BKHS 2021-22 Annual Report

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One gift at a time, these Crusaders are honoring their BK pasts and building our school’s future. THE CASCONE FAMILY THE LARMOYEUX FAMILY JORGE MORALES ‘65 Tra d iti on . Exc el l e nc e. Fa ith . 20 2 1 - 2 2 A NN UA L REP O R T


Rooted in Catholic values and traditions, our mission is to partner with parents in the education and formation of their children by providing a culture of faith, a rigorous curriculum, and personal enrichment opportunities through which all students can achieve and excel as they prepare for college and for life.


Welcome Advisory School Board Financial Overview

Avenues of Giving Building a Legacy

The Cascone Family

The Larmoyeux Family Jorge Morales ‘65 70 Years of Growth

The Fund for BKHS Campus Life Class of 2022

The Spirit of a Crusader

Inge Thomas Janet Olinto ‘82 Samantha Moran ’23

Isabella Farhat ‘23 BK Boosters

Ambassadors Council & Volunteers

34 38 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70
Faith 2 6 8 10 12 14 20 24

A Letter from Our Principal

Dear BK family,

It is with great pride that I share the 2021-22 Annual Report with you. This is a first for our school, and it is a testament to the hard work, volunteerism, and financial support we receive from faithful and dedicated alumni, parents, students, and friends of Bishop Kenny. It is a moment to celebrate the many accomplishments of our great school and express our gratitude for the people who make it what it is. I also hope it gives you a greater understanding of the reach and importance of the Fund for Bishop Kenny, our various endowed scholarships and programs, and the opportunities that exist to help BK strategically advance and evolve as we fulfill our Catholic mission.

As we celebrated our seventieth anniversary last year, Bishop Kenny honored the past while ambitiously looking to the future and reaffirming our commitment to evolve, grow, and continually improve the educational offerings we provide our students. We are working hard to move forward while remaining ever mindful of who we have been since 1952. Last year, 1,282 Crusaders stepped on campus; like so many before them, they experienced BK’s proud commitment to tradition, excellence, and Catholic faith, and these values will propel them forward as they prepare to live a purposeful life beyond our campus. The more than 17,000 men and women worldwide that have received a Bishop Kenny education represent 70 years of impacting lives and significantly impacting the communities to which they belong. Crusaders are leaders in business, dedicated professionals, devoted family members, and faithful religious. They profess the true spirit of a Crusader, and I am immensely proud of the many ways they enrich our BK family and demonstrate the power of Catholic education.

Under the direction of Vincent Saladino, Vice Principal of Institutional Advancement, we completed several milestone projects in the last five years, including the complete renovation of the 100 Building, a new NJROTC Training Facility, and the David D. Williams Beach Volleyball Courts. It is exciting to see alumni return to campus with a profound sense of awe at the leaps the school has taken since their time here. I am grateful for the generous support of our alumni and benefactors who helped make these projects happen. You inspire and motivate us as we push Bishop Kenny forward, and your support makes a difference at our school every day. I want to also recognize our faculty and staff. Our growing enrollment numbers are a direct result of their dedication, and our support of their efforts and professional development is critical to the success of our school.

There is hard work ahead, but I am profoundly grateful for the commitment countless people have made to ensure our students’ successes and for the many men and women who will get us where we want to go next. Thank you for your support, the mountains you have moved in the past, and the mountains we will move again in the future.

The Spirit of a Crusader
Excellence. Faith.
Todd M. Orlando, M.Ed., Principal
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A Letter from the Office of Advancement

Dear BK Friends,

In my role as Vice Principal of Institutional Advancement, I have the privilege of working in partnership with Bishop Kenny parents, alumni, and benefactors as we plan the future of our school. As a proud Crusader, I have always known our people make up the rich fabric of our BK family, but I now have a first-hand view of the many ways your generosity and support enable BK to grow and exceed the expectations of our community. We truly are Bishop Kenny because of the people that believe in our school and our Catholic mission to prepare students to live purposeful lives beyond our campus.

I am proud to share this first annual report with you as we highlight the 2021-22 school year and our commitment to a sustainable business model that fulfills our current needs, while allowing us to plan and grow to meet future demands. It is a rewarding part of my job to meet with many of our “Crusaders beyond Kingman,” and I am delighted to share some of

their stories with the greater Bishop Kenny community. Join me in thanking these individuals for their generosity and vision that provided for the new and newly renovated classrooms this year’s students are enjoying. Pope Francis reminds us, “there is a spark of divine light within each of us.” The students, alumni, and friends of BK profiled in this report have fanned those sparks into bright fires and are lighting a path into the future for Bishop Kenny.

Tuition alone does not cover the cost of operating our school, expanding our offerings, and keeping Bishop Kenny accessible to the many families that need help providing a Catholic education to their children. I am immensely thankful for the many people that walk beside us as we tackle these goals. If you have never given to the school, I hope these pages will inspire you to join them.

Please enjoy our inaugural annual report, and I thank each of you for being a part of our 70-year-strong Catholic mission. My father’s letterman jacket hanging in my office is not only a reminder of his time at Kenny, but also a reminder that I am part of his legacy in this community. I look forward to rising to the challenge of helping build BK’s legacy, and as always…

Go Crusaders!

O ur plans for the future are ambitious, and your passion in supporting new projects is exciting. In order to build the BK of tomorrow, the faithful generosity of our community is more important than ever.
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MICHAEL BROACH ‘99, VP- Academics + Student Services

DEACON SCOTT CONWAY, Superintendent of Catholic Schools

SHEILA MAROVICH, Director of Advancement

JANET OLINTO ‘82, Executive Coordinator


VINCENT SALADINO ‘95, VP- Institutional Advancement

* served in 2021-22










BARBARA BRAY*, Business Manager

JANET OLINTO ‘82 , Executive Coordinator


VINCENT SALADINO ‘95, VP- Institutional Advancement

BECKY SMITH, Business Manager

* served in 2021-22

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8 ANNUAL REPOR T 2021-22 TUITION & FEES 87% OTHER INCOME 4% ATHLETICS 4% PHILANTHROPY 5% TOTAL REVENUE $16,530,962 TUITION & FEES $14,389,275 PHILANTHROPY $892,330 scholarships/financial aid, endowments and gifts to the capital campaign ATHLETICS $643,749 OTHER INCOME $605,608 transportation, EANS grant, summer school 1 CATHOLIC 2 CATHOLIC 3 OR MORE CATHOLIC NON-CATHOLIC STUDENTS $9,410 $17,278 $23,288 $12,465 TUITION RATES FINANCIAL OVERVIEW 2021-22







TOTAL EXPENSES $16,530,962



REINVESTMENT TO CAPITAL EXPENSES FUND $1,332,675 surplus funds unrelated to athletics were reinvested into the capital expenses fund

INSTRUCTIONAL/STUDENT SUPPORT $949,938 technology, professional development, teaching supplies, safety, security, transportation


$666,854 utilities, office supplies, etc. ATHLETICS $592,884

REINVESTMENT TO ATHLETICS RESERVE FUND $50,864 surplus athletic revenue was reinvested into athletics reserve fund

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The Fund for BKHS is critical to the fiscal health of the school and helps support Bishop Kenny’s educational mission and vision. There are four arms of The Fund donors can support, offering donors the ability to target specific programs or needs or to allow the school to apply their gift to the area of greatest need.


Capital and special project funds are raised specifically for new construction or the restoration of existing areas.


Endowments are permanent, self-sustaining sources of funding that provide current and future revenue streams to support the donor’s choice of annual scholarship or program. Endowment assets are invested, and each year a portion is used to support the scholarship or program’s named purpose. Endowments can be established with a minimum gift of $25,000, and can have a pledge period spread over multiple years.

The BK Endowment program was established in 2021 and has received more than $500,000 in gifts and commitments. There are currently eleven endowed scholarships and three endowed programs.


MARY HARMS ‘93 Advancement Office VINCENT SALADINO ‘95 Vice Principal of Institutional Advancement SIREEN BATEH ‘90 Alumni Engagement Coordinator SHEILA MAROVICH Director of Advancement

The work of The Fund includes bridging the gap between tuition and the annual cost of educating students, making capital improvements and special projects on campus a reality, providing resources that benefit students and staff, and, in times of need, providing a lifeline for families that require tuition assistance.


Thanks to the generosity of our benefactors, 27% of Bishop Kenny families that depend on tuition assistance can give their children a BK education.

Scholarships and tuition assistance are awarded on demonstrated financial need and merit.


Unrestricted gifts to The Fund for BKHS allow donors to provide important flexible funds that support the school’s greatest needs and top priorities.


“Your Bishop Kenny experience doesn’t end when you leave campus, and often the things people loved as students are the things they continue to enjoy and support as adults. It’s exciting when we can help donors align an institutional need with a program or interest they are passionate about. It’s a rewarding way to work with alumni and friends of the school to shape their BK legacy.”

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Building a Legacy

One gift at a time, these Crusaders are honoring their BK pasts and building our school’s future.

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Michael Cascone, Jr. '61, Elizabeth Belyea Cascone '64 , Michael J. Cascone '85 Steven D. Cascone '86, Elizabeth C. Higgs '88, Brian J. Cascone '91 Juliette C. Gredenhag '95, Kathleen D. Cascone, '98

The Cascone Family



In doing so, they kicked off the second phase of the complete renovation of the 100 Building. Completed for the 2022-23 school year, the beautiful new Cascone Center for Family & Consumer Science is a unique facility with state-of-the-art equipment, kitchens, and technology. The modern learning environment allows BK students to study family and consumer sciences through practical lab experiences.

Home economics, which emerged in American classrooms in the late 19th century, became the art and science of home management. “Home Ec” classes taught almost exclusively female students how to cook, sew, clean, and manage a household, as many of our alumnae from Bishop Kenny’s early years will remember. The field has since been renamed “Family and Consumer Sciences” to leave its female-only stereotype behind and better reflect the complexity and reality of personal life management.

Today’s BK Family and Consumer Science students still learn nutrition, meal planning, cooking skills, child development, and other life skills as part of the curriculum. One of the most critical areas of study, however, is the management of personal finances, including budgeting, banking and charge accounts, insurance, and consumer rights and responsibilities. A tremendous amount of the curriculum is taught through hands-on experience with flexible lab space, modern equipment, and kitchens as essential tools.

Building a

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THEN Elizabeth Belyea ‘64, Angela Luplow ’64, and Elaine Whipple ‘64 in their junior year home ec class in Feb.of 1963.
When the Cascone Family Foundation learned of the need to redesign and modernize the classroom once known as the home economics lab, they stepped up to support BK and fund the renovation.
NOW Mrs. Bakkar’s senior FCS class uses the new sewing machines.

The gift from the Cascone family is donated by Michael Cascone, Jr. ’61 and his wife Elizabeth Belyea Cascone ’64. Elizabeth was a home economics student while at Bishop Kenny and their children are Michael J. Cascone ’85, Steven D. Cascone ’86, Elizabeth C. Higgs ’88, Brian J. Cascone ’91, Juliette C. Gredenhag ’95, and Kathleen D. Cascone ‘98. They are proud grandparents of ten, three of whom are currently enrolled at Bishop Kenny.  Their granddaughter, Emma Gredenhag ‘23, says her Family and Consumer Science 2 course taught by Mrs. Bakkar is her favorite class and that it is special to know it is the same room where her grandmother once learned as well. “This gift represents the Catholic social teachings and philanthropic values Bishop Kenny instills in students. Three generations in our family have benefited from the excellent education provided here,” states Michael Cascone, Jr.

