MEMBER PROFILE Fireflour Pizza Pg. 10
BIS-MAN SEES GROWTH IN 2019 2019 Year-End Economy at a Glance Pg. 13
ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FORUM Tuesday, March 24 Pg. 15
Connection MARCH 2020
Brian Eiseman .....................................................................Chair Val Weigel ..................................................................Vice Chair Kevin Strege .................................................................Secretary Mike Schmitz ................................................................Treasurer Molly Herrington ....................................................... Past Chair
Steve Bakken ......................................................City of Bismarck Scott Davis .........................................................City of Mandan Brian Eiseman ...............................................Stoneshire Builders Heather Fried ....................State Farm - Fried Financial Services Molly Herrington .........................................................Individual Chris Jones ...................................ND Dept. of Human Services Karl Lembke ......................................................Vaaler Insurance Allan Miller ............................................................Anyleaks, Inc. Dr. Sara Weigel Ness ..............................Active Life Chiropractic Jim Peluso .........................................................Burleigh County Marnie Piehl ...........................................Bismarck State College Matt Sagaser ......................................................Doosan Bobcat Mike Schmitz ......................................Schmitz-Holmstrom CPAs Cody Schulz ........................................................Morton County Garret Senger ...............................Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. Kevin Strege ................................................Capital Credit Union Wendy Van Duyne .....................Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Val Weigel ..............................Basin Electric Power Cooperative Lee Weisbeck ..........................................................Starion Bank
Brian Ritter ...................................................................President Aasta Eggert .......Economic Development Marketing Specialist Ross Frohlich ............................................Membership Director Mary Masters .......................................Office Support Specialist Christine Nelson .........................Program & Marketing Director Ryan Parsons ........................................................Vice President Rebecca Rattei ................................ Communications Specialist Elliot Rust ................................................Chief Financial Officer Jaime Sabot ....................Workforce Development Coordinator Lyndsey Scheurer .................................. Communications & ED Nathan Schneider ................................................Vice President Cathryn Sprynczynatyk ................... Communications Specialist Joan Trygg ...........................Membership Engagement Director 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck, ND 58503 701-223-5660 •
CONTACT INFORMATION Content Rebecca Rattei
Advertising Christine Nelson
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CONNECTION | CHAIR'S CORNER ne of the most anticipated Chamber EDC events of the year is the Economic Outlook Forum and I say that because it’s really a two-part event.
You see, in January the Chamber EDC sent out a survey to our entire membership asking them to answer a few questions as to how they see 2020 playing out for their business. We’ll compile the results and release them at the Economic Outlook Forum on Tuesday, March 24 from 7:00am – 11:30am at the Ramkota. In addition to releasing the results of this year’s survey, we’ll also have a number of panels from different industries to inform us about factors influencing them as well as a presentation from Bernard Baumohl, Chief Global Economist of the Economic Outlook Group. One new addition to this year’s Economic Outlook Forum will be the Entrepreneur and Small Business Panel, which we’re very excited about. What’s more is that our future entrepreneurs and small business owners are the focus of another Chamber EDC event; Lemonade Day 2020! Scheduled for Saturday, June 20, Lemonade Day is one day a year where we encourage Bismarck-Mandan’s youth to start their own business in the most traditional way possible; starting a Lemonade Day stand. We’ve seen tremendous growth in the program over the past three years and If you’re interested in being a part of it this year, visit If our young people decide that owning or starting their own business isn’t the path they want to follow, we want them to know that there are plenty of other opportunities available to them. To do that, we recently hosted our fourth Job Shadow Week February 24 – 28 where more than 279 high school and college students from across Bismarck-Mandan participated in a series of two or four-hour job shadows. The intent is for our students to ‘shadow’ a professional in the career field they’re interested in learning more about and then use that experience to help guide their career paths. Of course, they can only do that if our members are willing to provide that opportunity and luckily, they are! 58 Bismarck-Mandan businesses participated and offered 110 job shadow experiences and over 740 opportunities for students, so thank you to everyone who made this year’s Job Shadow Week a great success. As you can see, we’ve got a lot going on at the Chamber EDC this spring and this is only a sampling. If you’d like to learn more, page through this month’s edition of the Connection or visit our website at And of course, you can always call me or any of our team at 701-2235660. Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber EDC!
Brian Eiseman Chair, Board of Directors @bismancedc
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North Dakota is rich in natural resources. “That is a big opportunity for us and a unique one,” said Wade Boeshans, President and General Manager of BNI Energy. “It’s driven by the geology of the state. We have these huge resources in North Dakota — huge coal resource, huge oil and gas resources, huge wind resource, and a huge biofuels resource in agriculture. We are in a state that is embracing the development of all of those resources. We are uniquely positioned to be the preferred energy provider to our region.” Between coal, natural gas oil, wind, solar, and biomass energy, North Dakota is uniquely positioned to pursue an all-of-the-above energy strategy.
How is the current coal industry in central North Dakota? BNI Energy: “The industry has been fairly stable, but not growing for the last two decades. It has a huge economic impact in central North Dakota. It’s (approximately) a $5.5 billion market. 14,000 jobs are associated with the industry. Due to the economic impact and the number of people who work in the industry, obviously the concerns in the community and the industry are understandable.” What are the challenges in the coal industry? BNI Energy: “The most significant near-term challenge is market competition,” Boeshans said. “More and more electric generation is coming into the market, but demand is not growing. Demand in the U.S. is basically flat, largely driven by energy efficiency, LED light bulbs, more efficient buildings, more efficient appliances. Even though our economy continues to grow, we use energy much more efficiently than we did decade ago. There are mandates forcing utility providers to bring more renewable energy online.
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4 4 Connection
Photo Credit: BNI Energy
The coal industry has a huge economic impact in central North Dakota. It’s approximately a $5.5 billion market, and 14,000 jobs are associated with the industry.
"You have more electricity in the market than demand. Consequently, the value of electricity gets suppressed and the market is generally more competitive. Thus, you read in the newspaper about Coal Creek (Station’s) economic challenges. “For long-term challenges there are pressures from other states to move away from fossil fuels and societal pressures to move away from fossil fuels to reduce emissions and address climate change. Currently, the Minnesota legislature is debating legislation to reduce CO2 emissions. States are implementing renewable energy or carbon reduction policies. For the coal industry, that means finding a solution for CO2 is critical.” What opportunities are coming in the coal industry? BNI Energy: “We’re uniquely positioned in North Dakota,” Boeshans said, “We have a huge source of CO2 and potentially a huge sink for CO2… One of the largest coal reserves is right next to one of the largest oil and gas reserves. If we can solve carbon capture and use it to produce more oil; marrying our coal industry and our oil industry together.... We have the potential in North Dakota to capture the CO2 and then use it to produce more oil and gas, particularly more oil. In the process, the CO2 is kept in the oil field and sequestered. That’s a real opportunity. There is a lot of research going into that right now and several projects aiming to do just that.”
What changes in policy or regulation are you seeing in the coal industry? BNI Energy: “Under the Obama Administration, there were many new regulations, further regulation emissions through the EPA,” Boeshans said, “regulations on reducing mercury and other criteria pollutants, Clean Power Plan to reduce CO2 emissions. At the same time we had natural gas, fracking come into play resulting in historically low natural gas prices. With new competition, electric market prices went down. Natural gas is now competing head to head with coal in the electric market. There is reluctance to build new coal units. It became easy to transition to natural gas. At the same time, we had new incentives for the deployment of wind — federal mandates to produce electricity from renewable resources. Mandates from states, regulation at the federal level, plus new competition in natural gas equals changes in the market. All that came together at the same time. The coal industry across the United States has been cut into half over the last decade. We’ve been fairly insulated in North Dakota. We have been economically more competitive, more resilient. We have a plant and a mine co-located, which means no railroad no transpiration costs. (Others are) railing their coal thousands of miles.” What’s on the horizon for North Dakota’s coal industry? BNI Energy: “For the coal industry to be sustainable long term, it’s going to have to address the carbon challenge,” Boeshans said. “We’re going to have to find ways to use coal without emitting CO2. The coal industry is a vital part of maintaining the electric grid, in essence keeping the lights on. The fossil fuels industry even today produces about two-thirds of electricity. Eliminating fossil fuels as being proposed in some states means replacing two-thirds of our electricity. While there are aspirations of being carbon free ... those aspirations have to be reconciled with the scientific and economic realities of keeping the lights on. That’s going to play out over the next few decades.”
