Garden Faces March 2016

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Garden Faces March 2016

Birmingham Rose Society An American Rose Society Affiliate

President’s Message Hello to all! We welcome our new members, Mr. and Mrs. Xavier and Mary Smith from Hanceville. It is great to have you with us. Please remember the ad sales for the Rose Show are due before April 1st. Hanna’s Garden Shop has agreed to be a sponsor again this year and will supply $1500 for advertisements. I encourage you to shop there. The Spring Plant Sale for the Birmingham Botanical Gardens is April 14th-17th at the Brookwood Village parking lot. There will be a sign-up sheet at the meeting so you can participate, as you are able. This is a great way to give back to the BBG for all the beauty, information and education it gives. We had an informative round table discussion with Harold Settle, Bobby Babb and Paul Saeger at our February meeting. Thank you, men. There were great tips on rose buying, planting, products and bug and disease control. It is good to get help from our members when you have a question or concern. Everyone has experience and an opinion. Over at the Botanical Garden's Library I found a set of the American Rose Annual from 1916 to 2009. It is a view in time of rose growing back 100 years or so. It would be interesting to look them over. Also, there is the book, The Combined Rose List 2015. This book is published yearly to record all roses known to be in commerce worldwide. This edition was completely updated with data from 125 nurseries in North America and 161 nurseries from overseas. There are 15,697 different rose species and cultivars listed. I did see Petals From The Past there- it was our only Alabama listing. I had heard of this book but never seen one. Now you know- it's in the library behind the magazine stacks. Sharon Bamberg, President

Consulting Rosarian Report

On January 21, 2016 I received an email that read (paraphrase): “Condolences on the loss of your close friend. Wanted to share my news about having started propagation of some roses with the process you showed me. In our warmer climate we begin pruning in December. I combined my attempts with my pruning. I'm excited about doing this and would never thought about doing it without your assistance. I will let you know how it turns out. Sheryl� Now we have a problem!!! Who is Sheryl?? We will figure it out. She knows we lost a close friend, lives in a warmer climate, and explained to her how I grow cuttings. We have just spent two weeks in Florida with friends, which included attending the Deep South Midwinter Meeting, but did not discuss all these things with anyone that we could remember. Peggy says I talk roses with everyone we meet but she had no idea who this Sheryl could be. Sorry Sheryl, refresh my memory as to when, where and what rose we talked about. In your BACK YARD came the reply. Maybe I should have signed K's Cousin Sherry from Southern California. Just read an article in daily newspaper "Home & Garden Section" using the same process. Now I remember her interest and the hour we spent. This was an example of the FUN in growing and sharing in the world of roses. Sharing buds (flowers) is another and maybe greater pleasure that Peggy and I find in growing roses. It kind of started with bouquets for my office, then to the nursing home where my mom was for nine years. At some point we realized how meaningful Monday morning visits from the ladies of Second Hand Rose Ministry of First Baptist Church were to nursing home residents, home bound, hospitals, etc. More than one hundred of these visits, all with a bud vase of flowers each week. The favorite flower; the rose of course. Now during the season we furnish buckets of buds to be used every Monday morning. It makes us smile when someone says "my mom really looks forward to your roses on Monday mornings". Also in this same vein large bouquets to our in house Hospice Facility in Tuscaloosa is well received. And of course family and friends get their share. I try to grow varieties that produce a lot of buds and prune a little higher and keep more canes with this goal in mind. Some of my favorite varieties are: Pope Jon Paul II, Touch of Class, Tropicana, St. Patrick, Sheer Magic, Artistry, Wildfire, Pink Promise, Beverly, Double Delight, Elizabeth Taylor, Dream Come True, Gold Metal, Sunny Sundays (new purchase), and Don Juan climber. We harvest almost all our hybrid teas and most of the single buds from floribundas and climbers in bud stage to share. This approach will probably not produce "Queens of Show" but we like entering the show to see what the experts and the general public think of our blooms and to help create interest in roses. CAIN'T WAIT FOR THE SEASON TO BEGIN. Bobby Babb, Consulting Rosarian