At least twenty-five members of the Cascone and Belyea families have graduated from BK. A tight-knit and wonderful family known to many, they span 69 years at the school, with more future Crusaders to come. Philanthropy is an important family value to the Cascones, and from a young age, they look for ways to serve others, whether through volunteering or financial support.

In talking about the importance of giving back financially to the school, Michael also says, “Even if you can only give $25, give what you can. There are evaluations that measure the percentage of alumni who give back to their school.  Some grants are restricted to institutions with a minimum percentage  of giving participation by alumni.  No matter your experience, you are a part of Bishop Kenny High School, and it is a part of you.  Any amount given shows respect for those who served you through their roles at the school."

Seeing this year’s students enjoying the new F&CS lab reminds us of the room’s history and its beginnings in home economics. The word economics comes from the Greek word for “household management” and “stewardship to the community.” We can’t think of a better place to proudly honor the Cascone family for both. Bishop Kenny is thankful for the continued support from the Cascones and many other Crusader families like them. The philanthropy and leadership of our community are making the BK of tomorrow a reality.


6 fully-equipped kitchen stations + appliances

12 new sewing machines to give class a total of 24 Promethean board


Custom-designed storage solution for Family & Consumer Science projects

New flooring and classroom finishes to match 100-Building renovation

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The Larmoyeux Family

Her husband Lou Larmoyeux III’s grandfather, Dr. Louis Larmoyeux Sr., was a student at St. Paul’s Catholic High School, which eventually merged with two other schools to form Bishop Kenny High School. This started him on an educational path to pursue a medical career, and he practiced as a doctor in Jacksonville for 57 years. Dr. Larmoyeux’s son and namesake, Louis Larmoyeux, Jr. ’62, also attended Bishop Kenny and married his high school sweetheart Patricia Stripling Larmoyeux ’64. He followed in his father’s footsteps and practiced medicine in Jacksonville for 46 years. Since the doctors’ times at BK, two more generations have made their way through the school, including Stacy and her brother, Brian Wilkinson ’91, and Stacy and Lou’s children.

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Stacy Wilkinson Larmoyeux ‘89 and her family are Bishop Kenny Crusaders through and through.

Like many families, the Larmoyeuxs chose BK for its strong academics and faith foundation. “The presence of the Holy Spirit and the emphasis on prayer set BK apart. It is invaluable to begin and end every academic and athletic activity in prayer. All three of our children attended Mass before their morning practices, something very challenging as tired teenagers, but now as adults, they too cherish the importance of that opportunity,” says Stacy. Though their children have graduated, Stacy and Lou have stayed closely connected to the school and are involved with various activities, including supporting the boys’ basketball program and Lou serves on the Bishop Kenny Ambassadors Council. It is important to them to give back to a school they feel gave them so much.

Lou says, “When I heard that BK was upgrading several classrooms, and one of them was the anatomy and physiology lab, I got the idea that our family might be interested in sponsoring a gift in honor of my grandfather, Dr. Louis J. Larmoyeux Sr.  I thought if we contributed as a family, it could be manageable and meaningful for everyone.  My parents liked the idea, and my dad's siblings and my siblings joined us.  The company I work for, Northwestern Mutual, offers a matching gifts program, and Bishop Kenny helped us spread our gift over several years.  Ultimately everyone was on board and excited to make this happen.  My family shares a mutual belief in education and giving back to our community.  We hope our story inspires other families to consider coming together to maximize the impact of their gifts while promoting philanthropy to future generations of BK students and alumni.

part BK played in that journey, and my place in the Catholic community.”

In recognition of Louis Sr. and Jr.’s services to Jacksonville, and in honor of BK’s service to their family, the greater Larmoyeux family pledged a gift to BK to fund and name a state-of-the-art classroom renovation in the 100 Building the Larmoyeux Family Anatomy & Physiology Lab. Dr. Larmoyeux and countless other Crusaders may remember their high school anatomy class as a formative moment in their decision to pursue medical careers. With that spirit in mind, the new space provides hands-on experience to future Crusader doctors and medical professionals.

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1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8.
1. Dr. Louis Larmoyeux, Sr. Lou’s Grandfather 2. Dr. Louis Larmoyeux, Jr. ‘62 Lou’s Father 3. Patricia Stripling Larmoyeux ’64 Lou’s Mother and highschool sweetheart of Lou, Jr. 4. Stacy Wilkinson Larmoyeux ‘89 Married to Lou and Homecoming Queen 1989 5. Brian Wilkinson ‘91 Stacy’s Brother 6. Louis Larmoyeux, IV ‘17 Lou + Stacy’s oldest son 7. Patrick Larmoyeux ‘19 Lou + Stacy’s youngest son 8. Anna Rae Larmoyeux ‘20 Lou + Stacy’s daughter -Stacy Wilkinson
‘89 4.
I wasn't Catholic when I attended BK, but the presence of the Holy Spirit and the faith alive on campus gave me a sense of practicing Catholic now and very thankful for my faith, the
Classroom No. 119 LARMOYEUX ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY LAB Cutting-edge Anatomage Table 4 dissection stations with specialized ventiliation system Rectractable ceiling receptacles for flexibility during experiments 24 Node chairs with 360 swivel seats and rotating worksurfaces Promethean board New flooring and classroom finishes to match 100 Building renovation

In 2021, the BK Anatomy & Physiology program was awarded a grant for an Anatomage Table. Slated to arrive in winter 2022, it is the most technologically advanced virtual dissection tool for anatomy and physiology education and is being adopted by many of the world’s leading medical schools and institutions. The table includes 3D scans of human and animal cadavers that can be manipulated using the touch screen to view different angles and different layers. Students will be able zoom in through the skin, muscle, bone and organ tissue or view different systems individually, such as the vascular, nervous or skeletal systems.

The Anatomage Table will continue to elevate Bishop Kenny’s science curriculum and offer students cutting-edge learning opportunities.

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Jorge Morales ‘65


Jorge Morales ’65 was the first member of his family to attend Bishop Kenny. Having moved to Jacksonville in 1963 after being exiled from Cuba, Jorge describes his two years at BK as instrumental in preparing him for college, the rigors of a business degree, and a career in software technology. In addition to the academic preparation he received, Jorge feels the welcoming students and teachers are what sets BK apart from other schools. He fondly recalls, “Many of my classmates had been together since elementary school. I was new to Jacksonville and BK, yet everyone in my class was incredibly welcoming and accepting of the new kid from Cuba. Our Class of 1965 is amazing, full of loving and caring people that look out for one another. I look forward to every opportunity to be with my classmates.”

After graduating from BK, Jorge attended Florida State University, earning a degree in Business Management. Now a 40-year technology executive who founded ICS/RF-Smart, which develops integrated solutions for logistics, distribution, and manufacturing companies, Jorge is a technology expert, but he is also a dedicated philanthropist. He serves as a member of the Coastal Blood Alliance’s Board of Directors, the University of North Florida Foundation Board, member of the leadership of Handshake America, and the Bishop Kenny Ambassadors Council. He also recently expanded our campus with a new physics lab. The Morales Physics Lab is equipped with features that facilitate the study of optics, the behavior of waves, the motion of objects, kinematics, and more. Students can collect data using their iPads, special electronic probes, motion detectors, and the classroom’s Promethean Board.

When asked why he chooses Bishop Kenny as one of his philanthropic efforts, Jorge states, “I believe that I am blessed to be able to share my time and treasure with BK since this school was at the foundation of my family’s journey to Jacksonville. I love being able to impart the wonderful experience I had at BK back to other students. Hopefully, this will also instill in future generations the values BK instilled in me.”

Q & A: What was your favorite class at BK? Chemistry with Mr. Don Birch.

Q & A: What do you hope to leave as your BK legacy? I hope to be remembered as a proud member of the incredible class of 1965.

Q & A: What was your favorite activity at BK?

I was involved in starting the first boys’ cheer group at the school.

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“I hope BK grows to be the best Catholic school in the southeast.”
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“This new lab provides greater flexibility for learning. The thoughtfully designed room features and improvements to this classroom remove the rigidity of the former space and improve BK’s dynamic, hands-on STEM education.”

- Scott Thomas, Science Department and Practical Arts Department

Classroom No. 129 THE MORALES


Easily adjustable and movable tables for flexible use of space

Promethean board

Retractable ceiling receptacles for flexibility during experiments

24 Node Chairs with 360 ° Swivel seats

Specially-placed floor tile for use in experiments


The Bishop Kenny NJROTC (Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps) program currently has an enrollment of 123 students. Cadet training begins with an introduction to Navy values and traditions. Over four years, cadets learn the historical, political, and economic impact of the Navy. Advanced lab classes emphasize armed basic and exhibition drill, color guard, naval operations, naval weapons, and aircraft, as well as practical leadership skills.

The newly-built NJROTC Training Facility allows cadets the opportunity to practice and compete in air rifle marksmanship events using a purpose-built facility with state-of-the-art optical scoring technology. In addition to in-person events, this new technology allows for real-time virtual competitions against other units around the country, expanding the program’s reach. The new facility will also serve as a venue for drone team training/competitions, physical fitness, and even in-place drill, all of which enhances individual and group/team skill sets in a controlled environment.

BK’s NJROTC unit maintains a strong tradition of excellence—it is a two-time National Academic Champion, has been designated a Distinguished Unit with Academic Honors for 15 straight years, and is an AFA CyberPatriot State Champion and National Finalist. Combined with Jacksonville’s proud status as a Navy town with the third largest military presence in the US, it feels fitting that our NJROTC cadets have a beautiful new facility to train and learn in.

Commander Brian Morrill USN (Ret.)

"BK offers an instructor like me the best of both worlds: First, the opportunity to share my Catholic faith with our young cadets, and second, the opportunity to develop young American citizens with ethics, morals and integrity, along with a sense of duty to our country. Using the most advanced technologies in and out of the classroom, our state-of-the-art marksmanship range and multi-purpose facility will go a long way in helping us teach our cadets the principles of commitment, personal responsibility, and self-discipline.”

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values of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment.
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thanks is extended to the following donors whose generosity has made this facility a reality for current and future generations of NJROTC cadets.

of COLUMBUS No. 3242
of COLUMBUS No. 12619
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Classroom No. 118 BIOLOGY LAB

The locker pavilion between the 200 and 500 Buildings received an expansive transformation into a new biology lab. This renovation included new windows and skylights to maximize natural light, large lab tables for conducting experiments, large sinks for dissection, 24 Node chairs with 360° swivel seats and rotating worksurfaces, and a Promethean board that allows students to interact digitally with virtual projects and lessons. This lab can function as a shared workspace for biology, anatomy, and marine science and strengthens BK’s STEM education initiatives with flexible interdisciplinary lab and classroom space.


