Healthy Daily DETOX for Body Refresh! Key Topics: Shortcuts to Detox & Cleansing, IBS, Candida Albicans, Liver & Lymph Super Heroes, Cellular and Environmental Pollution & Toxicity Motivate Action, Aloe Vera, Organic Foods and Essential Supplements. Words: 1700 February 3, 2021 Living life with a Daily Detox mantra and following healthy guidelines 80-90% definitely adds to the quality and also length of one’s life (1). Applying health honors the design of the body. People who take action reap the benefits of more energy and vitality with reduced aging markers, healthier skin plus actually lower their chances of developing one or more of a growing list of unwanted diseases. Athletes even find a special bonus of greater stamina, recovery and fewer injuries in competition. * Body Systems & Metabolism Efficiency * Safe Environment & Low Pollution Impact Factors First target the support of the body systems and metabolism applying health. Next review the environmental factors that are essential for body wellness including; a safe living space, clean air, water, full spectrum light or sunshine and strive for restful sleep. Sleep actually allows the body to detoxify and rebuild body systems (2).