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Bishop Kenny High School Volume 67 | Issue 3 | Jacksonville, Fla.

Reach for the Stars



The Shield is a member of FSPA. It is published six times a year by journalism students at Bishop Kenny High School 1055 Kingman Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. 32207 phone: (904) 265-9390 fax: (904) 398-5728 The policy of The Shield is to provide a forum for student expression. If you are interested in advertising in The Shield, email for more information. Letters to the editor are encouraged; names can be withheld upon request. Editor-in-Chief Rita Albert Copy Editor Rachel Lechwar Managing Editor Sports Editor Dailey Jackson Business Manager Katie Loberger Web Manager Emily Yalch News Editor Destiny Tran Features Editor Kaitlyn Bateh Opinion Editor Tara Shear A & E Editor Reilly Nance Staff Reporters Ilaria Georgi Alyssa Hampton Abigail Parker Sarah Roberts Ethan Sapp Mary Shoemaker Meghan Williamson Adviser Jessica Durbin

NEWS 3 10


FEATURES 11 12 14 15 16 18


A&E 20 21 22 23 24


OPINION 25 26 27


SPORTS 28 30 31


disability. Demonstrate respected leadership on the world stagerepair relationships with America’s allies and reclaim America’s longstanding position as the moral and economic leader of the world. Making sure American

democracy includes everyone- fix finance, voting rights and gerrymandering, the redrawing of district lines to favor one political party or class.

Bernie Sanders has six main ideas for his campaign: A welcoming and safe America for all- stand up for America’s values accepting refugees, asylum-seekers and families who come to the United States in search of the American Dream. Medicare for all- join every other major country to guarantee healthcare to all

people. Some Americans do not want to go to the hospital because of debt from bills. Green New Deal- address the climate crisis and work on using more renewable resources. College for all- make public college and university tuition-free and cancel all student debt by taxing the rich.

Workplace Democracyuse the trade union movement to rebuild the middle class in America again. Housing for all- expand Social Security benefits for all recipients, protect pensions and guarantee home and community-based long-term care services. https://berniesanders. com/?nosplash


Elizabeth Warren has six main ideas for her campaign: Strengthen the Democracy- start with a constitutional amendment to protect the right of every American citizen to vote and have every vote counted. Rebuild the Middle Classmake structural changes to put economic power back in the hands of the American people and worker unions. Equal Justice Under

Law- end racial disparities, banning private prisons, embracing community policing and demilitarizing local police forces, comprehensive sentencing reform on America’s laws to decriminalize marijuana. End Washington Corruption- end lobbying by closing loopholes, ban foreign governments from hiring Washington lobbyists and shutting down the ability

of lobbyists to move freely in government jobs. A Foreign Policy for Allstrengthen labor standards to bring home all the troops from overseas. Fight for a Green New Deal- create better union American jobs in clean and renewable energy, infrastructure and manufacturing h t t p s : / / e l i z a b e t h wa r re n . com/plans


Pete Buttigieg has four main ideas: Climate ChangeImplement a Green New Deal with all the available tools, including a carbon taxand-dividend for Americans and support major direct investment to build a 100% clean energy society. Gun Control- Institute universal background checks, ban assault weapons and

high-capacity magazines, close major loopholes that allow gun abusers to receive firearms and establish a nationwide gun licensing system. Immigration- Include a pathway to citizenship for immigrants living, working and paying taxes in America; provide resources to end the backlogs in lawful immigration and asylum

processes; and implement reasonable security measures at the border. Health Care- Create a Medicare for All Who Want It plan that will implement universal health care, it will give Americans the choice to choose the current plan they are on or switch to Medicare.



Joe Biden has three main ideas for his campaign: Rebuild the backbone of the country: the middle class- rebuild the middle class, and make sure everyone is included in society regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or


abandoning the values upon which America had been founded, an admission and acknowledgement of our current immigration system and its ineffectiveness. Economy- bring back small to medium businesses and push for federal legislation to repair and replace infrastructure . Education- make sure the

Department of Education is paying the correct amount on taxes, create an environment that actually supports the concept of equal opportunity. Environmentpreserve the environment to the greatest extent that America reasonably can. en/issues-2/

Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld believes in a wellrun economy, a pragmatic foreign policy and moderation on social issues. He has six policies he is endorsing but has five main categories his campaign is focused around: Policies- foreign policy, jobs and economy, tax and spending, firearms, immigration and education. Criminal Justice Reformfix prison overcrowding,

reform of the criminal justice system centering around the War on Drugs, encouraging bail reform and better enforcement of federal civil rights laws. Homeland Security and Counterintelligencemore security for the border new policies for organized crimes and drug overdoses that remain dangerously out of control. Health Caremore

individual consumer choices for both costs and coverages, more competition that drives prices down and more aid to the Veterans Administration. The Opioid Crisis- use defenses of family and state government first, and then let the federal government be the next line of defense. policies/

Graphics by Rita Albert

Roque (“Rocky”) De La Fuente’s campaign slogan, “Together we are stronger.” There are five issues on which he is basing his campaign: Health Carelower cost, improved quality, and readdress healthcare reform in a way that addresses cost and quality along with access. Immigrationmaintain secure borders without



expanding apprenticeship programs, bringing businesses and educators together to ensure high-quality classroom instruction and on-the-job training. https://www.donaldjtrump. com/about/


the United States borders by constructing a border wall, keep jobs in the country, take care of veterans, strengthen the military and law enforcement and renegotiate bad trade deals, creating a government of, by and for the people. Trump is also


Donald Trump’s slogan for his campaign is ‘Keep America Great.’ President Trump is implementing his ‘America First’ platform, continuing his promise to the American people to lower taxes, repeal and replace Obamacare, end stifling regulations, protect





