USA Pavilion- Shanghai Expo- August 15, 2010

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USA Pavilion (Aug. 15, 2010) 学生大使:史文君 8 月 15 日世博美国馆在莫干山路主办了特别的一个艺术活动。在活动中,美国艺术 家汤姆·卡特(Tom Carter)和罗天瑞(Terence Lloren)在上海莫干山路双城现代艺 术馆里展示了他们富有创意的艺术品。这个艺术馆的主题名很特别叫“两个城市”。 “看中国”人们往往只认为中国是世界上人口最多的国家,的确是这样,但中国人也 有不同的个性。15 日下午两位美国艺术家用自己的视野将世界对中国的看法融合 在一起。 美国艺术家卡特(Tom Carter)第一个上台介绍。他会经在中国大城市教英语,随 后 TOM 背起背包拿着他的照相机来到中国的农村去发现中国城市以外的东西。经 过两年的奔波和积累他终于制作了一部人物最多、表情最丰富、印象最深刻的摄影 集。这本摄影集的名称:《中国:一个民族的肖像》。他走遍中国 33 个省,历尽 千辛万苦,为了让世界人民了解一个真实的、全面的中国。在他的旅行中,用了最 基本的中文和中国人交流去了解他们,发现这些人的个性。在卡特的每一张照片中, 他通过他的摄影作品将肖像中的人物个性最大限度地表现出来。卡特鼓励参观者在 他们走访中国各个方式去发现中国不同的侧面。 接着艺术家罗天瑞(Terence Lloren)为我们展示了他的音响艺术品。在他述说的 同时我们耳边响起了我们在上海常常听到的声音。罗天瑞认为别人现有的“步行在 上海街道”这个录音不真实,决定和个上海朋友重新录制“上海街道的声音”,让人们 听到一个真正的上海声音。他们俩共同制作了一本有声音的书,书名很有亲和力 《与上海一起成长》。通过音响效果,这本书还为我们介绍了一群上海年轻人的生 活。从声音中我们可以感受到,无论是一幢旧楼倒塌还是淮海路上人们的窃窃私语, 上海是在变化的。 最后,两位艺术家一起站到台上,回答了观众的提问也和观众一起分享了他们的体 会。虽然他们做艺术品的方法很有差别,但目标是一致的: 那就是通过自己的作品 展示人类不同的个性。他们鼓励观众通过世博这大好时机更深入地去了解自己居住 的城市和国家。他们同时提醒我们“艺术像生活,不是单一的”。 Student Ambassdor: Kelsey Scribner On August 15th, the USA Pavilion ventured beyond the Expo grounds to hold an event that transcended conventional impressions of art in China. During the USAP’s showcase at the Two Cities Gallery in the Moganshan Road Art District, artists Tom Carter and Terence Lloren presented, through their respective mediums, a merger of individual experience and cultural continuities. As the world’s most populous nation, China is often caught

somewhere between the masses and the lives of individuals. Sunday afternoon brought insight into both. Tom Carter was the first to take the stage. After keeping a demanding schedule teaching English in urban China, Tom picked up his backpack and camera and set off to see the country. He spent over two years traveling and documenting his experiences into what has become the largest compilation of images ever to be published on China entitled, China: Portrait of a People. During his travels he braved the cold and the unfamiliar to visit all of China’s 33 provinces. Tom took a unique approach that championed experience over composition. Each picture highlighted an individual who Tom got to know using his basic Chinese vocabulary. Despite the many ups and downs of his travels, Tom had warm impressions of the hospitality and character of the people he encountered and encouraged his audience to embark on their own journeys to experience the diversity that could be found throughout China. Just as we were all making plans to travel beyond Shanghai, Terence Lloren took the stage to unveil his latest audio project. Common sounds of Shanghai played in the background as he explained how the idea for his project came to life. Terence was very disappointed with the quality of the “Shanghai sound walk”, an Expo advertisement for sightseeing in Shanghai. Terence found the sound walk to be more of a choreographed performance with precisely timed sound effects than an authentic experience of walking through Shanghai. Enlisting the help from a native Shanghainese friend, Terence decided to embark on a project of his own, and the book and sound combination, Growing Up With Shanghai, was born. Terence explained how incorporating a multi-dimensional element, like sound, could so deeply enhance the personal stories of a group of young Shanghai residents. Whether he recorded in an old apartment building set for demolition, or walked the entirety of the popular Huaihai Street, Terence spoke about how he was able to convey the unique dynamism of growing up in a city that grows and changes with you. At the end of their presentation, both artists stood on stage. They fielded questions and shared anecdotes with an engaged crowd. Though their mediums and perspectives were unique, their missions shared the common bond of showcasing the diversity and appreciating the value of the human experience. Each implored the audience to take a deeper look at their host city and country during the Expo, and reminded us that art, like life, does not have to fit into any conventional form.上海莫干山路双城现代艺术馆景点和声 音-two-cities-art-gallery-at-mogansha/

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