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Letter to the Editor Dear Madam, A LETTER by one Shahban Ali who I presume is somehow associated with International Congress for Fiji Inc (ICFI) came as a surprise in the last issue. In fact I have a great deal of praise for this organisation for supporting and aiding education in Fiji, which I presume is its core function, and they should stick to that very commendable service. I had slated descendents of Girmitiyas for forgetting the sacrifices and heritage of their forbears. Ali was angry and told me to do a research on the celebration of “Girmit” nights in Brisbane, and retract my statements. I agreed and intended to do that after getting the facts which were never supplied. I requested the following: “Sorry intention has been not to hurt your feelings but jolt Indo Fijians from their sense of lethargy on Girmit. Compared to our migrations to every city, we hardly have much REMEMBRANCE DAY. This is news to me that you mark girmit there. Can you please send me some photos and your programme of how and where you marked the day? I have no problem in retracting once I get the evidence. Sorry if I have hurt you.” He never gave any information and next I see him quoting only part of the e-mail in his letter to editor complaint, and accusing me of being a ‘Kumbhakaran” (sleeping, ignorant of facts). I wanted to see the programme to determine what element of ‘Girmit’s untold history was in their programme. Camouflaging a fundraising dinner by using the name of Girmit is not only inappropriate but desecration of the sacrifices made by the pioneer generation. Ali claimed they have been “celebrating”
Inside • Letters to the Editor.......................2 • Migration Matters...........................4 • Local News.................................3-19 • Business News...........................20-21 • Who, What, Where, When..........22 • Health & Well Being................30-35 • Real Estate................................36-39 • Business Directory........................40 • Astrology / Classifieds...................41 • What’s On................................42-43 • Bollywood & Entertainment...44-45 • Sport...............................................46
Indian Times A Div isi on of Qld Multicultural Time s
Published Monthly OWNERS / PUBLISHERS: Umesh & Usha Chandra ADVERTISING: Trudi Tarres EDITOR: Trudi Tarres
Girmit since 1988. Well said, what have they got to show for it? There is nothing on their website, only a page advertising a grand musical evening. In no culture do we “celebrate “the memory of grandparents and parents with a live band where you have to pay to get entry and have a feast? To start off, you do not “celebrate” Girmit; there is nothing to celebrate about? It is commemoration of the sacrifices - a solemn occasion, similar to ANZAC. It is a big insult to the memory of Girmityas when ICFI could not assemble enough descendent of Girmitiyas to carry the night, where they had to depend on non-Girmitiyas descendants to carry the night. Is that the sad legacy our forbears left us? And who made them think that a mere poetry, some songs with girmit words and some old Bollywood songs on live band commemorate sacrifices of the Girmitiyas? It seems Brisbane has a fever for live bands. Bollywood was not even born when Girmit began. Do they know what Bidesia, Birah, chauki bhajan and other girmit folk songs are? How many elderly first generation girmitiyas were invited? Did they document the untold history of girmit in any website or anywhere for coming generations? Have they heard of Brisbane-based website: That site by a Brisbane person tells more about Girmit than ICFI’s decades of so called Girmit celebrations. That person did not know of any Girmit event in Brisbane. Media is considered the archive and custodian of history and it is here that Radio Brisvaani and Brisbane Indian Times could have played more significant roles by ensuring that a Girmit Foundation solely dedicated to girmit principles took charge of marking Girmit Remembrance Day, with respect and dignity it deserves. It is understandable they exist to make profits. However, media have obligations to ensure that records of untold girmit stories were preserved for future generations. A fundraising body which was merely using name of Girmit and its emotions to collect funds is not the best way to mark the sacrifices of Girmitiyas. Brisbane has people and organisations which can do better. I have dedicated my article for this month as a guide to marking Girmit Remembrance Day and will be published in USA and Canada as well. We have taken a lead and others are urged to get organised and join us internationally. Before ICFI takes offence, let me reiterate, they are highly commendable for scholarships and education assistance in Fiji. However, anybody claiming to be custodians of Girmit history and heritage need to involve wider, especially elderly Girmitiya first generation spread around Brisbane, to mark a more dignified and representative Girmit Remembrance Day and not merely turn it into a Bollywood and band entertainment. That at least is not the memory of our grandparents. Please read my article for guidance. (located on page 28) Thakur Ranjit Singh, Auckland, NZ.
Thakur Ranjit Singh (NZ)
Letters to the Editor
Thilliar Varnakulasingham (NZ) Shalendra Prasad (Fiji) Dhaval Vyas (India) Rama Gaind, Canberra Kiran Goel (Immigration Matters) Matt Young (Sport) Vinaya Natarajan (Inspire - Prem Rawat) Atul Dighe
(Spiritual Science Research Foundation)
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5000 books for PNG 2012 A LOCAL resident, Sally Eeles, who you may know as a Channel Seven news reporter and producer is driving a project known as; 5000 Books for (the kids of) PNG. This follows on from a very successful similar project last year. What is required? can you, your family and/or organisation collect good quality preloved kids books during the period June 2012 – December 2012. These books will then be delivered to the children of PNG’s Milne Bay Province who live on islands with
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13CQUni 13 27 86 THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, July, 2012 — 3
Recent news about Australian Migration Regulations Main summary of changes to General Skilled Migration Program form 1 July 2012 The Introduction of SkillSelect system: SkillSelect involves first making an "Expression of Interest" or EOI. DIAC will review the EOIs on a regular basis, and issue invitations to the "best" applicants. Only after receiving an invitation will it be possible to lodge a visa application. These significant changes mean that potential applicants may not be invited within the two year timeframe. Their chances for receiving an invitation will depend on their points score and the number of people who have made EOIs in the same occupational group. The number of subclasses for skilled migration has reduced from six (6) to three (3): They are 189 (Skilled Independent); 190 (Skilled Nominated); 489 (Skilled – Regional (Provisional). There are no longer any distinctions between offshore and onshore applications. The onshore visa subclasses for international students will continue until 1 January 2013, after which they will also be closed to new applications. No Bridging Visas for Onshore Applicants under EOI: Very crucial element for onshore applicants who have visas expiring. Onshore applicants whose visas are expiring would need to look at other visa options allowing them to remain in Australia whilst the invitation process is being completed (eg graduate skilled visas, 457 visas or further student visas). Pass Mark has reduced from 65 to 60 points: The pass mark will be 60 for those applying under the SkillSelect system. Only Online Lodgement for EOI The new skilled visa subclasses can
only be lodged online. Issues for applicants are there can be instances of the system being unavailable during peak application times; and the system may block eligible visa applicants due to errors in Skillselect system. No paper applicants will be accepted. Onshore Visa Application Lodgement Under the new system, when invited to apply for a visa application, you will be able to apply if you have any substantive visa (which could include 457s, visitors, and working holiday makers); or a Bridging A, B or C visa. In certain circumstances you may be able to obtain a wavier if you have a no further stay condition (8503, 8534 etc) when applying for a SkillSelect skilled migration visa. No Threshold Work Experience Requirement: The previous recent work experience requirement for skilled migration (12 of the last 24 months) will no longer apply to the new visa subclasses. Applicants who may have had career breaks, or change of occupation may have a better chances of success under the Skillselect model. No Australian study requirement. Under the previous system, international students had to apply within 6 months of completion of their studies in Australia. This is no longer the case and student can apply even if they completed their study more than six months ago. Another benefit is that the studies undertaken in Australia may no longer need to be "closely related" to the nominated occupation. Applicants me be able to obtain points for qualifications which are unrelated to the occupation nominated in the application. A New Skilled Occupations List: A New Skilled Occupations List (SOL) applying to independent and family sponsored general skilled visas. In
addition, the occupations list for State/Territory Nominated and Employer Sponsored visas will be combined into a single Consolidated Skilled Occupations List (CSOL). It is possible that the CSOL will be wider than the current State/Territory Nominated List, and also possible that some occupations will be removed from the SOL. Extended Validity of English Tests valid for three years: English tests, such as IELTS and OET, will be valid for 3 years from 1 July 2012. This will apply to all visa subclasses, not just the new General Skilled Subclasses. Now able to include family members onshore: Under the previous system applicants were unable to include family members after lodgement for onshore general skilled visas. The new visa subclasses allow for relatives to be included after lodgement which will save a considerable amount of time and money for applicant’s family members. Understanding the Different Occupations Lists The Skilled Occupation List (SOL), is used to determine eligible occupations for non-sponsored or nominated skilled migration purposes. The following visas are applicable” * Subclass 189 visa Skilled Independent); * Subclass 485 visa (Graduate Skilled Visa); * Subclass 487 visa, if the applicant is sponsored by an eligible family member only; * Subclass 489 visas, if the applicant is sponsored by an eligible family member only; * Subclass 885 visa (Onshore Skilled Independent); or * Subclass 886 visa, if the applicant is sponsored by an eligible family member only. Continued page 6
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28 Russ Russell ell Street or 44 Hope Str Street, eet, South Brisbane, QLD, 4 — THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, July, 2012
Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Recent news about Australian Migration Regulations Continued from page 4 THE Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List (CSOL), is a single list of occupations for Employer Sponsored and State / Territory nominated skilled visa Subclasses The CSOL replaces the Employer Nominated Scheme (ENS), Temporary Business (Long Stay - Subclass 457), and General Skilled Migration (GSM) State / Territory nominated Skilled Occupations Lists. The CSOL, together with the Skilled Occupation List (SOL), applies to all State / Territory nominated GSM, ENS Direct Entry and Standard Business sponsors who make nominations in relation to Subclass 457 visas, and Occupational Trainee Sponsors who make nominations in relation to a Subclass 442 visas.
Student Visa Living Costs and Evidence of Funds from 1 July 2012 From 1 July 2012 there will be new financial requirements for International students to demonstrate and/or declare that they have genuine access to sufficient funds to be granted a Student visa. Students * TRAVEL (Applicant: Return airfare to Australia; Family Members: One return air fare to Australia per person) * TUITION (Applicant: Course fees; School-age children aged 5-18 per student AUD8000 per year) * LIVING (Applicant: AUD18 610 per year; Partner: AUD6515 per year; First Child: AUD3720 per year; Each other child: AUD2790 per year) Student Guardians * TRAVEL ( Applicant: Return air fare to
Australia; Children aged under 6 years of age: One return air fare to Australia per person) * LIVING ( Applicant: AUD18 610 per year; First child aged under 6: AUD3720 per year; Each other child aged under 6: AUD2790 per year) Number of Parent and Other Family visas for 2012-13 The following number of visas to be granted in the Migration Program Year 1 July 2012 to 31 June 2013: * Aged Parent (Class BP) (Subclass 804) and Parent (Class AX) (Subclass 103) visas:
This article is intended to provide general information on migration issues and does not constitute migration advice, and no responsibility is accepted by Kiran Goel or AIEES for the accuracy of material appearing in the Brisbane Indian Times. (Ms Kiran Goel MARN: 0639149)
Indian Seniors make a bus trip to Bribie Island By Mrs Kushla Sahai President, Ekta Women's Group MEMBERS of the Indian Senior Citizen's Association and Ekta Women's group (an integral part of the ISCA) woke up early on the morning of third June but alas, it was raining and bitter cold. There was one question in everyone's mind, "to go or not to go?'' Well, Seniors have a vast experience and have made some tough decisions in their life so they braced themselves with woollen jackets, beanies, umbrellas and in no time they were all aboard on Sisils new bus at Kessels Road, MacGregor. It was great to see the members so enthusiastic and punctual. When the bus left for Bribie Island, it was still cloudy, cold and showering.
2210 * Other Family (Class BO) (Migrant) and Other Family (Class BU) (Residence) visas: 1320 NB: Class BO (Other Family – Migrant Offshore) includes: Aged Dependent Relative; Remaining Relative and Carer. Class BU (Other Family – Residence – Onshore) includes: Aged Dependent Relative; Remaining Relative and Carer
To cheer everyone up, the ladies sang Bhajans to the beat of the 'Dholak' and soon the sun was out to join them. Even the kind driver was prepared with Hindi CDs to entertain them. As the bus reached Bribie Island, the day became clearer and the sun smiled brightly. Fortunately, there was a big clean shed where members helped themselves to steaming cups of tea and spicy snacks. There was plenty of time for the members to relax, explore or just
walk along the sandy beaches to admire the stunning beauty of Bribie Island. Before lunch (provided by ISCA) everyone had the opportunity to visit the marine museum which the group found very interesting and educational. Before leaving, the driver kindly agreed to give the members a tour around the island. By four thirty the Indian Seniors were all back after thoroughly enjoying the day.
Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
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The information and illustrations displayed in all advertising material are indicative only and are subject to change. The Vendor, 360 Project Marketing Pty Ltd and agents of those companies do not warrant the accuracy of the information and illustrations and do not accept any liability for any error or discrepancy in the information. The information and illustrations displayed in this advertisement will not form part of any contract for sale. Interested parties must rely on their own inquiries and the information in the contract for sale for the property. The Residences at Hilton Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia are not owned, developed or sold by Hilton Hotels Corporation or its affiliates. 360 Project Marketing Pty Ltd ACN 134 026 332, Orchid Avenue Pty Ltd ACN 118 752 346 and Elan Boulevard Pty Ltd ACN 127 758 132 use certain “Hilton” trademarks under a license from Hilton Hotels Corporation to 360 Project Marketing Pty Ltd ACN 134 026 332, Orchid Avenue Pty Ltd ACN 118 752 346 and Elan Boulevard Pty Limited ACN 127 758 132. *Hotel services, such as valet, room service and Executive Lounge access are available to apartments managed by Hilton. Charges apply for provision of hotel services. All residents have access to the hotel facilities including bar, restaurant, day spa and pool.
Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Qld Government to challenge mining tax Continued from front page MR Swan (pictured) predicted the legal challenge would fail and was a sign of the twisted priorities of Mr Newman, who wanted to shut down a tax designed to spread mining wealth through the economy and into individual superannuation accounts. He said the biggest beneficiary of a successful tilt against the tax would be billionaire Clive Palmer. "Effectively, what Mr Newman wants to do is to rob the punters and pay Mr Palmer." Mr Swan said even the Western Australian Government believed the challenge would fail and legal advice suggested the challenge could not succeed. Queensland's Attorney general Jarrod Bleijie says Crown Law advice supports the opposition of the mining tax. Constitutional law experts have previously warned of the case's likely failure, but Fortescue believes it has a good case for challenging the MRRT on constitutional grounds. A spokeswoman for Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie said Crown Law advice supported that view. Earlier this year, constitutional lawyer George Williams said the grounds for High Court challenge on the mining tax were not "particularly strong". "That's partly because when the commonwealth enacts these pieces of legislation it does so very carefully, with the intention of insulating it against constitutional attack," Dr Williams, from the University of NSW,
told the Australian Financial Review. Australian Catholic University vice-chancellor Greg Craven, a professor of constitutional law, recently told The Australian: "The arguments are hard ones to make out and they're incredibly complicated. They wouldn't be easy ones to convince the High Court of." West Australian premier Colin Barnett said his government would not join Fortescue's challenge but it would be represented in the hearing. Mr Barnett said the commonwealth had "fairly strong grounds". Mr Forrest and fellow mining powerbrokers Gina Rinehart and Clive Palmer have supported anti-mining tax campaigns, although Mr Palmer said he had recently decided against joining the court action. Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan said the LNP should fund the challenge, as Mr Palmer, a party donor, would be a major beneficiary if it got up. "By taking part in this action, Campbell Newman is trying to stop 560,000 Queensland small businesses getting a tax break, 1.4 million workers receiving an increase in their retirement savings, 800,000 Queensland low income workers getting a tax concession on their superannuation and funding for important infrastructure across Queensland," Mr Swan said. "Even (WA Premier) Colin Barnett said this challenge won't succeed, so I think Queensland taxpayers are being dudded by a Premier determined to look after people like Clive Palmer." Source: Courier Mail 9 July, 2012
As you make your way home to India, We’ll make you fee at home
THE award winning airline, Malaysia Airlines (, operates 5 flights weekly from Brisbane direct to Kuala Lumpur with convenient connections to over 80 destinations worldwide, including India, South East Asia, UK/Europe and China. Effective 01 September 2012, the airline will offer even more convenient connections from Brisbane to India, with the introduction of new flights from Kuala Lumpur to Mumbai and Kuala Lumpur to Bangalore return. This will increase the frequency of each of these routes to ten flights weekly. Chennai has also gained extra services return from Kuala Lumpur which will increase the frequency to 11 flights weekly. Transit times in Kuala Lumpur will also be greatly reduced. On top of its commitment to providing better connectivity for its passengers, the airline has a strong desire to maintain its position as a premier brand with state-ofthe-art products and service offerings. The airline has embarked on an extensive fleet upgrading exercise since 2010 involving the introduction of 45 Boeing 737-800, 15 Airbus A330-300 and six Airbus A380-800 aircraft. One of these aircraft, the Airbus 330-300, now operates on the Brisbane to Kuala Lumpur route, offering unparalleled luxury such as mood lighting in all cabins, and large overhead baggage compartments. In Business Class, passengers can unwind
in a seat which offers a spacious 60 inch seat pitch and also transforms into an angled lie flat bed. Economy Class offers a comfortable, mechanically assisted seat with a 32 inch seat pitch, while the four way headrest with side wings ensures a comfortable and relaxing flight. Every seat has an individual audio/videoon-demand smart screen, offering up to 300 hours of on demand movies, TV favourites, games, music and interactive fun. The headphones’ noise-cancellation feature will ensure a pure entertainment experience. Passengers can catch up on work and power their laptops through a 115 volt power outlet or take advantage of the USB port for electronic equipment. Both Malaysia Airlines and its Kuala Lumpur hub are among the industry’s most frequent winners of awards for quality service. Malaysia Airlines itself has won the World’s Best Cabin Crew title from the Skytrax airline rating agency in six of the past ten years, and in the recent (2011) World Travel Awards, UK, it was named World’s Leading Airline to Asia for the second year running. From 1 July 2012, passengers can look forward to experience a new level of comfort and luxury on the Malaysia Airlines’ Airbus A380-800. The first commercial flight on the new superjumbo will be from Kuala Lumpur to London, followed by flights to Sydney, Tokyo and Beijing on later dates.
Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Honorary Consul of India Mrs Archana Singh addresses APSQ Satsangh Courtesy Jitendra Deo HONORARY Consul of India for Queensland Mrs Archana Singh presented a paper on “Importance of preserving our Hindi language and Indian culture” during the 3rd June Samaj satsangh at Progress Hall, Upper Mt Gravatt. Looking at the importance of preserving our Hindi language and Indian culture it was thought to devote our Satsang totally to this significant theme. It must be noted that Australian Government multicultural policy also allows those who choose to call Australia home the right to practise and share in their cultural traditions and languages. Mrs Singh who herself has been actively engaged in promoting a better understanding of India and her culture through Hindi language classes at the Institute of Modern Languages at the University of Queensland since 1987 was pleased to see that Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Qld is trying its best in maintaining the Indian culture and identity by conducting cultural activities, promoting the code of VEDIC philosophy, Hindi, Yoga, music and involving the youth in all the activities. She pledged her support to the Sabha like her predecessor Prof. Sarva
• From left to right: Dr Vagish Singh, Mrs Archana Singh, Pta Usha Rai, Mr Jitendra Deo.
Daman Singh. The programme started with Yajna, and some Vedic bhajans were sung by the Youth group members. After the Yajna, the Honorary Counsel of India for Queensland Mrs Archana Singh was invited on the stage by MC Mrs Vivah Vasist. The President Mr Jitendra Deo, welcomed the invited guests and Honorary Consul of India for Queensland Mrs Archana Singh and her husband Dr Vagish Singh. He briefed the people present on the humble beginnings of the Arya Samaj in Brisbane, and its main
goal "To maintain the Bharitya Sanskriti and language. The activities that relate to the Bharitya Sanskriti is performed so it is active and ultimately passed on to the future generation". Mr Deo also spoke on activities of Sabha and thanked Queensland government for sponsoring some of the parv celebrations. Mrs Archana Singh who was appointed the Honorary Consul of India for Queensland in November 2011 was introduced to the gathering by the Vice President Mr Rajesh Chand. It was noted that Mrs Singh has
been actively involved with the Indian Consulate in Brisbane from 2005 and during that time, apart from the normal consular duties, she also took an active interest in organizing public lectures which showcase Indian history and culture to the wider community and help to create an awareness of India’s contribution to the world. Mrs Archana Singh, Honorary Consul of India for Queensland delivered a very articulate speech in Hindi on “Importance of preserving our Hindi language and Indian culture”. She took examples from other ethnic groups and
very eloquently stressed on the importance of maintaining our language and culture. Hindi language our mother tongue is the medium through which one sustained one's Indian culture. Language and culture cannot be separated as language is the carrier of culture. Hindi language and Indian culture are true reflections of our identity. The Honary Consul of India emphasized that our culture is very important and we should take pride in it and the young people of today should be encouraged to embrace their language and culture. Secretary Mr Hari Chand acknowledged the speech and sentiments expressed by Mrs Archana Singh and thanked her for being so supportive and partaking her cultural thoughts to our community at large and being actively occupied in promoting a better understanding of Indian culture and language. Before the end of the programme Mr C.L. Sehgal shared his views by a powerful presentation on Yoga and Pranayam. The programme finished with dinner and misthaan provided by Mr Rajesh & Mrs Sakuntala Chand Family.
Parenting Support in the 21st Century
Courtesy Sabine Baker ARE you a parent of a 2-12 year old? We would love to
hear what you think about today’s parenting support options. Do you use the internet and social media to get parenting advice and support? Researchers at the University of Queensland are interested in finding out parents’ preferences for parenting support, and their use of different information sources, including websites and social media. We are conducting a large Australia-wide survey to investigate how technology has changed parenting support and to find ways to improve
advice services for parents in the future. If you have a 2-12 year old child, please spare 20 minutes to complete the anonymous online survey here: You can also find us on facebook: Thank you for your assistance. Please feel free to share the survey link with other parents.
Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Archerfield Rotary partners with Fred Hollows Courtesy Marie Jackson
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ROTARY is all about service above self and no better way to put this into action than to enjoy good food in the companionship of others. Archerfield Rotary held its annual fundraising dinner at Gambaro’s restaurant recently and raised over $10,000 in funds which will go towards the Fred Hollows Foundation and the Rotary International program called Polio Plus. Fred Hollows is virtually a • From Left: Marie Jackson, Dr Colin Jackson, Dr Kath household name in Australia Smallcombe and partner. since he began work on removing cataracts who is also an honorary member of the from the underprivileged in our society and Archerfield Club. The annual dinner was in disadvantaged countries. Dr Kathleen intermixed with entertainment from an Smallcombe spoke on behalf of the Indonesian dance group called Saman. The Foundation and expressed thanks for the group who are students from QUT and UQ continued support from the Archerfield performed the Saman dance which was an Rotary Club and its Director of interpretation of a thousand hens. Past International Services, Ray Deen. For only President Marie Jackson also took to the $25 one person’s eyesight can be restored, stage to sing for the more than 150 strong giving them the gift of seeing that so many crowds who attended the event. The highlight of the night was the auction, ably manin the western world take for granted. Because of the commitment of Rotary aged by auctioneer Paul Zoller who aucInternational and the many thousands of tioned a huge array of sporting memorabilRotary clubs worldwide, Polio has almost ia including a Casey Stoner jacket signed been eradicated in the world. However the and framed, State of Origin jerseys also aim is to totally eradicate this disease by framed and cricket memorabilia. Archerfield Rotary wishes to thank all sending teams of qualified personnel to provide the Sabine (polio) vaccine to those those who supported the night and invite most vulnerable. Recently Bill Gates any readers to contact the club if they wish donated $US100,000 to the RI Polio pro- to book in advance for next year’s Dinner. gram and the Commonwealth Heads of Contact can be made by emailing Marie at Government offered financial support. MC for the night was radio announcer and or phoning Mark former Federal Minister Gary Hardgrave on 32772687.
Bengali Society of Queensland news...
