205-536-7676 www.whsbham.com
205-870-1444 www.dryanosky.com
3 Birmingham Area Locations Pelham • Trace Crossings • Valleydale Road Visit us online at
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eDitor'S note
Welcome to the guide 2014
elcome to our second annual issue of Birmingham Parent’s The Guide. This issue replaces our regular January issue of Birmingham Parent, and will be available as a companion to our monthly issues all year long. And you can always read it on www.birminghamparent.com, along with back issues from the past two years. We hope you will find this a useful resource when you need a number, website or address, and that you’ll use it all year long. You’ll find local libraries, special needs resources, driver’s license offices, hospitals, shopping and much more here, all at your fingertips. Be sure to thank the sponsors and advertisers who make this issue possible by doing business with them, and letting them know you read about them in Birmingham Parent. And let us know what YOU want to see in Birmingham Parent – and the next issue of The Guide 2015!
editorial As always, times and even addresses and websites are subject to change. We’ve worked hard to make sure our information is accurate at print time, but always double check times, addresses, phone numbers, etc. The Guide is just the beginning of a great year with Birmingham Parent. We’ll have our camp issue in February along with Camp Expo 2014 on Feb. 8. Don’t miss the Special Needs issue in March, along with the Special Needs Expo on March 15. This is followed by the baby issue in April, birthday parties in July, back to school in August – and so much more in between and going forward! Thanks for sticking with us and being a loyal reader of our publication. And many thanks to our sponsors and advertisers who make it all possible. Happy New Year 2014!
Carol Muse Evans, Publisher/Editor carol@birminghamparent.com
CORRECTION: Please note, dr. Phillip Harmon of Pediatrics east SHouLd have been listed in our favorite Kids' docs list in our december issue and was overlooked. We are happy to correct this and add him to our list on page 24.
4 | birminghamparent | the guide 2014
3590-B Hwy. 31 S. #289 Pelham, AL 35124 205-987-7700 205-987-7600 FAX www.birminghamparent.com
Publishers David & Carol Evans editor Carol Muse Evans associate editor Lori Chandler Pruitt calendar & Business David Evans contributors Christopher “Bull” Garlington, Lynn Grisard Fullman, Paige Townley
sales Special events coordinator Sharon Menachemi account executive Kayla Fricks Webmaster David Evans
art & production art Director Hilary Moreno Distribution T&P Deliveries legal counsel Balch & Bingham LLP
BIRMINGHAM PARENT IS A PUBLICATION OF EVANS PUBLISHING, LLC. Publishers: Carol Muse Evans, David K. Evans Sr. Birmingham Parent (EIN20-0694149) is published monthly by Evans Publishing LLC. www.birminghamparent.com or editor@ birminghamparent.com. Birmingham Parent is © 2013 by Evans Publishing LLC. Family Connections Media ©2011 by Evans Publishing LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Editorial submissions are welcome. For back issues, please send a self-addressed 10” x 13” envelope with $4 for postage and handling.
The Discovery School is a nurturing and engaging preschool for all children to learn, discover, and imagine. Take a tour of our beautiful facility, meet our dynamic degreed teachers, and learn about our curriculum based on best practices in early childhood education. We celebrate moments of discovery. Open House: Thursday, January 9, 2014 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Full-day, year-round program for ages 15 months - 5 years old. Register your child today!
Conveniently located in Southside near downtown and UAB. 2100 Highland Avenue Birmingham, AL 35205 (205) 933-5907 discoveryschool@ourtemple.org www.ourtemple.org/discoveryschool
04 19
editor’s note Sometimes Parenting is tough: PAL is around to help
07 42
44 40
Emergency Numbers Meet our Cover Sponsors Meet our Back Cover Sponsors Health Department and Clinic Information Area Hospitals Favorite Kids' Docs Area Libraries, Locations & Schedules Area Attractions for the Family Alabama Attractions for the Family to Visit Area License OďŹƒces Area School Systems Special Needs Resources Resource Guide 2013 6 | birminghamparent | the guide 2014
fighting for the family: The Alabama Family Rights Association
07 08 14 21 22 24 26 30 34 40 42 44 48
51 52 54
your alabama Weather exploring Beyond alabama Death by children: Hidden Mickeys
ON THE COVER: Bryce, age 7 months, of Birmingham, was a cover search winner at the November 2 Birmingham Parent Fall Family Fest. Photo by Donald Love Photography, www.dlovephotography.com.
Local emergency authorities in any area Alabama Poison Control www.alapoisoncenter.org
emergency numbers
800-222-1222 Alabama Emergency Management Agency disaster, bad weather, etc. www.ema.alabama.gov
sERVinG THE cOUnTiEs Of cEnTRal alabaMa Crisis / Suicide Line 24 hours / 7 days www.crisiscenterbham.com/ 205-323-7777
Rape Response 205-323-7323 www.crisiscenterbham.com/ rape-response.php
Teen Link call about anything 3 -10 pm during the school year 1 a.m. – 10 p.m. in the summer www.crisiscenterbham.com/ teen-link.php 205-328-LInK (5465)
Highway Emergencies Using Cellular Phones *HP (*47) The program is operational in most areas of the state, and other providers are expected to participate in the future. If your cellular phone company is not a part of this valuable service, please ask the company to call 334-242-4445, dPS Headquarters, Montgomery.
Kids Help Line call about anything friends, school, family, feelings 3-10 p.m. www.crisiscenterbham.com/ kids-help-line.php 205-328-5465 Senior Talk Line free, confidential telephone reassurance service for senior citizens, caregivers, retirees, widowed persons, grandparents and others www.crisiscenterbham.com/ senior-help-line.php 205-328-TALK (8255)
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Mountain Chapel United Methodist Church Gym 2541 Rocky Ridge Road in Vestavia info@mckidskorner.org - www.mckidskorner.org *Select Items Half Price!
($150 VALUE) &
Check our website for details on our 2014 Fall/Winter Sale!
birminghamparent.com | 7
MEET OUR cOVER spOnsORs Pt orthoDonticS At PT Orthodontics, we believe everyone deserves a beautiful smile! We have been providing affordable, state-of-the-art orthodontic care since 1990. We have six convenient locations in Hoover, Mountain Brook/Homewood, Oak Mountain/Hwy. 280, Leeds, Pell City, and Hueytown. Drs. John R. Phillips, III, Mark A. Todd, Wendell H. Taylor, Jr., Erin McAtee, and James M. Phillips work together to help you
achieve a beautiful, confident smile that will make lasting first impressions. We believe that you deserve the best; that is why our commitment to the highest quality sets us apart. At our office, you’re more than a number – you’re part of our dental family. We create personalized, individual treatment plans for each patient so that we deliver only the best results. We offer flexible payment
solutions to help keep the cost of braces within your budget! We offer a full range of braces to meet your individual needs and desires, including metal braces, ceramic braces and Invisalign® clear braces. We offer free initial consultations, no down payment options, and payments starting at $129. We make braces easy and affordable! Call us today at 205-979-9480 to schedule an appointment or visit our website at www.PTortho.com.
WoMen'S health SPecialiStS The team at Women’s Health Specialists of Birmingham knows that quality, evidence- based care belongs in an environment that values and empowers women to live fulfilling, multi-faceted lives. When a woman sees her physician, she deserves care that is calm, respectful, supportive, and meets the highest standards of medical science. Our practice creates this environment. We believe that our patients should be at the heart of everything we do. Our patient-centered approach will be apparent from the
moment you step into our newly designed office and throughout your visit as our knowledgeable and friendly staff responds to your needs. From our reception area, where refreshments will be waiting for you, to our patient rooms, where your comfort and privacy are our top priorities, we focus on creating an environment that promotes your physical and emotional health. After all, visiting your doctor should make you feel better! Dr. Alison Heaton, Dr. William Hudson, and Belinda Isley, CRNP are
our physicians and nurse practitioner. They share a deep commitment to the well-being of our patients. Together, they bring more than twenty years of experience in women’s healthcare, gynecological surgery, and obstetrical and postpartum services to Women’s Health Specialists of Birmingham. They are joined by a wonderful staff who shares their belief that a woman is greater than the sum of her parts. We hope that you will join our family by choosing us for your healthcare needs. You are wonderfully made!
Women’s health Specialists of Birmingham www.whsbham.com 205-536-7676
chilDren'S hanDS on MuSeuM of tuScalooSa Welcome to Children’s Hands-On Museum of Tuscaloosa! When we say “hands-on” we really mean it! Learning through play is what our exhibits and programs are all about. Children are encouraged to touch, feel, and play their way through our museum. For over 29 years we’ve steadfastly satisfied our mission to provide dynamic learning experiences that stimulate curiosity, creativity, and shared discovery. CHOM is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organiza-
tion offering three floors of fun, exhibits, and outstanding field trip programs recognized for excellence. Newborns or toddlers, ‘tweens or teens, grandparents or new parents – we house the hearts of all! Newborns through 13 years learn through play at CHOM. Multiple daily early childhood programs for parents and an exhibit designed for newborns through three years are unique to Alabama. Whether piloting the Capt.
Tim Parker on the river, playing in Kool Zone, exploring Space Station CHOM, seeing a Planetarium show, learning about woodlands in Beavers’ Bend, creating music and art in the Art Studio, or experiencing another culture in the Japan House, you’re sure to find excitement! And, birthday parties are best at CHOM, along with “big” kid parties. Visit soon! Join over 65,000 each year who know CHOM is BEST for fun!
www.chomonline.org 205-349-4235
My orthoDonticS - MarK r. yanoSKy, DMD, MS At My Orthodontics, our practice revolves around your needs! Dr. Mark Yanosky and his staff get to know you, so your treatment is specific to your needs and lifestyle! Our high quality services include metal, clear and lingual braces for all ages, as well as Invisalign® clear aligners. Contact My Orthodontics to schedule your complimentary consultation! We will show you and your family around the prac-
tice, and discuss your plans for treatment. After a brief oral exam, we will explain our recommendations for orthodontic treatment and will be happy to answer any questions. Give us a call today! 205-870-1444 1651 Independence Court Suite 141, Birmingham 35209 Located in the D1 Professional Office Building at Brookwood Medical Center
8 | birminghamparent | the guide 2014
205-870-1444 www.dryanosky.com
gulf ShoreS & orange Beach touriSM Hit the road for an educational adventure to Alabama’s Gulf Coast. The sugar-white sands beaches, turquoise water, and family-friendly feel of this coastal community make Gulf Shores and Orange Beach the perfect place to combine quality family time with experiential learning your children will always remember. Coastal Alabama offers a host of interactive learning experiences that are sure to spark
ah-ha moments for children of every age. When you enter a region bursting with history, culture, and natural wonders, vague concepts leap off the page into vibrant sensory experiences. Step back in time and ask questions of a historian wearing the uniform of a Civil War soldier, or ponder marine life in a handson setting and feel the smooth gray skin of a southern stingray. Dive into oceanography at scuba camp, witness the coastal eco-
system aboard a relaxing dolphin cruise, or step into the shoes of a World War II sailor aboard the USS Alabama Battleship. Whether planning a weekend fieldtrip or month-long learning spree on the coast, you will find plenty of experiences, attractions, and accommodation options to choose from. Visit www.gulfshores.com/BirminghamParent today to plan your trip and enter a whole different state of discovery.
dentistry and orthodontics to allow for all the dental needs of our patients to be met under one roof. The dental services needed are provided, while at the same time the development of an adequate occlusion is monitored closely. This allows for orthodontic treatment to be provided in a timely manner increasing the quality of service. Our staff operates as a team and is committed to high qual-
ity service with emphasis on individual needs in a comfortable environment. Our hygienists are especially qualified to deal with children and adolescent specific needs. All of our personnel are kept abreast of the latest developments through continuing education courses. Come visit our website at www. mccallasmiles.com and take a virtual tour of our office.
the same?” I later realized that my four year old didn’t know any of his letters, let alone their sounds! And I began to wonder what was he doing all day at the daycare he was attending? I was seeing little to no progression, and I knew right then and there that I wanted more for my child. I decided to visit Covenant Classical for myself. I admit that after touring, I was nervous— the classrooms and the children were so impressive. How would
my child integrate into this learning environment? But learning more about the school’s Christian focus proved to be my turning point. CCS was where we needed to be. My family was welcomed with open arms into the CCS community. I immediately noticed a huge difference and within a few weeks, my son was able to recognize letters AND sounds! I now know what the big deal was, and I’m proud to be a part of it.
dent, Dr. Gatrey also completed her residency in Pediatric Dentistry at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Dentistry. During residency Dr. Gatrey completed training with special needs persons and medically compromised children at the Sparks Dental Clinic. Visiting the dentist at pediatric smiles is a fun adventure. We like dental visits to
be a positive experience for future visits that last through adulthood. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
Mccalla orthoDonticS At McCalla Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Olga Sanchez Hernandez and staff, provide dental care for patients from the ages of 1 to 18 years of age, and handicapped patients. Our services include preventive, restorative, and emergency treatment. Dr. Sanchez Hernandez also provides orthodontic treatment for children and adults. We combine pediatric
exit 1
Dr olga Sanchez hernandez (205) 477-8004 www.mccallasmiles.com
covenant claSSical I never understood what the big deal about Covenant Classical was……until I became a part of it. My friends had their children enrolled at CCS. Anytime we were together they would go on and on about what their children were learning and how much they loved it there. They bragged about all that their children knew– four year olds reading blends and words! I always wondered “how great can it be?” “Aren’t all daycares
3 Birmingham Area Locations Pelham • Trace Crossings • Valleydale Road Visit us online at
www.CCSLion.com www.ccSlion.com
PeDiatric SMileS Dr. Tabitha J. Gatrey, a native of Muscle Shoals, Alabama, is a board certified Pediatric dentist. She is a graduate of Xavier University in New Orleans cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. She went on to receive her Doctorate of Dental Medicine from the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Dentistry with Research Honors. While serving as Chief Resi-
5751 Pocahontas Road Suite B Bessemer, AL 35022 205-230-9000 TabGat@psmilesal.com 205-230-9000 tabgat@psmilesal.com birminghamparent.com | 9
chilDren'S of alaBaMa Children’s of Alabama has provided specialized medical care for ill and injured children across the state and throughout the southeastern U.S. since 1911. For the past three years, Children’s has been ranked among the best children’s hospital programs in the nation by US News & World Report. Last year, patients made more than 634,000 outpatient and nearly 14,000 inpatient visits to Children’s from every county in Alabama and
from 47 other states. With more than 2 million square feet, it is the third largest pediatric medical facility in the U.S. Children’s offers inpatient and outpatient services across its Russell Campus on Birmingham’s historic Southside with additional outpatient services provided at Children’s South and Children’s on 3rd. Primary care is provided at more than a dozen medical offices in communities across central Alabama. Children’s of
Alabama is the only medical center in Alabama dedicated solely to the care and treatment of children. It is a private, not-for-profit medical center that serves as the primary site of the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) pediatric medicine, surgery, research and residency programs. Children’s recently moved much of its inpatient services into a new building named The Benjamin Russell Hospital for Children.
clarKholMeS ClarkHolmes Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, Mark Clark, D.M.D., M.D., Jon D. Holmes, D.M.D., M.D., F.A.C.S., George W. Matthews Jr., D.M.D. and Lisa L. Miller, D.M.D., M.D., practice a full scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery with expertise ranging from removal of third molars (wisdom teeth) to corrective jaw surgery. The doctors at ClarkHolmes are also experts in
the replacement of missing teeth with dental implants, including those requiring advanced reconstructive techniques. Their expertise is sought out by patients and referring doctors throughout the southeast. They have three convenient locations: Southside, Trussville and Inverness. To learn more about ClarkHolmes, please visit our website at www. clarkholmes.com
CLARK HOLMES CLARK HOLMES oral facial surgery oral facial surgery
Southside 205-933-2773 trussville 205-655-9002 inverness 205-933-2710 www.clarkholmes.com
alaBaMa allergy & aSthMa center We are the largest and most full service allergy & asthma practice in Alabama. We care for adults, children and babies. Our Board Certified Allergy & Asthma Specialists can help you live symptom free from allergies and asthma. We have four locations to serve you in Homewood, Hoover, Hwy 280 @ The Narrows and Cullman. Our friendly and experienced staff will provide clinical care and education for you and your family to help improve the quality of your
life. We provide accurate testing and diagnostics as well as a full medical and family history discussion to determine the best possible care for you. Our services include environmental, food, and drug allergy testing and treatment, Immunotherapy (allergy shots) in a board-certified care environment, asthma diagnosis and care, hives, eczema, itchy eyes and clinical research.
205-871-9661 www.alabamaallergy.com
PeDiatric & aDoleScent DentiStry At Pediatric & Adolescent Dentistry, Drs. Thomas and Johnson are committed to making your child’s first dental visit a pleasant and comfortable one. We understand the importance of establishing a good oral hygiene regimen early in a child’s life, and we provide children with the necessary knowledge and treatment to maintain a healthy smile. We recommend seeing your child for the first time around his/her first birthday. We have two locations in
Hoover and Mountain Brook. Our new Hoover location opened July 2013 so we now have more room for all of our friends! Pediatric & Adolescent Dentistry strives to make this new journey for your child a fun and rewarding experience by providing multiple gaming systems including a Wii and overhead TV’s with Disney movies for your enjoyment.. There is no doubt...your child’s path to optimum dental health starts here.
