Growing Up With Shanghai- Quyang Lu | 与沪成长-曲阳路

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Growing Up With Shanghai 与沪成长 Quyang Lu 曲阳路

Recorded and Edited by Terence LLoren Photos by Shen Yi Shanghainese Transcription by Jenny Zhang Putonghua Transcription Henry Huang English translation by Rachel Wu Growing Up With Shanghai- Quyang Lu, No. 23, June 2018. Published by BIVOUAC RECORDING. This book (contents, images, and design) is Copyright 2018 Bivouac Recording and may not be reproduced without permission. The audio is released under the Creative Commons License BY-NC-ND and is free to download and share as long as they are: credited to 'Bivouac Recording', are for non-commercial use, and must be under the same license if used in your work. Bivouac Recording still retains the copyright of these recordings. 'Growing Up With Shanghai' is a Bivouac Recording project. 录音师,编辑:罗天瑞 摄影师:沈祎 吴语译音:张依群 普通话翻译:黄佳杰 英文翻译:吴秋成 与沪成长 — 曲阳路,2018 年 6 月。BIVOUAC RECORDING 出版。本刊物为双月刊。该书版权属于。未 经许可不得翻印。该音频在 Creative Commons License BY–NC–ND 下发布。 该音频均可免费下载与分享,但 必须符合以下条件:标明版权属于 ‘Bivouac Recording’ 所有;非商业性用途;不进行任意修改。Bivouac Recording 仍保留此作品的版权。与沪成长是 Bivouac Recording 的一 个项目。在中国上海记录设计。

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Chifeng Lu

317 Nong #8 317 弄 8 号


Quyang Lu

Yutian Zhi Lu

Hongkou district Quyang #3 Kindergarten 虹口区曲阳 第三幼儿园

Miyun Lù




Carrefour 家乐福

Hongkou district Quyang #3 Elementary School 虹口区曲阳 第三中学 Shanghai City Quyang #2 Middle School 上海市曲阳 第二中学 玉田路

Yutian Lu


About GUWS

“ 与沪成长 ” 是一系列与上海年轻 人一起完成的 “ 声音漫步之旅 ”。 他们生于 80 和 90 年代,这些语音不 仅记载了他们对成长之地的亲切回忆 也从讲述者的角度对地理地点讲行过 去和现在的对比。同时讲述者会通过 本身的成长经历也反映了过去 30 年 里上海的讲步与发展。这些实地录音 由讲述人操沪语完成同时录音也捕捉 纪录到当日真实的环境声音供世界各 地的听者感同身受。

“Growing Up With Shanghai” is a series of soundwalks with young Shanghainese who were born and raised during the rapid modernization of their city in the 1980s and 1990s. These recordings capture not only their most intimate memories as they grew up, but, when contrasted with the present state of each location, also reveal the progress and growth Shanghai has undergone in the past 30 years. The current sounds of Shanghai, including that of the Shanghainese dialect, create a comprehensive present-day audio document that future generations can experience.

Quyang Lu









本书为《与沪成长 — 曲阳路》语音 文档的辅助文本。书中记录语音文档 中对话译音,对照英文翻译,地点照 片以及与语音文档相符的路线图。

This book is a supplement to the Growing Up With Shanghai- Quyang Lu audio track. It contains dialog transcripts and translations, area photographs, and a route map.

用触屏手机下载音频,请扫描左边的 二维码。如已用触屏手机阅读本文, Please download the audio for this 请点击二维码继续阅读全文。 walk by using your mobile device to scan the QR codes on the left. If you are *( 手 机 版 使 用 Adobe Acrobat 阅 读 already using a mobile device to read 器) this, click the QR codes to follow the links. 本 书 每 页 文 字 顺 序:沪 语 译 音 (左);普通话翻译(中 );因为翻译 * (Use Adobe Acrobat reader for (右) mobile.) 如有兴趣与我们互动,请将您对这段 路线上的任何感想,照片通过扫描左 边二维码快捷上传到我们的官方微博 和脸书页。

The three transcriptions / translations in this book follow this format on each page with text: Shanghainese transcription (left column); Putonghua translation (center column); English translation (right column). As you walk, feel free to upload your thoughts and images onto the project pages on Facebook or Weibo by scanning the corresponding QR codes on the left. 2

Quyang Lu


曲阳路 时间:2013 年 8 月 4 日

时间:2013 年 8 月 4 日

起点:玉田路 270 弄在家乐福后面。

起点:玉田路 270 弄在家乐福后面。 Starting point: Yutian Lu 270 Nong alleyway behind Carrefour. [0:17] 这里是我以前小时候经常来玩 的地方。因为那个时候年纪比较轻, [0:17] This is where I used to hang out 家里人工作基本是在国外,所以大部 when I was little. My family was 分时间我就喜欢在这里玩。那时候这 working overseas at that time, and 里还是很小的规模,只有卖点花花草 most of the time, I liked to hang out 草,现在呢卖鱼啊卖花啊,有时候还 here. It was a small place back then, 卖点小宠物之类的东西,所以我还是 with few shops selling flowers and 觉得蛮怀念的。 plants. But now, you can see more shops around here, selling all kinds of [ 开始往北走。] things including fish, pets or flowers. I kind of miss the old days. [0:41] 但是在这里玩的时候呢,现在 和以前最大的差异就是有停车场了。 [Start walking north.] 那时候来真是停一辆自行车都很困 难,所以觉得变化还是蛮大的。以前 [0:41] The biggest change is that there 来这里的时候最有意思的就是,在这 is a new parking lot. Back then, it was 里我还不太会和别人交流。那时候很 difficult to even find a place to park 小的,就是站在店铺这里,看到有些 your bike. It has changed a lot. I 鱼,一直盯着看,之后老板就会问 remember when I was little, I didn’t 我:“ 你要什么啊?” 其实那时候 know how to communicate with 我也不知道自己要什么,但是老板还 others. I used to stand in front of the 是蛮和善的,会拿点东西给我。所以 shops, staring at the fishes, and after a 那个时候我觉得这个地方还是很有意 while, the shop owner would ask me, ‘ 思的。 what do you want to buy?’. Honestly, I had no idea what I wanted to buy, but [1:23] 然后最想说的一点,这里就是 he was very kind and always gave me 曲阳的 “ 花鸟休闲广场 ”。以前还 something for free. So I had good

[0:17] 搿搭是我老朝小辰光经常来孛 相箇地方。因为箇个辰光年纪比较 轻,主要屋里向人工作基本浪是勒辣 国外,所以大部分辰光我就喜欢勒辣 搿搭孛相。搿辰光搿搭还是老小箇规 模,只有卖眼花花草草,现在呢卖鱼 啊卖花啊,有辰光还卖点小宠物箇种 类型物事,所以我还是觉着蛮怀念 箇。 [ 开始往北走。]

[0:41] 勿过勒辣搿搭孛相箇辰光呢,

现在畀老朝最大箇差异就是有停车场 了。搿辰光来真是停一部脚踏车也邪 气困难,所以觉着变化还是蛮大箇。 以前来搿搭箇辰光最有意思箇就是, 勒辣搿搭我还弗汏会畀人家交流。搿 辰光老小箇,就是勒辣店铺搿搭,看 到有些鱼,阿拉一直盯勒看,之后乃 么老板就会问我:“ 侬要啥啊?” 其实搿辰光我也弗晓得自己要啥,不 过老板还是蛮和善个,会拿点物事拨 我。所以箇个辰光我觉着箇个地方还 是邪气有意思箇。

[1:23] 最想讲箇一点,搿搭就是曲阳

Recorded August 4, 2013.


Quyang Lu 箇 “ 花鸟休闲广场 ”。以前还呒么 箇个名字,所以我也弗晓得伊叫啥。 搿辰光只晓得搿搭有个花鸟市场。双 休日有空辰光就畀屋里向里人或者畀 朋友来。有辰光一家头来个辰光就看 几条鱼,因为我搿辰光就像前头讲箇 一样,弗晓得自己要啥,就是来孛相 箇。不过要是阿叔真箇邪气热情,还 是会买点物事回去。现在终于看到搿 搭有伊箇名字畀自己箇停车场,就觉 着邪气开心。

没这个名字,所以我也不知道它叫什 么。那时候只知道这里有个花鸟市 场。双休日有空就和家里人或者和朋 友来。有时候一个人来就看几条鱼, 因为那时候就像前面说的,不知道自 己要什么,就是来玩的。但是如果叔 叔真的很热情,还是会买点东西回 去。现在终于看到这里有它的名字和 自己的停车场,就觉得很开心。

[2:01] 等下我们走过去的就是一条小


[2:01] 等特一歇阿拉走过去箇就是一 为从小到大我就是在那里长大的,基

条小道。箇条路为啥有意思呢,就是 因为从小到大我就是勒辣箇面长大 箇,基本上从三岁之后就一直勒辣搿 搭。还发觉搿搭变化邪气大箇。其实 就勒辣花鸟市场旁边,不过老朝侪是 小摊头,就是人家讲起来就是 “ 黑 暗料理 ” 箇地方。现在就已经变脱 了,再走过去看看就能发觉有许多小 店侪长得弗一样了。搿辰光去看侪会 觉着 “ 啊!这些店侪蛮漂亮箇。” 现在看看就觉着又升了一级。

[2:54] 现 在 搿 搭 比 以 前 就 热 闹 了 老

多。勿过有一点觉着邪气奇怪箇,虽 然以前小,勿过比较清静,清爽。虽 然有些小摊头,勿过感觉人情味道更 加浓一点。现在就会觉着人情比较冷 落一点,人也少了点。有可能是因为 5

impressions about his place back then.

