Brisbane Indian Times_March 2019

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Indian Times A Division of Qld Multicultural Times 20 Robinson Road, Virginia Volume 15, Number 7 Saturday, March 9th, 2019

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Abhinandan will y again after he is declared medically ďŹ t: IAF chief COIMBATORE: Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa on Monday said that post-treatment medical Âż WQHVV RI $EKLQDQGDQ Varthaman would decide when Wing Commander, who ZDV FDXJKW DQG UHOHDVHG E\ Pakistan+ last week, can return to the cockpit. Dhanoa told reporters at Sulur air force station KHUH WKDW $EKLQDQGDQ LV undergoing medical checks and would receive treatment if required. “Post-ejection, he has undergone a medical check. Whatever treatment is required, we will give it to him. Once he gets the PHGLFDO Âż WQHVV KH ZLOO JHW LQWR D Âż JKWHU FRFNSLW ´ KH WROG reporters here. $EKLQDQGDQ ZKR ZDV admitted to a military hospital after his return from Pakistan, has expressed his GHVLUH WR VHQLRU ,$) RIÂż FLDOV that he wanted to return to the FRFNSLW DV VRRQ DV SRVVLEOH

Abhinandan Varthaman

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• Local News ...................................4-39 • Migration Matters ............................ 4 • Who, What, Where, When ....... 41, 52 • Health & Well Being ..................38-39 • Real Estate ....................................... 44 • India News ....................................... 42 • What’s On........................................ 50 %XVLQHVV 'LUHFWRU\ &ODVVL¿ HG......... 56 • Sport................................................. 54




Indian Times A Division of Qld Multicultural Times


Shalendra Prasad (Fiji) / Dhaval Vyas (India) 5DPD *DLQG &DQEHUUD 0/ 0 1DZDD] $VKUD¿ • Imam Muhammad Aslam • Pastor Joseph Dass +DML $EGXO 5DKPDQ 'HHQ -LWHQGUD 'HR 1LPLVKD 0RGL • Ranjita Pillai (Immigration Matters) • Peter Lane Rai • Awadhesh Sharma • Shailendra Singh • Gagan deep Tandon • Ravi Vastrad • Cartoon Corner: Merwyn Machado • Brian Sullivan (Photography)

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You have the upper hand Meet the pilot who may have DEAR reader, it is with great joy ZH EULQJ \RX WKH word of God. One meaning of the ZRUG ³JUDFH´ LV an advantage for success. When you Pastor Joseph DassSXW *RG ¿UVW ZKHQ \RX REH\ +LV FRPPDQGV WR ORYH WKH Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul & and to love your QHLJKERXU DV \RXUVHOI \RX RSHQ WKH door to His grace and favour. You have the advantage of success. Even if someone may have done something wrong to you and now it seems they have the advantage, that things are never going to change, then you have to keep reminding yourself, that since God is in control and His grace LV DYDLODEOH IRU HYHU\ ZHDNQHVV \RX may have, then you will always move towards your position of having the upper hand. In the scriptures, we read of Elkanah (1 Samuel1) who had two wives, Hannah and Peninnah. Peninnah KDG FKLOGUHQ EXW +DQQDK KDG QR children. Peninnah would often provoke Hannah severely, to make KHU PLVHUDEOH WR WKH SRLQW WKDW VKH wept and did not eat. For a season, it looked like her situation was not going to change. But Hannah understood this principle, that God was in control of her life, and +LV JUDFH ZDV DYDLODEOH LQ DOO KHU weaknesses. She kept honouring God and would not let the provocation 4 — THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, March, 2019

NHHS KHU XSVHW DQG PLVHUDEOH DQ\ ORQJHU *RG UHPHPEHUHG KHU DQG soon she had a son, whom she named Samuel. Here are three things we can learn from this. $V D EHOLHYHU LQ &KULVW \RX FDQ always have an advantage. For if WKH JUHDWHVW PLUDFOH ² EHLQJ VDYHG IURP KHOO ² FRPHV E\ JUDFH WKURXJK IDLWK DQG QRW E\ \RXU ZRUNV KRZ much more the lesser miracles, such as healing, prosperity and restored PDUULDJHV +DQQDK ZDV EDUUHQ DQG VKH SUHVHQWHG KHU ZHDNQHVV EHIRUH God. Gods grace is always drawn towards our weaknesses. Paul says, “Therefore most gladly I will rather ERDVW LQ P\ LQ¿UPLWLHV WKDW WKH SRZHU RI &KULVW PD\ UHVW XSRQ PH ´ This is your place of rest, while your enemy is working so hard. The devil hates the gospel of grace EHFDXVH LW FDXVHV WKH EHOLHYHU WR UHLJQ in life. And when you reign, the devil does not! *UHDW SRZHU DORQH GRHV QRW EULQJ JUHDW UHVXOWV *UDFH IROORZHG E\ power does. In Acts 6v8 we read “And Steven, full of God’s grace and power performed great wonders and VLJQV DPRQJ WKH SHRSOH ´ God’s grace and favour are always DYDLODEOH WR \RX WKURXJK +LV 6RQ -HVXV $QG UHPHPEHU *RG¶V JUDFH DOZD\V ÀRZV WKURXJK D ZRUU\ IUHH life. *RG EOHVV \RX Pastor Joseph Dass

averted an India-Pakistan war

NEW DELHI — He parachuted out over enemy territory. Fired in the air WR NHHS EDFN DQJU\ ORFDOV Jumped into a pond and then destroyed documents E\ HDWLQJ WKHP Ever since Wing &RPPDQGHU $EKLQDQGDQ Varthaman, an Indian ¿JKWHU SLORW FUDVKHG LQ Pakistani territory on Wednesday, the story of his VXUYLYDO KDV WUDQV¿[HG D nation. 1RZ KLV VDIH UHWXUQ WR India is helping defuse one of the worst crises to erupt LQ GHFDGHV EHWZHHQ WKH WZR QXFOHDU DUPHG QHLJKERUV Late Friday, Varthaman crossed into India on foot at

WKH :DJDK ERUGHU FURVVLQJ ZLWK 3DNLVWDQ 8QGHU EULJKW ÀRRGOLJKWV KH VWHSSHG through the towering metal gate that separates the two countries and shook hands ZLWK VHFXULW\ RI¿FLDOV RQ the Indian side. It was a hero’s welcome: Hundreds of Indians awaited Varthaman’s arrival all day, ZDYLQJ WKH QDWLRQDO ÀDJ DQG KROGLQJ JDUODQGV RI ÀRZHUV they hoped to drape around his neck. Television anchors choked with emotion as they GHVFULEHG WKH VFHQH ,QGLDQ 3ULPH 0LQLVWHU 1DUHQGUD Modi welcomed the pilot home on Twitter, saluting KLV ³H[HPSODU\ FRXUDJH ´ Varthaman’s plane was hit Wednesday morning

LQ WKH ¿UVW DHULDO GRJ¿JKW EHWZHHQ ,QGLD DQG 3DNLVWDQ in nearly 50 years. He was VXEVHTXHQWO\ FDSWXUHG E\ WKH 3DNLVWDQL PLOLWDU\ a particularly dramatic development in an already YRODWLOH FRQÀLFW EHWZHHQ the two nations. Countries around the world, including the United States, worked to ease the tensions. In a scene that could have come from a movie, Varthaman parachuted out of KLV ÀDPLQJ SODQH DFFRUGLQJ to several media outlets, including the BBC and Dawn, Pakistan’s leading English newspaper. Upon discovering he was in Pakistan, Varthaman ran Continued on Page 42

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Remarkable akyra and MÜvenpick vibes sparkle in Sukhumvit Bangkok will almost certainly hear the name RI WKH EXVWOLQJ PRGHUQ QHLJKERXUKRRG RI ¾6XN hum-vit’ due to its importance in relation to shopping, dining and leisure activities.

Sukhumvit change By Rama Gaind MY footsteps and intentions had purpose during my sojourn in Sukhumvit, in Bangkok, Thailand. I had EHHQ LQWULJXHG E\ ZKDW WKH WD[L GULYHU KDG WR VD\ DERXW my destination. It’s never too early for a history lesson. Once Ashok realised I was staying at two special hotels in the area akyra TAS Sukhumvit Soi 20 Bangkok and MĂśvenpick Hotel Sukhumvit 15 Bangkok – there was an RYHUĂ€ RZ RI HQOLJKWHQLQJ interaction. We discussed the growing QXPEHU RI ,QGLDQ Âż OP IDQV in the Thai capital (his young daughter’s learning classical dancing), the VFUHHQLQJ RI +LQGL Âż OPV LQ cinemas and visiting Little India, known locally as ‘Phahurat Market’. I also know Thailand is one of the top favourite locations FKRVHQ E\ SURGXFHUV WR make Bollywood movies. First-time visitors to

Being a frequent visitor, , ¿ QG WKH FLW\œV IUHQHWLF energy is infectious. Sights, sounds, smells, tastes ‌ they all captivate, enlighten, enrich and entertain. Soon after check-in, it ZDV IDVFLQDWLQJ WR ¿ QG WKH VW\OLVK ERXWLTXH DN\UD 7$6 Sukhumvit Soi 20 Bangkok LV DOVR $VLDœV ¿ UVW VLQJOH XVH plastic-free hotel. * U R X Q G E U H D N L Q J Akyra owners have led an DPD]LQJO\ SRVLWLYH FKDQJH IRU WKH HQYLURQPHQW E\ replacing single use plastic ZDWHU ERWWOHV ZLWK UH¿ OODEOH VWDLQOHVV VWHHO ERWWOHV ,WœV DOVR EHLQJ LQQRYDWLYH ZLWK LWœV RZQ EUDQG RI WRLOHWULHV It’s located in the epicenter of Bangkok’s most dynamic tourism area on Sukhumvit Soi 20, a lively QHLJKERUKRRG NQRZQ IRU LWV ¿ QH UHVWDXUDQWV DQG nightlife, as well as lifestyle malls, quality spas and green recreation spaces. 7KHUHœV D ORW WR OLNH DERXW akyra – and it was made HYHQ PRUH PHPRUDEOH

'9; ÂĄ3$!ࣅ 32ÂŞ Ă˜='26-$0 3;'ÂĄ <0,<1=-; †Š !2+030 -9 ÂĄ3$!;'& 2'!8 ;,' ,'!8; 3( ;,' $-;@ >,'8' @3< ) 2& ;,' #'9; 9,366-2+S '!ࣅ 2+S &8-20-2+ !2& '2;'8;!-21'2; 36ࣅ 329U

when I was upgraded to a RQH EHGURRP MXQLRU VXLWH It was easy to retreat to my private city sanctuary WKDW VHDPOHVVO\ EOHQGHG Thai art and culture with contemporary design and hospitality. A thirst quencher was the welcome drink: a refreshing FRPELQDWLRQ RI WDPDULQG cinnamon, orange rind and a touch of sugar – on ice, in a trendy glass – with its own straw! My short stay at MÜvenpick Hotel Sukhumvit 15

Bangkok was also XQIRUJHWWDEOH IRU D QXPEHU RI UHDVRQV &HOHEUDWLQJ P\ ELUWKGD\ WKHUH DQG partaking of some special meals - courtesy of dining at the Lelawadee Restaurant – were a taste sensation. Attending the happy chocolate hour is recommended. What a UHPDUNDEOH DUUD\ RI FDNHV pastries and chocolates, all well complemented with iced coffee (minus the cream). The hotel, which sits down

a quiet side street, is just a short stroll away from all the action. It is connected WR WKH FLW\ YLD ERWK WKH %76 6N\WUDLQ DQG 057 6XEZD\ MXVW D Âż YH PLQXWH ZDON away. If walking is not your preference, then you can avail yourself of the free round-the- clock tuk tuk shuttle service. Whether LW EH VKRUW MDXQWV DURXQG WKH QHLJKERXUKRRG RU H[FXUVLRQV IXUWKHU DÂż HOG to the Grand Palace or Chao Phraya River, the

'¥$31' &8-20ª <ࣕ 08!- ;9!83S 636<¥!8¥@ $!¥¥'& W !932XS 9'8='& ! 8'(8'9,-2+ &8-20 !; !0@8! <0,<1=-; 3- ‡… !2+030U ;X9 1!&' >-;, ;!1!8-2&S $-22!132S 38!2+' 8-2& !2& ! ;3<$, 3( 9<+!8 -2 ! 9;@¥-9, +¥!99 e >-;, -;9 3>2 9;8!>Q ,3;3ª !1! !-2&

central location and easy, FRQYHQLHQW SXEOLF WUDQVSRUW connections make this hotel the right choice. As a guest of akyra TAS 20 Sukhumvit Bangkok and MĂśvenpick Hotel Sukhumvit 15 Bangkok, I have to agree that “life is like a camera: you focus on what is important, capture the good times, develop from the negative and if things do not work out, take DQRWKHU VKRW ´

Makar Sankranthi / “Pongal� Celebration Shri Hayagriva Pooja

By the Bala Samskar Kendra – Queensland, Vishva Hindu Parishad of Australia Inc. Queensland Chapter Makar Sankranthi / Pongal / Uttarayan / Lohri / Bhogali Bihu Bala Samskar Kendra (BSK) Queensland Chapter, the education wing of the Vishva Hindu Parishad of Australia Inc., Queensland Chapter, organised Pongal / Makar 6DQNUDQWKL FHOHEUDWLRQV DW ERWK LWV FHQWUHV LQ %ULVEDQH on 13 January 2019 at the 6XQQ\EDQN 6WDWH KLJK 6FKRRO from 9:00am to 12:00 noon and in Gold Coast at the Benowa State High School from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm on 14 January 2019. 6XFK FHOHEUDWLRQV DUH RUJDQLVHG DQQXDOO\ E\ %6. to enlighten young minds DERXW WKH VLJQL¿ FDQFH RI our harvest festival that has EHHQ FHOHEUDWHG LQ ,QGLD IRU centuries. Although this festival has many different names depending on the part RI ,QGLD WKDW LW LV FHOHEUDWHG in, this festival has the VDPH VFLHQWL¿ F DQG VSLULWXDO VLJQL¿ FDQFH DOO DURXQG The day started with the explanation of captivating VFLHQWL¿ F IDFWV DERXW 3RQJDO Makar Sankranthi. This was WKHQ IROORZHG E\ WKH DFWXDO VLJQL¿ FDQFH RI WKH KDUYHVW

festival. The exciting activity following the information VHVVLRQ ZDV WKH DEVROXWH favourite of every child, BSK RU 1RQ %6. DV LW LQYROYHG D lot of colour and messiness! This captivating activity is of course the famous Rangoli Competition, which is loved E\ FKLOGUHQ DGXOWV DQG grandparents and everyone HOVH LQ EHWZHHQ The general understanding of Rangoli is that it is just colouring in of shapes and having fun. However, there is more to this Hindu cultural


art than just what is laid out for general interpretation. Doing Rangoli allows your EUDLQ WR EHFRPH H[HUFLVHG and will sharpen your mind as well. It helps in identifying and drawing patterns and colouring.Moreover, the gentle moving of your Âż QJHUV WR DOORZ WKH SRZGHU WR EH UHOLHYHG H[HUFLVHV \RX Âż QJHU DV ZHOO DQG KHOSV ZLWK motor activity. The colour FRPELQDWLRQV DOORZ \RXU EUDLQ WR H[HUFLVH DV ZHOO Technically all aspects of doing Rangoli is healthy and very good for your mind and ERG\

The Rangoli Competition consisted of four age groups, EHORZ ¿ YH \HDUV \HDUV 8-12 years and 12-19 years. To suite the respective age groups, different Rangoli designs were drawn from easy designs for younger children and harder for the elder. The children had forty¿ YH PLQXWHV WR FRPSOHWH their designs. In the end, distinguished judges were invited to rate the winners of each age group. All the ZLQQHUV DUH DZDUGHG SUL]HV on the following Bala Utsav day (BSK’s end of year annual concert).

The Rangoli competition ZDV IROORZHG E\ WKH SXMD of the Sun god, Surya, who gives us light and allows the FURSV WR JURZ WKXV EHLQJ D vital part of keeping us alive. We also cooked the traditional Pongal, which is the South Indian side RI FHOHEUDWLQJ WKH KDUYHVW IHVWLYDO $IWHUZDUGV ÂłEKRJ´ was offered to Surya deva and Lord Ganesha and prasadam was served to all those present. .LWH Ă€ \LQJ LV DQ DQFLHQW traditional practice on the festival of Pongal / Makar Sankranthi, which was another fascinating fact the children learned that day. All WKH FKLOGUHQ Ă€ HZ NLWHV ZKLFK soared in the sky, though there was not much wind. The children were taught the VLJQLÂż FDQFH RI .LWH )O\LQJ during Pongal / Makar Sankranthi and also the VDIHW\ DVSHFWV RI NLWH Ă€ \LQJ ZDV HPSKDVLVHG EHIRUH WKH\ VHW RXW WR Ă€ \ WKHLU NLWHV 7KLV H[XEHUDQW DFWLYLW\ was the conclusion of the IXQ Âż OOHG DZHVRPH GD\ WKH FKLOGUHQ VSHQW OHDUQLQJ DERXW WKH VLJQLÂż FDQFH RI WKH +LQGX festival of Harvest and having

lots of fun during the day as well. Until next year, all this IXQ LV JRLQJ WR EH PLVVHG Shri Hayagriva Puja In the Hindu Scriptures, /RUG +D\DJULYD KDV EHHQ referred to as an incarnation (avatar) of Lord Vishnu. Lord Hayagriva is worshipped as the God of knowledge, wisdom and learning. Traditionally in many parts of India, seeking Lord +D\DJULYDÂśV EOHVVLQJV SULRU WR EHJLQQLQJ DQ\ OHDUQLQJ process is considered auspicious. To this end, %6. 4XHHQVODQG KDV EHHQ conducting Shri Hayagriva 3RRMD IRU WKH ODVW Âż YH \HDUV DW WKH EHJLQQLQJ RI WKH DFDGHPLF year so that children have a successful year in school. This year the puja was held on Saturday 26 January 2019 DW WKH 6XQQ\EDQN 56/ +DOO Pandit Ravi Bhatt assisted the children in performing the puja and also explained the VLJQLÂż FDQFH DQG UHDVRQLQJ EHKLQG SHUIRUPLQJ HDFK SXMD ritual. The Hayagriva Aradhana shlokas were also taught to the children and other participants. More than 100 people attended the puja and took the EOHVVLQJV RI /RUG +D\DJULYD Sri Hayagriva puja

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Bali – The Island of Temples By Awadhesh Sharma BALI is an island located in the east of Java DQG ZHVW RI /RPERN LVODQGV RI ,QGRQHVLD ,W LV D province of Indonesia. Its capital city is Denpasar, where the Island’s airport is located. Bali covers an area of 5,780 km2 and its population in 2014 was 4.225 million. Over 83.5% of its population follow Hinduism. Other religions followed in Bali are Buddhism, Islam and Christianity. 7KH WRXULVP LQGXVWU\ FRQWULEXWHV VLJQL¿FDQWO\ to Bali’s economy. Tourism infrastructures VXFK DV KRWHOV UHVWDXUDQWV EHDFKHV KLVWRULFDO monuments and temples, cultural events, and transport facilities are well developed and FDWHU IRU DOO W\SHV RI YLVLWRUV &LWL]HQV RI PDQ\ FRXQWULHV LQFOXGLQJ $XVWUDOLD FDQ REWDLQ WKHLU YLVD RU DQ H[HPSWLRQ E\ SUHVHQWLQJ WKHLU passport at the airport. %HLQJ DQ LVODQG %DOL KDV PDQ\ EHDFKHV Some of the popular among them are Kuta, 6HPLQ\DN /HJLDQ DQG %DWX %DORQJ EHDFKHV RQ the southwest side of the island, and Sanur and 3DQGDZD EHDFKHV RQ WKH VRXWKHDVW VLGH One of the most captivating tourist attractions LQ %DOL LV WKH DEXQGDQFH RI +LQGX WHPSOHV 2YHU ten thousand temples are spread all across Bali. Almost every Hindu family has a temple in their home. Depending upon the wealth and status of WKH IDPLO\ LW PD\ EH D VLQJOH URRP LQ WKH KRXVH or a large separate temple in the house complex. 7KHUH DUH SXEOLF WHPSOHV LQ DOPRVW DOO ORFDOLWLHV ZKHUH WKH FRPPXQLW\¶V UHOLJLRXV FHOHEUDWLRQV are held. In addition, there are large temple complexes with more than one temple. They are also popular tourist attractions, as well as sacred sites where local worshippers perform rituals. Temples have intricate carvings on their entry gates and are typically multi-level towers, also known as pagodas. A priest known as Pandit with similar Balinese pronunciation leads the rituals. Tourists are not allowed entry into the area where local religious ceremonies are SHUIRUPHG EXW WKH\ FDQ REVHUYH WKH UHOLJLRXV proceedings from a distance. Statues of Ganesh and other Hindu deities can EH VHHQ DW WKH HQWUDQFH RI KRXVHV DQG EXVLQHVVHV $ QXPEHU RI ZRUVKLSSLQJ LWHPV VXFK DV ÀRZHUV OHDYHV DQG IUXLWV SUHVHQWHG RQ OHDI SODWHV FDQ EH VHHQ LQ IURQW RI D KRXVH RU EXVLQHVV DV RIIHULQJ to deities. Streets and roads named after Hindu GHLWLHV DQG UHOLJLRXV FKDUDFWHUV FDQ EH VHHQ around the Island. The Trimurti of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are the main deities in Balinese Hinduism. In addition, Ganesh, Laxmi, Saraswati, Parvati and Durga are equally venerated. Statues of the FKDUDFWHUV RI WKH 5DPD\DQ DQG WKH 0DKDEKDUDW FDQ EH VHHQ DW URXQGDERXWV DQG URDG LQWHUVHFWLRQV throughout Denpasar and other towns. Cultural SURJUDPV EDVHG RQ VWRULHV IURP WKH 5DPD\DQ DQG WKH 0DKDEKDUDW DUH SHUIRUPHG DW PDQ\ WHPSOHV DQG FXOWXUDO FHQWUHV 3XSSHW VKRZV GHVFULELQJ stories from the Ramayan are also popular. 2P 6ZDVWL $VWX WKH 6DQVNULW EOHVVLQJ SKDVH is the welcome greeting in Balinese. Indonesian ODQJXDJH %DKDVD ZLWK /DWLQ DOSKDEHW LV XVHG LQ %DOL KRZHYHU WKH ROG %DOLQHVH VFULSW EDVHG RQ WKH 6DQVNULW ODQJXDJH FDQ EH VHHQ LQVFULEHG RQ temple walls and other structures. English is the language of communication with tourists. ,W LV EHOLHYHG WKDW +LQGXLVP EHFDPH D SUDFWLFLQJ religion in Southeast Asia including Bali almost two millennia ago. Later, Buddhism replaced it LQ VRPH FRXQWULHV :KHQ ,VODP EHFDPH GRPLQDQW

