General Information & Policies
Session Dates and Hours
Special Summer Schedule: Driver Education Driver Education May 29 – June 01 (four days) 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Special Summer Schedule: Mastering the College Essay Week 1 (limit 12 students) June 04-08 Week 2 (limit 12 students) June 11-15 Week 3 (limit 12 students) June 18-22 Week 4 (limit 12 students) June 25-29 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM Special Summer Schedule: Pre-Calculus Readiness Pre-Calculus Readiness June 04 – June 29 (four weeks) 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM
General Summer Schedule: On Campus Classes Summer Session 1 June 04 – June 15 (two weeks) Summer Session 2 June 18 – June 29 (two weeks) Summer Session 3 July 09 – July 20 (two weeks) 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM General Summer Schedule: Online and Directed Study Classes Online Session A May 29 – June 22 Online Session B June 25 – July 20 Directed Summer Study May 29 – July 20
Summer Enrichment Fees • • • •
Driver Education (1 week) Mastering the College Essay (1 week) Pre-Calculus Readiness (four weeks) One (or first) ½ Credit Course (two weeks)
(Includes Algebra / English Readiness)
Additional ½ Credit Courses
(cannot be applied in addition to Driver Education)
$175.00 $175.00 $700.00 $350.00 $300.00
Registration Continuing students will be directed to the online registration site to register for classes after meeting with their counselors to register for the 2018-19 school year (this will begin in mid-February, 2018). Paper Summer Enrichment registration forms will also be made available on an as-needed basis from counselors and/or the Summer Enrichment Coordinator. Incoming Freshmen and new-to-Gorman students will receive paper registration forms at scheduled registration events (contact the Director of Admissions for a complete schedule).
*PLEASE NOTE: All Summer Enrichment Course requests will be considered requests only until full payment has been processed and a schedule confirmation has been received.
Tuition Policy: Students should register by submitting full payment by May 04, 2018. Prior to May 04 a student may reserve a class seat with a $100-per-class deposit. Please note that this option is not available through the online registration system and must be initiated through the submission of a paper form (available on request from an academic counselor). Full payment is due by May 04. If a student is fully registered and subsequently drops a course on or before May 04, 2018, all monies less a $100.00 deposit-per-class will be credited to the student’s tuition account. If a student is fully registered and subsequently drops a course after May 04, 2018 no credit or refund will be issued.
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Class Availability Course selections will be assigned on a first-come basis and space is limited. Students MUST select a second choice in case the first course choice is not available. Students will be automatically enrolled in second choices if available within the same session.
Class Schedules FOR CONTINUING STUDENTS: Course requests will be confirmed and visible on student schedules through PlusPortals as classes are added (this typically occurs within five business days after full payment is received) FOR ALL STUDENTS: Schedule confirmations will be mailed home AFTER May 04, 2018.
Cancellation of Classes Bishop Gorman High School reserves the right to cancel any course due to either teacher availability or insufficient enrollment.
Attendance Summer Enrichment classes are highly concentrated courses of study with each day being equivalent to more than a week of a typical school session. As such, attendance is crucial and students may not be absent for any day or part of a day. Illness, doctor appointments, sports camps, family vacations and student holiday plans may not be used as exceptions to the attendance policy. Three class tardy violations (arriving to any class between 1 to 5 minutes late either at the beginning of the school day or returning from a break) are also equivalent to one absence. In the event of any absence (including those due to tardiness), students will be disenrolled from the class and no credit will be awarded / no refund given.
Behavior Students are expected to behave appropriately, both inside and outside the classroom. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and may be cause for dismissal without refund or credit. Bishop Gorman High School is a closed
campus. No student is permitted to leave the property during Summer Enrichment hours without appropriate permission from the Summer Enrichment Coordinator. No guests will be allowed on campus during the Summer Enrichment Program.