[1:23] Also I want to mention that, this is the ‘Leisure plaza of Flowers and Birds’ in Quyang. There was no such name in the past, so I didn’t know how people used to call it. At that time, I only knew that it was a market for flowers and birds. Over the weekends, I sometimes came here with my families or friends. Some other times I just came by to see some fishes. Like I said before, most of the time, I didn’t know what I wanted to buy, sometimes I just came here for fun. But the shop owners who were very kind could talk me into buying something. Now I am really happy to see that it finally got its own name and a parking lot.

本上从三岁以后就一直在这里。还发 觉这里变化很大的。这里其实就在花 鸟市场旁边,但是以前都是小摊,就 是人家说的 “ 黑暗料理 ” 的地方。 现在就已经变了,再走过去看看就能 发觉有许多小店都长得不一样了。那 时候去看都会觉得 “ 啊!这些店都 挺漂亮的。” 现在看看就觉得又升 [2:01] Later we will come across a 了一级。 small path. It’s an interesting path because I grew up there. I have lived [2:54] 现 在 这 里 比 以 前 就 热 闹 了 许 nearby since I was 3. It has changed a 多。但是有一点觉得很奇怪的,虽然 lot. It’s actually quite close to the 以前小,但是比较清静,干净。虽然 market of flowers and birds. But in the 有些小摊,但感觉人情味更加浓一 past, it used to be a place full of street 点。现在的话就会觉得人情比较冷落 stalls, where ‘lousy food’ were sold. 一点,人也少了点。有可能是因为双 However, It’s a different place now. 休日大家都不喜欢到这来。但那时候 When you go there again, you may find 听我妈说,这里还是改革开放之后的 that many shops look differently. They



Quyang Lu 双休日大家侪弗欢喜到箇搭来。勿过 第一个大型小区,所以就会觉得现在 were already ‘pretty nice’ in the past, but are upgraded to a next level now. 搿辰光听阿拉姆妈讲,搿搭还是改革 变成这样有点伤心。 开放之后箇第一个大型小区,所以就 会觉着现在变能嘎箇样子有眼伤心。 [3:39] 我现在可以看到这里有人在卖 [2:54] This place is getting busier and 旧货什么的,以前也有,但现在看到 more lively now. But the thing is, even [3:39] 我现在可以看到搿搭有人勒辣 就觉得更加新鲜,因为现在这种东西 though it was smaller in scale, it was 卖旧货啥物事,老朝也有,勿过现在 就更少了。这位大叔现在应该是在拆 quieter and cleaner. The small stalls 看到就觉着更加新鲜,因为现在这种 电灯之类的东西,所以就觉得蛮有意 gave out a sense of warmth. Nowadays, 物事就更少了。箇位阿叔现在应该是 思的。啊!这里现在多出来一个 “ as fewer people come around, it feels a 勒辣拆电灯一样箇物事,所以就觉着 宠物生活馆 ”,也挺好玩的。 little desolated. My mom used to say 蛮有意思箇。啊!搿搭现在多出来一 that this place was the first large-scale 个 “ 宠 物 生 活 馆 ” , 也 蛮 好 孛 相 [4:10] 我 觉 得 这 里 有 很 多 东 西 都 变 residential community after the 箇。 了,最大的变化就是现在多出来一个 reform and opening up policy. I feel 青年旅社。那时候小青年的时候很喜 sorry to see it deserted now. [4:10] 我觉着搿搭有邪气多物事侪变 欢这里一块,但从来没这种东西。喜 特了,最大箇变化就是现在多出来一 欢旅游,喜欢体验一些新东西,就算 [3:39] Some shops sell second-hand 个青年旅社。搿辰光小青年箇辰光邪 自己家就在周围也会觉得如果去朋友 goods here, even though it’s not an 气喜欢搿搭一块,勿过从来没这种物 家待一晚上也不错,所以其实出去玩 entirely new business, it’s a rare thing 事。欢喜旅游,欢喜体验一些新物 还是很想住一些不一样的地方。之后 these days and new to me. He is 事,就算自己屋里向就蹲勒辣周围也 就觉得,现在这样的小区也会有这样 dismantling the light bulb. I find it a lot 会觉着要是去朋友屋里向蹲一夜道也 的小店给人住,就觉得很惊奇。 of fun. Ah, there is also a new ‘Pet’s 弗错,所以其实出去孛相还是邪气想 World’ shop, which is kind of 蹲一眼弗一样箇地方。之后就觉着, [4:48] 现在最有意思的呢就是他现 interesting too. 哇!现在辣箇样小区也会有这样箇小 在一般都住在很优雅的小区或者市中 店拨人蹲,就觉着邪气惊喜。 心的地方,但我家这一块其实不能算 [4:10] I think many things have 这个样子,它是一个很有意思的地 changed. And one of the major changes [4:48] 现 在 最 有 意 思 箇 呢 就 是 伊 现 方,一边是供小青年玩,买化妆品, must be the new youth hostel. In the 在一般侪住勒辣邪气优雅箇小区或者 买首饰的地方,另外一边的就是和同 past, young people loved this area, but 市中心箇地方,勿过阿拉屋里向这箇 济大学搞的休闲中心,一边就是文 there was no such thing as hostels. 一块其实弗能算箇个样子,伊是一个 化,一边就是日常,所以你就会觉得 Young people like traveling and 邪气有意思箇地方,一面是供小青年 在这里什么都有,但是路上的环境让 experiencing new things. They would 7



Quyang Lu


曲阳路 孛相,买买化妆品,买买首饰箇地 方,另外一面箇就是畀同济大学搞箇 休闲中心,一面呢就是文化,一面就 呢是日常,所以侬就会觉着勒辣搿搭 啥物事侪会有,勿过路上箇环境还是 让人邪气受伤,至少让我邪气受伤, 因为瓶子啥物事箇侪是乱放,搿辰光 心里就觉着,就算只是一些小摊头, 勿过只是小摊头邪气腻心,不过现在 看上去就是整个地方邪气好,勿过有 一块、两块地方拨人家用来厾垃圾, 邪气可惜箇,要是能做得更好滴就更 好了。

人很受伤,至少让我很受伤,因为瓶 子什么的都是乱放,那时候心里就觉 得,就算只是一些小摊,但是只是小 摊的范围很恶心,但是现在看上去就 是整个地方很好,但是有一块两块地 方人们用来扔垃圾,很可惜的,如果 能做得更好就更好了。

choose to stay over at their friend’s place even if they live just nearby. They would love to stay at somewhere special when they travel. So, I found it an amazing thing that people could stay in hostels like these and in this kind of community.

[5:59] 其实在这里就像是寻找以前的 [4:48] The most interesting thing is

记忆的感觉,和想象当中已经不一样 了,虽然每天上班都会经过,但是真 的有好几年没有来过了,所以我现在 还认识的店呢已经没有几家了。还 好,我至少幼儿园、小学、中学都在 [5:59] 其实勒辣搿搭就像是寻找老早 这里,所以感觉就是又有新的感觉, 箇记忆箇感觉,畀想象当中已经勿一 又有老的感觉。 样了,虽然每天上班侪会经过,不过 真箇有好几年呒来过了,所以我现在 [6:33] 还有呢,我的同学大部分都搬 还认得箇爿店呢已经呒几家人了。还 走了,住在这里的大概只有一个两个 好,我至少幼儿园、小学、中学侪勒 了吧,所以还是蛮有意思的,其实最 辣搿搭,所以感觉就是又有新箇感 想的就是和他们在这里聚一聚,但应 觉,又有老箇感觉。 该不太可能了,大部分人出国的出 国,结婚的结婚,都有小孩了,应该 [6:33] 还有呢,阿拉箇同学大部分侪 都在忙自己的生活。所以今天正好借 搬脱了,住勒辣搿搭箇大概只有一个 这个机会,一个人在这里兜兜,应该 两个了伐,所以还是蛮有劲箇,其实 说也算回来看过了。 最想箇就是畀伊拉勒辣搿搭聚一聚, 不过应该弗汏忒可能了,大部分人出 [7:09] 然后现在要去一个小弄堂,应 国箇出国,结婚箇结婚,侪有小囡 该说以前不是一个弄堂,是拓宽的马 了,应该侪勒辣忙自己箇生活。所以 路,但不知道为什么现在改成弄堂 今天正好借箇个机会,一家头勒辣搿 了,有可能是因为小区的安全,但是

that normally, people live in a decent community or some downtown place. The place where I live doesn’t fit that description. It’s an interesting place for young people to have fun, buy cosmetics and jewelries. It looks no different than ordinary daily lives on the one side. But on the other side it’s a leisure center initiated by Tongji University, a cultural place. So you may get the feeling that this area is quite inclusive. However, the environment is far from satisfying, at least in my eyes. People used to throw bottles away randomly. There were small stall shops here and there. But now the whole place looks better, with only one or two specific sites for garbage. I wish it could be managed better.

