GardenFaces September 2012

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Garden Faces Birmingham Rose Society American Rose Society Affiliate

September 2012 President’s Message Thanks to all who came out to the Gardens for our pruning day. Our efforts will be repaid in a glorious flush of bloom as we stroll through the gardens in October. I hope your fall pruning is completed in your own garden as plans are underway for an INHouse Rose Show to be held during our regular October meeting. If you have never exhibited roses, this is a great time to pick up some pointers from your fellow society members. Another opportunity to exhibit your blooms this fall is at our Fall District Show in Tallassee. Details are elsewhere in this publication. At our September meeting I outlined some ideas for the Birmingham Rose Society to further broaden our reach. 1. Roses n Libraries Program 2. Kidz n Roses Program Each of these programs has the potential to educate people on the joy of growing roses. To be successful, each also needs someone to provide leadership and direction to get us started. If you are interested in heading up either of these two programs, please let me know. See you at the gardens!

New for 2013 – ‘Love Song’ Floribunda

Loads of big beautiful blooms can nearly cover this sultry siren. Her profusion of pulchritude is only matched by the surprising duration of the display. Those lovely lavender old fashioned flowers just seem to last and last...without turning a lurid gray. Underneath all that beauteousness is a bushy rounded plant clothed with great rich green leaves. But you may have to dig to find ‘em. Go ahead …bury your face in those beautiful clusters and burst into song. It’ll be love at first sight – Photo Courtesy of Weeks Roses

Christopher R. VanCleave

President, Birmingham Rose Society American Rose Society Online:

Birmingham Rose Society Online: Deep South District Online

@BhamRoseSociety On Twitter

August Meeting Minutes By Jane Hinds The August 2012 Birmingham Rose Society's Fall Season kicked off with its annual Pot Luck with food provided by all its members and we all enjoyed the cooking skill of our members. New member Shannon Kreider was welcomed by President Chris VanCleave. We welcomed Gloria and James Purnell after her summer's recuperation from a bad fall, and Dick and Nora Coffee after his heart surgery. Both are much improved. The group was saddened to hear that our dear member Martha Baier died within two months of her diagnosis for pancreatic cancer. Our heart goes out to her beloved spouse, Frank. Treasurer Hyacinth Prince reported that we have $3791.22 in our checking account, and $5000.00 in our CD. There were $19.62 in expenses and 25.00 in income. President VanCleave reported on the success of the Helena Farmer's Market event and that we should do it again based on turnout of our members and interest in our booth which was fairly well stocked with roses from President VanCleave's, Hinds and Prince gardens. Several passersby left their email addresses and the August Newsletter was mailed to them. Roses were given out to children and interested adults. About twelve or more BRS members plus two Master Gardener's pruned about three fourths of the roses in the Dunn Rose Garden on Saturday August 25th. Many children and some adults were gifted with roses which were part of the pruning. One Rose Rosette diseased rose was found in the Playboy bed. Though we made good progress in the unusually hot day our turnout was smaller than usual. We needed more members especially to help with several beds with lots of suckering, crepe myrtle and weeds. Bob Eskew reported that pruning for the District

Show for the large roses should begin now, and in ten days for the miniatures. It was reported that the Deep South District Newsletter is now available free via email, no paper copy unless you print one out. This saves the Society postage paper and time. Our new officers were introduced with appreciation: President Chris VanCleave, First VP (in charge of programs and publicity) Sharon Bamberg, Second VP Membership & Recruitment Tina VanCleave, Treasurer Hyacinth Prince, Recording Secretary George Ann Hamilton, Corresponding Secretary Becky Henderson, our Directors: Clayton Richard, Robert Eskew and Jim Calloway, Coordinating Consulting Rosarian Jane Hinds and Jennifer Phillips Hospitality Coordinator. A call was made for the need for someone to Chair our 2013 Rose Show, Carl Bruner put out a plea for advertising for the Rose Show Book. President VanCleave said he would bring a sheet for ad prices to the Sept. meeting. Sharon Bamberg announced our upcoming programs: September: October: November: December:

James Horton on Soil In House Rose Show Star (Meilland) Roses 12/10- The Christmas Party

We were requested to fill out a member survey regarding a Library Project, Kids and roses as it regarded a sustainable garden, organic methods of growing roses and donation of roses. Also each member was asked to list ten roses which grow well in their garden. Four roses were given away before adjournment. The lucky winners were Bob Hinds- Sorcerer a mini, Betty Bamberg- Flawless Mini, Hyacinth Prince a red Knockout and Jane Hinds -Live Wire, Mini.

September 2012 Monthly Meeting of the Birmingham Rose Society Monday September 24, 2012 6:30 pm – Light Supper 7:00 pm – Program Hodges Room, Birmingham Botanical Gardens

James Horton of the Birmingham Botanical Gardens will present a program on Soil. Containers will be available for soil testing.

Executive Committee Meeting 9/24/12 – 5:30 pm All Executive Committee members and Directors should attend if possible.

How to Eat a Rose Below is a recipe from a new book out by Jim Long of Long Creek Herbs to celebrate the 2012 Herb of the year – The Rose.

Chilled Rose Soup This is a chilled soup, great for hot summer afternoons. Serve it tiny cookies for a dessert or with miniature sandwiches at tea time. 4 cups fresh or frozen red raspberries, pureed in a blender 2 cups plain yogurt 1 cup heavy cream ½ cup buttermilk 2 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 cup fresh rose petals 1 tsp rose syrup 2 tsp sugar Dash of cinnamon Place the raspberry puree and lemon juice, along with the yogurt in a blender and blend. Add remaining ingredients and blend well. Chill. Serve in small glass bowls that have been well chilled first. Top with fresh rose petals and a mint sprig. Book available at for $5.95 *only use rose petals that have NOT been sprayed with chemicals!