In the late 1940's, Archbishop Joseph P. Hurley had a vision of a consolidated, central Catholic high school to serve the needs of a growing Jacksonville community. He turned to the faithful of the diocese to raise the funds to build a Catholic high school on a 55-acre piece of land situated on the St. Johns River. Central Catholic High School, as it was originally named, opened in the fall of 1952. 1940



Central Catholic High School, opened in the fall of 1952. In January of 1953, the school was renamed Bishop Kenny High School in honor of Bishop William Kenny, the first American-born bishop of the Diocese of St. Augustine.

Original cost to build the school was $782,500 School consisted of coed East building, now the 200 Building Tuition is $70 per year



Named in honor of Bishop William J. Kenny, third bishop of St. Augustine and the first American-born bishop.


William H. Johnston pledges $50,000 to fund the project.

New convent for the Sisters of St. Joseph built on campus.

34 ANNUAL REPOR T 2021-22
1950 1960 1970 1980
TWO WINGS of GIRLS’ SCHOOL Present day 100 Building BKHS accepts first Black student 9 years ahead of
adopting integration



Monsignor Michael Houle named 8th President of the school.



Gym is dedicated in honor of longtime head boys’ basketball coach and teacher, John H. Baldwin.


Seating more than 135 people, the chapel provides a space for Mass, as well as adoration and confession for the school community. It is the actual and figurative center of campus.



This project also included the addition of an elevator and a renovation of the courtyard.




400 + 500 BUILDINGS

This expansion adds 14 classrooms and a suite of offices for the Department of School Counseling.

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1990 2000
MSGR. MICHAEL HOULE Bishop John J. Snyder and BK President Daniel Logan at the 1986 ribbon cutting of the Baseball Field.



Gifted to the school by the Class of 2011.



The addition of the Campus Ministry Center allows the expansion of the ministry team to include clergy and laity who work together in forming graduates of competance, conscience, and compassionate commitment to Christian service through retreat programs and liturgical celebrations.



Houses locker rooms and shower facilities for the Crusader athletic teams.



The $2M facility stands 3.5 stories tall and added more than 1,400 sq. ft to the existing cafeteria.



Todd M. Orlando named 11th Principal of Bishop Kenny. 2006


Adds four new classrooms and a faculty lounge.



Part of a $1.6M campus building and renovation project. Included a new press box, restroom facilities, concession stand, and patio gathering space.




Dedicated in honor of J. Joseph Parete who served Bishop Kenny faithfully from 1959-1989. Over 30 years, he worked in multiple roles including football coach and athletic director.


A total redesign of former library into a learning and technology headquarters for students.

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2000 2010


Enhances STEM initiatives at BK.




Full renovation of three labs and the additon of a biology lab and new NJROTC facility. School awarded grant for Anatomage Table.

Adds covered batting cages, a renovated press box, and new netting.



The start of a full building renovation project. Included the complete redesign of 24 classrooms.

70 Years of Giving

A tremendous amount of growth has taken place in the last 70 years and we continue to honor those who paved the way for the Bishop Kenny we know today. Many of their names, along with so many others who have supported the growth and development of our school, are permanently remembered throughout campus on our buildings, classrooms, athletic fields, dedication plaques, and permanent installations listing supporters. We hear their names in many of the legacy students enrolled by parents eager for their children to be a part of the faith-filled education that was such an important part of their lives. We proudly welcome new members to the Crusader family as they contribute their gifts and talents to enrich our community.

We honor and thank all who have supported BK throughout its history. These forward-thinking visionaries carry us to new heights as we continue to write the legacy of our school.

2020 2030 2020

The Fund for BKHS




John A. Baldwin Scholarship

Bishop Kenny Class of 1968 Memorial Scholarship

Angie Obi Bloom Memorial Scholarship

Julie Joseph Burke ’88 Memorial Scholarship

Katie Caples ’99 Memorial Scholarship

Alfred I. duPont Foundation Scholarship

Carla Harris ‘80 Scholarship

Rev. Msgr. Michael R. Houle ‘71 Scholarship

Michael John Lanahan, Jr.’87 Memorial Scholarship

David Livaudais ‘59 Memorial Scholarship

Jo Madden ’17 Friendship Scholarship



Dom Allmond ‘20 Memorial Scholarship

James and Patricia Ryan Gosa ’66 Scholarship

Lea & Rabon Families Scholarship

Rev. Msgr. Daniel B. Logan Scholarship

David & Sheila Marovich Scholarship

Jorge ’65 & Marjorie Morales Scholarship

Obringer Family Scholarship

Clay Roberts ’07 Memorial Scholarship

J.P. Thornton Family Scholarship

William & Patricia Tierney Scholarship

David D. Williams Memorial Scholarship


The James F. Meehan Memorial Endowed Gift to BKHS for Benefit of the BK Campus Ministry Department

A Gift of the Dubow Family Foundation

The Clay Roberts Memorial Football Sign A Gift of In River or Ocean

The Gary Roberts Music Endowment A Gift of In River or Ocean


$10,000 +

Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous

BK Boosters

Rev. Msgr. Michael Houle ‘71 Scholarship

Rev. Msgr. Daniel B. Logan Scholarship

Wayne H. Brunetti ’60

Peter F. Carpenter '58

The Cascone Family Foundation Michael Cascone Jr. ‘61

Elizabeth Belyea Cascone ‘64

Michael J. Cascone ‘85

Steven D. Cascone ‘86

Elizabeth Cascone Higgs ‘88

Brian J. Cascone ‘91

Juliette Cascone Gredenhag ‘95

Kathleen Cascone ’98

Joseph & Kelly Cusick *

Jack & Betty Demetree Family Foundation

The Dick & Diane Erickson Family Carla Harris ‘80 Scholarship David J. Heekin '93

Louis E. & Genevieve C. Joos Trust Ernest & Carmel Brodeur Lea '71

Jorge & Margie Morales '65 Michael J. & Lisa Obringer ’67 Mrs. Gayle Tischer Thornton ‘56 Lou & Jan Walsh


$7,500 to $9,999

Timothy & Laddy Monahan ‘90 *


$5,000 to $7,499


Ms. Mary Jo Antone

The Burton Foundation - Robert & Joanna Gray Michael L. Corrigan, Sr. '54

Jim & Silvia Denkler Alfred I. duPont Foundation David & Sheila Marovich

In memory of Frank J. Smyth, Jr

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

In memory of Joseph T. Foy ‘63

Mark & Lora Tarle Monahan '87, '87

Gregory & Karen Montana

Rev. Msgr. Michael P. Morgan ‘64

Pamela Hovis Petrou '88

In memory of Nellie Urso Hovis ‘59

Frank N. Stanley III ‘60

Mrs. Patricia A. Tierney

Tim ’11 & Amanda Wittig ’11 Vergenz


$2,500 to $4,999

Katie Caples Foundation

Mike & Kelli Capra *

Dom Allmond ‘20 Memorial Scholarship

Scott J. Cristian ‘64

James M. Crotty ’68 + Michael & Renee Favo

Antonio Gordon, M.D. ’61

In memory of Ramon Gordon ‘61

Robert & Mary Lynn MacNamara Heekin ‘68, ’68 + In memory of Rusty Cagle ‘62

In memory of Philip Manassa ‘68

In memory of Frank J. Smyth, Jr. In memory of Tom Yazgi

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

In memory of Bill Tierney

In memory of Michael Conlin

In memory of Diania James

In memory of Rev. Msgr. Daniel B. Logan

In memory of Bill Najem

In memory of Janet T. Szlosek ‘68

In memory of Richard M. Riley ‘68

In memory of Cyndie Burnett

In memory of Sr. Thomas Joseph McGoldrick, SSJ

Michael John Lanahan, Jr.’87 Memorial Scholarship

Lou & Stacy Wilkinson Larmoyeux '89

Edward & Kara Citrano Leonard '84, '90 *

David Livaudais ‘59 Memorial Scholarship

Steve & Susan Madden

Jo Madden ’17 Friendship Scholarship

Michael & Pamela Johnson Muldoon '81

Brendon P. Olinto '77 *

Steve & Diane Helow Parker ‘82

Sean & Bethany Ray Reichard, '92, '92

Rathbun K. Rhodes ‘70

John T. Rivers '84

Drs. Matthew & Brandi Salomone

David & Marieta Seale

Denzel M. Smith '68 * +

St. Paul Catholic Church – Jacksonville Beach


Michel & Suzette Allen *

Amaury Carrasco '90

Matthew & Julia Heekin Cogburn, M.D. ‘92

Jackie Tischer Conners '55

Ted & Bonnie Garity Cummings '62, '62 **

Tim & Terri Heekin Davlantes '76

James & Christine Deats

James W. Gibson, Jr. ‘64

Matthew P. Hushek ‘98

C. Jason & Dorothy Kujala '94

Ellen Smalling Miller ’69 *

In memory of Philip Austin Perry

The Mary & Victor Monfort Family Foundation Michael & Pamela Johnson Muldoon '81 Keith Ed Munsch ’68 + Notre Dame Club of Greater Jacksonville Damon & Janet Shalley Olinto '79, ‘82 J. Jay Robinson ’55

In memory of Loys Charbonnet ‘56

In memory of Joseph T. Foy ‘63 Michael & Francesca R. Dal Savio Rutherford ‘92 William & Nancy Miles Schueth Thomas & Mary Stewart Sherrill ’07 * Mark Shurett ‘71 Mari F. Terbrueggen ‘56

Paul Waitrovich & Amy Mergen Brian & Carol Whitmire ‘78


$1,000 to $1,499

Robert T. Atwood ‘57 Bernard J. Bagley ‘68 + Agnieszka “Aggie” Hubert Barnes ‘91

In memory of Frank J. Smyth, Jr. Joseph E. Begley ‘80 *

In memory of Frank J. Smyth, Jr. Meri C. Bloom ’82

Angie Obi Bloom Memorial Scholarship Julie Joseph Burke ’88 Memorial Scholarship Trip & Christina Toney Caldwell ‘87 Jorge A. Carrillo ‘86 Max & Denise Clark

Bishop Kenny Class of 1970 Nicole Krestalude Clifford ‘95* Nailah J. Coleman, M.D. ‘92 Michael & Daisy Davidson, Jr. Doris Denno ’67

Robert & Laura Ebener ‘93 George & Kate Miller Eubank

Dom Allmond ’20 Memorial Scholarship Jorge E. Fiterre ’68 + Joe L. Foster, Jr. ‘85 Frank & Ceri Gamel ‘71

Fidel & Teresa Garcia Mark & Ellen Gould Michael A. Granuzzo Daniel R. Hancock ‘96

In memory of his father, Bobby Lane Hancock Joseph & Julie Helow

Mrs. Margaret O. Helow – Helow Family Foundation William G. Hillegass ’68 + Rev. Msgr. Michael R. Houle ’71 Mark & Kimiko Hurdle Linda Bohnstengel Ireland ’68 +