[5:59] Actually being here is a way to 10

Quyang Lu


曲阳路 搭兜兜,应该讲也算回来看过了。

[7:09] 现在要去一个小弄堂,应该讲 老朝弗是一个弄堂,是一条拓宽箇马 路,不过弗晓得为啥现在改成弄堂 了,有可能是因为小区箇安全,勿过 其实我觉着要是像以前箇样会更加好 一点,因为更加开放一点。 [ 走到巷子尽头右转。]

[7:41] 嗯,看到箇个花坛,我记忆邪 气深刻,箇个辰光畀朋友一起孛相, 勒辣搿搭还受过伤,搿辰光出了蛮多 血,之后我箇朋友就马上拿我送到医 院里向去了,可以讲搿搭有我老朝邪 气弗好箇回忆,勿过搿辰光因为能看 到我箇朋友,是感觉还是邪气好,看 到了阿拉朋友对我箇关心。而且箇个 辰光应该讲小辰光周围条件讲好也弗 算特别好,所以呢,有这些空地走走 就已经觉着老开心了,搿辰光还呒哪 能想过一定要去游乐园啥箇咯。所以 就觉着只要周边箇朋友住得近,或者 孛相箇空地地能踢踢足球,能打打羽 毛球就会的老开心。 [8:36] 啊!有 辰 光 就 发 觉 , 走 这 条

街箇辰光,有一些小店还勒辣,这些 小店已经邪气长邪气长辰光了。搿辰 光小辰光经过,拿伊拉箇存在就当作

其实我觉得如果像以前那样会更加好 look for past memories. It’s already 一点,因为更加开放一点。 different from what I could recall. I go past this place every day on my way to [ 走到巷子尽头右转。] work, but haven’t visited there for several years. I can barely recognize [7:41] 嗯,看见这个花坛,我记忆非 any shops now. I spent most of my 常深刻,那个时候和朋友一起玩,在 school time, from elementary school to 这里还受过伤,那时候出了很多血, middle school, here. It feels both 之后我的朋友就马上把我送到医院里 familiar and new to me. 去了,可以说这里有我以前很不好的 回忆,但那时候因为能看到我的朋 [6:33] Most of my classmates moved 友,是感觉还是很好,看到了朋友对 away, with only one or two still living 我的关心。而且那个时候应该说小时 here. I feel like having a reunion with 候周围条件说好也不算特别好,所以 them here. But it doesn’t seem possible 呢,有这些空地走走就觉得很开心 since everyone is busy with their own 了,那时候还没有想过要去游乐园之 lives. They have either left the country, 类的。所以就觉得只要周边的朋友住 or gotten married and had kids. So I am 得近,或者玩耍的空地地能踢踢足 using this opportunity to come by and 球,打打羽毛球就很开心。 visit the old place by myself.

[8:36] 啊!有 时 候 就 发 现 , 走 这 条 街的时候,有一些小店还在,这些小 店已经很长很长时间了。那时候小时 候经过,把他们的存在就当作理所当 然一样,就是每天走过就是应该有 的,但是没想到经过那么多年回来看 在觉得,哇,现在还在呀,就觉得一 下子像回到以前一样,但是一下子不 敢相信现在一样,就觉得那时候觉得 理所应该当然的店现在看上去已经有 点破破旧旧了,但是现在还是生存的

[7:09] Now we are heading to a small alley. Technically, it used to be a wide road, for some reasons, it was turned into an alley. Maybe for the safety of the community or something like that. But personally I like it the way it was as it was wider open. [Walk to end of the alleyway then turn right.] 12

Quyang Lu 理所当然一样,就是每天走过就是应 该有箇,没想到经过嘎多年回来之后 看还勒辣觉着,哇,原来还勒辣呀, 就觉着一下子像回到了老朝一样,勿 过一下子弗敢相信现在一样,就觉着 搿辰光觉着理所应该当然箇店现在看 上去已经有点破破旧旧了,勿过现在 还是生存勒邪气好,所以就是觉着邪 气有意思箇。这辰光就应该讲谢谢伊 拉还勒辣,箇样子话就可以再看看, 或者再想想以前箇事体。 [ 过玉田支路进入铁闸。钥匙挂在门 内侧右下方。看 21 页的图片。如果 钥匙不在的话就等人来开门。]

[9:30] 挨下来就快走到我老朝箇幼儿 园了,箇个幼儿园老朝箇辰光应该觉 着条件还弗错,小辰光就班级里面有 老多好孛相箇物事,蹲勒辣里向一天 也弗会觉着讨厌。最有意思就是我妈 妈讲,人家去幼儿园侪觉着弗开心, 侪想蹲勒辣屋里向,不过我特别欢喜 去幼儿园,虽然现在估计么机会进去 看看,勿过我想搿辰光要谢谢箇个幼 儿园,应该是让我箇日子过了邪气开 心,否则就弗至于箇么欢喜。 [10:10] 我到现在还记得幼儿园里面 有一个老师,一直对我邪气好,因为 我从小到大身体就邪气差,所以伊 13

很好,所以就是觉得很有意思的。这 时候就应该说谢谢他们还在,这样的 话就可以再看看,或者再想想以前的 事情。 [ 过玉田支路进入铁闸。钥匙挂在门 内侧右下方。看 21 页的图片。如果 钥匙不在的话就等人来开门。]

[7:41] I remember this flowerbed clearly. There was one time, I got hurt by the flowerbed here when I was having fun with my friends. I bled heavily and my friends sent me to the hospital immediately. So I had some bad memories about this place. But at least I could see my friends and I knew that they cared about me, which made me feel good. At that time, the surrounding environment was kind of poor. We felt happy just hanging out in the open areas, and didn't think about going to amusement parks or that kind of thing. We were quite happy just staying close to our friends and playing football or badminton.

[9:30] 接下来就快走到我以前的幼儿 园了,这个幼儿园以前的时候应该觉 得条件还不错,小时候就班级里面有 许多好玩的东西,呆在里面一天也不 会觉得讨厌。最有意思就是我妈妈 说,别人去幼儿园都觉得不开心,都 想待在家,但我特别喜欢去幼儿园, 虽然现在没有机会进去看看,但我想 那时候要谢谢这个幼儿园,应该让我 的日子过的很好,否则就不至于那么 [8:36] Ah! Sometimes as I stroll down 喜欢。 this street, I can still find some of the old shops, which have been here for a [10:10] 我到现在还记得幼儿园里面 very long time. When I was little, I 有一个老师,一直对我很好,因为我 didn’t think much of them as I passed 从小到大身体就很差,所以她(他) by them every day. It was as if they had 每次就一直看着我吃饭,然后我就每 been there forever. Looking back on it 次都想办法不吃肉,因为我太讨厌吃 now, I find it unbelievable that they are 肉了,所以我和她(他)就像玩 “ still here after all these years. It’s like a 猫和老鼠 ” 的游戏一样,我把肉扔 flashback to the old times. They look a 到哪里她(他)就想办法找到。但是 little worn-out but they managed to 也 很 感 谢 她 ( 他 ), 我 这 些 毛 病 她 survive this long, which is quite (他)从来不和我家人说。所以想说 interesting. Thank god they are still



Quyang Lu (伊) 每趟就一直看牢我吃饭,要么 我就每趟侪想想办法弗吃肉,因为我 实在忒讨厌吃肉了,所以我畀伊 (伊)就像孛相 “ 猫畀老鼠 ” 箇游 戏一样,我拿肉厾到挨里伊(伊)就 想办法寻到。勿过也老感谢伊 (伊),我箇些毛病伊(伊)从来弗畀 我屋里向人讲。所以想讲曲阳路第三 幼儿园真箇是邪气好箇一个幼儿园, 来到搿搭就会邪气邪气开心。要是以 后讲弗定有小囡儿,也会想拿伊带到 第三幼儿园,因为搿搭真箇有邪气好 箇老师,希望下趟箇老师也嘎好。 [ 到学校左转。看 26 页的图片。]

