June Connection

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MEMBER PROFILE Mocha Momma's Coffee Shop Pg. 12

BUSINESS ASSISTANCE GUIDE An online publication for new or expanding businesses Pg. 14

ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FORUM Tuesday, June 23 Pg. 17

Connection JUNE 2020





Brian Eiseman .....................................................................Chair Val Weigel ..................................................................Vice Chair Kevin Strege .................................................................Secretary Mike Schmitz ................................................................Treasurer Molly Herrington ....................................................... Past Chair


Steve Bakken ......................................................City of Bismarck Scott Davis .........................................................City of Mandan Brian Eiseman ...............................................Stoneshire Builders Heather Fried ....................State Farm - Fried Financial Services Molly Herrington .........................................................Individual Chris Jones ...................................ND Dept. of Human Services Karl Lembke ......................................................Vaaler Insurance Allan Miller ............................................................Anyleaks, Inc. Dr. Sara Weigel Ness ..............................Active Life Chiropractic Jim Peluso .........................................................Burleigh County Marnie Piehl ...........................................Bismarck State College Matt Sagaser ......................................................Doosan Bobcat Mike Schmitz ......................................Schmitz-Holmstrom CPAs Cody Schulz ........................................................Morton County Garret Senger ...............................Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. Kevin Strege ................................................Capital Credit Union Wendy Van Duyne .....................Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Val Weigel ..............................Basin Electric Power Cooperative Lee Weisbeck ..........................................................Starion Bank


Brian Ritter ...................................................................President Aasta Eggert .......Economic Development Marketing Specialist Ross Frohlich ............................................Membership Director Mary Masters .......................................Office Support Specialist Christine Nelson .........................Program & Marketing Director Ryan Parsons ........................................................Vice President Rebecca Rattei ................................ Communications Specialist Elliot Rust ................................................Chief Financial Officer Jaime Sabot ....................Workforce Development Coordinator Lyndsey Scheurer .................................. Communications & ED Nathan Schneider ................................................Vice President Cathryn Sprynczynatyk ................... Communications Specialist Joan Trygg ...........................Membership Engagement Director 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck, ND 58503 701-223-5660 • www.bismarckmandan.com

CONTACT INFORMATION Content Rebecca Rattei rrattei@bmcedc.com

Advertising Christine Nelson cnelson@bmcedc.com

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hese past few months have been a challenge and that’s an understatement. The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has tested our community in all types of ways, not the least of which is economically. During this time, the Chamber EDC has worked hard to adapt and assume those roles most needed by our members. More specifically, we found ourselves focused on being three things: a supporter, a resource provider, and a conduit. And while we’re still committed to doing those three things, we also want to keep an eye on the future and our community’s economic recovery. To do so, the Chamber EDC Team has been working hard on a number of new resources that both our community and our members can utilize in an effort to grow Bismarck-Mandan. For example….

• The Chamber EDC has commissioned a new documentary-style video series that will spotlight various members of the community telling why they chose to live and work here in Bismarck-Mandan in an effort to give potential residents some perspective of what it’s truly like. In addition, we’ll be developing a series of shorter videos showing an overview of the community which can be used by our members as they try to attract and recruit new talent. •

The organization is also working on a couple of new websites with an economic development focus. The first is really an addition to the Chamber EDC’s website at www.bismarckmandan.com and will focus exclusively on economic development with information on the community’s demographics, business assistance programs, and more for use by both existing businesses and prospective businesses. In addition, the Chamber EDC is working on a new website at www.bismaninterns.com that will focus on internships and making the necessary connections between students and employers as another means of workforce development.

• And the Chamber EDC has developed two new ‘guides’ for use in the community. The first, known as the Business Assistance Guide, outlines the various means of business assistance, loans, incentives, etc. that businesses might access in an effort to grow their operations here in our community. The second, the Site Selector’s Guide, is a publication targeted towards those corporate site selectors and potential new businesses considering a location here in Bismarck-Mandan. And while we’re busy doing that, we’re all busy kicking off our summer programming albeit a little differently. We’re hoping to have some events in-person (done so responsibly and within recommended guidelines, of course) and others will be virtual. That lineup includes the 2020 Business Development Series, Lemonade Day, LinkUp and more. You can always visit our website at www.bismarckmandan. com for more information on any of them. We know we’ve got a big job in front of us as we look to boost our economic recovery. The Chamber EDC will lead our community’s efforts to do just that and these tools will allow all of you to help in that process as well. In order for us to be successful, we’ll need all hands on deck and we’re looking forward to working with all of you.

Brian Eiseman Chair, Board of Directors twitter.com/bismancedc facebook.com/bismancedc @bismancedc Cover Photo Credit: Rebecca Brick

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IMPACTS OF COVID-19 ON BUSINESS By Cathryn Sprynczynatyk Every business in Bismarck-Mandan was affected by the novel coronavirus as it emerged in the community. Connection magazine sat down with businesses from healthcare, personal care, manufacturing, and dining to find out how their businesses and industries were impacted.



Q: What did your hospital experience as COVID-19 emerged in our community? “In Sanford as a whole, we have a data analytics team that was watching data in the U.S.,” said Fred Fridley, Vice President of Operations at Sanford Health in Bismarck. “We have four major medical centers in Bismarck, Fargo, Sioux Falls, and Bemidji. We were able to prepare as a region and prepare how to share resources in a timely fashion...

“We had the ability in our facility to identify a number of wings that could turn into negative pressure using air exchanges. Four South is our COVID-19 positive area. All that air exchange is negative air flow. We’re pulling air in from the outside. We have the ability to close certain doors as a medical center, and we have the ability to turn that area into a negative pressure area.” Q: How were your employees impacted? “You can’t go into a pandemic where there isn’t a little bit of fear from your employees and your staff. As we put our protocols in place, you could feel week-by-week everybody became more comfortable treating patients... “Now, it’s medicine as usual. Protocols look different in different units.”

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CONNECTION | FEATURE Q: How are you beginning to reopen the hospital again? A: “From our standpoint the state did a great job flattening the curve. From a patient perspective, we saw less volumes coming into our clinic, because people were staying at home, which helped. Now, it’s the new norm. We’re starting to see more and more patients coming back... From a patient standpoint, our place is as safe as any place you can go into... “The essential thing for any individual is not putting off healthcare. If you put off healthcare, you can start putting on more complications. Things can evolve from that and get worse for an individual not coming in.”

Sanford Health identified a wing in the hospital that could turn into negative pressure using air exchanges.

Q: How do you see this changing the healthcare industry in North Dakota moving forward? “There will always be fluidity, changes until there is a possibility of a vaccine that is created. Every time you come into our facilities today, we do temperature testing of staff, patient, guests that come through our door... As of today, we comfortable with everything we have in place to protect our patients and our staff.”


Q: What did your hospital experience as COVID-19 emerged in our community? A: “We immediately implemented our incident command, and our incident command is still open today,” said Kurt Schley, President of CHI St. Alexius Health. “At the time, we thought there would be a spike or surge in cases. As we got more into understanding COVID-19 — in collaboration with Department of Health, the National Guard — they began to develop models. The modeling is not showing a defining spike, but the prevalence of COVID-19 is going to be in North Dakota in April through August. If we let up on social distancing, then the spike comes into play.” Q: How were your employees impacted? A: “Hospitals are no different than the rest of our economy. Hospitals are empty and have been largely empty since the middle of March. That’s good. Patients were not coming in for procedures, and that has been a very different business model. We did not furlough any employees. We did not lay off any employees. We had a plan that could keep their incomes at prior levels during this COVID-19 period...

“If a department had a downturn in volumes, the employees could elect to go into a labor pool. We would protect their hours, but in that labor pool they would be assigned to an area that qualified with their licensure and training. Our employees being flexible, we could guarantee them hours... “I would say we’re at the end of the beginning of COVID. Our volumes are starting to come back up again.” Q: How are you beginning to reopen the hospital again? A: “CommonSpirit Health has a gate system for assessing going back to performing elective surgeries, going back to your doctor’s office. You must pass through all five gates as a hospital: government regulation, case rates in our community, hospital capacity, personal protective equipment, and testing. “All of those things still happen on a daily basis to make sure it is safe, it is prudent to do elective surgeries. We started at 60 percent capacity of elective surgeries (on May 4). We’re looking at it on a two-week basis. Next, we’ll look at 70 percent.” Q: How do you see this changing the healthcare industry in North Dakota moving forward? A: “COVID-19 has primed us, positioned us for virtual healthcare going forward. You still will need to go to the doctor’s office, but you won’t need to go to the doctor’s office for every type of examination. I think you will have the option to come in and see the doctor — or it can be done by virtual exam? Which do you prefer? I think that’s good, because the technology is there.”

