Avenue Winter 2017

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BKBoosters Auction April 1 | Annual Fund Update | March For Life



t has been an exciting year at Bishop Kenny. We have enjoyed marking the 65th anniversary of our school. It has been a particular pleasure to highlight information about Bishop William Kenny to our school community. It seems especially important that our students and faculty be aware of the reasons that our school was named in his honor. This will continue to be an annual priority for all new students in the years to come. At my core I am a history teacher so it should come as no surprise that I would want our students to be educated about this significant man and his place in the history of the Diocese of St. Augustine. Catholic schools throughout the United States celebrated Catholic Schools Week recently. In keeping with tradition, a full slate of activities was scheduled during this annual celebration of our Catholic school tradition. In addition to the annual school-wide Mass, Organ Donation Assembly, Blood Drive, and Food Drive to benefit Catholic Charities, we also welcomed the 1957 State Championship basketball team to campus to celebrate their 60th anniversary of victory.

Coincidentally, and perhaps appropriately, the accreditation visit associated with Bishop Kenny High School’s 5-year accreditation renewal took place during Catholic Schools Week. Appropriate because Bishop Kenny High School is, first and foremost, a Catholic school. The team of peer educators representing the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement was welcomed by me and other administrators upon their arrival in Jacksonville. They spent two days on campus visiting classrooms, talking to stakeholders including students, teachers, parents, and members of the Advisory School Board.

How Do You Keep Up With BK News?

@ The Bishop Kenny website www.bishopkenny.org has a brand new look and greatly improved functionality. It is mobiledevice and tablet friendly, interactive, offers the most up-todate calendar and events information, and celebrates the accomplishments and activities of our students as they happen. If you are looking for information about BK, the website is exactly where you want to go. We continue to examine and evaluate the effectiveness of the way we deliver news and information to parents, alumni, potential new families, and the community at large. With the reality that every year people are getting more of their news and information electronically, Bishop Kenny is delivering more of its news in that same way. And while The Avenue remains a staple of our communication and public relations model, some of our more time-sensitive pieces will be covered via website and social media. All you need to do to keep up with BK is: visit the website, like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter and Instagram. Of course we still hope you’ll enjoy The Avenue when it arrives at your home twice each year.

I am happy to report that Bishop Kenny maintains its accreditation as it has since opening its doors in 1952. If you have not had an opportunity to review the accreditation information on our website, including our school improvement goals for the next five years, we invite you to select Accreditation under About BK. Sincerely,

Inside This Edition Todd M. Orlando Principal

Auction 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

page 6

Annual Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

page 8

Around Campus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 16 Alumni & Reunions . . . . . . . . . . .

page 22

THE AVENUE is published by the Bishop Kenny High School Office of Advancement



The Celebration Continues The fall edition of The Avenue featured a story about the 2016-2017 school year being Bishop Kenny High School’s 65th year of service to the Jacksonville community. A story about Bishop William Kenny and the plaque that has been permanently installed in his honor, as well as a recap of the inaugural Founders Mass, was featured. Since the fall edition we have celebrated two more occasions related to this anniversary year. On November 4, Bishop Kenny hosted an Alumni Picnic in conjunction with homecoming. Members of the first Crusader Football team were invited to the picnic and were honored at a ceremony during halftime festivities. We thank all of the original teammates who took the time to attend the picnic and ceremony, especially those who traveled to be with us. Your extra effort is appreciated. And speaking of extra effort, we salute Pat Thornton ’53 who coordinated a gathering of graduates from several of BK’s first classes during homecoming week. This group, known as The Door Openers convenes periodically to keep BK’s earliest graduates in touch with one another. Pat Thornton invited Director of Advancement, Sheila Marovich to a luncheon gathering of the group just before the Alumni Picnic. According to Mrs. Marovich, “The welcome could not have been warmer and the camaraderie among the group any more genuine, what a nice tradition these first Crusaders have established.” Thanks to Pat and all of The Door Openers who help coordinate these gatherings.

(L-R) Dr. John Rahaim, Buddy Lawrence, J.P. Pat Thornton, Jr., and Tracy Danese enjoyed looking at a copy of the Crusader Yearbook.

Ed Mugford is joined by his wife Diane and former teammate Jay Robinson seen here with wife Robin at the Alumni Picnic.

That’s a lot of Corrigans! (Front row) Gabriella and Riley Rogers, children of Casey Corrigan Rogers ‘92 and grandchildren of Mike Corrigan’54. (Back row): Casey Corrigan Rogers '92, Laurie Dunnington Corrigan '76, Michael L. (Mike) Corrigan ’54 , member first BK Football Team), Caroline Corrigan, wife of Mike Corrigan and mother of 5 BK grads, and Sue Teague, sister of Laurie Dunnington Corrigan.

Most recently, members of the 1957 State Championship Basketball Team were honored on the 60th anniversary of their victory. (see story, page 5)

Graduates from many classes attended the picnic. (L-R) Carmel Brodeur Lea ’71 and Julie Brodeur Brookshire ’70 visited with inaugural football team member Loys Charbonnet ’56 at the picnic.

(L-R) Halftime recognition: Mike Mickler, Tracy Danese, Camille Fuss Crabtree, one of BK’s first cheerleaders, Ed Mugford, Jay Robinson, Hugh James, Mike Corrigan, Charlie Flynn, Loys Charbonnet, Sandy Linning, Fred Power, and Charles Stichweh.

The Door Openers, members of Bishop Kenny’s first classes, gather regularly to share memories and keep friendships alive.


Joy Unites Pro Life Generation

Seniors (L-R) Lindsay Pacheco, Abigail Harrison, and Sydney Barrett took part in a peaceful but impactful demonstration of their support of the unborn. When LIFE is written on a piece of red tape and placed over their mouths they are identifying with the silence of the pre-born who have no voice to defend themselves.

Bishop Kenny’s participants in the Annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. visited with Bishop Felipe Estévez after attending Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

The Sacred Scriptures call us to be “doers of the word and not hearers only. (For) faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead (James 1:22, 2:17). Jesus himself directs us to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations….teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you…..” (Mt 28:19-20). Truly, our life in Christ is a life of active witness to the Gospel. Throughout the month of January, the BK community celebrated the sacredness of human life from conception until natural death. Students participated in on-campus events scheduled throughout the month and ending during Catholic Schools Week. Sophomores attended an informational organ donor assembly, seniors volunteered at the annual BK blood drive, and a successful school-wide canned soup drive resulted in a significant donation of food to the Catholic Charities Food Pantry.

March for Life participants and chaperones had a limited amount of time see some of the sites in Washington.

Off-campus, Principal Todd Orlando and a group of representatives of the BK Chapter of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul attended Mass celebrated by Bishop Felipe Estévez at the Basillica of the Immaculate Conception followed by the annual local march around the U.S. Federal Courthouse in downtown Jacksonville. The march is in protest of the 1973 Supreme Court Roe vs. Wade decision that legalized abortion. On Wednesday, January 25 forty students and chaperones boarded a bus headed for Washington, DC to participate in the 44th annual March for Life. The students and chaperones marched in peaceful solidarity with thousands of people from throughout the United States and around the world in protest of legalized abortion. Thanks to the BK Boosters for their generosity in underwriting the cost of the bus transportation to Washington. Our thanks is also extended to Deacon Robert De Luca, Rev. Martin Raj, and the Department of Campus Ministry for coordinating so many of these important activities.

Making a Stand in Jacksonville. Bishop Estévez celebrated Mass attended by members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at Immaculate Conception after which attendees marched to the Duval County Courthouse as part of the annual Stand for Life.

Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation Awards Grant to BK A potential life-saving initiative, instituted at Bishop Kenny High School during the 2015-16 school year, is now fully funded thanks to a grant awarded by a partnership between Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation and the Michael Namey AED Initiative. On the day faculty returned to work from Christmas break, we learned that the partnership had awarded us a grant of $7,600 to be used to purchase equipment needed for the Hands-Only CPR and AED training, now integral components of our health curriculum. In addition, the funding will allow us to purchase two additional AED units for our expansive campus. The partnership launched the initiative in memory of University of Central Florida freshman and Jacksonville native, Michael Namey, a graduate of the Bishop Kenny 4

Class of 2015. “Our organization has joined efforts with Mrs. Connie Namey and Dr. Sylkia Martinez to raise awareness for sudden cardiac arrest on school campuses by providing CPR/AED training and increasing access to AEDs; creating an educated and prepared environment among students, faculty and staff,” said a Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation spokesperson. Trainers begin each session with prayer and a description of Michael’s untimely death as they emphasize to students the importance of knowing how to respond to a cardiac emergency. We are in the second year of a 3-year plan to certify all current students in Hands-Only CPR. The staff at Baptist Health CPR Training Center, who initially conducted the training for students, also trained and certified faculty members to be trainers. In addition, Bishop Kenny continues to provide annual

CPR training and recertification to its faculty and staff. With a graduating class of approximately 300 students each year and 98-100% attending college, we anticipate the community impact will be widespread. Students have taken the training very seriously and with great enthusiasm, viewing it as an extension of their commitment to community service. Check out the video students in the Multimedia Design and NJROTC programs produced, which aired to the student body last year as a public service announcement. https://goo.gl/Icfnl1. In addition, the Today Show featured our initiative on June 6, 2016, the first day of National CPR and AED Awareness Week. https://goo.gl/FZgQfO. We are ecstatic at the thought of having sufficient resources to provide and expand training options well into the future!


The BK Learning Commons houses scrapbooks as part of a living history of BK. The scrapbook containing clippings recounting some of the 1957 Crusader Basketball victories was on display at the pre-game gathering at The Mudville Grille.