Address: 2 / 1 Stockwell Place Archerfiield QLD 4108 Tel: 07-32555211 Fax:07-32555126 Mobile:0433275763 Email: Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm Web: 1:00pm Sat:9:00am-1:
Courtesy of Mortuza Huq THE Bengali Society of Queensland (BSQ) celebrated the Bangla New Year and the 151th Birth Anniversary of the Poet Rabindranath Tagore on Saturday 12 May at the Aspley State School Auditorium. The function was attended by the various sections of the Indian Communities in Brisbane apart from the BSQ members. Among others, the function was also attended by Mrs Archana Singh, the Honorary Counsel General of India in Queensland. Garry Page, Director General of Multicultural Australia, QLD (MAQ) also attended the function and expressed his utmost satisfaction. MAQ previously approved a grant of $1,000 to organise this function. The highlights of the cultural function were quality performances of three singers representing three different streams. At the start Shubhasree Roy Choudhury performed a
MCF news Courtesy Janeth Deen THE Holy Month of Ramadhan is fast approaching. It is a time when we must actively concentrate on the Pillars of Islam and spiritually cleanse our person. It is a time to care for the needy both at home and abroad. The Muslim Charitable Foundation has been set up to channel donations from the Muslim community to the growing number of Queenslanders who have found themselves in unfortunate circumstances both economically and emotionally. This number has been steadily increasing each month since MCF began operating. With the retrenchments from State Government, media and small business in the months ahead, the number of needy people is sure to escalate. MCF has also worked to channel donations to countries suffering from war and natural disasters overseas. They have taken special precautions to ensure that the money has reached those suffering without any middleman and was used in the best possible manner to ease the burdens of the recipients. We all know that an important pillar of Islam is charity and this is usually collected during Ramadhan. The importance of Zakatul Fitr/Fitrah is to 12 — THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, July, 2012
number of Tagore songs. In the next segment, Hafiza Sharmin Sumi rendered modern Bangla songs from the 1950s, 60s and the 70s up to the dinner break. In the second half, renowned classical singer Shugata Marjit mesmerised the audience with his traditional style of classical singing in various Hindustani ragas. purify the one who fasts from any indecent act or speech and to help the poor and needy, The Fitrah has been set at $10 by the Council of Imams. Zakaat is charity, alms, kindness, official tax which is obligatory and to be given willingly. It is to purify wealth by sharing with the poor. The Messengar of Allah (SAW) said "He is not a believer, he who eats to his fill, whilst his neighbour besides him goes hungry" Sahih Bukhari, 112. MCF will be distributing Zakaat both home and overseas (for those who want to send it to specific countries) We are the only Queensland Muslim Charity set up for this purpose. Queenslanders are feeling the economic downturn. They come from migrants, refugees, single parents, the elderly, the sick and handicapped , the unemployed etc. Rent increases as well as the rise in the cost of living have made survival, especially those on welfare, a daily battle. MCF needs donations to carry out its work. Overseas countries also need vital resources to survive, especially food, shelter and clothing. Donations can be placed in the Bank of Queensland BSB 124 155 Fitrah A/C 20963614 / Emergency A/C 20897395 / Zakaat A/C 20897312 The Committee of the Muslim Charitable Foundation wishes everyone Ramadhan Mubarak and a spiritual month where cleansing the body and the spirit is paramount. Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
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ISKCON Brisbane, a new and exciting chapter has just begun! By Yadavendra Das WHAT was originally predicted in May 1997 to take 18 months has taken fifteen years to come about. By Their transcendental pleasure, Their Lordship Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the disguise of a devotee and His immediate expansion, Sri Nityananda Prabhu have now, in May 2012, moved to Their own land or at least to the refurbished house right next to it at 32 Jennifer Street, Seventeen Mile Rocks 4073. This certainly is a historical step toward the establishment of their final Brisbane residence. A new and exciting chapter has just begun for ISKCON Brisbane. Slowly but surely, Their transcendental intentions are becoming manifest on the gross physical plane. What are 15 years compared to the 10,000 years of the upcoming Caitanya age! A slower pace is not at all a disqualification. As Srila Prabhupada writes in His letters, the good and valued nuts take time to fructify. Spiritual advancement is not some kind of a temporary and frenetic convulsion but a progressive path followed gradually and step by step as confirmed in Bhagavad-Gita As It Is 6.25: “Gradually, step by step, one should become situated in trance by means of intelligence sustained by full conviction, and thus the mind should be fixed on the self alone and should think of nothing else.” Neither are big buildings Sri Krishna’s first requirement! In Padma Purana He clearly says instead: Naham tisthami vaikunthe yoginam hridayesu va Tat tat tisthama narada yatra gayanti mad-bhaktah "I am not in Vaikuntha, nor am I in the hearts of the yogis. I remain where My devotees engage in glorifying my activities." As a consequence, I am now finally residing at walking
distance of Their temple. I have been waiting all along for this to happen. While persevering in my service of book distribution, I am so glad I have been patiently waiting for this historical move, as the fruits are invaluable! Even though I had considered moving elsewhere, Their Lordships have mercifully prevented me. Right inspiration also came from Srila Prabhupada Himself who writes in letter dated April 3rd 1969 to Krishna Das: “So you have to adjust things by the indication of Lord Krishna. Don’t do anything whimsical. The direction comes through the spiritual master and anyone who abides by the order of the Spiritual Master to give shape to the wish of the Lord he is perfectly surrendered soul. So don’t be childish. Stay there.” It is a great spiritual advantage and asset to live at walking or driving distance - and why not flying distance, (Archerfield airport, Brisbane’s original airport, is very nearby) from any ISKCON temple in the world, even more so when old age has arrived. As we all know but sometimes
Gold Coast Hindu Cultural Association Courtesy Rathinam Srinivasan
system of Dharmic values. These values advocate charity, harmony, moral wellbeing and the universal betterment of humanity. Practice of Hindu culture in Australia is on the increase and the Australian census identifies Hinduism as the fourth largest religion. The Gold Coast Hindu Cultural Association (GCHCA Inc.), based in one of the fastest growing regions of Australia, aims to promote Hindu culture among the
THE Hindu culture promotes love, respect, honouring others and humbling one's own ego so that the inner nature, which is naturally pure and modest, will shine forth. Hinduism is an ancient philosophy and a way of life that includes an advanced system of ethics, meaningful rituals, practices, traditions and beliefs. It is rooted in prehistoric Vedic culture and draws on a common
like to forget, old age is the immediate precursor of death. But then again, death does not depend on old age. It may come at any moment and now is the time to prepare for a successful transition. This proximity to any of Sri Krishna’s embassies enables us to participate in genuine and authorized spiritual activities and affectionate dealings as Srila Prabhupada especially explains in Nectar of Instruction verse 4 and purport, thus preparing our journey back home, back to Godhead. Not only do we have a Sunday Feast at the city Govinda’s, but at two different locations we have two simultaneous Saturday Feasts as well. People value choice in the market place, including the market place of the Holy Name. One Saturday Feast is at the new temple location mentioned above and the other is at the Graceville Scout Hall, 14 Young Street. Until the new house of the deities was ready, Jayavijaya Prabhu, the current temple executive head, had generously made his martial art premises available for the corresponding Saturday Feast. The sweet and melodious kirtans of Krishnapada Prabhu help us realize how simple and simultaneously sublime this process of Krishna consciousness is, that simply by chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare one can attain the ultimate perfection of life. Krishnapada Prabhu can be heard regularly both at the scout hall Saturday Feast and at the city Govinda’s Sunday Feast. There certainly is life and keenness at ISKCON Brisbane and those who have life are able to preach effectively and accomplish miracles on behalf of the Lord. Janmastami, the Lord’s appearance anniversary, is just weeks away on the 10th of August. Please come and visit us at your convenience at ISKCON Brisbane.
community by being inclusive and supportive of friendship, respect, peace and tolerance. In particular, the not-for-profit association will strive to promote and foster Hindu cultural activities, classical literature, music, dance and spiritual education by providing resources and facilities at the proposed “Hindu Cultural and Education Centre”. The Association is planning to have its inaugural AGM in middle of August with the ardent support of the members from Hindu Community who saw the urgent need to serve and support the cultural, edu-
cational, spiritual and moral well-being of the South East Queensland region’s rapidly growing Hindu population. The interim committee has finalized the constitution for the approval at the AGM and now giving the opportunity for every prospective “Founder Member” to consider joining before the AGM. If you would like to support the objectives of the Association and to take up the opportunity to join as a founder member, please contact Siva Indrajith, the Secretary via or 07 5676 8530.
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Be a true Aussie Hero! Do something Great! Please donate blood today… Courtesy Mazhar H. Sayeed Some important points about blood donation: • There are four (4) types of blood in the human body such as A, B, O and AB, among which there are positive (+ve) and negative (-ve) sub groups; • Due to accidents, major surgical operations and during child birth, lots of blood can be lost; • In such critical situations of emergency, a lot of blood is essentially required, through individuals blood donations “A life struggling for life” can be saved; • Remember, the blood which is donated alone saves a life; • From 18-65 years of age, men and women can make a blood donation (min. 45 kilo should be the donor’s body weight); • Men, once in every three months and women, once in every four months can donate blood; • A minimum of five (5) to six (6) liters of blood is running in the human body; • During blood donations, only one unit of blood is taken (one unit=350 m.lit only); • Before the blood donation, the person body is carefully checked by competent medical experts; • To donate blood, it takes just fifteen (15) minutes for a blood donation; • Soon after a few minutes of donating blood, the donor can start working as normal; • Most importantly the human body has the power and natural mechanism to gain or reproduce fresh blood within forty eight (48) hours to compensate for the loss of blood in the body; Generally, almost everyone is afraid of donating blood believing that it will harm their lives. Shamefully, people with such fear are reluctant to donate blood. It is true that a blood donation is not only good for every human body but at the same time it is a great service to humanity and a noble cause, in turn. The Holy books of Psalms/Zaboor (David), Tora (Moses), Gospel/Bible (Jesus) and the Quran (Mohammad) confirm that a blood donation is a foremost duty (ibada’t) of all mankind. Quote from the Holy Quran: Surat-alMai’da 5: Aya’t 32) (Arabic version) “Waman ahyaha faka’annama ahya-an-naasa jameeia” (5:32) (English Translation) “And if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind” (5:32 Holy Quran) There is a proverb (25) from Good News Bible (page 63) United Bible Societies – Today’s English version, British Edition. Quote: “Be generous (donate blood), and you will be prosperous. Help others (to live) and you will be helped. (63:25) Our Slogan shall always be: WE SHALL DONATE BLOOD! AND WE SHALL SAVE ALL MANKIND! Please make your next appointment to give blood today, just call 13 14 95 to Australian Red Cross Blood Services or visit Remember *Every contribution helps to save 3 more lives*
Mazhar H. Sayeed, Student Griffith University, Nathan Campus, Queensland Email: Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Spreading the knowledge of Ancient Rishis Enriching the individual, enriching the community 17 JUNE 2012 marked the 4th anniversary of Sydney Veda Patasala (SVP) and Bala Samskar Kendra (BSK). The anniversary celebrations were culminated with brilliant cultural performances in Vedic chanting, Sanskrit skits and poems, and depictions of the Hindu epics, Ramayana & Mahabharata. It was an evening of happiness as the hard work of teachers and students across six different schools in Sydney came to fruition and was thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by their teachers, parents and guests alike. This anniversary also showcased the brilliant work of the SVP / BSK educational wing of VHP Australia, and their great success in spreading the intangible cultural heritage of Vedic chanting (UNESCO), the Sanskrit language and Hindu culture to the next generation. More than 150 children and 90 youths and adults showcased their talents on the stage. More than 650 people enjoyed their great performances. Sydney Veda Patasala (started in 2008 under the guidance of Swami Vigyananand - First Veda Patasala outside India) schools have given the local community the opportunity to learn and continue the ancient knowledge of Vedic chanting. Once every week for the last 5 years, children, their parents and even grandparents in some cases have dedicated their time and effort to spreading this intangible cultural heritage. By learning Vedic chanting, the students are able to gain greater understanding of their culture and its origins which consequently enriches the cultural wellbeing of the community. This has been made possible due to the opportunity presented by Sydney Veda Patasala and BSK (kids wing of SVP) and the immense effort put in by the teachers, who volunteer to pass on their rich knowledge to the next generation. The Sydney Veda Patasala President, Mr Subramanian epitomizes the selfless effort that all teachers put into making SVP a success. This effort was recognised by the kind
celebrations as they were all presented with awards. The power of Sanskrit to unite the entire Australian community was illustrated when Ms Barbara Burton (Councillor, Hillshire Council) introduced herself to the audience in Sanskrit. Bala Samskar Kendra has been instrumental in providing culture and inner confidence to children by teaching them various traditional Hindu practices. Once again, the parents and teachers have played a quintessential role in instilling a strong culture in their children. Most notably, Mrs Shilpa Srihari and Mr Subramaniyan, President have played a central role in the continued and increasing success of all Vedic and Sanskrit schools across Sydney for which they were recognised with a Volunteer's Award from the Honourable Minister Victor Dominello (MP) The increasing demand for the opportunity to learn Vedic chanting and Sanskrit has seen Sydney Veda Patasala undertake a
words of the Honourable Mr Laurie Ferguson (Federal MP for the Werriwa Council), Mr Varanasi, Director, Dept of Education, Mrs Dianne O'Connor (Principal of Nuwarra Public School), Mrs Julie Webber (Principal, Waitara Public School) and Mr Dominic Perrottet (representing the Hon. Victor Dominello, MP) who echoed the sentiment of all present. Likewise, as part of SVP and BSK, the community has been given the opportunity to participate in Sanskrit classes. All our Sanskrit teachers are receiving continuous training from "Samskrita Bharathi" - India. Furthermore, due to the initiative of Mrs Akila Ramarathinam, VHP National General Secretary, Hindu Dharma Scripture Coordinator for NSW Public Schools and her dedicated 55 voluntary scripture teacher's team conducts classes in over 55 schools and more than 6,000 children are getting benefit out of this project. One can deduce that the growth in demand for learning Vedas Sanskrit and Hindu scripture is reflective of the overwhelming dedication of THE Federal Government’s latest round of setchildren to learn more of the Hindu tlement grants reinforces its commitment to culture. This dedication is fuelled by help newly arrived migrants and refugees the effort put in by volunteer Veda, become self-reliant and successfully settle in Sanskrit and Hindu scripture teach- Australia, the Minister for Immigration and ers who take time out of their busy Citizenship, Chris Bowen MP, and Minister for schedules on a regular basis to give Multicultural Affairs, Senator Kate Lundy, said children the opportunity to learn and today (20 June, 2012). develop. The passion of all the volMr Bowen said the services funded under the unteer teachers and organisers was program focused on assisting new arrivals to recognised during the anniversary gain employment and access to education and training, but also included sporting activities, help to increase knowledge of Australian culture and navigating the rental market. “Settlement services make a very real difference to the lives of many of our new arrivals, helping them to adjust to life in Australia and contribute to the community,” Mr Bowen said. “This is about getting people ready for work, getting kids into school, and making sure they have every opportunity to make a success of life in Australia, further enhancing the productivity of our migration program.” From 1 July 2012, a total of 97 new projects worth $39 million – and delivered through 95 organisations – will be funded under the 201213 Settlement Grants Program (SGP). The SGP aims to help humanitarian entrants and new migrants to acquire the skills and knowledge to fully participate in the community as soon as
huge initiative to build 'Vedic and Cultural Center' in Greystanes, Sydney. This will be a non profit learning centre that will aim to spread the Sanskrit language and Vedic chanting to the community. by undertaking this landmark project, VHP is satisfying community demand for Vedic chanting, Hindu scripture and Sanskrit classes, and is also uniting Hindus and the Australian community. VHP has 150 volunteers working every week and 40 youth volunteers and recognized by the NSW Minister as one of the biggest volunteer organizations in Australia. For more information on VHP and to view upcoming events please visit
Boost to settlement services for new migrants and refugees possible after arrival. Senator Lundy said the SGP reaffirmed the Australian Government’s commitment to helping refugees and migrants successfully settle into their new communities. “These services help people to make the transition into Australian life by building on their existing skills and, at the same time, help them to learn valuable new ones,” Senator Lundy said. “They provide practical assistance for people starting new lives in Australia, help them create valuable links to the wider community, and empower migrants and refugees to become self-reliant so they can forge a better life.” Some of the successful applicant organisations include migrant resource centres, multicultural service agencies, educational institutions, community groups and welfare organisations. A complete list of successful SGP applicants in the 2012-13 funding round is available on the Department of Immigration and Citizenship website at delivering-assistance/settlement-grants Settlement Grants Program grant recipients for 2012-13 in each state and territory can be found at
Grants to support Donatelife Week 2013 THE Parliamentary Secretary for Health and Ageing, Catherine King, today (15 June, 2012) announced the availability of $533,000 in Community Awareness Grants to support community-based activities held during DonateLife Week 2013 (Sunday 24 February – Sunday 3 March 2013). DonateLife Week is the national awareness week to promote organ and tissue donation coordinated by the Organ and Tissue Authority as part of the Australian Government’s National Reform Agenda to increase organ and tissue donation for transplantation. Ms King said DonateLife Week encourages Australians to discover the facts about organ and tissue donation, make and register their donation decision and discuss and know the donation wishes of their loved ones. “Community Awareness Grants are available for community-based activities that include a key event or activity held during DonateLife Week 2013. Community groups may also consider developing a program of activities that commence before and continue after this national awareness week,” said Ms King. More than 340 events were held as part of DonateLife Week 2012, of which 200 were funded through the Organ and Tissue Authority’s Community Awareness Grants program. “The direct involvement of communities across Australia is a key factor in the success of 16 — THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, July, 2012
DonateLife Week, as part of our collective efforts to normalise family discussion about organ and tissue donation wishes. I encourage schools, sporting clubs, businesses, community groups, universities and other organisations to get involved in DonateLife Week next year. Ms King said DonateLife Week 2013 activities should either have broad appeal across the general community or specific appeal to people of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. “Researched commissioned by the Organ and Tissue Authority found that culturally and linguistically diverse audiences are less likely to have made decisions about organ and tissue donation or held memorable family discussions about donation wishes,” Ms King said. The Community Awareness Grants are provided by the Organ and Tissue Authority as part of its ongoing community awareness and education program to help Australians discover the facts about organ and tissue donation, register their informed decision on the Australian Organ Donor Register and most importantly discuss their donation wishes with family members. The closing date for applications is 5.00pm AEST Wednesday 25 July 2012. For details about the Community Awareness Grants and how to apply, visit the DonateLife website at Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Domestic Violence DOES exist in Indian communities By Jatinder Kaur IN Australia there are laws in each state and territory that protects women from domestic and family violence. Domestic and Family Violence occurs when one person in an intimate relationship behaves in a way that causes fear or harm to the other person. It is the use of fear and power to control another person’s physical, emotional, social, sexual and/or spiritual being. Most victims of domestic and family violence are women, with few male victims. Domestic and Family Violence affects the entire community and it occurs in all areas of society, regardless of location, socio-economic status, age, ethnic background (Indian, Asian) and religious belief. The types of abuse include: * physical abuse which is the use of any physical force to control or injure a person, including pushing, kicking, slapping (or threats to do so) damage to property, use of weapons etc * sexual abuse which is any unwanted sexual contact, including constant accusations of infidelity, the expectation that a woman will be sexually available whenever the abuser wants, rape, unwanted touching/sexual contact etc * financial abuse may include taking control of financial matters, preventing access to money, refusing money (for rent, children’s activities, health needs etc.), adjusting Centrelink benefits etc * emotional and Psychological Abuse is the most common type of abuse. It intends to destroy a person’s self-esteem and results in a person feeling humiliated, unworthy, guilty and degraded. It may include constant put-downs, offensive language, threats to commit suicide if the relationship ends, telling a person they are the primary cause of the relationship problems etc * social Abuse intends to isolate a person from their supports, including jeopardising or destroying relationships with family and friends, constantly checking up on whereabouts, moving town or house to isolate etc * stalking is when a partner or ex-partner follows or repeatedly makes contact with the person; even when it's been made clear the relationship is over. * Death, which is the extreme consequence of domestic and family violence were a partner uses extreme violence leading to the cause of death of the partner/victim. Recent Indian Case in NSW – death of Manpreet Kaur On 7 June 2012, Chamanjot Singh (Indian student) was sentenced by Justice Peter McClellan for Manslaughter for killing his wife Manpreet Kaur, 29 years old. Mr Singh was given only a six (6) year jail sentence, instead of life sentence in the NSW Supreme Court. Mr Singh admitted to killing his wife by strangling her and then cutting her throat (22 times) with a box cutter in the bedroom of their Westmead home in December 2009, while she begged for mercy. He claimed that he was not guilty of murder because his wife had provoked him by verbally abusing him (and that she was going to leave him). He told the jury: “I lost it, I had no control of my body or mind”. The jury accepted his plea to the lesser charge of manslaughter and found that he had lost self-control as a result of his wife’s statements. During the trial, the Jury heard that there had been series of domestic violence incidents in the lead up to the killing, with friends and relatives observing the victim (Manpreet Kaur) with bruises and cuts on her face. Family members of the deceased Manpreet Kaur were outraged that the court accepted the lesser charge of manslaughter for Chamanjot Singh and that the court did not provide any proof that Manpreet provoked the attack and they did not get justice for their sister’s death.
ty members and Religious leaders (Priests, Granthi and Imam’s) to display information on their Temple/Gurdwara/Mosque notice boards and newspapers on information where women/girls can get help and assistance if they are experiencing domestic and family violence. We should not have another Manpreet Kaur who is killed and family members being aware of the domestic violence she experienced. We need to speak up, contact the police and support women in this situation but also discuss these issues in community forums, religious institutions and make a clear stand that this domestic and family violence is not tolerated in our community. For more information: * DVConnect – 24 hour domestic violence service line (provides counselling, advice and emergency refuge placement) Ph: 1800 811 811, W: * Immigrant Women’s Support Service (IWWS), Ph 07-3846 3490 * The National Domestic Violence Phone Number: 1800 737 732 and website for information and resources: * 24 hour counseling service:
3 August 2012
[The Following information was sourced from media articles published in ‘The Australian’, The Collie Mail on 7 June 2012]
We all need to take responsibility to address domestic and family violence that exists within Indian community and not continue to hide behind ‘closed doors’ and worry about shame and honor when our girls and young women are being beaten and killed. I am requesting to all the Indian communiCall Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Pacific Investigative journalism study author calls for more collaboration By Parijata Gurdayal SUVA (University of the South Pacific / Pacific Media Watch): Research evaluating the general state of investigative journalism in seven Pacific Island countries proposes collaboration between media, civil society organisations, academia, and other social institutes to help strengthen capacity. The author, Shailendra Singh (pictured), is former divisional head of journalism at the University of the South Pacific and former editor of The Review news magazine. He points out that lack of resources in newsrooms, lack of training for journalists and repressive environments pose major constraints for investigative journalism in the Pacific. Singh, who has widely researched and written on corruption and governance issues in Fiji and the
Pacific, is a current doctoral candidate at the University of Queensland. His paper, "Investigative journalism: Challenges, perils, rewards in seven Pacific island countries", was published in the latest Pacific Journalism Review, a media research journal based at Auckland University of Technology's Pacific Media Centre. The paper looked at the environment for investigative journalism in Fiji, Cook Islands, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu. It found a "discouraging trend" of harsher media legislation, harassment and beatings of journalists and false charges and lawsuits levelled against journalists and media organisations. Singh writes that the Pacific media can overcome constraints
by "working with the competition" on major stories and collaborating with other institutions central to Pacific Island life, such as community-based civil organisations, academia and religious bod-
ies. Opposing persecution Churches, the study states, can speak out against the persecution of journalists and provide sanctuary when necessary since they wield a fair amount of moral authority and influence in the islands. But despite the challenges, Pacific media has some comparative advantages, he suggests. While newspapers may find it difficult to engage in investigative journalism due to daily deadlines and resource constraints, monthlycirculated magazines may have an advantage in this specialist area due to lower overhead costs and more time to work on stories. Singh said Fiji's Review magazine rose from obscurity and boosted its circulation with some major exposes, such as the National Bank of Fiji scandal in
Rotary Club of Archerfield news... International Service 2011-12 Fund raising SINCE 2008 it has been difficult to achieve good fund raising results, for our projects and many requests received, following the global economic downturn, which is still affecting many Australians, be it personal or business. There is an ever increasing need to assist needy groups both locally and abroad, but one thing I must emphasise in most of the countries we support – a little goes a long way. Such as the $2.00 cost of a can of coke can provide a family two meals a day. The $25.00 cost of a basic restaurant meal can give back the sight to a blind person – which could enable the child (carer) to attend school. The recipient of the cataract operation with their new found sight will be able produce an income for the family – It’s called getting more ‘Bang for your Buck’ a very apt phrase. Successful events and projects Our golfing legend and Past President Bevan Fleming was travelling and unable to assist, fortunately we were still able to attract 30 sponsors and I would like to thank Safia Deen for once again securing Westpac Bank – Garden City Branch as our major sponsor. President Elect Wendy Howitt provided excellent coordination on the day ensuring all members assisting were effective. President Tony presented a cheque for $2,000 to the Wesley Hospital as part of our Club’s support for a $6,000 room fit out along with a further presentation to the Fred Hollows Foundation. Xmas cake sales are an important fund raiser and helps create awareness of Rotary in our business community, this year we sold our entire stocks releasing funds for worthy causes. Drake trailers have been a major supporter of our club fund raising functions and we now provide a Xmas BBQ and lunch for their staff in excess of 120 people in return for a substantial donation to our club. Our club also gives active support to ‘Donations in kind’ facilitating the transport of donated items from hospitals and libraries at no charge and members give freely their time to load containers and assist with the maintenance of the yard. Polio Eradication After hearing an address by Rotarian Rob Lowe regarding ‘On Your Bike’ who was en-route to Cairns, pedalling all the way to raise $50,000 and awareness of Polio and its eradication. Our Club provided a donation and I was able to arrange for Rob to gain media support via our Honourary Rotarian Gary Hardgrave, via his radio program and Past President Richard Bradley who is now in Cairns. Gary Hardgrave kindly arranged further radio interviews for Rob with sister radio programs in Sydney and Melbourne. Rob has well exceeded his initial financial goal – and we salute and support his efforts. Polio Plus has also been nominated as a recipient of funds raised from our Annual Fundraiser at Gambaro’s this year. Group Study Exchange Our club has supported District GSE Chairman Lester Drew with his on going involvement in the Group Study Exchange 18 — THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, July, 2012
program. In the past year we have hosted the Inbound GSE team from Ireland, and were represented by Ashley Forbes as our club’s nominated Outbound team member to Ireland. Heidi Eisel was our nominated GSE team member selected to tour Japan last year – however as a result of the tragic events that unfolded – the exchanged was postponed till this year. Lester has recently completed the selection process for the next GSE Team that will be travelling to Denmark in September this year. Incoming Rotary International President At the official welcome dinner I suggested to Rotary International President Elect Sakuji Tanaka that Rotary should be looking forward to another major theme for Rotary after the current Polio Plus program has been completed. I planted the seed that the Fred Hollows Foundation has an existing partnership with Rotary Australia – however could achieve so much more in countries across the world with the assistance of Rotary worldwide. Fred Hollows Foundation The Rotary club of Archerfield has enjoyed a long and successful association with the Fred Hollows Foundation.. Sue Larsen is the State Coordinator for the FHF and we are proud to have Sue as an Honourary member of our club and thank her for her personal support and assistance with all of our programs. I felt privileged to be invited to become a member of the FHF Committee of Queensland which has given me to opportunity assist the FHF in both fundraising as well as opening doors that are not normally accessible. Fortunately the combination of Rotary and my political contacts has enabled our club to help the FHF obtain funds for projects in South Africa, Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan and North Africa. The Fred Hollows Foundation celebrates it’s first 20 years as a Foundation this year and with the guidance of Gary Hardgrave and support of Premier Campbell Newman I have arranged an official function including a one week photographic Exhibition will be held at Parliament House in Brisbane. The Premier will officially launch the Exhibition and Gary Hardgrave will be the Master of Ceremony. I was then invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Fred Hollows Foundation in Sydney where the Chairman and CEO asked for my assistance with gaining exposure in the Australian Senate and support for the opening of the Exhibition in Sydney. Senator Arthur Sinodinos who was the recipient of a Paul Harris Fellow by our club and Honourary Member of the Rotary Club of Archerfield was only too happy to assist with all aspects of the promotion and obtaining the services of the Leader of the Opposition to officially open the Exhibition. Rotary Youth Exchange Program Our club has been a constant supporter of the Exchange Student program because we all believe it is one of the most beneficial Rotary programs. It introduces future leaders to Rotary and creates better understanding of different cultures and peoples of the
• Past President Ray Deen makes the Prestegious Paul Harris Fellow Presentation to President Elect Zaffar Khan.