in the Indonesian archipelago, then Majapahit, the last Hindu king of Java, took shelter in Bali, which was a strong Hindu state. Areas around Denpasar, and Kuta, Seminyak DQG 6DQXU EHDFKHV DUH FHQWUHV RI WRXULVW activities. Tourists interested in understanding and familiarising themselves with Balinese art, FXOWXUH DQG ZD\ RI OLIH SUHIHU WR VWD\ LQ 8EXG DQG surrounding areas, almost an hour’s drive north from Denpasar airport. 2Q WKH ZD\ WR 8EXG IURP WKH DLUSRUW RQH FDQ VHH URZV RI VKRSV DQG JDOOHULHV GLVSOD\LQJ REMHFWV such as deities, demons, animals and articles of DUW FDUYHG RXW RI ZRRG 6LPLODU REMHFWV PDGH RI VWRQHV DQG SDLQWLQJV VKRZLQJ QDWXUDO EHDXWLHV GHLWLHV DQG GHPRQV DQG DQLPDOV FDQ DOVR EH REVHUYHG DORQJ WKH URDG ,Q VRPH JDOOHULHV RQH FDQ VHH DUWLVW FDUYLQJ EHDXWLIXO ¿JXUHV RXW RI wood. 8EXG LV VXUURXQGHG E\ IHUWLOH SDGG\ ¿HOGV 7KH\ ERUGHU UHVWDXUDQWV DQG KRWHOV 6RPH LVRODWHG YLOODV VWDQGLQJ DORQH FDQ EH VHHQ LQ WKH ¿HOG ZKLFK DUH SUHIHUUHG E\ WRXULVWV LQWHUHVWHG LQ OLYLQJ VXUURXQGHG E\ QDWXUH There are many sites of attraction that a tourist can choose to visit in Bali. Some of the sites that we visited during our recent trip Include 6DUDVZDWL WHPSOH 8EXG 3DODFH DQG PXVHXP DOO RI ZKLFK DUH PDMRU DWWUDFWLRQV LQ WKH 8EXG FHQWUDO DUHD 8EXG PDUNHW LV FORVH WR WKH 3DODFH Wanar Wana or sacred monkey forest is a PRQNH\ VDQFWXDU\ ERUGHULQJ WKH FHQWUDO DUHD LQ 8EXG $ ODUJH QXPEHU RI PRQNH\V FDQ EH VHHQ LQ WKH IRUHVW 7KH\ DUH IHG DQG WDNHQ FDUH RI E\ the forest authority. Three temples, dedicated to Shiva family, Prajapati and Ganga, are located in the monkey forest. Goa Gajah or Elephant Cave is a cave temple ORFDWHG VRXWK RI 8EXG (QWUDQFH WR WKH FDYH is through the cavernous mouth of a monster. ,QVLGH WKH FDYH DUH V\PEROV RI 6KLYD DQG 3DUYDWL on one end, and a statue of Ganesh on the other. In front of the cave are deep ponds. Outside the cave, a deep valley, a waterfall and a Shiva temple are other attractions. %DWXEXODQ LV D WRZQ ORFDWHG VRXWK RI 8EXG 7KH Barong Dance Show displaying the victory of

good over evil is a one-hour drama performed LQ DQ XQGHUFRYHU WKHDWUH LQ %DWXEXODQ HYHU\ day, starting at 9:30 am. The main characters of the drama are Kunti and Sahadeo from the 0DKDEKDUDWD /RUG 6KLYD D PRQNH\ DQG GHPRQV also play roles. 7LUWKD (PSXO D KRO\ VSULQJ QRUWK RI 8EXG LV EHOLHYHG WR KDYH PDJLFDO SRZHU WR FXUH LOOQHVV Tourists, local as well as foreigners, line up to take a dip in the holy water. Water from the spring is used in religious ceremonies all over Bali. A large temple is located in the complex where worshippers perform religious rituals. In the central mountains area of Bali, Gunung Batur is one of the two volcanic craters. Gunung %DWXU FDQ EH VHHQ IURP D KLOO WRS UHVWDXUDQW at Chintamani on the other side of the valley that separates the crater hill and Chintamani. 7HUUDFHG SDGG\ ¿HOGV FDQ EH VHHQ DORQJ WKH ZD\ WR &KLQWDPDQL DV ZHOO DV LQ DUHDV DURXQG 8EXG Ulun Danu Bratan temple, also in the central PRXQWDLQV DUHD LV ORFDWHG RQ WKH EDQNV RI WKH Danau Bratan Lake. The temple complex is spread over a large area. The mountains and lake VXUURXQGLQJ LW DUH HQFKDQWLQJO\ EHDXWLIXO 7KH Bali Botanical Garden is on the way to Bratan WHPSOH IURP 8EXG Taman Ayun and Tanah Lot are large temples LQ ZHVWHUQ %DOL 7DPDQ $\XQ LV VXUURXQGHG E\ D PRDW ZLWK ZDWHU ÀRZLQJ IURP D ULYHU 7DQDK Lot, a large temple complex famous for sunset YLHZLQJ LV RQ WKH EDQN RI %DOL 6HD $ QXPEHU of temples constitute the Tanah Lot complex. 2QH WHPSOH LV LQ WKH VHD ZKLFK FDQ EH DFFHVVHG GXULQJ ORZ WLGH E\ FURVVLQJ WKH ZDWHU RQ IRRW Fresh water drips from the hill where the temple is located. This water is considered sacred. All tourists who venture to cross the water DUH ZHOFRPHG E\ SULHVWV RQ WKH LVODQG WHPSOH DQG EOHVVHG ZLWK VDFUHG ZDWHU ,QGLDQ WRXULVWV chanting Ganapti Bappa Morya and Har Har 0DKDGHY ZHUH SUHVHQW LQ ODUJH QXPEHUV GXULQJ our visit to the temple. Luhur Ulu Watu is a popular temple located on a steep cliff facing the sea in the southwest tip of South Bali. It contains a forested area where D ODUJH QXPEHU RI PRQNH\V UHVLGH ,Q WKH IRUHVW there is a large statue of Ravan, the kidnapper of

Devi Sita. According to local legends, monkeys, who are considered soldiers of lord Ram, surround the statue and continue to harass him even in the present day, for his shameful act. An impressive monument known as Garuda Wisnu Kanchana (GWK), placed in a park, is a major attraction in South Bali. The park is spread over sixty hectares and is located at an altitude RI PHWHUV DERYH VHD OHYHO 7KH PRQXPHQW displaying Vishnu and his mount Garuda is the tallest statue in Indonesia. Bajrasandhi is a well-known monument in 'HQSDVDU ,W FHOHEUDWHV WKH %DOLQHVH VWUXJJOH IRU independence and eventual victory over colonial powers. Parks surround the monument and a museum displays historical and cultural items. Shree Jagannath temple, near another park in Denpasar, is also a popular attraction. Besakih temple and traditional Balinese village are located in the northeast region of the Island. Besakih temple is also known as Mother temple. Besakih is the Balinese pronunciation of Vasuki, the mythological serpent in Hinduism. 7KH FRPSOH[ FRPSULVHV D QXPEHU RI WHPSOHV which are located on the hills. From the temple complex, one can see a panoramic view of surrounding areas. The traditional Balinese village consists of well-organised community dwellings. Houses DUH EXLOW LQ D URZ ZLWK DFFHVV IURP 0DLQ 6WUHHW to each house. Each house has a shop inside near the entrance that sells locally produced goods. One has to wear Sarong to enter sacred sites. 6DURQJV DUH DYDLODEOH IRU XVH DW WKH HQWU\ JDWHV Entry fees apply to visit most temples and tourist sites. Balinese Hindus cremate their dead. They OHDG DQ HODERUDWH SURFHVVLRQ WKURXJK WKH WRZQ RU YLOODJH GXULQJ WKH FUHPDWLRQ IROORZHG E\ religious rituals. Prayer and religious rituals are DOVR KHOG WR PDUN WKH ELUWK RI D EDE\ DQG ZHGGLQJ ceremonies. Rice, which requires a lot water to grow, is the main crop, and a variety of them are grown in %DOL )UXLWV KHUEV DQG VSLFHV DUH DOVR JURZQ LQ Bali. Rice is the staple food of the Balinese. Luwah coffee, which is produced from seeds HDWHQ E\ /XZDK D PRQJRRVH OLNH DQLPDO DQG excreted in whole, is a popular export item in Bali. The Luwah coffee factory that we visited in the central mountain region demonstrate the process of coffee making as well as production of WHD DQG RWKHU VSLFHV DQG KHUEV IURP FXOWLYDWLRQ WR WKH ¿QDO SURGXFW Massage parlours and Balinese cooking classes are popular among tourists. During the cooking class, students are led to a market to identify items used in the cooking. At the school, instructors help them to cook meals, which they enjoy at the end of the class. Puppet show art is popular in Bali and one can VHH KRZ WKHVH SXSSHWV DUH PDGH RI VNLQ RU WLPEHU in local workshops. During our trip to Bali, the Hindu religious traditions followed in Bali, and impressive temple complexes throughout the island, were amongst the most fascinating attractions for us. 7KH\ UHPLQGHG XV RI WKH LPSRUWDQW LQÀXHQFH RI the ancient Indian civilisation in Southeast Asian countries, the effects of which remain strong and YLVLEOH HYHQ WRGD\ More information on Hinduism will follow in WKH QH[W HGLWLRQ RI %ULVEDQH ,QGLDQ 7LPHV

Begging – A tool for growth !&,+<8<S 9,! 3<2&!ࣅ32

BEGGING in India was a part of the spiritual tradition. On aspect of this was, you did not select your IRRG \RX EHJJHG DQG DWH whatever people gave you. It was considered a great privilege when a person on the spiritual path stood in front of your house and asked for food, and for you to offer food to him. Today,

WKHVH WUDGLWLRQV KDYH EHHQ misused and there are so many people wearing the uniform of a spiritual seeker, who are just plain EHJJDUV LQ VHDUFK RI PRQH\ and food. But when people EHJJHG FRQVFLRXVO\ LW had a completely different PHDQLQJ DQG SRVVLELOLW\ When someone stretches his hand in front of you, if \RX IHHO LW LV EHLQJ PLVXVHG you can refuse and move along. If you feel that it is really coming out of genuine need, you must UHVSRQG DV D KXPDQ EHLQJ -XVW WKLQN KRZ GLI¿FXOW


LW ZRXOG EH IRU \RX WR stretch your hand in front of someone on the street. That man is putting himself WKURXJK WKDW $ EHJJDU PD\ EH GRLQJ VR RXW RI KHOSOHVVQHVV EXW D VDQ\DVL is doing it consciously for his own growth so that he does not get too full of KLPVHOI $ EHJJDU GRHV QRW have such great goals. He is MXVW WU\LQJ WR ¿OO KLV EHOO\ ZKLFK KH LV LQFDSDEOH RI GRLQJ E\ KLPVHOI <RX QHHG WR XQGHUVWDQG GLVDELOLW\ LV not just in terms of losing a hand or a leg. You can EHFRPH GLVDEOHG MXVW LQ the way you think and feel

DERXW OLIH $FWXDOO\ DOPRVW the whole population is mentally and emotionally KDQGLFDSSHG EHFDXVH RI their patterns of thinking and feeling towards life. 6LPLODUO\ WKH EHJJDU KDV gotten himself into a corner, DQG KH WKLQNV EHJJLQJ LV WKH easiest way to earn a living. A spiritual person KRZHYHU WDNHV WR EHJJLQJ EHFDXVH KH ZDQWV WR GURS himself. The idea, “I earn my own living, my own money, my own food, my RZQ KRPH ´ LV D ELJ SDUW RI your ego. Begging was used as a tool to drop yourself EHFDXVH LQ HDUQLQJ D OLYLQJ

you gather yourself. But you drop yourself in just stretching your hand in front of someone, knowing DQG EHLQJ IXOO\ FRQVFLRXV WKDW \RX KDYH WKH FDSDELOLW\ to earn your living, to rule a kingdom, yet you still FKRRVH WR EHJ That is a tremendous shift

LQ D KXPDQ EHLQJ 6R LQ our tradition, at least once D \HDU \RX PXVW JR EHJJLQJ for food, so that you do not think too much of yourself. People may give you food or they might just ask you to get out. It does not PDWWHU EXW EHLQJ D EHJJDU is not a small thing.

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The Rose and the Thorn

The Rose and the Thorn 2019 by Indrani Ganguly Price: $29.99 plus postage The Rose and the Thorn is the story of identical Indian twins – Mukti and Lila, and the very different ways in which they work to Balancefor Better. Born two and a half minutes apart, Mukti and Lila think and act in opposite ways. Mukti ORQJV WR PRYH EH\RQG WKH complex family structures, cocooned within the Indian customs while Lila is a dreamer. Personal tragedy, the VWUXJJOH WR EDODQFH IRU EHWWHU WKURXJK D EXUJHRQLQJ national movement for independence and sweeping social reforms WR DGGUHVV JHQGHU EDVHG and other inequities SURSHO ERWK VLVWHUV LQWR the world outside their narrow domestic walls. 1HZ UHODWLRQVKLSV DQG D string of events challenge their loyalties while lives are uprooted as the world

changes. The sisters struggle to control their lives and ORYHV DV WKH VXE FRQWLQHQW ODERXUV WR JLYH ELUWK WR D QHZ QDWLRQ 1RWKLQJ LV permanent, yet everything is connected. The author challenges the reader to ask who is the rose and who is the thorn. Set against the intriguing EDFNGURS RI ,QGLD¶V multifaceted society and travelling through nearly ¿ IW\ \HDUV RI KLVWRU\ the Rose and the Thorn VHHNV WR DOVR EDODQFH widespread perceptions RI ,QGLDQ ZRPHQ DV EHLQJ either exotic or oppressed DQG XQDEOH WR EH DJHQWV RI change for themselves and others. Copies of the Rose and WKH 7KRUQ PD\ EH RUGHUHG directly from Indrani at LJDQJ XO\#ELJ SRQG FRP or through Boolarong Press at https://www. ERRODURQJSUHVV FRP DX product/the-rose-and-thethorn/

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in Gold Coast: Gold Coast Hindu Cultural Association along with Gold Coast Community FHOHEUDWLQJ WKH IHVWLYDO RI FRORXUV RQ WK RI March 2019. 7KLV HYHQW LV VXSSRUWHG E\ WKH 4XHHQVODQG government through the multicultural grant. Date: 24th March 2019 Time: 11am to 2pm 9HQXH $OEHUW 3DUN 0RQDFR 6WUHHW %URDGEHDFK :DWHUV Food is served for $20 each. 3OHDVH ERRN \RXU WLFNHWV YLD ZZZ WU\ERRNLQJ FRP

Background of Holi: Holi is an ancient festival of India and was originally known as ‘Holika’. 7KLV IXOO PRRQ IHVWLYDO RI +ROLND EHFDPH a festival of merrymaking, announcing the commencement of the change in season. The legend of Lord Krishna is also associated with play with colors as the Lord VWDUWHG WKH WUDGLWLRQ RI SOD\ ZLWK FRORXUV E\ DSSO\LQJ FRORXU RQ KLV EHORYHG 5DGKD DQG other gopis (damsels). Gradually, the play gained popularity with WKH SHRSOH DQG EHFDPH D WUDGLWLRQ WR H[SUHVV joyful play and love. 2Q +ROL FRORXUHG ULFH À RXU DUH WKURZQ RQ IULHQGV DQG IDPLO\ DV D FHOHEUDWLRQ RI OLIH

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When a Mandir Delivers Beyond the Call of its Religious Duties

By Thakur Ranjit Singh

HINDUS believe in the concept of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam� which translated, means, “the world is one family� And such teaching prompt Hindu religious organisations to go beyond the call of its religion and serve humanity and people of all religions. Shri Ram Mandir at Brick Street Henderson, Auckland, New Zealand has adopted this spirit and has been helping the community through walkathon over the years. They have appropriately named it RAM-A-THON This philanthropic service to the community has now snowballed into a day of fun and sports for the whole family, while serving a good cause. This article by FIJI PUNDIT tells you more, and hope Hindu organisations in Australia can also emulate this gesture and go beyond the call of prayers and religious rituals. We have multitudes of religious societies and organisations in New Zealand and Australia. They are performing commendable duties of religious teachings, promoting their respective Gods, and in doing so, handsomely collecting

funds for upkeep of their respective institution. Some have accumulated loads of money. Nothing wrong with that, in fact very admirable, if properly utilised. However, one among very few, that stands out from the above categorising is SHRI RAM MANDIR at Brick Street, Henderson, Auckland, New Zealand. Being a Hindu institution, it really stands out and appropriately follows the GH¿QLWLRQ RI +LQGXLVP which is more of a way of life than mere rituals. The spirituality is their priority, which means being good, compassionate, caring, respecting, community -conscious, God-loving and a good human being. And these teachings need to physically translate into practical deeds rather WKDQ EHLQJ FRQ¿QHG DV theoretical discourse only. And according to our scriptures, the best deed one can do is service to humanity, what we call parr hitt. This is also taught by other religions and well depicted in Abu Ben Adam poem by Leigh Hunt. The bottom line message here is that God loves and blesses those who love their fellow beings. And that is exactly what Shri Ram Mandir does – it literally walks the talk in

loving its fellow beings. And this is done through its walkathon which they call Ram-A-Thon, named after Lord Ram, who walked across India during his exile. Here, the devotees walk and raise funds for worthy causes. Six years ago, this started as a full day 35 km of marathon walk from Papatoetoe to Henderson. It was later reduced to 20km walk from Auckland Domain (Museum) to Mandir at Henderson. Since then they have held two other walkathon to help out Starship Children’s Hospital (over $10,000) and Saint John Ambulance (over $16,000) This year, it was decided to reduce the walk to 10km, but utilise the day to assemble people together in a huge community networking and people wellbeing quest, developing it into a family carnival. As we have said before, since the inception of Ram

Mandir in Henderson, it has developed more than a religious institution into a Community hub. There was Ghazal and Bollywood nights, hosted Senior Citizens group, has become a venue for wedding and birthdays and promotes music, arts, culture and history. The family carnival that was held after the walk at Henderson Park was fun¿OOHG 0LQL )LML FDUQLYDO where we had friendly sporting rivalry between WKH GLVWULFWV LQ )LML OLNH Suva, Lautoka, Rewa, Ba, Tavua, Rakiraki, Labasa and Nadroga. And we had a bucketful of family and sporting events such as Men’s soccer, Tug of war, seniors lawn balls, seniors ball and bucket, Ladies penalty kicks and Ladies Volley ball. The friendly district loyalties and rivalries prompted greater efforts to make your team win. The highest funds were collected

Lord Shiva Temple opened in Karalee, Queensland Australia

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by Tavua, over $16,000, followed by neighbor Ba, with a distant $6000 and 5HZD ZLWK MXVW RYHU being third. Some individuals were recognized for their efforts. Master Shiu Charan was the best overall fundraiser, who put great efforts in penetrating to the community and donors to raise funds. Bhavishna Datt from Tavua was the highest fundraiser with $5070 raised. And of course, the 7DYXD WHDP ZDV DOVR MXGJHG the best with overall high points. The coordinator of the event, Mahendra Sharma was elated with the overall results and thanked all for their overall efforts. Another reason for his MR\ ZDV WKDW KH KDG KLV brother Pundit Dhirendra Sharma and his wife from Surrey, Canada, who participated in the event. While Dhirendra raised RYHU LQ MXVW D IHZ GD\V and walked the distance, his wife, Punditaain helped in preparing food for the participants. The success of the IXQGUDLVLQJ DQG D MR\IXO family day goes to the very kind-hearted sponsors and partners. These, among others were, Sport Waitakere, Corporative Bank, Northern Football Federation, Oratia Football, Auckland Co-op Taxis, Subway Central (Daven and %DELWD 0DKDUDM 5RVKDQ Nauhria, Sam Achari, Lotus Foreign Exchange, The Indian News, Apna TV and Apna 990 Radio. While having fun, the friendly rivalry between the districts accelerated the fundraising efforts, as amount collected far exceeded what they did previously. This year funds collected went to Friends RI )LML +HDOWK )2)+ Statement by them is selfexplanatory: $43,442.60 was donated by Shri Ram Mandir Trust to FOFH. This was the highest amount by a single donor. Our most sincere appreciation to Pravin Kumar, Mahen Sharma

and a large number of their executive members, volunteers, soccer team members, youth groups and community and social workers. A big thanks to FOFH Medical team who provided free basic medical check-up to the general public who attended the fundraiser and family festival. The cheque was presented by Hon. Phil Twyford, Minister of Transport and Housing. The managing Trustee of Shri Ram Mandir observed that while Ram-A- Thon has been intended to raise funds for worthy charities that is not necessarily their prime REMHFWLYH We wish to engage with the wider community, including children, youths, elders, women and people from all walks to life, while enhancing diversity, teamwork, networking and multiculturalism. It has been an effort to create awareness of wellbeing, healthy living, walking, exercising and NHHSLQJ ÂżW ZKLOH UDLVLQJ funds for worthy causes. In doing so we worked collaboratively with other like-minded charitable, community and religious organisations and obtained corporate and commercial businesses on board as sponsors. Indeed, it was a fruitful day, and the general verdict from community elders is that other like-minded religious institutions need to broaden their base and lower their radar to capture many in the community who are normally by-passed by Mandirs focussing on religion only. As the message from Abu Ben Adam speaks, God loves and blesses those who love their fellow beings. And Shri Ram Mandir receives such blessings in abundance for its trendsetting humanitarian and philanthropic deeds. >7KDNXU 5DQMLW 6LQJK UXQV his blog, FIJI PUNDIT and has been part of Ram-AThon since its inception in 2014]

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Level 1, Unit 4, 25 Railway Tce, Milton 4064 THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, March, 2019 — 15