1957 BK Basketball State Champions Members of the 1957 Crusader Basketball Team were invited to BK to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of their State Championship on February 3. Principal Todd Orlando, Athletic Director Mark Thorson, Basketball Coach Jerry Buckley among others, welcomed 8 alumni players to a pre-game gathering at The Mudville Grille in St. Nicholas. Then it was on to BK to watch the current basketball team play rival Bolles in an exciting match that ended with a Crusader win. The final score was 55-51. The 1957 team was honored at halftime in front of a capacity crowd of students, parents and guests. The crowd reaction was warm and enthusiastic as the team assembled at half-court and Charlie Linning ‘57 raised the 60 year old trophy in the air for all to see. Teammates Dennis Lanahan ‘58, Charlie Linning ’57 and Joe Antone ’57

Prior to tip-off Coach Jerry Buckley took three of the former players to visit with the current team. The players included Charles Sharpe, Father Mike Williams, and Joe Antone, all members of the Class of ’57. Each spoke briefly about his experience at BK, the lifelong friendships that were made, and the impact BK had on their lives. The 1957 Boys’ Basketball Team won the State Championship but they never played indoors. All of their games were played off-.campus because the gym had not yet been built. Team practices were held on outdoor basketball courts even when the cold wind was coming off the river. When it turned dark, according to members of the team, people would pull their cars up and turn on the headlights. The Bishop Kenny gymnasium, which was built in 1962, is named for their coach, John Baldwin, a legendary teacher, coach, and athletic director at Bishop Kenny.

Just like old times... Don McGovern ’57 and Bill Jackson ’57

Joe Antone, Msgr. Mortimer Danaher, Charles Sharpe and Rev. Mike Williams at the pre-game reception

Our appreciation is extended to Louis Joseph ‘93, former BK basketball player and owner of The Mudville Grille, for his kind hospitality at this, and so many other occasions throughout the year.

Members of the BKHS 1957 State Champion Basketball Team: (L-R) Fr. Mike Williams ‘57, Jay Sherman ‘57, Charles Sharpe ‘57, Don McGovern ‘57, Charlie Linning ’57 holding the 1957 State Championship Trophy, Msgr. Mortimer Danaher, President of BK in 1957, Dennis Lanahan ‘58, Bill Jackson ‘57, and Joe Antone ‘57

Msgr. Mortimer Danaher, President of BK from 1956-67, and BK’s first graduate to be ordained to the priesthood, Rev. Mike Williams ’57 wouldn’t have missed the basketball reunion.

Charles Sharpe ‘57 shared a few memories of his years on the basketball team. We’re not sure what he said but the game was exciting and BK ended up winning 55-51. Go Crusaders!



BK Boosters Auction The 31st annual BK Boosters Auction will take place on Saturday, April 1, 2017. More than 500 parents, alumni, and friends of BK are expected to attend the annual event. The bill of fare will feature dinner provided by Carrabba’s Italian Grill, dessert from Bruster’s Ice Cream, and two bars that will remain open for guests throughout the evening. We thank all of the sponsors, patrons and volunteers who are working so hard to make the auction a success. Invitations have been mailed or you can make your reservations online at www.bishopkenny.org. Professional auctioneer Luman Beasley will keep the bidding going as an enthusiastic crowd raises their paddles in the live auction portion of the program. The silent auction tables will feature beautiful gift baskets, gift certificates for restaurants and getaways, and items including electronics, sports memorabilia, sporting goods, housewares, jewelry, artwork, and more. BK Boosters President Anthony Parete ‘80 remarked, “The club helps BK’s individual teams and organizations by paying for things that are beyond their ability to cover.” In the first semester alone, some of the club’s expenditures included over $15,000 for fall-season athletes to travel to participate in post-season competition, $7,500 for students to travel to Washington, DC for the March for Life, $6,460 paid directly to individual teams from the membership drive, and a pledge to pay $7800 for new goal posts at the football stadium. Parete went on to say, “We really need everyone to step up and support events like the auction so that we can maintain this level of support.” It’s a make-or-break event for us. Without it we wouldn’t be able to do half of what we do in a typical school year. It’s so financially successful because it’s a great event with a great tradition. I strongly encourage all of our current parents and alumni to attend – I know that Kathy and I wouldn’t miss it!

Volunteers Sarah Maxson and Gina Farmand are experts at assembling baskets at this time of year. Sarah and Gina are among the many volunteers working hard on behalf of the BK Boosters 31st Annual Auction coming up on April 1. If you can donate an item, just pick up the phone and call the Advancement Office at 398-7545. We’d love to have it or if you’d like to attend, please visit the BK website and make your online reservation. You’ll be glad you did.

Volunteers and donors are always needed to make the auction a success. There are lots of ways to get involved and both experienced and new volunteers are needed. For more information, call Sheila Marovich in the BK Office of Advancement at 398-7545 or send an e-mail to advancement@bishopkenny.org. Since 1986 the auction has generated over $2.2 million and has helped to pay for countless projects, large and small. Please help keep that important tradition alive.

EVENT DETAILS Date: Saturday, April 1, 2017 Time: 6:00 Doors Open 7:30 Live Auction Begins

Many thanks to our

Place: BK Gymnasium Cost:

$50 per Ticket/ $500 per Table of 10

Luman E. Beasley Auctioneers, Inc.

Attire: Casual Cash - Checks - All Major Credit Cards Accepted Via PayPal • Auction guests will enjoy a delicious buffet dinner prepared by our friends at Carrabba’s Italian Grill, dessert from Bruster’s Ice Cream, and drinks. • 600 items in the live and silent auction categories will be up for bid! Best of all, the proceeds of the auction will be used to support the athletic and extra-curricular activities at BK • Parents, alumni, and friends of BK are encouraged to be a part of this important annual event.



AUCTION 2017 sponsors

Get Your Paddles Ready! Here’s a peek at just a few of the terrific items that have already been committed to this year’s live auction. More information about these items, including date restrictions, is available by calling the BK Office of Advancement at 398-7545.

Trad’s Garden Center - Making their 31st appearance at the Bishop Kenny Auction Trad’s Pest Control offers top-notch indoor and outdoor pest management services to keep your yard green and your home pest-free. There are two $250 gift certificates that can be used at Trad’s Garden Center for merchandise and landscape service, or Trad’s Pest Control Service. Betty ‘57 and Lou Trad

Sun Tire - Making their 31st appearance at the Bishop Kenny Auction Need Tires For Your Car? This $300 gift certificate is good toward replacement tires for your vehicle at any Sun Tire location. Dick Erickson

North Carolina Getaway Marshall, North Carolina - a quaint little town outside of Asheville. The master bedroom is upstairs with a queen-sized bed and there are three bedrooms downstairs with two twins, a daybed/trundle and a full-size bed. The beautiful kitchen is equipped with gas appliances. There's also a gas fireplace to cozy up to on a chilly evening. Take advantage of the beautiful views from the wraparound deck! The house is fully furnished and is child friendly (portable crib, high chair, and infant seat, as well as a baby gate installed at the stairs). This new construction, Parade of Homes-winning house sits above the small town and has a view of the mountains, as well as the town and the French Broad River below. No smoking or pets.

Reserved Seating at Graduation 2017 No need to worry about getting to the University of North Florida early. The lucky bidder of this very special item will receive 8 lower level RESERVED seats at Bishop Kenny’s commencement exercises on May 20, 2017. This exciting item is one you don’t want to pass up! Value: Priceless Bishop Kenny High School

Offshore Fishing at Its Finest Enjoy a 6-hour charter fishing adventure with Captain David Burns, an Amelia Island native with more than 20-years of experience fishing the Amelia Island waters. Your party will fish on the Miss Content, a 28’ Albemarle, perfect for Amelia Island fishing and large enough for groups up to 5. Fish the offshore waters of Florida surrounding scenic Amelia Island, Cumberland Island, and the Jacksonville area. Value: $600 Captain David Burns and Paige & May Feigenbaum

4Rivers Smokehouse Dinner for 25 Enjoy your next gathering without spending hours in the kitchen with this certificate good for dinner for 25 from 4Rivers Smokehouse, a sophisticated Texas-style smokehouse serving delicious barbecue. Value: $300 John Rivers ‘84 - 4Rivers Smokehouse

Value: $1,800 David & Susan Kulik Heekin '93, '93

Lagos Bracelet Beautiful Sterling Silver and 18 Karat Gold bracelet from popular designer Lagos . Value: $700 Friend of BK

WHAT ELSE, YOU ASK? We’ve got sporting goods and collectibles, lots of bling – that’s jewelry these days – beautiful gift baskets, vacation packages, electronic items, spa certificates, artwork, dinner certificates, gift certificates – large and small – to stores, large and small.

The best way to see it all is to make a reservation – we’ll even send you a catalog in advance.


ANNUAL FUND Volunteer Callers Make a Difference Our thanks is extended to the 72 volunteers who helped make this year’s annual fund a success. In volunteering to call, you helped us complete thousands of telephone calls to alumni, parents, and friends during the telephone phase of the campaign. On behalf of the students who benefit from your time on the telephone, we thank you.

Volunteer callers celebrate a new pledge to the Annual Fund.

Volunteer callers gathered for this picture on the last night of Annual Fund calling.

2016- 2017 Annual Fund Volunteer Callers Sireen Bateh Colleen Blaquiere Rachel Blaydes Adam Bowenschulte Michelle Bringhurst Michael Broach Jennifer Cabrey Jackie Cerpa Julio Cerpa Lucy Cerpa Tyler Chin Fiona Conaghan Kimberly Counts Mark Counts Kim Deer Mary DeSalvo Jasmine Essa Megan Fox


Olivia Frisco Leiah Fudge Michael Gardner Grace Gerry Amy Gyland-Diaz Mary Harms Loretta Harris Abigail Harrison Tracy Healy Sophia Hoff Mallory Hollinger Maeghan Holzbaur Isabella Horning Emily Hudson Cameron Ibera Liz Iglesias Katherine Kaniut Caleb Kitchings

Jean-Paul Korkmaz Ellen Lindros Nancy Loveland Seamus Maher Anna Miller Lauren Miller Melissa Molano Ramon Molano Brooks Mondares Camila Moreno Katie Muller Sally Neaves Gina Nguyen Cheryl O’Connor Todd Orlando Lindsay Pacheco Carol Parry Emilie Peralta

Preston Richter Otto Rosasco Christina Salem Guillermo Santamaria Vicki Schmitt Carla Shaw Jake Stayer Phil Thomas Sophia Tial Patti Trevathan Chelsea Tusha Sally Wacht Jack Waitrovich Charlie Wilkinson Hannah Williams Megan Wordell Laura Yocum Erin Zenarosa

Annual Fund Update


he Annual Fund is a yearlong campaign to raise funds for students in need of financial assistance to meet the cost of tuition. This year’s Annual Fund is currently on track to collect more than $200,000 in contributions. The telephone portion of the Annual Fund took place in October and gifts are still coming in.

