November Connection

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MEMBER PROFILE Community Options Pg. 8

STATE OF THE CITIES Wednesday, November 10th Pg. 12

WELCOME NATE! Meet the newest employee of the Chamber EDC! Pg. 14

Connection NOVEMBER 2021




Valerie Weigel ................................................................... Chair Kevin Strege ...............................................................Vice-Chair Wendy Van Duyne ........................................................Secretary Mike Schmitz ................................................................Treasurer Brian Eiseman ............................................................ Past Chair


Evan Anderson ...........................................................Gizmonics Steve Bakken ......................................................City of Bismarck Andrea Birst ...............................................Glance Spa & Salon Nathan Boehm ....................................................Morton County Brian Eiseman ...............................................Stoneshire Builders Amber Larson......................................................City of Mandan Karl Lembke ......................................................Vaaler Insurance Becky Matthews ................................................Burleigh County Allan Miller ............................................................Anyleaks, Inc. Dr. Sara Weigel Ness ..............................Active Life Chiropractic Marnie Piehl .......................................................................AARP Mike Remboldt ................................................................HIT Inc. Matt Sagaser ......................................................Doosan Bobcat Mike Schmitz ......................................Schmitz-Holmstrom CPAs Garret Senger ...............................Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. Kevin Strege ................................................Credit Foundations Wendy Van Duyne .....................Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Valerie Weigel .......................Basin Electric Power Cooperative Lee Weisbeck ..........................................................Starion Bank


Brian Ritter ...................................................................President Nate Brown......................................................Sales Coordinator Aasta Eggert .......Economic Development Marketing Specialist Ross Frohlich ............................................Membership Director Mary Kempenich........................Workforce Marketing Specialist Christine Nelson ....................................Event & Sales Manager Rebecca Pelkey .................................Communications Specialist Elliot Rust ................................................Chief Financial Officer Lyndsey Scheurer .........................Creative Marketing Specialist Nathan Schneider ................................................Vice President Josie Smyle ..................................................Events Coordinator Cathryn Sprynczynatyk .....................Communications Specialist 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck, ND 58503 701-223-5660 •

CONTACT INFORMATION Content Rebecca Pelkey

Advertising Nate Brown

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2 4 Connection

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want you to think back to my Chair’s Corner from last month when I said, “And just in case you’re worried that we’re leaving out our institutions of higher education, keep watching the Connection in the coming months…” Well, we delivered on that promise because this month’s edition of the Connection features a roundtable discussion with all three of our local college presidents. I know that Bismarck-Mandan is not often thought of as a ‘college town,’ but I think a strong case could be made that we actually are. I say that because combined, the University of Mary, Bismarck State College and United Tribes Technical College have an enrollment of nearly 8,000 students! What’s more is that under the leadership of Monsignor James Shea, Dr. Doug Jensen and Dr. Leander McDonald, respectively, all three institutions are poised to grow even more. Something else I want you to know is that not only were all three presidents willing to give us time to talk about the issues impacting higher education as a whole, but they’re engaged in our advocacy efforts as well. While it may seem unusual, we’re already developing our 2023 Legislative Agenda and to do that, we’ve initiated a series of quarterly meetings with the local legislative delegation to discuss those issues impacting our community. The first of those meetings happened just a few months ago when we gathered the delegation together with area education leaders, including our college presidents and local superintendents, to discuss issues specific to education. We’re going to keep that process moving forward in 2022 with meetings on topics like infrastructure, healthcare and more that are important to both Bismarck-Mandan and our members. The Chamber EDC is the business community’s advocate and this is just one of the ways in which we’re working on your behalf. And if that wasn’t enough involvement from our three college presidents, you can see them all together on stage at this year’s Chamber EDC State of the Cities. Presented by Midco and Kraus-Anderson, this year’s State of the Cities is scheduled for Wednesday, November 10 at the Baymont Inn & Suites. Registration is from 7:00am – 7:30am with the event to follow from 7:30am – 9:00am. To register or learn more, visit So as you can see, there is an awful lot of happening in Bismarck-Mandan and at the Chamber EDC. However, none of it is possible without the support of our members, so please accept my very thanks for your continued support. Sincerely,

Valerie Weigel, Chair Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC @bismancedc

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From left: Dr. Leander McDonald, President of United Tribes Technical College; Msgr. James Shea, President of University of Mary; Brian Ritter, President of Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC; Dr. Doug Jensen, President of Bismarck State College; Cathryn Sprynczynatyk, Communications Specialist for Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC

Every once in a while, Bismarck-Mandan bemoans the fact that our forefathers chose to have the North Dakota State Penitentiary rather than what would become North Dakota State University. How could our forefathers possibly think a prison would be a bigger economic driver than a university? But a pity-party is short-sighted, and it misses the healthy higher education system we have and its substantial economic impact. Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC President Brian Ritter sat down with the presidents of all three colleges for a candid discussion on workforce development, why the old higher education model is no longer relevant post-COVID, and what makes them optimistic. Brian Ritter: What is the greatest economic impact of higher education in Bismarck-Mandan?

Msgr. James Shea, President of University of Mary: “We have a broad diversity in terms of the nature of our institutions, which is really important. I think we do a better job as a team of colleges making sure that we have graduates who are culturally prepared for the workplace... When you think of the nurses we graduate from University of Mary, we want them to be ready for the floor on day one... Our engineers... we have engineers graduating who can lead a team...”

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Dr. Doug Jensen, President of Bismarck State College: “I think it’s talent acquisition and retention. We develop the talent that this community needs to be able to grow and respond to the opportunities that we’re facing... Capital isn’t going to be the issue for business growth. It’s going to be talent. I think that’s one of our greatest roles to be able to work with the private sector to develop that talent.” Dr. Leander McDonald, President of United Tribes Technical College: “A lot of our programs are focused on the governing tribes first, and then the regional tribes and what their workforce needs are. But they are reaching saturation within those communities, so our students are staying here in town. They’re going onto higher education, or they’re getting jobs here in the community. They’re already here. There are jobs available here that are not available at home.”

CONNECTION | FEATURE Ritter: Burleigh-Morton County combined has close to 3,400 jobs open right now. You all have distinct missions. You all have very specific focuses. How are your institutions helping to fill those open jobs?

McDonald: “We have seen in the last couple years tremendous acceptance of us coming out and seeking internships in the community. We’re placing our students here in town, at the state. All that has been helpful to us and having those students have that experience that supplements or accentuates their academic experience with us, which better prepares them for the workforce.” Shea: For six years running, less than 50 percent of our incoming class is from North Dakota. But our North Dakota numbers haven’t gone down at all. We’re drawing massive numbers. We have students who are coming here from the Twin Cities who are driving past four, five, or six other Catholic or Lutheran private colleges in order to get to Bismarck. It’s because we’re a good value. It’s because this is a great community. It’s because they’ve talked to their friends.” Jensen: “We have partnerships with k-12... We have done work this past year with Bismarck Public Schools in developing stackable credentials — offering the curriculum to k-12 partners so that the individuals can walk across the stage at graduation with a high school diploma and a college credential simultaneously. I think that’s going to be a big impact. Previous institution I was at in Illinois, we have 230 students per year graduating from high school, getting their high school diploma and on the same day getting their associate’s degree.”