Haridwar: A town from yesterday By Dhaval Vyas, Ahmedabad, India HARIDWAR, literally means 'The gateway to the Gods'. It's the place where the river Ganga descends to the plain. A Gateway to the four pilgrimage of Uttarakhand, Haridwar is variously mentioned as Mayapuri, Gangadwar, Mokhsadwar in the ancient Hindu scriptures DQG HSLFV $ PDMRU 6KDNWLSHHWK IURP WLPH immemorial, the place is believed to have both VDQFWLÂż HG E\ WKH SRZHUIXO WULQLW\ RI +LQGX mythology - Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. This is why the place has been a ever-refreshing P\VWLF YHQXH IRU WKH SXULÂż FDWLRQ RI WKH PLQG body and soul. The Kumbha Mela, happening once every 12 years and the Ardha Kumbha Mela (Coming once every six years) are big draws. Haridwar is very much associated with the legends in Hindu philosophy. In order to purge the earth of its sins, it is said the a king named Bhagirath brought river Ganga from heaven to earth. Haridwar is also very popular among both foreign and indigenous tourists because of the different types of alternative treatment facility that it provides. Interestingly enough more and more people are turning towards Ayurveda and Yoga. In Haridwar, you will get some excellent Ayurveda and Yoga institute. The city of Haridwar is only 10 km away from 5DMDML 1DWLRQDO 3DUN ,I \RX DUH D ZLOGOLIH ORYHU or a die-hard adventure maniac, make sure that you visit this wonderful place. Situated in the state of uttarakhand, the city is easily accessible by air, road and rail. Haridwar is only 214 km from Delhi and 386 km from Agra. If you wish WR MRXUQH\ E\ FDU LW ZLOO QRW WDNH PRUH WKDQ MXVW a few hours to reach here. Haridwar also has a railway station and is well connected by rail. The QHDUHVW DLUSRUW LV MXVW NP DZD\ DW 'HKUDGXQ If you are planning to spend a vacation away from the din and bustle of daily life, this is the place where you should be. Today here, I will tell you a very different thing about Haridwar. +RZ OLIH Ă€ RZV LQ WKLV KRO\ FLW\ A nondescript town straight out of a Chandamama story — Haridwar hides nothing, tells nothing. But like all small towns of Uttrakhand, which wait to usher in a new government today, it has a story There was never any electricity at the ‘kabristan’ in Haridwar as we cycled to the canal for a swim, after bunking classes. It is a vast expanse of graves, surrounded by dense foliage and dishevelled grass, with people zig-zagging across it to the canal for a breath of fresh air, HYHQ DV OLWWOH NLGV MXPSHG LQWR WKH ZDWHU WR ORRN for old coins. In the night, as we cycled back across the kabristan, we sang loudly, to scare away the ghosts. We never found any, except in the ghost stories, which were always fascinating. The local ‘shamshan’ was rarely in use, because most people took their dead to nearby Ganges for cremations. Even the last rites were performed there. In the evening, the diyas would Ă€ RDW DW +DU NL 3DXUL DQG WKH PRXUQLQJ ZRXOG PL[ ZLWK WKH ULSSOLQJ ZDWHUV DQG WKH Ă€ RDWLQJ light, into the dark abyss of the night’s sadness. Life went on. In the dingy by-lanes of the old town, where genius craftspeople and little children made PDJLFDO ZRRGHQ DUWLÂż FHV DQG QHDU WKH FORFN tower and fountain where old restaurants served butter chicken, mutton korma and hot rotis; and beyond, inside the sprawling Gandhi Maidan, where political rallies and all-night Urdu mushairas were held; right across Gill Colony, Mission Compound and the old Railway Ground near Sophia School where we played cricket, or at the bustling sugar and paper mills, Haridwar was like a story told in Chandamama, replete with sketches drawn with childhood

innocence and an isolated lucidity uncluttered by the knowledge systems of big cities. It was like a line of harmony had been drawn on the ground, and the people followed it, with a certain pronounced decency. The old wooden bridge at the railway station UHPDLQV DV LW LV UHIXUELVKHG ZLWK MXVW WKH PLQLPDOLVW Âż QHVVH WKDW PDUNV WKH WRZQÂśV everyday ritual. There are metal straps to make it stronger, like a cobbler patches an old shoe, and it moves and shakes like the Lakshman Jhula as you walk across, with a train rumbling below on the tracks. Running along the stairs leading up to the bridge is a hollowed-out track, into which you can hoist the wheels of your bicycle and glide it to the top; some actually cycled across the tattered wooden bridge, never ever afraid that it would fall apart. Things don’t fall apart in Haridwar. In its daily chaos, everything is united in symphony with its detached dust and aridity, like Tarantino’s music in retrospect. Across western UP, now in the throes of the to-and-fro of the ‘mother of all polls’, in Omkara territory, Haridwar is a nondescript town which hides nothing, tells nothing. However, like all small towns in Uttrakhand and Uttar Pradesh, it too has a story. From the railway platform, you could hop across the tracks for a cup of tea, and never did we buy a platform ticket. The wooden bridge often became a moment of revelation, like a black-and-white unedited shot of classical cinema: the train moving through the mist or smoke, the slow evening sky descending onto the railway lines, villagers with their bundles hurrying to their destinations, and the tea boiling in the kettle. In this slow, suspended architecture of an old railway station, there was no ambition to be achieved — not even unrequited love, or a neatly-written love letter hidden in an Enid Blyton, Gulshan Nanda or Barbara Cartland book. Across the bridge, outside the railway station on that side, the stables have long vanished, but the strong smell of horses remains. Horsedriven tongas are few and far between now, UHSODFHG E\ WKH QHZ MXJDDU SDVVHQJHU WHPSRV but the rare tonga that remains still speeds along,

resurrecting the ‘tup-tup’ horse-shoe rhythm of vintage OP Nayyar songs. Across the station, near the rundown bus station full of piss and paan-spit, the Peshawari restaurant still runs 24x7; during exams we would gather here in the night and mug up the last pages, always praying to god, “please, please, postpone the examsâ€?. God never gave a damn. During spring, Maa would tell us to not eat ber (Indian plum) before Saraswati 3XMD %DVDQW 3DQFKDPL 6KH PDGH XV IDVW that day before taking us to the pandal to RIIHU SXVKSDQMDOL Ă€ RZHUV WR WKH EHQLJQ goddess with the veena and beauteous eyes, who was dressed in an immaculate cotton sari. Maa knew I was weak in mathematics, that I feared numbers, that I hallucinated about numbers during bouts of typhoid — so she would take along the textbooks, decked in nice brown cover, and place them at the feet of the goddess. In this childhood’s small town in western UP, everything was precious, even though there was no electricity, We had was a Murphy radio, with a warm, yellow light, and I used to think that people lived inside it, with their voices and VRQJV 7KH PDJQLÂż FHQW 0DKDOD\D HDUO\ PRUQLQJ recitation, when Durga would arrive by boat, or on a elephant or sometimes even a horse. Or, Binaca Geetmala on Wednesday nights with its signature tune and Ameen Sayani’s golden voice WDNLQJ XV RQ DOO NLQGV RI URPDQWLF MRXUQH\V Night after night, as the north wind blew over the mango and litchi orchards, All India Radio’s Urdu service rang across the opento-sky courtyards and terraces, which ran into each other like ghost stories, into unimaginable terrains of wonder, dreams and fantasy. From WKH SRHWU\ RI .DLÂż $]PL DQG 6DKLU /XGKLDQYL to the melodious tunes of Salil Chowdhury and 6' %XUPDQ WKH VRQJV RI ./ 6DLJDO 3DQNDM 0XOOLFN 5DÂż 0DQQD 'H\ *HHWD 'XWW +HPDQW Kumar, Kishore Kumar, Talat Mehmood, Asha Bhosle, and Lata Mangeshkar swirled inside the mosquito nets like magic realism, even when the nights were hot and we splashed ‘hand-pump’ ZDWHU RQ WKH Ă€ RRU WR NHHS RXU ERGLHV FRRO And, yet, there was never any true despair or longing. Small was truly beautiful. The less we had, the happier we were.

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Small towns were like mothers — they HPEUDFHG \RX ZLWK WKHLU OLWWOH MR\V WKHLU intimacies, fantasies and miracles, and healed your wounds. Even the street dogs in the back lane, fed by Maa, would become quiet and listen to the radio, their eyes moist and sad as only those of street dogs can be, forever looking for love. In the hinterland beyond Shamli, Muzaffarnagar and Baghpat, criss-crossing the mustard and VXJDUFDQH Âż HOGV DORQJ WKH EURNHQ URDGV WKH DULG evenings were replete with dust and stagnation, and everything acquired a sinister stillness. 7KH GLUW\ SXGGOH QHDU WKH MDOHEL FDUW VZDUPLQJ ZLWK Ă€ LHV IRU PDQ\ ORQJ \HDUV ZRXOG EHFRPH an eye-witness to a macabre anticipation; the rotting tyre, or the open gutter never changed its contours, despite the four seasons. The mandi (wholesale market) would be as bustling as ever, as money circulated in blind pre-capitalist circles, with no ambition to soar on the winds of the market. 7WKH PXVWDUG Ă€ RZHUV DFURVV WKH UXUDO H[SDQVH were as luminescent as ever, yellow like a dream FRPH WUXH $QG ZKHQ WKH MDJJHU\ PHOWHG DPLG the greenery, its fragrance moved like a delicious memory, soaked with strange desires. The sweetness lingered over the town; outside the crowded courts — badi and chhoti kacheri — farmers came to the halwai shop and ordered ZLWK DQ H[SUHVVHG MR\ PDNNKDQ PDDUNH chai (tea with butter) and half-a-kilo of the VZHHWHVW EXUÂż 8QGRXEWHGO\ HYHQ LQ WKH PRVW coarse discourse, the sweetness would come by, between the lines. In the night the bullock carts still move VORZO\ OLNH DQ LQÂż QLWH FDUDYDQ IDWHG WR EH eternally lost in time and space. In its unhurried MRXUQH\ ² ORDGHG ZLWK VXJDU FDQH WKH PHQ smoking beedis or a hookah, rocking to and fro, the black beasts of burden dragging them — the sweet-laden train moved unbearably slowly. There was no hurry, the destination could wait. So the kids would hide in unknown corners and run as silently as thieves alongside the carts, pulling out the sugar canes one by one. It was always so silent, secretive and magical, the sweet cane chewed in the mouth, the labour so much worth it, the steal collected and shared among friends, brothers and sisters in the mohalla. It was exactly like running after a kite, DFURVV PHDGRZV DQG RUFKDUGV Ă€ \LQJ LQWR WKH sky like Olympic gold medallists, the scratches on the knees like real medals. The Happy Book Corner is long gone, Gulshan Ice Cream has split between brothers, and WKH OLWWOH JUDYH\DUG ZLWK ZLOG Ă€ RZHUV DW WKH beautiful church near the hospital is now hidden by a cluster of vertical, ugly houses. No one writes love letters any more at the dirty nullah called dhamola, waiting hours for a glimpse of WKH EHORYHG HYHQ LI IRU D Ă€ HHWLQJ PRPHQW <RX don’t really get to see a Sophia Loren movie in the morning show on Tuesday at Lakshmi Talkies (‘Too bad she is bad’), nor can you hear Chawla Aunty singing Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazlewood’s ‘Summer Wine’ in a voice like velvety wine any more. She worked in the Indian Tobacco Company (ITC). When we were in college, she gave us packets of Wills Navy Cut, with that lovely red logo, freshly rolled out from the factory. And, yet, things remain the same. As the rickshaw-puller struggles up the steep bridge on your way to Moti Bazaar, like always you get down and walk to make it easier for him. The evening train is trundling across the nullah. You can hear it whistle. On the other side of the railway tracks you can still see the old wooden bridge, rocking like a song from the past. A black-and-white movie — unedited.

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Do you know the value of your soul? Key Scripture: Mat-thew 16:26 NLT $QG ZKDW GR \RX EHQHÂżW LI \RX JDLQ WKH ZKROH ZRUOG EXW ORRVH \RXU RZQ VRXO" ,V DQ\WKLQJ ZRUWK PRUH WKDQ \RXU VRXO" Dear Reader, We are excited to bring you the Greatest Good News on this planet. Our theme simple and clear. It is to make God Real and Personal. And to reveal your Creator as a God of compassion and forgiveness, so that you can know Him and relate to Him. Just like a Father Children relationship. We need to understand that *RG LV QRW DQ REMHFW RU DQ image or imagina-tion of human mind. God is a living DQG ORYLQJ SHUVRQ :H ÂżQG this amaz-ing revelation in the pages of Holy Bible. Keep reading with a humble heart and an open mind. You will encounter your

Creator today. You don’t need a thousand years for your Salvation (Mukti). You can receive your greatest miracle ‘Mukti’ today. This is the FRQÂżGHQFH \RX FDQ KDYH LQ Christ alone. Have you considered the true value your soul? When we do not know our Creator and don't have personal relationship with Christ, we choices as though there is no life after death. But the reali-ty is, this life is the introduction to eternity. How we live this brief life of 80 or 120 years determine our eternal destiny. What wealth we accumulate on earth has zero value in heaven. Even the highest social and

civic honour and great charity work can’t earn us entrance to heaven. 7KHUHIRUH ÂżUVW ZH QHHG WR GHÂżQH ZKDW LV WKH PHDQLQJ RI soul; so that we will understand its true value. ‘Soul’ is the real person who dwells inside our earthly body. Our body dies and it will be respectfully buried by our family. And the body will decay in the place it is buried. It has no life or it has choices left to change its destiny. But the ‘Soul’ does not die. The real you the inner man is made in the image and likeness of God. That is your ‘Soul’ the living being personality made by the Spirit of God. It does not die like the human body.

According to Genesis 2:7 God did not make a body and put a soul into it like a letter into an envelope of dust; rather he formed man's body from the dust, then, by breathing divine breath into it, he made the body of dust live, i.e. the dust did not embody a soul, but it became a soul—a whole creature And the Lord God created man in two formations; and took dust from the place of the house of the sanctuary, and from the four winds of the world, and mixed from all the waters of the world, and created him red, black, and white; and breathed into his nostrils the inspiration of life, and there was in the body of Adam the inspiration of a speaking spirit, un-to the illumination of the eyes and the hearing of the ears. – (Targum Pseudo-Jonathan) Many people live their lives with very little understanding of their eternal identity. We have the DNA of God who created us for His purpose and plan. We did not come on our own or we designed ourselves into being most intelligent and valuable life on Earth. Our Creator has revealed Himself and His purpose for His

Creation in the pages of Holy Bible. This life is a preparation for our permanent home in heaven. 0LFKDHO +XIÂżQJWRQ ZKR LV D former Congressman, activist, ÂżOP SURGXFHU VDLG LQ KLV SRVW “I became an Orthodox Christian after spending time in a monastery in Greece, and , MRLQHG D FKXUFK WKDW EHFDPH my home away from home. And on the back wall of that church was an inscription that changed my life forever. It VDLG Âł)RU ZKDW SURÂżWV D PDQ if he gains the whole world but loses his own soulâ€?. If I had won that Senate race I might well have gone on to “gain the whole worldâ€? and lost my own soul. Looking back that would have been the real tragedy. My prayer today is that we will DOO ÂżQG ORYH DQG SHDFH LQ RXU own lives so that we can focus our attention on helping others UDWKHU WKDQ MXVW RXUVHOYHV ´ For I am absolutely convinced WKDW ÂżQGLQJ DQG UHFHLYLQJ God’s love is the most VLJQLÂżFDQW SXUSRVH RI \RXU life. No religion or tradition can give you an unconditional love; and a supreme love that is offered by Jesus Christ is an

invitation to save your soul. To know Jesus as The Lord, mean to know that He is the author of your life. And to walk LQ +LV ZD\V PHDQ WKDW MRXUQH\ through this life by faith in His :RUG DQG LQ +LV ÂżQLVKHG ZRUN on the Cross. He is the most loving person you will ever know on this planet. Therefore, we invite you to pray this with a sincere heart; ‘Dear Father God, today I thank you for your word that has touched my heart. I repent of my wrongs and I confess with my mouth ‘Jesus is Lord’ and I believe in my heart that Jesus died for my sins, God raised Jesus from the dead for my Mukti (Salvation). Now help me to know Jesus more and more so that I can grow in the knowledge of your grace and mercy. Teach me your ways so that I can be person who will learn to honour you and learn to love each other’. Amen Please email to us your encounter experience, so we can help you to grow in the understanding your Creator and Redeemer. navig8grace@

2019 India Vision Institute, Essilor lead partnership in vision screening & free spectacles A COLLABORATIVE vision screening and spectacles campaign of India Vision Institute (IVI) and Essilor Vision Foundation (EVF) has EHQH¿WHG RYHU FKLOGUHQ in remote corners of Mizoram. The screening program has worked to provide vision coverage to underprivileged children in Serchhip and Lunglei districts. Some 450 children found to have refractive errors in the districts are being provided free spectacles. At a ceremony organised by ,9, DW $LMDO &OXE LQ $L]DZO today, free spectacles were distributed to 30 children from Serchhip district, who were among those screened earlier by IVI in Serchhip and Lunglei. The remaining children will be provided free spectacles at their respective schools in Serchhip and Lunglei on February 6 and 8. Those present at the spectacles distribution included India’s

Ambassador-designate to $]HUEDLMDQ DQG IRUPHU Consul General in Sydney, B Vanlalvawna, Head of Essilor Vision Foundation, Mahesh K V, and Samuel Zothantluanga, Program Coordinator, Zoram Entu Pawl (ZEP), a not-forSURÂżW FKDULW\ LQ WKH VRFLDO development sector and working in cooperation with IVI in the Mizoram campaign. “We are happy to associate with IVI in the screenings and spectacles distribution campaign to children in remote areas of Mizoram. We are working with IVI elsewhere WRR DV ZH FRQWLQXH WKH ÂżJKW for Eradication of Poor Vision through provision of access to screenings and spectacles to the needy,â€? said Mahesh K.V. “The work of vision screening and provision of free spectacles by IVI is noteworthy. I am particularly happy that IVI screenings have touched lives of children in remote parts of Mizoram,â€? Mr Vanlalvawna said.

In the next phase of work in the state, IVI will cover 15,000 more children. IVI CEO Vinod Daniel announced plans for expansion of vision campaigns by IVI in the state. “Yesterday IVI launched a vision screening program for 4,500 children in Aizawl supported by Oil India Limited (OIL).â€? “IVI will also vision screen another 10,000 children in the state, making a total additional coverage of around 15,000 in the coming months,â€? he noted. “With these campaigns, IVI has set its footprints in Mizoram and the north-east. The screenings are organised in districts where it is most needed. A study conducted in the state had estimated the prevalence of refractive error among children at more than 10%,â€? Mr Daniel added. “The Mizoram screenings DUH ,9,ÂśV ÂżUVW LQ QRUWK HDVW India under its Eye See I Learn program and have come at a

most opportune time. I cannot thank IVI enough for their role in bringing vision screening in such a big way to our state,� said ZEP’s Director, Fr Lawrence Kennedy. Till date, IVI has conducted 422 vision screening programs in and around Chennai and other cities in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, 0DKDUDVKWUD *XMDUDW Pondicherry, West Bengal, New Delhi, Haryana and Mizoram. Over 1, 76, 376 individuals from underprivileged communities (including over 1, 28, 549 children) have been screened and free spectacles distributed to 22, 813 individuals (including 11, 984 children). About India Vision Institute (IVI) India Vision Institute (IVI) is DQ LQGHSHQGHQW QRW IRU SUR¿W registered trust established in 2012. It is focused on supporting and promoting eye health

awareness, research, education and technological development in Indian Optometry to advance capacity in vision correction, and prevention of eye disease and blindness. ( ) About Essilor Vision Foundation (EVF)

Essilor’s Essilor Vision Foundation is committed to eradication of poor vision and its lifelong consequences, and to providing underprivileged people the opportunity to live a better life through better sight. For queries, contact Shekhar Nambiar, +91 9810 154 167.

GOPIO Queensland celebrates founders Achievement EHHQ WKH FKDLU RI WKH XQL¿FDWLRQ GOPIO Queensland organised a celebratory dinner for Umesh committee, has been the and Usha Chandra, on their international coordinator being awarded Brisbane City – Oceania, convenor of Council’s Citizen of the year GOPIO International Biennial 2019 award as reported in conference in Sydney, he February’s Brisbane Indian is currently serving as the WLPHV 7KH ¿UVW HYHU FRXSOH WR chairperson of GOPIO receive the prestigious award International Human rights as a team Council. Umesh and Usha have Umesh has widely travelled been involved with GOPIO on GOPIO matters, he has been Queensland since its to countries Like, Guadeloupe, inception, Umesh has been the Mauritius, Trinidad and founder president of GOPIO Tobago, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Queensland and Usha Chandra 0DOD\VLD )LML $PHULFD ,QGLD has worked alongside him, she New Zealand and Thailand. has served as the chairperson The celebratory dinner on GOPIO Queensland was held at Indian Brothers Council, has been the President Restaurant in Annerley of GOPIO Qld and immediate on Wednesday the 13th of past president. February. Umesh Has worked a lot GOPIO Queensland president on the international scene, Vinita Khushal said the having attended many GOPIO hardest thing about organising International conferences, has 18 — THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, March, 2019

the function for the organisers was keeping them away from the organising bit. The event was attended by many Multicultural community dignitaries including Dr Maha Sinnathamby and Yoga Sinnathamby,Mrs Archana Singh Honorary Counsel for India in Queensland, Mrs Melody Chen, Chiu Hing &KDQ 0V -DQHWK 'HHQ (OLMDK fenti Forsyth, Ram Mohan, Pinky Singh, Sonya Hingorani, Neelu Balgovind, Indrani Gangully, Irene Tavutavu, Serge Volescheko and not forgetting family and friends The night included speeches of congratulations and was followed by a “this is your life segment “facilitated by Kavita Khullar of GOPIO Queensland. The MC for the night was none other than Vikas Sinha who GLG D ZRQGHUIXO MRE DV XVXDO

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with the “congratulation ÂłEDFNGURS &DWHULQJ E\ 5DM and his team of Indian brothers

was appreciated by all, Brian Sullivan behind the lens captured the candid moments.

Call 07 3865 6533


Prime Minister sends message for GOPIO’s Multi-Faith prayer meet BRISBANE, GOPIO international human rights &RXQFLO LQ FRQMXQFWLRQ GOPIO Queensland Inc., Held a Multi-Faith prayer/ condolence service meeting at Emma Miller Place, in the centre of Brisbane city. The gathering was for peace prayers and not a protest March, it did not include banners and loud slogans etc. Umesh Chandra as the convenor of the meeting acknowledged the traditional owners of the land and then asked everyone to observe a minute’s silence. GOPIO Queensland President Vinita Khushal as co-host also welcomed everyone to the prayer meeting and spoke on the lasting effects left by the acts of terrorism, she thanked all the faith and community leaders for their presence at the Multi-Faith prayer meeting. Members of GOPIO Queensland had worked really hard to put the prayer meeting together in a short space of time. Councillor Angela Owen, who had assisted with the event delivered a special message from Honourable Prime Minister Scott Morrison (see attached) after reading Prime Ministers message she spoke on the situation herself and said that she was deeply moved by the incident and was standing by Indian community. Umesh Chandra in his address said, “As the chairperson of GOPIO International Human Rights Council, and Along with

GOPIO Queensland I am humbled to see you all here united in promotion of peace and to pay our tributes and respect to the departed CRPF Jawans. Little bit of housekeeping, ladies and gents are located on Roma Street itself, our permit is for a peaceful gather and not a protest March, so I request your cooperation in observing that condition, we are all ambassadors of our community let our action UHÀHFW WKDW I would like to thank QPS and BCC for their assistance with the necessary permits etc. They have gone above and beyond the norm of their duty. Which brings me to my next point which is, we are here in Australia, and hence we are Australians. 6RPH DUH WKH ¿UVW QDWLRQ people upholding age old customs and traditions, rest are decedents of migrants, at many citizenship ceremonies we have DI¿UPHG I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its People, whose democratic beliefs I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey. So let’s keep within the parameters of the law, - off course I understand the emotions and feeling and view of all, as different diverse and varied they may be, everyone is entitled to their own view. Today we are gathered here

-$;<8'9ÂŞ 8-!2 <ÂĄÂĄ-=!2

for a community prayer of peace, irrespective of our faith, beliefs or country of origin. We are here to denounce terrorism, we are here to promote peace and harmony, and we are here for unity. And above all we are here to offer Multi faith prayers to the victims of terror attacks, in this instance – The Pulwama attacks. People often refer to these terrorist attacks in terms of numbers, 42 killed, and so on, my dear friends they are QRW MXVW QXPEHUV WKH\ $UH some ones, son, someone, dad, someone’s brother DQG VR RQ WKH\ DUH QRW MXVW numbers. We pray for peace and harmony within all communities, I call upon all our community to refrain from a loy of negative and false media, lot of posts which promote hate, and target particulars should be discouraged. , KDYH VHHQ VRPH KRUUL¿F posts circulating, false videos, fake news, photo shopped images, My dear friends, these

type of post brain was the community they start believing in what they have seen, and drives then through racialisation. As community and faith leaders we have a social responsibility, to stop these kind of posts and talks, our places of worship are LQÀXHQWLDO IRUXPV DQG FDQ play a vital role in promoting peace harmony and understanding amongst all, more Multi-Faith dialogue should be promoted. Why the hatred? Why is there misunderstanding, it is because of lack of dialogue. When we are organising todays meet, I was discouraged and told that it is not a good idea, we decided to go ahead in the name of peace harmony and unity, and would like to thank everyone for taking time out to be here Ladies and gentlemen, I do apologise if I have upset anyone’s sentiment, that is not the intention, I may have taken little more time than I should have, but I am very passionate about this topic, and we have quite a distinguished panel to

address you all there this afternoon GOPIO International Human Rights Council 01: Denounces – Terrorism 02: Promotes – Human rights – dignity for all 03: Advocates for – Communal Harmony I request all speakers to keep today’s meeting nonpolitical, we are gathered to honoured those who gave their lives in the service of their nation, we salute them The panel session began with an adders by Archana ML +RQRUDU\ FRXQVHO IRU Indian in Queensland followed by the prayer session led by Swami Atmesananda Ji of Vedanta Society . Other Faith leaders who offered peace prayers were as follows, Ms Susan Handley of BaHai’ faith, Gail Paratz from Jewish faith, Lance Mergard from Christian Faith, Surinder Singh from Sikh community, Fenti Forsyth and Liberty Adi Muslim community . Community leaders

who spoke at the event included, Mr. Ram Mohan – president of Federation of Indian Communities of Queensland, Mr Peter Sari – Indoz Sikh community, Mr Ashutosh Mishra from Institute for Australia India Engagement. Avinash Singh of GOPIO Queensland moved a vote of thank for all attending.