[11:02] 再望后走就会看到老朝蹲箇 地方。搿搭地方邪气熟悉,因为每天 去读小学箇侪是一家头自己走。为啥 从一年级开始阿拉屋里向箇人就弗送 呢,因为从我屋里向走到小学也只要 十分钟,不过一个是街道左边,一个 是街道右边,所以这条路熟透熟透。 [11:28] 勿过现在看已经么以前箇么 熟悉箇感觉了,因为真箇改变了,房 子侪重新装修过了,墙壁侪粉刷过 了,以前是白颜色箇,现在呢又变成 土黄颜色了,之后旁边箇绿化台也改 脱了,创建出更加多让人家孛相箇地 方。停车位也多了邪气多,有可能因 15

曲阳路第三幼儿园真的是非常好的一 个幼儿园,来到这里就会非常非常开 心。如果以后说不定有小孩儿,也会 想把他带到第三幼儿园,因为这里真 的有很好的老师,希望以后的老师也 那么好。 [ 到学校左转。看 26 页的图片。]

[11:02] 再往后走就会看到以前住的 地方。这里非常熟悉,因为每天去读 小学的时候都是一个人自己走。为什 么从一年级开始我们家里的人就不送 呢,因为从我家走到小学也只要十分 钟,但是一个是街道左边一个是街道 右边,所以这条路非常熟悉。 [11:28] 但是现在来看已经没有以前 那么熟悉的感觉了,因为真的改变 了,房子都重新装修过的,墙都粉刷 过了,以前是白颜色的,现在又变成 土黄色的了,而且旁边的绿化带也改 掉了,创建出更加多让人家玩的地 方。停车位也多了很多,有可能因为 私家车多了,所以和以前相比其实路 应该是窄了很多,不像以前那么宽 了。现在想想,如果小时候就已经是 这样的话,估计一个人走还是很危 险,因为车子实在太多了,来来回 回。

here, attracting us to come back and reminding us of the old times. [Cross Yutian Zhi Lu , then go through the gate and walk straight. The blue key should be hanging just inside of the gate on the right. See photo on page 21. If not, wait for someone to open the door.]

[9:30] We are getting close to the kindergarten I used to go to. At that time, I thought it was a pretty cool place. There were so many interesting things in the classes that I used to stay there for a whole day without feeling bored at all. Interestingly, my mom used to say that for other kids, instead of going to kindergarten, they preferred to stay at home. It was the other way around for me. Although I don’t have the chance to visit the school again, I am grateful for the happy time I spent there. [10:10] I can still recall one of my

teachers in this kindergarten. She took good care of me. Ever since I was young, I had poor health and she used to watch me finish my food to make sure I had eaten enough. I tried every way to avoid eating meat because I



Quyang Lu 为私家车多了,所以畀以前相比其实 路面应该算是窄了邪气多,弗像以前 箇么宽了。现在想想,要是小辰光就 已经是搿样子,估计一家头走还是邪 气危险,因为车子实在忒多了,来来 回回。

[ 走到底右转。]

[12:16] 之 后 , 唯一让 我 觉 得 最 欣 慰

的地方就是这里的公共垃圾桶,以前 就是两个桶放在这里,就觉得每年的 夏天都不想走这段路。因为正好不要 上课,所以出去玩能避就避掉这条 [ 走到底右转。] 路。现在已经造的像小房子一样,所 以把垃圾扔进去一般来说没有味道, [12:16] 之 后 , 唯一让 我 觉 着 最 欣 慰 感觉很好。 箇地方就是搿搭箇公共垃圾桶,老朝 就是两只桶罢勒辣嗨搿搭,就觉着每 [12:45] 再往前面走就看到家里和以 年箇夏天侪弗想走箇段路。因为正好 前经常玩的地方。这里玩的地方以前 弗要上课,所以出去孛相也尽量能避 经常是和朋友一起去的。好像是去曲 就避特箇条路。现在已经造箇像小房 阳菜市场这一块,然后去的时候就会 子一样,所以拿垃圾厾进去一般来讲 发现,还蛮有意思的。小时候的球还 呒味道,感觉还蛮好。 在这里,我四岁的时候就在这里钻 洞。之后小学、中学了,就不再去那 [12:45] 再望前头走就看到屋里向畀 里玩了,我会去家里门口的小花园踢 老朝经常孛相箇地方。搿搭孛相箇地 足球,所以在这里的时候还觉得很有 方老朝经常是畀朋友一起去箇。好像 意思,怎么这个球还在这里。其实自 是去曲阳菜市场搿搭一块,要么去箇 己还蛮想钻进去的,可能身材已经不 辰光就会的发现,还蛮有劲个。小辰 允许了。 光箇球还勒辣搿搭,我四岁箇辰光就 一直勒辣搿搭钻洞。之后小学了、中 [13:34] 但是在这里真的有很多好玩 学了,就弗汏再去箇里孛相了,我会 的东西,因为初中羽毛球能不能及 去屋里向里门口箇小花园踢足球,所 格,要对打五十次,都是在这里练出 以勒辣搿搭箇辰光还觉着邪气有劲, 来的,所以这里的记忆还是很深刻 哪能箇个球还勒辣搿搭。其实自己还 的。然后就会发现快要到我家了,大 蛮想钻进去箇,大家晓得可能身材已 概到我家的路上,这里还有一个赤峰 经弗允许了。 大厦。为什么要提到赤峰大厦呢?因


didn't like it so every mealtime we were like playing the game of ‘cat and mouse’. She was able to find where I hid the meat every single time. Looking back, I am thankful for what she did for me. She never called my parents about my behaviors. I have to say, I really think highly of The 3rd Kindergarten of Quyang Road, I feel happy each time I come back here. If I am going to have kids of my own, I probably would send them here too. I liked the teachers here, and I hope now the teachers will be just as good. [Turn left at the school. See page 26.]

[11:02] If we walk towards the back, we will come to where I used to live. I am quite familiar with this area, because I used to live in a rented place here during my elementary school. At that time, it only took me 10 minutes to walk from home to school. They were just on opposite sides of the road. I used to walk to school by myself everyday so I know it well.

[11:28] However, nowadays, many

things have changed. Houses have been renovated, walls were repainted



Quyang Lu



[13:34] 勿过勒辣搿搭真箇有邪气多 为这前面以前有一个花园,以前我经 from white to earthy yellow. The 好孛相箇物事,因为初中羽毛球能弗 能及格,要对打五十趟,侪是勒辣搿 搭练出来箇,所以搿搭箇记忆还是邪 气深刻箇。之后呢就会发觉快要到阿 拉屋里了,大概到阿拉屋里向箇路 上,搿搭还有一个赤峰大厦。为啥要 提到赤峰大厦呢?因为前头以前有一 个花园,老朝我经常畀阿拉班级箇男 同学,应该是初中箇辰光,畀阿拉班 箇男同学踢足球。弗要笑,我就是个 守门员,虽然我经常受伤,勿过防了 邪气多球,所以阿拉班级箇男生侪邪 气愿意畀我踢球。

常和我们班级的男同学,应该是初中 的时候,和我们班的女同学踢足球。 不要笑,我就是个守门员,虽然我经 常受伤,但是防住了很多球,所以我 们班级的男生都很愿意和我踢球。

[14:23] 在赤峰大厦前面以前可以踢

greenbelt of trees has been turned into open spaces for people to have fun in. More parking spaces were added to meet the rising demand of more private cars. So the road looks narrower nowadays than before. If things were like these before, it would be dangerous to walk by ourselves because there would be too many cars passing by.