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NATURAL GAS AND OIL How are the current natural gas and oil industries in North Dakota? MDU: “From the natural gas transportation side of our operations, the outlook remains positive,” said Dave Goodin, President and CEO of MDU Resources Group. “We are focused on expanding our interstate natural gas pipeline system in the Bakken region to help producers move their natural gas to market and reduce flaring of this precious resource in our state. We have recently completed some large pipeline projects in western North Dakota and have others underway." Basin Electric: “Basin Electric’s membership is projecting growth at more than twice the rate of the rest of the electric utility industry in the United States,” said Andy Buntrock, Director of Strategic Planning and Communications for Basin Electric Power Cooperative. “This has been true for the past several years. In an effort to help support our members’ rapid load growth, Basin Electric’s board of directors authorized a sixth natural gas generation unit to be added to the Lonesome Creek Station near Watford City. Also, staff is looking into either building more generation, or buying more capacity and energy in the market, depending on which option is the most prudent and economical for the membership."
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6 4 Connection
What are the challenges in the natural gas and oil industries? Basin Electric: “One of the biggest challenges we are facing is trying to keep up with our members’ load growth in a carbon-constrained world,” Buntrock said. “We’re doing our due diligence, but with load growth comes a need for resources. Whether it be coal, gas, wind, or solar, we have always been advocates of an all-of-the-above resource portfolio. We are continuously changing our energy portfolio to take advantage of renewables, while maintaining the reliability and affordability provided by resources such as coal and natural gas." MDU: “Energy production and generation also continue to outpace infrastructure development in the state,” Goodin said. “The volume of natural gas that is being produced, alongside oil, is growing faster than we can build pipelines to transport it. And we just completed construction, with a partner, of a 345-kilovolt electric transmission line from Ellendale, N.D., to Big Stone City, S.D., that is nearly at capacity already." What changes in policy or regulation are you seeing in the natural gas and oil industries? MDU: “A significant factor in being able to develop energy infrastructure is reasonable regulation,” Goodin said. “Regulation, and the application of it, needs to create assurances that companies like ours will be able to fully recover investment costs in order to commit to moving forward with projects. And we need some degree of confidence that the rules won’t change — that we won’t face future regulations that make current projects economically unfeasible or cost prohibitive for customers.” Basin Electric: “Specific to the utility industry, we are looking at implementation of the Affordable Clean Energy Rule,” Buntrock said, “which would be the first-ever limitation on carbon dioxide from existing power plants to be implemented — different from the Clean Power Plan. “Congress is divided on the issue of climate change. Democrats have introduced a bill requiring 100 percent net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 economywide. Republicans have countered with proposals to invest more in research, with a focus on technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. “The State of North Dakota continues to explore solutions to flaring and natural gas production, as well as managing the state’s other energy industries, agriculture, and landowner issues.”
Photo Credit: Basin Electric Power Cooperative
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Between coal, natural gas oil, wind, solar, and biomass energy, North Dakota is uniquely positioned to pursue an all-of-the-above energy strategy.
What’s on the horizon for North Dakota’s natural gas and oil industries? MDU: “The future for MDU Resources in North Dakota’s energy industry is bright. We expect to continue to develop electric generation sources that serve our customers, including the 88-megawatt natural gas-fired combustion unit at Heskett Station in Mandan that we previously announced. We also expect to explore opportunities to further expand utility natural gas service to unserved and underserved communities across the state. “And WBI Energy will continue to be a solution provider for the natural gas being produced in the Bakken by constructing additional large natural gas pipelines that help reduce flaring in the state and provide a safe way to transport this precious commodity throughout the region and to other parts of the country.”
WIND What are the challenges in North Dakota’s wind industry? Basin Electric: “One of the biggest challenges we are facing is trying to keep up with our members’ load growth in a carbon-constrained world,” Buntrock said. “We’re doing our due diligence, but with load growth comes a need for resources. Whether it be coal, gas, wind, or solar, we have always been advocates of an all-of-the-above resource portfolio. We are continuously changing our energy portfolio to take advantage of renewables, while maintaining the reliability and affordability provided by resources such as coal and natural gas.” What changes in technology are you seeing in the wind industry? Basin Electric: “Some of the wind projects Basin Electric purchases electricity from are being updated with newer technology,” Buntrock said. “A project is underway at the Wilton Wind Project to repower turbines with newer technology so each turbine can generate electricity more often. Thirty-three turbines were repowered at the Wilton II Wind Project, and 33 turbines are currently being repowered at the Wilton I Wind Project, a project that is scheduled to be completed by the spring of 2020.”
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Connection 3 7
FEATURE | CONNECTION What’s on the horizon for North Dakota’s wind industry? Basin Electric: “Basin Electric is dedicated to producing clean, reliable and affordable electricity to all of our members. It is our mission and obligation to continue to do this for generations to come. We will continue to advocate for an all-of-the-above resource strategy, because it means our power supply is very reliable – if one source isn’t producing, there are other options available to fill in the gaps.”
What opportunities are coming in the solar industry? Dakota Solar Energy: “North Dakota is virtually an untapped market,” Ricketts said. “We’re bringing solar to market. It’s not new in the form of technology. It’s been around since the sun has been coming out. Here there really hasn’t been any movement until recently. A lot has to do with educating consumers that they have a choice on where they buy power, and that solar does work here really well.”
Basin Electric: “For the first time in its history, Basin Electric will buy solar generation on a large scale to serve our members,” Buntrock said. “The board’s decision to add solar generation to our resource portfolio is to continue with our all-of-the-above strategy, as well as solar generation becoming a more economic energy source. We are excited about adding solar to our already diverse generation mix.”
How is the current solar energy industry in North Dakota? Dakota Solar Energy: “Exciting. The current industry is making a shift from education to transaction,” said Charlie Ricketts, CEO of Dakota Solar Energy. “A lot of our work is spending time education people that solar does in fact work here in North Dakota. As we’re doing more education, we’re seeing more transactions take place. "Comparatively speaking, North Dakota stands last in the U.S. for deployed solar power. There is a lot of room for opportunity. We see projects ranging from 300 kilowatts in size to 16 solar panels at a residential house and everything in between. “
Photo Credit: MDU Resources Group
What are the challenges in the solar industry? Dakota Solar Energy: “It’s primarily education,” Ricketts said. “Solar is a no-brainer. It’s the cheapest, most reliable source of power that we have on planet earth. A lot of what we do is explaining how that works and making sure we eliminate preconceived notions."
27 percent of MDU’s energy portfolio comes from renewables — primarily wind.
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What changes in technology are you seeing the solar industry? Dakota Solar Energy: “Battery technology is making some pretty big advancements over the last couple of years,” Ricketts said. “Solar as a technology has reached its threshold on what you can get for power. Increases in wattage really aren’t happening anymore. Prices of solar are at an all-time low. “Massive battery storage does exist and it does work, but you start looking at the financials behind it, it’s pretty expensive. Batteries are the game changer. To be able to store that power and to release that power on demand, that is the future of our grid.” What’s on the horizon in North Dakota’s solar industry? Dakota Solar Energy: “As a business we have done to-date 400 percent more business in January 2020 than we did in all of 2019,” Ricketts said. “I expect us to do 20x more business than we did in 2019. “If we strike quickly, we can really put North Dakota on the map as a large provider of solar in the marketplace.... When you’re ranked last, all you have is opportunity.”
Photo Credit: Dakota Solar Energy
Charlie Ricketts, CEO of Dakota Solar Energy, said the biggest challenge in his industry is battling misconceptions. For example, solar panels do still produce energy on cloudy days.
