Brisbane Indian TImes - June 2024 Edition

Page 1

On May 18, 2024, will forever be remembered as the inauguration day of the Global Indian TV channel by His Worship Cr Jon Raven, Mayor of Logan City. Pictured here, during the ribbon cutting ceremony with Mayor Jon Raven are the Directors of the Deo Group of Companies led by the Chairman Mr. Jitendra Deo, Mrs. Shanjeshni Deo, sons Ravneel Deo and Soneel Deo with the convenor of the inauguration ceremony, Mr. Lewis Lee OAM.

A major feature of your Global Indian TV will be well selected Hindi Movies sourced not only from Bollywood productions but from other Indian Diaspora production

houses globally.

Nothing mythical but mere coincidence that historically on May 18, 1912, the first Hindi film “Shree Pundalik” was released at the Coronation Cinematograph, Girgaum, Mumbai. Now Indian movies number in the hundreds and thousands. Affected by the pandemic the numbers dropped to 564 releases in 2020 and now at 1,796 new releases in 2023!

You heard of the “Smiling Buddha”? Well, glad you asked. On May 18, 1974, under Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, India detonated its first atomic bomb named the Smiling Buddha. COntd. On pg 8

Volume 20, Number 10 Saturday, June 8th, 2024 Telephone: (07) 3189 6535 Mobile: 0430 193 715 E-mail: As God is One, we respect all Religions A Division of JD Media Corporation Print Post Approved PP : 424022 1724 | ISSN 2652-6182
CONNeCTING INDIANs GLOBALLy AIR PAK Freight Ser vices Wor ldwide DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT AUSTRALIA APPROVED REGULATED AGENT Excess Bagga ge Ser vices EMAIL air pakops@power 07 3268 6188  Commer cial Fr eight Impor t & Expor t Customs Facilitation Fiji Fr eight Specialist (Sea & Air) BRISBANE 33 Cur tin Ave. West Eagle Far m QLD 4009 Free Home Loan Consultation Australian Credit Licence 385325 Choose from 25 top home loan lenders. Our Service: • home loans and investment loans • car loans and personal loans • business loans and insurance Call Gagan deep Tandon 0425 158 280 17 ACCREDITED SALE 5 4 9 FLY INDIA FROM

• Local news ..................................4-50

• Real Estate ......................................11

• India news ......................................18

• Entertainment ...............................20

• Sports news ....................................24

• Fiji news ..........................................27

• Health & Well Being .................... 34

• Astrology ........................................ 52

• Business directory/Classified ... 53

AdVERtISIng: 0430 193 715


• Thakur Ranjit Singh (NZ)

• Thilliar Varnakulasingham (NZ)

• Shalendra Prasad (Fiji)

• Rama Gaind (Canberra)

• Ml. Nawaaz Ashrafi

• Imam Muhammad Aslam

• Pastor Joseph Dass

• Haji Abdul Rahman Deen

• Jitendra Deo

• Nimisha Modi

• Ranjita Pillai (Immigration Matters)

• Peter Lane Rai • Awadhesh Sharma

• Shailendra Singh • Gagan deep Tandon

• Ravi Vastrad • Brian Sullivan (Photography)

• Amod Datar • Rajesh Chand

• Ashok Attri

Brisbane Indian Times is a monthly newspaper published in English. No material, including advertisements designed by Brisbane Indian Times, may be reproduced in part or who without the written consent of the manager. Opinions carried in Brisbane Indian Times are those of the writers and not necessarily endorsed by Brisbane Indian Times. Brisbane Indian Times will not be held liable for any advertising / editorial content - Advertisers supply / approve content therefore should any content be deemed inappropriate it is the advertisers / correspondents responsibility. While every effort has been made to capture the true likeness to colour printing is an art and therefore we cannot guarantee an exact matching of product to image. Refund / Credit is not given as a result of the previous mentioned.

All corresondence should be addressed to: Brisbane Indian times - 2/3 Curban Street Underwood, QLd 4119. ph: (07) 3192 5188 Fax: 3865 5864 /

From the Editor:

If you would like us to publish your letters, feedback, comments on any of our stories or suggest ideas columns or features, please send your submissions to:

Brisbane Indian times 2/3 Curban Street Underwood, QLD 4119 or E-mail:

From the Publisher Noble intent

yOUR editorial team; under the guidance of our Managing Editor Shanjeshni Deo and oversight of our CEO Jitendra Deo; are humbled by the overwhelming response of encouragement and accolades. We appreciate the credit for the exponential growth and positive changes of the rebirthed and rejuvenated Brisbane Indian Times since the change in ownership in March 2024.

Operating a Tabloid, let alone the mammoth challenges of operating a crossmedia conglomerate, is of course new for all of us here at your JD Media Corp.

What is not new however is the dedicated team. The Publisher, Management and staff continue their eternal commitment to be humble and worthy citizens of our global village and deliver noticeable contributions to society at large.

These are virtuous traits, we believe, our team brings into the media space, if nothing else but Nobel intent!

Goes without saying that taking over a business will surely invoke changes, operational review, content reviews and even review of the income streams that keep the bills paid and enables you our readers enjoy your Brisbane Indian Times free of charge.

To all the Brisbane Indian Times commercial advertisers who were with our friends - the previous owners and have thenceforth decided to stick on with JD Media Corp, we say thank you.

In response to your decision and in expression of our gratitude JD Media Corp offers each of you present advertisers unchanged rates in Brisbane Indian Times, and free advertising in the Australian Indian Radio and Global Indian TV.

We encourage advertisers to send to our office a copy of a good quality 30 second video file for TV advertising and 30 second audio file for Radio advertising. The costs of both productions are at your costs. Though we may have video and audio recording equipment, we encourage each of you to

produce the ads from a credible production house. You may change your advertisement video and Radio jingle twice a month.

To each of our advertisers we are offering 4 advertising spots per day, free of charge, till November 30th, 2024.

Now, our management’s goodwill is still coming as we’re not finished with freebies yet.

In the spirit of connectiveness, even now in the life of our 3rd edition, we saw it prudent to be interconnected as a community. In our first edition as the new management, we requested you to take the journey with us. As a fresh breath of air within the media landscape, we seek ongoing support to foster our growth and establish a lasting presence within the industry.

For the next six months, until further notice of possible extension, your Brisbane Indian Times will publish free your Obituary Notice, Marriage/Births, Notice Board for announcement and employment vacancies you wish to post in your Newspaper.

We’re sure many of you enjoyed our rejuvenated Brisbane Indian Times. After three editions we realize that this has become a monologue where we crave to hear from you.

Write to us via the newly introduced “Letters to the Editor”, even if you pen a very constructive opinion and suggestion to improve your News Paper, we do not mind at all. After all we at Brisbane Indian Times like to think we are a big Indian diaspora family!

You will have noticed as you continue reading this June issue of the mountainous wealth of news materials prepared by our editorial team just for you.

This edition includes the unprecedented Girmit Awards, the inauguration of the Global Indian TV, a tripartite member of the JD Media Corp together and the heartfelt speeches from the guest speakers.

The frightening war within Fiji and the region against drugs. This has been

described by the Fijian Minister for Home Affairs, Hon Pio Tikoduadua, as a threat to the fabric of Fijian society. A war that requires a multi-front offensive and requests for unity from all Fijians. Sadly, the devastating effect has seen heart wrenching real life episodes of teenagers contracting Aids from sexual activity; Fiji’s vulnerable youngsters dragged into prostitution and few parents, probably for financial reasons, become dealers of this evil. We have uncovered corrupt practices amidst those entrusted with safeguarding our well-being during the pandemic, revealing a disturbing betrayal of trust. These reprehensible actions not only endanger lives but also exploit the crisis for personal gain, highlighting the presence of such individuals within our midst.

God help, Fiji!

Your Brisbane Indians Times in this edition also brings to you contact details of a food bank here in Brisbane. For those who are doing it tough financially, we implore you to contact the food bank and for a $40.00 administration fee, they will provide a well-balanced food pack at a value of around $250 - $300. Please see page 10 for full details.

We encourage you to share this benevolent information with whoever needs a bit of extra support, be that in your Temple, Gurdwara, Mosque, Churches, sports clubs, or neighborhood.

Over many editions, the Brisbane Indian have carried very enriching religious articles faithfully presented by various religious scholars and lay religious contributors.

With respect, we propose you read these contributions from other faiths. In reading them, you may be surprised to discover, like in your own faith, advocacies for respect of human life, love for one another, dedication, hard work, shunning of evil and embracing of the truth, and other virtues that are sure to be the linking thread across all these religious contributions in your Brisbane Indian Times.

In this edition we pay our respects to the Girmityas and their descendants in Fiji. We reverence and stand in awe of the deep tolerance and noble choices made by our ancestors; surviving together in the belly of slow-moving marine vessels for months long journey to an unknown destination for an ambiguous destiny is no small feat.

Let’s look after each other and define and accept one another not by what they worship, but by their character.

That’s Noble!

BIT JULY 2024 DEADLINES ADVERT BOOKING 28th June 2024 Call : 0430 193 715 or email:

Budget Update – Immigration Changes 2024

Migration Guru provides this summary of the 2024 Federal Budget for its readers:

Permanent migration Program

The Government has set the 2024–25 permanent Migration Program planning level at 185,000 places, with 132,200 places (around 70%) allocated to the Skill stream. From 2025–26, the Government will extend the planning horizon for the permanent Migration Program from one year to four years (Budget Paper 2, p. 8). These actions, part of the Migration Strategy, aim to deliver a better-managed migration system.

Government actions are estimated to reduce net overseas migration by 110,000 people over the forward estimates from 1 July 2024. Net overseas migration is forecast to approximately halve from 528,000 in 2022–23 to 260,000 in 2024–25 (Budget Paper 1, p. 24).

Work and Holiday Visa - CHina, Vietnam, and india

Starting in 2024–25, the Government will introduce a visa pre-application (ballot) process for the capped Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa program for China, Vietnam, and India. This ballot process aims to manage program demand and application processing times for these countries. A ballot charge of $25, indexed to the Consumer Price Index in future years, will apply (Budget Paper 1, p. 9).

mobility arrangement for talented early-professionals sCHeme (mates)

From 1 November 2024, the Government will implement the new Mobility Arrangement for Talented Early-professionals Scheme (MATES) for Indian nationals. MATES will provide a new mobility pathway for 3,000 Indian graduates and early career professionals (aged 18 to 30 years at the time of application) with knowledge and skills in targeted fields of study, allowing them to live and work in Australia for up to two years. The visa will have a pre-application (ballot) charge of $25 and an application charge of $365, both indexed to the Consumer Price Index in future years (Budget Paper 2, p. 7).

extending the Validity of the business Visitor Visa for indian nationals

The validity of the Visitor visa (subclass 600)

Business Visitor stream for Indian nationals will be extended from up to three years to up to

five years. This measure is estimated to increase receipts by $435.0 million and increase payments by $70.9 million over five years from 2023–24. national innoVation Visa

The Government will introduce a new National Innovation visa, replacing the current Global Talent visa (subclass 858) from late 2024. This visa will target exceptionally talented migrants who can drive growth in sectors of national importance. business innoVation and inVestment Visa program (Biip)

The Business Innovation and Investment visa program (BIIP) will cease, with refunds of the visa application charge provided from September 2024 for those who wish to withdraw their BIIP application (Budget Paper 2, p. 136).

temporary skill sHortage (suBClass 482) Visa

From 23 November 2024, the Government will reduce the work experience requirement for the Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) visa from two years to one year for all applicants (Budget Paper 2, p. 136).

Readers must note that Migration Guru has assisted a vast number of clients, in various and complex circumstances. Migration Guru has more than 100 years of collective experience in the industry and a team of Migration Agents / Solicitors.

With our vast experience and skills, we are able to provide accurate migration or legal advice based on our clients’ personal circumstances. If you would like more information regarding your visa eligibility, applicable visa subclass, or next steps, Migration Guru can assist you in navigating this process. Unlike many other firms, the First Consultation at Migration Guru is completely free so that clients can get fair, accurate and upfront advice on their visa prospects.

Our team may be contacted by via email on or by calling 07 3036 3800. Readers are encouraged to follow us on Facebook for all the updates to Migration Law Migration Guru Pty Ltd, Level 3, 183 North Quay, Brisbane, QLD. Phone: 07 3036 3800

Disclaimer: - The above article constitutes only generic information on migration issues and does not constitute specific migration advice to any entity or individual.

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THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 — 3 Call: (07) 3189 6535 Indus Institute Level 22, 127 Creek Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 Phone +61 7 3218 2740 Fax +61 7 3102 1249 Email Web www
Provider number 40811

DIyA Of hOpe LIT 145 yeArs AGO BUrNs ON IN OUr heArTs

dIyA of hope lit 145 years ago burns on in our hearts

For few years now, pre and post global pandemic the Fiji Girmit Foundation Australia has hosted the Anniversary celebrations in Queensland, Australia.

The Engine room however to bring this event to reality was the generous sponsorship of Deo Family Charitable Foundation and Deo Group of Companies.

Fair to note the numerous patriotic interests generated with the proud descendants of the Girmit forebears. A Girmit legacy that has warmed the hearts of the Indian Community globally even Indian descendants of later Indian migrants.

The Girmit phenomenon, though shameful and ruthless the sad history it records, has now become a respected and revered global brand of human survival and modern day exemplary and noticeable global achievements of her descendants in all continents and territories across the globe.

The Fiji Girmit Foundation Australia and her sponsors eternally treasures the Girmit phenomenon. Hence, with all honourable intent and purposes have gone above the rhetoric severally mimicked in intermitted post and periodic blog in social media, now decided to up the ante in not only celebrating anniversaries of Girmit era but duly recognising exceptional professional and civic achievements of nominated Girmit descendants.

On May 18th, 2024, was the second time these awards were deservingly presented to Girmit descendants from Fiji, now residents of Queensland.

It was fitting therefore for the Chairman of the Fiji Girmit Foundation Australia, Jitendra Deo in a passionate speech expounded on the essence of Girmit and both Foundation’s vision and mission to keep Diya of hope lit 145 years ago burning in our hearts.

This is the Chairman, Jitendra Deo’s Speech and in observance of Indigenous Australian protocol and rightly so recognised his fellow dignitaries and community leaders.

Greetings and Good Evening,

As Chairperson of the Deo Family Foundation and the Fiji Girmit Foundation Australia I extend our warmest greetings to everyone present here - Bula Vinaka, Namaste, Salaam.

As is customary, I begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of this land, past, present, and emerging. Our deepest respects to their Elders.




His Worship, Cr JON RAVEN Mayor of Logan City

JAMES MARtIn Member for Stretton

PAUL SCARR Senator for QLD

Cr tIM FRAZERCouncillor for Division 7, Logan City Council.

LEWIS LEE OAMChairman Australians of Chinese Heritage War Memorial Committee at Sunnybank RSL

ALAn CHEn - President of Universal Education and Multicultural Exchange Association.

JAnE WAng - Secretary of Universal Education and Multicultural Exchange Association

LILA pRAtAp - President of Damini Women’s Association

MIKE HARRIS - President of Australian American Association Brisbane

nAydA HERnAndEZ - Secretary Queensland Multicultural and Wolston Park Cricket Club Secretary

Ms JUHEE pARK President of Southside Migration Association

Ms PINKY SINGH Candidate for Mansfield

RAJ pRASAd - Treasurer Indian Senior Citizens Association

ROSHInI SHARMAPresident of Ekta Women’s group and Deputy Principal at Calamvale Community College

tERESA pOKOJ - Treasurer of Australian American Association Brisbane

JItEndRA pRASAdCharter president, past District Governor, and current District 9620 membership director.

SHOBnA BALI - PRO of Indian Senior Citizens Association

Many others, I may be unable to mention all of you, I am so grateful and thank you all for your continued support for a most worthy course of public interest.

This month of May, and into June, a few countries around the world who were recipients of the thousands of Girmit workers from Indian in the 1800s, will commemorate Girmit day. Fiji will be joined by Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, Saint Vincent, Grenadines and Suriname and others.

According to a comprehensive website on Girmit information and data composed by our dear sister Vanita Kumar, that over 2 million Indians were shipped to these Colonies around the globe in the mid-1800s to 1916. This website affirms that 60,500 were shipped to the Fiji Islands.

Ladies and gentlemen, please, I beg each of you to travel back with me in time to the early 1800 and attempt picture our Girmit forebearers long torturous open ocean journey with a very bleak promises for personal prosperity to hang on to. Landing in a land foreign in every way; foreign in language, political, religious and traditional culture, and even culinary preference.

Traumatised, tired and

malnourished were our forebearers’ bodies and minds, still swaying in the rhythm of the open sea journey, over many weeks. A journey they were promised will just be around the corner for a few hours or few days.

From these fear and uncertainty, our forebears resolved the only way to steady their lives on firm life-foundation in a foreign land was through hard work, Indian perseverance gracefully weathering the ruthless colonial storms and challenges as semi-slaves.

How could we, the new millennium Girmitya descendants even consider chucking this proud legacy to the back burners of life?

Without them and their individual sweat and blood sacrifice, we most definitely would not have reached the plateau of prosperity, democracy and have a claim to our respective autonomy where we are today freely achieving what we aspire to be.

My wife Shanjeshni, I and our two handsome sons Ravneel and Soneel, with all honourable intent and purpose did engrave in the Constitution of our family foundation the vision and mission to advance the culture and identity of the Indian community in Australia , providing information on the history of the Girmitya to members and the general public through events and activities bringing in positive difference in the lives of people, empowering individuals and communities to achieve their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.

This is such a momentous event, and today, as you individually bless us with your attendance to celebrate the Australia Girmit foundation fourth Girmit anniversary celebrations, indeed humbles

us as a family. In fact, most of the credit must be afforded to most or all of you who have been with us since our inaugural event in 2021.

Even the ruthless pandemic era did not dampen all our resolve to still meet in May and commemorate such worthy sacrifice that altered the globe’s economic, political, social landscape then, now and for ever.

Their dreams were not in vain at all for they were people of faith. While crossing the wide-open ocean they yearned and cried in prayer to the God and gods they worship. Majority were Hindus, some Muslim and very few Christians.

Standing on the deck of those Girmit sailing ships watching the night skies with glittering stars during those open sea journey, our forebearers must have in deep prayer yearned for home, motherland India. At the end of a back-breaking labour of the 7 days working week must have been draining in all sense of the word. Night would have been spent thinking and wishing for better tomorrows for them and later their toddlers innocently enjoying the humble mud floor hut or overcrowded barracks.

Ladies and gentlemen, from the cloudy dust of uncertainty and tyranny our people rose with dignity, rose from near slavery to liberty. Over the decades, out of the loins of Girmityas, were born the remnants of the blessings of our forebears, producing leaders and pioneers in many fields, even as Prime Ministers.

We have indeed come a long way as a people grouping. We the proud Girmityas descendant will continue to sail on in whatever through God’s providence will bring our way.

COntd. On pg 33
at the
Nite Celebration
Mr Ali with his wife Khursheed

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THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 — 5 Call: (07) 3189 6535 Things you should know: Applications are subject to credit approval. Eligibility criteria and other conditions may apply to some loans. Full terms and conditions will be included with our loan offer. Fees and charges may be payable. Property information is obtained from parties and is not intended to be advice or a professional property appraisal and should not be relied upon. Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124. AFSL and Australian credit licence 234945. ADV15404 190523

Welcoming Xavier hernandez to the Brisbane Indian Times family

XAVIER Hernandez needs no

formal introduction as he is a regular attendee, volunteer, supporter of the Indian community, Multicultural and broader community. He a tireless volunteer for the community and when his not volunteering for the community he loves to raise funds for important causes.

Xavier will be completing the 48Km Kokoda Track challenge this along with several other members of this Saint John Anglican College school cohort. Participants arrive on 13 July at the Gold Coast Hinterland within 16hrs approx.

From an early age Xavier has seen the importance of giving back.

“I decided to participate in the 48Km walk which raises money for the Kokoda youth

Foundation as I was lucky enough to meet and learn more about the recipients last year”

The Kokoda Youth Foundation is an Australian Charity that runs free youth programs for kinds in the local community, empowering disadvantaged, and disengaged youth with tools to realise their full potential.

I was able to raise just over $2000.00 and ranked in the top 2 last year thanks to the generosity of the community. Doubling his goal in a short period of time.

I encourage anyone who is able or willing to donate to visit my site at https:// fundraisers/XavierDavisHernandez25670/ kokodachallenge-gold-coast48km-school-2024?fbclid= IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAA AR18glMVqRVV0pFII7L3 PN-nw5ZzCR9BCEuYKOEtQ h0gjJSW7Gc5ctPToAA_aem_ AWfxnofB_cuM0lsq0QYhxm 3xlGeO01kNzHD32tS2GTwn aab51-EZGPeqBSyiT62LYwY CeDw74ZxIYXR8hHzezCii .

He might only be 14 years old, however, he doesn’t let his age or busy schedule stop him for taking on new challenges. He co-

ordinating monthly Indian Times community surveys. These surveys will help the Indian Times team report on articles that are important to you. Please make time to complete his survey by going to this link : a27a9d91a2076e4df41b4e0 &id=416e73cf10&e=*|UNIQ ID|* or scanning the barcode.

6 — THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 BRISBANE OFFICE Level 18, 127 Creek Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000 AUS | Phone: 07 3036 3828 | Fax: 07 3102 0750 CANBERRA OFFICE Suite 12, Level 5, 490 Northbourne Ave, Dickson, ACT 2602 AUS | Phone: 02 6109 9118 | 0407 110 417 | Fax: 07 3102 0750 GOLD COAST OFFICE Suite 31002, Level 10, Southport Central Tower 3, 9 Lawson Street, Southport, QLD 4215 AUS | Phone: 07 5657 7918 | Fax: 07 3102 0750 Email: | Web: PROMO CODE: DISCOUNT OF $50 FOR PROPERTY PURCHASE DISCOUNT OF $150 FOR PROPERTY PURCHASE DISCOUNT OF $50 FOR PROPERTY SALE CONTACT US TODAY


The Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Awards for Business celebrate the contribution multicultural businesses make to the Brisbane economy and community through their creativity, innovation and resilience.

Apply or nominate for one of three awards categories:

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• Multicultural Entrepreneur of the Year. Winners will be announced at the 2024 Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Business Awards in November 2024.

For more information, visit or scan the QR code. Nominations close Sunday 21 July 2024.


Is Britian ready to elect her first non-caucasian Prime Minister?

WILL Hon Rishi Sunak be pushed aside by the Tory MPs to make way for whoever is in the running to replace him?

After all Sunak become Prime Minister of the Britain not by vote of British public nor British Parliament but by 2 Tory MP’s pulling out of the race where he stood unopposed.

As the dust settled from the votes, even arch-Sunak critic Suella Braverman said that "changing leader now won't work".

But pressure remains on the prime minister from within his party as they remain roughly 20 points adrift of Labour in the national polling.

Tory MPs could get rid of the PM and - if they are successful - who would likely be in the running to replace him.

The process of removing a Tory leader is governed by the 1922 Committee - also known as the '22 - a group of backbench Tory MPs.

If a Conservative MP wants a new leader, they write to the head of the '22 saying they have no confidence in the incumbent.

Should the Tory MPs vote to unseat Mr Sunak, majority say they have no confidence in him (50% +1) a leadership contest is triggered.

Mr Sunak would be barred from standing in the subsequent contest.

However, if the leader wins a vote of no confidence, they are then immune from a further such challenge for a year.

Boris Johnson also survived a confidence vote of Tory MPs in June 2022, but emerged from the ordeal weakened as a significant number of Conservatives (148, 41%) voted against him.

He announced his resignation a little more than a month later. Are there any other circumstances in which the PM could go?

Another way Mr Sunak could be ousted is if the socalled "men in grey suits" tell him to step aside and he heeds their advice.

This is when senior Conservative MPs - like

Sir Graham - tell the party leader they do not have the support of the party, and should step aside to save the ignominy of the above votes.

Of course, Mr Sunak could decide himself that the game is up and opt to jump before he is potentially pushed, but this is unlikely.

The exact rules for the contest would be set out by the '22 after it is triggered.

Nominations for candidates would likely open quickly, with prospective leaders needing the support of a certain number of colleagues to stand.

Once nominations have closed, there would then be rounds of voting among Tory MPs for their preferred new leader. The worst-performing candidate

in each ballot would be eliminated, until just two remain.

This pair would then compete for the votes of Conservative Party members, slugging it out to become party leader and prime minister.

This is what happened in the summer of 2022, when Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss were left as the last two candidates in the race to succeed Mr Johnson.

Under our parliamentary system, the prime minister is leader of the largest party in the Commons.

If the Tories decide to get rid of Sunak and replace him, there is no legal obligation upon the party or the new leader to seek a fresh mandate from the electorate straight away.


COntd. FROM pg 01

Keep reading your Brisbane Indian Times so you will not miss some nuggets of news like this.

But please do remember May 18, 2024, as the day your Global Indian TV was majestically inaugurated with fanfare witnessed by dignitaries present; the Federal Senator Paul Scarr, Queensland State Parliamentarian MP James Martin, Cr Tim Frazer and other distinguished guests and a global audience of the Global Indian TV channel.

The orbiting globe of the Global Indian TV logo underpins the very essence of the global reach of your Television Channel, streaming far and wide into our homes.

Let us pause and admire this fascinating ability to view Television of high-definition image now available on a device in the palm of your hand. Admirable indeed, the journey of the invention of Television went through many hands from every corner of the globe over the century since 1884, around the time our Girmit forebears were hoodwinked into taking the journey away from motherland India.

The arrival of Television around the second Industrial revolution era profoundly altered the world as media consumers habit undergoes a significant shift. It amazes us how the pioneer inventors discovered in amazement the basic four key technologies that had to be developed before any form of television could become a possibility. A device to change

light into an electric current, change the electric current back into light, a scanning device to break the image up into small elements, and an electronic amplifier to increase weak signals to a usable level.

From these basic and very important discoveries stemmed the development of ideas towards a successful television system.

The Television journey has taken us from Mechanical television, sometimes known as mechanical scan television (CRT), to Electronic Television that uses electronic signals to produce images on a video screen and transmits images and sounds by means of radio waves, microwaves, or infrared rays.

The Digital era heralds in the Digital television

using digital technology and receiving television signals via terrestrial, satellite, or cable networks. In comes the new millennium with Smart television, integrated Internet, and interactive Web features, such as apps, streaming media, and Web browsing. Smart TVs allow users to stream content from the Internet and the use of

social networking services. Enjoying Global Indian TV on a handheld device beaming wirelessly from a mega server would have been the envy of the first BBC broadcast during the Coronation of King George VI in May 1937. How is this for starters, when eight miles of television cable weighing several tons was laid around central London, providing the link for live coverage of the procession was recognized as a record with over 10,000 in TV audience watching the coronation.

In May last year, in the late King George VI grandson King Charles III coronation an average of 18.8 million people tuned in to watch in the UK. That is not yet considering the syndicated recipient TV stations in countries like Australia, NZ, Canada, US etc. Thank you, to the inventors and pioneers of this gift to humanity.

Now for you, the reader, to enjoy, not through cumbersome tons of cable to reach you, but easily accessible by simply click on the Global Indian TV App on Google drive or App Store. Stay connected with your Global Indian TV, 24/7. We sure enjoy your company, as you will enjoy ours.

Who is likely to be in the running to succeed Sunak if he goes? Source: ET Article partly sourced from: Sky News Prime Minister Rishi Sunak & Akshata Murty Lead The Coronation Procession. Source: Sky Prime Minister Kunuk reading the Bible at His Majesty King Charles III coronation services. Source:ET
THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 — 9 Call: (07) 3189 6535

federal senator paul scarr congratulates our

own “International Media Mogul”, Jitendra Deo

tHE Queensland Senator is no stranger to the Multicultural Communities as he graciously frequents respective diaspora community events.

Our Senator friend is an unmistakable father and elderly figure across our multicultural Queensland and beyond and has over the years garnered a lot of respect from community leaders.

A very timely suggestion he made during the Girmit Celebration Speech in the Girmit and Deo Family Foundations event of May 18th, 2024 that “our students in High School should learn more of our Pacific History” noting the over 60 thousand indentured laborers from far away India brought sparingly to Fiji, in the Pacific from 1879 to 1916 .

Senator Scarr passionately and rightly reminisced that “I wonder how proud your ancestors must be to see everything you have achieved. To see everything their descendants have achieved is absolutely spectacular, it is just incredible.”

Many Pacific Community leaders and even us here at your Brisbane Indian Times like to believe that Senator Scarr is our Pacific Man and Multicultural advocate

within the echelons of power in Canberra. Even before he entered the Australia Upper House of Parliament and appointed Shadow Assistant Minister for Multicultural Engagement, our friend Senator Paul Scarr has numerous professional and personal firsthand experiences within the Pacific and multicultural communities.

Unlike many sitting Australian Parliamentarian who only visit the Pacific for a few days holiday, Senator Scarr, however for a period lived and worked in the Pacific as a Senior Associate

of a major Law Firm with offices in Australia and PNG.

