5 minute read
Chairman’s Report
I present Birstall Parish Council’s Annual Report for 2022/23 with a sense of optimism, in that we have finally emerged from the last two years dominated by Covid. Normal activity has at last been resumed. Bookings for our two halls and sports pitches have returned to normal levels, thus generating valuable income. Our staff team continued to work hard to ensure the effective delivery of Birstall Parish Council’s services and the maintenance of its many assets. Thanks go to our Clerk and Office Team, as Birstall Parish Council once again received positive reports from our Internal and External auditors. The Estates Team have continued to maintain our open spaces and sports pitches to a high standard. More about their activities are to be found in the Estates Team Managers report on page 5.
Birstall Parish Council continued to work in partnership with Age UK by funding the unique bath nurse service, the Police Community Beat Team by providing them with free office space in our Parish, the Birstall & Wanlip Neighbourhood Watch by contributing towards the costs of their monthly newsletter to you all, which promotes crime prevention. Birstall Parish Council has supported the Helping Our Community LE4 group and the local food hub by granting free use of Council premises. Representation from Birstall Parish Council on the new Community Stakeholders group, set up by Birstall’s three churches to support residents with warm spaces, food and refuge during the energy and cost of living crisis.
Birstall Parish Council organised 4 community events in year for the benefit of residents and to promote a sense of community spirit. The Summer Gala, culminating in the evening with the ‘Proms in the Park’.
The Civic Service and Lunch, the main aim of which is to recognise and thank members of the community who give their time to running the many and varied groups available to Birstall residents (15 guests from such groups and organisations attended).
Remembrance Sunday Service and Parade which is always very well attended. This is organised in partnership with St James Church, The Royal British Legion and local military groups.
The Christmas Event with Santa, free mulled wine and Mince pies which was well attended and enjoyed.
In my role as Chair of Birstall Parish Council I represented the Council at a total of 10 events during the year. It is always a great pleasure to meet members of the community on these occasions and to take the opportunity to engage with them:
Service for the Queen’s 70th Jubilee at St James Church
Hosted the Mayor of Charnwood at the evening ‘Proms in the Park’ event which concluded the Summer Gala
Hosted the Mayor of Charnwood at our Civic Service and Lunch. 15 members of community groups attended the service and the lunch where I was able to thank them for their valuable contributions.
The induction mass at St Theresa’s Roman Catholic Church to welcome in the new priest
The Trafalgar Service and Parade of the Sea Cadets at St James Church.
Opened Birstall and District Art Society’s 27th Exhibition and presented the Norman Sims Award.
Attended the Remembrance Service at St James Church and laid a wreath on behalf of the Parish Councillors and residents.
Attended the unveiling of a Green Plaque at St James Church in honour of Theodora Salisbury, a onetime Birstall resident and stained-glass window artist. Three of her windows can be seen inside St James Church
Attended the Mayor of Charnwood’s Community Carol Service at Holy Trinity Church in Loughborough
Attended the Mayor of Charnwood’s Civic Service at Holy Trinity Church in Loughborough
Positive Achievements in 2022 / 2023…..
Monies from the Community Grant Aid budget totalling £2,580 were given to support five local groups.
Parish Councillors delivered 18 Christmas Hampers to elderly and vulnerable residents
The Parish Council completed negotiations with Jelson’s Ltd to install an access gate to Hallam Fields Park from their owned land of Harrowgate Drive playing fields.
Installed two plaques in memory of the late Queen Elizabeth II’s reign on the Village Hall and the Hallam Fields Hall.
Replaced the gates at the entrances of all the enclosed toddler play areas (5 in total) with selfclosing gates, in order to prevent the risk of fingers being trapped.
Organised a public consultation regarding the installation of a MUGA on School Lane playing fields. A positive response was received and grant aid was applied for in order to facilitate the purchase and installation.
Began the necessary long-term planning in order to extend Greengate Lane Cemetery
The Council authorised the Clerk to begin the process for Birstall Parish Council to apply for the Local Council’s Quality Gold Award
Supported Greengate Lane residents’ concerns in respect of the effect of traffic volume and pollution from the development planned by Leicester City Council at the city end of Greengate Lane.
Began the process of installing a Mural on the wall of the Crossways Shoppers’ car park to commemorate the Covid-19 pandemic. This project involves a local artist and local primary school children.
Installed a defibrillator on the outer wall of the Hallam Fields Hall. There are now 4 defibrillators in Birstall provided and maintained by the Parish Council
Worked in partnership with East Midlands Ambulance Service by hosting two free CPR / defibrillator training sessions to members of the public. Both events were well attended and positive feedback from attendees has been received. The Parish Council agreed to sign up to the Civility & Respect Pledge.
Forward Planning for 2023/2024….
To continue to invest and proceed with the extension to provide extra burial space at Greengate Lane Cemetery, aiming for completion in 2028.
Communal compost sites will be created by the Estates Team at the Meadow Lane and Worcester Avenue allotment sites to promote re-cycling of green waste.
To install LED lighting on Sibson Road car park to reduce costs and contribute to the climate change agenda.
To apply for the Local Council Award Scheme with the aim of achieving Quality Gold status. Complete the Mural to commemorate the Covid-19 pandemic.
To continue to represent the concerns of residents of Greengate Lane and other Birstall residents in respect of Leicester City Council’s planned development at the city end of Greengate Lane.
To continue to attend meetings related to the Broadnook Development in order to represent the views and concerns of Birstall residents.
To continue to work in partnership with Charnwood Borough Council and complete the installation of the MUGA, which is the result of the Parish Clerk successfully applying for £150,000 of funding from the Charnwood UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
To make improvements to Birstall Parish Council’s website.
Birstall Parish Council’s Annual Report always provides the opportunity to reflect on the completed year. It is helpful to look at our past performance and to look forward to the new year of 2023/2024. The Council hopes that Birstall residents find the report both informative and useful.
As always, the Council welcomes constructive feedback and suggestions from the residents. This can be by telephone, email, letter, the Parish Council’s website: www.birstallparishcouncil.org.uk and/or their Facebook page: www.facebook.com/birstallpc/ or in person at the Parish Council offices, Monday to Friday from 9am until 2pm or during Public Open Sessions at all Council and Committee meetings. A full calendar of meetings is available to view on the Parish Council website: https://www.birstallparishcouncil.org.uk/council-meetings.html and all agendas are placed on the website and on the 15 noticeboards around the village