world, it is to be hoped that most of these young leaders will become members of the world of Rotary. Special Thanks Gary Hardgrave assists our club via the media whenever he is requested. He acts as Master of Ceremonies on many of our fund raising functions and presentations. Gary totally supports the Rotary Club of Archerfield and through his connections in the media and other avenues obtains excellent exposure for Rotary. I commend him for all his efforts along with his lovely wife Lorraine who also supports our club via her association with Councillor Angela Owen Taylor. I must compliment President Tony Collins and the Board Members for their support of matters pertaining to my directorship of International Service. I have never asked anyone to do anything I am not prepared to do myself. I have been passionate about assisting those who have the greatest needs, which has driven me to push the envelope and encourage all club members to extend their efforts to ensure we are able to achieve results that we can all be proud off. Previous Boards have generally distributed funds raised on a 50% local & 50% Overseas aid International Programs that I have encouraged support for; * Fred Hollows Overseas Eye Program * Mehboba’s Promise Afganistan – Orphanage & Widows Support * School of St Jude, Tanzania * Polio Plus * Rota Homes - Fiji * Milpera School – international Bursary * Shelter Box * Horn of Africa Ten Years as International Director I have served our club to the best of my ability through this period, always promoting the ideals of Rotary to support humanity and raise funds to alleviate the suffering of others. I have had many supporters over this period whohave gone above and beyond the call of duty. It would be remiss for me not to mention a few especially, Gary Hardgrave, Arthur Sinodinos, John Howard and Alexander Downer, who combined helped facilitate funds to the following Fred Hollows Foundation Projects * Pakistan Juvenile Aid Program $5,350,000 * Continuation of Annual grant x 4 years - $1,900,00pa * Distribution to Kashmir Earthquake appeal - $ 250,000 * Tsaumi – Asia * Pakistan Floods – via Dr Gillani * South African Appeal * Tsaumi –
the 1990s. This gives magazines strong incentives to carry out investigative journalism to boost their circulations. More recently, award-winning Fiji-journalist Stanley Simpson had exposed several suspect corporate dealings in the local magazine, Mai Life. But one drawback was that other Fiji news media did not pick up his stories. Also, the study suggests transborder cooperation between local media and overseas counterparts to expose issues suppressed by Pacific governments, such as the Samoa Observer and Television New Zealand joint investigation into Samoa's baby adoption fraud involving American couples. In places where journalists are shackled by harsh laws, Singh pointed out that information could be passed onto overseas news media for publication.
Archay & Somoa The Islamic Society of Algester have supported many of our projects including the 2011 Brisbane floods both in donations of four petrol driven high pressure water blasters and physical assistance. I have received support from Past President and Charter Member Lester Drew, who always makes time to discuss issues, give helpful advice and humorous antidotes. Lester you are very much appreciated. Past District Governor and Charter Member of our club Ross Forgione may appear to be the Phantom however demands of Rotary International keeps him extremely busy travelling Interstate and overseas limiting the opportunity to join us for regular meetings – Ross always made time to share advice and pass on the wealth of his knowledge whenever a challenging situation arose. Past President and Charter Member Bevan Fleming has been an outstanding mentor and always offers sound advice. I sincerely appreciate all the help and assistance I have received from all of the Presidents, Board Members and those that served on my committee over the past ten years. I look forward to my next portfolio as Vocational Director next year. We must always strive to succeed and continue our efforts for a better world by ‘reaching within to embrace humanity’, we are then on the road to success. (Inshallah) God Willing Hajji. Abdul Rahman Deen (Ray) International Service Director 2002-2012
ACTING Senior Sergeant Jim Bellas and Honorary Rotarian Gary Hardgrave achieved in excess of $10,000 to gain their release. The Rotary Club of Archerfield donated $2,000 to secure the release of these two ‘Prisoners for the day’ The funds raised through Time4Kids, which saw high-profile business leaders and celebrities doing time in a PCYC makeshift goal, and raising enough bail to be released, will go a long way in supporting PCYC to continue its programs this year and will see hundreds of youth participate in developmental and crime prevention programs in their area. These programs will make a monumental difference in their lives and will help them make positive life choices in their future. The Rotary Club of Archerfield would like to thank our two detainees Jim & Gary for doing time to stop youth crime and Julie Sampson (PCYC Fundraising Development Manager) for arranging the ‘Thank You’ function held at the Carindale PCYC, at 27 Narracott Street, Carina on the Friday 8th June where major contributors were presented with plaques of acknowledgement. Hajji. Abdul Rahman Deen (Ray) Past President, Rotary Club of Archerfield Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Fuel tax credits for business – changes from 1 July 2012 Courtesy Sudesh Aggarwal This factsheet provides you with information on fuel tax credits and the changes that will affect fuel tax credit rates from 1 July 2012. WHAT ARE FUEL TAX CREDITS? Fuel tax credits provide you with a credit for the fuel tax (excise or customs duty) included in the price of fuel you use for your business in: * machinery * plant * equipment * heavy vehicles. Most businesses can claim fuel tax credits. The amount of fuel tax credits you can claim depends on what fuel you use and how you use it. CHANGES TO FUEL TAX CREDITS RATES From 1 July 2012, fuel tax credit rates will be changing. If you are already claiming fuel tax credits, you may be affected by one or more of the following rate changes relating to: * liquid fuels (diesel, petrol or fuel oil) used in some off-road business activities * gaseous fuels (liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)) * some blended liquid fuels * heavy vehicles travelling on a public road * the introduction of a carbon charge. INTRODUCTION OF A CARBON CHARGE: A carbon charge is an amount equal to the price of carbon emissions from the use of liquid or gaseous fuels. This charge varies for the different fuels depending on their carbon emissions. Carbon charge amounts will increase yearly, further reducing fuel tax credit rates over the next three years until 30 June 2015. The rates will then be adjusted every six months from 1 July 2015. Fuels not affected by a carbon charge The carbon charge will not affect the fuel tax credit rates for: * heavy vehicles with a gross vehicle mass (GVM) greater than 4.5 tonne travelling on a public road - diesel vehicles acquired before 1 July 2006 can equal or exceed 4.5 tonne * specified activities in the agriculture, fishing or forestry industries * activities that do not involve combustion of the fuel – for example, fuel used to clean machinery or as a mould release agent * renewable fuels such as biodiesel or fuel ethanol. ELIGIBILITY AND RATES How to register for and claim fuel tax credits: Before you can make a claim, you must be registered for goods and services tax (GST) and for fuel tax credits. You claim fuel tax credits on your activity statement (BAS). Depending on your circumstances, you may also need to meet an environmental criterion for heavy diesel vehicles that were manufactured before 1 January 1996. Activities you can claim credits for Once you’re registered, you can claim fuel tax credits for the fuel you use in: * vehicles with a gross vehicle mass (GVM) greater than 4.5 tonne travelling on a public road – diesel vehicles you acquired before 1 July 2006 can equal 4.5 tonne GVM * specified activities in: agriculture, fishing, forestry * other activities where the fuel is combusted, for example: mining, marine or rail transport (including emergency vessels), nursing and medical, burner applications, electricity generation by a commercial generation plant, stationary generator or a portable generator , construction, manufacturing, wholesale/retail, property management, landscaping * non-combustible uses such as: fuel you use directly as a mould release, fuel you use as an ingredient in the manufacture of products that are not suitable for use as fuel in an internal combustible engine, packaging fuels in containers of 20 litres or less for uses other than in an internal combustion engine, supply of fuel for domestic heating. Activities and fuels you cannot claim for Some activities and fuels are not eligible, including: * fuels you use in light vehicles with a GVM of 4.5 tonne or less travelling on a public road, for example, a car, small van or Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
taxi * gaseous fuels you use in heavy vehicles – those with a gross vehicle mass (GVM) greater than 4.5 tonne – travelling on public roads as the road user charge reduces any fuel tax credit entitlement to nil * aviation fuels * some alternative fuels, such as ethanol or biodiesel, that have already received another grant or subsidy * fuel you acquired but have not used because it has been lost, stolen or otherwise disposed of. Eligible fuels You can claim fuel tax credits for any taxable fuel if you acquired, manufactured or imported it to use in your business. Fuel is considered taxable fuel if an excise or customs duty is required to be paid on it. Examples of taxable fuels are: diesel, petrol, kerosene, heating oil, toluene, fuel oil, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), liquefied natural gas (LNG) • compressed natural gas. (CNG) Continued page 20
*Conditions Apply - given as run on lines for term of contract in the business directory section
Fuel tax credits for business – changes from 1 July 2012 Continued from 19 Liquid fuels: Liquid fuels are petrol, diesel and other combustible fossil fuels such as kerosene, mineral turpentine, white spirit, toluene, heating oil and some solvents. Fuel ethanol and biodiesel are not fossil fuels. From 1 July 2012, the fuel tax credit rate will increase from 19.0715 cents per litre for taxable liquid fuels used in some business activities These activities include (but are not limited to): construction, quarrying, manufacturing, wholesale/retail, property management, landscaping. The rates for fuels used in most activities will be reduced by a carbon charge at the same time. You can find the fuel tax credit rates for liquid fuels from 1 July 2012 (accounting for the carbon charge where applicable) at Fuel tax credits rates and eligible fuels (NAT 71563). Gaseous fuels: Gaseous fuels are: LPG, LNG, CNG. You cannot claim fuel tax credits for gaseous fuels used in any vehicle travelling on a public road and, in most circumstances you cannot claim fuel tax credits for gaseous fuels used for non-transport purposes. From 1 July 2012, the fuel tax credit rates for duty paid gaseous fuels will change. ‘Duty paid’ fuel is supplied for transport use but subsequently used in other activities. The rates are affected by: * an increase in the rates as part of a gradual phasing in of duty on gaseous fuels * a reduction in the rates for some activities brought about by a carbon charge The rates for fuels used in most activities will be reduced by a carbon charge at the same time. You can find the fuel tax credit rates for gaseous fuels from 1 July 2012 (accounting for the carbon charge where applicable) at Fuel tax credits rates and eligible fuels (NAT 71563). Blended fuels: Blended fuels are blends of two or more liquid fuels. Blends of biodiesel and diesel that contain no more than 20% biodiesel (for example, B5 or B20) are treated as if the fuel is entirely diesel. Blends of ethanol and petrol that contain no more than 10% ethanol (for example, E10) are treated as if the fuel is entirely petrol. For other blends of two or more fuels, fuel tax credits are calculated using the proportion of each taxable fuel. From 1 July 2012, if you use blended fuels in activities affected by a carbon charge, the carbon charge will not apply to any renewable fuel component (such as, biodiesel or ethanol). This is because renewable fuels are not affected by the carbon charge. For example, if you use a blend of biodiesel and diesel that contains 30% biodiesel (B30), your fuel tax credit rate will only be reduced by a carbon charge for 70% of the fuel – that is, the diesel component. This is because a carbon charge does not apply to biodiesel. You can find the fuel tax credit rates for common fuel blends from 1 July 2012 (accounting for the carbon charge where applicable), at Fuel tax credits rates and eligible fuels (NAT 71563). How to claim: You must assess your fuel tax credit claims yourself. This means you are responsible for: * assessing your own eligibility for fuel tax credits * working out the dollar amount you can claim by multiplying your eligible litres by the correct fuel tax credit rate * keeping records that support your claims. It is important you use the correct rate for fuel you acquire and use in eligible business activities. From 1 July 2012, you need to use
the rate that applied when you acquired the fuel. This may not necessarily be the rate in effect when you use the fuel or claim your fuel tax credits. This means you would use a different rate for fuel used in the same activity if some of the fuel was acquired in a period with a different fuel tax credit rate. However, for heavy vehicles travelling on a public road, you need to use the rate in effect at the beginning of the tax period covered by your BAS. For more information about working out your claim and what records to keep, refer to Fuel tax credits – keeping records and calculating eligible quantities (NAT 15230). KEEP GOOD RECORDS Now that many fuel tax credit rates are changing each year, it is even more important to keep good records of your fuel usage. You need to be able to demonstrate what types of fuel you acquired and what activities you used each fuel for. You also need to keep records of when the fuel was acquired as this will tell you what fuel tax credit rate to use for the fuel. MORE INFORMATION For more information on fuel tax credits: visit our website at / for tax and super information in 25 languages. Phone us on the ATO business tax infoline on 13 28 66 from Monday to Friday, 8.00am – 6.00pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) If you do not speak English well and need help from the ATO, phone the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 13 14 50 If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, phone us through the National Relay Service (NRS): TTY users, phone 13 36 77 and ask for the ATO number you need Speak and Listen (speech to speech relay) users, phone 1300 555 727 and ask for the ATO number you need Visit one of our shopfronts or speak to your registered tax agent. OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU We are committed to providing you with guidance you can rely on, so we make every effort to ensure that our publications are correct. If you follow our guidance in this publication and it turns out to be incorrect, or it is misleading and you make a mistake as a result, we must still apply the law correctly. If that means you owe us money, we must ask you to pay it but we will not charge you a penalty. Also, if you acted reasonably and in good faith we will not charge you interest. If you make an honest mistake in trying to follow our guidance in this publication and you owe us money as a result, we will not charge you a penalty. However, we will ask you to pay the money, and we may also charge you interest. If correcting the mistake means we owe you money, we will pay it to you. We will also pay you any interest you are entitled to. If you feel that this publication does not fully cover your circumstances, or you are unsure how it applies to you, you can seek further assistance from us. We regularly revise our publications to take account of any changes to the law, so make sure that you have the latest information. If you are unsure, you can check for a more recent version on our website at or contact us. This publication was current at June 2012. © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA 2012. This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Commonwealth. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the Commonwealth Copyright Administration, Attorney-General’s Department, Robert Garran Offices, National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600 or posted at PUBLISHED BY Australian Taxation Office, Canberra June 2012
Changes to private health insurance rebate and the Medicare levy surcharge Courtesy Sudesh Aggarwal THE government has introduced changes to the private health insurance rebate and the Medicare levy surcharge. From 1 July 2012, the private health insurance rebate and the Medicare levy surcharge will be income tested against three new income tier thresholds. These changes are for the 2012-2013 income year. Medicare is the system that gives Australian residents access to health care. To help fund the system, most taxpayers pay a Medicare levy of 1.5% of their taxable income to the government. Private health insurance is optional in Australia, but if you earn a certain amount of money and choose not to have an appropriate level of private patient hospital cover, you have to pay an additional levy. This levy is called the Medicare levy surcharge. Most people also get a rebate from the federal government that reduces the cost of their private health insurance policy. This is called the private health insurance rebate. Under the changes, individuals and families with higher incomes will receive less private health insurance rebate. If you do not have the appropriate level of private patient hospital cover, the Medicare levy surcharge may increase. The income test used for both the Medicare levy surcharge, and to determine your entitle-
ment to a private health insurance rebate, is known as Income for (Medicare levy) surcharge purposes. The private health insurance rebate and your Medicare levy surcharge will be income tested against the income thresholds in table 1 (shown at bottom of article) Medicare levy surcharge The rules around how the Medicare levy surcharge applies will not change. However, the Medicare levy surcharge rate that will apply to you may increase depending on your income for Medicare levy surcharge purposes. From 1 July 2012 there will be two new income thresholds and two new rates of Medicare levy surcharge. This means that if you have a high income for Medicare levy surcharge purposes, and do not have the appropriate level of private patient hospital cover, you may pay a higher rate of Medicare levy surcharge. If you have health cover but are not sure whether it is at the appropriate level, your registered health insurer can tell you. If you have overseas visitors health cover, check with your provider to make sure that your policy is one which has an appropriate level of private patient hospital cover for Medicare levy surcharge purposes. Private health insurance rebate From the 2012-2013 income year the private health insurance rebate will be income tested.
This means that if you have a higher income you will be entitled to less private health insurance rebate. If you have a complying private health insurance policy you are entitled to a private health insurance rebate. The rebate can be claimed as a: premium reduction to the policy price paid to your insurer tax offset claimed through your income tax return direct rebate refund from a Medicare shop front. When you lodge your income tax return from 2012-13 onwards, both the private health insurance rebate and the Medicare levy surcharge will be income tested automatically. If you claim too much private health insurance rebate as a reduction in your cost of premiums paid to your insurer or through Medicare, you will need to pay back the excess to the ATO. If you did not claim enough rebate the ATO will pay you back an amount when you lodge your income tax return. For more information, call the ATO on 13 28 61. If you do not speak English well and want some help with your call, phone the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50. If you have a hearing or speech difficulty and have access to appropriate TTY or modem equipment phone 13 36 77. If you don’t have access to TTY or modem equipment, phone the Speech to Speech Relay Service on 1300 555 727.
Inspired by Hinduism growth, Hindus ask for Diwali holiday in Australia AUSTRALIA Census 2011 has revealed that Hinduism is the fastest growing religion in the country and Hindus are now asking for a Diwali holiday. According to a Australian Bureau of Statistics media release, Hinduism had experienced the fastest growth since 2006, increasing from 148,130 to 275,534. This Census has also showed that more Australians than ever were identifying as having no religious affiliation. Hindu statesman Rajan Zed (pictured), in a statement in Nevada (USA), urged governments of Australia and its various states and territories to add “Diwali” on the list of their restricted holidays honouring the feelings of Hindu workers in Australia who would like to be home on Diwali to celebrate the festival with their families, friends, and the community. Were not workers of all the religions had same rights in Australia, Zed asked? Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, pointed out that the Hindu growth rate was inspiring but now Australian Hindus needed to work even harder in educating Australians about Hinduism and attempt to remove misconceptions about it. Many Australians were still not wellversed about Hinduism, the oldest and third largest religion of the world with about one billion adherents, but Australian Hindus should take it on their
shoulders to educate the Australian public about at least the basic tenets of Hinduism. Welcoming the growing influence of Hindu community, Rajan Zed urged Australian Hindus to participate in interfaith dialogue, assist the different communities in their neighbourhoods, build trust and help create harmony in the society. Reports suggested that many non-Hindu Australians also practiced yoga, believed in reincarnation, chose cremation and were seekers of spiritual truth. Zed further said that it was important to pass on Hindu spirituality, concepts and traditions to coming generations of Hindus amidst so many distractions in the consumerist society and hoped that the Hindu community in Australia would focus in this direction. Zed stressed that instead of running after materialism; we should focus on inner search and realization of self and work towards achieving moksh (liberation), which was the goal of Hinduism. The 2011 census data highlighted diversity in Australia’s cultural landscape. Australia should use this census to offer better opportunities for all segments of the society, Rajan Zed argued. Australia has no official state religion and people are free to practice any religion they choose. Australians are also free not to have a religion. Religious freedom is safeguarded by section 116 of the Australian Constitution. Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Business News Westpac offers bonus to kick start your new financial year BANKING on a bright start to the new financial year? Westpac could help you continue to grow your prosperity with competitive interest rates on their Reward Saver account and Term Deposits. To welcome in the new financial year and to reward you for your savings, Westpac is offering a special 0.22% p.a. bonus interest when you open a new 5 or 6 month Westpac Term Deposit of $5,000 or more (interest paid at maturity), for a limited time only*. After a turbulent year on the stock market and the property market having shown only small gains, the start of the new financial year is a perfect time to re-assess your investment strategies and make the most from your capital according to Sonia Koshi, Westpac’s Country Manager India, Migrant & Expatriate Banking. “Amid economic uncertainty, we completely understand that people are looking to how they can grow their wealth, securely.” Said Ms. Koshi. Westpac’s latest term deposits rates offer competitive rates to help grow wealth in an uncertain financial climate. Term deposits do this by: * Securely locking funds away with guaranteed returns** * Providing flexible repayment and reinvestment options at the end of the term For those who want to get more out of their savings, but still have the flexibility to access funds if needed, Westpac’s Reward Saver offer will enable you to earn up to 5.30% p.a. variable interest rate on your account. This includes a 0.50% p.a. standard variable interest rate and a bonus 4.80% p.a. bonus variable interest rate when you when you make no withdrawals and deposit at least $50 each month.
Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Westpac is also focused on bringing its wealth of knowledge in banking and money management to cater to the financial needs of each individual customer, offering an initial free financial planning consultation with a Westpac banking expert^. For more information please call 132 032 to speak to a Westpac bank manager today or visit Things you should know: Rates current as at 28/06/12 and subject to change. Fees and charges apply. Reward Saver bonus interest rate applicable when you make no withdrawals and deposit at least $50 by the last business day of the month. *Bonus Interest is available on deposits from $5,000 to $5,000,000. Personal and business customers only - not available for corporate, institutional or government customers. Special term deposit rate (which includes the applicable 5 or 6 month Term Deposit rate and bonus interest) applies for a single term. Higher or lower rates may apply for subsequent terms. Bonus interest will only apply to new funds to Westpac and excludes funds you currently hold in any existing Westpac accounts or rolled over funds from a current Westpac Term Deposit account. Bonus interest is not available with any other bonus interest or special rate offered by Westpac. Before making a decision, please read the terms and conditions available at request. © 2012 Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. **Early withdrawal may reduce returns. Term deposits are “protected accounts” under the Financial Claims Scheme (FCS). Payments under the FCS are subject to a limit for each depositor. For more information see the APRA website at ^The free appointment relates to the initial meeting only, and if you see value in proceeding fees apply and will be agreed with the financial planner.