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Photo Credit: Rebecca Brick


Q: What did your salon experience as COVID-19 emerged in our community? A: “We closed before (the executive order) forced us to close, because we felt it was the right thing for the community and for the safety of my staff as well,” said Andrea Birst, Owner of Glance Spa and Salon. “There was a movement across the state for all salons to join in. It was nice to see the collaboration of everyone stepping up to do our part to keep the community safe... “I personally called every client who had a scheduled appointment. That was more than 1,600 phone calls. I felt it was a way to extend that customer service ... I did that math. Before closure, our average client base is 40-50 clients per day. We are open six days a week, and we were closed for 6 weeks. That’s a lot of phone calls.” Q: How were your employees impacted? A: “I had never dealt with unemployment other than it’s a benefit I pay into each month. In 10 years of business, I had never had (an employee) need to file for unemployment. I’m grateful our employees were able to qualify for unemployment.”

Glance Spa and Salon opted to close before the governor’s executive order, like many other salons in the state.

Q: How were you able to keep the business afloat during closure? A: “We received so much support from the community — people providing support, kind words. People bought product (through curbside delivery) that I know they honestly didn’t need. People would buy gift cards. Bismarck Motor Company bought $500 of gift cards. People would buy $300 worth of gift cards. People would pay for their appointments and services as a form of support, even though appointments had been cancelled.”

Q: What are your procedures now that you have reopened? A: “In the personal care industry, we are our own animal. Very few businesses have to work in such close proximity to our customers as we do. “With 6-foot distancing, if I’m cutting your hair, there’s just no way. We do our best, we space our stations 6-feet apart... “We’ll have you wear a mask when you come. We have hand sanitizer available as soon as you come in. We ask you to bring as few belongings as possible, and that includes children. Guests wear a mask. We wear masks... For skincare services, lip waxing services, the guests don’t wear masks, but we were masks. “I had to learn kill times (for disinfectant). Most have kill times of 10 minutes — that’s too long. But if you use bleach, that ruins people’s clothing. I found a disinfectant that has a kill time of three minutes.”

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Q: What did your tattoo shop experience as COVID-19 emerged in our community? A: “We made the choice March 21 to close voluntarily,” said Amber Larson, Co-Owner of Larson’s Tattooing. “At that time, we were planning to close for a week to reset our operations. On March 28, the governor mandated closures for the personal care industry.” Q: How were you able to keep the business afloat during closure? A: “To have your business completely closed is tough for any business. Since we’re such a service-based industry, there wasn’t necessarily an opportunity to pivot and provide retail services. Retail is an extremely minimal portion of our sales. Since we are so service-based, that meant our sales were essentially gone. “We already follow so many health regulations. For us to go from blood-born health regulations to droplet health regulations wasn’t such a hard pivot... “The thing that was hard for us was to be singled out as an industry without strong consideration for how we already operated... Because we operate with so many health regulations that are hospital grade, it was frustrating that it wasn’t considered industry by industry. Because we were losing so much money every day that we were closed, it had such a big financial impact on us... “We lost close to $15,000 in the one month. One month took us down 25 percent year over year. “Bismarck Motor Company was a big one. The first week we were mandated closed, they reached out and bought $500 in gift cards from us. They did this all across the community. It was such a low point for us that just to have that little influx of cash — it made us cry that someone cared enough to reach out to us. We weren’t getting any funds yet, but we were still paying our receptionist. That $500 was enough to cover the payroll check that week.”

Q: What are your procedures now that you have reopened? A: “I was really fortunate. There were several people that were really wonderful during the closure in providing us with guidance and assistance. Rep. Todd Porter (District 34-Mandan) was a massive part of that. He owns Metro-Area Ambulance Service. They are already familiar with droplet procedures and the additional sanitization that might be needed. He gave input and guidance on what we might need for masks, checking temperatures, to get our business to the point of opening again. “The only strong addition from the governor’s order is us wearing disposable masks and us providing them to customers. We are sanitizing the front of house much more frequently than we did before. In the booth, in the tattoo area, there is not a lot of drastic difference in what we were doing before and what we’re doing now. “We already have biohazard disposal... We already have cold sterilization that has a kill time that kills any bacteria or other thing that could be in the procedure room. We have kill wipes to sanitize surfaces. We have disposable equipment. Anything that isn’t disposal is sanitized.” Q: How do you see this changing the tattoo industry in North Dakota moving forward? A: “In general, I hope it creates a stronger awareness for universal safety practices. I think there are a lot of tattoo studios that are excellent when it comes to safety procedures. Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s as universal as we would like it to be. I hope this helps educate for the customer more, so they can educate for themselves what they should expect for sanitization standards when they chose where they want to have a procedure done. “We don’t have a body art association in North Dakota, that would be nice to see it started. We could work together for training, to set these standards on ourselves.”

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Photo Credit: Rebecca Brick

The owners of Pirogue Grille streamlined their menu from 31 items to 12 items to optimize take-out while dine-in services were closed.


Q: What did Doosan Bobcat experience as COVID-19 emerged in our community? A: “When it started to emerge in the U.S. many of us were at our largest trade show in a 3-year period, CONEXPO in Las Vegas,” said Stacey Breuer, Director of Corporate Communication and Public Affairs, Doosan Bobcat North America. “As things were progressing in the U.S., we were coming back from that trade show and were immediately put into quarantine. A week after that, we transitioned professional staff to working from home. A week after that, we shut down manufacturing lines to put into place new protocols.” Q: How were your employees impacted? A: “Collaboration is being redefined right now. It’s through screens and through video conferencing tools. I’ve been really proud of our employees. The use of technology has not slowed us down, and that’s really great. That speaks to the Bobcat spirit... “Don’t just call in. Use the video technology so you can see each other face-to-face. That’s the challenge. In a creative innovative environment when a lot of ideas are sparked from bouncing ideas off each other, we find ways to get creative, and innovative and make it happen.

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“We have an indoor driving arena (at the Acceleration Center). We are still able to do a lot of testing and driving in the space safely. Our product development and testing projects have continued which is great.” Q: How did your location begin producing personal protective equipment? A: “We started to see that other manufacturers were looking at a variety of things — ventilators, face shields, test vials for labs. What are we capable of doing? Can we use the space at the Acceleration Center to quickly mock-up an assembly line? Ford released a face shield design on their website. It originally was a design from University of Wisconsin. We took that off the internet and iterated it a few times to come up with our final design. Obtaining materials to build the shields was the challenge but our team was able to procure enough plastic to produce a few thousand shields — just under 3,500 total. “We supplied a number of nursing homes and small medical facilities in North Dakota and Minnesota... and we also supplied our own workers in our factories. It was really touching to not only protect our employees but the essential workers at these organizations. A lot of these facilities don’t have the purchasing power that larger medical facilities have. We donated everything. We did not charge anything for the face shields. “In Bismarck-Mandan, we donated 1,100 – one-third of supply overall. We donated them to Baptist Health Care Center, Missouri Slope, Touchmark, CHI St. Alexius Health, Edgewood Vista, and Prairie Rose Family Dentists.”



Photo Credit: Rebecca Brick


Q: What did your restaurant experience as COVID-19 emerged in our community? A: “We were having a good start to the year,” said Stuart Tracy, Chef and Co-Owner Pirogue Grille. “We were up 10 percent over last year for the first 10 weeks of the year. Then, we started to see that drop in our client counts right away.”

Pirogue Grille was up 10 percent over last year for the first 10 weeks of the year before COVID-19 emerged in Bismarck-Mandan.

Q: How were you able to keep the restaurant open while dine-in services were shut down? A: “Our normal menu size would be 31 items. We streamlined that down to 12 items (for takeout). We were not comfortable inventorying all of our items not knowing how busy we may be. We picked some items we knew would taste the best given the circumstances we were handed — something that would hold well. “We kept our sea scallop dish on the menu, because we cook those in a way that when they are sitting in a holding temperature of 140 degrees, they will maintain their quality in the moist environment they’re in. Same with our walleye pike. “We took off the bison medallions right away. We felt there wouldn’t be the same quality after 30 minutes... By the time you cook them and they get to somebody’s house, they wouldn’t have the same quality level.” Q: How has Pirogue Grille implemented the state’s guidelines to reopen dine-in services? A: “Our menu is smaller. Sometimes the supply of products isn’t there like it once was. We will continue to do take out in addition to being open for in person dining...


Q: What did your restaurant experience as COVID-19 emerged in our community? A: “We reacted really quickly,” said Brian Warren, Managing Partner, Texas Roadhouse. “As a company one of our strengths is that we’re a corporation, but we’re also owned and operated on a local level. Everyone in the company did a really good job from our leadership on down reacting as well as we could. Our first week was really slow. We didn’t know if that was what it was going to look like for two weeks or two years, if it was going to be to-go only. We had the liberty of watching other states shut down first, seeing what they did, and adapting. Once we knew the rules we were playing by, it was a matter of figuring out how to do it as well as possible.” Q: How were you able to keep the restaurant open while dine-in services were shut down? A: “The first week was very challenging. It was very slow. It went down to almost nothing. We didn’t know if it was going to stay that way. Luckily, we have a big enough base of loyal customers who came back to us pretty quickly... Every night our management staff would sit down and figure out what went wrong, what we could do better. Our dining room was shut down. We were using almost that whole area to box up to-go food. “We had to get creative. If we had complaints about cold food one day, then we had to get heat lamps set up, figure out how to get the food out to cars faster.” Q: What changes are you making in your business as our community moves forward? A: “We really appreciate the support of all the people in the Bismarck-Mandan area. They have supported us through this whole thing. Everybody has been very understanding and very thoughtful through the whole process. Everyone has been very aware how much our employees have been through in this process.”

