Growing Up With Shanghai- Fengjing | 与沪成长- 枫泾

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Growing Up With Shanghai 与沪长城 枫泾 Fengjing Huating Lu 华亭路

Recorded and Edited by Terence LLoren Photos by Weina Li Shanghainese Transcription by Jenny Zhang Growing Up With Shanghai- Fengjing, No. 6, June 2016. Published by BIVOUAC RECORDING. This book (contents, images, and design) is Copyright 2016 Bivouac Recording and may not be reproduced without permission. The audio is released under the Creative Commons License BY-NC-SA and is free to download and share as long as they are: credited to 'Bivouac Recording', are for non-commercial use, and must be under the same license if used in your work. Bivouac Recording still retains the copyright of these recordings. 'Growing Up WIth Shanghai' is a Bivouac Recording project.

1- Fengjing Park [ 枫泾公园 ] 2- Local Food Market [ 菜场 ] 3- Xinhua Bookstore [ 新华书店 ] 4- Fengjing old town [ 枫泾古镇门框 ] 5- Taiping Bridge [ 泰平桥 ] 6- Snack area at old theater [ 古戏台小吃的地方 ] 7- People's Commune Building [ 人民公社 ] 8- 3 Bridges Intersection [ 三桥广场 ] 9- Shi Wang Temple [ 施王庙 ] 10- Qingfeng Bridge [ 清风桥 ] 录音师,编辑:罗天瑞 摄影师:李威娜 吴语译音:张依群 与 沪 成 长 — 枫 泾 ,2016 年 6 月 。BIVOUAC RECORDING 出版。本刊物为双月刊。该书版权属于。未 经 许 可 不 得 翻 印 。 该 音 频 在 Creative Commons License BY–NC–ND 下发布。 该音频均可免费下载与分享,但 必须符合以下条件:标明版权属于 ‘Bivouac Recording’ 所有;非商业性用途;不进行任意修改。Bivouac Recording 仍保留此作品的版权。与沪成长是 Bivouac Recording 的一 个项目。在中国上海记录设计。

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About GUWS

“ 与沪成长 ” 是一系列与上海年轻 人一起完成的 “ 声音漫步之旅 ”。 他们生于 80 和 90 年代,这些语音不 仅记载了他们对成长之地的亲切回忆 也从讲述者的角度对地理地点讲行过 去和现在的对比。同时讲述者会通过 本身的成长经历也反映了过去 30 年 里上海的讲步与发展。这些实地录音 由讲述人操沪语完成同时录音也捕捉 纪录到当日真实的环境声音供世界各 地的听者感同身受。

“Growing Up With Shanghai” is a series of soundwalks with young Shanghainese who were born and raised during the rapid modernization of their city in the 1980s and 1990s. These recordings capture not only their most intimate memories as they grew up, but, when contrasted with the present state of each location, also reveal the progress and growth Shanghai has undergone in the past 30 years. The current sounds of Shanghai, including that of the Shanghainese dialect, create a comprehensive present-day audio document that future generations can experience.








本书为《与沪成长 — 枫泾》语音文 档的辅助文本。书中记录语音文档中 对话译音,对照英文翻译,地点照片 以及与语音文档相符的路线图。

This book is a supplement to the Growing Up With Shanghai- Fēngjīng audio track. It contains dialog transcripts and translations, area photographs, and a route map.

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The three transcriptions / translations in this book follow this format on each page with text: Shanghainese transcription (left column); Putonghua translation (center column); English translation (right column). As you walk, feel free to upload your thoughts and images onto the project pages on Facebook or Weibo by scanning the corresponding QR codes on the left.




录于 2009 年 8 月 2 日下午 2:31。

录于 2009 年 8 月 2 日下午 2:31。

Recorded August 2, 2009 at 2:31 p.m.

