Garden Faces November 2012

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Garden Faces Birmingham Rose Society American Rose Society Affiliate

November 2012 President‟s Message Thanks to all who brought in blooms for our October meeting. It was great to see so many roses. I would also like to express my thanks to our judges for the evening; Gloria Purnell and Bob & Martha Eskew. They not only judged the blooms but also provided great advice on exhibiting.

L to R: Gloria Purnell, Bob & Martha Eskew Photo Credit: Harold Settle

company that brought us the famed hybrid tea ‘Peace’ and this year’s AARS winner ‘Francis Meilland’. Please make every effort to attend. Our annual holiday event is being planned for Monday December 10th at 6:30 pm. and I hope to see every member in attendance. It will be a great time to reflect and to celebrate on a wonderful year of roses and we will have with us the very talented Chrissy Pursell, a local vocalist to further brighten the festivities. In addition, we will present the Bronze Honor Award. This award is the highest honor given at the local society level for meritorious service to the society and to the advancement of the rose. I hope you’ll join us. Christopher R. VanCleave

President, Birmingham Rose Society

The winners for the evening are announced elsewhere in this bulletin and I would like to extend my congratulations to the winners and to all who brought in a bloom. Our November meeting will be a treat with Mr. Jim Darden of Conard-Pyle/Star Roses as our special guest. Some of you may remember that it was the Conard-Pyle „Pink Pet‟ – Polyantha Aka “Caldwell Pink” from my garden

American Rose Society Online:

Birmingham Rose Society Online: Deep South District Online

Holiday Gift Ideas For Rose Gardeners The peaceful connection with the beauty that a rose produces gives us a timeout from the chaos that sometimes assaults our sense of well-being. Being remembered with the gift of a rose constantly reminds us that someone else cares for us.

Order the 2013 American Rose Society Calendar for $13.50 each. Postage Paid. or 800-637-6534 It’s a great gift idea!

The Gift of Roses With Gift Cards Chamblee’s Rose Nursery – 800-256-7673 | HeirloomRoses – 800-820-0465 |

A great gift for any Rosarian; Harlane Markers are an excellent way to label your roses. With prices starting at $1.45 each, it’s also a great value! 404-771-9300

Gift Memberships to the Birmingham Rose Society are an excellent way to introduce someone to the world of Roses! See Tina VanCleave, our Membership Chairman for more info.

Join us For our annual Christmas Dinner Monday 10, 2012 6:30 p.m. Ireland Room Birmingham Botanical Gardens

November Meeting Details Monday 11/26, 6:30 pm - Join Us!

Speaker: Jim Darden of Star Roses | Conard-Pyle

Make plans now to attend!

The cost is only $5/person. Local vocalist Chrissy Pursell will provide Jim will be here to share their beautiful line of roses for 2013, including the 2013 AARS winner „Francis Meilland‟. You don‟t want to miss this program. Sharon Bamberg, Program Chairman

entertainment for the evening’s festivities.

We do need to know how many to plan for, a Honey baked ham and turkey will be provided by the society. Please plan to bring a side dish; vegetable, salad, dessert or, if you don't cook; a beverage.

Jennifer Phillips has the food sign up list so please

Executive Committee Meeting Monday November 26, 2012 5:30 p.m. All Officers should attend

let her know what you plan to bring.

We will play the gift exchange game. If you would like to participate please bring a gift to exchange. ($10 limit).

I have had an exciting request recently. It concerns a date for a Consulting Rosarian School in Birmingham. The Schools are normally far enough away that few of us attend. The last time we had it here was about 2008 and about 20 attended, only a few as candidates. Many members audit the course to see what it is all about. Others audit as a CR requirement every four years. I have attended at least five. They are excellent refreshers and I recommend them for every member interested in growing roses. A very basic requirement to take the course and the open book test to become a Consulting Rosarian is having three years membership in The American Rose Society. If we have enough interest the other less stringent requirements will be posted. There is some work to setting up the class- a request through channels for permission to do it, a minimum three month in advance notification in American Rose, five qualified teachers, setting up the classroom, providing hospitality and lunch (generally a modest charge for lunch and also for the test) No charge to audit. Some societies provide a free buffet line, far nicer, I think. If the duties are shared it is a pleasure. No one person should take on several of the responsibilities. From experience I can say the results prove embarrassing. Dates? September or October of 2013? Later? Talk to any of our Consulting Rosarians, to our President Chris VanCleave, or to me, your BRS Coordinating Consulting Rosarian; Jane Hinds.