It’s Not Too Late If you made a pledge and haven’t sent it in yet, or if you haven’t pledged and would like to do so, there’s still time to be a part of this year’s campaign. Your gift, large or small, makes a big difference. You can visit the Bishop Kenny website to make a safe and secure donation online or mail your check to: Bishop Kenny High School 1055 Kingman Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida 32207

Your name will appear in the supplemental honor roll of donors that will appear in the summer edition of this publication.

Our Past Recipients If you are a graduate whose tuition was made possible in full or in part by the Bishop Kenny High School financial aid program, won’t you please make the Annual Fund part of your annual giving?

Matching Gifts And finally, please remember to take advantage of employee matching gifts programs. Not sure whether or not your employer has a matching gift program? Simply check with your human resources department. Your inquiry could result in a doubled or even tripled gift to Bishop Kenny High School.

2016- 2017 Annual Fund Donors Our thanks is extended to the following generous contributors: (Received as of February 7, 2017)

NON - ALUMNI DONORS Mr. & Mrs. Steve J. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Jack S. Akel Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Allen Ms. Mary Jo Antone Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Areford Augustine Asset Management, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John D. Auldridge II Mr. & Mrs. Michael Azzarello Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Baer Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Baer Bank of America Charitable Foundation ** Mrs. Barbara A. Banks Mr. & Mrs. Brently Baxter Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Beale Ms. Trina G. Benso Mr. Jeff Bernado Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Black Mrs. Demory Boeneke Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Edgar D. Bracey III Ms. Mary Ann Brandt Mr. & Mrs. Michael Braswell Mrs. Barbara Bray Mr. & Mrs. Howard Brazinsky Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Brennan III Mr. & Mrs. Phillip S. Buddenbohm Mr. & Mrs. Steven Burgess Ms. Tara Burke Mr. & Mrs. Lou Caldropoli Mr. & Mrs. John Carr Mr. & Mrs. Sam Carrol

Mr. & Mrs. Rosario Cartolano Mr. & Mrs. Julio M. Cerpa Ms. Nancy Cimermancic Mr. & Mrs. Max Clark Mr. & Mrs. Scott Clem Mr. & Dr. Jeffrey Clements Mr. & Mrs. Clifton U. Coleman Mr. Michael Cosgrove Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Costa Mr. & Mrs. Rick Costner Mrs. Janice E. Cox Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Crist Mrs. Rita Cunningham Drs. Robert & Evangeline Dajac Rev. Msgr. Mortimer Danaher Mr. & Mrs. Steve DeLoach Deacon & Mrs. Robert De Luca Jack & Betty Demetree Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Joe DeSalvo Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation ** Ms. Kathleen S. Devine Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dilworth Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dominger Mr. Dallas Douglas Mrs. Sharon B. Dover Mr. & Mrs. Chip Drobnie Mr. & Mrs. Michael Duclos Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Durfee * Mr. Anthony Edgar & Mrs. Gabriela Heredia-Linares Mrs. Misty D. Elizey * Mr. & Mrs. Philip Elson Mr. & Mrs. Friday Essien Mr. & Mrs. Chad Evans *

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Falk Mr. & Mrs. James R. Farmer Mr. & Mrs. John Faustini Mr. & Mrs. Michael Favo Mr. & Mrs. John Fischer Bishop Victor Galeone Mrs. Allison S. Gallup Mr. Michael P. Gardner Ms. Patricia G. Gardner Dr. & Mrs. Francisco Gaudier GEICO Philanthropic Foundation ** Mr. & Mr. David Gerhart Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Paulin Gjergji Mr. & Mrs. Esteban Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. John Adams Grant Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Grippi Mr. Anthony Grogan & Mrs. Barbara Langston Mr. & Mrs. Bryant Grove Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gruver Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Guidi Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Guidos Drs. Charles & Judella Haddad Mr. & Mrs. Danny Hall Mr. & Mrs. Mark Harbison * Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Harrell Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Haubner Mr. & Mrs. Brian M. Healy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Helow Mrs. Margaret O. Helow Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hentz Mrs. Diane H. Herbert Mr. & Mrs. Jose M. Hernandez Herndon’s Automotive Co. Inc. **


Ms. Kristine Herndon * Ms. Beth Dickson Horn Dr. & Mrs. James Horning Mr. & Mrs. Mike J. Hulihan Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Huskey Mr. & Mrs. Rafael Irizarry Mr. & Mrs. Brett Isaac Sr. Ms. Barbara Jackson Mr. & Mrs. William N. James Ms. Barbara Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Bill Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kaniut Mr. & Mrs. Terrance Kapron Mr. & Mrs. G. Preston Keyes Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kiely Mr. & Mrs. Keith Klemmt Mr. & Mrs. William J. Knight Rev. Msgr. Eugene C. Kohls Ms. Claudia Kowkabany Mr. & Mrs. Chris Lambertson Mr. Arben Lari & Mrs. Rajmonda Gjondrekaj Mr. & Mrs. Norbert Lechwar Mr. & Mrs. George F. Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lindros Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Loveland Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Ludden Mr. & Mrs. Brad S. Macdonald Mr. & Mrs. Michael Madden Mr. Sidney W. Madison * Mr. & Mrs. Gilberto Madrigal Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Mann Mr. & Mrs. Brian Maples Mr. & Mrs. David Marovich Mr. & Mrs. Robert Martinez Mr. & Mrs. Ken Maszy The Hon. & Mrs. E. McRae Mathis Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. McAdams Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. McCormick Anonymous Ms. Colleen McLane Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. McMillan Mr. & Mrs. George Mendez Mr. & Mrs. Chamin Mendis Dr. Debbie J. Merinbaum Dr. & Mrs. James Meschia Microsoft ** Mr. & Mrs. Bradley K. Miller Mr. & Mrs. William Monk Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Montana Ms. V. Debbie Moreland Dr. & Mrs. Alvaro Moreno-Aspitia Ms. Doreen S. Morningstar Mr. & Mrs. Brian Morrill Mr. & Mrs. Danel Moss Ms. Ann M. Mott


Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Munder Mr. & Mrs. Jim Neaves Mr. & Mrs. Hoa Nguyen Mrs. Tracy Trang Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Noe Mr. & Mrs. David Nolan Ms. Cheryl O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. John J. O’Neill * Mr. & Mrs. Ben A. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Stephen O. Parker Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Parker Mr. & Mrs. Ed Parrish Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Pascual Ms. Teri B. Pendleton Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Peters Pfizer Foundation ** Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. Poole * Mr. & Mrs. Michael Porazinski Premier Water & Energy Mrs. Leslie Quaritius Ms. Nancy Ragonese Rev. Fr. Martin Raj, OSB Mr. & Mrs. Duvan Ramirez Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ramirez Mr. & Mrs. John E. Randle Mr. & Mrs. Say Reh Mr. & Mrs. Randolph C. Reyes Ms. Linda T. Richo Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Risberg Mr. & Mrs. David Roberts Mrs. Luz M. Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Otto Rosasco St. Paul Catholic Church – Jacksonville Beach St. Pius V Catholic Church Dr. & Mrs. Virgilio Saldajeno Ms. Janette Salem Ms. Florence Samuel Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Santamaria Mr. & Mrs. Wayne M. Sapp Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Philip Schmitt & Family Mr. & Mrs. David Schoening Mr. & Mrs. William Schueth Ms. Susan J. Seasholtz Drs. George & Maria Sellock Mr. & Mrs. Brian Sexton Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sharrah Mr. & Mrs. Scott Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sherman Sisters of Saint Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Scott Sloan Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Howard K. Stalls Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stayer Mr. & Mrs. Allen Stevens

Mrs. Christine L. Story Mr. & Mrs. Patrick T. Stratton Capt. & Mrs. Richard A. Stratton Rev. Fr. Donal P. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. T. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Taggart * Mr. & Mrs. Tim Talbott Mr. & Mrs. Charles Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Herbert “Trey” Taylor Mr. & Mrs. John Taylor * Mr. & Mrs. David L. Teichert Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Terranella Mr. & Mrs. Ric Terry Bert L. Thomas Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William J. Tierney Drs. Frederick & Kelley Trent Mr. & Mrs. Richard Trifiletti Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Turknett U.S. Bank Foundation ** Mr. & Mrs. George Verney Col. & Mrs. James A. Vohr Voya Foundation ** Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Wagner Mr. Paul Waitrovich & Mrs. Amy Mergen Mr. & Mrs. David Wakefield Mr. & Mrs. Louis V. Walsh Ms. Hadley Walters Mr. & Mrs. Brian Ward Ms. Nedra Warren Mr. & Mrs. Gregory G. Webster Wells Fargo Foundation ** Mr. & Mrs. Richard West Ms. Susie Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. David White Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Wildsmith Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Wilkinson Mr. & Mrs. J. Christopher Williams Mr. & Mrs. Rick Williams Ms. Allison Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Chris M. Wooten Mr. & Mrs. Dante P. Zarzoso Mr. & Mrs. Brian Zimmerman


50s Fred & Theresa Eastwold Abood ‘59, ‘59 Virginia Ossi Albanna ‘54 Clara King Andrew ‘53 Monica Deihl Anello ‘57 Joseph S. Antone ‘57

Robert T. Atwood ‘57 Dorothy Schill Barbarito ‘54 Mary Ann Sabbag Barenti ‘54 James & Donna Goubeaud Barrett ‘57 Sr. Rita A. Baum, SSJ ‘59 Joanne Eller Bell ‘55 Robert J. Bernath ‘57 Harriet Danese Braasch ‘58 Mary Ann Lester Brossette ‘57 Lt. Col. Dennis E. Brown ‘59 Sr. Florence Bryan, SSJ ‘58 Rose Marie Brodeur Bush ‘54 Fred A. Cattar ‘57 Loys Charbonnet III ‘56 Robert P. Clark ‘59 Nancy Mynihan Comish ‘54 Camille Fuss Crabtree ‘53 Jeannette Ossi Currie ‘54 Tracy & Barbara Danese ‘54 Helen Grady Graham Davies ‘55 Marjorie Langen DuBois ‘55 Barbara Brown Duffy ‘55 Elizabeth J. Elian ‘57 Antoinette “Toni” Harvey Ferrell ‘57 Charles & Nellie Flynn Jr. ‘56 Marian Wiesenfeld Folger ‘57 Patricia Ward Foulk ‘55 James & Mary Jo Webb Fox ‘58, ‘59 Richard C. Foy ‘57 Dianne Rowe Fritch ‘53 Robert & Nancy Stephens Fritch ‘54,‘55 Ralph C. Ghioto Jr. ‘54 Elizabeth Antone Gill ‘56 Glen H. Gish ‘58 Cynthia Curry Gonnering ‘57 Andrew W. Greenwood ‘58 F. Elizabeth Brown Haynes ‘58 John W. Herbert Jr. ‘56 Julianna Warren Howe ‘58 Mary Ann Oldham Hrdlicka ‘56 Harriet Cox Hrezo ‘58 Frederick C. Jansen ‘57 Beverly Barton Kolodinsky ‘57 Dennis J. Lanahan ‘58 Diane M. Lewis ‘58 Mary Starrs Lewis ‘57 Paul D. Lewis Jr. ‘54 Charles S. Linning ‘57 Della Allen Linton ‘58 Art Logie ‘55 Lena Bray Loveless ‘58 Donald & Nancy Beale Marx ‘56, ‘61 Richard S. Masters ‘54 John L. McCranie ‘54 Margaret Pellicer McCully ‘54