“We do a chicken liver pâté that was on our takeout menu and was very popular. You can’t find chicken livers right now. Other than that, we run into situations when the fresh chickens that we want aren’t always there. The bison that we use, I make sure we give the buyer enough lead time so he is able to locate some. Our fresh fish purveyors — there was only one place in Massachusetts where our purveyor could get them.”

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DOT: NOW IS THE TIME TO LEAN INTO INFRASTRUCTURE By Cathryn Sprynczynatyk Bill Panos was appointed as Director of the North Dakota Department of Transportation by Gov. Doug Burgum in September 2019. Previously, Panos served as the Director of Wyoming Department of Transportation from 2015-2019. Connection magazine sat down with Panos in April for a teleconference interview. Q: What is Gov. Doug Burgum’s vision for NDDOT? Why did he select you? A: (Burgum’s) vision is that he wants a world class DOT that helps citizens, businesses thrive here in our state. Transportation is an incredibly important part of that. I think he selected me because of my familiarity with this function — the function of infrastructure in state government. Also, that I come out of a mix of the private sector and public sector. We bring a lot of private sector methodologies to this agency. Bill Panos, Director of NDDOT

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CONNECTION | FEATURE Q: Many state agencies have been involved in the statewide response to the COVID-19 pandemic. How was NDDOT involved in that response? A: North Dakota Department of Transportation really has two roles in terms of responding to the pandemic. The first is to look at the statewide response to the coronavirus pandemic and how we as a state agency are participating with other state agencies. We provide transportation for medical supplies and equipment throughout the state. We continue to do that to this day. We provide transportation for responders, whether it be through vehicles or planes. We are keeping corridors open for the movement of goods throughout the state in response to the coronavirus pandemic. We are providing information resources. You’ll see digital messaging signs with COVID-19 information. We’re modernizing and enhancing the way we measure (traffic volumes). During COVID-19 we are seeing traffic volumes drop each day. We can calculate the amount of revenue we’re losing each day. Every state is having this problem. One bill being proposed (in Congress) right now is a revenue replacement bill (for state departments of transportation). We are also running normal operations. We have flooding going on around the state. We have 15 different locations where we are managing flood operations. For the first time, we are using unmanned aerial vehicles with the University of North Dakota and the Grand Sky team to assess flooding.

Q: When roads are under construction in commercial areas, local businesses are always impacted. How can the impacts be mitigated? A: If I were to get a business coming to the state saying, “We need more of a voice here,” we’re on it. We will react to that kind of request. We’re out there; we are meeting with them. Businesses are feeling like they can contact us if they need additional time with us. I think there are good vehicles for input on the planning and design end. When we do construction, all of our contractors are required to engage the business community in discussions about business interruption. We try to design our schedules around business interruption. I just quick-started $161 million worth of projects that we are starting in the next month. One reason we quick-started those projects is that everything is quiet right now. I can get into the middle of Main Street in Fargo right now and dig it up without interrupting things, because businesses are closed. We look for those windows of opportunity. We ‘re ready and able to accommodate what the businesses need in terms of the projects we build. Projects that were scheduled to start one to two months from now, we started them (in April). They are starting now. People are going to see a lot more projects starting around the state. We are leaning into infrastructure projects around the state... We are wanting to restart the economy, and the transportation infrastructure is a critical part of that. Q: What is the transportation picture today following the oil boom? A: These are the times we build things. When the economy is slow, that’s when we want to invest in infrastructure. Money is cheap. We’re able to go after dollars quickly. Labor is available. The supply chain is open. Now is the moment we want to lean into infrastructure. You’ll see that not only here in North Dakota but all over the country. We are planning a full suite of infrastructure projects as we go forward during this time in the northwest part of the state to support our energy industry.

Editor’s Note: This interview has been edited for length and clarity

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Mocha Momma's Coffee Shop, located in the Gateway Mall, is one of Bismarck-Mandan's original coffee shops.

Dee Neustel MOCHA MOMMA'S COFFEE SHOP Q: Tell us about yourself and your role within your organization. A: Myself along with my husband are owners/operators and also baristas at Mocha Momma's/Perk N Beans. I also handle most of the ordering of supplies, book keeping and social media and my husband Greg is in charge of coffee roasting and attending show's such as Pride of Dakota and The Big One.

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Q: Briefly tell us the history behind Mocha Momma's Coffee Shop. A: Mocha Momma's is one of the original local coffee shops in Bismarck, it been in the Gateway Mall for over 25 Years! Ownership has changed a few times but my husband and I have owned since June 2016.

CONNECTION | MEMBER PROFILE Q: How has the growth of Bismarck-Mandan impacted Mocha Momma's Coffee Shop? A: Not just the community growth but the growth of the love for coffee has been great! We not only create amazing drinks but we also fresh roast gourmet coffee with a huge variety of roasts and flavors. Q: What trends are taking place in your industry? A: As we like to stay "this isn't your dad's coffee"... it's not just brewed or drip coffee anymore or even lattes, people are in love with iced and blended coffee drinks! Smoothies, Italian Sodas and Red Bull Zingers are huge especially in these warmer months.

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Q: Have there been any monumental changes within your industry that you've had to deal with? A: Not really, but we are the small locally owned coffee shop that tries to keep going against the big corporate coffee franchises. We take pride is great drinks and customer service. Q: What does the future of Mocha Momma's Coffee Shop look like, and the industry as a whole look like to you? A: I believe the love of coffee will continue to grow, we hope to continue to add more people to our customer base and increase our coffee bean online sales at www. Perknbeans.com Q: Mocha Momma's Coffee Shop became a member in 2005, why do you continue to renew each year? A: We feel it is very important to be connected to the community. Greg and I are both small town North Dakota natives and we love this community! We help with local fundraisers and I am also the Co Founder and Co Executive Director of Midwest Autism Association. Everyone should check out "Grant's Grind" a medium roast coffee named after our son Grant who is 9, non-verbal with Autism. What should other Chamber EDC members know about Mocha Momma's A: We are a local, small family owned business with ties to the community. Our kids go to school here, we are deeply connected to Bismarck-Mandan and this is our home. Find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/perknbeanscoffee.

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Connection 3 13


CHAMBER EDC RELEASES BUSINESS ASSISTANCE GUIDE The week of May 4-8 was Economic Development Week and celebrated by economic developers across the country including here locally at the Chamber EDC. While staff was not able to do everything that was originally planned due to COVID-19, there were some things that were able to happen. One of those was the release of the Chamber EDC’s Business Assistance Guide.

The Business Assistance Guide (BAG) is an online publication of popular and commonly used tax exemptions, financing, and workforce programs that could potentially offset costs for new or expanding businesses. These programs are mainly aimed at assisting “primary sector” businesses or those that are adding value to product, process, or service and generating new wealth for the state. However, there are a few programs that are not just for those primary sector businesses.

The BAG was not developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent impacts to our local businesses, but rather is part of the Chamber EDC’s ongoing economic development efforts. Similarly, the programs in the BAG are not COVID-19 related programs but programs that were available prior to COVID-19 and will be available after. If you are interested in learning more about the BAG or any of the programs listed please contact Nathan at the Chamber EDC office at 701-223-5660 or by emailing nschneider@bmcedc.com.

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14 4 Connection



Bismarck-Mandan is home to three institutions of higher education: Bismarck State College, the University of Mary and United Tribes Technical College. Those three colleges and universities had a combined enrollment of more than 8,000 students in the Fall of 2019. Sometimes overlooked as an economic contributor, higher education brings a tremendous amount to Bismarck-Mandan’s economy and for the next three months the Connection will illustrate just how they do it.

University of Mary offers nearly 60 undergraduate degrees, 15 master’s degrees, and four doctoral degrees.

This month, we’ll focus on the University of Mary which opened their doors in 1959 as Mary College. At that time, the Benedictine Sisters of the Annunciation aimed to provide the area with graduates in nursing and education, but since then the University has grown into an institution offering: • Nearly 60 undergraduate majors from nursing and education to business and communications. • 15 master’s degrees including business administration, nursing and counseling. • 4 doctoral degrees

Overlooking the Missouri River, the University of Mary’s campus has rapidly transformed into one that attracts students from all over the country in addition to those who choose to remain in Bismarck-Mandan after graduation from high school. As part of that transformation, the University has recently constructed a new School of Engineering, a new student union known as the Lumen Vitae University Center and a new athletic fieldhouse as part of their transition to a NCAA Division II program with 18 varsity sports.