ETHANOL How is the current ethanol energy industry in North Dakota? Midwest AgEnergy: “North Dakota is blessed to have five unique, innovative ethanol production facilities, biorefineries, that produce over 500 million gallons of ethanol per year,” said Jeff Zueger, CEO of Midwest AgEnergy.“This creates a strong foundation for a healthy agriculture economy in North Dakota by providing a local processing market for nearly 50 percent of the state’s corn production. It affords consumers in North Dakota some of the lowest cost fuel in the world and provides a high performing competitively priced feed product called distillers grains.” What are the challenges in the ethanol industry? Midwest AgEnergy: “Our industry supports free markets and would like to enjoy the same market access as traditional fuels but unfortunately there are numerous impediments to gaining market access,” Zueger said. “Current barriers include EPA fuel use restrictions, complex infrastructure certifications, complex and incumbentfavored fuel certification processes, regulatory restrictions that favor conventional fuels, and state and federal labeling and use restrictions.”
What opportunities are coming in the ethanol industry? Midwest AgEnergy: “Because ethanol has an octane rating of 113 AKI, is renewable, clean burning, and costs less than gasoline to produce and market, it has unlimited potential,” Zueger said. “The ethanol facilities continue to improve in every measure of efficiency every day and are a model of how to convert a renewable carbon molecule into higher value products, ethanol, corn oil, distillers grains, and CO2. We need collaboration with the petroleum industry to set standards for fuel that take the benefits of conventional gasoline and combine those with ethanol at higher levels to create the super fuels of tomorrow. Automotive engine manufacturers can then design and build high efficiency, low emission engines of tomorrows vehicles. They are asking for this type of fuel and we need to work together to remove barriers to enable this opportunity for consumers.” What’s on the horizon in North Dakota’s ethanol industry? Midwest AgEnergy: “The future is unlimited for our products and facilities,” Zueger said. “Ethanol is the lowest cost, highest performing, and most environmentally friendly fuel on the planet and we need to remove market barriers to unleash its potential.”
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Fireflour Pizza has been a member of the Chamber EDC since 2012.
Kenny Howard FIREFLOUR PIZZA Q: Tell us about yourself and your role within your organization. A: My wife and co-owner, Kendra, and our kids, Lukas and Harper, live in Mandan. I graduated from Mandan High in 1996, then moved to Minneapolis to study Design Communication at the University of Minnesota. After graduating from the University, we moved to San Francisco for specific job opportunities related to our degrees. We moved back to Bismarck-Mandan in 2010 to raise our kids and open a pizzeria. My main focus at Fireflour is to provide a unique food experience through service, quality of ingredients, and the preparation of the products. This includes managing service standards, sourcing and obtaining ingredients, and training staff in techniques. In addition, I manage day to day operations including scheduling, accounting, maintenance, etc.
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Q: Briefly tell us the history behind Fireflour Pizza. A: We were first exposed to Neapolitan pizza at the original Punch Pizza in St. Paul while attending the University. We started working on the idea of owning a pizzeria while enjoying the food culture of San Francisco. In the spring of 2012, we purchased a mobile wood-fired oven. Throughout the summer, we sold pizzas at all of the local festivals and catered private parties. Later that fall, we secured a storefront in Downtown Bismarck and ordered our 2-1/2 ton Stefano Ferrara wood-fired oven, the centerpiece of the restaurant. The oven was hand built in Naples, Italy and reaches blistering temperatures up to 900 degrees. We started cooking pizzas at the end of November. The following winter we expanded Fireflour into the adjacent storefront with additional seating and a coffee bar.
CONNECTION | MEMBER PROFILE Q: How has the growth of Bismarck-Mandan impacted Fireflour Pizza? A: Opening in 2012 with the rapid population increase was definitely helpful to establish us in the community. New residents from other states were eager to find a quality focused, local, independent pizzeria. Q: What trends are taking place in your industry? A: Increased convenience options including delivery and online ordering. Gluten free, vegetarian, and vegan options continue to be on the rise. Q: Have there been any monumental changes within your industry that you’ve had to deal with? A: Nothing big, just adjusting to consumer specific diets. Q: What does the future of Fireflour Pizza look like, and the industry as a whole look like to you? A: We strive to maintain our loyal customers while exposing new customers to an exceptional pizza experience.
Q: Fireflour Pizza became a member in 2012, why do you continue to renew each year? A: We want to have a positive impact on the community in which we were raised; being part of the Chamber is part of that. Q: What should other Chamber EDC members know about Fireflour Pizza that may assist them? A: We emphasize hand-crafted, high quality ingredients and lovingly prepare them with labor intensive methods. The dough is made from scratch daily, fermenting for 48 hours before being placed into the oven for a 60 – 90 second bake. Our fresh mozzarella is hand-stretched from Wisconsin curd and the housemade fennel sausage is made from Berkshire breed pork. We also make our own gelato, serve specialty coffee, wine, and craft beer. In addition to dining at Fireflour, we offer carry-out orders, delivery, and on-site catering. We also can bring the mobile wood-fired oven to your event if you are looking for a unique catering experience. We have catered company parties, graduations, rehearsal dinners, wedding receptions, birthday parties. Follow us on;;
Connection 3 11
Let’s show the world what we can do together. Day by day. Project by project. Together we’re building better places that bring the world closer.
GETTING YOUR BUSINESS CERTIFIED “PRIMARY SECTOR” We often get asked about business assistance programs here at the Chamber EDC, and while there are a number of them, the majority offered are for certified "Primary Sector” businesses. So, what is “primary sector”? A primary sector business is one that adds value to a product, process, or service and generates revenue from outside of the state of North Dakota. Examples of primary sector businesses include manufacturing, food processing, and value-added agriculture but it is certainly not exclusive to those industries. The important aspect of primary sector businesses is by generating revenue from outside the state of North Dakota they are introducing new wealth to the state’s economy. In order to obtain primary sector certification a company must complete a short application that is considered by staff at the North Dakota Department of Commerce. The application is not meant to be intrusive but rather be able to determine whether or not the company meets the two aspects of primary sector which are adding value and generating new wealth for the state of North Dakota. Once a company receives the certification it then becomes eligible for programs like property, income, and sales tax exemptions as well as financing programs with the North Dakota Department of Commerce and Bank of North Dakota. Other programs such as automation tax credit, which was resurrected in the 2019 legislative session, and workforce assistance programs like New Jobs Training Program require primary sector certification. If you want to learn more about primary sector certification, have questions about applying for it or the programs that require it contact Nathan Schneider at the Chamber EDC office at or 701-223-5660.
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12 4 Connection
As we look ahead to a very busy 2020, it’s important to also look back at 2019 to see where we’ve been. One way that we can do that is by comparing a number of economic indicators such as sales tax collections, building permits, etc. not only for 2019, but going back three more years to 2016. To do that specifically, we have compiled the 2019 Year-End Economy at a Glance which you can find on our website at For a quick preview of what you’ll find in the 2019 Year-End Economy at a Glance:
• Bismarck experienced rapid growth in 2019, but bear in mind that the City of Bismarck’s sales tax rate changed from 1% to 1.5% on April 1, 2019. Regardless of any rate change, Bismarck’s sales tax collections rebounded already in 2018 and Mandan’s sales tax collections have grown steadily over the past few years • Starting in June 2018, the State of North Dakota began collecting sales tax from online sellers which means that there is even more tax revenue being counted as part of these totals and ultimately, coming back to Bismarck-Mandan. • Now, let’s consider Bismarck-Mandan’s real estate market. If there is more money being spent in Bismarck-Mandan as evidenced by the sales tax collections referenced before, then it stands to reason that our community is growing and that growth should be reflected in our home sales. Which it is.
• The number of single family homes sold in Bismarck-Mandan rebounded in 2019 after two straight years of decline and are now in line with what we saw as a community in 2016. • Additionally, the average selling price of those homes in 2019 was $279,495; an increase of more than $6,700 over last year.
And if there is more money being spent in Bismarck-Mandan, then not only will it be evident in our real estate market but also at the Bismarck Airport. The Bismarck Airport now offers daily service to Minneapolis – St. Paul, Denver, Chicago – O’Hare and Dallas – Fort Worth and near-daily service to Orlando, Las Vegas and Phoenix. That service has led to the Bismarck Airport becoming a regional travel destination for not only our residents, but those from across central and western North Dakota and northern South Dakota. Again, all of this information and more can be found in the 2019 Year-End Economy at a Glance on our website. In addition, the Economy at a Glance is published monthly by the Chamber EDC and posted on our website at
BRIGGS & STRATTON 6031 E Main Ave, Bismarck (701) 751-7515 Connection 3 13
TRYGG JOINS CHAMBER EDC TEAM Joan Trygg, Membership Engagement Director, recently joined the Chamber EDC team at the end of December 2019. Trygg brings 20 years of experience in customer relations, marketing, communications and sales.