“NT Chief Minister Paul Henderson opened MoneyGram’s new money transfer location in partnership with Remox Foreign Exchange at Casuarina Mall. Present were Robert Walls, MoneyGram Regional Director, Ram Karuppiah, Managing Director Remox Foreign Exchange, Mr Costa Karaolias, Economical advisor to the NT Government and members of the Indian, African and Filipino communities from Darwin”
New taxable payments reporting system for businesses in the building and construction industry Courtesy Sudesh Aggarwal FROM 1 July 2012, businesses in the building and construction industry need to report to the ATO the total payments they make to each contractor for building and construction services each year. Businesses need to report if they: are in the building and construction industry make payments to contractors for building and construction services, and have an Australian business number (ABN). The details to report will generally be contained in the invoices businesses receive from their contractors. Businesses are encouraged to check how they keep their records to make sure they have the details required for the new Taxable payments annual report. The first annual report is due 21 July 2013 for payments made in the 2012–13 financial year. In this first year, you can lodge your Taxable payments annual report when you lodge your quarterly business activity statement, by 28 July 2013. The information reported about payments
made to contractors will be matched against other information held by the ATO to detect contractors who have not: lodged tax returns, or included all their income in returns that have been lodged. For more information (in English) about taxable payments reporting go to to find: a list of activities and occupations that are considered to be building and construction services examples of situations where reporting is required a sample of the annual report form a blank worksheet to assist with recording payments made to contractors exclusions from reporting requirements. You also can phone the ATO business tax infoline on 13 28 66 from Monday to Friday, 8.00am – 6.00pm Eastern Standard Time (EST). If you don’t speak English well and want to talk to a tax officer, you can phone the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 13 14 50 for help with your call.
Who, What, Where, When
• President of the International Rotary Mr Kalyan Banerjee and his wife Mrs Binota Banerjee at the Dinner in the Legend Hall at the Gabba, Brisbane on the 24th of May 2012 accompanied by Mr Shyam Das representing • The opening of MoneyGram’s new money transfer location in partnerGOPIO – Queensland Chapter and his wife Mrs Anna ship with Remox Foreign Exchange at Casuarina Mall. Full details page Das. In his inspiring speech he mentioned about the 21. “THEME FOR THIS YEAR” for the Rotarian will be “PEACE” and it was interesting to know that India is totally Polio free country with the support of the Rotary International, like this they have other charitable projects all over the world.
• Pooran Singh (centre) was overwhelmed to meet his long time friend Umesh Chandra (right) after thirty years, they studied together in Chandigarh India in the seventies. Rohit Sharma (left) another long time friend of Umesh Chandra was also pleased to be united. The photo was taken in Rohit Sharma’s Real Estate office in Elk Grove California USA.
• Sonali Prasad daughter of Pramod and Pratima Prasad of Mountain View California USA wed Soumendra Barman son of Dr Bhajendra and Mrs Kalyani Barman of Texas USA. The wedding took place at the beautiful garden settings of Sunnyvale Community Centre on 23rd June 2012 • Sudesh Kumar celebrating his fiftieth birthday in Hawaii, Sudesh Kumar is pictured with his wife Pravina Kumar, daughter Nimisha Kumar (right) and daughter Raina Kumar on the left.
• Siblings reunited at Sudesh Kumar’s Hawaii five O birthday bash in Hawaii, from Left Uma Kumar - San Francisco, Sudesh Kumar - birthday boy,Hawaii, Umesh Chandra Brisbane Australia, Sunil Chandra Auckland New Zealand. Missing is Asha Swarup of Sydney Australia.
• Members of Indian Seniors enjoying refreshments at Bribie Island. Photo courtesy Bir Sahai.
• Chandra Shekhar Lal (second from right) celebrated his fiftieth birthday with family and friends at Saffron Restaurant in Melbourne. Shekhar is pictured with his wife Kiran, daughter Karishma, son Shaun and his mum.
• Parth Raval, only son of Mr Mukesh and Jagruti Raval of Ahmadabad Gujrat, India wed Preeti Bhatia, daughter of Hemant and Madhu Bhatia of Brisbane Australia on 29th June at Shree Laxmi Narayan Temple in Burbank. Wedding reception will be held in Ahmadabad India, the couple will reside in Brisbane.
• Alpana Ben Vaitha, daughter of Mr Tarun Soni and Mrs Madhu Ben Vaitha of Ba Fiji, and sister of Alpesh Vaitha of Brisbane, wed Ashish Kumar Chaudhari, son of Mr Pratap Bhai and Mrs Vidhya Ben Chaudhari at Gayatri Mandir Boondall on Saturday 7th July.
• Bengali Society of Qld celebrated Bangla New Year with a vari- • Shyam Das pictured with popular Bollywood movie star Mr ety of cultural performances. Paresh Rawal during his recent visit to Brisbane to stage his play.
4th Anniversary Celebrations - Sydney Veda Patasala (SVP) & Bala Samskar Kendra (BSK) 22 — THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, July, 2012
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Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Akaroa: New Zealand’s charming seaside hamlet Story and photos by Rama Gaind BE prepared to be spellbound as you travel by road in the Canterbury region of the South Island of New Zealand, where the spectacular, lusciously green landscape will constantly amaze. Just over an hour’s scenic drive from Christchurch, on the island’s east coast, the undulating hills beckon you to discover the gorgeous seaside hamlet of Akaroa. Nestling in the heart of an ancient volcano, the village is abuzz with beachside cafes, boutique shops, wildlife cruises and colonial architecture. Cafes open onto the streets and Akaroa Harbour promenades where locals and visitors enjoy the sun, food, coffee, wine and conversation. Boutique art and craft shops and galleries are bustling with visitors admiring and buying the works of local artists and craftspeople. What’s more, this township of 550 residents has something else to boast about— The Akaroa Cooking School. Showcasing local produce and wines, it’s a dream come true for Anthony and Louise Bentley. After 10 years in London they opened their school in November 2009 … and have prospered! This venture encompasses everything they
• Akaroa recreates the feel of a French provincial village on Banks Peninsula in the Canterbury region of the South Island of New Zealand. Photo: Rama Gaind
enjoy in life including meeting new people, teaching them how to cook some favourite gourmet dishes, sourcing quality local ingredients and, above all, providing a fabulous lifestyle for their family. Affectionately called Lou and Ant, the Bentleys chose Akaroa for a number of reasons to set-up their school. Lou is chef and food enthusiast, Ant is marketing manager and chief taster. The couple is also “stoked” about their school being named by Lonely Planet as the fourth best place in the world to learn to cook local cuisine. Quality local produce • Ant and Lou Bentley, owners of The Akaroa Cooking The Akaroa Cooking School, 81 Beach Road, is where people go School, in New Zealand. Photo: Rama Gaind
All is not well in Paradise
to learn how to cook using the finest qual- sive gardens and delightfully, sweetity and the freshest of local, seasonal, pro- smelling lavender borders. duce. Giant’s House The Bentleys make an extra special effort By contrast, the Giant’s House at 68 Rue to emphasise the abundance of “amazing Balguerie is a historic house where local produce” that’s right at their doorstep. A sculptor and artist Josie Martin has created limited number of people attend the special a surreal ambience with original artworks, cooking classes, so food enthusiasts can terraced gardens, sculptures, mosaics and a easily interact with Lou and pick up on her contemporary art gallery. culinary techniques. Visit, and Akaroa will weave its own very ‘Long harbour’ highlights special charm! There is often a slow-paced bustle to Akaroa, which in Maori means ‘long har- Rama Gaind was a guest of Tourism New bour’, the deep blue waters of which lap Zealand. against the wharf, children fish for cod with hand lines and sightseeing boats unload excited visitors returning from encounters with Hectors’ dolphins, as well as New Zealand fur seals, little blue penguins and a myriad of bird life. Akaroa is 84 kilometres from Christchurch, a quaint sparkling gem of sylvan Banks Peninsula, which has a touch of English settlement and French influence. Explore on foot and see the craft shops, art galleries and a delightful array of colonial cottages resplen- • Josie Martin in her historic Akaroa house where origident with paved pathways, impres- nality abounds. Photo: Rama Gaind
Poll shows India worst place to be a woman
• The World Vision team at the opening of Brisbane office, second from left is CEO of WV Tim Costello. Photo courtesy of Celia Drummond.
By Peter Lane Rai MANY BIT readers have either visited the Pacific nations, home of four million people, come from there or have family and friends living there. When I first visited Papua New Guinea (PNG ) and Fiji for my work I thought “A paradise of islands, surf, swimming, beautiful weather and warm hospitable people”. Until I became aware of underlying political and racial tensions and the killer HIV/AIDS Then on May 31st I had another shock . As a BIT correspondent, I went to the Brisbane opening of the World Vision office, the largest relief organization in the world, with up to 40,000 workers with 2,000 in India and 1,000 in Indonesia. This office will cover the Pacific region. I was astounded to hear that 30% of the Pacific population live in poverty with chronic lack of water, sanitation, education, and healthy diet compounded by a lack of 26 — THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, July, 2012
finances to change this. In PNG 45% have chronic malnutrition. Despite the challenges, World Vision want to double their current financial giving to the Pacific region from $15 million to $30 million. Yet there are problems . First, from the general population there is “Compassion fatigue” following the tsunamis, earthquakes and floods which have devastated the Pacific nations. As well, United Nations relief is not focused here as for every Pacific disaster there are high costs of sending emergency aid over the vast distances between the small populations . For every one dollar of aid given in the Pacific it costs another dollar to send it. However, a journey of a thousand kilometers begins by walking one kilometer. Let us begin that journey to help the Pacific nations. For more information on how to help visit
INDIA is the worst place to be a woman among the world’s biggest economies and ranks even lower than Saudi Arabia, according to a global poll of experts released by Trust Law, a Thomson Reuters Foundation service, on Wednesday 13 June, 2012. It declared Canada the best place to be a woman, while even Indonesia, South Africa, Mexico and Turkey fared better than India. “Infanticide, child marriage and slavery make India the worst”, the poll concluded. “In India, women and girls continue to be sold as chattels, married off as young as 10, burned alive as a result of dowry-related disputes and young girls exploited and abused as domestic slave labour,” one of those polled was quoted as saying. The Gender Inequality Index has also reportedly ranked India among the worst places for women. India ranked at 141 among 165 countries analysed by Newsweek magazine in the treatment of women, which was published in September. Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today (14 June), argued that although India was on track to become a global power, but her new power and prosperity had remained evasive for many, especially women. Despite economic miracle, women in India continued to face inequalities in opportunities which blocked them from fully participating in the growth
process. It was blight on a country, which prided herself on having joined the league of hottest growth economies. Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, stressed: We needed to empower our women in India; provide them better treatment under the law, better access to health-education-politics, and more opportunities for workplace participation; and open up more economic potentials for them. Quoting scriptures, Rajan Zed pointed out that ancient Manusmriti said: “Where women are revered, there the gods are pleased; where they are not, no rite will yield any fruit.” Number of Rig-Veda (oldest existing scripture of Hinduism) hymns were said to be composed by women, and Aditi, who was sometimes referred as “mother of the gods”, found mention in Rig-Veda as a goddess. TrustLaw reportedly asked aid professionals, academics, health workers, policymakers, journalists and development specialists with expertise in gender issues to rank the 19 countries of the G20 in terms of the overall best and worst to be a woman. TrustLaw is a core program of Thomson Reuters Foundation, a registered charity in the United States and United Kingdom established in 1982. David W. Binet and Monique Villa are Trustees Chairman and CEO respectively of the London headquartered Foundation. Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
A guide to commemorate Girmit Remembrance Day internationally - with dignity By Thakur Ranjit Singh GIRMITIYA - the indentured labourers who were shipped to Fiji from 1879 to 1916 are our forbears, our ancestors, our parents, grandparents and great grandparents for some. That is our heritage, our untold history, and nothing will change that. Despite migrating to any country in the world, getting howsoever affluent, adopting foreign accent, pretending not to know your own language, adopting the life of a “Karia Saheb” (black European), you cannot change the fact that you have risen from the cane fields of Fiji’s Girmit or indenture. You cannot change history. You mark Thanksgiving Day in North America and ANZAC day in Australasia, why cannot Indo-Fijians have a Remembrance Day for their forbears? That is why I lambasted the descendents of Girmitiyas worldwide for being very thankless and ungrateful towards Girmitiyas who made great sacrifices and sufferings to put us where we are today. We are so thankful for their vision and oath that their descendants will not go through the slavery and indignity that they suffered. Their sacrifices have not gone in vain for the migrated descendents. Therefore it is not much to dedicate a dignified Thanksgiving or an ANZAC- type day to commemorate Girmit. New Zealand and Fiji have started that in a small way and we hope it becomes an international event in future. A dedicated common name, date and theme worldwide We have resolved to commemorate 14 May of every year worldwide as Girmit Remembrance Day. This is the common date and name. The actual function in various centres can be marked on a weekend at convenience. It is also preferable that an organisation or a body which encompasses Indo Fijians or Indians is responsible for this event, and is dedicated to Girmit heritage, history and indenture education for coming generations. It can be an arm of any main organisation in the city. Like in Auckland, Waitakere Indian Association (WIA) is the main body but there will be a separate Auckland Fiji Girmit Foundation which will be affiliated to WIA. Media organisations like newspapers or radio stations have an obligation to take the lead in this matter and should become key sponsors to ensure that the history of Girmit is not lost to our coming generations. Like Radio Brisvaani and Brisbane Indian Times in Brisbane, Canadian Fiji Times in Vancouver, Sanatan Sandesh in Sacramento, Fiji Times of USA in San Francisco and so on in other cities. A Day to show respect to Girmitiya elders We know no surviving Girmitiyas are left, but we are still fortunate to have the first generation of Girmitiya children, people whose parents served Girmit. This population is fast diminishing. Each foundation should invite prominent , in fact all descendants of Indo Fijian Girmitiya community, say over 80 years old, to register with them, invite them to Girmit Remembrance Day and have them tell stories they
• Distinguished and knowledgeable speakers during Auckland Girmit Remembrance Day on 20 May, 2012, who enlightened on the stolen history of Girmit. From left, Sunil Chandra, President of Waitakere Indian Association, Rajendra Prasad, author of “Tears in Paradise-Suffering and Struggles of Indians in Fiji1879-2004” and Devakar Prasad, former Deputy General Manager of Radio Fiji, former Deputy Speaker of Fiji Parliament and Chief Organiser of Girmit Centenary (100th year Remembrance) in 1979 in Fiji.
have listened from their Girmitiya parents, or sing birah, Bidesia , chauki, mangal, alah or chaita. Since elderly people are concerned, it is recommended to have the event at daytime, say on a Saturday or preferably a Sunday morning, starting at 10am and finishing with a meal at 1 pm. This should be a free event without anybody having to pay, as we should be able to attract sponsors to cover costs for us to serve our elders. This should be a day to shower respect and dignity on the first generation which their Girmitiya parents or grandparents were never accorded. Logistics, Programme and organising One thing should be made clear to people – this is NOT a day of entertainment. Neither is it a celebration, as there is nothing to celebrate about indenture. This is a solemn occasion, a day to tell untold history, a day to remember our Girmitiyas, our culture, and heritage which began long before Bollywood was born. This is a day to restore our history. We have our own distinct bidesia, kajri, chauki, birah, alah and mangal bhajans and these songs of Girmit need to be captured before they disappear. Girmit Remembrance Day should have programme where stolen history of Girmit is retold by people who are aware of Girmit history. In Auckland, we had Rajendra Prasad, author of ‘Tears in Paradise- Suffering and Struggles of Indians in Fiji -1879-2004” and Devakar Prasad, Deputy General Manager of Radio Fiji and Chief organiser of Girmit Centenary in Fiji in 1979. Other cities can get distinguished people from their community or get Rajendra, Devakar, Dr. Brij Lal or others on invitation to speak on the
occasion. Elderly Girmitiya descendants should be our Chief Guests for the day, do away with the habit of inviting big shots or politicians, we need to recognise our own people. Local Girmitiya artiste could be invited to sing traditional Girmit songs. It is also advisable to have some oratory by younger generation to articulate what they understand of Girmit. This will inspire our young people to become part of this endeavour and embrace their own history. The British had deliberately detached us from our history and it is our duty to reconnect our community to its history. Recording History Our history has always been hidden and few, if any history books have recorded Girmitiya plight, sufferings or sacrifices which have effectively been stolen. Hence it is essential to document and record such events, audio as well as video, and save them in websites for research by coming generations. An example is Brisbane-based Vanita Nair’s website: which has commendable documentations of Girmit history and articles accessible to all. Please have a look. We in Auckland have recorded some stories, both audio and video, in recent Remembrance Day and will record others soon. One of them will be from 88 year old James Shankar Singh, who had been a Minister in Ratu Mara Government of 1970s. There are others and I am sure our people in cities in Canada, USA and Australia can do likewise and preserve digitalised history for coming generations. We intend having a Girmit website in Auckland, and will share information internationally by having links with each other. Conclusion Nobody worth of any self-respect and dignity would exploit or abuse the name of our forebears for anything else. Our Girmitiyas have suffered enough while living; let us not tarnish their name in death. I have ventured to make some suggestions; it is upon the descendants of Girmitiyas to show some conscience and respect for the memory of their indentured forebears. I am willing to assist. In writing this guideline no offence is intended but there is urgency and a burning desire to establish this annual event in the calendar of Indo Fijians wherever they live because Girmit needs to be commemorated. We have built our foundations on the solid rocks of Girmit. It represents one of the greatest sacrifices made in the history of humanity. It was made by our forebears for us and we need to show our gratitude and pay our respect and obeisance to them. This is the least we can do. E-mail: [Thakur Ranjit Singh is a Girmitiya descendant and a media commentator. He is advocating international Girmit Remembrance Day to be on 14th May of every year worldwide, commemorated with dignity and reverence wherever Girmitiya Indo- Fijians have settled. He will be in Brisbane in the first week of October and can be contacted via this paper for any assistance.)