Dress: Students may wear only the designated Bishop Gorman High School uniform shirt to school, along with uniform shorts and pants (all sold in the Hammes Campus Store) or full-length jeans. Students may wear spirit shirts on Friday. PE and Dance students may wear athletic shorts that are no more than two inches above the knee. Yoga students may wear yoga attire while in class only, and must be modestly covered (t-shirts and athletic shorts / sweats) while in all areas outside of the yoga classroom, including coming to and leaving campus. For all academic classes, students may not wear sweat pants, flannel pants, or sweatshirts (uniformapproved BGHS sweatshirts sold in the Hammes Campus Store are permitted). No sagging or baggy pants are permitted. All pants and shorts must fit at the natural waist and must not be ripped, torn or frayed. Male students are to be clean-shaven. Students must wear closed-toe, closed-heel shoes. No sandals, slippers or flip-flops are allowed. Students who are out of dress code will be sent to Student Services for appropriate action (up to and including being sent home), which may result in an unexcused absence and loss of credit for the course.
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Textbooks Paper texts / teacher-created resources will be provided to all incoming freshmen. Sophomores, juniors and seniors will be required to purchase e-texts on their school-issued iPads. All e-book purchases must be made prior to the start of Summer Enrichment, as students will be working in their texts from the first day of class.
School-Issued iPads Incoming freshmen will be working in their summer classes with traditional paper texts and will not have access to a school-issued iPad. For transferring students a refurbished school-issued iPad will be made available through the school’s IT Department for any e-book purchase / course requirement that must be conducted prior to the start of Summer Enrichment courses (see “Textbooks” above). Transferring students will coordinate this with the Director of Admissions and the IT Department.
Online Course Expectations •
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Course work is roughly 1-2 hours of work per day for four weeks whether directly online, reading, or completing coursework assignments and students must have internet access over the four weeks that the course is in session. The class is paced and interaction with the class and coursework (by way of reading, assignments, tests, quizzes and online discussion contributions) is paced week-by-week. Since the material within the course is paced, students may not “work ahead,” or finish early. Students should be technologically proficient with respect to word processing and presentation software, and able to work within various online forums such as Edline, Showbie and Students should be self-motivated and able to work in a non-traditional classroom setting. Although class does not meet together every day in person, class does “meet” through the assistance of electronic forums and discussions. It is important to be able to identify this non-traditional setting as “class,” and approach it appropriately.
Course Listing Communicative Arts
Speech 1
.5 credit
The goal of the class is to give students the life enriching skill of speaking comfortably and effectively in front of an audience through a variety of speech assignments that includes: informative speaking, demonstration, a formal introduction, the toast, persuasive speaking and debate. This is a one semester course designed to help prepare the novice speaker to deliver a speech successfully by increasing knowledge in both writing effective speeches and delivery skills. Much of the time spent in class will be devoted to the preparation and delivery of speeches.
Offered onsite to Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors
Speech and Debate
.5 credit
Speech and Debate is designed for both the novice and varsity speakers who wish to learn more about competing at speech tournaments. The focus of this course will be on National Forensic League approved events such as interpretation, impromptu speaking, persuasive oratory, extemporaneous speaking, informative speaking, and various debates. Because of the performance nature of this course, students may be required to compete at local forensic tournaments and/or speech contests outside of the regular school day.
Offered onsite to Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors
Computer Literacy – Beyond the Basics
.5 credit
Since the application of computer technology to virtually all academic disciplines and their corresponding array of occupations is clearly a central fact of contemporary life, the need for students to become computer-literate is essential. This course will provide students with the knowledge and skills required by the Nevada State Computer and Technology Standards. Students will utilize and apply problem-solving processes. Students will develop proficiency and accuracy in keyboarding using touch-typing. They will use these skills to develop word processing, spreadsheet and presentation documents. Students will conduct various Internet searches to accomplish specific tasks and assignments. Students will learn various file management skills, as well as the history and development of computers. **ONLINE COURSE** Offered to Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors only
Creative Writing I
.5 credit
This semester course focuses on the creation of the short story with emphasis on the development of characterization, plot and dialogue. In addition to reading published fiction, students are required to do detailed revisions and peer editing. Purchase of novel(s) is the responsibility of the student. Offered onsite to Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors only
Creative Writing II
.5 credit
This semester course focuses on the completion of the beginning phase of a novel. Successful completion of Creative Writing I is required for enrollment. Offered onsite to Juniors and Seniors only
English Readiness
No Credit th