FOMA 2019 a Runaway Success A SEED grows with no sound but a tree falls with huge noise. Destruction has noise, but creation is quiet. What happened yesterday on FOMA 2019 Runway Show for Meera By Poornima Sharma was the power of Silence & a huge teamwork results.. Firstly Super thankful to Almighty God who has always blessed me with small things, big things and all the things in between, Sonia Sadiq Gandhifrom Gandhi Events, Bengal Tiger Indranil Halder, Anupam Sharma and Charlotte M Smith the Foma fashion Australia ambassadors for giving us the opportunity to showcase MEERA on one of the prominent fashion platform where all designers and Embassy exhibits from multicultural background/ countries get the opportunity to showcase their creative clothing brands... Special thanks to my entire team of Meera Wedding Gurus Production, Balzinder Balz & Shabnam Ahmed as I always say as an individual one can walk fast but as a team WE can walk far.. Love each one of you. Irene Prasad & Venita Sharma from VIP Decorations for always creating the most elegant creative looks for my Pop up shop, love you ladies. Special thanks to Kartik Sharma from K.S Creative photography for also covering last night event. Poonam Singh & my mother Nisha Nair for being my backbone, you ladies rock!! All my Meera runway models and specially Swarnali Sikder Das for being

Meera showstopper, you all were amazing... My Indian Dance Centre {Poornima Sharma} students Anshul Jagota, Akshara Prasad & Kavitha Janakiraman for backstage assistance. -DQDNL 3DWHO 6DQMQD 3DWKDQLD 'HHSDN Sharma, Ravi Sharma & Pushp Sidhu for encouraging me and motivating me Anil Sharma my husband for guiding me and for giving me balance, space & discipline in life to do my creative Ventures... Lastly but not least all my loving friends and


family that supported by attending FOMA Designer & Embassy Exhibit (FREE), God bless & loads of GRATITUDE.. Awesome and incredible efforts by FOMA to promote the multicultural fashions of Australia. It’s a great concept not only for the support of multiculturalism in this great country but also for the promotion & recognition of the existing and upcoming talents in the fashion industry. FOMA provides a great motivational platform for current and new designers and behind the scenes for event organisers, hair & make-

up artists & many others and encourages them to prove their worth and potential. It showcases what an incredible multicultural country Australia truly is. The Team at FOMA and Host Gandhi Creations would like to thank you for supporting emerging talent, generating trade opportunities and fostering social cohesion through the annual Fashions of Multicultural Australia (FOMA) initiative proudly partnered with Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia Korea Foundation. On Friday 1st March 2019, Australia’s largest cultural exhibit and runway was showcased at a venue of FXOWXUDO VLJQL¿FDQFH LQ WKH KHDUW RI 6\GQH\ CBD, The Cutaway Barangaroo Reserve. With 17 designer showcases and 15 Foreign (PEDVVLHV &XOWXUDO ([KLELWV WKLV ¿UVW HYHU national initiative acknowledged the origins of Australian fashion and how migration has historically affected it. By providing a sustainable annual platform through this event FOMA treats a wealth of cultural entry points through fashion, food, art, and history, thereby providing opportunities to further foster social cohesion. We would like to take the opportunity to thank our partners who believed in our vision and concept of showcasing diversity through fashion diplomacy. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia Korea Foundation, HomeWorld, TAFE NSW, Barangaroo Delivery Authority, Australian Fashion Council, Dress for Success Sydney and supporters Moving Mannequins, Sweet Rides and MAAS.

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AVOID COSTLY FINANCIAL AND LEGAL PENALTIES WITH WORKCOVER INSURANCE Running a small business, particularly a family small business, is a labour of love that is built on hard work and a sense of pride and achievement. That is why it’s important to ensure the safety of those people who work for you and who make your business successful. If you own a business and employ workers in Queensland, even members of your family, it is compulsory to have an accident insurance policy with WorkCover. If one of your workers is injured at work, they can apply for workers’ compensation no matter whom or what caused their injury, so it’s important to be covered. It’s easy to take out a WorkCover policy. Visit WorkCover online at or call 1300 362 128 to get the right advice. In 2017/18, uninsured businesses lodged 180 Call 07 3865 6533

workplace injury claims with WorkCover, costing policyholders approximately $5.9 million. WorkCover Queensland Manager Financial Control and Reporting, Mr Robbie McLean said the vast majority of businesses do the right thing by having an accident insurance policy and paying the right amount of premium, yet non-compliance remains a concern. “Any Queensland business who employs a worker is breaking the law if they don’t have a WorkCover Accident Insurance policy,â€? Mr McLean said. “Uninsured employers who lodge WorkCover claims are being held to account. These businesses can be LVVXHG ZLWK VLJQLĂ€FDQW Ă€QDQFLDO SHQDOWLHV LQFOXGLQJ the cost of the claim, which can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars for severe injuries.â€? A WorkCover Accident Insurance policy costs as little as $200 per year (depending on which industry your business belongs to and wages paid to your workers).

“If employers are confused about their obligations to insure their workers against injury or who they need to cover, WorkCover is here to help,â€? Mr McLean said “It’s never too late to start complying and doing so can reduce the costs should one of your workers or family members get injured. Having a WorkCover policy gives small businesses VHYHUDO EHQHĂ€WV LQFOXGLQJ SURWHFWLRQ IRU \RX DQG your workers against injuries and protection against penalties for employing workers without having a policy with WorkCover. If you need help translating or interpreting information about why you need to insure your workers or how to apply for a WorkCover policy, phone WorkCover’s free translation service on 131 450. For more information on applying for a policy, visit or call WorkCover on 1300 362 128. THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, March, 2019 — 21

Taqwa: The Cornerstone of Islamic Faith @ ÂĄU !>!!A 9,8!) WE SHOULD all know the importance of “La Ilaha Illallahâ€? and how that’s a prerequisite to being a Muslim. But molding our lives on the basis of those words is equally important in the eyes of Allah and thus we need to ensure that those solemn words indeed get lodged in our hearts so that they direct our behavior and lives. More than a billion people today say “La Ilaha Illallahâ€?, yet many of us would agree that the Muslim ummah as a whole will be quite possibly missing out on additional mercy and blessings of Allah unless we start living by those words in our lives. Many among us either don’t know how to live up to those words RU VLPSO\ GRQÂśW Âż QG LW QHFHVVDU\ WR GR VR 7R WKHP recognizing a deity called “Allahâ€? is all that is needed to be categorized as a “believerâ€?. As we shall see later, Quran tells us that it may be nothing short of a sign of hypocrisy. The fact is that those who call themselves Muslims need to infuse their hearts with Taqwa if they want to be viewed by Allah as true believers. In the English language, “Taqwaâ€? has been translated and interpreted in various ways so that it may mean piety, righteousness, fearful of Allah, being God conscious, and so on. But we know that, similar to other words LQ WKH 4XUDQ LW LV GLIÂż FXOW WR JHW D FRUUHVSRQGLQJ RQH word translation. Instead, some Quranic words pack more detailed concepts that must be elaborated on when translated into other languages. (See Quran on $OODK VXIÂż FLHQW IRU WKH EHOLHYHUV

$IWHU WKH Âż UVW 6XUDK $O )DWLKDK ZKLFK LV PRVWO\ considered as a Dua, the Quran continues with Surah Al-Baqara (verse # 2) as follows: “This is the Book (the Quran), whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqin (People of Taqwa).â€? (Sura Al-Baqarah:2) This verse thus makes Taqwa a prerequisite for seeking guidance from Quran (a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqun, i.e., who have Taqwa). Tafsir ibn Kathir states: “Hidayah – correct guidance – is only granted to those who have Taqwa.â€? He went on to point out that “the guidance in it (Quran) is only granted to the righteous (people with Taqwa in WKHLU KHDUWV MXVW DV $OODK VDLG (O mankind! There has come to you a good advice from your Lord, and a healing for that which is in your breasts (disease of ignorance, doubt, hypocrisy and differences), a guidance and a mercy for the believers (Surah Younus:57).

What is Taqwa? 5DWKHU WKDQ FRLQLQJ RXU RZQ GHÂż QLWLRQV OHWÂśV ORRN DW KRZ YDULRXV VFKRODUV KDYH GHÂż QHG 7DTZD 5HIHUHQFH 2). Abu Darda (R) said: “From the completion of Taqwa is that the servant fears from His Lord even with regard to things, the weight of an atom.â€? Sheikh Muhammed Tantawi says: “The word ‘Muttaqoon’ is the plural of ‘Muttaqi’. ‘Muttaqi’ is the gerund from the verb ‘Ittaqa’ (acquired protection). ‘Ittaqa’ is from the root verb ‘Waqa’ which means he protected himself from that which harms him.â€? 2QH RI WKH PRUH FRPSOHWH GHÂż QLWLRQV DQG explanations was provided by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah. He states that Taqwa “includes doing HYHU\WKLQJ WKDW $OODK KDV HQMRLQHG ZKHWKHU LW LV ZDDMLE REOLJDWRU\ RU PXVWDK DEE UHFRPPHQGHG and avoiding all that He has forbidden, whether it is haraam (forbidden) or makrooh (disliked).â€? A heart infused with Taqwa is, therefore, an attitude that one adopts about following Allahs teachings. It SURYLGHV XV WKH Âż OWHU WR JHW D UHQHZHG SHUVSHFWLYH regarding how we live various aspects of our lives because we become aware of Allah’s pleasure and displeasure in all our affairs. It is Taqwa that gives meaning to our simple worship rituals that otherwise would be nothing without it. Haven’t we pondered what would the physical actions of salat (prayers) such as bowing and prostrating mean without a heart infused with Taqwa? What makes the hunger and thirst (when fasting) of a believer different from the same actions of a non-believer? How would the physical acts of going between the two mountains RI 6DID DQG 0DUZD LQ +DMM DQG 8PUDK EHFRPH valuable in the eyes of Allah? It’s the Taqwa in our hearts that provide these simple physical rituals a special meaning in the eyes of Allah. For example, ZKHQ PHQWLRQLQJ WKH ULWXDO RI VDFULÂż FLQJ DQLPDOV LQ Allah’s name) in the Quran, Allah says, “It is neither their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah, but it is Taqwa (piety, etc.) from you that reaches Him. Thus have We made them subject to you so that you may glorify Allah for His guidance to you‌â€? (Surah AlHajj: 37). Where do we fall related to our Taqwa and the guidance from Allah? ,I ZH UHDG WKH Âż UVW IHZ YHUVHV RI 6XUDK $O %DTDUD (almost the beginning of the Quran), we would note that Allah describes three types of people related to guidance. 7KH Âż UVW JURXS ,Q WKH Âż UVW IHZ YHUVHV YHUVHV Âą 5), He clearly explains that the Quran is a guidance for those who have Taqwa in their hearts and this guidance causes them to be successful. The people described in these verses are those who:

(1) Believe in the unseen (e.g. Allah, angels, the holy books that Allah revealed but got changed, prophets, day of resurrection, and Al-Qadr) (2) Perform salat (3) Spend for Allah’s causes from what Allah has provided to them (4) Believe in what Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad (5) Believe in what Allah revealed to the prophets before Muhammad, and (6) Believe in hereafter. 7KH VHFRQG JURXS The second group (described in verses 6 and 7) falls on the other end of the spectrum, and are the disbelievers. In describing them Allah says that it is the seal on their hearts and ears as well as a covering in their eyes that has caused them to disbelieve. 7KH WKLUG JURXS Finally, the Quran uses more verses (verses 8 through 18) in describing those regarding whom Allah says, “And of mankind, there are some who say: “We believe in Allah and the Last Dayâ€? while in fact they believe notâ€? (verse 6). Some of the attributes that Allah points out in those people (in those verses) are the following: (1) They think they are deceiving Allah and the believers but in fact they are deceiving themselves. (2) In their hearts there is a disease (of doubt and hypocrisy). (3) When Allah tells them to believe by modeling themselves according to the prophet and the true believers, they say, “Shall we believe as the fools have believed?â€? Allah then responds by saying that “Verily, they are the fools but they know not.â€? (4) They mock the believers in turn and then Allah says: “Allah mocks at them and gives them increase in their wrongdoings to wander blindly.â€? (5) Allah remarks about these people: “These are they who have purchased error for guidance, so WKHLU FRPPHUFH ZDV SURÂż WOHVV $QG WKH\ ZHUH QRW guided.â€? The above (based on verses 2 – 18 of Al-Baqara) VKRXOG EH VXIÂż FLHQW WR PRYH RXU KHDUWV WR WKH FRUH and should create the urgency to associate ourselves ZLWK WKH Âż UVW JURXS WKH RQHV ZLWK 7DTZD :KLOH D PDMRULW\ RI XV EHOLHYHUV ZLOO DVVRFLDWH RXUVHOYHV ZLWK WKH Âż UVW JURXS RXU EHKDYLRUV DQG DWWLWXGHV PD\ instead make us appear to belong to the third. Let’s, WKHUHIRUH HQVXUH WKDW RXU DFWLRQV QRW MXVW ZRUGV disclose that we are people who have Taqwa (as mentioned in verse 2).

On the road to inculcate Taqwa Once we say “La Ilaha Illallahâ€?, we should take a few steps to lodge Taqwa (piety, righteousness, humbleness, fear, God consciousness, etc.) in our hearts. Some of the steps we can take include the following: Know as a believer that it’s Allah’s (our creator and sustainer’s) right to be obeyed: Let us never forget that it is Allah’s right to EH REH\HG ,EQ 4D\\LP VDLG Âł$ EHQHÂż W RI understanding Allah’s right over the servant is that it opens the door of humbleness in front of Allah and closes the doors of conceit. It allows one to realize that salvation is only through Allah’s grace and mercy. It is Allah’s right that He should be obeyed and not disobeyed: that He should be remembered and not forgotten and that He should be appreciated and not unappreciated . . . Many people think about their rights over Allah and do not about His rights over them. This is how they are detached from Allah and deprived of the desire to meet Him. This is the epitome of ignorance of their Lord and of themselvesâ€? (Ighathatul lahfaan 1/99101; secondary reference). Audit yourself: From time to time we should pause and assess the condition of our hearts. If we do that with full introspection, it wouldn’t be GLIÂż FXOW WR GHWHUPLQH ZKHWKHU RXU KHDUWV DUH Âż OOHG with piety and fear of Allah (Taqwa), or have remnants of hardness and a carefree attitude about Allah and His teachings. Allah says in the Quran: “O you who believe! Fear Allah and keep your duty to Him. And let every person look to what he has sent forth for the morrow (tomorrow), and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is All-Aware of what you doâ€? (Surah Al-Hashr:18). Ibn kathir says that the phrase ‘let each soul see’ or “let every person lookâ€? in the above verse means to take an account of one’s own actions before being audited (by Allah) (Tafseer of Ibn Kathir: 4/346). Omar bin Khattab wrote to one of his employees: “Audit yourself in prosperity before the auditing of adversity. Whoever does this will be pleased and envied. Whoever is distracted from this by his life and fantasies, will face remorse and loss.â€? 5HĂ€ HFW \RXU 7DTZD LQ \RXU GHHGV Once you build the Taqwa in your heart (become cognizant of, and fear Allah in all your affairs), you should start practicing it in your actions. The sahaba and salaf used to exert themselves in ensuring that their DFWLRQV UHĂ€ HFWHG WKH 7DTZD LQ WKHLU KHDUWV ,WÂśV VDLG that Ibn Omar used to stay awake the whole night if he missed a prayer in congregation (because he knew


(through the Taqwa in his heart) Allah’s pleasure associated with one praying in congregation). Imam Ghazali mentioned that we let ourselves (our nafs) off the hook when it (our nafs) is our biggest enemy and is more likely to rebel against our own selves (Ihya’ul ulum al-din, 4/381). About ensuring that we bring Taqwa in our actions, Abu Dhar reported that the Messenger of Allah, said: “Fear Allah wherever you may be; follow up an evil deed with a good one which will wipe (the former) out, and behave goodnaturedly towards peopleâ€? [Al-Tirmidhi]. &RQGLWLRQ \RXUVHOI WR LQFXOFDWH 7DTZD We have to condition ourselves to fear Him by observing and UHĂ€ HFWLQJ PRUH DERXW RXU H[LVWHQFH RXU YXOQHUDELOLW\ DV KXPDQV LQ WKLV RFHDQ LQ ZKLFK ZH DUH MRXUQH\LQJ and about the end that each one of us will meet soon. We should also become avid learners about what pleases Allah and what displeases Him and take that seriously. This observation and learning will enable us to learn new truths that can help us condition our states and hearts to inculcate the required Taqwa in our hearts.

!8ࣅ 2+ 38&9 Let’s ponder over Quran’s last verse that was revealed to the prophet (agreed to by many scholars, including ibn Kathir). It says: “And be afraid of the Day when you shall be brought back to Allah. Then every person shall be paid what he earned, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly (Surah Al-Baqara: 281).â€? Remember, we are what we are – with the rewards and punishments from Allah and His mercy on us – based on the level of our faith in Allah and the Taqwa in our hearts. Sometimes we forget the connection between how our lives turn out to be and the One who makes it all happen. Once you remind yourself of that, remember the power bestowed by Allah on you as regards “free willâ€? and how you can use it to LQĂ€ XHQFH WKH TXDOLW\ RI \RXU RZQ OLYHV As long as you respect the limits that He has set for us (through the Taqwa in your heart), you can earn the blessings that He has promised for you, both in this life and in the hereafter. (See Quran on the last day and the hereafter) We should, therefore, not delay to take a strong decision to increase our Taqwa. As Allah says in the Quran: “Verily, the most honorable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwaâ€? [al-Hujrat 49:13].

Taqwa – How to Build Up This Habit The common meaning of a term “Taqwaâ€? known to us all is “piety or the fear of Allah Almightyâ€?. But this is not the complete and exact interpretation of this terminology. The Creator of the universe has mentioned as being “mercifulâ€? to all His mankind repeatedly in the Holy Quran, and without the shadow of the doubt, He is more forgiving and compassionate than a punisher. He, Who pardons our sins each time we pray to Him, indicates towards His loving nature. The obeying of the great Lord is QRW FRQÂż QHG WR RQO\ IXOÂż OOLQJ UHOLJLRXV DFWLRQV EXW being moral in every aspect of life, as observed in the following verse of the Holy Quran: “O, you who believe! When you hold secret counsel, do it not for sin and wrong-doing, and disobedience towards the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) but do it for Al-Birr (righteousness) and Taqwa (virtues and piety); and fear Allah unto Whom you shall be gathered.â€? [Quran, 58:9] It is said to be one of top most traits of a Muslim`s character, which indicates that Taqwa means a lot PRUH WKDQ MXVW SLRXVQHVV LW LV WKH FRPELQDWLRQ RI RXU beliefs, self awareness and attitudes. It is a reminder to stay on the path of uprightness, decency and knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is a common misconception that only Muslims have this quality, which is not true, instead, if a non Muslim is doing good deeds, they also have this feature in their personality. It is about having God consciousness in terms of knowing and obeying all His orders including not only fearing Him but also acting on all His directions. Let us discuss some of other useful ways in which one can develop the habit of this great virtue. Reminding Yourself of Allah`s Presence 2QH RI WKH YHU\ Âż UVW DQG PRVW HIIHFWLYH FDXVHV RI obtaining Taqwa is the reminder of the existence of Almighty, which is considered as the heart of this good quality by many Muslim scholars. It makes a person aware of the consequences of actions done: LW QRW RQO\ WDNHV DFFRXQW RI IXOÂż OOLQJ UHOLJLRXV duties like offering salah, paying Zakah etc. but also avoidance of many of the social evils, e.g. a Muttaquee (person having Taqwa) person will never try to snatch someone else` rights. “And if you divorce them before you have touched WKHP DQG \RX KDYH DOUHDG\ VSHFLÂż HG IRU WKHP DQ REOLJDWLRQ WKHQ >JLYH@ KDOI RI ZKDW \RX VSHFLÂż HG – unless they forego the right or the one in whose hand is the marriage contract foregoes it. And to forego it is nearer to righteousness. And do not forget graciousness between you. Indeed Allah, of whatever you do, is Seeing.â€? [Quran, 2:237] First, the above Ayah tells about correctness of act,

second it stresses on the fact that Allah Almighty is aware of everything. So, it is understood that this prompt of Allah`s presence leads towards gaining morality. “Indeed, those who are al-Muttaqoon [the pious] – when an impulse touches them from Satan, they remember [Him] and at once they have insight.� [Quran, 7:201] This Quranic verse is the testimony of that fact that pious Muslims get enlightenment through remembrance of the Creator of universe.

'-2+ !ࣅ '2; -2 &='89-;@U Composure and serenity are one of the most lovable acts near the Architect of universe, Who has mentioned about these virtues frequently in the Holy Quran, as seen in the following stanza: “Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allah , the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and who] establishes prayer and JLYHV ]DNDK >WKRVH ZKR@ IXOÂż OO WKHLU SURPLVH ZKHQ they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous.â€? [Quran, 2:177] The notable matter here is that patience is linked to gaining righteousness, i.e. Taqwa. It can also be observed that decorum of a Muslim is not only affected by praying and believing in God, but also satisfying many other important social responsibilities and most importantly being true to oneself. The lack of complaint in times of hardships teaches us to accomplish our religious duty to relying only on Allah, Who has promised His help for the patient ones. “O, you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.â€? [Quran, 2: 153] As prayer and endurance are mentioned together, it shows that it is important trait of true Muslims.

Taking up Modesty 6LQFH 7DTZD LV IDU PRUH WKDQ MXVW IHDUV DQG includes striving for perfection of individuality, so one should take help from modesty and humbleness by not considering oneself better than rest of people. “So by mercy from Allah, [O Muhammad], you were lenient with them. And if you had been rude [in speech] and harsh in heart, they would have disbanded from about you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them and consult them in the matter. And when you have decided, then rely upon Allah. Indeed, Allah loves those who rely [upon Him].â€? [Quran, 3: 159] All of us Muslims believe that Muhammad (PBUH) is most perfect person to have ever lived on earth, and in above Quranic verse, Allah has indicated that the Prophet`s (PBUH) success in spreading Islam was due to His humility which made him a righteous DQG UHVSHFWDEOH PDQ 6R ZH FDQ DOVR EHQHÂż W IURP it by respecting others to achieve decency in our behavior. Souvenir Death and Day of Judgment 5HPLQGLQJ RXUVHOYHV RI GHDWK WKH Âż QDO GD\ RI YHUGLFW LV RQH RI WKH PRVW VLJQLÂż FDQW ZD\V WR DGRSW piousness and morality of behavior, for it makes us shun from sins and immoral conducts. The thoughts of world being a temporary place to live in forces us to avoid the worldly pleasures and delights, instead we get contended with whatever we have and thank Allah for all His blessings. “Every soul will taste death. And We test you with evil and with good as trial; and to Us you will be returned.â€? [Quran, 21:35] So, one should always keep real life (hereafter) before everything in this world to become dutiful and virtuous.

'$-ࣅ 2+ !2& 2&'89;!2&-2+ <8!2 The teachings of the Holy Book is indeed the best way to get knowledge about various issues and to beautify one`s personality and get enlightened. The VLJQLÂż FDQFH RI UHDGLQJ DQG OHDUQLQJ WKH 4XUDQ LV evident from famous incident when Hazrat Umar (R.A), who was going to Kill (God forbids) the Messenger of Allah, became Muslim on the same day when He listened to the recitation of the Book of Almighty. “Recite the Holy Qur’an as much as we can, for It will come as an intercessor for its reader on the Day of Judgment.’ [Muslim] The above mentioned Hadith says that Quran will act as a moderator for its reader at the Day of Judgment, which shows that the one understand ZULWLQJ RI WKH 6DFUHG %RRN JHWV VXIÂż FLHQW ZLVGRP for realization of morality and righteousness. So, to conclude, we can say that, Taqwa is similar to strategies, plans and policies of an organization, ZKLFK HQDEOH LW WR UHDOL]H LWV JRDOV DQG REMHFWLYHV (success in the Akhirah in this case).