足球的,但现在回来看已经不行了, 不知道是不是因为没有人打理的关 系。应该说些周围这里的样子都变得 好了,反而就是在这一块,上面都是 草,之后有很多人在这里晾衣服,所 [Walk to the end of the road then turn 以这也就是觉得很伤心的感觉吧。觉 right.] 得从小到大,很美好的一部分记忆就 [14:23] 勒辣赤峰大厦前面老朝可以 这样被破坏掉了。 [12:16] The only change that I am 踢足球箇,现在回来看已经弗来赛 pleased to see is the new public 了,弗晓得是弗是因为呒人打理箇关 [15:03] 但是有时候 “ 变 ” 就是这 garbage bin. There used to be only two 系。应该讲些周围搿搭箇样子侪变了 样的,人也不在了,所以地方的样子 simple garbage bins here. They were so 好了,反而就是勒辣这一块,上面侪 也变掉了。然后这里让我觉得最大的 nasty and smelly that I always wanted 是草,之后有越来越多个人勒辣搿搭 一点的就是以前的峰华大厦、赤峰大 to avoid walking through this place. If I 晾衣裳,这也大概就是觉着邪气伤心 厦在这个小区算很好的,但是现在在 wasn't going to school I would walk a 箇感觉吧。觉着从小到大,邪气美好 这里打理的人就越来越少了,所以垃 different way. Now there are small 箇一部分记忆就有点箇样子拨破坏脱 圾袋也变多了,所以这一点就看上去 house-shaped garbage places. They 了。 觉得时间是在变,现在也在变的感 stop the smell of the trash, making 觉。 passersby feel better. [15:03] 不过有辰光 “ 变 ” 就是这 样箇,人也弗勒辣了,所以地方箇样 [15:37] 啊!马 上 就 会 看 到一个 很 有 [12:45] Ahead of us is the place where I 子也变脱了。之后搿搭让我觉着最大 意思的东西。现在看到的东西的就是 used to live and hang out. These are 箇一点箇就是老朝箇峰华大厦、赤峰 我爸爸妈妈小时候最怕我去的一个 the places I often went to with my 大厦勒辣箇个小区算邪气好箇,勿过 楼,这幢楼为什么最怕我去呢?因为 friends in the past. If I recall correctly,


Quyang Lu


曲阳路 现在辣勒搿搭打理箇人就越来越少 了,所以垃圾袋也变多了,这一点就 看上去觉着辰光是勒辣变,现在也勒 辣变箇感觉。

这座楼可以爬上去,就在外面,那时 候我经常爬上去经常爬上去。所以每 次我爸爸妈妈看我那么小的一个人爬 上去,觉得非常害怕,而且我小时候 身体也不好。但是我们班级的小男孩 [15:37] 啊!马 上 就 会 看 到一个 邪 气 小女孩都喜欢说得爬这个东西很有意 有意思箇物事。现在看到箇物事箇就 思,所以我觉得很好玩。 是阿拉爷娘小辰光最吓我去箇一个 楼,这幢楼为啥最吓我去呢?因为这 [ 走到底右转。一直走到玉田路。] 座楼可以爬上去,就勒辣外头,搿辰 光我经常爬上去、经常爬上去。每趟 [16:18] 现在终于到了赤峰路 317 弄 8 阿拉爷娘看我箇么小箇一个人爬上 号,这幢楼我想我根本就不会忘记, 去,觉着吓牢牢,而且我小辰光身体 因为从有记忆开始就一直住在这里。 也弗好。不过阿拉班级箇男小囡小姑 在这里有很好的邻居,也有外公外 娘侪喜欢讲得爬箇个物事邪气有意 婆,虽然说是住在两套房子里,但是 思,所以我觉着邪气好孛相。 因为爸爸妈妈工作的时候从来不照顾 我,所以我都是和外婆住在一起。在 [ 走到底右转。一直走到玉田路。] 这里最有意思的时候就是小时候弹琴 的一些记忆都是在这里。那时候真的 [16:18] 现在终算到了赤峰路 317 弄 8 想想是蛮苦的,但是最甜的时候也是 号,箇幢楼我想我根本就弗会忘记 在这里,就是那么多的生日啊,那么 脱,因为从有记忆开始就一直住勒辣 多的朋友聚会呀。第一次自己做了很 搿搭。勒辣搿搭有老好箇邻居,也有 多 事 情 , 第一次 做 蛋 糕 , 第一次 烧 外公外婆,虽然讲是蹲勒辣两套房子 菜,第一次洗衣服,所有的第一次都 里,勿过因为爷娘工作箇辰光从来勿 是在这幢房子里面。 照顾我,所以我侪是畀外婆蹲勒辣一 道。勒辣搿搭最有意思箇辰光就是小 [17:13] 接下来再往前面去,就是真的 辰光弹琴箇一些记忆侪是勒辣搿搭。 只有十分钟的路就可以看到自己的小 搿辰光真箇想想是蛮苦箇,但是最甜 学了,然后现在看到这个小学,感觉 箇辰光也是勒辣搿搭,就是箇么多箇 完全不一样,虽然说以前曲阳第三小 生日啊,嘎喜多朋友聚会呀。第一趟 学,这个小学以前应该还算不错的,

it is close to Quyang market and you will find it an interesting place when you visit there. I can still find the ball game I used to play here. I liked to play around the holes here when I was four. After elementary school and middle school, I started playing football in the small garden in front of my house. So it’s fun to see the ball game here again. I want to squeeze myself into that hole, but I can’t since I am already too big for it.

[13:34] There are many interesting

stuff still around. For example, in middle school, I practiced playing badminton here, for like fifty rounds each time to pass the exam. So I had a lot of memories here. We are getting close to where I live. On the way back home, there is Chifeng Building. There used to be a garden in front of this building. The boys and girls often played football here back in middle school. I used to be a goal keeper. I was pretty good, even though I got hurt alot so the boys in my class liked to play football with me.

[14:23] Now it seems that nobody plays football in the garden in front of 22

Quyang Lu 自己做了邪气多事体,第一趟做蛋 我说不错,至少是在硬件上是很好 the Chifeng Building anymore. Maybe 糕,第一次烧菜,第一次洗衣裳,所 的,软件其实也不差。但是现在真的 it’s because nobody is taking care of 有箇第一次侪是勒辣这幢房子里向。 比以前好很多。那时候我走的时候好 this place, I don’t know. The 像也是有健身中心,也有绿化操场, surrounding area is developing and [17:13] 接下来再望前面去,就是真箇 但是现在完全都已经变掉了,看外面 becoming better except for this place. 只有十分钟箇路就可以看到自己箇小 的样子,还是特别有建筑设计的感 The grass grows on it, and people hang 学了,现在看到箇个小学,感觉完全 觉。以前只能说是一幢楼,一幢看起 their clothes out here. That’s why I feel 弗一样,虽然讲老朝曲阳第三小学, 来很像学校的大楼,但是现在就有一 a little sad, like part of the wonderful 箇个小学老朝应该还算勿错箇,我讲 点点拓宽出来了。其实说拓宽呢,只 memories of my childhood have gone. 弗错,至少是勒辣硬件上是邪气好 是周边,因为好像这一块周围这一块 箇,软件其实也弗差。不过现在真箇 买下来,所以呢,很多的教学楼,很 [15:03] Maybe sometimes that’s what 比老朝好邪气多。搿辰光我走箇辰光 多的座位 啊都出来了,所以我觉得 ‘change’ is about. People leave, and the 好像也是有健身中心,也有绿化操 这里还是不错的。 place turned out differently. Fenghua 场,但现在完全侪已经变脱了,看外 Building and Chifeng Building used to 面箇样子,还是特别有建筑设计箇感 [18:22] 然后最有意思的就是那时候 be really decent buildings in the 觉。老早只能讲是一幢楼,一幢看起 和数学老师很近,我住在 8 号楼,他 neighborhood, but few people are 来邪气像学堂箇大楼,勿过现在就有 住 在 西 区 7 号 楼 。 所 以 经 常一起 回 taking care of them and there are less 一点点拓宽出来了。其实讲拓宽呢, 去,经常回去的时候就在说这个学校 garbage bins. It feels like as time goes 就是周边,伊好像拿周围这一块地买 的设施很舒服的。每天中午都不怎么 by, a lot of things have changed. 下来,所以呢,邪气多箇教学楼,邪 想回去,就算中午的一个小时也想在 气多箇座位 啊侪出来了,所以我觉 操场上蹦蹦跳跳,因为这里的设施还 [15:37] Ah! We are going to see 着搿搭还弗错。 是很齐全的。 something interesting soon. This is the building my parents wanted me to stay [18:22] 要么最有意思箇就是搿辰光 [Lisa's 的学校在左边。 ] away from the most when I was little. 畀数学老师邪气近,我住勒辣 8 号 Why? Because I used to climb up the 楼,伊住勒辣 7 号楼。所以经常一道 [18:52] 但是现在再看的话就有一种 building a lot. They found it scary 回去,经常回去箇辰光就勒辣讲箇个 “ 哇 ” 的心态。看上去真的 —— seeing me climb up there. Especially 学校箇设施邪气舒服箇。每天中浪向 我只记得以前都是绿颜色的,印象当 that I didn’t have a strong body at that 侪弗哪能想回去,就算中浪向箇一个 中只有颜色,其他颜色都没有,现在 time. But all the boys and girls thought 钟头也想勒辣操场上蹦蹦跳跳,因为 呢是白颜色加咖啡颜色,在一起看上 it was a fun thing to do, and I thought 搿搭箇设施其实还是邪气齐全箇。 去很有造型感,就觉得还想再来读一 so too. 23



Quyang Lu [Lisa's 的学校在左边。 ]