McDonald: It has been to the positive. Mainly because of the funds we received from the federal government to adapt how we’re doing this work. The majority of our work was in face-to-face in a classroom environment... When the President first declared an emergency, everything went to online. That continued throughout the summer. That spring we were adapting. We went to the virtual synchronous platform. We came back face-to-face this fall. It was really an option for the students to come back face-to-face or join online. What we’re seeing is that that’s changing. Students are saying, ‘Well, I’m a little bit late for class today. I’m just going to join online and make my class and be on time today, rather than drive out and take the class face-to-face.’” Shea: There are many ways to answer a question about COVID, because the impacts have really spanned to tough every aspect of our lives and our operations... COVID has significantly accelerate questions that were already brewing on the return on investment and value for higher ed. Lots of students and their families began to ask the question, ‘What’s the value of spending time in college. What’s the different that it makes, and why should I shackle myself to an institution that may or may not be looking out for my best interest.’ We have institutions with distinctive missions, and that’s why you haven’t seen a catastrophic drop of enrollment at our institutions. Everybody else is hurting badly... The fact that we’re floating — it’s not easy. We had to work hard... At the University of Mary, we put an enormous emphasis upon providing a rich experience of community.”

Ritter: What impact did distance learning brought on by COVID-19 have on your institutions? What has changed for the long-term?

Jensen: “COVID has accelerated the questions we ask of higher education very quickly. Post-COVID, higher education is going to change radically. We’ve got to worry about the value-proposition. What is it that I will obtain by this? I refer to that as student expectation... We’ve got to shift the conversation from ‘education is a public expense,’ to ‘education is an economic investment.’ The institutions that can show they return value are going to be in a much better place. That’s part of our polytechnic mission. “Legislators are going to be looking at us differently. ‘Where is the value coming from?’ The private sector is already looking at us. ‘Are you producing the individuals we need to grow the economy?’ Families are already starting to question those concerns. ‘Is this worthy of our investment?’ COVID has really exposed some of the challenges and some of the weaknesses that higher education has been avoiding, and now they are going to have to deal with it.”

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FEATURE | CONNECTION Ritter: What are you most excited about? What are you most encouraged by? What are you most looking forward to?

McDonald: All of us around the table here today have partnerships outside the community — leveraging those partnerships, those collaborations to help us be better at what we’re doing... North Dakota Association of Tribal Colleges is looking at becoming the North Dakota tribal college system. This group would be more collaborative to make sure seamless transfer occurs. That there is a feeder system between us. Cankdeska (Cikana Community College) has a two-year program, we have a four-year program for business. They would transfer them to us. Sitting Bull College has a Master’s degree in business, so we would transfer to them... All of us have been open to what needs to happen to fulfill our missions and to be better at our missions. We’re not doing it alone.”

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6 4 Connection

Shea: “I’m most excited about a theory. Here’s what I’ve said to the last two incoming classes at University of Mary... ‘You have an advantage over any incoming class who has come to college in the last three generations. In the final days of your high school experience, just as you were coming of age and embarking upon this new season of life, which is adulthood, you were disillusioned of the terrible idea that life is supposed to be easy. That you’re supposed to go through life without any significant challenges...’ “These young people have a lower sense of entitlement than any students that I have worked with since I started doing this. They’re not taking for granted being together. They complain a lot less. They’re just grateful for a chance. They don’t want to be at home in mom’s basement. That fundamental truth, which we all have to learn sooner or later, that life is hard but it’s good — they’ve got a jump start on all the rest of us. They’ve learned it earlier, so they’re going to do better. I have tremendous optimism and hope for this rising generation, because I think they’ve taken some hard knocks and they’re ready to face an uncertain future.” Jensen: A community college is somewhere you go where people will believe in you before you’re capable of believing in yourself. I believe education is the great social equalizer. It empowers people. It makes you recession-proof. It makes you economic-downturn-proof. It provides you with a skillset that nobody can take away. You can take away my home. You can take away my cars, my worldly possessions. But you cannot separate me from my education. What really excites me is that we can empower people to not only make an impact on their own lives, but also they can make an impact on the community in which they live. That perpetual spinning of community development, workforce development, economic development all ties together. If we want to have strong communities, we need to have a strong workforce. If we want to have a strong workforce, we need to have a strong economy. If we want to have a strong economy, we need to have places where people want to live, invest, grow their families. It’s that perpetual engagement of those three things... “The path to empower that individual is not the same, nor does it have to be. The average age of a Bismarck State College student is. She is becoming more female. She is going to school part-time and working full-time. That is a challenge, because we need to look at that and say, ‘What is it we now need to change institutionally to empower that person so that they will be able to gather the education they need to make an impact on their own quality of life, their family’s quality of life, and they’re community’s quality of life.’ I think we are well-positioned to do that.”



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Connection 3 7


Community Options has been a member since 2004.

Bryan Wetch COMMUNITY OPTIONS Tell us about yourself and your role within your business. A: ​My name is Bryan Wetch, and I am the CEO of Community Options, Inc. Born and raised in the Bismarck area, I have lived in North Dakota for most of my life, other than when I lived in Missouri for five years, working as an Executive Director of a nonprofit in the St. Louis area. I have been married to my wife, Lisa, for the last 30 years and we have three children – Brandon, Tara, and Lauren. I have worked in the field of developmental disabilities since 1981, most of those years working for nonprofit organizations in ND and Missouri. I founded Community Options in 1997 and have served as the President and CEO for the past 25 years.

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MEMBER SINCE 2004 Briefly tell us the history behind the Community Options. A: Community Options began in July of 1997. My vision was to create an organization that supported people’s dreams of living a lifestyle of their choice. Our services were driven and directed by each person, while at the same time, surrounding them with a team or individuals who would carry our the support plan to achieve their dreams. We began providing emplacement and residential services to people who had developmental disabilities. These services included independent living supports in their homes & apartments, assistance in finding and keeping employment, and in-home supports to families who have children with disabilities. In 2000, we expanded our services to Dickinson, Devils Lake, and shortly thereafter, Jamestown. Today, we provide services across the entire state, with officers in Bismarck, Dickinson, Williston, Minot, Devil’s Lake, Grand Forks, Fargo, Jamestown, Fort Yates, New Town, and Fort Totten. Community Options has around 450 employees statewide and provides services to 1200 people. Our services are for people with developmental disabilities, elderly, low-income single parents, people who are recovering from a brain injury, and those who have mental health challenges along with substance abuse issues.

CONNECTION | MEMBER PROFILE How has the growth of Bismarck-Mandan impacted the Community Options? A: Growth within Bismarck-Mandan has had positive effects on our company in many ways. The construction of new apartment buildings has afforded more choices for people we support, while at the same time, rising rents have been a challenge for most people we support, due to their fixed incomes. Bismarck-Mandan’s rising population on one hand, has helped meet our growing need for more employees; however, competition in Bismarck is high for those employees, making recruits and retention a challenge. What trends are taking place in your industry? A: The trends in our industry are definitely moving towards providing services within individualized community settings, rather than in-group setting such as group homes and center-based large group services. Over the next several years, the push will come from state and federal funding agencies to more individualized services utilizing community settings. Have there been any monumental changes within your industry that you’ve had to deal with? A: The monumental change that I’ve dealt with was the de-institutionalization of the state institution in Grafton. New agencies began, so group homes & workshops were built to accommodate those needs. The entire service delivery system changed and had to accommodate the movement of well over a thousand individuals into services in communities all of North Dakota. What does the future of the Community Options look like, and the industry as a whole look like to you? A: I believe the future is bright for Community Options, as well as our industry. As funding challenges loom, we will have to continually re-tool in order to meet the needs of people, while doing so as efficiently as we can, in light of reductions in funding. We will always continue to diversify our services, keeping us competitive in the market place.