几乎走散了三个小时后,我终于和 Lemon、 她 的 姐 姐 、 她 的 男 朋 友 Jason 在枫泾镇重逢。实际上,枫泾 镇离上海大约还有一个小时的路程。 枫泾镇是一个古老的江南水乡,就在 上海与浙江交界的地方,已有几百年 的历史。这个小镇经历了惊人的变 化,现在已经被修葺一新,更加受游 客的青睐,但它仍然保留了本土特有 的风情。与其他江南水乡相比,来这 里的游客不算多,所以游客喜欢到此 一日游,放松心境。这次漫步是我们 最喜欢的旅行之一,因为这是我们在 上海之外的唯一一次旅行,加上我们 与 Lemon 和 她 姐 姐 的 谈 话 十 分 风 趣,十分欢畅。她们谈到了在小河里 抓小龙虾,吃烤青蛙,还有那摇摇晃 晃的趸船,所有这些描述都充满了欢 声笑语。神秘的小道、令人心旷神怡 的风景、简约的乡村生活,让人觉得 这是个不容错过的好地方。

几乎走散了三个小时后,我终于和 Lemon、 她 的 姐 姐 、 她 的 男 朋 友 Jason 在枫泾镇重逢。实际上,枫泾 镇离上海大约还有一个小时的路程。 枫泾镇是一个古老的江南水乡,就在 上海与浙江交界的地方,已有几百年 的历史。这个小镇经历了惊人的变 化,现在已经被修葺一新,更加受游 客的青睐,但它仍然保留了本土特有 的风情。与其他江南水乡相比,来这 里的游客不算多,所以游客喜欢到此 一日游,放松心境。这次漫步是我们 最喜欢的旅行之一,因为这是我们在 上海之外的唯一一次旅行,加上我们 与 Lemon 和 她 姐 姐 的 谈 话 十 分 风 趣,十分欢畅。她们谈到了在小河里 抓小龙虾,吃烤青蛙,还有那摇摇晃 晃的趸船,所有这些描述都充满了欢 声笑语。神秘的小道、令人心旷神怡 的风景、简约的乡村生活,让人觉得 这是个不容错过的好地方。

After almost three hours of getting lost, I finally meet Lemon, her sister, and her boyfriend, Jason at Feng Jing town which is actually about one hour outside of Shanghai. Fēngjīng is another ancient water town right on the Shanghai – Zhèjiāng border and its history dates back several centuries.

她们的方言与上海话有点不一样,普 通话词汇较多,中间夹杂着少量与典 型的上海话听起来不一样的方言词 汇,让人不由得想起上海之大以及上 海城之外还有许多美丽的地方值得一 游。

她们的方言与上海话有点不一样,普 通话词汇较多,中间夹杂着少量与典 型的上海话听起来不一样的方言词 汇,让人不由得想起上海之大以及上 海城之外还有许多美丽的地方值得一 游。

This small town has gone through some amazing changes. The water town area has been renovated and is more tourist friendly but still maintains its local vibe. Not as many tourists come through here as compared to some other water towns so it is still a relaxing day trip destination. This walk is one of our favorites, not only because it is the only walk we recorded that was outside of Shanghai city, but also because of the playful and animated dialog of Lemon and her sister. They talk of catching crawfish in the stream, eating Xūnlāsī (roast frog), and falling down stairs – all with a laugh and a smile. The sometimes mysterious alleyways, delightful views, and the easy country life make this a place not