ANNUAL REPOR T 2021-22 39
$1,500 to $2,499


Christina Duss Isetta ‘96

Dennis & Kristin Kata Kelly ‘92

Glenn & Mary Ann Kuhnel

Michael & Jennifer Lehman

The Hon. & Mrs. E. McRae Mathis

Richard E. Middleton ‘62

Gary & Rynda Moore

K. Michael Munsch ‘65

Judy O’Malley

Christopher & Catherine Edmonds O’Shea ’69, ‘70

Karen I. Pingel

In memory of Juanita Scherf Pioneer Equipment Company

Simmie A. Raiford ‘78

Toney & Bonnie Sleiman ‘67

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Richard & Vicki Stewart

Timothy H. Stutz ‘98

Lou & Betty Nackashi Trad ‘57 Catherine Rose Walsh ‘12


$500 to $999

Kenneth V. Adams, M.D. ‘65

Cesar & Charmaine Aguirre

Christopher N. Ames ‘71

Dr. John S. Anderson ‘86

Marguerite J. Andreu ’60

In memory of Mike & Ann Branan Andreu ’54 ‘54

Patrick Andreu & Tonia Yazgi ’65, ‘77

In memory of Mike & Ann Branan Andreu ’54, ‘54

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Mike & Kathy Azzarello

Charleen Flynn Bearup ’94

David H. Benton Jr. ‘81

Michael V. Berry ‘75

Carol McKaba Chinn ‘76 Jim & Eileen Citrano

In memory of Loys Charbonnet ‘56

Peter & Laurie Dunnington Corrigan ‘78, ‘76

Timothy & Marcia Evans Cox ’82, ‘82

Philip T. Cratem II ‘78

George C. Cross ‘81

Gerald B. Curington ’68 + Jay C. Demetree Jr. ‘76

Michael A. Deschenes ‘80

Kathleen S. Devine

Devry E. Dewan ‘78

Craig A. Dewhurst '84

Peter A. Donelan, MD ‘71

Sharon B. Dover

In memory of Joseph T. Foy ‘63

John & Susan Duss '60

Matthew & Aimee Fennell

Edward J. Fleming III '04 Ed & Debbie Fleming

Charles H. Ford '87

Darren Gardner Gator Coin II, Inc.

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Raquel Geller

Dom Allmond ‘20 Memorial Scholarship

Richard & Elizabeth Giglio Michelle Gilmore *

T. Michael & Cecily Hardin ’68 + Herndon's Automotive Co. Inc.

Daniel C. Hillegass '70

Samuel & Constance Satterlee Kaleel '64, '64

Rita Karadsheh *

Patricia McCarthy King ‘69

Eric & Lori Kirsch

Knights of Columbus St. Bernadette Assembly

Knights of Columbus San Jose Council

Dennis J. Lanahan ’58

In memory of Joseph T. Foy ‘63

Jane Richeson Lanier '67

Paul D. Lewis Jr. '54 *

Stephen R. MacNamara ‘71 Bernadette McGuire-Rivera ’68 + Philip & Patricia Mickler

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

David & Carolyn Hillegass Moore ‘76 George Moore Chevrolet BK Athletics

The Mudville Grille Peeps

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65 Cheryl O’Connor

Capt. John E. O'Neil, Jr. USN, Ret. '64 Charles I. Parliment III '69

In memory of Joseph T. Foy ‘63

Victor A. Pena, Jr. '82

Thomas R. Pennington ‘61 Bill & Joy Pujadas ‘69

Billy & Gabrielle Quillen John J. Rahaim '53

John & Maria Randle

Andrew & Theresa Helow Ryan '87

Dom Allmond ‘20 Memorial Scholarship

Thomas & Jane Schmidt

Jennifer Schriver

Gail Bussian Schwalm ‘79 John P. Sheesley ’94 Michael L. Shelton '99

Maureen Neustadter Sheridan ‘75

Shaun & Audra Smith

Doug & Clarinda Solomon ‘65

Howard & Monica Stalls Jr. H. Kenneth Stalls, III ‘08 Madison O. Stalls ‘16

Allen & Amy Stevens

Brian & Teresa Stokes '87

Leticia Garcia Stropes ‘90

Michael & Cynthia Stuart

David D. Williams Memorial Scholarship

Janet R. Studley ’68 +

Sharon Joseph Suggs '71

Thomas & Patty Taggart

Mary Arceneaux Toomey ‘75

John & Julie Tucker '75

Rachel C. Tudor '11

Karen H. Tullis

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

James A. & Susan Vohr

Mark A. Werner ‘61

David & Leila Williams

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Rev. Fr. Michael S. Williams ‘57

Brian & Susan Ullmann Woods ‘70, ’70 *

Abdo Yazgi '70

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65


$250 to $499

The Al-Botros Family

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

John W. Alexander ‘66

Monica Deihl Anello ‘57

Sidney F. Ansbacher

Robert & Angela Farah Bateh '93

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ’65 In memory of Joseph T. Foy ‘63

Jason G. Becht ‘93

Benjamin Bendetti, Jr. '59

Joseph P. Berley, MD ‘79

Joseph W. Blunk ‘61

Fostering Behavior

Gabriel & Martha Anlage Boehm ‘03

Thomas & Alexandria Bosack

Harlan & Patricia Quinn Bost ‘77

Johnathan & Ashleigh Ghioto Bradley '96

Thomas F. Brandvold '79

Michael & Amanda Broach ‘99

Julie Brodeur Brookshire ‘70

Lt. Col. Dennis E. Brown, USAF (Ret) '59

Modesto W. Burgos ‘63

Jeffrey & Lee Ann Clements

40 ANNUAL REPOR T 2021-22


Peter A. Conlin ‘63

Paul E. Corbley ’68 +

Tim & Nancy Mead Corrigan ‘74, ‘74

David & Debra Abraham Cratem ‘81, ‘88

Michael & Jennifer Cratem ‘87

Rev. Fr. Timothy J. Cusick ‘83

James & Anne Helow Darling ‘80

Cal Davis '74

Deacon Robert & Betty DeLuca

Daniel P. Dillon ‘63

Laura Rahaim Dimmick '87

Louis & Jill Howell Dunbar ‘73

William & Debbie Dunn

Michael & Erika Eddins

Joseph & Susan Eichler

Jason & Alana Eldrige

Kevin & Debbie Bullock English '90

Bishop Felipe J. Estévez, S.T.D.

Thomas & Karen Modesky Fallin ‘77, ‘77

George T. Fallis

Musa & Gina Farmand ‘78

Musa & Laila Farmand, Jr. '06

Jeffrey C. Felton ’68 + Karen Fergusson

In memory of Bruce Kujawa ‘76

Stephen & Melissa Fiscor

Florida Railway Heritage Museum

Joe & Colleen Lanahan Foy '63, '65

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ’65

Capt. Edward W. Froehlich, Jr. USN (Ret)

Francisco & Maribel Gaudier

Kelley Borcher Gazdak ‘90

Phillip & Jeanette Ghioto ‘64

Salvatore J. Gioia, Jr. '88 *

Dom Allmond ‘20 Memorial Scholarship

Marla D. Golden

James & Patricia Ryan Gosa ‘66

Helen Grady Graham ‘55

ANNUAL REPOR T 2021-22 41


Joe & Dorothy Grippi

J. Lee & Sharon Lewandowski Gutteridge '85, ‘83

John P. Hartley ‘77

W. Michael Heekin ‘71

Ed & Carolyn Head Helquist ‘63

In memory of Joseph T. Foy ‘63

Kristine Herndon Hartley

Robert S. Howell ‘76

Michael & Dawn Huskey

Megan E. Hyde ‘03

Fredric C. Jansen ‘57

Christopher & Ana Johnson

Monica Biggs Jordan ‘05

Shawn & Mariana Alvarez Kallivayalil ‘97, ’98

Kevin & Laura Kasych

Michael W. Keane ‘66

Rosemary G. Klemmt

Anne Tuerk Klinepeter ‘79

Mark W. Kropf ‘66

Luis & Rosa Laos

John & Theresa Solomon Lawlor ‘68, '73 + Quang & Kari Le

Thomas & Judith Taylor Logue ‘69, ‘69

Kathleen A. Lyons ’68 + Seth & Jillian Maki

Rhonda Mann

John T. McClure ‘66

Charleen J. McCormick ‘66

Bill & Debbie Baldwin McMenamy '71, '72

John A. Baldwin Scholarship

Stephen D. Middleton ‘71

Emmanuel & Gisela Miel

Brian & Amy Milkes

Gregory & Mary Ann Wilburn Miller '82

Jason & Victoria Otero Miller ‘92

W. Gerry & Kathleen Miller

Michael & Julianna Milton '89

Matthew & Julie Denkler Moloney ‘03

Jerry J. Mulvihill ’57

John A. Baldwin Scholarship

Faye Naomi

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Joseph & Lisa Obi '79

Kathryn A. O'Brien '15*

Devon A. O’Connor ‘00

Brian & Marty O’Neill

Raymond G. Ossi ’77

Tony & Tiffany Otero '89

Anthony & Kathy Parete '80

Trenton D. Parete '10

Phillip H. Parsons '67

Patrick & Lara Campbell Patangan ‘90, ‘90 *

Benjamin P. Patterson '00

Tom & Ruby Peters

Mary Linehan Peterson ‘57

Amy Ford Petz '64

Fred B. Power ‘53

Mark & Ella Quesnell

José I. Ramirez ’63

In memory of Joseph T. Foy ‘63

Michele Hegan Ramirez '68 + Kerry Richo '04

Richard M. Riley, M.D. ’68 + Leandro Rodriguez & Vanessa Graniela Aguilar

Victor J. Salzer '63

Kathryn E. Santilli '01

Geraline D. Shank

Samuel M. Sissine '88

Susie Pitman Slappey '79

Scott & Elizabeth Sloan

Darrell & Susan Smith

John & Kristina Sprik

Julie Miller Steffen ‘79

Herbert & Kimberly Taylor III

David & Kathy Teichert

Donald & Susan Thieman Paul & Inge Thomas

J. Patrick & Mary Pauline Nasrallah Thornton ‘82, ‘86 * Frances Haut Towle ‘61

Brent & Kelly Unger

Joseph & Lauren Rautanen Valenzano '00

David R. Vlaming ‘54

Roy & Kathleen Devenny Vollick ‘83

In memory of Chris Devenny ‘90 Catherine Johnson Voxland ‘63 Earnest & Johnnyie Ferro Waller ‘68, ’68 + Rafi & Denise Trad Wartan ‘82, ‘84 Bradley & Christie Wheeler

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65 Maria Suarez Wilson '82

In memory of Frank J. Smyth, Jr. Ruth Wyatt Dom Allmond ‘20 Memorial Scholarship


$100 to $249


121 Financial Credit Union

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Fred & Theresa Eastwold Abood ‘59, ‘59 Steve & Joan Adams*

Mary Albert

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65 James & Alicia Aldridge Alex E. Aleman, D.D.S. '86