10 | birminghamparent | the guide 2014
www.alpediatricdentistry.com 205-982-0112 hoover 205-879-6150 Mountain Brook
hoover chriStian School Students at Hoover Christian School benefit from a low teacher-student ratio, a tradition of academic success, excellent teachers, a safe environment, and an emphasis on eternal values. Jesus Christ, the Great Teacher, is honored as the source of wisdom and the motivation for excellence. Fully accredited, HCS offers a Pre-Kindergarten through 12th-grade curriculum. The school has plans to accept more
students into the kindergarten and expand the high school program in 2013. A vegetarian lunch option, before and after school care, and adaptations for many special needs are available. Tuition is kept low thanks to community and church support that covers nearly two-thirds of the cost. Students may apply for enrollment prior to any quarter or semester break. Parents are encouraged to take the virtual tour of the school on the web
site and check out the school’s handbook, philosophy, and fee schedule there prior to making appointments to visit the school in person.
SCHOOL 2113 old rocky ridge road hoover, al 35244 205-987-3376 hooverchristianschool.com
angelica rohner PeDiatric DentiStry Drs. Rohner and Maher, of Angelica Rohner Pediatric Dentistry, are specialists in the field of Pediatric and Adolescent Dentistry. What’s so special? Pediatric dentists are the pediatricians of dentistry, dedicated to the oral health of children, ranging from infants to teens. Our dentists and our highly trained staff work hard to make each child’s dental visit fun and exciting, resulting in a great attitude toward dentistry
and, ultimately, oral health. On a daily basis we hear our patients say, “I love the dentist!” We take pride in great clinical and conversational experiences with our patients. We realize that taking care of our patient’s guardians is equally important. Our office works with you to schedule appointments that work best for your child and their schedule. Our convenient location makes a
trip to the dentist easy. We also supply text, email and/or phone confirmations and communication pathways. It is an honor for our patient’s parents to trust us with the wellbeing of their children. This is never taken lightly and is evident in the time that the doctors take to speak with each parent at every dental visit. Let our doctors and dental team take care of you and your child.
and highly skilled in the services they provide. The staff works with medical personnel, the patient, the family and the caregiver to evaluate the home environment, assess equipment needs, and customize solutions that support the patient’s functional needs and therapeutic goals while addressing activities of daily living. At Mobility Central, we strive to build relationships with our customers by adhering to a “customer-centered, needs
based” philosophy that ensures a perfect equipment fit every time and exceptional customer service for the life of the equipment. Mobility Central was founded in Birmingham, Alabama in 2004 to serve the people of Alabama with medical equipment needs while demonstrating the utmost care and professionalism. When the simple act of living becomes really complex, trust Mobility Central to help you every step of the way!
205-870-0892 www.drrohner.com
MoBility central Mobility Central is a local, familyowned medical equipment provider offering state-of-the-art equipment and therapies to improve the quality of life for both children and adults with special needs. We are dedicated to helping each patient regain and secure freedom and independence for daily living; as well as fostering development in our younger patients. Mobility Central employs a team of caring professionals who are thoroughly trained
400 old towne road vestavia, alabama 35216 205-942-2534 www.mobilitycentalinc.com
oXMoor valley orthoDonticS, Pc Dr. Deborah Sema and her team at Oxmoor Valley Orthodontics specialize in helping patients of all ages have beautiful, healthy, confident smiles. Celebrating over 10 years in the historic train depot office, Dr. Sema has been practicing orthodontics for nearly 16 years. She also sees patients at the beautiful new office of McCalla Dental in Bessemer and proudly announces another convenient location in central Homewood, practicing with Dr. Chris Vlachos. While the American Association
of Orthodontists recommends an orthodontic screening by age 7, it is never too late to have a beautiful, healthy smile. Dr. Sema and her team offer treatment for children, adolescents and adults. They can discuss your treatment options such as traditional braces, Damon self ligating braces, clear braces, Invisalign or Invisalign Teen, and treatment for TMJ disorders. At your initial appointment, they will provide you a detailed estimate of cost, different payment options, and help file your insurance.
Dr. Sema and her staff are committed to providing high quality orthodontic care in a unique setting that is fun, warm, and comfortable. They take pride in the courteous service they deliver to each person who walks through their doors. They recognize that every patient has different needs, and whether you’re an adult, adolescent or child, Dr. Sema and her caring and knowledgeable staff are committed to helping you achieve the wonderful smile you deserve!
Deborah a. Sema, DMD, MS 415 West oxmoor rd., Birmingham 5751 Pocahontas rd., Bessemer 3045 independence Dr., homewood 205-942-2270 www.ovortho.com birminghamparent.com | 11
PeDiatric nePhrology of alaBaMa The doctors and staff of Pediatric Nephrology of Alabama seek to provide the best care available in the most compassionate and efficient way possible. When children have kidney disease it is sometimes scary and stressful. You have a right to choose your doctor, receive prompt care, know who you will see when you are sick, and have access to a team of providers who know you and your illness. We will spend whatever time necessary to help you under-
stand your kidney problems and treatment. Our highest priority is to provide care in a personalized, family-oriented way that is convenient for the patient, family, and referring physicians with offices in Birmingham, Huntsville, Montgomery and Tuscaloosa. Dr. Benfield worked at UAB/ Children’s Hospital for 20 years, eventually becoming the Director of Pediatric Nephrology. Under his direction the division developed programs in dialysis, transplanta-
tion, chronic kidney disease and general nephrology that garnered national recognition being named as one of the top 25 programs in the country. In 2010 he opened Pediatric Nephrology of Alabama. Dr. Benfield brought the same energy and pursuit of excellence to the private practice and has received national and local recognition being named to Best Doctors in America, Birmingham Best Doctors, Birmingham Super Doctors and Parents’ Choice Award.
pediatric Nephrology of Alabama
(205) 558-3200
www.pednephal.com (205) 558-3200
www.dlovephotography.com 205-902-5357 birmingham, al 12 | birminghamparent | the guide 2014
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MEET OUR back cOVER spOnsORs Michael S. anglin, D.D.S., P.c. Your child deserves a bright, healthy smile that will last for the rest of their life. Dr. Michael Anglin has provided high quality pediatric dentistry to the Hoover and surrounding communities since 1993. We have a reputation for excellent care in a familyoriented, welcoming environment. By providing individual care to our patients, we design treatments around your child’s unique needs. We offer state-of-the-art dentistry
in order to cut down on treatment time and cost to you, including digital X-rays, Lumineers®, fillings, teeth cleaning, space maintainers, and hospital dentistry. Dr. Anglin’s experienced and talented dental team is committed to working with you and your family to create a comfortable, stressfree, and rewarding dental experience every time you visit our practice. Dr. Anglin is a multiple winner of Birmingham Parent’s Family
Favorites for favorite dentist. In 2012 Dr. Erin Nelson, who specializes in Family Dentistry, joined our team and offers parents the opportunity of one convenient location for the entire family’s dental needs. Dr. Anglin and Dr. Nelson look forward to welcoming children, adolescents and adults to our dental family and we cannot wait to help create a beautiful, healthy smile for everyone in your family!
michael s. anglin, d.d.s pediatric & adolescent dentistry
205-988-9800 www.BirminghamKidsdentist.com
elizaBeth Perry ruShton chilD DeveloPMent center The Elizabeth Perry Rushton Child Development Center was founded in 1995 by First Presbyterian Church of Birmingham as a mission to the community and to support families working in the downtown area. Today, the Rushton Center is a separate nonprofit organization that serves children ages six weeks through four years. The goal of the Rushton Center is to provide quality childcare in a loving, nurturing environment for children
whose parents work in or near downtown Birmingham. At the core of the Rushton Center’s philosophy is the belief that children learn by experiencing their environment and the things and people in it. We feel that experiences are best accomplished through play or “learning by doing.” The teacher’s role is to provide a challenging and stimulating environment in which children can freely explore their surroundings so that the
total development of each child is enhanced. Children grow and develop physically, socially, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. Our state-of-the-art facility, active learning approach to curriculum and qualified staff create the type of environment that will give children developmentally appropriate choices and critical thinking skills while promoting growth in each of these areas. 2118 4th Ave N. Birmingham, Al 35203
205-322-8310 www.eprcdc.com
pable and giving volunteers and staff of any charitable organization in Birmingham. • Known for its unified sense of purpose and its seamless network of services for children and adults with disabilities or other special needs, their families and their communities. • Strengthening the public’s belief, commitment and financial support of its mission. • There is no pediatric facility in Shelby County that provides
individualized care like Easter Seals Pediatric Therapy offering physical, occupational and speech therapy services with an interdisciplinary approach (including co-treatments) to meet each family’s needs. The therapist is one on one with the child in an outpatient setting. We provide a variety of distinctive services. Learn more about us at www. eastersealsbham.org.
easter Seals of the Birmingham area 2717 3rd avenue South Birmingham, al 35223 (205) 942-6277 www.eastersealsbham.org www.facebook.com easterSealsBirmingham
lives as fully as possible. Orthotists and prosthetists design, make and fit such devices with the help of orthotics and prosthetics technicians. It is our objective to utilize each patient’s input benefiting their own goals with respect to the device they are to use and the physician’s recommendations. Patients can be assured that every effort is made to follow their physician’s request. Each patient has the right
to reasonably expect that information provided to us and contained in patient records, is to be kept completely confidential. Information contained in the patient records is applied in the compilation of patient assessment and outcomes.
eaSter SealS of the BirMinghaM area The mission of Easter Seals of the Birmingham Area is to create solutions that change the lives of children and adults with disabilities or other special needs and their families. Easter Seals of the Birmingham Area will be the one nonprofit organization: • Recognized throughout the Birmingham Area for the quality of its services by all people touched by the organization. • With the most committed, ca-
BirMinghaM liMB & Brace Birmingham Limb & Brace is a HealthCare facility providing services of Orthotic and Prosthetic devices. Established in 1890 and dedicated to providing the highest quality and latest technology available to O & P patients. People who are born without arms or legs, or who have a curvature of the spine, neuromuscular conditions, sports injuries or some other disability, often need artificial limbs or special devices to help them live their
14 | birminghamparent | the guide 2014
3624 5th Ave South Birmingham Alabama 35222 800-762-9850 / 205-595-0632 info@bhamlimbandbrace.com www.BhamLimbandBrace.com
800-762-9850 www.BhamlimbandBrace.com
aPPlauSe DanceWear Applause Dancewear, a retail dancewear store has just celebrated its 33rd year in Business, located in the same place it opened in 1981, and still family owned and operated since the first day. They carry everything a dancer could possibly want for any kind of dancing. Applause also carries liturgical wear for church groups, amazing gymnastics leotards for every age, and batons, boots and rhinestones for dancelines and majorettes.
The store was originally opened by Buddy and Cindy Wade when Cindy was the choreographer of The Star Spangled Girls at Homewood High School. After managing the store while receiving her marketing degree at UAB, their daughter Katie set her sights on owning Applause and building the business. With her parents’ permission, Katie took over the store in 1992. She has continued to staff the store with dancers, knowing that
having employees who have practical application in the items they are selling and the experience to back the products will always make a customer more comfortable and secure when purchasing specialty items. She knows as a mom, how overwhelming it can be to purchase items for your children that you may not have had your own experience with. 1629 Oxmoor Road Homewood, AL 35209 205-871-STEP
205-871-SteP www.applausedancewear.net
chilD'SPlay theraPy center Child’sPlay Therapy Center provides occupational, physical, and speech therapy services, along with academic tutoring, music therapy, and psychological testing and counseling. We are a child friendly, non-clinical environment, where children feel welcomed and at home. Our experienced staff uses play and “kid approved” activities to help children reach their goals. We can help your child succeed in the areas of speech/language
development, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, sensory processing, attention/concentration, feeding concerns, and academic delays. We offer a variety of small groups including handwriting clubs, early language skills, kindergarten preparedness, social skills, and sensory motor groups. Our brightly colored, beautiful facility consists of 8000 square feet of state of the art space designed just for kids! It includes 2 sensory motor gyms, kid-friendly
and adult waiting areas, feeding therapy room, multi-purpose toddler/pre-school room, numerous private therapy rooms, and a space just for teens and preteens. Parents are welcome to participate in therapy. However, they are also able to view and listen to their child’s session from the waiting areas on special tablets via webcam technology. Our special programming includes Orton Gillingham reading therapy, the “SOS” approach
Four floors of interactive exhibits celebrate science and wonder —you can play tunes with your feet on the Giant Piano, learn about gravity with a daring ride on the High Cycle or pet the sharks and stingrays in the Shark & Ray Touch Tank – there is a new discovery around every corner. The adventure intensifies in the IMAX® Dome Theater, where wide-eyed visitors experience the sights and sounds of breathtaking films on
a 5-story-tall screen surrounded by 3 tons of high-intensity speakers. For 15 years, McWane Science Center has stayed true to its mission – to change lives through science and wonder. As a cornerstone of the downtown community, McWane opens its doors to young and old alike for laughter, learning and an experience like no other.
www.childsplaytherapycenter.com 205-978-9939
McWane Science center Fun and learning never end at McWane Science Center, a nonprofi t, hands-on museum and IMAX® Dome Theater. This state-of-the-art museum is located in the heart of Birmingham’s downtown revitalization district. McWane Science Center has welcomed millions of visitors— from ages 1 to 100 — year-round to see, to hear, to touch, and to experience the wonder of science in one of the South’s most unique venues.
205-714-8300 www.mcwane.org
the DiScovery School at teMPle eManu-el The Discovery School is a nurturing and engaging preschool for all children to learn, discover, and imagine. We are proud of our beautiful facility, our dynamic degreed teachers, and our curriculum based on best practices in early childhood education. We celebrate moments of discovery. We offer a full-day, year-round program for ages 15 months - 5 years old. The Discovery School is conveniently located in South-
side near downtown and UAB. Why choose The Discovery School? We have a low student/ teacher ratio in line with licensure and accreditation standards. Our large classrooms are child-centered spaces with large windows and natural light. We have a newly renovated playground which resembles a park with open spaces and quality equipment. We offer a handson curriculum that develops the whole child intellectually,
socially, and spiritually. Our enrichment activities include music, dance, Hebrew, art and science, as well as educational programming offered by McWane Science Center, The Birmingham Zoo, Children’s Dance Foundation, Got Rhythm, and more. Open House: Thursday, January 9, 2014, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. & 4:00p.m. – 8:00 p.m. For more information, please contact us and visit our website.
2100 highland avenue Birmingham, al 35205 (205) 933-5907 discoveryschool@ourtemple.org www.ourtemple.org/discoveryschool
birminghamparent.com | 15
16 | birminghamparent | the guide 2014
chilDren'S Dance founDation Gazing through Children’s Dance Foundation’s two-way studio mirrors as children twirl and sing, parents witness the appreciation for the arts that develops in the dance studio. But, CDF also has extensive outreach programs that go far beyond their studios in Downtown Homewood. CDF’s Community Partnership Program has served children at dozens of social service agencies, child care
centers and schools throughout Birmingham since 1975. The curriculum designed by CDF helps the children to explore their imagination, improve balance and strength, and enhance coordination through music, dance, stories, games and tactile objects. CDF’s School Touring Program presents the academically-linked dance performances, “Math in Motion” and “The Magic Circle” at schools all over the
state. Using a curious collection of props and diverse music, four professional dancers present math concepts through dance and include audience participation throughout the show. CDF provides opportunities for students of all ages and abilities to learn through the power of dance and the arts. Discover how you want to be involved and take a virtual tour of CDF’s studios and theatre at www.childrensdancefoundation.org.
BirMinghaM-Southern college The Birmingham-Southern College Conservatory of Fine and Performing Arts celebrated its 115th anniversary in 2010. The Conservatory has a long tradition of excellence and makes available to students of all ages the same opportunities in the arts that are available to college students at Birmingham-Southern. Lessons are available in piano, voice, violin, guitar and band instruments. Preschool classes available for 18 months-five years.
With several different satellite locations throughout the Birmingham area, the Conservatory is able to provide quality instruction to students in their own communities. In addition to on-campus instruction, lessons are also available in Cahaba Heights, Hoover, Mt. Olive, Trussville and Cullman. If you or your child is not already a student at the Conservatory, we invite you to join us this year. You can become a
part of the proud tradition at the Birmingham-Southern College Conservatory of Fine and Performing Arts.
Center had intended to do when he developed the system. We offer Free Diagnostic Assessments and a variety of programs that fit all students’ needs. We help struggling children as well as advanced children in math, reading, writing, Algebra I and II, Geometry, AP math, enrichment and study skills, and SAT/ACT prep courses. At The Tutoring Center, we offer tutoring sessions MondayThursday 3:30 PM - 7:30 PM.
We conduct Diagnostic Assessments on Fridays. Our results are guaranteed or we tutor at no charge (call for details). You can visit our national website www.tutorincenter.com to know more about us. You can also find us on Google search to read customers’ reviews. We are located in Hoover on Hwy 150 near Academy Sports. Call us at (205) 987-9577 to schedule a Free Diagnostic Assessment today.
hoW do we do this? We believe that we should work with you to define your vision… and we have multiple technologies designed to help us diagnose health issues and esthetic issues. We help you see and understand what the possibilities are, and what you choose for treatment is up to you. With your help, along with Dr. Sarver’s experience in orthodontics and research, we can help guide you to achieve your goals.
What do we do? We as a team, believe in this vision and it is our mission…every day! Smiles are important, but taking into account the overall appearance in terms of both the smile and facial appearance we believe is an integral part of what we do!