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Students earn accolades in annual science fair competition Meghan Williamson • Staff Reporter


he seventeenth annual Northeast Florida Science and Engineering Fair (NEFRSEF) was held at the Florida Blue Conference Center on February 10. Students from 11 area schools competed to receive an award in one of 13 judging categories. In the past seven years, BK has taken home awards in almost every single category, and this year, they followed this same pattern. This year at NEFRSEF, BK took home 28 special awards, as well as 14 place awards. There were 37 participants from BK for

the competition, compared to the 36 students from 2019. Last year, BK took home 15 place awards as well as 32 special awards at the annual NEFRSEF competition. Overall, this year at science fair BK’s students received fewer awards than last year’s students did, but the school still performed well, according to science department chair Vicki Schmitt. “This year we had many of our participants from past years work in teams,” Schmitt said. “That made our results for this year better than what

we anticipated.” Junior Gabriella Khazal began participating in science fair in fifth grade at San Jose Catholic School and has continued throughout high school. “It’s just something I really enjoy participating in,” Khazal said. She attended the state fair and took home one special award from the U.S. Air Force in 2019. “I don’t go to win; I just go for the experience and learn some things while I’m there,” Khazal said. Every BK student is

Juniors Lauren Massais and Lily England measure out amounts of polyvinyl alcohol for their science fair project.


invited to participate in the science fair, but most choose not to compete. Those who choose to participate and attend NEFRSEF are typically surprised by all the competition has to offer. “I wasn’t expecting to enjoy the competition as much as I did,” sophomore Frankie Alvarez said. “I just did it because I was required to for class, but I actually really liked working on my project and being able to see other high school students who spent the same amount of time on their project as I did and put so much effort in.”

YOUNG EYES ON DISCOVERY Senior MaryAlice Young develops aerospace technology for science fair Rachel Lechwar • Copy Editor


any students claim to set their goals high, but how many can say they are shooting past Earth’s atmosphere? Senior MaryAlice Young certainly can. Since eighth grade, she has been developing a technology to ease the burden of space travel and is working on a patent for her work. “Ever since I was really young, I wanted to be an astronaut,” Young said. “I wanted to go into space, but that’s changed over the years.” She developed an interest in aerospace engineering with a focus on developing spacecraft. Through the science fair, she discovered this passion. An avid sci-fi fan, MaryAlice was inspired by “Star Trek” for her science project in eighth grade, replicating the electromagnet technology to adjust to the lessened gravity in space. “In reality, if we want to go farther in space, there has to be some way to simulate gravity,” Young said. “So, this has not been done before.” The distance from major forces of gravity, like Earth, has detrimental effects on

astronauts’ bodies, including bone and muscle loss. They have to engage in exercises in space to maintain strength, according to Young centered her research around developing a solution using electromagnets and has spent each consecutive year building on her findings and increasing the complexity of her technology. In ninth grade, she developed a circular corridor and manually moved electromagnets to model the up and down movement of walking. In tenth grade, she designed a computer program to change the currents on its own. She further increased the involvement of the program in eleventh grade by setting up an entire walking system instead of only one electromagnet, building an apparatus to simulate the movement. “The most rewarding thing for me is just being exposed to a whole new realm of science and understanding,” Young said. There have been tangible rewards for MaryAlice Young as well. Last year, she made it to the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF)

and earned first place for an aerospace award and fourth in her category. Each year, she has made it to the regional level to take first or second place. “Two years ago when they said I was going to international, I cried because that was my main goal for a while,” Young said. “I didn’t care if I got anything at the fair, I just wanted to go.” This year, she and her sister, sophomore Izabelle Young joined forces to progress in the development of her goal: a suit. They attempt this on a smaller scale, using a glove with an electromagnet inhibitor material and various sensors. MaryAlice and Isabelle Young earned first place and five special awards in the regional competition on Feb. 11. They will be moving on to international science fair once again and aim to earn a top three prize. She has built upon the feedback of judges from past fairs to include experimentation on the potentially harmful effects of electromagnets on the human body. Izabelle Young used planaria, free-living flatworms,

in her science project last year and brings her experience to use them for testing on this project. “The greatest reward has been getting closer to my sister,” Izabelle Young said. “She always used to talk about physics stuff and I didn’t really understand. Now I can just talk to her about it as well, and it’s just really cool.” Science fair has literally paid off for MaryAlice Young, though all of her award money has gone into funding her ongoing research. She aims to continue developing her suit at the Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) where she will have access to more resources. “If there was ever any doubt, there’s no doubt now,” MaryAlice Young said. “I definitely want to do aerospace engineering. It embodies a bunch of stuff I am already interested in, so science fair helped me in that respect, solidifying what I wanted to do.” BELOW: Senior MaryAlice Young and sophmore Isabelle Young earned first place in the regional science fair and will advance to the international competition. Photos courtesy of MaryAlice Young



Behind the lens of media club Crusader Vision Destiny Tran • News Editor


ver wished you could be in two places at once? Thanks to Crusader Vision, you kind of can. Bishop Kenny’s broadcasting club, Crusader Vision, provides a way for families who aren’t able to physically attend high school events to share in the experience in a unique way: via live-streaming. “It brings the families into the event when they can’t be there,” sponsor Dawn Huskey said. Crusader Vision, working with Athletic Director Mark Thorson and head coaches of eight different sports, broadcast using the National Federation of State High School Associations website, also known as NFHS. They also live-stream major events including Bishop’s Mass and Graduation. Crusader Vision staffers work with a wide range of equipment including tripods, cameras, and a shotgun microphone. Staffers sometimes face challenges managing wires and communicating over headsets with one another to make sure they are covering the right angles. It’s important that they cover the essential shots because the broadcast is live. “The most difficult part would be when the technology goes out on us,” Huskey said. “When things go wrong, we have to figure

out on the spot and make it happen immediately because people are waiting.” The club used to communicate with wired headsets that made the work tedious, but the school’s athletic department paid for new wireless headsets because Crusader Vision and the athletic department support one another. On game days, it’s not unusual for Huskey to stay on campus past 9 p.m. “I do it because it’s about digital representation at the school,” Huskey said. The club consists of approximately 20 members, and students can join at any time during the school year. There are no requirements to join Crusader Vision, but annual club dues are $25. The officers can teach new members how to set up all necessary equipment, use the cameras and film the events. Additionally, students receive community service hours through their work with the club. “I’m so proud of all the kids and how much they do for it,” Huskey said. “It’s a lot of service hours outside of school and the students and the group make it worthwhile as well as the players and parents.” BELOW: Senior Emily Voykovic records annual National Signing Day on Feb. 5.