枫泾 如果您仅仅想体验一次漫步,就选这 如果您仅仅想体验一次漫步,就选这 to miss. 段录音吧。 段录音吧。 Their dialect is a bit different from the 起点 : 从枫溪公园开始。勒新泾路上 起点 : 从枫溪公园开始。在新泾路上 Shanghainese spoken in the city. More 位于楓丽路畀白牛路中间。 位于楓丽路和白牛路中间。 Mandarin words are mixed in with a few local words that may not even 孟雪芳 : 箇搭是枫泾公园,是我小辰 孟雪芳 : 这里是枫泾公寓,是我小时 sound like typical Shanghainese. It’s a 光最欢喜来孛相嗰地方。初中嗰辰光 候最喜欢来玩的地方。初中的时候我 pleasant reminder of how large the 阿拉就会买老多吃嗰,来箇搭野餐, 们就会买很多吃的,来这里野餐,这 Shanghai province is and that there are 箇一边有块老大嗰草坪,阿拉会采购 一边有块很大的草坪,我们会采购很 many amazing places to visit outside of 老多物事。畀同学们来箇搭孛相老开 多东西。和同学们来这里玩很开心。 the city. 心。 [0:25] 双休日的时候呢 ~ If you only go on one of the walks, [0:25] 双休日嗰辰光呢 ~ 孟云芳 : (附和:)嗯,是 make this the one. 孟云芳 : (附畀:)嗯,是 孟雪芳 : 带点餐具啊,蔬菜啦 … 小 孟雪芳 : 带点餐具啊,蔬菜啦 … 小 朋友都喜欢吃的火腿肉等这样的东 Starting Point: In front of the Fēngxī 朋友侪欢喜吃嗰火腿肉等各样嗰物 西,到这里野餐。有时候会叫上老师 Park entrance [ 枫溪公园 ] on Xīnjīng 事,到箇搭野餐。有辰光会叫上老师 一起。这样大家都很有兴趣,大家会 Road [ 新泾路 ]. 一道。箇样大家侪老有兴趣,大家会 围成一个圈,做游戏,吃东西。 围成一嗰圈,做游戏,吃物事。 Lemon: This is Fēngjīng Park [ 枫 泾 [0:52] ( 有点说不下去,在思考 ) 放 公 园 ] [Map #1], I used to come here a [0:52] ( 有点讲弗下去,勒思考 ) 放 学之后是我们来的最多的,学习蛮紧 lot when I was young. During Junior 学之后是阿拉来嗰最多嗰,学习蛮紧 张的,大家放学就来玩,放松,小朋 High we would buy a lot of snacks and 张嗰,大家放学就来孛相,放松,小 友们做做游戏,荡荡秋千,结伴在街 have a picnic here on that big lawn. We 朋友们做做游戏,荡荡秋千,结伴勒 上晃悠,有时候甚至会穿上溜冰鞋去 would buy so much and everyone 街道上晃悠,有辰光甚至会穿上溜冰 街上溜两圈,觉得 “ 特别爽 ”。其 would enjoy it so much here. 鞋 去 街 道 上 溜 两 圈 , 觉 着 “ 特 别 实呢 — 技术不是特别好 …… 这里有 爽 ” 。 实 际 呢 技 术 弗 是 特 别 好 小时候最美好的记忆。 [0:25] On the weekends, right? …… 箇搭有小辰光最美好嗰记忆。 [Asking sister.] [1:38] ( 孟雪芳想让孟云芳说她小时 Yun Fang: Mmm…. [1:38] ( 孟雪芳想让孟云芳讲伊小辰 候的事,最后还是孟雪芳在说 ) 枫泾 Lemon: During weekends [Yun Fang: 6

Fengjing 光嗰事,最后还是孟雪芳勒讲 ) 枫泾 公寓出来,是个小菜场,这里是爸爸 agrees] we would even bring utensils, 公园出来,是嗰小菜场,箇搭是爸爸 妈妈在我小时候经常来买菜的地方。 vegetables, ham, and other things that 妈妈勒我小辰光经常来买菜嗰地方。 kids would love to eat, and come here [1:58] ( 不知道在讨论什么,估计是 for picnic. Sometimes our teachers [1:58] ( 弗晓得勒讨论啥么事,估计 提醒换个人讲,于是孟云芳开始说 ) would join us as well. Everyone was in 是提醒换嗰人讲,于是孟云芳开始 这里就是菜场 [Map #2],小时候我非 a great mood. We would sit in a circle 讲 ) 箇里就是菜场 [Map #2],小辰光 常喜欢吃鱼,星期六星期天,就让爸 and play games as we ate. 我非常欢喜吃鱼,星期六星期天,就 爸妈妈来这里买鱼,还有虾。每个礼 让爸爸妈妈来箇搭买鱼,还有虾。每 拜休息的时候爸爸妈妈就会做很多菜 [0:52] We came here mostly after 嗰礼拜休息嗰辰光爸爸妈妈就会做老 给我吃。那时候就觉得很开心,要吃 school. Studying was very intense so 多菜畀我吃。迭辰光就觉着老开心, 这个要吃那个 ( 都能吃到 )。这个菜 everyone came here to have fun and 要吃箇嗰要吃迭嗰 ( 侪能吃到 )。箇 场在我小时候是很混乱的,一个摊一 relax. We played games together, sat on 嗰菜场勒我小辰光是老混乱嗰,一嗰 个 摊 的 摆 ( 各 自 为 政 的 , 参 差 不 齐 the swings, hung out on the street, and 摊位一嗰摊位嗰摆 ( 各自为政嗰,参 的 ) 。近几年呢,就把他综治 ( 综合 sometimes we would go to the roller 差弗齐嗰 ) 。近几年呢,就拿伊综治 整治 ) 起来了。综治起来之后就很干 skate park to skate a couple rounds. It ( 综合整治 ) 起来了。综治起来之后 净的,把水果蔬菜鱼肉这些都分开 just felt real cool. Actually, we weren’t 就老清爽嗰,拿水果蔬菜鱼肉箇些侪 ( 规 类 了 )。小时候这里是很混乱 ( really good at skating… but these were 分开 ( 规类了 )。小辰光箇搭是老混 脏乱 ) 的。比如,你一进来就会一脚 wonderful memories. 乱 ( 脏乱 ) 嗰。比方,侬一踏进来就 踩 进 水 里 , 还 会 溅 起 来 , 淋 你一 会一脚踏进水里,还会溅起来,淋侬 身 。( 这 个 菜 场 ) 就 是 比 较 邋 ( 遢 [1:38][ Lemon urges her sister to speak, 一身。( 箇嗰菜场 ) 就是比较邋 ( 遢 ), ),不是很干净的。现在就很干净, finally Lemon continues.][Cross Xīnjīng 弗是老干净嗰。现在就老干净,而且 而且大家都靠这个致富了。卖菜什么 Lù, walk towards market.] There is a little 大家侪靠箇嗰致富了。卖菜什么嗰 的 ( 收益 ) 都蛮好的。这里分水果、 local food market right outside the ( 收益 ) 侪蛮好嗰。箇搭分水果、豆 豆制品、水产品、蔬菜、肉类,最里 Fēngjīng Apartments. This is where my 制品、水产品、蔬菜、肉类,最里向 面的是熟食。还有水果摊都是分开摆 parents used to buy all their ingredients 嗰是熟食。还有水果摊侪是分开摆 的,蛮干净的。所以我们周末回家有 for meals when I was young. 嗰,蛮清爽嗰。所以阿拉周末回去有 时候就喜欢和爸爸妈妈一起逛菜场, 辰光就欢喜畀爸爸妈妈一道逛菜场, ( 买了菜 ) 回去一起烧烧。现在长大 [1:58][Discussing where to go…] This ( 买了菜 ) 回去一道烧烧。现在长大 了,会做菜了,难得回家就会和他们 is the local food market. [Map #2] I 了,会烧菜了,难板回来一趟就会畀 一起买了菜 ( 回家 ) 烧,很开心。 loved eating fish when I was young. 伊 拉一道 买 了 菜 ( 回 去 ) 烧 , 老 开 Every Saturday and Sunday, I would 7