In edifying our beloved budding “International Media Mogul” Jitendra was not just a pleasantry comment of a speaker of the event but Senator Scarr echoing the spirit of his purpose and intent of one of the reason he wanted to be a people’s representative in the Australian Senate when he passionately declared in his maiden speech in Senate on September 10th 2019 that “ One of the driving reasons I sought election to this place was to make it easier, not

harder, for Australians to pursue opportunity and create wealth through their own initiative, their own enterprise and their own spirit”

Senator Scarr is, indeed, an endeared friend of us migrants who on few occasions feels our rights are at time intentionally or inadvertently trample upon. To his credit in the same maiden speech, he added shamelessly that “I will always be a fierce defender of the right of the individual to express their views, to hear other people's opinions and to be sovereign over their own beliefs, thoughts and conscience.”

In concluding one of the best maiden speeches ever delivered by a new member of Parliament the all-inclusive words of wisdom and hope of a true widely respected community elder and father figure to diaspora communities in the multicultural Australia that graciously asserts that “We are all Australians now.”

The Deo family of Brisbane, Queensland, proprietors of the JD Media Corporation, are grateful we Queenslanders can be represented in the Australian Federal Senate by our dear friend, Senator Paul Scarr.





Good evening, everyone.

What a wonderful delight to be here with you.

Can I acknowledge the traditional owners and pay my respect to past, present and emerging, and Jitendra to your family and everyone involved in the organisation of this event.

Congratulations, Congratulations to Jitendra and family.

Thank you very much.

I just want to share three reflections with you today.

The first, the over sixty thousand who came from India to Fiji between 1879 and 1916, I wonder how proud your ancestors must be to see everything you have achieved.

To see everything their descendants have achieved is absolutely spectacular, it is just incredible.

It has not just been as we heard, have just been the contribution of Fiji, but all the other countries where the diaspora has moved to, including Australia, to have made a wonderful contribution.

I should also say, I acknowledge James as the MP for Stretton and Jon who was here as Mayor of Logan. Cr Frazier and my good friend

A4 Community Care services Inc

Pinky Singh, candidate for Mansfield.

I am lucky I do not have to be precocial, I am a Senator for the whole of Queensland, the whole of Queensland, does not matter if you are in Logan, Stretton, in Mansfield or wherever you are, I am your representative. Which makes things easier.

So, congratulations to everyone who received an award earlier today.

The second thought I want to share with you is I think our students in High School should learn more of our Pacific History, right?

There is not enough history of the Pacific taught to children in high school, and I think we should learn more of our Pacific History because it is absolutely fascinating, and this is one of the chapters in the History of Pacific. So, I want to share that thought with you.

Lastly, in relation to our “International Media Mogul”, Jitendra, Congratulations! Multicultural media is just so important in terms of keeping people together, keeping the Diaspora together, informed, pursing issue of key importance to relevant diasporas and I am sure Jitendra, you and your family will just do wonderful job in terms of impetus in sowing this.

“Building communities through love and support”

WE are a provider of services to the community that focusses on bringing food to the table, offering support of a pastoral nature, and holistic development to those in need.

Our mainstay is to be a support for the community through the selfless giving to those in need. We understand poverty, destitution, need and hunger.


A4 provides free food, valued at between $250 to $300 for a nominal handling fee of $40 which is readily and appreciated by families.

A4 was originally started by a family who came out from Africa and who survived through the challenges faced by many new migrants. A4 has become an oasis of hope in this area. The vision that A4 has, which is to touch the lives of those who live on the wayside of society, people coming from other countries, struggling with and going through cultural shock. A4 feels that there is more to give, than to simply live in Australia and enjoy what this country has to offer. A4 has worked tirelessly for the past 17 years to enact and live this vision, to constantly be in a state of selfless giving back to the community. It is

important for A4, in the first instance, to make sure that the basic human need of alleviating hunger is met for the community.

WE BELIEVE In: ACCOUntABILIty A4 remains compliant in its adherence to every state and federal requirement for charitable organisations.


We believe in the sanctity and value of human life. Every human life is precious and needs to be valued and nurtured, which can become difficult if people are hungry. So, A4’s contribution to the community is to help to reduce hunger. We care for each other and for those

in need. We care about adapting to the changes in society – as those changes impact the community.


A4 is a nondiscriminatory, all-inclusive organisation providing services to everyone in the community, based on the concept of the JudioChristian principle of “as you have done it for the least of

these people, you have done it unto me”.


A4 provides free food, valued at between $250 to $300 for a nominal handling fee of $40 which is readily and appreciated by families. The food pack generally resolves to provide for all meals of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Often, additionally including

something for the children. Products are healthy, fresh and wholesome. Food packs always include meat or fish products, to ensure a main dinner meal for a family.


From its inception up to now (which is 18 years), A4 has not wavered in its determination to continue to offer services to and feeding the community. A4 started

with nothing and can now say that they are feeding about 4000 families. Despite the many challenges, A4 wishes that they can do more. To continue to grow and keep moving forward, A4 is therefore exploring all levels of Government grants to move its operation to a higher level now and in future.

320, Rithcie Road, Pallara, Telephone: 0403645246

THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 — 11 Call: (07) 3189 6535

May Market smart: perth Powers Ahead, National Growth steady

• Consistent growth: The Australian housing market recorded a national increase of 0.8% in home values during May, maintaining steady growth and adding around $6,284 to the median national dwelling value.

• top performers: Perth led the growth with a notable 2.0% increase, followed by Adelaide at 1.8%, and Brisbane at 1.4%.

• Market diversification: Different regions showed varied performance, with smaller capitals like Canberra experiencing mild increases in home values. In contrast, Hobart saw a decline of -0.5%, and Darwin fell by -0.3%.

• Rental trends: Nationally, rental growth slowed down with a 0.7% increase in May, likely influenced by seasonal adjustments and a slight easing in net overseas migration.

May highlighted the robust growth trajectories of Perth, Adelaide, and Brisbane, as evidenced by the rolling threemonth change in dwelling values. Perth led with an impressive 6.1% increase, reinforcing its position as the growth leader among Australian state capitals. Adelaide followed with a commendable 4.3% rise, while Brisbane also showed strong growth at 3.9%. These cities have outpaced the typically more subdued movements seen in Sydney (1.2%) and Canberra (0.7%).

Conversely, Melbourne experienced a marginal growth of 0.1%, and Hobart continued to underperform with a -0.5% decline. The disparities in performance are attributed to varying levels of supply and demand across regions. Perth, Adelaide, and Brisbane continue to benefit from extremely low levels of available supply, driving up prices as demand remains high.

May highlighted the robust growth trajectories of Perth, a delaide, and b risbane, as evidenced by the rolling three- M onth change in dwelling values. Perth led with an i MP ressive 6.1% increase, reinforcing its P osition as the growth leader a M ong australian state ca P itals.

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A smarter Way to Get Started in Property?

AMIdSt the affordability crisis, ‘rentvesting’ is reshaping how young Australians and first-time investors approach the property market.

Traditionally, the homeownership dream was simple – buy a home, and live in it. However, as property prices soar, a growing number of people are adopting the rentvesting strategy. This unique approach allows individuals to rent where they want to live – often in areas that suit their lifestyle but may be too expensive to buy – while owning investment properties in more affordable markets.


Rentvesting flips the traditional path to property ownership on its head. Here’s how it typically unfolds:

1. Choosing a place to Rent: Investors rent a home in an area that meets their lifestyle preferences but where property prices might be out of their budget.

2. purchasing an Investment property: Instead of buying a primary residence, rentvestors purchase property in locations with lower market prices but high potential for growth. These areas are often on the outskirts of major cities or in upcoming regional towns.

3. Renting Out the Investment: The property they buy is then rented out to tenants, whose rent helps cover the mortgage and property costs.

For example, suppose that you need to live in inner-city Brisbane for work, but you’re finding it difficult to afford a property purchase in one of your preferred suburbs. Instead of compromising and purchasing elsewhere, you might instead opt to rent a home in one of those preferred suburbs. Meanwhile, you would


purchase an investment property further from the city, or even interstate, in a region where prices are more affordable. With the right planning, the financial gain from your investment property might enable you to eventually own a home in a favourite suburb.


Financial Flexibility: Rentvesting offers remarkable flexibility. Renters can live in prime areas while avoiding the potentially higher costs of owning property there. This setup often results in lower daily living costs compared to bearing the full expenses of a mortgage in a high-cost area.

Higher Investment Returns: By choosing investment properties in high-growth areas, rentvestors can potentially achieve higher returns on their investments. These areas might not be ideal for living due to distance from workplaces or schools but offer greater affordability and investment opportunities.

diversification: Where feasible, investors can spread their risks by owning multiple properties in different markets, protecting against fluctuations in any single market.


Lack of Stability:

One major drawback of rentvesting is the lack of permanent residence stability. Renters may

need to move frequently due to lease terms, rental increases, or landlords deciding to sell the property. This can be particularly challenging for families or those seeking a stable home environment.

Rental Uncertainties and Costs: While living in a rented property, individuals are of course subject to terms set by landlords, which can include unexpected rental hikes and restrictions on personalising the space. Moreover, the money spent on rent obviously does not contribute to building equity in the property.

Emotional Factors: Not living in a home you own can also have emotional drawbacks. People often gain a sense of pride, security, and stability from owning their home, which rentvesting might not offer. This emotional aspect can make rentvesting less appealing, despite the onpaper logic.

Overall, rentvesting is an innovative approach to property investment that offers flexibility and the potential for significant financial gains. It can be particularly effective for those looking to get a foothold in the property market, without compromising on current living standards or lifestyle preferences. However, it's important to weigh the emotional and logistical considerations of not owning your residence. Like any investment strategy, rentvesting requires careful consideration of your own situation and goals.


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raditionally, the ho M eownershi P drea M was si MP le – buy a ho M e, and live in it. h owever, as P ro P erty P rices soar, a growing nu M ber of P eo P le are ado P ting the rentvesting strategy.
THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 — 15 Call: (07) 3189 6535

This home features 4 bedrooms, including a main with aircon, ensuite, walk-in robe, and balcony. It offers an open-plan air-conditioned kitchen and dining area, a large air-conditioned lounge, an extra sitting room, and a powder room Additional amenities include an internal laundry, double lock-up garage with extra parking, a shed, and parkland at the back. Conveniently close to schools, shops, transport, and parks.

16 — THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 2022 5 4 8 m ² 2 B a t h r o o m 2 G a r a g e 4 B e d r o o m 1 0 E a m e s S t r e e t , B a n y o
0419 775 416 / 1300 959 534 USHA CHANDRA sales@globenetrealty com au FOR AUCTION 5 3 9 m ² 1 B a t h r o o m 2 G a r a g e 2 B e d r o o m 8 E a m e s S t r e e t , B a n y o Freshly painted with New Carpets Home Features: - 2 generous sized bedrooms both with wardrobes - Air conditioned Main Bedroom - Separate Living Area - Spacious kitchen with lots of storage - Separate bathroom and toilet - Double carport - Walk to Banyo station, Schools, shops and all other amenities. FOR AUCTION 2 1 3 M u l l e r R o a d , B o o n d a l l 213 Muller Road, Boondall, Qld 4034 has a land size of 450 m². It is a house with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 2 parking spaces. 4 5 0 m ² 2 B a t h r o o m 2 G a r a g e 4 B e d r o o m For Rent $750 Per week 167 Normanhurst Road, Boondall Discover the perfect family home in private rear location. This spacious home features four built-in bedrooms 6 0 0 m ² 2 B a t h r o o m 2 G a r a g e 4 B e d r o o m Offers Over $949,000 SOLD
THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 — 17 Call: (07) 3189 6535 2022 3 7 5 m ² 2 + 1 B a t h r o o m 1 + 1 G a r a g e 3 + 2 B e d r o o m D U A L K E Y P R O P E R T Y Lot 5 Coutts Drive, Burpengary This home features air conditioning in the living area and master bedroom, a modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances, carpeted bedrooms, tiled living areas, ceiling fans, LED down-lights, and window furnishings on all sliding windows and doors. 0419 775 416 / 1300 959 534 USHA CHANDRA sales@globenetrealty com au L o t 3 0 C a r t w r i g h t , T a i g u m This home has you covered all of the necessities while still providing room for you to grow Simple, comfortable and contemporary. 3 9 1 m ² 2 B a t h r o o m 2 G a r a g e 4 B e d r o o m Lot 9 Parklane, Logan Reserve 4 Bedrooms with Built-in Robes. Ensuite & WIR to Master Bedroom. Modern Kitchen with Breakfast Bar. Study Nook, Separate Laundry 5 5 0 m ² 2 B a t h r o o m 2 G a r a g e 4 B e d r o o m For Sale $797,000 L o t 9 0 N e w R o a d , M o r a y f i e l d For Sale $799,990 For Sale $799,990 E s t R e n t a l $ 8 4 0 - $ 1 , 0 3 0 For Sale $724,990 DUAL KEY 2 + 1 B a t h r o o m 1 + 1 G a r a g e 3 + 1 B e d r o o m E s t R e n t a l $ 7 8 0 - $ 8 9 0 L o t 3 3 N e w R o a d , B u r p e n g a r y DUAL KEY 2 + 1 B a t h r o o m 1 + 1 G a r a g e 3 + 2 B e d r o o m E s t R e n t a l $ 8 4 0 - $ 1 , 0 3 0 HOUSE & LAND PACKAGE For Sale $1,020,000 HOUSE & LAND PACKAGE

PM Narendra Modi meditates for 2nd day at Kanniyakumari amid Lok Sabha elections Phase 7 voting

pM Narendra Modi will finish his two-day meditation break in Kanniyakumari today, on the final phase of the Lok Sabha election.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on June 1 embarked on the second day of his meditation break at the Vivekananda Rock Memorial in Kanniyakumari. PM Modi will conclude his meditation today, as eight states and UT go to polls for the seventh phase of the Lok Sabha election 2024.

PM Modi commenced his second day of meditation in Tamil Nadu after

performing the 'Surya Arghya' during sunrise at the Vivekananda Rock, where Swami Vivekananda once meditated before attaining enlightenment.

The prime minister carried out 'Surya Arghya,' a ritual associated with spiritual practice involving salutations to the Almighty, manifested in the form of sun.

The PM poured little water from a traditional, beaker-like small vessel into the sea as an offering (Arghya) and prayed using his prayer beads (Japa mala). He was clad in

Chennai-Mumbai IndiGo

flight receives bomb threat; makes emergency landing

An IndiGo flight 6E 5314 from Chennai to Mumbai on Saturday made an emergency landing in Mumbai airport due to bomb threat.

An IndiGo flight 6E 5314 from Chennai to Mumbai on Saturday made an emergency landing in Mumbai airport due to bomb threat.

“IndiGo flight 6E 5314 operating from Chennai to Mumbai had received a bomb threat. Upon landing in Mumbai, the crew followed protocol and the aircraft was taken to a isolation bay as per security agency guidelines,” the airline said in a statement.

“All passengers have safely disembarked the aircraft. The aircraft is currently undergoing inspection. Post completion of all security checks, the aircraft will be positioned back in the terminal area,” the IndiGo statement added.

On Friday, a DelhiSrinagar Vistara flight carrying 177 passengers received a bomb threat mid-air. The flight landed safely in Srinagar and all the passengers and crew were evacuated.

After normal operations resumed at the Srinagar airport, the airport authorities stated that the bomb threat call was deemed 'non-credible' after security

saffron and also paid floral tributes to a statue of Swami Vivekananda, officials said.

The prime minister then walked around the

mandapam with his 'japa mala' in his hands. After his two-day meditation comes to an end on Saturday evening, PM Modi will

travel to Delhi after the Lok Sabha polls come to an end.

Kanyakumari is famous for its sunrise and sunset and the memorial is located on a tiny islet near the shoreline.

At the Vivekananda Rock Memorial, the PM embarked on meditation on the evening of May 30 and he is scheduled to complete it today.

PM Modi arrived at the Vivekananda Rock Memorial on Thursday.

According to Hindu scriptures, Goddess Parvati also meditated at the same place on one foot as she waited for Lord Shiva.

The prime minister travelled to Kanniyakumari on Thursday after ending the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) poll campaign in Punjab's Hoshiarpur. Eyeing a third term in office, PM Modi extensively campaigned nationwide for the Lok Sabha polls, the results for which will be announced on June 4.

During the election season, PM Modi held around 206 election campaign events, including rallies and roadshows, in 75 days. He also did around 80 interviews with different news and media platforms.

pune car crash: Allegations against MLA Sunil Tingre baseless, says Ajit Pawar

pUnE, Baseless allegations are being made against Pune MLA Sunil Tigre linking him to the Porsche crash that left two software engineers dead, Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar said on Saturday.

Tingres belongs to the Pawar-led Nationalist Congress Party and represents the Vadgaon Sheri assembly constituency in Pune city.

checked. The Air Traffic Control of Srinagar had received the information of a 'threatening call'.

On May 28, passengers on board an IndiGo flight from Delhi to Varanasi had to be evacuated at the Delhi airport after receiving a bomb threat.

“IndiGo flight 6E2211 operating from Delhi to Varanasi had received a specific bomb threat at Delhi airport. All necessary protocols were followed and aircraft was taken to a remote bay as per guidelines by airport security agencies. All passengers were safely evacuated via the emergency exits," IndiGo had said in a statement.

However, the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) suspended all four cabin crew on that flight for violating rules during the evacuation as they left the jet using the emergency slides with their bags.

In a video clip of the evacuation that went viral on social media, a pilot was seen coming out of the aircraft through the emergency slide with a baggage. Under international norms, passengers and crew are not permitted to take their baggage at the time of evacuation as that will increase the time for evacuation.

Earlier, there were allegations that Tingre had intervened to ensure that the juvenile got favourable treatment from police after the accident.

Asked about Tingre’s name popping up in

connection with the case, Pawar told reporters, “Sunil Tingre is an MLA of the area where the incident took place. Whenever such incidents take place, the local MLA often visits the site. Did Sunil Tingre try to suppress the matter? The allegations against him are baseless.”

When asked if he had called up Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar after this incident, Pawar said, “I often call the commissioner of police over multiple issues but I haven't made a single call to him in this case.”

Two IT professionals were killed in the early hours of May 19 in Kalyani Nagar

in Pune after a Porsche allegedly being driven by the minor, who the police claim was drunk, rammed into their two-wheeler.

Pawar said that Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis, who heads the home department, had instructed the Pune police the day after the accident to carry out an intensive probe.

“Even the chief minister has given the right instructions. Action was taken against those police officials who initially delayed the procedure. Those from Sassoon General Hospital who were involved in the case have also faced police action,” he added.

In the Porsche case, the minor has been sent to an observation home till June 5, while his father, realtor Vishal Agarwal, and grandfather Surendra Agarwal have been arrested for allegedly kidnapping the family’s driver and putting pressure on him to take the blame.

Police have also arrested two doctors and a staffer from the Sassoon hospital for allegedly swapping the minor’s blood samples with those of his mother to show that he was not drunk at the time of the accident.

In the latest action, the teenager’s mother was arrested.

Mob throws EVM, VVPAT in Bengal's South

24 Parganas amid polling, EC responds

tHE West Bengal Election Commission soon responded to the incident, stating that an FIR had been lodged and necessary action had been initiated.

Amid polling in the final phase of Lok Sabha elections in West Bengal, a mob reportedly threw EVM and VVPAT machines into a pond at booth numbers 40 and 41 in Kultai, South 24 Parganas, West Bengal.

The mob got agitated on being allegedly threatened by Trinamool Congress (TMC) supporters. The mob then threw the EVM into a nearby pond.

The West Bengal Election Commission soon responded to the incident, stating that an FIR had been lodged and necessary action had been initiated. The poll body further said that the voting process is, running uninterrupted.

"Today morning at 6.40 am Reserve EVMs & papers of Sector Officer

near Benimadhavpur FP school, at 129-Kultali AC of 19-Jaynagar (SC) PC has been looted by local mob and 1 CU, 1 BU , 2VVPAT machines have been thrown inside a pond. Sector Police was a little behind. FIR has been lodged by Sector Officer and necessary action has been initiated. The poll process in all six booths under the Sector is running uninterrupted. Fresh EVM and papers have been provided to the Sector Officer," it said in a post on X. Voting is currently

underway at nine Lok Sabha constituencies in the state along with 48 other seats across seven states and Union Territory of Chandigarh.

Till 9 am, the nationwide polling percentage was 11.31 percent, according to the Election Commission's (EC) voter-turnout app. West Bengal reported a turnout of 12.63 per cent till 9 am.

A voter turnout of nearly 12.15 per cent was recorded in Jharkhand till 9 am. Uttar Pradesh logged a polling percentage of 12.94, Bihar

10.58 and Himachal Pradesh 14.35. Punjab recorded a voter turnout of 9.64 per cent in the first two hours of polling while Chandigarh registered a voting percentage of 11.64. Odisha recorded around 7.69 per cent voting till 9 am. More than 10.06 crore citizens, including nearly 5.24 crore men, 4.82 crore women and 3,574 thirdgender electors, are eligible to vote in this phase. Some high-profile names in the fray in this phase include Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is eyeing a third term from Uttar Pradesh's Varanasi, former union minister and BJP stalwart Ravi Shankar Prasad (Patna Sahib), Actress Kangana Ranaut (Mandi), Congress' Manish Tewari (Chandigarh), TMC general secretary Abhishek Banerjee (Diamond Harbour), Samajwadi party leader Afzal Ansari (Ghazipur) and Bhojpuri star Pawan Singh (Karakat).

Above Stories and photos credit:

Navi Mumbai cops nab 4 Lawrence Bishnoi gang members planning to attack Salman Khan's car

SALMAn Khan's security level has been elevated to Y-Plus since 2022 due to threats from gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi and Goldy Brar.

The Navi Mumbai Police on Saturday arrested four members of the Lawrence Bishnoi gang who were planning to attack superstar Salman Khan's car in Panvel, ANI reported.

As per the report, there was a plan to order weapons from a Pakistani arms supplier. A first information report has been registered against more than 17 people

including Lawrence Bishnoi, Anmol Bishnoi, Sampat Nehra, Goldy Brar. Further investigation is underway, the police said.

The arrested accused have been identified as Dhananjay alias Ajay Kashyap, Gaurav Bhatia alias Nahvi, Waspi Khan alias Wasim Chikna and Rizwan Khan alias Javed Khan, police officials added.

The development comes months after two bike-borne men fired multiple rounds outside Khan's Galaxy Apartments in Mumbai's Bandra on April 14. The duo

- Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal - was later arrested from Gujarat. Another accused Anuj Thapan was arrested

on April 26 from Punjab along with one other person in the case. However, the third accused Thapan died

on May 1 inside the toilet of the lock-up of the Mumbai police's crime branch.

Since November 2022, Salman Khan's security level has been elevated to Y-Plus due to threats from gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi and Goldy Brar. Khan has also been authorised to carry a personal firearm and has acquired a new armoured vehicle for added protection.

In March last year, an e-mail threatening the 58-year-old actor was received at his office following which the

Mumbai Police registered an FIR against gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi and Goldy Brar and another person under Indian Penal Code sections 120-B (criminal conspiracy), 506II (criminal intimidation) and 34 (common intention). The FIR was based on a complaint lodged with Bandra Police by one Prashant Gunjalkar, who according to police frequently visited the Bandra-based residence of Khan and ran an artist management company, PTI reported.

SEVERAL pollsters predicted a third term for Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP-led NDA projected to win over 350 seats in the Lok Sabha.

Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Sanjay Raut on Sunday rejected the exit polls 2024 projections, calling it a ‘corporate game'.

“These exit poll predictions are a corporate game. You give them money, and they will release figures in your favour. If we come to power tomorrow and have money, we can release our own tally through exit polls.

INDIA alliance will form government by securing 295-310 seats," PTI quoted Raut as saying.

"Everybody is under pressure. Jairam Ramesh tweeted yesterday and informed that acting home minister Amit Shah

called up 150 collectors and threatened them,” PTI quoted Raut as saying. Raut's remark comes a day after several pollsters predicted a third term for Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP-led NDA projected to win over 350 seats in the Lok Sabha. In Maharashtra, the exit polls predicted a close fight between the NDA and INDIA bloc. Maharashtra

witnessed the poll battle between the BJP-Shiv Sena (led by Eknath Shinde)-NCP (led by Ajit Pawar) and the Congress- Shiv Sena (UBT)NCP(SCP) alliance.

Under the seatsharing arrangement, the BJP contested in 28 constituencies, while its allies Shiv Sena (Eknath Shinde faction) fought in 14 constituencies and the Ajit Pawar-led NCP in five


On the other hand, Maha Vikas Aghadi members Shiv Sena (UBT) contested in 21 constituencies, Congress in 17, and the NCP (Sharadchandra Pawar) in 10 constituencies.

Shiv Sena (UBT)'s ally partner Congress has already rejected the exit polls as ‘orchestrated’. “The outgoing PM, the person who will have to leave for sure on June 4 has conspired all these things and have managed the exit polls. There will be a huge difference in exit polls and results of June 4. INDIA alliance had a meeting yesterday, we did detail discussions on numbers, it's impossible that INDIA alliance will get anything below 295,” Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh told ANI.

Arvind Kejriwal's message for supporters as Delhi CM surrenders at Tihar Jail today

chief minister Arvind Kejriwal is set to surrender at the Tihar Jail on Sunday, June 2.

Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal said he would surrender at the Tihar Jail on Sunday, June 2, as his 21-interim bail ended. Arvind Kejriwal said before surrendering at the central jail, he would visit Mahatma Gandhi's memorial at Rajghat and the Prachin Hanuman temple in Connaught Place.

tHE counting of votes for 32 assembly seats in Sikkim began at 6am amid tight security arrangements.

The ruling Sikkim Krantikari Morcha or SKM is cruising towards a big victory in the assembly election 2024 as Prem Singh Tamang's part was leading in 31 of the 32 seats in the state assembly. The Sikkim Democratic Front or SDF was ahead in one constituency, according to initial trends on Sunday, June 2. The majority mark in the Sikkim legislative assembly is 17 seats.

The counting of votes for 32 assembly seats in Sikkim began at 6am amid tight security arrangements. Chief minister and SKM candidate Prem Singh Tamang, better known as PS Golay, was leading

by around 6,440 votes over his nearest SDF rival Som Nath Poudyal from the Rhenock assembly constituency, while in the Soreng Chakung assembly constituency Tamang is leading by 2,052 votes over his nearest SDF rival AD Subba.

Former chief minister and Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF) supremo Pawan

Kumar Chamling was trailing behind SKM candidate Raju Basnet by only 546 votes in Namcheybung seat.

In the Poklok Kamrang assembly constituency Pawan Kumar Chamling was trailing behind Bhoj Raj Rai of SKM by 1,057 votes.

Former India football captain and SDF candidate Bhaichung Bhutia was trailing

behind SKM rival Riksal Dorjee Bhutia by 2,872 votes in the Barfung assembly seat.

Sikkim BJP unit president Dilli Ram Thapa was trailing behind his SKM rival Kala Rai by 1,543 votes in the Upper Burtuk assembly constituency.

Polling for 32 assembly seats in Sikkim was held simultaneously on April 19, in the first phase of the just concluded Lok Sabha elections.

In the 2019 assembly elections, the SKM won 17 seats, while the SDF secured 15 seats. The exit polls predict that the SKM will come back to power in the state.

An estimated 80 per cent of the 4.64 lakh voters exercised their franchise on April 19. An additional four per cent of votes were cast through postal by government officials and employees, the CEO office said.

In a post in Hindi on X, Arvind Kejriwal wrote, "I came out for election campaign for 21 days on the orders of the Hon'ble Supreme Court. I am very grateful to the Hon'ble Supreme Court. Today I will surrender by going to Tihar. I will leave home at 3 pm. First I will go to Rajghat and pay tribute to Mahatma Gandhi. From there I will go to Hanuman temple in Connaught Place to seek blessings of Hanuman ji. And from there I will go to the party office and meet all the workers and party leaders. From there I will again leave for Tihar. All of you take care of yourselves. I will take care of you all in jail. If you are happy then your Kejriwal will also be happy in jail."

Kejriwal was released from jail on May 10 on interim bail granted by the Supreme Court for campaigning in the Lok Sabha polls. The court

granted him 21-day interim bail and instructed him to surrender before the Tihar Jail superintendent on June 2. He had earlier moved the Supreme Court seeking a seven-day extension of the interim bail, citing his deteriorating health conditions. In the plea seeking bail extension, he pleaded that he needed time to undergo medical tests as he was losing weight and was having high ketone levels. However, the top court registry refused an urgent listing of his petition. He then moved the special CBI-ED court seeking bail on medical grounds. Special judge Kaveri Baweja reserved for June 5 its order his application. The court observed that the plea was for interim bail on medical grounds and not for the extension of the interim bail granted by the SC. The 55-year-old AAP leader was arrested by ED on March 21. The probe agency has accused Kejriwal of being involved in a conspiracy in which a Rs.100-crore bribe was allegedly paid to the AAP by the South Group – a lobby of liquor dealers from the southern states that benefited from changes to the 2021-22 excise policy. The policy aimed to overhaul Delhi’s liquor business but was scrapped following allegations of irregularities and replaced by the 2020-21 regime.

THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 — 19 Call: (07) 3189 6535
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Sanjay Raut's ‘corporate game’
after exit polls predict
Sikkim election results: CM Prem Singh Tamang's SKM set to win, Bhaichung Bhutia trailing
NDA win

Auron Mein Kaha Dum Tha teaser

out: Ajay Devgn and Tabu’s chemistry takes the center stage

sCOOp: Rajkummar Rao and Wamiqa Gabbi arrive in Varanasi to kick off the shoot for Maddock Films’ Bhul Chuk Maaf

AJAy Devgn and Tabu are back with a love story in acclaimed writer and director Neeraj Pandey's Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha. The makers have released the first glimpse of the film today with a teaser, showcasing the intense onscreen chemistry of this blockbuster duo. Known for his unique storytelling on the big screen and OTT, Neeraj Pandey presents his first epic love story with Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha. Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha is a musical romantic drama spanning over 23 years, set between 2000 and 2023. The original

soundtrack for the film has been composed by the Oscarwinning music director MM Kreem. The film also features a stellar ensemble cast including Jimmy Shergill, Saiee Manjrekar, and Shantanu Maheshwari.

NH Studios presents, A Friday Filmworks Production, Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha is produced by Narendra Hirawat, Kumar Mangat Pathak (Panorama Studios), Sangeeta Ahir & Shital Bhatia.

The film is set for a theatrical release on July 5 2024.

Advocate Rizwan Merchant, producer Vishal Rana HIT back at allegations of cheating and forgery on sunny Deol: “Sunny ji has contributed so much to Bollywood. These people, on the other


have done NOTHING for the film industry”

tHE industry and media got a shock last week when Sorav Gupta alleged in a press conference that Sunny Deol took money from him multiple times in return for doing a film for his production house, Sundawn Entertainment Pvt Ltd. He further said that Sunny never ended up doing a movie for him. Many other shocking allegations were levelled against the Gadar 2 (2023) star in the press meet.

Yesterday, on June 1, advocate Rizwan Merchant, representing Sunny Deol, addressed the media and denied the allegations made by Sorav Gupta. At the very onset, Rizwan Merchant said, “No case has been registered against Sunny Deol. An ordinary complaint has been issued, jo kisi ke bhi khilaaf ja sakti hai. The police will conduct an enquiry. As per the Supreme Court guidelines, the police are required to take down the version of not just the complainant but also nonapplicant. I am specifically using the word non-applicant and not accused because there’s no FIR. Only after an FIR can you tag a person as accused.” He added, “We have noted down the points raised in the complaint. And the contents of the complaint are such that forget FIR, it’s not even worthy of a non-cognizable offence.”

Rizwan Merchant then narrated, “In August 2016, Sorav Gupta approached Sunny Deol for a film. A contract was signed based on mutual agreement by both the parties. A few clauses rested on Sorav Gupta’s company that he was supposed to comply with, especially with regard to payment. He had promised that he’s paying

a certain amount and the balance payment will be done on specified dates in the future.”

The advocate continued, “When the payment didn’t come as promised, Sunny Deol’s office sent a notice to the producer. Yet, the producer failed to make the payment. Another notice was sent, stating that nonpayment amounts to breach of contract. It also said that Sunny Deol will terminate the contract. Sorav didn’t respond to it either. We then wrote to the producer that we are terminating the contract and forfeiting your amount. The forfeit clause is a part of the agreement. It was not our sole decision; it was consensual.”

Rizwan Merchant stated, “The party has issues with the amount being forfeited. They also alleged that Sunny Deol asked for the director and script to be changed. There’s no record; these are all oral allegations. This is an attempt to arm-twist and extort money.”

Rizwan Merchant also revealed, “We are cooperating with the police. Mr Deol is busy with his work. This is the first complaint that has ever come against him which is going to affect not

only his career, image, name and reputation but also that of his family. He’ll go to any length to cooperate with the police to show that this is nothing but a false complaint. By no stretch of imagination, Mr Gupta should feel that by arm-twisting, Mr Deol is going to submit to his demand.”

Sorav Gupta even said that Sunny Deol changed the page in the contract and hiked his fees. On this, Rizwan Merchant replied, “This is an absolute false allegation. Mr Gupta, in fact, took the contract stating that he’ll get it signed from his wife. That contract copy has not been returned to us. The copy that we have is signed by Sunny Deol, not by him or his wife. Hence, there’s no question of changing the contract page.”

Producer Vishal Rana was also present along with Rizwan Merchant. He said that he was present in the meeting between Sunny Deol and Sorav Gupta. He stated, “I have worked extensively with Sunny Deol. I made two films with him without any problem. He completed Blank (2019) in 32 days, our upcoming untitled film in just 36 days. He has never arrived late or asked for money, the way the complainants are

claiming. There’s also a clause that Sunny Deol was okay with, and that is, if Sunny ji doesn’t shoot, he’ll return the money. But if the producer doesn’t start the shoot, then Sunny ji will not refund.”

Vishal remarked, “Sunny ji and Dharam ji have contributed so much to the industry. These people, on the other hand, have done nothing for the film industry. They are taking advantage of somebody’s celebrity status.”

Vishal Rana also responded to the allegations that he signed a film called Ram Janmabhoomi and never came for the shoot, citing an increase in fees after Gadar 2’s blockbuster verdict. He said, “Unko uss kahani se koi lena dena nahin hai. Sunny ji told me, ‘They don’t know how to produce. You should help him’. I agreed. They are financiers and Sunny ji gave them the story. If Sunny ji didn’t have the intention to work, why would he provide them with a script? They further said, ‘You are our idol. We grew up watching your films. We don’t want our money back’.”

Rizwan Merchant, meanwhile, was asked about Suneel Darshan’s allegation that Sunny never made full payment of the money generated by overseas distribution of their film Ajay (1996). He said, “It is subjudice. I’d like to stay away from it.” When asked if Sunny Deol would file a defamation case, the advocate answered, “I can’t comment on it right now.”

Rizwan signed off by appealing to the press, “He (Sorav Gupta) approached the media just to extort money from Sunny Deol. Please don’t allow him.”

A new project Bhul Chuk Maaf, a romantic drama, will feature the fresh pairing of Rajkummar Rao and Wamiqa Gabbi in lead roles. Produced by Maddock Films, reports suggest that the film will explore a love story set in a quaint small town. The narrative promises a unique perspective on love blossoming under unusual circumstances. Bollywood Hungama is here to report that the filming of the upcoming romantic drama will soon commence in Varanasi.

A source close to the project revealed, “Rao and Gabbi have already arrived in Varanasi to film the project under the direction of Karan Sharma. The shoot is set to commence soon” Sharma previously directed episodes of the acclaimed SonyLIV web

series Maharani starring Huma Qureshi. This marks his second collaboration with Maddock Films, following the upcoming romantic drama Shiddat 2 where Gabbi stars opposite Sunny Kaushal. Rao enjoys a longstanding association with Maddock Films, having previously delivered hits like Stree, Made in China, Roohi, and Hum Do Hamare Do. The actor was most recently seen in Srikanth – Aa Raha Hai Sabki Aankhein Kholne and Mr & Mrs Mahi. He also wrapped the filming of Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video, directed by Raaj Shaandilyaa. On the other hand, Wamiqa Gabbi is currently involved in Atlee Kumar's next production Baby John, which stars Varun Dhawan in the lead role.

Fawad Khan and Sanam Saeed, Zindagi Gulzar Hai duo, to reunite for web series Shandur set for Indian platform SonyLIV

FAWAd Khan and Sanam Saeed, who stole hearts in Zindagi Gulzar Hai, will once again work together and this time for an upcoming web series Shandur. This upcoming project for the Indian OTT platform SonyLIV promises a thrilling tale set against a backdrop of breathtaking landscapes.

According to Express Tribune, Khan will portray a polo-loving prince from Chitral, Pakistan. His dedication to the role shines through; he even took polo lessons to ensure authenticity. While details about Saeed's character remain under wraps, the project's secrecy only fuels the excitement.

The series boasts a talented team behind the camera as well. Umera Ahmed, known for her captivating narratives, pens the script, while Asim Raza, who previously collaborated with Khan on Behadd, takes the director's chair. The project being on SonyLIV platform was confirmed by

Something Haute on their YouTube channel. The cast is further bolstered by Mikaal Zulfiqar and Hira Khan, ensuring a well-rounded and engaging viewing experience. Filming spanned locations across Pakistan and the UK, with the majestic Shandur Top, the world's highest polo ground at a staggering 3,700 meters, expected to be a highlight. It seems like the shoot began in Chitral in April end and continued till mid-May before Fawad flew to Italy for his Netflix project’s shoot. A glimpse of the team filming in Chitral, courtesy of makeup artist Adnan Ansari's Instagram post, has further piqued fans' curiosity.

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After Shah Rukh Khan, Kartik Aaryan to illuminate Burj Khalifa with Chandu Champion

tHE countdown for the release of Kartik Aaryan’s Chandu Champion has begun. The Kabir Khan directorial, produced by Sajid Nadiadwala is all set to hit the big screen on June 14, 2024, and there is tremendous anticipation among the audiences to see Kartik Aaryan in a completely new avatar. And to take things a notch higher in the release week, Kartik and Sajid Nadiadwala have come up with a mega plan.

Reliable sources inform us that Kartik Aaryan and Sajid Nadiadwala are all set to take over Burj Khalifa next week. “A brand-new asset of Chandu Champion will be announced on Burj Khalifa next week, which will officially kick-start the countdown to release. In-

fact, Kartik Aaryan will surprise all his fans by announcing the opening of advance booking with a new booking poster too on the tallest building in the world,” a trade source told Bollywood Hungama.

Interestingly, Burj Khalifa is known to be a symbol of

stardom, and Kartik Aaryan will become only the 2nd star after Shah Rukh Khan to take-over the tallest building in the world in this manner.

“Sajid Nadiadwala is making a massive marketing spend on Chandu Champion. While crores were spent to launch the trailer in Gwalior,

a mammoth sum will be invested in the Dubai event of Chandu Champion. Kartik was keen to do this event and being a large-hearted producer, Sajid agreed to fulfill the wish of his hero in the blink of an eye,” the source shared with us further.

Sajid Nadiadwala and Kartik Aaryan’s bond is turning out to be the one of Yash Chopra and Shah Rukh Khan, as the duo is constantly working together and scaling up things. Their first collaboration was on the unusual love story, Satyaprem Ki Katha, and the second one celebrates the triumph of a true champion. Next up for this dynamic Sajid-Kartik duo is Arjan Ustara directed by Vishal Bhardwaj.

BREAKING: Vikrant Massey and Raashii Khanna’s 2nd film titled Talakhon Mein Ek

VIKRAnt Massey’s career received a tremendous boost with veteran filmmaker Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s 12th Fail. The film is based on the life of the celebrated IPS (Indian Police Service) officer Manoj Kumar Sharma in which the actor plays the titular role. Although the film released in last October, it is still the talk of the town.

After such a success, it is obvious for the audience to get eager to know about his next line-up of films. Vikran’t next is The Sabarmati Report. Directed by Ranjan Chandel, the movie is based on the ghastly incident of the Godhra train burning case of 2002 where over 50 people lost their lives. The movie sees him star alongside Raashii Khanna.

But this isn’t the only film where Vikrant and Raashii would be seen together. The two are also cast together in the upcoming film with an

interesting title Talakhon Mein Ek, as per a statement shared by the makers. Sharing more about the film, the statement added, “This pairing, along with the film’s unique narrative, is expected to draw significant attention.”

The movie is directed by Bodhayan Roychaudhury.

Interestingly, Raashii had

shared pictures with Vikrant and Roychaudhary in last November on Instagram announcing the wrap up of a movie, which she described as ‘TME’. The abbreviation easily indicates to Talakhon Mein Ek. The actress also tagged producer Vikram Khakhar in the post.

Raashii captioned the

post, “And it’s a wrap of this beautiful film that is so close to my heart..! #TME. The nervous twitches while developing this beautifully broken character, the storm within, the deep dive into the psyche of an individual I couldn’t relate to at first, pushing the boundaries as an actor supported by the very talented @ vikrantmassey and surprising myself at every stage, at every scene because of the depth of the written word and the direction of @ bodhayanroychaudhury - is #TME for me. Cannot wait to share it with you all soon.! And.. thankyou to you too @vikramkhakhar for being such a solid support..!”

Apart from The Sabarmati Report and Talakhon Mein Ek, Vikrant also has Sector 36, Blackout and a Disney+ Hotstar series with the celebrated filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani.

Navi Mumbai police arrest 4 Lawrence Bishnoi gang members planning second attack on Salman


BOLLyWOOd actor Salman Khan narrowly escaped another attack planned by the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, according to recent reports. This comes just over a month after two gunmen fired shots outside his Bandra residence in Mumbai.


As per a report by ANI, Navi Mumbai Police arrested four members of the Bishnoi gang who allegedly planned to target Khan's car while he was travelling to his farmhouse in Panvel. The investigation

revealed the gang's intent to procure weapons from

a Pakistani arms supplier. An FIR has been registered against over 17 individuals, including Lawrence Bishnoi, Anmol Bishnoi, and Goldy Brar. The investigation is ongoing.


Deputy Commissioner of Police Vivek Pansare confirmed the arrests and stated, "The accused had been planning this attack for a long time. They even resided in Panvel for a recce." The

FACT CHECK: Shah Rukh Khan begins shooting for King in Spain? Viral leaked image is from British-Spanish mystery thriller White Lines

SHAH Rukh Khan is all set to enthrall audiences with a gritty and nuanced portrayal of a don in his upcoming film, titled King. The movie promises to be a high-octane action thriller with a raw and rustic edge. This project also marks the much-awaited silver screen debut of Suhana Khan, Shah Rukh Khan's daughter, who previously dipped her toes in acting with the OTT release The Archies last December. Recently, an image believed to be from the film's set in Spain surfaced online, further fueling fan theories about production being underway.

The picture shows a man believed to be Khan engrossed in conversation with a group of men while sporting a sharp blue suit.

The backdrop of the scene hints at a picturesque location with stunning blue water and mountains, adding to the intrigue. However, Bollywood Hungama is here to confirm that the viral image is not of Shah Rukh Khan. The photo is from a scene in the first episode of the British-Spanish mystery thriller White Lines, released in 2020 on Netflix where Marcus and his colleagues meet with Mafia boss Oriol Calafat. Álex Pina, the man behind the popular Spanish series Money Heist, created the series.

Shah Rukh Khan is currently in Italy with his

arrested individuals have been identified as Dhananjay Tapesingh alias Ajay Kashyap, Gaurav Bhatia alias Nahvi, Vapsi Khan alias Waseem Chikna, and Rizwan Khan.

pREVIOUS AttACK And InCREASEd SECURIty: On April 14, 2024, two assailants on a motorcycle fired shots outside Salman Khan's Bandra residence. Six people were arrested in connection with that incident, with one accused (Anuj) passing away. Currently, four are in judicial custody, while one remains in police custody.

family to attend the prewedding festivities of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant. They left Mumbai following the IPL 2024 win of Kolkata Knight Riders.

As per previous reports, Khan's character in King is described as possessing a complex moral compass, with shades of grey that will undoubtedly intrigue viewers. He's collaborating closely with Siddharth Anand and Sujoy Ghosh to craft a character that is both stylish and ruthless. Although plot details are still under wraps, reports suggest King will be a fast-paced action thriller that pushes the boundaries of survival. Khan will play the role of a mentor, guiding a disciple through this perilous world. This disciple will be none other than Suhana Khan herself.

Bollywood Hungama reported that Shah Rukh Khan himself is spearheading the creative direction and even participating in action sequence training alongside Suhana. Sujoy Ghosh and Siddharth Anand envision King as a raw and rustic action film with a massive budget of Rs. 200 crores. The source further revealed that Siddharth Anand was in talks with Western stunt directors to join the King team. The highly anticipated movie is slated for a theatrical release in the second half of 2025.

Following the April attack, security around Salman Khan's residence has been significantly heightened. The Maharashtra Police have also provided him with Y+ security. Chief Minister Eknath Shinde personally visited Khan's residence to assure the family of strict action against the perpetrators. Despite the recent threats, Salman Khan appears undeterred. He is currently attending a pre-wedding cruise celebration for Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, along with the Ambani family.

THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 — 21 Call: (07) 3189 6535
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Jitendra Kumar, Tillotama Shome starrer

Kota Factory season 3 to premiere on June 20 on Netflix

ALL the coaching classes, late-night studying, and kachori breaks have been leading up to this. The final roll call is upon us as the dreamers and Aimers — Vaibhav, Meena, Uday, Vartika, and Shivangi — prepare for a life-altering exam. Kota Factory launches June 20, with Season 3 tracing the students’ chaotic entry into adulthood alongside their trusted teacher and mentor, Jeetu Bhaiya.

With anticipation mounting, the third season of the drama series will introduce a new mentor at Aimers. From gully cricket to random birthday cakes and secret study dates to scribbled whiteboards, this season is the one class you don’t want to bunk. It’ll also feature the profound wisdom the franchise is known for, highlighting long-lasting bonds, and heartwarming group hugs. Directed by Pratish Mehta and produced by TVF Productions, Kota Factory Season 3 is helmed by showrunner Raghav Subbu.

As the new season of the black-and-white series unfolds, the students inch toward adulthood, grappling with fears and aspirations as final exams loom, pondering what the future may hold. Meanwhile, fan-favourite Jeetu Bhaiya must come

to terms with his own role as a mentor following the tragic cliffhanger from Season 2. After all, growing up isn’t just for the kids; it’s a never-ending dilemma, no matter how old you get. The talented ensemble cast— including Jitendra Kumar, Mayur More, Ranjan Raj, Alam Khan, Revathi Pillai, Ahsaas Channa, and Rajesh Kumar — reprise their roles in Season 3, with the addition of the new Chemistry teacher, played by Tillotama Shome. Raghav Subbu, the showrunner behind Kota Factory, shares, “We’ve been on this journey with

Kota Factory since 2019, and whether you’ve been in coaching classes like Vaibhav or not, I believe everyone can see bits and pieces of themselves within the show. That’s what makes it so special. Season 3, at its core, is about the painful yet necessary journey of growing up, where each character, including the all-knowing Jeetu Bhaiya, embarks on their individual path of self-discovery. Thanks to our amazing partnership with Netflix, we were able to craft a third season that felt true to the story we’ve always wanted to tell.”

Pratik Gandhi suffers mishap on Gandhi set; says, “It is a bit painful”

pRAtIK Gandhi, who has a release today Dedh Bigha Zameen—his third release this year— has realized playing Mahatma Gandhi is not easy, even if you are Gandhi yourself. So Pratik discovered last night when he suffered an injury while shooting for Applause Entertainment’s Gandhi, directed by Hansal Mehta, which could have been worse.

When I touched base with Pratik and he said, “Yes, I’m better now. A ceramic pot fell on me while rehearsing for a next scene to shoot. And I got a deep cut on my right-hand knuckle. I got stitches done last night.”

When asked if it is painful, Pratik replied, “It is a bit painful. But it should be better in a few days, hopefully.”

Speaking of his infinitely rewarding association with Applause Entertainment Pratik said, “Scam 1992 was surely a turning point in my career. I try to convert high expectations into excitement and inspiration for myself rather than pressure. Scam changed my life!”

Pratik sees Applause Entertainment’ s Scam, Do Aur Do Pyaar and Gandhi as the turning points in his career. “Gandhi is the biggest project of my career till now and Do Aur Do Pyaar is my first rom com in mainstream. All of them hold a special place in my heart. I am always excited to partner with a visionary like Sameer Nair and his efficient team at Applause Entertainment,” he said.

Tanya Bami, Series Head, Netflix India, said, "It brings us immense joy to bring this cult favourite franchise back with its next season. Kota Factory is not a show, it’s an emotion for its fans. It’s also a show that connects generations, parents and students alike. And this year Vaibhav, Meena, Uday and the gang are in their finals. The pressure, tension and drama of the final year is a feeling that every single person connects with and we feel confident that fans of Jeetu Bhaiya and the Kota Factory gang will have a lot to talk about after they binge this season."

Ajay Devgn to star in biopic of India’s first Dalit cricketer Palwankar Baloo; to be helmed by

FRESH off his performance in the sports biopic Maidaan, Ajay Devgn is gearing up for another film on the world of athletics. This time, he'll be portraying Palwankar Baloo, the pioneering cricketer credited as India's first Dalit player. The news was revealed by film producer Priti Sinha on social media platform X (formerly Twitter) on May 29, 2023. Sinha's announcement indicated a collaborative effort between herself, Devgn, and director Tigmanshu Dhulia. “We are producing Baloo Palwankar's story based on @Ram_Guha sir's book 'A Corner Of A Foreign Field,'” she wrote, expressing their intent to bring this cricketer's tale to the big screen.

Filming is expected to commence by the end of 2023. The project reportedly draws inspiration from historian Ramchandra Guha's book, which delves into the life and struggles of Palwankar Baloo. Born into the Dalit community, Baloo's journey began humbly as a groundskeeper at a Pune cricket club. However, his talent and dedication shone through, leading to his selection for the Hindu Gymkhana in 1896. Guha's book presumably explores the challenges Baloo faced throughout his career due to caste discrimination. Ajay Devgn's upcoming slate also boasts Neeraj Pandey’s Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha starring Tabu. He also has Rohit Shetty's action extravaganza Singham Again.

Nikhil Patel CONFIRMS separation with Dalljiet Kaur; REACTS to extra-marital affair allegations: “She has expressed a desire to return to my life and has crossed boundaries”

KEnyA-based businessman

Nikhil Patel has finally addressed the swirling allegations of an extra-marital affair and rumors surrounding his separation from actress Dalljiet Kaur. In an exclusive interview with ETimes TV, Nikhil provided a detailed account of their relationship’s challenges and eventual separation.

Recently, Dalljiet Kaur shared cryptic stories on social media, hinting at infidelity. This added fuel to the speculation about Nikhil’s extra-marital affair. However, he clarified that their separation was rooted in deeper issues related to their blended family and cultural differences.

"In January this year, Dalljiet decided to leave Kenya with her son Jaydon and return to India, which ultimately led to our separation. We separated in January this year," Patel explained. "We both realized that the foundation of our blended family wasn't as strong as we had hoped, making it hard for Dalljiet to

settle in Kenya.”

Patel highlighted that the couple faced significant challenges due to cultural clashes and differing values.

Despite their efforts to integrate, including a culturally significant Indian wedding ceremony in Mumbai in March 2023, these differences proved insurmountable.

"The ceremony was intended to reassure Dalljiet's family about her move to Kenya. Despite our efforts, Dalljiet found it challenging to adjust to life in Kenya, missing her career and life in India," Patel shared. He also explained the irreplaceable role of his daughters' mother, indicating the complexity of their family dynamics.

Nikhil Patel recounted that Dalljiet had informed him and others that she did not plan to return to Kenya except to collect her remaining belongings, which he has kept safe. "Her departure marked the end of our relationship for me, and despite her concerning social media activity over the

past five months, I have found closure and solace, moving forward positively," he stated. Patel expressed his distress over Dalljiet’s recent social media activity, which he claimed caused confusion and unnecessary harassment of his family and friends. "She has expressed a desire to return to my life and has crossed boundaries. Her posts have been misinterpreted, resulting in unnecessary harassment," he said.

"I have always believed in addressing misunderstandings with clarity and respect. It is important to set the record straight, not just for myself, but for everyone involved. I sincerely wish Dalljiet all the best and hope we can all move forward positively," Patel concluded.

Before her relationship with Nikhil Patel, Dalljiet Kaur was married to actor Shalin Bhanot. The couple parted ways in 2016 and currently coparent their son Jaydon. Nikhil Patel also has two daughters from a previous marriage.

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ridhima pandit DeNIes marriage rumors with cricketer shubman Gill: “Don’t even know him personally”

tELEVISIOn actress Ridhima Pandit has dismissed recent rumors linking her to Indian cricketer Shubman Gill in a proposed December wedding. The reports gained traction online, sparking confusion and prompting Pandit to address them directly.

On her Instagram story (now deleted), Pandit stated, "I woke up with a lot of calls from journalists and this has never happened. A lot of them want to know about my upcoming shaadi but to whom? No, it's not happening. Go on with your lovely day. Kuch hoga toh main bata dugi saamne se (If something like this is happening in my life I myself would announce it). Nothing is happening now. Bye."

In a further interview with ETimes, she elaborated, "This seems like someone's imagination. I don't even know Shubman Gill personally. It's ridiculous!"


The constant inquiries and congratulatory messages became overwhelming for Pandit. "I started getting congratulatory messages and got tired of denying it. So, I decided to clarify on social media," she explained.


Despite the unfounded rumors, Pandit revealed her single status. "I am single and ready to mingle, but these rumors might scare away potential suitors! I do want to get married and settle down someday," she said.


For the unversed, she is a prominent figure in Indian television. She is best known for her role in Bahu Humari Rajni Kant. Her career also includes appearances on reality shows such as Fear Factor: Khatron Ke Khiladi 9. She has also acted in shows like Hum - I'm Because of Us and Haiwaan: The Monster.

Bad Cop: Gulshan Devaiah and Anurag Kashyap take the cop-villain chase a notch higher

dISnEy+ Hotstar has announced "Bad Cop," an action-drama series marking Fremantle India's first fictional series production in India. Set to release exclusively on Disney+ Hotstar, the series follows Karan, a fierce cop played by Gulshan Devaiah, on a mission to capture the powerful and deadly villain Kazbe, portrayed by Anurag Kashyap, while managing his personal life. The cast also includes Harleen Sethi,

Saurabh Sachdeva, and Aishwarya Sushmita in key roles.

Aradhana Bhola, Managing Director of Fremantle India, expressed excitement about this venture: "We are thrilled to begin a new chapter with our first drama web series, Bad Cop. Collaborating with top talent, writer Rensil D’Silva reimagined the intriguing world in an Indian setting. The talented ensemble cast

sonu sood welcomes Naseeruddin shah in fateh cast: “Directing someone I have admired all my life was so special”

ACtOR-philanthropist Sonu Sood starrer Fateh’s cast just got more interesting! Sood took to his social media handles to share BTS pictures, which saw the hero of masses in middle of a script reading session with the veteran actor Naseeruddin Shah.

"Welcome on board Naseer sir Directing someone I have admired all my life was so special. You will be proud of FATEH sir," he wrote. Earlier, it was reported that the legendary actor will be seen playing a hacker in the upcoming cybercrime thriller. His role is pivotal to Sood's directorial debut as it will drive the film’s narrative.

Sonu Sood had previously confirmed Naseeruddin Shah’s association with the film and said that the actor will be seen in a "phenomenal role". While

Sood has previously stated that Fateh is an actioner that will be at par with Hollywood actioners, the addition of Shah to the star

cast has piqued curiosity and excitement among the audiences.

Fateh, which marks Sood’s debut as a director, will delve

this year.

Big Girls Don’t Cry’s Aneet Padda signed opposite Ahaan Panday in Mohit Suri and Yash Raj Films’ romantic drama: Report

yASH Raj Films (YRF), the name synonymous with launching and nurturing Bollywood stars, is back in a big way. Known for discovering talents like Ranveer Singh, Ayushmann Khurrana, and Anushka Sharma, YRF is set to introduce a fresh batch of faces in the coming years. Leading the pack is Junaid Khan, son of Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan. Junaid makes his debut with Maharaj, releasing on Netflix on June 14. Following this, Ahaan Panday, nephew of Chunky Panday, will be launched in a romantic drama by YRF. YRF has signed another promising newcomer – Aneet Padda. Sources reveal that the 21-year-old actress is all set for a dream debut opposite Ahaan Panday in Mohit Suri's upcoming untitled young love story. As per a report in Peeping Moon, Aneet isn't entirely new to the entertainment industry. She has already impressed

and Aditya Datt’s direction brought this series to life with mass action sensibilities. We hope audiences love Bad Cop as much as we loved creating it."

Director Aditya Datt shared his enthusiasm: "We are excited to present a story that is classic, quirky, thrilling, and full of action. It’s a classic cop vs. villain chase with a fun twist that will keep

audiences with supporting roles in Kajol's heartwarming Salaam Venky and Nitya Mehra's Amazon Prime series Big Girls Don't Cry. She's also graced the screens in commercials for popular brands like Amazon, Nescafe, Cadbury, and Paytm.

Earlier, Bollywood Hungama reported that Aneet’s impressive audition reportedly landed her not just a debut film but a three-film contract with YRF! This is a significant move, highlighting YRF's

viewers intrigued. The series boasts high-octane action, eccentric characters, and is a complete entertainer. My collaboration with Disney+ Hotstar and Fremantle India was remarkable, and we shared a common vision for the series."

Anurag Kashyap, discussing his role as Kazbe, said, "Playing Kazbe, a dreadful and eccentric villain,

confidence in the young actress. Aneet will also be managed by YRF Talent, a talent management agency known for its recent strategic shift.

There is a strong buzz that Aneet Padda has been signed on by YRF after smashing her auditions. She is being given a huge film for her debut as the quintessential YRF heroine! YRF has always backed supremely talented actors, especially outsiders who have gone on to become big stars. The company feels

was challenging. He acts without thinking, and I had to delve into his intricacies. Working with Aditya Datt was a great experience, and collaborating with Disney+ Hotstar and Fremantle India was incredible."

Gulshan Devaiah, who plays Karan, added, "I had a lot of fun working on Bad Cop. This role is very different for me. The action

Aneet is a talent to watch out for and is planning to give her a huge debut film.

The source further revealed YRF's ambitious plan to launch four exciting new talents within a year. Aditya Chopra, the head honcho at YRF, is known for taking a chance on newcomers and providing them with grand launchpads. Aneet's talent has impressed Aditya Chopra so much that she has secured a three-film deal. This is accompanied by exclusive management under YRF Talent, signifying a significant shift in the agency's approach.