WILL JOYCE Senior Will Joyce is president of Crusader Vision. “I joined Crusader Vision because I enjoy not watching what’s being filmed, but what’s behind the scenes,” Joyce said. Joyce makes all broadcast schedules, consulting with head coaches to see which games should be live streamed. “The best part would be talking to people during games,” Joyce said. “It can be serious but most of the time it’s heartening.”

ANDREW HELOW Senior Andrew Helow is secretary of Crusader Vision. Helow helps Joyce with whatever he needs. He joined the club so he could learn more about broadcasting and videography. “I initially joined Crusader Vision because filmmaking was and still is a passion of mine,” Helow said. “Broadcasting the Bishop Kenny games would allow me to get more experience in camera work.”

SAVANNAH MULLINS Senior Savannah Mullins is treasurer of Crusader Vision. As treasurer, Mullins collects dues from all members to help pay for staff dinners on long work nights. “We all have a good relationship and we all get along really well,” Mullins said. “I think it’s a good club to join, especially if you want to be part of something and you want to make new friends.”

KISSED Katlyn Reilly

Stepping out she saw the glow Reached forward all in one flow Locked up in that place too long It called out to her Like a blue jay’s morning song Finally free One touch and it all had begun She tasted the freedom She felt the warmth As she was kissed By the sun

ey usk



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Submit to the final prompt of Pieces Literary Magazine: endings. Have your original art or writing featured in the next Issue of The Shield and Pieces!


THROUGHOUT SPACE AND TIME Timeline of space travel exploration Abigail Parker • Staff Reporter


lready in 2020, the Trump administration has established a military branch called the Space Force that prepares for space engagement, making the United States

the only nation with an independent space force. As a result, people have named space exploration as the “new frontier” because of the unknown expanse of space; scientists have yet


Spirit, the first Mars Exploration Rover, lands on Mars.


NASA’s first mission to Pluto and its moons, New Horizons, launches from Cape Canaveral, Fla.


Ion-powered probe Dawn launches an eight-year mission to the two largest space rocks in the solar system, the dwarf planet Ceres and the asteroid Vesta. The Space Age, which started with Sputnik 1, turns 50 years old.

to detect any signs of an “edge” to the universe. Here is a list of some notable discoveries in the past two decades.


NASA’s Curiosity Rover discovers signs that ancient Mars could have supported life.


The European Space Agency successfully lands a spacecraft on a comet zooming at nearly 40,000 mph between Mars and Jupiter.


NASA’s Kepler Telescope discovers almost 1,300 alien planets.


NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope takes the first visiblelight photograph of a planet circling another star.



For the first time in almost 100 years, Americans witness a total solar eclipse.

NASA scientists find water on the moon and ice water is found on Mars.

For the first time, researchers detect an object in Earth’s solar system that originated from outside of the system.



NASA’s space shuttle program, Houston, is shut down after its final shuttle mission lands on Earth.

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope spots Icarus, the farthest normal star ever seen, which lies nine billion light years away.


The Hubble Space Telescope captures the farthest photo into the universe. NASA’s Kepler Telescope discovers 26 alien planets in 11 solar systems.


The first close-up snap of a blackhole as big as our solar system is taken. The blackhole is 53 million lightyears away.



Incorporating mindfulness into daily life Rachel Lechwar • Copy Editor Destiny Tran • News Editor


o you ever find yourself going into autopilot while walking to classes? Or unable to tear yourself away from tasks you have to complete while trying to enjoy a vacation? What about constantly replaying the day’s events as you try to go to sleep? In a lifestyle that thrives on productivity and connectivity, many find it difficult to unplug from these distractions. But researchers and psychologists alike have pinpointed one solution to ease these distractions and improve the quality of life: mindfulness. Mindfulness is simply being aware of the present moment. This means consciously removing one’s thoughts from any other time and instead focusing on events as they unfold without judgment. “Mindfulness teaches you to stop, pay attention to what you’re doing, then move forward,” Professional Life Coach Dr. Asha Jaleel said. Jaleel implements mindfulness in her practice,

working with clients who have chronic pain or ADHD. Mindfulness is employed during therapy, in the workplace and at school as a means of coping with negative emotions and stress. It encourages people to accept negative emotions as a part of the human experience instead of resisting them. In the past decade, psychologists have discovered the scientific benefits of mindfulness as the practice became more widespread.

IMPROVES MENTAL HEALTH Several studies point to decreased anxiety and depression in those who practice mindfulness. In a 2018 Harvard study, MRI scans displayed less activity in the amygdala, the fear control center of the brain, after an eightweek mindfulness meditation period. Researchers scanned the brain while participants engaged in normal activities to conclude that the effects of


mindfulness carries into daily life, according to The Harvard Gazette. The same eight-week program is designed as a form of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) intended to prevent relapses of depression, reducing the risk by 43 percent, according to the American Psychological Association (APA).

good study habit to be in the present moment, not thinking about what is going to happen two days from now or in the weekend. The more you practice mindfulness, the less automatic you’ll be as a human being.”


Mindfulness improves working memory, correlating a higher state of mindfulness with the ability to remember old stimuli relative to new stimuli, according to The National Center for Biotechnology Information. When one can remain focused on the present moment, it increases focus and thus allows more information to be encoded. It also develops selfobservation, which allows a better understanding of self and allows more adaptive responses to stress, according to the APA.

