GardenFaces March 2012

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Garden Faces Birmingham Rose Society American Rose Society Affiliate

March 2012 President’s Message It’s rose pruning time in Alabama! What a great feeling to get out into the garden, pruners in hand and go to work on another season of blooms. At our February meeting, Bob Eskew gave some excellent advice on pruning & fertilizing dates as it relates to the upcoming rose show and I am following this schedule in my garden. It was great to see everyone at the gardens for the Pruning @ The Gardens event. Thanks to Bob Eskew for coordinating this annual event and thanks to all who turned out to prune the gardens. I had the pleasure to share some rose pruning tips with some of the volunteers and noticed many others taking the opportunity to teach people about rose care. An arrangements workshop is in the works and details are found elsewhere in this publication. If you have never entered an arrangement for the rose show, now is the time to gain the knowledge needed to make it happen. I hope to see everyone at the workshop.

profit, we are eligible to participate in many of these markets free of charge. I hope that you will consider what your role will be as we begin to plan for this summer. We will be discussing this further during the March meeting. Christopher R. VanCleave

President, Birmingham Rose Society

We Still Need Volunteers for the Spring Plant Sale Below are the slots that need to be filled. Contact Bob Eskew 205-823-6621 to sign up

Last fall, we discussed the possibility of our society participating in some of the local farm markets as a means to gain exposure to the communities we serve and also as fund raising opportunity. As a 501 (c) (3) nonAmerican Rose Society Online:

Friday 4/13 12 p.m. – 5 p.m. 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. Saturday 4/14 8:45 a.m. – 12 p.m. 12 p.m. – 5 p.m. Sunday 4/15 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Birmingham Rose Society Online:

Deep South District Online

Consulting Rosarian Report – March 2012 From time to time, I have people ask me what does one have to do to become a Consulting Rosarian. I thought it would be timely to list what must be done. We have several members of our own Birmingham Society who are qualified and should consider becoming a CR. Qualifications of a Consulting Rosarian: 1. Must be either a regular, joint or associate member of the American Rose Society for three consecutive years. 2. Must be an active member of a local rose society. 3. Must have grown roses of various types for at least five years and should be knowledgeable in all equipment and materials related to rose culture. 4. Must provide three letters of recommendation by any three Consulting Rosarians on the form provided by the District Consulting Rosarian Chairman. 5. Must attend an ARS school/workshop for Consulting Rosarians and complete an open book examination based on the material contained in the CR manual. 6. Must know and be willing to live up to the Consulting Rosarian Guide.

7. Must be willing to attend a Consulting Rosarian school or obtain four approved Consulting Rosarian continuing education credits every four years. 8. Must submit a completed individual annual report form to the District Chairman of Consulting Rosarians by February 1 of the following year. 9. Must exhibit a continuing willingness to share knowledge and an enthusiasm for the rose and the American Rose Society. In order to maintain active status, a Consulting Rosarian: 1.

Must attend a CR school or obtain 4 approved CR continued education credits every four years.


Must remain a member of a local society.


Must not refuse to have name or method of contact listed in any reference.

I could not find a Consulting Rosarian School, but if you are interested, we can help find a school for you. It is now time to prune, spray lime sulfur spray, watch for aphids (use water spray to rid your plants of aphids) and get ready to enjoy the beautiful blooms that should come in late April and ready for the May 12 ROSE SHOW. Contact Jane Hinds or Gloria Purnell for more information. Happy Gardening, Gloria Purnell

Arrangements Workshop Monday March 25, 2012 5:00 pm Birmingham Botanical Gardens

Workshop Details

Our Award Winning Presenters

Join us for an exciting evening of “hands on” creativity and instruction on how to make floral arrangements with roses. Anyone interested in learning to make an arrangement for the Rose Show could benefit from this Workshop. We will begin promptly at 5:00 p.m. Bring some greenery from your yard, a container for the appropriate kind of arrangement you wish to make, pin holder to hold arrangement, oasis (or floral foam) and your clippers. You will actually make an arrangement during the workshop.

Mayre Parr, Sylvia Potts, Dean Hodge

Arrangement Styles we’ll cover: Dean Hodge – Traditional Sylvia Potts – Modern Mayre Parr – Oriental The schedule for the Arrangement Section of this year’s Rose Show can be obtained from our website, and click on 2012 Birmingham Rose Show

Flowers will be provided for all. We’ll see you there!

2012 Rose Show Update AD SALES March Events & Meeting Details Join Us! Monthly Meeting: Monday 26, 2012 5:00 p.m. – Arrangements Workshop 6:30 p.m. – Monthly Society Meeting Don’t miss this exciting workshop taught by award winning arrangers. Lear the elements of style and form and create your own arrangement to take home.

Gloria Purnell, Program Chairman

NOTE: No Executive Committee Meeting this month.

