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The Parish Council Team
Birstall Parish Council should have 20 Councillors in total when all positions are full. At the end of the March 2023, there are 18 Councillors leaving two vacancies.
Full Council meetings are held 11 times a year, on the second Monday of the month (except for bank holidays) at 7pm, usually in the village hall, but we are trying to arrange for some of the meetings to be held in the Community hall at Hallam Fields. All Council and Committee meeting agendas are posted on the 15 noticeboards around the village and a full calendar can be viewed on the Parish Council’s website: https://www.birstallparishcouncil.org.uk/council-meetings.html
There are four Council Committees listed below and their meetings are also held 11 times a year, on the fourth Monday of the month (except for bank holidays).
Management & Policy Committee Planning Committee
Estates & Recreation Committee
Events Committee
A Working Party was formed consisting of four Parish Councillors and the Clerk to work together to obtain the Local Council Award Scheme – Quality Gold status.
The Council employs 12 members of staff:
1 x Clerk/Proper Officer/Responsible Financial Officer [ full time]
1 x Deputy Clerk [part time]
2 x Administration Assistant [part time]
1 x Estates Team Manager [full time]
5 x Groundsman [full time]
1 x Apprentice Groundsman [full time]
2 x Caretaker/Cleaners
The Parish Council actively promote role specific training for all Councillors and Staff and their Training Statement of Intent Policy can be viewed on the Parish Council website: https://www.birstallparishcouncil.org.uk/uploads/12training-statement-of-intent-policy.pdf?v=1664541922
The Parish Council have also signed up to the Civility & Respect Pledge: www.nalc.gov.uk/our-work/civility-andrespect-project. By signing the Pledge, the Council is agreeing that it will treat Councillors, Clerks, Employees, Members of the public and representatives of partner organisations and volunteers with civility and respect in their role.