Isra (Night Journey) & Meraj (Night Ascension) By Ml. Nawaaz Ashrafi Continued from last issue The Signs of Fear: We can find out whether we fear Allah or are oblivious of him through some simple tests. Here are some of them: 1. The tongue informs us: if we talk evil, backbite and engage in frivolous gossip, it shows that there is very little concern. We should engage our tongues in the remembrance of Allah, in the recitation of the Quran and in circles of knowledge. 2. In the heart we should expel hatred, enmity and jealousy and replace them with well-wishing and care for Muslims 3. We should be careful of what we put in our stomachs. 4. Our eyes should not wander off to look at haram objects. 5. Our feet should not walk towards haram places. 6. We should not extend our hands for haram purposes. 7. We should be concerned in our good deeds that we don't perform them for anyone else except Allah. The Reasons For Fearing Allah: O servants of Allah, there are many reasons why we should fear. The following is a list of a number of them; * the fear of death before repenting; * the fear of not living up to one's repentance and breaking one's promise; * the fear of not being able to fulfil Allah’s obligations; * the fear of losing one's softness in the heart and its hardening; * the fear of losing consistency; * the fear of allowing temptations to dominate; * the fear of Allah making one's self responsible for doing goods deeds because of conceit; * the fear of becoming arrogant and egotistical due to the abundance of bounties; * the fear of being distracted from Allah by 28 — THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, July, 2012
other creation; * the fear of being led to an evil ending through excessive bounties; * the fear of being punished early (i.e. in this world); * the fear of being disgraced at the time of death; * the fear of being beguiled by the glitter of this world; * the fear of Allah revealing one's secret in one's state of oblivion; * the fear of being stamped with a bad death at the time of death; * the fear of the pangs of death; * the fear of the questions of Munkar and Nakeer in the grave; * the fear of the punishment of the grave; * the fear of the horrors of the horizon (at the time of resurrection); * the fear of the awe during the presentation in front of Allah; * the fear and the shame of being naked (at the time of resurrection); * the fear of being questioned about every little thing in life; * the fear of the bridge (over Hell) and its sharpness; the fear of the fire, its chains and its torment; * the fear of being deprived of Paradise, the Eternal and everlasting kingdom and abode and * the fear of being deprived of seeing Allah's tremendous visage. The jurist of Samarkand says that the person who does one good deed should be weary of four things (imagine what a person who commits a sin should be afraid of): 1. The fear of not being accepted because Allah says: ‘Allah only accepts from those who fear.’ [Maidah: 27] 2. The fear of showing off, for Allah says: ‘They have been instructed to worship Allah sincerely; religion is for him Alone.’ [Bayinah: 5] 3. The fear of preserving the good deed
because Allah says: ‘Whoever brings a good deed shall have ten times its reward.’ [An`am: 161] 4. The fear of being deserted in performing good deeds, for Allah says: ‘My reconciliation (with good) is only through Allah; it is upon Him that I trust and it is to Him that I resort.’ [Hud: 88] The Fruits of Fear: Ghazali (rahmatullahi `alayhi) says: ‘Fear rips away desires and muddens luxuries so that cherished sins become reprehensible, just as a honey lover is repelled by it when he learns that it has poison in it. This is how fear burns desires; disciplines the organs; subordinates the heart and gives it tranquility. It also enables the heart to rid itself of pride, hatred, and envy; and it leaves it absorbed in it (fear). Hence, the heart becomes preoccupied with its own worries and looks towards its best interest in the long run. It is then engaged in only matters like meditation, self-analysis and struggle. It cherishes its time and moments.’ [Ihya: 4/160] Poems: Abdullah ibn Mubarak (rahimahullah) said about fear: When night befalls, they endure it and see it through bowing in ruku. Fear has released their sleep, so they stand and acquire security in vigilance. Hasan ibn Hani (rahimahullah) composed the following (it has been credited to Imam Shafi`ee (rahimahullah)): Fear Allah and hope for every good thing from Him; Don’t follow your adamant self, lest you regret it; Remain in between hope and fear and you will rejoice with the Pardon of Allah if you submit. [Muajjamul Udaba: 17/303 credited to Imam Shafi`ee and also in the Divan of Hasan.] PATIENCE OF THE NOBLE AND PATIENCE OF THE IGNOBLE Every person has to exercise patience in order to face difficulties, whether he does so willingly or unwillingly. The noble person exercises patience willingly, because he realizes the ben-
efits of patience, and he knows that he will be rewarded for his patience and will be criticized if he panics. He is aware that if he does not have patience, panicking and impatience will not help him to regain missed opportunities, and will not take away things he dislikes. Whatever is decreed and is qada' wa qadr cannot be prevented from happening, and whatever is decreed not to happen cannot be made to happen. So an attitude of impatience and panic actually causes harm. A wise man said: "A man with wisdom as soon as adversity appears does that which a foolish man does after a month (i.e. he resorts to patience)". The ignoble man exercises patience only when he realizes he has no choice. After wasting a lot of time and energy and panicking and struggling, he realizes that his impatience will not help him. Then he exercises patience in the same way that a person who has been tied up to be whipped exercises patience. The noble person practices patience in obeying Allah, whilst the ignoble person exercises patience in obeying the Shaytan. So ignoble person have the greatest patience in following their own whims and desires, and have the least patience in obeying their Lord. They have the greatest patience in spending in the way of Shaytan and no patience when it comes to spending even a few pennies in the way of Allah. They will endure many difficulties in order to follow their own whims and desires, but cannot bear even the least difficulties in order to please their Lord. They will endure slander for the sake of committing wrong action, but cannot exercise patience in putting up with slander for the sake of Allah. Such people will avoid enjoining the good and forbidding the evil for fear of what people will say about them for doing so, but they will expose their honour to slander and bear it most patiently for the sake of following their own whims and desires. Continued next issue Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Ramadan the month of spiritual purification Prepared by: Imam Aslam ALL praise is due to Allah(SWT), peace and blessings upon our beloved prophet Hazrat Muhammad(SAW). The month of fasting is approaching and Muslims all around the world are preparing and about to welcome this holy month. This month has great significance in Islam as written below. Human being has been gifted with special qualities. The most important gift of Allah (SWT) is the spiritual faculty of human being. He is required to develop this side of his personality so that the persons of strong character can be developed and social order based on spiritual and moral principles can be established. Allah (SWT) has not left human being alone in this regard. Along with his inner ability, He has provided external guidance in the form of His revealed message and His Messengers. Islam, being the last divine message, and the Prophet of Islam (SAW), being the last Prophet in the chain of Prophets, provided complete guidance for the spiritual purification and refinement. One aspect of this guidance is the fasting in the month of Ramadan. This is a methodology for the strengthening of the inner dimensions of human personality. The followers of the Prophet of Islam (SAW) have been specially commanded to observe fasting to achieve piety and righteousness. If a person observes this practice with diligence, sincerity and determination, he will definitely find his reward in this world and in the life hereafter. The Qur’an says; “O you who believe, Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn selfrestraint”. The month of Ramadan is approaching with His mercy; it is the month that is the best of all months in the estimation of Allah. Its days are the best among the days; its nights are the best among the nights. Its hours are the best among the hours. We have been invited and selected in this month as the recipients of the honours and blessings of Allah. (SWT). It provides an environment of piety and righteousness. It creates a spiritual environment which encourages a Muslim to be a part of it. If a person fasts for the sake of Allah (SWT) and observe self-restraint and control, he is able to over-haul his personality completely. It is not only to restrain oneself from eating and drinking but help a Muslim to refresh himself into a balanced personality in which the physical, intellectual and spiritual aspects of personality are developed simultaneously and our good deeds are accepted in this month. So are our invocations. Therefore, we must invoke our Lord, in right earnest, with hearts that are free from sins and evils and at the end of Ramadan a spiritual person is born again. It was narrated by Salman the Persian (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) delivered a khutba on the last day o Sha’ban. The Prophet said: “O you people! A great and a blessed month have arrived for you, therein a Night which is better than one thousand months. The fasting during this month is an obligation (fareedh), and the extra prayers during its nights are voluntary. Anyone who comes closer to Allah through a good deed during this month is as if he performed on obligatory duty during times other than Ramdan, and he who fulfils an obligatory duty in it will be like one who fulfils seventy obligatory duties in another month. It is the month of patience, and the reward of patience is Paradise. It is the month of visiting of the poor, the sick and the needy so as to share their sorrows. It is the Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
month where the nourishment, the sustenance and the income of the believing Muslim increase and they are blessed”. “Anyone who invites others to break their fast or iftar will be provided with forgiveness of his sins be saved from hell, and will receive reward equal to the fasting without reducing his own reward in any respect. Some of the followers of the prophet said: “Not all of us may find food to share with one so that he could break his fast.” The Prophet said: ‘Allah will reward you even if you help the fasting Muslim to break his fast with a date, a sip of water or a drink of milk”... “It is a month: its beginning is Mercy, and its last part is freedom from hellfire. Anyone who helps a slave to be freed, Allah will forgive him and free him from Hell”. “Verily! The person who may not receive the mercy and benevolence of Allah in this month must be very unfortunate having an end as bad (in the Hereafter). While fasting, remember the hunger and thirst of tomorrow. Give alms to the poor and the needy”. “O People! You have made your conscience the slave of your desires; make it free by invoking Him for Istighfar (repentance/forgiveness). Our backs are breaking under the heavy load of our sins, so prostrate before Him for long intervals and make it lighter”. Increase in yourselves four characteristics: two by which you will please your Lord, and two others by which you cannot live without. The first two qualities to please Allah are to bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah, and to ask forgiveness from Allah… However, the other two things that you cannot live without are: to ask Allah for Paradise and to ask Him to protect you from Hell and fire… Pay respects to your elders. Have pity on those younger than you and be kind towards your relatives and kinsmen. Guard your tongues against unworthy words, and your eyes from such scenes that are not worth seeing (forbidden) and your ears from such sounds that should not be heard by you. Be kind to orphans so that when your children become orphans they also may be treated with kindness. Do invoke that Allah may forgive our sins. Do raise your hands at the time of Salat (Prayers), as it is the best time for asking His mercy. When we invoke at such times, we are answered by Him, when we call Him, He responds, and when we ask for anything, it is accepted by Him. Anybody who in this month may take light work from his servants (male or female), Allah will make easy his accounting on the Day of Judgment. Anybody who does not tease others in this month, Allah will keep him safe from His wrath at the Day of Judgment. Anybody, who respects and treats an orphan with kindness in this month, Allah shall look at him with dignity at the Day of Judgment. Anybody who treats well his kinsmen, in this month, Allah will bestow His mercy on him at the day of resurrection. Whosoever recites in this month only one 'Ayat' (verse of the Holy Qur'an), he will be rewarded in a manner as if he had recited the full Qur'an in the other months. “O People! The Gates of Paradise remain opened in this month. Do invoke that the gates may not be closed on you, while the Gates of Hell are closed. Do invoke that these gates may never be opened. During this month Devil (Shaytan) is imprisoned so ask your Lord not to let him have power over you”. Blessings of the month of Ramadaan-ul-Mubarak Fasting is the fourth pillar of Islam. The word "Sawm " (meaning to stop or abstain) is used in Arabic for fasting. A fast then means that one refrains from eating, drinking and
other physical things (all those things that are otherwise allowed) from dawn to sunset. This month comes every year to spread the blessings and mercy of Allah. We are thankful to Allah for providing physical forms of divine worship such as prayer, fasting, and pilgrimage to improve our moral and spiritual condition. Welcoming the Month of Ramadhan: The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has said: "The month of Ramadhan comes to you. This is a blessed month" (Kitab-ul-Saum). The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has declared this month as the "month of Allah" because one abandons all otherwise "lawful" things in the way of Allah. He has also declared this month as the "Chief of the months." Worship during this month gains more blessings so one should fast with sincere intentions and worship should be performed to win Allah's pleasure. Ramadhan - Anniversary of the Holy Quran: Ramadhan is that blessed month in which the Holy Quran was first revealed to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). In this regard this month celebrates the birthday of the Holy Quran. To render our dues we should recite the Holy Quran as much as possible. During this month, at night, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) use to recite the Holy Quran in its entirety with the Angel Gabriel (Jibraeel). Opening the doors to heaven: Hazrat Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) has narrated that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "When the month of Ramadhan starts, the doors of heaven are opened, the doors of the hell are closed, and Satan is put into chains" (Sahih Muslim Kitab-ulSaum). In this saying the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has promised a high place in heaven for one who observess the fast because a believer is enjoined to perform such deeds that please Allah and stay away from bad things. Ramadhan's Special relationship with Tahajjud Prayers: Hazrat Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "A person who gets up at night for Prayer and fulfills all requirements of his faith with an intention of receiving blessing during the Month of Ramadhan, is forgiven all his past sins." Charity during Ramadhan: Ibn Abbas relates that the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, was the most generous of men and he was at his most bountiful during Ramadhan when Gabriel visited him every night and recited the Quran to him. During this period the bounty of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, waxed faster than the rain-bearing breeze (Bokhari and Muslim). Prayers: Allah forgives all previous sins of a person who sincerely worships Allah during the month of Ramadhan. During this month Allah's mercy and blessings are at their peak. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has said that during Ramadhan: "Allah says: 'Is there anyone who calls on me so that I can accept his prayers? Is there anyone who asks for anything so that I can fulfill his desires? Is there anyone who asks for forgiveness so that I can forgive" (Sahih Bukhafi - Kitab-ul-Tauheed). Fasting is another unique moral and spiritual characteristic of Islam. Literally defined, fasting means to abstain "completely" from foods, drinks, intimate intercourse and smoking, before the break of the dawn till sunset, during the entire month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic year. But if we restrict the meaning of the Islamic Fasting to this literal sense, we would be sadly mistaken. When Islam introduced this
less institution, it planted an evergrowing tree of infinite virtue and invaluable products. Here is an explanation of the spiritual meaning of the Islamic Fasting: 1. It teaches man the principle of sincere Love: because when he observes Fasting he does it out of deep love for God. And the man who loves God truly is a man who really knows what love is. 2. It equips man with a creative sense of hope and an optimistic outlook on life; because when he fasts he is hoping to please God and is seeking His Grace. 3. It imbues in man the genuine virtue of effective devotion, honest dedication and closeness to God; because when he fasts he does so for God and for His sake alone. 4. It cultivates in man a vigilant and sound conscience; because the fasting person keeps his fast in secret as well as in public. In fasting, especially, there is no mundane authority to check man's behavior or compel him to observe fasting. He keeps it to please God and satisfy his own conscience by being faithful in secret and in public. There is no better way to cultivate a sound conscience in man. 5. It indoctrinates man in patience and selflessness, as through fasting, he feels the pains of deprivation but he endures them patiently. 6. It is an effective lesson in applied moderation and willpower. 7. Fasting also provides man with a transparent soul, a clear mind and a light body. 8. It shows man a new way of wise savings and sound budgeting. 9. It enables man to master the art of Mature Adaptability. We can easily understand the point once we realize that fasting makes man change the entire course of his daily life. 10. It grounds man in discipline and healthy survival. 11. It originates in man the real spirit of social belonging, unity and brotherhood, of equality before God as well as before the law. 12. It is a Godly prescription for self-reassurance and self-control. Now, someone may be tempted to raise the objection: If this is the case with the Islamic institution of fasting, and if this is the picture of Islam in this aspect, why are the Muslims not living in a utopia? To such an objection we can only say that Muslims have lived in and enjoyed a utopia in a certain epoch of their history. The realization of that utopia was a phenomenon of a unique achievement in the history of man. We say unique, because no religion or social system other than Islam has ever been able to realize its ideals in reality. The reason why the Islamic utopia is not being established nowadays is manifold and easily explicable. But to restrict our discussion to the institution of fasting we may say that some Muslims, unfortunately for them, do not observe the fast or, at best, adopt the attitude of indifference. On the other hand, some of those who observe it do not realize its true meaning and, as a result, derive very little benefit out of it or, in fact, no benefit at all. That is why some Muslims today, do not enjoy the real privileges of fasting. It has already been indicated that the period of obligatory fasting is the month of Ramadan. The daily period of observance starts before the break of the dawn ant ends immediately after sunset. Normally there are accurate calendars to toll the exact time, but in the absence of such facilities one should consult one's watch and the sun's positions, together with the local newspapers, weather bureau, etc. Fasting Ramadan is obligatory on every responsible and fit Muslim. But there are other times when it is recommended to make voluntary fasting, after the Traditions of Prophet Muhammad. Among these times are Mondays and Thursdays of every week, a few days of each month in the two months heralding
the coming of Ramadan, i.e., Rajab and Sha'ban, six days after Ramadan following the 'Eid-ul-Fitr Day. Besides, it is always compensating to fast any day of any month of the year, except the 'Eid Days and Fridays when no Muslim should fast. However, we may repeat that the only obligatory fasting is that of Ramadan - which may be 29 or 30 days, depending on the moon's positions. This is a pillar of Islam, and any failure to observe it without reasonable excuses is a grave sin in the sight of God. Who Must Fast? Fasting Ramadan is compulsory upon every Muslim, male or female, who has these qualifications: 1. To be mentally and physically fit, which means to be sane and able. 2. To be of full age, the age of puberty and discretion, which is normally about fourteen. Children under this age should be encouraged to start this good practice on easy levels, so when they reach the age of puberty they will be mentally and physically prepared to observe fasting. 3. To be present at one's permanent settlement, your home town, one's farm, and one's business premises, etc. This means not to be on a journey of about fifty miles or more. 4. To be fairly certain that fasting is unlikely to cause you any harm, physical or mental, other than the normal reactions to hunger, thirst, etc. Exemption From Fasting: These said qualifications exclude the following categories: 1. Children under the age of puberty and discretion. 2. Insane people who are unaccountable for their deeds. People of these two categories are exempted from the duty of fist, and no compensation or any other substitute is enjoined on them. 3. Men and women who are too old and feeble to undertake the obligation of fast and bear its hardships. Such people are exempted from this duty, but they must offer, at least, one needy poor Muslim an average full meal or its value per person per day. 4. Sick people whose health is likely to be severely affected by the observance of fast. They may postpone the fast, as long as they are sick, to a later date and make up for it, a day for a day. 5. Travellers may break the fast temporarily during their travel only and make up for it in later days, a day for a day 6. Pregnant women and women breast-feeding their children may also break the fast, if its observance is likely to endanger their own health or that of their infants. But they must make up for the fast at a delayed time, a day for a day. Women in the - period of menstruation (of a maximum of ten days or of confinement (of a maximum of forty days).; They must postpone the fast till recovery and then make up for it, a day for Fasting Ramadan is compulsory upon every Muslim, male or female, who has these qualifications: 1. To be mentally and physically fit, which means to be sane and able. 2. To be of full age, the age of puberty and discretion, which is normally about fourteen. Children under this age should be encouraged to start this good practice on easy levels, so when they reach the age of puberty they will be mentally and physically prepared to observe fasting. 3. To be present at one's permanent settlement, your home town, one's farm, and one's business premises, etc. This means not to be on a journey of about fifty miles or more. 4. To be fairly certain that fasting is unlikely to cause you any harm, physical or mental, other than the normal reactions to hunger, thirst, etc. Islamic Society of Algester wishes Ramadan Mubarak to everyone.
Alternative Therapies – a comparative study Continued from last issue Courtesy
Homeopathy Definition: A system of therapy based on the concept that disease can be treated with the same drugs (in minute doses) that are capable of producing the same symptoms in healthy people as the disease itself. Level of action: This therapy acts on the physical body along with the energy flow as well as the subtle body. Ability to heal: Homeopathy acts at an even deeper level than the above alternative therapies and gives the body the ability to actually create new cells as per the requirement to fight the illness. Function: Homeopathy functions by generating chetna (Chētanā is that aspect of the Divine Consciousness that governs the functioning of the body and mind) in the body cells themselves. This Chetna bestows on body cells the ability to recreate. Thus this alternative therapy gives the body the ability to recreate body cells quantitatively and qualitatively as per the specific requirements in combating the disease process Thus this alternative therapy acts at an even deeper level than the above alternative therapies. Limitations & risks: Homeopathy functions by generating chētanā in the body cells. Even though chētanā is generated in the cells, there are fluctuations in the effect of this alternative therapy as per the fluctuations of thoughts in the patient. However as this alternative therapy acts on the subtle body, the influence of the thoughts is not much, e.g. like in the case of Yunani medicine. However a limitation is that there is a possibility of depletion of chētanā if there is frequent excitation of emotions. Risk is minimal. Ayurveda This comprehensive system of medicine, with ancient medical textbooks dating 5,000 and 6,000 years ago, places equal emphasis on
A complete guide to Hindu rituals and routines...
body, mind, and spirit. The goal is to restore the natural harmony of the individual. An Ayurvedic doctor identifies an individual's constitution or overall health profile and any imbalances, by ascertaining the patient's metabolic (dosha) body type [vāta (wind), pitta (bile), or kapha (phlegm)], through a series of personal history questions, examining the pulse, tongue, nails and other tools. The patient's imbalances, in context of constitution, then become the foundation of a specific treatment plan designed to guide the individual back into harmony with his or her environment. This plan may include dietary changes, exercise, yoga, meditation, massage, herbal tonics and other remedies. Level of action: This ancient therapy acts on all the aforementioned levels as well as at an even deeper and subtler level, i.e. the level of spaces between organs and cells. Ability to heal: Ayurveda not only fights the illness at the physical and mental level, it also unearths any negative black energy centres responsible for the illness. Thus its action is at the most superior level, i.e. at the spiritual root cause level. Hence the benefit from this therapy is the highest among the aforementioned alternative therapies. Function: Ayurveda functions by generating Divine consciousness in the spaces in the cells. This causes disintegration of subtle black energy As it acts at the level of the spaces, which are more subtle even than the cells and that too by generating Divine consciousness, its function is the most subtle and most comprehensive among the aforementioned alternative therapies. Limitations & risks: We have seen that this alternative therapy functions at the highest level by generating Divine Consciousness (Chaitanya) in the spaces in the cells. However as Ayurveda functions at a spiritual level, its functioning depends on the spiritual emotion of the patient. Those who do not understand the entire scope of Ayurveda and are hence lacking in spiritual emotion for it derive lesser benefit. One of the reasons why many people do not experience full cures from this excellent alternative therapy is their limitation in experiencing spiritual emotion for it. Here the risk is minimal You can e-mail us your comments and queries at shobhana.shet@spiritual
Guru Purnima Submitted by Sundar Gopal Das THE appearance day Sri Veda Vyasa deva was on the 4th of July. Sri Vyasa deva was the son of Parasara Muni and Satyavati. He appeared in Dwaraka Yuga and is known as the literary incarnation of the Lord. Due to the declining of the human spiritual capacity, Sri Vyasa deva put the eternal Vedic wisdom into writing. After compiling the four principal Vedas, the Upanisads, and Vedanta Sutra, he compiled the Puranas and the Mahabharata for the benefit of the common people who could not sufficiently assimilate the lofty philosophical teachings of the earlier works. Therefore he is accepted as the spiritual master of all those who follow the Vedic Scriptures. His appearance day is also known as Guru Purnima. He is particularly worshipped on that day along with all the spiritual masters. When Sripad Bhaktivedanta Tirtha Maharaja was in Brisbane in May, Ram Priya das asked him some questions for his radio program on Brisvani on the topic of gurus, spiritual masters, and we have presented below his questions and Maharaja’s answers. Q: Who is a real sadhu, holy man? How can we find out who is a bonafide sadhu and guru? A: It is true that it is very hard to recognise who is a true sadhu. Many people can take the saffron cloth and pretend to be a sadhu, holy man. Once Mahadeva (Lord Shiva) said to Parvati Devi 30 — THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, July, 2012
guravo bahavah santi sisya-vittapaharakah durlabhah sad-gurur devi sisya-santapaharakah [Lord Siva to Parvati: Many ‘Gurus’ take advantage of their disciples and plunder them. They exploit their disciples and use them to amass wealth, whereas a genuine Guru who can remove the material miseries of his disciples is very rare.] In this world there are many who take the name of guru but many come to take wealth from others via trickery. But it is very rare to find a guru, who can remove the miseries of his disciples, free them from the bondage of this world, and take them to the Lord’s lotus feet and engage them in the service of the Lord. A genuine guru is well versed in all the scriptures and has realisation of the Lord. He does not have any material desires nor does he want to attain anything of this material world. He is a real sadhu. He is not disturbed by hunger, thirst, happiness, or distress, nor is he attached to this world. He is not affected by the modes of passion and ignorance. That devotee engages in the service of the Lord and gives instructions to others on how to worship the Lord. He gives the donation of how to love the Lord. The Bhagavatam tells us that the Lord eternally resides in the hearts of such devotees and is bound by the ropes of their love and He is not able to leave the heart of such devotees. Q: Many people want to accept a guru. They want to know who should be a guru
Cont’d from last issue Courtesy Dhaval Vyas, India IN our spiritual progress, even as we serve the guru and society, we should willingly sacrifice ourselves and all we have, to spread the "perfume" of love to all. We often wait a long while to see the illumined Lord but when the aarati is actually performed, our eyes close automatically as if to look within. This is to signify that each of us is a temple of the Lord. Just as the priest reveals the form of the Lord clearly with the aarati flame, so too the guru reveals to us the divinity within each of us with the help of the "flame" of knowledge (or the light of spiritual knowledge). At the end of the aarati, we place our hands over the flame and then touch our eyes and the top of the head. It means - may the light that illuminated the Lord light up my vision; may my vision be divine and my thoughts noble and beautiful. The philosophical meaning of aarati extends further. The sun, moon, stars, lightning and fire are the natural sources of light. The Lord is the source of this wonderous phenomenon of the universe. It is due to Him alone that all else exist and shine. As we light up the Lord with the
flame of the aarati, we turn our attention to the very source of all light, which symbolizes knowledge and life. Also the sun is the presiding deity of the intellect, the moon, that of the mind, and fire, that of speech. The Lord is the supreme consciousness that illuminates all of them. Without Him, the intellect cannot think, nor can the mind feel nor the tongue speaks. The Lord is beyond the mind, intellect and speech. How can this finite equipment illuminate the Lord? Therefore, as we perform the aarati we chant; Na tatra suryo bhaati na chandra taarakam Nemaa vidyuto bhaanti kutoyamagnib Tameva bhaantam anubhaati sarvam Tasya bhasa sarvam idam vibhaati He is there where the sun does not shine, Nor the moon, stars and lightning. then what to talk of this small flame (in my hand), Everything (in the universe) shines only after the Lord, And by His light alone are we all illumined. [About the Author: Mr. Dhaval Vyas, is Ahmedabad, India, based correspondent. By profession he is an Investor, manages his 100 year old family business & also offers his services as a solicitor to the poor & needy people, free of charge. You can reach him on He always welcomes your comments & suggestions for improvement in his writings]
God rewards us DEAR reader, it is our joy to bring you the word of God today. Many people do not Pastor Joseph know or realise that God has placed rewards in our future. In the natural, people are rewarded through their flybys as they earn points. Then there are rewards in place for people on the run. These rewards are waiting to be claimed or waiting to be released . Psalm 58v11 tells us that there are rewards waiting for us. Psalm 103 lists some of the rewards ie, God forgives all our iniquities, heals all our diseases, redeems our life from destruction, that means God rewards us with the greatest possible happiness and satisfaction in life now and the life to come. These rewards are not just waiting and sitting there but they are ready to be released. The key to receiving these rewards is seeking and looking and coming after God. Matthew 6v33 says "Seek first...God...and all these things (rewards) shall be added to you. The other day a saw poster saying "MISS-
ING CAT, REWARD $XXX, CONTACT 043XXXXXXX". Imagine if I turned up Dass at the doorstep of the owner and told him that I had been looking for the cat in the streets, the neighbourhood, parks etc and I should get the reward. The owner will simply tell me to move on, the only time I could receive the reward is when I have found his cat. But God does not deal with us in that way. He rewards us for just seeking and coming after Him. Hebrews 11v6 tells us that as we come to God, we must believe that He rewards those that diligently seek Him. That means we not are to seek God half heartedly, when we feel like but diligently ie, we are to rise up and thank Him every day, meditate on His word daily and gather together to celebrate His goodness. Surely His rewards are on our way waiting to be released. Have a blessed day. Blessings Ps Joseph Dass
and what are symptoms and function of a guru? What is the difference between siksa and diksa guru? It is necessary in our lives to accept a guru. Even the Lord accepted a guru, when He appeared in this material world, to show that having a guru is necessary. The mercy of a guru is that he gives transcendental knowledge and removes the darkness of ignorance in our heart and he gives us instruction on how we should conduct our life. We learn so many things from so many people. So they are our siksa or instructing gurus. In the Srimad Bhagavatam, Dattatreya made twenty four siksa gurus and accepted instructions from them. Diksa or initiating guru gives us mantras to chant. Through these mantras, he gives us transcendental knowledge and creates impressions in our hearts and establishes a relationship with the Lord. They have the power to change the person. For example Valmiki was previously a great dacoit named Ratnakara who robbed and killed many people. He was so sinful that he could not even chant the name of the Lord “Rama’. Naradaji came and asked him to chant ‘Mara’, ‘Mara’ instead and gradually over time it became ‘Rama’. And through he became such a great saint and manifested Ramayana, the pastimes of Lord Rama, even before Lord Rama appeared in the world and Ramayana is still widely respected even today. One can accept many siksa gurus but he
should have only one diksa guru. Our guruji used to say that the function of a guru is to make everyone a guru, not a disciple. Ordinary people think “we will accept a guru” and an ordinary guru thinks that these are my disciples and they will give me food and wealth and I can maintain my life easily. But this relationship is ordinary and insignificant. Real gurus make their disciples qualified to become guru and takes them across the ocean of material existence and offer them at the lotus feet of the Lord and engages them in the eternal service of the Lord. If you can find such an elevated diksa guru, then you should completely surrender unto him and be under his guidance. Then you will get all auspiciousness in your life. Depending on the type of a guru, you will able to get certain things. One who has gold can give you gold, and one who has diamond can give you diamond. Those who are expert in sense enjoyment can teach you how to enjoy the senses. One has jnana, knowledge, can give you that knowledge and those who have deep love for the Lord can give you that love.