Trygg grew up in the BismarckMandan area on her parents’ farm Joan Trygg and ranch and holds a Master’s degree in Business Management from Minot State University. Working with new and existing members to maximize their membership benefits, coordination of events and retention initiatives with the team will be her main projects. Trygg enjoys attending her kids’ activities, hunting, fishing and golfing. Her children Paisley (15), Garrett (11), and her boyfriend Joe Belo also share two (not very smart but cute) dogs, Tito and Bedo. Contact her at or 701-223-5660.
GET READY - ALMOST TIME TO REGISTER FOR LEMONADE DAY 2020! Lemonade Day BismarckMandan is coming back this summer, June 20th! Beginning March 23rd, register your youth or mentee in this educational experience. This day allows our area youth to start, own, and operate their very own business through guidance and support of a responsible mentor. Lemonade day’s mission is to help today’s youth become the business leaders, social advocates, community volunteers and forward-thinking citizens of tomorrow….one lemonade stand at a time! Once registered, youth and mentors will be included in all Lemonade Day communication that will keep you and your entrepreneur up to date on backpack/workbook pickups, and tips and tricks for running a successful business. Over 650 young entrepreneurs took part in last year’s Lemonade Day and we encourage any future business owners you know to join us this year! Registration opens on March 23rd with backpacks available in April! Learn more at; or call the Chamber EDC at 701-223-5660, or email Christine Nelson at Many sweet thanks to the following:
Main Squeeze:
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14 4 Connection
Lime-Light: Sponsor: Fresh Squeeze: Lemon Head: American Bank Center, Bartlett & West Inc., First Western Bank and Trust, Grand Junction Grilled Subs, Scheels, Terry's Health Products
Each year the Chamber EDC connects with members for their feedback on the economic performance of the region through the annual Economic Outlook Survey. Through this detailed survey we are able to provide our members with insight into the economic climate of Bismarck-Mandan and we will share the results and provide an economic outlook for the year ahead at the annual Economic Outlook Forum. The Chamber EDC and Starion Bank are excited to host Associate Professor of Business at the University of Mary, Dr. Karel Sovak, as he shares the results of the recent Economic Outlook Survey. Featuring perspectives from multiple industries and an outstanding keynote, the 2020 Economic Outlook Forum is set for Tuesday, March 24th at the Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center. Registration begins at 7:00am. To reserve a table for $425, please call Christine Nelson at 701-223-5660 or email Cost to attend the Economic Outlook Forum is $40.00 for Chamber EDC Members and $50.00 for general admission. Tickets for day of the event are $45 for Chamber EDC Members and $55 for general admission. REGISTER ONLINE AT BISMARCKMANDAN.COM Presenting Sponsor: Gold Media Sponsor: Sponsor: Table Sponsors: American Bank Center, Bank of North Dakota, Bismarck Cancer Center, Bismarck State College, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Capital Credit Union, Kirkwood Mall, First International Bank & Trust, First Western Bank & Trust, University of Mary
The agenda this year includes: KEYNOTE: Global Economic & Geopolitical Outlook: What are the Opportunities & Risks Ahead? • Bernard Baumohl Chief Global Economist, The Economic Outlook Group
Bernard Baumohl
The 2020 Economic Outlook Forum keynote is international speaker and 2018’s Most Accurate Economic Forecaster - Mr. Bernard Baumohl, Chief Global Economist at the Economic Outlook Group. Bernard is well known for being ahead of the curve in assessing the direction of the U.S. and world economy and is frequently cited in the New York Times, Washington Post, Business Week, Financial Times and National Public Radio. ECONOMIC SURVEY RESULTS • Dr. Karel Sovak - Associate Professor of Business, University of Mary ENTREPRENEUR & SMALL BUSINESS PANEL DISCUSSION • Marlo Anderson - Founder, National Day Calendar • David Diebel - Producer, D&N Cinematics • Kenny Howard - Owner, Anima Cucina & FireFlour Pizza • Dr. Eve Kostelecky - Optometrist & Owner, Every Eye P.C. INDUSTRY PANEL DISCUSSION • Dr. Mark Hagerott - Chancellor, North Dakota University System • Nicole Kivisto - President & CEO, Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. • Dr. Michael LeBeau - President, Sanford Health Bismarck • Doug Remboldt - Vice President – Member Support, National Information Solutions Cooperative (NISC)
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LAW & LEGISLATIVE DAY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DAY LAW & LEGISLATIVE DAY Since the North Dakota Legislature was not in session, the leadership class met for a half day at the North Dakota State Capitol. The Hon. Gerald VandeWalle, Supreme Court Justice, gave a tour of the North Dakota Supreme Court. Rep. Pat Heinert, District 32, gave an overview of the legislative process to the leadership class. The day closed with a panel on the issue of refugee resettlement in Burleigh County. Panel speakers were Rep. Rick Becker, District 7; Leah Hargrove, Bismarck Cloverdale Foods Company, a primary sector business, hosts the Leadership Bismarck-Mandan class for Economic Development Day. Global Neighbors; and Dr. Mark Springer, Professor of Political Science at University OUR MANY THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING: of Mary. The panel was moderated by Brenda Nagel, Presenting Chair of the Leadership Bismarck-Mandan program. Sponsor: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DAY Cloverdale Foods welcomed the leadership class to Mandan for Economic Development Day. The day was planned by co-chairs Nathan Schneider, Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC, and Wendy Van Duyne, Stantec. Schneider and Van Duyne kicked off the day with an introduction to economic development. Ellen Huber, Business Development Director for Mandan, and Tyler DeMars, Program Director for Center for Technology and Business, presented on small businesses and entrepreneurship in Mandan and Bismarck. Scott Staudinger, Cloverdale Foods, and Amy Arenz, Job Service North Dakota, spoke on workforce development.
Gold Sponsor: Program Sponsors:
A Touchstone Energy Cooperative ®
Law & Legislative Day co-chairs: Karie Mischel – Starion Bank Janelle Moos – AARP of North Dakota Krista Rausch – N.D. Assoc of Rural Electric Cooperatives Economic Development co-chairs: Nathan Schneider – Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Wendy Van Duyne – Stantec Lunch Sponsors: Starion Bank (Law & Legislative Day) Stantec (Economic Development Day)
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The 2020 Chamber EDC Workforce Summit will provide our region the opportunity to access resources and be included in a discussion of workforce issues and solutions with industry leaders.
The economic strength of Bismarck-Mandan, and North Bob Randall, CEO of Dakota, is unquestionably Transcend Engagement connected to the education and skills of our community. A diversely skilled and educated workforce further enables our region’s ability to be economically competitive on a local, national and global level. Employers, educators and professionals are encouraged to attend the 2020 Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Workforce Summit on Tuesday, April 28 at the Radisson Hotel. In addition to learning from the event keynotes, the 2020 Workforce Summit will feature an expanded selection of workshops to provide attendees with insight into various workforce opportunities and best practices. Gold Sponsors: Silver Sponsor: Table Sponsors: Capital Credit Union, EMC Insurance, MDU Resource Group
REGISTER ONLINE AT BISMARCKMANDAN.COM OPENING KEYNOTE: “Meeting the Needs of Gen Z in the Workplace” • Bob Randall — CEO, Transcend Engagement Randall has a passion for helping individuals, teams and organizations thrive and will provide his insight on engaging and recruiting the next generation of talent. With one foot in research as a Doctorate in Organization Development and one foot in practice as a leader with experience in diverse corporate settings, Randall brings a thoughtful and practical approach to recruiting and employee engagement. WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS * From the Annual Review to a Culture of Coaching • Raquel Nachatilo — PHR, SHHRM-CP, Human Resources Director, Missouri Valley Family YMCA Internship 101 - From Implementation to Connecting with Candidates • Dr. Karel Sovak — Associate Professor of Business, University of Mary Using Technology to Encourage Engagement – Employee Engagement Software • Bob Randall — CEO, Transcend Engagement
* Additional workshops to be announced
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WELCOME TO THE CHAMBER EDC SEEKS CHAMBER EDC, AASTA! SUPPORT FOR OUTI am fortunate enough to say STANDING NOMINEES! that I was born and raised in the Bismarck-Mandan area and I truly do think it is the best place to live, work and play. Finding reasons to enjoy our community and share my passion for our great state has always been easy for me. Previously, I spent 12 years in State Government and have been lucky enough to be a part of Papa’s Pumpkin Patch for the last 10 years.