Joseph A. Alfred ‘66

Jorge & Shannon Alicea

Jason & Maria Aguilar Allen '01, '91

Susan Schweizer Andrews ‘79

Rosemary Anania Arnold ‘66

Juan & Aleida Aroix

Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Assad

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Augustine Asset Management

Ken & Michelle Grippi Baker ‘92 *

Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Balat

Gene & Susan Bannon '59

David Baranek ‘75

Regina Wadsworth Baranowski ‘65 Steven & Susana Barsky

Thomas F. Barzyk ’68 + Bernard N. Bass '70

Donald & Sireen Samaan Bateh ‘90

Renee A. Bateh ‘82

Angela L. Batteh '88

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

James M. Batteh ‘84

Mr. & Mrs. Jose Beltran

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Fred V. Berley ‘74

Richard H. Black ‘62

John P. Bladel '95

In memory of Frank J. Smyth, Jr. Rev. Msgr. James R. Boddie ‘70

Susan Davies Borland ‘86

Brett & Karen Bosworth

Harry W. Bowen, III '73

In memory of Frank J. Smyth, Jr. Kevin J. Bowles '73

Harriet Danese Braasch ‘58

Kenneth R. Brady '78

James & Grace Nackashi Brasington ‘84

Barbara Bray

Patricia E. Bray '66

Kevin A. Brice ‘86

Rick & Susan Brodeur Jr. ’79

Jerry & Bernadette Buckley

Rebekah Bundang '93 *

In memory of Frank J. Smyth, Jr. John W. Bunn '64

Monica M. Burke ’72 *

Paul & Phyllis Verchick Bush ‘80

Charles & Terry Cadoura

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Russell & Cheriann Cain

Eric & Cherilyn Canavan

Susan Caples

Thomas J. Carroll '68

Denise Wilkinson Carson ‘64

42 ANNUAL REPOR T 2021-22


John & Susan Caruso

Gontran N. Celerier '65

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Loys Charbonnet III ’56

David & Emma Chase

Kenneth J. Chatham '78

Rita A. Chmielarski

In memory of Bruce Kujawa ‘76

Christ the King Catholic Church Clifton & Perselphone Coleman

Nancy Mynihan Comish ‘54

Eileen M. Connolly ‘98

James & Teresa Connolly

Cathleen T. Connolly ‘95

Suzanne Todd Cooper ‘69

William & Carole Menniger Cooper '67, '67

Michael P. Corrigan ‘75

Roberto & Caroline Costa

Kevin P. Courtney '94

Victoria Zambetti Coward ’56

Chip & Lori Parry Crabtree ’82

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Richard & Pamela Cratem ’83

Thomas & Diana Cratem ‘79

Sheila E. Cribb

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Thomas S. Crisp '02

Thomas & Ann-Marie Crowder

Aimee Arceneaux Curran '70

John W. Cushen ‘61

James E. Cusick ‘82

James & Kim Cusick ‘85

Robert & Evangeline Dajac

John & Susan McClements Daly '63, '65

Nancy Owens Damato '68 +

In memory of Joseph E. Damato ‘68

In memory of Joseph T. Foy ‘63

Marie "Mimi" Lauwaert Daumy '63 * Leo & Kathy Davis

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Linda Hanun de Meida

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Joe & Mary DeSalvo

Mary Solomon DeSalvo '68

Kim & Derek E. Dewan '73

John E. Dieter III ‘66

Trish Meehan Dorazio ’88 & Family

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Charlotte Nevin Dotson '85

Doris Anne Arceneaux Doyle '76

Donald D. Drury '61

H. Michael & Tamara Duclos

Brian & Michale Dudley

Bruce W. Dufresne ‘65 Kathleen Walsh Dulko '94 Roger & Jane duPont '65

The Eason Families

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ’65 Elizabeth J. Elian '57

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65 Elise Docster Enterkin ’05 * Gregory M. Estes ‘90 Chad & Kristie Evans Christopher & Cathi Evans Victoria Randle Fahrney ‘90 Michael & Diane Falk Jack & Nadia Farah

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65 Omar & Martha Farah

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65 Joe & Andrea Farhat Doris S. Faustini Michael A. Ferrante '71

John & Linda Ferguson

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65 Antoinette “Toni” Harvey Ferrell ‘57 Butch, Bernadette, & Ferrizzi Family

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65 Jody Lamar Finklea ‘91 John & Patricia Fischer C. Elaine Floyd Montgomery ‘71 Charles & Nellie Flynn Jr. '56 Marian Wiesenfeld Folger ‘57 Raymond E. Forbess '02 F. Larkin Fore, Esq. ‘65 Sean P. Fore ‘69 Marie Foy

In memory of Joseph T. Foy ‘63 Robert J. Fritch '54 Scott & Norma Frye

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65 Juan & Daniela Garcia

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65 John & Dianne Giehrl Elizabeth Antone Gill ’56

In memory of Joe Antone ‘54 Jessica L. Gill ‘13 Lourdes Glatzer

The Golden Girls Class of 1965

In memory of Joseph T. Foy ‘63 Cynthia Curry Gonnering '57

Patrick S. Goodbread '62 Manuel Granados, II '79 Patrick R. Graney '91 R. Frank Gray '66

Andrew W. Greenwood ‘58

F. Lucille Griffo '63

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Joseph & Lea Grippi '96

Nancy Masters Guggisberg '74

Dennis & Neena Guidi

Gregory & Mary Guidos

Morgan S. Gurr '09

Charles & Judella Haddad

Kristin Azzarello Hall '99

Kareem Kim & Mary Hanna

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Shaughnessy & Mary Bullock Harms '93

Tim & Susan Harrison

John & Angela Suggs Harward ‘91, ‘93 Laila Hassan

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

F. Elizabeth Brown Haynes ‘58

Robert & Elizabeth Peters Heekin ‘90, ‘97

Thomas & Lauren Streepy Heekin '08, '11 E. J. Helow '69

Robert B. Hendry Jr. ‘65

Jose E. Hernandez '90

Patrick J. Higgins ‘71

Justin D. Hill ‘71

Sam S. Hill III, M.D. ‘65

Patrick S. Hillegass '73

Maureen McMahon Hogan ‘72

Holy Rosary Catholic Church Camille Crabtree Horn '77

R. Mark Horner ‘74

Elmer G. Huber II ‘81

Diane Kulas Hurtak ‘65

Paul & Elizabeth Lanahan Iglesias ‘83

Michael J. Ilog '99

ANNUAL REPOR T 2021-22 43


Irish Pot of Gold

Dom Allmond ‘20 Memorial Scholarship

Dan & Rosemary Jackson '90

William & Rhudine James

Robert & Louise Christian Johnson '65, '65

Lorraine Lourcey Jolley '54

Samantha Andry Joos '96

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65 Schamoun Joseph ’77

John M. Joyce ‘69

E. Christopher & Sara Jubran ‘82 Roshan M. Kallivayalil ’94 Nena Kamman

In memory of Frank J. Smyth, Jr

Stanley & Kathleen Kata

Thomas J. Keane '63

Judith M. Keegan ‘65

Ralph & Maura Kelly

Preston & Melissa Keyes

Donna Cerni Kibler ‘72

H. Anthony “Tony” Kimball ‘70

John A. King ‘76

William & Lisa Knight

Natalie Kohn

Beverly Barton Kolodinsky ‘57

Adrienne Nagy Kozma '90

William H. Krechowski '65

Robert & Marion Krupitzer

David D. Williams Memorial Scholarship

Kip & Barbara Kuhn

In memory of Joseph T. Foy ‘63

Louis & Patricia Stripling Larmoyeux '62, '64

In memory of Joseph T. Foy ‘63

Marisol Ejercito Lauerman '89

In memory of Frank J. Smyth, Jr. In memory of Rev. Msgr. Daniel B. Logan Alexander S. Lawler ‘02 Russell S. Lawler ’68 + Diane Bohnstengel Lawrence ‘73 Benjamin and Kimberly Parliment Lazo '02, '02 Norbert & Theresa Lechwar Chris & Erin Lee

Dom Allmond ‘20 Memorial Scholarship George & Linda Corby-Leonard Kathleen Brown Lester ‘70 Susan Lewis

In memory of Loys Charbonnet ‘56 Erik & Sherry Lightner W. Shannon “Sandy” Linning ’56

In memory of Loys Charbonnet ‘56 Della Allen Linton ‘58 Michael & Christy Loberger James J. Logue ‘67

Jordan & Debbie Howard Logue '71, '71 Emerson & Moby Lanahan Lotzia '71, '74

In memory of Joseph T. Foy ‘63 Dartanyon D. Lyles '94

Diana & Marcus Maccario Mike & Elaine Madden

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65 Richard & Monique Malzahn James P. Manahan ‘00 Eva M. Manley ‘78

The Manseau Family Jean-Marc & Tara Marchand Carla Glaraton Marrow ‘73 M. Casey Martin ‘70 Chris & Jennifer Hagan Martin '88 Carol A. Masters '68 + Anne Perrotto Matthews ‘76 Lauren O’Hara May ‘04

Robert & Macrina Mayotte Robert & Malinda McCormick Joseph H. McCoy ‘72

Molly McGauley '91* Elizabeth B. McGovern

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65 Patrick D. McMahon '71 John & Karen Munsch McNeill '67 Bella Meida

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Braheim Meida

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Phillip & Lorraine Bateh Meide ‘67 Joseph and Patricia Zebouni Millan '74, '74

Bradley & Cynthia Miller

Steven & Rachael Mock

Gordon & Sandra Molter *

James T. Monahan III ‘85

Fred & Mimi Monsour ‘69

Cole & Katherine Kelly Moody ‘94, ‘97 Sheila White Moore '61

Tim & Allison Moran * Charles T. Morgan '76

Commander Brian & Silvia Morrill Edward K. Mruz Jr. ’68 +

James & Brenda Murphy

Mary Ann King Nabywaniec ‘67

James & Rafah Nackashi

John & Jeanette Namen ’85

Karen V. Nasrallah ‘80

Eugene & Joan Jordan Nelson ‘57, ‘57

Paul R. Newman ‘61

Sharon Benson Norman '68 + William J. Norris ‘73

Barbara Meixell Nuernberger ‘65 Jack T. Obi ‘69

Sean F. O’Brien ‘75

Michael J. O’Loughlin ‘58

Damon & Jamie Wathen Olinto ‘02, ‘03

David & Denise Becht Oliveria ‘71,’72

Jon & Nancy Olson

Todd & Stacey Beehner Orlando ‘84

Gregory J. Ossi '86

Rosalie Ossi ‘60

Sandra A. Ossi ‘67

Thomas R. O'Steen

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65 Eileen King Outen '71

Sandra Owens

In memory of Frank J. Smyth, Jr. Helen Montoto Oxford ‘67

Timothy & Diane Parker

The Parrish Family

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65 Jarrett & Brooke Pasko *

JoAnn Barrett Paterson '59

Wendy Patterson

In memory of Frank J. Smyth, Jr. St. Paul Catholic Church – Riverside

John E. Phelan ’68 +

Mary Alice Barrett Phelan ‘60

Michael J. Phelan ‘77

William & Patricia Brennan Phelan ‘61, ‘63 Michael F. Phelps '63

In memory of Joseph T. Foy ‘63

ANNUAL REPOR T 2021-22 45


Lawrence Pikula

Kenneth Platt

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Max J. Poirrier, M.D. '61

Michael & Kelly Porazinski *

Paul J. Porwoll ’69

Leslie K. Quaritius

Thomas G. Raffo Jr. ’86

Elizabeth R. Rall ‘56

Mary Pellicer Reihel '60

George F. Revels Jr. '78

Anthony Ricardo ‘77

John & Winnie McGowan Richardson ‘63, ’68 +

Franklin & Emily Arnold Rios ‘90, ’04

Christine E. Risberg '06

Kenneth & Sherrie Risberg

Steve & Christi Roadruck

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Thomas & Susan Schenkel Robinson '69, '69