Any comments or questions, please contact us on We regularly gather together for sat-sanga so please contact us if you are interested. Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Health Beauty Wellbeing Natural Home Remedies: How to grow long and strong hair By Nimisha of Hetvi Hair & Beauty HEY Girls, we know that healthy hair adds beauty to every girl. Because of busy lifestyle it is easy to ignore, but with this simple trick you will bring life back to your hair. · Mix some green curry leaves and grated Amla. Heat some coconut oil in heavy based vessel, and add the previous mixture into that oil. Leave this mixture for at least ten minutes (10) and switch off the stove. Filter the ended mixture and apply it regularly on Hair for some months. It is very useful and a tested south Indian natural home remedy. · Do condition your hair with Mehendi, it is a very effective way to add strength to your hair which ends up long and strong hair. · Prepare a conditioner with a cup of henna powder, the yolk of one egg and coconut milk to get a paste-like consistency. Apply this mixture to your hair and leave it for about four hours. If you have had short hair for a very long time, then it is possible that it may take a bit longer for your hair to grow out. · Onion juice is an excellent way to maintain the health of your hair. You can apply Onion juice to the scalp. This natural home remedy will also encourage new hair growth. · Regularly perform oils Massage on the hair to grow hair long and beautiful. Hot oil massages improve the circulation of blood
in the scalp and make your hair grow faster. Coconut oil should be applied to the hair for at least an hour so that it is absorbed properly and then washed off. Castor oil can also be used. ·At least twice a week, follow the routine of applying warm olive oil to your hair and scalp. Leave this on overnight and wash it off the next morning. But before you wash it off, you must apply hot water fomentation to your scalp. Take a towel and dip it is very hot water. Squeeze out and wrap this around your head. Leave it till it cools a bit. You would need to repeat this procedure at least four to five times to see positive results. This will open the pores of your scalp and make the oil go down to the roots, where it will feed the hair shaft, thus making it healthier and thicker. · A weekly massage of the scalp with warm lavender oil at night will encourage your hair to grow easily and well. You may wash this off the next morning with a mild shampoo. General Daily Tips and Routine for Long Hair * Drink plenty of water and sleep for 8 - 9 hours a day, hair grows when a person is resting. Exercising daily will also improve the blood circulation and help your hair grow quickly. Hair grows faster when there is less stress. * Trim your hair often, at least once in 10 -
12 weeks, so that split ends and dry hair are removed. Hair stops growing at the split ends. * Brush your hair, this will improve circulation in your scalp and encourage good hair growth. * Make it a point to deep condition your hair once a week. A suitable conditioner would be a whole egg or yoghurt or avocado paste or strawberry paste and applied to your hair and scalp and left on for about 25 minutes. * Use wide-tooth combs that will not pull unnecessarily at your hair. You should also make it a point to not comb your hair at all when it is wet. This will always lead to
more breakage. Wait for it to dry out and then work out the knots from it gently. Proteins constitute the major part of the composition of hair. Therefore, the first thing that you should do is increase your consumption of proteins. They are present in ample proportions in the foods as fish, beans yoghurt and beans, yeast, wheat germ, calves liver, and are the best for hair. You can consume the green leafy as well as yellow colour vegetables and fruits. This is KISS, Keep it simple …… method to have beautiful hair. Take care and see you next time. Ta, Nimisha (Mobile 0412 350 013)
Australia Injects over 15 CR toward India's heart health MILLIONS of Indians living with heart disease are set to receive a major boost, with Australia’s Health Minister and peak health and medical body announcing new funding for a cardiovascular research program focussed on India’s heart health. With other partners, The George Institute for Global Health will lead three key projects designed to prevent, treat and manage heart disease for from their bases in India and Australia. “We are honoured to have received funding for these vital projects, which will provide invaluable evidence to address the rise in cardiovascular disease in India and help provide healthcare solutions for her future. These include a national salt reduction program, further investigations into affordable drug treatment strategies to treat hypertension and assessment of innovative smartphone healthcare technology”, said Professor Anushka Patel, Executive Director of The George Institute, India. The role of a high salt diet in rising blood pressure and in turn heart disease and stroke is well established. Researchers will survey salt consumption, identify salt contents in foods and form a major stakeholder campaign. The potential impact of a salt reduction program in India is enormous and is projected to have the same impact as smoking cessation initiatives.
Further investigation of a cheap three-inone pill will assess the benefits to control blood pressure among poorly resourced communities. Researchers will ascertain if the simple treatment strategy is easier to follow among patients who traditionally discontinue complex and costly medications after a short period of time. As the prevalence of high blood pressure rises in India, so too does the stress on the local health system. The George Institute has developed an approach that empowers doctors and other healthcare workers in rural healthcare services by using affordable smart phone technology. The software is designed to improve the detection and management of hypertension and associated risk factors. There is an estimated 30 million people with cardiovascular disease living in India today, however many more are at risk of developing conditions such as heart attack and stroke. The Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases Research Grants are focused on developing solutions to reduce the impact of chronic disease via research dedicated to prevention and control of issues such as hypertension, diet and treatments. Australia is one of five major international contributors to this leading alliance.
Being overweight does not carry higher death risk WASHINGTON, July 8 (IANS) Those who are overweight need not worry - it does not necessarily carry a higher death risk, say researchers from the University of California-Davis. Compared to those with normal weight, people who were overweight or obese had no increased risk of death during a followup period of six years. People who were severely obese did have a higher risk, but only if they also had diabetes or hypertension. The findings question previous studies, using data collected when obesity was less common, linking higher short-term mortality with any amount of extra weight, The Journal of American Board of Family Medicine reports. "There is currently a widespread belief that Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
any degree of overweight or obesity increases the risk of death. However, our findings suggest this may not be the case," said Anthony Jerant, professor of family and community medicine at CaliforniaDavis, who led the study. "In the six-year time frame of our evaluation, we found that only severe obesity was associated with an increased risk of death, due to co-occurring diabetes and hypertension," said a California statement. Jerant used nationwide data from the year 2000 to 2005 of nearly 51,000 adults aged 18 to 90 who participated in the Medical Expenditure Panel Surveys on health care utilisation and costs. The surveys include information on health conditions such as diabetes and hypertension.
Health Beauty Wellbeing Telepathy- Fact or Fiction Indian company seeks to set By Thilliar Varnakulasingham TELEPATHY is the ostensible transfer of information on thoughts or feelings between individuals by means other than the five senses. It may also be defined as the transfer of physical, emotional or mental energy and or a combination of these energies, from one living being to another without physical contact. Telepathy involves mind to mind contact. In many science fiction novels such as Star Wars, Star Trek, etc the super-heroes and the super-villains use telepathy to cause hallucinatory visions into the minds of other people, causing unconsciousness, altering memories, or completely taking over another person’s mind and body, similar to spiritual possession. The Society for Psychical Research, founded in 1882 in London, was the first organization to examine allegedly paranormal phenomena using scientific principles. A large number of facts on telepathy have been published in “Phantasms of the Living”. “Annales des Sciences Psychiques”, published in France, records numerous cases. If people can develop their extrasensory perception, ESP, then they would have increased their mind power by a quantum leap above other people which will enable them to send and receive information almost at will to influence things that are important to them. The scientific community is not willing to accept the existence of ESP. To be termed scientific, a method of inquiry must be based on gathering observable, empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning. The fact of telepathy is not yet accepted universally, because the results obtained so far are not looked upon by all as sufficient to give a scientific certitude of the fact, meaning that it has not been proved based on scientific approach such as psychologi-
cal, physical or physiological basis. Some scientists, philosophers and theologians are of the opinion that the fact should be looked upon as natural until the contrary is proved. They also say that since there is no concrete scientific explanation adduced presently does not proof that there is no scientific explanation, meaning that the unexplained should not be identified with the unexplainable. Some physicists have pondered whether quantum mechanical effects, which do not depend on mechanisms such as electromagnetic radiation, would permit forms of communication including telepathy. It is said that at the quantum level, the atoms that make up matter and the photons that make up light behave in a number of seemingly bizarre ways including the existence of particles in “superposition” in more than one state at the same time. Action at a distance is the interaction of two objects which are separated in space with no known mediator of the interaction. Telepathy, according to some scientists, will take place when two people’s minds give off alpha waves at a cyclic rate between nine and eleven per second. Alpha brain waves are one of four basic brain waves which make up the EEG which stands for electroencephalogram. Alpha brain waves oscillate about 10 times per second and the range is 8-13 cycles per second. There is basic knowledge about Alpha brain waves and what makes them appear and disappear in our brains. Although experiments have been performed, but no conclusive evidence has been established. The theory of telepathy is, however, not accepted because credible scientific evidence has not been established. Further experiments are needed and until such time, the theory is premature.
Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Qld Inc FOR any one person to on which insight from study and understand Vedas Vedas can be attempted is will appear to be physically given here. an impossible mission. The idea is only to invoke Jitendra Deo Starting from the ancient the interest of the modern President Rishis themselves to young scholars to develop MaxMuller in modern interest in study of Vedas. times this fact is well acknowledged. Vedas are not to be considered as mere reliVedas offer a vast scholastic area of gious books of Hindus, but a book of enquiry and call for good expertise and gen- knowledge for entire human society. eral awareness in social, political, physical On administrative hierarchical planning, sciences and technology. Interest and Consumer education and protection, signifknowledge in at least one specific scientif- icance of transparency and right to informaic/technological discipline is necessary, for tion, Conflict resolution by democratic any individual to attempt the study, to negotiations, importance of articulation and explore scientific and technological knowl- good speaking ability, positive and conedge from Vedas. structive approaches, specific insights are Response from educated scientific commu- available. nity due to lack of interest in our heritage Similarly on human nutrition system, chofor exploration of Vedas is practically lesterol and heart circulation system, probinonexistent. It needs a conviction & dedica- otic and microbiology, linkage of nutrition tion in Vedas with self motivation. Experts to health and intellect, sustainable organic in the management field, Social, and envi- agriculture, entomology, Vitamin/hormone ronmental sustainability areas have been D, photosynthesis, disease prevention, more active in discovering relevance of poverty alleviation and veterinary science Vedic Wisdom to modern times. of cow's animal husbandry, unambiguous The Vedas give the most modern up-to- guidance is found. date knowledge of sciences with linkages to On social topics like family planning, pregagriculture, nutrition and ecology. Vedic nant mother and girl child care, marital guidance has also been the base on which bliss, abortions and sex crimes, self motivawe are making use of modern veterinary tion and positive contribution to society by science with spectacular success. inclusive minds, character building in sociVedas give very specific guidance for the ety, are the kind of subjects that Vedas talk modern Commercial Market driven society about. how the interests of an ordinary individual by can be protected by Consumer educaPlease contact Jitendra Deo 3263 1914 tion, Environmental Protection, Nutrition or Hari Chand 33454716 for information and Health for every body and Crimes on activities of Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of against society could be dealt with in a Queensland or visit: Democratic modern state. Some examples 32 — THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, July, 2012
world record in Uganda NEW DELHI, July 8 (IANS) An Indian company in Uganda keen to promote hygiene among children is set to create a world record by spreading one lakh pieces of medicated soap on a vast ground. According to Kiboko Enterprises, the Limca Book of Records is sending a judge from India to view the proposed event July 20. "Our aim is to give back to the country that gives us so much love and affection," Kiboko's representative Rajesh Kalra told IANS over telephone from Kampala. The company is in talks with the Nelson Mandela Football Ground, one of the biggest in Africa, and two other potential venues in Kampala including a cricket club and a resort. "We want to create the world's largest carpet of soaps," Kalra said. The company will give away the soaps to
children to enhance sanitation, hygiene and good health, he said. According to official statistics, it is estimated that 75 percent of Uganda's disease burden is preventable and linked to poor hygiene as well as inadequate sanitation facilities and practices. The private sector has joined hands with the Ugandan government to provide free soaps for schools in the country. According to Kalra, the Kiboko initiative has the support of the speaker of the Ugandan parliament, Rebecca A. Kadaga. Kiboko Enterprises, which has functioned in Uganda for 20 years, deals in a range of areas including electrical, construction, agriculture and general merchandise. According to Kiboko Executive Director Rukmini Bonthala, the group is targeting an ambitious growth of 60 percent over 2011.
Meditate the way you like best WASHINGTON, July 8 (IANS) The best way to meditate is to find a technique you are comfortable with, rather than one that may be popular. So says Adam Burke, a professor of health education at the San Francisco State University. "Because of the increase in both general and clinical use of meditation, you want to make sure you're finding the right method for each person," Burke was quoted as saying in EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing. If one fails to find the right technique, one is more likely to abandon meditation and lose out on medical benefits like reduced stress, lower blood pressure or even treatment for addiction. Burke compared the four popular meditation methods - Mantra, Mindfulness, Zen and Qigong Visualisation - to see if novice practitioners favoured one over the others, according to a San Francisco university statement. The 247 participants were
taught each method and asked to practice at home and evaluate which they preferred. The two simpler methods, Mantra and Mindfulness, were preferred by 31 percent. Zen and Qigong had smaller but still sizable contingents of adherents. Older participants, who grew up when Zen was becoming one of the first meditation techniques to gain attention in the US, were more likely to go for that method.
Cannabis can help treat obesity LONDON, July 8 (IANS) Two cannabis compounds can raise the quantum of energy the body burns and keep obesity at bay. Called THCV and cannabidiol, they were found to have an appetite suppressing effect too for a short while. Animal tests have shown these compounds can help treat type two diabetes while also lowering levels of cholesterol in the blood stream and fat in key organs like the liver. Scientists also found the compounds also had an impact on the level of fat and its response to insulin, a hormone that controls blood sugar levels, the Telegraph reports. THCV was also found to increase the animals' sensitivity to insulin while also protecting the cells that produce insulin, allowing them to work better and for longer. Steph Wright, director of research and development at GW Pharmaceuticals developing the drugs, said: "The results in animal models have been very encouraging. We are interested in how these drugs effect the fat
distribution and utilisation in the body as a treatment for metabolic diseases". "We are conducting four Phase 2a clinical trials and we expect some results later this year," Wright said. Tests in mice showed the compounds boosted their metabolism, leading to lower levels of fat in their livers and reduced cholesterol in their blood stream. They are now conducting clinical trials in 200 patients in the hope of producing a drug that can be used to treat patients suffering from "metabolic syndrome", where diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity combine to increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Mike Cawthorne, director of metabolic research at the University of Buckingham who has been conducting the animal studies, said: "Over all, it seems these molecules increase energy expenditure in the cells of the body by increasing the metabolism". Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Health Beauty Wellbeing Designing for 'Cocktail' Hollywood-Bollywood come together for vegan cookbook was easy: Anaita Shroff MUMBAI, July 8 (IANS) Chic designs, florescent colours and tribal prints dominate the wardrobes of the lead actors in "Cocktail", which is grabbing eyeballs for its characters that take fashion forward. Designer Anaita Shroff Adajania (pictured) says making the ultra modish clothes was not that difficult. The film is directed by Anaita's husabnd, Homi Adajania and it revolves around the lives of three friends - Veronica, Meera and Gautam - played by Deepika Padukone, Diana Penty and Saif Ali Khan respectively. "Cocktail" is releasing Friday 13 July. "The characters were defined nicely by Homi. He was very clear on the characters and gave us a lot of information on the personalities of these characters. And having all that information, it was easy for us to understand how they would dress," Anaita told IANS. Talking about the characters, the designer describes Veronica as the most fashionable in the film, while Meera is a shy person.
"Veronica is a very fashion forward person. She loves fashion and is happy to flaunt her body. It was like mixing high street fashion with luxury designer labels as somebody like her would do," she said. "While Meera is a simple girl who came from Delhi to London. she comes in her Indian clothes but slowly adapts to western clothes. She is not one to flaunt skin and is shy. So even in her western wear, the choice of clothing is conservative," she added. Anaita has previously designed for movies including "Dhoom 2", "Love Aajkal" and "Ra One", apart from styling for advertisements. She says that designing for movies is "toughest" and added: "I enjoy every aspect of styling which I do, be it for Vogue (magazine) or advertising styling. The only taxing thing about films is time commitment. I hate being tied down to such long commitment. But I enjoy if the team is organised."
NEW DELHI, July 3 (IANS) A host of Bollywood celebrities like Vidya Balan, Sonakshi Sinha and Neha Dhupia, as well as Hollywood biggies are set to share their favourite vegan recipes for a book titled "The Bolly Holly Vegan Cookbook". Poorva Joshipura, head of animal rights organisation People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India and vice president (International Operations), PETA Foundation UK, is working on the project. "It will be perfect for everyone - veteran vegans, curious newcomers and those who just want to try the occasional meatless meal - as well as both kitchen novices and culinary wizards," Joshipura, a food enthusiast herself, told IANS. "The recipes will allow readers to enjoy vegan versions of old-time Indian regional favourites and to explore dishes that they might never have heard of before. The book will reveal how easy it is to turn traditionally meat or dairy-laden Indian dishes - and those from faraway lands - into more enjoyable and far healthier vegan delicacies," she added. Other Indian actors who will provide their inputs for the book include names like Sonu Sood, Raveena Tandon, Amrita Rao, Celina
Jaitly and Jacqueline Fernandez. The book will also contain writing from Ingrid Newkirk, founder of PETA US, as well as by nutrition expert and author Neal Barnard, also the founder of Washingtonbased The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). "The Bolly Holly Vegan Cookbook" is expected to hit the stands in 2013. PETA India's US affiliate counts Hollywood stars like Pamela Anderson, Alicia Silverstone, Sir Paul McCartney, Bryan Adams, Stella McCartney and Eva Mendes as their supporters. Joshipura has signed with Jacaranda Press to represent the book and she feels it would help readers to understand how a vegan diet helps celebrities to be in perfect shape. "Learning what celebrities eat can reveal the secrets behind their shiny hair, slim figures, toned bodies and smooth, healthy skin. Every chapter of the book will offer celebrity tips, quotations and facts about the benefits of vegan eating. "Best of all, it will be fun - full of colourful pictures of celebrities' favourite dishes, with cinematic terms used throughout the text of the book to liven up the pages," added Joshipura.
Astrology Aries “The Ram” “The Go-Getter” March 21 - April 20 Making haste and rushing through things can be disastrous, especially now. The trick is to remain calm, steady and patient; these attributes will help you sail through the month. Ganesha cautions you to be careful, avoid fights and arguments with friends and be on guard while handling sharp objects, driving or pushing your physical limits. If you injure yourself, it may take long to heal. Take breaks, enjoy and relax and as the month progresses, you will see things getting better. By the end of this month, you shall definitely feel blessed. The happy feeling of deep contentment and mental peace shall urge you to appreciate the finer things in life. With great financial opportunities around the corner and also loads of love from family and friends, you shall have no reason to complain. Meeting your true love is also a possibility, so be ready for an interesting encounter at places like the library, at lectures or in your school. The dates to watch out for any important tasks this month are 15, 24, 29. Taurus “The Bull” “The Builder” April 21 - May 22 Your focus shall shift from the professional front now, and gradually your family and social circle shall take the centre stage. This month, it's pay back time. So, while you shall reap the rewards for your good karma, you must also be well prepared for the consequences of any previous wrong doings. It's also a good time to mend your ways, and prepare for the future. Network and build new relations, socialise and try to be in the good books of the people who matter. Ganesha advises you to drive safely, and avoid any fights or arguments with peers. At any point, do not let negativity creep in, think positive and focus on staying mentally fit and healthy. Health shall be good. However, it would be in your best interests to take care of your heart, lungs and shoulders. Yoga and meditation can be great for your overall well-being. The dates to watch out for any important tasks this month are 22, 24, 28. Gemini “The Twins” “The Magician” May 23 June 21 Love is in the air! The spotlight shall be firmly placed on your love life at this moment. Whether it's about building new relations, working on existing ones or moving out of a relationship, be rest assured that the results shall be desirable. Singles will manage to look exceptionally attractive, which shall help them grab the necessary eyeballs. The time is good for serious as well as fleeting romances. Couples, too shall enjoy increased intimacy. Family life, too, looks set to be calm. Finances may take a back-seat, yet you will have enough to serve your purpose. You might face difficulties on the work front, though; you may not get what you actually deserve. Hang on, as good times are round the corner, says Ganesha. De-stress and stay healthy with meditation and yoga. The dates to watch out for any important tasks this month are 15, 17, 25. tch out for any important tasks this month are 9, 17, 18, 27, 28. Cancer “The Crab” “The Caterer” June 22 - July 22 This month shall bring in the much sought after relief for you on the health and fitness front. It's also a time time to concentrate on your personal relations with loved ones and/ or family. Attain balance, and divide your time wisely between your family and partner. On the career front, your progress may be thwarted, but have a heart, as this shall only be a passing phase. A few financial problems too may be in store, but this too shall be short lived. By the end of this month, things shall take a course for better. You will experience financial benefits, and prosperity shall get a boost. However, be cautious while communicating your ideas. Do not rely too much on others, and refrain from acting impulsively. Otherwise, a misunderstanding, a communication error or a misread signal may land you in a soup. Avoid making crucial commitments or signing legal contracts. The important dates this month shall be 15, 24, 26. Leo “The Lion” “The Boss” July 23 - August 22 The month of July shall catalyse your spiritual connection with your soul, and lead you towards celestial upliftment. Make the best use of this month, and with the blessings of Ganesha you will 34 — THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, July, 2012
see your hard work bear sweet fruits. It's a time when your dreams will come true, so grab any opportunities that are lurking around. However, it's also a time for self realisation and self assessment. Progress and growth shall follow, once these areas are sorted. Make important purchases and investments before the 15th of the month, though, as financial progress may slow down later this month. You may even face problems getting along with your spouse or a loved one. Pay some extra attention to the home front, and handle emotional outbursts wisely. Overall, it is a blessed month that will keep you in good health and empower you to overcome any problems that might crop up. The important dates this month shall be 24, 28, 29. Virgo “The Virgin” “The Accountant” August 23 - Sept 22 Ganesha advises you to refrain from indulging in any thoughtless or risky acts. Stay safe. Dangerous or reckless is not for you, especially now! At work, there may be misunderstandings and sudden confusions. Try to communicate as clearly as possible; stay alert. In spite of all the odds, your career will receive a major boost. Authority figures shall support you, and so shall your loved ones and family. Reaching your goals won't be a difficult proposition now. Financial and monetary benefits in the form of a pay rise may also come your way. If you have been looking to get a loan, this is a good time; don't abuse this opportunity, though. Your own happiness quotient and independence will get propelled higher, and that's a great thing, says Ganesha. Your parents or parent figures may need attention and care. Be focused. The important dates this month shall be 12, 15, 25, 29. Libra “The Scales”“The Councellor”Sept 23 - October 22 This month brings in loads of blessings and a good fortune for you – how to get the best out of it remains in your hands, though, tips Ganesha. It is a marvellous time for students or ones pursuing higher studies; be ready for better opportunities, great results and a plenty of happy travel. For others, this is a time for spiritual growth, personal development and appreciating the good things life has bestowed on you. This feeling of satisfaction shall keep you happy, and help you cultivate a more positive attitude towards life. If there are any health issues bothering you currently, remain optimistic and turn to spiritual and alternative ways of healing. Be ready to experience an all time high on the professional front, though. Your creative inputs and extra efforts at work will be recognised and awarded. On the other hand, all may not be rosy in the love domain. Avoid confrontations, and try and be flexible to avoid hurt and irreversible damage to your relationships. This situation may improve as the month ends. The dates to watch out this month are 15, 16, 24, 25. Scorpio “The Hydra” “The Psycho Analyst” Oct 23 - Nov 21 Things may be moving rather slowly for you right now, and it can lead to frustration. Pending work and approaching deadlines might wreck havoc. Being calm and working on minute detailing shall be just the right thing to do. Be focused on quality output and perfection to avoid problems. In fact, you may also be teaching the same lesson to your loved ones. Note that this is the yearly peak time for your career, and the problems of any magnitude shall not be able to deter you from your goals. Consider this as a blessing, because the work will keep you occupied and you will not have time to waste on trivial yet nagging family matters. With time and patience, and some due tenderness, they shall improve on their own. The last week of the month may not be very benign for your health. Take care! Learn to manage your time well, and concentrate on your health and fitness from the word go. Meditation and yoga can be the best resorts for physical as well as mental well-being, points Ganesha. The dates to watch out for important tasks are 18, 20, 24, 28. Sagittarius “The Archer” “The Teacher” Nov 22 - Dec 22 You are yearning for activity, and shall want things to move faster; life, however, may seem to be taking its own lethargic course. The best policy will be to go with the flow, tips Ganesha. Make the most of this sluggish phase by taking time to introspect and ideate. Work towards streamlining your efforts, and
bringing about a change in myriad areas of your life. Be very clear with any sort of communication, as chances of your thoughts getting misinterpreted are high. Keep your communication simple and straight forward. Avoid signing contracts or making major purchases and investments now; also check and cross check documents, if you need to strike a deal. Misunderstandings may also crop up in the love and domestic domain and even in friendships. Avoid taking any major decisions pertaining to relationships or love. Strive to gain clarity in everything, before taking any step this month. The important dates this month are 21, 29. Capricorn “The Goat” “The Mayor” Dec 23 - January 30 The first 15 days of the month are the best for purchasing health related equipment and working towards the betterment of your overall health. You shall be working your way towards fitness, especially in the wake of a recent health scare. Later this month, however, refrain from buying any such equipments/ gadgets. Any diagnosis made during this period too may not be reliable. Spirituality and spiritual healing may interest you, and shall make you feel good. Career may zoom into the line of focus, given the freer mind space you are likely to enjoy now; you will gradually progress towards achieving your goals. The progression, however, shall not be devoid of struggle. Hard work and competition may affect you momentarily, but it'll be worth the trouble. You'll overcome such challenges, thanks to the support of your family. Your relationships and love life will get better, but it might prove to be a testing time for your parents' marriage. The dates to watch out for any important tasks this month are 15, 24, 28. Aquarius “The Water Bearer” “The Innovator” Jan 21 Feb 19 This month demands a lot of patience and perseverance on your part, as the times are hard and you may face more hurdles than you can handle. At least, it will seem so. However, things shall improve, and by the end of the month you would have had a plenty of great time; attending parties and socialising too is in store for you. Your love life is also at an yearly peak, but take care of your partners untimely outbursts and handle them maturely. Also, work to rejuvenate and revitalise yourself, as you would need them during the last lap of July. You can go after your goals and work hard to achieve them. Your mind is sharper at this stage and will help you achieve what you strive for. Financial position will be progressive; but demands attention as you might not be so lucky and lose more than you gain. The dates to watch out for any important tasks this month are 15, 24, 26. Pisces “The Fish” “The Social Worker” Feb 20 - March 20 You will overcome the temporary phase of gloom with the pleasure peak period from June extending to this month. You will have to be careful though, as you might be adversely affected on a spiritual, personal as well as on a professional level. Do not rely on intuitions and dreams, as you are likely to misinterpret them now. Refrain from making any hasty decisions, lest you wish to regret later. Your love life may not pick up momentum, and it may be a dull phase for you. Misunderstandings with your beloved are likely to arise, so keep a check on what you say now. Avoid discussing important issues with your partner, even while he/she is going through a bad phase. Clarity while communicating and taking care while handling sensitive issues will spare you the troubles later. The dates to watch out for any important tasks this month are 24, 25, 29.
