed the amount that maintains an ideal weight. Always provide fresh, cool water. Monitor your cat. Watch your cat’s litter box use, attitude, sleep pattern, and appetite for abnormalities. Be aware of any changes in attitude or habits to identify problems early.



The Secret

…and then she asked if anyone knew, and they didn’t—it’s a secret. You mustn’t

Common Problems Spraying and Soiling Extracted from The Little Guides Cats edited by Paul McGreevy, 1999. “Soiling can be an early sign tht your cat is ill, or perhaps he is constipated and has abandoned his litter tray because he associates it with pain. Or maybe he simply doesn’t like the brand of litter you are buying. Soiling can also indicate stress. Have you had visitors, or tradesmen in the house doing renovations? Perhaps there is a new baby or a new pet? If you can identify and remove the stress, do so. Otherwise clean the area thoroughly to get rid of the smell or he may repeat the act. Don’t use pungent disinfectants with chlorine or ammonia, and always test your carpets and soft furnishings for color-fastness before using strong cleaning solutions. Cats that are left alone for long periods may try a disconcerting way of reminding you that they’re around. They may have a small token on the middle of your bed. To discourage this unwelcome behaviour throw a sheet of plastic over the bed to make is cold and uninviting.”

Well I was told the secret’s out . How can you ever keep secrets in the cat world .



Sceiron Lady Windermere & Kittens

2013 BCC Supreme Exhibit Adorabella Jipsey Rosa Entire Kitten

Complements of - Margaret Sutton

2013 Supreme Longhair Exhibit, National Show Dbl Grnd Ch Chalfont Overnight Sensation ~ Entire Cat

March 8th 2014 Kittens sire is Perfectpawz Jazzpurr a Bluepoint

Did You Know The Cat Family have been on earth for 35 million years. (McGreevy,1999).



Birman Cat Club - 30th Annual Cat Show

Held at the Cambridge Town Hall - Sunday

Lend Me A Kitten


June 2014

Show Results

I will lend you a kitten for a while, God said,

Top Ten Entire Cats

For you to love while he lives and mourn when he is dead.





Maybe for twelve or fourteen years, or maybe two or three.

Kathy Calhoun USA

Roger Frittel Australia

Marie Mahoney Australia

Sharon Jose’ New Zealand

But will you , ’till I call him back, take care of him for me?


