Make money with fan marketing on facebook

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Make Money with Fan Marketing on Facebook Fan marketing – everyone is doing it but not everyone is doing it well. When it comes to fan marketing, Facebook is probably the most powerful and preferred marketing engine and with good reason. Twitter and Tumblr may have millions of users but Facebook can boast of over a billion active members. More than any other social media network, people spend their time on Facebook, hours every day and collectively 700 billion a month all over the world. It is evident that Facebook is a gold mine for business owners, but is getting enough fans to like and follow your fan page enough for success? If you want to master how to make money using Facebook, your eye needs to be on the data and the data is very telling. A little reading shows that companies with millions of fans are reaching less than 7% of those people who followed their pages. Others have thousands of fans but over 95% do not comment, like, or share posts. Another data analysis shows that fans acquired through contests are less likely to participate or read your content at all but fans gained via ads are just as active as those gained through content. And all the data shows that content is, as always, paramount to success. To understand how to make money using Facebook, you need to understand your fans and what they want from you and your Facebook page. The data would show that using a contest to get likes would work to better effect if it isn’t done too often. It also shows that it isn’t enough to get those likes; you need to keep your fans engaged by staying visible and by investing in high quality content. The goal is to go beyond one-way sharing from you to them and to actually reach a dialogue where your fans feel free to comment, to like, and to share. That’s why companies who ‘talk’ about more them themselves and their products have a higher success rate of spreading their links throughout Facebook. Let’s say you’re a fusion Japanese restaurant known for modern sushi maki and rice bowls. It makes perfect sense for you to post photos of your best dishes to whet your fans’ appetites, but you also need to go beyond that. Ask yourself, who is your main demographic? If it’s the younger generation who are just as interested in Japanese culture as in Japanese food, you can post tidbits that would pique their interest. If Japan is celebrating White Day, post about it and tell them about how it’s like Valentine’s day only it’s women who give chocolates to the men. If they tag you on the photos of dinner that they had in your restaurant, re-post their photos and thank them for dining with you. It’s all about creating a community among your fans, your restaurant being what they have in common. Fan marketing is the opposite of static, one-way marketing. It always needs to be two-way to succeed and it thrives on participation. And don’t forget; it goes beyond getting those fans and relies on keeping them engaged and active on your social media page. With these things in mind, you’ll be well on your way to succeeding in Facebook fan marketing. Want to learn more about what works on Facebook fan marketing? Grab the chance to master how to make money using Facebook watching how the experts do it on our Facebook community of entrepreneurs! Visit for more information about How to Make Money with Fan Marketing on Facebook Other articles you will find interesting:

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