This is the first film produced by the company’s CEO Akshaye Widhani. Aditya Chopra, who is the creative force at YRF, is empowering Akshaye Widhani & his leadership team to build creative partnerships with the most brilliant minds in the Hindi film industry. The film will go into production this year with 2025 set for release.

scenes were challenging but enjoyable. Working with Fremantle India and Disney+ Hotstar was great, and performing alongside Anurag was fun. I'm eager to see how audiences react to my portrayal of a filmy cop." "Bad Cop," directed by Aditya Datt and adapted by Rensil D’Silva, promises to be an entertaining and actionpacked series.

THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 — 23 Call: (07) 3189 6535
into real-life instances of cybercrime. It also stars Jacqueline Fernandez and is slated to hit the theatres
Above Stories and photos credit:

Indo-Australian Cricketers Who have represented Australia

Over the years, we have seen a lot of Indian origin players, who have represented different countries at the International level. The players or their families have migrated to other countries due to educational, work, or other purposes. The likes of Nasser Hussain, KS Ranjitsinhji, Ish Sodhi, Monty Panesar, and Shivnarine Chanderpaul are some of the examples.

In this article, Sanika Sawant of Cricfit assist our readers explore a few of these elite indoAustralia sports personal. we will look at five Indianorigin cricketers to have represented Australia at any level of the sport:


Lisa Sthalekar was named Laila at birth. She was born in Pune, Maharashtra on 13 August 1979. She was adopted by Haren and Sue Sthalekar from Sreevatsa, an orphanage center in Pune. Lisa was introduced to cricket by her father in backyard games. She went on to become the first woman cricketer to score 1,000 runs and take 100 wickets in ODIs.

Lisa announced her retirement from international cricket a day after the Australian team won the 2013 Women’s Cricket World Cup. In 2020, she was inducted into the ICC Hall of fame.


Arjun Nair is an Indianorigin mystery spinner who plays for New South Wales. He was born on 12 April 1998 in Canberra, Australia. Arjun made his first-class debut in an FC match in 2016 against South Australia, where he took two wickets and contributed valuable 37 runs batting lower down the order. Arjun has also represented the Australian

team at the U-19 level. He is part of the He is Sydney Thunder squad in the Big Bash League. Arjun is known in the Australian cricketing circuit for his different bowling variations.



Jason Sangha was born on September 8, 1999, in New South Wales. He led the Australian team in the 2018 ICC U19 World Cup. He was the leading runscorer for Australia in the tournament, with 229 runs.

Sangha’s father Kuldip was a native of Bhatinda in Punjab. He moved to Australia in the 1980s for higher education. Jason made his first-class debut in 2017 for Cricket Australia against England and became the secondyoungest player to score a first-class century against England.



Gurinder Sandhu was the first male cricketer of Indian ancestry to represent Australia in an

international tournament. He was born on June 14, 1993, at Blacktown in New South Wales. His parents are from Faridkot district, Punjab and then migrated to Australia.

Sandhu made his debut against India at the Melbourne Cricket Ground in 2015. He has picked three wickets in two ODI matches for Australia. Sandhu was also part of the Delhi Daredevils team in the Indian Premier League 2015 season.


Tanveer Sangha was the second person of Indian origin to be selected in the Australian men’s senior cricket team. He was the highest wicket-taker for Australia at the 2020 Under-19 World Cup with 15 wickets at an average of 11.46 and an economy rate of 3.58.

Tanveer was born on 26 November 2001 in Sydney, Australia. His father Joga Sangha, hails from Jalandhar and moved to Australia in 1997 for education and eventually settled there. Tanveer plays for Sydney Thunder in the Big Bash League (BBL).

In the next edition of your Brisbane Indian Times we will explore Ino-Australia in other elite sports , Industry and academia.

Marsh's Uganda moment shows World Cup's beauty and disparity

AMId a "disjointed" leadin to a World Cup for which Australia's squad remained still not fully assembled days out from their first match, Mitch Marsh had an unexpected thrill this week.

In Trinidad, where the Aussies who did not feature in the Indian Premier League's playoffs blew out cobwebs in warmup matches, Marsh was presented with a playing shirt from the Uganda cricket team at the Port of Spain hotel the two teams were sharing.

Both Marsh and David Warner mingled and posed for photos with players from the small landlocked eastAfrican nation. The Aussie squad members (at least the ones who had arrived) signed and returned the jersey to the Ugandans.

"That was a really special moment," Marsh told reporters in Barbados, where the Aussies kick off their tournament against Oman on Wednesday (Thursday, 10.30am AEST).

"It's things like that – it's not just about the cricket throughout these World Cups. It's about opportunity and teams having earnt the right to be here."

The pictures of Marsh delighting a rival team by donning their kit underlines both the beauty and the disparity on show at an ambitious World Cup.

This tournament features 20 teams playing matches in three US states and on six Caribbean islands. Australia's Group B will see three – Barbados, Antigua and St Lucia –during the region's steamy wet season.

Marsh is leading an Australian team gunning to become the first side to simultaneously hold every major men's and women's ICC trophy. Uganda's eager cricketers, on the other hand, are making their own history in their country's World Cup debut.

Their sheer joy at simply qualifying (at the expense of a stunned Zimbabwe) can hardly be expected to be felt with the same novelty by the many players at this tournament who will be playing in their fourth white-ball World Cup in as many years.

The schedule squeeze is being felt no more heavily than the captain of the

tournament's defending champions, England's Jos Buttler.

He found himself seated awkwardly between Marsh and Scotland's Richard Berrington for Saturday's ICC press conference six-and-a-half-thousand kilometres from home where his third child was born just days ago during England's bilateral series against Pakistan.

"That's part of a professional sportsperson's job really, life still goes on outside of the game," said Buttler, whose England team face Australia in Barbados on Saturday (Sunday, 3am AEST).

"It was an amazing day, really special … but when I'm on the field I'll be fully focused."

For Australia, avoiding mid-tournament burnout for the final members of the 15-man squad who were scheduled to link up with the team this weekend and who are coming off a taxing 2023, a full home summer and an IPL, has been front of mind.

"Things may look a little bit disjointed at the beginning, and I think most teams are in the same boat with guys that are playing the IPL," said Marsh of their decision to allow the likes of Pat Cummins, Travis Head and Mitchell Starc a few days at home after the IPL.

"That's the nature of the beast of international cricket these days, we come from all over. We'll get around each other for the next few days."

These are problems most of Australia's first-round opponents would eat several of Trinidad's infamous scorpion chilis to know.

While riding the same Friday evening Caribbean Airlines flight between Port of Spain and Bridgetown is about the only thing Australia have in common with Oman, Scotland and Namibia, few are expecting complacency from the one of the tournament's top dogs.

Namibia skipper Gerhard Erasmus noted the major teams now have enough access to enough footage to analyse players from lowerranked nations that major teams like Australia have never faced before.

Read more on www.

Above Stories and photos credit:
Lisa Sthalekar. (Photo by Graham Crouch/ICC via Getty Images) Lisa Sthalekar Jason Jaskirat Singh Sangha Arjun Nair Gurinder Singh Sandhu Tanveer Sangha

Fiji football and its Indian connection

From establishing the first club to the national football federation, Indian population in Fiji played a crucial part in popularising the sport

• Football was established in Fiji in 1922 when Sunshine team of Suva and Sitare Hind of Rewa played their first match

• Fiji Indian Football Association was established in 1938 before the name was changed to Fiji Football Association in 1963

• Fiji played their first international match in 1951 against New Zealand at Albert Park

Shilarze Saha Roy In the late 19th century, both rugby and football were introduced in Fiji by Britons and New Zealanders. But it was rugby in the early 1890s that started to draw attention from the locals and established itself as a sport in the country. Football, on the other hand, lost its ground rapidly and wouldn’t be played for the next 25-30 years before it was revived in 1920 by Indians. There would be hordes of Indian people who would arrive in Fiji as indentured labourers to work on Fiji’s sugar plantations between 1879 and 1916. And they would bring with them their rich and varied cultures along with talents in sports which included kabaddi, wrestling, and weightlifting. With the labourers not being able to finish their daily tasks before dusk and playing fields also not available, football could not be played during the indenture days. However, when the indenture

period ended in 1921, many of the Indian labourers had established themselves in Fiji society and were free to engage themselves in any activity of their choice.

Although there were many who had a love for football as early as 1920, organised football was only established in 1922 when the Sunshine team of Suva and Sitare Hind of Rewa played their first match. The above two were joined later by League Service, Dilkusha and Union Soccer Clubs. Slowly, football became popular among the Indians and the clubs would go on to meet at regular intervals for the next six-seven years. But football was still played purely as a form of recreation and there were limited facilities available. Interestingly, the teams would compete in the only ground available at that time — the St. Columbus Primary School ground in

Toorak, Suva, which was also popularly known as the Brother School Ground. But the first step towards setting up a football structure was taken in 1928 when Dr IH Beattie, the editor of the then-popular newspaper Vridhi, donated the Vridhi Cup. Accordingly, the Indian Soccer Football League was formed which was given the responsibility to organise

matches for the tournament. And in order to play in the prestigious competition, the organisers set a condition that only clubs formed properly could participate and any club winning the cup for three successive years could keep the cup for good.

The Vridhi Cup would become a stepping stone for the sport in the country as most Indian people would

start playing the game on some of the islands. It also initiated the first interdistrict match between Suva and Lautoka in 1936 which would later metamorphose into becoming a significant long-standing football tournament in the country.

While players faced great difficulties in travelling due to poor transport facilities during that era, it didn’t stop football from spreading in districts and becoming popular in Nadi, Sigatoka, Ba, and Levuka apart from Suva, Rewa and Lautoka.

The exchange of visits from one district to another created a desire to form a national association in the minds of the football players and officials. On October 8, 1938 representatives from all districts assembled in the office of Messrs AS Farebrother & Co, in Suva and established Fiji Indian Football Association (FIFA) with Mr AS Farebrother (Suva) as president and Mr BM Janiff (Suva) as secretary/treasurer. Suva, Rewa, Ba, Lautoka and Levuka became the founder member associations before Labasa and Tavua Indian Football Associations were established in 1942. Under the auspices of the football federation, Fiji played their first international match in 1951 against New Zealand at Albert Park. Although the team lost 6-4, it was a historic event as Fiji entered the international football scene.

Even though football in the country developed, it was yet to become popular

among indigenous Fiji people and the masses. Virtually all teams comprised mainly Indian players because the constitution of the Fiji federation provided for the inclusion of only two non-Asians. But things changed in the silver jubilee celebration of the Fiji Indian Football Association when the name was changed to Fiji Football Association. It effectively opened its doors to participation by all races without any restrictions. On becoming a multi-racial football body, Fiji Football Association was also affiliated with the sport’s governing body FIFA in 1963. And this move had since paid high dividends to Fiji’s football development programmes. Fiji later became a founding member of the Oceania Football Confederation along with Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea in 1964 and traditionally have been one of Oceania’s best performers — second only to New Zealand in the FIFA rankings for men. Today, around 35,000 active players are involved in football in Fiji at various age levels and the federation organizes referees, coaches, primary and secondary school programmes consistently. The national team has also diversified even though it is being led by Roy Krishna, a player of Indian origin. The contributions of the Indians to popularise the sport cannot be denied even as the country dreams of qualifying for the FIFA World Cup sooner or later.

Queensland Fiji Football Association is forging ahead with the plans for the year ended 31 December 2024

AFtER a very successful QCup 2024, preparation is underway for QBOB 2024, which has been kindly Sponsored by Champaklal Khatri and family on behalf of his beloved son, Kavin Khatri.

Look out for the details.

QFFA is also proud to announce the selection of and Congratulations to Raheel Narsey (son of Ritesh Narsey) for making 26 member Digicel U16 Fiji Team for OFC Championships in Tahiti later this year. Keep up the hard work and All the best from QFFA Family!!.

We acknowledge the outstanding contributions by Ritesh Narsey, 'Boody' ( Raheel's dad) for Fiji soccer, who has been the pilar of strength for many clubs, and a role model player for our youngsters.

On 16 June 2024, QFFA is holding a strategic planning workshop, and establish a platform on which ,

member's will help pave the pathway for the next few years, in terms of goal setting and defining the future. This workshop is proudly sponsored by Avikash of AMDT Services.

It's very exciting times for our Fiji Community and QFFA, and urge Brisbane to come on board this journey, and enjoy all things ' The Beautiful Game - Soccer, and achieve our mission to connect communities.

For further opportunities to be part of the QFFA family please contact:

THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 — 25 Call: (07) 3189 6535

Australia A v India A showdowns part of the Blockbuster Indian Summer

tWO four-day matches between Australia A and India A and a three-day internal match comprising players from the Indian Test squad and India A will precede the NRMA Insurance BorderGavaskar Trophy series as the top-ranked Test nations prepare for their hugely anticipated showdown.

The lead-up games mean Australia will host the biggest Indian summer ever with the hugely supported Indian men’s and women’s teams playing in Australia over 69 days from first ball to last and

in eight different venues Australia-wide.

The Australia A v India A matches will be played at Great Barrier Reef Arena in Mackay (31 Oct3 Nov) and the MCG (7-10 Nov) respectively, with the Indian internal match to take place at the WACA Ground (15 Nov-17 Nov) with players pushing their case for selection ahead of the West Test.

The Australian women’s team will take on India in three ODI’s in December as the rivalry between the world champion Australians and the rapidly

improving India intensifies. Tickets for the NRMA Insurance BorderGavaskar Trophy series and CommBank Women’s ODI against India, as well as the Dettol ODI and T20I series between Australia and Pakistan men and the CommBank Women’s Ashes go on sale June 14.




“The 2024-25 summer is highlighted by the five-Test Border-Gavaskar Trophy series, the first five-Test

Countdown begins to KFC BBL | 14 and Weber WBBL | 10 Drafts

tHE world’s best players will begin signalling their intent to play in the Big Bash Leagues from today, with nominations for the KFC BBL|14 and Weber WBBL|10 Overseas Player Drafts now open.

The Drafts will see clubs add international firepower to their domestic rosters in their quest for Big Bash titles.

Now into its third year, the BBL Draft attracted over 300 nominations in each of its first two iterations, while the inaugural WBBL Draft last year saw 122 players nominate.

Download the Big Bash App to stay up to date with the latest WBBL news and player signings.

More players could be drafted this year - for BBL|14 and WBBL|10, Clubs can take up to four overseas players by the completion of the Draft, an increase from three in previous seasons. The fourth player would be considered a Replacement Player for a Primary Squad member.

This quartet of overseas talent can be made up of drafted players, plus those signed before the event under the League’s new multi-year contract provision.

Clubs can sign a maximum of one overseas player per competition for up to three years prior to the Draft. These players do not need to enter the nominations pool, but all others hopeful of being drafted must nominate prior to the event.

The first group of player nominations will be announced soon, alongside a date and broadcast details for the Drafts.

Alistair Dobson, Cricket Australia’s General Manager, Big Bash Leagues, said:

“The appeal of an Australian summer has

made the KFC BBL and Weber WBBL destinations of choice for the world’s best players for over a decade.

“Off the back of a successful 2023-24 summer, which saw growth in crowds and audiences alongside exciting cricket, we know many of these players can’t wait to return this summer.

“We look forward to welcoming nominations from Big Bash favourites and new faces alike ahead of the Drafts later in the year.”

The contracting window for KFC BBL|14 and Weber WBBL|10 is now open. Clubs can sign and trade domestic players, and sign one international per list on a multi-year contract.

Current squads for both Leagues are below.


Adelaide Strikers: James Bazley, Cameron Boyce, Brendan Doggett, D’Arcy Short, Matt Short, Jake Weatherald

Brisbane Heat: Xavier Bartlett, Spencer Johnson, Usman Khawaja, Matt Kuhnemann, Nathan McSweeney, Michael Neser, James Pierson, Will Prestwidge, Matthew Renshaw, Mitchell Swepson

Hobart Hurricanes: Nikhil Chaudhary, Tim David, Patrick Dooley, Nathan Ellis, Peter Hatzoglou, Caleb Jewell, Ben McDermott, Riley Meredith, Mitchell Owen, Matthew Wade, Charlie Wakim, Macalister Wright

Melbourne Renegades: Josh Brown, Harry Dixon, Jake Fraser-McGurk, Nathan Lyon, Kane Richardson, Tom Rogers, Will Sutherland, Adam Zampa

Melbourne Stars: Scott Boland, Hilton Cartwright, Sam Harper, Campbell Kellaway, Glenn Maxwell, Joel Paris, Tom Rogers, Mark Steketee, Marcus Stoinis, Beau Webster


Scorchers: Ashton

Agar, Jason Behrendorff, Cooper Connolly, Aaron Hardie, Josh Inglis, Matthew Kelly, Mitchell Marsh, Lance Morris, Jhye Richardson, Ashton Turner

Sydney Sixers: Sean Abbott, Joel Davies, Ben Dwarshuis, Jack Edwards, Moises Henriques, Hayden Kerr, Todd Murphy, Kurtis Patterson, Josh Philippe, Jordan Silk

Sydney thunder: Wes Agar, Cameron Bancroft, Oliver Davies, Matt Gilkes, Chris Green, Liam Hatcher, Nathan McAndrew, William Salzmann, Daniel Sams, Jason Sangha, Tanveer Sangha


Adelaide Strikers: Jemma Barsby, Darcie Brown, Katie Mack, Tahlia McGrath, Bridget Patterson, Madeline Penna, Megan Schutt, Amanda-Jade Wellington

Brisbane Heat: Laura Harris, Ellie Johnston, Jess Jonassen, Charli Knott, Georgia Redmayne

Hobart Hurricanes: Heather Graham, Hayley Silver-Holmes, Amy Smith, Molly Strano, Rachel Trenaman

Melbourne Renegades: Josie Dooley, Ella Hayward, Sophie Molineux, Georgia Wareham, Courtney Webb

Melbourne Stars: Sophie Day, Nicole Faltum, Kim Garth, Meg Lanning, Annabel Sutherland

perth Scorchers: Chloe Ainsworth, Stella Campbell, Piepa Cleary, Maddy Darke, Alana King, Lilly Mills, Chloe Piparo

Sydney Sixers: Maitlan Brown, Erin Burns, Lauren Cheatle, Ashleigh Gardner, Alyssa Healy, Kate Pelle, Ellyse Perry, Kate Peterson

Sydney thunder: Samantha Bates, Hannah Darlington, Saskia Horley, Anika Learoyd, Phoebe Litchfield, Claire Moore, Tahlia Wilson.

series between the two giants in more than 30 years. To have that running simultaneously with the women’s ODIs and preceded by two significant Australia A v India A matches will be terrific for our fans.

“Hosting those A matches at the upgraded Great Barrier Reef Arena and the MCG give these A matches significant status and will provide great opportunities to players from both sides to put up their hand for selection.”



IndIA A SERIES 31 October-3 November 2024: Great Barrier Reef Arena, Mackay 7 November-10

November 2024: MCG, Melbourne

IndIA MEn’S IntERnAL gAME 15 November-17

November: WACA Ground, Perth


tROpHy SERIES 22-26 November 2024: Perth Stadium, Perth

6-10 December 2024: Adelaide Oval, Adelaide (D/N) 14-18 December 2024: The Gabba, Brisbane 26-30 December 2024: MCG, Melbourne 3-7 January 2025: SCG, Sydney


5 December 2024: Allan Border Field, Brisbane (D/N)

8 December 2024: Allan Border Field, Brisbane (D) 11 December 2024: WACA Ground, Perth (D/N)

Cricket Australia celebrates Volunteers across the Country

CRICKEt Australia has announced its National Community Cricket Award winners this week which celebrate the amazing contribution and tireless work of the volunteers at the heart of grassroots cricket.

Coinciding with National Volunteer Week, the annual awards include 15 categories, recognising individuals, clubs, and associations that have exhibited excellence in their roles and made a positive impact in the communities they serve.

The National Community Cricket Award winners and nominations included many outstanding initiatives in vital areas such as volunteering, club administration, officiating, participation, diversity and inclusion, and program development.

Cricket Australia congratulations all winners and nominees for their significant contribution to Australian Cricket and the people of their local communities.


"The National Community Cricket Awards provide the opportunity to celebrate and showcase the hard work of individuals and clubs from across the country.

“The awards form an important part of celebrating cricket’s volunteers, and we hope they will inspire others to get involved with their local club.

“I’d like to thank and congratulate all the winners and nominees for their contributions to cricket.”


Celebrating Cricket in Schools – Southern Cross Catholic College, Townsville, QLD Community Cricket Association of the year– Indian Australian Multicultural Sports Association, ACT toyota Community Cricket Club of the year –Northern Districts (Butchers) Cricket Club, NSW Community Cricket Coach of the year – David Turnbull, Jandakot Lakes Junior Cricket Club, WA Community Cricket partnership of the year –Harrup Park and Mackay Cricket Association, QLD Community Facility

project of the year –Maroondah City Council – Maroondah Edge Centre (Jubilee Park) Community Match Official of the yearPhillip Turtle, Hawkesbury District Cricket Umpires Association, NSW Cricket Blast Coordinator of the year – Ash Hockin, East Albury Cricket Club, NSW Inclusion & diversity Initiative of the year –Sanjay Sharma, Indian Australian Multicultural Sports Association, ACT Indoor Facility of the year – Mark Taylor Oval Indoor Cricket Centre, NSW Junior Initiative of the year – Payneham Cricket Club, SA technology & Media Initiative of the year – Coromandel Valley Ramblers Cricket Club, SA nRMA Insurance Volunteer of the year –Kirsten Piccinini, Wembley Districts Junior Cricket Club & Central Junior Cricket Association, WA

HCLtech Women and girls Initiative of the year

– White Knights Baldivis Cricket Club, WA HCLtech young Leader of the year – Josh Niederer, Reynella Cricket Club, SA



former Brisbane resident leads the War against drug in Fiji since 2018

MS Kalesi Volatabu is the Founder of Volatabu Group – Drug Free World - Fiji. She has paternal links to Tailevu & Lau and maternal links to Kadavu & Ra, and she was born in Fiji, before she left for Australia in 1987 and has she lived in Australia for over 30 years.

In the last 20+ years she worked in various states in Australia as a public servant across the judicial system; in Correctional, Police, and the Attorney Generals Departments.

Her most recent work in Australia was the Executive Director at a Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation and Education Centre for 12 months, before returning to Fiji in 2018 to help her people, especially in education against the ruthless varied adverse effect drugs to individual ,family ,society and beloved country as a whole.

Her arrival in 2018 was timely in spearheading Drug Awareness Campaigns across the nation, from the Urban to Rural and Maritime areas in Fiji…and, extending her assistance and support to Tonga, Samoa and other Pacific Island nations.

Present day unprecedented surge of drug use and abuse according to Fiji Police.

Six hundred and forty-one (641) drug related offences have been recorded during the first four months of 2024.

The month of February recorded the highest number of cases with189, followed by January with 169, March 160 and 123 for the month of April.

The Acting Commissioner of Police Juki Fong Chew said of the 641 cases, 505 were associated with marijuana while 136 were for methamphetamine, cocaine and heroin.

The prevalent drug offences were for Unlawful Possession of Illicit Drugs recording 594 cases during the four-month reporting period, 44 for Unlawful cultivation of illicit drugs, 2 cases of Unlawful importation and exportation and 1 case of unlawful transfer and supply of illicit drugs.

The Acting Commissioner said concerted efforts on the war on drugs is reflected in the number of cases recorded in all five policing districts.

“The Western Division recorded 271 cases, 151 in the North, 128 in the

Southern Division, 58 in the Eastern Division and 33 in the Central Division”.

“We are sharing more detailed statistics so that people are aware of what is happening in their communities and assist law enforcement with the sharing of information”.

In the Southern Division, Lami, Valelevu, Nasinu, Nabua, Samabula, Raiwaqa, Navua and Kadavu recorded cases.

In the Western Division, Lautoka, Nadi, Namaka, Sigatoka, Ba, Vatukoula, Rakiraki, Nalawa, Sabeto, Tavua, Keiyasi and border recorded cases.

In the Eastern Division, cases were reported in Nausori, Nakasi, Korovou, Levuka and Vunidawa.

In the Northern Division, cases were recorded in Savusavu, Labasa, Tukavesi, Taveuni, Nabouwalu, Seaqaqa, while in the Central Division cases were mostly in the greater Suva area.

The Acting Commissioner said the cases are also reflective of policing efforts in detecting the cases and charging those involved.

He adds of concern are repeat offenders, and through community policing efforts Police are working with stakeholders to break the vicious cycle.

The Acting Commissioner is calling for more collaboration to address the growing number of young people involved.

“During the four-month reporting period, 14 of those charged were juveniles, 397 aged between 18 to 35 years, a concerning figure, noting that these are considered to be our future leaders”.

The Acting Commissioner reaffirmed the organization’s commitment in the war on drugs.

“We do not shy away from the fact that perception wise, our efforts are being compromised by the involvement of police officers, and I want to reaffirm our commitment to changing that negative perception for the sake of gaining the trust and support of our communities”.

“It’s not too late as some are labelling current efforts made in curbing the illicit trade. There is strength in numbers, hence our request for community and stakeholder support. Together we can achieve a great deal in protecting our

h er M ost recent work in australia was the e xecutive d irector at a d rug and a lcohol r ehabilitation and e ducation c entre for 12 M onths, before returning to f iji in 2018 to hel P her P eo P le, es P ecially in education against the ruthless varied adverse effect drugs to individual, fa M ily, society and beloved country as a whole.

children and our beloved Fiji from the devastating impacts of illicit drugs”, the Acting Commissioner said. https://www.facebook. com/drugfreefiji

Please support the DRUG FREE FIJI campaign by our former Brisbane resident. They work is self-funded at present, please support our efforts by donating any amount to help us, help our beloved country: fdfaf977 Or talk to Kalisi: Kalesi T Volatabu Drug Free World Fiji Ph: +679 907 4068 (Viber/ WhatsApp)

Em: fijidrugawareness@ roseap/uploads/documents/ Publications/2024/Synthetic_ Drugs_in_East_and_ Southeast_Asia_2024.pdf

THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 — 27 Call: (07) 3189 6535

Dr ug Free World Fiji

Drug Free World Fiji is a Project that empowers youth and adults with factual information about drugs so they can make informed decisions and live a drug free life.

About Drugs Drug Awareness (Outreach and Campaign)

History of Drugs in Fiji


Education (Schools, Villages, Churches, Groups, Workplace and more) Group work Substance Abuse Intervention - families in crisis
Counselling/ Helpline - 24hours/ 7 days per week
1800 – Alcohol (Europeans arrival in Fiji) • 1879 - Marijuana (Indentured Labour System) • 1978 – Heroin 2kg & Indian hemp 20kg • 2000 – Heroin 351kg seized in Suva 2004 – Methamphetamine lab found in Suva - 1Tonne of • 2011 - Sniffing Glue 9yr old • 2014 – LSD found in envelope sent from Hong Kong • 2018 – Cocaine & Ecstasy Tablets – street value of USD$10mil • 2018 – Cocaine over 100 packages washed up on the shores of Fiji Islands 2019 – Synthetic Drugs (K2) 2023 – Cocaine 3.5Tonne seized by NZ authorities - $315.2mil • 2023 – Fentanyl 200kg precursor, arrested in US after being expelled from Fiji • 2023 – Ketamine (Prescribed Medication) • 2023 – Liquid Meth 8 Liter Age: 7yrs – 64yrs Marital Status: Single, Married, Widow Gender: Male, Female, Transgender Education Level: Class 1 – Tertiary Level Employment Level: Self Employment, Full Time Worker, Part Time DFWF Survey Database: 563 individuals 2019 - 2023 Why They Take Drugs? Protective and Risk Factors – Contributing Factors ➢Child Factors ➢Family Factors ➢Education and Employment Factors ➢Life Events ➢Community and Cultural Events

Our Findings

• In 2019 - 2023, Volatabu Group - Drug Free World Fiji Team has been working with the following;

• Ministry of Defence and National Security, as part of the National Taskforce Drug Harm Reduction Committee

• Fiji Police Force - Narcotic Unit, CID Unit

• National Substance Abuse Advisory Council,

• Other Fiji Government Ministries

• Non Government Agencies

• Community Groups

• And More


• To see the work we have conducted across Fiji, please log on to

• You can also send us a message for more information, if you need us to come and conduct outreach within your communities.

Media Campaign

• Our Drug Awareness programs have been well published in the local media;

• Radio

• TV

• Newspaper

• Social Media.

• Magazines

• Websites

• In addition, we have also had the opportunity to be part of a documentary being filmed by the SBS Dateline (Australia), this was released Globally in March 2020 - the reach with this documentary surpasses 3.5mil views, domestically and internationally.

There appears to be key elements or trends which are the; • Youthfulness of those with substance abuse. • Seriousness of offences and violence being committed with those on substance abuse. Both of these element's feed into predicted increase in the population of those in custody, increasing numbers of individuals being admitted in St Giles Hospital, youths sleeping rough, crisis within our schools, breach of community safety and illegal criminal activity. DRUG AWARENESS OUTREACH - T he Tr uth about Dr ugs. Fighting Fiji’s Dr ug Problem one step at a time.