Aasta Eggert
I am excited to take on the roll of Economic Development Marketing Specialist here at the Bismarck-Mandan Chamber EDC. I’m looking forward to helping and assisting with business attraction and expansion in our awesome community! In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my husband, Quinn and three boys, Easton, Brooks and Oakley. When we aren’t busy cheering loudly for our boys at hockey, baseball and football you can find us spending time with family and friends and creating up new, fun ideas for Papa’s Pumpkin Patch.
Every year, the Chamber EDC honors a Primary OUTSTANDING Educator and Teacher of the Year a Secondary Educator from both Mandan and Bismarck as well as a Higher Ed. Educator for the Crystal Apple Award. This 30 year tradition continues to honor five winners that are selected by the Chamber EDC’s Excellence in Business and Education Committee. Throughout February, the Chamber EDC collected nominations for Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award. The Chamber EDC has received over 90 nominations and it is now time that we ask for additional support as we collect letters of support. We need students, parents, business professionals, principals, friends, and other teachers to submit letters of support and recommendation for the nominee of their choice. Please contact the Chamber EDC, or, head over to, http://, and scroll to the Excellence in Business and Education Committee and click to view the list of nominated educators and submit letters of support for those you think deserve the Crystal Apple. Letters of support must be received at the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC office by March 7, 2020. They may be mailed to: 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck, ND 58503; or emailed to Award Sponsor:
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One year has passed since the collaboration of the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC began and our team is excited to celebrate this successful journey with those that made it possible – YOU!
Save the date for our March Membership Mixer hosted by the University of Mary at their campus located at 7500 University Drive in Bismarck.
Date: Thursday, March 5, 2020 Location: Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck Time: 4:30PM - 6:30PM Admission: Free to Attend
Join us to celebrate the one year anniversary and partake in an evening of fun. They always say you can’t win if you don’t play… Well this opportunity to win relies on you bringing at least five business cards along to participate and enter to WIN!
Date: Thursday, March 19, 2020 Location: University of Mary Campus 7500 University Drive, Bismarck Time: 4:30PM - 6:30PM Admission: Free to Attend
Mixers are FREE for Chamber EDC members to attend. Please consider attending and bringing your colleagues. RSVPs are appreciated by going online to
Register at or contact Joan at or 701-223-5660.
The Bismarck Cancer Center provides world-class radiation therapy services to individuals with cancer. Exceptional cancer treatment and caring support for your body, mind and spirit.
YOUR PARTNER AGAINST CANCER 701-222-6100|500 N 8th St|Bismarck, ND 58501
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ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FORUM Date: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 Location: Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center 800 S 3rd Street, Bismarck Time: 7:00AM - 11:30AM Admission: $40.00 for Chamber EDC members $50.00 for General Admission Presenting Sponsor:
In January, the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC distributed their survey to gauge business performance in the Bismarck-Mandan area. With the increased participation in this year’s survey, we are excited to announce this year’s survey results! On Tuesday, March 24th at the Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center, join the Chamber EDC and Starion Bank for this informative morning. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear firsthand from experts and local professionals from various industries regarding challenges endured in 2019 and what we are looking forward to in 2020. The Economic Outlook Forum will feature an entrepreneur, technology, retail, and industry panel as well as a keynote speaker: Bernard Baumohl - Wall Street Journal ranked most accurate economic forecaster for 2018. To reserve a table for $425, please call Christine Nelson at the Chamber EDC, 701-223-5660 or email cnelson@ The cost to attend the event is $40.00 for Chamber EDC members and $50.00 for General Admission. Tickets for day of the event are $45 for Chamber EDC members and $55 for General Admission. You can register online at
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Date: Thursday, April 9, 2020 Location: Anyleaks 140 Riverwood Ave SE, Mandan Time: 4:30PM - 6:30PM Admission: Free to Attend Does this winter season have you suffering from cabin fever? Well, remedy that with some spring fever by joining us for our April Membership Mixer with Anyleaks on Thursday, April 9th! Anyleaks will be hosting April Membership Mixer from 4:30pm - 6:30pm at their location at 140 Riverwood Ave SE Mandan this is a great opportunity to network and enjoy a variety of appetizers and refreshments with a cash bar and complementary Beer and wine. Customer appreciation open house for Anyleaks’ customers and guests will be on April 9th from 12:00pm - 4:30pm prior to the Mixer. RSVP online at calendar or by emailing Ross at
Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 Location: Baymont Inn & Suites Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 2611 Old Red Trail, Mandan Location: Radisson Hotel Time: 11:00AM - 1:00PM 605 E Broadway Ave, Bismarck Admission: $35.00 for Chamber EDC Members Time: 8:00AM - 12:00PM Admission: $30.00 for Chamber EDC Members The Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Economic $45.00 for General Admission Development Event will be held on May 5th from 11:00am - 1:00pm at the Baymont Inn & Suites in Mandan. The Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC presents the 2020 This event is the premier economic development event Workforce Summit. This event will provide our region for the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC and will feature the opportunity to access resources regarding workforce an industry panel with local businesses that have recently trends, current issues in the workplace and methods to experienced expansions. integrate workforce programs. Workforce development, recruitment and retention are undoubtedly some of the biggest obstacles businesses in our community tackle each day. Employers, educators and professionals are encouraged to attend the 2020 Workforce Summit on Tuesday, April 28th at the Radisson Hotel.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn more about the importance and impact of economic development on our community. Register online at calendar or by calling 701-223-5660.
In addition to relevant keynote speakers and panel discussions, the 2020 Workforce Summit will feature workshops to provide attendees with insight into the various opportunities and challenges of workforce development. To learn more or to register, please contact Joan at jtrygg@ or by calling 701-223-5660. Register online at
Connection 3 21
2019 SURVEY RESULTS SHOW POSITIVITY GAINING FOR MANDAN Responses to a Mandan community survey conducted in November 2019 show increased positivity and decreased negativity among nonresidents.
Responses to a Mandan community survey conducted in November 2019 show increased positivity and decreased negativity among nonresidents.
Forty-six percent of non-residents now have a positive image of the city and only 9 percent have a negative image. The evolution has been steady over the years. Compare these ratings to 2017 and 2014 when responses were 43 and 37 percent positive and 16 and 24 percent negative. Resident ratings were 61 percent positive and 9 percent negative, similar to 2017. The majority of all respondents continue to identify Mandan’s strengths as quality of life, growth, sense of community, its parks and recreation system, and events and activities. Being a safe community with low crime and quality schools remain as residents' most important reasons for living in Mandan.
Perceptions for Mandan attributes addressed in a joint community marketing program are showing improvement. These include Mandan as a place to visit, for fun, and economic opportunity. Views of Mandan’s business sector and progressiveness are also trending upward. Asked about ways to improve Mandan, residents ranked street repair and maintenance as number one, up from third in a 2017 survey. Many requested projects are already approved for funding and slated to happen in the next couple years. Next in line for ways to improve Mandan were lower property taxes, more retail shopping, and more business and industry. Wishes in the area of business development put more restaurants at the top despite a gain of eight in Mandan since the last survey. Residents respondents indicated only 39 percent of their dining out typically occurs in Mandan, a statistic that may improve with more awareness about choices and the importance of shopping local. Other suggestions for efforts to attract and foster businesses were in the realm of indoor entertainment and recreation followed by general retail, grocery, home improvement and hardware, and clothing and shoes. The Mandan Tomorrow — Leadership, Pride and Image Committee conducted the survey with assistance from the City of Mandan Business Development and Communications Department. The purpose was to assess views of the city. They will use results to strengthen community communication and outreach and share findings with various city leaders striving to make Mandan a better place for businesses, residents and visitors.