Margie Murray Mears ‘54 Walter E. Miller ‘54 Catherine Brown Monahan ‘56 Jerry J. Mulvihill ‘57 Michael F. Murray ‘59 JoAnn Abood Najem ‘53 Eugene & Joan Jordan Nelson ‘57, ‘57 Diana Romey NesSmith ‘57 Donald W. Ogden ‘54 Michael J. O’Loughlin ‘58 Marilyn Luplow Ormond ‘53 Eugene F. Parke ‘58 Fred B. Power ‘53 Victor & Irene Puleo ‘56 Elizabeth R. Rall ‘56 Barbara Toney Remich ‘55 Dorothy Patricia Pellicer Richens ‘55 J. Jay Robinson ‘55 Ramona Baum Rung ‘56 Marie Cross Scidmore ‘58 Jay D. Sherman ‘57 Barbara Koperski Sieck ‘56 Gloria Bryant Simonds ‘57 James A. Snelgrove ‘54 Jerry & Diane Livaudais Snelgrove ‘55, ‘59 H. Charles Stichweh ‘55 Ann King Stone ‘55 Tom & Glory Maloney Sullivan ‘58 David W. Terbrueggen ‘59 Mari F. Terbrueggen ’56 * J. Patrick & Gayle Tischer Thornton ‘53, ‘56 Betty Wheatley Tolliver ‘54 Lou & Betty Nackashi Trad ‘57 Nancy Jo Dorsey Vining ‘56 David R. Vlaming ‘54 Patricia Roebig Ware ‘57 John W. Wassmer ‘55 Rev. Fr. Michael S. Williams ‘57 Joan Rich Zoranski ‘58

60s Kenneth V. Adams, M.D. ‘65 Bonita Bon Alexander ‘64 John W. Alexander ‘66 Joseph A. Alfred ‘66 Wayne & Nancy Collier Allyn ‘66, ‘66 Marguerite J. Andreu ‘60 Patrick C. Andreu ‘65 Rosemary Anania Arnold ‘66 Alan J. Ashley ‘62 Ginette Bizier Asselin ‘63 Susan Mary O’Shea Bailey ‘67

Paula Moore Barnes ‘65 Martha E. Barrett ‘68 * ✛ Christine H. Barry ‘66 Thomas F. Barzyk ‘68 ✛ Kim A. Benson ‘64 Richard H. Black ‘62 Patricia A. Bludworth ‘66 Joseph W. Blunk ‘61 * Lizanne Corrigan Bomhard ‘66 David W. Bowler ‘63 J. Scott Brogdon ‘61 Ellen Cates Bruce ‘63 Michael J. Brune ‘65 Wayne H. Brunetti ‘60 John W. Bunn ‘64 Modesto W. Burgos ‘63 Eloy R. Bustillo ‘69 Lawrence J. Butler ‘66 Barbara Vallencourt Byrne ‘61 Cascone Family Foundation Michael Cascone Jr. ‘61 Elizabeth Belyea Cascone ‘64 Michael J. Cascone ‘85 Steven D. Cascone ‘86 Elizabeth Cascone Higgs ‘88 Brian J. Cascone ‘91 Juliette Cascone Gredenhag ‘95 Kathleen Cascone Kilbane ‘98 Bernadette Bannon Cavari ‘61 Jessica Norwood Chapman ‘61 Mary Anne Ryan Connor ‘64 Lawrence “Skip” & Susan Edmonds Cooney ‘69, ‘69 Suzanne Todd Cooper ‘69 William & Carole Menniger Cooper ‘67, ‘67 Paul E. Corbley ‘68 ✛ Eileen Vogl Croft ‘69 James M. Crotty ‘68 ✛ Ted & Bonnie Garity Cummings ‘62, ‘62 *** Gerald B. Curington ‘68 ✛ Patricia Burke Dagata ‘62 – In memory of John Burke ‘65 & Chris Burke ‘67 Nancy Owens Damato ‘68 + - In memory of Joseph E. Damato ‘68 Marie “Mimi” Lauwaert Daumy ‘63 * Susan McGovern Dean ‘67 Patricia A. Dearing ‘66 Doris M. Denno ‘67 Mary Solomon DeSalvo ‘68 ✛ George D. Dewey ‘64 Daniel P. Dillon ‘63 Marie E. Dolan ‘60 M. Carol Conlon Domville ‘60 Barbara Borje Douglas ‘68 ✛ Donald D. Drury ‘61


Michael A. Durcan ‘60 John & Susan Duss ‘60 Dr. Charles M. Edwards Jr. ‘65 Ed & Janet Koperski Fennell ‘63 Theresa Rogero Ferlisi ‘69 Jorge E. Fiterre ‘68 ✛ Theresa Tassone Fitzsimmons ‘67 Bill & Carol Thenoils Florenz ‘69 Reesa Arnett Ford ‘66 Sean P. Fore ‘69 Joe & Colleen Lanahan Foy ‘63, ‘65 Stephen J. Fricke ’68 ✛ Phillip & Jeanette Ghioto ‘64 Paul & Hazel Boyle Ghiotto ‘66, ’68 ✛ James W. Gibson Jr. ‘64 Kerry Middleton Gill ‘66 Carolyn Nettuno Glover ‘60 Patrick S. Goodbread ‘62 Dr. Antonio Gordon ‘61 Patricia Ryan Gosa ‘66 Judith Barren Guill ‘60 Jacqueline Barren Hageman ‘62 Mary Jo Siprelle Hanson ‘62 Dr. T. Michael & Cecily Hardin ‘68 ✛ Regina Wadsworth Hardwick ‘65 Mary Anne Solomon Hashem ‘63 Rev. Msgr. Vincent J. Haut ‘60 Jim & Marty MacNamara Heekin ‘66, ‘69 Robert & Mary Lynn MacNamara Heekin ‘68, ‘68 ✛ Robert & Mary Lynn MacNamara Heekin ‘68, ‘68 ✛ - In memory of Ester Holt Robert & Mary Lynn MacNamara Heekin ‘68, ‘68 ✛ - In memory of David Bowler ‘63 Robert & Mary Lynn MacNamara Heekin ‘68, ‘68 ✛ - In memory of Colleen Reiley Curtin ‘67 Robert & Mary Lynn MacNamara Heekin ‘68, ‘68 ✛ - In memory of John Crotty ‘71 Carolyn Head Helquist ‘63 Robert B. Hendry Jr. ‘65 Patricia Phelan Higgins ‘65 William G. Hillegass ‘68 ✛ M. Linda Wood Hills ‘65 William J. Holmes ‘65 Diane Kulas Hurtak ‘65 Donald C. Imfeld ‘69 Linda Bohnstengel Ireland ‘68 ✛ Sebbastian D. Izzo ‘62 John M. Joyce ‘69 Samuel & Constance Satterlee Kaleel ‘64, ‘64 Laura LeMoine Karabinis ‘65 Michael W. Keane ‘66 Thomas J. Keane ‘63 Judith M. Keegan ‘65 Joan Luplow Kilgallon ‘62 Patricia McCarthy King ‘69


William H. Krechowski ‘65 E. Jack Kulas ‘69 Louis R. LaGrande ‘65 Louis & Patricia Stripling Larmoyeux ‘62, ‘64 Nancy Crooks Larson ‘68 ✛ Russell S. Lawler ‘68 ✛ John E. Lawlor III ‘68 ✛ Kenneth A. Lawson ‘60 Frank & Mary McMahon Linn ‘65, ‘73 James J. Logue ‘67 Thomas & Judith Taylor Logue ‘69,‘69 Kathleen A. Lyons ’68 ✛ Kathleen Kennedy Lyons ‘61 Christine Parr Marz ‘65 Carol A. Masters ‘68 ✛ Patrick J. Mayhew ‘64 Meg Houstoun McCarthy ‘65 John T. McClure ‘66 Terry L. McCook ‘64 Charleen J. McCormick ‘66 Bernadette McGuire-Rivera ‘68 ✛ Robert J. Meagher Jr. ‘62 Joseph W. Mehrtens III ‘60 Lorraine Bateh Meide ‘67 Fred & Mimi Monsour ‘69 Jorge F. Morales ‘65 Rev. Fr. D. Terrence Morgan ‘67 Rev. Msgr. Michael P. Morgan ‘64 Elisabeth Floyd Morley ‘67 Mary Bourbeau Morrison ‘60 Edward K. Mruz Jr. ‘68 ✛ Keith Ed Munsch ‘68 ✛ K. Michael Munsch ‘65 Mary Ann King Nabywaniec ‘67 Joseph & Marian McCarthy Napoli ‘65, ‘72 Scott & Ann Morrow Nelson ‘63 Paul R. Newman ‘61 Sharon Benson Norman ‘68 ✛ Barbara Meixell Nuernberger ‘65 Jack T. Obi ‘69 James W. Obi ’65 * Michael J. Obringer ‘67 Josephine Pierce Oetjen ‘67 Christopher & Catherine Edmonds O’Shea ‘69, ‘70 Rosalie Ossi ‘60 Sandra A. Ossi ‘67 Thomas T. Ossi ‘67 Helen Montoto Oxford ‘67 Charles G. Parsons ‘64 Thomas R. Pennington ‘61 Amy Ford Petz ‘64 John E. Phelan ‘68 ✛ Mary Alice Barrett Phelan ‘60 William & Patricia Brennan Phelan ‘61, ‘63 James P. Pierotti ‘69