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Community Options became a member in 2004, why do you continue to renew each year? A: Being a member of the Bismarck-Mandan Chamber EDC gives us such a great opportunity to network with other local businesses, which increases our exposure and opportunities for us to find employment for the people we support. What should other Chamber EDC members know about the Community Options that may assist them? A: We support hundreds of people in the BismarckMandan area that are looking for work! We can be a rich resource for local businesses in meeting their employment needs. Give us a call at 701-223-2417 to learn more.

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CHAMBER EDC ENERGY COMMITTEE CONTINUES WORK The Chamber EDC’s Energy sub-committee continues to meet to determine what, if any, role the organization has in the region’s energy industry. With a large percentage of employees at area power plants and mines coming from the Bismarck Mandan area and even more supporting the local economy it is clear that the energy industry has a significant economic impact on Bismarck Mandan. The committee has identified three priority areas: first, understanding and promoting the economic impact of the energy industry on the region’s economy, second, ensuring, if necessary, any workforce transition can be done smoothly and effectively, and third, determining what areas the Chamber EDC’s business attraction efforts can assist in diversifying the area energy industry. The committee is made up of industry representatives from around Bismarck Mandan.

BUSINESS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM OF THE MONTH: CHILDCARE LOAN/ GRANT PROGRAM The North Dakota Development Fund administers a financial assistance program aimed at helping childcare providers throughout North Dakota. Eligible Organizations include licensed profit, nonprofit and public childcare facilities. Faith-based organizations are eligible but must follow all appropriate federal guidelines if receiving federal subsidies. The loan can be up to $100,000 and be used for the acquiring, leasing or remodeling of real estate facilities, purchasing equipment or working capital. The ND Department of Human Services, Early Childhood Division, is using funding streams to support the health and sustainability of North Dakota’s childcare sector. The grant opportunities available to the state’s early childhood community will help address operating and facility costs and will support greater access and quality. For more information on either of these programs contact Nathan at the Chamber EDC office.

SEPTEMBER 2021 ECONOMIC INDICATORS Sales Tax Collected $2,916,562

Airport Passengers 35,778


Month-over-month increase

Residential Building Permits 40

Residential Permit Valuation $8,340,253

Month-over-month increase

See the full list of economic indicators on the Chamber EDC’s Economy at a Glance at

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The Bearcat Den Daycare in Hebron received a commitment of $25,000 from the Morton County Development Fund. The city of Hebron was recently left without a childcare facility after the only provider in town retired. This prompted a group of citizens to come together and bring the idea of Bearcat Den Daycare to fruition. The daycare, which is located next to the school in Hebron, currently provides care for about 12 children and will add more in early November. The funding will be a share of the overall financing package for Bearcat Den. To learn more about the Morton County Development Fund contact the Chamber EDC office.

Staff from the Chamber EDC attended the Fall Conference for the Economic Development Association of North Dakota (EDND) in October. The topics from the one-day conference included project management, international trade, economic development tools, and federal infrastructure legislation. The conference, held in West Fargo, was done in partnership with the Governor’s Main Street Summit held the day before. During the conference Chamber EDC Vice President Nathan Schneider was re-appointed to serve on the EDND Board of Directors and City of Mandan’s Business Development & Communications Director was recognized as she served out her final term as Past-President.

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LOCAL MAYORS DISCUSS THE STATE OF THE CITIES On Wednesday, November 10th, join both Mandan Mayor, Tim Helbling, and Bismarck Mayor, Steve Bakken, for the 2021 State of the Cities address at the Baymont Inn & Suites in Mandan. Registration will be from 7:00am to 7:30am, with the event to follow from 7:30am to 9:00am. Join the Chamber EDC at the 2021 State of the Cities to gain insight from both Mandan and Bismarck mayors on the challenges and successes our community has faced throughout the past year, along with learning more about what can be expected in Bismarck-Mandan in the upcoming year. NEW to this year’s event is the Higher State of the Cities Education Discussion Panel, where attendee’s will hear from the three presidents of our local universities. This Wednesday morning will be full of information and is a must for anyone wanting THANK YOU SPONSORS! to be “in the know” about everything going on in our Presenting community! Sponsor: Cost to attend is $30 for Chamber EDC members (Virtual & In-Person) and $40 for General Admission (Virtual & In-Person). For more information contact Josie Smyle at, or call the Chamber EDC office at 701-223-5660. It’s not too late to sign up! Register today at AGENDA: 7:00am - Registration 7:30am - Event Start/Welcome 7:35am - Higher Education Panel Discussion (with 10-minute Q&A) • Dr. Doug Jensen, President - Bismarck State College • Monsignor James Shea, President - University of Mary • Dr. Leander McDonald, President - United Tribes Technical College 8:15am - Mandan Mayor Helbling Presentation 8:35am - Bismarck Mayor Bakken Presentation 8:50am - Closing Q&A Session: Mayor Helbling & Mayor Bakken

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Gold Sponsors: Event Sponsors:


Table Sponsors: American Bank Center, Apex Engineering, Bank of North Dakota, Bismarck State College, BNC National Bank, Capital Credit Union, Dakota Community Bank & Trust, First International Bank & Trust, First Western Bank & Trust, Gate City Bank, HDR Engineering, Leadership Bismarck Mandan Alumni Association, Northern Improvement Company, Northwest Tire, Pearce Durick PLLC, Sanford, Starion Bank, United Tribes Technical College, University of Mary



Back for its second year on the Chamber EDC events calendar, the CEDC Indoor Golf Tournament! The Indoor Golf Tournament will take place on Friday, January 14th, 2022, at Golf Etc. in Bismarck. Don’t wait to sign up, as number of spots available is limited! On this Friday, two-person teams will compete in a 9-hole tournament over the following flights: • Flight One: 11:00am • Flight Two: 1:00pm • Flight Three: 3:00pm Entry fees include: $150 for a team of two and $75 for an individual player. Food and drinks will be provided for players, along with prizes for the top 3 teams and the player with most fairways. Don’t have a team put together? No worries! We’ll get you connected with a teammate for the tournament! Contact Josie Smyle by emailing at, or call the Chamber EDC at 701-223-5660, with any questions and to register. THANK YOU SPONSORS: Eagle Sponsor:

We assume that a high-performance employee can immediately translate to a high-performance leader. The fact is that the skill set, and mind set are completely different, and the transition can be hard.

The Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC and Dale Carnegie Training are teaming up to bring you, our membership, an exclusive 10-week experience to develop high-performance leaders! Together, we’ll set our teams in motion and help our organizations reach new heights, powered by the unique talents of our best asset – our employees. This program is specifically designed to address challenges that new leaders face, to help change our mindset, and to give us confidence with proven strategies and tools that are used by the most successful leaders. By the end of this course participants will increase self-awareness; convey honesty, integrity and accountability; use authority and influence appropriately; and model effective interpersonal communication. Sign up online today at: This course meets Fridays, virtually from 8:00am – 10:00am between January 14th and March 18th, 2022.