Contact: Lucy Victory, Director, 205-226-4960 lvictory@bsc.edu www.bsc.edu/academics/music/ conservatory.cfm 900 Arkadelphia Road Birmingham, AL 35254 800-523-5793
900 Arkadelphia Road Birmingham, AL 35254 800-523-.5793
the tutoring center At The Tutoring Center, an individualized direct one-toone instruction combined with the Rotational Approach To Learning (RATL) is used very successfully. Children move through different stations during their tutoring sessions working on different tasks at each station. Children with ADD or ADHD benefit greatly from this system, which is what Dr. Thalheimer, a child psychologist and founder of the tutoring
Empowering Children to Reach their Potential
2804 John hawkins Pkwy, Suite 100 hoover, alabama, 35244 (near academy Sports) (205) 987-9577
Sarver orthoDonticS Why are we here? We believe that orthodontics is more than “braces”, that our role in you or your child’s life is an important one… to enhance their health and appearance enriching their lives and sense of well-being. Orthodontic treatment can have a meaningful impact on quality of life, and the relationship we strive to develop is that of the long-term view, not just the braces experience.
www.Sarverortho.com 205-979-7072
Safy of alaBaMa Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth (SAFY) of America is a leading national nonprofit organization providing a full continuum of services for children and youth in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. Building upon our reputation as a leader in quality treatment foster care services, our comprehensive programs and services include early intervention and prevention services, homeand community-based interventions, out-of-home placements,
reunification and aftercare services provided with the goal of improving the health and quality of life of our nation’s most vulnerable children and families. SAFY’s ability to deliver impactful program and service solutions to children and families, as well as our commitment to provide measurable results, increased the safety and permanency of 18,741 youth and families in 2012. In addition, SAFY is a national leader in developing evidence-based programming
and strategies PROVEN effective in reducing recidivism, substance abuse and/or anti-social behavior. Many evidence-based programs and services have been offered by SAFY for decades, including Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC), mentoring, group counseling, case management, family preservation, and independent living services. To learn more, visit www.safy.org or our Foster Parent Recruiter LaTreco Thompson at 205-945-7483.
Safy of alaBaMa 3600 7th court South, suite 100 Birmingham, alabama 35222 (205) 945-7483 www.safy.org
lesson, followed by a fashion show, dancing, and more! The two-hour party is directed and entertained by a singing princess and her singing fair maidens. Their theatrical performances make for a spectacular event! Our grand tea room is adorned with chandeliers, fairy tale wall murals, elegant tables, stage and dance floor. It is truly breathtaking! You won’t find another place that makes a birthday celebration or special event more memorable than Tea Party Castle. With our staff
taking care of all the party details for you, you will feel like royalty too! Though Tea Party Castle specializes in birthday parties, we also offer Girl Scout Parties, Baby and Bridal Showers, or join us for one of our special monthly Royal Teas. Call for reservations today!
205-529-0081 www.teapartycastle.com/ alabama
tea Party caStle Located in the charming town of Mt. Laurel, Tea Party Castle provides fantasy-filled parties, making every birthday or special event magical! Girls age four and up will feel like true princesses with a gown from our collection. A visit to the Princess Parlor for an updo, rhinestone tiara and fairy dust make each girl’s transformation complete! After receiving their royal announcement into our elegant tea room, the princesses enjoy a tea party on fine china with etiquette
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hooverchristianschool.com Call 205-987-3376 to arrange a personal visit. You’ll discover a school where Christ-inspired creativity & compassion lead to academic success.
18 | birminghamparent | the guide 2014
2113 Old Rocky Ridge Road Hoover, Alabama 35216
32 yrs in business hours: Tues - Sat 10 - 4
S e m i t e Som
g n i t n e Par
h g u o iSt
to help d n u o r a Pal is out Parents Stressed ivers and careg
et’s face it…when babies are born they don’t come with “instructions.” Even in the best of circumstances, parenting can be tough! There are so many demands at times and too little of us to go around! We love our children and work hard to meet their needs, but sometimes life becomes overwhelming. Alabama’s Parenting Assistance Line (PAL) was launched in March 2007 to provide free information, support and tools to parents across the state of Alabama to assist in making parenting more manageable. The statewide phone line is free, confidential, and anonymous, and is for anyone whose children are birth thru adolescence who wants information and support in becoming a more confident parent. PAL’s vision from the very beginning has been to provide parents across the state the kind of support they need to become more successful parents. During a phone call to PAL, families can receive suggestions for successfully maneuvering through the daily challenges that come with parenting. When parents
call the toll-free number, a trained Parent Resource Specialist will answer the phone, listen, and then provide developmental information and/or help them develop and utilize appropriate parenting strategies. Because parents oftentimes just need to know they are “heard” and call PAL when they are frustrated or angry, the Parent Resource Specialist will actively listen, share validation, concern and compassion. They help parents “talk it out” rather than “take it out” on their children. If appropriate and requested, information regarding resources in each Alabama county is available so that referrals may also be made. At times, callers find it helpful to request free literature about their specific parenting concerns. PAL staff will mail a customized packet of information and resources to each family. An extensive website (www.pal.ua.edu) has also been developed to provide information on over 150 parenting issues and developmental concerns, as well as an opportunity to contact a Parent Resource Specialist anytime with specific questions.
There are a multitude of reasons a parent, grandparent or caregiver will pick up the phone to call PAL. The vast majority of calls come from mothers who want to discuss parental stress and support issues like divorce, single parenting, family crisis, blended families, or an absent parent due to military deployment as well as discipline and guidance issues. But there are no “common” or “typical” days on the line. Every situation is unique and varies greatly. Oftentimes calls center around some of the more typical concerns of raising children like feeding issues, sleeping issues, back-talk, school issues, teen rebellion and children’s growing independence (may be toddlerhood OR adolescence!) or they may call to talk through much more serious issues. “I really do believe that parents, no matter who they are, their socioeconomic status, where they live, the support system they may or may not have, really do want to do what is best for their children,” says Valerie Thorington, CDR assistant director. “They may be experiencing frustration, birminghamparent.com | 19
“I’m at my wit’s end and out of ideas. Having someone to talk to helped me clear my mind and think of some new ideas.” — Mother of a 10 year old “I admitted stuff to you that I would never have said to anyone. That helped me get all of this off my chest! This conversation has helped me see things more clearly. I am going to try to do better.” — Single father of a 6 year old “Thank you for taking the time to talk with me. I feel better and think I have a plan of action now. I just felt so lost and did not know where to turn. It means a lot that you didn’t make me feel like a bad mother. I felt bad enough already.” — Mother of a 13 year old “I just feel some days that I don’t know what to do and feel so helpless. It is nice to have someone to talk to and to finally feel like maybe I am doing a good job.” — Grandmother raising her teen grandchildren
Patients are our first priority.
From adolescence to menopause and beyond, our patients appreciate the personalized care and attention they receive from the physicians at Women’s Health Specialists of Birmingham. 806 ST. VINCENT’S DR., SUITE 450 BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA 35205 205-536-7676 WWW.WHSBHAM.COM
20 | birminghamparent | the guide 2014
doubt, shame, confusion – whatever their feelings may be, they want to know they can handle this, there may be some hope at the end of the tunnel, and maybe something they have done is right! There is this general myth of the perfect parent – and we all seem to strive for that – but it is impossible! Parents, especially mothers, need a break sometimes, to receive validation, and a kind word. PAL can offer that grounded in sound child development principles.” Remember, ALL parents have times of frustration or stress over difficulties in raising a child! ALL families can benefit when parents have the opportunity to talk about and understand typical child development as well as learn new skills to assist in the parenting journey. Parents feel less stressed, more capable, less isolated, and better able to cope as we talk through specific situations or concerns. Parent Resource Specialists are available from 8am-8pm Monday through Friday. Messages can be left at any time. PAL was launched by Child Development Resources, a community service initiative of the College of Human Environmental Sciences at the University of Alabama, and has been supported by numerous state Agencies and corporations, as well as UA. So breathe, pick up the phone and call PAL at 1-866-962-3030.
— Courtesy of PAL
E XPERIENCE the award-winning difference
Valleydale Road 25 Southlake Lane • Hoover, AL 35244 (205) 444-5437
450 Huntley Parkway • Pelham, AL 35124 (205) 620-2626
At Covenant Classical Schools®, our vision is not just to accommodate for a day to day service—it is much more intentional. We want to serve alongside families and communities to build relationships that impact the lives of the children that walk through our doors. Our goal is to accomplish this with a structured environment paired with a focus on Christ-like character. Ultimately, at the end of the day, we know that the difference truly is in the details of life—it’s the little things that speak volumes. And at CCS, those little things make all the difference. We’d love to hear from you! E-mail us at info@ccslion.com.
Trace Crossings
5390 Magnolia Trace • Hoover, AL 35244 (205) 733-5437
Visit us Online at www.CCSLion.com
health departments & clinics ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH (ADPH) The RSA Tower 201 Monroe St. Montgomery, AL 36104
Office of Radiation Control 800-582-1866
GeneRAL InfoRMATIon 334-206-5300 (8am-5pm) 800-252-1818
Suicide Prevention 800-784-2433 800-273-8255
eMeRGency PRePARedneSS InfoRMATIon 866-264-4073
Tobacco Prevention and Control 800-252-1818
HouRS of oPeRATIon central office: Weekdays 8am-5pm county Health departments: weekdays 8am-5pm in most locations
aDpH HOTlinEs anD TOll-fREE nUMbERs General Information 800-252-1818 ALL Kids 888-373-5437 Alabama Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program 877-252-3324 Alabama Tobacco Quitline 800-784-8669 Bureau of Home and Community Services 800-225-9770 Elder Care Hotline 800-356-9596 Emergency Preparedness Information 866-264-4073 Epidemiology 800-338-8374 Family Planning 800-545-1098 Healthy Beginnings Help Line 800-654-1385 Hepatitis Information 800-338-8374 HIV/AIDS Hotline 800-228-0469 Immunization 800-469-4599 Indoor Lead 800-819-7644 INFO CONNECTION Help Line 800-545-1098 Minority Health 800-255-1992 National STD Hotline 800-227-8922
Plan First 888-737-2083
WIC 888-942-4673 Other Services (child healthcare service providers, transportation assistance) 800-654-1385 www.adph.org CHIlton County HeAltH DepArtment 301 Health center dr. clanton, AL 35046 205-755-1287 www.adph.org/chilton CullmAn County HeAltH DepArtment 601 Logan Ave. S.W. cullman, AL 35055 www.adph.org/cullman Main office: 256-734-1030 environmental office: 256-734-0243 home health office: 256-734-0258 immunization clinic hours Monday: 7-11am and 1-3:30pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and friday: 7-8am JefferSon County DepArtment of HeAltH 1400 Sixth Ave. S. Birmingham, AL 35233 205-933-9110 24-hour emergency reporting 205-933-9110 www.jcdh.org
HEalTH cEnTER lOcaTiOns BeSSemer HeAltH Center 2201 Arlington Ave. Bessemer, AL 35020 205-497-9300 CentrAl HeAltH Center 1400 Sixth Ave. S. Birmingham, AL 35233 205-933-9110 eAStern HeAltH Center 601 West Blvd., Roebuck Birmingham, AL 35206 205-591-5180 morrIS HeAltH Center 590 Morris Majestic Road Morris, AL 35116 205-933-4242
WeSt enD HeAltH Center 1308 Tuscaloosa Ave. S.W. Birmingham, AL 35211 205-715-6121 WeStern HeAltH Center 1700 Avenue e, ensley Birmingham, AL 35218 205-788-3321 SHelBy County HeAltH DepArtment 2000 county Services dr. P.o. Box 846 Pelham, AL 35124 clinic Phone: 205-664-2470 environmental Phone: 205-620-1650 home health Phone: 800-4637968 or 256-547-5012 life care Phone: 205-672-3170 or 866-532-2559 clinic hours: 7:30am-5pm, Monday through friday home health hours: 8am-5pm, Monday through friday
environmental Phone: 205-338-3357 home health Phone: 256-547-5012 or 800-463-7968 life care Phone: 205-672-3170 or 866-532-2559 St. ClAIr HeAltH DepArtment SAtellIte ClInIC Satellite clinic open on Thursdays for WIc services. 31675 u.S. Highway 411 Box 249 Ashville, AL 35953 205-594-4919 tuSCAlooSA County HeAltH DepArtment 2350 Hargrove Road e. Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 office: 205-562-6900 clinic hours: Monday-friday, 8am-5pm www.adph.org/tuscaloosa
St. ClAIr County HeAltH DepArtment 1175 23rd St. n. Pell city, AL 35125 http://adph.org/stclair clinic Phone: 205-338-3357
birminghamparent.com | 21
area hospitals CHILDREN’S OF ALABAMA/ BENjAMIN RUSSELL HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN 1600 Seventh Ave. S. Birmingham, AL 35233 205-638-9100 www.childrensal.org CHILDREN’S SOUTH PEDIATRIC OUTPATIENT CENTER 1940 elmer J. Bissell RoadBirmingham, AL 35243 205-638-4800 www.childrensal.org ST. VINCENT’S ST. CLAIR 7063 Veterans Pkwy. Pell city, AL 35125 205-338-3301 UAB HOSPITAL 1802 Sixth Ave. S. Birmingham, AL 35233 205-934-4011 www.uabmedicine.org UAB WOMEN & INFANTS CENTER 1700 Sixth Ave.S. Birmingham, AL 35249 205-934-8011 UAB MEDICAL WEST 995 ninth Ave. SW Bessemer, AL 35023 205-481-7000 www.medicalwesthospital.org
ST. VINCENT’S BIRMINGHAM 810 St. Vincent’s drive Birmingham, AL 35205 205-939-7000 www.stvhs.com ST. VINCENT’S EAST 50 Medical Park east dr. Birmingham, AL 35235 205-838-3000 www.stvhs.com ST. VINCENT’S BLOUNT 150 Gilbreath dr. oneonta, AL 35121 205-274-3000 www.stvhs.com BROOKWOOD MEDICAL CENTER 2010 Medical center dr, Birmingham, AL 35209 205-877-1000 www.bwmc.com BIRMINGHAM VA MEDICAL CENTER 700 19th St. S Birmingham, AL 35233 205-933-8101 www.birmingham.va.gov
SHELBy BAPTIST MEDICAL CENTER 1000 1st St. n Alabaster, AL 35007 205-620-8100 www.bhsala.com
CULLMAN REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 1912 Alabama Highway 157 cullman, AL 35058 256-737-2000 www.crmhospital.com
TUSCALOOSA VA MEDICAL CENTER 3701 Loop Rd. east Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 205-554-2000 888-269-3045 www.tuscaloosa.va.gov
PRINCETON BAPTIST MEDICAL CENTER 701 Princeton Ave. SW Birmingham, AL 35211 205-783-3000 www.bhsala.com
NORTHPORT MEDICAL CENTER 2700 Hospital dr. northport, AL 35476-3360 205-333-4500 www.dchsystem.com
WALKER BAPTIST MEDICAL CENTER 3400 uS Highway 78 e Jasper, AL 35501 205-387-4000 www.bhsala.com
DCH REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 809 university Blvd. e. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401-2029 205-759-7111 www.dchsystem.com
CITIzENS BAPTIST MEDICAL CENTER 604 Stone Ave. Talledega, AL 35161 256-362-8111 www.bhsala.com
TUSCALOOSA VA MEDICAL CENTER 3701 Loop Rd. east Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 205-554-2000 www.tuscaloosa.va.gov
UAB HIGHLANDS 1201 11th Ave. S Birmingham, AL 35205 205-934-9999 www.uabmedicine.org
COOPER GREEN MERCy HEALTH SERVICES 1515 Sixth Ave. S Birmingham, AL 35233 205-930-3200 www.coopergreenmercy.org
UAB CALLAHAN EyE HOSPITAL 500 22nd St. S. Birmingham, AL 35233 205-325-8100 www.uabmedicine.org/eye
TRINITy MEDICAL CENTER 800 Montclair Road Birmingham, AL 35213 205-592-1000 www.trinitymedicalonline.com
When you imagine their future - Imagine a beautiful smile!
Three convenient locations to serve you!
Deborah A Sema D.M.D., M.S. specialist in orthodontics
Great smiles for children... and Mom & Dad Too! 22 | birminghamparent | the guide 2014
415 West Oxmoor Road Birmingham 5751 Pocahontas Road Bessemer 3045 Independence Dr. Homewood
Everybody knows a building can’t heal a child. But, inside this amazing building, some of the brightest minds and most compassionate hearts in pediatric medicine are providing treatment and giving hope to children and their families from all over Alabama and the world. B I R M I N G H A M , A L A B A M A (205) 638-9100 ChildrensAL.org
COA_BhamParent_building ad.indd 1
12/3/13 2:18 PM
Fostering independence, development, and fun...
205.916.0670 www.mobilitycentralinc.com 400 Old Towne Road, Vestavia, AL 35216 Open Monday - Friday 9 to 5 and Saturdays 10 to 2 Located o of Highway 31 in Vestavia behind the bowling alley and next to Chuck-e-cheese birminghamparent.com | 23
favorite kids' docs of 2013 Imagine a great notebook full of doctors’ names with recommendations from friends and family who have “been there, done that.” Well, we gave it to you in the december 2013 issue, and it’s worth repeating again. Birmingham Parent’s favorite Kids’ docs campaign is the opportunity to have this special list and to give credit where credit is due to the faithful, caring and professional doctors who serve our children every day in our community. The process is totally reader driven – we call for nominations, and moms and dads and grandmas and uncles go and nominate a favorite kid’s doctor on our website and tell us why. And in our book, all the nominees are winners. Beginning Summer 2014, we’ll start voting for our 2014 crew of favorite docs. you will also be able to download a poster or postcard on our website, www. birminghamparent.com, if you’d like to start a campaign for nominations in your office. Here, we’re listing those favorite nominees again. And we’ve compiled all the comments on our website, www.birminghamparent. com, and you can see the highlights here. Know when you see our little logo, the doctor you are seeing is a “Birmingham Parent favorite Kids’ doc!”