Disclaimer: This is only a guide and is not directed towards any particular individual and the writer shall not be responsible for anything to do with the articles content.
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Real Estate News Stamp duty concessions reinstated 20 JUNE 2012: The reinstatement of the Principal Place of Residence (PPR) stamp duty concession and the removal of sustainability declarations will be enormously beneficial to home owners and real estate professionals, according to the Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ). The Treasury (Cost of Living) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 was passed by the Queensland parliament last night which will see home buyers save up to $7,000 in stamp duty from 1 July. The Bill will also result in sustainability declarations being removed from the selling process within coming weeks. REIQ CEO Anton Kardash said both policies would be warmly welcomed by everyone involved in the real estate profession. “The PPR stamp duty concession was removed at a very inopportune time last year when the Queensland economy was still struggling to recover from our summer of natural disasters,� he said. “Its reinstatement for homes bought as a principal place of residence from 1 July will save buyers thousands but will also re-establish Queensland as one of Australia’s lowest jurisdictions for stamp duty on residential property. “If you add this to our affordable property prices, compared to other capital cities, then we are likely to start seeing a return of interstate migrants which will be of benefit to our broader economy.� As a key election policy of the LNP, Mr Kardash said, it was important that the new State Government had kept its
promise to address the increasing cost of living pressures on Queenslanders. “The Queensland property market has had an air of greater confidence since the start of this year, so the return of the PPR concession will add to these strengthening levels of activity,� he said. The Bill also passed the first stage of the legal process to remove sustainability declarations from the selling process. The REIQ has been vocal in its opposition to the declarations since their introduction in 2010 given the complex nature of the original declaration resulted in it being simplified to such an extent that it became almost meaningless. “Research conducted by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) at the end of 2010 also recorded widespread disengagement with the sustainability declaration process from sellers, and even more so, from buyers. Despite this, sellers were legislatively required to complete these forms to the best of their knowledge prior to the property going to the market,� Mr Kardash said. “The removal of the declarations is the first step towards reducing red tape in the real estate transaction process. The REIQ, on behalf of its members, thanks the government for eliminating this extraneous piece of paperwork and looks forward to being consulted about other initiatives to help simplify the buying and selling process.� Sustainability declarations will remain in force until the Bill has received final assent, which is expected to be in the next few weeks.
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Real Estate News Investment properties
Exciting times for the boys in blue…. AS of 1st of April 2012, Harcourts Aspley and Harcourts Bertie Group McDowall merged to form a dynamic office, HARCOURTS PINNACLE. The new office is located in Planet Aspley, Shop 8-46 Gayford Street, in the same complex as The Coffee Club. If you are looking at selling your property, we offer extensive information, as well as a strong commitment to researching every aspect of the market to ensure that you receive the most accurate property appraisal. We will deliver a dynamic approach to marketing, which utilises a broad range of promotional channels, maximising the exposure of your property. A strong emphasis is placed on service, excellence and integrity in all aspects of business, so that you will always have peace of mind. For an obligation free appraisal call Anthony Masci 0417 766 984 or Scott Bertie 0417 789 763
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Rise in first-time buyers in Queensland FIRST home buyers are continuing to make a much-welcome return to the Queensland property market. When the First Home Owners Grant was available during late 2008 and 2009, many first home buyers opted to bring their buying decisions forward to take advantage of the additional grant monies available. At the time, interest rates were also historically low. First home buyer demand peaked in about mid-2009 when about 28 per cent of homes purchased in Queensland were bought by first time property owners. Data from the Office of State Revenue (OSR) also shows that more than 12,000 First Home Owner Grants were
paid out at the same time - the second highest since the grant was first introduced more than a decade ago. Fast forward nearly three years and Queensland first home buyers now represent about 20 per cent of homes financed. According to the OSR, about 5600 grants were paid to Queensland buyers in the March quarter this year, the highest level for two years. Interest rates are now also relatively low and they can also access stamp duty concessions of up to $15,000. What this means is that while demand from first home owners is increasing, it is still a fair way off what it was during 2009, when competition was great-
est. And as anyone who understands basic economics knows, when there is more demand prices start to increase. REIQ data shows that median property prices generally across the state have started to improve this year. Some agents are also reporting a return of multiple offers on properties as buyers compete to secure their first home. Queensland's affordable property prices are also enticing first home buyers back into the market. The REIQ median house price for Greater Brisbane is $425,000 compared to $641,000 in Sydney and $535,000 in Melbourne. - REIQ chairman Pamela Bennett
Investors targeted once again ANY further financial imposts on property investors is likely to see them pull up stumps and sell their rental properties, according to the Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ). The release of the audit on the Queensland Government’s finances shows property owners, and investors in particular, have once again been earmarked to financially salvage the State’s fiscal woes. The audit has outlined potential revenueraising measures including: imposing a
$100 levy on all property owners; reducing or removing the concession on land tax; applying a premium transfer duty rate; and increasing the landholder acquisition duty rate. Acting REIQ CEO Antonia Mercorella said property owners were sick and tired of having to bail out the government. “Property owners - and investors specifically - seem to forever be targeted by all levels of government when they are short of cash, whether it is through higher council
AS the multitude of property investors around Australia will tell you, buying an investment property involves forward planning, not unlike the family home. But while the decision to buy a family home is usually very emotive, buying an investment property should be based on a logical and calculated process. Investors need to remember that whereas a family home is a purchase from the heart, an investment property is very much a purchase from the head. It is important to think as your future tenant would and the factors that are going to most appeal to them. While you may not be interested in living in a metropolitan location, many potential tenants are. And while you may not have the need to be close to public transport services, your future tenants might. It is also important to do your research and choose a property in an area with capital growth potential. Market research publications, such as the REIQ’s Queensland Market Monitor, may assist in your research. You also need to consider
not only the purchase price, but the ongoing expenditures associated with an investment property. For example, maintenance and property management fees if the property is tenanted. If you are investing in a unit or townhouse, or any lot in a community titles scheme, it is advised that you request the agent to obtain the Body Corporate records. This will provide you with a report on the state of affairs for the building, allowing you to make an informed decision. For the most current advice pertaining to the acquisition of residential property by foreign investors or interests in Australia, please . When selling an investment property, you will need to take into account any associated tax implications, such as capital gains tax. As with any property purchase, it is recommended that legal and financial advice is obtained. If you are selling a property that is currently rented, your obligations to the tenants must be adhered to, including providing a Form 10 - Notice of Lessor's Intention to Sell. REIQ
rates, one-off levies or higher rates of stamp duty,” she said. “The additional legislative and compliance obligations on property investors over recent years, coupled with weaker returns on investment, has resulted in many opting to sell their rental properties.” Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data shows the number of investors active in the Queensland property market has halved in the last five years. Ms Mercorella said this number was likely to decline even further if investors were slugged with additional costs. “We are currently starting to see the impact of this reduced investor activity with vacan-
cy rates tightening and rents increasing across the State. If more investors left the rental market, then this situation would undoubtedly worsen,” she said. “If land tax thresholds are reduced or removed, the added costs would put an end to the glimmers of renewed investor activity we have seen in recent months and would also likely be passed onto tenants via increased rents. “Also the unit and townhouse market in particular is yet to see investors return significantly with the additional costs associated with this type of housing deterring investors.” REIQ
supply until 2013–14. Therefore, the underlying deficiency of apartments in the IBA area is expected to remain considerable through to 2012–13. However, relatively high level of apartment completions forecast over the three years to 2015–16 is projected to significantly erode the dwelling shortfall in the IBA area, with rental growth becoming more moderate from 2013–14 onwards. BIS Shrapnel’s study seeks to answer the
questions — Can a resource investment led recovery in the Queensland economy drive an upturn in both apartment demand and supply in the Inner Brisbane market from their recent lows? Inner Brisbane Apartments 2011 to 2018 examines the principal drivers of demand for inner city dwellings. The study then forecasts future demand, supply, prices, and rentals in the market to June 2018. BIS SHRAPNEL
BIS Shrapnel’s Property Report BIS Shrapnel’s study, Inner Brisbane Apartments 2011 to 2018, continues BIS Shrapnel’s regular studies into Brisbane’s most dynamic residential sub–market. This study also complements similar studies undertaken on the Inner Sydney and Inner Melbourne Apartment markets. The Inner Brisbane Apartment (IBA) area has experienced a collapse in new apartment supply over the three years to 2010–11, with an average of just 560 completions per annum during this period. This compares to an annual average of almost 1,600 apartments completions over the previous twelve years from 1996–97 to 2007–08. Pre–sales activity was extremely weak during the three years to 2008–09. Initially this was partly due to lack of available supply as developers and investors alike concentrated on more profitable commercial projects, which led to many residential proposals being abandoned and re–scoped as commercial buildings. This was followed by the impact of the Global Financial Crisis over 2008–09, which dampened sentiment of off–the–plan purchasers and also restricted access to funds by developers who were unable to finance projects. Subsequently, at the underlying level, BIS Shrapnel believe that the shortfall of apartments in the IBA area has increased through this period. However, from a short term perspective, weak economic conditions in 38 — THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, July, 2012
Queensland have seen new tenants delay their entry into the rental market, causing a contraction in tenant demand. Tenant demand was also reduced by first home buyer incentives. Owner occupation became more attractive compared to rental in 2009–10 due to the significant improvement in affordability heading into the year after prices remained stable, housing interest rates were reduced and incentives to first home buyers were increased during the previous year. As a result, rental growth slowed to an annual average of 2.6 per cent in the two years to 2009–10, after being 9.1 per cent from 1999–2000 to 2007–08. Latent tenant demand returned to the market through 2010–11, with white collar employment growth picking up slightly, leading to a pick up in annual rental growth to 5.8 per cent. Furthermore, with apartment prices in the IBA area declining by 3.2 per cent over 2010–11, yields improved to a six year high level of 5.36 per cent at June 2011. Consequently, pre–sales levels have started to pick up during the second half of 2011, and are expected to gain further momentum over 2012 and 2013 as economic conditions strengthen. Investor demand will be further encouraged by rising rents and increasing yields in the short term as any upturn in construction activity is not expected to translate into substantial new apartment
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WOODY POINT: Brick home, suits 2 or 3 related families, dual accommodation. 7 bedrooms. $700 p/w. For more information call 0424 22 3935. ----------------------------------------------------------------------GRANGE office for rent: A fully fitted out office, to suit doctors or dentist available for immediate lease. The office is conveniently located in the Grange. Attractive initial rental offered as the current tenants under lease have consolidated offices. All inquiries to Usha Chandra 0421 388 465.
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HINDU SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND INC Notice of Annual General Meeting and Elections of Management Committee Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Hindu Society of Queensland will be held at the Gayatri Mandir, 178 Lyndhurst Street, Boondal, Qld 4034 on Sunday 24th July 2011 at 10.00am. All Members are requested to attend. Nominations for the 12 positions on the Management committee are called for and must be compliant as stated below: 1. The nominations must be submitted on the approved Hindu Society of Qld nomination forms. The person being Nominated, the Proposer and the Seconder must be a current financial member of the Hindu Society of Qld Inc. as at 5.00pm on Friday 08th July 2011. When being Nominated for any positions on the Committee, Nominees should be aware of the rules and regulations of the Society. Whilst being on the Committee is honorary, it does carry stringent responsibilities. In the event of an election being conducted, only members whose subscriptions are paid for the 2011/2012 financial year prior to elections will be eligible to vote at the AGM. All Nominations should be addressed to The Secretary, Hindu Society of Qld Inc., P O Box 73, Taigum, Qld 4018 and should reach the postal box no later than 08 July, 2011 by close of business (5pm). Please note that Strictly No nominations shall be received in person and for your records it is recommended that nominations be sent by registered mail. Failure to comply with above terms and conditions will make nominations invalid. The constitution of the society as lodged with Office of Fair Trading on 21 May 1992 with subsequent resolutions Lodged after this date shall prevail at all times.
Sales Assistant / Beautician wanted for busy northside shop. Experience in threading essential. Please contact 0412 785 447 for more details. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Accounts person required: Are you a figures person? We have an immediate vacancy for an in house accounts person to handle in house accounting, involving payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable and invoicing. All accounting handled using MYOB. Forward applications to
DEADLINES FOR AUGUST 12 ISSUE Adverts / Editorials
27 JULY 2012
The Secretary Sunil Maharaj - 0488 324 891 Hindu Society Of Qld Inc. Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
WHATÊS ON! AUM - Arya Pratinidhai Sabha of Qld Inc. Vedic Yajna (Havan) Venue: Progress Hall 1873 Logan Road, Upper Mt Gravatt. Time: 2-4pm - Date: 15 July Tune to Radio Brisvaani on Sundays 7-7.30am for Vedic Sandesh Program. Read about Vedas in this paper. Contact: Jitendra Deo 3263 1914 or Hari Chand 3345 4716 or log on for further information. -------------------------------------------------------------BRISBANE BELIEVERS FELLOWSHIP “Expect Great things from the Lord and Attempt Great things for the Lord”. Address: Zillmere Community Hall, 54 Handsford Rd, Zillmere. Worship time: Every Sunday at 9.30 AM. Activities: Holy Communion (First Sunday of the Month), Sunday school, Fasting Prayer, Youth Meeting, Bible Study and Ladies Meeting. Contact:Pastor John Thomas & Mary Thomas Sanju P. (Secretary) Phone: 0402 551 220 / 0402 907 776 or 0422 815 782 Email: -------------------------------------------------------------Brisbane Christian Assembly, Herston, QLD. Expect a miracle from God, Come and pray for any need in your life, with us in Herston (near RCH Hospital) every Saturday from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. We are praying and God has been doing miracles in many people’s life. Contact Pastor Prakash Jacob 07 3162 5207 or 0413 347 562. Brisbane Christian AssemblyAddress: 5/15 Aberleigh Road, Herston QLD 4006 Pastor: Prakash Jacob Events: Prayer, Fellowship, Worship, Adult Bible Study, Kids Bible Study, Love in Action, and much more.. Saturday Schedules: 6:00pm-7:00pm: Kids Bible Study, 7:00pm-09:00pm: Intercessory Prayer Sunday Schedules: 10:00am-01:00pm: Worship in Truth & Spirit, Bible Study, Prayer, etc. Email: Ph: 07-31625207, 0413347562 -------------------------------------------------------------Brisbane Multinational Church NEW ADDRESS - 757 Gympie Road Lawnton. Church service time if from 9.30am to 11.30am. Special times of prayer for the sick Next healing meeting is on 27 May. We will be praying for people with all kinds of sicknesses, needs, spiritual problems etc. This will be followed by free lunch, service time 9.30am -12 noon.For more information please contact Pastor Joseph Dass on 0424 180 240 or Assistant Pastor Shrish Chand on 0450 612 304. -------------------------------------------------------------Brisbane Sikh Temple (Gurdwara) 2679 Logan Rd, Eight Mile Plains. Brisbane Sikh Temple is open 7days a week, free food (langar is served daily) Sunday Service is from 9am to 1pm. Weekdays evening service is from 6pm to 7pm including meditation. Mr Baljit Singh Secretary of Brisbane Sikh Temple (for all bookings enquiries) Ph: 0412 057 554, Email: Gianni Kuldeep Singh Priest of Brisbane Sikh Temple (for all religious functions) Ph: 0422 705 936 Email: -------------------------------------------------------------Eben-Ezer Pentecostal Church, Brisbane – Sunday School, Prayer & Fasting, Youth meeting & worship (Malayalam) Contact: Pastor Mathew Tharian 07 3165 7617, 0431 413 482 or Eng. Victor George 07 3359 8946, 0413 069 477. -------------------------------------------------------------Fiji Senior Citizens’ Satsang Association of Qld Inc 1 Kensington Place, Wishart 4122. Monthly meetings will be held on th last Sunday of the month at 2pm. All members are invited to attend. For further information contact President Raymond Saran 3290 0653, Secretary Surendra Prasad OAM 3849 5435 or Treasurer Shui Shankar 3841 3058 -------------------------------------------------------------Forest Lake AOG Church Hindi Service - Second Sunday of every month commencing @ 4.30pm. Cnr of Alpine Place & Forest Lake Boulevard Road. Contact Sudesh on 0401 519 541. -------------------------------------------------------------Hindi Speaking Christian Fellowship Meets at 2.30 p.m. last Sunday of each month at Merthyr Uniting Church, 52 Merthyr Rd, New Farm All welcome. Contact Irene 3715 8659. -------------------------------------------------------------Hindu Mandir Association of Queensland - Shree Laxmi Narayan Mandir NEW ADDRESS - 46 Daymar Street, Burbank Qld Every Sunday 4pm to 6pm - Bhajan/Kirtan, Pravachan by Pt Tripathi Ji, Arati and Dinner is provided. Every 1st Sunday of month from 2-4pm Program by Brisbane Bhajan Group. All welcome. Website: For further information contact: Resident Priest 07 3216 8848, Rakesh Sharma 0411 289 202 -------------------------------------------------------------Hindu Society of Queensland Inc. Gayatri Mandir (178 Lyndhurst Rd, Boondall). Gayatri Mandir opens every Sunday from 8am to 11am. Mandir opens with Punditji. Weekly Programs & Mandir Openings: • Every Tuesday from 7pm Ramayan & Bhajan recitals • Every 2nd & 4th Friday from 7.00pm – Ramayan & Bhajan Recitals. • Open Every Sunday from 9.00am – 12.00pm For further information contact President Prakash Shandil 0408 879 414 -------------------------------------------------------------Hindustani Language School conducts lessons in Hindustani language and Indian Culture every Saturday from 2pm to 4pm, at both its major centres at Calamvale Community Intermediate College, 11 Hamish Street, Calamvale and Boondall State School, Roscommon Rd, Boondall. Hindi is our mother tongue. Students of all ages wishing to learn: * Hindi Language *Indian Culture * Dance & Drama
JULY 12 / AUG 12
* Music * Leadership and Personal Development Contact: Secretary Jay Haripersad on 3243 7062 Vice President Mul Chand on Mobile 0418 461 960 - or President Sarat Maharaj on 3263 2093 or Mobile 0407 111 709 -------------------------------------------------------------Indian Church Service News Every Sunday 9.30am - 11.00am. Southern Springs Community Church 59 Marshall Road, Rocklea. Meet with Indian Christians for prayer, praise & worship. Fellowship & refreshments after the service. contact Ps. Sivanus Naidu (Senior Pastor) 3274 2542 or 0417 197 747 -------------------------------------------------------------Indian Senior Citizen Association Committee meetings are held 3rd Sunday of every alternate month from 2pm to 4pm. For further information contact: President: Mr Bir Sahai 3344 4715, Secretary: Mr Tirat Achal 0407 620 663, Treasurer: Mr Hari Prasad 3209 5174 -------------------------------------------------------------International Multicultural Christian Fellowship Elevate Church (AOG Church) Vision - Each One Reach One Worship & Word every Sunday at 9.30am to 11.30am followed by free sausage sizzle - everyone welcome. Home prayer meeting every Wednesday at 7.00pm to 8pm. Fasting and prayer Thursday from 7.00pm to 8.00pm for special needs. Youth group - every Friday 6.30pm to 8.30pm at 3, Montserrat Pl, Forest Lake Kids church - special kids church every Sunday Music and food - once a month at the Forest lake stage 5pm onwards.Womens group - every thursday 11.00am pls contact Ps. Mavis on 0418745179 Revelation 3:20 (NIV)Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. Church Address - Elevate Church, Grand Avenue Primary School, Forest Lake 4078, Corner of Grand Avenue and Centennial Way, Contact Pastor Raj Singh with any questions about church on: Mobile 0407177117 or Email -------------------------------------------------------------Islamic Society of Queensland hosts Zikre Mustapha programme Program starts from Maghrib to Isha Prayers. 2nd Saturday of the month at Rochedale Mosque - 2664 Logan Road, Eight Mile Plains. Dinner provided to all after Isha Namaz. For enquiries contact Imam Ali on 0407 156 527, Asif Ali Khan on 0411 516 007 or Shamim Khan on 0403 541 012. -------------------------------------------------------------Lourde Matha Malayalee Community Every month Malayalam Mass (Qrbana) in Brisbane. An opportunity to meet with other malyalees for Mass, prayer and spiritual renewal. For more information about up coming events. Contact Fr. Thomas Areekuzhy 4697 3177 youth coordinator. Siju Mathew 0432 192 558. -------------------------------------------------------------Malayalee Association of Qld – For a detailed list of upcoming events, contact the President C K Oonnikrishnan Nair on 0416 927 100 or email, Dr Cyril Fernandez - Vice President on 0404 433 044 or email E: or visit -------------------------------------------------------------Public Zikre Mustapha programme Program starts from Maghrib to Isha Prayers. Last Saturday of the month at Logan Mosque - 260 3rd Avenue, Kingston. Dinner provided free to all after Isha Namaz. For enquiries contact the chairman Mr Nawab Khan on 3209 4627 -------------------------------------------------------------Queensland Telugu Association President – Dr Prasad Rao Nagulapalli; Treasurer – Mr Manoj Vemula; Secretary – Mrs Rama Kanchibotla; Executive Committee Members – Dr Meher Prasad Chintamuneedi; and Mr Jogarao Nakka. For a list of upcoming events and membership information, please contact: Secretary, Mrs Rama Kanchibotla (Ph.3378 1062, email: -------------------------------------------------------------Sant Mat Regular Meeting (Sant Baljit Singh) Kelvin Grove. Sundays 3.30pm. Contact Dr Sandeep Gupta on 07 3123 9440 or -------------------------------------------------------------Sri Selva Vinayakar Koyil (Ganesha Temple) and Hindu Education Centre 4915 – 4923 Mt Lindsay H’way South Maclean. Temple Opening Hours: 7:30am – 11:00am and 5:00pm – 8:30pm. Pooja times – Weekdays 9:00am and 7:30pm. Weekends 9:00am and 6:00pm. Contact President Vimal “Vic” Ratnam 0411 594 394, Temple Priest 07 5547 7302 ---------------------------------------------------------------St. Thomas Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church Brisbane Malayalam Holy Qurbono, Sunday School and other spiritual activities. Holy Qurbono celebrated by Rev. Fr. Jigi Varghese at 2pm on the third Saturday of every month at St Mary’s & Joseph’s Coptic Orthodox Church, 2 Hamish Street Calamvale Qld 4116. For more information about upcoming events and activities please contact: Dr. Joy Pynadath 0431 631 397, Joy Mathew 0403 114 470, Roby John 0401 900 494 ----------------------------------------------------------------TOUCH Group of families Program includes Bollywood dance, Sri Lankan dance, Saomoa cultural dance, fashion show, musical program. Anyone who would like to join can contact or call Sripathy & family 0432 768 607, Vijekumar & family 3823 4628, Saravanan & family 3823 5037, Shanker & family 3711 3912, Sri Jayendrakumr 3272 5781 ---------------------------------------------------------------What’s on is your Council guide to what is happening in Brisbane.>
Brahma Kumaris Australia - Love and Power Saturday July 14 2pm to 5pm. Sometimes unwittingly, we may dis-empower others with what we think is love. At times we may feel disempowered by someone else who believes they act out of love. Balancing love and power is like walking, where each foot allows the other to step forward to create a natural rhythm. Special guest speaker: Maureen Chen. Join us for this insightful afternoon event. There is no charge for this program - voluntary contributions are welcome. BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL 07 5575 2126 - Brahma Kumaris Australia, 27 Bordeaux Parade, Mermaid Waters QLD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5th Annual Ashu Babu Memorial Tabla School Concert - Saturday 14 July, 7pm at Grange Progress Hall, 185 Wilston Rd, Cnr Daisy St), Grange - full details in advert opposite page. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Colombian National Day Festival - Saturday 14 July – Organised by The Latin Alliance at The Australian Hellenic Sports Centre, 'Goodwin Park'. 50 Cansdale Street, Yeronga. Day and night event. Door open 12pm until 8pm. for more info to purchase tickets online After party starts at 9pm till late! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amma Australia - DURGA PUJA SUNDAY 15 July 2012 6-8 pm, followed by a vegetarian meal. Venue: Masonic Temple Hall, 671 Seventeen Mile Rocks Road Sinnamon Park, QLD 4073. Cost: FREE TO WATCH. There is a registration fee to have the Puja done in your name. All donations for the pujas are used to support Amma’s numerous humanitarian projects undertaken by Mata Amritanandamayi Math. For more information: Contact 07-3715 8278; email: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FREE Pulbic Lecture - SUNDAY 15 July 2012 at Indooroopilly Library meeting room, Indooroopilly Shopping Centre Cinema Level, entry through glass sliding doors of the cinema level. Time 4pm / Speaker: Mrs Ruth Chamier / Topic: “My life in India between 1923 and 1947”. All welcome. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hindu Society of Qld Inc - AGM Sunday 22 July – 10am at 178 Lyndhurst Road, Boondall. For more information contact President Prakash Shandil on 0408 876 414 - full details on page 41. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lotus Ashram - upcoming events... 1. SAT 28 July - Soul Music on Flute, Violin, Guitar and Tabla. Tickets $10 or $30 per family. 2. SAT 18 August - (Free) Lecture on Meditation by Swami Shuddhacittananda 3. 28 Sept till 1st Oct - Spiritual Yoga Meditation Retreat; Tyalgum Creek - 1 hour away from Gold Coast. Open for registrations. 4. SAT 27 October - (Free) Lecture on Spiritual GURU by Swami Shuddhacittananda 5. December 2nd week - SEVA activity by children. A real activity (and opportunity) for children to perform a real community SEVA activity under guidance. Details TBA. Visit our website for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shree Vishnu Maya Mandir - Saturday 28 July – Bhoomi Poojan - 8am to 6pm at 86 Scotts Lane, North Maclean, Qld 4280. Everyone is invited to please come and join us in this celebration. Program: Havan, Bhajans, Garba & Dandiya. Breakfast, Lunch, Tea / Coffee / Snacks and Dinner will be provided. For further information and to participate in food donation and Havan sponsor, please contact: Dhiru Desai 0406 213 153, Bharat Solanki 0411 131 485, Anil Bakrania 0422 342 556, Joga Rao 0448 599 791, Som Prakash 0410 915 986 or Shyam Das on 0412 031 301. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kj Yesudas in Brisbane - Indian Legends Live in Brisbane - Saturday 11 August - Chandler Theatre Sports Complex - Old Cleveland & Tilley Roads, Chandler. For tickets and more information please visit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GOPIO QLD Inc Presents India Day Fair 2012 Sunday 12 August - at Roma Street Parklands from 10.30am till Dusk. Parades, live performances, cultural items, food, stalls, GYAAN - honouring Qld’s young achievers. For more information refer to advert page 47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brisbane Christian College 2012 Fete - Saturday 4 August - 11am- 4pm Everyone is welcome to join the fun! Free entrance - huge auction on the day, unlimited rides, wristbands for sale, market stalls, show bags, super slide, jumping castle, petting zoo, hurricane, tea cups and rock climbing, cafe with hot food & coffee, science demonstrations, ATM available. For more information contact Mara Roberts or visit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lotus Ashram - Free yoga lessons every Friday at Sunnybank Primary School, Glendower Street, from 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm. Donations are welcome. For details, email ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Burnie Brae, a Senior Citizen’s Centre in Chermside, are pleased to advise the start of a special social programme for Indian Senior Citizens. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month. It is an opportunity to socialise, participate in a variety of activities and enjoy some delicious vegetarian meals. Transport maybe provided to and from the Day Social Club if you live near the Centre. If you have any queries please contact Sandra or Naomi on 07 3624 2141. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Women of Light is a multicultural group of women whose passion and desire is to reach out to women who are looking from friends, are hurting, need help in any area. Women of Light meet every Monday at 11am for a time of fellowship, sharing and encouragement. Join the ladies for a free lunch every Monday. For more information contact Mavis on 0418 745 179 or 07 3879 9735. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brisbane Tamil School, Holland Park State School, Bapume Road, Holland Park. For more information on school please contact President B. Saravanan or visit
Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
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THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, July, 2012 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 43
Bollywood & Entertainment Filmdom needs more and more talent: Om Puri NEW DELHI, July 8 (IANS) National Award winning actor Om Puri feels that filmdom does not require any guiding force as people are involved in producing good cinema, but feels there should be a greater influx of talent. "Movies are improving now. Many young directors are making good movies, but the problem is that the number of such filmmakers is less... There are around eightnine such directors who make very sensible films," Om Puri told IANS. He was here for the IBN7 "Guru Shishya Awards". Recently seen in "Agneepath", Om Puri feels that the film industry is not guided by any trend, the only guiding factor is box office business.