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CHI ST. ALEXIUS HEALTH RECEIVES HIGHEST RATING IN BISMARCK FROM CMS CHI St. Alexius Health Bismarck has recently been ranked a 4-star Acute Care Hospital by the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services, receiving the highest rating in Bismarck, N.D. CMS assigns star ratings to more than 4,500 hospitals nationwide based on their performance across seven quality areas: mortality, safety of care, readmission, patient experience, effectiveness of care, timeliness of care and efficient use of medical imaging. “Proven standards of care from the federal government and other regulatory agencies can save lives. At CHI St. Alexius Health we believe that quality improvement is not optional – it is an expectation. Our commitment to enhance quality improvement efforts will continue to set us apart – resulting in better patient outcomes and a better patient experience,” said Dr. Lisa Laurent, chief medical officer at CHI St. Alexius Health.
PARTNERS ACQUIRE MIDWEST MOTOR EXPRESS Red Arts Capital (“Red Arts”), a private investment firm based in Chicago, partnered with Prudential Capital Partners and Brightwood Capital Advisors to acquire MME, Inc. and its wholly-owned subsidiaries Midwest Motor Express, Inc. and Midnite Express, Inc. Headquartered in North Dakota, Midwest Motor Express, Inc. is a Top 25 Less-Than-Truckload carrier in the United States. The Company was founded in 1918 and today operates with 800 employees, across 32 service centers in 16 states in the Upper Midwest and Great Northwest. Through marketing partnerships and industry alliances, Midwest Motor Express, Inc. provides seamless shipping services throughout the world, including the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia and the Pacific Rim. Midnite Express, Inc., domiciled in West Fargo, ND, provides dry-van truckload and brokerage services throughout the mainland U.S.
In addition to being ranked a 4-star Acute Care Hospital by CMS, CHI St. Alexius Health was recently ranked the safest in the region by the LeapFrog Group. These rankings illustrate that when health care is needed, patients can expect high quality care that exceeds federal regulations. In short, they will receive the best care, at the right place, at the right time. “CHI St. Alexius Health continues to be recognized for the high quality care we provide. For nearly 135 years our medical staff, employees and key partners have continued our legacy to ‘Receive all as Christ’, caring for the sick and vulnerable while delivering the best care for each patient that walks through our doors,” said Dr. Laura Archuleta, chief of staff, CHI St. Alexius Health. The Hospital Compare website provides patients a tool to research health care facilities and make the best choice for themselves and family.
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CBL PROPERTIES ANNOUNCES REDEVELOPMENT PLANS AT KIRKWOOD MALL CBL Properties announced the first phase of redevelopment plans for the former Herberger’s department store building at Kirkwood Mall in Bismarck, North Dakota. Kirkwood Mall will welcome three fast casual restaurants, including Five Guys as well as new-to-market Blaze Pizza and Chick-fil-A. As part of the project, roughly 40,000 square feet of the former Herberger’s building will be demolished to make way for these new restaurants. The remaining 52,000 square feet will be utilized in future phases, which will include the addition of new retail or alternative uses. An additional pad is being created in the former Herberger’s parking area, which is available for restaurant or service uses. Details will be announced once plans are finalized. “We are thrilled to bring these in-demand dining options to the Bismarck community,” said Stephen Lebovitz, chief executive officer, CBL Properties. “Kirkwood Mall holds the dominant position in the market, offering a number of exclusive tenants including Carter’s|OshKosh B’gosh, Sephora, H&M, and Target. The addition of Blaze Pizza, Five Guys, and Chick-fil-A will complement the property’s existing mix and further solidify Kirkwood’s strength in the market.” Five Guys and Blaze Pizza will be built in the former Herberger’s parking lot facing South 3rd Street, adjacent to SCHEELS. Chick-fil-A will be located on the north side of the former Herberger’s parking lot facing South 3rd Street near I. Keating Furniture. Construction on this project will begin this spring. More detailed information and grand opening details will be shared as plans are finalized.
WHY DOES BPS HAVE A FOUNDATION? Contributed by Superintendent Dr. Jason Hornbacher
We’ve often been asked why a public school district, supported by tax dollars, would need a Foundation to solicit funding. The Bismarck Public Schools Foundation was established more than 30 years ago in 1989 to not only generate funds for the school district, but to accept scholarships and provide a place where donors could give gifts, bequests, and establishing funding mechanisms for legacy projects for BPS and the Foundation. The purpose of the Foundation is to enhance and enrich the educational program and services of Bismarck Public Schools beyond what is currently allocated through public funds. The our School Board works closely with the BPS Foundation Board through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to accomplish this goal. Teachers and other employees can apply for funds raised by the Foundation for special projects, equipment or experiences that allow them to provide creative, hands-on learning. In addition, our Foundation manages a dozen annual scholarships to high school seniors and another dozen are managed by the ND Community Foundation. BPS manages grants and funds such as the Robert and Lois Watts grant, Teacher Innovation grant, and the Timothy C. Nordquist fund which are used to fund innovative learning and enrichment programs. The BPS logo licensing program for all of our schools and the district is also taken care of by the Foundation. There are several ways that you can become involved and be a part of enhancing learning for our youth. If you or your business is interested in giving to our 501 (c) (3) tax exempt foundation, please contact our new Development Director Stacey Lang. She joined the Foundation in January. Lang has 15 years of experience working at the Bismarck Tribune, most recently as the Marketing and Retail Advertising Director. She also served as an Event Specialist at the Bismarck Event Center. Lang has a Business Administration degree from the University of Mary. She also worked as an instructional aide in our school district so she’s familiar with our organization! Please help me welcome Stacey Lang as our new Foundation Development Director. BPS and the BPSF are lucky to call her a colleague! Her office is located on the south side of the Hughes Educational Center, 806 N. Washington St. To reach her, call 701-323-4093 or email
24 4 Connection
The largest tax reform legislation in the past 30 years is now reality. Eide Bailly can help you take advantage of the latest developments such as Opportunity Zones, as well as other available credits and deductions. Learn how you can be proactive moving forward.
What inspires you, inspires us. 701.255.1091 |
Connection 3 25
2603 E Broadway Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-323-5222
1929 N Washington St, Ste GG, Bismarck, ND 58501
Q: WHAT IS A FIT FOR DUTY EXAM? A: A fit for duty exam is a medical eval-
Q: WHAT DO APPLIED BEHAVIOR Q: CAN’T I RELY ON SOCIAL ANALYSIS (ABA) SERVICES SECURITY TO RETIRE? LOOK LIKE? A: If you plan to work into your 70s and A: Programming is individualized for each are able to live on less than 40% of your
uation to determine if an employee can safely perform the essential duties of their job while maintaining a safe workplace and avoiding injury. An employer may request a fit for duty exam if they suspect that an employee is having difficulty with their standard job functions. During a fit for duty exam, a medical provider reviews the employer’s concerns and the employee’s health history before performing a physical exam. A provider may then recommend further testing or treatment from an employee’s primary physician.
304 E Front Ave, Bismarck, ND 58504 701-255-4400
income, Social Security just might be enough for you. Working that long or living at that little may not work for you, so what should you do? 1. Contact the Social Security It is required by most payors (Medicaid, Administration (SSA) to see insurance) that the client works one-onyour current benefits. one with a Registered Behavior Technician You can visit a local SSA office, call (RBT). Group therapy is also allowed by them, or go online and setup a “my some payors, but the majority of time Social Security” account to obtain your should be spent one-on-one with an RBT. information. Whether the service occurs in the home 2. Have your Financial Advisor run or in the office/community, parent involveRetirement scenarios. Once a fit for duty exam is complete, ment is also something that is required to To understand if you need to rely on the provider decides if an employee can receive services. Payors expect that the Social Security, look at your retirement return to work or if workplace accomparent or caregiver meets with the Board plan with what the individual benemodations are needed. If an employee Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) at least fit estimate is, with a portion of the receives an unfit evaluation, their employer once a month for parent training and progestimate, and finally without Social determines whether disability benefits are ress updates. It is also a requirement that Security at all. appropriate, helping to avoid workplace BCBAs observe at least 20% of all direct 3. Understand what you can do to injuries before they occur. time a client has with an RBT. It is possible increase your Social Security benefits. that a BCBA will complete observation and You may not be able to rely on Someetings via telehealth (Skype, Facetime) cial Security, but that doesn’t mean but again, the majority of time is required you should forget about it. You can to be spent face-to-face with the client. increase your benefits by working 35 This allows the BCBA to make the necesyears (your final benefit is based on sary changes to programming to ensure your highest 35 years of work histosuccess for the client, as well as observe ry), delaying your benefits, or maxing that the RBT is implementing programout your earnings through your full ming correctly. retirement age. Talk to your Financial Advisor to fully understand your Social Security benefits.