Dorothy Ronayne

Otto & Monica Rosasco

John & Karen Lechwar Rowland ‘89, ‘89

Mary Frances King Ruddick ‘60

Paul R. Ruelos '98

Christie Farah Rukab '88

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

David & Jennifer Schaapveld Rulien '71, '72

Christopher & Fina Russell

John & Roberta Russell

Mary Monsour Saig '73

Vincent F. Saladino '95

Ramzi & Boline Salameh

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Susan B. Salemi

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Bardiles & Charlyn Santonil

Angela V. Schifanella ‘78

Richard Schlinkmann ‘70

Daniel S. Schockling '82

David & Jennifer Schoening Thomas & Denise Schultz

In memory of Loys Charbonnet ‘56

Marie Cross Scidmore ‘58

Jay D. Sherman ‘57

Tim & Marsha Shine

In memory of Joseph T. Foy ‘63

Robert & Samantha Farmand Sims '08, '09

Daniel J. Skelton ‘79

Alejandra Alvarez Smith '96

Christine Germano Smith '65

Jeff & Nancy Dunham Smith ‘69

Martha V. Smyth, DMD '78

Richard & Dorothy Sollee

Jane Bellinger Sowerby ‘70

Robert & Iolanta Starus

H. Charles Stichweh ‘55

Christine L. Story

In honor of Charlie Linning ‘57

In memory of Jim White ‘57 Mary Rowland Stouffer ‘88

Frank Subjinski & Gleydiane Oliveira Rev. Fr. Donal P. Sullivan Maureen Sullivan ’69

Kenneth & Margaret Schuchts Szortyka ‘79, ‘83

Frank J. Tassone Jr. '66

Chuck & Mary Taylor Janet Horner Taylor '71

Lorraine Saour Thomas '61

Janet M. Thomas

Scott & Donna Thomas

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65 John T. Thornton ‘84

Katherine Sollee Todd '68 + Richard & Claudia Toney ‘87

Laura Shapiro Torrey '72 Ed & Marty Towey '71

Andrée Tremoulet, Ph.D. ’73

In memory of Frank J. Smyth, Jr. Frederick & Kelley Trent Matthew & Tammy Tucci Cathy Marseilles Tucker '65

Michael & Susan Tudor

Sister Claudia Vergara

Robert R. Vergnolle '61H

Daniel J. Viggiani ‘13

John & Meg Viggiani

Rosalie Breen Villasis ‘60

Nancy Jo Dorsey Vining '56

Suzanne Voss

John B. Walker ‘64

Susan M. Walsh '74

The Ward Family

Travis & Colleen Meehan Webb '95

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Marla R. Weedon ‘72

Betty Mosley Weite '60

Thomas & Erin Cooney Welch ‘99

Bob & Mary Bowler West '72

Sharon Tamargo Wilburn '65

Mary E. Wilfong

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Rodney H. Williamson ’63

Jan Bodner Workman '73

Richard J. Wrigley ‘63

J. Lesley Canaday Yarborough '97

Alton W. Yates II ‘79

The George Yazgi '75 Family

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Tim & Laura Faustini Yocum ‘77

Larry & Sandra Zeringue, Sr.

In memory of Joycelyn B. Beaugh


$50 to $99

Vilmar J. Abelardo, M.D. '88

Alice Shaar Akel '61

Dr. and Mrs. George L. Albert

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Dean & Karen Aldrich

Lisa Alessandro

Mike J. Allen '73

Alan J. Ashley '62

Richard B. Baccash ‘72

Charles & Donnell Baer

Michael & Sandra Bak

Teresa Balat

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Mary Ann Sabbag Barenti ‘54

Jennifer L. Barkoskie

Michael & Peggy Harvey Barnett ‘72

Martha E. Barrett ‘68 +

Christine H. Barry '66

Brooklyn Marie Ramirez Batista ’10

Thomas A. Beaudoin '74

Jean King Beckwith '65

Robert J. Bernath ‘57

Lori Beyrle '77

Hannora Werner Biastre '62

Patricia Courtney Blaser '91

Mark & Patricia Boleky

David L. Brown Jr. ‘98

Sarah Brown

In memory of Frank J. Smyth, Jr. Bruce L. Buerkle ‘71

Marjorie Sara Burns ‘55

Patricia A. Burns '77

Eloy Bustillo ’69

Brian & Jennifer Cabrey

Richard & Karen Caron

In memory of Joseph T. Foy ‘63

Bernadette Bannon Cavari '61

Fred & Cindy Chambers

Jessica Norwood Chapman ‘61


Michael B. Collins '80

Lillian Morales Corbin '85

Brian & Sara Brown Corrigan ’05, ‘06

Camille Fuss Crabtree ‘53

Zach & Kayla Grant Crabtree ‘06, ‘06

Georgina Roces Crago ‘71

Eileen Vogl Croft ‘69

Stephen & Rhonda Czajkowski

Donald A. Dalton ‘82

Susan McGovern Dean ‘67

Hector & Judy Dela Cruz

Kay T. DeLoach & Kandie Bunch

James J. DePalma, Jr. ‘84

Adeline Ryan Dobson ‘74

James & Lisa Docster

John & Stacy Dominger

Stephen & Bonnie Arnett Duncan ‘70, ‘70

Lee & Mary Ann L. Ervin

Vicki Savage Evans '66

Janice R. Farhat ‘82

Stephen & Holly Faustini ‘83

Alina Vinci Fernandez '12

Kristy Firesheets

Theresa Tassone Fitzsimmons ‘67

Joy Batteh Freiha '79

Michael & Marina Gardner

Glen H. Gish ‘58

Russell P. Goff ‘71

Janet White Guarch ‘64

William & Linda Gurt

Kevin C. Hart '00

Mary Anne Solomon Hashem ‘63

Jessica Zimmerman Hedrick ‘04

Jim & Marty MacNamara Heekin ‘66, ‘69

Mary Lynn Heekin '05

Sharon Broderick Hench ‘73 John & Ann Hentz

In honor of Rev. Msgr. Michael R. Houle ‘71

Linda Wood Hills ‘65

Gaby & Rania Hitti

Lauren Weedon Hopkins ’95

Xavier R. Houle '98

Charlene Moriarty Hubbard ‘71

George & Stephanie Jaeger '95

James C. Johnson '78

Peter M. Johnston ‘73

Richard A. Jordan ‘77

Ralph & Barbara Joyce

Laura LeMoine Karabinis ‘65

F. Brad & Kathy Kennelly ‘81

Joan Luplow Kilgallon ‘62

Michael & Linda Kinnealy

In memory of Joseph T. Foy ‘63

Jay & Susan Grippi Koster ‘94

Claudia Kowkabany

Denise E. Kowkabany ‘71

Michael D. Kozak ‘73

David & Amy Lacy

Louis R. LaGrande ‘65

William D. Larson '05 Paul Liebert ‘79

Frank & Mary McMahon Linn ‘65, ‘73

G. Michael & Lora Lohr Say Louis & Leh Meh

James F. Ludwig '66

Christopher W. Lynch '13

Birgitta Sujdak Mackiewicz '94 Anthony & Marlo Mann

Brian & Alex Maples

Gregory R. Martini III ‘83

Patricia Kozak Masciatoni '73

Alexander D. Mathis ‘07

Joseph W. Mehrtens III ‘60 Silvia & Maria Meida

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Jonathan W. Meide ‘98

Stan & Gloria Scussel Mix '70

Catherine Brown Monahan ’56 A. Brooks Callahan Mondares ‘91

Wendy Monger

Mirtha L. Monier

Elizabeth A. Moody '82 Elisabeth Floyd Morley ‘67 Wellington & Janet Morton

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65 Ann M. Mott

Lynn Fowler Mullaney ‘73

JoAnn Abood Najem ‘53

Kathleen Chitko Naugle ‘82 Jim & Sally Neaves

John & Terri Nelson

Leah M. Ness

Diana Romey NesSmith ‘57 Carolyn Ossi Nofal ’70

In memory of Christopher P. Nofal ‘01 James W. Obi '65

Therese Donelan Odell ‘75

Maria Cruz Ondrey '95

Patrick B. Ossi '91

Thomas T. Ossi '67

Stephen & Barbara Parker

Gerald “Jay” H. Parks III ‘81

Diane Howard Parliment ‘70

Charles G. Parsons ‘64

Bruce & Susan Pastorini

Robert J. Perry ‘78

Thomas P. Porwoll '73 & Nanette C. Rund '71

Linda Seghers Press, M.D. ’68 + Jim & Mary Helow Pritchard ‘78

Wilvin “Bill” W. Racca ‘64

Janine McCarthy Radford ‘81

SMSgt Ronald G. Raizis USAF (Ret) '65

Nicolas & Monique Relacion

In memory of Dom Allmond ‘20

Barbara Toney Remich ‘55

Tim & Marsha Revenaugh '93

Randolph & Melje Reyes

Kenneth E. Risberg ‘04

Kristi Stapf Roberge ’73

Juliana Roldan '14

Enrique & Kathleen Sheehan Romeu ’76, ‘76 Victor & Lena Salem Rukab

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Mary Ann Bryant Russo ‘55

Thomas M. Ryan ‘72

William & Patricia Schneider

In memory of Joseph T. Foy ‘63

Michael & Karen Shalley '68

Jeffrey & Jennifer Sharrah

Carla H. Shaw

Michael T. Shine ‘07

Gloria Bryant Simonds ‘57 Elena Saladino Sorce ‘98

Javier M. Sowers '83

Jennifer Rizk Spinelli ‘95 William & Robin St. Peter William & Cathy Steckroth ‘64

Sharon Politowski Storey ‘76

H. Ed Sullivan '68 +

Valencia J. Thayer '77

John P. Thomas ‘74

Katharine Monfort Thomas ‘06

Randal & Kathleen Thomas

Oscar & Esmerelda Torres

Karen Huber Tracy ‘76

Clay & Colleen Tucker ‘81

Laura Van Cleave

In memory of Frank J. Smyth, Jr. Andrew J. Waitrovich ’20

Jack T. Waitrovich ’17

Patricia Roebig Ware ‘57

John W. Wassmer ‘55

Gregory & Patricia Webster

Douglas & Kathleen Welser

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Benjamin & Nicole Bush White '01, '05

David M. Wiesenfeld '65

Christopher & Valerie Wildsmith

John & Judith Williams

In memory of David D. Williams

Julie Wood '77

Susan E. Woods ‘66

Erwin & Susan Wunderlich

In memory of Frank J. Smyth, Jr.

48 ANNUAL REPOR T 2021-22


Up to $49

Bonita Bon Alexander ‘64

Wayne & Nancy Collier Allyn ‘66, ‘66

Lauren Anastase-Goodman '07

Maria K. Anderson '74

James & Donna Goubeaud Barrett ‘57

Betty L. Becht

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Michelle Belan

In memory of Frank J. Smyth, Jr.

Joanne Eller Bell ‘55

Nicholas A. Bell ‘13

Patricia A. Bludworth ‘66

Kimberly Johnson Bradford ‘73

J. Scott Brogdon '61

Martha Bohn Budetti ‘85

Rosario R. & Maria Cartolano

Stephanie T. Castro '03

Peter J. Chitko ‘78

Carita Shuert Christiansen ‘74

Mary Lou Christopolis

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Frederick & Dana Clark

In memory of Joe L. Joseph ‘65

Robert P. Clark ‘59

Terry Jacobs Combs '72

Cathy Connelly

In memory of Frank J. Smyth, Jr.