• We were able to collate key data from the diverse demographics of individuals and communities the common request is the element of a collective approach on supporting and assisting all individuals and families.

• It was apparent from the expressed feedbacks from a lot of families and youth we have dialogue with, there appears to be lack and minimal information of the Truth About Drugs in our society and therefore they are struggling with this drug epidemic at an alarming proportion.

• In addition, there appears to be continual request for support, assistance, education, and development programs for the young people, parents and the wider community.

• The crucial element of the Drug Awareness is the drive to raise the awareness of the core issues that created the platform for individuals to take drugs in the first instance especially the many contributing factors that may be classified as the "taboo" subjects in our Family system or Culture eg: Violence in the home, Sexual Abuse, Suicide, Mental Health, Rape, Homelessness, Drugs and Alcohol Abuse, Incest, and disfunctional family system within the home.

Our Partners

• National Taskforce for Drug Harm Reduction Commitee

• National Security and Defence Force

• Fiji Police Ministry of Education - National Substance Abuse and Advisory Council

• Fiji Border Security

• Ministry of Health - St Giles Hospital

• UNAIDS Pacific


• UN Resident Coordinator

• Vodafone ATH Foundation

• Leadership Fiji

• Tui Macuata


• Aruka Fiji

• SAN Fiji

• Knox Entertainment

• Matrix Security

• Motibhai Group

• Fiji Council of Churches

• Fiji National University

• US Embassy - Suva

• Fiji Sports Council



• Fiji NRL

• Fiji Navy

• iTaukei Affairs

• Pasifika Heartbeat

• Suva ROC Market

• Uprising Music Festival

• Makoi Learning Centre

• Procera Music

• Fiji Child Protection Unit Western Youth Empire

• Reddy Group - Tanoa Waterfront Hotels

• Fiji Water Goodman and Fielders

• Fiji Correction Services- Levuka Correction Center

• Foundation for a Drug Free World

• FCOSS - Suva DCOSS, Nasinu DCOSS, Nausori DCOSS

• Hakwa Foundation

• House of Colours - Labasa

• National Fire Authority

• Office Supplies and Rentals - Lautoka


• Red Cross

• Salvation Army

• Duavata Crime Prevention Committee - Labasa


• CFL - Fiji Village

• Shopaholic Boutique

• Strumphet Alliance

• University of Fiji

• USP - Lautoka Campus

• USP Campus Cafe

• Wainamo Youth Club - Lautoka

• House of Kamiliane (HOK) Lautoka Central Transport

• Lautoka City Council

• Levuka Town Council Mama Ashy Projects

• Medical Services Pacific (MSP)

• Empower Pacific Mind Pearl

• Mix FM - Lautoka

• Nasinu Rugby Team Ministry of Moms (MOM)

• Tonga Police Force

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us on the following;

• Phone: +679 907 4068 (Viber/ WhatsApp) (Kalesi)

• Phone: +679 976 8570 (Osea)

• Phone: +679 930 7653 (Sesenieli)

• Email:

• Email:

• For more pictures and videos or our work across FIJI:

• Facebook:

Our Reach 150, 000 – individuals we have direct delivered to across Fiji. 3.5mil+ (SBS Dateline documentary) - Is Fiji under threat because of Australia’s hard drug habit? 400,000+ on various media platforms - TV, Newspaper, News, Magazines, Websites Locally and Internationally. 350, 000+ on Social Media


Trinidad and Tobago: Little India of the Caribbean?

“FIJI: Little India of the Pacific”, is a book written about 82 years ago in 1942 by Irish Born Hawaiian Professor John Wesley Coulter.

Probably no relation to the Rev John Wesley the founder of the Global Methodist Church, the dominant Christian denomination in Fiji.

Had the late learned Professor was around in this contemporary era he would be forgiven if he label Trinidad and Tobago: Little India of the Caribbean.

Why not, as the major population at 37.8% are of Indian descent, majority of their forebears were brought to the Caribbean as indentured labour on the mid 1880’s.

Trinidad and Tobago, officially Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Island country, West Indies. The islands of Trinidad and Tobago—the two southernmost links in the Antilles island chain—lie northeast of Venezuela and northwest of Guyana. Area: 1,980 sq mi (5,128 sq km). population: (2024 est.) 1,368,000. Capital: Port of Spain. The people are mainly of South Asian or African ancestry. Language: English (official).

Religions: Christianity (Protestant, Roman Catholic), Hinduism, Islam. Currency:

Trinidad and Tobago dollar. The islands are mostly flat or rolling, with narrow belts of mountainous highlands and

luxuriant rain forests.

The Caroni Swamp, an important bird sanctuary on Trinidad, supports flamingo, egret, and scarlet ibis populations.

The country has large reserves of petroleum and natural gas, as well as one of

the world’s largest supplies of natural asphalt. Other industries include agriculture, fishing, and tourism. Chief crops include sugarcane, citrus fruits, cocoa, and coffee. It is a republic with two legislative houses; its head of state is the president, and the head

by the Spanish in the 16th century. In the 17th–18th centuries African slaves were imported for plantation labour to replace the original Indian population, which had been decimated by the impact of slavery and diseases introduced by the Europeans.

of government is the prime minister.

When Christopher Columbus visited Trinidad in 1498, it was inhabited mostly by Arawak Indians, though there were probably some Carib speakers as well; Caribs inhabited Tobago.

The islands were settled

Factbox-What’s in the new Israel ceasefire proposal Biden announced?

WASHIngtOn (Reuters) –

U.S. President Joe Biden on Friday laid out a three-phase ceasefire proposal from Israel to Palestinian Islamist group Hamas to end the war in Gaza that has killed tens of thousands and caused a humanitarian crisis.

The offer calls for a ceasefire, the release of Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners, and the reconstruction of Gaza.

A senior U.S. official said the four-and-a-half page plan had been sent to Hamas for review on Thursday, and that it was “almost identical” to a proposal the militant group had already accepted.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said on Friday that it backed the plan. Here are the three phases as described by Biden in a speech and by U.S. officials at a briefing held later.


Biden said the first phase of Israel’s offer would last for six weeks and would include a “full and complete” ceasefire, the withdrawal of Israeli forces from “all populated areas” of Gaza and

the “release of a number of hostages including women, the elderly, the wounded in exchange for release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.”

Biden added that in this phase, Palestinian civilians will return to their homes and neighborhoods in all areas of Gaza, while humanitarian assistance will increase to 600 trucks carrying aid into Gaza every day.

“With a ceasefire, that aid could be safely and effectively distributed to all who need it. Hundreds of thousands of temporary shelters, including housing units could be delivered by the international community,” Biden added,

saying the first phase could begin immediately after a deal is reached.

The first phase will also include talks between Israel and Hamas to get to the next stage of the proposal.


Biden called the second phase “a permanent end to hostilities.” However, he added that the negotiations to arrive at the second phase could take longer than six weeks as there were going to be differences between the two sides.

“Israel will want to make sure its interests are protected but the proposal says if the negotiations take longer than six weeks from phase one, the ceasefire will still continue for as long as negotiations continue,” Biden said, which would mark a new development from previous proposals.

He added that the U.S., Qatar and Egypt will ensure that talks continue during this period until “all agreements are reached” to start the second phase.

The second phase would see a release of all remaining hostages who are alive, including male

soldiers, while Israeli forces will withdraw from Gaza, according to Biden. He added: “And as long as Hamas lives up to its commitments, a temporary ceasefire will become – in the words of the Israeli proposal – the cessation of hostilities permanently.”


In the third phase, Biden said “a major reconstruction plan for Gaza would commence and any final remains of hostages who have been killed would be returned to their families.”

Biden said Israel had “devastated Hamas forces over the past eight months,” adding: “At this point, Hamas no longer is capable of carrying out another Oct. 7.”

In the deal to rebuild Gaza, Arab nations and the international community will also participate in a “manner that does not allow Hamas to rearm,” Biden said. He added Washington will work with its partners to rebuild homes, schools and hospitals in Gaza, where the war has displaced nearly the entire 2.3 million population and caused widespread hunger.

Trinidad was surrendered to the British in 1797. The British attempted to settle Tobago in 1721, but the French captured the island in 1781 and transformed it into a sugar-producing colony. The British acquired it in 1802. After slavery ended in the islands (1834–38), immigrants from India were brought in to work the plantations.

Trinidad and Tobago were administratively combined in 1889. Granted limited self-government in 1925, the islands became an independent state within the

Commonwealth in 1962 and a republic in 1976. There occurred some political unrest and in 1990 a failed Muslim-fundamentalist coup against the government.

Data and summary source: place/Trinidad-and-Tobago/ People

Some Indian Trinbagonians who helped transform Trinidad and Tobago.

1.Adrien Cola Rienzi (Krishna Deonarine Tiwari, 1905-1972)

2.Dr Rudranath Capildeo (1920-1970)

3.Samuel Selvon (19231994)

4.Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul

5.Noor Mohamed Hassanali (1918-2006)

6.Drupati Ramgoonai

7.Dr Anna Mahase

8.Kamla Persad-Bissessar

Turmoil the Fiji Parliament

No, not another Coup d'état, but the sacking of 17, yes you read correctly, 17 Parliamentarians.

These are members of opposition Fiji First party parliamentary members with the Leader of Opposition amongst the sacked!

Sixteen of the sacked MPs for Fiji First - the largest single political party in Parliament - had voted for an increase to MPs’ salary and benefits, including opposition Leader Inia Seruiratu, who told Parliament MPs had “wants” and “needs” and “church commitments” to justify the salary increase.

Commentators taunted “how about the ”wants”, “needs” of the mega unemployed, under employed in Fiji”?

Fiji First has written to the Speaker of Parliament, Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu, informing him the MPs have been expelled for not following a party directive on May 24 to vote against or abstain on the motion for the pay increase.

The letter, signed by the Fiji First leader and convicted former Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama (who is serving a one-year jail sentence) and the party’s acting secretarygeneral, Hon Fiayaz Koya, was reportedly handed to the Speaker on Thursday afternoon.

“Given the immediate vacancy of these seats, we have copied the Electoral Commission in this letter so it can, as per sections 64 of the Fijian Constitution, award the 17 vacant seats to the remaining Fiji First candidates ... to fill the vacant seats at the earliest,” the letter stated.

That’s, fresh, but gloomy news from sunny paradise for you.

THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 — 31 Call: (07) 3189 6535
Above Stories and photos credit:
Holi Festival celebration in Trinidad Tabago. Source picture: World Normands Fiji’s Leader of Opposition

Narendra Damodardas Modi

Narendra Modi celebrating after his Bharatiya Janata Party won India's general election, 2014. (more)

narendra damodardas Modi

prime Minister of India

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Also known as: narendra damodardas Modi

Written by : Shanthie Mariet d'Souza

Fact-checked by :the Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica

Last Updated: Jun 1, 2024 • Article History

nAREndRA Modi (born September 17, 1950, Vadnagar, India) is an Indian politician and government official who rose to become a senior leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). In 2014 he led his party to victory in elections to the Lok Sabha (lower chamber of the Indian parliament), after which he was sworn in as prime minister of India. Prior to that he had served (2001–14) as chief minister (head of government) of Gujarat state in western India. The Modi-led BJP (and the BJP-led NDA alliance) won majority again in the 2019 general election. Modi is looking to win a third term in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.


Modi was raised in a small town in northern Gujarat, and he completed an M.A. degree in political science from Gujarat University in Ahmadabad. He joined the proHindu Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) organization in the early 1970s and set up a unit of the RSS’s students’ wing, the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, in his area. Modi rose steadily in the RSS hierarchy, and his association with the organization significantly benefited his subsequent political career.

Modi joined the BJP in 1987, and a year later he was made the general secretary of the Gujarat branch of the party. He was instrumental in greatly strengthening the party’s presence in the state in succeeding years. In 1990 Modi was one of the BJP members who participated in a coalition government in the state, and he helped the BJP achieve success in the 1995 state legislative assembly elections that in March allowed the party to form the first-ever BJP-controlled government in India. The BJP’s control of the state government was relatively short-lived, however, ending in September 1996.



In 1995 Modi was made the secretary of the BJP’s national organization in New Delhi,

and three years later he was appointed its general secretary. He remained in that office for another three years, but in October 2001 he replaced the incumbent Gujarat chief minister, fellow BJP member Keshubhai Patel, after Patel had been held responsible for the state government’s poor response in the aftermath of the massive Bhuj earthquake in Gujarat earlier that year that killed more than 20,000 people. Modi entered his firstever electoral contest in a February 2002 byelection that won him a seat in the Gujarat state assembly.

Modi’s political career thereafter remained a mixture of deep controversy and self-promoted achievements. His role as chief minister during communal riots that engulfed Gujarat in 2002 was particularly questioned. He was accused of condoning the violence or, at least, of doing little to stop the killing of more than 1,000 people, mostly Muslims, that ensued after dozens of Hindu passengers died when their train was set on fire in the city of Godhra. In 2005 the United States declined to issue him a diplomatic visa on the grounds that he was responsible for the 2002 riots, and the United Kingdom also criticized his role in 2002. Although in the succeeding years Modi himself escaped any indictment or censure—either by the judiciary or by investigative agencies—some of his close associates were found guilty of complicity in the 2002 events and received lengthy jail sentences. Modi’s administration was also accused of involvement in extrajudicial killings (variously termed “encounters” or “fake encounters”) by police or other authorities. One such case, in 2004, involved the deaths of a woman and three men whom officials said were members of Lashkar-e-Taiba (a Pakistan-based terrorist organization that was involved in the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks) and were alleged to have been plotting to assassinate Modi.

Modi’s repeated political success in Gujarat, however, made him an indispensable leader within the BJP hierarchy and led to his reintegration into the political mainstream. Under his leadership, the BJP secured a significant victory in the December 2002 legislative assembly elections, winning 127 of the 182 seats in the chamber (including a seat for Modi). Projecting a manifesto for growth and development in Gujarat, the BJP was again victorious in the 2007 state assembly elections, with a seat total of 117, and the party prevailed again in the 2012 polls, garnering 115 seats. Both times Modi won his contests and returned as chief minister.




During his time as head of the Gujarat government, Modi established a formidable reputation as an able administrator, and he was given credit for the rapid growth of the state’s economy. In addition, his and the party’s electoral performances helped advance Modi’s position as not only the most-influential leader within the party but also a potential candidate for prime minister of India. In June 2013 Modi was chosen the leader of the BJP’s campaign for the 2014 elections to the Lok Sabha.


As prime minister, Modi oversaw a promotion of Hindu culture and the implementation of economic reforms. The government undertook measures that would broadly appeal to Hindus, such as its attempt to ban the sale of cows for slaughter. The economic reforms were sweeping, introducing structural changes—and temporary disruptions—that could be felt nationwide. Among the most far-reaching was the demonetization and replacement of 500- and 1,000-rupee banknotes with only a few hours’ notice. The purpose was to stop “black money”—cash used for illicit

activities—by making it difficult to exchange large sums of cash. The following year the government centralized the consumption tax system by introducing the Goods and Services Tax (GST), which superseded a confusing system of local consumption taxes and eliminated the problem of cascading tax. GDP growth slowed from these changes,

though growth had already been high (8.2 percent in 2015), and the reforms succeeded in expanding the government’s tax base. Still, rising costs of living and increasing unemployment disappointed many as grandiose promises of economic growth remained unfulfilled.

, June, 2024
All Photo form PM Modi website.

DIyA Of hOpe LIT 145 yeArs AGO BUrNs ON IN OUr heArTs

COntd. FROM pg 4

Later in tonight’s program our Chief Guest, His Worship Councillor Jon Raven, Mayor of Logan City, has been invited to inaugurate the Global Indian TV. This online TV channel is part of the JD Media Group’s tripartite cross-media group with the Australian Indian Radio and tabloid, Brisbane Indian Times.

To conclude, as I mentioned many of life events are through God’s providence, as this time last year we would have laughed it off if someone taunted that in 12 months’ time, we would be blessed owners of these 3 crossmedia entities.

Raj Kumari worked in the CWM hospital for 25 years. She spent 5 years in general nursing and another 20 as the sister in charge of the Eye Department, famously being known as Sister Raj in Fiji. To achieve her ambition to be a nurse and help people, she had to leave her home in Nausori and go to the Western side of Fiji to study. During her years studying, she was part of the girls guide. She went to the villages of Fiji and assisted in looking after the elderly. She showered them and cleaned their wounds, with the limited resources they had. As a nurse she helped people not only those on mainland Fiji but also those on the outer islands.


Rup Narain, hailing from humble beginnings, dedicated himself to advancing rural communities. Serving as an advisory councilor from 1972 to 1998 in Fiji, he tackled community issues and advocated for vital infrastructure like a bridge for village access. Recognized for his service, he received the BEM medal from the Queen in 1991 and a medal from the Fiji Government for his educational and social leadership. As a Head Master, he uplifted various schools, including rural ones. He volunteered on multiple boards, including the hospital and drainage boards, demonstrating compassion and dedication without seeking personal gain, leaving a lasting impact on the communities he served.


Beyond teaching, she engaged in community activities, mentoring girls as a Girls Guides leader

Would have been less stressful to comfortably stay in our Real Estate and Electrical Business and return home every day and enjoy each other’s company. However, the sweat and blood sacrifice of our forebears Girmityas and the platform of courage and firm foundations of life they built should not and must

and managing a netball team in Raki Raki District. Upon moving to Brisbane, she became a teacher aide at Logan Reserve State School, introducing Indian culture and fundraising. Over a decade, she taught Hindi at Rochedale High School, while serving as Ekta Women’s Group president for 15 years. Despite challenges as a migrant, she seamlessly integrated Indian language into the Australian environment, juggling a full-time job, raising three children, and fulfilling family duties.


Sadhu Prasad, born in Korotari Labasa in 1937, began his career as a licensed teacher in 1954 before joining the family business in 1955. He established Nabouwalu Supermarket in Vanua Levu in 1960. A key figure in soccer, he served in various capacities in the Labasa Soccer Association from 1960 to 1984, earning the title "Father of Soccer" in the north. He contributed significantly to Fiji Football Association, organising the Girmit tournament in 1979. In Labasa Jaycee’s organisation, he served as president for 15 years and initiated various community projects. Migrating to Brisbane in 2000, he remained active in community organisation's, earning recognition for his voluntary service, including a Paul Harris Fellow Award in 2007. He is also a life member of the Fiji Senior Citizens Association.


Krishna Datt Mishra is a retired Superintendent of Police. He migrated to Melbourne in early 1990’s. He worked for AMP as an insurance representative where he gained immense success and respect within our communities. During retirement he was the President of Shree Sanatan Dharam Sabha of Victoria for a few years, however continued as a valuable board member serving the community. He relocated to Brisbane in 2004 and has been as active member within the Indian Seniors. Age is just a number when it comes to Krishna’s hobbies especially enjoying staying active and updated with sports globally since he was the Manager for Ba Soccer Club in Ba, Fiji in the 70’s.


Rajendra Prasad, a dedicated school manager, enhanced learning environments

not be chucked away to the back burners of life.

The Fiji Girmit Foundation Australia, Deo Family Charitable Foundation, and the JD Media cross-media group will climb any mountain, cross any valley and sail any seas or whatever it takes to keep the Girmit legacy alive! That is our lifetime commitment, and we thank each of you who would take that journey with us.

at Korovuto Primary and High school in Fiji. His efforts in infrastructure development improved transportation, easing access to schools, hospitals, and towns. Establishing a postal agency in Nacovi facilitated communication for local residents. In Brisbane, he pioneered the Indian Senior Citizen Association and supported the Ekta Women’s Group. As president, he prioritised social, emotional, and mental health support for Indian seniors, fostering connections through local bowls clubs. Amid challenges including legal intricacies and health issues, he navigated language barriers, demonstrating resilience in his commitment to community service and welfare.


Karan Singh, a Fiji School of Medicine graduate, served as Chief Pharmacist at Colonial War Memorial Hospital (CWM) in Suva from 1981. Prior to this, he worked at various hospitals in Fiji. Upon migrating to Australia in 1988, he contributed to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, and later Queensland Health in Brisbane until retirement. Notably, during Fiji's 1st coup, he provided essential medical support, being on call day and night, marked with a Red Cross sign. Despite family concerns, he prioritised patient care, symbolised by his blue-armband and ambulance journeys, demonstrating dedication to public health and humanitarian service.


He played a significant role in the establishment and leadership of mosques in

Vinaka Vakalevu, Dhanyavaad.

both countries. Serving as a police officer in Fiji for five years, he later became the first president of Darra Islamic Society Mosque in Brisbane, a position he held for a decade. During his tenure, he acquired a new site for the mosque in Oxley. Beyond presidency, he remained actively engaged in fostering community spirit, promoting dialogue among religious groups, and nurturing a welcoming environment at the mosque, epitomizing his dedication to spiritual and social welfare.


Sangeet boasts 51 years of medical service, including 30 at PA Hospital, 20 in Fiji, and 1 in New Zealand. Amidst the pandemic at 68, he continued working, demonstrating exceptional dedication beyond retirement age. Passionate about his Girmit ancestry, he organised numerous Girmit events and the first Girmit soccer in QLD, revitalising the Fiji Indian community post-coup. He co-founded the Brisbane BA Sports and Social Club, served as vice president, and helped establish the QLD Fiji Football Association. Sangeet's cultural contributions extend to Hindu and Sanatan associations, charity work, pastoral care, and advocacy for cultural leave, making him worthy of national recognition.


Associate Professor Raghwa Sharma, based in Sydney, is a chief Gynaecological Pathologist at Westmead Hospital, specializing in Cytopathology, Sarcoma, and Melanoma diagnostics. With over 15 years of experience, he supervises registrars and has served as acting Director for over 3 years. He's a vital member of the Research Advisory Committee for ANZGOG and chairs the RCPA Pathology Outreach Educational Committee. Dr. Sharma is instrumental in postgraduate pathology training in South Pacific Island countries and serves as an examiner for FRANZCR. Beyond medicine, he delves into holistic studies, including Vedic, Hindu, and yogic knowledge, advocating for integrative medicine and sharing spiritual insights.

THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 — 33 Call: (07) 3189 6535
pRAtAp Kushla Sahai's teaching journey began in Fiji in 1965, where she infused culture and language education through festivals and cultural events. Ahmad Hussain, along with his brothers, established Tebara Meat Company in Fiji before migrating to Australia in 1986.
“Can you get hepatitis by sharing food?”

tHE most common hepatitis in Australia are hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.

Food and water can be contaminated by the hepatitis A virus, and if consumed can cause a person to become infected with the virus. The hepatitis A virus is spread through faeces (poo). The person with hepatitis A can spread hepatitis A if their hands are not washed properly when preparing food or drink.

If a person becomes infected with hepatitis A it is usually a short-term illness (acute) and the person will get immunity (will not get the infection again). You can be vaccinated against hepatitis A if you have never had the infection. Before you have a vaccine you should have a hepatitis A test at your GP to find out if you need the vaccine.

We should always wash our hands after going to the toilet and before we handle, prepare or eat food.

Hepatitis B and hepatitis C are mainly spread through blood contact. You cannot get hepatitis B or hepatitis C from sharing food or:

• Plates and cups, chopsticks or cutlery.

• Shaking hands, hugging and kissing.

• Sneezing

• Using public toilets or swimming pools.

• Breastfeeding

• Mosquito bites.

Blood to blood contact can occur with even the tiniest amount of infected blood,

from a person infected with hepatitis B or Hepatitis C, including:

• The use of unsterile medical equipment, including tattooing equipment etc

• Blood and blood product transfusions performed overseas

• Sharing personal hygiene items e.g. razors, toothbrushes.

• Cultural practices and traditional treatments including scarification and acupuncture.

• Sharing injecting drug equipment.

• During birth from mother to baby if the mother has hepatitis B, much less common for Hepatitis C.

• Sexual contact if one of the partners has hepatitis B, therefore you should use condoms or have the hepatitis B vaccination if not immune.

• Any person who has the hepatitis B infection needs regular monitoring.

• Most people who have the hepatitis C infection can be cured.

If you have hepatitis B or hepatitis C, and have not seen your GP about these infections, you should make an appointment with your GP as soon as possible.

If you would like any further information please see our website www.eccq. or contact our program on 07 3844 9166

A simple blood test will tell you if you have hepatitis A, B or C, or if you have immunity for Hepatitis A or B.

One ingredient and Benefits of Flaxseed & How To Use Flaxseed For Healthy Hair

FLAXSEEd has many benefits for hair. These tiny seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, and antioxidants. Regular usage will help ensure longer and lustrous locks. It helps smooth your hair texture and nourishes hair follicles. Read on to find out more about flaxseed benefits for hair and how to use it for hair growth.



Flaxseeds are rich in B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin E. Regular use of flaxseeds helps nourish your strands and make your hair smooth.


Flaxseed is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation and scalp sensitivity. Flaxseed helps balance your scalp pH and oil production. It soothes the sebaceous glands and ensures that these glands produce the right amount of sebum for healthy hair growth.



If you’re wondering how to repair chemically damaged hair naturally, your answer is flaxseed. Packed with ingredients like vitamin E and omega-3, it can deliver ultimate nourishment to your hair. Using flaxseed oil for hair will give you smooth and

healthy hair.


Flaxseed oil has many benefits for hair. Being a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, flaxseeds can strengthen the hair and prevent breakage. Additionally, flaxseeds can soothe inflammation on the scalp and ensure hair gets stronger.


Being rich in essential nutrients, flaxseed can penetrate your strands and leave them thoroughly nourished. Including this ingredient in your conditioners will make your hair all the more gorgeous.


The vitamin E found in

flaxseed plays a crucial role in preventing and repairing chemically damaged hair. Using flaxseed oil has many benefits for hair. It is known to fight free radicals and reduce scalp inflammation. It can also add luster to your hair while increasing its elasticity.


Flaxseed is a powerhouse known for being a rich source of fatty acids and vitamins. Adding this ingredient to your regular care routine will strengthen your strands and reduce hair loss quite visibly.



Using flaxseed will provide your scalp with all the nutrients it needs to promote healthy hair growth. Regular usage will keep any scalp concerns at bay and leave it moisturized.

8. FIgHtS dAndRUFF

Flax seeds protect and nourish the scalp. It inhibits the growth of microbes that lead to dandruff. Including this natural ingredient in your haircare regimen will ensure lustrous hair and a dandrufffree scalp.

9. pREVEntS SpLIt EndS

Flax seeds strengthen your hair strands, ensuring that there is minimal to no hair breakage. It also keeps split ends at bay and leaves you with healthy strands. So, simply try out using flax seeds.


Flax seeds have the power to nurture and nourish your hair like a pro. Regular usage protects your hair from environmental stressors and gives you strong hair.


You can always rely on flaxseed to attain long and luscious locks. But how do you use this magical ingredient?

StEp 1: OILIng

You can use flaxseed oil or gel to promote hair growth. Use this oil twice or thrice a week.

Massage your scalp for about 5-10 minutes using this oil and apply it to your strands too.

StEp 2: SHAMpOO & COndItIOn

Wait for at least a few hours before washing your hair. Condition as usual. This will ensure that your scalp and strands get all the goodness of this wonderful ingredient. Make sure to wash your hair at least twice a week.


Once or twice a week, pamper your hair with a

flaxseed hair mask. Gently massage your scalp with the product and apply it to your strands too. Wait for 20-25 minutes before washing your hair.

Flaxseed is blessed with the goodness of antioxidants and other essential nutrients. It’s known for being a hairfriendly ingredient that repairs hair as well as promotes healthy growth. This ingredient can be the secret to long and lustrous hair.

Flaxseed is blessed with the goodness of antioxidants and other essential nutrients. It’s known for being a hairfriendly ingredient that repairs hair as well as promotes healthy growth. This ingredient can be the secret to long and lustrous hair. So ladies, give flaxseed a try—because your hair deserves to shine as brilliantly as you do. Nimisha

Hepatitis, HIV/AIdS and Sexual Health program Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ)
Nimisha Modi Hetvi Hair & Beauty 0412350013

"Female Beauty and Male Grooming Cosmetic Market"

Cosmetics Industry in India – Trends, Opportunities, Challenges & Solutions

COSMEtICS Industry in India – trends, Opportunities, Challenges & Solutions

The Cosmetics Industry in India has witnessed a remarkable evolution over the past few years and is projected to register a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.23% over the next five years. In this dynamic landscape, it’s crucial to recognize that the cosmetic industry isn’t limited to makeup but encompasses all beauty and personalcare products, showcasing a diverse range of offerings. With brands like Mamaearth, The Man Company, Sugar Cosmetics and WOW Skin Science rising in the industry, it is evident that consumer trends are also changing with time.

Currently, the trends are shifting towards organic and natural products, along with an increased demand for Men beauty essentials, which underscores the new customer’s need for more personalized products. However, opportunities come with a set of challenges. Many brands have trouble coordinating the inventory across offline stores and online channels, including batching the inventory and expiry circulation of products, which leads to ineffective customer return management.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the exciting world of the cosmetics industry in India, exploring its trends, challenges, and realistic solutions in detail that would shape the future of your brand.

tREndS And OppORtUnItIES In tHE





One of the most prominent trends in the Indian cosmetics industry is the shift towards natural and organic products. Consumers are increasingly seeking products with fewer chemicals and more natural ingredients. Take Mamaearth, for instance, a brand of the parent company Honasa Consumer, which progressed after the COVID-19 pandemic with a mission to provide 100% natural and toxin-free products with a blend of natural ingredients. Mamaearth’s dedication to providing customers with what they want resulted in a

400% growth amid COVID-19.