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Pundit Saras Maharaj celebrates his 60th birthday at Shree Vishnu Maya Mandir PT SARAS Maharaj celebrated his 60th birthday at Shree Vishnu Maya Mandir, North McLean on 16th February. The celebration included melodious bhajans by many talented singers of Brisbane. Umesh Chandra was the MC for the beautiful program of Bhanjan, Prabachan and Vanaprastha Sanskaar. Vanaprastha is part of the ancient Indian concept called Chaturashrama, which LGHQWL¿HG IRXU VWDJHV RI D KXPDQ life, with distinct differences based on natural human needs and drives. 7KH ¿UVW VWDJH RI OLIH was Brahmacharya (bachelor student) lasting through about 25 years of life, the second stage was Grihastha (married householder) and lasted through about 50 year age. Vanaprastha represented the third stage and typically marked with birth of grandchildren, gradual transition of householder responsibilities to the next generation, increasingly hermit-like lifestyle, and greater emphasis on community services and spiritual pursuit. The Vanaprastha stage ultimately transitioned into Sannyasa, a stage of complete renunciation and dedication to spiritual questions. Vanaprastha, according to Vedic ashram system, lasted between the ages of 50 and 74. Nugteren states

that Vanaprastha was, in practice, a metaphor and guideline. It encouraged gradual transition of social responsibility, economic roles, and personal focus towards spirituality, from being center of the action to a more advisory peripheral role, without actually requiring someone to actually moving into a forest with or without one’s partner. While some literally gave up their property and possessions to move into distant lands, most stayed with their families and communities but assumed a transitioning role and gracefully accept an evolving UROH ZLWK DJH 'KDYDPRQ\ LGHQWL¿HV Vanaprastha stage as one of “detachment and increasing seclusion” but usually serving as a counselor, peace-maker, judge, teacher to young and advisor to the middle-aged. Hindu traditions respected freedom and personal choice. Wh

ile Grihastha and Vanaprastha s tages of life were recommended, they were not a requirement. Any Brahmacharya may, if he or she wants, skip householder and retirement stage, go straight to Sannyasa stage of life, thereby renouncing worldly and materialistic pursuits and dedicating their lives to spiritual pursuits Pt Saras Maharaj was born in Labasa on 29th of January 1959 to Late Pt Jadubans and Itra Devi Maharaj and he has an older sister and a younger brother as well. He completed his education in Labasa and Suva. Pt Saras Maharaj started his career in Fiji Forest Industries Ltd, an enterprise specialised in Timber, Veneer and Plywood. He had further training in marketing skills with Westralian Forest Industries parent company in Peth, WA. He further up-skilled himself on product knowledge in plywood

engineering technology at CSIRO, Clayton Victoria conforming to Australian standard. Pt Saras Maharaj was a Manager responsible for Sales & Marketing for FFI products worldwide. Whilst associated with FFI, Pt Saras Maharaj was actively involved in various organisations such as: • Fiji Sawmillers Association (Secretary) • Fiji/USA Business Council (Committee member) • Fiji/Australia Business Council (Committee member) • Fiji/New Zealand Business Council (Committee member) • Crime Prevention Fiji (Secretary for Northern Division) Pt Saras Maharaj was a Lion member in Labasa involved in community projects. His passion for soccer showed with his active involvement in Fiji Football

Association and his immense support for Labasa team led FFI sponsoring Labasa soccer team for all tournaments for 3 years. He also was the President of Business Soccer House in Labasa. Pt Saras was a board member for PAA (Plywood Association of Australia) reporting Fiji operations. Upon migration to Australia, he continued consultancy with various timber Fiji and abroad. He is actively involved in various community organisation such as: • Boondall Gayatri Mandir • Boondall Lions Club • Hindustani Language School And now here with Shree Vishnu Maya Mandir. Pt Saras Maharaj is married to Sudha Maharaj and has two daughters, a son in the form of sonin-law Amit Lala and two beautiful grandchildren.

Ex-lover suspected of stabbing Sydney dentist, 32, multiple times before stuffing her body into a suitcase THE ex-boyfriend of a dentist whose body was found in a suitcase deliberately killed himself by crashing his car into a truck just hours after speaking with police. Preethi Reddy, 32, vanished from Sydney's CBD hours after the Mardi Gras parade. She was last seen on

CCTV waiting in line at McDonald's in George Street, opposite The Strand Arcade, about 2.15am on Sunday. Dr Reddy stayed at a hotel on Market Street in the CBD on Sunday with her ex-boyfriend. Her ex-boyfriend - who is also a dentist - was questioned by police


before her body was found, Detective Superintendent Gavin Dengate told 2GB. The man later died after he crashed his BMW headon into a semi-trailer while driving home to Tamworth on the New England Highway near Willow Tree, four hours' drive north of Sydney, about 10pm on Monday. Dr Reddy's body was then found inside a suitcase in the boot of her grey Volkswagen Golf at Kingsford, in Sydney's south-east about 9.30pm on Tuesday. She had been stabbed multiple times. 3ROLFH RI¿FHUV VHDUFKHG the car after it was found at Strachan Lane. Before her body was found, her family said her failure to contact them for such a long time was out of character and they had serious concerns for her welfare. 'I just want my sister back safely, we are so worried about her,' Dr Reddy's sister Nithya told Daily Mail Australia before her body was discovered. 'This is not like her, she would not be missing voluntarily... she's our smiling, beautiful angel.' Police said her car, a 2016 grey Volkswagen Golf Comfortline registration

DFP78P, was a crucial piece of evidence. Dr Reddy was reported missing on Sunday after she didn't return home and her friends and family appealed for help on social media. She left a dental conference in St Leonards on the city's north shore about 7pm on Saturday and was seen in her car an hour later at the Hotel Urban, her sister said. Her ex-boyfriend was also at the conference. Her family didn't know if she attended the parade, where she stayed on Saturday night, where she was on Sunday morning, or what happened to her car. Dr Reddy bought two bottles of water at McDonald's before leaving alone and walking towards Market Street. Dr Reddy spoke on the phone with her family at 11.06am on Sunday and she 'gave no indication anything was wrong' and she promised to be home in a few hours after having a late breakfast. Nithya said the last activity on her phone was detected in the Sydney CBD at 1.47pm on Sunday, according to her mobile provider. Less than a day later, Dr Reddy's ex-boyfriend died DW WKH VFHQH RI WKH ¿HU\ crash on Monday before

Preethi Reddy, 32, (pictured) vanished from Sydney's ,3<89 !đ'8 ;,' !8&- 8!9 6!8!&'U -$;<8'ª U 39;! Photography

the 49-year-old truck driver was able to pull himself free before his semi-trailer burst LQWR ÀDPHV Dr Reddy grew up in Sydney and obtained her dental degree in 2009, and was taking courses in dental implants. She worked as a general dentist at Glenbrook Dental Surgery in the lower Blue Mountains, and was previously employed at Hurstville Dental And Physio Centre in western Sydney, and Dapto Smile Dental Centre, near

Wollongong. Glenbrook Dental Surgery posted a tribute to Dr Reddy on Facebook after her body was found. 'Glenbrook Dental Surgery staff are in mouring to hear the sad news about Preethi Reddy,' the post read. The surgery was not open for business on Wednesday morning. 'Due to a tragedy concerning our beloved colleague, the surgery will be closed for the time being,' a sign outside the surgery read.


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A FAIR GO FOR ALL. Authorised by Andrew Leigh MP, ALP, Canberra.

Labor promises fairer fees for money transfers EVERY year Australians send billions of dollars overseas to family and friends. This might be taxi drivers working an extra shift to help out somebody who’s fallen on hard times back home. It could be someone who’s working a bit extra in a pharmacy in order to help put a nephew through school. Right now the pricing of remittances is bamboozling. It’s too confusing and it means you get an incredible spread of prices. Australians pay more for remittances than do people in the United States or in Korea. Just to give you some sense of the size of what the fees look like, an Australian who wants to send $1000 overseas will pay according to the World Bank $77 in exchange rate mark ups DQG À DW IHHV One of the problems in this market is competition isn’t Call 07 3865 6533

working to drive down prices for consumers. That’s because the pricing comes in two parts. 7KHUHœV D À DW IHH IRU WKH WUDQVIHU but there’s also an exchange rate spread. We’ve seen too many providers saying that they’re charging a small fee, when what WKH\ PHDQ LV WKH À DW IHH LV VPDOO but the exchange rate spread is big. I’ve seen this behaviour even by some of our biggest banks that have just faced a royal commission. Remittances present special problems because it’s often KDUG WR ¿ JXUH RXW WKH WUXH IHH All too often, banks will tell WKHLU FXVWRPHUV WKH À DW GROODU amount, but won’t fess up to how much they’re making from the exchange rate. It’s hard to have a competitive market when customers don’t know what prices they’re actually paying.

That’s why Labor is promising to require full fee transparency, where customers are told the total cost of transferring PRQH\ ERWK WKH À DW IHH DQG WKH exchange rate margin. Like mortgage comparison rates, full fee transparency will make it easier for customers to do an apples-to-apples FRPSDULVRQ DQG TXLFNO\ ¿ QG out who’s offering the best deal. Our solution, the policy that’s Australia will get if a Shorten Labor Government is elected, is a policy of full fee transparency. If you’re in the market, transferring money overseas, you have to tell your customers the total charges they will pay for remittances. Our plan has been welcomed by the Federation of Ethnic Community Councils of Australia and welcomed by CHOICE. It’s been welcomed

by Transferwise, one of the providers in the market that has shown its customers the full fees they’ll pay. As part of Labor’s commitments to work with multicultural communities, this policy emerged from a series of roundtables in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne. Our plan to save consumers money on remittance fees was developed in consultation with experts in the sector and with people in multicultural communities who didn’t want so much of their hard earned wages to be eaten up by the IHHV DQG FKDUJHV RI ¿ QDQFLDO intermediaries. Andrew Leigh is the Shadow Assistant Treasurer and Labor’s spokesperson for Competition and Productivity.





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Celebration of Mother Languages and Harmony Day

BRISBANE Bangla Language School organised a multicultural festival to celebrate Mother Languages and Harmony Day on the last Sunday, 3 March 2019 at Robelle Domain, 6SULQJ¿ HOG &HQWUDO 7KH main purpose of the festival was to increase awareness for the young Australians of diverse ethno-linguistic backgrounds about the VLJQL¿FDQFH RI ,QWHUQDWLRQDO Mother Language Day and Harmony Day in an enjoyable environment. The festival was supported by

Queensland Government, Ethnic Schools Association of Queensland, Radio 4EB, Bangladesh Association in Brisbane, Society of Bangladeshi Doctors, Queensland and Bangladesh Puja and Cultural Society, and sponsored by business entities such as Atlas Travel, More Than Home Loans, Buy Solar and Bombay Bliss. The festival started at 11:30am with a welcoming to the land speech by Aboriginal Elder Auntie 'HOPDH IROORZHG E\ À RZHU

wreaths placement to a temporary Language Martyrs’ Monument by various community groups and guests. 7KH IHVWLYDO ZDV RI¿ FLDOO\ inaugurated by Hon Stirling Hinchliffe MP, Minister for Local Government, Minister for Racing and Minister for Multicultural Affairs representing the Premier of Queensland, Mr Milton Dick MP, Federal Member for Oxley, and Charis Mullen MP, State Member for Jordan. During the inauguration, Young

86 Scott lane, North Maclean / Ph: 55486814

Rohingya community leaders also spoke about their past and present conditions. The young students from the Bangla School, Lac Hong Vietnamese School, Filipino School, Sinhalese School, Thaai Tamil School and Sargam Academy performed songs and dances in their languages and showcased their traditional cultural items. The performers from Japanese - Toko-Ton Taiko, 84 6RXWK 3DFL¿ F ,VODQGHU

Assoc, Bhangra United, Dance Masala and Sangeet Premi Club mesmerised the crowd with their wonderful performances. Dave Burton, Bertie Page and John Meyer sung several English Rock n Roll and Folk with Japanese harp. The young students of the Bangla School performed a wonderful a dance drama showcasing the language movement in 1952 that ultimately led to the independence of Bangladesh in 1971. Brisbane Bangla

Radio, QUT Bangladesh Association and Bangladesh Puja and Cultural Society also performed the language movement related songs, dance and poem recitation. Traditional food and snacks, ice-cream and fairy À RVV VWDOOV SURYLGHG IXOO energy for the crowd whole day. Children were busy with free jumping castle and face painting, and in buying toys whereas ladies spend some busy times at the sari stall and Chinese handcrafted earing stall. The day was full of fun for everyone.


Holika Dahan (Prahlad Raxa) By Dharam Guru Pundit Tripathi Ji

Wednesday 20th March – 7:45pm Holi Geet & Bhajans will begin at 7:00pm


Food (Maha Prasad) will be served afterwards.


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IRFXV RQ Ä‹ ML Fiji loses to England in 5th place ďŹ nal 15-19 By Apenisa Waqairadovu and Vijay Narayan

The Fiji Airways Men’s National 7s team KDV ¿ QLVKHG LQ WK SODFH DW WKH /DV 9HJDV 7s after losing to England 19-15 in the 5th SODFH ¿ QDO (QJODQGœV :LOO 0XLU VFRUHG WKH ¿ UVW WU\ LQ the match two minutes into the game. Jerry Tuwai replied with a try in the corner before Alasio Naduva crossed for Fiji’s second try to put them in the lead 10-7. There were times when Captain Kalione Nasoko was struggling with handling errors LQ WKH ¿ UVW KDOI Meli Derenalagi was yellow carded for a high tackle just before halftime. Fiji was leading 10-7 at halftime. Terio Tamani crossed over for Fiji’s third

try and England quickly responded with a try of their own bringing the score to 15-14. (QJODQG VKRFNHG )LML ZLWK D Âż QDO WU\ D IHZ seconds after full time. USA successfully defended their Las Vegas title after thrashing Samoa in the Cup Final 27-0. New Zealand beat Argentina 26-19 in the Bronze Final. The Americans now lead the HSBC 7s table with 98 points, New Zealand is in second place 93 points while Fiji is third with 84 points. The next stop is Vancouver 7s this weekend. Fiji is the defending champion. We are currently awaiting the Vancouver 7s pool draw.

Former Saint Joseph’s Secondary Man convicted of aggravated robbery has been jailed for four years School Principal laid to rest

Tributes by past students for the former Saint Joseph’s Secondary School principal poured in (831 !83<2& ;,' >38¥& !2& >'8' !¥93 8'!& !; ;,' <2'8!¥ !99 (38 -9;'8 '2'=-'=' By Lena Reece

The life of Sister Genevieve Loo was one of commitment, faithfulness and service to her family, the Catholic Church and the development of the education sector in Fiji. These were the words of Sister Lusiana Dimate Matai who spoke on behalf of the Sisters of Cluny at the Funeral Mass for Sister Genevieve. Sister Lusiana also reminisced on the stern but wise words of advice she was given when she was taught by Sister Genevieve at Saint Bede’s College in Savusavu. Anastasia Seeto who is Sister Genevieve’s youngest sister spoke of how Sister Genevieve or Christine as she was known to her family was a true blessing to her family and her passing has left a huge vacuum in

many sectors. Meanwhile, Archbishop Peter Loy Chong also recalled how amidst meetings at the Ministry of Education on policies and implementation of various programs stood a small nun who always had critical feedback before any policy or program was approved. Tributes by past students for the former Saint Joseph’s Secondary School principal poured in from around the world and were also read at the Funeral Mass for Sister Genevieve. Hundreds of people including old and current students of Saint Joseph’s Secondary, Marist Brothers High School and Saint Bede’s College, families and friends were present at the Funeral Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral.

By Semi Turaga

A 20-YEAR-OLD man convicted of aggravated robbery has been jailed for 4 years 7 months by Suva High Court Judge Justice Daniel Goundar. Timoci Tikina had pleaded guilty to robbing his employer of $3,180 and a mobile phone in Kinoya. During the robbery he threatened to kill the man with a cane knife. In his sentence, Justice Goundar said when Tikina was arrested he said he spent

the money on alcohol, a rental car and his friends. Justice Goundar said Tikina had said that he stole from his employer because he did not pay his wages. The man’s early guilty plea and record DV D ¿ UVW WLPH RIIHQGHU ZHUH FRQVLGHUHG DV mitigating factors by Justice Goundar. But the Judge also considered the breach of trust between the man and his employer in the sentence. There is no non-parole period.

Labasa Resident want better solution for water related problems faced during the dry season

Kamlesh Arya charged by FICAC to engage QC Gregory Woods By Naveel Krishant

The defence in the case of former politician and Registrar of the University of Fiji Kamlesh Arya has informed Court that they will be engaging Queen’s Counsel Gregory Woods for the trial. Woods will be assisted by Vijay Maharaj. The trial will start on the 15th of April. He was charged by FICAC for corruption related offences. It is alleged that Arya while being employed in the public service as the Registrar at the University of Fiji, and whilst acting as the School Manager for Bhawani Dayal Memorial Primary School, did arbitrary acts for gain in abuse of the authority of his RI¿ FH QDPHO\ DXWKRUL]HG ORDQV DPRXQWLQJ to $116,500 from the Free Education Grant provided by the Ministry of Education to Bhawani Dayal Memorial Primary School.

-2-9;'8 (38 $3231@ -@!A !@'&d ,!-@<1 &<8-2+ ;,' #<&+'; $329<¥;!ࣅ 329 -2 !#!9! He says there is a old FSC borehole in their By Faria Begum and Mohammed Feroz

!1ÂĄ'9, 8@!

It is also alleged that Arya dishonestly caused a risk of loss to Bhawani Dayal Memorial School by authorising the Free Education Grants as loans amounting to $116,500, and knowing that the loss will occur or substantial risk of the loss will occur to Bhawani Dayal Memorial School. The alleged incident occurred in 2014.


Labasa Resident Kansami Naicker highlighted that the people of Vunika want a better solution to the water related problems they face during the dry season. During the budget consultations in Labasa with the Minister for Economy, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, Naicker pointed out that the Water Authority of Fiji was given about $1.5 to $2 million dollars for emergency water cartage and has requested for a permanent solution instead.

village and he has asked for this borehole to be looked after by the Water Authority. He says that the only solution to the dry season would be to construct a reservoir. In his response, the Minister for Economy Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum says that the water reticulation systems have been extended but some of the solutions may be home grown. Sayed-Khaiyum also took down Naicker’s details and reassured him that they would be looking into these issues.

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Beauty Wellbeing

Skin care straight from your garden Nimisha Modi

Hetvi Hair & Beauty 0412 350 013

HEY GIRLS, as Summer is approaching fast there are many garden remedies right in your garden that can be used to make yourself look more beautiful. 1. Rose Petals / Gulab

Most of us are probably familiar with how often roses are used in personal care products as rose water, rose scented lotions and, of course, perfume. Indeed, rose petals are a wonderful tonic for the skin. A cooled infusion (tea) of rose petals can be used as an eye or mouthwash, due to the antiseptic characteristics of the rose. Add in the antiLQÀ DPPDWRU\ TXDOLWLHV DQG you’ve got a wonderful toner for skin troubled by rashes, irritation, or acne. Just spritz it on the skin after cleansing. For acne-

prone skin, mix a toner of one part rose infusion and one part aloe juice. Use this after cleansing in the morning and evening. Rose is also a wonderful tonic for mature and aging skin, due to its vitamin C content and ability to rehydrate and soothe the skin. You can add a few drops of rose essential oil to the moisturizers you already use, or blend an ounce of jojoba oil with 8 drops of rose essential oil. Smooth this on your face at night, or anytime the skin feels tight and dry. To cleanse dry skin, WU\ WKH IROORZLQJ Âż QG rosewater or brew some rose petal tea (1tsp of herb per 6oz of water). Combine two tablespoons of rosewater or rose tea with two tablespoons of raw honey and 1/2 cup of almond oil. Massage a small amount into skin. Rinse well and pat dry.

This cleanser can be stored in your medicine cabinet, no need for refrigeration. If your skin still feels dry after cleansing, massage in a little more almond oil. The antiseptic nature of rose also makes it a wonderful treatment for wounds, bruises, rashes, and incisions. To use, take a clean washcloth, dip into the warm or chilled tea (1tbs per cup of water, steeped 10 minutes), depending on the nature of the injury, and place on the wound. For sore muscles, try rubbing the area with a rose-infused oil. Try two parts oil to one part herb. Grind the dry petals and infuse them in the oil. Let this sit at least two weeks in a dark spot, strain, and use, warming the oil as you wish. 2. Chamomile/babuna

The health of our liver is UHĂ€ HFWHG LQ WKH KHDOWK RI our skin. Chamomile is an herb you can use internally

Why is it so important for you to know if you have hepatitis B or hepatitis C?

You can have hepatitis B or hepatitis C and not have any symptoms. The facts: • The Cancer Council of Australia advise that chronic (long term infection) of hepatitis B and hepatitis C put you at the greatest risk of developing liver cancer in Australia. • Over 20%, that is at least one person in 5 with untreated hepatitis C will get cirrhosis and about 5% of these people will develop a cancer. Whilst this does not sound like many people it could be you. • 25% of people with chronic hepatitis B, may develop cirrhosis or liver cancer without appropriate management. • A simple blood test will tell if you have hepatitis

B or hepatitis C, you just need to ask your GP to check. Hepatitis B: Some people may have been vaccinated or exposed to hepatitis B and cleared the virus, this will give them an immunity (the person’s blood will have hepatitis B surface antibodiesHBsAb is positive) which means they will not get reinfected. Some people will show a positive hepatitis B surface antigen - HBsAg, this means they will need lifelong regular monitoring. Currently there is no cure for Hepatitis B. Hepatitis C: Some people may have been exposed to hepatitis C and cleared the virus and only have antibodies – Anti-HCV, in their blood. It doesn’t mean they still have hepatitis C. They need to do another test called a HCV-


RNA (Viral load) test. If the test shows detectable virus it means they have hepatitis C and will need treatment. If you have hepatitis C there is now a cure that is easy to take and has very minimal side effects, and can be prescribed by GPs. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C can both cause damage to the liver including cirrhosis and liver cancer and even death. The risk of this happening can be reduced with appropriate management and treatment by your doctor. For more information please contact ECCQ: :HEVLWH HFFT FRP DX health Phone: 07-3255 1540 If you live in Cairns, you can also contact: Rhondda Lewis, Viral Hepatitis Health Practitioner. Phone: 07-4226 4761. email: R hondda.Lewis@health. TOG JRY DX

to help tone the digestive system, liver, and kidneys. When these organs are working and healthy, wastes will be processed the way they were meant to be—through elimination— and not through the skin. Chamomile is also a wonderful external addition to your skincare regime, especially if your skin is sensitive, mature, or irritated and chapped by the elements. Apply cool chamomile tea as a toner to the skin. Search out a chamomile hydrosol and spritz this on the skin. For helping the skin heal from sun or windburn, try adding a few drops of chamomile essential oil to an ounce of jojoba oil. Apply sparingly as needed. This herb’s ability to ease LQÀ DPPDWLRQ DV ZHOO DV LWV ability to soothe the senses will calm the body and the mind. To cleanse combination

skin), try brewing a strong cup of chamomile tea. Blend this with one half cup of ground, whole grain oatmeal powder and one tablespoon of raw honey (honey is a demulcent, which means it pulls moisture to the VNLQ LW DOVR ¿ JKWV DFQH DQG protects against damaging rays from the sun and regenerates skin, protecting against free radicals). Place a small amount of this in your palms and massage into skin. Rinse with warm water. Store the rest in the fridge–without preservatives, this cleanser won’t last long on the shelf. If parts of your skin feel tight after washing, try a little almond or jojoba oil massaged into dry areas. Finally, you can also apply chamomile externally as a paste to help heal burns, skin ulcers, eczema. To XVH JULQG GULHG À RZHUV with a mortar and pestle,

add some water and a bit of whole grain oatmeal until you’ve reached a desirable consistency. Keep the paste moist by covering the area with a warm, damp towel. Allow the affected area to UHVW IRU ¿ IWHHQ PLQXWHV RU so, then bathe in cool water until the paste is dissolved. Repeat as often as necessary—until comfort is achieved and the area has healed. Start using these natural skincare from plants. However your body ridding itself of natural toxins. When you start using this you might get some breakout but Allow a few weeks for the skin to adjust and it will settle down. In the meantime, relish in the idea that you are feeding your skin the food it needs. Go outside enjoy gardening. Feel the wind, sun and rain on your chemical-free, toxin-released, beautiful, fresh face.