26 4 Connection
client so there will be contrast to how sessions look for one client versus another. However, there are certain aspects of ABA services that should look the same.
500 N 8th Street, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-222-6100
1003 Gateway Ave, Bismarck, ND 58503 701-250-0728
1502 Grumman Lane, Bismarck, ND 58504 701-225-7180
Q: WHAT IS A STRATEGIC Q: IS VAPING SAFER THAN MARKETING PLAN? CIGARETTES? A: Vaping is not a safe alternative to using A: Being strategic is having the discipline
Q: SLOPE STABILITY: IS MY HOME SAFE? A: Our topography formed over thou-
tobacco. Vapes or e-cigarettes produce an aerosol by heating a liquid using a battery and a heating element. Contrary to what many think, this aerosol is not just water vapor and usually contains nicotine and harmful substances, including heavy metals like lead and cancer causing agents. E-liquids used in devices may be labeled as ‘generally recognized as safe’ but research show that safety applies to ingestion, not necessarily for other exposures, such as inhalation. Besides dangerous chemicals the amount of nicotine in vapes and e-liquids is a lot more than cigarettes creating a higher addiction rate. Some pods are equal to one pack of cigarettes with some as high as nine packs of cigarettes. Cigarettes are FDA regulated so the nicotine is the same in each cigarette. Cigarettes are not safe either and still rank highest cause for lung, head and neck, oral, esophageal, and rectal cancers. This is due to the 7000 chemicals and 60 known cancer causing agents.
Nicotine replacement therapy, medications plus counseling will double their chances of quitting. If you or someone you love is addicted to nicotine. Free coaching and cessation medications are available from NDQits: call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or
to take a step back and consider how communication contributes to an organization’s strategic initiatives and overarching goals. It is having the mindset and courage to ask the tough questions and determine how the organization’s communication will help it meet its strategic objectives. The seven essential elements of a strategic marketing and communication plan are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Identify the purpose and objectives Identify audiences Develop key messages Assess budget and resources Determine how to distribute the message 6. Create an action plan 7. Measure, refine and report Sometimes organizations neglect to see themselves through the lens of their target audiences. Your communication should help the audience view your products or services from the perspective of what’s in it for them rather than what you want them to know or what action you want them to take. A thorough situation analysis, strategic thinking and building measurement into the process will help ensure it’s a success.
sands of years through the process of erosion. Most hillsides are in a state of equilibrium, meaning the forces that are pulling the hillside down are equal to the strength of the soil holding it up.
We often build homes along valleys, sloughs and creeks to take advantage of the beautiful views. However, there are a few things that could impact your hillside equilibrium. Irrigating a lawn can trigger a landslide by increasing the weight and decreasing the strength of the soil. Placing new soil on top of a slope also increases the forces that could move the slope. Removing soil at the base of the slope to make more level ground will also cause a landslide since the upper soil will no longer be held back. Steep, wet slopes are not in equilibrium! A geotechnical engineer can take soil samples, perform soil strength testing, and design a retaining wall or slope with reinforcing materials. The cost of the evaluation and design will be much lower than attempting to repair a slope after it has begun to slide.
Connection 3 27
MEMBER PERKS | CONNECTION AMERICAN BANK CENTER NAMES VETTER PRESIDENT OF CLIENT SERVICES In alignment with American Bank Center’s growth ambition and Greg Vetter geographic expansion, Greg Vetter has been hired in the new role of Client Services president. In this position, Vetter will be responsible for growing the bank’s trust, wealth management, insurance, home mortgage and business consulting services. He will provide leadership for the current markets as well as the recently entered Great Falls and Billings, Montana, markets. Vetter has 27 years of experience in the banking industry, including working at American in the roles of American Trust Center chief operating officer and later president/CEO, Bank Center First president/CEO, Bismarck Region President and American Bank Center Chief Operating Officer. Vetter spent the past seven years serving as the University of Mary’s executive vice president and chief of staff. BIANCO REALTY SALES AWARDS Bianco Realty has announced their top seven "REALTORS® Of The Month" for January: Shirley Thomas, Amber Sandness, Amy Asche, Phyllis Rittenbach, Brenda Foster, Jim Jeromchek and James Jeromchek. SANFORD HEALTH WELCOMES RADIOLOGIST Ryan Hegge, MD, radiology, recently joined Sanford Health in Bismarck. Dr. Hegge Ryan Hegge, MD specializes in diagnosing and treating injuries and diseases using medical imaging exams. He uses the most advanced CT and MRI technology in North Dakota at the Sanford Medical Center in Bismarck. Dr. Hegge graduated from the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and completed his residency in radiology from Southern Illinois University School of Medicine in Carbondale, Ill.
DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES NAMES STREBE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER The North Dakota Department of Human Arnie Strebe Services has selected Arnie Strebe as its Chief Administrative Officer. Strebe will also serve as the department’s Chief Financial Officer and will be responsible for leading agencywide efforts related to administrative functions. He will supervise the fiscal administration, human resources and legal advisory divisions. Strebe previously worked for Starion Bank in Bismarck as the bank’s president and chief human resource officer. Prior to that he was the chief talent and business improvement officer at Evergreen Enterprises and Plow and Hearth, a multinational, multi-milliondollar wholesale, retail and manufacturing business with thousands of employees dispersed across the world. Strebe is a former Airborne Ranger and served in the U.S. Army as a noncommissioned and commissioned officer. He earned a bachelor’s degree in education from Minot State University and a master’s degree in education from Jones International University.
Laura Flegel
Jamie Olson
Jerri Buchmiller
John Lundby
U.S. BANK IN BISMARCK, ND NAMES JOHN LUNDBY MARKET PRESIDENT U.S. Bank in Bismarck has announced that with the retirement of Tim Hennessy, John Lundby has been named Market
President. Lundby joined U.S. Bank in Bismarck in 2012 as part of the commercial banking team, most recently as VP Commercial Relationship Manager. He is a 13 year veteran in the banking industry, the most recent 11 years in commercial banking roles. He will continue in the Commercial RM role, in addition to expanded responsibilities as the Bismarck Market President. Lundby has a bachelor’s degree from the University of North Dakota and is currently working to complete a three year program at the Pacific Coast Banking School, one of the most prestigious banking schools in the country.
NDIRF HIRES DRENNEN AS MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER The North Dakota Insurance Reserve Fund (NDIRF) recently KLJ HIRES THREE IN Joanna Drennen hired Joanna Drennen BISMARCK as its marketing and KLJ is proud to communications manager. In this role, welcome Laura Flegel, Drennen is responsible for managing Jamie Olson, and Jerri the organization’s internal and external Buchmiller to their communications as well as serving as a Bismarck office. communications resource for the local Flegel has joined government entities NDIRF serves. the team as a human Drennen brings nearly 10 years of resources assistant. She marketing and communications experience recently graduated from to the NDIRF, serving in similar capacities Rasmussen College within the technology and financial services with a bachelor’s in industries as well as state government. human resources and organizational leadership. A University of Mary graduate, Drennen has bachelor’s degrees in English Olson comes to and communications. She is currently KLJ as a branding and communications manager. pursuing her master’s degree in strategic communication management from She has a bachelor’s in marketing from Minnesota Concordia University, St. Paul (St. Paul, Minn.) with an anticipated graduation date State University. of spring 2021. Buchmiller serves as Drennen serves on the Bismarck Art & a safety representative. Galleries Association’s board of directors She brings with her several years of office and and as the social media volunteer for the International Association of Business administrative support to Communicators - Great Plains Chapter.