Watch for another chance to nominate your favorites in 2014!
pEDiaTRicians Dr. Phillip harmon Pediatrics east Birmingham, AL Dr. Stephen Blair Redmont Pediatrics Birmingham, AL Dr. ryan Walley Redmont Pediatrics Birmingham, AL Dr. Mary Doyle Mayfair Pediatrics Homewood, AL Dr. Stacy gilbert Mayfair Pediatrics Homewood, AL Dr. Patrick farr Birmingham Pediatrics Birmingham, AL Dr. Jeff Malone Southtrace Pediatrics Hoover, AL Dr. alice hardy Southtrace Pediatrics Hoover, AL Dr. Patricia harris Healthy Kids of Gardendale Gardendale, AL Dr. robert levin Alabama Pediatrics Homewood, AL
24 | birminghamparent | the guide 2014
Dr. amy albert Alabama Pediatrics Homewood, AL
Dr. Darby Mcelderry Greenvale Pediatrics Birmingham, AL
Dr. andrew Mccowan Southlake Pediatrics Hoover, AL
Dr. courtney Baxley over the Mtn. Pediatrics Birmingham, AL
Dr. ann Byars Southlake Pediatrics Hoover, AL
Dr. Peily Soong Pediatrics east Trussville, AL
Dr. allison holt Tots n Teens Pediatrics Birmingham, AL
Dr. toren anderson Greenvale Pediatrics Birmingham AL
Dr. Steve Barron Tots n Teens Birmingham, AL
Dr. frank Waldo Greenvale Pediatrics Birmingham, AL
Dr. lauten Johnson Pediatric & Adolescent dentistry Hoover, AL
Dr. William hardwick Vestavia Pediatrics Vestavia Hills, AL
Dr. clark thomas Pediatric & Adolescent dentistry 1015 Brock’s Gap Parkway Hoover, AL
Dr. John cortopassi Greenvale Pediatrics Birmingham, AL
Dr. Michael Keller Hoover, AL
Dr. John Petelos Greenvale Pediatrics Alabaster, AL Dr. Bassam Babi Bessemer , AL Dr. John Simpson Vestavia Pediatrics Vestavia Hills, AL
Dr. angelica rohner Homewood, AL
OpTOMETRisTs Dr. rebecca Doss VISIonfIRST eyecare center Trussville, AL Read parents’ comments and more at www.birminghamparent.com.
DRS. ANGELICA ROHNER & AMY MAHER Specializing zizinining ng inin Children Chihil Ch hiilldldr ldr dre ren en an and nd Ad nd Ado Adolescents ddooleles esc scen ents ntsts Starting titinining ng First FFiriirrs Fi rst Vi VVisits iissisit sititsts at 1 Ye YYear earr Dental Insurance providers for: BCBS of Alabama, Southland, MetLife, Delta Dental, Guardian, Cigna, and United Concordia.
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libraries - locations, hours, phone numbers Jefferson county libraries
ADAMSVILLE 4825 Main St., Adamsville, AL 35005, 205-674-3399
AVONDALE (BPL) 509 S 40th St., Birmingham, AL 35222, 205-226-4000
BESSEMER 400 n 19th St., Bessemer, AL 35020, 205-428-7882
BOTANICAL Gardens 2612 Lane Park Rd., Birmingham, AL 35223, 205-414-3920
CENTRAL (BPL) 2100 Park Pl., Birmingham, AL 35203, 205-226-3600
CLAy 7257 old Springville Rd., clay, AL 35126, 205-680-3812
EAST ENSLEy (BPL) 900 14th St., ensley, Birmingham, AL, 35218, 205-787-1928
9-1:00 2-6:00
EAST LAKE (BPL) #5 oporto-Madrid Blvd., Birmingham, AL 35206, 205-836-3341
9-1:00 2-6:00
EASTWOOD (BPL) 4500 Montevallo Rd., Birmingham, AL 35210, 205-591-4944
9-1:00 2-6:00
Winter Hours (Labor day to Memorial day)
Summer Hours (Memorial day to Labor day)
ENSLEy (BPL) 1201 25th St., ensley, Birmingham, AL, 35218, 205-785-2625
8-12:00 1-5:00
8-12:00 1-5:00
8-12:00 1-5:00
8-12:00 1-5:00
FIVE POINTS WEST (BPL) 4812 Ave. W, Birmingham, AL 35208, 205-226-4013
FULTONDALE 500 Byrd Ln., fultondale, AL 35068, 205-849-6335
GARDENDALE 995 Mount olive Rd., Gardendale, AL 35071, 205-631-6639
GRAySVILLE 315 S Main St., Graysville, AL 35073, 205-674-3040
HOMEWOOD 1721 oxmoor Rd., Homewood, AL, 35209, 205-332-6600
HOOVER 200 Municipal dr., Hoover, AL 35216, 205-444-7800
HUEyTOWN 1372 Hueytown Rd., Hueytown, AL, 35023, 205-491-1443
INGLENOOK (BPL) Temporarily located in Inglenook Recreation center 4016 37th Ave. n, Birmingham, AL, 35217, 205-849-8739
IRONDALE 105 20th St. S, Irondale, AL 35210, 205-951-1415
LEEDS 8104 Pkwy. dr. Se, Leeds, AL 35094, 205-699-5962
MIDFIELD 400 Breland dr. Midfield, AL 35228, 205-923-1027
NORTH AVONDALE (BPL) 501 43rd St. n, Birmingham, AL 35222, 205-592-2082
8-12:00 1-5:00
8-12:00 1-5:00
8-12:00 1-5:00
8-12:00 1-5:00
NORTH BIRMINGHAM (BPL) 2501 31st Ave. n, Birmingham, AL, 35207, 205-226-4025
(Birmingham Public Libraries indicated as BPL) www.jclc.org
EMMET O’NEAL 50 oak St., Mountain Brook, AL 35213, 205-445-1101
26 | birminghamparent | the guide 2014
PINSON 4410 Main St., Pinson, AL 35126, 205-680-9298
PLEASANT GROVE 501 Park Rd., Pleasant Grove, AL 35127, 205-744-1731
POWDERLy (BPL) 3301 Jefferson Ave. SW, Birmingham, AL 35221, 205-925-6178
8-12:00 1-5:00
8-12:00 1-5:00
8-12:00 1-5:00
8-12:00 1-5:00
PRATT CITy (BPL) 1100 Hibernian St., Pratt city, Birmingham, AL 35214, 205-798-5071
closed Indefinitely. damaged by the April 27, 2011 tornado.
SMITHFIELD (BPL) #1 8th Ave. W, Birmingham, AL 35204, 205-324-8428
9-1:00 2-6:00
SOUTHSIDE (BPL) 1814 11th Ave. S, Birmingham, AL 35205, 205-933-7776
9-1:00 2-6:00
SPRINGVILLE ROAD (BPL) 1224 Springville Rd., Birmingham, AL 35215, 205-226-4081
TARRANT 1143 ford Ave., Tarrant, AL 35217, 205-841-0575
TITUSVILLE (BPL) #2 6th Ave. SW, Birmingham, AL 35211, 205-322-1140
9-1:00 2-6:00
TRUSSVILLE 201 Parkway dr., Trussville, AL 35173, 205-655-2022
VESTAVIA HILLS 1221 Montgomery Hwy., Vestavia Hills, AL 35216, 205-978-0155
WALTER j. HANNA 4615 Gary Ave., fairfield, AL 35064, 205-783-6007
WARRIOR 10 1St.St. e, Warrior, AL 35180, 205-647-3006
WEST END (BPL) 1348 Tuscaloosa Ave. SW, Birmingham, AL 35211, 205-226-4089
9-1:00 2-6:00
WOODLAWN (BPL) 5709 1st Ave. n, Birmingham, AL 35212, 205-595-2001
8-12:00 1-5:00
8-12:00 1-5:00
8-12:00 1-5:00
8-12:00 1-5:00
WyLAM (BPL) 4300 7th Ave., Wylam,, AL 35224, 205-785-0349
8-12:00 1-5:00
8-12:00 1-5:00
8-12:00 1-5:00
8-12:00 1-5:00
birminghamparent.com | 27
shelby county libraries: www.shelbycounty-al.org
MILDRED B. HARRISON LIBRARy 50 Lester St., columbiana, AL, 35051, 205-669-3910
ALBERT L. SCOTT LIBRARy 100 9th St. nW, Alabaster, AL, 35007, 205-664-6822
10 5:50
ROy DOWNS MEMORIAL LIBRARy 9700 Hwy. 25, calera, AL, 35040 , 205-668-3514
CHELSEA PUBLIC LIBRARy 41 Weldon dr., chelsea, AL, 35043, 205-678-8455
COLUMBIANA PUBLIC LIBRARy 50 Lester St., columbiana, AL, 35051, 205-669-5812
HARPERSVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARy 39397 Hwy. 25, Harpersville, AL, 35078, 205-672-8336
jANE B. HOLMES LIBRARy 230 Tucker Rd., Helena, AL, 35080, 205-664-8308
MT. LAUREL LIBRARy 33 olmsted St., Birmingham, AL, 35242, 205-991-1660
NORTH SHELBy LIBRARy 5521 cahaba Valley Rd, Birmingham, AL, 35242, 205-439-5500
PARNELL MEMORIAL LIBRARy 277 Park dr., Montevallo, AL, 35115, 205-665-9207
PELHAM PUBLIC LIBRARy 3160 Pelham Pkwy., Pelham, AL, 35124, 205-620-6418
VINCENT MCGRAW PUBLIC LIBRARy 42860 Hwy. 25, Vincent, AL, 35178, 205-672-2749
WESTOVER PUBLIC LIBRARy 3312 Westover Rd., Westover, AL, 35147, 205-678-3375
VERNICE STOUDENMIRE PUBLIC LIBRARy 9905 n. Main St., Wilsonville, AL, 35186, 205-669-6180
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FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED gway.org or 510-2722
libraries alabama Virtual library: www.avl.lib.al.us selected libraries from surrounding areas:
CULLMAN LIBRARy 200 clark St. ne, cullman, AL, 35055, 256-734-2720
GARDEN CITy LIBRARy 501 first Avenue S, Garden city, AL ,35070, 256-352-4552
HANCEVILLE LIBRARy 201 commercial Street, Hanceville, AL, 35077, 256-352-0685
8-12:00 1-5:00
8-12:00 1-5:00
8-12:00 1-5:00
8-12:00 1-5:00
TOM BEVILL LIBRARy - COLONy 151 Byars Road, Hanceville, AL, 35077, 256-287-1573
GUy HUNT LIBRARy - HOLLy POND 60 Lions Park Road, Holly Pond, AL, 35083, 256-796-5226
ST. CLAIR COUNTy LIBRARy 139 5th Ave., Ashville, AL, 35953, 205-594-3694
TUSCALOOSA PUBLIC LIBRARy - MAIN LIBRARy 1801 Jack Warner Pkwy., Tuscaloosa, AL, 35401, 205-345-5820
TUSCALOOSA PUBLIC LIBRARy - BROWN BRANCH LIBRARy 300 Bobby Miller Pkwy., Tuscaloosa, AL, 35405, 205-391-9989
TUSCALOOSA PUBLIC LIBRARy - WEAVER BOLDEN BRANCH LIBRARy 2522 Lanier Ave., Tuscaloosa, AL, 35401, 205-758-8291
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area attractions Hours vary from season to season and are subject to change. Admission prices are also subject to change. Therefore, we have not listed hours of operation nor ticket prices. Please check with individual attractions for hours, pricing and more. ALDRIDGE BOTANICAL GARDENS 3530 Lorna Road, Hoover. 205-682-8019, www.aldridgegardens.com AlABAmA JAzz HAll of fAme 1631 fourth Ave. n., Birmingham. 205-254-2731, www.jazzhall.com AlABAmA SportS HAll of fAme 2150 Richard Arrington Blvd. n., Birmingham. 323-6665, www.ashof.org AlABAmA WIlDlIfe Center 100 Terrace drive, Pelham. 205-663-7930. www.awrc.org
AmerICAn VIllAge Highway 119, Montevallo. 205-6653535, www.americanvillage.org BArBer motorSportS pArk 6040 Barber Motorsports Parkway, Leeds. 205-298-9040, www.barbermotorsports.com BIrmIngHAm BotAnICAl gArDenS 2612 Lane Park Road, Birmingham. 205-414-3900, www.bbgardens.org BIrmIngHAm CHIlDren’S tHeAtre 2130 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. n., Birmingham. 205-458-8181, www. BcT123.org. BIrmIngHAm CIVIl rIgHtS InStItute 520 16th St. n., Birmingham. 205328-9696, www.bcri.org BIrmIngHAm muSeum of Art 2000 Rev. Abraham Woods Jr. Blvd., Birmingham. 205-254-2565, www.artsbma.org BIrmIngHAm zoo 2630 cahaba Road, Birmingham. 205-879-0409, www.birminghamzoo.com
HeArt of DIxIe rAIlroAD muSeum 1919 ninth St., calera. 205-6683435, www.hodrrm.org mCWAne SCIenCe Center 200 19th St. n., Birmingham. 205-714-8300, www.mcwane.org. moSS roCk preSerVe Preserve Parkway, Hoover. 205-739-7141, www.hooveral.org oAk mountAIn StAte pArk 200 Terrace drive, Pelham. 205-620-2520, www.alapark.com ruffner mountAIn nAture Center
1214 81st St. S., Birmingham. 205-833-8264, www.ruffnermountain.org SoutHern muSeum of flIgHt 4343 73rd St. n., Birmingham. 205-833-8226, www.southernmuseumofflight.org tAnneHIll IronWorkS HIStorICAl StAte pArk 12632 confederate Parkway, Mccalla. 205-477-5711, www.tannehill.org VulCAn pArk 1701 Valley View drive, Birmingham. 205-933-1409, www.vulcanpark.org
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Fighting for the Family:
The Alabama family Rights Association By Paige Townley
for more information, visit www.alfra.org
ike many children, Amanda Griesdorn’s parents divorced when she was just five or six years old. “One day I was a normal kid in a normal family, and then my mother asked my father for a divorce,” she describes. “At the time, I can remember not really knowing what was going on except that I knew my family wasn’t going to be my family any more. But most traumatic to me was that I was going to lose my dad because he wasn’t going to be living with us any longer.” With a court order that only allowed for her to see her father every other weekend, Griesdorn spent years missing her dad,
32 | birminghamparent | the guide 2013
confused as to why. “I couldn’t understand why a judge could take away my parent,” she says. “It never made sense to me that a court could do that. I needed time with both my parents.” After spending years missing her father, at the age of 12, Griesdorn went to court to ask to live with her father. “You would think after I went to live with my dad I would be happy, but I wasn’t because I then had a hole in my heart from missing my mother,” she says. “When I went to live with my dad is when I realized it was really a no-win situation for me.” Griesdorn’s story is like so many other children who
have experienced divorce. Approximately 40,000 children in Alabama are subjected to child custody determination annually. In fact, the state currently ranks fourth in the country regarding number of divorces, yet 44th regarding overall child wellbeing, which is based on four categories: health, education, economic well-being and family and community. These staggering statistics is what led to the formation of the Alabama Family Rights Association (ALFRA), a group committed to changing the custody laws in Alabama so that children can more evenly split time between divorced parents. “We look at it through the eyes of a child,” says Kenneth Paschal, president of the Birmingham chapter. “The child’s birthright is to love and spend time with both mom and dad. We want to safeguard a child’s right to make sure they can be involved with both parents after a divorce. When divorce happens and you remove a fit parent from a child’s life, you place that child at a risk of failure.” The organization originally formed in Huntsville in the late 1990s to educate society about the injustice of custody laws. “Originally, it was focused on fathers’ rights, but in less than a year the group was getting phone calls and inquiries from mothers, brothers, sisters and grandparents who were having trouble seeing their children, nieces, nephews or grandchildren after a divorce,” says Paschal. “So the founders soon realized it’s not about fathers’ rights or even mothers’ rights. It’s about the child having a right to be associated with both mom and dad and their extended family.” Paschal started the Birmingham chapter in 2009 after going through his own divorce. Like so many others, Paschal did not realize the harsh reality of child custody laws in Alabama prior to his divorce. “Before my divorce, I just assumed the justice sys-
.. it’s not about fathers’ rights or even mothers’ rights. It’s about the child having a right to be associated with both mom and dad and their extended family. tem promoted equality,” he says. “But when I had to walk through that court system and they told me I could only see my child every other weekend, I was immediately wondering why. I’m not a deadbeat dad. But they told me that’s just how it is in Alabama. It’s called standard visitation.” In Alabama, primary custody is typically awarded to one parent with standard visitation given to the other parent. “Right now we have an attitude when we go in court that there has to be a winner and a loser,” says Austin Burdick, Esq. of the Burdick Law Firm. “You’re either going to win or lose primary custody. In actuality, there is no reason to look at it that way. It should be what’s best for the child, which is having a good relationship with both parents. But because of the system in place, it doesn’t work out that way very often.” Standard visitation for the non-custodial parent usually works out to be about 80 days a year, Paschal adds, which includes two weekends a month, then usually one day during the alternating weeks and a few holidays. “That’s legal discrimination against children when it comes to parents who are no longer married or who were never married,” Paschal says. “We are taking a parent from a child because the parent is no longer living in the same household. We need to promote equality to our kids and understand that we are placing them at unnecessary risk of failure.” The unnecessary risks ALFRA concentrates on include statistics showing that 71 percent of teen pregnancies are from a one-parent home, 85 percent of kids in juvenile detention centers are from a one-parent home and 63 percent of teen suicides are from a one-parent home. “Our association’s position is, why do we keep putting our kids at risk like this if we know it could have that impact?” says Paschal. To preserve and protect family relationships and promote equality, ALFRA is focused on raising society’s awareness of the harmful reality many children experience by hosting monthly meetings and ultimately reforming Alabama’s family law. During the last three legislative sessions, a bill has been presented to state legislators that would require the court treat parents equally and maximize a child’s time with both mother and father unless a parent is deemed unfit. “Equal time between parents should be the standard, the starting point, not the exception,” says Paschal. The bill, however, has yet to make it to the floor for a vote due to overwhelming opposition to family law changes. And that, stresses Burdick, is why an organization like ALFRA is so important. “This is the kind of problem that takes years and years to change,” he says. “Individuals don’t have the finances or the stamina to do it. Parents can’t necessarily go it alone. But a dedicated group like ALFRA has more staying power to fight the fight.”