With approximately 3,800 students and locations in North Dakota, Arizona, Montana, Kansas and Rome, the University of Mary has become not only an engine for educating students around the world, but an engine for our local economy. According to an economic impact study commissioned by the University:

• In fiscal year 2018 – 2019, the University of Mary injected $63,236,140 into the local economy. Based on an economic multiplier formula developed by North Dakota State University, the University of Mary’s 2018–2019 direct spending had an effect on the economy of $187,178,974. • University of Mary estimated student discretionary spending during the 2018 - 2019 school year had an effect on the Bismarck-Mandan economy of approximately $22,470,465.

• During the 2018 – 2019 academic year, the University of Mary had 297 full and part-time faculty and 249 full and part-time staff to which wages & benefits totaling more than $28 million were paid. Aside from those direct impacts, the University of Mary is integrally involved in training our community’s next generation workforce. For instance, of the more than 2,000 open jobs in Bismarck-Mandan the category with the single most openings is healthcare. The University of Mary has maintained a stellar reputation for the excellence of its nursing programs, physical therapy, respiratory therapy and more. So it’s safe to say that we would not stand as good a chance of filling those open jobs as we do now if it weren’t for them. Whether it’s healthcare, education, business or something entirely different, Bismarck-Mandan is fortunate to have the University of Mary right here in our backyard educating our leaders of tomorrow.

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Lemonade Day is almost here! On June 20th, Bismarck and Mandan will have more lemonade than they know what to do with. We are encouraging everyone in the community to get out and support our young entrepreneurs as they open up their own little businesses in the form of lemonade stands. Young Entrepreneurs will have their lemonade stands scattered all across Bismarck-Mandan, however a map of registered locations can be found at, https://lemonadeday.org/bismarck-mandan/ stands-map. Though you might find some stands in front of homes or on residential street corners, we are encouraging them to make partnerships with other businesses in the area to set up shop outside their front doors. Of course, it is not too late to register! Young entrepreneurs will be able to register and participate in Lemonade Day up to the day of June 20th. Registration can be done online at, https://lemonadeday.org/bismarck-mandan, or in person at any of the following locations: Morton Mandan Public Library 609 West Main St., Mandan Gateway to Science 1810 Schafer St., Bismarck Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC 1640 Burnt Boat Dr., Bismarck

Let’s show these young entrepreneurs how proud we are of them starting their own business, and please join us on June 20th as we all discover what happens when life gives us lemons! To learn more, please contact Christine Nelson at cnelson@ bmcedc.com or call the Chamber EDC at 701-223-5660. Find us on Facebook, and Instagram using hashtag, #bismanlemonday20!

Many sweet thanks to the following:

Main Squeeze: Lime-Light Sponsors: Fresh Squeeze Sponsors: Lemon Head: American Bank Center, Bartlett & West, Bismarck Title Company, Doosan/Bobcat, Carden Custom Framing, First Western Bank & Trust, Gary Tharaldson School of Business-University of Mary, Grand Junction Grilled Subs, Mr. Squeegee Window Cleaning, Scheels, Terry’s Health Products facebook.com/lemonadedaybismarckmandan @bismanlemonadeday

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INDUSTRY INSIGHT & COVID-19 RESPONSE AT 2020 ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FORUM Each year the Chamber EDC connects with members for their feedback on the economic performance of the region through the annual Economic Outlook Survey. Through this detailed survey we are able to provide our members with insight into the economic climate of Bismarck-Mandan and we will share the results and provide an economic outlook for the year ahead at the Annual Economic Outlook Forum. The Chamber EDC and Starion Bank are excited to host the Associate Professor of Business at the University of Mary, Dr. Karl Sovak, as he shares the results of the recent Economic Outlook Survey. In addition to an outstanding keynote, the 2020 Economic Outlook Forum will provide our region an opportunity to learn from multiple industries of the successes and challenges, including insight into their ongoing COVID-19 response. This year’s Economic Outlook Forum is scheduled on Tuesday, June 23rd at the Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center. Registration begins at 8:00am. To reserve a table for $425, please contact Christine Nelson at 701-223-5660 or email cnelson@bmcedc.com. Cost to attend the Economic Outlook Forum is $40.00 for Chamber EDC members and $50.00 for general admission. New this year is virtual attendance for $30. Tickets for day of the event are $45 for Chamber EDC members and $55 for general admission. REGISTER ONLINE AT BISMARCKMANDAN.COM

Presenting Sponsor:

The agenda this year includes: KEYNOTE: The Economic and Geopolitical Outlook in a Post COVID-19 World • Bernard Baumohl Chief Global Economist, The Economic Outlook Group Bernard Baumohl

INDUSTRY PANEL DISCUSSION • Dr. Mark Hagerott - Chancellor, North Dakota University System • Nicole Kivisto - President/CEO, Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. • Dr. Michael LeBeau - President, Sanford Health Bismarck • Doug Remboldt - Vice President – Member Support, National Information Solutions Cooperative (NISC) • Colton Shoults - Owner, Grand Junction Grilled Subs • Jen Wilson - General Manager, Kirkwood Mall ECONOMIC SURVEY RESULTS • Dr. Karel Sovak - Associate Professor of Business, University of Mary Additional agenda details will be available soon, including information on this year’s panel discussions.

Gold Media Sponsor: Sponsor: Table Sponsors: American Bank Center, Bank of North Dakota, Barr Engineering, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Bismarck Cancer Center, Bismarck State College, Capital Credit Union, First International Bank & Trust, First Western Bank & Trust, Kirkwood Mall, Montana Dakota Utilities, National Information Solutions Cooperative, Sanford, United Tribes Technical College, University of Mary

Connection 3 17


REGISTER "FORE" THE CHAMBER EDC GOLF SCRAMBLE The Chamber EDC Golf Scramble presented by Eide Ford Lincoln is scheduled for Monday, August 17th at Hawktree Golf Club. There is a limited number of spots available, so don't wait to get you and your team registered for a fun day on the green! Individual player fee is $175 and includes: golf fee, golf cart, driving range, lunch and dinner and an opportunity to win great door prizes from our sponsors! Registration starts at 10:30am and a shotgun start at Join us for the Chamber EDC Golf Scramble on Aug. 17. 11:30am. There will be plenty of prizes, contests, food and refreshments. So mark your calendars and start putting your team of FORE together! Please contact Joan at 701-223-5660 or email jtrygg@bmcedc.com to register you or your team. Presenting Sponsor: Gold Sponsors: Drink Cart Sponsor: RJR Maintenance & Management Hole Sponsors: Baymont Inn & Suites, BEK Communications, Bismarck Cancer Center, BNC National Bank, Consolidated Construction Company, Dakota Community Bank & Trust, Eide Bailly, Eide Ford Lincoln, First Western Bank & Trust, Knife River Corporation, Lewis and Clark Development Group, Petro-Hunt, Probitas Promotions, Radission Hotel, Scheels, Silver Ranch Development, an Investcore Company Tee Prize Sponsor: Amy Hullet - Century 21 Morrison Golf Cart Sponsor: Silver Ranch Development, an Investcore Company

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The 2020 Chamber EDC Workforce Summit presented by Health Partners, will provide our region the opportunity to access resources and be included in a discussion of workforce issues and solutions with industry leaders.

The economic strength of Bob Randall, CEO of Bismarck-Mandan, and North Transcend Engagement Dakota, is unquestionably connected to the education and skills of our community. A diversely skilled and educated workforce further enables our region’s ability to be economically competitive on a local, national and global level. Employers, educators and professionals are encouraged to attend the 2020 Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Workforce Summit on Tuesday, July 28 at the Radisson Hotel. In addition to learning from the event keynotes, the 2020 Workforce Summit will feature an expanded selection of workshops to provide attendees with insight into various workforce opportunities and best practices.

REGISTER ONLINE AT BISMARCKMANDAN.COM OPENING KEYNOTE: “Meeting the Needs of Gen Z in the Workplace” • Bob Randall — CEO, Transcend Engagement Randall has a passion for helping individuals, teams and organizations thrive and will provide his insight on engaging and recruiting the next generation of talent. With one foot in research as a Doctorate in Organization Development and one foot in practice as a leader with experience in diverse corporate settings, Randall brings a thoughtful and practical approach to recruiting and employee engagement.

Presenting Sponsor:

WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS * Conflict Resolution • Brandy Currie – Learning & Org Development Partner, Starion Bank

Gold Sponsors:

From the Annual Review to a Culture of Coaching • Raquel Nachatilo — PHR, SHHRM-CP, Human Resources Director, Missouri Valley Family YMCA

Table Sponsors: Capital Credit Union, EMC Insurance, MDU Resource Group

Internship 101 - From Implementation to Connecting with Candidates • Dr. Karel Sovak — Ph. D., Associate Professor of Business, University of Mary Using Technology to Encourage Engagement – Employee Engagement Software • Bob Randall — CEO, Transcend Engagement * Additional workshops to be announced

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OUTSTANDING TEACHER OF THE YEAR PAUSED UNTIL NEW SCHOOL YEAR The awards must go on! The Chamber EDC’s OUTSTANDING Excellence in Business Teacher of the Year and Education Committee have made some tough decisions but have decided Award on the winners for the 2020 Sponsor: Outstanding Teacher of the Year. These five teachers exemplify hard work and dedication to teaching. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and school being closed, the award ceremony and announcement of the winners will be postponed to the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year. We want to thank all teachers of Bismarck-Mandan and surrounding area for tirelessly working through this tough time to keep learning and growing at the forefront of student's minds.