Students may attest to the distractions that exist when faced with loads of homework. Even students who do not experience depression or anxiety may not be best utilizing their time to finish assignments. A University of British Columbia-Vancouver study of 2,000 students used a Mindfulness Attention Awareness scale to test mindfulness, and those who scored higher also had higher test scores. “It helps you get into the zone,” Jaleel said. “It is a


Psychology and religion and teacher Alex Maples

incorporates mindfulness in her courses. She created Mindful Mondays this school year by doing activities such as journaling, drawing and quiet breathing. These activities are ways to help the students relax and find the best technique for their mindfulness. “I think it would be really great to incorporate in any class,” Maples said. Cortisol is a stress hormone that serves as an alarm system for dangerous situations, according to Mayo Clinic. Practicing mindfulness lowers cortisol and helps slow down thoughts. Maples recommends breathing exercises, short walks and morning rituals. “How you start and end your day is really important,” Maples said. “A lot of people start their day in a rush and end their day on their day on their phone to numb out what they’re thinking about. It’s good to start your day with intention and end the day with intention.”

Students have told Maples that Mindful Monday makes them happy. The 10 minutes dedicated to mindful thinking, they tell her, has helped them feel relieved and relaxed. Maples also serves as sponsor for the Empathy Group, organized by seniors Tyler Thompson and Anaje Austin. The group promotes mental awareness in hopes of improving overall student wellbeing on campus, and its 10 members have distributed green ribbons for Mental Health Awareness Month in October and invited students to write gratitude cards for their peers before Thanksgiving. They also travel to Catholic grade schools in the diocese and present to students about the importance of empathy and treating one another with respect. “I got involved because I saw a need for mental health awareness in our school community, and I wanted to do something proactive in our school and diocese,” Thompson said.



Mrs. Chin’s top five favorite movies about space Meghan Williamson • Staff Reporter


societies in Jacksonville. She worked with Jacksonville’s local Air Force Association as well as the Civil Air Patrol (CAP). In 2007, CAP began a school program intended to teach elementary through high school students about aerospace, and Chin was one of the first people in the U.S. to take part in the program.

Graphic by Rita A


rior to working at Bishop Kenny, Marketing Coordinator Carla Chin worked with NASA on programs meant for teachers. During this time, she was teaching at Christ the King Catholic School and became interested in expanding her knowledge through programs with the air and space


She later taught at San Jose Catholic School and spent three of her summers working at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. Chin worked with other teachers and experts in the aeronautic field during the summer and weekend NASA programs. Chin incorporated what she learned with these programs

into STEM education at San Jose. In 2018, she began working at BK as marketing coordinator. She is also currently Vice President of the Air Force Association for Aerospace Education Falcon Chapter #399. Chin continues to express her love for science by assitisting in STEAM Day at BK every year.

“This movie is extremely accurate. It’s very well thought out because actual NASA research went into the film process.” This film follows the story of NASA’s mission for Apollo 13 and the dangerous mission to return three astronauts to Earth after their spacecraft undergoes massive internal damage.

“This movie is only halfway accurate. It’s inaccurate in the sense that there’s no sound in space but accurate in the sense that there is actually life outside of earth that possibly could be more powerful than us.”

Apollo 13

“I always advocate that even if you see a movie, you’d do better reading the book over the movie because books always carry the thoughts of people, and this movie left out an important character that was in the book.”

October Sky


This movie tells the true story of Homer Hickam, a coal miner’s son who was inspired by the first Sputnik launch to pursue rocketry against his father’s wishes.

“This movie is very accurate as well. I prefer the book over the movie just because the book is better at describing and explaining.”

The science fiction film, “Alien,” portrays a space merchant vessel that receives an unknown transmission as a distress call. After a crew member is attacked by a mysterious life form, they soon realize there is life outside Earth.

“This movie is completely inaccurate. The whole storyline is fiction but still has the idea that space is a concept we believe. I love the idea, but the accuracy of the story isn’t there. I prefer the book over the movie, but the movie is still good.”

Ender’s Game

This movie follows Ender Wiggin in his recruitment by the International Military to lead the fight against Formics, an alien race sent to invade Earth and inflict heavy losses on mankind.

This Clint Eastwood-directed film follows retired engineer Frank Corvin in the mission to rescue a falling satellite with his old teammates in tow.

Space Cowboys

A & E | ISSUE 3 19

I don’t know where I went wrong. For Valentine’s Day, I decided to buy my girlfriend a star. You know, from one of those star registry websites where you name a star and get a certificate for it. I thought it was a super thoughtful gift, especially since my girlfriend loves to talk about outer space, aliens and constellations, and she always makes me stop if the

night sky is filled with stars. I’m pretty sure she wants to be an astronaut! When I showed her the certificate, though, she was borderline repulsed and insisted that we were moving too fast. We have been dating for five months now, and she has been distant ever since I showed her the gift. What did I do wrong? Please help me out here.


I tend to deal with a lot of confused boyfriends on this platform, but this is a new one for me. I am going to give you the best advice I can conjure. For starters, was your girlfriend showing any signs of distance before Valentine’s Day? It might not have been clear as day, but did she suddenly turn off her read receipts, leave you hanging for hours or turn off her Snap Maps? These are classic distant girlfriend moves. Perhaps you upset her beforehand, but I suppose you have already considered that as well. This leads me to believe that the fault lies with your girlfriend. You need to talk with her face-to-face and simply ask what you did wrong. I am sure she has been avoiding you, and you’ve

been feeling so overwhelmed and confused that you are scared to approach her. You need clarity, though. You need to know if she has been searching for a way out and is using the purchase of a star as an excuse to leave, as bad as that sounds. On a lighter note, perhaps she did not feel as though her gift to you was nearly as sentimental and is ignoring you until she can find something to match the thoughtfulness of your gift. Whatever it might be, you need to talk to her and remind her that she can trust you with both the good and the bad. Communication is key. Try to sort this out before it drives you mad. Who knows, maybe the love you have for each other is out of this world. Get it?