Mary Anne Ryan Connor ‘64

Lawrence “Skip” & Susan Edmonds Cooney ‘69, ‘69

Chase A. Crabtree ’10

Ross W. Crabtree ’09

Patricia Burke Dagata ‘62

In memory of John Burke ‘65 & Chris Burke ‘67

Patricia A. Dearing ‘66

George D. Dewey '64

Karol Ann Mruz Dickinson ‘71

Jason D. Edwards '04

Jonathan M. Edwards '02

Richard & Wendy Elmore

Coretta Ephrem

Bill & Carol Thenoils Florenz ‘69

Tina Morabito Frady '71

Dianne Rowe Fritch '53

Theresa Boozer Galloucis '68 +

Randy & Allison Gallup

Paul & Hazel Boyle Ghiotto ‘66, ’68 +

Anna O’Conor Hinson ‘99

Penelope Noble Howell '68 +

Harriet Cox Hrezo ‘58

Dailey Jackson '20

Anna Simmons Jones ‘75

Ramon J. Jordan '73

Jan Norris Lee '78

Mary Starrs Lewis '57

David G. Locke ‘90

Ralph & Sandy Lugo

Scott & Heather Wilson Mark '93

Cody T. McElveen '15

Mary Fuller Wilson McElveen ‘70

Maripat Dunham Meide ‘71 Kort & Paula Meyer

Doris (Bunni) Thornhill Moore ’54 Anne Morabito '74

Maxwell S. Mull ‘08

John & Donna Murphy Wilma Pfei er Norse '57

Josephine Pierce Oetjen ‘67

Edwina Dingman Penders '62 Jeromy & Lorie Peters

Joseph & Viki Pourciau

Sandra McAlear Price '61

Antonio E. Puente '70

Paul & Suzanna Ramirez Alberto M. Raphael '69

CoraLynn Torio Roberts '90

Penelope Roehrig

Virgilio Saldajeno & Maria Llamas Janette Salem

Adam & Sharon Schwinn

Katherine Clark Silverglate '81

Maria T. Solaun '78

Christine J. Solomon ’73

Joseph F. Stazenski '66

Keith L. St. Peter ‘02

Laura St. Peter ‘04

Erin N. Terranella ‘00

Kevin & Patricia Terranella Ric & Jackie Terry

Gail Johnson Thelen ‘67

Scott & Aurea Thompson David & Magaly Tola

Maureen A. Towey '68 + Richard & Katherine Tri letti Heather Tsataros

John F. Tuerk Jr. '75

Richard & Lorna Ulmer Terry K. Welch '73

In memory of Frank J. Smyth, Jr. Dennis & Dolores Corn Williamson ‘68, ’68 + In memory of Joseph T. Foy ‘63 Grace Tassone Wilson '67

Mike & Mary Cameron Yarborough ‘82

Norman D. Young

In memory of Loys Charbonnet ‘56

Margaret "Peggy" Niegowski Zeiser '72 Joan Rich Zoranski ‘58

Larry & Kristen Zumwalt


American Express Foundation

American Family Insurance

Anheuser-Busch Foundation

Bank of America Charitable Foundation

CIT Bank

Delta Air Lines

Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation

Herndon's Automotive Company, Inc.


Home Depot Foundation

Intel Corporation

Johnson & Johnson

Mary Pauline Dance Conservatory/The Allegro Group, Inc. Medtronic Foundation

Microsoft Northwestern Mutual Foundation


P zer Foundation

Phillips 66 Company

Pioneer Equipment Company

Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.

State Farm Companies Foundation

The Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Inc.

The Quaker Hill Foundation, Inc.

Voya Foundation

Wells Fargo Foundation



* Matching Gift Donor

** St. Pius Scholarship Fund Class of ‘62

Honorary Class Member

+ Class of 1968 Memorial Scholarship Fund

Every effort has been made to provide an accurate report. If an error has been made, please accept our apology and notify the Advancement Office. A correction will be made.

ANNUAL REPOR T 2021-22 49
employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions made by their employees and,
cases, by retirees and/or
in some
spouses. The impact of your
may be doubled or possibly tripled.
- Jonathan Lumbag ‘21

Bishop Kenny encourages students to become life-long learners in a nurturing, Catholic environment. We are committed to academic excellence, innovation, creativity, and service to God

greater mission is to develop persons of faith and integrity ready to make a difference in our world.


Congrats to the Class of ‘22

The Bishop Kenny Class of 2022 was awarded more than $13M in scholarships. They are attending 50 colleges and universities in 13 different states. Two students earned U.S. Military Academy appointments and 17 student athletes committed to a college or university’s athletic program. #KennyPride


Ave Maria University

Boston University

College of Charleston College of the Holy Cross Howard University

Fordhm University

Jacksonville University

James Madison University

Northwestern University

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Spelman College

Savannah College of Art + Design United States Air Force Academy United States Naval Academy

University of Chicago

University of North Florida University of Tennessee University of Virginia University of Wisconsin Vanderbilt University Washington & Lee University

ANNUAL REPOR T 2021-22 55
TONY VALENTINO ‘22 Columbia Univseristy JORDAN RILL ‘22 Wake Forest University MIA MCDAVITT ‘22 Florida State University FRANKIE ALVAREZ ‘22 University of Southern California RIA SALDAJENO ‘22 University of Florida BAYLOR NEWSOM ‘22 United States Military Academy West Point
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A Crusader is scholarly, honorable, a devoted team member, has a servant heart, and above all is faithful.
58 ANNUAL REPOR T 2021-22

tempus fugit

When BK students are asked to name their favorite teachers, Mrs. Inge Thomas is often mentioned.  Quick with a smile and frequently cheering on her students in the classroom and at activities, she is currently the faculty member with the longest tenure of classroom teaching at the school.

A product of Catholic school from preschool to college, Mrs. Thomas was born and raised in Belgium. She graduated from the Catholic University of Louvain (KU Leuven in Flemish) with a master’s degree in Romance Philology, studying French, Latin, and Italian. She moved to Jacksonville when she got married in 1992 and began working at BK in 1994. In keeping with her family tradition of Catholic education, her children, daughter Justine ’15 and son Philip ’17, attended Bishop Kenny.

Fluent in four languages, Mrs. Thomas has taught French and Latin at BK and assisted in growing the Latin program tremendously. She was named Chair of the World Languages Department in 2005, and this year will celebrate her 29th year as a Crusader. As they say in Latin, “tempus fugit” … time flies.

Michelle Hume Slattery ‘98

“She was so kind and loving, one of my BK favorites! Having Latin X-mod was such a pleasant way to start the day. What a blessing BK students are still learning from her and starting each class with the Pater Noster.”

Kate Wrubluski Campbell ‘98

“Mrs. Thomas would always share a smile to show encouragement when we caught on to converting our Latin vocabulary words. Puella, puellae, puellam!”

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A Servant Leader

Janet Olinto ’82 has been involved in Catholic education her entire life. An alumna of Resurrection Catholic School and Bishop Kenny, she attended Florida State University and married BK alumnus Damon Olinto ’79. Though working in the corporate world after college, Mrs. Olinto’s ties to the school stayed strong, as Damon was a BK baseball coach at the time. When Mrs. Olinto ultimately joined the staff at BK in 1989, it felt like a natural return home.

Mrs. Olinto was a BK cheerleader and a member of the Red & White Girls for the baseball team, which is how she met Damon. Their siblings also attended BK, as did their children, Damon Jr. ’02, Kate ’07, and Sean ’16. An ace of all things BK and the metronome that keeps the administration office swiftly beating, Mrs. Olinto is described by her co-workers as a servant leader who always has BK’s best interest at heart. She looks ambitiously to the school's future, and with a lifetime of dedication to the school, she has a lot to say about her beloved alma mater.

“I have been a part of Catholic education all my life, and I have given my

Q: What are your favorite BK events or activities?

I enjoy the pep rallies and all the sporting events. I love to watch the kids come together to cheer for each other and compete in sports. I love Kenny baseball the most.

Q: What are BK’s greatest strengths?

Faith is intertwined in every decision we make, we have numerous student legacies, and there is a true family atmosphere. I have experienced many life events while working here (family deaths, the birth of our third child, and serious health issues), and through it all, BK was a source of strength and support.

Q: What is your favorite spot on campus?

My absolute favorite place is down by the river, especially at sunrise and sunset, as the sun shines on our beautiful campus with the cross as the backdrop.

Q: Who are your four candidates for the BK Mount Rushmore? Msgr. Houle

He was my senior religion teacher, my employer, and my friend. Maria Randle

She knew how to reach students and bring them to the next level. Val Doner – a fabulous teacher; there’s nobody better to prepare the students for college and all of the critical reading and writing Todd Orlando – gives his heart and soul to BK and has touched many lives through his years of teaching, coaching, and now as the school leader.

Q: What book would most represent who you are as a professional?

The Energy Bus - "You haven't failed until you stop trying," and The Alchemist, seemingly a journey to find treasure, but in the end, the treasure was the journey back home.

Q: Where do you hope to see BK 10 years from now?

Our administration has incredible vision that, with support from our stakeholders, I hope we can fulfill while continuing to offer a BK education to students in need. I would also like to see BK continue to update, improve, and modernize our programs and facilities to remain a vibrant college preparatory school.

Q: What do you hope to leave as your BK legacy?

I hope people see what I have for more than 30 years – that this is a special place where you will find a very loving, fulfilling community. As a family, we have tried to raise responsible, capable, and generous children in the hopes that they live out the positive Catholic values we instilled in them. Finally, I hope I’ve done my part to ensure every child feels they belong here and are always treated kindly and respectfully.

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62 ANNUAL REPOR T 2021-22

My Heart Belongs to the Red & White

Senior Samantha Moran ’23 is doing just that. Captain of the varsity cheerleading squad, a hardworking student, and a dedicated volunteer, she is an all-around Crusader and friend to all. Samantha is the second in her immediate family to attend Bishop Kenny, following in the footsteps of her brother Zach ’21. Their parents chose BK for Samantha after her brother’s great experience in his first year and to continue her Catholic school education, which began in kindergarten at her much-loved St. Paul’s Catholic School.

During her years on Kingman Avenue, Samantha has been involved with various activities and says, “Cheerleading is my favorite because of the family relationships that have developed over the last four years, but I am also proud to have been elected student government secretary.” Samantha has also performed an impressive 279 service hours and counting while at Kenny. She calls out her time at Camp I Am Special this past summer as her favorite service activity, “I loved building a special bond with my camper and witnessing the joy on everyone’s faces throughout the week.”

With plans to study communication at Florida State University, Samantha’s goals for the future include becoming a sports broadcaster and having a family. She will miss BK and the people here, particularly the family and faith connection on campus. In the spirit of that connection and to ensure others can have the same wonderful experience she has had at BK, Samantha has been involved in the BK Day of Giving #OneMoreCrusader challenge. “I’ve had such a great experience at BK that I feel called to help other students have the same opportunities.”