When You’re Ready, We’ll Be Here.

20 4 Connection

FRIDAYS AT THE CHAMBER EDC RETURN IN JUNE Join us for Fridays at the Chamber EDC this summer! Come AT THE join fellow Chamber EDC members for a fun, relaxed and informal way to network each month this summer. Stop by from 11:30am - 1:00pm as Chamber EDC staff serve burgers and brats along with ice cold refreshments. Upcoming Fridays at the Chamber EDC Thursday, June 25 August, TBA September, TBA We appreciate our member support, so come enjoy a meal on us! There is no cost to attend this event but please RSVP. So come enjoy an afternoon on our patio and soak in the warm summer sun! Please RSVP online at www.bismarckmandan.com or by calling 701-223-5660. Presenting Sponsor:



Leadership BismarckMandan is BISMARCK - MANDAN now accepting applications for the Class of 2021. Up to 18 applicants will be accepted into the program. Participants delve into today’s most compelling issues. Community experts create issue day sessions on topics relevant to the Bismarck-Mandan area, including: economic development, energy, agriculture, legislation, political involvement, human services, law enforcement, military, emergency services, arts, leisure, healthcare, and education. Most issue days are 1/2 day. Highlights of the program include a full day at the Capitol during the legislative session, a full day retreat, and a graduation ceremony. If the class is not able to meet in-person due to COVID-19, the class will continue virtually. Following the issue days, the class will divide into groups, select a community project about which they are passionate and work to make that field project into reality. Applications are available online at www. bismarckmandan.com/Leadership-Bismarck-Mandan. Any questions, contact Cathryn at 701-223-5660. Applications are due Aug. 1, 2020. Program begins Sept. 23, 2020. Tuition is $595.


It's never too early to start planning for a day of fun at Capital City Sporting Clays presented by Knife River on Friday, August 21st! It's an event that everyone can enjoy and there is always friendly competition.

Registration starts at 8:00am with a light breakfast before a shotgun start promptly at 9:30am. Participants are encouraged to stay for a delicious lunch, ice cold refreshments and amazing door prizes. You can register individually and we will assign you to a team or you can sign up in teams of four. Admission includes shotgun shells (12 and 20 gauge), ear plugs, course fees, lunch, beverages and a great opportunity to take home some great door prizes. Please register you and your team today by going online to www.bismarckmandan.com or by emailing Ross at rfrohlich@bmcedc.com. Presenting Sponsor: Long Range Sponsor: Rapid Fire Sponsor: Dakota Carrier Network and First International Bank & Trust Pigeon Sponsor: Advanced Business Methods, Dakota Community Bank & Trust and HH Gun Shop

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Date: Saturday, June 20, 2020 Location: Across Bismarck-Mandan Time: All Day Admission: Free for All Presenting Sponsors: Lemonade Day Bismarck-Mandan will be June 20th. This program is empowering today’s youth to become tomorrow’s entrepreneurs by teaching them how to create, own and operate their own business in the form of a lemonade stand. These young entrepreneurs will be setting their own hours and establishing partnerships with area businesses to set up shop all around town while they sell their product. With the help of a responsible mentor, they will set goals, make a plan, work the plan, and achieve their dreams. Please join area youth in the Bismarck-Mandan as we discover what happens when life gives us lemons! Register today at, https://lemonadeday.org/bismarck-mandan, and get started! If you are interested in learning more, or have any questions, please contact Christine Nelson, cnelson@ bmcedc.com, or call the Chamber EDC at 701-223-5660.

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Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 Location: Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center 800 S 3rd Street, Bismarck Time: 8:00AM - 11:00AM Admission: $40.00 for Chamber EDC members $50.00 for General Admission $30.00 for Virtual Presenting Sponsor:

Don’t miss the opportunity to hear firsthand from experts and local professionals from various industries on the challenges of the last year, including COVID-19, and a look forward to future opportunities. In addition to this year’s Industry Panel, we will welcome our keynote speaker: Bernard Baumohl - Wall Street Journal ranked most accurate economic forecaster for 2018. Seating is limited. If you are interested in reserving a table for your organization, please contact Christine Nelson or call 701-223-5660 to find out more details. Cost to attend the Economic Outlook Forum is $40.00 for Members and $50.00 for General Admission. New this year is virtual attendance for $30.00.




Date: Thursday, June 25, 2020 Location: Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Patio 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck Time: 11:30AM - 1:00PM Admission: Free to Attend Presenting Sponsor: We are super excited for June as it marks our first of several member appreciation luncheons! We appreciate your membership and all your support throughout the year, so please stop by and accept our small token of appreciation. Thanks to our presenting sponsor, Daniel Companies, we are able to bring this event to you for FREE!


Date: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 Location: Virtually via Microsoft Teams Time: 9:00AM - 11:00AM Admission: Free to Attend

Attendees will learn the best practices for website maintenance and content to keep followers engaged and to encourage activity from area CEDC members. Website platforms will be reviewed along with recommendations for content updates and more! Shaun Ahlgren - Armor Interactive *additional panelists TBA Register at www.bismarckmandan.com. Contact Joan at jtrygg@bmcedc.com or 701-223-5660 with questions.

Join us and other fellow members for a fun and informal way to network on Thursday, June 25th, from 11:30am 1:00pm on our beautiful patio! That's not a typo, we are shaking things up this year with a Fridays at the Chamber EDC on a Thursday! The Chamber EDC staff will be serving burgers, brats and a choice of sides along with ice cold refreshments.

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Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 Location: Virtual Time: 9:00AM - 12:00PM Admission: Free to Attend Presenting Sponsor:

Each year the Leadership Bismarck-Mandan class breaks into multiple groups to work on field projects addressing community needs. The class will be presenting their projects virtulaly on Wednesday, July 15. 9:00am - 9:45am — Bismarck Event Center South Entrance Revitalization Alongside partners in the Bismarck community, this field project team will work to revitalize the currently outdated monument sign at the A1 entrance of the Bismarck Event Center with a piece of public art and potentially bring sculptural or other aesthetic elements to the space around the sign. Team members are Spencer Henke, Will Hutchings, Brent Kleinjan, Natalie Pierce, Nathan Schultz, and Amanda Woidyla. 10:00am - 10:45am — Glow in the Dark Trails “Glowing Up” seeks to create a beautiful glow-in-the-dark neighborhood trail that enhances the active lifestyles of our community. This will provide a unique opportunity to enjoy activities with an illuminated path. Team members are Jill Castleberry, Nikki Ferderer, Sara Haugen, Brandi Jude, and Dustin Leingang. 11:00am - 11:45am — Shift Bike Share System This team is developing a sustainable bike share system — branded as “Shift” — to provide residents, college students, and visitors with a healthy, affordable, and environmentally-friendly option for exploring Bismarck-Mandan. Team members are Jennifer Anderson, Dallon Bitz, Taylor Daniel, Ashley Kittleson, Julie Jeske, Sarah Rooney, and Benjamin Smith.

If you would like to attend any of these presentations, please RSVP to Cathryn Sprynczynatyk at 701-223-5660 or cathryn@bmcedc.com.

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Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 Location: Baymont Inn & Suites 2611 Old Red Trail, Mandan Time: 11:30AM - 1:00PM Admission: $25.00 Presenting Sponsor: Join us Wednesday, July 22 at the Baymont Inn & Suites for the 31st class of leaders as they graduate from the Leadership Bismarck-Mandan program. You are invited to attend and celebrate the class of 2020. Registration and networking begin at 11:30am with lunch and program to follow. Leadership Bismarck-Mandan, Class of 2020: Jennifer Anderson – KLJ Dallon Bitz – Security First Bank of North Dakota Jill Castleberry – Job Service North Dakota Taylor Daniel – Daniel Companies Nikki Ferderer – MDU Resources Group, Inc. Sara Haugen – Sanford Health Spencer Henke – NISC Will Hutchings – City of Bismarck Julie Jeske – American Bank Center Brandi Jude – Invisible Innocence Council Ashley Kittleson – Starion Bank Brent Kleinjan – United Tribes Technical College Dustin Leingang – High Point Networks Natalie Pierce – Morton County Sarah Rooney – Ameriprise Financial Nathan Schultz – HIT Inc. Benjamin Smith – Dakota Media Access Amanda Woidyla – Bank of North Dakota The cost for attending is $25.00 per person and includes lunch. Table sponsorship is $275. Register online at www. bismarckmandan.com/events or by calling the Chamber EDC at 701-223-5660.



Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 Location: Radisson Hotel 605 E Broadway Ave, Bismarck Time: 8:00AM - 12:00PM Admission: $30.00 for Chamber EDC Members $45.00 for General Admission Presenting Sponsor: The Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC presents the 2020 Workforce Summit. This event will provide our region the opportunity to access resources regarding workforce trends, current issues in the workplace and methods to integrate workforce programs. Workforce development, recruitment and retention are undoubtedly some of the biggest obstacles businesses in our community tackle each day. Employers, educators and professionals are encouraged to attend the 2020 Workforce Summit on Tuesday, July 28th at the Radisson Hotel. In addition to relevant keynote speakers and panel discussions, the 2020 Workforce Summit will feature workshops to provide attendees with insight into the various opportunities and challenges of workforce development.


Date: Monday, August 17, 2020 Location: Hawktree Golf Club 3400 Burnt Creek Loop, Bismarck Time: 10:30am - 4:30pm Admission: $175 for Chamber EDC members Presenting Sponsor:

Register you and your team FORE our Chamber EDC Golf Scramble on Monday, August 17th at Hawktree Golf Club. There is a limited number of spots available so don't wait to sign up. Individual player entry is $175 and includes: golf fee, golf cart, driving range, lunch and dinner, and an opportunity to win great door prizes from our sponsors! Registration starts at 10:30am and shotgun start is promptly at 11:30am. There will be plenty of prizes, contests, food and refreshments. So mark your calendars and start putting your team of four together. Or sign up individually and we will assign you to a team. Please contact Joan at 701-223-5660 or email jtrygg@ bmcedc.com to register yourself or your team.

To learn more or to register, please contact Joan at jtrygg@ bmcedc.com or by calling 701-223-5660. Register online at www.bismarckmandan.com.

Connection 3 25


MPO FIGHTS TO SAVE SUMMER EVENTS DESPITE COVID-19 People from across the state are accustomed to gathering in downtown Mandan for summer events hosted by the Mandan Progress Organization (MPO). In response to COVID-19, the organization has had to make adjustments to their annual affairs. “We are sad to see Touch a Truck cancelled; however, we are excited that this event isn’t over, just overhauled,” said Executive Director Dot Frank. The event, which typically features a variety of heavy and commercial equipment on Main Street, will now put those vehicles to print.

Buggies-N-Blues, originally scheduled for June has been pushed back to August.

Photo Credit: LPT Images

“Our committee met and will debut a coloring book,” said retiring Director Del Wetsch. “Each page will feature a photo that’s been turned into a coloring page, complete with a description and company details. Additionally, the book will have games and activities.” Touch a Truck switched gears and Buggies-N-Blues is switching dates. “Car clubs were contacted and the consensus was to move the event into August,” shared Wetsch. “We’re still working out the details, but are hopeful that conditions will support the event in a traditional sense, where spectators can view the vehicles and vendors can sell and serve their goods,” Frank added. Information regarding both events is available online at www.MandanProgress.org, on Facebook and by contacting the MPO office at 701-751-2983.


26 4 Connection


BISMARCK MOTOR COMPANY HONORED WITH 2019 HONDA PRESIDENT’S AWARD Bismarck Motor Company has earned the prestigious 2019 President’s Award from American Honda Motor Co., Inc. for excellence in all business areas, including sales performance, sales experience, service performance, and business operations. Bismarck Motor Company is one of only 183 top-performing Honda dealerships in America to receive the Honda President’s award for 2019. “It’s an honor to recognize Bismarck Motor Company for its dedication to providing our customers an outstanding sales and service experience,” said Steven Center, senior vice president of Automobile Sales at American Honda Motor Co., Inc. “The President’s Award recognizes dealerships that are committed to providing our customers an exceptional sales experience and outstanding service long after the sale and Bismarck Motor Company exemplifies this award.” “The goal of Bismarck Motor Company is to provide an atmosphere that encourages employee teamwork, integrity and excellence, “said Chris Schneider, owner. “We have a great team that strives to exceed our customers’ expectations and maintain their loyalty for a lifetime.” As a recipient of Honda’s highest honor Bismarck Motor Company will receive the President’s Award trophy, recognition materials to display in its dealership showroom and promotional recognition in an advertisement by American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Each employee will also be rewarded for their individual contributions to the success of the dealership.

KLJ RANKED AMONG ENR TOP 500 DESIGN FIRMS Engineering New-Record (ENR) announced this week that KLJ has been named among the 2020 Top 500 Design Firms. The firm ranked 160, moving two numbers from the 2019 ranking. KLJ was evaluated based on revenue for design services performed in 2019. Design services assessed included general building, power, water supply, sewer/waste, industrial/petroleum, transportation, and telecommunications. ENR, reports on the top design firms, both architects and engineers, and the top construction companies as well as projects in the United States and around the world. The Top 500 Design Firms list, published annually in April, ranks the 500 largest U.S. based designs firms, both publicly and privately held, based on design-specific revenue. Companies engaged in general contracting specialty contracting, engineering, architecture, planning and studies are ranked through an annual survey. The rankings are then divided into specific market categories.

Guidance and resources to plan for the road ahead. PRODUCTS: • Disability Income Insurance1 • Individual Life Insurance • Investments2 • Long Term Care Insurance • Retirement/401(k) Plan Services • Single Premium Annuities • Fixed Annuities

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Michael Stein CFP®, CLTC CA Insurance License #0147948 MassMututal Central U.S. 701-223-8090 michaelastein@financialguide.com

Insurance Representative of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual), Springfield, MA 01111-0001, and its affiliated US Insurance companies. Local firms are sales offices of MassMutual, and are not subsidiaries of MassMutual or its affiliated companies. Insurance products issued by Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual), Springfield, MA 01111, and its affiliated US insurance companies. 1Disability income insurance policies have exclusions and limitations. 2Securities and investment advisory services offered through MML Investors Services, LLC, Member SIPC® and a MassMutual subsidiary. Supervisory Office: 100 South 5th Street, Suite 2300, Minneapolis, MN 55402. 612-333-1413. 3Performed in conjunction with your attorney and/or other advisors. CRN202012-222356

Connection 3 27




The Bismarck Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast will be held Thurs., June 25, from 7:15am - 8:15am. The breakfast will take place at the Ramada Bismarck, 1400 E. Interchange Ave., Bismarck. Haley Wolfe, Miss North Dakota 2019, will deliver the keynote address.

CHI St. Alexius Health Bismarck has received the highest safety rating in the region by the Leapfrog Group for spring 2020. The Leapfrog Group is a national nonprofit organization committed to improving health care quality and safety.

Haley Wolfe, is a native of Carrington, ND, and currently resides in Fargo, ND. She is a Senior at Minnesota State University Moorhead pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Accounting, and plans to obtain a Master of Science in Accounting and Finance Degree as well as a "Certified Pubic Accountant's license.

“The Leapfrog Group Hospital Safety Award recognizes how safe CHI St. Alexius Health keeps patients from errors, injuries, accidents and infections. We are proud to consistently receive this high-grade rating of a ‘B’ from The Leapfrog Group,” said Kurt Schley, CHI St. Alexius Health Bismarck President. “Our medical staff, associates and key partners continue to be recognized nationally for their hard work and dedication to ensure safe, high quality care for every patient we serve.”

In 2019, Haley competed for the Miss America title and found time to assist the Crisis Care Chaplaincy in producing two suicide prevention videos. The Crisis Care Chaplaincy serves first responders, law enforcement, fire fighters, emergency medical services, and people experiencing traumatic events in the BismarckMandan area. Proceeds from the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast go to support the essential services provided by Crisis Care Chaplaincy.

The Leapfrog Group “grades” hospitals A-F on their safety. The Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade uses up to 28 national performance measures from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the Leapfrog Hospital Survey and information from other supplemental data sources. Taken together, those performance measures produce a single letter grade representing a hospital’s overall performance in keeping patients safe from preventable harm and medical errors. “Keeping our patients safe is our top priority,” stated Dr. Lisa Laurent, CHI St. Alexius Health’s Chief Medical Officer. “Congratulations to our team for putting patients and safety first. We work together as a team to implement best practices to achieve the best patient experience.”

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28 4 Connection

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DACOTAH SPEEDWAY CELEBRATES 30TH ANNIVERSARY Dacotah Speedway is celebrating 30 years this summer as Western North Dakota's premier dirt track. The racing season is scheduled to tentatively start on Friday, June 5th.

Dacotah Speedway's 30th racing season is scheduled to tentatively start Friday, June 5th.