Paul J. Porwoll ‘69 Jeanne Rhodes Prince ’62 *** Dr. & Mrs. Bill Pujadas ‘69 Wilvin “Bill” W. Racca ‘64 José I. Ramirez ‘63 Alberto M. Raphael ‘69 Mary Pellicer Reihel ‘60 Thomas E. Reinhardt, MD ‘64 John & Winnie McGowan Richardson ‘63,‘68✛ Dr. Richard M. Riley ‘68 ✛ Mary Frances King Ruddick ‘60 Barbara Haut Ruppert ‘63 Rev. Fr. Anthony G. Sebra ‘62 Barry A. Shaw ‘61 Denzel M. Smith ‘68 * ✛ Jeff & Nancy Dunham Smith ‘69 Maureen Hughes Smith ‘60 Michael S. Smith ‘67 Doug & Clarinda Solomon ‘65 Greg & Janis Solomon ‘65 Frank N. Stanley III ‘60 William B. Steckroth ‘64 Janet R. Studley ‘68 ✛ Esther Chao Sugarman ‘67 Anne Logue Sulzbacher ‘64 Frank J. Tassone Jr. ‘66 Maurice & Mary Terbrueggen Jr. ‘64 Gail Johnson Thelen ‘67 Blaine J. Tillis ‘69 Katherine Sollee Todd ‘68 ✛ Edmund G. Tubel ‘65 Cathy Marseilles Tucker ‘65 Jerilyn Kirkendall Turner ‘69 Rosalie Breen Villasis ‘60 M. Patrice Sullivan Vincent ‘65 John B. Walker ‘64 William & Carol Wall ‘68 ✛ Earnest & Johnnyie Ferro Waller ‘68, ‘68 ✛ Judith Addison Wand ‘62 Vincent & Charlene Golden Wascak ‘64, ‘65 Carol Bunn Wilkinson ‘63 Claudia Parr Willette ‘68 ✛ Dennis & Dolores Corn Williamson ‘68, ’68 ✛ Rodney H. Williamson ‘63 Mary Beth Kelly Willson ‘69 Thomas E. & Sherrie D. Wilson ‘68 ✛ LaMonte Hicks Woods ‘61 Susan E. Woods ‘66 Richard J. Wrigley ‘63

70s Mike J. Allen ‘73

Stephanie Tillis Alley ‘72 Maria Kaleel Anderson ‘74 Terry R. Anderson ‘71 Susan Schweizer Andrews ‘79 Margaret “Peggy” Brennan Austin ‘77 David Baranek ‘75 Joy Batteh-Freiha ‘79 Thomas A. Beaudoin ‘74 Fred & Sherri Berley ‘74 Joseph P. Berley MD ‘79 Michael V. Berry ‘75 Tara Sciurba Biggs ‘77 Rev. Fr. James R. Boddie ‘70 Stephen R. Bohn ‘77 Robert E. Bohnstengel, Ph.D. ‘70 Harlan & Patricia Quinn Bost ‘77 Raymond F. Boyle ‘77 Kimberly Johnson Bradford ‘73 Kenneth R. Brady ‘78 Thomas F. Brandvold ‘79 Mary Harris Britt ‘72 Rick & Susan Brodeur Jr. ’79 * Julie Brodeur Brookshire ‘70 Bruce L. Buerkle ‘71 Monica M. Burke ‘72 Maureen Perry Burnett ‘78 Sandra Thurson Cantalupo ‘79 Wayne & Christine Cooney Chandler ‘73, ‘73 Mary Ellen Boozer Chesser ‘70 Carol McKaba Chinn ‘76 Peter J. Chitko ‘78 Carita Shuert Christiansen ‘74 Lori Beyrle Colavito ‘77 Terry Jacobs Combs ‘72 David & Lisa Cook '76 Michael P. Corrigan ‘75 Peter & Laurie Dunnington Corrigan ‘78 ,‘76 Tim & Nancy Mead Corrigan ‘74, ‘74 Georgina Roces Crago ‘71 Philip T. Cratem II ‘78 Thomas M. Cratem ‘79 Thomas S. Cusick ‘78 Teresa Heekin Davlantes ‘76 Nancy L. Debs ‘78 Jay C. Demetree Jr. ‘76 Kim & Derek E. Dewan ‘73 Devry E. Dewan ‘78 Karol Ann Mruz Dickinson ‘71 Adeline Ryan Dobson ‘74 Peter A. Donelan, MD ‘71 Stephen M. Donelan ‘70 Doris A. Arceneaux Doyle ‘76 M. Catherine Eakin Dozier ‘71 Louis & Jill Howell Dunbar ‘73 Stephen & Bonnie Arnett Duncan ‘70, ‘70

Thomas & Karen Modesky Fallin ‘77, ‘77 Musa & Gina Farmand ‘78 Paula J. Faustini ‘70 Michael Ferrante ‘71 John R. Foley Jr. ‘72 Gary & Karen Reiter Fregeau ‘73, ‘73 Rita Hudgins George ‘78 Senator Audrey L. Gibson ‘74 Russell P. Goff ‘71 Valerie A. Hall ‘70 John P. Hartley ‘77 J. Patrick & LeeAnn MacNamara Heekin ‘77,‘78 Dr. R. David & Claire Boozer Heekin ‘72, ‘72 W. Michael Heekin ‘71 Phil & Danielle Helow ‘75 Shannon Scruby Henderson ‘71 Patrick J. Higgins ‘71 Justin D. Hill ‘71 Patrick S. Hillegass ‘73 Maureen McMahon Hogan ‘72 Michael Hollack ‘73 Rev. Fr. Michael R. Houle ‘71 Patricia L. Howell ‘73 Charlene Moriarty Hubbard ‘71 John E. Jackson III ‘73 Peter M. Johnston ‘73 Anna Simmons Jones ‘75 Ramon J. Jordan ‘73 Richard A. Jordan ‘77 Charles F. Joseph ‘76 Schamoun Joseph ‘77 Donna Cerni Kibler ‘72 H. Anthony “Tony” Kimball ‘70 John A. King ‘76 Mark & Anne Tuerk Klinepeter ‘79 Denise E. Kowkabany ‘71 Michael D. Kozak ‘73 Paula Porter Kryceski ‘72 Bruce Kujawa ‘76 James D. Lawlor, MD ‘72 Diane Bohnstengel Lawrence ‘73 Ernest & Carmel Brodeur Lea ‘71 Kathleen Brown Lester ‘70 Elizabeth McInerney Lewis ‘78 Paul Liebert ‘79 Daniel R. Luvisi ‘70 Stephen R. MacNamara ‘71 Eva M. Manley ‘78 Carla Glaraton Marrow ‘73 Anne Perrotto Matthews ‘76 Daniel J. McCaskill ‘73 Joseph H. McCoy ‘72 Mary Fuller Wilson McElveen ‘70 Patrick B. McKee ‘71 Bill & Debbie Baldwin McMenamy ‘71, ‘72

Stephen D. Middleton ‘71 Joseph & Patricia Zebouni Millan ‘74, ‘74 Rose M. Minton ‘75 David & Carolyn Hillegass Moore ‘76 Georgia Fallin Moye ‘71 Jerry & Carreme Nackashi ‘72 Carolyn Ossi Nofal ‘70 William J. Norris ‘73 Sean F. O’Brien ‘75 Therese Donelan Odell ‘75 Damon & Janet Shalley Olinto ‘79, ‘82 David & Denise Becht Oliveria ‘71, ‘72 Kevin D. O’Shea ‘72 Diane Howard Parliment ‘70 John M. Parr ‘77 Robert J. Perry ‘78 Dr. Katy C. Phelan ‘71 Michael J. Phelan ‘77 Susan Kriz Pitts ‘72 Jim & Mary Helow Pritchard ‘78 Simmie A. Raiford ‘78 Patricia Pardo Reid ‘75 Lynda Horne Respess ‘79 George F. Revels Jr. ‘78 Rathbun K. Rhodes ‘70 Kristi Stapf Roberge ’73 Mr. & Mrs. John Rogero ‘72 Timothy M. Rucci ‘74 Thomas M. Ryan ‘72 Mary Monsour Saig ‘73 Thomas & Julia Holloway Sandifer ‘79, ‘82 Matthew M. Schellenberg ‘71 Angela V. Schifanella ‘78 Richard Schlinkmann ‘70 Gail Bussian Schwalm ‘79 Maureen Neustadter Sheridan ‘75 Mark Shurett ‘71 Daniel J. Skelton ‘79 Martha V. Smyth, DMD ‘78 Christine J. Solomon ‘73 Jane Bellinger Sowerby ‘70 David A. Spuria ‘78 Peter C. Stanley ‘72 Julie Miller Steffen ‘79 Sharon Politowski Storey ‘76 Fayvette C. Switzer ‘70 Kenneth & Margaret Schuchts Szortyka ‘79,‘83 Robert E. Tanner III ‘74 Janet Horner Taylor ‘71 John P. Thomas ‘74 Theresa Masters Todd ‘79 Mary Arceneaux Toomey ‘75 Laura Shapiro Torrey ‘72 Ed & Martha Towey ‘71


Karen Huber Tracy ‘76 Andrée M. Tremoulet, Ph.D. ‘73 John F. Tuerk Jr. ‘75 Susan Jones Wallis ‘70 Tracy Ryan Warren ‘78 Kim Olinto Washington ‘72 Marla R. Weedon ‘72 Eileen Buckles Wendell ‘70 Bob & Mary Bowler West ‘72 Sharon Crement Whipple ‘71 Brian A. Whitmire ‘78 Jean Crowell Willis ‘78 Kelly Corrigan Wood ‘78 Jan Bodner Workman ‘73 Alton W. Yates II ‘79 Tim & Laura Faustini Yocum ‘77 JoAnne Middleton York ‘78 Rev. Fr. Dennis M. Young ‘72 Margaret “Peggy” Niegowski Zeiser ‘72