Mark Your Calendars! Upcoming Rose Events 2016 Mar 28 BRS Monthly Meeting – Topic: Arrangements for the Rose Show April 14-17 Spring Plant Sale – Brookwood Village – We need Volunteers - See Bob Eskew April 29- May 1 Arrangements Judges School & Seminar, Indianapolis IN contact Linda Kimmel at 317-902-6016 May 7-8 Birmingham Rose Show July 29-31 American Rose Society Miniature Nationals – Harrisburg, PA

February Panel Discussion Was Fun & Informative

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Meeting Minutes Rose Society Meeting Minutes

George Ann Hamilton – Recording Secretary

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Birmingham Rose Society February 29, 2016 - 6:30 P.M. Sharon Bamberg President called the meeting to order. We had twenty-eight members in attendance. Our new members Mary Smith, Kay McLean and N. S, Xavier and Annie were recognized and welcomed. The hostesses for the evening were Peggy Babb, Jo Ann Morley and Jennifer Phillips. They were thanked for providing great refreshments for the evening. Paul Saeger, treasurer, reminded everyone that membership dues were due. Single membership is $20.00 and Family membership is $30.00. Checks should be made payable to Birmingham Rose Society. Robert Eskew reminded us about the Spring Plant Sale April 14-15- 16 and 17th. Clayton Richard has ordered our roses that will be for sale. The work Sign up Sheet was passed around for everyone to pick days and times to work. Robert Eskew wrote the Consulting Rosarian report. He reminded us to read it again for our spring garden clean up and asked if anyone had any questions about growing roses. Pruning day went very well on February 27th. James Horton thanked us for all the good work. Robert Babb fell while pruning and hurt his head. Also Gloria Purnell fell after leaving the garden later in the day at Miles College. She is still recovering from that fall. Chris VanCleave reminded everyone about selling ads for the Rose Show Program Book. The ad deadline is April 1 st. Chris VanCleave introduced the program topic for the evening, a panel discussion on the “Basics of Growing Roses”. The panel included rosarians Bobby, Babb, Paul Saegar, and Harold Settle (The Terrific Trio). Chris asked the questions and each man gave answers. The questions were how they choose their roses. Each man told what he uses in his spray program and where they get their roses. The next question was planting their roses. The main thing to remember - do not let bare root rose canes dry out. The next question was how and what they use to fertilize their roses. They presented an excellent question and answer program with very important information for the new rosarian. Our next meeting will be held Monday March 28, 2016 at the Botanical Gardens at 6:30 P.M. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted, George Ann Hamilton, Recording Secretary

Treasurer’s Report for March 2016 2016 Rose Society Dues Are Due! $20/Single - $30/Family Mail to: Birmingham Rose Society 1012 Southlake Cove Birmingham 35244 MEMBERSHIP MATTERS Birmingham Rose Society Membership Directory We will be publishing an updated membership directory in the Spring of 2016.

Or, Pay at the March meeting. --------------------------------Birmingham Rose Show AD deadline is Friday April 1, 2016

All paid members of record as of 3/31/2016 will be included in the directory. Please see Tina VanCleave, Membership Chair, at the March meeting, to verify that the information we have on file for you is correct. Can we reach a membership of 100 this year? Only if you help recruit new members! #LetsDoThis

We must have ad and payment by this date to be included in the show book. Did you know it costs over $2,500 per yr. to produce our annual rose show? AD sales for the show book fund our show! Please sell an ad. An ad form is included with this newsletter. Turn it in at the March meeting. Thanks!

AWARDS NEEDED! Please bring any awards you would like to donate to this year’s rose show to the March meeting. Thanks to all who came out to prune the Dunn Rose Garden

Thanks, Hyacinth Prince

Garden Faces Deadlines: Submission Deadline: 10th of each month Publication Date : 15th of each month Editor: Chris VanCleave Phone: 205-585-9687 E-mail:

Birmingham Rose Society 219 Chadwick Lane Helena, AL 35080

Grow Roses. Show Roses. Share Roses.

Birmingham Rose Society American Rose Society Affiliate While the advice and information in this newsletter is believed to be true and accurate at the time of publication, neither the authors nor the editor accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The Birmingham Rose Society makes no warranty, expressed or implied with respect to the material contained herein.

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