RITA RECOMMENDS ‘Just Mercy’ sheds light on death penalty Rita Albert • Editor-in-Chief WARNING: Spoilers Ahead


ed and blue strobes of light flash through the windshield over Walter McMillian’s face of fear and disbelief. The police know he did not do it, but that does not matter to them. They need someone to blame, and he is a black man from a poor community whom no one would question; he is an easy target. Adapted from the true story immortalized in a novel, “Just Mercy” highlights the injustice that black men in Alabama faced in the late 1980’s. Released on Christmas Day 2019, this film has accumulated about $45 million in the world box office to date, according to It has been nominated for awards such as Top Ten Films from the African-American Film Critics Association and a screen actors Guild Award. Just watching the trailer sent chills through my body, giving a glimpse of the raw emotion that is displayed throughout the film as characters come to grips with the harsh struggle of social

injustice. Lawyer Bryan Stevenson, played by Michael B. Jordan, interned in Alabama on death row law cases and met an incarcerated man with an upbringing similar to his. This motivates him to open a free law clinic in a state where racism is prevalent, putting himself in potential danger. Later, he meets Walter McMillian, played by Jamie Foxx, and has to work to earn his trust. Stevenson convinces McMillian to allow him to serve as his attorney. After meeting his family and demonstrating his sincerity. There are highs and lows throughout the film with revealing interrogations, important discoveries, shocking events and frustrating court scenes as Stevenson fights for justice for the unjust conviction of McMillian. Events throughout the film shed light on police brutality and racism towards black men and corruption within the justice system. For example, when Stevenson first goes to meet his clients at the prison, the white security guard uses

racial intimidation tactics to force Stevenson into a strip search. Another example is when Stevenson’s partner at the clinic, Eva, played by Brie Larson, has her family threatened because she is working with Stevenson and “stirring the pot” with McMillian’s case. Thinking about this abuse of power and racial profiling was frustrating because it is still a prevalent issue. The film showcases racism that affects the lives of millions of people around the world. It depicts realistic events that are brutal and difficult to watch. One scene where McMillian’s friend, a man who should have been in a hospital and not on death row, was put in the electric chair. As the electricity shocked his body, the loud and sudden noise echoed through the theater. This scene stunned me into instant tears, and that was not the sole occurrence while watching this film. The acting and casting were phenomenal. The actors were immersed in their characters and skillfully

displayed raw, moving emotions that express the message of the film. Photos of the real characters flashed onto the screen with the true story at the end of the film. The resemblance between the cast members and the real people was uncanny. This film was so convincing that it even shifted my opinion on the death penalty. After seeing how many undeserving people are executed on death row, I could not imagine continuing to implement the death penalty in our country, especially because of unfair, wrongful conviction and racial profiling. As Catholics, we believe in a culture of life and respect the dignity of all people. I feel like I better understand this now. Films like this are important to spread awareness on situations such as McMillian’s and to show the abhorrent practice of racism. Rush into theaters before it’s gone, or check Redbox if you’re too late— this film is not one you want to miss.

A & E | ISSUE 3 21

Trending skin care Kaitlyn Bateh • Features Editor


rom jade rollers to pore vacuums to pore strips, the beauty industry is continually developing ways to improve one’s skin care routine. Skin care is trending on Instagram feeds,

according to, and these are just a few products that have risen in popularity on social media.

Jade Roller Jade rollers are actually ancient Chinese tools advertised to reduce puffiness, sculpt and tone the face, firm skin, boost circulation, minimize fine lines, improve elasticity and detoxify pores, according to the Los Angeles Times. Although there are no clinical studies that prove these benefits, the product is said to firm skin over time and

increase lymphatic drainage. This ‘drainage’ is a type of massage treatment that uses light pressure and strokes to reduce toxins. Move the jade roller from the center of your face upward and outward; the goal is to roll the stone towards your lymph nodes so it can expand drainage. Jade rollers relax facial muscles and

provide a cooling sensation to the face, so to improve the quality and use of jade rollers, store the stone in the fridge, using it with a sheet mask and cleaning the roller regularly. Since the jade roller can spread bacteria, always clean the roller with warm water and soap after use.

Pore Vacuum Pore vacuums have the potential to effectively lift loose blackheads. Be careful with this product since the vacuum’s suction can be powerful. It is strong enough to bruise your face, causing telangiectasia, a condition where tiny blood vessels create red lines or patterns on the skin according to The most effective and safe way to use

this product is to steam your face with a facial steamer or a hot towel for 10 minutes. By steaming your face, blackheads are more likely to loosen before applying the vacuum. For best results, suction one blackhead at a time and move the vacuum around the contours of the nose, cheeks and chin to avoid suction of one area for more

than three seconds. Leaving the vacuum on the same spot for long periods of time can cause bruising. After using the vacuum, make sure to rinse your face with cold water and moisturize. Cleaning instructions vary for each pore vacuum, but always sanitize the unit properly after each use.

Pore Strips Pore strips are used to lift sebaceous filaments out of each pore. These filaments contain dirt and oil, and they leave tiny clog-free craters after removal. With regular use, nose strips can minimize the appearance of pores and reduce the amount of clogged pores in your nose. For safe and effective

use, it is crucial to use pore strips after showering or after steaming the area. Once the pore strip is placed, it hardens and attaches to the top layer of dead skin cells, dirt, hair, oil and blackheads. When the adhesive dries, the materials stick to the strip and are removed after the desired time


interval. Avoid forceful removal of the strip after it dries since it can cause skin abrasion. Also, avoid using pore strips every day, since daily use can cause damage to the skin, according to Biore. It is most effective to use this product every three to seven days.


Poem about eyesight in new year Ilaria Georgi • Staff Reporter

When the clock strikes midnight, our spirits are held high. We’ll scream, laugh and cheer; it’s time to say goodbye. Twenty nineteen was fun, but this year is anew. It’s crazy to think about how time flew. Now that it’s 2020, my hopes might come true, But as I take off my glasses, I still can’t see you. I thought that this new year would promise me more, But sadly my vision is still very poor. My eyesight is still blurry; it’s so insincere. The only thing that’s “20/20” is this new year. It gets worse as the year goes on; it’s so hard to see. My dreams were crushed without a “New Year, New Me.” For the next twelve months, I still can’t see clear. I might have better luck next year.