80s Dr. Vilmar J. Abelardo ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Erik A. Airheart ‘85 Alex E. Aleman, D.D.S. ‘86 Steven M. Avera ‘87 * Rob & Kathleen Cusick Avery ‘86 * Renee A. Bateh ‘82 James M. Batteh ‘84 Robert J. Beard ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory M. Bell ‘84 David H. Benton Jr. ‘81 Michael C. Benton ’84 Carol McMurry Bishop ‘82 James H. Bishop ‘80 Colleen Lumley Blaquiere ‘81 Meri C. Bloom ‘82 Susan Davies Borland ‘86 Joseph M. Bourdon Jr., DDS ‘83 James & Grace Nackashi Brasington ‘84 John C. Bryan Jr. ‘80 Martha Bohn Budetti ‘85 Paul & Phyllis Verchick Bush ‘80 Grady T. Carrick ‘80 Jorge A. Carrillo ‘86 Sheila Mead Carter ‘80 Sandra Lamkin Cary ‘80 Thomas J. Connolly ‘87 Cleve M. Cooney ‘84 Mary Pat Corrigan ‘80 Timothy J. Cox ‘82 Chip & Lori Parry Crabtree ‘82


David & Debra Abraham Cratem ‘81, ‘88 Michael & Jennifer Cratem ‘87 Richard & Pam Cratem ‘83 George C. Cross ‘81 Jim & Jenifer Cusick ‘82 Donald A. Dalton ‘82 Charles “Lee” Danley II ‘87 James & Anne Helow Darling ‘80 Andrew J. Davey ‘85 Susan Lester Davis ‘80 Mark C. Dawkins ‘81 James J. DePalma ‘84 Michael A. Deschenes ‘80 Dan & Robin Devenny ‘82 Oscar E. Duarte ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Glenn “Boo” English ‘81 Janice R. Farhat ‘82 Stephen A. Faustini ‘83 Joe L. Foster, Jr. Lisa Crane Glisson ‘81 Kimberly Knowles Graham ‘88 Carla A. Harris-Franklin ‘80 Joe & Linda Bajalia Hassan ‘83 Maria Ignacio Hemphill ‘87 Ronald E. “Butch” Hofstetter ‘82 Kevin & Tracee Holzendorf ‘85 Elmer G. Huber II ‘81 James S. Hunt ‘81 Elizabeth Lanahan Iglesias ‘83 Tracy A. Ireland ‘83 Christine A. Jackson ‘87 J. Thomas Jackson ‘86 Julian E. Johnson III ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. E. Christopher Jubran ‘82 Kenneth A. Kelly ‘83 Kevin & Maureen McGovern Kennedy ‘80, ‘80 F. Brad & Kathy Kennelly ‘81 Marisol Ejercito Lauerman ‘89 Edward & Kara Citrano Leonard ‘84, ’90 James & Hillary Citrano ‘86 Randy & Kathleen Flynn Magee ‘83 Dr. Michael Marchigiano ‘82 Gregory R. Martini III ‘83 Christopher L. McClellan ‘80 Chuck & Peggy Miller ‘81 James T. Monahan III ‘85 Mark & Lora Tarle Monahan ‘87, ‘87 Lawrence & Gina Najem ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Nasrallah ‘83 Karen V. Nasrallah ‘80 Kathleen Chitko Naugle ‘82 Joseph L. Obi ‘81 Alan & Marie Ossi ‘85 Cynthia L. Packevicz ‘80 Lisa Bohnstengel Pafford ‘81

Dr. Jennifer Pascual ‘88 Elizabeth Peel ‘82 Angelina Penso ‘82 Pamela Hovis Petrou ‘88 Janine McCarthy Radford ‘81 Thomas G. Raffo Jr. ‘86 John & Theresa Smith Richter ‘81, ‘83 Mary Schellenberg Risley ‘80 John T. Rivers II ‘84 John & Karen Lechwar Rowland ‘89, ‘89 Matthew & Holly Shiffert Self ‘80 Anne Marie Shami ‘83 Katherine Clark Silverglate ‘81 Kathleen Campbell Sims ‘84 Scott T. Sobolewski ‘89 Christopher M. Stanley ‘84 Mary Rowland Stouffer ‘88 Michael J. Strickland ‘82 Tim & Kaki Bowler Sutherland ‘86, ‘86 * Debra D. Telli-Jackson ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Toney ‘87 Clay & Colleen Tucker ‘81 Cheryl A. Turner ‘80 Lisa Grenville Urbanek ‘80 Rafi & Denise Trad Wartan ‘82, ‘84 Edward J. Wilburn ‘84 Billy W. Wright Jr. ‘86 Mike & Mary Cameron Yarborough ‘82

90s Desiree Molyneaux Bailey ‘92 Ken & Michelle Grippi Baker ‘92 * Ramzy & Berny Bakkar ‘93 Agnieszka Hubert Barnes ‘91 Angela Farah Bateh ‘93 Donald & Sireen Bateh ‘90 Jason G. Becht ‘93 Norm & Michelle Sleeper Bizier ’90 - In memory of Cindy Sleeper Kemper ‘91 Christopher & Christy Bray ’91 * Michelle Krestalude Bressler ‘93 David L. Brown Jr. ‘98 Dr. Julia Heekin Cogburn ‘92 Nailah J. Coleman, M.D. ‘92 Matthew T. Commons ‘91 Cathleen T. Connolly ‘95 Eileen M. Connolly ‘98 Trenton H. Cotney ‘92 Tia N. Davis ’95 * Kathleen Walsh Dulko ‘94 Victoria Randle Fahrney ‘90

Kelly Obringer Fredlake ‘97 Jason & Fadia Gabriel ‘94 Patrick R. Graney ‘91 Joseph & Lea Grippi ’96 * Joyce Timbang Guillermo ‘91 Shaughnessy & Mary Bullock Harms ‘93 John & Angela Suggs Harward ‘91, ‘93 Mary Fritch Hautala ‘93 Robert & Elizabeth Peters Heekin ‘90, ‘97 Lauren Weedon Hopkins ‘95 Xavier F. Houle ‘98 Matthew P. Hushek ‘98 Daniel K. Jackson ‘90 Shawn & Mariana Alvarez Kallivayalil ‘97, ‘98 Jay & Susan Grippi Koster ‘94 David G. Locke ‘90 Molly McGauley ‘91* Beth Wombough Medina ‘91 Jonathan W. Meide ‘98 Timothy & Laddy Monahan ‘90 * A. Brooks Callahan Mondares ‘91 Cole & Katherine Kelly Moody ‘94, ‘97 Kyle D. Nisbett ‘92 Patrick & Melissa O’Connor ‘97 Ryan C. Parliment ‘97 Ronald & Ashley Lea Rabon ‘91, ‘96 Kori Neville Renn ‘95 Dr. Franklin & Emily Arnold Rios ‘90, ‘04 Coralynn Torio Roberts ‘90 Lindsay Maiman Robinson ‘96 Paul & Jennifer Shami ‘90 John P. Sheesley ’94 Dr. Michael L. Shelton ‘99 Jennifer Rizk Spinelli ‘95 Timothy H. Stutz ‘98 Leslie Godley Thomas ‘99 Shannon Henry Trull ‘98 Erin Cooney Welch ‘99 Dr. Michael J. Whitehouse ‘93

00s Lauren R. Anastase ‘07 Maria J. Andreu ‘01 Monica M. Biggs ‘05 Gabriel & Martha Anlage Boehm ‘03 Zachary & Lindsay Lewe Burnett ‘01, ‘02 Ryan J. Bush ‘08 Katharine Dover Caro ‘02 Stephanie T. Castro ‘03 Will R. Chesebro ‘04

Jennifer L. Clements ‘06 Brian & Sara Brown Corrigan ’05, ‘06 Ross W. Crabtree ‘09 Zach & Kayla Grant Crabtree ‘06, ‘06 Thomas S. Crisp ‘02 Elizabeth A. Davlantes ‘04 Michael G. Davlantes ‘08 Eric DeSalvo ‘05 Matthew J. DeSalvo ‘02 Kyle & Caitlin Goins Duffy ‘07, ‘07 Elise Docster Enterkin ’05 * Jonathan M. Falk ‘09 Sara A. Falk ‘08 Bobby & Candice Abrams Flautt ‘03, ‘03 James & Kristy Zimmerman Gray ‘02, ‘04 Jonathan Grogan ‘07 Morgan S. Gurr ‘09 Rev. Fr. Michael E. Hartley ‘06 Kevin P. Heekin ‘08 Mary Lynn Heekin ‘05 Ryan T. Jaghab ‘06 Susan Davenport Kauffmann ‘03 Aislinn W. Keyes ‘08 Terence P. Keyes ‘06 Caleb & Heather Kitchings ‘00 Alexander S. Lawler ‘02 James P. Manahan ‘00 Alex D. Mathis ‘07 Eric & Michelle Charko Mathis ‘06, ‘06 Lauren O’Hara May ‘04 Mark W. McCormick ‘06 Molly A. McCormick ‘06 Jessica E. Millan ‘07 Maxwell S. Mull ‘08 Paul J. Napoli ‘02 Devon A. O’Connor ‘00 Frances A. Patriarca ’05 * Jennifer Nolan Redman ‘07 Kristin Reyes ‘09 Kerry Richo ‘04 Kenneth E. Risberg ‘04 Richard M. Saig Jr. ‘07 Laura C. Sapp ‘09 Alexandria M. Schmitt ‘05 Matthew P. Schmitt ‘02 Thomas A. Sherrill ‘07 Michael T. Shine ‘07 H. Kenneth Stalls III ‘08 Jacqueline Teichert ‘04 Erin N. Terranella ‘00 Autumn Federico Toumbis ‘05 Nicole Bush White ‘05

10s Jeffrey R. Albury ‘10 Ally Alvarez-Stratton ‘16 Amanda Alvarez-Stratton ‘15 Matthew J. Bell ‘15 Nicholas A. Bell ‘13 Angela M. Benso ‘15 Chase A. Crabtree ‘10 Sarah I. Davis ‘10 Anna M. DeSalvo ‘14 Jamie A. Heekin ‘10 Marty M. Heekin ‘13 Samuel J. Heekin ‘15 Shannon L. Madden ‘13 Cody T. McElveen ‘15 Jamie E. Millan ‘12 Zachary H. Moss ‘12 Ashlyn E. Nassar ‘13 Brooklyn M. Ramirez ‘10 Cheyenne A. Ramirez ‘15 Grayson E. Roth ‘16 Christina M. Schmitt ‘14 Emily C. Shaw ‘12 Madison M. Shaw ‘14 Jonathan M. Sherman ‘13 William H. Sherman ‘16 Madison O. Stalls ‘16 Michael H. Sweda ‘13 Tim & Amanda Wittig Vergenz ‘11, ‘11 Courtney J. Widman ‘13 Peyton B. Wilson ‘15

* Matching Gift Donor ** Matching Gift Company *** St. Pius Scholarship Fund Established by the Bishop Kenny Class of 1962 ✛ Class of 1968 Memorial Scholarship Fund Every effort has been made to provide an accurate report. If an error has been made, please accept our apology and notify the Advancement Office. A correction will be made.



Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive Bishop Kenny High School has a long tradition of providing food baskets for needy families at Thanksgiving. This year’s school-wide campaign, coordinated by the Department of Campus Ministry and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, resulted in a collection large enough to satisfy all of the advance requests made by area parishes. In addition to the traditional canned and other non-perishable food items collected in class rooms, cash contributions from individuals, clubs and organizations allowed organizers to include a Publix gift card to be used for the purchase of a turkey or ham. This year the Art Department sponsored an Empty Bowls ceramics project and a Coffee House featuring student and faculty talent to raise money for the gift cards. The event was a great success. (see article below) Students delivered hundreds of bags and boxes of food to the gym to fill all of the requests for Thanksgiving Food Baskets in November. More than 300 families were fed through this year’s drive.

After the last baskets were assembled, all surplus non-perishable donations were gathered up and donated to Trinity Rescue Mission. We are so grateful for the generosity of our students, faculty, staff, and clubs who enable us to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves. More than 305 food bags and $2500 worth of gift cards were distributed throughout the Diocese as a result of this year’s project.

Volunteers from throughout the Diocese picked up Thanksgiving Food baskets for families in need. These friendly BK students were among the many volunteers who were happy to help load the pick-up vehicles.

EMPTY BOWLS Project Raises $800 Students, faculty and staff joined forces with the BK Art Club to create, glaze and fire pottery bowls in support of the International Empty Bowls project. Bowls made by the BK community were used to raise money for the Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. According to project sponsor and BK Art teacher Sarah Arago, “Empty Bowls is a grass roots idea that artists have personalized worldwide to fight hunger on a community level.” In November a Coffee House featuring entertainment provided by students and faculty members was held in the cafeteria. Each paid ticket holder was presented with a handmade “empty bowl.” According to Mrs. Arago, “The bowls serve to remind recipients of those who go without food and provide an avenue to make a difference.” Bowls created by advanced ceramics students were sold in a silent auction during the Coffee House performance to add extra money to the event proceeds.

Teacher, coach, and musician-singer Kevin Curran ‘01 and his wife Libby Heflin Curran ‘02 performed at the Coffee House. A full house of enthusiastic students and other guests attended the first-ever event.

The first time event was a great success raising $800 for the annual food drive.

Mrs. Kathleen Watson, a familiar face in the Main Office tried her hand at making one of the Empty Bowls.

Art teacher Mrs. Sarah Arago and a group of art students helped faculty and staff create bowls.


Many talented student performers were on hand at the including Ian Salinas and Francesca Orr-Yepes.

Students Honored in the Northeast Florida Scholastic Art Awards Congratulations to BK art students who were recognized for their work in the Northeast Florida Scholastic Art Awards. Sliver Key Awards were presented to seniors Abby Miller for her sculpture “Clay Box” and Stefani Bucher for her sculpture “Pandora’s Box.” Honorable Mentions were awarded to sophomore students Krystal Dao for her sculpture “Tower”, and Nara-Lee Todd for her painting “Sammy.” Honorable Mentions also went to junior Veronica Selden for her drawing “Money Jar” and to senior Anna Miller for her sculpture “The Box.” All of the students were recognized at an awards ceremony at the Florida Theater in early February and their work was exhibited at the Jacksonville Main Branch Library. (L-R) Seniors Abby Miller and Stefani Bucher, Silver Key Award winners in the Northeast Florida Scholastic Art Awards.

Students earning Honorable Mentions at the Northeast Florida Scholastic Art Awards: (L-R) sophomores Nara-Lee Todd and Krystal Dao, senior Anna Miller and junior Veronica Selden

.Pandora’s box

Clay Box

Bishop Estévez Makes Annual Campus Visit Bishop Felipe Estévez made his annual visit to Bishop Kenny High School on December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Each year the Bishop presides at Mass on the Holy Day. The entire student body, faculty, staff and invited guests gathered in the John Baldwin Athletic Center for Mass. BK Chaplain Father Martin Raj, OSB and former BK President Father Michael Houle concelebrated Mass. Diocesan Superintendent of Schools Deacon Scott Conway, and Deacon Robert De Luca were also in attendance. At the end of Mass Bishop Estévez blessed a plaque in memory Deacon Richard Ryan who passed away in May of 2016. Prior to the blessing Father Houle told those gathered about Deacon Ryan who will long be remembered by thousands of Bishop Kenny students, faculty and staff members who knew him as a Religion teacher, Latin teacher, a Dean of Students and through his duties in the Chapel. Deacon Ryan, who served the Bishop Kenny community faithfully for 18 years, retired in 2008. The memorial for Deacon Ryan has been installed in the Paul Tanner Chapel.

Bishop Estévez said Mass for the student body on December 8.

After Mass and special blessing Bishop Estévez met with members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to talk about the many service projects the group is involved with throughout the year. Bishop also met with BK’s Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in the Chapel. In keeping with tradition, the entire senior class enjoyed an outdoor cookout on the senior patio and under a tent that was erected for the occasion. Students enjoyed the complimentary lunch and also had an opportunity to meet and greet Bishop Estévez in the more casual outdoor setting. Former BK President Rev. Michael Houle paid tribute to the long and dedicated service of Deacon Richard Ryan.

A memorial plaque honoring Deacon Richard Ryan was blessed by Bishop Estévez and is now permanently installed in the Chapel.


Bishop Kenny NJROTC Cadets Beat the Florida Heat The NJROTC Unit visited the Surface Warfare Officer School learning site wet trainer, a damage control simulator, at Naval Station Mayport in October. A damage control simulator allows for training in anti-fire and anti-flood operation to enhance the capability of a crew to control and repair damage sustained by their ship. After an introductory class which covered safety, investigating damage, and repairing leaks, the cadets were divided into two repair teams. The teams entered different compartments in the simulator. Their task was to survey the damage, report their findings and to repair the damage. The cadets were accompanied by a damage control instructor, to guide them through the process.

Bishop Kenny NJROTC cadets visit a wet trainer at Naval Station Mayport.

The cadets came away with a better understanding of how important the damage control organization onboard a ship can be, and especially the importance of teamwork. All the cadets left Mayport very excited about the experience and with a better understanding of why the facility is called a wet trainer.

Athletic Director Mark Thorson congratulated the student body on the success of Pink Week at Bishop Kenny during halftime at the October 14 football game. Thorson also presented a check payable to the Donna Foundation, to BK graduate Donna Deegan ’79.

In the pink....The Crusader Football Team showed their support.

BK Supports the Donna Foundation


uring the month of October, Bishop Kenny athletic teams and service organizations worked together to raise money and promote breast cancer awareness. From the sale of pink pom-poms, snow cones, wrist bands, and t-shirts to ribbons that were displayed on a memory board, the studentcoordinated activities raised $3,517.

Catholic Athletes for Christ, and the Anchor and Interact Clubs, as well as the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, for their commitment to making this year’s Pink Week a great success.

BK graduate Donna Deegan ’79, founder of the Donna Foundation, was on hand at the October 14 football game to accept a check representing the proceeds of the school-wide effort. Athletic Director Mark Thorson made the on-field halftime presentation. Congratulations to the football, volleyball and cross country teams, the Cheerleaders, Student Government,

Volleyball Coach Suzanne Winkler, who launched Pink Out activities at BK in 2008, visited with Donna Deegan at the game.

One of the many fundraisers during Pink Week 2016, a prayer wall to honor or remember women who have struggled with breast cancer.


Natalie Alexander - Miss Senior High 2017 Bishop Kenny High School’s Natalie Alexander is making the most of her senior year. Natalie was recently named Miss Senior High 2017 earning a $1000 college scholarship along with the title. Natalie, the reigning Miss Bishop Kenny, was also 2nd runner up in the Miss Jacksonville Competition in early February. An honors and Advanced Placement student, Natalie is Captain of the Cheerleading Squad and Competitive Cheer Team. In January First Coast News selected Natalie as Athlete of the Week. She is a member of the National Honor Society, has earned two academic letters and two varsity athletic letters. She has taken home an Honorable Mention in Microbiology at the North Florida Engineering and Science Fair two times and has finished with Third Place honors in Microbiology at the North Florida Regional Engineering and Science Fair twice. Natalie, who will graduate in May, plans to attend Florida State University and major in nursing. According to Natalie, “Upon receiving my Bachelors’ degree I will work towards a Masters’ degree. My ultimate goal is to become a trauma nurse.”

During her years at Bishop Kenny Natalie has distinguished herself not only academically and through her participation as a cheerleader, but also as a result of her participation in service clubs and activities including Ronald McDonald House, the Downs Syndrome Association of Jacksonville, the 5K and Family, presented by the Jaguars Foundation, the North Florida School of Special Education and as Grand Marshal of the 14th Annual Buddy Walk. Her platMiss Senior High Natalie Alexander ‘17 form issue in the Miss Senior High Competition was, Embracing the Unique – Accepting differences in others and learning how to overcome personal adversity. We applaud Natalie for her accomplishments and dedication to providing service to her school and community.

BK Drama Department __________________________________

Season Opens with 12 Angry Jurors

(L-R) Tara Shear, Megan Wordell, Makenna Vance, and Katie Muller.

The Bishop Kenny Drama Department opened the season with 12 Angry Jurors, written by Reginald Rose. (L-R) Kayla Fudge, Haley Sweat, Brandy Camp, and Grace Nast.


17 th Annual Golf Tournament The 17th annual BK Boosters Golf Tournament, held on November 14, 2016 at Jacksonville Golf & Country Club, was a great success. Longtime tournament chairman Kathy Parete reports that net proceeds totaled nearly $15,000.

(Right) Longtime tournament volunteer Carrie Driscoll delivers goodie bags to the golf carts.