Birdie Sponsor: Drink Sponsor:


Terry Kraft

Bay Sponsor: Brady, Martz, & Associates

Limited number of participants so sign up TODAY! Fee: $550/attendee. Call Christine Nelson for questions or for more details at 701-223-5660.

Interested in being a part of this fun Chamber EDC event? Contact CEDC Sales Coordinator, Nate Brown by emailing,, to learn more about sponsoring this event today!

Connection 3 13




I am a born-and-raised Minot native who moved to the Bismarck area last spring when I married my amazing wife, MiKayla. Since then, I’ve been blown away by this community. Even with it being the second largest city in ND, the people have that legendary North Dakota nice attitude. I love the wide variety of outdoor activities and indoor events that this community offers. It’s no Nate Brown wonder this community continues to grow, and I’m thankful I get to be a part of a team that contributes greatly to that growth!

The Chamber EDC is excited to announce our BRANDNEW holiday event; the 12 Tastes of Christmas! This new holiday gathering is sure to get all Chamber EDC members into the holiday “spirits!”

I enjoy spending my weekends playing games with friends, volunteering at church and then cheering on the Philadelphia Eagles (Yes, I was a fan before Carson Wentz. I did love him as an Eagle though)! In Minot, I also worked for Minot Youth for Christ, an organization that seeks to bring hope to young people, and I continue to be involved with them in any way I can. I am so excited to be taking on the Sales Coordinator role with the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC team. I graduated from Dakota College at Bottineau with my Associates in Finance. Since then, I have been working in various sales roles, and I have enjoyed them all. My favorite part about sales is all of the new people I get to meet, and my first 2-3 months with the CEDC has been full of meeting members new and old to find ways to get them more involved and maximize the benefits of membership.

On Thursday, December 9th, guests will have the opportunity to network and spread holiday cheer while taste-testing holiday-inspired cocktails, wine, beer, spirits, and more! Local distributors and breweries will each have their own offerings for you to try alongside free hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar just in case there’s a special holiday drink you want. So come and sample the best food and drink that Bismarck-Mandan has to offer, all while enjoying one of Bismarck-Mandan’s best views from the National Energy Center of Excellence's 4th Floor in the Bavendick Stateroom located on the Bismarck State College campus. Registration will take place from 4:30pm to 5:00pm, with the event to follow from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. Great food, drinks, holiday music, and company will make this event well worth the $25-member discounted admission. For more information or to register, contact Josie Smyle,, at the Chamber EDC, 701-223-5660. THANK YOU SPONSORS! Award Sponsor: Bismarck-Mandan Convention & Visitors Bureau Appetizer Sponsors: Bismarck Cancer Center, Capital Credit Union, Gate City Bank Interested in being a sponsor for this fun holiday event? Contact Sales Coordinator, Nate Brown by emailing, to learn more today!

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ORIENTATION Orientation Day welcomed the 32nd cohort of the Leadership Bismarck-Mandan program. The class of 18 started the day with a speed networking activity to get to know the people with whom they will spend the next nine months. The class participated in a “Civic Engagement 101” panel with Steve Marquardt of the Bismarck City Commission, Ross Munns of the Mandan School Board, and Mark Armstrong, of the Burleigh County Commission. Chamber EDC President Brian Ritter spoke on “The State of BismarckMandan.” The class participated in a communications exercise to examine their communications personality. AGRICULTURE DAY In 2021, we are proud to bring tours back to the Leadership Bismarck-Mandan program. Last year’s class didn’t have the opportunity for tours due to the COVID-19 pandemic. That cohort had the opportunity to join the Class of 2022 for both of their tours on Agriculture Day and Energy & Natural Resources Day. Agriculture Day kicked off at the Bismarck State College Career Academy. Jared Huibregetse from the Department of Water Resources spoke on “Drought Disaster Livestock Water Assistance.” Marko Davinic presented the BSC Mobile Ag Classroom. Calli Thorne, 2020 North Dakota Country Woman of the Year, spoke on mental health in the agriculture industry. Then, the class departed for bus tours of Burleigh County agriculture sites. At Menoken Farms, Darrell Oswald from Burleigh County Soil Conservation District spoke on soil health principles. The class toured Sterling Cuts ranch, hosted by Heather Lang, 2019 North Dakota Country Woman of the Year. Agriculture Day concluded with a tour of Schweitzer Gourmet Meats.

OUR MANY THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING: Presenting Sponsor: Gold Sponsor: Program Sponsors: Bartlett & West, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Liberty Business Systems, KLJ

Heather Lang of Sterling Cuts gives the Leadership Bismarck-Mandan class a tour of White Heart Ranch.

Orientation co-chairs: Brenda Nagel – University of Mary Jason Sutheimer – North Dakota Job Service Maria Walen – Comfort Inn & Suites Julie Jeske – American Bank Center Agriculture co-chairs: Dr. Lynette Borjeson Painter – Bismarck State College Curtis Reule – Montana Dakota Utilities Heather Lang – Sterling Cuts Bus, Lunch, and Breakfast Sponsors: Leadership Bismarck-Mandan Alumni Association - Orientation Runnings - Ag Day North Dakota Farm Bureau - Ag Day Burleigh County Farm Bureau - Ag Day Sterling Cuts - Ag Day Bismarck State College - Ag Day Montana Dakota Utilities - Ag Day

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STATE OF THE CITIES Date: Wednesday, November 10, 2021 Location: Baymont Inn & Suites 2611 Old Red Trail, Mandan Registration: 7:00AM - 7:30AM Event Time: 7:30AM - 9:00AM Admission: $30 for Chamber EDC members $40 for General Admission Presented By:

On Wednesday, November 10th, come along as we hear from Mandan Mayor, Tim Helbling, and Bismarck Mayor, Steve Bakken, at the 2021 State of the Cities address. This year’s event will take place at the Baymont Inn & Suites in Mandan. Registration will be from 7:00am to 7:30am, with the event to follow from 7:30am to 9:00am. On this morning, participants will gain insight from both mayors on what happened in Bismarck-Mandan throughout 2021, along with what can be expected in 2022. As well as insight from Mandan and Bismarck mayor’s, attendee’s will hear from all three presidents of our local universities in the all-NEW Higher Education Discussion Panel. This informative, networking event is a must for anyone wanting to be “in the know” about where we live, work, and play! Cost to attend is $30 (Virtual & In-Person) for Chamber EDC members and $40 (Virtual & In-Person) for General Admission. For more information, contact Josie Smyle,, or call the Chamber EDC office at 701-223-5660.