[18:52] 勿过现在再看箇话就有一种 “ 哇 ” 箇心态。看上去真箇 —— 我只记得老早侪是绿颜色箇,印象当 中只有绿颜色,其它颜色侪呒,现在 呢是白颜色加咖啡颜色,罢勒辣一道 看上去邪气有造型感,就觉着还想再 来读一趟,勿过应该弗汏可能了吧。 只能讲,再到搿搭来箇话可能会觉 着 …… 还想再变成小囡,下趟要是 还有小囡箇话,虽然讲要邪气多年以 后箇事体了,不过我觉着,要是自己 也跟伊拉一样,出生勒辣箇样新箇年 代,有嘎好箇设施,还有箇个样子就 好了,因为真箇觉着学堂比老朝好邪 气多。 [20:04] 再望箇条路走个话呢,就会

看到阿拉学堂箇样子。因为现在是暑 假嘛,所以有邪气多人还勒辣重新装 修。勿过从玻璃里面看进去箇话呢, 就是教室侪是高科技箇,所以呢,就 会老怀念,老怀念嘎灵光箇教室。勿 过现在已经呒办法去了。老朝最有意 思箇就是阿拉老朝有个同学勒辣搿搭 只有五分钟箇路,每天阿拉侪勒辣 讲,邪气羡慕伊,邪气羡慕伊。而且 伊就蹲勒辣对面箇条小弄堂,所以伊 只要一出门就走一条直线就可以到学 校,箇个辰光就觉着真好。


次,但是应该不可能了吧。只能说, 再到这里来的话可能会觉得 …… 还 想再变成小孩,以后如果还有小孩的 话,虽然说要很多年以后的事情了, 但是我觉得,如果自己也跟他们一 样,出生在这样新的年代,有那么好 的设施还有那个样子就好了,因为真 的觉得学校比以前好很多。

[20:04] 再往这条路走的话呢,就会 看到我们学校的样子。因为现在是暑 假,所以有很多人还在重新装修。但 是从玻璃里面看进去的话呢,就是教 室都是高科技的,所以呢,就会很怀 念,很怀念那么好的教室。但现在已 经没有办法去了。以前最有意思的就 是我们以前有个同事在这里只有五分 钟的路,每天我们都在说,很羡慕 他,很羡慕他。而且他就住在对面那 条小弄堂,所以他只要一出门就走一 条直线就可以到学校,那个时候就觉 得真好。 [20:53] 然后再往前走呢,就可以看

到一幢楼。这幢楼就是玉田大厦。就 是我以前一个朋友住的地方。应该说 这个小姑娘和我在这里最大的回忆就 是打电子游戏,因为这个是她和我最 大的爱好。很奇怪,班级里里只有我 们两个小姑娘和其他的男孩一起玩, 但是呢,为了不想太像男小孩,而且

[Walk to the end of the road then turn right. Keep straight until you get to Yutian Lu.]

[16:18] Now we are finally here at No. 8 317 Alley, Chifeng Road. I will never forget this building. It’s been here as long as I can remember . There were friendly neighbors and grandparents living here. Although my parents lived in separate apartments from my grandparents, I used to live with my grandmother because my parents were too busy to take care of me. The most interesting memory was of me playing piano here. I can still recall the hard times practicing. I also had some sweet moments here, too. Like all the birthdays, friends’ parties, and so on. I tried a lot of things for the first time here in this building, such as making my first cake, cooking my first meal, the first time doing laundry, to name just a few. [17:13] If you continue walking for 10 more minutes, we can see the elementary school I used to go to. It looks totally different now. Although the No. 3 Elementary School was one of the best elementary schools in the



Quyang Lu

[20:53] 要么再望前头走呢,就可以 要要做自己喜欢的事情,所以呢就一 past, with impressive facilities and 看到一幢楼。这幢楼就是玉田大厦。 就是我老早一个朋友住箇地方。应该 讲箇个小姑娘畀我勒辣搿搭最大箇回 忆就是打电子游戏,因为箇个是伊畀 我最大箇爱好。还老奇怪,班级里向 只有阿拉两个小姑娘畀其伊箇男孩一 道孛相,勿过呢,为了弗想忒像男小 囡,而且要要做自己欢喜箇事体,所 以呢就一直放学箇辰光到伊屋里向来 孛相。我还记得伊屋里向住勒辣一 楼,还有邪气大箇一个鱼缸,所以阿 拉就觉着勒辣搿搭孛相邪气开心。玉 田大厦也是一个老弗错箇感觉,其实 以前买房子还想买勒辣搿搭,之后又 搬得更加远了,所以能到伊拉屋里向 去孛相,等于也是像自己箇一个梦一 样个。

[21:55] 要么再望前头走就是我箇中 学了。侬讲中学有啥变化伐?应该讲 从我走箇一年就开始有变化。箇是我 觉着最嫉妒个事体,嫉妒自己箇学弟 畀学妹们。曲阳二中,因为我走箇一 年前头,已经有邪气多人侪毕业出去 了,我箇一年也有邪气多人考到邪气 好箇高中,所以勒辣箇方面其实我是 无所谓 。勿过伊箇建设真箇差异邪 气大。老朝我去箇辰光,刚刚毕业进 去箇辰光,应该讲曲阳三小造得比曲 阳二中好,就觉着里向箇设施啊啥物


直放学的时候到她家来玩。我还记得 她 家 住 在一楼 , 还 有 很 大 的一个 鱼 缸,所以我们就觉得在这里玩很开 心。玉田大厦也是一个很不错的感 觉,其实以前买房子还想买在这里, 之后又搬得更加远了,所以能到她家 来玩,等于也是像自己的一个梦一样 的。

[21:55] 然后再往前走就是我的中学 了。你说中学有什么变化吗?应该说 从我走的一年就开始有变化。这是我 觉得最嫉妒的事情,嫉妒自己的学弟 和学妹们。曲阳二中,因为我走的一 年之前已经有很多人都毕业出去了, 我那一年也有很多人考到很好的高 中,所以在这方面其实我是无所谓 。 但是它的建设真的差异很大。以前我 去的时候,刚刚毕业进去的时候,应 该说曲阳三小造得比曲阳二中好,就 觉得里面的设施啊什么都一般,都会 帮我妈妈抱怨,怎么来了这个学校, 那个时候我妈妈说:“ 近呀,是学 区 , 不 是 蛮 好 嘛 ? ” 之 后一想 算 了,那就在这里上学吧。 [22:55] 但没想到初二升初三快走的

good faculty, it is a far better place now. By the time I left, there were the health centers and the grass sports field. But it looks totally different now. Looking from the outside, the design of the building seems special. It used to be a single building that looked like a school. Now it has expanded to the surrounding area. I heard the whole piece of land was bought, allowing more spaces to build teaching buildings and facilities. So it’s a pretty nice place.

[18:22] The most interesting thing is that I lived next to my math teacher at that time. I was living on Building No. 8 and he was living on Building No. 7. So we often went home together. We used to comment on the good facilities at school. I barely wanted to come home for lunch break. I preferred to hang out on the school playground since it was fully equipped. [Lisa's elementary school is on the left.]

时候呢,我们学校就有了改造的样子 [18:52] Nowadays, I often ‘wow’ at the 了。等到毕业的那一年,我妈妈来开 place when I go back. I remember it 家长会也被这样子惊呆了,因为从来 looked all green, this whole place, but



Quyang Lu


曲阳路 事侪一般,侪会帮阿拉姆妈抱怨,哪 能来了箇个学堂,箇个辰光阿拉姆妈 讲:“ 近 呀 , 是 学 区 , 弗 是 蛮 好 嘛?” 之后一想算了,蹲就蹲勒辣 搿搭读书吧。