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Paige Townley is a freelance writer. birminghamparent.com | 33
alabama attractions Awesome Alabama: Pack yourBags. Alabama Awaits By Lynn Grisard Fullman from ships to caves, mountains to seashores, historic sites to modern wonders, Alabama is a treasure trove of places to visit and explore. Gas up your car, pack a few essentials and head out. Alabama awaits you and your family. Below is a sampling of attractions and sites that may interest you and your family. Happy exploring!
nORTH alabaMa
tubing down a lazy river is one way to cool off on a sultry day in alabama. Photo Milton Fullman
n ALBERTVILLE Pre-civil War cemetery and Museum: Rows of white marble, granite headstones with carved words relating intriguing stories. www.albertvillechamberofcommerce.com n ATHENS alabama veterans Museum and archives: dating to 1700, artifacts, memorabilia, uniforms, medals, weapons, photos, books, tapes and news clippings. 256-771-7578; www. alabamaveteransmuseum.com n BRIDGEPORT Bridgeport train Depot Museum: Restored landmark houses local artifacts, railroad memorabilia, historical research library. Limited hours. 256-495-4020; http://alabama. travel/places-to-go/bridgeport-traindepot-museum russell cave national Monument: cave shelter preserves 10,000+ years of occupation. Museum, hiking and nature trails, living-history demonstrations, video programs. 256-495-2672; www.nps.gov/ruca n CULLMAN ave Maria grotto: on grounds of Alabama’s only Benedictine abbey, 125 miniatures built by Brother Joseph Zoettl depict places from throughout the world. 256-734-4110; www.avemariagrotto.com cullman county Museum: German refugee col. John G. cullmann established the namesake (minus one “n”) colony in 1873. Home replica houses museum, including seven rooms of exhibits focused on
the town’s history, dating to native Americans. Across the street cullman depot, listed on national and state registers of historic places, currently is leased to united Way but welcomes visitor. 256-739-1258; 800-533-1258; www.cullmancountymuseum.com n funzone: Miniature golf, go-karts, inflatables, batting cages. 256-7350704; www.funzonecullman.com n our lady of the angels Monastery: In nearby Hanceville, The Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament of our Lady of the Angels Monastery draws those seeking spiritual renewal. 205-271-2917; www.olamshrine.com n DECATUR Blue and gray Museum of north alabama: civil War military equipment, including guns, swords, rifles, bayonets, uniforms. Also, pre- and post-civil War items. 256-350-4018; www.alabamacivilwarmuseum.com; www.rparhamsrelics.com cook’s natural Science Museum: collection of insects, mounted birds, mammals, rocks, minerals, seashells, coral. films, live interactive exhibits. 256-350-9347; www. cookspest.com/education/museum/ the old State Bank: Pre-Greek Revival structure was one of three banks authorized by The Alabama General Assembly in 1832; used as a hospital during the civil War.
34 | birminghamparent | the guide 2014
256-341-4818; www.decaturcvb.org/ item/old-state-bank?category_id=1 Wheeler national Wildlife refuge: orientation video, observation building, walking trails, interpretive center with wildlife and habitat exhibits. Best wildlife viewing is one to two hours before sunset, december through february. 256-350-6639; www.fws.gov/wheeler n FLORENCE children’s Museum of the Shoals: Hands-on discovery museum with historical, musical, interactive, technological and indoor/outdoor attractions. Replica indoor river is included in new river exhibit. 256765-0500; www.shoalschildrensmuseum.org indian Mound and Museum: The Tennessee Valley’s largest domiciliary mound holds a large collection of area American Indian relics. 256-760-6427; www.florenceal.org/ community_Arts Pope’s tavern Museum: once a stagecoach stop, tavern and inn used as a hospital by confederate and union forces during civil War, the museum has an extensive collection of civil War artifacts. 256-760-6439: www.florenceal.org/ community_Arts W.c. handy Birthplace, Museum and library: The “father of Blues” is remembered at his birthplace turned museum that holds his
trumpet, handwritten music and the piano where he composed “St. Louis Blues.” 256-760-6434; www. florenceal.org/community_Arts/ Art_Museums/Art_Galleries_Museums/Wc_Handy/index.html n FORT PAyNE alaBaMa fan club and Museum: Memorabilia fills the headquarters of country music group. 256-8451646; www.thealabamaband.com DeSoto State Park and lodge/ DeSoto falls/little river canyon: falls plunge 104 feet. dense woodlands, seasonal wildflowers, restaurant, motel, chalets, cabins, campground, picnic area, nature center, hiking, pool, AdA-accessible playground, boardwalk trail. 256845-5380 (lodge); 256-845-5075 (campground); 800-568-8840; www.alapark.com/desotoresort orbix hot glass: Glass-blowing studio, gallery and classes. 256-5233188; www.orbixhotglass.com n GADSDEN gadsden Museum of art and history: Regional history, American and european paintings, sculpture and decorative arts, rotating exhibits, local and Alabama artists. 256-5467365; www.gadsdenmuseum.com Mary g. hardin center for cultural arts: Rotating regional and national exhibits; sprawling model of Gadsden with working railroads. Also: Imagination Place children’s
Museum with hands-on exhibits and educational programs. 256-5432787; www.culturalarts.org
n HoDgeS rock Bridge canyon equestrian Park: opened in december 2013 with 27 miles of trails (challenging and leisurely) with waterfalls, naturalrock bridge, scenic overlooks. Also: walking and hiking trails, primitive and full-hookup campsites. 205-9353499; www.rockbridgecanyon.com
alabama attractions n NATURAL BRIDGE natural Bridge: Alabama’s smallest town has the longest natural bridge east of the Rockies, stretching 60feet high and 148-feet long. Scenic natural areas, forests, wilderness, nature paths, picnic areas. 205-4865330; http://naturalbridgeala.com/
n HUNTSVILLE an 1890s farmstead is the centerpiece of landmark Park in Dothan.
alabama constitution village: Living history museum with costumed guides, cabinetmaker’s shop, print and confectionary shops, library, post office depicting early lifestyles in Alabama, including African-American settlers. 256-564-8100; www. earlyworks.com
huntsville Depot and Museum. experience life on the rails. See civil War graffiti. Meet a robotic ticket agent who imparts Alabama railway history. Listed on the national Register of Historic Places. 256-5648100; www.earlyworks.com
earlyWorks children’s Museum: Hands-on experience focused on history. Talking tree, 46-foot keelboat, talking clock, preschool learning center. 256-564-8100; www.earlyworks.com
Sci-Quest: Hands-on-science center with exhibits. 256-837-0606; www. sci-quest.org
huntsville Botanical garden: 125 acres of gardens and walking paths. Gift shop, tea room, picnic areas and pavilion, seasonal Butterfly House. 256-830-4447; www.hsvbg.org
u.S. Space & rocket center: Space camp® and Aviation challenge® take place at the world’s largest museum dedicated to space – past, present, future. IMAX and 3d
theaters. 256-837-3400; 800-6377223; www.rocketcenter.com the veterans Memorial Museum: More than 30 historical military vehicles from World War I to the present. Memorabilia dating to Revolutionary War. 256-883-3737; www.memorialmuseum.org n MOULTON Jesse owens Memorial Park: Replicas of olympic champion’s birth home and 1936 torch, bronze statue, picnic pavilions. 256-974-3636; www.jesseowensmuseum.org
n ROGERSVILLE Joe Wheeler State Park: fishing, hiking, tennis, basketball, golf, camping, cabins, lodge, marina, boat rentals, picnic area, playground, sandy beach. 256-247-5466; http:// www.alapark.com/JoeWheeler/ n TUSCUMBIA alabama Music hall of fame: Vestavia Hills’ Happy Hal Burns’ car is here along with an elvis contract, tour bus of the country group ALABAMA, costumes, clothing, gold records, juke box and recording booth. Re-opened october 2013 after being shuttered nine months. 256-381-4417; www.alamhof.org
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alabama attractions helen Keller’s Birthplace and home: Built in 1820 by Helen Keller’s grandfather, the home (open year-round) each summer hosts outdoor drama on how she overcame being deaf and blind. 256-383-4066; 888-329-2124; www.helenkellerbirthplace.org historic tuscumbia railway Depot: The restored depot-turned-museum holds train memorabilia, photos, more. 256-389-1357; www.tuscumbiarailway.com n WOODVILLE cathedral caverns State Park: Tour cave that was home to native Americans thousands of years ago. camping. 256-728-8193; www. alapark.com/cathedralcaverns
cEnTRal alabaMa
(1948–78), Pickens county military and agricultural history exhibits. 205-373-2363. n ANNISTON anniston Museum of natural history: Wilds of Africa, dinosaurs, fossils, egyptian mummies, Alabama cave replica, nature trails. 256-2376766; www.annistonmuseum.org Berman Museum: one man’s collection of swords, weapons, Remington bronzes, art, sculptures, clothing. Hands-on displays; lifelike dioramas. 256-237-6261; www. bermanmuseum.org n CHILDERSBURG DeSoto caverns family fun Park: With light/sound show, a 12-storyhigh caverns is the centerpiece. More than 25 outdoor activities including squirt-gun maze, gem panning, wall climb, wacky water golf, paddle boats, bumper cars, potty races, foam falls. RV camping, picnic areas. 256-378-7252; www. desotocavernspark.com n TALLADEGA
n ALICEVILLE aliceville Museum: German PoW museum includes archives documenting camp Aliceville (1943–45), coca-cola assembly line equipment
international Motorsports hall of fame: dozens of racing vehicles and memorabilia dating to 1902. 256362-5002; www.motorsportshalloffame.com
n TUSCALOOSA alabama Museum of natural history: Smith Hall holds fossils, rocks and minerals from Age of dinosaurs, Ice and coal Ages. 205-3487550; www.museums.ua.edu children’s hands-on Museum of tuscaloosa: exhibits geared to newborns to pre-teens. 205-349-4235; www.chomonline.org The Dinah Washington cultural arts center: open since August 2013, the downtown center pays tribute to the jazz and blues vocalist and pianist. Born in Tuscaloosa, the “Queen of Blues” is considered the 1950s most popular black female recording artist. 205-758-5195; http://cac.tuscarts.org/ Mercedes-Benz visitor center (vance): Museum displays vintage Mercedes vehicles. Plant tours (Tuesday and Thursday; minimum age 12) by reservation. 205-5072252; 888-286-8762; http://www. mbusi.com/ Moundville archaeological Park: Reconstructed Indian village, museum, nature trails, campground, temple mound on 320 acres with 26 prehistoric platform mounds. 205-371-2234 (park); 205-371-2572 (museum); www.moundville.ua.edu
Paul W. Bryant Museum: Photos, uniforms, sports memorabilia, videos of Bama coaches, players and significant plays salute more than a century of uA football. open daily. 205-348-4668; 866-772-BeAR; www.bryantmuseum.com
sOUTHERn REGiOn n AUBURN chewacla State Park: Swimming area, 26-acre lake, playgrounds, hiking trails, campground, picnic areas, cabins. 334-887-5621; http://www. alapark.com/chewacla/ tiger trail of auburn: names of famed Au athletes and coaches are embedded on granite plaques in uptown sidewalk. 334-887-8747; 866-880-8747; www.auburnalabama.org/tigertrail n DOTHAN g. W. carver interpretive Museum: dr. carver and notable people of African heritage are spotlighted. 334-712-0933; www.gwcarvermuseum.org landmark Park: Planetarium, 1890s farmstead, wildlife exhibits, interpretive center, nature trails, picnic area in 135-acre park. 334-794-3452; www.landmarkpark.com
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36 | birminghamparent | the guide 2014
SOUTHSIDE 205-933-2773
TRUSSVILLE 205-655-9002
INVERNESS 205-933-2710
oral facial surgery
Museum of alabama: opening feb. 15, 2014, the museum of Alabama will tell Alabama’s story and showcase native American artifacts, civil War arms, photographs of the civil Rights Movement, geology and natural resources. for kids: a handson-gallery and Grandma’s Attic with period costumes to dress in, toys from bygone eras and a place to make crafts. Located at the Alabama department of Archives and History, adjacent to State capitol. 334-3289088; http://archives.state.al.us/
Phoenix fire Museum in Mobile holds steamers, fire engines and firefighting memorabilia. — Credit Milton Fullman
the Mooseum: Interactive exhibits teach children about Alabama’s cattle industry. 334-265-1867; www. bamabeef.org n MONTGOMERy the Dexter Parsonage Museum: dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his family lived here from 1954 to 1960. 334-2613270; www.dexterkingmemorial.org first White house of the confederacy: President Jefferson davis and family lived in this 1835 Italianatestyle house from february 1861 until May 1861, when the confederacy’s capital was in Montgomery. (davis’ final home is in Biloxi, Miss.) 334242-1861; www.firstwhitehouse.org
freedom rides Museum in historic Montgomery greyhound Bus Station: nonviolent protestors and their power to change unjust laws are explored. 334-242-3935; www. freedomridesmuseum.org
old alabama town: Sprawling over six blocks, restored 19th- and early 20th-century structures remember life in earlier years. occasional demonstrations/craftsmen. 888-2401850; www.oldalabamatown.com
Montgomery zoo: More than 500 animals from five different continents, all in natural, barrierfree habitats. elephant and giraffe encounters, petting zoo, mini-train, café. 334-240-4900; www.montgomeryzoo.com
rosa Parks Museum and children’s Wing: Interactive, multi-media presentations focus on Montgomery bus boycott and early civil Rights movement. 334-241-8615; http:// trojan.troy.edu/community/rosaparks-museum/
alabama attractions n SELMA national voting rights Museum: People and events of the struggle are remembered near edmund Pettus Bridge, known for its role in Montgomery-to-Selma march. 334418-0800; www.nvrmi.com old cahawba archaeological Park: Historic ruins at state’s first permanent capital; welcome center; picnic area; hiking and nature trails at “Alabama’s most famous ghost town.” 334-872-8058; www.cahawba.com n TUSKEGEE tuskegee airmen national historic Site: exhibits, audio-visual programs, historic buildings, walks (guided and self-guided) enlighten about the airmen who battled Axis powers overseas and racism at home. 334-724-0922; www.nps. gov/tuai tuskegee institute national historic Site: Booker T. Washington’s home and the George Washington carver Museum are centerpieces at this national park focused on Tuske-
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birminghamparent.com | 37
alabama attractions
Slated to open in february in Montgomery, the Museum of alabama will tell the state’s story.