8M Cornerstone Simply Stunning

16 F Ch Adorabella Winterfrost Lilly

13 M Gld Dbl Gr Ch Leegrgo Blue Boy

13 M Gld Dbl Gr Ch Leegrgo Blue Boy


13 M Gld Dbl Gr Ch Leegrgo Blue Boy

8M Cornerstone Simply Stunning

4F Candypawz Broadway Diva

21 F Sl Db Gr Ch Sceiron Tori

15 F Sl Db Gr Ch Belzicatz Amaretto Truffle

1 F Concerto Delta Lady

11 F Ch Sandylands Katie

20 F Dbl Gr Ch Tynlony Whisper Of Silk


1 F Concerto Delta Lady

17 F Dbl Gr Ch Concerto Holly Holy

7M Sl Dl Gr Ch Shinoto Stirling Silver

16 F Ch Adorabella Winterfrost Lilly


17 F Dbl Gr Ch Concerto Holly Holy

20 F Dbl Gr Ch Tynlony Whisper Of Silk

10 M Gd Db Gr Ch Leegrgo Lord Marko Pollo

11 F Ch Sandylands Katie

10 M Gd Db Gr Ch Leegrgo Lord Marko Pollo

11 F Ch Sandylands Katie

17 F Dbl Gr Ch Concerto Holly Holy

17 F Dbl Gr Ch Concerto Holly Holy

19 F Slv Db Gr Ch Sceiron Keiko

14 F Ch Aristarchus Lady Arabella

14 F Ch Aristarchus Lady Arabella

19 F Slv Db Gr Ch Sceiron Keiko

12 F Gr Ch Chalfont Overnight Sensation 8 M Cornerstone Simply Stunning










3F Birpur Arwakeri Green Jade

21 F Sl Db Gr Ch Sceiron Tori

3F Birpur Arwakeri Green Jade

12 F Gr Ch Chalfont Overnight Sensation 7M Sl Dl Gr Ch Shinoto Stirling Silver 19 F Slv Db Gr Ch Sceiron Keiko


16 F Ch Adorabella Winterfrost Lilly

15 F Sl Db Gr Ch Belzicatz Amaretto Truffle

16 F Ch Adorabella Winterfrost Lilly

8 M Cornerstone Simply Stunning

He’ll bring his charms to gladden you, and should his stay be brief, You’ll always have his memories as solace for your grief. I cannot promise he will stay, since all from earth return, But there are lessons taught below I want this kitten to learn . I’ve looked the whole world over in search of teachers true, And from the folk that crowd life’s land I have chosen you. Now will you give him all your love, nor think the labour vain? Nor hate me when I come to take my kitten home again? I fancied I heard them say ”Dear Lord Thy Will Be Done” For all the joys this kitten brings the risk of grief we’ll run. We’ll shelter him with tenderness, we’ll love him while we may And for the happiness we’ve known, forever grateful stay. But should you call him back much sooner than we planned, We’ll brave the bitter grief that comes and try to understand. Then in memory of him whom we loved, please help us while we grieve. When our cherished kitten departs this world of strife, Please send us another needing soul for us to love all his life.

(Author unknown) Thanks to



Special Awards Supreme Exhibit Overall

N Pr Moonson Paddington Bear

Supreme Exhibit – Entire Cats & Kitten

M Chalfont Rattle N Hum

Supreme Exhibit – Neuter/Spay Cats & Kitten

N Pr Moonson Paddington Bear

Entire Kittens



Best Male Exhibit – Entire Cat

M Gld Dbl Gr Ch Leegrgo Blue Boy 3rd

Best Female Exhibit – Entire Cat

F Dbl Gr Ch Concerto Holly Holy

Breeders Award - Overall

Candypawz - Nicole Mclean








Kathy Calhoun USA 31 M Perfectpawz Sundance Kid 23 F Adorabella Picture Purrfect

Roger Frittel Australia

Marie Mahoney Australia 31 M Perfectpawz Sundance Kid 27 F Adorabella Wet Kandy Kisses 28 M Chalfont Rattle N Hum

Sharon Jose’ New Zealand

24 F Amoenta Eves St Lauren

33 F Florencia Miss Coco Chanel

33 F Florencia Miss Coco Chanel 37 F Birpur Miss Pixie Bee

24 F Amoenta Eves St Lauren

36 F Candypawz Sweet N Stormy 23 F Adorabella Picture Purrfect 30 F Aristarchus Nostalgia

30 F Aristarchus Nostalgia

38 F Tynlony Erika 'N' Silk Mist

32 F Belzicatz Coco Bliss

33 F Florencia Miss Coco Chanel 24 F Amoenta Eves St Lauren 34 F Adorabella Tequila Sea Breeze 28 M Chalfont Rattle N Hum


40 F Sceiron Katara


32 F Belzicatz Coco Bliss 38 F Tynlony Erika 'N' Silk Mist 26 F Moonson Florencia


10t h

28 M Chalfont Rattle N Hum 27 F Adorabella Wet Kandy Kisses 31 M Perfectpawz Sundance Kid 36 F Candypawz Sweet N Stormy 37 F Birpur Miss Pixie Bee 22 F Birpur Wind N The Willow 38 F Tynlony Erika 'N' Silk Mist 30 F Aristarchus Nostalgia 32 F Belzicatz Coco Bliss 26 F Moonson Florencia