Share your business news with the Chamber EDC. Email press releases to Rebecca at
28 4 Connection
CONNECTION | MEMBER PERKS ZIOMEK, MD JOINS CHI ST. ALEXIUS HEALTH CHI St. Alexius Health Heart & Lung Clinic is pleased to welcome Stanley Ziomek, MD, to its cardiovascular and Stanley Ziomek,MD cardiothoracic surgery team. Dr. Ziomek received his medical degree from Tulane University Medical School, New Orleans, La. He completed a general surgery residency from UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, Calif., and a thoracic surgery residency from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, Ark. He completed his fellowship in cardiovascular surgery from the Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas. Dr. Ziomek is board certified by the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Thoracic Surgery. He is a member of the American College of Surgeons and the Society of Thoracic Surgeons.
BISMARCK AERO CENTER WELCOMES GASKINS Henry Gaskins joins Bismarck Aero Center with significant experience in customer service. Henry Gaskins Gaskins's experiences range from food service, hospitality, security, building maintenance, lumber cutting and even worked as a Travel Agent for AAA. Currently, he works two nights per week at the Luft where he enjoys serving the weekend crowds.
STARION BANK NAMES MORGAN PRESIDENT Starion Bank has named Don Morgan president, with Craig Larson continuing in the roles of CEO Don Morgan and chairman of the board for the bank. As president, Morgan manages the day-today operations of the bank, while Larson focuses on the overall strategy and vision for Starion Bank. Morgan, a certified public accountant, has been with Starion since 2012 when he joined the bank as vice president for CEDRIC THEEL TOYOTA HIRES MIKE credit administration. The next year he KAPLA was promoted to chief credit officer. In Mike Kapla has joined the Finance 2014, he became a member of Starion’s Department at Cedric Theel Toyota. Kapla Executive Committee which is responsible brings over 12 years of experience in for initiating key actions within the finance to his new role. He is a graduate of organization, reviewing financial data and Bismarck High School and Dickinson State setting major project priorities. University. In his spare time, he enjoys In this new role, Morgan will partner hunting, fishing and spending time with his with and develop Starion’s highwife Tiffany and children Evan and Ariana. performance leadership teams, focusing on all operational aspects of the bank and building relationships within the bank, with customers and all the communities Starion serves.
MARCH LIVE GOVERNMENT MEETINGS Televised on Government Access, cable channel 2 & 602 HD. Broadcast on Radio Access 102.5 FM radio. Streamed online at
Mon, 2nd
5:00 pm Burleigh County Commission 5:30 pm Mandan School Board*
Tues, 3rd
5:30 pm Mandan City Commission
Thurs, 5th
5:00 pm Bismarck Board of Adjustment
Mon, 9th
5:15 pm Bismarck School Board 5:30 pm Mandan Park Board*
Tues, 10th
5:15 pm Bismarck City Commission
Wed, 11th 8:00 am Burleigh County Water Resource District 5:15 pm Burleigh County Planning Commission Thurs, 12th
5:30 pm Morton County Commission*
Mon, 16th
5:00 pm Burleigh County Commission 5:30 pm Mandan School Board*
Tues, 17th 1:30 pm Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board 5:30 pm Mandan City Commission Thurs, 19th
5:15 pm Bismarck Park Board
Mon, 23rd
5:15 pm Bismarck School Board 5:30 pm Mandan Planning Commission*
Tues, 24th
5:15 pm Bismarck City Commission 5:30 pm Morton County Commission*
Wed, 25th
5:00 pm Bismarck Planning Commission
Meetings are replayed several times on the Government Access channel and are available for viewing online (Watch on Demand) at * Delayed Playback
Connection 3 29
RIBBON CUTTINGS | CONNECTION Ribbon cuttings are conducted by a committee of Chamber EDC volunteers called Ambassadors. Businesses qualify for a ribbon cutting if they open, move, and remodel, are under new ownership, change their name, or offer a new product or service. To find out how you can get a free ribbon cutting from the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC, please call Ross at 701-223-5660.
KIDS IN MOTION PEDIATRIC THERAPY AND WELLNESS Dr. Kimberly Bloms & Brittany Schock, new members of the Chamber EDC, located at 306 W. Main Street in Mandan. Phone: 701-471-2782. Member.
ZORELLS JEWELRY Tim Ell, owner, and team celebrate the remodel of their store located at 221 S 9th Street in Bismarck. Phone: 701-250-0511. Member.
DAKOTA EYE INSTITUTE Dr. Charles Volk, and ownership group, celebrate North Clinic expansion located at 3119 N. 14th Street in Bismarck. Phone: 701-222-3937. Member.
TOP DOG Casey, Danni, Sadie and crew, celebrate their new location at 2909 Morrison Ave in Bismarck. Phone: 701-390-2413.
Dwight Barden, Executive Director of the Burleigh County Housing Authority, celebrate the grand opening of Edwinton Place at 1121 S. 11th Street in Bismarck.
Garrett and Wendy Hooker, owners, celebrate their grand opening at their location at 200 W. Main Street, Suite 202 in Mandan. Phone: 701-751-2770. Member.
30 4 Connection
CONNECTION | NEW MEMBERS The Chamber EDC encourages all members to do business with each other. The following companies and organizations have recently made an important investment in their business by joining the Chamber EDC. Please consider them for your professional and personal needs. To find a complete listing of Chamber EDC members, view the Member Directory online at Northern Nutrition 1425 E LaSalle Drive Bismarck, ND Cary Hoffman (701) 400-4052 Northern Nutrition is a healthy smoothie shop that serves healthy meal replacement shakes and energizing teas for weight-loss and an overall healthy lifestyle.
Satellite Shelters, Inc. 303 Bisman Road Mandan, ND Jeff Seamans (701) 214-6999 Satellite Shelters, Inc. is an industry leader in prefabricated modular buildings, mobile offices, blast-resistant modules, construction jobsite office trailers and storage solutions.
Harvest Inc. 1207 Memorial Hwy Bismarck, ND David Grandon (701) 595-0995 As leaders in the medical marijuana industry, we work hard to improve the lives of our customers, our communities, and the well-being of our employees – through education, outreach and philanthropy.
Roundhouse Gastro Pub 113 S 5th Street Bismarck, ND Jim & Danielle Walker (701) 222-2140 In the heart of downtown Bismarck, walking distance from the Bismarck Event Center and hotels. The Roundhouse serves fresh cocktails, along with 16 beers on tap and an open kitchen.
Custom Aire 5525 First Ave North Grand Forks, ND Rick Bohm (701) 775-0305 Our HVAC department, ventilation and A/C with air quality being top priority. Our Hydronics department executes projects in a range of areas from light commercial to multifamily housing.
Business Checking Accounts
C & H Glass 1165 Burlington Dr. Bismarck, ND Russ Heier (701) 258-6800 We have over 100 years of combined experience in aluminum doors, storefront & window repair. We install and service all commercial automatic entrances.
Ask about
1,000 Free Monthly Transaction
Call for more details (701) 250-3000 Member FDIC
Connection 3 31
Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Connection 1640 Burnt Boat Drive Bismarck, ND 58503
UPCOMING CHAMBER EDC EVENTS CHAMBER EDC OPEN HOUSE Date: March 5, 2020 • Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Location: Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC – 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck
Presented by:
MARCH MEMBERSHIP MIXER: UNIVERSITY OF MARY Date: March 19, 2020 • Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Location: University of Mary Campus – 7500 University Drive, Bismarck ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FORUM Date: March 24, 2020 • Time: 7:00am - 11:30am Location: Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center – 800 S 3rd Street, Bismarck APRIL MEMBERSHIP MIXER: ANYLEAKS Date: April 9, 2020 • Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Location: Anyleaks – 140 Riverwood Ave SE, Mandan BISMARCK MANDAN CHAMBER EDC
WORKFORCE SUMMIT Date: April 28, 2020 • Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm Location: Radisson Hotel – 605 E Broadway Ave, Bismarck IMPACT ED Date: May 5, 2020 • Time: 11:00am - 1:00pm Location: Baymont Inn & Suites – 2611 Old Red Trail, Mandan
Join the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC for our half-day seminar featuring panels of professionals, in a variety of different industries that will discuss Bismarck-Mandan’s business performance.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center 7:00am - 11:30am Purchase tickets online at
Retiring with Missouri Slope Assisted Living allows you to choose the tailored care you want.
It’s where you can feel at home.
Formerly Valley View Heights
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