GardenFacesTemplate November 2011

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Garden Faces Birmingham Rose Society American Rose Society Affiliate

November 2011 President’s Message Our October meeting was filled with beautiful roses and I am grateful to everyone who brought in a bloom. I think we all gained valuable insights into what the horticulture judges are looking for when judging a rose. It was also great to see all the different varieties that were represented. I hope that you are making plans for our annual Christmas dinner to be held on Monday evening December 5 at 6:30 p.m. Everyone should bring a covered dish and the Society will provide the entrée. It will be a fun night of fellowship. If you would like to participate in the holiday game, please bring a gift to exchange. $10 limit please. Elsewhere in this publication you will find an amendment to our bylaws in relation to an increase in membership dues and how dues are carried over for new members who join late in the year. I hope that you will thoughtfully consider the proposal and will be present for our November meeting to cast your vote.

thankful for at the Thanksgiving table and in turn, asked us to share. I can remember my sister being thankful for her stuffed animals and her cat and I too, was always thankful for some object I possessed. My parents on the other hand were always thankful for health and family and a time of sharing that only the holidays bring. As an adult, I am now in the parents chair and the things I am thankful for has changed over the years. I am very thankful for my family, a loving wife and children full of hope and promise. I am grateful to have a fulfilling career and I am thankful for my membership to the Birmingham Rose Society. My involvement here has enriched my life in so many ways. It is indeed a priceless gift.

Christopher R. VanCleave

President, Birmingham Rose Society

This time of year always brings back a flood of memories for me. My parents made it a point of each of sharing things they were

‘Colorific’ – floribunda Photo: Weeks Roses

American Rose Society Online:

Birmingham Rose Society Online: Deep South District Online

Holiday Gift Ideas For Rose Gardeners

Comfort Grip Bypass Pruners $32.00 Replaceable SharpGard blade for long-lasting, easy cutting up to 1 inch diameter Bag ripper and wire cutter on blade add utility Ergonomically designed handles reduce fatigue Hi-comfort textured grip and forged aluminum handle increase balance and control or 1-800-234-2547

A great gift for any Rosarian; Harlane Markers are an excellent way to label your roses. With prices starting at $1.45 each, it’s a great buy! 404-771-9300

Order the 2012 American Rose Society Calendar for $11.45 each. Postage Paid. or 800-637-6534 It’s a great gift idea!

Gift Memberships to the Birmingham Rose Society and the American Rose Society are an excellent way to introduce someone to the world of Roses! See Judy Williams, our Membership Chairman for more info.

November Meeting Details Join Us!

American Rose Society Photography Winners 2011 Monday November 28, 2011 6:30 p.m. We will be viewing and discussing the American Rose Societies 2011 Photography Contest Winners. We hope you’ll join us!

Gloria Purnell, Program Chairman

Join us For our annual Christmas Dinner Monday 5, 2011 6:30 p.m. Ireland Room Birmingham Botanical Gardens

We hope you are making plans to attend.

There will be no cost to attend but we do need to know how many plan to come in order to provide enough Honey Baked ham/turkey.

We do ask that you bring a side--vegetable, salad, dessert or, if you can't cook, a beverage.

Frank and Shirley Bolen have the food sign up list so let them know your selection.

We will play the gift exchange game. If you would like to participate please bring a gift to

Executive Committee Meeting Monday November 28, 2011 5:30 p.m. All Officers should attend

exchange. ($10 limit).

Proposed Changes to the Bylaws of the Birmingham Rose Society

Current Bylaws:

Proposed Change*:

ARTICLE IV – Membership

ARTICLE IV – Membership

Section 1: All persons interested in the rose, shall be eligible to apply for membership.

Section 1: All persons interested in the rose, shall be eligible to apply for membership.

Section 2: Dues: The annual dues of the members of the Society shall be $15.00 for a single membership and $25.00 for a family membership.

Section 2: Dues: The annual dues of the members of the Society shall be $20.00 for a single membership and $30.00 for a family membership.

Dues are payable at the January meeting. If dues are delinquent thirty (30) days, the member may be dropped from membership.

For new members who join in October, November or December dues will count for the upcoming year. Dues are payable at the January meeting. If dues are delinquent thirty (30) days, the member may be dropped from membership.

*This proposed change was announced in our October meeting and will be voted on at our November meeting.

Great Resource For Info On Roses:

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October 2011 Meeting Minutes

ContinueRecording newsletter text here. Continue newslette By: George Ann Hamilton, Secretary

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October 31, 2011 - 6:30 P.M.

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Chris VanCleave. President called the meeting to order. We had thirty-two in attendance. Hostesses Betty Bamberg, Sharon Bamberg and Jane Hinds were thanked for providing refreshments tonight.

Carl Bruner is getting Continue rid of some of his rose bushes. newsletter text here. They are marked with red ribbons and you can come and get them any time. He is not able to take care of them anymore. Continue newsletter text here. Continue newslette

The minutes from the September 26thmeeting were approved as printed in Garden Faces.

Continue newsletter text ahere. Continue new There was a vote takenhere. all in favor of not having meeting in November since we would have our text here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue Christmas Event the following Monday. The vote newsletter text here. Continue was 18 in favor of having our usual meeting and 6newsletter text her against. We will have our regular meeting in Continue newsletter text here. Continue newslette November.

Hyacinth Prince gave the treasurer’s report. As of October 31, 2011, the checking account balance is $4,272.82 and the CD is now $5,047.47. Jane Hinds reported on Joyce Benjamin’s condition. Call Jane if you would like a rose from Joyce’s garden. Our Christmas event will be held on Monday December 5th in the Ireland Room. The Rose Society will provide ham and turkey. The members will provide the salad, vegetables, deserts and drinks. The gift exchange will be $10.00 as usual for those who choose to participate. The change from having the event catered to a potluck was put to a vote. A motion was made and the motion seconded by Clayton Richard. The motion passed in favor of having potluck provided by the members.


The meeting was turned over to Gloria Purnell. The program for the evening was an In House Rose Show. Things you must have: 1. Rose Show Schedule Brochure. 2. ARS Handbook for Selecting Roses. No artificial cleaner can be used on your roses you will be disqualified. Never pull foliage off. New for next year, will have a schedule to include Knockout and Earthkind roses. All questions were answered regarding showing roses. Martha Eskew and Dean Hodge were the judges for the evening. The program in January will be nine items that will get a rose disqualified. The Meeting was adjourned at 8:00PM

The Executive Committee has met twice this year. The subject of raising our membership dues has been discussed. At present, our dues are $15.00 for single and $25.00 for family. It was decided to raise the dues to $20.00 for single and $30.00 for family. This change requires the membership to vote on the change increase in dues. Judy Williams, Membership will ask for a vote on this matter and our November 28th meeting.

Scan the QR code to connect with us online.

November 2011

Birmingham Rose Society American Rose Society Affiliate While the advice and information in this newsletter is believed to be true and accurate at the time of publication, neither the authors nor the editor accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The Birmingham Rose Society makes no warranty, expressed or implied with respect to the material contained herein.

Editor: Chris VanCleave Phone: 205-585-9687 E-mail: Garden Faces Deadlines: Submission Deadline: 10th of each month Publication Date : 15th of each month

Birmingham Rose Society 219 Chadwick Lane Helena, AL 35080

Garden Faces A Publication of The Birmingham Rose Society an American Rose Society Affiliate

Grow Roses. Show Roses. Share Roses.

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