gee Institute. Included is The oaks, home of Tuskegee university’s founder and first president, Booker T. Washington. The house was built in 1899 by students and faculty using student-made bricks. 334-7273200; www.nps.gov/tuin
Photo courtesy Alabama Tourism Department
GUlf cOasT n DAPHNE Brantley’s Petting zoo & Pony rides: Pony and train rides, petting zoo, picnic area. Limited hours. 251626-5416. n DAUPHIN ISLAND estuarium: Displays and interactive exhibits at the dauphin Island Sea Lab focus on area delta, bay, barrier islands and Gulf of Mexico. 866-403-4409; www.sealabestuarium.org
n GULF SHORES/ORANGE BeACH adventure island: Lots of places to play: two 18-hole mini-golf courses, go-karts, virtual-reality ride, bumper boats, game arcades, children’s rides, laser tag, paddle boats. 251-9741500; www.adventure-island.com alabama gulf coast zoo: Hundreds of animals in natural habitats. 251-9685731; www.alabamagulfcoastzoo.org/
historic fort gaines: dating to early 1800s, fort is noted for brick-andsand construction, bastions, arched tunnels, dry moat. 251-861-6992; http://dauphinisland.org/fort-gaines/
Deep Sea fishing: cast a line for red snapper, amberjack, kings, tuna, marlin, Wahoo in the home of the Gulf of Mexico’s largest fishing fleet. 251-968-7511; 800-745-7263; www. gulffishing.net
gulf State Park: new zip line; 1,544-foot-long fishing pier; picnic area; nature and bike trails; boat launch. 251-948-7275; www.alapark. com/GulfState
fairhope Museum of history: Photos, pottery, antiques and items related to civil War and WWII depict area history. 251-929-1471; www.cofairhope.com/departments/museum foley, alabama Model railroad Museum: o-gauge model railroad layout with a quarter-mile track; 12 railroads represented; several animated sites. 251-943-1818; www. foleycvb.com
orange Beach indian & Sea Museum: Local artifacts and memorabilia relating to area’s native American and fishing heritage. families of early fishermen have donated supplies and collectibles related to area fishing industry’s early days. Limited hours. 251981-8545; www.obparksandrec.com
Waterville u.S.a.: Waterpark and amusement park. (Separate pricing) Six-lane, 55- foot tall mat racer slides; mini-golf; arcade. Amusement park opens in March; waterpark in May. 251-948-2106; www. watervilleusa.com n MOBILE gulf coast exploreum Science center and iMaX® Dome theater: Science as fun is the focus. 251208-6873; 877-625-4386; www. exploreum.com hank aaron childhood home and Museum: Moved to Hank Aaron Stadium, the baseball standout’s boyhood home is filled with artifacts and memorabilia. 251-479-2327; www.hankaaronstadium.com history Museum of Mobile: Housed in a national Historic Landmark, museum recalls 300 years of area history including journey of African-Americans and revelry of Mardi Gras. 251-208-7569; www. museumofmobile.com Mobile carnival Museum: Interactive displays, a float, elaborate robes, crowns and scepters help to
define the birthplace of Mardi Gras. 251-432-3324; www.mobilecarnivalmuseum.com Mobile zoo: Wildlife from around the world including tropical and non-flying birds, reptiles, bear, tortoises, leopards, tigers, lions, alligators, primates. Visitors may feed some animals. 251-649-1845; www. mobilezoo.cc Phoenix fire Museum: A restored firehouse (1855) holds steamers, fire engines, firefighting memorabilia. 251-208-7554; www.museumofmobile.com uSS alaBaMa Battleship Memorial Park: on display: the battleship that won nine battle stars in WW II plus other vessels, aircraft and weaponry. 251-433-2703; www. ussalabama.com n MONROEVILLE old courthouse Museum: To Kill a Mockingbird’s famed trial scene was modeled after this courthouse which each April and May hosts a performance of the story written by Monroeville native nelle Harper Lee. 251-5757433; www.tokillamockingbird.com
A Birmingham-based, award-winning writer, Lynn Grisard Fullman has contributed to numerous newspapers, magazines and blogs. Follow her on Twitter @lynnfullman
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Driver license Offices/ license plates every county in the state has its own office that issues tags for vehicles, boats, trailers and other vehicles that are required to be registered. Go to the office in the county where you live to buy tags, or renew tags online through your county’s website. for more information, go to http:// revenue.alabama.gov/motorvehicle/index.html. As to driver licenses, the following is a list of locations in Birmingham Parent’s circulation area that give the written and road test for a driver license. Many courthouses throughout the state also have driver license division offices, but they are for license renewals or replacements only. contact your county’s driver license office for further information. Information can be obtained at www.dps.alabama.gov.
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Bessemer Courthouse 1801 Third Ave. n. Room 308 Bessemer, AL 35021 Hours: 8am-5pm Lunch Hour: noon-1pm 205-426-7958
Cullman County Courthouse 500 Second Ave. cullman, AL 35055 8am-4:30pm Lunch Hour: 11:30am-12:30pm 256-775-4822
Birmingham Public Safety Building 908 Bankhead Hwy W. Birmingham, AL 35201 Hours: 7am-5pm 205-252-7445
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40 | birminghamparent | the guide 2014
Pelham 1022 county Service dr. Pelham, AL 35125 Hours: 8am-4:30pm 205-620-5891 Shelby County Courthouse Annex 104 depot St. columbiana, AL 35051 Hours: 8am-4:30pm Lunch Hour: noon-1:30pm 205-669-2614
CHILTON COUNTy Chilton County Courthouse 500 Second Ave. n. clanton, AL 35045 Hours: 9am-4pm (closed friday) Lunch Hour: noon-1pm 205-280-7207
ST. CLAIR COUNTy St. Clair County Courthouse 1815 cropwell Ave. Pell city, AL 36867 Hours: 8am-5pm Lunch Hour: noon-1pm 205-338-0526 Ashville 48 court St. Ashville, AL 35953 Hours: 8am-4pm (Tuesdays only) Lunch Hour: noon-12:30pm 205-594-2442
TUSCALOOSA COUNTy 2645 Skyland Blvd. e. Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Hours: 8am-5pm 205-553-0729
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area school systems JEffERsOn cOUnTy jEFFERSON COUNTy BOARD OF EDUCATION 2100 18th St. S Birmingham, AL 35209 205-379-2000 www.jefcoed.com BESSEMER CITy SCHOOLS 1200 23rd St. n Bessemer, AL 35020 205-432-3100 www.bessk12.org BIRMINGHAM CITy SCHOOLS 2015 Park Place n. Birmingham, AL 35203 205-231-4600 www.bhamcityschools.org FAIRFIELD CITy SCHOOLS 6405 Avenue d fairfield, AL 35064 205-783-6850 www.fairfield.k12.al.us HOMEWOOD CITy SCHOOLS 7 Hollywood Blvd. Homewood, AL 35209 205-870-4203 www.homewood.k12.al.us HOOVER CITy SCHOOLS farr Administration Building 2810 Metropolitan Way Hoover, AL 35243 205-439-1000 www.hoovercityschools.net LEEDS CITy SCHOOLS 1404 eighth St. Leeds, AL 35094 205-699-5437 www.leedsk12.org MOUNTAIN BROOK CITy SCHoolS 32 Vine St. Mountain Brook, AL 35213 205-871-4608 www.mtnbrook.k12.al.us TARRANT CITy SCHOOLS 1318 Alabama St. Tarrant, AL 35217 205-849-3700 www.tarrant.k12.al.us TRUSSVILLE CITy SCHOOLS 113 north chalkville Rd. Trussville, AL 35173 205-228-3018 www.trussvillecityschools.com VESTAVIA HILLS CITy SCHOOLS 1204 Montgomery Hwy. Vestavia Hills, AL 35216 (205) 402-5100 www.vestavia.k12.al.us
sHElby cOUnTy
cHilTOn cOUnTy
sT. claiR cOUnTy
SHELBy COUNTy BOARD OF EDUCATION P.o. Box 1910 410 east college St. columbiana, AL 35051 205-682-7000 www.shelbyed.k12.al.us
CHILTON COUNTy SCHOOLS 1705 Lay dam Road clanton, AL 35045-2032 205-280-3000 www.chilton.k12.al.us
ST. CLAIR COUNTy SCHOOLS 410 Roy dr., Ashville, AL 35953 205-594-5693 www.stclaircountyschools.net
ALABASTER CITy SCHOOLS 1915 Municipal Way Suite 200 Alabaster, AL 35007 205-663-8408 www.alabasterschools.org PELHAM CITy SCHOOLS (The city of Pelham voted in September 2013 to separate from the Shelby county Board of education to form its own school system. A school board has been appointed).
42 | birminghamparent | the guide 2014
cUllMan cOUnTy CULLMAN CITy SCHOOLS 301 first St. ne cullman, AL 35055-3542 256-734-2233 www.cullmancats.net CULLMAN COUNTy SCHOOLS P.o. Box 1590 cullman, AL 35056 256-734-2933 www.ccboe.org
PELL CITy SCHOOL SySTEM 1000 Bruce etheredge Pkwy. Suite 201, Pell city, AL 35128 205-844-4440 www.pellcityschools.net
TUscalOOsa cOUnTy TUSCALOOSA CITy SCHOOLS 1210 21st Ave. Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 205-759-3700 www.tusc.k12.al.us TUSCALOOSA COUNTy SCHOOLS 2314 ninth St., Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 205-758-0411, www.tcss.net
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special needs services & providers Help for Birmingham’s Kids with Special Needs following is an abbreviated list of resources and services, both local and national, made available to Alabama residents who have children with special needs. There are a number of services offered throughout the state for parents with children with disabilities, from inclusive school care programs to gymnastics and aquatics classes. If you know of an organization or service that should be included in the next special needs directory in our MARcH 2014 issue, or in The Guide 2015, please e-mail editor@ birminghamparent.com or fax to 205-987-7600 for updating in the next directory.
infORMaTiOn AlABAmA ASSoCIAtIon for pArentS of CHIlDren WItH VISuAl ImpAIrmentS www.aapvi.org 205-422-5826 Provides educational, social and recreational opportunities for families with children who are blind or have low vision, including children with multiple disabilities. AlABAmA CounCIl for DeVelopmentAl DISABIlItIeS www.acdd.org 334-242-3973 or 800-232-2158 Provides educational resources for individuals with special needs and their families. AlABAmA DISABIlItIeS ADVoCACy progrAm (ADAp) www.adap.net 800-826-1675 205-348-4928 Provides free legal services for disabled individuals who qualify. AutISm SoCIety of AlABAmA www.autism-alabama.org 877-428-8476 or 205-951-1364 The Autism Society of Alabama strives to empower individuals impacted by autism and their families through advocacy and support. CollAt JeWISH fAmIly SerVICeS www.cjfsbham.org 205-879-3438 confidential counseling and social
service support for individuals and families experiencing challenges in coping with some aspect or situation in their life. DISABIlIty rIgHtS AnD reSourCeS (Jefferson, Shelby, St. Clair, Walker and Blount counties) www.drradvocates.org 205-251-2223 empower individuals with disabilities to fully participate in the community. pArent ConneCtIon netWork of AlABAmA www.rehab.alabama.gov/crs 800-441-7607 A statewide network of families who have children with special health care needs or disabilities and who are willing to share their experiences with other families. SpeCIAl knoWleDge www.specialknowledge.org connects parents and caregivers of individuals with special needs to service providers who are skilled, compassionate and dedicated. tAlk ABout CurIng AutISm (tACA) www.tacanow.org/alabama national organization dedicated to education, empowering and supporting families affected by autism. Local chapter in Alabama. unIteD WAy of CentrAl AlABAmA - Information and referral Center www.uwca.org 205-251-5131 A community resource directory of services in Shelby, Jefferson, Walker, Blount and St. clair counties.
cHilDcaRE/ DaycaRE CHIlDCAre reSourCeS, BIrmIngHAm www.ccr-bhm.org 205-252-1991 or 800-822-2734 Assists parents with children with special needs in locating childcare and information. unIteD CereBrAl pAlSy of greAter BIrmIngHAm - Hand in Hand early learning program www.ucpbham.com/our-programs/ hand-in-hand 205-944-3901 or 800-654-4483 A learning program for children 6 weeks through age 4 for children with and without disabilities to maximize each child’s intellectual, physical and emotional health.
44 | birminghamparent | the guide 2014
SHADeS mountAIn BAptISt CHurCH HAnD In HAnD mInIStry www.shades.org/connect/ministries/special-needs. A ministry providing assistance to special needs children, adults and the elderly.
eASter SeAlS meDICAl ASSIStAnCe grAnt www.eastersealsbham.org 205-942-6277 Assists in paying for medical requirements of children and adults who have disabilities, and those unable to provide for their own needs.
meDICAID of AlABAmA www.medicaid.alabama.gov 800-362-1504
tHe lIterACy CounCIl www.literacy-council.org 205-326-1925 or 888-448-7323 CommunIty outreACH SpeCIAl eDuCAtIon ptA www.cosepta.org The community outreach Special education Parent Teacher Association is a member of the Birmingham council of PTAs. tHe HorIzonS SCHool www.horizonsschool.org 800-822-6242 pArent ADVoCAteS DoWn SynDrome www.downsyndromealabama.org 205-988-0810 tHe SenSoryBuS™ 205-451-6268 www.thesensorybus.com The SensoryBus™ is a mobile sensory experience to help children and adults with special needs. SprIng VAlley SCHool www.springvalleyschool.org 205-423-8660 SoutHeAStern DIABeteS eDuCAtIon SerVICeS 205-402-0415 www.southeasterndiabetes.org Super Duper® puBlICAtIonS www.superduperinc.com 800-277-8737 Super duper Publications creates enjoyable, engaging educational materials for children with special needs and communication or language delays. VSA ArtS of AlABAmA www.vsaalabama.org 205-307-6300 A statewide, nonprofit organization dedicated to providing opportunities in the arts for people with chronic illnesses and disabilities.
financial/ insURancE AllkIDS www.adph.org/allkids 800-252-5300 Provides insurance for eligible children younger than 19.
HEalTH anD REHabiliTaTiOn 4 pAWS for ABIlIty www.4pawsforability.org 937-374-0385 Service dogs (including seizure dogs, autism dogs, hearing dogs, and others) are made available to help increase community acceptance and participation of people with disabilities. AlABAmA DepArtment of reHABIlItAtIon SerVICeS - Children’s rehabilitation Service www.rehab.alabama.gov 800-441-7607 Statewide organization of doctors, therapists, etc. serving children to age 21 with varying disabilities. AlABAmA relAy Center www.alabamarelay.com 800-676-3777 communication systems for the visually impaired and hearing impaired ArC www.thearcofalabama.com 866-243-9557 The Arc of Alabama, Inc. is a statewide volunteer membership organization which advocates for people with cognitive, intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. tHe ArC of JefferSon County www.arcofjeff.com 205-323-6383 tHe ArC of SHelBy County WWW.tHeArCofSHelBy.org 205-664-9313 tHe Bell Center for eArly InterVentIon progrAmS www.thebellcenter.org 205-879-3417 The Bell center is dedicated to maximizing the potential of children at risk for developmental delay. BIrmIngHAm lImB & BrACe www.bhamlimbandbrace.com 800-762-9850 205-595-0632 A healthcare facility providing services of orthotic and prosthetic devices.
special needs services & providers glenWooD, InC. www.glenwood.org 205-969-2880 or 877-295-8425 Glenwood was created for the purpose of educating and treating individuals diagnosed with autism, emotional disturbances and mental illnesses. HAnDS, llC 205-733-0976 or 866-450-4263 Services include one-on-one behavior based therapy for children 2 to 18, social skills groups, workshops and support groups. HAnger proStHetICS AnD ortHotICS www.hanger.com 877-442-6437 Patient care services to maximize the ability of each patient to successfully perform activities of daily living. JefferSon County WIC www.jcdh.org/cs/wic 205-933-9110
lAkeSHore founDAtIon www.lakeshore.org 205-313-7400 mItCHell’S plACe www.mitchells-place.com 205-957-0294 comprehensive treatment center for children and young adults with Autism Spectrum disorder (ASd). moBIlIty CentrAl www.mobilitycentralinc.com 205-916-0670 Mobility central employs a team of caring professionals who are thoroughly trained and highly skilled in the services they provide.
CHIlDren’S HoSpItAl of AlABAmA www.childrensal.org 205-939-9100 Alabama’s premier hospital for children. Provides advocacy, resources and medical services including specialty clinics for children with disabilities. CHIlD-ADoleSCent pArtnerS, llC 205-451-6496 www.childadolescentpartners.com Provides evidence-based professional counseling services to children, adolescents and adults throughout central Alabama.
CHIlD’S plAy tHerApy Center llC Pediatric occupational Therapy Services www.childsplaytherapycenter.com 205-978-9939 Provides a complete range of occupational, physical and speech therapy, along with academic and other services for children of all ages and abilities. eASter SeAlS peDIAtrIC tHerApy www.eastersealsbham.org 205-621-6503 Provides physical, occupational, and speech therapy to children with spe-
cial needs ages birth to 21 regardless of ability to pay for services. frIenDS of DISABleD ADultS AnD CHIlDren, too! www.fodac.org 770-491-9014 or 866-977-1204 fodAc, in Georgia but also serving Alabama, offers free durable medical equipment (including wheelchairs), installation, ramps in homes, disposable medical equipment. full lIfe AHeAD www.fulllifeahead.org 205-439-6534, 866-700-2026 empowers the person with a disability to live as independently as possible.
peDIAtrIC tHerApy ASSoCIAteS, InC. www.pediatricptot.com 205-823-1215 Programs focus on specialized individual physical and occupational therapy services. puzzle pIeCe www.puzzlepiecealabama.com 205-969-8080 Providing evidence-based dIR/ floor time play therapy for families touched by autism. In home, familyfocused, low cost, relation-based intervention. SArVer ortHoDontICS www.sarverortho.com 205-979-7072
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tHrIVe BeHAVIorAl SerVICeS www.thrivebehavioralservices.com 205-222-0965 Behavioral services for children diagnosed with autism and/or other developmental disabilities. unIVerSIty of AlABAmA At BIrmIngHAm - CIVItAn InternAtIonAl reSeArCH Center, SpArkS ClInICS www.circ.uab.edu 205-934-8900 or 800-822-2472 Provides an extensive range of interdisciplinary clinics offering comprehensive diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of the needs of children and adults. unIVerSIty of monteVAllo - SpeeCH AnD HeArIng Center 205-665-6720 Assists children with communicative problems in obtaining diagnostic and therapeutic services; training of students majoring in speech language pathology. VoCAtIonAl reHABIlItAtIon SerVICeS www.rehab.alabama.gov 334-293-7500 or 800-441-7607
REcREaTiOn ADAptIVe AquAtICS www.adaptiveaquatics.org Provides opportunities for people to learn to water ski, no matter what their limitations. CHIlDren’S DAnCe founDAtIon www.childrensdancefoundation.org 205-870-0073 Movement to Music for school-age children with special needs is creative, includes a variety of colorful props and features live music. CAmp our tIme www.ourtimestutter.org 212-414-9696 Iroquois Springs, Rock Hill, ny A sleep-away arts camp for young people ages 8-18 who stutter and their siblings. CAmp ASCCA - easter Seals - Alabama’s Special Camp for Children and Adults www.campascca.org 256-825-9226 easter Seals camp for children and adults with special needs.
tHe exCeptIonAl founDAtIon 205-870-0776 www.exceptionalfoundation.org A non-profit organization located in Homewood that strives to meet the social and recreational activities of the mentally challenged population through an array of daily programs. Also offered is an eight-week summer camp. lAkeSHore founDAtIon www.lakeshore.org 205-313-7400 Promotes independence for adults and children with physically disabling conditions and opportunities to pursue active healthy lifestyles. mooDy mIrACle leAgue www.moodymiracleleague.org 205-225-9444 A full handicapped accessible baseball field for any special need player. More than 250 players range from 4-75. oAk mountAIn youtH BASeBAll/SoftBAll CHAllenger leAgue www.omybs.com 205-995-1776 Provides boys and girls with disabilities the opportunity to experience the emotional development and the fun of playing youth League Baseball. SpACe CAmp & AVIAtIon CHAllenge www.spacecamp.com 800-637-7223 Space camp and Aviation challenge use space and aviation as a platform to excite and educate children ages 9 through 18 in math, science and technology. SpeCIAl equeStrIAnS www.specialequest.org 205-987-9462 Therapeutic horseback riding for those with disabilities. tHe mCWAne SCIenCe Center www.mcwane.org 205-714-8300 Special needs groups can explore the world of science and wonder every day of the year.