When asked to define the spirit of a Crusader, Samantha says, “It means being passionate about your faith, involved in your school, and proud to be a part of the Bishop Kenny family.” Samantha has certainly professed that spirit, and we are proud to call her a Crusader.


Started in 2021, the #OneMoreCrusader challenge was issued by alumna and faithful BK supporter Carla Harris ’80. Students are challenged to raise $1,500 per class to support tuition assistance, with Carla matching their fundraising up to $5,000. Combined with the BK Day of Giving on February 1, 2022, our generous community raised more than $50,000. We look forward to our next challenge on January 31, 2023, as we continue to open our hearts to #OneMoreCrusader.

Carla Harris ’80 is the senior client advisor and former vice chairman of wealth management at Morgan Stanley, as well as a celebrated gospel singer, speaker, and author. Raised in Jacksonville, Florida, Carla attended Bishop Kenny and graduated with honors. She went on to attend Harvard University, where she graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in economics and later earned a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School with second-year honors. She is the 2021 recipient of the University of Notre Dame’s Laetare Medal, the oldest and most prestigious honor given to American Catholics, and she is the namesake of a named scholarship at Bishop Kenny and the Carla Harris Performing Arts Center on campus.

“Into each day put one teaspoon of spirit, a dash of fun, a pinch of daring, and a heap full of laughter.”
SAMANTHA MORAN ‘23, 2022 Homecoming Queen
-author unknown

A Legacy Worth Working For

Isabella Farhat ‘23 has always wanted to be an attorney, and when the Jacksonville area suffered significant impacts from rising water during Hurricane Irma in 2017, she decided to focus specifically on environmental law. As the daughter of an alumnus of the University of Florida, she began to work towards her goal of one day attending UF to pursue that career.

Isabella is a conscientious student and has maintained a challenging academic schedule while at BK. For her senior year, she is taking five advanced placement courses, including AP Capstone.  She is a member of the English, Latin, Mu Alpha Theta, Rho Kappa, and National Honor Societies and is also involved with The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, BK Ambassadors, and serves as an Extraordinary Ministry of Holy Communion.  She also manages to compete as a two-sport athlete on the cross-country and track teams.

This summer, Isabella attended the University of Florida’s 2022 Florida Youth Institute (FYI). The one-week residential summer program is for rising high school juniors and seniors interested in learning more about college majors and career opportunities in life sciences, biological engineering, natural resources, and Florida agriculture. With the hopes of one day working for the EPA, the program felt like a great first step.

“I went into the program thinking everybody was going to impress me,” Farhat said. “We met industry experts and farmers, and they exceeded my expectations. It was one of the best weeks of my life by far. I learned so much and met some amazing people.”

Isabella’s hard work is paying off. Her dream of attending UF this fall is coming to fruition as she was one of seven FYI students offered a scholarship to the UF College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) for 2023-24. “These scholarships are given to students who stood out during the

week for their curiosity and meaningful interactions with peers, speakers, and program staff,” CALS Dean Elaine Turner said.

Looking to the next chapter of her life, Isabella is grateful for the many blessings she has received at Kenny, including service opportunities like the Thanksgiving food drive and having religion integrated into campus life. She has this advice for future Crusaders, “Get involved. BK offers a diverse set of activities; there is truly something for everyone.”

When she graduates from BK in the spring, Isabella will join the many members of her family who are Crusader alumni. She will close her student chapter in BK’s history, but we look forward to seeing what legacy she leaves beyond Kingman Avenue.

64 ANNUAL REPOR T 2021-22


The BKHS ESI connects our Catholic identity with our school’s efforts to build and operate an environmentally responsible campus and imparts the moral importance of protecting our natural environment to our students and school community.  Guided by our faith and the papal encyclical, Laudato Si’ on the care of our common home, we recognize that this responsibility is for the common good of our church, our community, our nation, and our planet, and we will further this initiative by focusing on the following goals:

1. Reducing environmental impact and costs while maintaining an emphasis on our people, the planet and our finances

2. Improving health and wellness and investing in the social well-being of our campus community

3. Providing effective environmental and sustainability education

We are focusing our environmental sustainability initiatives through



Our goal is to continue to reduce our carbon footprint through the increased use of solar technology. A 2020 solar feasibility study determined that a commercial solar photovoltaic system can be strategically incorporated into future renovations and construction while having a positive impact on our triple bottom line.

We are excited to continue these efforts under the leadership of our ESI team members and to pursue opportunities for our students to become involved firsthand. We invite the entire Bishop Kenny community to cultivate environmentally conscious decisions that support the well-being and sustainability of our planet and society through practices on and off campus.

LEARN MORE ABOUT THE BKHS ESI www.bishopkenny.org/about/esi

Environmental Science classes include vegetable gardening in outdoor raised beds as part of their curriculum. This allows students to explore classroom concepts in a practical setting, engages students in conversation about food sources, and allows them outdoor instructional time.

Answering the Call


Behind every great school, there is an intricate support system of people that come together to dream of what’s next and make those dreams a reality.

School administration and staff, dedicated parents, donors, and even students come together to take on projects no one group alone could successfully navigate. At Bishop Kenny, that story of support and cooperation is not complete without mentioning the BK Boosters.

BK Boosters has a long tradition of supporting the athletic and extra-curricular programs at Bishop Kenny.  Through three annual events, the golf tournament in the fall, the school auction, and tuition raffle in the spring, they raise money to help pay for things like team uniforms, post-season travel, and trophies for student-athletes.  BK Boosters also receive financial requests from student groups like the Robotics Team, BKHS Theatre, and Campus Ministry.  Over BK’s history, they have also generously answered the call on several major, multi-year pledges when the school undertook projects like air-conditioning the gym, upgrading the baseball or football stadiums, and renovating the weight room.

“In addition to the financial benefit they provide BK’s student programs, BK Boosters fundraisers are important community events that allow Crusaders to gather, socialize, and support this great school,” says BK Booster President Anthony Parete ’80.

Support for this organization’s efforts comes in many forms, and Bishop Kenny is grateful for the many people that have volunteered their time and talents or made donations to the Boosters. You have answered the call for BK students and their success is part of your legacy.


2022 FHSAA 2A Girls’ 4x400
State Champions
Boys’ State Champion

The weight room renovation in 2008 included eight power racks and several multi-use machines to elevate the quality of the facility to that of many small colleges. At the time of the renovation, BK Boosters President Anthony Parete ‘80 said, “The weight room is utilized for conditioning by nearly every athletic team, making this an ideal project for the BK Boosters to undertake. We try to sponsor projects that will impact as many students as possible.”


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I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.


The Bishop Kenny Ambassadors Council is a group of proud alumni and friends of Bishop Kenny who volunteer their time and expertise for the advancement of the school. Ambassadors grow the school’s circle of friends and philanthropy by sharing the Bishop Kenny story in our community and connecting people who are passionate about Catholic education.


Bishop Kenny taught me the importance of serving others and giving back to my community.  Whether a monetary gift, participating in the golf tournament, or promoting the importance of supporting the school, every act holds the same amount of meaning. Service and philanthropy are incredibly important to my entire family and me, and we do it to support the vision, mission, and values of Bishop Kenny.”


Joe Bradley ’84

Mike Cascone ’61

Pete Corrigan ‘78

Dick Erickson

Ed Fleming

Charlie Kauffman

Lou Larmoyeux

Karen Mathis

Jorge Morales ‘65

We are each being called; it is our time to build, repair, and expand. It is our time to make sure our children and grandchildren have the opportunity to attend safe and excellent Catholic schools and to hear every single day that Jesus loves them.”

Damon Olinto ’79

Trenton Parete ’10

Beth Reichard ’92

Patty Taggart Rose Walsh ’12

68 ANNUAL REPOR T 2021-22
“ This is how change happens.

Crusaders Connect Through Volunteerism

The commitment to volunteerism by the Crusader community is one of the greatest strengths of our school. Service is part of our mission and a cornerstone of a BK education. Through this practice, we reinforce the belief that we are more than a campus; we are a Catholic community of parents, students, and staff dedicated to our school, but even more so, dedicated to each other.

One step on campus for an event or activity and you will see the hard work of our volunteers coming together to ensure our campus is always the community of faith so many Crusaders call home.

Bishop Kenny would like to acknowledge our many volunteers for their heartfelt dedication and service during the 2021-22 school year. From running the concession stands and keeping stats during athletic events, to helping with the Thanksgiving food drive and serving on the Ambassadors Council - together you gifted thousands of hours in support, and your leadership demonstrates the spirit of a Crusader.

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One gesture. One person. One moment at a time. ”

“In the words of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, ‘Every Catholic educational institution is a place to encounter the living God.’ I joined the BK family in 2021 and now serve as a religion teacher, coach, and campus minister. I’m proud to be a part of a school that counterculturally embraces and promotes this encounter with Christ through a faith-based curriculum, service opportunities, and

I love seeing students who, by God’s grace, answer the call of Jesus Christ. They gather to commune with Christ through morning prayer, Mass, and Friday Reconciliation; they are growing in their faith through Kairos and Catholic Athletes for Christ, and they are going out into the world to serve the

In doing so, they live our faith mission and profess the spirit of a Crusader.”

My favorite thing about Bishop Kenny is receiving Holy Communion from my students. Having our seniors serving as Extraordinary Ministers and having them bring God to me is why I love Bishop Kenny.

- Scott Thomas, Science Department and Practical Arts Department

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Once installed, they assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at school Masses and other liturgies celebrated throughout their senior year. This program was honored with participation from 14% of seniors from the class of 2022.They also serve the school community through

ANNUAL REPOR T 2021-22 71
“Above all, faith is the Spirit of a Crusader”

Bishop Kenny is doing great things, and as we reflect on 70 years of the school, we know it is all possible because of the generosity of families, alumni, friends, faculty, staff, and students who share a belief in our mission, vision, and values. We ask you to prayerfully consider how you can step up

for the next 70 years.

72 ANNUAL REPOR T 2021-22Leave more than memories behind...

VISIT A drive on Kingman Avenue might bring back memories, but more importantly, you will see our shared vision and your legacy in action. We invite you to visit the campus to see our new classrooms, labs, and hear about our plans for the future.

VOLUNTEER Our thriving 55-acre campus is full of opportunities to get involved, reconnect, and support Bishop Kenny. Volunteering is an essential facet of campus life.

PARTNER Join our incredible team of corporate sponsors who make a significant impact on campus through event sponsorships and campus expansion projects.

NAME Make your mark on campus through naming opportunities. Currently, our new biology lab and NJROTC training facility are available to be dedicated.

CONNECT Like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram and Twitter @bishopkennyhs to stay up to date with all things BK.

DONATE Make a gift of any amount to build your legacy and honor Bishop Kenny’s mission of preparing students for college and life.

Make your gift online.

Mail your gift.

Bishop Kenny High School Office of Advancement

1055 Kingman Avenue Jacksonville, Florida 32207

Vincent Saladino

Vice Principal of Institutional Advancement SaladinoV@bishopkenny.net

B I SHO P KENNY H IG H SCHOOL 1055 K i n g m a n Av e n ue Ja cks o n v ill e , F lorida 32207 @Bi sh o p Ke n n yH S B ish o p Ke n n y. o r g

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