Consulting Rosarian News! By Jane Hinds

I was out in my garden yesterday. It gets pruned almost every walk through so there are still some pretty roses for the Wisconsin company arriving Sunday night. Not many roses though. With the pruning and the constant cold weather there aren't too many leaves to strip. It is important for disease control to remove all the old leaves. This gives the Lime Sulphur better coverage to future buds. Spraying is due now. Spraying more than once during these cold months is not a waste of time especially if any warm weather causes new growth which should also be removed. The new growth, even if it is very healthy, should not be kept since the cold temperatures usually will not allow it to set buds and bloom and the few that bloom would be small on short stems- better to let the energy go to the roots to supply large beautiful spring blooms on nice sturdy long stems. Since I've never known a rosarian who isn't on the lookout for one or more new roses, make sure you have pots or adequate hole space in your garden. It isn't too early to find that space and dig a sizable hole for it. The size depends upon the kind of roses you are planting, generally 18 inches deep or more and two feet in diameter. The quality of soil is important, excellent bagged soil with water release or your own compost will ensure good growth. This is a slow time in the garden, so it is a great time to assemble and prepare for next year. Use your computer if you are in the market for new roses and haven't received any catalogues yet.

Great Resource For Info On Roses:

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October 2012 Meeting Minutes

ContinueRecording newsletter text here. Continue newslette By: George Ann Hamilton, Secretary

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October 29, 2012 - 6:30 P.M. Chris VanCleave, President, called the meeting to order. We had twenty-three members attending the meeting. Betty Bamberg, Sharon Bamberg and Jane Hinds were thanked for providing the refreshments for the evening. The program for the evening was “In House Rose Show”. Members brought roses from their gardens to be judged by Martha Eskew, Robert Eskew and Gloria Purnell. There were plenty of roses to be judged.

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December 10th. The Rose Society will provide newsletter text here. will Continue newsletter text her the turkeys and hams. The members provide the other dishes. A newsletter signup sheet will be Continue text here. provided at the November meeting.

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The winners of the In House Rose Show are:

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The minutes from the September 24th meeting were approved as printed in the October Garden Faces newsletter. Hyacinth Prince gave the treasurer‟s report. As of October 29, 2012, the checking account balance is $3,565.32 and the CD has matured at $5,072.68. We are earning 0.50% for 12 months. We can earn 1.00% if we let it mature in 15 months. A motion was made to take the 15-month offer. The motion was seconded and the vote in favor was unanimous. Chris Van Cleave serves on the ARS membership committee. He reported on the membership initiatives. An effort is underway to reduce the cost of dues. Approx. 86% of non-renewing members did not renew their membership in ARS citing cost as a factor. They also want to encourage dual membership in ARS and the local society. Our Christmas Party will be on Monday,

Virna Settle with her bloom of „Crystalline‟

First Place – Best Hybrid Tea “Crystalline” exhibited by Harold & Virna Settle Second Place – Best Miniature “Rainbow‟s End” exhibited by Dick Coffee Third Place – Best Floribunda “Lavaglut” exhibited by Chris & Tina VanCleave The door prize winners were: Sharon Bamberg – Live Wire – Miniature Rose; Harold Settle – Flawless – Mini Flora Rose George Ann Hamilton – Comfort Gel Shears by Corona Tools. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45P.M.

Scan the QR code with your smart phone to connect with us online.

November 2012

Birmingham Rose Society American Rose Society Affiliate While the advice and information in this newsletter is believed to be true and accurate at the time of publication, neither the authors nor the editor accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The Birmingham Rose Society makes no warranty, expressed or implied with respect to the material contained herein.

Editor: Chris VanCleave Phone: 205-585-9687 E-mail: Garden Faces Deadlines: Submission Deadline: 10th of each month Publication Date : 15th of each month

Birmingham Rose Society 219 Chadwick Lane Helena, AL 35080

Garden Faces A Publication of The Birmingham Rose Society an American Rose Society Affiliate

Grow Roses. Show Roses. Share Roses.

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