Fengjing 心。

[3:50] ( 孟云芳让孟雪芳来说她喜欢 ask my parents to get fresh fish and 吃的东西 ) 就像我妹妹她喜欢吃鱼, shrimps from here. My parents would

[3:50] ( 孟云芳让孟雪芳来讲伊欢喜 因为她在武汉读书,每次她回家,爸 make so many different dishes for me 吃嗰物事 ) 就像我妹妹伊欢喜吃鱼, 因为伊勒武汉读书,每次伊回家,爸 爸妈妈侪会畀伊买鱼,新鲜嗰。还有 伊喜欢吃嗰虾啦、海鲜啦,(妹妹) 一顿能吃老多只蟹。

[4:13] ( 妹妹抗议,提醒要讲特色小

吃 ) 箇搭最出名嗰就是 “ 熏拉 丝 ” ,五月份嗰辰光,老多人会到 箇来 ( 吃 “ 熏拉丝 ”),一天可能卖 出几百吨嗰 “ 熏拉丝 ”,就是阿拉 以前称作 “ 癞蛤蟆 ” 嗰。可能其他 地方呒人会吃,但是箇搭嗰人最最欢 喜吃嗰就是箇物事。因为老鲜,因为 是 勒 田 里 吃 虫 嗰 。 欢 喜 吃 (“ 熏 拉 丝 ”) 嗰人就特别嗰欢喜吃,每次侪 会买十几斤嗰回去!像我妹妹就老欢 喜吃箇物事,伊每趟回来侪会带老多 箇物事。前面嗰水果摊是特别便宜 嗰。

[4:56] ( 空 白 ) 因 为 箇 搭 水 果 侪 是 (

果农老板 ) 自己种嗰,所以水果摊上 水果嗰价格侪老便宜。箇搭嗰桃子、 西瓜水份侪老多嗰。到了夏天,( 我 畀妹妹 ) 侪欢喜回来买箇种物事 ( 西 瓜、桃子等 ) 吃。价廉物美,性价比 高! 9