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MEMBERSHIP MIXER: ZORELL'S JEWELRY Date: Thursday, November 18, 2021 Location: Zorell's Jewelry 221 S 9th Street, Bismarck Time: 4:30PM - 6:30PM Admission: Free to Attend

RSVP and save the date for the final Membership Mixer of 2021! Zorells Jewelry will be hosting this month’s Membership Mixer on Thursday, November 18th at their location at 221 S. 9th St in Bismarck, from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. Join fellow Chamber EDC member for their 1940’s Christmas, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” themed mixer while we enjoy catering by Lady J’s along with an open bar for complimentary wine, champagne, and beer! This fun event will also be giving away door prizes to attendees in the form of gift cards to Zorells Jewelry. Mixers are FREE for Chamber EDC members to attend. RSVPs are appreciated and can be made by registering online at




NEW to the Chamber EDC's engagement/networking events is the 12 Tastes of Christmas! This new winter event is sure to get Chamber EDC members in the Christmas “spirits”. At the event, guests will be able to network and share their holiday cheer while taste-testing holidayinspired cocktails, wine, beer, spirits, and more!

Returning to the events calendar in 2022 is the Chamber EDC’s Indoor Golf Tournament! Save the date and sign up for this fun event that will take place on Friday, January 14th, 2022, at Golf Etc.

Date: Thursday, December 9, 2021 Location: BSC - NECE (4th floor, Bavendick Stateroom) 1200 Schafer St, Bismarck Registration: 4:30PM - 5:00PM Event Time: 5:00PM - 7:00PM Admission: $25 for Chamber EDC members $50 for General Admission

Free hors d’oeuvres, drinks from the cash bar, holiday music, and some great company make this event well worth the $25-member discounted admission. For more information, contact Josie Smyle, or call the Chamber EDC office at 701-223-5660. Join the Chamber EDC to begin celebrating the holidays on Thursday, December 9th from 5:00pm to 7:00pm on the 4th floor of the National Energy Center of Excellence, located on the Bismarck State College campus.

Date: Friday, January 14, 2022 Location: Golf Etc. 511 Airport Road, Bismarck Flight Times: 11:00AM - 1:00PM 1:00PM - 3:00PM 3:00PM - 5:00PM Admission: $150 per team $75 for individual

*Number of spots available is limited* Entry fees include: $150 for a team of two and $75 for an individual player. Prizes will be available for the top 3 teams and the player with most fairways. Don’t have a team put together? No worries! We’ll get you connected with a teammate for the tournament! Please contact Josie Smyle at or call 701-223-5660 with any questions or to register.

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BISMARCK MOTOR COMPANY ANNOUNCES NEW LOCATIONS IN MANDAN Bismarck Motor Company, the area’s leader in the automotive industry, is expanding its facilities and opening new locations in Mandan, N.D. The dealership group will begin renovations of the vacant properties Dealership renderings of Hyundai of Mandan and BMC Detail Center on Main Street Mandan. located at 805 and 905 East Main Street in December “We’re extremely excited to expand the BMC brand and of 2021. The property at 905 East Main will receive a comour services to the Mandan community,” states Dealer/ plete exterior and interior remodel, including seamless Owner, Chris Schneider. “This Hyundai dealership is the glass windows, an extended bronze facia, an air condinewest release and design for Hyundai dealership’s nationed shop and a new parking lot, to become one of the tionwide, and Hyundai has some big things going for their newest state-of-the-art Hyundai dealerships in the nation. brand, we’re proud to give Hyundai a stand-alone facility, The location will offer New Hyundai vehicles, pre-owned and make Mandan it’s home.” vehicles, service and parts operations. The 805 East Main property includes demolishing a section of the current building, adding a new entrance, windows, exterior remodel, air conditioned shop area and office space to the remaining building. The space will be utilized as Bismarck Motor Company and Hyundai of Mandan’s detailing facility, currently located in south Bismarck. The dealership will also offer windshield replacement, paint corrections and dent repair and is open to the public for all services. “We pride ourselves on guest satisfaction, and, as always, offer the convenience of our BMC direct services for all our guests in the Bismarck-Mandan and surrounding communities for service pick-up and delivery, as well as remote test drives and vehicle deliveries,” said Schneider The facilities plan to be open for business late Spring 2022.

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Beginning in January 2022 the city of Bismarck will launch its first Citizen Academy. The Bismarck Citizen Academy is an annual, 8-week program that will help participants gain a better understanding of what city government does and how the various departments play a vital role in providing services to the community. The program aims to inform, develop and engage residents, students and business owners in the city of Bismarck. Participants will get a behind-the-scenes look at how Bismarck City Government provides high quality service to the community and helps them to gain a better understanding of what it takes to operate a city. The purpose of the Citizen Academy is to expand participants’ knowledge and understanding of municipal government operations while learning more about the city of Bismarck’s priorities, challenges and services provided to the community. The Citizen Academy program is part of the city’s strategic objective to enhance public trust and engagement through transparency of operations and government excellence. Participants in the program will interact with leaders in local government, visit city facilities and get a hands-on, behind-the-scenes look at how the city works and builds a network with others who live, work and learn in the community. City commissioners will play a key role in the sessions. Facility tours will showcase the important role local government has in overall quality of life for the people who reside in the Bismarck community. The Citizen Academy will meet one night a week and classes are scheduled for two to three hours in length. There is no cost to participate in the academy.

TRI-ENERGY COOPERATIVE TO DONATE OVER $250,000 Tri-Energy Cooperative has announced a partnership with the Bismarck Public Schools Foundation called Gallons of Gratitude, which is meant to recognize the excellence of our teachers despite the ongoing challenges they face. For every fill up at Cenex-branded fuel stations, a portion of the transaction will go to support our teachers’ supply and educational experience budgets for their classrooms. This year, Tri-Energy Cooperative will provide $250,000 to local public-school foundations in Bismarck, Mandan and Dickinson. Locally, this donation will enable the BPS Foundation to provide $140 in reimbursements so that over 1000 BPS teachers may enhance the learning within their classrooms. Denley Vennes, CEO at Tri-Energy cooperative states, “As a local business operator, I can appreciate the challenges facing our community in recent times. As a cooperative, it’s our mission to face those challenges head on by empowering our members and strengthening the communities in which we operate. One of the best ways we can do that is to invest in the people that make a critical investment in our youth.”

The program will conclude with an overview of opportunities for resident participation in local government, course evaluation and a graduation ceremony. For more information about the Citizen Academy visit


GET INVOLVED TODAY! • Service • Professional Development • Social


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UNIVERSITY OF MARY BUCKING NATIONAL ENROLLMENT TRENDS, BREAKS RECORD The University of Mary, the only private, Catholic college in North Dakota welcomes its largest class of incoming new students as school begins today, Tuesday, September 7. The University of Mary estimates its incoming class of new students at nearly 670 with an estimated overall enrollment for this fall of 3,820, which is also the highest ever enrollment for the university. This record number represents students from across the nation and the world, with 43 states, six Canadian provinces, and 19 countries making up the student body.

Current University of Mary students welcome new students.

“Our freshman class is about 16 percent larger than last year,” said Brenda Nagel, vice president for Public Affairs, who oversees enrollment. “Last year was a huge success for us with having face-to-face classes, and remote, online instruction when students needed to be isolated, if they contracted the COVID virus. We had a very principled, reasonable, and flexible Campus COVID Plan — and it worked very, very well. Our campus community was never operating at more than a one percent positive test rate for COVID during the 2020-2021 academic year. I think new students and their parents recognized this and how we were able to keep everyone safe and still provide a world-class, in-person education.” More than 60 percent of University of Mary’s student population is from out of state. Nagel says, aside from the students and their parents being mindful of Mary’s very successful and safe COVID mitigation, further feedback received from them indicates a hunger for a faith-based education, a hospitable community environment all around campus, a welcoming Bismarck-Mandan community, and a vast amount of very popular academic programs to choose from. “There is a community vibe on campus that students definitely connect with and are drawn to when they first visit Mary,” added Nagel. “One of the most exciting aspects regarding these new students who are coming here from all over the U.S., many fall in love with the University of Mary, and then they become invested in Bismarck-Mandan and North Dakota as a whole and end up making it their new home,” added Nagel.