Consulting Rosarian Report By Jane Hinds

This is the time of the year when our roses look so vibrant. The cooler nights make them look like their advertized pictures. And if you have been doing more than just deadheading, but kept your bushes pruned on a regular basis you have many beautiful blooms, especially if you have watered enough and put down a little fertilizer every few weeks. If you are fortunate enough to have a few refrigerators like I do your new fall start up organization meetings will be wowed by your centerpieces. The upside means that some of these centerpieces can be broken into a number to be shared; the downside is that our refrigerator interiors look better than our gardens. A word on keeping your beauties at their best is to cut them just as the buds opens to exhibition stage; put them in vases filled with water and then covered with a plastic grocery bag. Most of them will look just as good by the time they are ready to use. Some like First Kiss, Tchaikovsky, Tiffany, Belinda’s Dream and roses with fewer petals must be cut in a pretty tight stage or you risk many or most petals being dropped. Make a friend of a rosarian who has been growing for many years.

We almost always have more roses than we have room for, and still we buy more, so you will probably go home with one of our babies. Due to the health, profusion and beauty of my one Perfume Delight last week I decided I wanted a dozen more. Hanna Gardens had only one, reduced by 75%. If it will ever look like its sister six feet away it will be a miracle; but I couldn’t resist trying, especially since most of their deeply discounted ones purchased in the past did thrive. All of Hanna’s roses were similarly discounted, many looked great, but the staff could not tell me the prices would remain the same. I suggest you go take a look since quite a number are much-loved species. Planting them before the soil cools to below 50 degrees allows the roots to utilize the Miracle Gro or other fertilizer you put in the hole. Don’t forget to water freshly planted roses every day for about a week or two. If you remember to adequately water all your roses you can continue to have new growth, new buds and beautiful roses into November. Part of this is due to the much warmer climate than we had in decades past.

52st Annual Convention &Rose Show “Honoring Rose Queens and Kings of the DSD”

October 5 to 7, 2012 Tallahassee, Florida The Tallahassee Area Rose Society, the Thomasville Rose Society and the Wiregrass Rose Society are making plans for this annual event, Honoring Rose Queens and Kings of the DSD, and invite you to come and enjoy the many activities. The dates for the Convention are Friday, October 5 through Sunday, October 7, 2012 and the location will be the DoubleTree Hotel, 101 South Adams Street in Tallahassee, FL. A registration form is enclosed in this issue of the DSD Bulletin. Please note contact information for questions. All meetings will be held at the hotel; however, the rose show will be held at the Doyle Conner Building, 3125 Conner Boulevard, which is located just east of the hotel and the same location as the annual Tallahassee Area Rose Show. The driving distance is approximately seven minutes and there is plenty of parking available. We plan to have shuttle service available. The weekend begins on Friday afternoon at 3:00 pm with an Arrangement Seminar coordinated by Jim Harrell, DSD Arrangement Judges Chairman. This will include a “hands on” session. No prior experience is required to attend. Although there is no charge, please be sure to indicate on your registration form if you plan to attend so that we can be sure to have enough supplies. Friday evening a welcome dinner is planned at the hotel. There will be a cash bar and a time for you to meet with rose friends. We hope that it will be a fun night for you. (More details later) Show day is Saturday and we want you to bring roses to exhibit. Show preparation opens at 5:30 am. The show will be open to the public on both

Saturday afternoon and on Sunday. Saturday will feature speakers that will both enlighten you and entertain you! The business meeting of the district will be held on Saturday afternoon. Yes, there will be a raffle too! For those of you with free time on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning there are many attractions within walking distance of the hotel. They include the Challenger Learning Center, IMAX Theatre, State Capital, The Museum of Florida History, Knott House, Peace Rose Garden and Market in the Park. There is shopping in Tallahassee and Thomasville as well as antiquing in Havana (just 20 miles away). You can also shop with the vendors at the hotel. If you are looking for specific roses, place your orders ahead of time. The Awards Banquet will be on Saturday evening, following a cash bar. You will want to be there to congratulate the 2012 outstanding persons in our district as we honor them for their achievements. The hospitality room will be a gathering place throughout the weekend to talk roses, meet old friends and make new ones! The Sunday Garden Tours will take you to private gardens and to Goodwood Museum and Gardens for lunch by our chef, Bob Schelhorn. Buses leave the hotel at 8:00 am. We are making an effort to locate the names of roses that have won queen and king, as well as the exhibitors at all of the past district rose shows. Be sure to get your warm chocolate chip cookie when you check in at the hotel. We promise you warm “Southern Hospitality at Its Best” for the weekend.

The contact persons are presidents of the host societies:

Pat Stanford, Tallahassee Area RS 850-519-3745 John Grotgen, Thomasville RS229-242-0097 Pat Wente, Wiregrass RS 334-696-8371

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September 2012

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Continue newsletter text here. While the advice and information in this newsletter is believed to be true and accurate at the time of publication, neither the authors nor the editor accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have been made. newsletter The Birmingham Rose Society makes no warranty, expressedContinue or implied with text here. Continue newslette respect to the material contained herein. The ARS is a 501(c)(3) charity here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue new incorporated in Louisiana and its tax exemption non-profit educational status includes this local chapter. Your donations are tax deductible. text here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue

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Continue newsletter text here. Continue newslette Garden Faces Deadlines: Submission Deadline: 10th of each month Publication Date : 15th of each month

here. Editor: Chris VanCleave Phone: 205-585-9687 E-mail:

Birmingham Rose Society 219 Chadwick Lane Helena, AL 35080

Garden Faces A Publication of The Birmingham Rose Society an American Rose Society Affiliate

Grow Roses. Show Roses. Share Roses.

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