Virtual Home Safety Program Launches

DIVERSICARE, ECCQ’s community care business unit, launched its Multicultural Interactive Program Solutions (MIPS) today at a luncheon at Victoria Park Golf Club, in Brisbane. Funded by the Australian Government through the Dementia and Aged Care Services Fund, MIPS promotes safety awareness in the home through a virtual home tour, enabling older people to live independently longer. 7KLV LQQRYDWLYH ZHEVLWH LV VSHFLÂż FDOO\ designed to cater for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities with differing literacy levels. It is accessible both visually and audibly in seven languages: English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Arabic, Greek, and Italian. Wayne Briscoe, Executive Director of 0XOWLFXOWXUDO $IIDLUV 4XHHQVODQG RIÂż FLDOO\ launched the website. He said that given the stats and trends showing that one in three older Queenslanders were born overseas and that people aged 65 and older are the fastest growing cohort of internet users, LW LV WKH SHUIHFW WLPH WR ODXQFK WKLV XQLTXH program. MIPS Project Manager Emma Moore, said “this program is one of a kind and offers vital information for older people who want to continue to live independently in their

own community, and for family members and carers to support those they care about most by making adjustments in the home.� MIPS also provides information to increase capacity and knowledge around general health and wellbeing as well as information about community, emergency and legal services. ECCQ Chairperson Alton Budd closed with congratulating the Diversicare team for their hard work and original idea. He also thanked Dr Amanda Moffatt from Bowerbird Creative and her design team for their hard work over the last year working closely with the MIPS team to design each element of the program. MIPS is innovation at its best, designed to be incredibly user friendly and simple, anyone can use it. Check it out by visiting Contact: Carrie Barnett, Communications Manager. Mobile: 0436 456 213. Email: FDUULHE#HFFT FRP DX

Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS and Sexual Health Program Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ)

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indian news

Digvijaya Singh calls Pulwama terror attack an accident By India Today Web Desk, New Delhi AS SINGH went on to corner the Narendra Modi-led government at the Centre, he ended up terming the Pulwama terrorist attack, in which 40 CRPF jawans were killed by WKH 3DNLVWDQ EDVHG WHUURU RXWÂż W Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), an "accident". Senior Congress leader Digvijaya Singh came down heavily on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and asked him to clear the "doubts" cast by the international media on the terrorists' deaths in the airstrike carried out by India in Pakistan's Balakot. In a series of tweets, Digvijaya Singh asked PM Modi to speak about the Balakot airstrike as the country wanted to who is lying. However, as Singh went on to corner the Narendra Modi-led government at the Centre, he ended up terming the Pulwama terrorist attack, in which 40 CRPF jawans were killed by WKH 3DNLVWDQ EDVHG WHUURU RXWÂż W Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), an "accident". "We are proud of the bravery of your forces and have complete faith on them. I have

seen many of my friends and close relatives in the Army leaving their families and protecting us. We respect them," Singh tweeted. "However, the IAF carried out an airstrike after the Pulwama accident, some foreign media have cast doubts, which is SXWWLQJ D TXHVWLRQ PDUN RQ the credibility of our Indian government," Singh said on Twitter. Twitterati went all out on him for describing the deadly Pulwama terror attack as a mere "accident". Digvijaya Singh also asked PM Modi to clarify on BJP chief Amit Shah, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and Union minister SS Ahluwalia's statements on the number of terrorists killed by the IAF on Balakot airstrike. "Prime minister ji, some of your ministers say 300 terrorists were killed, BJP chief says 250 were killed, Yogi Adityanath says 400 killed, and your minister SS Alhuwalia says not even one died. And you are silent on this topic. The country wants to know who the liar here is. [sic]," Singh said

Singh said the way PM Modi and his ministers were treating the airstrike was an "insult" to the forces who carried out the operation. "The way you and your ministers are treating this airstrike as your success, it is an insult to the bravery of the security forces. Every citizen of the country respects the Indian Army and security forces," the Congress leader said. Union minister Prakash Javadekar, reacting to Digvijaya Singh's Pulwama accident tweet, said: "What has happened to Congress? They are playing with people's sentiments and are denying the information of Indian armed forces. This never happens in any democratic nation where the people do not trust their forces." A war of words over the Indian Air Force airstrikes in Balakot has broken out between Congress and the BJP as both the sides traded charges against each other. Both the sides have accused each other for politicising the IAF airstrike. The result of the counterterrorism operation in Balakot has been a hot topic of political

>-ħ '8!ࣅ >'2; !ÂĄÂĄ 3<; 32 32+8'99 ÂĄ'!&'8 -+=-/!@! -2+, (38 &'9$8-#-2+ ;,' &'!&ÂĄ@ <ÂĄ>!1! ;'8838 !ħ !$0 !9 ! 1'8' x!$$-&'2;xU debate in India -- Congress leader Kapil Sibal asked if PM Modi was "politicising terror", pointing to several news reports saying India's airstrikes did not kill terrorists in Pakistan. Union minister Rajyavardhan Rathore, replying to Kapil Sibal's comment, blasted the latter for "believing international media over the intelligence agencies". He went on to add that Sibal should travel to Balakot

himself to check if any terrorists were killed. West Bengal Mamata Banerjee asked for details last week, citing media reports that either said there were no deaths, or that one person has been killed. Asked about the West Bengal chief minister's remarks, former Union Minister P Chidambaram said at the India Today Conclave that he was prepared to believe the

government, but "the world cannot be asked to suspend disbelief". Meanwhile, Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa on Monday (March 4) said Indian Air Force warplanes hit their intended target. "If we plan to hit the target, we hit the target," he told reporters in Coimbatore. "If we had dropped bombs in the jungle, then no need for him [Pakistan] to respond."

Terrorists are being trained to carry out attacks via sea: Navy chief Sunil Lanba By Abhishek Bhalla, New Delh "WE ALSO have reports of terrorists being trained to carry out attacks with varying modus operandi including through the medium of the sea," Navy Chief Admiral Sunil Lanba said. India has been facing the threat of terror through the seas, Navy Chief Admiral Sunil Lanba said on Tuesday. Without naming Pakistan he made a reference to the recent attack in Pulwama where a Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM suicide bomber rammed his explosives-laden car into a bus

carrying CRPF troops, killing 40 of them. "India faces a more serious form of terrorism, statesponsored terrorism," he said. He said terrorists have been TXLFNO\ HYROYLQJ DQG WKH Indian security establishment has been continuously working to combat the new threats. "We also have reports of terrorists being trained to carry out attacks with varying modus operandi including through the medium of the sea," Admiral Lanba said. "You have all witnessed the KRUULÂż F VFDOH RI WKH H[WUHPLVW attack in the Indian state of

Jammu and Kashmir just three weeks ago. This violence was perpetrated by extremists aided and abetted by a state which seeks to destabilise India," he said. India faced a terror attack through the seas in 2008 when Pakistan trained terrorists attained Mumbai. The event referred to as the 26/11 Mumbai attack remains one of the deadliest strikes by terrorists on India. Like this time, when the Indian Air Force (IAF) carried out an airstrike at militant camps in Pakistan's Balakot, the option for a similar raid was put to the then PM Manmohan

Singh-led government but it was not exercised. Recent intelligence reports have indicated the growing threat of a terror attack through the seas by Pakistan-based terrorists backed by their military. There are inputs that VHYHUDO DTXDWLF ZLQJV RI WKH WHUURU RXWÂż WV KDYH EHHQ VHW XS Groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and JeM are training their new recruits in water combat skills, reports suggest. The navy chief said that TXLFNO\ WHUURULVW JURXSV KDYH evolved across the globe and this particular 'brand' of terror may well become a global problem in the near future.

&1-8!ÂĄ <2-ÂĄ !2#!U j ,3;3ÂŞ !9-8 7#!ÂĄk "The Indian security the global community acts establishment is continuously in concert to contain and working to address this eliminate terrorism, in all its menace. It is imperative that forms," Lanba said.

Meet the pilot who may have averted an India-Pakistan war Continued from Page 4 backward, the reports said, Âż ULQJ KLV SLVWRO LQ WKH DLU WR ward off angry locals. When they got too close, he jumped into a pond and destroyed sensitive documents and maps by swallowing some and soaking others before he was captured. On Thursday afternoon, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan announced that his countrywould return Varthaman to India as a “peace gesture.â€? The move immediately lowered tensions between India and Pakistan after two days of hostilities that began when India launched an airstrike on Tuesday on what it said was a terrorist training camp within Pakistan. Pakistan’s Imran Khan says captured Indian pilot

to be released as a peace gesture Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan said the Indian pilot who was captured by Pakistani forces after his plane was shot down would be released on March 1. (Reuters) The atmosphere of anxiety eased further on Friday. Pakistan partially reopened its airspace after two days of closures to allow travel to four major cities. Indian DXWKRULWLHV DI¿ UPHG WKDW national elections due in April and May would be held on schedule. Experts said Varthaman, a 38-year-old from the South Indian city of Chennai, will undergo a detailed debrief and medical checkup. Indians have closely followed every twist and turn in Varthaman’s saga this week. An alleged video


of his initial capture shows him being dragged from the crash site as enraged locals attempt to hit him. A Pakistani soldier is heard asking people to stop. A second, more controversial video that may run afoul of Geneva Conventions was tweeted by Pakistan’s Information Ministry. The clip showed the blindfolded pilot with a bloodied face, answering TXHVWLRQV FDOPO\ ZKLOH LQ Pakistani custody. After the Foreign Ministry in India “strongly objected to Pakistan’s vulgar display of an injured personnel,� the Pakistan military posted a fresh video saying the pilot was being treated “as per norms of military ethics.� Seen sipping a cup of tea, Varthaman declines WR DQVZHU DQ\ TXHVWLRQ RQ his operation or aircraft

details, while praising his treatment by the Pakistani army. Spoken like a “true soldier,â€? his father Simhakutty Varthaman said in a statement. ,Q D Âż QDO YLGHR purportedly shot before Varthaman’s release shared by Pakistan’s Information Ministry, he praises the Pakistani army for being “very professional.â€? He also criticizes Indian media outlets for unnecessarily stoking emotions with their coverage. Flying runs in the family: Varthaman’s father, now retired, was a decorated VHQLRU RIÂż FHU LQ WKH ,QGLDQ air force who reached the rank of air marshal. In an ironic twist, Simhakutty Varthaman once advised D Âż OPPDNHU ZKR PDGH a movie about a pilot jailed in Pakistanafter being captured in war. In the

movie, the hero is ultimately reunited with his family. After the capture, his father had expressed hope for his son’s safe return and said the family was praying that he “does not get tortured.â€? On Thursday night, the pilot’s parents Ă€ HZ WR 'HOKL DKHDG RI WKHLU son’s release. As passengers RQ WKH Ă€ LJKW UHDOL]HG ZKR the couple was, they burst out in applause and cheers. Varthaman, the son, appeared on a popular Indian television show eight years ago with several RWKHU Âż JKWHU SLORWV 7KH hosts asked the guests ZKDW WKH PDLQ SUHUHTXLVLWH ZDV WR EH D Âż JKWHU SLORW “Attitude,â€? said one. “Bad attitude,â€? added Varthaman with a smile. Even as India and Pakistan traded charges over the last two days, Varthaman’s

behavior in captivity united people from both sides of the border, mostly in praise. Videos of his capture and TXHVWLRQLQJ ZHUH VKDUHG by thousands on social media. Pakistani citizens joined the chorus asking their government to return Varthaman as a gesture of peace. 7KLV LV QRW WKH Âż UVW WLPH that an Indian pilot has been captured by Pakistan. In 1999, the rivals fought D EULHI EXW LQWHQVH FRQĂ€ LFW high in the Himalayas. In that clash, known as WKH .DUJLO FRQĂ€ LFW ,QGLD GHSOR\HG Âż JKWHU MHWV EXW Pakistan did not. 'XULQJ WKH Âż JKWLQJ DQ ,QGLDQ Âż JKWHU SLORW QDPHG Kambampati Nachiketa was captured by Pakistani forces. Nachiketa said he was tortured during his eight days of captivity, after which he was released.






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5HDO (Ä? DWH 1HZV The Hemsworth effect: How Byron Bay has become Australia’s new celebrity hot spot Once the carefree playground for stars like Elle Macpherson and Nicole Kidman, Palm Beach has lost its Hollywood glow to a former hippy hangout, thanks to Chris Hemsworth and Elsa Pataky. CALL IT the Hemsworth effect. Once the carefree summer playground for stars like Elle Macpherson, Nicole Kidman and Mick Jagger, Palm Beach is losing its Hollywood glow as Byron Bay — formerly a hippy hangout 780km away on the far NSW north coast — takes over as the new Australian celebrity hot spot. Hollywood hunk Chris Hemsworth and his glamorous wife Elsa Pataky have been joined by A-list pals such as Matt Damon and Miley Cyrus, wife RI +HPVZRUWKÂśV HTXDOO\ famous brother, Liam, as regular visitors to Byron. Chris and Elsa have had local tongues wagging for months over plans for their $9 million compound in the Byron hinterland. Thanks to the Hemsworth effect, Byron Bay has become the place to go

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for pap photographers and others into celebrity watching. And some celebs in Byron are actually from Palmy. Musician Angus Stone, of the acclaimed duo Angus and Julia Stone, grew up in the suburb next to Palm Beach but now lives on an estate near Byron. Top netballer Liz Ellis also lived on the northern

beaches, but has bought just outside Byron Bay. Other big names that now call Byron home — or at least a permanent holiday spot for some of the year — are Carrie Bickmore, model Gemma Ward, tennis star Pat Rafter and footballer Tim Cahill. Actors Naomi Watts and Margot Robbie are both regular visitors, often seen

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frolicking on Byron Beach. Agent Liam Annesley, of LJ Hooker Byron Bay, said the laid-back festival town was loved by Paul Hogan and the Packer family in the 1980s and then it fell into relative obscurity until Chris and Liam Hemsworth bought into the area. “Now Chris Hemsworth has brought in his friends and Miley Cyrus has brought in her friends and

the Ballina airport is only 20 minutes away,� he said. Plus the celebs have their own helicopters and can À \ LQ DQ RXW RI WKHLU ODUJH rural properties, something that is not so easy in Palm Beach. Mr Anneseley is selling the $14 million home of Peter Mattick, the co-founder of Salmat. He is getting interest

from young expats for the beachside property. Meanwhile, back in Palm Beach the last young celebrity to buy into the suburb was probably Lleyton Hewitt, who sold up in 2014 for $4.63 million. Model Megan Gale got out in 2016, selling for $3 million, and actor Rachel *ULIÂż WKV PRYHG RXW LQ having sold for more than $2.2 million.

Bargain buys: Prices slashed on 23,000 homes By Elizabeth Tilley

B A R G A I N - H U N G RY home hunters are in the box seat with a spike in the number of discounted properties hitting the market. The top 20 homes with the biggest price cuts on the market in Queensland right now have been revealed, giving savvy buyers a chance to snap up a bargain for up to $800,000 below market value. Right now, a threebedroom house on acreage in the Moreton Bay region has had its sale price slashed by half a million dollars and D EHDXWLIXO Âż YH EHGGHU RQ a big block in Tarragindi is $150,000 cheaper than it ZDV ZKHQ LW ZDV Âż UVW OLVWHG Death, divorce and desperate vendors are some of the reasons for the number of “distressedâ€? listings, according to SQM Research, which puts out a report on its website that is updated weekly. SQM Research managing director Louis Christopher said 23,000 of the 330,000 properties on the market nationally were distressed, compared to only 18,000 a year ago. Mr Christopher said the increase in distressed listings showed it was a good time to research the market and see what value was on offer.

“There is the potential to be able to buy at, or below, fair market value,� Mr Christopher said. “Especially in a downturn similar to the one we’re having now, that probability has increased.� Mr Christopher said sellers of discounted properties were also usually more willing to negotiate. The Gold Coast usually has a higher number of distressed properties than any other region in the country. “I suspect it’s because the Gold Coast has a higher percentage of investors as a proportion of total buyers than most other regions in the country and it’s also a transient place, so people come in, live there for a few years and move out again,� Mr Christopher said. Helen and Tim Stieler are selling their renovated, three-bedroom house in the heart of Chermside for offers over $565,000. The well-presented home at 6 Monserrat St, Chermside, is on a larger WKDQ DYHUDJH VTP EORFN close to shops, a hospital and public transport. The Stielers have already moved to a property on a bigger block of land to accommodate their growing family. Mrs Stieler said she could not believe the property had


not been snapped up yet. “The convenience is amazing,â€? Mrs Stieler said. “We’ve had a large number of people go through, but just haven’t found the right person. “It really is a bit of a bargain.â€? Marketing agent Jonathan Levey of Harcourts Connections - Stafford said it was the perfect buying opportunity for young families or a young couple. Mr Levey said the sale price had recently been reduced by $10,000. “It’s immaculate — no PDLQWHQDQFH UHTXLUHG ´ 0U Levey said. “It has a great street presence and is only a two minute walk from Chermside Markets.â€? On the waterfront in Redcliffe, a luxury threebedroom unit is on the market for $150,000 less than its original listed price. Maureen and Steve Bennett are reluctantly selling the property in Mon Komo at 603/99 Marine Parade for offers over $1 million for Âż QDQFLDO UHDVRQV “We’re selling because we have other building projects on the go, and so instead of having money tied up in Mon Komo, we’re doing it just to free up some money — not because we want to,â€? Mrs Bennett said.

-1 !2& '¥'2 ࣅ '¥'8 !2& ;,'-8 (3<8d@'!8d3¥& 932S !?932S !; ;,' ,31' ;,'@ !8' 9'¥¥-2+ -2 ,'819-&'U -$;<8'ª !80 8!2-;$,U 3<8$'ª '>9 -1-;'&

“We fell in love with it because we loved the design. We love everything about it, and still do. Nothing beats the position.�

Marketing agent Rosslyn Kennedy of Gateway Properties said the property was more spacious and better value than most

newer units on the market. “The trouble is people like shiny new, but this is so much better value for money,� Ms Kennedy said.

GC suburbs tipped to be property gold mines +20(2:1(56 LQ ¿ YH Gold Coast suburbs are sitting on property gold mines with prices tipped to climb while others across the city plateau. Broadbeach Waters, Highland Park, Miami, Runaway Bay and Tallai KDYH EHHQ LGHQWL¿ HG DV the Coast’s hottest growth suburbs by national property analyst Terry Ryder. Mr Ryder, the founder and director of Hotspotting,

revealed the suburbs in his latest Price Predictor Index. It tracks rising sales in suburbs across the country DQG LGHQWLÂż HV WKH SODFHV likely to deliver strong price growth in the near future. While the Gold Coast was LGHQWLÂż HG DV RQH RI WKH PRVW steady regional markets in Queensland, Mr Ryder said it had fallen short of expectations. “The post (Commonwealth)

Games boost predicted by some has not eventuated on the Gold Coast,â€? he said. “This market was strong from 2015 to 2017 because of the pre-Commonwealth Games construction boom. “Since then the growth has VXEVLGHG DQG ZH FDQ Âż QG RQO\ Âż YH JURZWK VXEXUEV in Gold Coast city, but 41 VXEXUEV FODVVLÂż HG DV HLWKHU ‘plateau’ or ‘consistency’ markets and three ‘decline’ markets.â€?

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• 5 bedrooms, 2 with built-in robes • Open plan living areas • Neat kitchen with large pantry &

• 4 double built-in bedrooms, main bedroom with ensuite • Open plan air-conditioned lounge & dining • Good kitchen with dishwasher, casual meals area & family room • Family bathroom & separate toilet • Double lockup garage with remote control & internal access • Large garden shed • Fully fenced backyard


Offers over $510,000




meals area

• Separate bathroom & toilet • Covered entertainment area • 1 car accommodation • Tenants would love to stay if an investor purchased

• Rent = $385 per week • 2 split air-conditioners



painted with new carpets + air-conditioned open plan living downstairs • Separate laundry + powder room • Lockup garage with remote control + internal entry • Great entertainment balcony over looking private courtyard • Potential Rent = approx. $450-$460 per week




Bridgeman Downs

Offers over $750,000

• 3 double built-in bedrooms, main bedroom with air-conditioning & large ensuite with skylight • Air-conditioned open plan living area • Modern kitchen with dishwasher, large pantry, breakfast bar with stone bench top • Lockup garage with internal entry & remote control • Rent = approx. $380 per week







07 3865 4466 / 0419 775 416 46 — THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, March, 2019



• Situated on 620m2 block • 3 double built-in bedrooms upstairs

• Spacious open plan lounge and dining

• Neat kitchen with lots of storage • Separate family bathroom & toilet • Downstairs; large open plan living area with 3 rooms, kitchenette, shower & toilet, separate laundry • Room for multiple cars







• 4 double built-in bedrooms, 2 with air-con, main bedroom with large walk-in robe & ensuite • Entry leads to a spacious formal lounge & dining with plantation blinds • Neat kitchen with large pantry & breakfast bar • Beautiful huge media room with plenty of sunlight • Double lockup garage with internal access

Chermside West






• 6 double built-in bedrooms, master with large ensuite • Spacious formal lounge & dining • Modern kitchen with breakfast bar and walk-in pantry • Open plan dining & family room • Lge. media room, private balcony • Great entertainment area with stainless steel sink • New carpets throughout • 6000L water tank • 5KW solar panels

• Excellent investment; freshly










• 2 double built-in bedrooms • Large open plan living leading to a massive balcony • Main bedroom opens on to a private balcony, also with ensuite & air-con • Good kitchen with large pantry • Spacious family bathroom • 1 car accommodation • Resort style pool with sep. spa • Current rent = $485 per week

Fortitude Valley






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building is available for

$79,000 p/a o/g included Located on busy Limestone Street opposite the Civic Hall, this modern dining venue includes to 2 levels of ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ ĨƵŶĐƟŽŶ ƌŽŽŵ͕ ǀĞƌĂŶĚĂŚ ĚŝŶŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ ĐĂĨĠ ƐƚLJůĞ alfresco space, ϱ ŽŶƐŝƚĞ ĐĂƌƉĂƌŬƐ͕ ďĂƌ ĨĂĐŝůŝƟĞƐ͕ equipped kitchen, this building is the perfect space to ũŽŝŶ /ƉƐǁŝĐŚ͛Ɛ ŐƌŽǁŝŶŐ ĐĂĨĠ ĂŶĚ ĨŽŽĚ scene.