REspiTE & sUppORT AlABAmA lIfeSpAn reSpIte reSourCe netWork www.alabamarespite.org 256-859-4900 866-737-8252 Helps caregivers of children with disabilities find respite providers.
46 | birminghamparent | the guide 2014
special needs services & providers
SAInt mArk unIteD metHoDISt CHurCH reSpIte www.saintmarkumc.org/#/our-ministries/respite-care SoCkS 4 Surgery www.socks4surgery.com dedicated to providing a keepsake of a pair of socks, a reminder of overcoming the adversity of surgery.
sUppliEs/spEcialTy iTEMs/TOys AlABAmA WHeelCHAIr SpeCIAlIStS www.alabamawheelchair.com 205-322-3250 or 800-383-2862 BAtH fItter www.bathfitter.com 205-876-1760 HAnger proStHetIC & ortHotICS www.hanger.com 205-322-0384 or 877-442-6137 moBIlIty WorkS www.mobilityworks.com 877-275-4907
TRanspORTaTiOn ClAStrAn www.clastran.com 205-325-8787 Transports persons who are elderly (60-plus), disabled or traveling to or from a rural area in Jefferson or Shelby counties. kID one www.kidone.org 800-543-7143, 205-978-1000 Kid one Transport provides transportation for any child in need of reaching care that will better them medically, mentally or physically when they are without means of transportation.
REsiDEnTial sERVicEs tHe BADDour Center 888-422-3368 or 888-422-3368 www.baddour.org Provides a model residential community in Mississippi for adults with mild and moderate intellectual disability.
SPoNSoREd by
Saturday, March 15, 2014, 10 a.M.-3 p.M. LINCPoint on the United Cerebral Palsy Campus in Birmingham, off Lakeshore Dr. Great information for parents and caregivers of children with special needs, from the cognitive to physically challenged, meeting with providers of special products and services, speakers to educate and inform, as well as after school activities, sports, education, camps and more! All under one roof! Fun zone, too, for children to enjoy.
Booths available for nominal registration fee for qualifying special needs providers. Sponsorships also available for any business or service. For booth information or sponsorship info call 205-987-7700, e-mail carol@birminghamparent.com or visit www.birminghamparent.com.
Voting begins January 1 on the 2014 Birmingham Parent’s Family Favorites Awards. Visit www.birminghamparent.com to vote online for your favorite party place,
kids meal, toy store, radio station & more.
YOU CAN ALSO BE ENTERED IN A RANDOM DRAWING FOR A GREAT GULF SHORES PRIZE PACKAGE! Must vote in at least 20 categories for you survey to be counted and also put into the random drawing for a 3 night stay for 4 people in a Gulf-front condominium in beautiful Gulf Shores. This fall vacation package will include a meal and an attraction, too! Some restrictions and black out dates apply.
Tell us Your Family’s Favorites & WIN! Cast your vote online at www.birminghamparent.com from January 1-April 22, 2014
VOTING ENDS AT MIDNIGHT ON APRIL 22, 2014. Look for the family favorites award winners in the June 2014 issue of Birmingham Parent. You must vote in at least 20 categories for your vote to count, and if you wish to be entered in the random drawing, we must receive your complete contact info. Information may be shared with prize sponsors.
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Resource Guide 2014 afTER scHOOl & EnRicHMEnT pROGRaMs Alys Stephens Center’s ArtPlay 1006 19th St. S. Birmingham, AL 35205 www.artplayasc.org kkirklin@uab.edu 205-975-4769 ArtPlay is the education and outreach department of the Alys Stephens center. In partnership with Music Therapy of Alabama, we offer private lessons and programs for people of all abilities. Children’s Dance Foundation 1715 27th court S. Homewood, AL 35209 205-870-0073 info@childrensdancefoundation.org www.childrensdancefoundation.org cdf dances with students of all ages and abilities at our community Arts center in Homewood and at more than 20 locations throughout Birmingham.
cHilDcaRE & pREscHOOl pROGRaMs Covenant Classical School and Daycare – 3 locations 25 Southlake Lane, Hoover, AL 35244 5390 Magnolia Trace, Hoover, AL 35255 450 Huntiley Pkwy., Pelham, AL 34124 info@ccslion.com www.ccslion.com 205-444-5437 205-620-2626 Prep school with enrollment from infants through kindergarten. We maximize each child’s early school experience to develop well-rounded individuals equipped to succeed at the next level. The Discovery School 2100 Highland Ave. Birmingham, AL 35205 205-933-5907 discoveryschool@ourtemple.org www.ourtemple.org/discoveryschool The discovery School is a nurturing and engaging preschool for all children to learn, discover, and imagine. full-day program, ages 15 months-5 years old. Elizabeth Perry Rushton Child Development center 2118 fourth Ave. n. Birmingham, AL 35203 admin@eprcdc.com www.eprcdc.com 205-322-8310
The elizabeth Perry Rushton child development center, established in 1995, serves children ages 6 weeks through 4 years, and is accredited by nAeyc. Grace Community School & Daycare 8777 Helena Rd. Pelham, AL 35124 205-769-6209 nate.wells@thewhaleschool.com www.thewhaleschool.com Quality christian childcare with ABeKA curriculum, superior reading program, daily Bible class, character training, and healthy meals. fun while learning! no registration fee, open 6:30am-6pm. La Petite Academy 2041 Brookwood Medical center dr. Birmingham, AL 35209 7365@lapetite.com www.lapetite.com 205-879-7615 Provides educational childcare for children 6 weeks-age 12. Passionate about providing children with the tools they need to be successful in all aspects of their lives.
Day TRips & TRaVEl Gulf Shores & Orange Beach Tourism 23685 Perdido Beach Blvd. orange Beach, AL 36561 877-475-1528 info@gulfshores.com www.gulfshores.com/birminghamparent find your memorable family vacation with time to relax, explore and enjoy our 32 miles of uncrowded white-sand beaches, variety of attractions/accommodations and great seafood.
EDUcaTiOn Advent Episcopal School 2019 Sixth Ave. n. Birmingham, AL 35203 205-252-2535 www.adventepiscopalschool.org Advent episcopal School, located in downtown Birmingham, offers a highly accelerated curriculum for bright students in grades 4K-8. Before school and afterschool care is available. Alabama Waldorf School 1220 50th St. S. Birmingham, AL 35222 205-592-0541 marketing@alabamawaldorf.org www.alabamawaldorf.org The developmentally appropriate, arts-integrated Waldorf curriculum empowers children to become confident capable graduates who know how to think for themselves. Hoover Christian School 2113 old Rocky Ridge Rd. Hoover, AL 35126 205-987-3376 gaylanherr@gmail.com
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www.hooverchristianschool.com Solid academics, personal attention, safe environment – Hoover christian School offers an affordable private school option with a christ-inspired approach. fully accredited. fantastic test scores. Indian Springs School 190 Woodward dr. Indian Springs, AL 35124 205-988-3350 admission@indiansprings.org www.experiencesprings.org Indian Springs School is nationally recognized for its rigorous, innovative curriculum, which prepares highly motivated day and boarding students for leading colleges around the world. Spring Valley School P.o. Box 131431 Birmingham, AL 35226 205-423-8660 tyoung@springvalleyschool.org www.springvalleyschool.org Spring Valley School’s mission is educating students with learning differences, such as dyslexia and AdHd. We serve students from all areas of Jefferson and Shelby counties.
faMily fUn Birmingham Children’s Theatre 2130 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. n. Birmingham, AL 35203 205-458-8181 www.bct123.org one of the nation’s oldest and largest professional theatre companies for children, BcT produces high-quality, professional theatrical entertainment and curriculum-relevant arts education experiences for children and families. Children’s Hands-On Museum of Tuscaloosa (CHOM) 2213 university Blvd. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 205-349-4235 info@chomonline.org www.chomonline.org curiosity! creativity! discovery! Play every day in exciting exhibits for newborns-13 years. curriculum Specific field Trips for PreK - 5th, special events, birthday parties. Heart of Dixie Railroad Museum 1919 ninth St. calera, AL 35040 205-668-3435 www.hodrrm.org RIde THe TRAIn! Board at a turn-ofthe-century depot and experience a ride through the scenic forests of Shelby county. Museum is a living monument to railroad history. McWane Science Center 200 19th St. n. Birmingham, AL 35203 205-714-8414
info@mcwane.org www.mcwane.org fun and learning never end at McWane Science center, a nonprofit, hands-on museum with aquarium and IMAX® dome Theater. four floors of interactive exhibits celebrate science and wonder.
fOsTER caRE & faMily cOUnsElinG GATEWAy Three Locations 5201 Airport Hwy. Birmingham, AL 35212 205-510-2600 1401 20th S. S. Birmingham, AL 35205 205-510-2600 333 Business circle Pelham, AL 35124 205-510-2780 Gateway provides counseling, intervention, education, prevention, and foster care, all to meet its mission of transforming the lives of families in crisis and delivering hope to the hurting. PAL - Parenting Assistance Line The university of Alabama child development Resources P.o. Box 870157 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 866-962-3030 Provides free confidential support for parenting issues. Parenting resource specialists are here to offer helpful information and support. SAFy of Alabama: Birmingham SAfy - Specialialized Alternatives for families and youth 3600 7th court South, Suite 100 Birmingham, AL 35222 205-945-7483 800-490-9710 fax: 205-945-7083 www.safy.org A leading national nonprofit organization providing a full continuum of services for children and youth in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems.
HEalTH & WEll-bEinG Alabama Allergy and Asthma Homewood, Hoover, The narrows, cullman, Alabaster 205-871-9661 hcombs@alabamaallergy.com www.alabamaallergy.com Board certified allergy & asthma specialist care for pediatric and adult patients with seasonal allergy, food allergy, asthma, atopic dermatitis, itchy skin, chronic sinus infections. Angelica Rohner Pediatric Dentistry drs. Angel Rohner & Amy Maher 2045 Brookwood Medical center dr., Suite 21 Birmingham, AL 35209 205-870-0892
mfranklin@drrohner.com www.drrohner.com drs. Rohner & Maher, specialists of pediatric and adolescent dentistry. our doctors and their professional staff strive to make each dental visit fun and exciting!
Easter Seals of the Birmingham Area, Adult Therapy Program and Administration 2717 Third Ave. S. Birmingham, AL 35233 205-942-6277 www.eastersealsbham.org
Birmingham Limb and Brace 3624 fifth Ave. S. Birmingham, AL 35222 800-762-9850 205-595-0632 info@bhamlimbandbrace.com Prosthetic and orthotic devices custom fabricated and fit in our facility at Birmingham and our outreach clinic in northport. Boad selection of standard items.
The Pediatric Therapy Services – Easter Seals 2685 Pelham Pkwy. Suite c Pelham, Alabama 205-621-6503 www.eastersealsbham.org 205-620-2626 easter Seals of the Birmingham Area’s mission is to create solutions that change the lives of children and adults with disabilities or other special needs and their families.
Brookwood Primary Care 2010 Brookwood Medical center dr. Birmingham, AL 35209 205-877-1000 www.brookwoodprimarycare.com An extension of our physician family with many convenient locations – backed by the resources of Brookwood Medical center. Let our family care for yours. Child’s Play Therapy Center 3057 Lorna Rd. Birmingham, AL 35216 205-978-9939 kerri@childsplaytherapycenter.com www.childsplaytherapycenter.com occupational, physical, speech & behavioral therapy, along with academic tutoring and psychological test/therapy. Summer camps for kindergarten preparedness, handwriting clubs and social skills groups. Dr. Clark Holmes Oral Facial Surgery • Inverness 1 Inverness Pkwy. Suite 204 Birmingham AL 35242 205-933-2710 • Trussville 151 north chalkville Rd. Trussville AL 35173 205-655-9002 • Southside 1500 19th St. S. Birmingham AL 35205 205-933-2773 info@clarkholmes.com www.clarkholmes.com A leading oral surgeon practice that offers many procedures such as wisdom teeth removal, single tooth extractions, jaw surgery, dental implants and much more! Children’s of Alabama 1600 Seventh Ave. S. Birmingham, AL 35233 205-638-9100 www.childrensal.org children’s of Alabama provides specialized pediatric medical care for more than 650,000 inpatients and 14,000 outpatients from across Alabama and throughout the u.S. annually.
Focus MD Birmingham 3300 cahaba Rd., Suite 202 Birmingham, AL 35223 205-769-0649 www.focus-md.com We are a medical clinic staffed by board certified physicians, which utilizes fdA cleared, cutting-edge, computerized testing in the diagnosis and individualized treatment of AdHd. Mark R. yanosky, DMD, MS orthodontics for children and Adults 1651 Independence court, Suite 141 Birmingham, AL 35209 205-870-1444 www.dryanosky.com Serving Vestavia Hills, Homewood, Mountain Brook and Hoover - dr. yanosky is your orthodontic specialist, offering Invisalign and braces for children, teens & adults. Accepting new patients. McCalla Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry 4814 Bell Hill Rd. Bessemer, AL 35022 205-477-8004 Mccalla.orthodontics@yahoo.com www.mccallasmiles.com Services include dentistry for children & adolescents, patients with disabilities and orthodontics for children/ adults. We offer traditional metal brackets, as well as clear and Invisalign. Dr. Michael Anglin Pediatric dentistry dr. erin nelson family dentistry 3825 Lorna Road, Suite 206 Hoover, AL 35244 205-988-9800 Birmingham, AL 35242 205-991-6820 www.BirminghamKidsdentist.com dr. Anglin has provided quality pediatric dentistry to the Hoover and surrounding communities since 1993. With dr. nelson, they offer excellent care for children, adolescents & adults. continued on next page >>
YES: Age 7 is the recommended time for an orthodontic evaluation. REASONS: 1. Evaluate for the proper eruption of the teeth (baby and permanent)
2. Skeletal (growth) issues- some should be corrected earlier than later because of growth not just teeth. This would help with bigger issues down the road. (Surgery and/or extractions of permanent teeth). 3. Educate parents on what we would be following down the road.
4. Parents believe that you do not do anything until
all the permanent teeth are in. This is not true. There are advantages to early intervention – which is why the need for permanent tooth removal is much less today than it was a couple of decades ago.
David M. Sarver DMD, MS 1705 Vestavia Pkwy Birmingham, AL 35216 office 205-979-7072 fax 205-979-7140 info@sarverortho.com
www.SarverOrtho.com birminghamparent.com | 49
Resource Guide 2014 Mobility Central, Inc. www.mobilitycentralinc.com 205-916-0670 Mobility central employs a team of highly trained and caring medical equipment professionals dedicated to the wellbeing of our patients. Oxmoor Valley Orthodontics, PC deborah A. Sema, d.M.d., M.S. Three Locations: • 415 West Oxmoor Rd. Birmingham, AL 35209 • 5751 Pocahontas Rd. Bessemer, AL 35022 • 3045 Independence Drive Homewood AL, 35209 205-942-2270 www.ovortho.com dr. deborah Sema specializes in orthodontics for children and adults. She offers damon self-ligating braces, clear braces, Invisalign and Invisalign Teen. Pediatric & Adolescent Dentistry dr. clark Thomas & dr. Lauten Johnson • Hoover Location 1015 Brocks Gap Pkwy. Hoover, AL 35244 205-982-0112 www.hoover.info@alpediatricdentistry.com • Birmingham Location 3918 Montclair Rd. Suite 206 Birmingham, AL 35213 205-879-6150 www.alpediatricdentistry.com your child’s path to optimum dental health starts here with our kid-friendly staff. options for in-office sedation or general anesthesia at children’s Hospital. Pediatric Nephrology of Alabama, P.C. 1425 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. S. Suite 206 Birmingham, AL 35205 205-558-3200 www.pednephal.com With over 20 years’ experience in caring for children with kidney disease, dr. Mark Benfield established Pediatric nephrology of Alabama in 2010. Accepting new patients. Pediatric Smiles, LLC 5751 Pocahontas Rd., Suite B Bessemer, AL 35022 205-230-9000 tabgat@psmilesal.com www.psmilesal.com dr. Tabitha Gatrey provides dental care for children of all ages, including those with special needs. now accepting new patients. Most insurance accepted.
PT Orthodontics 2034 Patton chapel Rd. Hoover, AL 35216 205-979-9480 info@ptortho.com www.PTortho.com Making braces easy and affordable with 6 locations (Hoover, Mtn. Brook, oak Mountain, Leeds, Pell city and Hueytown). no down payment options, payments starting at $129.