This inclination towards natural beauty has paved the way for homegrown brands that emphasize the use of herbal and organic components, which also makes the trend ever-relevant in the cosmetic industry.


The digital age has brought about a revolution in the way consumers discover and purchase cosmetics. Social media influencers and beauty bloggers play a pivotal role in shaping consumer preferences and many brands promote their products in this way. Can you guess some of these brands?

In the vibrant realm of cosmetics, titans like Nykaa and Lakmé have carved their mark, particularly in the dynamic world of social media. Here, beauty enthusiasts seek recommendations tailored to diverse skin types and tones. These brands have recognized the immense potential of social media and influencers and used this power to create beauty products that cater to customers’ individual needs.


The male grooming segment is witnessing significant growth. The Man Company, among many brands, realized that men are now more conscious of their appearance and are willing to invest in grooming products. This shift in mindset has opened up a new avenue of men-centric cosmetic products that understand the difference between men’s and women’s skin types and cater to the specific needs of men. This specificity is what paved the way for The Man Company’s Success.


In a market as diverse as India, consumers are seeking products tailored to their specific needs and preferences. Customized skincare and makeup solutions are gaining traction, allowing brands to offer unique, personalized experiences that cater to specific skin types, tones, and concerns, creating a unique experience for each consumer.



Seasons change drastically in India, ushering in a massive shopping spree with the holiday season arriving simultaneously. The cosmetics industry witnesses a substantial surge in product orders and delivers them to customers in the shortest possible time, and the challenge arises to keep the inventory streamlined. Lack of knowing your customer preferences may lead to overstocking and stockouts, which most brands experience during these times. This not only leads to unwanted inventory in the warehouse but also cuts down revenue and results in a bad customer shopping experience.

2. InVEntORy EXpIRy


Cosmetics are subject to strict regulatory standards. Mishandling products with an expiry date can lead to dire consequences for your brand, from losing products before they even leave the warehouse to compromising revenue and valuable storage space. Moreover, shipping expired products not only erodes customer trust but also complicates return issues.


Managing returns in the cosmetics industry is crucial for customer satisfaction and brand reputation. Despite best efforts, returns are inevitable. However, if not managed efficiently, it can lead to significant product waste. Inadequate processing and quality check of returned products not only result in wastage but leaves a hole in your brand’s finances and leave customers dissatisfied.



Cosmetic brands like Mamaearth and Suger Cosmetics operate through various channels, including e-commerce platforms, physical retail stores, and their own direct-to-consumer (D2C) websites. However, synchronizing inventory across these diverse platforms can pose a significant logistical challenge. This lack of inventory integration between offline stores and online marketplaces may lead to sudden stock outs or overstocking, leaving the customer hanging and losing potential sales.


The cosmetics industry grapples with a diverse range of SKUs due to variations in shades, packaging, and formulations. Striking the right balance between offering a wide range of such products and maintaining a lean inventory can be quite a juggling act. This is especially challenging, considering the ever-changing trends and evolving customer preferences over time. Brands, unable to keep up with these changing trends in the industry, tend to get dissolved with the competition.


As the cosmetic industry continues to grow, warehouses may face constraints in terms of available space. Inefficiencies in storage space utilization can impede your brand’s ability to maximize its potential storage space. This limitation might be the very factor holding your brand back from reaching its full sales potential and accelerating business growth due to limited inventory in the warehouse.



To achieve high efficiency during seasonal fluctuations, employing a warehouse inventory management system is crucial to map fluctuations and adjust inventory levels accordingly to maintain slim inventory. Utilize flexible storage solutions for your brand like consumer buying patterns and filter it from SKUs to geographical locations to track product success throughout the country and accommodate changes in product demand.

2. IMpLEMEntIng BAtCHIng

The strategic practice of ‘batching’ the inventory enables utilizing the firstexpiry, first-out (FEFO) and first-in, first-out (FIFO) options to ensure that older products are used or sold before newer ones, minimizing waste and maximizing profits.

The Man Company faced a similar challenge, batching 1,000+ SKUs across 11 warehouses. But with batchlevel traceability, The Man Company is able to track inventory using important attributes, such as cost, expiry, manufacturing, vendor, etc. Additionally, the batching feature also allowed the brand to identify soon-to-expire inventory and liquidate them accordingly while achieving minimal expiry and spoilage.


Returns management, being one of the most cumbersome tasks, requires rigorous visibility of stock and returns processes that include a thorough product inspection. Additionally, quality-checking the product after returns in order to appropriate disposal of damaged or expired items and restocking of acceptable returns. See how Mamaearth rose above this challenge and achieved a faster inventory turnaround while attaining a drop in returns by 300%.


Implementing an omnichannel strategy would empower your brand by creating a unified inventory pool for all your sales channels, not only minimizing logistics costs but also saving precious time. Additionally, you gain access to detailed real-time reports, all from a single dashboard. So, the need to manually update inventory

to online channels and physical stores would become obsolete, subsequently giving your clients a unified shopping experience.


Implementing robust SKU categorization and management techniques can significantly enhance inventory control which includes barcode scanning and labeling technology, ensuring accurate and efficient tracking of products, making the process smoother and more streamlined. Many leading cosmetic brands, among Wow Skin Science, Sugar Cosmetics, etc., use SKU categorization and barcode scanning to manage their complex warehouse operations in an effortless manner.


To overcome limited shelf space challenges, implementing a comprehensive warehouse management system (WMS) would enable your warehouse’s optimal shelf capacity for specific inventory and let you efficiently store products in the warehouse. Additionally, make use of high shelves to maximize vertical space. Investing in efficient storage solutions like pallet racks and mezzanines can significantly increase your storage capacity. By strategically organizing your warehouse, you can unlock untapped potential for storing cosmetics and ensure seamless operations. Many leading brands among Plum Goodness have implemented a strategic warehouse management system that enables them to seamlessly track inventory and fulfill customer orders. With full visibility on the inventory, Plum Goodness was able to get detailed reports of their overall business operations and experience a 69% growth in sales.

By addressing these challenges, the cosmetics industry in India can ensure efficient warehouse and inventory management, ultimately contributing to business growth and customer satisfaction. blog/cosmetics-industrytrends-challenges-solutions/

THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 — 35 Call: (07) 3189 6535


Unity is vividly observed in the great pillar of Hajj, which is repeated every year and for which millions of Muslims gather from all over the world. They represent the Muslim ummah with all its different races, countries, colors, and languages. They gather in one place, at the same time, wearing the same garment and performing the same rites. They make one stand in the same monument. They proclaim the oneness of the Lord of the worlds, submit themselves to His law, and show their unity under His banner. They announce to the whole world that they are one nation although they come from different countries and homes. They perform the rites and stand in the open areas of Makkah, where bodies become close to each other, faces meet, hands shake, greetings exchange, tongues communicate, and hearts reconcile. They meet for the same purpose and intention.

What unity is deeper than that one of the pilgrims when they stand at the mountain of 'Arafat with bare heads and simple white clothes? There is no difference between the rich and the poor, the ruler and the subject, men and women, Arabs and nonArabs. All of them are the same, like the teeth of the hair comb. They direct themselves towards Allah, humble and submissive.

"They hope for His Mercy and fear His Wrath" [Al-Isra', 17:57]

This is their description when they make tawaf (circumambulation around the Ka'bah) and sa'y (going between the mountains of As-Safa and Al-Marwah), stay overnight at Muzdalifah and Mina, sacrifice animals, and throw stones. Similarly, this is their description when they perform the congregational prayer at the open areas or at the Holy Mosque. They pray behind one man (i.e. the imam) and supplicate to one God (i.e. Allah). They read one Book, the Qur'an, and direct themselves to one Qiblah, the Ka'bah, at the Holy Mosque. They perform the same rites of standing, sitting, bowing down, and prostration.

It is a kind of unity that penetrates the hearts, and not only external appearances. This is unity in aim and direction, in sayings and deeds, an internal and external unity, through which they could feel the essence of the verse:

"The believers are but a single brotherhood." [AlHujurat, 49:10].

Differences in social

class, wealth, race, and color vanish within these feelings and rites. A pure and solemn atmosphere of brotherhood, serenity, affection, and love prevails. In a world engulfed in dispute and division, it is a great blessing for a person to have the ability to enjoy this atmosphere of complete peace. In a world where discrepancy is the prevailing system, they (pilgrims) enjoy an atmosphere of equality. In the face of the world's grudges, hatred, and disputation-feelings all too characteristics of the modern life-pilgrims experience a feeling of love and harmony.

Allah has imposed pilgrimage upon Muslims in a specific time each year, in one place, and in the same manner. Thus, they perform it in gatherings and not in scattered groups. They feel and see unity and brotherhood before their very eyes. Allah made their Hajj in the purest point, in the most sacred place, and in the best days, namely, the first ten days of the month of Dhul Hijjah. Accordingly, they experience the sacredness of the place, time, and situation. Hence, they know their position among other nations and feel Allah's blessing, as He granted them this straight and sound religion. He favoured Muslims by bringing familiarity among their hearts and making them loving brothers and sisters.

Hajj is a valuable opportunity for the public to meet the righteous scholars, so that they would benefit from their knowledge and be guided by their juristic opinions. It is also an occasion for Muslim scholars to meet with each other, so that they would know each other, discuss issues of theology, acquire jurisprudence in religion, and study the affairs of Muslims and provide solutions to their problems. It is a great chance for Muslim leaders, thinkers, and politicians to meet, to consult and to co-operate for the welfare of Islam and Muslims.

Hajj is, indeed, the symbol of unity and monotheism! Praise be to Allah who has guided us to this. Never could we have found guidance, had it not been for the guidance of Allah.

HAJJ, one of the five pillars of Islam, is obligatory on every adult Muslim once in his lifetime if he is financially and physically capable to undertake the journey.

Allah (God in Arabic language) said in the Qur’an (God’s final revelation to

mankind through Prophet Muhammad ﷺ):

And pilgrimage to the house is duty upon mankind owed to Allah for whoever can find a way there (Qur’an 3:97)

Hajj rituals commemorate the events that took place during the time of Ibrahim (Abraham), one of the prophets of Allah. Ibrahim perfected his faith in Allah and showed complete reliance on God during the many trials and tribulations in his life.

His life is worth reading about before going for Hajj or if you simply want to understand Hajj better. When Muslims perform Hajj, they are reminded of his powerful legacy which recharges their commitment to the religion and thus helps them attain pure faith in God.

The fact that Hajj has been going on every year for thousands of years of human history shows that it has to be divinely legislated. Human beings are incapable of starting such a movement.

Many of us who go for Hajj focus a lot in learning the rituals, and of course we must. However, preparing the heart for the pilgrimage should not be any less important. We must prepare our heart to attain the purpose of Hajj. Therefore, let’s look at the inner dimensions of Hajj, spiritual aspects that the pilgrimage reminds us of: Faith in God and that He is Only One

This is called tawheed in Arabic. This is the heart of our belief. The moment pilgrims enter ihraam (ritual state to perform hajj), they start proclaiming the Talbiyah.

Repeating the Talbiyah makes the heart firm on the fact that Allah is one and that there is no partner besides Him. He, our Creator, is sufficient for us and He alone is in control of everything.

While repeating it, let’s remember what the proclamation indicates: the obligation to worship Allah alone and keep far away from Shirk (worshiping others along with Allah). Since Allah is Alone in His favours and His giving, having no partners, then likewise He is Alone in His Tawheed, not having any equal.



No ibaadah (worship) is valid unless it coincides with the commands of Allah and the Messenger ﷺ. Hajj is a worship prescribed by Allah on mankind so we listen and obey. The ultimate purpose behind every worship is obedience to Allah. And Hajj is a manifestation of

obedience to Allah and His Messenger ﷺ


Taqwa is translated as piety in English. Piety is the fruit of obedience and is also a purpose in itself. Piety is again to enjoin what Allah and the Prophet ﷺ ordered to enjoin and to abstain from what they asked us to abstain from.

In Hajj, Muslims practice piety from the time they decide to enter the state of performing the pilgrimage. The pilgrims also abstain from what is normally permissible outside Hajj.

The result of this piety is that they return with their good deeds accepted and blessed to a new life full of Emaan and Taqwa, full of goodness and steadfastness, beautified with an eagerness to be obedient to Allah. [2]


Anything that reminds one of the Hereafter, the Judgement Day, is of tremendous benefit because the goal is to succeed there. And Hajj is an excellent reminder of the Hereafter. The two pieces of white cloth that pilgrims wear to embark on the journey leaving behind all their worldly possessions reminds them of death and their final journey to Allah.

When pilgrims gather and stand in Arafah, they are reminded of how all human beings will stand on the Day of Judgment before Allah and be accounted for their deeds. Pilgrims pray and seek forgiveness at Arafah and return back hoping their sins are forgiven and that they will change for the better.


Whatever Almighty God has deemed sacred is sacred. The things and places that Allah has deemed sacred are the symbols of Allah. During Hajj, pilgrims honour, exalt and love the symbols of Allah and what He deems is sacred.

Allah says (what means):

“...And whoever honours the Symbols of Allahindeed, it is from the piety of hearts.” [Qur’an, 22: 32] [3]


Hajj is a beautiful scene of the unity of all believers regardless of their classes, backgrounds, cultures, or languages. It’s a scene worth watching and feeling. Muslims from around the world, rich and poor, stand as one community wearing two pieces of white cloth, manifesting the fact that Allah only sees what is in the hearts. No one is higher in status in front of God

except by virtue of good deeds.

Hajj unites the hearts and gathers them to obey Allah, be sincere to Him, follow His Shariah, and abide by His commands and prohibitions.

This is why Allah says (translated):

“Verily, the first House (of worship) appointed for mankind was that at Bakkah (Makkah), full of blessing, and a guidance for the ‘Alamîn (mankind and jinn).” [Qur’an, 3:96] [4]


Hajj teaches us patience and having trust in Allah, especially during its rituals like the Sa’i. It reminds us of the trials of Sayyidah Hajar, wife of Ibrahim A.S. It reminds us of her patience and certainty in obeying Allah’s commands. She was commanded to stay with her baby in a desert without food and water. People without faith would consider it an unimaginable thing to do. However, she was certain that if this was Allah’s command, He would take care of her.

Allah honored her and her baby with the miracle of Zamzam water in the midst of the desert, which till today continues to quench the thirst of millions of people.

This is just one example. Hajj is no doubt a difficult journey and it used to more difficult in the past. Muslims must practice patience and have certainty in Allah for all their affairs. This will benefit them in life after Hajj.

Connecting with the past Hajj brings to mind the migration of Ibrahim (AS), as well as the divine command to put his son for sacrifice. When Ibrahim (AS) showed full obedience and was ready to sacrifice, Allah sent a ram from paradise to be sacrificed instead of his son Isma’eel – the purpose was to test Ibrahim’s faith, and indeed the prophets are tested the most. The ritual of sacrificing an animal during the period of Eid ul Adhaa connects us to the Sunnah of IbrahIm A.S and this Sunnah has been ordained by Allah for the Ummah of Nabi Muhammad SAW till the last day.

So beloved to Allah was Ibrahim’s A.S piety that He honored Ibrahim A.S with an incredible status – a role model for prophets and people to follow until the Day of Judgment. Hajj is a commemoration of Ibrahim’s outstanding acts of obedience and the pilgrimage will continue until the Last Day.

Hajj also reminds us of how Ibrahim and his son Isma’eel A.S built the Ka’bah

and Ibrahim’s call to people to perform Hajj. Little did they know that the building Allah was asking them to build in an uninhabited land was to become the main house of God’s worship for the entire earth.

Hajj also revives the memory of Hajjatul-Wada‘ (the farewell pilgrimage)of the last and final prophet, Muhammad ﷺ who left his followers with advice that will keep them guided on the straight path until the end of time.


There is no place on Earth as venerated, as central or as holy to as many people as Makkah. By any objective standard, this valley in the Hijaz region of Arabia is the most celebrated place on Earth.

Thousands circle the sacred Kaaba at the centre of the Haram sanctuary 24 hours a day. Millions of homes are adorned with pictures of it and over a billion face it five times a day.

The Kaaba is the epicenter of Mecca. The cube shaped building is at the heart of the most well-known real estate in the history of mankind; it is shrouded in black and its fair share of mystery.

Here are just a few things that most people may not know about the Kaaba: It has been reconstructed several timesgreats.

The Kaaba that we see today is not exactly the same Kaaba that was constructed by Prophets Ibrahim and Ismail from time to time, it has needed rebuilding after natural and man-made disasters.

Of course, we all know of the major reconstruction that took place during the life of the Prophet S before he announced prophethood. This is the occasion when the Prophet averted major bloodshed by his quick thinking on how to place the Black Stone using a cloth that every tribe could lift up.

Since then, there has been an average of one major reconstruction every few centuries. The last renovation took place in 1996 and was extremely thorough, leading to the replacement of many of the stones and re-strengthening the foundations and a new roof. This is likely to be the last reconstruction for many centuries (inshaAllah) as modern techniques mean that the building is more secure and stable than ever before.

It used to have two doors … and a window

COntD. On PG 37



The original Kaaba used to have a door for entrance and another for exit. For a considerable period of time it also had a window situated to one side. The current Kaaba only has one door and no window.

It used to be multi-coloured

We are so used to the Kaaba being covered in the trademark black Kiswah with gold banding that we can’t imagine it being any other colour. However, this tradition seems to have started at the time of the Abbasids (whose household colour was black) and before this the Kaaba was covered in multiple colours including green, red and even white.

The keys are in the hands of one family

At the time of the Prophet, each aspect to do with the rites of Hajj was in the hands of different sub-groups of the Quraish. Every one of these would eventually lose control of their guardianship of a particular rite except one. On the conquest of Makkah, the Prophet S was given the keys to the Kaaba and instead of keeping it in his own possession; he returned them back to the Osman ibn Talha ® of the Bani Shaiba family. They had been the traditional key keepers of the Kaaba for centuries; and the Prophet confirmed them in that role till the end of time by these words

“Take it, O Bani Talha, eternally up to the Day of Resurrection, and it will not be taken from you unless by an unjust, oppressive tyrant.”

Whether Caliph, Sultan or King –the most powerful men in the world have all had to bow to the words of the Prophet and ask permission from this small Makkan family before they can enter the Kaaba.

It used to be open to everyone

The Kaaba was opened twice a week for anyone to enter and pray in the olden days. However, due to the rapid expansion in the number of pilgrims and other factors, the Kaaba is now opened only twice a year for dignitaries and exclusive guests only.












































THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 — 37 Call: (07) 3189 6535


Pastor Suresh Dass Joseph

dEAR REAdER, it is with greater joy that we bring you the word of God. I want to talk to you today about rejoicing in your journey. We often think we will enjoy life when we get a promotion, get married, or buy a house. Our joy is always in the future when we have completed the journey. The destination and the trip to the destination are two different events. While the destination is when we arrive, the journey can be an entire of situations and circumstances, good and bad. Then there's always some reason we can't be happy. Something's going on that's causing us to be stressed and uptight. But the key is to find joy in the

journey. You're not there yet; you're still waiting for things to improve and believing in the promise. In the meantime, you're enjoying where you are while you're on the way to where you're going.

In the bible (Acts 16), we read about Paul and Silas on their missionary journey to Macedonia. On the way, a girl was delivered from the evil spirit of divination and fortunetelling. When they found out what had happened, the people who benefitted from her fortune-telling dragged Paul and Silas to the magistrates, where they were severely beaten and locked up in the prison in chains.

But at midnight, Paul and Silas were praying, singing, praising, and rejoicing to God while the prisoners listened to them.

Suddenly, there was a great earthquake, so the prison's foundations were shaken. Immediately, all the doors were opened, and everyone's chains were loosed. Upon witnessing all this, the prison jailer and his family believed in God and were baptized. Paul and Silas were set free to continue their journey into

Macedonia soon after.

Here are 3 lessons we can learn from Paul and Silas as they rejoiced on their journey to their destiny.

1. You have the permission to be happy. Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. But I have come, that they may have and enjoy life and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). Paul and Silas remind us that Jesus didn't come to save us and only give us joy in heaven. But

that you may enjoy your journey while on Earth.

2. You can become so focused on the finish line that you can miss the day's beauty. Paul and Silas could have complained about their treatments, grumbled about the food they had to eat, and made a fuss about their living conditions. Instead, they chose to be happy on their way to where God had called them to be. You'll find joy in the journey if you have the proper perspective. "Not in my dream house yet, but

Lord, I'm grateful for this apartment." "Haven't met the right person yet, but Lord, I'm grateful for being single." "This place I'm working is not where I want to end up, but Lord, I'm grateful that I'm employed." See, the enemy would love to deceive us into enduring life, not enjoying life. Having children, not enjoying them, being married but not enjoying it, having a house, job, and opportunity- but there are always some reasons we're unhappy. We've got to get

to that next thing, then we'll enjoy life. Now, you must learn this principle: there is joy in your journey. There are things in your life right now that you can enjoy if you have the proper perspective.

3. If you're going to find joy in the journey, you must look past all the wrongs and see the rights. Don't take for granted the people God's given you to love. They may not be perfect, but neither are you. Take to enjoy your family. Those children may be challenging, but soon, they will leave your nest egg. The people at work may get on your nerves sometimes but be happy that you have a job. Even when caught in traffic, you can choose to be happy. For Paul and Silas, the journey was full of ups and downs, unfortunate events, and difficult people, yet they knew that God was with them and they were in the perfect will of God. Thus, they continued their journey with great joy.

I believe as you take time to enjoy the journey, you will see more favour, turn things around, and build stronger and healthier relationships.

God bless you.

The Journey… From Darkness to Light…

Jesus said “Arise and Shine…”

Key Scriptures: Ephesians 2:8-9 God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.

LIKE most people in my town, our family grew up sleeping under the stars.

The clear night sky with twinkling stars bestowed me with such blissful sleeps.

Our family escaped the heat of the summer nights in India, by sleeping on the roof top. This was the only way to cool off without fans or air conditioning.

But, I had an unlimited view of the dazzling stars in the cool night sky.

Gazing in awe upon the glittering stars for hours, I would ask my mother many questions:

Who made these stars mum?

How are they made?

How many stars are in our sky? These questions remained unanswered for 3 decades.

Little did I knew back then; Almost 30 years later the answers to my cosmos questions would come from an unlikely source - The Bible.

My story is well connected to an ancient Indian Vedic verse (Slokas): In Hindi it is written like this:

In English :Asato ma sadgamaya tamaso ma jyotir gamaya mrutyor ma amritam gamaya.. this is one of the most famous slokas in India.

It means: Lead the world from the unreal to the real (truth), from ignorance to knowledge, from mortality to immortality and peace!

Like most people in my town, all our siblings grew up in a very traditional family. At our home we had many idols and images of gods. Our family followed many religious rituals. This was the common practice of the most the families in our culture.

Life created an opportunity to migrate to Australia for a better life. I was dreaming of wonderful future with my family, but suddenly my life plunged into a deep darkness. My wife was diagnosed with complex medical condition while she was 27 weeks pregnant. This issue threatened her life and the

life of the unborn baby.

During this darkest moment of my life, I cried out to God. I had heard that Jesus is a miracle working God; And if anyone calls to him with all their heart and mind, Jesus will rescue them from death and disease.

In my despair I said in my heart “ Jesus, I don’t know much about you, but if you can save the life of my wife and our child, I will seek to know you all days of my life”. At this moment I had an unusual peace that filled my heart. Later through series of miraculous events my wife, our child and my life were saved from death. I began to seek God with an intense hunger and thirst. I began to read and study the Holy Bible. Then one day suddenly my life changed forever. The Holy Spirit revealed to me the majesty of creation through the Scriptures. I had amazing experience of moving from deep darkness to a brilliant Light. That Light is the Yeshua, also know as Jesus Christ.

When I was listening to the Bible message, by the grace of God, in my spirit I was able to see a vivid images of God’s creative power. The Bible verses came alive like a lightening surge. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Gen.1:1) Just as the shutters of the camera lenses opens and closes suddenly, bringing the light to capture the image, my spirit received and secured an unforgettable impression of our Creator God.

What my parents, teachers and education could not explain about the origins of life; answer to my cosmic question was made clear in one simple sentence: By the Word of the Lord the heavens were made; and all the host of them by His breath (Psalm. 33:6). I never had an opportunity to know about the creation story. As I studied the God’s words, I realised that God’s love for me is personal and real;

and His love to all mankind is also is very real. You too can experience His amazing grace as you read His word and seek His grace.

1. WE ALL ARE nOt Up tO gOd’S MARK

Romans 3:23 > For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,


Romans 6:23 > For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Revelation 21:8 > But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars— they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulphur. This is the second death.


Romans 5:8 > But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.


Acts 16:30-31 > He then brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” They replied,

“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.”

John 3:18 > There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son.

John 3:16 > For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.


Ephesians 2:8-9 > God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.

7. Now you know your true purpose in this life… to know the way to God!

1 John 5:13 I have written this to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life.

Pray to Jesus to reveal himself to you in a personal way. You will not be disappointed.

Romans 10:10 > I have written this to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life.

असतो मा सद्गमय । तमसो मा जयोतत्ग्गमय । मतयोमा्ग अमतं ्गमय…
THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 — 39 Call: (07) 3189 6535

AtAL Bihari Vajpayee was an Indian politician, influential orator, poet and writer. He served three terms as prime minister of India and was the first nonCongress prime minister to serve a full five-year term in the office. He started his public life as a member of the RSS, the national volunteer organisation. He joined the political party, Bharatiya Janasangh soon after its inception. He was a co-founder of the Janata Party and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Vajpayee was a member of the Indian Parliament for over five decades. He was elected to the Lok Sabha, the lower house, ten times and twice to the Rajya Sabha, the upper house. He was a nationalist leader who elicited respect from his supporters and opponents likewise, and earned the nickname Ajaat Shatru, the man with no enemies.

Early life – Atal Bihari was born on 25 December 1924 in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. His mother was Krishna Devi and father Krishna Bihari Vajpayee. Atal Bihari had six siblings, including three brothers and three sisters. His family hailed from Bateshwar village in the Agra District of Uttar Pradesh. His grandfather Shyamlal Vajpayee was a Sanskrit scholar and lived in Bateshwar.

On his father’s advice, Krishna Bihari settled in Gwalior and became a teacher. He was also a poet and composed patriotic poems. He was well regarded by the Gwalior royal family. Atal Bihari used to accompany his father to poets’ gatherings where Krishna Bihari read his compositions. The early acquaintance with poets fostered Atal Bihari’s interest in poetry.

Atal Bihari started his schooling at the Saraswati Shishu Mandir in Gwalior. In 1934, he was admitted to the Anglo-Vernacular Middle School in Badnagar in Ujjain district after his father joined the school as headmaster. During his school days, Atal Bihari came in contact with the RSS and joined the group as a volunteer.

During the 1942 Quit India movement, Atal Bihari was sent to live in his ancestral village Bateshwar. In the village, he was arrested by the police for being a part of the crowd allegedly involved in anti-British activities. Being a minor, he was kept in detention in the children section of the Agra jail for 23 days. He rejected the allegation of his participation during this time.

Atal Bihari joined Victoria College, now known as Maharani Laxmibai Government College of Excellence, in Gwalior. He graduated from the college with a BA degree in Hindi, English and Sanskrit. He received a scholarship

Atal Bihari Vajpayee

from the Maharaja of Gwalior for further study. He joined the DAV College Kanpur and completed his MA degree in Political Science. Subsequently, he enrolled in a law course.

He left his studies when he became a fulltime worker of the RSS. He was sent to Uttar Pradesh as a Pracharak. He also started working for the newspapers that included Rashtradharma (a monthly), Panchjanya (a weekly), and the dailies Swadesh and Veer Arjun. A senior UP-based RSS Pracharak Deendayal Upadhyay had started these papers.

Member of Parliament – In 1951, Syama Prasad Mukherjee founded the Bharatiya Janasangh, a political party aligned with the RSS philosophy. The RSS seconded Atal Bihari Vajpayee to work for the Janasangh. He soon became an aide to the party leader Mukherjee and was appointed the party’s national secretary. When the acting president of the Janasangh Deendayal Upadhyay passed away, Atal Bihari was appointed the party president. He remained at this post from1968 to 1972.

In the 1957 India’s second general election, Vajpayee was elected a member of the Lok Sabha and in 1962 he was elected to the Rajya Sabha. He became the leader of the Janasangh’s parliamentary group. In the parliament, he participated in deliberations on important bills and focused on economic development, eradication of social evils, promotion of education and other progressive programs. As a member of the parliamentary representatives, he travelled overseas for the first time in 1965 to east African countries.

Vajpayee was an excellent orator and audiences were impressed by his eloquence. He delivered his parliamentary speeches in Hindi. The Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru was impressed by his presentations. Vajpayee was especially interested in foreign affairs, which predisposed him to ask questions in the parliament on international issues. Nehru, who was responsible for the foreign ministry, responded to his questions in Hindi. Nehru once predicted that Vajpayee would become the prime minister of India.

During the Internal Emergency imposed by then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1975, Vajpayee was arrested along with other opposition leaders and detained in the Bengaluru central jail. Later, he was transferred to a hospital in Delhi for medical treatment. The emergency was lifted in 1977 and subsequently a general election was held.