没有想过他可以变成这个样子。下面 都是镁光灯,晚上的样子像造景一 样,景观做的非常好。之后呢,老师 的资质也越来越好。这里应该说以前 就是比较好的学校,但自从走了之后 呢从房子的样子到装修都变得非常好 [22:55] 勿过没想到初二升初三快走 了。 箇辰光呢,阿拉学堂就有了改造箇样 子了。等到毕业箇一年,阿拉姆妈来 [ 玉田路左转。] 开家长会也拨箇样子惊呆了,因为从 来呒么想过伊好变成箇个样子。下头 [23:40] 而且最有意思的是,以前这 侪是镁光灯,夜道箇样子像造景一 里周围都没有小店的,现在的有很多 样,景观做勒邪气好。之后呢,老师 吃饭的馄饨店啊、书店啊、商店啊, 箇资质也越来越好。搿搭应该讲原来 甚至有买衣服的店,觉得配套的设施 就是比较好箇学堂,不过自从走了以 越来越好了。以前的时候喝一杯饮料 后呢从房子箇样子到装修侪变得邪气 就要走很多的路,要买一些教学材 好了。 料,还要跑到自己家对面的新华书店 去。曲阳路的新华书店。现在这种事 [ 玉田路左转。] 就不会有了。只要一出校门就什么都 有,就觉得这里周围的配套设施啊什 [23:40] 外加最有意思箇是,老朝搿 么的都做得非常好。所以就会想,如 搭周围侪么小店箇,现在有邪气多吃 果以后再能到这里来的话,那可能就 饭箇馄饨店啊、书店啊、商店啊,甚 会非常好。 至有买衣裳箇店,觉着配套箇设施越 来越好了。老早箇辰光喝一杯饮料就 [24:37] 在这里走走,觉得有意思的 要走邪气多箇路,要买一些教学材 地方就是以前其实不是开放式的,以 料,还要跑到自己屋里对面箇新华书 前应该说感觉就像半开放式的了。刚 店去。曲阳路箇新华书店。现在这种 刚我离开这里的时候,旁边的墙还没 事就弗会有了。只要一出校门就啥侪 有打得很开,就是你要来的话,人只 有,就觉着搿搭周围箇配套设施啊物 能看到一点点,对这个校园的样子其 事箇侪做得邪气好。所以就会的想, 实并不是很了解。但现在大部分都可

now there is white and brown and all that. Different colors make it look cool, and makes me want to study here again. Of course it's not possible, though. I wish that I was a kid again and could come here and study. I wish I could enjoy the good facilities here like the kids nowadays. The schools are way better than before.

[20:04] Going along this road, we will

pass by my school. Since it’s summer vacation now, there are some renovations happening. If you look through the windows into the classrooms, you can see that they look pretty hi-tech. We don’t have the chance to go inside anymore, but I miss it. I remember at that time, one of our colleagues was living nearby, like only 5 minutes walk away, in the small alley opposite to it. We used to envy him a lot because all he needed to do was walk a straight path to school from home. It was pretty convenient.

[20:53] If we continue walking, we will

see a building, which is called Yutian Building. One of my friends used to live there. I remember we used to play computer games together. It was our 30

Quyang Lu


曲阳路 要是以后再能到搿搭来辰光长一点, 以看到,而且双休日还变成社区市民 favorite pastime. Strangely, we were 可能就会邪气好。 的健身中心,我们说以前他只是学校 the only two girls in the class who liked 的话,那现在更加是有一些社会的公 to play with other boys. We didn't want [24:37] 勒辣搿搭走走,觉着有意思 益,让周围社区的人也可以更加了解 to seem like we were like the boys in 箇地方就老朝其实弗是开放式箇,老 这个学校,应该说把他们的小孩送过 the class, so we would often do what 朝应该讲感觉就像半开放式箇了。刚 来就会更加放心。 we liked at my friend's place after 刚我离开搿搭箇辰光,旁边箇墙其实 school. I remember she used to live on 还么打得邪气开,就是侬要来箇话, [ 密云路左转。] the first floor and there was a huge fish 人只能看到一眼眼,对箇个校园箇样 tank at her place. We had a lot of fun 子其实并弗是邪气了解。不过现在大 [25:46] 还要说的就是以前这里是没 together there. Yutian Building is a 部分侪好看到,而且双休日还变成社 有水果店的,现在看到周围的水果店 nice place. I wanted to buy an 区市民箇健身中心,阿拉讲老朝伊就 就觉得很好的,因为放学还可以带点 apartment in this building but I moved 是学堂箇话,现在更加是有一些社会 东西回去吃吃。以前就觉得什么都没 further away instead. After that, I only 箇公益,让周围社区箇人也可以更加 有。但是唯一的变化就是因为这里的 came back here to visit her at her 了解箇个学堂,应该讲拿伊拉箇小囡 变化实在太大了,让我觉得我对他没 apartment. It felt like a dream. 送过来就会更加放心。 有那么熟悉了。 [21:55] If we continue walking, we will [ 密云路左转。] [26:18] 在那么大的水果店里面,有 see my middle school. If you asked me 许多许多的水果,这都是以前在这里 if it was the same school as it was [25:46] 还要讲箇,就是老早搿搭是 读书的时候想不到的,周围很多的便 before, I would say that it has been 没水果店箇,现在看到周围箇水果 利店、小店、咖啡店等等的。这应该 changing ever since I left and that the 店,我就觉着邪气好箇,因为放了学 说在以前,我也不知道是什么时候好 new things there made me really 还可以带点物事回去吃吃。老朝就觉 像都不算可以建在学校周围的,衣服 jealous. I envy the young students who 着啥物事侪呒。唯一箇变化就是因为 店,水果店,可能是因为觉得吵,现 are studying there now. Many students 搿搭箇变化实在忒大了,让我觉着我 在越来越开放了,什么都可以。现在 already graduated and left the school, 对伊已经呒嘎熟悉了。 连乐器中心也开在周边。如果说以前 No. 2 Quyang Middle School a year 就有的话,我肯定会来学的。 before I left. Many of my classmates [26:18] 勒辣箇么大箇水果店里面, went to good high schools. It has 有老多老多个水果,这侪是老朝勒辣 [27:29] 其实应该说,自从我初中搬 changed a lot. Before I started middle 搿搭读书箇辰光想弗汏到箇,周围邪 出去以后就很少回来。现在回来看的 school there, I thought the facilities of 气多箇便利店、小店、咖啡店啥物事 话呢,就觉得很多东西都变掉了。但 my elementary school were better. I 32

Quyang Lu 箇。搿应该讲勒辣老早,我也弗晓得 是啥辰光好像侪弗可以造勒辣学校周 围箇,衣裳店,水果店,大概是因为 觉着吵,现在越来越开放了,啥物事 侪可以。现在连乐器中心也开勒辣周 边。要是讲老朝就有箇话设施,我肯 定会来学箇。

[27:29] 其实应该讲,自从我初中搬 出去之后就老少回来。现在回来看箇 话呢,就觉着邪气多物事侪变脱了。 勿过一记头发觉,搿搭其实最大箇变 化应该是,天气热了,勿过侬勒辣搿 搭再看一圈箇话,还是觉着比老朝适 意一点,因为箇绿荫多了老多。老朝 搿搭侪是弗种草箇,现在半开放式箇 地方,虽然讲拿墙头敲脱了,变成一 根根管子,勿过侬会的发觉,透过种 了 老 多 箇 树 嘛 , 可 能 讲 以 后 跑 800 米、跑 400 米箇学生应该就弗会觉着 嘎吃力。箇个辰光真觉着跑步是最吃 力箇事体。因为现在勒辣看操场,所 以呢第一个反应就是老朝做箇运动, 踢足球畀跑步。

是一下子发觉,这里的其实最大的变 化应该是,天气热了,但你在这里再 看一圈的话,还是觉得比以前舒服 点,因为那绿荫多了很多。以前这里 都是不种草的,现在半开放式的地 方,虽然说把墙敲掉,变成一根根管 子,但是你会觉得,透过的话,种了 很 多 的 树 嘛 , 可 能 说 以 后 跑 800 米 跑 400 米 的 学 生 应 该 就 不 会 那 么 的 累。那个时候真觉得跑步是最累的事 情。因为现在在看操场,所以呢第一 个反应就是以前做的运动,踢足球和 跑步。

[28:43] 在这里,因为我以前成绩不

是很好,所以有很多朋友都帮助过 我。那个时候最初的时候,跑道都是 用土用泥做的,所以在这里跑步特别 吃力。那时候我也不知道为什么,初 中开始的三级跳,每次做运动的时候 都会觉得回去要变得很脏。之后从初 二开始变成做塑胶跑道后就很好,觉 得就想跑,是因为变得漂亮了嘛。然 后还有地漏,雨水来了就会直接下 去。这样感觉就更加好了。所以应该 [28:43] 勒辣搿搭,因为我老朝成绩 说从初二之后就变掉了,但是应该说 弗是老好,所以有老多朋友侪帮助过 我们学校保持得很好,所以这样看上 我。箇个辰光是最初箇辰光,跑道侪 去还是蛮舒服的。 是用土、用泥做箇,所以勒辣搿搭跑 步特别吃力。搿辰光我也弗晓得为 [ 在赤峰路密云路路口停。] 啥,初中开始箇三级跳,每趟做运动 33

used to complain about it with my mother, whining about why come I ended up here. My mother used to say, ‘It’s close to where we live and in the school district, isn’t that good?’. So I accepted it and started my middle school here.

[22:55] I noticed that by the time I entered my last year there, the school started to do some renovations. When my mother came to school for parent's meetings when I graduated, she was amazed too. It went beyond her imaginations too. In the evenings, the magnesium lights would turn on and the beautiful landscape looked like a stage setting. The quality of faculties have improved too. It has always been a good school and the quality facilities have caught up with the quality of the faculty. [Turn left on to Yutian Lu.]