25 F Belzicatz Sinhfully Sweet 28 M Chalfont Rattle N Hum 36 F Candypawz Sweet N Stormy

38 F Tynlony Erika 'N' Silk Mist

40 F Sceiron Katara 22 F Birpur Wind N The Willow



Neuter/Spay Cats

Neuter/Spay Kittens





Kathy Calhoun Chicago Illinois USA 58 - N Gr Pr Shinoto Esra

Roger Frittel Melbourne Australia 47 - N Pr Moonson Paddington Bear

Marie Mahoney Queensland Australia 51 - N Candypawz Rhythm N Blues

Sharon Jose’ Waihou New Zealand 49 - N Pr Cornerstone Beyond The Blue

47 - N Pr Moonson Paddington Bear

48 - N Gld Db Gr Pr Yadillah Royal Rascal

55 - N Dbl Gr Pr Sceiron Ramsey

49 - N N Pr Cornerstone Beyond The Blue

55 - N N Dbl Gr Pr Sceiron Ramsey

55 - N Dbl Gr Pr Sceiron Ramsey





Kathy Calhoun Chicago Illinois USA

Roger Frittel Melbourne Australia

Marie Mahoney Queensland Australia

Sharon Jose’ Waihou New Zealand


47 - N Pr Moonson Paddington Bear

60 - S Sandylands I'm Just a Diva

61 - S Aristarchus Quinn The Mighty

59 - S Birpur Iza Blues Fan


47 - N Pr Moonson Paddington Bear

43 - S Chalfont Gaze On Me

60 - S Sandylands I'm Just a Diva


49 - N Pr Cornerstone Beyond The Blue

58 - N Gr Pr Shinoto Esra

57 - N Gd Pr Birpur Iza Stunning Chockie

61 - S Aristarchus Quinn The Mighty 59 - S Birpur Iza Blues Fan

61 - S Aristarchus Quinn The Mighty 59 - S Birpur Iza Blues Fan

59 - S Birpur Iza Blues Fan

60 - S Sandylands I'm Just a Diva

61 - S Aristarchus Quinn The Mighty

44 - N Candypawz All That Jazz

56 - N Pr Moonson Rupert Bear

56 - N Pr Moonson Rupert Bear


56 - N Pr Moonson Rupert Bear

44 - N Candypawz All That Jazz

48 - N Gld Db Gr Pr Yadillah Royal Rascal 52 - N Sil Dbl Gr Pr Sandylands Charley


51 - N Candypawz Rhythm N Blues

51 - N Candypawz Rhythm N Blues

42 - S Chalfont Jemima Puddleduck

48 - N Gld Db Gr Pr Yadillah Royal Rascal

57 - N Gd Pr Birpur Iza Stunning Chockie

58 - N Gr Pr Shinoto Esra

43 - S Chalfont Gaze On Me

50 - N Pr Belzicatz Soda

46 - N Candypawz Rock N Roll

56 - N Pr Moonson Rupert Bear

52 - N Sil Dbl Gr Pr Sandylands Charley 44 - N Candypawz All That Jazz

52 - N Sil Dbl Gr Pr Sandylands Charley

57 - N Gd Pr Birpur Iza Stunning Chockie

BI S 2nd









48 - N Gld Db Gr Pr Yadillah Royal Rascal

55 - N Dbl Gr Pr Sceiron Ramsey

45 - N Pr Belzicatz Georgio

60 - S Sandylands I'm Just a Diva

Short and Longhair Companion Cats Supreme in Show R1 Roger Frittel Australia

R2 Linda Morgan

R3 Shaan Silcock

R4 Kathleen Cubis Edwards

S Matilda

S Matilda

N Rafferty


S Pr Abergail Pearl S Matilda

N Rafferty

N Boris

S Matilda


N Rafferty

N Basil

N Basil


N Basil

S Pr Abergail Pearl

S Pr Abergail Pearl

S Pr Abergail Pearl N Basil


N Boris

NC Thomas

N Rafferty

N Boris

NC Thomas

N Boris

NC Thomas

NC Thomas




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