"The main purpose of the industry is to make money. Money is important because if the film does not make money, then how will they make the next film? In any other business, if there is 20 percent profit, then people get happy. But here 100 percent profit is expected," he said. "They say that, 'Initial lag gaya'. If there is a big star, then people are bound to watch movie on the first day. If they do not like the film, they discourage people not to watch it. The main base of the film industry is business," he added.
'ASIA PACIFIC OSCARS' come to Brisbane The colour, richness and diversity of the international film industry have come to Brisbane with the official launch of the 2012 Asia Pacific Screen Awards (APSAs)
BRISBANE 3 July, 2012: Now in their sixth year, the Asia Pacific Screen Awards were initiated by the Queensland Government in recognition of the state’s position within The 61-year-old, known for his perfor- the region and the growing impormances in films like "Arohan", "Ardh tance of trade and cultural ties with Satya" and "Maqbool", will next be seen in countries in Asia Pacific. This year’s awards ceremony will Prakash Jha's "Chakravyuh". be held at the QPAC Playhouse on Brisbane’s South Bank on November 23. Filmmakers from more than 30 countries will attend what is acknowledged as the region’s highest accolade in film. The ceremony will be attended by more than 800 film industry luminaries and guests from Asia Pacific and beyond. The announcement was made on 3 July at a launch at which the Governor of Queensland, H.E Ms Penelope Wensley AC and Brisbane Lord Mayor, Graham Quirk (pictured below) spoke of the importance of the region’s film industry. Legendary Australian filmmaker Bruce Beresford, who served as Jury President at the 2008 APSAs, spoke of the significance of Asia Pacific having an award to match those of Hollywood, Europe and Britain. “This is a coming of age for APSA,” said APSA Chairman, Des Power. “Presenting the awards in the state’s capital city is a natural progression for the event.” “The state government had the foresight to establish Queensland as the home of the APSAs and both the current and previous
Australian delegation at IIFA 2012
• Australian Delegation on Green Carpet.
MELBOURNE is vying to become the next city to host Bollywood's night of nights - the Indian International Film Awards or The Oscars of Bollywood. Toronto beat out Las Vegas to become the first North American city to host the 12th annual Awards. Singapore followed the suit this year and became the first destination to host the event twice in history. A delegation from Australia, lead by Ashish Chawla and Ashish Mehta Directors of attended the three-day Bollywood extravaganza. If hosted in Melbourne, the show is expected to attract some 40,000 tourists to one of Australia's largest metropolis and fashion capital of the Southern Hemisphere. This would be in addition to thousands of the additional jobs that will be created within local economy. At Canada, IIFA added over $250 million in short term and long term benefits to the host country and we are hoping Melbourne numbers will even be higher. Melbourne would also attract a viewership of about 800 million followers of IIFA. The campaign to bring the International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) Awards to Melbourne is part of a six-point policy announced by Premier Ted Baillieu prior to the election in November 2010. Top of the list of policies designed to ‘‘build better links with Bollywood’’ was a commitment to ‘‘initiating a bid by the Victorian Major Events Corporation’’ for the awards to be held in Melbourne. A spokesman for the government confirmed this week that the pursuit was ongoing. ‘‘The International Indian Film Academy awards are still under active consideration and the minister will make an announcement in due course,’’ the spokesman said. The awards are the property of Indian events company Wizcraft, which staged the most recent event last weekend in Singapore. I IFA Australia already have a facebook page ( ) running with over 10,000 members to bring iifa to Australia. 44 — THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, July, 2012
• Abhay Deol Mehul Chawla and Ash Mehta of KlubSutra.
Brisbane Lord Mayors recognise the potential of hosting awards for the fastest growing film market in the world,” Mr Power said. The APSA awards bring together the best filmmakers from 70 countries - one third of the earth and half the world’s film output. “The APSAs are already referred to as ‘the Oscars of Asia Pacific’ in a number of countries,” said filmmaker Bruce Beresford. “They will be positioned among the leading awards-based film events of the world. In time, they will reside in the company of the Academy Awards, the Golden Globes and the European Film Awards,” he said. Films are judged on cinematic excellence and the way in which they attest to their cultural origins. Already, more than 150 feature length films from 28 countries have been entered into competition this year. Brisbane Lord Mayor, Graham Quirk said that the city had been keen to host APSA for a number of years as part of his plan to boost economic development in Brisbane. “I’m all about economic development and selling Brisbane on the world stage and big events like this help drive local investment while putting us on the map,” Cr Quirk said. “We’re also an accessible and inclusive city where one in four people were born overseas and it’s great we’re able to host an event that promotes the many cultures that make up the Asia Pacific region.” The annual APSA awards ceremony had previously been held on Queensland’s Gold Coast.
Kunal hopes Saif's Khan connect works for 'Go Goa Gone' • Kalki Koechlin and Shweta Puri of KlubSuta.
According to Ashish Chawla and Ash Mehta - Directors of KlubSutra, the exclusive agents for Wizcraft in Australia, the Victorian government would be expected to contribute a little less than half the cost of staging the event. ‘‘We are only asking $15-$18 million, depending on what the Victorian Major Events Company wants to get delivered. All the funds will be spent in production of the project in Australia in addition to another 18 - 20 million USD by IIFA.,’’ Mr Chawla said. ‘‘IIFA travels with a delegation of about 150 top Indian business tycoons and politicians,’’ Mr Chawla said. The second day of the three-day event is explicitly designed as an opportunity for business networking. The 2007 event in Yorkshire, England, was deemed to have produced a 40 per cent boost in tourism and to have generated £50million ($78 million) in PR value. 2011 edition of IIFA was held in Singapore which added over $250 million to Canada's economy. Lets just hope Australia gets its share of Bollywood's glitz and glamour soon.
MUMBAI, July 7 (IANS) The Khan surname often works well at the Bollywood box office, and actor Kunal Kemmu (pictured), whose next film "Go Goa Gone" is being produced by Saif Ali Khan, hopes the association creates wonders for his movie as well. Is he trying to cash in on Saif's Khan surname? "Well yes, right now I would want to cash on that and I hope it turns out to be true. We are very lucky that he has come on board to make this film because, like I said, it is a unique film," said the 29-year-old, who is currently dating Saif's younger sister, actress Soha Ali Khan. "Initially when we told the story to other people, they were sceptical about it. But he (Saif) believed in it and he is also doing a special appearance," he added. Meanwhile, "Go Goa Gone" also features a car in a special role. Kunal reveals special
auditions were held to choose the car. "You'll see the whole role of the car when you watch the film. But we thought, just like we are auditioning for actors, we should audition for a car as well because the car also plays an important role in the film," said Kunal who was last seen in "Blood Money". "There were 120 cars and we wanted a car that goes with the theme of the film, a red car and all," he said. Asked if they are following the trend of car films like "Ferrari Ki Sawaari", Kunal said: "Our film's USP and the main characters are the zombies. After that we come and then the car comes. The film is not about the car. It's a zombie-comedy." Directed by Raj Nidimoru and Krishna D.K. of "Shor in The City" fame, "Go Goa Gone" also stars Vir Das and Puja Gupta. While Vir was last seen in "Delhi Belly", Puja was a part of "F.A.L.T.U.". Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
Bollywood & Entertainment Bollywood Bonanza four back-to-back Bollywood movie shootings in the country takes Fiji into a new direction By Shalendra Prasad The Jet Fiji’s newest town, Rakiraki has received a major boost following the arrival of Bollywood producers in the town. Renowned Bollywood director Anubhav Sinha who has directed block-buster movies such as Shahrukh Khan starrer RA-ONE is shooting his latest project named “Warning” in the beautiful Sun Coast – a truly hidden beauty of Fiji. While launching the movie in the presence of AttorneyGeneral Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum on Denerau Island recently, Sinha said the scenes and sea of Rakiraki was most suited for the horror movie which has a storyline centred around a yachting trip gone wrong for a couple of friends. The crew will be staying in Rakiraki for almost twomonths giving the small township’s economy a major boost. “The first effect that has been felt immediately upon the arrival of the film crew is the unavailability of good accommodation for workers and travelers. This is a good sign that more investment needs to be put into upgrading boarding or home-stay facilities so that there is affordable, clean and safe accommodation always available,” said Rakiraki Town Council interim administrator Seini Raiko. “The good thing about such a project coming to our town is that the workers in the respective resorts and boarding places are now on full time employment for the duration of the film crews stay here. “There is an indirect benefit to the markets because of the increased demand for fruits, vegetables and groceries – a much needed economic boost for the local economy. “Another benefit is the need for ancillary services such as transportation, guides, security officers, maids, housekeepers, extras on the set, etcetera, which directly contribute to household incomes and the flow of economic activity in the area. “It also puts Rakiraki on the tourist map and creates interest in the international circles, free advertisement that the ‘toddler’ town sorely needs,” Ms Raiko said.
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• Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum is flanked by the cast and production team of Bollywood movie "Warning" at the films shoot launch in Denarau Island on June 13. The film is currently shot in Rakiraki. Mr Sayed-Khaiyum also launched another movie shooting titled "Table 21" on Sunday 24 June at Novotel Hotel in Lami. Photo Shalendra Prasad.
• A scene from another Bollywood movie "Supermodel" starring Veena Malik and Ashmit Patel captured by Shalendra Prasad - The Jet Newspaper at Mr Wahid Ali's residence in Denarau Island.
• Neil Nitin Mukesh and Sonal Chauhan on the set of "3G" at Mana Island Resort. Photo Ranjeeta Raniga.
Sports News Excited to be Olympics-bound: 'Indian boxers can get three Ashwini Ponnappa By Mohammed Shafeeq HYDERABAD, July 9 (IANS) Badminton ace Ashwini Ponnappa (pictured), who will be among five shuttlers carrying India's medal hopes at the London Olympics, is excited to be playing her first Olympics. "I am very excited that for the first time I am going to the Olympics. Every sportsperson dreams of representing his or her nation at the Olympics. I am really happy that I have been given the opportunity to represent the country," the 24-year-old athlete told IANS in an interview. Practising every morning and evening under the watchful eyes of coach Syed Mohammed Arif at the Lal Bahadur Shastri Indoor Stadium and under Edwin Iriawan at the Gopichand Academy at Gachibowli, Ashwini will be pairing with her senior, Jwala Gutta, in the women's doubles. The girl from Bangalore, settled here for last few years, is looking forward to giving her best, focussing on staying calm and relaxed. "Both Jwala and I are working very hard. We are giving our best on court, making sure that we get everything right for the Olympics," said the charming athlete. The pair, which won the bronze medal at the World Championship last year and gold in the 2010 Commonwealth Games, currently ranks 19th in the world. "Yeah. I am confident, but at the same time you can't be overconfident. It really depends on how you go and play there. I know Jwala and I can get a medal. But in the end it entirely depends on how we go and play there. The important thing is that two of us are
going early there and hope to start very well." The shuttlers will leave for London July 24. Ponnappa is satisfied with the time they would get to practise there before the mega event. "Too much time is also not good. We can train here and go." The courts in London are not new for Ashwini, who hopes to improve their performance over the last year's World Championship. "We had the World Championship in the same arena (Wembley) where we are going to have the Olympics badminton event. We got the bronze last time. I hope it will be a better medal this time. Firstly getting a medal but better than what we did last time in the World Championship." Asked whether there would be pressure of expectations, Ponappa said: "Pressure is bound to be there because everyone expects us to do well, but there is no time to think about that. All I am going to focus on is to just go there and play well." "There is no point in focussing on pressure. It will be better to focus on the game and how we are going to play. "Irrespective of whom we have to play we are going to give our best. Hopefully we win each and every match," she said while "hoping to have a good draw." On who would be the main opponents, Ashwini said one can't underestimate anyone. "Everyone is going to work extra hard for the Olympics. Everyone is going to play really well. At the same time everyone is beatable." She admits the toughest challenge would come from the Chinese. "But even they are beatable. It depends on how we play and are mentally prepared," Ashwini added.
Sachin's records will be broken one day: Kapil KOLKATA, July 8 (IANS) Praising Indian batsman Sachin Tendulkar for his disciplined life and dedication to the game, former Indian skipper Kapil Dev Sunday said the maestro's records will also be broken one day. "When we were playing we used to think that whether the future will see any greater batsman than Sunil Gavaskar. But we were wrong. There have been greater players than Gavaskar. Because the game of cricket is bigger than any player." "Sachin has played brilliantly throughout the career and has accumulated huge records but his records will also be broken one day because this is cricket," Kapil said. Kapil, who was in the city to address a programme of 'Aakash Institute', said dedication, discipline and self confidence were the three key factors that makes a person successful. "During the end of my cricket career
there was a lot of hype regarding two young talents: one was Sachin Tendulkar and the other one was Vinod Kambli. "Both of them were very talented. But now look where Sachin has reached. Kambli couldn't make it big because of his lack of discipline," he said.
Soccer player dies during match in Brazil SAO PAULO, July 9 (IANS/EFE) Brazilian soccer player Arjuna Luiz Venutto Ramos, 17, nicknamed "Pele" for his skill, died on the weekend during a match his team was playing, a media report said. His team Sao Bernardo FC was playing Saturday 7 July at home against Portuguesa Santista for the Sao Paulo under-17 championship and during the first period Ramos fell to the ground with convulsions. The player was attended to on the
field and transported to the emergency room of a nearby hospital, but he died before being admitted from cardiac arrest. "All the examinations of the player were up to date and there had been no ... health problems," said the head of the club's medical department, Rui de Oliveira. In a statement posted on its Internet site, the club said it "deeply" regretted the player's death and offered his family "all (our) attention and support."
46 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, July, 2012
medals at Olympics' PANAJI, July 7 (IANS) Indian pugilists can win three medals at the London Olympics, said a top boxing referee from Goa who will attend the 2012 games as an observer. Speaking to reporters in Panaji, Lenny D'Gama, a technical advisor to the Goa Amateur Boxing Association (GABA) and an international boxing referee, said that the Indian boxing delegation's lone woman pugilist and five
time world champion M.C. Mary Kom had a great chance of winning a medal, along with Olympic medal winner Vijender Singh. "We should pick up at least three medals. There's Shiva Thapa. Vijender (Singh) will do it again I think. And Mary Kom has a good chance of winning too," said Lenny who has refereed three boxing world championships in the past, apart from officiating in the 2010 Asian Games
in China. Lenny, however, wishes that he was going for the London Olympics as a referee than as an observer. "Of course it's a very big thing. I wish I was going as a referee, but I am going as an observer this time to London," Lenny said. Eight boxers will represent India at the London Olympics.
Liu Xiang leads China's medal charge in London BEIJING, July 9 (IANS) After a lacklustre performance at the Beijing Games, the Chinese track and field team led by star hurdler Liu Xiang is pinning medal hopes on eight events at the London Olympics. "Up to now, a total of 53 Chinese track and field athletes including 27 men and 26 women have qualified for the London Olympics," said Feng Shuyong, vice president of Chinese Athletics Association and also head coach of the national athletics squad. "They will be competing in 28 events, of which 14 are men's and the rest women's." "After a successful winter training session, Chinese athletes have shown a series of outstanding results this season, which boosted our confidence in the build-up to London Games," he added. According to Feng, Chinese medal hopes include men's 110m hurdles, women's discus, women's marathon, women's shot put, women's hammer, men's 50km race walk as well as men's and women's 20km race walk. Although China's final squad for London Games is yet to be announced, former world and Olympic hurdles champion Liu will for sure be the biggest star in the track and field team. After withdrawing from Beijing Games in 2008 due to an injury in the Achilles' tendon, the Athens Games champion seems to be ready to regain his Olympic honour in London with his newly adopted technique of seven strides to the first hurdle. The 28-year-old has been enjoying an all-win record as he harvested three straight wins in this outdoor season including setting a season fastest time of 12.97 seconds in the Shanghai leg of IAAF Diamond League in May and a windaided mark of 12.87 seconds in the Eugene leg early last month. In London, Liu will face fierce competition from his rivals, including American reigning world champion Jason Richardson and indoor world 60m hurdles champion Aries Merritt, who also benefits from the seven-step technique and just cut his personal best by 0.10 of a second to surpass Liu for the season best time of 12.93 seconds at the US Olympic Track and Field Trials last month. And in Feng's mind, the world record holder Dayron Robles of Cuba will also be a serious contender. "I heard he had some injury problems and missed several races recently," said Feng. "But for me, Robles seems to be hiding something. I know his indoor season this year was not very successful, but he is just 26-year-old and he has a strong body. He is the record holder in the first place. Who can say he has no chance in London?. "Nothing will be taken for granted as all Chinese athletes, including Liu, will face fierce competition in London," said Feng. Apart from the strong rivals, the tight schedule will also be a major challenge for Liu to cope up
with. In all the three competitions he won this season, Liu only needed to run one race and had around two weeks to rest and recover. But things will be different in London. "In London Games, Liu will run the heat, semifinal and final races in two days. And the semifinal and final will be run within two hours. It will be a big challenge for Liu," said Feng. "Even a good car will go through a wear process after years of running. Liu will be over 29 by the time of London Olympics, he now needs more time to recover from intensive training and competition than before. Therefore the schedule in London will be tough for him," Feng added. Liu will be joined by the women's discus champion Li Yanfeng in London. After winning a history-making gold in Daegu worlds last year, Li has been seen as another hope to bring home a gold for China. But like Liu, Li will also face a tight competition as the 33-year-old veteran is trying to make a breakthrough in her third Olympic Games. Germany's Nadine Muller is considered as the top favourite in women's discus as she set a seven-year best mark of 68.89 meters early this season to lead the top list. Croatia's Sandra Perkovic, coming out from a six-month doping suspension, also showed a solid performance with the best throw being 68.24. Darya Pishchalnikova of Russia and Yarelys Barrios of Cuba both hit marks of over 68 meters this season too, while Li's personal season best was 67.84m. In men's and women's 20km race walking, China also has the chance to vie for the gold. The 21-year-old Wang Zhen, who finished fourth in Daegu worlds, collected his first world title in the 2012 IAAF World Race Walking Cup in Saransk, Russia in May. He also renewed the 20km Asian record as he finished first in the national Olympic qualifying event in March. The 25-year-old Liu Hong, fourth finisher in Beijing Games, also showed great competitiveness as she claimed the silver in women's 20km walk in Daegu. Ten-kilometer walker Chen Yueling won the first track and field gold for China in 1992 Barcelona Games. Since then, China had won five athletics golds in four Games. But in 2008 Beijing Games, China only pocketed two bronze medals in women's marathon and hammer throw. Call Trudi on 07 3356 0102
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