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***It is important to talk to a doctor when deciding whether to start a new diet. Different types of diets are healthier for different types of people. Make sure to consult a doctor before trying any of these diets.
how does dieting affect the brain?
What is it: The paleo diet consists of eating foods that hunter-gatherers would have eaten during the Paleolithic period 10,000 to 2.5 million years ago. This consists mainly of nuts, fruits, vegetables, unprocessed meats, fish, eggs and others. Advantages: High in protein, rich in potassium, eliminates processed foods from the diet Disadvantages: Eliminates an entire food group so essential nutrients are lost, decreased fiber and calcium, the world and the people in it have evolved since the Paleolithic period
With about 45 million Americans dieting every year, according to NBC News, it is important to understand the effect on the brain when dieting. Sandra Aamodt, PhD, said, “Whenever your weight changes too much, your brain will intervene to push it back to what it thinks is the correct weight for you. And you might not prefer the same weight your brain prefers.” Similarly, when your body is at the “non normal” level of fat, it will try to get itself back to that by craving any food and decreasing metabolism. With people around the country working so hard to eat healthy, it seems their own brain can be their biggest obstacle. What-happens-your-brain-whenyou-go-diet-ncna802626 Everyone has a set point where your body is comfortable. This may vary from your desired weight.
When you diet, you deprive yourself and your set point goes into alarm mode creating cravings.
What is it: Vegetarians do not eat meat, chicken or fish. There are different variations on whether they eat animal byproducts, but this is the main standard. Advantages: Good for heart health, prevents type two diabetes, lowers blood pressure, promotes bone health Disadvantages: Can develop deficiencies in certain minerals and vitamins, can lead to eating empty calorie snacks that fit the criteria but are not nutritionally valuable Senior Aidan Kramer is on a vegetarian diet and said, “I’m a vegetarian because of the environmental impacts, the waste that CAFOs (Concentrated animal feeding operation) produce, as well as the large amount of plastic waste that the commercial fishing industry produces. If we chose to switch to a more plant based diet, it would solve a lot of problems like greenhouse gas emissions, antibiotic resistance, and even global food insecurity.”
But, you can change your set point with more excercise, better sleep and changing out unhealthy snacks for those with higher nutrition value
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