A & E | ISSUE 3 23


Gaze into cosmos at Bryan-Gooding Planetarium Sarah Roberts • Staff Reporter


he lights dim to a soft red, and the ceiling above turns a charcoal black. As soon as the upbeat music fills the room, bright lights emerge, filling the ceiling with vivid patterns. This continues, ending with a movie music score as designs fade out with the music. As the only planetarium in the Jacksonville area, the Bryan-Gooding Planetarium is easily accessible to those interested in space. Located on the second floor of the Museum of Science and History off the Main Street Bridge, the planetarium offers informational shows, laser light shows and concerts. The $12 admission ticket includes one space or laser show. Additional shows can be purchased at the front desk for an extra $5, and each show is at least 25 minutes long. A show runs every hour from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and occasionally until 5 p.m. For

babysitters, BK students with younger siblings or teachers who need field trip ideas, the 11 a.m. show is ideal since the program is geared towards elementary school children. Though planetariums mainly present shows about stars and Earth’s atmosphere, the most popular events at the Bryan-Gooding Planetarium are the laser light shows, according to the staff. Filled with colorful animations and music from various genres, from pop songs to movie scores. These “Cosmic Concerts” can also be enhanced with laser glasses according to Currently, the planetarium is showcasing “Molecularium,” “Family Friendly Laser Show,” “Dynamic Earth,” “Skies Over Jacksonville” and “Oasis in Space” daily. They play the “Legends of the Night: Orion” and “Tour of the Solar System” on the weekends only. Shows at the


planetarium can be ideal for getting together with a small group of friends or curing boredom on a slow weekend. I took a trip to the Planetarium the first week in January and enjoyed the shows I saw. “Molecularium” gave a simple childlike insight into the inner workings of molecules. The “Family Friendly Lazer Light Show” offered a fun variety of tunes ranging from Pop to Classical, while “Dynamic Earth” was filled with a message of how humans survive on Earth. The staff recommended to me that the best seats were towards the back, and they were not wrong. You could practically see everything from the far side of the planetarium. The planetarium offers a fun educational opportunity to those who take advantage of it. I want to return with friends that would equally enjoy it as I did. The experience takes you out of this world.


How to make 2020 your year Rita Albert • Editor-in-Chief


e’ve been waiting so long to reach turning points in our lives, from getting to high school to driving to voting. Even as we yearn for independence, we are so used to depending on our parents. Now, as graduation looms before us, we are going to be adults and the decisions belong solely to us. College is our first step into adulthood, and we are going to be accountable for every decision we make. While there can be pressure to please the ones that you love, it is important to choose the best option for yourself when it comes to this four-year decision. Take a step back to see the big picture and realize what is best for you. With new and great responsibilities approaching, pressure from family and friends can influence you to make a mistake that has a great impact on your future. We all know that parents have our best intentions in mind, but we also must begin to make decisions for ourselves as we leave childhood. There are so many paths that you could take and colleges you

could attend; it is important to research which one checks the most boxes for you, whether that be big or small, in-state or out-of-state, specialization in medicine or law. It’s never too early to start thinking about what you want to do. Those around us are not necessarily trying to pressure us, however, we may feel obligated to choose the path they think is ideal. For example, both of your parents may have attended the same university, but this does not automatically mean that it should be your top pick. Your personality may be different than your dad, for example, who lived for Greek life, but you’re an introvert who doesn’t intend to join a fraternity. Each college will specialize in certain programs of study that may be of interest to you. Although it may be tempting, don’t follow your friends to college. Being alone in a new place is scary, but being dependent on friends sets you up for possible future problems. It may seem like you will be with these friends forever, but your paths may split along the road. While

having friends is important, you are the most important character in your story and taking action for yourself is the key to being self-aware. It is also okay to take a gap year if you decide you’re not ready. Keep in mind that a gap year could set you back because you lose time and knowledge, making it harder on yourself in the long run. But taking a gap year could give you the time you need to decide what you want to pursue and also save money. Take the time to analyze the pros and cons for your specific situation before jumping into this decision. You need to set a clear path for what you want to do with your life, whether that includes college or not. Set goals and stick to them, keep up with your responsibilities, meet new people and take control of your life from college on. Truly, where you go for undergraduate school does not matter as much as you think it does. Keep pushing towards the finish line that you see.

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SHE SAID, SHE SAID Was the moon landing a hoax? Photos by Tara Shear

Ilaria Georgi • Staff Reporter Reilly Nance • Arts & Entertainment Editor



n 1969, families sat around the television set watching two men land on the moon. It was a crazy achievement, but might have been too good to be true. For over 50 years, people have theorized about inconsistencies in the televised moon landing, and I am also suspicious. The main theory is this: Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were not astronauts who went to the moon, but rather actors who were filmed in a studio. Theorists quickly detected various inaccuracies, and many of them make sense. For one, the American flag planted in the ground appeared to be waving; however, there is no air on the moon, so what could have caused the waving motion? NASA claims they built a contraption to make the flag look like it was waving, whoever was in charge of the flag was not aware that it would not wave in space. Another inconsistency is that there are no stars seen in any of the photographs. When it is dark on Earth, we are able to see the stars in the sky, but it was dark during the “landing,” so why were no stars spotted? The sky in the photos was dark, so stars should have been visible. Though NASA insists the moon landing is authentic, they were the ones behind the operation to show the Soviet Union that the United States had advanced technologies as well and, for this reason, cannot be a credible source. Therefore, all the evidence points to the moon landing being a complete hoax.