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“Since all our programs in business, education and behavioral sciences, health sciences, engineering, Catholic studies, and arts and sciences, are in such high demand right now, these new students have so many opportunities to thrive. Just as Pope Saint John Paul II believed everyone should ‘be who you were meant to be,’ at Mary, students not only gain human and spiritual wisdom while training for their career, but also an education for the whole of life.” Nagel believes Mary’s No. 1 ranked nursing program and many other nationally ranked health sciences programs have brought popularity to those fields of study. From the parents’ perspective, the University of Mary remains one of the best values in higher education, as some students can choose the one-of-a-kind Year-Round Campus program that gives them the option of completing their degree in twoand-a-half years and earning a master’s in four. This appeals to the parent as their son or daughter spends less time and money in school and is out into the workforce faster. Also, being able to dine 24/7 in The Crow’s Nest Campus Restaurant continues to be a very popular draw for the on-the-go student and scholar-athlete. Official and final undergraduate and graduate enrollment numbers will be reported, per federal policy, in late September and October, respectively.


One giant leap forward. Rocket into the Fiber Forward revolution. Midco® is taking many small steps, adding up to a giant leap in breakthrough technology. We’re investing $500 million in our communities to bring the best of 10G right to your door, allowing you to experience a seamlessly connected smart world.

Robust. Resilient. Reliable. Our Fiber ForwardSM initiative will not only strengthen our connection with each other, but also contribute to enhanced economic development, education and quality of life. We’re powering telemedicine, work, play, education, gaming – and so much more.

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Connection 3 21






212 E Main Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-595-0159

201 W Front Ave, Bismarck, ND 58504 701-557-7600

500 N 8th Street, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-222-6100

Q: HOW DO I GET MORE ENGAGEMENT ON VIDEOS? A: Have a video you want to share? Great!



Now the next step is getting your audience to take notice. First impressions are everything so ensure the first 5 seconds of your video hooks a viewer. One strategy is to tease something to be covered later in the video right away to keep people watching. Next, make sure the content is compelling. If it’s not something you’d watch for informational or entertainment value, chances are others won’t either. Keep the duration in mind; attention spans are short so videos that are 2 minutes and under usually perform better. If it needs to be longer, make sure to have a variety of imagery or “B-roll” to cut to frequently that is related to the topic the viewer is seeing. Think of a news package and how you see what’s happening as the reporter talks about it. This will help keep it visually interesting. Lastly, don’t forget about some of the technical details like having a good thumbnail image, title, description, and optimized subtitles.

22 4 Connection

week on Customer Service and not to my surprise the whole first day focused on attracting and keeping great people. With so many employees changing jobs or leaving the workforce post COVID, the question was asked how can a business continue providing great customer service while in the middle of recruiting and training a fully staffed and functioning team again? During this transition, most employers either lower hiring standards and keep poor performers in order to keep up with demand. However, the speaker offered a great point I wanted to share: It’s better to lose a sale than lose your reputation. While it’s hard to say no to business at anytime, setting reasonable expectations with customers in order to deliver a fantastic experience will keep current customers happy and earn the respect of potential prospects. This buys you time to focus heavily on attracting and training the best team which ultimately will help you further stand out amongst competitors long term.

cancer, there are steps you can take toward breast cancer prevention. Some risk factors, such as family history, can’t be changed, but the following are lifestyle changes you can take to lower your risks: •

Limit alcohol - limit yourself to one drink or less per day

Be physically active - physical activity can help you maintain a healthy weight

Breast feed - the longer you breast feed, the greater the protective effect

Limit dose/duration of hormone replacement therapy for menopause symptoms - hormone replacement therapy for more than five years could increase the risk of breast cancer.

Consider meeting with a genetic counselor – genetic testing can influence screening recommendations for detecting breast cancer earlier.

Be vigilant about breast cancer detection. If you notice any changes in your breasts, consult your doctor. Also, ask your doctor when to begin mammograms and other screenings based on your history.



4204 Boulder Ridge Rd, #100, Bismarck, ND 58503



ganization, if you have recovered from COVID-19 but are still experiencing symptoms, you could have long COVID. Some of the most common symptoms of long COVID are shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle aches, and brain fog. During any illness, you likely have a period of inactivity. According to ACSM, a person can significantly lose cardiovascular fitness in just two weeks without exercise. In this short period of inactivity, our body begins to decondition. The excellent news is deconditioning can be reversed, and if you have long COVID, we can help you manage your symptoms. It is critical not to let the changes from COVID-19 keep you from being active. Together we can develop a customized plan to keep you moving, maintain your muscle strength, increase your endurance, and give you exercises to improve your lung compacity.


6031 E Main Ave, #1, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-751-7515

Q: WHAT’S THE BEST METHOD TO TREAT MY LAWN MOWER GAS? A: A really good piece of advice for owners and operators of small gas-powered lawn & garden and snow removal equipment… “Treat every tank!” More specifically, treat every gas can when you purchase or fill with a proven gas stabilizer, cleaner and water emulsifier.

Since the introduction of ethanol blended fuels, the small engine industry and users have been burdened with ethanol/water corrosion problems, especially carburetors. The aluminum materials don’t play well together with trace amounts of water. The problems are even worse with ethanol fuels. In the past, the common logic was to treat the fuel tank for storage. Today, the better advice is to treat every tank all year long. To avoid forgetting to do so, I suggest you treat the fuel cans every time you fill. Let’s face it, in North Dakota you never know when winter or summer will come! So, treat every tank and you will always be ready for “storage”.


2603 E Broadway Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-323-5222

Q: HOW IS MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY THERAPY USED TO TREAT COVID-19? A: Monoclonal antibody therapy is an

outatient IV treatment which gives a concentrated dose of antibodies to COVID-19 positive patients. This type of treatment received emergency use authorization to treat individuals with high-risk conditions with a COVID-19 positive test. Monoclonal antibody therapy is very effective in decreasing hospitalizations, the need for respirators and deaths from a COVID-19 infection. For patients who are hospitalized, it also reduces the length of their hospital stay. Individuals who are at risk of developing serious complications from a COVID-19 infection are candidates to receive this treatment. This includes those who are 65 or older, overweight, diabetic, women who are pregnant, and those who have a chronic, heart, lung, neurological disease or immune system illness.