This is a mandatory course for all incoming 9 grade students whose placement exam scores indicated a need for review in writing, grammar and reading comprehension. ** Offered onsite only to Freshmen required to take the course as a term of admission to BGHS
Mastering the College Essay
.25 Credit
This course is designed to give students the skills, strategies, and feedback to maximize their potential on the upcoming college application essay and supplemental questions. The students will develop an understanding of rhetorical strategies, revisionary guidelines, and college admission expectations in regards to the college application process. Furthermore, the intimate class size and low student-to-teacher ratio will ensure that every student will receive daily instructor feedback. The ultimate course goal is to ready student writing for the college application process. ** Offered onsite to Seniors only
Fine Arts
Art 1 (Concepts)
.5 credit
This course is not only an introduction to the elements and principles of art, but a prerequisite to all other twodimensional studio art classes. Students will learn the concepts of and produce artwork using line, value, color, space, shape and form. They will experiment in a variety of media including pencil, colored pencil, sharpie, and chalk and oil pastel. This is not a craft class, but rather a foundation drawing course which will prepare the student to take Art 2 and continue in the art program. Offered onsite to Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors
Art 2 (Drawing)
.5 credit
This course is based solely on the development of drawing skills. The student will use a variety of materials including pencil, charcoal, watercolor and pen to enhance drawing abilities learned in Art 1. The students will become proficient in perspective, portraiture, observational drawing and still life drawing. Offered onsite to Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors only Prerequisite: Art 1
Ceramics 1 (Hand-building) .5 credit
Beginning students will become familiar with creating three dimensional works of art in an additive process. Various hand-building techniques, such as pinch, coil and slab construction will be explored. Students will also use their creativity in surface decorations to enhance their various sculptures. Reading and writing are a required part of this course. Health and safety procedures will be emphasized. Offered onsite to Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors
Dance 1
.5 credit
Dance 1 is an introductory course of dance as an art form and is open to students of all levels. With a focus on a variety of styles including modern technique, ballet and contemporary dance techniques-jazz and hip hop; students will have the ultimate studio experience by learning terminology, proper body alignment, and choreography. In addition to movement, some lectures will be given in dance appreciation, social and cultural influences of dance, and dance history. This course may be used as a Fine Arts or Physical Education credit. Offered onsite to Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors Dance uniform and shoes required
• Dance 2 .5 credit Dance 2 is a continuation of Dance 1. Students will continue work in various dance styles such as modern, ballet, contemporary and jazz with more emphasis on technique and form. This course may be used as a Fine Arts or Physical Education credit. Offered onsite to Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors Dance uniform and shoes required
Driver Education
.25 credit
This is a 30-hour course required for students who wish to obtain their driver’s license. Please note that 30-hour requirement is necessary to receive the certificate of completion. **Offered only to Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors who will be 15 years of age by the first day of the class.
Health, Physical Education and Science
General Ecology
.5 credit
Biodiversity is a word used to describe the wealth of habitats that house all forms of life and the interconnections that tie us together. This hybrid course will be conducted online and off campus to allow students to use biodiversity as a window to investigate the environment. Students will examine local issues as well as broader concepts and larger connections—not just biological, but political, cultural, ethical and economic as well. Lectures and lessons will be conducted online to introduce the concepts of non-native species, protected areas as well as humans positive and negative impacts on the environment. Students will learn that decisions about growth and development, about energy use and water quality, even about health, all rest to some extent on perspectives about biodiversity. This course will include hands-on fieldwork at Clean the World, Red Rock Canyon, Mount Charleston and the Las Vegas Springs Preserve. Students must complete the mandated course work leading up to the off campus field trips in order to participate. Transportation will be provided by the school. Offered as a HYBRID class to Juniors and Seniors only
.5 credit
Health Education prepares students to make intelligent decisions regarding the protection and improvement of individual, family and community health. Interests and problems of adolescents given consideration are drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse, personal development, nutrition, CPR and first aid. $20.00 fee for the CPR and First Aid certification Offered ONSITE to Freshmen only Offered ONLINE to Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors only
Physical Education
.5 credit
Physical education is a focus on various sport activities and exercises performed. The goal is to develop physically educated individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.
Required materials (provided by student and needed for first day of class): • Athletic shorts or sweatpants • Bishop Gorman P.E. shirt (available in the Hammes Campus Store) • Running shoes Offered onsite to Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors
.5 credit
This wellness and fitness class uses yoga postures to increase flexibility and strength, improve balance and posture, and learn breathing techniques to relax the mind and the body. This class is appropriate for all grade levels and abilities.