[23:40] The most interesting thing is

that there were no shops around here. But you can see many food places like wonton shops, book shops and even clothing stores. The surrounding neighborhood is getting better. I used



Quyang Lu


曲阳路 箇辰光侪会觉着回去要变得老腻心。 之后从初二开始变成做塑胶跑道后就 老好,觉着就想跑,是因为变得漂亮 了嘛。之后还有地漏,雨水来了就会 直接冲下去。这样感觉就更加好了。 所以应该讲从初二之后就变脱了,应 该讲阿拉学堂保持得老好,所以箇样 子看上去还是蛮适意箇。 [ 在赤峰路密云路路口停。]

[29:59] 现在因为勒辣小区外头,所

以有一种畀箇搭已经有隔勒嗨箇感 觉,其实应该讲心里向还有一部分是 属于搿搭箇,因为老早真个觉着蹲勒 辣搿搭是邪气骄傲箇一桩事体。上海 最初箇辰光,箇搭一块地方侪是农 田,侪是种吃箇物事箇地方,种菜箇 地方,之后箇搭是第一块先变过来, 变成商业居住区。而且箇个辰光, 80 年代初箇辰光,邓小平也勒辣搿 搭特地做过视察,就会的觉着蹲勒辣 搿搭邪气骄傲箇。外加箇个辰光搿搭 还属于真正城镇发展起来箇,应该是 城市正真发展起来箇地方,因为老朝 搿搭一块发展起来之后,蛮享受箇个 感觉 城市里人 现在再回来看有种感 觉比不上 感觉周边还是农田,还是 老自然个物事。你就会的觉着蹲了搿 搭,就像真正的城市人,看外面个风 景呢,又觉着有自然个物事可以看,

[29:59] 现在因为在小区外面,所以 to go all the way to the Xinhua 有一种和那里已经有隔离着的感觉, 但其实应该是心里还有一部分是属于 这里的,因为以前真的觉得住在这里 是很骄傲的一件事情。上海最初的时 候,这一块地方都是农田,都是种吃 的东西的地方,种菜的地方,这是第 一块先变过来,变成商业居住区。而 且那个时候,80 年代初的时候,邓 小平也在这里特地做过视察,所以觉 得住在这里很骄傲的。而且那个时候 这里还属于真正城镇发展起来的,应 该是城市发展起来的地方,因为以前 这里一块发展起来之后,周边其实还 没有发展起来。周边还是农田,还是 很自然的东西。你就会觉得住在这 里,就像真正的城市人,但是看外面 的风景呢,又觉得有自然的东西可以 看,有一种很享受的感觉,对于城市 人想要的呢也有了,乡村人拥有的这 种环境什么的,在这里也能有,所以 就觉得,那个时候真的很不错。现在 回来看这里也是变得越来越好了,虽 然,有些地方和以前比比不上,可能 是一种感觉比不上,因为以前校门口 的这些小摊啊什么的,也可能因为现 在是暑假,但的确现在是很少看到 了,因为刚刚走过的弄堂以前无论是 不是暑假去都有的,这种感觉味道变 得淡了一点,以前记得在那里和外婆 吃很多的臭豆腐干,两个人可以吃十

Bookstore on Quyang Road across my house to buy a drink or some teaching materials. Now, you can buy almost everything you want just outside of the school. There are good stores around here. Sometimes I like to think that it would be nice if I can come here again.

[24:37] This area used to be half-open, instead of a wide-open place like now. By the time I left here, the walls nearby were quite enclosed. You could only see a fraction of what the school looked like. Now, you can almost all of it. On the weekends, this space turns into a community sports center. Before, it was only a school, now it plays a role in the community inviting people in the surrounding areas together to know more about it. As a result, parents tend to trust the school more with their children. [Turn left on Miyun Lu.]

[25:46] It is also worth mentioning that there were no fruit shops around here in the past. Nothing. It’s good to have some shops like these nowadays so you can buy some fruits on your way 36

Quyang Lu 有一种蛮享受个感觉,对于城市人想 要的呢也有了,乡村人拥有箇种环境 啥物事呢,勒辣搿搭侪可以有,所以 就觉着,挨个辰光真的老勿错。现在 再回来看搿搭也是变得越来越好了, 虽然,有些地方畀老早比反而比勿 上,可能是一种感觉比勿上,因为老 朝校门口的这些小摊头啊啥物事,也 可能因为现在是暑假,但的确现在是 老少看到了,因为刚刚走过箇弄堂老 朝勿管是勿是暑假侪有箇,箇种感觉 味道变勒淡了一点,以前记得勒辣搿 搭畀外婆吃老多箇臭豆腐干,两家头 可以吃十根左右,现在箇样子箇店呒 么了,感觉蛮可惜的,只有部分的几 个门店还勒辣,现在仔细看了看,就 箇能介走过了,密云路,搿搭是赤峰 路,迓下去会看到对面箇老房子。箇 些老房子老早侪是老破箇,现在是越 造越好了,箇是因为动迁以后能跟搿 搭 个 政 府一道 办 箇一条 文 物 风 情 街 嘛,感觉蛮先进箇块地方,箇条街老 早卖的是侪是小零小碎物事,现在真 个是风情街咯。


根左右,现在这样的店没有了,感觉 很可惜的,只有部分的几个还在,现 在仔细的看了,就这样走过了,密云 路,这里的是赤峰路,接下来会看到 对面的老房子。这些老房子以前是很 破的,现在是越来越好了,因为动迁 以后能跟这里政府一起办的什么,一 条街,文化一条街,感觉很先进,在 那里那以前卖的是很小零小碎的东 西,现在真的是风情街了。

back from school. The only change around here is that it has changed so much that it has become a place I can barely recognize.

[26:18] The fruit shops sell all kinds of fruits. There are many convenience stores, small shops, and cafes nearby — all of which are something we could not imagine going to when we went to school here, or generally in the past. These shops were not allowed to be built near the school perhaps because they were noisy, but this place has become more inclusive nowadays. You can see all kinds of shops, even a musical instrument center. If there was anything similar like that during the time I was here, I would surely go and learn some music. [27:29] Actually since I graduated

middle school, I have rarely come back here so when I visit this place now, I see a lot of things have changed. The biggest change might be the climate. It’s getting hotter. If you look again though, you can feel it’s more comfortable around here. There are more green trees than before. It used to just be bare land here. They have



Quyang Lu pulled down the walls, and replaced them with fences. You can see many trees through this fence. Students must feel more comfortable when they do an 800-meter or 400-meter run under the shade of those trees. I used to think that running was the most exhausting thing in the world, but now when I see the environment around here, I feel like doing some sports like football or running.

[28:43] I did poorly in P.E. when I was at school. Many friends had helped me with that. I remember that the sports tracks were made of clay so it was really difficult to run on these tracks. I didn’t know why, but in middle school, I got really dirty each time I finished doing sports, like hop, skip, and jump. Then they replaced the tracks with plastic runways at the start of my second year. I liked it and began to like running. Then they built floor drain to drain the rain water, which made it feel even better. So it’s fair to say that since my second year in middle school, the school renovated the whole place to make it look better and feel more comfortable. 39



Quyang Lu [Stop at the Chifeng Lu intersection.]

[29:59] Now we are outside the neighborhood. You may feel like you are isolated from everything that’s inside. I feel like part of me belongs here. I really feel proud to have lived here. In the early days when Shanghai started to develop, this area used to be farmland, planted with food and vegetation. Then it was among the first places to turn into commercial and residential areas. In the early 80s, even Deng Xiaoping came here for a special field trip, so I think it’s something big to have lived here. This area started to develop before the surrounding areas that were only farmlands and nature began to take off. Living in this area used to give you the feeling that you had the lifestyles and habits of living in the cities, while surrounded by nature. It was quite enjoyable to live in an idyllic environment while still able to have all the things you need like the urbanites. We can see that things are getting even better nowadays, even though sometimes it feels like it got worse. For example, there are fewer small stalls gathered around the school gate. Maybe it’s partly because of the 41



Quyang Lu summer vacation that the stall keepers all went home. In the past, there were many shops dotted along the alley we just went by, no matter if it was vacation time or not. I remember I used to eat a lot of 'stinky' tofu with my grandma. The two of us could easily finish 10 strings of them. It’s a pity that most of the shops like these are gone now. Only a couple of them are still around. We just walked through Miyun Road, here we are on Chifeng Road, and later we will see the old houses on the opposite side. They used to be shabbylooking buildings but things are getting better these days. After the demolition, the planning of this place will be incorporated into government projects, to build a cultural street. It gives out the feeling that it is going to make things more organized and attractive instead of just a few temporary stalls scattered here and there like in the past.




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