ot only was the July 20, 1969 moon landing an astounding achievement in human history, but it also paved the way for decades of space exploration that gives us an understanding of the cosmos. This voyage led to meaningful discoveries regarding our solar system. Due to the impact of this accomplishment, it is surprising that some individuals prefer to deny the validity of the moon landing and engage in countless debates to pin it as a hoax. Most conspirators’ “evidence” comes from images of the moon’s surface that astronauts transmitted back to Earth. According to The History Channel, theorists who promote the moon landing hoax conspiracy theory depend on “anomaly hunting.” This means if they cannot find an immediate explanation for something that looks odd, they decide it is evidence for a hoax. Scientific proof shoots down these anomalies. One of the most popular conspiracies among theorists is that the moon landing must be fake since the flag appears to be waving in the wind. Well, that is because it is not the standard flag we use on Earth. To allow the flag to stand in photos, NASA had to design a horizontal rod to make it stick out from the flagpole, creating a ripple effect. Another argument addresses the fact that there are no stars visible in the photos, which is simply due to the daylight exposure that was used. All the theorists’ efforts seem to accomplish is providing more evidence that the moon landing was genuine.


Negative effects of normalizing Adderall for school performance Tara Shear • Opinion Editor


ou spend hundreds of dollars on a tutor for the SAT. You use practice books and regularly study for the upcoming standardized test, hoping to finally reach your target score after countless attempts. You rest well the night before, cram in a bit more while you eat breakfast and then you are off to the exam center. Two weeks of anxiously waiting pass and you receive your score: only 50 points shy of your goal! Your friend scores at least two hundred points above you, so naturally, you ask them how they studied. “I didn’t,” she says. “I just took some Adderall beforehand, and it made me hyperfocus.” Of course, if you relate to the student who studied, you would be upset. Not only is the use of Adderall illegal when not prescribed, but it also poses serious health risks among teens and young adults. However, the use of stimulants such as Adderall is becoming normalized, or used more commonly, in high school and college for the sake of improving grades and test scores. Adderall is a prescription medication used to treat

people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to Medical News Today. The drug increases the amount of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain and reduces hyperactivity in individuals with ADHD, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Those who abuse this drug risk lifelong dependency on the stimulant since it is classified as a Schedule II federally-controlled drug by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). To put that into perspective, the painkiller morphine is also a Schedule II drug. When people without ADHD use Adderall, they are able to concentrate intently on tasks, such as standardized tests and essays. Additionally, Adderall users will feel happy, lose their appetite and feel more energized. This is why the drug is popular not only in school but also in party settings, according to The New York Times. Using this drug improperly can lead to insomnia, high-blood pressure, stroke and increased risk of mental illnesses, such as bipolar disorder and depression. If these warnings are not enough, the FDA has

imposed a black box warning on Adderall, the strictest warning that expresses the serious side effects associated with taking the drug, according to WebMD.

“The fact that there are people cramming away at night [...] just for a number and yet could still be outperformed by a peer who decides to use performance enhancing drugs is completely unfair”

senior Vivian Tran

Not only is the use of this stimulant dangerous, it is also unfair to those who do not abuse the drug. Rather than studying, or simply accepting the consequences of not doing so, students who abuse Adderall take the easy way out. The use of performance enhancing drugs to score better in school is the same as an athlete, such as Lance

Armstrong, abusing stimulants to improve his athletic abilities. “The fact that there are people cramming away at night [...] just for a number and yet could still be outperformed by a peer who decides to use performance enhancing drugs is completely unfair,” senior Vivian Tran said. Next year at Bishop Kenny, random drug testing will begin. Since Adderall contains amphetamine, one of the drugs tested for in saliva and urine sampling, a drug test will yield positive if Adderall is present in the body. Those who are prescribed Adderall must file documentation with the school in order to avoid consequences and continue usage. All told, a five-page essay is not worth having a stroke. A 1400 on the SAT is not worth experiencing hallucinations. Teenagers and young adults may feel as though they have not suffered any consequences associated with drug use, but it could easily happen the next time they take that pill. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration at 1-800-662HELP (4357) for guidance.


KICKIN’ IT Boys soccer team forms brotherhood both on, off field Dailey Jackson • Managing Editor


stood in the middle of a circle of boys soccer players. “And then we-” a boy to my left said, “curved it across the field, right under their feet!” My questions reached deaf ears, overcome by the crowd beginning to form around me. “Let the girl talk,” the boy next to him fired back. What started as a simple interview had devolved into a yelling match between players, each competing to tell his own story of how the recent victory occurred. They interrupt one another yet again: “Did you see that shot!” A fit of laughter and cheers erupts among them as they support their female counterparts competing against a rival on the field. Like the flip of a switch, the boys varsity soccer team returned to the interview once again, now discussing their weekend plans together and how exactly they wanted to “send it” during their next game. This carefree yet committed attitude while being together also applies to the boys’ season this year. The boys soccer team began its season with a win against

Ridgeview on Nov. 12 and has continued to compete against schools in northeast Florida, including Osceola, Nease, Ponte Vedra and Columbia. On Feb. 8 the boys defeated Yulee High School to win the district championship and then on Feb. 15 defeated Suwannee High School to advance to the regional finals. Not only have these games allowed the team to improve their athletic abilities, but they have also learned to bond over their hard work. Captain Mark Khadour enjoys the family atmosphere that has evolved because of their success. “My favorite memory was the Nease game when we all played well as a team and got a lot closer,” Khadour said. Both on and off the field, the players spend time with each other to help the team grow closer. Senior Ethan Mohr, goalkeeper, says that the group ensures that everyone is always having a good time together by hanging out with each other outside of school on a weekly basis. “We are always enthusiastic and there’s never a single moment where someone isn’t cracking a joke or having fun,” Mohr said. “I think we are all really closely


knit and sometimes, like with my club team, there are little cliques, but with us, we are really just one big group.” Striker and center mid Senior Jack Wilkinson looks forward to watching everyone work together. “I think that we are all very good across the board, and we have a lot of talent on the team,” Wilkinson said. “Though we may be tough on each other at times, we all just want what’s best for each other and the team as a whole.” Many varsity players have been playing soccer for nearly a decade and have trained on a recreational or club team in the past. Senior Christian Hernandez, one of the team captains, has played the sport since he was seven years old. “I remember when I was really young playing on a team, and my dad was the coach,” Hernandez said. “I practiced every day to try and make him proud.” Mohr has participated on a soccer team since he was five and now plays on both the BK soccer team and a club team outside of school. “I’ve always been an active kid, like being in shape, but the fear of being average has always motivated me,”

