Editor: Glenda Boudreaux (205) 3377100
OUR NEXT MEETING Join us for our monthly society meeting on Monday, November 30th @ 6:30 p.m. Tom Seibert with WEEKS ROSES will be our featured speaker and will introduce Weeks new roses for 2010. See you there! Our host and hostesses are Clayton Richard, LaRita Giles, and Dean Hodge.
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Rose Society Members: Even before I ate all the leftover Halloween candy and before I purchased my Thanksgiving turkey, I saw two houses decorated with Christmas lights. Either I am very slow or someone is rushing the season. Maybe a bit of both! I hope you have used the good information presented at the last two meetings to prepare your gardens for the winter. If you have any additional questions about winterizing, feel free to ask them at the next meeting. Remember we gather to learn and help each other grow more beautiful roses. James and I have still been able to cut and share several beautiful blooms with our neighbors lately. I cut a Mr. Lincoln this week that was absolutely fabulous – about 6” across and looked and felt like burgundy velvet. My only question – why couldn’t that have happened in May for the Rose Show? Maybe next year!!! We have been having great attendance lately so please continue by being present to hear the November speaker, Tom Seibert from Weeks Roses. Chris will tell us more about that in another spot in the Garden Faces. It is now time to plan for the Holiday Party which is scheduled for Monday, December 7th, at 6:30 p.m. in the Birmingham Botanical Gardens – Ireland Room. Please contact Ann Jones by email at or Gloria at to make your reservation. You can also give Frank a check at the next Rose Society meeting. I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting Monday, November 30th, at 6:30 in the Hodges Room of the Botanical Gardens. Gloria Purnell President, Birmingham Rose Society
Monday, December 7, 2009 6:30 pm – Ireland Room – Birmingham Botanical Gardens Dinner catered by Full Moon-Bar B-Q - $10.00 per person Menu Chopped pork and chicken – buns - Bar-B-Q sauce - Pickles and chow-chow Slaw and Mac & cheese Cookies and Iced tea Reservations required no later than Thursday, December 3rd Call or e-mail Ann Jones: 939-3559 or Reservations can be made at BRS meeting on November 30th Program: The Leeding Ladies (an outstanding group of ladies from Leeds who will sign some oldies and a few Christmas hits. Please bring a wrapped Christmas gift valued at $10.00 or under….
BRS ROSE SHOW By Ann Jones, Consulting Rosarian
Last request for “recycled awards”! Please bring any items that could be used as awards for next year’s Rose Show to the meeting on November 30th OR contact Ann Jones for pick-up: or 939-3559. Sponsorships for awards are still available. If interested, please contact Ann (see above)
BRS WEBSITE By Chris VanCleave
Stay connected to us online: Visit us on the web at Become a fan of Birmingham Rose Society on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter @BhamRoseSociety
CR REPORT By Glenn Hodge, Consulting Rosarian
This has been a relative quite month for tending the roses. There has been plenty of water so we have not had to worry about water but this doesn’t mean that we are out of the woods in that respect. The fall period is often the driest period and we tend to overlook the need to water. If we happen to get a drying out before the roses go dormant, we might need to add some water. Normally the large amount of moisture is very conducive to black spot but surprisingly I have not sprayed since the middle of October and our roses look very good. I guess the cooler weather is making them perk up and not be as vulnerable to the spores. I do have some black spot but not enough to be concerned over. This is a good time to plan your garden changes and to clean up beds and add mulch. If your plans call for transplanting some of your roses it will be best to wait until they become dormant. It would also be good to get pH test and add lime if required since it will take the lime 3 to 6 months to breakdown in the soil and effect the pH. Also prepare to winter prune (cut back about ½ the foliage) and spray with lime sulfur in December. Cutting back some of the foliage reduces root damage from high winds blowing the rose bush. I hope everyone has a great fall and winter and we’ll have a great show this spring.
MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 26TH MEETING OF THE BRS Submitted by George Ann Hamilton, Recording Secretary
Gloria Purnell, President called the meeting to order. Twenty-two members were present. The host and hostesses, Clayton Richard, Lavonne Glover , Martha Eskew and Gloria Purnell. were thanked for our refreshments. We need one other person for refreshments in November. Clayton Richard volunteered. The Holiday Party will be held on December 7th in the Ireland Room at 6:30 PM. Full Moon BBQ will cater our dinner. The entertainment will be the Leeding Ladies from Leeds. There will be a gift swap. The minutes from September 28th with a correction was accepted. Glenn Hodge is the Rose Show Chairman not Ann Jones as stated in the minutes. The secretary regrets the error. The treasurer’s report from September 28th, 2009 was accepted as printed in Garden Faces. Carl Jones gave the treasurer’s report for Frank Baier, who was out of town. Carl reported the balance in the checking account as of October 26th, 2009 is $6,817l.24 and the CD balance is $4,765.70. Ann Jones made a motion that if you sponsor an award for the Rose Show and you win an award you are eligible to win an award even if you sponsored the award. Jane Hinds seconded the motion. Motion carried. Dean Hodge gave an excellent report on the Deep South District Rose Show. The Princess was Black Magic and the Queen was Raphael. The Deep South Fall meeting and National will be held together next year in Marietta, Georgia. Ed Griffith is Director of Directors. At our last meeting it was suggested that the Rose Society volunteer to help deadhead the rose garden. There are four quadrants in the garden. A motion was made by James Purnell and seconded by Martha Eskew that the Rose Society will choose a quadrant to take care of by pruning in March and deadheading thereafter three times a year. The motion carried. The new Coordinator of Volunteers for the Botanical Gardens is Mary Bester Tickle. Chris VanCleave, Vice President, opened the program for the evening by introducing the Consulting Rosarians Panel to answer any rose questions the members would like to have answered. The first question was how to get rid of black spot. black spot has been very bad this year for many of us due to so much rain. Discussion followed. The meeting was adjourned.
Mid-Winter Meeting Lake City, Fl. January 15th-17th From the November/ December, 2009 issue of South Metro Rose Garden , editor Cindy Dale
Plan to come to our Mid-Winter Meeting, January 15th -17th, 2010, at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites (opened in 2005) in Lake City, FL. As many of you know, for the past 27 years the Deep South District has held its very popular Mid-Winter Meeting at a central location in our district. This could be the best MWM ever! Many volunteers to the Friends of the Rose Committees are hard at work with their portion of this event. Plan to be there for the friendship, fun and information! The weekend will kick off on Friday with our ever-popular arrangement workshop from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Sandy Dixon, incoming National Chair of Arrangement Judges will lead and coordinate this hands-on workshop (see details in Winter DSD Bulletin.) Space is limited so get your reservation in early. Also, on Friday afternoon, Phil Paul will present an interesting program on “The Role of the Local Society President”. Friday night, we’ll have a wonderful welcoming buffet with cash bar. Saturday morning is loaded with five speakers: Linda Kimmel, chair of the ARS Newsletter Committee; our new District Director, Karen Prevatt, sharing her plans for the DSD; Sandy Lundberg, giving us “Sandy’s Picks”; James Mills highlighting “new varieties” and Dan Mills’ presentation, “Soil and Water and Roses”. After lunch Ed Griffith will share his experiences regarding international rose gardens, Tommy Cairns will discuss some innovative rose growing techniques and Phil Paul will provide guidance on how to be an effective local society program chair. Saturday afternoon will also have a great raffle. Plan to be generous and buy those raffle tickets! At Saturday night’s banquet, District Bronze Medal Winners will be honored and awards presented. Tommy Cairns, always interesting and entertaining, will be our keynote speaker. The banquet will include a delicious dinner with your choice of any of three entrees. Sunday morning we will have a Consulting Rosarian School for new candidates and those needing to audit. If
you plan to take the CR Test, you need to qualify: You must have been an ARS member for three years and have letters of recommendation from three current CR’s. CR manuals can be purchased from the ARS. If you plan to take the test, promptly contact Ralph Stream at 352-591-4474, We also have a great group of vendors lined up. Make a list of your needs so you can pre-order your plants and supplies in advance. See you there, Friends of the Rose Committee, Ralph & Jean Stream, Chairs While the advice and information in this newsletter is believed to be true and accurate at the time of publication, neither the authors nor the editor accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The Birmingham Rose Society makes no warranty, expressed or implied with respect to the material contained herein.
Glenda Boudreaux 4493 Preserve Drive Hoover, Al 35226