The racing facility hosted its first dirt track race in June of 1990. Since it's inaugural season, Dacotah Speedway has continued to grow into the major multi-use facility that it is today. Voted The Bismarck Tribune's "Best Place for Family Entertainment" in 2017 Photo Credit: LPT Images and 2018, Dacotah Speedway hosts five different car classes consisting of IMCA Sport Compacts, Hobby Stocks, INEX Legends, WISSOTA Street Stocks and IMCA Modifieds as well as Demolition Derbies, Monster Trucks and Tractor Pulls throughout the summer. The speedway averages the highest number of WISSOTA Street Stocks in the country and the third highest average number of IMCA Modifieds in the United States. Dacotah Speedway races most Fridays nights from May until late August. Grandstands open at 6:00pm and green flag waves at 7:00pm. Kids 12 and under are free! Fans can also watch racing live and on-demand from the comfort of their homes at www.dacotahspeedway.tv. For more information, go to www.dacotahspeedway.net.


June 20, 2020 Lemonade Day is a fun, experimental program that teachers kids how to start, own and operate their very own business, a lemonade stand!

Success is sweet!

REGISTER TODAY www.bismarckmandan.lemonadeday.org

Connection 3 29



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Q: HOW DO I ENSURE SECURITY Q: HOW DO I PROTECT DIGITAL WITH INCREASED INTERNET ASSETS? USAGE? A: Digital assets include things like e-mail, social media, and websites you own. All A: It’s a fact, we are clobbering the of your usernames and passwords would

be considered digital assets. Protecting sible from COVID-19 is essential in the these assets should be a part of your entire workplace. A return-to-work phone line estate plan. Here are a few ways to get connects employees to personnel who started. can monitor them for COVID-19 symptoms 1. Keep track of your digital assets and address their concerns with confiMake a list of all your usernames dentiality and professionalism. In addition and passwords and identify those to COVID-19 screening questions, this that it would be important for someresource creates a consistent process to one to have when you are gone. ensure an employee’s work status meets Access to your library account is not the Centers for Disease Control and Preas important as your social media vention (CDC) guidelines. Other benefits account. include: • Identifying and keeping 2. Come up with a way to house all symptomatic employees at home those passwords • Immediate reporting to an You can write all of them down, use employer representative a Password Manager (software that • Staying up-to-date on the latest can be on your computer, phone or CDC guidelines in the cloud), or use an external hard • Verifying an employees’ ability to drive or flash drive. return to work 3. Leave Directions Adding a return-to-work phone line to Having all this information stored monitoring efforts is another way that emsomewhere safe is great, but the ployers can help to keep their workforce whole point is to make sure somehealthy during the pandemic. one can access your information when you are gone. Put together a letter with instructions explaining how to access your information and let someone know where they can find this letter.

30 4 Connection


internet. It seems like my family is always logged on listening to or watching something. Have you ever wondered if all of this extra activity was actually safe? No surprise, it’s not safe and an additional layer of security should be considered to address the “always-on” status of the internet. This layer is called DNS Security (Domain Name System). This is what the internet uses to translate our website searches into IP address – it’s like the phonebook for the internet. If you work with NRG as a client, you already have a vital layer of security known as Endpoint Security. Th End Point security we provide is business grade Anti-Virus, Anti-malware and email filtering that protects the devices connected to your network (ie. computer, phone, switches, routers). DNS Security is the layer to address our increase in network activity and internet traffic. It controls internet usage and prevents everyday browsing from becoming a bigger security risk than it already is. A scan of the entire internet is done at least 3 times per day to block any internet request to a suspicious or malicious address automatically and accurately. DNS Protection can prevent 88% of internet-borne malware with DNS Protection.





1929 N Washington St, Ste GG, Bismarck, ND 58501

500 N 8th Street, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-222-6100

529 Marilyn Drive, Mandan, ND 58554 701-214-1633





difficulties for all of us and this is no different for the individuals with Autism who receive Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. Fortunately, we have the technology to continue to provide services without putting the health of our clients at risk. Telehealth, or teletherapy, has given us the opportunity to host therapy sessions while continuing to practice social distancing. During these sessions, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) will video chat with a client or family. Together they work on skills or programs they would typically work on in-person at an office or in the home. This form of therapy has both pros and cons. The most challenging part of telehealth is not being in the room and, therefore, being unable to control what is happening in the room. Distractions are always limited when possible, but it is difficult to control a home environment with other people present. It can also be difficult to limit screen time when a screen is required to provide services. The benefit of this service has been the opportunity for families to see what is being worked on and having the opportunity to get involved with the therapeutic services. Parents have been immensely helpful at keeping clients focused on the programming and providing the praise that can be so rewarding to the client.

kota, but remember to be mindful when you head outside. The American Cancer Society estimates that around 230 people in North Dakota will be diagnosed this year with a cancer that is almost totally preventable – melanoma. Here are some important tips to limit further damage: 1. Limit sun exposure. Seek shade when the sun’s UV rays are the strongest, between 10am and 2pm. 2. Apply sunscreen. Use sunscreen that is labeled broad spectrum. Sunscreen also should be at least SPF 30 and water resistant. Apply every two hours. 3. Wear protective clothing. This includes a long- sleeve shirt, wide-brim hat and sunglasses. 4. Frequent skin screenings. You will need to do a head-to-toe exam of your skin. The exam should be done in a well-lit room in front of a fulllength mirror. If you find spots that look suspicious during a self-exam, call your healthcare provider.

mortgage approval process do not change jobs until the keys are firmly in your hands. This means AFTER CLOSING. Job consistency and salary are important factors that mortgage lenders take into consideration and are usually weary of issuing loans to borrowers in unstable circumstances. Don’t make large purchases - A big money purchase can quickly alter your credit score by changing your debt to income ratio (DTI). Major purchases include a car, furniture, jewelry, etc. I’m sure that new car would to look great in the garage of your home, but it’s not going to have the same appeal to your mortgage lender. Do not allow any new credit inquiries after the mortgage loan approval - The presence of any new credit inquiries is a major red flag. One of the major factors in the loan approval is your DTI and changes in your DTI may cause a mortgage lender to question your ability to make a mortgage payment.

Connection 3 31

MEMBER PERKS | CONNECTION STEIN QUALIFIES FOR MILLION DOLLAR ROUND TABLE Michael A. Stein an agent of MassMutual Central U.S. has qualified for the financial industry’s Michael A. Stein Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) Members demonstrate exceptional professional knowledge, strict ethical conduct and outstanding client service. MDRT membership is recognized internationally as the standard for excellence in the life insurance and financial services business. Michael A. Stein has been a qualifying member of MDRT for the last 9 years. Local firms are sales offices of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual), and are not subsidiaries of MassMutual or its affiliated companies. Michael Stein is a registered representative of and offers securities and investment advisory services through MML Investors Services, LLC. Member SIPC. 100 South Fifth Street Suite 2300 Minneapolis MN 55402 (612) 333-1413. CRN202202259497.

SANFORD HEALTH WELCOMES NURSE PRACTITIONER Trina Kaiser, FNP, Pain Management, has joined the Sanford Health team in Bismarck. As a nurse Trina Kaiser practitioner, she assesses and manages pain-related conditions, including neck and back pain, nerve pain, cancer-related pain and headaches. Kaiser completed her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of Arizona in Tucson. She completed her Master of Science in Nursing at the University of Mary in Bismarck

BSC PROFESSOR NAMED NATIONAL POST-SECONDARY BUSINESS TEACHER OF THE YEAR Bismarck State College (BSC) Professor of Computers & Office Technology Dr. Lynette Borjeson Painter was recently named the Dr. Lynette Borjeson Painter Post-Secondary Business Teacher of the Year for her SPOTTED BEAR JOINS contributions to business education. MABU The National Business Education Wind Spirit Spotted Association (NBEA) is the nation's Bear recently joined leading professional organization Agency MABU as a devoted exclusively to serving multimedia developer. individuals and groups engaged in She will coordinate a instruction, administration, research, and Wind Spirit Spotted Bear variety of creative services dissemination of information for and including graphic design, about business. The NBEA Post-Secondary videography, photography, animation, Business Teacher of the Year award website development and other creative recognizes outstanding contributions to services. business education by a post-secondary Spotted Bear’s prior experience business teacher (other than a senior includes running her own freelance college or university teacher). company HINXdesigns; working as Borjeson Painter teaches computer and a printmaker at Ink, Inc.; serving as a web development courses at BSC using production assistant/model for the Pharrell online, hybrid, blended and traditional Williams “Human Race” Adidas Campaign; formats. She was awarded the regional and being a cultural language advocate/ Mountain-Plains Business Education coordinator for the Nuéta Language Association (M-PBEA) Outstanding PostInitiative. Secondary Business Teacher of the Year She is an enrolled member of the Three in 2009 and received the North Dakota Affiliated Tribes, also known as Mandan, Association of Career and Technical Hidatsa and Arikara (MHA) Nation, which Education (NDACTE) Post-Secondary is located on the Fort Berthold Indian Teacher of the Year award in August 2019. Reservation in central North Dakota. A graduate of the University of North Dakota, Spotted Bear holds a bachelor’s degree in new art media and graphic design.