Required materials (provided by student and needed for first day of class): yoga mat, yoga pants, Bishop Gorman P.E. shirt (available in the Hammes Campus Store), athletic shoes Important: Yoga students may wear yoga attire while in class only, and must be modestly covered (t-shirts and athletic shorts / sweats) while in all areas outside of the yoga classroom, including coming to and leaving campus for the day. Offered onsite to Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors
Algebra Readiness
No Credit
This is a mandatory course for all incoming 9 grade students whose placement exam indicated a need for review in algebra skills, including the basic operations of mathematics, fractions, decimals, problem solving, one-variable equations and other topics as time allows. ** Offered onsite only to Freshmen required to take the course as a term of admission to BGHS • Pre-Calculus Readiness (Trigonometry) 1.0 Credit This course introduces trigonometry functions and identities for the study of calculus allowing students to be ready to take Pre-Calculus the following school year. It includes the introduction of trigonometric functions, acute angles and right triangles, radian measure and the unit circle, graphs of the circular functions as well as trigonometric identities. Class offered to students who have completed either Algebra 2 honors or Algebra 2 with a grade of “A,” and who wish to transition into either Pre-Calculus honors or Pre-Calculus AB. This course requires current math teacher recommendation and approval from math department chair.
Social Studies
Cultural Geography
.5 credit
This course introduces the study of cultural geography by providing a body of knowledge about places and regions and providing a context for the examination of human cultures. The course develops an understanding of the interdependence of places and regions in a globalizing world. This course is required for all freshmen. Offered onsite to Freshmen only
Cultural Geography Honors
.5 credit
This Honors level course introduces the study of cultural geography by providing a body of knowledge about places and regions and providing a context for the examination of human cultures. It includes a substantial writing and analytical component. The course develops an understanding of the interdependence of places and regions in a globalizing world. The great diversity of human cultures is studied in the light of geography. The course additionally provides a foundation for success in World History (AP) and the entire Social Studies and English curriculum by emphasizing communication and analytical skills. Students will begin to understand the interconnection between their own lives and those of people in different parts of the world. Offered onsite to Freshmen only • World History .5 credit World History is an authoritative account of significant historical events, ideas and personalities that have influenced the course of world history and the development of human societies. The course discusses and qualifies cause and effect relationships and helps students to understand how people and nations have developed from early times. The study begins with basic geography and progresses through ancient and classical cultures and continues in sequence through the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation. Offered onsite to Sophomores only • World History Honors .5 credit World History Honors is an advanced version of World History. It provides an authoritative account of significant historical events, ideas and personalities that have influenced the course of world history and the development of human societies. The course discusses and qualifies cause and effect relationships and helps students to understand how people and nations have developed from early times. The study begins with basic geography and progresses through ancient and classical cultures and continues in sequence through the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation. This course includes more in-depth study and a greater amount of writing and analysis than the standard version of the course. Offered onsite to Sophomores only
***General Information*** Students taking summer Theology are strongly encouraged to take both required Theology courses during the summer. This is significant as it provides students with schedule flexibility during the year allowing them to stay on-sequence / graduation-ready with respect to course requirements. If a student wishes to take two courses during the summer and one is NOT a Theology course, it is highly advisable to ensure that the second requested course is likewise NOT a Theology course.