Society Meeting Host/Hostess March Dean Hodge Tina VanCleave Marye Parr April Gloria Purnell Larita Giles Frank & Shirley Bollen

Revenue from ad sales are critical to the financial success of our rose show. This funding is used to underwrite the cost of the show and your help is needed selling ads for this year’s rose show. The deadline to turn in your ad and $$ is March 31, 2012. See Chris VanCleave to submit your ad 205-5859687

Show AWARDS & Sponsorships If anyone has awards they would like to recycle, please bring them to our Feb meeting. If you can't come, contact Hyacinth Prince so a count can be taken and we will have a better idea of what remains to be purchased. Sponsoring a particular show award is a great way to honor a loved one or showcase a business. If you would like to sponsor an award or know of a business that would, please contact Hyacinth as soon as possible. All award purchases, donations and sponsorships need to be completed by March 31.

Annual Birmingham Rose Society dues are due $20/single - $30/family If you haven’t already done so, please pay at the society meeting or send your check payable to the Birmingham Rose Society to: Judy Williams 22605 Ironstone Cove McCalla, AL 35111

For The Record

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Birmingham Rose Society February 27, 2012 6:30 P.M. Chris VanCleave. President called the meeting to order. We had thirty-three in attendance. Included in this number; guests Kent and Lisa Gremmels and Sally Lee. Our hostesses Lavonne Glover, Gloria Purnell and Judy Williams were thanked for providing refreshments tonight. The minutes from the January 30, 2012 meeting were approved as printed in Garden Faces. Hyacinth Prince gave the treasurer’s report. As of February 27, 2012, the checking account balance is $4,052.73 and the CD is unchanged at $5,047.47. Judy Williams, Membership Chairman, announced that membership dues are due. $20.00 for a single membership and $ 30.00 for family. If you are not sure you have paid your dues, she has a list of members to look over to make sure they have paid.

The Annual Pruning of the Rose Garden will be Saturday March 3rd from 8:00 – 12:00. The rain date is March 10th at the same time. Please bring your tools and help make our rose garden beautiful. Donuts will be provided. The Spring Plant Sale will be held on April 12, 13, 14 and 15th at the old Mazers building on Greensprings Avenue. Please sign up on the volunteer sheet that will be circulated during our meetings.

Robert Eskew reported the Rose Show is May 12th if you plan to exhibit your roses pruning at the proper time is essential. For Hybrid Teas the time is 60 –70 days out March 4th-12th, Floribundas are 65 –70 days out March 9th-14th. Fertilize the last week in March. He suggested Ortho Rose Pride as a fungicide for small gardens. We need ads for the Rose Show. This is how we underwrite our Rose Show. If you cannot buy an ad then try to sell one. A quarter page ad costs $40.00, one half page is $75.00 and a full page is $110.00. We need all members to sell an ad. Deadline for ads is March 31, 2012 Contact Chris VanCleave 205-5859687 or for info If you have awards to donate, email or call Hyacinth Prince. She needs to know how many awards will have to be purchased for the show. You can also donate money for awards. Door Prize winners of MooPoo Tea are Martha Eskew, Larita Giles and Lavonne Glover. Winners of the varied garden tools are Bob Eskew, George Ann Hamilton, Carl Jones, Joy Wright, James Glover, Gloria Purnell and Sharon Bamberg. Gloria Purnell introduced Sally Lee from the Auburn Extension Office from right upstairs at the Botanical Gardens. She talked to us about “Organic Gardening”. The best fertilizer is horse manure. Black Cow fertilizer that you can purchase has been sanitized. She had several handouts for us to take home. She also invited us to visit Grandmother’s Garden at the Duncan House at Sloss Furnace. The program was very informative.

The Meeting was adjourned at 8:08PM Respectfully submitted, George Ann Hamilton, Recording Secretary

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March 2012

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Birmingham Rose Society text here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue American Rose Society Affiliate

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Continue newsletter text here. While the advice and information in this newsletter is believed to be true and accurate at the time of publication, neither the authors nor the editor accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have been made. newsletter The Birmingham Rose Society makes no warranty, expressedContinue or implied with text here. Continue newslette respect to the material contained herein. The ARS is a 501(c)(3) charity here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue new incorporated in Louisiana and its tax exemption non-profit educational status includes this local chapter. Your donations are tax deductible. text here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue

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Continue newsletter text here. Continue newslette Garden Faces Deadlines: Submission Deadline: 10th of each month Publication Date : 15th of each month

here. Editor: Chris VanCleave Phone: 205-585-9687 E-mail:

Birmingham Rose Society 219 Chadwick Lane Helena, AL 35080

Garden Faces A Publication of The Birmingham Rose Society an American Rose Society Affiliate

Grow Roses. Show Roses. Share Roses.

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