Kids’ Korner consignment Sale Located inside Mountain chapel united Methodist church Gym 2541 Rocky Ridge Rd. Vestavia, AL 35243 info@mckidskorner.org www.mckidskorner.org Kids’ Korner is a seasonal consignment sale offering name-brand, gently used children’s clothes & toys. Proceeds benefit Mountain chapel united Methodist church and Preschool.
Sarver Orthodontics 1705 Vestavia Pkwy. Birmingham ,AL 35216 205-9797-7072 www.sarverortho.com creating beautiful smiles since 1979! We are committed to providing you and your family with exceptional orthodontic care in a fun and comfortable environment. United Cerebral Palsy of Greater Birmingham 101 oslo circle Birmingham, AL 35211 205-944-3901 www.ucpbham.com Provides quality programs and services for more than 3,000 infants, children and adults with disabilities in Birmingham and the surrounding 10 counties. Women’s Health Specialists of Birmingham oB/Gyn Services at St. Vincent’s 806 St. Vincent’s drive, Suite 450 Birmingham, AL 35205 205-536-7676 info@whsbham.com www.whsbham.com our doctors share a deep commitment to the well-being of our patients. Together, they offer more than 20 years of experience in women’s healthcare, gynecological surgery, obstetrical and postpartum services.
MUsic & DancE insTRUcTiOn ASFA Ballet Preparatory Academy 1800 Reverend Abraham Woods Jr Blvd. Birmingham, AL 35203 205-252-9241 jkilgore@asfa.k12.al.us www.asfa.k12.al.us disciplines instruction in classical ballet. commitment to excellence in training & etiquette. Prepares students to audition for ASfA dance department. American Ballet Theatre curriculum. BSC Conservatory of Fine and Performing Arts 900 Arkadelphia Rd. Birmingham, AL 35254 lvictory@bsc.edu www.bsc.edu/academics/music 205-226-4960 Lessons in piano, voice, violin, band. Preschool classes available.
50 | birminghamparent | the guide 2014
Second Hand Rose • 2015 Valleydale Rd., Birmingham, AL 35244; 205-987-7027 and • 4200 Oakview Lane, Birmingham, AL 35243; 205-970-7994 www.shrose.com Second Hand Rose has over 8,000 consignors at both locations and maintains high quality merchandise and the most qualified sales assistants in the business. Samford University Academy of the Arts 205-726-4049 and 205-726-2810 http://www.samford.edu/academy-ofthe-arts Music for children & adults at Samford university in Homewood. Preschool piano; Kindermusik; private & group piano, voice, and strings lessons.
paRTiEs & cElEbRaTiOns Tea Party Castle 23 olmsted St. Birmingham, AL 35242 205-529-0081 teapartycasatle@gmail.com www.teapartycastle.com/alabama Tea Party castle provides magical princess-themed birthday tea parties. our singing princess directs guests through their princess transformation, tea party, etiquette, fashion show, dancing and more!
sHOps & sERVicEs Applause Dancewear 1629 oxmoor Rd. Birmingham, AL 35209 205-871-STeP www.appausedancewear.net Largest selection of dancewear in the Southeast. clothing, shoes and accessories for all types of dance to fit toddler to plus size, teams and individuals. Changing Spaces Moving, Inc. 130 Inverness Plaza, #243 Birmingham, AL 35242 205-972-0744 www.changingspacesmoving.com Residential & commercial local and long distance mover you can trust with your possessions. Specializing in antiques, pianos, large homes, packing and unpacking, packing materials.
Korduroy Krocodile Consignment Shop 2912 Linden Ave. Homewood, AL 35209 205-879-0030 info@kordoroykrocodile.com www.kordoroykrocodile.com for 32 years, Korduroy Krocodile has provided friendly, personalized service in downtown Homewood. upscale and affordable kids’ consignment clothing. open Tues. -Sat. 10am to 4pm.
TUTORs The Tutoring Center 2804 John Hawkins Pkwy. Suite 100 Hoover, AL 35244 (next to Academy Sports) 205-987-9577 isaaczeidan@tutoringcenter.com www.hoover.tutorcenter.com one-to-one tutoring designed to help your child develop stronger academic skills, earn better grades, score higher on standardized tests, while gaining confidence, motivation and focus.
pHOTOGRapHy Amanda Traywick Photography 205-601-7133 www.amandatraywick.com Donald Love Photography 205-902-5357 www.dlovephotgraphy.com
TElEVisiOn sTaTiOns ABC 33/40 P.o. Box 360039 Birmingham, AL 35236 205-403-3340 www.abc3340.com
front cover sponsor back cover sponsor
your Alabama Weather Alabama is considered by many a humid subtropical climate. Much of our days are warm and sunny, and rainfall typically is least during October and highest in March. Alabama is a state where you can experience all four seasons of the year - - but nothing too severe, except perhaps the humid heat of summer. Temperatures are often hotter near our Gulf Coast and cooler to our north, at the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. We are known for hot, humid summers and mild winters. Spring usually starts by mid-March with temperatures around 60 degrees, and our
By carol Muse evans
summer days average in the 80s with periods in the 90s, peaking in July. Alabama summers are humid! Ask anyone who’s been here through a whole summer about the heat. It is rare for September, October and even November to be cold enough to need more than a light jacket. Most of our really cold weather occurs in January. Snow is rare, and when it does fall, it often is only a dusting, or part of a front that ultimately brings slush, sleet and sometimes ice, more so than snow. Hurricane season extends from May to
October, and conditions for tornadoes most common in March, April and November, though we do see them almost year round at times. The Alabama Emergency Management Association offers tips on how to be prepared for severe weather at http://ema. alabama.gov/preparedness.cfs as well as the National Weather Service at www.srh. noaa.gov/bmx. Carol Muse Evans gathered some information from http://alabama.travel.com for this piece. She is also author of THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO ALABAMA WEATHER, 1999, Seacoast Publishing.
Quality childcare conveniently located in downtown Birmingham. Preserving Families. Securing Futures. The Rushton Child Development Center offers full-time, year-round childcare for parents who work in the downtown area. Our program features a comprehensive curriculum in a nurturing environment. For children ages 6 weeks through 4 years State licensed & NAEYC nationally accredited Private Internet classroom views for parents Program offers low student-to-staff ratios CALL FOR DETAILS ON CURRENT OPENINGS!
Elizabeth Perry Rushton Child Development Center 2118 4th Ave. North • Birmingham, AL 35203 205.322.8310 • www.eprcdc.com
In the United States, there are more than 500,000 children in foster care. Alabama alone has over 6,000 youth in foster care. Due to a severe lack of foster homes, one out of every four youth in need of care does not have access to a loving foster home. At SAFY, Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth, we believe each one of these children deserve a stable and loving home. Nationally accredited, SAFY has dedicated staff and foster parents who are highly skilled and experienced. Everyone can play a part in helping families. To learn more, visit www.safy.org or our Foster Parent Recruiter LaTreco Thompson at 205-945-7483. Together we can make a difference in the lives of Children.
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ExpLORING BEyOND ALABAMA: ADvENtURES AWAIt A FEW HOURS AWAy The holidays have passed, and the doldrums of winter threaten to envelop you. But wait! don’t give in to the threat of cabin fever. Instead, head just beyond Alabama to find places to play, learn and explore. new vistas await a few hours’ drive beyond Alabama’s boundaries. Look over a map and consider the possibilities, some of which are suggested below:
LURKING WHERE BUFFALO ROAM Buffalo are interesting beasts, but a quick trip out west may not be very practical right now. However, a couple of hours after leaving Birmingham you can come face to face with buffalo at the Tupelo Buffalo Park & Zoo where 300 animals representing 87 different species roam. The best way to encounter the buffalo is aboard a bus that takes you into expansive fields where the buffalo roam and graze – and often glare back at those who have come to visit. You also may feed a giraffe and ride horses through a network of trails. Of course, if you feel guilty not visiting Elvis’ birthplace, swing 52 | birminghamparent | the guide 2014
by that attraction before leaving town which is about 2.5 hours from Birmingham Also, check out HealthWorks! – one of only two museums in the country with exhibits aimed at teaching children the benefits of making healthy choices. n info: Tupelo (www.tupelo.net/ or 800-533-0611); Buffalo Park & Zoo (www.tupelobuffalopark.com or 662-844-8709); HealthWorks! Kids Museum (www.healthworkskidsms. org or 662-377-5437).
RUSHING FOR GOLD While your thoughts are on the westward-ho movement, consider a short trek to Dahlonega, less than a three-hour drive from Birmingham, in the mountains of north Georgia. Site of the first major U.S. gold rush (which pre-dated California’s Gold Rush in 1849), the town includes many historic, wood-and-brick structures. You’ll find restaurants, shops, boutiques and art galleries. Begin your visit at the Dahlonega Visitors Center for discounted tickets to local gold attractions. At those you can learn
By Lynn Grisard fullman
about the history of the area’s gold rush, explore an underground gold mine and pan for gold at two real mines – and keep any treasures that you find. (Hooray, the chance to be rich!) Time permitting, stop by the Chestatee Wildlife Preserve to see 100 rescued creatures – including Bengal tigers, black leopards, servals, African lions, lemurs and monkeys – and two Zedonk, a cross between a zebra and a donkey. The odd creatures have golden-colored coats and zebrastriped legs. Dahlonega has been called Georgia’s wine country, a salute to the area’s wide range of European and American varietals and blends. Tasting rooms, each with its own distinctive personality, range from country farmhouse to Tuscan villa. The Dahlonega Wine Trail includes five Lumpkin County vineyard and tasting experiences. Perhaps that would be an adventure during an adults-only outing. n info: dahlonega-Lumpkin county chamber of commerce and Visitors center (706-864-3513 or www. dahlonega.org).
DISCOvERING tHE WORLD Five hours from Birmingham (and all via interstate), The Lynn Meadows Discovery Center in Gulfport, Miss., is a fascinating children’s museum housed in what once was a school. It’s here where children can learn what it’s like to be someone with differences and disabilities, pretend to run a grocery store, operate a crane, drag the gulf for shrimp, load bananas onto a mock 18wheeler, “touch“ a tornado, understand a pulley, construct a picture on a huge Light Brite and climb through a network of outdoor tree houses. If you’ve made an appointment, check out a steam fire engine, helmets, hose cart, fire bells and old photos at the Biloxi Fire Museum. Housed in a former firehouse, the museum records the Biloxi Fire Department’s 120-year history. If old cars fascinate someone in your family, traipse through ever-changing displays of classic cars and boats at Busted Wrench Garage, Museum and Gift Shop in Gulfport. If you’ve visited Jefferson Davis’ home, the First White House of the Confederacy in Montgomery, stop by his final home at Beauvoir, overlooking the Mississippi Gulf Coast’s manmade beaches. n info: Mississippi Gulf coast (http://www.gulfcoast.org/ or 888-467-4853).
ZIppING tHROUGH HIStORIC BANNING MILLS If your family favors adventure, try zipping through trees at speeds up to 60 miles per hour, scale the world’s tallest freestanding climbing wall, leap from 100 feet in the air or sleep in tree tops at Historic Banning Mills in Whitesburg, Ga., about a two-hour drive from Birmingham. New to Banning Mills is a two-tiered, obstacle-course adventure (suited to children ages 4 and older). The course’s lower tier lets young thrillseekers experience the rush
If one visit isn’t enough, consider a season pass to the world’s largest aquarium habitat that holds the largest collection of aquatic animals. of adventure on their own size scale; the upper tier is reserved for older kids. The course includes kid-friendly aerial elements, shorter sky bridges and zip lines. Several package deals are available. n info: www.historicbanningmills.com or 770-834-9149.
pEEKING UNDER tHE SEA At the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta the traveling exhibit Sea Monsters Revealed: Aquatic Bodies includes more than 18, full-body sea creatures, more than 150 individual organs and smaller specimens that define the life of the sea. (The exhibition allows guests to “descend” to the depths of the ocean floor to walk among giants of the deep.) The aquarium offers several interactive programs, allowing you to spend quality time with some of the attraction’s residents in their environments. Programs are offered with beluga whales, whale sharks, dolphins, sea otters and penguins. There’s also the chance to have a sleepover that includes a night of explorations.
n info: www.georgiaaquarium. org; 404-581-4000.
CRUISING CHAttANOOGA In Chattanooga (http://www. chattanoogafun.com/), assuming you’ve previously visited the city’s longtime and well known attractions – the Tennessee Aquarium, Rock City and Ruby Falls – on your next visit take a riverboat cruise into the Tennessee River Gorge. (Known for its biological diversity, the gorge is home to more than 200 bird species in thousands of acres of virtually undisturbed forest.) While in town, you might visit the Creative Discovery Museum. One of the nation’s top children’s museums, it offers a place to craft a clay sculpture, dig for dinosaur bones or create characters in a mock theater. Younger children may explore the infant garden while older ones tackle a towering structure. One area has a watercourse to sail boats, learn about locks and dams, and shoot jets of water to make whirligigs spin. If you want to end your day on a creature note, head to the
300-plus animals at the Chattanooga Zoo where you can visit a petting zoo area and come face to face with a chimpanzee or jaguar, ride a camel (on certain days) and see rare and venomous reptiles. Chattanooga has so many family-friendly places that you may be tempted to stay overnight. If you decide to extend your visit, you will find package deals for local tourist attractions (http://www.chattanoogafun.com/members/ chattanooga-packages-1633). n info: www.chattanoogafun. com; 423-756-8687 or 800-322-3344. So out of Alabama you go – to discover fish and gold, tree houses and buffalo and all kinds of things. Dr. Seuss was correct, “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”
Lynn Grisard Fullman is a Birmingham-based, award-winning writer who has contributed to newspapers, magazines and blogs. Follow her on Twitter @ lynnfullman. birminghamparent.com | 53
hidden Mickey trip from #)$!* By christopher “Bull” Garlington
his winter, we did the same thing we always do to get relief from a murderous winter: we chipped our car out of its ice block, skidded into the airport, and flew to Disney. How can you find the people from Chicago at Disney in January? They’re in the pool. How do you find the Floridians? They’re dressed like extras in Ice Age 5. Go ahead; search for ‘idiots from Chicago’ on Instagram and you’ll find a picture of me in my shirtless glory, belly-flopping into a pool ringed with flabbergasted Floridians. Just fix that picture in your mind, please, because it was the last – THE VERY LAST – moment of joy I will ever have in the Magic Kingdom. In that moment of idiotic, drooly happiness, I let my guard down. I told my kids about hidden Mickeys and ruined Disney forever. A hidden Mickey is a visual surprise left by the original engineers and designers of Disney; it’s the three iconic circles arranged to form Disney’s logo, placed in some inconspicuous place, perfectly visible, but undetected unless you ALREADY KNOW THEY’RE THERE. We used to prance around the parks like we were in a cheesy musical. I loved it. I looked forward to it. It was the only time my family actually looked like a family: bear hugged and stupid, our smiles are so genuinely overflow-
ing with spontaneous delight we bruised our cheeks. My kids pulled me through the crowds, screaming passionately with every step, “THIS IS AWESOME, DAD!” No more. As soon as our rental is off the lot, my kids morph into pint-sized Sherlocks, combing through everything they see, looking for the rodent sign. “PULL OVER! PULL OVER!” “ARE YOU THROWING UP ALREADY?” My daughter leaps out of the car and points her camera at some trees. She confers with the boy. They glumly return. “False alarm.” “ALARM FOR WHAT!? I THINK I BLEW A TIRE!” “We thought we saw a hidden Mickey.”
Then, as we approached the gates – “STOP THE CAR!” My kids pile into the front seat, phones flung forward. “THERE IT IS! WE SAW ONE! WE SAW ONE!” “That’s a stop sign.” It goes on the whole trip. And I wasn’t alone. On It’s a Small World, all the kids in our boat were perfectly mute, ignoring the addictive music while searching the scenery for hidden Mickeys. Every ride: Pirates of the Caribbean, the Tiki Room, Dumbo. “Honey, did you like the Elephants on the Jungle Cruise?” “We went on a cruise?” I have to give them credit for ceaseless effort. They didn’t eat until they’d thoroughly examined their mac & cheese for hidden Mickeys. They were looking for them at
Gatorland. Finally, I couldn’t take it and I asked a vendor if he’d show me a hidden Mickey. He whipped out his handy hidden Mickey guidebook and found one right in front of us. Awestruck, I pointed at a crane and lo, as Disney’s convenient background soundtrack swelled, as if we were looking at a magic eye in real life, from a tangle of rebar and concrete, the Disney logo was revealed in all its splendor. “Seriously Dad? That’s a lamp.” And I realized the great thing about hidden Mickeys is not finding them, it’s looking for them. So I gave the vendor five bucks and talked him into betraying their trust for the sake of my sanity. I called them over. The vendor pointed at a bush. “There’s one right there. In the bush. See it?” My kids stared and stared and I thought, the jig is up, then, suddenly, my daughter squealed, whipped up her camera, and took a picture. Of a bush. “I can SEE it! LOOOOK!” And just like that, they forgot all about it. Their quarry was captured. Their mission was accomplished. They shoved their miniature cameras back into their backpacks and lost themselves to the stupid joy of roller coasters and cotton candy. In our vacation pictures, to this day, is a picture of a sad little bush labeled “Mickey Mouse.”
Christopher “Bull” Garlington is a syndicated humor writer and a Birmingham native. 54 | birminghamparent | the guide 2014
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