Theology 1A: Sacred Scripture
.5 credit
The purpose of this course is to give students a general knowledge and appreciation of the Sacred Scriptures, leading to recognition of the living Word of God, Jesus Christ. Students will learn about the development of the Bible, authored by God through Inspiration, and its value to people throughout history. Students will learn about the relationship between Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition as they comprise together the Deposit of Faith. Students will also learn how to read and categorize the Bible, and will become familiar with the major books included in each section. Offered onsite to Freshmen only • Theology 1B: Christology .5 credit The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the various mysteries of Jesus Christ, the living Word of God. In particular, students will examine the mystery of Christ’s relationship to the Blessed Trinity, as well as the mystery of the Incarnation. In this course, students will come to understand that Jesus Christ is God’s ultimate revelation, who most perfectly reveals the true nature of humanity to itself. Offered onsite to Freshmen only prerequisite – Sacred Scripture: Theology 1A
Theology 2A: Paschal Mystery
.5 credit
The purpose of this course is to deepen student awareness and understanding of God’s accomplishments on behalf of humanity through his Son, Jesus Christ. Through this course, students will learn of God’s eternal plan for human beings to share eternal happiness with him, which is accomplished through the redemption won by Christ for all peoples of all ages. Students will learn that they only share in this redemption in and through Jesus Christ. Students will also be introduced to discipleship in Christ and specifically to what life as a disciple entails. Offered onsite to Sophomores only
Theology 2B: Ecclesiology
.5 credit The purpose of this course is to deepen student awareness and understanding that the living Christ is encountered in and through the Church. Students will learn about how the Church was founded by Christ through the Apostles and is sustained by Christ through the Holy Spirit. The students will come to know that the Church is the living Body of Christ today, and that this Body has both divine and human elements. Focusing on the specific nature of the Church through its divine and human elements, students will come to identify the Church as an eschatological sign of the Kingdom of God. Offered onsite to Sophomores only prerequisite – Paschal Mystery: Theology 2A
Theology 3A: Sacramental Economy
.5 credit
The purpose of this course is to help students understand that they can encounter Christ today in a full and real way in and through the sacraments, and especially through the Eucharist. Students will examine each of the seven sacraments in detail so as to learn how they may encounter Christ throughout life. **ONLINE COURSE** offered online to Juniors only • Theology 3B: Morality and Catholic Ethics .5 credit In this course, students will study through moral concepts and precepts that govern the lives of Christ’s disciples – the Christian faithful. Students will learn and practice moral decision-making through class-simulated case studies and small-group researched presentations. A primary focus of this course is toward helping students build character, enabling them to make correct and good moral decisions that reflect the objective truth of God’s love. Offered onsite to Juniors only • Theology 4A: Christian Vocations .5 credit Students will explore relationship building and the four lifestyle paths: the dedicated single Christian lifestyle, the Christian married lifestyle, the vocation to consecrated religious life, and the vocation to priesthood. This course is designed to assist students in facing the challenges of young adulthood and life after high school. This course will assist students in making the best lifestyle choices for themselves to shape futures that are joyful, hopeful, healthy and lived in service to others. **ONLINE COURSE** offered online to Seniors only
Theology 4C: Christian Service
.5 credit
If a student wishes to perform 40 community service hours above the required 100, an additional 0.5 credit may be earned through the Christian Service course. In order to enroll in this course for seniors only, 75 of the 100 community service hours must be completed by the end of first semester, junior year. This is an independent course and students meet with the instructor before beginning the program. Students are required to choose an approved location where their service hours will have a great impact on those less fortunate. There is a timeline for completion of the coursework, and service hours are supervised and evaluated. The 40 hours of service for this class are not included in the 100-hour graduation requirement. Directed Summer Study – see Theology / CM Department Chair for more information
Theology 4D: Social Justice Practicum
.5 Credit
Social Justice Practicum seeks to put “faith into action.” For this course students are required to complete their 75 hours of service by course registration of junior year. This service must be performed at a social service agency or other group agency approved by Campus Ministry. Class will be conducted throughout the summer via an online platform and will include weekly online readings / discussions, online work submissions, online quizzes and papers. Directed Summer Study – see Theology / CM Department Chair for more information
Theology 4E: Catholic Perspectives in Literature
.5 Credit
This course introduces the student to contemporary readings in the Catholic tradition. Students will read articles, short stories and two novels where Catholic symbolism will be analyzed and evaluated. Coursework includes online posting to discussion boards as well as synopsis papers on the assigned readings. A final project will synthesize a student’s learning within the course and direct it toward a student-chosen book or film. Directed Summer Study – see Theology / CM Department Chair for more information
Theology 4F: Apologetics
.5 Credit
This course is designed to investigate and discuss the reasonableness of the Catholic faith and to promote a greater understanding of the basis of Catholic doctrines. Ultimately, the course should teach students how to have an adult intellectual discussion of faith. Through discussing logic and reasons for belief in God, Christianity, and Catholicism, students will pursue St. Anselm’s definition of theology, which is “faith seeking understanding.” While this course builds in a logical progression toward the reasonableness of Catholicism, it is not designed to proselytize members of other faith traditions. Rather, it is an intellectual approach to theology and Catholic tradition. Offered onsite to Seniors only
DIOCESE OF LAS VEGAS 5959 S. Hualapai Way • Las Vegas, NV 89148 • (702) 732-1945