Woodridge 8 Timms Crt 2000m2 Industrial Property Four sheds all leased Great investment return


1.6 Ha $3,400,000 'ĂƩŽŶ ĐƌĞĂŐĞ ƌĞĂŵ ϱϲϵϱŵϮ ZĞƐŝĚĞŶƟĂů ĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚ ďůŽĐŬ WƌŝŵĞ ůŽĐĂƟŽŶ ĨŽƌ ĚĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚ 4 4 2+ close to schools, shops, churches site, zoned future urban. Caboolture

4.91 Ha

$1.6m Oxley


Beenleigh Unit $204,000 Yamanto 1257m2 $499,000 Willow Vale 426m2 $439,000 WĂĐŝĮĐ WŝŶĞƐ 706m2 $550,000 2 1 1 rented for $260p/w 5 2 4 rented for $490p/w 4 rented $495 p/w 4 2 4 2 4 rented for $405p/



Ž LJŽƵ ŚĂǀĞ Ă ƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ ǁŝƚŚ ĂŶŽƚŚĞƌ ĂŐĞŶƚ͍ EŽƚ ŚĂƉƉLJ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ ĂŶĚ ůŽŽŬŝŶŐ ƚŽ ƚƌĂŶƐĨĞƌ ŵĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ͍ D </E' d, ͞^t/d ,͟ /^ ^z ^ǁŝƚĐŚŝŶŐ from your current property management company to ƚůĂŶƟĐ ZĞĂů ƐƚĂƚĞ WƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ DĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ ŝƐ ĞĂƐLJ ĂŶĚ ǁŝůů ŶŽƚ ŝŶĐƵƌ ĂŶLJ ĂĚĚŝƟŽŶĂů ĐŽƐƚ Žƌ ƐƚƌĞƐƐ ƚŽ LJŽƵ͘ KƵƌ ŐŽĂů ŝƐ ƚŽ ŵĂdžŝŵŝƐĞ LJŽƵƌ ƌĞƚƵƌŶ ŽŶ ŝŶǀĞƐƚŵĞŶƚ͘ tŝƚŚ ϯϱ LJĞĂƌƐ ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ ŝŶ ƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ ŵĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ͕ ƚůĂŶƟĐ ZĞĂů ƐƚĂte Property Management will take care of your investment property as if it were our own. Our Property Management team will conduct thorough regular property inspĞĐƟŽŶƐ͕ ĚĞƚĂŝůŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ĐŽŶĚŝƟŽŶ of your home, and guide you on how to maintain the property in a manner that will maximise your rental return, keep good tena nts and for the long term asset value. We have a team of experienced experts who will assess the current rental market and provide you with an analysis of the highest ƉŽƚĞŶƟĂů ŵĂƌŬĞƚ ƌĞŶƚ ĨŽƌ LJŽƵƌ ƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ͘ tĞ ĂůƐŽ ǁŽŶ͛ƚ ŽǀĞƌ ǀĂůƵĞ LJŽƵƌ ƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ ŝŶ ĂŶ ĂƩĞŵƉƚ ƚŽ ǁŝŶ LJŽƵƌ ďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ͘ zŽƵ ǁŝůů ƌĞĐĞŝǀĞ Ă ŵĂƌŬĞƚ ĂƉƉƌĂŝƐĂů ƚŽ ensure you are fully informed of the ŵĂƌŬĞƚ͘ tĞ ŚĂǀĞ ůŽǁ ĂƌƌĞĂƌƐ ůĞǀĞůƐ ĂŶĚ ŚŝŐŚ ůĞǀĞůƐ ŽĨ ůŽŶŐ ƚĞƌŵ ƚĞŶĂŶƚƐ ďĞĐĂƵƐĞ ůŽŽŬŝŶŐ ĂŌĞƌ LJŽƵ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞŵ ŝƐ ŽƵƌ ďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ͘ Once you have tried our services you won’t need to try any others. Call :ŽƐĞƉŚŝŶĞ on 0411

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Call 07 3865 6533


Real Estate Is Our World



• 4 double bedrooms, main with large walk-in robe and ensuite • Separate spacious formal lounge & dining • Large open plan family room with casual dining • Beautiful timber kitchen with walk-in pantry • Huge separate media room with stunning timber built-in bar • Family bathroom, separate toilet • Large laundry

• Close to Taigum Shops, Medical Centre & all amenities • Spacious air-conditioned open plan lounge & dining • Modern kitchen with granite bench top, breakfast bar & plenty of storage, plus room for double door fridge • 3 built-in bedswith ceiling fans, main with spacious ensuite & TV • Separate family bathroom with skylight & bath






Bridgeman Downs

Offers over $735,000

• Features 4 built-in bedrooms, main with walk-in robe & ensuite • Spacious lounge & dining with tile ÀRRUV • Separate family room • Large family bathroom & separate toilet • Built-in laundry • Four car accommodation • Stroll to school, shops & all other amenities • 612m2 block





• Situated on 700m2 block • Spacious modern kitchen with Smeg appliances, 5 burner gas stove, large pantry & space for double door fridge • 4 bedrooms with ceiling fans & built-in wardrobes • Large shed + great side access + fully fenced yard • Potential rent = $580-$600 pw • Frontage = approx. 23 mts


Offers over $660,000

• This property is situated on a 1,567m2 block • 2 bedrooms • 1 bathroom • Walk to all amenities • Age is approximately 70+ years • Rates are approximately $380 per quarter



07 3865 4466 / 0419 775 416 48 — THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, March, 2019






• 5 bedrooms plus large study • Huge air-conditioned master bedroom includes his & hers walk-in robe, private balcony, & large ensuite with spa bath • Air-conditioned formal lounge & GLQLQJ ZLWK EHDXWLIXO WLPEHU ÀRRUV • Large modern kitchen with walkin pantry, dishwasher, gas stove, breakfast bar & granite bench top • Open plan casual meals area & family room




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What's On! 9th March 2019

31st March 2019 - 4th April 2019

Bhakti Seva Pariwar Australia Presents Shree Hanuman Chalisa Arya Samaj Hall 198 Learoyd Road, willawong

Chinmaya Mission Australia presents free talks in English on The Wise & The Otherwise Sunday to Thursday from 7.30pm to 9pm Venue: Cooparoo secondary college Auditorium

9th - 10th March 2019 Yoga Retreat organized By Vedanta Centre Sydney Phone: 07 3818 9986

10th march 2019 Shree Vishnu Maya Mandir Presents Maha Laxmi Yagna 86 Scott lane, North Mclean.

15th March 2019 Friday Gopio International INC celebrates International Womens Day. Venue: Delights Of Paradise (43 Ipswich Road, Woollongabba) Tickets can be purchased from: ZZZ MNHYHQWVTOG FRP DX

16th March 2019 Public Celebration of the Birthday of Sri Ramakrishna & multi faith event From 9am – 12.45am Venue: Vedanta Centre: 96 Vedanta drive 6SULQJ¿HOG /DNHV 4/'

16th March 2019 World Harmony Day Organized By World Harmony Incorporation From 3pm - 8pm Robelle Domain Parkland, Education City 'ULYH 6SULQJÂżHOG &HQWUDO 4

16th march Lantern Painting Competition Awards Ceremony & exhibition opening reception. From 10am Venue: Sunny Bank plaza. Free Entry

17th March 2019 Brisbane’s Colour Festival From 11am Shaw Park, 151 Shaw Road, Wooloowin, Qld.

23rd March 2019 Swarajathi (Young Talents 2019) From: 6pm Carnatic music with support of Sri Selva Vinayakar Temple Venue: Acacia ridge State School

29th March 2019 Meditation, The source of lasting joy. Free Lecture with guided meditation. Brisbane convention & Exhibition Centre.

30th March

6th April 2019 Nrityanjali 2019 Annual dance Concert. From 6pm Acacia Ridge State School Auditorium, Nyngam Street, Acacia ridge QLD 4110 Tickets: $20 per head. Contact : Namita Debroy: 0402 884386

6th April 2019 Indian New Year Celebration Presented By DJJS Australia Contact: Sanjiv Sharma 0431 383 002

18th May 2019 High Tea for Charity presented by Rotary club of Brisbane From 2pm till 4pm. Sacred Heart Hall, 80 Nemies Road, Runcorn

19 -21st April 2019 Spiritual retreat @ Mt Glorious getaway cottages Browns road Mt Glorious Qld 4520 Book Now: Tickets for Members: $250.00. Non Members: $300.00

Friday 26th July 2019 RKSV Foundation presents LIVE IN BRISBANE From 6.30pm Bollywood Musical genius Shankar Ehsaan Loy, Brisbane Convention centre, Great Hall Tickets Available on TICKETEK Community Notice EĹ˝ĆŒĆšĹš ĆŒĹ?Ć?Ä?ĂŜĞ ,Ĺ?ŜĚĹ? ĹšĆŒĹ?Ć?Ć&#x;Ä‚Ĺś &ÄžĹŻĹŻĹ˝Ç ĹšĹ?Ɖ Ä‚ĆŒÄž ĹšŽůÄšĹ?ĹśĹ? ƚŚĞĹ?ĆŒ žĞĞĆ&#x;ĹśĹ?Ć? ÄžÇ€ÄžĆŒÇ‡ &ĆŒĹ?ĚĂLJ ĞǀĞŜĹ?ĹśĹ?Í• ĨĆŒŽž ĎłĆ‰ĹľÍ˜ ÄšÄšĆŒÄžĆ?Ć?Í— Ϲϯ dĞůĞĹ?ĆŒÄ‚Ć‰Ĺš ZŽĂĚ͕ Ä‚ĹŻÄš ,Ĺ?ĹŻĹŻĆ?͘ ^ƉĞÄ?Ĺ?Ä‚ĹŻ Ć&#x;žĞĆ? ĨŽĆŒ WĆŒÄ‚Ç‡ÄžĆŒ ĨŽĆŒ Ä‚ĹŻĹŻ LJŽƾĆŒ ŜĞĞĚĆ?͘ ŜƋƾĹ?ĆŒĹ?ÄžĆ?Í— ĎŹĎ°ĎŽĎ° Ď­Ď´ĎŹ ĎŽĎ°ĎŹÍ˜ GOPA KUTEERAM (Working towards spiritual, moral emotional, social & creative development of Children). Dates include: March 25th, April 22nd, May 27th, June 24th, July 22nd, August 26th, September 23rd, October 28th and November 25th. Taigum State school Hall: 266 Hanford Road. Contact: Dr Aparna 0430117994/ Email:

Weekly Events... Mondays‌

Brahma Kumaris Australia – Meditation & Positive Thinking Sessions – Mondays 10.30am to 11.30am: Regular meditation should improve your ability to focus and think clearly. By practising mediations which cultivate our ability to sense and care for our natural energy we are able to live life with greater awareness DQG FRQ¿GHQFH (DFK FODVV LQFOXGHV JXLGHG 30th March 2019 meditations, discussions, short talks and the LQWURGXFWLRQ DQG SUDFWLFH RI WHFKQLTXHV (DFK Varnam Cultural Society QLD INC session is a different topic. Meditation sessions Presents CHITHIRAI KALAI VIZHA Tuesdays 6.30pm to 7.30 pm and Sundays 5.30pm From 3pm. Free Entry to 6.30pm. During these sessions there will be 5REHOOH 'RPDLQ SDUNODQGV 6SULQJ¿HOG meditation commentaries, music and periods of silence. You can come and go at any time during Central Swapna: 0422 344 248 these sessions. Venue: 27 Bordeaux Parade, HF YDUQDPTOG#JPDLO FRP Mermaid Waters. Please phone to register – 5575 2126. Email 31st March 2019 or visit Health Awareness Workshop for more information From 9am – 3.30pm Brisbane Good Samaritan Prayer Fellowship (Malayam Service) – Congregation on every RSVP by 17/03/2019 Sunday from 10am to 12pm at Stafford Scouts, Venue: Wynnum Community center 38 Appleby Road, Stafford, Qld 4053. For further information contact 0468 358 646 or 0411 269 145 Florence St, Wynnum QLD 4178. 50 — THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, March, 2019

Sangeet Mela 2019 (Indian Classical Music & Dance Festival) From 2.30pm - 9,30pm Tickets & info: QMC: 102 Main Street, Kangaroo point.

322. Come and hear the message of your eternal life, GOD BLESS Picabeen Community Centre – you’re invited to playgroup! – For parents with children aged 0-5 years from all cultures and backgrounds. Come along and meet families from all backgrounds in your community. Every Monday (Except public holidays) 10am – 12pm. Picabeen Community Centre, 22 Hoben Street, Mitchelton Qld. Phone 3354 2555 Zi Za Dong Zen Association – Energy Healing to improve health and well beings – ZZDZ Assn. ,QF LV D QRW IRU SUR¿W FKDULW\ IRXQGDWLRQ EDVHG LQ Brisbane. Focusing on energy healing named Qi Gong through meditation, it provides free energy healing sessions and guidance. Practicing Qi Gong will encourage you to achieve a positive outlook on life, by helping to reduce stress and calm your mind. It also increases vitality, enhances your immune system and helps to eliminate negative attitudes and behaviours. Session Times & Locations: Mondays-Thursday & Saturday 9am – 12pm at 10 Cognac Court, Calamvale. Thursday afternoon (except 1st week) 3.30pm – 6pm at Sunnybank Hills Shoppingtown Library. 67 Level 2, Cnr Calam & Compton Road. Friday afternoon 2pm-5pm at Logan West Library – 69 Grand Plaza Drive, Brown Plains. For more information email zzdz. or visit

Tuesdays‌ Ramayan Recital and Satsang. From 7.00pm at Sanatan Qld Centre (SSDHAQ), 550 Wembley Road, Berrinba Qld.). Shree Sanatan Dharam Hindu Association of QLD invites devotees to weekly Ramayan Katha. Held at Sanatan Qld Centre, 550 Wembley Road, Berrinba every Tuesday, from 7pm. All welcome to participate in the recital of WKH 5DPD\DQ )XUWHU HQTXLULHV VVGKDT#JPDLO com Wednesdays‌ Brisbane Good Samaritan Prayer Fellowship (Malayam Service) – Cottage Meeting on every Wednesday from 6.30pm to 8pm at Stafford Scouts, 38 Appleby Road, Stafford, Qld 4053. For further information contact 0468 358 646 or 0411 269 322. Come and hear the message of your eternal life, GOD BLESS The Mantra Room – Live Kirtan – Spend an evening of sacred Yoga chant with Gayatri, Ishvara, Jayadharma and friends Fridays 6pm, Sundays 5pm and Wednesdays 7pm at Australian School of Meditation & Yoga, 236 Montague Road, West End. Amazing Vego Food $5. Come celebrate, meditate and let the music set you free. For more information call 3844 8441 or email Thursdays‌ Sai Baba Aarti Program – Every Thursday 7.30pm – Virginia State School, 1678 Sandgate Road, Virginia (next to Virginia Train Station) Aarti & Archana opportunity for all attendees, 3UDVDG 'LQQHU SURYLGHG (QTXLULHV FDOO 392 793 / / Like on Facebook

Sundays‌ Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Qld Inc – Vedic Yaj (Havan) – dŚĞ ^Ä‚Ä?ŚĂ Ć‰ÄžĆŒĨŽĆŒĹľĆ? ,ĂǀĂŜ zÄ‚ĹŠ ÄžÇ€ÄžĆŒÇ‡ ^ƾŜĚĂLJ ĨĆŒŽž ώͲϰƉž Ä‚Ćš YƾĞĞŜĆ?ůĂŜĚ sĞĚĹ?Ä? ƾůĆšĆľĆŒÄ‚ĹŻ ÄžĹśĆšĆŒÄžÍ• ϭϾϴ >ÄžÄ‚ĆŒĹ˝Ç‡Äš ZĚ͕ tĹ?ĹŻĹŻÄ‚Ç Ĺ˝ĹśĹ? ĂŜĚ ƚŚĞ ƉƾÄ?ĹŻĹ?Ä? Ĺ?Ć? Ç ÄžĹŻÄ?ŽžÄž ƚŽ Ä?Äž Ć‰Ä‚ĆŒĆš ŽĨ Ĺ?ĆšÍ˜ dŚĞ žĞžÄ?ÄžĆŒĆ? ŽĨ ƉƾÄ?ĹŻĹ?Ä? ĹśĹ˝Ç Ä?Ä‚Ĺś Ć‰ÄžĆŒĨŽĆŒĹľ ,ĂǀĂŜ zÄ‚ĹŠ Ä‚Ćš ƚŚĞ Ä?ÄžĹśĆšĆŒÄžÍ˜ dŚĞ ĨĞĞ ŽĨ ΨϹϏ Ĺ?Ć? ĆŒÄžĆ‹ĆľĹ?ĆŒÄžÄš ĨŽĆŒ ĆľĆ?Äž ŽĨ Ä?ÄžĹśĆšĆŒÄž ĨÄ‚Ä?Ĺ?ĹŻĹ?ĆšĹ?ÄžĆ? ƚŽ Ä?Ĺ˝Ç€ÄžĆŒ Ĺ˝Ć‰ÄžĆŒÄ‚ĆšĹ?ĹśĹ? Ä?Ĺ˝Ć?ĆšĆ?͘ dŚĞ ,ĂǀĂŜ <ƾŜĚ͕ ƾƚĞŜĆ?Ĺ?ĹŻĆ? Ä‚ĆŒÄž ĂǀĂĹ?ĹŻÄ‚Ä?ĹŻÄž ĨŽĆŒ ĆľĆ?Äž Ä‚Ć? Ç ÄžĹŻĹŻ dŚĞ ,ĂǀĂŜ Ĺ?ĹśĹ?ĆŒÄžÄšĹ?ĞŜƚĆ? Ä?Ä‚Ĺś Ä?Äž Ć?ƾƉƉůĹ?ĞĚ Ĺ?Ĩ LJŽƾ Ä‚ĆŒÄž ƾŜÄ‚Ä?ĹŻÄž ƚŽ Ĺ?Ğƚ ĆšĹšÄžĹľÍ˜ DÄ‚ĹśĹ?Ĺ˝ Ć?ĆšĹ?Ä?ĹŹĆ?Í• 'ŚĞĞ͕ ^ĂžĂĹ?ĆŒĹ?Í• ŚĂžĨŽĆŒ ĞƚÄ? Ĺ?Ć? ĂǀĂĹ?ĹŻÄ‚Ä?ĹŻÄž Ä‚Ćš ƚŚĞ Ä?ÄžĹśĆšĆŒÄž Ä‚Ć? Ç ÄžĹŻĹŻ ĨŽĆŒ ΨώϹ͘ dŚĞ Ć?ĞĂƚĹ?ĹśĹ? Ä?ĂƉĂÄ?Ĺ?ƚLJ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ zÄ‚ĹŠĆ?ŚĂůůĂ Íž,ĂǀĂŜ ,Ä‚ĹŻĹŻÍż Ĺ?Ć? Ď­ĎŹĎŹÍ˜ ŽŜƚĂÄ?Ćš sĹ?Ä?Äž WĆŒÄžĆ?Ĺ?ĚĞŜƚ DĆŒĆ? ^ĆľĆ?ĹšĹ?ĹŻÄ‚ WĂƚŚĹ?ĹŹ ĨŽĆŒ ĨƾĆŒĆšĹšÄžĆŒ Ĺ?ŜĨŽĆŒĹľÄ‚ĆšĹ?ŽŜ ĂŜĚ Ä?ŽŽŏĹ?ĹśĹ?Ć? ŽŜ ĎŻĎŻĎ­Ď° ϲϏϹϾ͘ ŽŜƚĂÄ?Ćš :Ĺ?ĆšÄžĹśÄšĆŒÄ‚ ĞŽ ϯώϲϯ ϭϾϭϰ Ĺ˝ĆŒ ,Ä‚ĆŒĹ? ŚĂŜĚ ĎŻĎŻĎ°Ďą ϰϳϭϲ Ĺ˝ĆŒ Ç€Ĺ?Ć?Ĺ?Ćš Ç Ç Ç Í˜Ä‚ĆŒÇ‡Ä‚Ć?ĂžĂŊƋƾĞĞŜĆ?ĹŻÄ‚ĹśÄšÍ˜ Ä?Žž ĨŽĆŒ ĨƾĆŒĆšĹšÄžĆŒ Ĺ?ŜĨŽĆŒĹľÄ‚ĆšĹ?ŽŜ͘ Australian Pentecostal Assembly Brisbane – Sunday Worship every Sunday 9am-11.30am at 84 The Community Place, 84 Kedron Park Road, Wooloowin Qld with Pastor Prakash Jacob. Cottage Meeting every Tuesday 7.30pm-9pm / Kids Bible Study every Friday 7pm-7.45pm / Intercessory Prayer every Friday 7.45-9pm. Worship in Hindi, English, Malayalam and other Indian Languages. For more information Phone 07 3315 5597 / 0413 347 562 or email info@ / Bala Samskar Kendra – Hindu Scripture Classes for Children – The aim of Bala Samskar Kendra (BSK) is to provide an opportunity to the children to learn about rich Hindu culture through value based education from various Hindu scriptures DQG OHW WKHP JDLQ VHOI FRQÂżGHQFH DQG JURZ XS in to individuals who are proud of their tradition.

