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Estates Team Manager’s Report




Despite this winter fluctuating between periods of wet, mild and cold, dry weather we’ve managed to get through the season with very few postponements. One of the few that had to be cancelled was due to unauthorised training by a team that doesn’t hire the School Lane pitches (which also badly damaged the cricket square). Please note that no organised training is allowed on the playing fields for this reason.


Birstall Bowling Club installed a programmable irrigation system some years ago and the record-breaking heat last summer meant that it was certainly well used. This enabled us to produce a consistently good playing surface throughout the season. Work is progressing well prior to the start of this year’s season in early April.


Both cricket clubs (Birstall Village and Asian Sports) also benefited from the hot, dry summer weather, with no matches lost to the weather. Asian Sports 1st X1 played their first full season in Division 2 and finished in a very respectable 5th place. Birstall Village did even better in Division 4 East, finishing in 2nd place, which has earned them promotion to Division 3.



Whilst on the subject of glorious weather, we somehow managed to hold the first Gala to be held for 3 years on the worst day of the summer! The day before the event (Friday, 17th June) saw temperatures rise to 31°C, whereas the next day it struggled to reach 13°C with frequent blustery showers. We can only hope that the weather is kinder for this year’s event on Saturday 24th June!


We have planted up the island beds at Sibson Road Car park with a mixture of flowering shrubs.


The vehicular access gate from the car park to School Lane Playing Fields has been re-positioned to reduce the risk of accidents between vehicles entering the car park and pedestrians exiting the playing fields. We have also remounted the height restricting barrier to allow it to be safely retracted when not in use.


Last year we had to remove the Rocking Rocket and Roller Barrel from Harrowgate Drive Playing Fields due to severe corrosion. These two items have now been replaced by a Rotating Cone Climber and a Bubble Stand-in Seesaw.


We have decided that the trial of planting annuals on the grassed areas at the bottom of Greengate Lane wasn’t a success and have instead returned these to grass (this is partly due to the fact that we don’t own these areas of land and cannot prevent vehicular access over them). Instead we have planted a range of bulbs in both areas to enhance the daffodils that were already there. The Triangle roundabout will be planted with the usual mix of Rainbow Annuals.


The site owned by the Council where Hallam Fields Hall is built includes the verge between the hall and Cedar Mews Care Home. In order to improve this area we gave the project to our apprentice Tommy Gardam as part of his horticulture course at Brooksby College. He was tasked with clearing the area and preparing the soil, selecting the plants, and planting up. These are the before & after photos:




More of the ever-popular haven plots have been added at Greengate Cemetery and work has begun for a new area opposite the memorial wall for ash interments:

Andy Garland Estates Team Manager

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