Foreign Minister - A new political party named Janata Party was formed with the merger of opposition parties including the Janasangh.

The Janata Party won an absolute majority in the 1977 election and formed the national government. Vajpayee became the foreign minister in the Janata Party government headed by Prime Minister Morarji Desai. Vajpayee appreciated Nehru’s contribution to India and as a foreign minister he followed the trend established by him. Nehru had been the prime minister as well as the foreign minister. His photo used to hang in the foreign ministry building. When the Janata Party won the election, his photo was removed, in anticipation of the incoming Janata Party minister’s perceived dislike for Nehru. However, when Vajpayee noticed this change, he immediately ordered to restore Nehru’s photo to its prior position.

As foreign minister, he became the first person to deliver a speech to the United Nations General Assembly in Hindi.

In July 1979, Desai and Vajpayee resigned from the government due to internal squabbles. A new government under the leadership of Choudhary Charan Singh was sworn but it soon collapsed, triggering the breakdown of the Janata Party.

In 1980 the former members of the Bharatiya Janasangh joined together to form the Bharatiya Janata Party. Vajpayee was elected its first president and remained at this post until 1986. Under his leadership, the BJP moderated the nationalist position of the former Janasangh. It focused on its connection with the former Janata Party constituents and expressed support for Gandhian Socialism.

In the 1980 and 1984 general elections, the Congress party came to power with an absolute

Pakistan. He inaugurated the Delhi-Lahore bus service and initiated a new peace process aimed towards permanently resolving the Kashmir dispute and other issues with Pakistan. The resultant Lahore Declaration advocated a commitment to dialogue for expanded trade relations.

However, expectations were short-lived. Pakistani militants and army started an incursion into the Kargil region in India that led to the Kargil war. India launched Operation Vijay to evict the Pakistani army and militants who had infiltrated the Kashmir Valley. The invaders
were killed or forced to withdraw. Vajpayee’s response was hailed as a suitable response to aggressors.

The second Vajpayee government survived 13 months. A constituent party withdrew support from the government leading to its collapse. Subsequently, fresh elections were held in October 1999.

majority. However, the subsequent elections resulted in hung parliaments with no single party being given a clear majority. Vajpayee was elected to the Rajya Sabha in 1986 from Madhya Pradesh.

Prime Minister - In the 1996 general election, the BJP emerged as the single largest party in the Lok Sabha. The president invited Atal Bihari Vajpayee as the leader of the largest party to form the national government. He accepted and was sworn to the post of prime minister. However, he could not secure a parliamentary majority. His government survived only for 13 days.

The political parties headed by the Congress party opposing the BJP led government had created a coalition called the United Front. It proved its majority in the parliament and formed the national government. However, two successive United Front governments fell and an early election was held in 1998.

This election also resulted in a hung parliament, with the BJP securing the maximum seats in the Lok Sabha. A number of political parties joined BJP to form the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) with Vajpayee being appointed its first chairman. As a leader of the parliamentary NDA group, Vajpayee formed a coalition government and became the prime minister of India a second time.

During his second term in office, India conducted five underground nuclear tests in the Pokhran desert in Rajasthan. Foreign powers opposing the tests imposed sanctions. India withstood the foreign pressure and the embargoes were lifted within a short period.

Vajpayee attempted to establish full-scale diplomatic relations with

the North-South and EastWest Corridor projects to build 4/6 lane highways between the four largest metropolitan cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata as well as from Srinagar to Kanyakumari and Porbandar to Silchar. He broadly oversaw the recruitment of the team, which implemented this vast program. As a result of his policy, over the duration of a few years, more than 5,400 km of new highways were built across the country.

The Vajpayee government launched the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan campaign, aimed at improving the quality of education in primary and secondary schools. It made education to be a fundamental right for children aged between 6 and 14 years.

The BJP, under the leadership of Vajpayee contested the election as the head of the NDA. The NDA returned to power with an absolute majority. Vajpayee took an oath as the prime minister of India for the third time. Several other parties not formally a part of the NDA also committed to supporting the Vajpayee government.

During his third term as prime minister, Bill Clinton the President of the USA paid a state visit to India. Vajpayee and Clinton held wide-ranging discussions on bilateral, regional and international topics. The visit led to an expansion in trade and economic ties between India and the USA.

Vajpayee made a state visit to the Russian Federation and met with President Putin and other senior government officials. He was conferred an Honorary Doctorate degree by the Moscow State University.

He re-initiated talks with Pakistan and invited the Pakistani president to Agra for a joint summit. However, no noteworthy progress could be achieved.

In July 2003, Prime Minister Vajpayee visited China, and met with various Chinese leaders. His visit did improve bilateral relations but basic border issues remained frozen.

The Vajpayee government introduced many domestic economic and infrastructural reforms. They included encouraging investments from the private sector and foreign groups, reducing governmental inefficiencies, promoting research and development and privatisation of some government owned corporations.

Among Vajpayee's major projects were the National Highways Development Project and Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana. He launched the Golden Quadrilateral and

He supported the ideals of the RSS and former Janasangh. However, he could not progress on their long sought after objectives on Kashmir’s special status, Ram Janma-bhumi temple and a common civil code due to the lack of support from all NDA coalition members.

During his third term, Vajpayee completed a full five years in the office, being the first non-Congress prime minister to do so. The next general election was held in 2004. The NDA under Vajpayee’s leadership contested the election with the “India Shining” campaign, highlighting its achievements. However, it could not secure majority in the Lok Sabha.

In December 2005, Vajpayee announced his retirement from active politics. He was hospitalized for a chest infection in 2009 and eventually recuperated. He could not participate in the 2009 election campaign and thus formally retired from politics.

Vajpayee remained unmarried throughout his life. He adopted a girl named Namita, the daughter of his longtime friend Rajkumari Kaul and her husband. Namita’s parents also lived with him. He died of a prolonged agerelated illness on 16 August 2018. His adopted daughter performed his final rites.

Legacy - In 2014, the Indian government declared Vajpayee's birthday 25 December as the Good Governance Day. In 2015, Vajpayee was conferred India's highest civilian honour, the Bharat Ratna. Vajpayee published a number of non-fiction, fiction and Hindi poetry books, including Meri Sansadiya Yatra, Meri Ekyavan Kavitayen, Shaktise-Shanti, amongst others.

A number of major infrastructure projects, including the world’s longest tunnel in Himachal Pradesh are named after Atal Bihari. Documentaries, films and books on him abound.

—Awadhesh Sharma,


Remembering Kishore Da Music Concert to Raise Funds for Shiva Temple

Thank you so much everyone for your kindness and generosity. we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your participation and support for the music concert Remembering Kishore Da "Gata Rahen Mera Dil," dedicated to raising funds for the Shiva Temple's establishment at Park Ridge.

It’s with utmost happiness we would like to share with you all that Tanvi Goel from AusIndia Travel and Chandan Das managed to raise much needed funds for SKED for Shiva Temple Establishment along with Geetha Grandhi/ Raj Grandhi & all committee members from Sked's Team. Tanvi Goel is also founder of AusIndia Business Network and Uttar Pradesh Associations of Australia-QLD and very active community leader. While Chandan Das is very passionate about singing since his high school says and performs in almost all main Indian events. His radiant voice is often compared to that of the Legendary Kishore Kumar.

Event was held on 1st June 2024 at QLD Russian Cultural Centre, Woolloongabba and was adorned with mesmerizing songs, Lord Shiva role played by Nihasvi Tanvi Jain, yummy food, amazing raffle prizes and beautiful performances by Tapori Squad which added to

the festive atmosphere. Thank you all the sponsors and supporters (@Narada Sharma- My Narada, Hemant Dua - Nexus Migration Services, Yogi Sharma from Ray and White, Niket Kataria- @ Realty, Usha Chandra from Globenet Realty, Krunal Acharya from Loaney Loans, Ashwin and Dorris Sharma from Cisozen, Ashutosh Misra from India News and also supported by Pinky Singh, Pushpinder Oberoi, Manish Saini, Panveen Gupta, AusIndia Business Network, Australian Indian Radio & Brisbane Indian Times, Uttar Pradesh Association of Australia and Sangeet Premi Club.

Thank you to our raffle sponsors- AusIndia Travel, Madhuri Jogia from Rhia Jewellers, Sonali Bansal and Jyotika Raniga from Trendy India, Beauty Das from You and Me Fashion.

Thank you to all Musicians and Singers(Ishaan Sarkar, Sharad More, Wilson Allu, Eswar Jagdesh, Paramjit Namdhari, Subrato Chakravarty, Ekta Arora, Anuja Paralikar, Anvi Vaidya, Yousuf Ali Khan and Saleem Zaman). Special thanks to our Mcs Anu Sharma Zain Chams, our Marketing Coordinator Khushbu Kaushik, Events Coordinator Ekta Arota and Volunteers (Pragya, Arna,

amazing decorations, thankyou Siddhartha for helping us with Photography.

In conclusion, the fundraiser was a grand success. Thank you once again for your support and for making this event memorable. We look forward to your continued involvement and support in future events.

THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 — 41 Call: (07) 3189 6535
Aryana Sharma and Sukhbir Chadha), Thankyou Navi from Shimmer N Shine Decors for

Don’t be narrow- minded, Show warmth and friendliness

tHE content of this article is taken from the satsang (spiritual discourse) of H.H. Sant Shri Asharamji Bapu. Swami Vivekananda addressed the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in September 1893. A hundred years after him, Pujya Bapuji addressed the same Parliament in September 1993 and the whole parliament reverberated with the chanting of Hari Om. Both of these world-renowned spiritual leaders addressed the audience for a much longer period than the given time and the audience were absorbed in listening to them.

To save the youth who are being ruined due to the lustful festivals like valentine’s day, in 2007 Pujya Bapu ji-initiated celebrations of Matri-Pitri Pujan Diwas (Parents’ worship day) on 14th February. Pujya Bapu ji felt that, due to the blind imitation of Western culture there has been a steep rise in the incidences of alcoholism, suicide, and other immoral activities, especially among the youth during the last week of December. To rescue the youth from this debauchery and denigration, Pujya Bapu ji came up with the idea of worshipping a sacred Tulsi plant (holy basil). So, with a view to awaken the cultural pride of India and to save the countrymen from mental slavery, in 2014, he initiated celebration of Tulsi Pujan on 25th December. Pujya Bapu ji has always emphasized the necessity to follow rich Indian culture and always said that it is only the Indian culture and Sanatana dharma which can give the world true happiness & peace.

Dear readers, in this article Pujya Bapu ji explains a story that explores the value of faith and devotion, contrasting it with a purely

materialistic perspective.

One man, a devout Hindu, tossed a coin into the river as an offering. The other, a westernized gentleman, scoffed at this act, calling it a waste of money in a poor country. Vinoba Bhave, a saintly figure, saw an opportunity to bridge the gap between their contrasting viewpoints.

Acharya Vinoba Bhave was making a journey by train. While the train was passing over a river bridge. a passenger sitting beside him took a 5 paise coin from his pocket and threw into the river with deep bhava and affection while uttering Gangey ... Hara. ... "It was seen by another person of westernised mind, proud of being educated and civilized, who was sitting beside. He was annoyed at this and spoke. "India is already a poor country and if the foolish devotees like you uselessly throw the wealth in a flowing river, then what else could be the fate of India except a calamitous stat?""

Vinobaji was sitting between them. Being a Saint he had a neutral view. He realised that this man was in need of satsang. This man is highly educated and has crammed a lot of books, but he does not know the art of unlocking the treasure of the heart.

Just as sage Jadabharata graciously instructed King Rahugana, in a similar way Vinobaji gracefully said to that gentleman: "Oh dear! You started lecturing when this man threw 5 paise into the river, but don't you think the expenses you incur for a necktie, suit and boot that are unnecessary in this country as a waste of money? Don't many people like you unnecessarily spend millions of rupees on powder puff (cosmetics), and luxury? You remain narrowminded in spite of incurring all these expenses, whereas he believes the flowing river

as a form of God and beholds the light of God in the Sun god. This river is supporting the lives of millions of creatures and human beings. This is a priceless gift of God, on beholding this, he got the remembrance of the Universal Being of God. By offering obeisance to Sun, he contemplated: "The Sun (the illuminator) of the sun is the Self. May His light (Knowledge) get revealed in my heart." And then he offered 5 paise to the river to get his heart purified and sanctified so much! How sublime did his emotions become! He developed both the inclination of renunciation and that of love in his heart.

The way you spend your earnings inclines your mind to hedonism and luxury. Even then, people like you insult such devotees by labelling their faith as superstition, but to call them superstitious is also a superstition. How much money you spend in biri, cigarettes and alcohol by putting your faith in them! In your opinion water of a flowing river is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, whereas in the opinion of this devotee, it is divine grace, flowing in the form of a river which sustains the lives of many. Such devotees appear outwardly simpleton, but do you have that much inner peace and love as they have? By offering 5 paise to the river he aroused the memory of the Universal Being in his mind, 'O Sarveshwar! The Lord of all! You are present also in the river; you are present also in the Sun god! You are omnipresent, Oh God, your Lila (divine sports) is Infinite, O my God!" With such sublime spiritual emotions, he filled his heart with love and sweetness, whereas you have narrowed your heart by labelling his faith as superstition. Tell me, who is at loss and who gained the real profit? He only gained the real profit." You will gain the real profit only if you too will keep filling your heart with the Love for the Lord of heart and sweetness at every opportunity in your life. The earned rupees of this world are of no value in reality because 'even millionaires and billionaires left this world empty handed.' If you utilise this wealth and

money in service and pious acts, then that wealth will definitely give you the fruit of real profit. It will kindle love for God and bliss in your heart.


If a person does not know these three facts, he is considered a fool even if he is a learned man, he is considered very poor even if he is a rich man, and he is considered dead even if he is alive. What are these three facts"?

First fact: Death will surely come. Death may come, anywhere and at any time. One may say: "Maharaj! Everyone knows this."

No, you don't know yet, you just believe it. You know the fact that a snake bite kills a man. Now if a snake comes into this satsang pandal, you won’t stand to ask me what to do? First you will run away. You don’t know death like this, you only believe it. You believe that you will die one day, but you also think that, “ I am not going to die now! Now I have to do this and that….”

Just as you know that a snake bite kills a man and you instantly run away on seeing a snake, similarly, know that death will surely come. Death may come anytime and anywhere. Remember this constantly. Just thinking this way will reduce your greediness and egoism.

Second fact: Time passed never comes again. By spending time, you can build a factory, build an ashram,

you can earn degrees, you can collect diamonds and jewellery, you can buy cars and bungalows. But by returning the things you earned by spending time, you cannot increase your life span by even-by-even one percent of the time spent. Returning all that you have acquired in the last 50 years, you cannot increase your life span by 50 hours, not even 5 minutes. Your time is so precious. Hence, do not waste your invaluable time. Spend your time in creative works, wiping tears of others, in selfless service and sadhana for the sake of divine love.

Third fact: A man is known by the company he keeps. Even if a great person stays among people of low mentality for long, then the sycophants will embellish his ego by flattery and his mind will make an error in small-small things. So, such a great person should keep the company of those who are even greater than him in spiritual knowledge, devotion and yoga.

The greatest company is the company of saints satsang. The man who keeps company with the great men who have attained direct realization of the truth personified Supreme Self, hears, and assimilates their ambrosial words in his life, becomes himself eligible for realization of Supreme Self. Therefore, always get satsang of saints and study spiritual scriptures.

The person who keeps the company with saints and great men, knowing that

death will surely come and time lost will never come again, hears their satsang and tries to assimilate it in his life, he/she alone makes his/her life successful.

Man should make his life divine by treading the path of self-surrender to God. Let not pride come near you in your life. The life governed by God, parents and shastras is the best life. Satsang is the food for human life. spent. The glory of satsang is known through satsang alone.

To listen 24X7 live divine Satsang of Pujya Bapu Ji, please search “Mangalmay live” on google, visit http:// or search “THE SBM STUDIO” on you tube. By the Divine Inspiration of Bapu Ji, the regular sessions of Bal Sanskar and yoga are held in Brisbane. To know more about His Divine Holiness Bapu Ji, please watch this video.

For more info about events like Tulsi Poojan, Matri Pitri Poojan Diwas, Bal Sanskar and yoga sessions or to get a free copy of monthly spiritual magazine RishiPrasad in your mailbox in Australia or to get free online subscription of Rishi -Prasad, please contact by email at bskamd@gmail. com or by WhatsApp/phone to Shri Yoga Vedanta Seva Samiti Au & NZ at +61 426 834 434 & +61 405 277 802. Please read more about our Vedic culture in the next issue of Brisbane Indian Times.





THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 — 43 Call: (07) 3189 6535 Hindu Society of Qld Invites Everyone 5 Days Shree Ram Katha Saturday 22 June to Wednesday 26 June2024 Katha conducted by Pracharak Pujniye Pundit Aneel Ved Sharma Suva, FIJI Daily Program
7.00pm Pravachan
and Mahaprashaad will be served daily
are welcome to bring prashad Venue Gayatri Mandir 178 Lyndhurst Road Boondall Qld 4034 Enquiries President: Anit Ram 0452470467 Vice-President/PRO: Neelima 0405409156 Secretar y: Nir mala Shandil 0466436964 Treasurer : Rajneel Raj 0420314465 Project Leader : Prem Chand 0423375276 Major Sponsors Start Green Solar :Sharvesh Gautam Phone: 0403696408 Ramesh Singh’s BOQ (Alexander, Birkdale & Middle Park) Phone: 0405 185 464

t he centrifugal movement that starts from the Macrocosmic Nucleus and moves towards crudity is called the process of Saiṋcara. What influence does the centrifugal force of Saiṋcara exert on the microcosmic body and Macrocosmic body?

In the process of Saiṋcara (the first half of the Cosmic cycle) the centrifugal force acts on the Cognitive Faculty, bringing Its unit expressions under ever cruder bondage. This centrifugal force of Saiṋcara results in the creation of a centripetal force in material structure. The more the process of Saiṋcara advances, the greater its momentum, and the stronger the internal force of attraction within the structure. When a molecule comes in contact with another molecule the inter-molecular gap decreases. This is what we call crudification.

So when the centrifugal force is greater than the centripetal force in the Cosmic body, in the microcosmic body the centripetal force is greater than the centrifugal force. Microcosms are attracted to the Supreme Nucleus with the same amount of centripetal force as the Macrocosmic body is distanced from Its Nucleus due to the centrifugal force, and vice versa.

When the centripetal force is greater than the centrifugal force in the Cosmic Cycle there emerges mutual repulsion amongst the component units of the material structure which leads to increasing subtlety. There arises a love and attachment for the Cosmic Mind and a limitless thirst for Supreme Bliss. In this stage the Microcosm is subjected to the centrifugal force which causes atoms and molecules to be mutually repelled. The strength of the force with which atoms are repelled from each other is the same as the strength of the force with which they are attracted to the Macrocosm.

When the centrifugal force of the Cosmic Cycle in Saiṋcara remains dominant, one particle comes in closer contact with another particle – their relative distance decreases. This decrease in the inter-molecular and inter-atomic gaps causes physical objects to be further crudified. In this process of gradual crudification a stage comes when the Cosmic Mind can hardly be called “mind”, but, having come within the scope of sense-perception, should be called “bhúta” or fundamental factor. The fundamental factor which first comes into being is ákásha or ethereal factor. The crudest stage of the Cosmic Mind and the subtlest stage of the ethereal factor are virtually indistinguishable.

The ethereal factor is also changeable, having variations in its degree of subtlety and crudity. Just as the subtlest stage of the ethereal factor is no different from the crudest

s truggle and p rogress

By shrii shrii anandamurti the founder of ananda marga

stage of the Macrocosmic Mind, similarly, the crudest stage of the ethereal factor is nothing but the subtlest stage of the subsequent aerial factor. It is due to the decrease in the gaps between particles that the ethereal factor, at a certain stage, comes to be known as the aerial factor.

With the decrease in internal gaps there is a simultaneous increase in internal friction. If the strength of the centrifugal force of the Cosmic Cycle is less than the centrifugal force that first emanated from the Macrocosmic Nucleus, the centrifugal force generated within the material structure remains less than the centripetal force. As a result, in spite of the internal centrifugal force within the material structure, the extro-internal force remains dominant. It is for this reason that the internal force within the fundamental factors remains dominant during the process of Saiṋcara. When the centrifugal force exerts all its power in the process of gradual crudification, there is a simultaneous increase in the internal friction or centripetal force within the material structure. A stage comes when the centripetal and centrifugal forces are evenly balanced. That is the nadir point of crudification.

From the aerial factor evolves the luminous factor, from the luminous factor evolves the liquid factor, and from the liquid factor evolves the solid factor. When the particles of a structure come in close proximity to each other as a result of the action of the centripetal force(which is a reaction to the centrifugal force), the internal centrifugal force becomes less than the extro-internal force, and the process of crudification continues, but only to a certain level. A stage comes when the centrifugal and centripetal forces become evenly balanced. As soon as that stage is reached the Macrocosmic centripetal force increases. This results in a decrease in the intensity of the centripetal force within the material structure giving scope for greater internal friction. This is the state of maximum crudification.

With the increase in the degree of crudification of the fundamental factors, the clash within microcosmic structures gradually increases. To describe this clash I have used the term saḿgharśa (friction). In the flow of Saiṋcara this increase in friction and the process of evolution of an object are inseparably linked. But in the stage of Puruśottama, when Prakrti lies dormant, and the process of evolution is unborn, there is no friction because the fundamental factors have not yet come into being.

The factor in which the degree of friction becomes extreme is the solid factor. The crudest stage of the liquid

factor is the subtlest stage of the solid factor. What is the crudest stage of the solid factor? I shall explain this a little later.

In this connection it should be understood that the philosophical term bhúta is different from the scientific term “element”. The Saḿskrta equivalent for element is maolika padártha. Philosophically, bhúta means that which has been created, that which is recognized as a factor (tattva). In the world there are many elements, but only five bhútas, five fundamental factors.

The fundamental factors are determined by certain characteristics. Those factors that have the capacity to carry the inference of sound come within the scope of the ethereal factor. Those factors which carry two inferences, sound and touch, are known as the aerial factor, which is not visible to the eye. The luminous factor carries three inferences, sound, touch and form, and due to its greater crudity comes within the scope of visibility. The nebulae and the sun belong to this luminous factor. The crudest stage of the aerial factor and the subtlest stage of the luminous factor are the same. Of course, there are variations in the degree of crudity within the same fundamental factors. Thus although the sun and nebulae both belong to the luminous factor, the sun is much cruder than the nebulae.

Let us return to our previous discussion about the crudest stage of the solid factor. Each factor is going through the process of gradual metamorphosis in the flow of saiṋcara. Even no two molecules are uniform as far as the degree of crudification is concerned. Of all the fundamental factors, the solid factor is the most perceptible because it contains five inferences, and its degree of friction is the highest. What is the resultant of the extreme friction within the solid structure? The resultant is the gradual increase in the intermolecular gap. This increase is inspired by the force of Macrocosmic attraction (the sentient force which enhances the strength of the centrifugal force, as a reaction, within the material structure) causing the conversion of matter into mind. But the mind that first originates in the process of introversive movement is a very undeveloped stage of mind. Thus the direct resultant of the crudest solid is the crudest mind.

This resultant is the first stage of Pratisaiṋcara. Mind does not emerge from the solid factor under all circumstances. For the preservation and proper functioning of the unit mind, the solid factor as well as the other four factors have to be metamorphosed into the chemical compound we call the human body. For the

preservation of this human body, food, drink, air and light are necessary. It is not possible for the mind to evolve in an environment which does not have an adequate supply of these essential requirements. When the solid factor does not get the opportunity to be converted into mind, it is automatically further crudified in the process of Saiṋcara. Instead of calling excessively crude matter the direct resultant of crudification of matter, it is better to call it the indirect resultant of the crudification of matter. Of course this extremely crudified object is nothing but matter. And the direct effect of matter is mind. So when materialists observe that mind comes out of matter, they are right. But remember, matter itself comes out of Macrocosmic Mind: both are composed of the same stuff.

Now what is the function of this unit mind that evolves from solid matter? To meet the primary needs of the physical body, the fundamental factors have to bring about necessary changes in structural complexity. Although the mind draws its sustenance from the organic structure, its function is also to preserve the organic structure. In the initial stage this is the main function of the mind. This primary stage of mind is called kámamaya kośa. Eating, procreating, and so on, are the functions of the kámamaya kośa. The minds of undeveloped unicellular organisms are nothing more than kámamaya kośa. How do the higher kośas evolve out of the kámamaya kośa? The mutual conflict between the physical components of the body (which follow the laws of Saiṋcara) and the mind (which follows the laws of Pratisaiṋcara) is called physical clash. That physical clash forms the subtler manomaya kośa out of the stuff of the kámamaya kośa. But where mind cannot evolve from matter, matter undergoes further crudification and finally explodes in the process of Jadasphota. Jadasphota causes the internal force of the material structure to be suddenly released, and generates tremendous heat in some portion of the universe. This is why I once said that the universe as a whole will never meet with thermal death.

Physical clash leads to psychic progress. But is absolute psychic progress possible through physical clash alone? No. Apart from physical clash, psychic clash and attraction of the Great are necessary. The mind that evolves from the solid factor as a result of physical clash gradually takes the form of manomaya kośa from the initial stage of kámamaya kośa. If there is only physical clash, the kośas higher than manomaya kośa cannot be developed. Extreme physical clash can only mature or perfect the lower kośas.

Human beings who live in hostile or uncongenial environments are far more dynamic than those who live in areas where the struggle for existence is minimal. Those who maintain their existence through greater physical clash are said to be engaged in shákta sádhaná. But physical clash alone can only lead to a certain level of psychic progress. To progress beyond that psychic clash is required. Through study, analysis, verification, listening to scriptural discourses, constant contemplation, and meditation unit minds acquire psychic power from the Cosmic Mind. To produce friction or commotion in others� minds by proper application of these psychic powers is called psychic clash. Those who are mentally inert, who are blindly attached to old worn-out ideas, will no doubt refuse to accept new ideas, but questions will nevertheless arise in their minds. Constant psychic clash will cause their blind attachment for the old to gradually weaken. When the ancient people were faced with immense obstacles, they would perform sacrificial ceremonies for the propitiation of the gods, for they were not acquainted with the scientific methods to surmount those obstacles. They thought that there was no difference between the smoke produced by burning ghee in fire and the clouds in the sky. They were unaware that the former is composed of unburnt carbon-particles of ghee and the latter are basically a combination of hydrogen and oxygen which appears to be blackish under certain circumstances. Even today if people misuse ghee by burning it in a sacrificial fire, they certainly do it out of total ignorance. If peoples blind attachment to sacrificial rituals and love for outmoded customs are intense, they will not disappear when confronted with logical arguments or shaken by the first jolt caused by psychic clash. But if one can create a suitable environment of constant psychic clash their blind attachments are bound to disappear. Some people believe that the fragrance of the sacrificial smoke purifies the air and kills germs. This is not true. On the contrary, the increase in the amount of carbon particles makes the air more impure. A highly pungent smell is much more effective in destroying germs. Thus, due to the impact of constant psychic clash, people eventually understand the defects of old systems and ideas. Through physical clash the kámamaya and manomaya Kośas can be developed, and through psychic clash the higher kośas can be developed.

Those who want to avoid the cultivation of knowledge hardly get any opportunity for psychic clash, and hence the higher kośas of his mind

do not get any scope for development. It is through psychic clash that the psychic field gets properly tilled, thereby increasing its fertility. All living beings evolving in the phase of Pratisaiṋcara benefit from this psychic clash. Both physical clash and psychic clash accelerate psychic progress. The rat which escapes from the trap never makes the mistake of getting caught again; the fish which frees itself from the fisherman�s hook never bites the bait again. Physical clash develops the kámamaya kośa and, as a consequence, the instinct to survive. A city ox walks confidently along a busy street in Calcutta, but if a village ox were made to walk along the same road, it would become crazy. Psychic clash enables one to make rapid psychic progress along the path of Pratisaiṋcara and deepen one�s thinking capacity. The psychic clash caused when undeveloped minds come in contact with developed minds further accelerates the rate of psychic progress in the flow of Pratisaiṋcara. A monkey is more developed than a dog, having advanced further along the path of Pratisaiṋcara. Yet a pet dog, benefiting from the psychic clash resulting from its contact with human beings, becomes more advanced in knowledge than other dogs, and even other monkeys. A monkey trained by human beings is far more advanced intellectually than a wild monkey. If a monkey becomes intellectually developed its brains cells will have to be kept engaged in more complicated activities to give proper expression to its evolved thinking. This will result in a change in the size of its brain. If its brain outgrows the size of the cranium, it will require the more developed body and brain of a human being. Similarly the dog which makes tremendous psychic progress after being trained by a human being will require a more developed structure to express its increased psychic potentialities. In such circumstances there will be a rapid progress in the phase of Pratisaiṋcara. Such rapid change can also take place in the phase of Saiṋcara through scientific efforts. So you understand that psychic clash is not at all negligible. Rather, with the cultivation of knowledge, microcosms can make galloping progress along the path of Pratisaiṋcara.