Mohr said. Psychology and sociology teacher Matthew Case has been coaching soccer at Bishop Kenny for 10 years, including six years as the junior varsity coach and three years as varsity coach. Case notices a difference in this year’s team as they strive for improvement both in their personal skills and the team ranking. “The want to win has never been in question,” Case said. “Everyone on the team has a true desire to be successful.” Though the team primarily focuses on future success, Case ensures that the players think about more than just the game, instead focusing on the family unit and supporting one another. “I foresee the players learning that winning games is not the most important thing,” Case said. “Hopefully they realize that losing a game is not the end of the world and that they can still be successful even if they don’t win every single game.” After defeating Arnold High School on Feb. 19, the team moved onto the state semifinals against Mariner High School, a game which it lost 5-2.

CLOCKWISE FROM BOTTOM RIGHT: Senior Mark Khadour and Sophomore Martin Pineiros battle it out during a scrimmage between the junior varsity and varsity teams. David Pepaj sets up behind the opposing team as he takes a penalty kick. Senior Tony Ledesma and Patrick Szwed dribble the ball between each other. Wilkinson passes his teammates and races towards the ball in an attempt to make a shot. The team watches as Matthew Case demonstrates the procedure for a warm up at their daily 3:45-5:30 p.m. practice. Senior Jack Wilkinson and Sean Meisler smile together during a break at practice. Andrew Pia and Rafael Montalvo prepare themselves for the oncoming ball after a goal kick from Ethan Mohr.



Javelin thrower shows versatility Dailey Jackson • Managing Editor


tudents sway nervously back and forth, waiting their turn to participate in their designated event. Some chat with fellow competitors while others are sprawled on the track or field to stretch and prepare their muscles. After warming up, senior Matthew Blaquiere stands alongside his competitors as the officials read each name out loud, taking roll. He waits patiently while the names are called out again, this time signaling each person’s time to throw. Finally, he is called; it is his turn. He steps up to the runway and sprints, feeling the air escape from his lungs as his javelin flies from his hands and through the air, landing nearly 45 meters away. A new personal record. After participating in track and focusing on the triple jump event since his freshman year, Blaquiere was given the chance to try out a new event in the summer of 2019: javelin. “I immediately fell in love with it, and now it’s just what I like to do,” Blaquiere said. “It’s what I’m good at, and I just get a ton of joy from it.” Unlike other throwing events in track, javelin involves the hurling of a large metal spear, otherwise known as a javelin. Participants line up and, depending on which school hosts the meet, rotate through the list of names until every participant has thrown between three and six times.


After an official records the distances, another rotation occurs for the preliminary round and then the final round when the first, second and third place athletes are decided. “It’s like there is a team aspect, but also you’re going against yourself,” Blaquiere said. “You have to put the work in, and you just have to be in the right mindset and put everything out there.” Track coach Loren James ensures that daily workouts are different for each runner and thrower to match their own personal weaknesses. When Blaquiere isn’t working out with Coach James, he is practicing his throws out on the field or working to improve his technique with other coaches. “It definitely has something to do with work ethic and discipline because if you’re not out there all the time trying to get better, you’re going to fall behind,” Blaquiere said. “You’re going to lose and you’re not going to get better.” He acknowledges the work and dedication he needs to put in to improve his skills and become a better athlete, no matter the event. “I’m going to go out on the track, and I know I have to run as fast as I can, throw as far as I can and jump as far as I can to beat everyone else along with myself,” Blaquiere said.


Senior pole vaulter undeterred by hard work

Mary Shoemaker • Staff Reporter


he sun is beating down. You and your teammates are joking on the side of the track, trying to relieve some anxiety. You wait for your name to be called. You step into the runway. This is the meet you have been training for all year: the state championship. Senior Jackson King has been pole vaulting at Bishop Kenny since he was a freshman. “It just looked really interesting,” King said. “My dad also used to pole vault in high school, so I guess that made me want to try.” King’s favorite part about the sport is the connections he has made through practice and meets. “The community is

really close knit,” King said. “Even though they are your competitors, everyone is still really supportive of one another.” During the season, King practices three to five days a week at BK and Bolles with pole vaulters from other schools and clubs. During practice, he works on speed and jumping drills to help improve his record. “My record is 12’6”,” King said. “This year I really hope to get 14’ and to rank at the state meet.” King said that people should know that the sport is not as hard as it seems. When he started jumping, he was tasked with clearing a height of 7’. It took him three years to improve to the height of 12’6”. “It just takes work.”

POLE VAULTING 101 Pole vaulting is a sport designed to compare how high people can jump with the aid of a pole and has been around since the mid 1800s. When someone begins pole vaulting, he or she is matched with a certain sized pole based on their height and weight. Each athlete starts by sprinting down a piece of track called a runway for about 40 yards. They then plant their pole in a metal box located at the end of the runway. Once their pole is planted, they jump off of the track, putting pressure on the pole through their arms and swinging their legs up to clear a bar resting on a pair of pegs. After they

jump, they land on a thick mat behind the bar. If the bar is still up at the end of the jump, the jumper has cleared the height and will move on to attempt a higher jump. Each athlete is given three attempts to clear each height, but if the pole breaks during the competition, it is considered an equipment failure and is not counted in the three attempts. If they are not able to clear a height, they are finished competing. Bishop Kenny has had a track team since the school opened in 1952 and pole vaulting was added to the program in the late 70’s. The team this season is made up of ten athletes; eight boys and two girls.


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