Every Sunday 2:30pm-5pm at Sunnybank State High School, Sunnybank (use Turton Street entrance). Contact EVNTOG#OLYH FRP DX / Hari 0411 137 396 / Krrishna 0411 776 509 / Ram 0416 813 747 Brisbane Multinational Church Service – Ç€ÄžĆŒÇ‡ ^ƾŜĚĂLJ ĎľÍ˜ĎŻĎŹÄ‚Ĺľ Ä‚Ćš ϳϹϳ 'LJžƉĹ?Äž ZŽĂĚ >Ä‚Ç ĹśĆšŽŜ͘ ŽžÄž ĂŜĚ ĹŠĹ˝Ĺ?Ĺś ĆľĆ? ĨŽĆŒ Ä‚ Ĺ?ĆŒÄžÄ‚Ćš ĆšĹ?žĞ ŽĨ WĆŒÄ‚Ĺ?Ć?Äž ĂŜĚ tĹ˝ĆŒĆ?ĹšĹ?Ɖ ƉůƾĆ? Ĺ?ĹśĆ?ƉĹ?ĆŒÄžÄš Ć‰ĆŒÄžÄ‚Ä?ĹšĹ?ĹśĹ? ŽĨ 'ŽĚ͛Ć? Ç Ĺ˝ĆŒÄšÍ˜ tÄž ĆšĹšĆŒĹ?ǀĞ ĨŽĆŒ ƚŚĞ Ć‰ĆŒÄžĆ?ĞŜÄ?Äž ŽĨ 'ŽĚ ĂŜĚ Ä‚ĆŒÄž ƉĂĆ?Ć?Ĺ?ŽŜĂƚĞ ƚŽ Ć?ĞĞ ƉĞŽƉůĞ Ä?Äž ĆšĆŒÄ‚Ĺ?ŜĞĚ ƾƉ ĂŜĚ Ĺ?ĆŒĹ˝Ç Ĺ?Ĺś ƚŚĞ ĹŹĹśĹ˝Ç ĹŻÄžÄšĹ?Äž ŽĨ ƚŚĞ Ç Ĺ˝ĆŒÄš ŽĨ 'Ĺ˝ÄšÍ˜ ^ƉĞÄ?Ĺ?Ä‚ĹŻ Ć?ÄžĆŒÇ€Ĺ?Ä?Äž ĆšĹ?žĞ ƚŽ Ć‰ĆŒÄ‚Ç‡ ĨŽĆŒ ŚĞĂůĹ?ĹśĹ?Í• ĚĞůĹ?Ç€ÄžĆŒÄ‚ĹśÄ?Äž ĂŜĚ Ĺ˝ĆšĹšÄžĆŒ Ć?ƉĹ?ĆŒĹ?ƚƾĂů ŜĞĞĚĆ?͘ ŜƋƾĹ?ĆŒĹ?ÄžĆ? ĎŹĎ°ĎŽĎ° Ď­Ď´ĎŹĎŽ Ď°ĎŹÍ˜ Star Christian Church – ůŽŜĆšÄ‚ĆŒĨ ĞĂÄ?Ĺš ^ƚĂƚĞ ^Ä?ĹšŽŽů ,Ä‚ĹŻĹŻÍ˜ Ç€ÄžĆŒÇ‡ ^ƾŜĚĂLJ Í´ DĹ˝ĆŒĹśĹ?ĹśĹ? ^ÄžĆŒÇ€Ĺ?Ä?Äž Ä‚Ćš ĎľÍ˜ĎŻĎŹÄ‚ĹľÍ˜ ǀĞŜĹ?ĹśĹ? ^ÄžĆŒÇ€Ĺ?Ä?Äž Ä‚Ćš ĎąĆ‰ĹľÍ˜ ŽžÄž ĨĹ?ĆŒÄžÄš ƾƉ ĂŜĚ ĞdžƉĞÄ?ƚĂŜƚ͊ ^ĆšÄ‚ĆŒ ĹšĆľĆŒÄ?Ĺš Ĺ?Ć? Ä‚ Ĺ?ĆŒÄžÄ‚ĆšÍ• LJŽƾŜĹ? Ä?ĹšĆľĆŒÄ?Ĺš ĹŻĹ˝Ä?ĂƚĞĚ ŽŜ ƚŚĞ Ä?ĞĂƾƚĹ?Ĩƾů ZĞĚÄ?ĹŻĹ?ĨĨÄž WĞŜĹ?ĹśĆ?ƾůĂ͘ WĞŜƚĞÄ?Ĺ˝Ć?ƚĂů Ä?ŽžžƾŜĹ?ƚLJ Ä?ŽŜŜÄžÄ?ƚĞĚ Ç Ĺ?ƚŚ ƚŚĞ ĆľĆ?ĆšĆŒÄ‚ĹŻĹ?Ä‚Ĺś ĹšĆŒĹ?Ć?ĆšĹ?Ä‚Ĺś ĹšĆľĆŒÄ?ŚĞĆ?͘ tÄž ƉĂĆ?Ć?Ĺ?ŽŜĂƚĞůLJ Ç Ä‚ĹśĆš 'ŽĚ͛Ć? Ć‰ĆŒÄžĆ?ĞŜÄ?Äž Ĺ?Ĺś ŽƾĆŒ ĹŻĹ?ǀĞĆ?Í• ĚĞĆ?Ĺ?ĆŒÄž ƚŽ Ä?Äž ĆšĆŒÄ‚Ĺ?ŜĞĚ ĂŜĚ ĹŹĹśĹ˝Ç ĹŻÄžÄšĹ?ĞĂÄ?ĹŻÄž Ĺ?Ĺś ,Ĺ?Ć? tĹ˝ĆŒÄšÍ• ĹšƾŜĹ?ĆŒÇ‡ ĨŽĆŒ ƚŚĞ Ć?ĆľĆ‰ÄžĆŒĹśÄ‚ĆšĆľĆŒÄ‚ĹŻÍ• ĞdžÄ?ĞůůĹ?ĹśĹ? Ĺ?Ĺś ŽƾĆŒ Ć?ÄžĆŒÇ€Ĺ?Ä?Äž ĂŜĚ ŚŽĆ?ƉĹ?ƚĂÄ?ĹŻÄž Ä‚Ćš ĹŻĹ?ĨĞ͘ &Ĺ˝ĆŒ žŽĆŒÄž Ĺ?ŜĨŽĆŒĹľÄ‚ĆšĹ?ŽŜ Ç€Ĺ?Ć?Ĺ?Ćš Ç Ç Ç Í˜Ć?ĆšÄ‚ĆŒÄ?ĹšĆľĆŒÄ?ĹšÍ˜Ĺ˝ĆŒĹ?Í˜Ä‚Ćľ

Monthly Events... Hindu Cultural Hub (HCB) at Clayfield – Monthly Cultural congregation – Bar-Jai Community +DOO $OH[DQGUD 5RDG &OD\¿HOG 4OG Pooja by Hindu Priest, Bajan and Kirtan by devotees, monthly religious updates / guest VSHDNHUV RQ VSLULWXDO RU \RJD WHFKQLTXHV Prasatham with vegetarian dinner served. For more details contact 0469 016 416 or visit www. The John Oxley District Orchid Society – Meeting – We pride ourselves on being a friendly Society and new members and guests are always welcome at our meetings held on the second Wednesday of each month starting at 7.30pm. Venue is Oxley Bowls Club, 24-30 (QJOH¿HOG 5RDG 2[OH\ 3OHDVH FRQWDFW 6RQLD Addison 3277 5825 or for more information The Gold Coast Hindu Cultural Association – Gold Coast Bhajan – monthly Bhajans held every third Friday of the month starting at 7.15am at the Helensvale Community Centre 31 Discovery Rd, Helensvale. Activities include Bhajan recitals, short educational presentations and free vegetarian dinner. All are cordially invited to attend. For further information please contact Director/Religious Activities, Mr S Barataraj on 0417 588 839 or gchcan@ or visit Organization of Hindu Malayalees Queensland (OHM Queensland) – Monthly Bhajans held HYHU\ ¿UVW 6DWXUGD\ RI 0DOD\DODP FDOHQGDU Activities include Bhajans, Malayalam Class, Library service, religious short educational presentations, vegetarian dinner etc. For further information please contact President Krishnan AK on 0418 727 570 or RKPTXHHQVODQG# Shirdi Sai Sansthan Brisbane Ltd – Shirdi Saibaba Bhajans and Aaratis – last Saturday every month. 5.30pm at Runcorn Heights State School, 200 Nemies Road, Runcorn Qld 4113. Dhoop Aarati, Bhajans, Ashtotaram, Shej Aarati and Mahaprasad at 7.40pm. For more details contact 0416 813 747 or 0479 143 724 – visit or follow on facebook Shirdi sai baba Brisbane Mata Amritananadamayi Centre – Brisbane: Regular Satsangs are held at 32 Burnside Crescent, Westlake on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month at 4 pm. Spiritual chanting, singing, reading and Arati are followed by a prasad meal. Sri Lalitha Sahasranamavali chanting takes place at the Sri Selva Vinayakar Kovil at South Maclean on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 10:30 am. Register your interest for IAM Meditation; courses. facebook: Amma Brisbane Satsang. Contact:; ph: 07 3715 8278 Sri Selva Vinayakar Koyil (Ganesha Temple) Brisbane (South Maclean) – For full list of upcoming events please visit www. Yoga in Daily Life – Satsang and Full Moon Meditation – Satsang every last Saturday of the Month from 5-7pm with Rajastani Bhajans, meditation & Prasad. Purnima Full Moon Meditation from 7:45pm - 8:30pm (see our website for dates). Regular daily Yoga & Meditation Classes. Shiv Mandir is open daily for Darsan. Website:, Email:

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6SRUWV 1HZV BCCI Remains Unsure as Cricket Returns for 2022 Asian Games @ '=!&@<ࣅ !9

THE BCCI is unlikely to make a decision anytime soon on whether or not to send India’s men’s and women’s teams for the 2022 Asian Games in Hangzhou, China. Cricket will feature DW WKH JDPHV IRU WKH Âż UVW time since 2014 after a meeting of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) general assembly meeting in Bangkok on Sunday took the decision to reintroduce WKH VSRUW DW WKH TXDGUHQQLDO event. At the 2014 edition in Incheon, when Cricket was last played at the Asian Games, Sri Lanka won the men’s gold while Pakistan bagged the women’s gold. India did not send either the men or the women’s team for the event. “Yes, the OCA general assembly have approved cricket as one of the disciplines for the Hangzhou Games in 2022. We now hope that India along with other top countries like Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Afghanistan will actively decide to take part in both the men’s and women’s

event,â€? OCA honorary vicepresident Randhir Singh told CricketNext from Bangkok on Monday. The BCCI, though, has responded cautiously to the development. “The 2022 Games are still more than three years away. Hopefully, by then we’ll have an elected Apex Council in place and then we can take a call on whether we can take part in the event,â€? a senior BCCI RIÂż FLDO WROG &ULFNHW1H[W In 2014, the BCCI did not send a team because the dates for the Asian Games were clashing with the now-defunct Champions League T20 tournament. Surprisingly, the Indian women’s team were also not sent for the event, although they were not playing a series at the time. The Asian Cricket Council (ACC), the world body that will be responsible for working with the OCA to organize cricket at the 2022 Games, will be in D TXDQGDU\ $FFRUGLQJ to ICC’s Future Tours Program released till 2023, the 2022 Asia Cup in to be

held tentatively between September 19 to 30, 2022 while the Asian Games will run between September 10 to 25, 2022. “It’s too early to say how we can work out things for the Asian Games. For course, it is a big event but the ICC FTP is also packed, VR LW ZLOO EH GLIÂż FXOW WR accommodate the Asia Cup at any other time. We’ll discuss the matter in the next ACC meeting,â€? a senior $&& RIÂż FLDO VDLG The BCCI is currently run by the Supreme Courtappointed Committee of Administrators (CoA) and one of its members, former India women captain Diana Edulji, was among those to have spoken in favour of sending the women’s team to the 2014 Asian Games. “The men could be busy with other commitments, but it is perplexing to see the women’s team not playing. A medal at the Asian Games would have QRW RQO\ EURXJKW Âż QDQFLDO rewards and perks from the government to women cricketers but also given them glory and respect,â€?

Edulji had said back in 2014. Another matter of concern for the BCCI is that they might be termed World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) non-compliant if they continue to resist on sending their samples to National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) in India. The BCCI acting secretary Amitabh Chaudhary said in Mumbai resolving the FRQĂ€ LFW EHWZHHQ %&&, DQG the WADA was an urgent matter.

“That is an issue. The world body (WADA) has been in dialogue with ICC for some time and the issue is that all participating nations in the ICC must align with the national testing authority,� Chaudhary said. “The only member of the ICC which has so far resisted it, and for reasons well known, is the BCCI and therefore there is a slight urgency on that matter. The ICC has been informed and the ICC chairman is of the view that

he will soon have a dialogue with the BCCI itself considering the urgency of the matter least the ICC be declared non-compliant.� Asked if the WADA noncompliance could be an issue in India’s participation in Asian Games, the OCA vice-president Singh said, “I am sure the BCCI will resolve the situation sooner rather than later. However, if it is still pending, we’ll try to resolve it with the help of OCA, IOA and BCCI.�

Oceania Nations, Including Australia to Compete at 2022 Asian Games 1;-mb- m-࢟ omvÄś bm1Ѳ†7bm] vrou࢟ m] ro‰;u_o†v; †v|u-Ѳb-Äś _-ˆ; 0;;m bmˆb|;7 |o 1olr;|; bm Ѳ‹lrb1 |;-l ;ˆ;m|v v†1_ -v =oo|0-ѲѲ -m7 0-vh;|0-ѲѲ -| |_; Ć?Ć?Ć?Ć? vb-m -l;v =ou |_; C uv| ࢟ l;ĸ By AFP

SYDNEY: Oceania nations, including sporting powerhouse Australia, have been invited to compete in Olympic team events such as football and basketball at the 2022 Asian Games for the Âż UVW WLPH The decision came at a meeting of the Olympic Council of Asia in Bangkok late Sunday, with Australia welcoming the move as "a very positive outcome". "Australia is very grateful for this opportunity and there will be enormous interest from our Oceania neighbours," said Australian Olympic Committee president John Coates on Monday.

"This is something I have been pursuing for more than 20 years." The invitation to the Games in China's Hangzhou is limited to volleyball, beach volleyball, basketball and football and fencing, ruling out sports such as swimming and track cycling which Australia would be expected to dominate. It culminates a long Australian-led drive for stronger ties with the Olympic Council of Asia. 7KLV KDV EHHQ TXLWH D journey that ultimately ZLOO EHQHÂż W DWKOHWHV LQ WKLV region," added Coates. Oceania -- Australia, New Zealand and a swathe of

3DFLÂż F LVODQGV KDV QRW taken part in the regional Olympics before, but sporting ties with Asia have been growing. Australia has been a member of the Asian Football Confederation since 2006, and previously took part in the East Asian Games in Osaka in 2001 and the 2017 Asian Winter Games in Sapporo. With 35 sports and 10,000 athletes competing, the Asian Games is second only to the Olympics as a global multi-sport event. Coates said the number of Australian athletes competing in 2022 would likely be contained.

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"There's a cap of 10,000 athletes for these Games so there will need to be some decisions made along the

way about which Australian men's and women's teams will compete," he said. "But the critical thing is

RXU SODFH LV FRQÂż UPHG IRU Hangzhou 2022 and that's a very positive outcome for us."

AFC Asian Cup 2019: Stephen Constantine says India can qualify for Round of 16 THE odds are stacked against India but a FRQÂż GHQW KHDG FRDFK 6WHSKHQ &RQVWDQWLQH VD\V KLV SOD\HUV KDYH LW LQ WKHP WR TXDOLI\ for the next round of the AFC Asian Cup by beating Bahrain, here on Monday. The Group A is currently balanced on a knife's edge, with all four teams still VWDQGLQJ D FKDQFH WR TXDOLI\ IRU WKH 5RXQG of 16. While hosts UAE lead the proceedings with four points from two games, India and Thailand are close behind with three points each. The 'Blue Tigers' are ahead of the 'War Elephants' by virtue of a better head-to-head record, while Bahrain lies bottom with one point.

A win for India will be enough to directly seal a berth in the next round, although, with four best third placed teams from the six groups also advancing to the Round of 16, a draw will also see India through. So far, India and Bahrain have faced each other seven times. While Bahrain have ZRQ Âż YH WLPHV ,QGLD KDYH MXVW PDQDJHG D solitary win, with the other match ending in a draw. In fact, the last time that the two WHDPV VTXDUHG RII ZDV LQ WKH $)& Asian Cup in Qatar where India lost 2-5. Constantine says his side can script history. , KDYH VDLG LW EHIRUH WKDW ZH FDQ TXDOLI\ from this group. That is our objective right now," said Constantine on the eve of the match.


"I don't believe in records. There are a lot of factors that come into play. When was the last time we played them? Was it the same team? What were the circumstances? Everything's always changing," said Constantine. "If we win, we don't have to worry about anyone else. So we'll focus on ourselves and see what happens from there. It's an important game for us. Obviously, we want to do well and get the three points. "I'm not sure whether we can call it 'door-die'. That's a bit too dramatic, I think, Constantine said. The India coach had words of praise for the opponents. "They defend very well and are very well

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RUJDQLVHG , P VXUH WKDW LW ZLOO EH GLIÂż FXOW But we have shown that we can score against good teams. I'm sure we can score tomorrow as well," he maintained.

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Adnan Sami on being a proud Indian If I have sworn allegiance to you, by God, I’ll give my life to you. I’m a Pathan! By - TNNAnshul Chaturvedi IN THE bizarre ways of social media, Adnan Sami, default target of Pakistani trolls at the best of times, found a new response post his support for the IAF: Now, he was “Major Adnan Samiâ€? RI WKH ,6, 8QUXIĂ€ HG E\ WKH “creative trollingâ€?, and not in the least defensive, he has a few words for those reminding him of his ex-PAF RIÂż FHU IDWKHUÂśV ÂľOHJDF\Âś Not too long after putting out a tweet in support of the IAF, Adnan Sami discovered a surreal if amusing pattern on Twitter, in addition to the usual trolling from across the border that he is subject to: This time, he was being ‘thanked’ for having done a great job as an undercover ISI agent! While “Major Adnan Samiâ€? understands the sharpness and the mixed nature of responses, given that his father was a 6TXDGURQ /HDGHU LQ WKH 3$) he says he learnt the idea of absolute loyalty to where he is from his father himself and doesn’t owe an explanation to anyone. 6R ZKHQ GLG \RX Âż UVW VHH RU KHDU WKH UHFHQW RQOLQH UHIHUHQFHV GHVFULELQJ \RX DV DQ Âľ,6, 0DMRUÂś" On Twitter, people start notifying you. And when I suddenly started seeing, ‘Well done, Major Adnan Sami’, ‘Please don’t let the secret out that you are our agent’, ‘You are our hero, thanks so much for the MiG21 information’, I started laughing. Then I realised, achha, yeh angle hai. As it went on, it became more and more creative with audio-visual and all that, and I said, yaar, these guys are putting on such a great show, they’ve put in such an effort. As an artiste, I appreciate art, and this is art, creativity of another level. I have to appreciate it and applaud it. $W DQ\ RWKHU WLPH DFURVV WKH ERUGHU WUROOLQJ DERXW \RX LV GHIDXOW EXW JLYHQ

WKH FLUFXPVWDQFHV DQG WKH PRRG RI WKH SHRSOH LQ ERWK FRXQWULHV DW WKLV SRLQW GRHV LW FRPH DFURVV DV IXQQ\ RU DV KXUWIXO RU DV VRPHWKLQJ ZKLFK \RX VHH DV PDOLFLRXV" Actually, the people who are orchestrating it, behind it all, I know them too well. And it actually doesn’t come across to me as malicious or derogatory. It shows their desperation. Because what they’re trying to desperately do is create a narrative which they feel has been shaken by the events that have taken place recently. Behind the jokes there’s a serious problem, which is leading to this kind of desperate measure of somehow trying to create this diversion. Does it make sense, what I’m trying to say? %DVLFDOO\ WKDW WKH VRQ RI DQ H[ 3$) RI¿ FHU KDV JRQH RQ UHFRUG DERXW WKH ,$) WR SUDLVH LW LV VRPHWKLQJ ZKLFK FDQœW EH OHIW XQDWWHQGHG 6R VRPHWKLQJ KDV WR EH GRQH WR EULQJ LW GRZQ D SHJ WR PDNH LW ORRN VLOO\ RU VSRRI\ ,V WKDW KRZ \RX VHH LW" Because you see, the point is, all said and done, I might EH ¿ QGLQJ LW IXQQ\ ZKLFK , genuinely do. But behind it is a serious effort being made by certain powers, which is not exactly rocket science WR ¿ JXUH RXW ZKR %HFDXVH REYLRXVO\ WKH\ ¿ QG LW YHU\ like you said, the son of a person who used to be in the PAF, openly praising the IAF, is an attack on their ego.

6R LV LW EHWWHU VWUDWHJ\ WR LJQRUH LW WKDQ WR HQJDJH ZLWK LW HYHQ LQ KXPRXU" I would say that I’m ignoring 99% of it, and rightly so, it’s all ignoreworthy. But the point is that it is also funny... I belong to a father who would put his head into a lion’s mouth and VWDUW Âż QGLQJ KXPRXU LQ WKDW So I’m always up for a good laugh, regardless of whether it is at my cost or not. I’ll laugh at anything. In fact, I ignore it when it’s malicious, but when it’s in humour, then I’ll probably add two cents to it. When it comes to humour, I’m always up for it, and I Âż QG KXPRXU LQ HYHU\WKLQJ whether it was my obesity or anything else. I will always appreciate a good sense of humour even if it’s at my cost. So it doesn’t bother me. You see, the last thing I would want them to think is that I’m staying silent because I’m offended. Because I’m not. The point is, the kind of mentality they have, is that they gave back our Wing Commander because they had to give him back because of the Geneva Convention and the pressure that was on them. But while giving him back they had to turn around and say, ‘oh humne daya kha li’. Ya phir humne favour kar diya aap par. Excuse me, you did no favour, you were supposed WR GR LW 6R LI ,ÂśG VWD\HG TXLHW with that kind of mentality that exists, they would have




Cast: Amitabh Bachchan, Taapsee Pannu Release: 8 March 2019

Cast: Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Sanya Malhotra Release: 8 March 2019


Yeh Suhaag Raat Impossible Cast: Pratap Saurabh Singh, Preetyka Chauchan Release: 8 March 2019

said, arre he’s been rattled or he’s been scared. So I know that mentality also na – ‘woh issliye nahi bol raha hai kyunki usski phat gayi hai’. I know the bully mentality. So I need to put it across ki, excuse me, that’s funny. $Q\ RI \RXU ROGHU IULHQGV RU DVVRFLDWHV LQ 3DNLVWDQ ZKRP \RX ZHUH RQ JRRG WHUPV ZLWK GR \RX JHW VHUPRQV IURP WKHP NL \RX VKRXOGQÂśW KDYH VDLG WKLV \RXU IDWKHU ZRXOGQÂśW KDYH OLNHG LW" .DEKL XQNH GRVWRQ VH" $UH WKHUH GLOHPPDV FRQĂ€ LFWLQJ VHQWLPHQWV" No. First of all, my old friends, or family, they know who I am. They respect the fact that my decisions of my life, regardless of what those decisions may be, are my decisions, and I’ve got the right to take them. And they respect my freedom of choice and they respect the fact that it’s my life and it’s up to me how I wish to lead it. And they judge me by how I conduct myself with them, how my relationship with them is, one to one. So it doesn’t affect my relationship with anybody. Because we, as individuals, know our boundaries, I will QRW TXHVWLRQ WKHLU FKRLFHV RI OLIH DQG WKH\ ZLOO QRW TXHVWLRQ my choices of life. As long as we’re good to each other and love each other and respect each other, that’s what matters. They don’t ever have the audacity of being so presumptuous of thinking what my father would or would not react to. They know that my father and I were each other’s other self, if you know what I mean. My father knew me better than I knew myself. So they know that the last thing they can ever do is presume what my father would think vis-a-vis me. They know that my father gave me his blessings and the matter Âż QLVKHV WKHUH $QG WKH\ DOVR know that I would never do anything without my father’s blessings, or anything which would make my father cringe. I know one thing

ª &2!2 !1- >-;, (!;,'8 89,!& !1- ,!2 for a fact – my father was an Afghan (his roots were Afghan). But because of the fact that Peshawar was where they had to leave... We are basically from Herat, and my great-grandfather was the governor of Herat, so when the Revolution took place, WKH IDPLO\ KDG WR À HH WR Peshawar, and Peshawar was, at that point in time, part of Afghanistan. And then the British took over a part of Peshawar and it became a part of British India. Even though my father was originally Afghan, but because of the fact that he became part of Pakistan by default because of the Partition, his blood or DNA said that I will have to now show my allegiance to this country. Because that’s the Pathan way – this is the country that I’m in now, I will show my allegiance to this country. So therefore today, I have my oath to India to honour. This is a very important thing in our blood that we honour our zabaan, our oath. If I have sworn allegiance to you, by god, I’ll give my life to you. For a Pathan, his zabaan is a very important thing, ghairat is a very important thing. Aapne agar allegiance show kar di hai... he would have said to me that you better be true to the oath that you’ve taken. He was very clear about those things. And so today, if I am patriotic or nationalistic or whatever you want to call it, it

is because of the upbringing that I have from my father, and the fact that he placed so much emphasis on loyalty, allegiance and honour... 6R \RX DUH FDUU\LQJ IRUZDUG WKH VDPH YDOXH V\VWHP QRW ÂľLQVXOWLQJ KLV PHPRU\Âś ULJKW" Absolutely not. And you know, his brother lives in Canada, he said to me, you are doing absolutely the right thing, your baba would have been proud of you for holding on to the values of honour. So I’m very much following his legacy of allegiance. <RXU JUDQGIDWKHU LV $IJKDQ IDWKHU 3DNLVWDQL DQG \RXÂśUH ,QGLDQ (Laughs) Yeah. So the point is that I’ve got a bit of everybody in me. But my value system is very much like a typical Pathan. Humare liye yeh kaagaz ke koi maayne nahi hote, humare liye zabaan sab kuch hoti hai. Ek dafa zabaan de di, toh bas de di. 6R \RXU JHQHUDO PHVVDJH WR WUROOV Âą EH WKH\ FUDVV RU UHÂż QHG Âą ZRXOG EH ÂľQRW JRLQJ WR FKDQJH DQ\ UHĂ€ H[ LQ WKH IXWXUH HLWKHUÂś" No. Not at all. In fact, I would just urge them to be a little more creative. Because I’m enjoying their creativity and sense of humour! In today’s language, it’s like, ‘is that all you got for me, bro?!’


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