One may conclude theoretically that a highly evolved monkey and the most backward human are almost similar. An underdeveloped human being will make rapid progress after coming in contact with more advanced human beings. The same applies to cows, horses, dogs and monkeys. After coming in contact with evolved human beings they get the scope to be reborn as human beings.

COntD. On neXt MOnth

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Changing Yourself, Changing the Leadership - Sadhguru

pOLItICIAnS did not come and fall upon us either from heaven or hell, they are just one of us. They are not made in heaven or hell. If a situation crops up, one of us will stand up as a politician, isn't it? Even if one of us become the leader of this country tomorrow, we will be doing the same things that they are doing, or probably worse, because that is the kind of system we have set up. In Tamil there is a saying, “You only get the kind of leader that you deserve.” It is very true. We have that kind of leaders because that is what we deserve.

If we want to have better leaders, we must make ourselves deserving, that we do not play petty politics in the small arena of dayto-day life. If we stop playing petty politics among ourselves, won’t we naturally elect a better leader? If all of us develop a certain sense of integrity, can the leader afford to continue the way he is? No. So you can transform them only if you transform yourself.

Without individual transformation there

will never be universal transformation; a basic change in consciousness needs to happen. Trying to change social, national or global realities without working on human consciousness means there is no serious intention. If people are genuine about their interest in transformation, they need to understand that it has to start with themselves, there is simply no other way.

So should we wait for the population of the whole country to transform themselves before the leaders transform themselves? No. That is not what I am saying. But without that intention in you, without that intention in the people, we cannot demand that from our leader, isn't it?

For example, suppose a minister comes to the local village, the village people are only talking about something for their community, it does not matter what happens to another community; that is the attitude. So there is corruption and division in the very way you think and feel and understand life. How can our leaders

be free from that? The leaders are trying to please the people because this is a democracy. They have to keep the people pleased all the time otherwise they will not get elected. So people’s likes must change if our

leadership has to change. There is no other way.

So wherever we are, whatever little activity we are doing, if we show some sense of unprejudiced leadership which is for everybody's wellbeing around us on

a day-to-day basis, on a moment-to-moment basis in our life, then we will throw up good leaders.

has been conferred the Padma

by the Government of India in 2017, the highest annual civilian award, accorded for exceptional and distinguished service.

Ranked amongst the fifty most influential people in India, Sadhguru is a yogi, mystic, visionary and a New York Times bestselling author

Kavita ji Sadhguru Vibhushan



16 JUNE 2024 16 JUNE 2024 4PM TO 6PM 4PM TO 6PM





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Bhagavad Gita & Girmit Diwas – Gayatri Mandir, Boondall

MOntH of May has been an eventful month for Gayatri Mandir and its devotees. We were blessed and thankful to have Pujinye Jai Narain Shastriji who graced our Mandir from 16 May to 18 May to deliver public discourse in Bhagavad Gita

Shri Jai Narain Shastriji was born in Kurukshetra, he is a scholar in Sanskrit and currently resides in Auckland, New Zealand.

According to Shastriji Bhagavat Gita was compiled by Maharishi Ved Vyasji, Bhagavad Gita was a separate text, when he wrote Mahabharat Ved Vyasji embedded the Bhagavad Gita in it, and he set the scene of Mahabharat and Bhagavad Gita

Essentially Bhagavat Gita is a dialogue between Guru (Master) and Shishya(student), Shri Krishna Maharaji imparts divine message to Arjuna – a warrior.

The setting in which the Bhagavad Gita was spoken was the onset of the Mahabharat, a colossal war that was about to begin between two sets of cousins, the Kauravas and the Pandavas. On a deeper and profound level, the Kauravas embodied cruelty, injustice, vice, oppression, and irreligion. On the other hand, the Pandavas were saintly and virtuous—the epitomes of morality, sacrifice, devotion, and compassion. Most importantly, they were great devotees of the Supreme Lord Shree Krishna.

Shastriji said the central message of Bhagavad Gita is it teaches Brahma Vidya – science of God-realisation and practise of Yog –providing a clear and direct techniques to implement spiritual principles in daily life. The application of the spiritual principles of

Bhagavad Gita in our daily lives is very important otherwise it loses the whole point of listening/reading Bhagavad Gita. As devotees we need to listen/Read Bhagavad Gita as today’s Arjun – same situation and circumstances we face today in our daily lives was present more than 5000 years ago.

“Dharam kshetra aur Kurukshetra hamara sharir me hai, jaab hirday me Daavi (Devine) sampati badthi hai taab sharir Dharam kshetra ban jata hai, jaab hirday me Asuri (Demonic) sampati badthi hai taab sharir Kurukshetra ban jaati hai”.

Real Mahabarat is taking place in ourselves daily, Daavi bhavana aur Asuri bhavana ka beech prati din hamare hirday me yudh hota hai.

He further went on to expound Bhagavad Gita, chapter 2 Shloka 11 caught my attention, śhrībhagavān uvācha aśhochyān-anvaśhochastvaṁ prajñā-vādānśh cha bhāṣhase

gatāsūn-agatāsūnśh-cha nānuśhochanti paṇḍitāḥ

The Supreme Lord said: While you speak words of wisdom, you are mourning for the not worthy of grief. The wise lament neither for the living nor for the dead.

Shastriji beautifully explained the above shloka, though you may feel you are speaking words of wisdom, you are speaking and acting out of ignorance. Devotees who are wise—never lament, neither for the living nor for the dead.

He gave the devotees lots of inspiration and divine principles to live our lives according to Shastras, it provides the ancient wisdom and moral compass of life – understanding of the Absolute Truth and destroying the darkness of ignorance that has enveloped the soul since endless lifetimes.

On 25th May Hindu Society of Qld also celebrated Girmit Diwas at Gayatri Mandir in Boondall. History of Girmit has been well documented

and all descendants of Girmit are aware of the injustices and atrocities perpetrated by the British on our people.

Girmit is an occasion of mixed feeling and emotions, should we celebrate or commiserate.

On one hand, the hardship and adversity afflicted by the British brings you to tears, today one cannot fathom the pain and suffering they have been through. On the other hand, it is a day of celebration as well, it is a celebration of tenacity, hard work, perseverance, determination and courage to fight the system and beat it in its own game.

They travelled thousands of miles in dangerous and treacherous condition to Fiji, with the strong faith and devotion they kept alive their culture and religion –which we are so grateful and thankful today. Seed of Gyan and bhakti were sowed in each of us which makes us what we are today.

Countless number of descendants of Girmit have

become successful and prosperous, they have become great leaders in their professional fields and have migrated to settle abroad and are proudly flying the flags of the decedents of Gurmit.

It is also a day of reflection of how far we have come, and we need to carry on the legacy of hard work, great work ethics and inspire to become a better person in the face of adversity. Religion has played a major role in our lives which has become part of who we are and what is our identity.

The beacon of responsibility is with the current generation to continue the legacy and educate our young and future generations the stories of Girmit. It is also worthy to note that in a grand gesture Fijian Government has publicly apologised and declared national holiday –Girmit Day in recognition of the contributions our people have made in Fiji.

Girmit Diwas was celebrated with the theme of

traditional Girmit outfit, Fiji Indian cuisine and display of artefacts. We were treated to folk songs bidesiya, birah and nagada drums. Senior Citizens were presented with certificates for they contribution to the society. HSQ has decided to celebrate Girmit Diwas bigger and better next year or in conjunction with similar organisation with shared values, so watch the space! Hindu Society of Queensland has completed CRM/ database project. Many devotees have moved residences and may have new contact details as such we are updating membership details like mobile phone numbers, email address etc. This would assist us to communicate better and update members on latest developments at the mandir.

Please contact Secretary Mrs Nirmala Shandil on 0466 436 964 or Vice President/PRO Mrs Neelima Chand on 0405 409 156 or alternatively email us at gayatrimandirqld@gmail. com. Many Thanks for your support.


Somwar Shiva Pooja every Monday: 6.30pm to 8.30pm Ramayan Recital every Tuesday: 7.00pm to 8.30pm 22nd June to 29th June –Sri Ram Katha – by Pundit Aneel Ved Sharan from Fiji Sundarkand and Trayodashi is held every month at the mandir, for details and sponsorship please kindly visit our website and Facebook page. Regular updates will be sent to all devotees via Facebook and SMS.

Stay Connected with Hindu Society of Queensland Website www. Facebook: Hindu Society of Qld and email us on gayatrimandirqld@gmail. com Phone: (07) 38653164 Address: 178 Lyndhurst Rd, Boondall QLD

of Galaxy Impex Group

WE would like to inform you that we had celebrated the 16th Anniversary of Galaxy Impex Group on 17th May 2024 and the following guests were invited for the celebrations: guest of Honour: Mayor Jon Raven Special guest: Cr Miriam Stemp and Cr Paul Jackson We are Logan based Business now grown Nationwide. We have Offices in Brisbane, Sydney, Darwin, Townsville, Melbourne and New Zealand. 16th Anniversary
Celebrated on 17th
May 2024
(Mayor and Counsellors) CEO Dilan Rajapaksa
Team Members and CEO Dilan Rajapaksa with
the Guests
THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 — 49 Call: (07) 3189 6535

The inaugural Indian Traditional New year Celebration on 27 April 2024 at Roma St Parklands

IndIAn Council of Australia, Queensland Inc. (ICAQ) proudly executed its inaugural event to celebrate Indian Traditional New Year on 27 April 2024 at Roma St Parklands.

There have been several events to celebrate Indian festivities like Diwali, Holi, Onam etc. but there is no festival in Brisbane to celebrate Indian Traditional New Year at a multicultural community level.

Various cultures observe their traditional or religious New Year's Day according to their own customs, typically (though not invariably) because they use a lunar calendar or a lunisolar calendar. India, Nepal, and other south Asian countries also celebrate New Year on dates according to their own calendars that are movable in the Gregorian calendar.

Traditional new year is celebrated all over the world in different countries in different ways. It will provide opportunities for people of different origins to understand the culture of different communities.

There are numerous days throughout the year celebrated as Hindu New Year's Day in the different regions of India. The observance is determined by whether the lunar or solar calendar is being followed. Most widely followed Lunar calendar considers the month of Chaitra (corresponding to March-April) as the first month of the year, so the new year is celebrated on the first day of this month.

The traditional new year is known as different names in different regions or states in India. It is known as Chaitra Navaratri, Vaisakhi, Gudhi Padwa, Ugadi, Yugadi, Puthandu, Vishu, NabBarsha, Navreh, Bihu, Cheti Chand, Mesha Sankranti, and Sajibu Cheiraoba.

Traditional new year celebrations provide an opportunity for leaders from the different Indian communities and organizations to meet with each other and with representatives of the different tiers of government and senior government officials to strengthen mutual ties. It also provides opportunities to meet Australians with Indian origin people.

The inaugural event executed by the ICAQ on 27 April 2024, brought multicultural community leaders together along with elected representatives from all levels of Government and representatives from various Government departments. The event observed vibrant and colorful display of Indian culture underlying the importance of traditional new year.

Through various speeches all dignitaries highlighted the importance of Indian Traditional New Year as well as

how such festivities can bring multicultural communities together by sharing cultures and values.

The Hon Anthony Albanese MP, Prime Minister of Australia, Hon Steven Miles MP, Premier of Queensland, and Cr. Fiona Cunningham Councillor for Coorparoo Ward sent a message to the ICAQ congratulating for hosting the inaugural event and wishing Indian community happy celebrations.

To commence the event, Welcome to Country & Didgeridoo performance was presented by Uncle Billy Cummings.

ICAQ President Mr. Parminder Singh, ICAQ Patron Mr. Ashish Katta, and ICAQ Advisor Mrs. Pinky Singh welcomed everyone and highlighted various ICAQ initiatives as well as values ICAQ can present to the multicultural communities.

The event observed attendance from the following dignitaries:

Mrs. Neetu Bhagotia, Consul General of India in Brisbane

The Hon. Milton Dick MP, Member for Oxley Queensland & Federal Speaker

Hon Charis Mullen, Minister for Child Safety, Minister for Seniors and Disability Services, and Minister for Multicultural Affairs

Mr. John-Paul Langbroek

MP, Representing Mr. David Crisafulli MP, Qld leader of opposition

Hon Bart Mellish, Minister for Transport and Main Roads and Minister for Digital Services

Cr Vicky Howard, Central Ward, Representing the Brisbane City Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner

Mayor Teresa Harding, Ipswich City

Mayor Jos Mitchell, Redland City

Mayor John Raven, Logan City

Cr. Trina Massey, Councillor The Gabba Ward

Wayne Briscoe Executive Director, Multicultural Affairs

Heath Goldfinch, COO at Multicultural Australia

Inspector Mat Ryan, Patrol Group Inspector, Inner West Patrol Group, North Brisbane District

Dr. Anil Dalsania

Dr. Ram Mohan

Mr. Gati Krushna Mishra

Mr. Sushil Kumar Goel

ICAQ cannot express enough gratitude for the overwhelming response towards the community members for supporting the event.

ICAQ is thankful to all Cultural Performance teams for their time and devotion.

Mrs. Sudha Manian Yatra Music, Art of Living Yoga Dance, Rich Virsa Punjabi Folk Dance, Noopur Dance Studio, Swetha Bhupathi, ORIOZ Community for traditional and Sambalpuri dance, Mr. Rohit Vombathkere SUR420, and Mr. Mihir Brahme Maharashtrian Shivan Dhol Tasha Group.

Roma St Parklands have

provided venue management and best services to make the event a big success.

Thank you, Namaste Foodies, Aarav Ice Cream, Art of Living, 1300 Medics for putting up their stalls. Any successful event is not possible without team effort. We are thankful to the ICAQ Treasurer Mr. Srikar Reddy, Vice President Mr. Sambit Das, Vice President Dr. Venkat Pulla, and all Volunteers for assisting us.

The last but not least the event MC Mrs. Swati Das had a wonderful introduction of all dignitaries and has managed the ICAQ presentation in a most professional manner.

ICAQ Secretary Mr. Ganesh Deshpande stated in his vote of thanks that, the roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ICAQ would like to live by our commitments and objectives towards the Indian Diaspora, grow stronger by co-creation and by adapting the changing environment.

ICAQ is highly energized and motivated with the overwhelming response and looking forward to delivering many more programs in future to better serve our multicultural community. Article prepared by ICAQ Secretary Mr. Ganesh Deshpande.

UMQ's Women and Wellbeing, Panel Discussion on Collective Flourishing and World Record Certificate Distribution

UnItEd Malayalees of Queensland, the umbrella body for all Malayalees in Queensland, held a seminar titled Women and Wellbeing. Connections conversations and collective flourishing held at the Holland park Library Hall on Sunday 5th May. Dr Jacob Cherian, President of UMQ inaugurated the event, welcomed the gathering, and briefly explained the aims, objectives of UMQ. The discussion was co-ordinated by Prof Abraham Francis, Associate Prof: Sociology, James Cook University, Townsville. Facilitators were Dr Chaitanya Unni, Ms Bindu Rajendran, Jiji Jaynarayanan, besides Dezima Fernandez & Nikitha Rebello, research scholars from Manipal University Over 30 ladies from various

walks of life participated.

Aspects of self-care, challenges faced by women, adolescent mental health, were some of the subjects explored, strategies to care and communicate was discussed. The highlight in fact was the participants enthusiasm to be at the gathering. Panellists, provided guidance, based on

their life experiences. This was followed by a panel discussion, held at the Speakers Hall, Queensland Parliament at 5.30 PM on the subject of Collective Flourishing. Dr Jacob Cherian, President UMQ welcomed the gathering, which included many community leaders, and representatives of

various Indian/ Malayalee organisations. The discussion was moderated by Prof: Abraham Francis. Panellists were Hon James Martin member for Stretton [who was also the gracious host of the meeting], Senator Paul Scarr, Cr Emily Kim, Mr Palani Thevar and Mr Asish Katta. A very fruitful and enlightening hour.

World Record

Certificates, to participants of the Australian record performance of the Thiruvathira dancers which was held on 12th August 2023, were distributed.

Mr Shaji Theckanath, PRO of UMQ, acknowledged the vote of thanks to all dignitaries, sponsors, community leaders,

award recipients and their families. UMQ committee members - Dr. Jacob Cherian, Jiji Jayanaranan, Shaji Theckanath, Prof Abraham Francis & Jolly Karumathy – presented a token of appreciation to Hon James Martin for His support. Photographs - Courtesy Mr Dev Thottunkal.

THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2024 — 51 Call: (07) 3189 6535


During this month, favorable planetary support will lift your confidence. Go and break the shackles. It is also good phase to start expanding your base, if you are in business. Something promising seems on the cards. You can find a solution to any long-standing problem. As the month advances, you may face some testing situations but under any circumstances not to lose confidence. Mercury will now force you to listen to the opinion of experienced people. However, there will be some unexpected expenses that you will have to take care of. Some may be sudden and unplanned. Venus indicates that financially someone close to you might cause problems this phase. Don’t bring emotions in between while taking any vital decisions regarding your money matters. Your love life in the beginning of this month may not be so smooth due to the adverse impact of South Node. Share your emotions with your beloved ones as sharing will make you able to control your acute desires. Don't give up as this is just a passing phase. In the beginning the impact of Mars may make you somewhat uncomfortable with your health and fitness level. But the period from around mid of this month will bring gradual improvement. Look out for the signals that your body is trying to give you to be worked on to keep yourself fit. You can hope to succeed for sure during this month if you devote your heart and soul to the studies and read with determination and patience. The impact of Mars indicates that you may also develop your talent in sports and other extra-curricular activities.

Mars in the beginning of this month indicates the perfect time to really make a statement at your work place and in your business too. Venus will give an upward push to your finances. The initial phase of month could heavily test our commitment to love. You will be very much clear about how to proceed at this time with the choice or direction in your studies. Saturn will force you to improve your habits to improve your health status. As the month advances, at first glance, the situation will be developing favorably but the impact of North Node can be misleading. So, it will be necessary to keep yourself prepared. You shall come across new avenues to enhance your income but you have to act with some caution around the mid of this month. Venus will bring a pleasant time as everything will go well in your love life this time around. Jupiter could prove to be a blessing for your studies. During the latter half of month, Jupiter will help you to maintain your situation at a decent level. Planets may boost your financial strength but if you make the mistake of squandering your money under the influence of North Node, you are likely to face the commitment pressure. Mercury indicates that you could easily end up overthinking about your relationship. You might feel some distance in your current romantic relation. It will be necessary for you to postpone the implementation of some plans as Saturn might cause delay around the month end. It will be period to act with caution if you are doing business. Some recent issues might cause a bit of a disruptions in your love life.

As the month begins, Mercury will help you to resolve some pending issues and likely to make you able to bring growth in your profession. Planets may help you to attain all the goodness and your financial status may become stronger. Mars will also help you to keep your spirits high and your positivity is likely to bring happiness in your love life. Your mental strength and level of concentration would be better and hence you will be able to perform well in your studies. You are likely to feel fresh as the energy level may remain good. But as the month progresses, the transiting Rahu may bring some complex planetary energies hence, do not make any major hasty financial commitment around the middle of this month. Also, your relationship may require effort, understanding, sacrifices and compromise. The latter half of month will be important particularly if you are doing business. Here Mercury indicates that you must ensure good rapport with high worth clients in order to maintain positive momentum in business. Some misunderstanding in a meaningful relationship may cause you some anxiety, suggests North Node. You might not feel very comfortable with your fitness. The period around the month end could be a favourable phase for your career advancement. If you are keen on affecting change, you may start looking for options. If you are doing business, you will have enough funds to undertake development oriented activities now. Investing funds for development purposes can be beneficial indicates Mars. You can expect some thrilling romance. With the help of you mentors and friends you are likely to get proper direction and guidelines.

Your career graph to go up gradually as the month begins and if you put in more efforts to improve your relations with coworkers, the growth will be even faster. If you are in business, you may have to adjust your sails according to the wind on the business front. Planets may help you strengthen your financial status. A new, meaningful and interesting relationship will get formed but you need to make sure that you don’t meddle in the affairs. Your positive frame of mind should help to avert any problems hence your progress in studies will be good. If you are looking for new job, Venus will bring good work opportunities around the mid of this month. You may get help to launch a new product in the market which in the long run will prove to be a profitable business move. Although there will be few obstacles and some pressure, it is going to be positive in terms of finances. Education should proceed smoothly but under the influence of Mars, there are possibilities of you getting into some minor quarrels with your friends which might cause some disruptions around the middle of this month. Your health may remain mediocre, and there are possibilities that you may suffer from some seasonal diseases. The influence of South will add to confusions and hurdles in your career during the latter half. It will be better for you to take a pause, if you are doing business. Due to the impact of North Node, a very dear relationship may undergo a major change. Jupiter may allow you to aspire big around the month end. Try to take maximum advantage and soothe ruffled feathers. However, Mars may provoke you to take ambitious steps for financial gains.

As the month begins, Venus will make you feel good as there will be some positive development at your career front. But if you are doing business, you might also feel restless due to the complex energy of North Node. You must avoid participating in risky projects. You will also experience doubts regarding your relationship so you need to put in efforts to maintain peace and to achieve conjugal bliss. Mercury will increase curiosity within you to explore new things and also know about new subjects and skills in your studies. The impact of Mars is likely to make you confident as your career will get positive momentum as the month advances. From around mid of this month things are likely to move well for business person. Decisive persevering actions will surely bring financial success. Thanks to your hard work and the ability to constantly take care of your physical well-being will make you able to remain fit and fine. The impact of Jupiter and Mercury will remain favorable during the latter half and it will give you some good opportunities for growth. But if you are doing business, some teething problems may bother you due to the complex energy of South Node. You need to have all monetary transactions under strict accounting, otherwise the funds will run out faster than you plan. The latter half will remain important for any new relationship. Your position will be much more improved and you will gain eminence in your profession around the month end. Mercury will suddenly help you to discover that some projects or offers can make great money. This could be the favorable time to form intimate relationship and bring romance into your life.

Under the influence of Mercury, extra care should be taken in making important decisions regarding your career in the beginning of this month. You will also ace some difficulties at financial front at the start of the month and things won’t be going too well in your love life as well. Also, Saturn will demand you to work hard and make the best out of every opportunity that you get in your education. At the beginning of the week, more attention should be paid to proper nutrition. As the month advances, it will be an excellent time to showcase your talents the planets may bring many opportunities your way. If you are in business, you may get excellent opportunities to expand the business around the mid of this month. Under the influence of Mars, you must avoid risky investments for quick gains in order to avoid problems in your financial planning. If you are in a relationship, your partner will be more affectionate and loving towards you this time around. However, North Node could cause some problems in the workplace during the latter half of this month. If you are in business, you will need to work harder to achieve your objectives. But Venus would lead you towards more of enjoying all the possible material comforts and luxury. If you are not in relationship, now is the time to go looking for love. This phase may bring some good opportunities for growth amid stiff challenges in your studies. Saturn will force you to bring more discipline in your life which will be helping you building up strength and stamina. Mars is expected to bring good times for your career advancement around the month end. You may get wonderful news ahead.

The beginning of this month is a going to be progressive for your career. If you are doing business, growth opportunities will be pursuing you. Under the influence of Mars, do not take decisions in haste. Things may look little tight at financial front but it will be good to pay more attention to long-term investments and savings. The impact of North Node may lead to a bad temper resulting in small quarrels in your relationship. Also, wrong move can disrupt your progress in studies. The favourable impact of Jupiter could boost your immune system. However, this period also looks injury prone hence you are advised not to take any physical risk. As the month advances, there will be some visible opportunities to grab amid obstacles and stiff resistance. It may make your financial condition stable gradually if you act with caution. Venus will make you happy as the period around the mid of this month will be good phase for dating, shopping, hanging out together to strengthen your relationship. Concentrate and give your full attention to your studies as you have enough planetary support now. This could be the time to prepare yourself for higher growth in your studies. Your fitness may improve. The latter half is not good for initiating into the new venture. Some issues related to joint finances or inheritance may come to fore. For appearing in entrance examinations, competitive exams, this could be the perfect time. It may demand you to adopt a healthy life-style and follow strict discipline in order to maintain your health.

Mars and Venus seem highly beneficial for your career as the month begins. You will progress in your career with the support of your family, seniors and colleagues. You can utilize this period to expand your business and to increase the volume of your business. But if you are already in a committed relationship, do not take impulsive decision to tie the knot under the influence of Mars. The planetary aspects are not so conducive for educational purposes. There may be some seasonal impact on your health. You may face some challenging times at the career front due to the impact of South Node as the month advances. Conditions may begin to improve and your performance and productivity may also bring positive results around the mid of this month. There will be increased materialistic gains during this phase. If you are in committed relationship, relationship with your mate will be tentative and even small conflicts are likely to blow up significantly around the mid of this month, indicates Mars. The later part of this month seems somewhat complex and here your confidence and discipline shall act as a key to attain positive results in studies. Due to good support of Mars, you will manage to perform well at your work place during the latter half of month. Also, you can expect smooth monetary conditions. But if you are in committed relationship, there may be some issues to face as a results of South Node’s adverse impact. Also, you are likely to face some demanding situations in your studies. The favourable Jupiter will give an upward push to your finances around the moth end.

As the month begins, Mercury is likely to bring gradual improvement in your performance amid some stiff challenges. But, you must keep in mind that there will be some stiff competition in your way particularly if you are doing business. You should be ready for a romantic time but take things slowly, and don’t jump in on any commitment without knowing all the aspects. The initial phase of this month could turn out to be a little tedious for your studies and you could lose your focus and patience. The impact of Jupiter may help you to consolidate your position amid some stiff challenges at your work place as the month advances. Mercury will make you able to make some smart financial decisions. If you are in relationship, the mid of this month can be a make-or-break period for you as the impact of Mars will be felt significantly now. During the latter half of month, Jupiter will bless you with some new options in career. This phase will remain important for making systematic long term investments. If you are in committed relationship, you need to act with a cool head even during some tough situations. There can be some fluctuations in your health as well. Mercury may bring many opportunities that will help you get beneficial results in your studies though. Around the month end Mars will make you able empower your position but if you are doing business, one or the other issue may keep bothering you and may not allow you to get the success that you desire and deserve. Mars may cause some damage to your relationship if you take rash decisions. Your performance in studies may remain good, and you should continue your efforts.

The beginning of this month will be much more favourable and you can expect to get some excellent opportunities for growth. The period will also help you to resolve some pending issues in your business and hence you may feel more ease to carry out your planning. Venus will remain favourable for your financial status. Jupiter may eventually bring very balanced impacts upon you and your relationship. Your physical and mental endurance will also remain good. As the month advances, Mercury may bring some good opportunities for progress. The financial situation looks satisfactory and there would also be some chances of financial gains around the mid of this month but Mars may bring somewhat complex combination mostly during the latter part of this month. Mars may also bring some problems in your personal life as well. Also, you may require hard and sustained efforts to get desired success in your studies. Your energy levels may get disturbed and you may have a lack of appetite; this may result in weakness. During the latter half of month, North Node is likely to bring some complex situations at your work place. But the auspicious impact of Venus indicates that your financial strength may increase gradually. There is a possibility of some problems in your love life due to misplaced emotions. In your studies, you are likely to step up your efforts and prove your talents. If you are suffering from any ailments, this phase will help you to recover fast. Around the end of this month, you will experience an entirely new energy and refreshment in yourself, suggests Mercury.

Jupiter will make you able to achieve some important milestones in your career as the month begins. If you are in business, it will be beginning of a new chapter of growth and gain. But Venus indicates that the period will be somewhat complex phase for your love life. You will require to handle your relations tactfully with cool head. Your intelligence and hard work will help you to do well in studies and examination as the week progresses. As the month advances, Mars will provide you the chance to make things work well with the help of your experience. Some positive developments in your business can enliven your spirits around the mid of this month. Saturn will demand you to keep patience, and if need be, consult an expert, before making a major financial move. You may face some tricky situations due to the impact of South Node and you may require to manage the issues with cool head around the mid of this month. Jupiter will not only help you find some excellent opportunities in your career but also will help you to recover lost ground and accelerate the pace of progress during the latter half. During this phase Venus may also help you to discover your inner strength. You are likely to make good progress in your education and related endeavors as your efforts shall be favoured by stars. Around the month end, there will be a lot of obstacles to face at your work place. You will have to be careful with your teammates as the impact of South Node can be disruptive. Here, you may find new ways of learning and communicating or new systems of knowledge.

The beginning of this month could be a very hectic period for you and you are likely doing some multitasking regarding career matters. If you are in business, Mercury will help you to grasp complicated matters and situations to understand the problematic equations will help you to march forward amid problems. Planetary situations may not be helpful for your financial future. In other words, your financial activities demand more efforts to accomplish your undertakings. Venus will remain favourable for your love life. It can be a very good period for academic growth. North Node indicates chances of minor physical indisposition. As the month advances, combined effect of Saturn and North Node, may bring problems in routine work. If you are in business, it would be better to proceed only with a definite strategy and ideas. The entire first half may remain challenging and stressful as far as your financial segment is concerned. However, the expansive impact of Jupiter may act in your favour and likely to boost your love prospects. This period may bring excellent prospects for your studies. During the latter half, Mars and Mercury will equip you adequately to accept new challenges and handle them successfully. If you are in business, you will be able to grab important projects and some really important deals in this length of time. But, there will be certain periods during the latter half wherein North Node can disrupt the harmony of your relationship. This week does not seem very helpful for your studies.

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