Lunch for the players was provided by event partner 4Rivers Smokehouse, owned by BK graduate John Rivers ‘84, and oncourse beverages were underwritten by Louis Joseph ‘93 of The Mudville Grille. Chairman Kathy Parete remarked, “The generosity of the community in support of this event speaks to the commitment of our golfers and the community at large…we are very grateful for all of the sponsors that were involved this year, and also for the many wonderful prizes that have been donated.”

(Left) Volunteers Jim & Lori Weber with Tournament Chairman Kathy Parete

In talking about the field of golfers, BK Boosters President Anthony Parete remarked, “We are especially happy to see so many BK alumni turning out each year; this has really grown into a great event and, believe me, there’s no shortage of projects that the BK Boosters can take on throughout the year.” A loyal group of volunteers turned out to manage registration and serve as witnesses on the course throughout the day. They also stayed to help coordinate the post-golf party and prize distribution. Our thanks is extended to all of the volunteers that made this event such a success.

Matt Self of North Florida Shipyards and the two foursomes he sponsors at the tournament each year. Thanks Matt!

Golfers Lou Walsh and Father Mike Larkin check in at Jacksonville Golf & CC.

(L-R) Principal Todd Orlando, Athletic Director Mark Thorson, Anthony Parete ’80, and Damon Olinto ’79 enjoyed a beautiful day of golf to benefit BK. (top Left) Classmates Mary Bullock Harms ’93 and Beeb Lanahan Johnson ’93 spent the day witnessing an on-course hole-in-one prize opportunity.

Unsung heroes and early morning volunteers (L-R) Mike Marchigiano and Dan Devenny hang signs and fill coolers with ice and beverages in preparation for the tournament.

(top Right) Volunteers Robin Goodman and Susan Harrison managed the putting contest throughout the afternoon.

Mark your calendar for the 2017 tournament: Monday, November 13 at Jacksonville Golf & Country Club TOURNAMENT WINNERS First Place Net

Michael Milton Mike Johnson Mike Pellicer Russ Parliment

First Place Gross

Don Hune Bobby Roche Mike Rich Michael Mazonkey

Closest to the Pin - Hole #3 Longest Drive - Hole #8 Closest to the Pin - Hole #12 Longest Putt - Hole #18

Donny Rees 18’7” Mike Seligman Michael Milton 22” Dr. Joseph Milan 20’6”


Putting Contest Sponsor Golf Ball Sponsor Beverage Sponsor Lunch Sponsor Hole Sponsors

CoventBridge Group Ossi & Najem, P.A. The Mudville Grille 4Rivers Smokehouse Adecco Group Augustine Asset Management Bakers Sporting Goods 121 Financial Credit Union E.F. Lea Electrical Contractors Holmes Stamp & Sign Mosquito Nix The Mudville Grille North Florida Shipyards, Inc. Pilot Pen Corporation Southside Family Medical Center-Douglas Pennington, D.O. Tom Bush BMW Walsh Investment Consulting Group- Wells Fargo Advisors

Signing Days at BK Nine Crusader athletes have committed to play collegiate-level sports at two signing ceremonies held to showcase their accomplishments. The first was held on November 9 and the second on February 1. Athletic Director Mark Thorson served as emcee of each event, presented in the Carla Harris Performing Arts Center. Coaches, faculty members, and fellow students were also on hand to congratulate the students and their proud family members. Congratulations to the following student athletes: Taylor Carrillo – Volleyball – Montreat College Angela Chan – Volleyball – University of New Haven Kate Durfee – Volleyball – Ave Maria University Chelsea Forbes – Volleyball – Warner University

(L-R) Angela Chan, Volleyball Coach Suzanne Winkler, and Taylor Carrillo at the first signing day in November.

Gabe Merete – Basketball – United States Naval Academy Bruce Aubley – Football – Samford University Kyle Cusick – Football – University of Chicago Sophia Borovsky – Soccer – Wesleyan College, Macon, Georgia Lindsey Magee – Soccer – East Carolina University

(L-R) Chelsea Forbes, Lindsey Magee, Sophia Borovsky, Bruce Aubley, and Kyle Cusick on the February signing day.

Gabe Merete who will attend the Naval Academy is congratulated by boys’ basketball Coach Jerry Buckley.

Kate Durfee is congratulated by Athletic Director Mark Thorson after signing to play Volleyball at Ave Maria University.

FHSAA Hall of Fame

Katie Caples Invitational Congratulations to retired Bishop Kenny High School Vice-Principal, Athletic Director, and Head Baseball Coach, Bob West. Bob was inducted into the FHSAA Hall of Fame at a dinner in Gainesville in September. Principal Todd Orlando and Athletic Director Mark Thorson were among the many BK representatives who were on hand to congratulate Bob on this great honor.

The Katie Caples Foundation founded in 1998 by David and Susan Caples in memory of their daughter Katie, a member of the 1996-98 Bishop Kenny Cross Country and Track team. The Caples Foundation supports educational programs at the middle and high school levels.

Susan and David Caples, founders of the Katie Caples Foundation, were on hand to collect admission donations and welcome participants and spectators to the annual Katie Caples Cross Country Invitational. The event is regarded as one of the elite cross country invitational meets in the Southeast. Athletes from throughout Florida and Georgia travel to take part in the nighttime meet held under the lights on a course that begins and ends at the Crusaders riverfront sports complex.


ALUMNI & REUNIONS BK Graduate Named Editor of Florida Times-Union ongratulations to Mary Kelli Palka, Bishop Kenny Class of 1990, on her recent promotion to the position of Editor of the Florida TimesUnion and Jacksonville.com. Ms. Palka has been managing editor of the paper since September 2015. The promotion was effective January 1.


Ms. Palka started her career at the Florida Times-Union in 2003 as a reporter covering government, education, and public utilities. In 2012 she left to become communications coordinator at UF Health Jacksonville. She returned one year later, at the invitation of the Times-Union, as investigative editor. She was later promoted to interim metro editor, local editor and managing editor/news. In her new role Palka manages a staff of approximately 85. Ms. Palka recently visited BK to accept the congratulations of Principal Todd Orlando and Mary Kelli Palka ‘90 also to take a look at the campus which has changed substantially since 1990. One of the stops on the tour was the Demetree Learning Commons where Mr. Orlando talked about the integration of technology throughout campus. The 3-D printers, newly installed this school year, kicked off a conversation about STEM advancements in education, and specifically at BK. Staff members of Bishop Kenny’s student newspaper, The Shield, gathered in the academic conference room to ask questions of the newly appointed editor. When asked by one the staffers how her years at Bishop

Kenny impacted her professional career, Palka responded, “My time at Bishop Kenny and in Catholic elementary school didn’t influence my career path, but it did influence me in other ways. It helped me know the difference between right and wrong, and helped me develop a moral compass.” In continuing the conversation, specifically about the digital age, Palka cautioned the students, “Be careful of what you write and where you put it.” And finally, her advice to students aspiring to write as part of their career path, “You just can’t read enough.” Ms. Palka is a graduate Elon College, now Elon University.

Members of the BK newspaper, The Shield visited with Mary Kelly Palka. The students asked questions about opportunities for aspiring journalists, Ms. Palka’s path to being named editor and more. Seated, (L-R) Estefania Alvarez, Autumn Tibbitts, Journalism teacher Marguerite Miller, Erin Corbett, Danielle Dobson, Shield Editor Megan Wordell, and Florida Times-Union Editor Mary Kelli Palka ’90.

Class of 1986 30 YEARS

The Class of 1986 Reunion

Carol Streeter, Kathleen Libao, Kaki Bowler Sutherland, Jim Citrano, Elizabeth Smith, Elva Harden Peppers, Dustin Romans Van Antwerp at the 1986 30-year class reunion


Members of the Bishop Kenny Class of 1986 celebrated their 30-year class reunion on the weekend of November 4 and 5. Approximately 50 classmates from as far away as Hawaii, New York, West Virginia, and North Carolina gathered for two wonderful evenings of friendship, catching-up, reminiscing, and creating new memories. The fun began on Friday night as classmates and their significant others descended on the Bishop Kenny homecoming game to cheer the Crusaders on to victory against Ridgeview High School. This time we sat in the parent section as many of us have students at BK and our children were sitting in the student section! For some, this was the first time returning to the BK campus since graduating 30 years ago. The fun continued on Saturday evening at Moxie Kitchen. We gathered for cocktails and heavy hors d’oeuvres and had a wonderful time as we continued to catch up and reminisce as we had the night before. We also took the time to pay tribute to our classmates who have passed away. Submitted by Carol Streeter ‘86

2017 REUNIONS Class of 2012 - 5 Years

Class of 1992 - 25 Years

Class of 1967 - 50 Years

No information available

No information available

No information available

Class of 2007 - 10 Years

Class of 1987 - 30 Years

Class of 1962 - 55 Years


No information available

No information available

Class of 1982 - 35 Years

Class of 1957 - 60 Years

No information available

No information available

Kate Buschini (904) 568-8118 Email: kebuschini@gmail.com

Class of 2002 - 15 Years No information available

Class of 1977 - 40 Years No information available

Class of 1997 - 20 Years Contact:

Carrie Chimelewski Ballard Email: cjchimelewski@yahoo.com (904) 608-5662

Class of 1972- 45 Years Contact:

Saturday, October 14, 2017 More information to follow

Donna Cerni Kibler Email: Kibler.donna@mayo.edu Saturday, June 10, 2017 More information to follow.


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INFORMATION UPDATES Scan this QR code with your Smartphone or log on to www.bishopkenny.org




Take a Chance…You Might Be This Year’s Big Winner! Did you know our Bishop Kenny High School has an endowment fund with the Catholic Foundation? Please remember Bishop Kenny High School in your will or trust. For more information contact Cliff Evans, Catholic Foundation 904-262-3200 cevans@dosafl.com www.dosafl.com/catholic-foundation/

Even if you can’t be at this year’s auction on April 1, you can enter the

50/50 Drawing Last year’s winner received more than $2,000!

$10/chance or $25/3 chances Simply go to our website for more information

www.bishopkenny.org On auction night we’ll offer tickets to the crowd and then, after the live auction ends, we’ll draw the name of one lucky person who will take home half of the pot. If you’re not in attendance, we’ll call you on Monday morning April 3.

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