Movement is key to life, and there is no referral needed to access quality physical therapy. See your Movement Specialist today, (701)751-3064! To learn more about Optimum Therapies, visit

Connection 3 23

MEMBER PERKS | CONNECTION CAPITAL CREDIT UNION ANNOUNCES VICE PRESIDENT OF ACCOUNTING MONSON Capital Credit Union today announced the hiring of Ryan Monson Ryan Monson as vice president of accounting. Monson has 20 years of professional experience in the accounting field. As vice president of accounting and a member of the credit union’s senior management team, Monson will be responsible for all aspects of the Accounting Department and functions of the credit union, asset liability management, budgeting, cost accounting, forecasting and investment portfolio management. Monson joins the Capital Credit Union team from Brady Martz & Associates where he had worked since 2000. He graduated from the University of North Dakota in 2000 with a bachelor’s degree in accounting and is a certified public accountant. Monson and his wife, Angie, live in Bismarck with their sons, Bennett and Cooper. STEVENS JOINS BIANCO REALTY Bianco Realty is excited to announce the newest REALTOR® to join their professional Real Estate Team: Stephanie Stephanie Stevens Stevens. Stephanie looks forward to helping clients with their Real Estate needs, achieving their dream of home ownership and providing a Tradition of Excellence! LEWIS & DEVELOPMENT GROUP PROMOTES DERRICK BECKER Lewis & Clark Development Group (LCD Group) has promoted Derrick Becker to loan Derrick Becker officer. The promotion is effective October 1. Becker joined LCD Group in December 2017. For the last four years, Becker has been a commercial credit officer where he has assembled loan applications and serviced commercial loans through the SBA 504 loan program, the North Dakota Opportunity Fund (NDOF), and LCD Group’s regional lending programs.

HAUGEN NAMED LIBERTY ELEMENTARY PRINCIPAL Haley Haugen will take over as the principal of Liberty Elementary School in the 2022-23 Haley Haugen school year. A vacancy was created when current Liberty principal, Alivia Wamboldt, was chosen to take the helm at Elk Ridge Elementary when it opens next year. Mrs. Haugen comes to her new role with over 13 years of experience in education. She worked as a teacher for several years, including two years at Martin Luther and six years at Miller, prior to embarking upon her administrative career. She was the principal of Prairie View Elementary in New Salem before returning to Bismarck Public Schools to take on the role of building principal at Grimsrud, a position she has held since 2018. Liberty Elementary opened to students in 2014 and has the second largest student population out of the district’s 16 elementary schools. Mrs. Haugen will continue to serve as the principal of Grimsrud for the duration of the 2021-22 school year. BPS will begin the process of selecting a new principal for Grimsrud in the coming months, ensuring that the new leader is well suited to meet the needs of its community. DCN HIRES RASMUSSEN Branden Rasmussen has been hired as cloud services specialist at Dakota Carrier Network (DCN), based in the Bismarck office. Branden Rasmussen In this position, Rasmussen serves as the subject matter expert for all DCN cloud services. He designs, implements, and maintains the software and hardware platforms in DCN’s cloud services infrastructure. He also acts as an internal IT resource for DCN and plays a key role in resolving issues with DCN internal systems, identifying and implementing new technology as needed, and ensuring systems are current and follow best practices. Rasmussen joins DCN with more than 20 years of experience in the information technology field.

ERETH AWARDED FEDERAL DAKOTA SKIPPER SURVEY PERMIT KLJ is proud to announce that Corie Ereth, Senior Corie Ereth Environmental Planner, has been awarded a permit from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) that allows her to complete Dakota Skipper butterfly surveys. Dakota Skippers are an endangered species and their habitats and potential habitats are protected. Part of ensuring their safety and population recovery is performing scientific research surveys that analyze migration patterns, populations, and habitat use. Corie will be one of only a handful of people completing this important work across the Midwest. Over the past few years, she went the extra mile by shadowing permitted surveyors during the brief annual Dakota Skipper flight period to gain valuable field experience. Corie is an expert in environmental conservation and rangeland research. She has worked in coordination with private landowners, local, state, federal, and Tribal agencies. Corie is proficient in plant and ecological site identification and biological and botanical surveys. Before being awarded this permit, she collaborated with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to develop a botanical survey method for identifying potential Dakota Skipper habitat. She has taken more than 28 continuing education courses to further her expertise in her field. Corie earned her Master’s degree in range science and her Bachelor’s degree in animal and range sciences from North Dakota State University in Fargo, ND. ALLIANCE REAL ESTATE WELCOMES LENGENFELDER Alliance Real Estate is proud to announce that Allison Lengenfelder has joined our team of Allison Lengenfelder professional REALTORS®. Allison has been a real estate agent since 2021. Allison works hard to support her clients and make the home buying and selling process a breeze.

Share your business news with the Chamber EDC. Email press releases to Rebecca at

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CONNECTION | MEMBER PERKS HAMMER NAMED TIRES PLUS NORTH DAKOTA OPERATIONS MANAGER Tires Plus is pleased to introduce Cody Hammer as our new Tires Plus of North Dakota’s Operations Cody Hammer Manager. Cody will be responsible for managing our existing four Tires Plus locations in Minot, Minot Air Force Base and two Bismarck locations. Cody is from Surrey, North Dakota. He is a Minot State University graduate with a degree in Criminal Justice. He has been with the Tires Plus organization since 2010 beginning his career as a tire technician. Cody has worked in all the positions of our business and has served in many leadership capacities within our team, most recently serving as the Store Manager for the South Bismarck location. Since his employment with Tires Plus, Cody has earned several awards for his leadership. He has earned numerous industry specialty certifications. He is driven and motivated to deliver the best customer experience to serve the needs of our communities.

NELSON NAMED TO FORBES' NATIONAL LIST OF TOP FINANCIAL ADVISORS Edward Jones Financial Advisor Troy Nelson of Bismarck Troy Nelson was named to Forbes magazine’s and SHOOK Research's list of the 250 Top Wealth Advisors, ranking No. 125. Nelson has served area investors for the past 23 years. To compile the 2021 list, SHOOK Research analysts conducted more than 13,000 telephone interviews with nominees in all 50 states and Washington, D.C., narrowing the list down to the top 250 financial advisors Criteria is based on client retention, industry experience, a review of compliance records, assets under management and revenue. At least seven years of professional experience is required. The rating is not indicative of the financial advisor’s future performance. Neither Edward Jones nor any of its financial advisors pay a fee to Forbes/ SHOOK in exchange for the rating.

BARR EARNS PE KLJ Engineering LLC (KLJ) is proud to announce that Doug Barr, a senior structural engineer at the company, has earned his professional engineering Doug Barr license (PE) in Minnesota, Montana, and Wyoming. Barr is based in Englewood, Colo. He has 25 years of structural engineering experience in civil infrastructure projects for state departments of transportation, municipalities, counties, railroads, and private sector clients. Barr is a certified Professional Engineer in Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Arizona, Kansas, Washington, Minnesota, Montana, and Wyoming. He earned his bachelor’s degree in engineering from the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colo.

