DISCOVER… What’s Next?
Congratulations! You’ve been accepted to Bishop Gorman High School
Now what?
This step-by-step handout will help walk you and your family through the process of enrolling at Bishop Gorman and officially joining the Gael family.
Accept Your Bishop Gorman Decision Online • Navigate to and click “Login” in the top right corner. Use the same credentials you created when you submitted your application for admission. • After logging in, click on the student’s name (top left) and navigate to the “Decision” tab. Select your response to our admissions decision for you – we hope you’ll say yes!
Submit Your New Student Fee As Soon As Possible • As a Priority Student, your acceptance means that you can reserve your spot in our Class of 2023 at a discounted rate of $400 until February 1. • Remember that our New Student Fee increases after February 1 ($500) and again after April 5 ($600). • In the same account where you accept your decision, you should also see at the top of the page, that you have a form to review: Your Early Decision Acceptance. Review the information on file and contact the Admissions Office if you need to make any changes to your contact information. Once you confirm your contact information, you’ll be led to the page where you can submit your New Student Fee.
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Submit Your Application For Tuition Assistance • Tuition Assistance applications are available now and are due by February 15, 2019.
• Check the Bishop Gorman website for more detailed information.
Get Registration-Ready • Mark your calendars for Pre-Registration Night on Wednesday, March 13, 2019. • Pre-Registration Night is an optional, informative evening where accepted students can get a better idea of how to be prepared for the registration process and know what to expect when choosing your classes. • Keep an eye out for the 2019-2020 Bishop Gorman Course Guide. This will be mailed to you in late February/early March and will also be online on our website. Taking a look at the Course Guide can help explain the credits that are required for graduation.
Register! • As a Partner School student, our Academic Counselors may be visiting your schools during registration week. Sign up through your school for a time to meet with them on your campus. Stay tuned for school-specific information in the coming weeks as we create that schedule. • Check your account for more information on how to complete your Registration paperwork.
• Registration will be March 18-22.
Summer Enrichment •
Summer Enrichment
courses, be sure to ask an Academic Counselor about them when registering for classes. • Below are the dates for Summer Enrichment sessions!
• Session 1: June 3-14 • Session 2: June 17-28 • Session 3: July 8-19 • Visit the website for a list of classes:
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Keep Up The Good Work! It matters how you finish your 8th grade year. Maintain your positive discipline and attendance reports and finish strong with your academics.
Save The Date • iPad Distribution for new students is expected to be the week of August 5. We will send you more information in the summer regarding dates and further instructions to pick up your iPad. iPads are not needed for Summer Enrichment courses for incoming freshmen. • Incoming freshmen are REQUIRED to come for both days of orientation on Thursday, August 8 and Friday, August 9 before school begins the following Monday. You’ll meet your LINK Leaders, set up your student iPad, familiarize yourself with our campus and much more. We want you to be and feel prepared for your first day of high school!
Congratulations and welcome to the class of 2023!
Dates to Remember: February 1
Priority Student deadline for discounted New Student Fee rate
February 15
Deadline for Bishop Gorman Tuition Assistance
March 13
Pre-Registration Information Night
March 18-22
Registration week for all incoming freshmen
April 5
Increased Registration Fee for first pool of applicants
Week of August 5 iPad distribution
August 8-9
Mandatory orientation for the Class of 2023
August 12
First day of the 2019-2020 school year
5959 S. Hualapai Way • Las Vegas, NV 89148 702.732.1945 • FAX: 702.732.2856