DCN HIRES SCHWEITZER Dakota Carrier Network (DCN) has hired Wendy Schweitzer as marketing manager in its Bismarck office. In this role, she is responsible Wendy Schweitzer for creating, publishing and measuring the effectiveness of DCN’s external marketing, advertising and public relations initiatives, and internal communication. Schweitzer has more than 25 years of experience in marketing as well as public, community, and media relations. She earned a bachelor’s degree in communications from the University of Mary and is active in Special Olympics and at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. BIANCO REALTY SALES AWARDS Bianco Realty has announced their top six "REALTORS® OF THE MONTH" for April: Shirley Thomas, Amber Sandness, Judy Maslowski, Amy Asche, Darcy Fettig and Tori Mathern. These six REALTORS® had the highest sales totals at Bianco Realty in April 2020. UNIVERSITY OF MARY PROMOTES DRS. MARY DOCKTER AND DAVID TAMISIEA AS NEW DEANS The University of Mary announced it has Dr. Mary Dockter appointed Dr. Mary Dockter and Dr. David Tamisiea as deans of the School of Health Sciences and School of Arts and Sciences, respectively. Dockter, a longtime faculty member and chair of the Physical Therapy Dr. David Tamisiea Department, becomes the new dean of the premiere School of Health Sciences at the University of Mary. Dockter, a native of Jamestown, ND, takes over for longtime friend and colleague Dr. Jodi Roller, who announced her retirement last year after 10 years as dean and 25 years at the university. Tamisiea, who held the post of interim dean of the School of Arts and Sciences (SOAS) this past academic year, came to the University of Mary in 2018 as administrative chair of University-wide Programs and associate professor of Theology.

Share your business news with the Chamber EDC. Email press releases to Rebecca at rrattei@bmcedc.com.

32 4 Connection

CONNECTION | MEMBER PERKS BIRD & SCHLAFMAN HONORED ON THE FINANCIAL TIMES’ LIST OF “400 TOP FINANCIAL ADVISERS” Joel Bird, CFP®, BFA™, CRPC®, APMA®, CLTC®, Joel Bird and David Schlafman, CFP®, CLTC®, APMA®, Private Wealth Advisors with Ameriprise Financial in Bismarck, were named to the list of “Financial Times 400 Top Financial Advisers” published by the Financial Times. The David Schlafman annual list recognizes the most outstanding financial advisors who represent the highest levels of ethical standards, professionalism and success in the business. Financial advisors from across the brokerage industry applied for consideration, having met a set of minimum requirements. Bird & Schlafman were chosen based on assets under management, asset growth rate, years of experience, advanced industry credentials, online accessibility, and compliance records.

EMC BISMARCK BRANCH WELCOMES NEW HIRES EMC Insurance Companies today announced several new hires in its Bismarck branch. Case Doorn has been hired as the Risk Improvement Manager. Doorn joined EMC in 2016 and has held various role within risk improvement. He has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Construction Engineering from Iowa State University, a Master of Business Administration from The University of South Dakota, and the Associate in Risk Management designation. Kyle Craig has been hired as the Marketing Representative for the state of Oregon. Craig brings over five years of insurance experience working in a variety of roles. He has his bachelor’s degree in business administration/international business from Gonzaga University.

LORENZ JOINS MABU Grayson Lorenz recently joined Agency MABU as a senior web developer. He will play a lead role in creating website solutions for Grayson Lorenz MABU clients. Lorenz has a broad background in programming languages. He is certified as an HDI support center analyst. His career experience includes three years as an analyst developer at Prominent Technology in Bismarck.


Televised on Government Access, cable channel 2 & 602 HD. Broadcast on Radio Access 102.5 FM radio. Streamed online at www.freetv.org.

Mon, 1st

5:00 pm Burleigh County Commission

Tues, 2nd

5:30 pm Mandan City Commission

Tues, 16th 1:30 pm Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board 5:30 pm Mandan City Commission

Thurs, 4th

5:00 pm Bismarck Board of Adjustment 5:30 pm Morton County Commission*

Wed, 17th 3:30 pm Historic Preservation Commission

Mon, 8th

5:15 pm Bismarck School Board 5:30 pm Mandan Park Board *

Mon, 22nd

5:15 pm Bismarck School Board 5:30 pm Mandan Planning Commission*

Tues, 9th

5:15 pm Bismarck City Commission

Tues, 23rd

5:15 pm Bismarck City Commission 5:30 pm Morton County Commission*

Wed, 24th

5:00 pm Bismarck Planning Commission

Wed, 10th 8:00 am Burleigh County Water Resource District 5:15 pm Burleigh County Planning Commission Thurs, 11th

9:00 am Bismarck Parking Authority 4:00 pm Renaissance Zone Authority 5:15 pm Bismarck Park Board

Mon, 15th 10:00 am 5:00 pm 5:30 pm

Meetings are replayed several times on the Government Access channel and are available for viewing online (Watch on Demand) at www.freetv.org. * Delayed Playback

Metropolitan Planning Organization TAC Burleigh County Commission Mandan School Board* Connection 3 33

RIBBON CUTTINGS | CONNECTION The Chamber EDC encourages all members to do business with each other. The following companies and organizations have recently made an important investment in their business by joining the Chamber EDC. Please consider them for your professional and personal needs. To find a complete listing of Chamber EDC members, view the Member Directory online at www.bismarckmandan.com. Larson's Tattooing 216 West Main Mandan, ND Jon & Amber Larson (701) 400-5217 Larson's Tattooing is a family-owned tattoo and piercing studio located in the heart of Bismarck-Mandan, North Dakota. We work out of a beautiful, historic building on Main Street. Medica Health Plans 1711 Gold Drive South Ste 210 Fargo, ND Cherie Moody (701) 293-4700 A non-profit health plan headquartered in Minneapolis with offices in Duluth, Fargo, Omaha and St. Cloud. The plan provides health coverage in the employer, individual, Medicaid and Medicare markets.

WATCH YOUR UTILITY BILL GO DOWN AS THE SUN COMES UP Solar Energy in North Dakota for Your Home, Business or Farm

7340 62ND AVE SE, BISMARCK • 701-595-3111

34 4 Connection

Red Trail Petro 2511 Old Red Trail NW Mandan, ND Clay Ulrich (701) 663-8668 Gas, diesel, convenience store. Food bar including Champs Chicken, pizza, Petro Espresso coffee bar. Eyes on Bismarck 1929 N. Washington Street Ste AA Bismarck, ND Mike Houle (701) 255-7894 Brian Beattie, OD and Mike Houle, OD are area optometrists providing comprehensive eye care. Coffee shop located inside our full-service optical. Barney's C-Store - Auto Service 700 W. Main Street Mandan, ND Clay Ulrich (701) 663-5566 Gas, diesel, auto repair, towing, car wash, C-store. Meraki Hair Salon and Spa 1001 W Interstate Ave Ste 100 Bismarck, ND Lotus Fettig (701) 751-0503 Meraki Hair Salon & Spa is about beautiful beginnings. We are here to provide excellent services with all our creativity, soul, passion and love.



The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the tax landscape, and the CARES Act as well asother recent legislation and IRS guidance may impact a taxpayer’s past, present and futuretax liability. If you need help understanding cash flow opportunities, including Qualified Improvement Property, NOLs, modifications to interest deduction limits, the deferral of certain payroll taxes and the employee retention credit, Eide Bailly is here for you. Contact us today to help see how we can put dollars back in your budget.

What inspires you, inspires us. 701.255.1091 | eidebailly.com

Connection 3 35

Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Connection 1640 Burnt Boat Drive Bismarck, ND 58503

UPCOMING CHAMBER EDC EVENTS LINKUP Date: June 1, 2020 • Time: 5:00pm - 7:00pm Location: Ramada by Wyndham Bismarck – 1400 E Interchange Ave, Bismarck



LEMONADE DAY BISMARCK-MANDAN Date: June 20, 2020 Location: Bismarck-Mandan

June 20, 2020

Lemonade Day is a fun, experimental program that teaches kids how to start, own and operate their very own business, a lemonade stand!

ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FORUM Date: June 23, 2020 • Time: 8:00am - 11:00am Location: Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center – 800 S 3rd Street, Bismarck


FRIDAYS AT THE CHAMBER EDC Date: Thursday, June 25, 2020 • Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm Location: Chamber EDC Patio – 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck

Success is sweet!

BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SERIES Date: July 7, 2020 • Time: 9:00am - 11:30am Location: Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC – 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck


LEADERSHIP BISMARCK-MANDAN FIELD PROJECT PRESENTATIONS Date: July 15, 2020 • Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Location: Virtual


LEADERSHIP BISMARCK-MANDAN GRADUATION Date: July 22, 2020 • Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm Location: Baymont Inn & Suites – 2611 Old Red Trail, Mandan

500 N 8th St|Bismarck, ND 58501 701-222-6100


Dates subject to change. For more information visit bismarckcancercenter.com


July 4 July 25 July 27-31 August 6 August 8 August 13 August 15 August 19 August 21

Mandan Road Race Blue Grass Goes Pink Bismarck/Mandan project HOPE Celebrity Bartender Carz-n-Cures Beer & Boutiques Saddle Up Against Cancer Boxers & Beer Drive to Survive

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