NOVEMBER LIVE GOVERNMENT MEETINGS Televised on Government Access, cable channel 2 & 602 HD. Broadcast on Radio Access 102.5 FM radio. Streamed online at

Mon, 1st

5:00 pm 5:30 pm

Burleigh County Commission Mandan School Board*

Tues, 2nd

4:00 pm

Mandan City Commission

Thurs, 4th Mon, 8th

4:00 pm Bismarck Renaissance Zone Authority 5:00 pm Bismarck Board of Adjustment 5:15 pm 5:30 pm

Bismarck School Board Mandan Park Board*

Tues, 9th

5:15 pm 5:30 pm

Bismarck City Commission Morton County Commission*

Wed, 10th 8:00 am Burleigh County Water Resource District 5:15 pm Burleigh County Planning Commission Mon, 15th 10:00 am Metropolitan Planning Org. Technical Advisory Committee 5:00 pm Burleigh County Commission 5:30 pm Mandan School Board*

Tues, 16th 1:30 pm 5:30 pm

Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board Mandan City Commission

Wed, 17th

3:30 pm 5:00 pm

Historic Preservation Commission Bismarck Planning Commission

Thurs, 18th

9:00 am 5:15 pm

Bismarck Parking Authority Bismarck Park Board

Mon, 22nd Tues, 23rd

5:15 pm Bismarck School Board 5:30 pm Mandan Planning Commission* 5:15 pm 5:30 pm

Bismarck City Commission Morton County Commission*

Meetings are replayed several times on the Government Access channel and are available for viewing online (Watch on Demand) at * Delayed Playback

Connection 3 25

RIBBON CUTTINGS | CONNECTION Ribbon cuttings are conducted by a committee of Chamber EDC volunteers called Ambassadors. Businesses qualify for a ribbon cutting if they open, move, and remodel, are under new ownership, change their name, or offer a new product or service. To find out how you can get a free ribbon cutting from the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC, please call Ross at 701-223-5660.

NORTHERN PLAINS DANCE Northern Plains Dance celebrating their new location at 1416 E Front Ave in Bismarck. Phone: 701-530-0986.

KRAMER SUBARU Kramer Subaru celebrated the Grand Opening of their new location 700 Old Red Trail NW in Mandan! Phone: 701-663-8223. Member.

HOME INSTEAD Erin Sorensen, owner, along with her team celebrated the grand opening of their newest office location at 1341 S 20th Street in Bismarck. Phone: 701-751-0471. Member.

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BISMARCK PHARMACY Bismarck Pharmacy celebrated their one year anniversary located in Costco in North Bismarck. Phone: 701-415-7013. Member.

PRUDENT HOMECARE Ademola Coker, along with his team, celebrate the opening of their new business at 721 Memorial Highway in Bismarck. Phone: 701-319-2659. Member.

MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS Merle Norman Cosmetics celebrating new ownership and a new location in Kirkwood Mall Bismarck. Phone: 701-222-4811.

CONNECTION | NEW MEMBERS The Chamber EDC encourages all members to do business with each other. The following companies and organizations have recently made an important investment in their business by joining the Chamber EDC. Please consider them for your professional and personal needs. To find a complete listing of Chamber EDC members, view the Member Directory online at Dockside, LLC 4010 Southbay Dr SE Mandan, ND 58554 Trisha Meidinger (701) 426-8582 Riverfront gas, rentals & convenience Heartland Law Office 600 South 2nd Street, Suite 155 Bismarck, ND 58504 Patrick Waters (701) 751-1744 Law Firm Accurate Door LLC 1410 S 12th Street, Ste 3 Bismarck, ND 58504 Ken Hunter (701) 751-7800 Service, repair, installation of commercial and residential doors. Specializing in hollow metal. Dawson Insurance, Marsh & McLennar Agency 412 Granite Drive Bismarck, ND 58503 Alicia Lacher (701) 237-3311 Dawson Insurance/Marsh & McLennan is a full-service insurance agency serving MN, ND, & SD and surrounding areas. Offering car, home & business insurance, employee benefits and more, for over 100 years. Blue Paddle Insurance Agency, LLC 1025 West Turnpike Avenue, Ste 101 Bismarck, ND 58501 Robert Carruth (701) 760-0531 Commercial and Personal. We are licensed for Property and Casualty in ND, MT, ID, FL, OR, SD, and WA. FL License Number W622547. Licensed in Life/Health in ND, MT, ID, FL, OR, SD, WA, TN, SC, IA and TX Unconventional Cookies LLC 719 N 16th Street Bismarck, ND 58501 Witney Nielson (701) 210-0814 Cookies! Fancy, over-the-top, over decorated cookies!!

Alliance Center for Hearing 4900 Ottawa Street, Ste 300 Bismarck, ND 58503 Amanda Leddige (701) 751-6232 Full service state of the art hearing clinic specializing in hearing assessment, hearing aids, cochlear implants and hearing conversation. Mabel’s All Day 1612 Woodvale Drive Bismarck, ND 58504 Sam & Abby Williams (928) 821-0636 Mabel’s All Day is a Chef owned and operated mobile kitchen and eatery serving delicious classic American staples and fresh cold-pressed juices. We specialize in catering special events. Hobbs Incorporated 2389 Business Loop I-94 Mandan, ND 58554 Matt Wilkins (701) 663-6363 Refined petroleum dispensing and storage equipment sales, service and construction. Dacotah Territory International Visitor Programs 4702 Baldwin Street Rapid City, SD 57702 Michael Richardson (605) 342-4476 We provide professional programming for delegates chosen by the US State Department IVLP, Open World Program, and the Eisenhower Fellowship to meet with their peers while traveling in the U.S. CYCLEBAR 820 43rd Ave NW, Suite 112 Bismarck, ND 58503 Taylor Heinert (701) 214-3892 CycleBar Bismarck is more than a ride. It’s a journey of selfdiscovery. With indoor cycling rides designed for all fitness levels, we promise to empower, inspire, and elevate you throughout every day

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Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Connection 1640 Burnt Boat Drive Bismarck, ND 58503

UPCOMING CHAMBER EDC EVENTS STATE OF THE CITIES Date: November 10, 2021 • Registration: 7:00am • Time: 7:30am - 9:00am Location: Baymont Inn & Suites – 2611 Old Red Trail, Mandan NOVEMBER MEMBERSHIP MIXER: ZORELLS JEWELRY Date: November 18, 2021 • Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Location: Zorells Jewelry – 221 S 9th Street, Bismarck 12 TASTES OF CHRISTMAS Date: December 9, 2021 • Registration: 4:30pm • Time: 5:00pm - 7:00pm Location: BSC - NECE (4th Floor Bavendick Stateroom) – 1200 Schafer St, Bismarck CHAMBER EDC INDOOR GOLF TOURNEY Date: January 14, 2022 Flight Times: 11:00am - 1:00pm; 1:00pm - 3:00pm; 3:00pm - 5:00pm Location: Golf Etc – 511 Airport Road, Bismarck FEBRUARY MEMBERSHIP MIXER: DAKOTA EYE INSTITUTE Date: Thursday, February 24, 2022 • Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Location: Dakota Eye Institute – 200 S 5th Street, Bismarck FOCUS ON BISMARCK-MANDAN Date: Thursday, March 10, 2022 • Registration: 2:30pm • Time: 3:00pm - 7:00pm Location: Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center – 800 S 3rd Street, Bismarck


National Energy Center of Excellence – BSC (4th floor Bavendick Stateroom) 1200 Schafer Street, Bismarck Registration: 4:30pm Event Time: 5:00pm - 7:00pm TICKETS: $25 - Chamber EDC Members $50 - General Admission

Remember someone special this holiday season with a gift that continues to give. All donations support an array of complimentary services to help patients through their cancer journeys.

Complimentary services include: Dietary Counseling • Lodging Assistance Support Groups • Physical Therapy • Massage Therapy Transportation Assistance • Emotional & Spiritual Counseling Provide help today at:|222-6100|500 N 8th St|Bismarck, ND 58501

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