爸妈妈都会给她买鱼,新鲜的。还有 every weekend. It was such a happy 她喜欢吃的虾啦、海鲜啦,(妹妹) feeling, I wanted to eat this and that 一顿能吃很多只蟹。 and I could have them all. This local food market was very messy when I [4:13] ( 妹妹抗议,提醒要说特色小 was young. They would sell their own 吃 ) 这 里 最 出 名 的 就 是 “ 熏 拉 things haphazardly and everything was 丝 ” ,五月份的时候,很多人会到 all over the place. Recently, they have 这来 ( 吃 “ 熏拉丝 ”),一天可能能 begun to centrally manage the market. 卖几百吨的 “ 熏拉丝 ”,就是我们 They have grouped fruit and veggies to 以前称作 “ 癞蛤蟆 ” 的。可能别的 one section, raw meat and fish in 地方没有人会吃,但是这里的人最最 another. It is a lot cleaner here now 喜欢吃的就是这东西。因为很鲜,因 than when I was young. I remember 为是在田里吃虫的。喜欢吃 (“ 熏拉 there used to be dirty water everywhere 丝 ”) 的人就特别的喜欢吃,每次都 and if you didn’t pay attention, you 会买十几斤的回去!像我妹妹就很喜 would step in something you didn’t 欢吃这东西,她每次回来都会带很多 want to. Now it is a lot cleaner and a lot 这东西。前面的水果摊是特别便宜 of the old merchants here have made a 的。 small fortune. They have a fruit section, bean product section, seafood section, [4:56] ( 空 白 ) 因 为 这 里 水 果 都 是 ( vegetable section, meat section, and 果农老板 ) 自己种的,所以水果摊上 even some cooked foods can be bought 水果的价格都很便宜。这里的桃子、 inside. It is very clean now. I used to 西瓜水份都很多的。到了夏天,( 我 walk here sometimes during the 和妹妹 ) 都喜欢回来买这种东西 ( 西 weekends with my parents. After we 瓜、桃子等 ) 吃。价廉物美,性价比 bought the food, we would go home 高! and cook together. Even though I am older and know how to cook for [5:28] ( 走进死路,在找方向 ) [ 走出 myself, I still buy and cook the food


[5:28] ( 走进死路,勒寻方向 ) [ 走出 菜市场走向枫丽路 ] 面前这个菜场。 together with my parents once in a 菜市场走向枫丽路 ] 面前箇嗰菜场。 小辰光虽然弗欢喜做家务,现在慢慢 大了,也欢喜帮爸爸妈妈烧几嗰菜。 等自家上班了,才发觉爸爸妈妈以前 汏汏烧烧还蛮辛苦嗰,所以想让伊拉 轻松点,会烧点自家欢喜吃嗰菜,屋 里向人欢喜吃嗰菜。

小时候虽然不喜欢做家务,但是现在 慢慢大了,也喜欢帮爸爸妈妈烧几个 菜。等自己上班了,才发觉爸爸妈妈 以前打打扫扫还蛮辛苦的,所以想让 他们轻松点,会烧点自己喜欢吃的 菜,家人喜欢吃的菜。

欢喜吃嗰是 “ 荷兰豆 ”。但是讲弗 清楚迭叫啥豆,妈妈就告诉我迭叫 “ 碧油豆 ”(音译),现在就(对勒 菜场里认菜)存在了忒多嗰记忆。小 辰光对蔬菜名老生疏,从来弗做家 务,从来呒买过菜。

不清楚那叫什么豆,妈妈就告诉我那 叫 “ 碧 油 豆 ” ( 音 译 ), 现 在 就 (对在菜场里认菜)存在特别多的记 忆。小时候对蔬菜名很生疏,从来不 做家务,从来没买过菜。

while, it is truly a lot of fun!

[3:50] My sister loves seafood, but she

is studying in Wǔhàn, so every time she comes home, my parents will buy all kinds of fresh seafood for her. She can eat so many crabs!

[6:04] ( 空白 ) 我记得自己小时候最 [6:04] ( 空白 ) 我记得自家小辰光最 喜欢吃的是 “ 荷兰豆 ”。但还是说 [4:13][Younger sister protests, and

[6:30] ( 空 白 ) 现 在 自 己 慢 慢 长 大 [6:30] ( 空 白 ) 现 在 自 家 慢 慢 长 大 了,也到了该成家的年纪了,就想着

reminds Lemon to talk about the ‘famous’ snack.] The most famous snack here is ‘Xūnlāsī’ [ 熏 拉 丝 ] . In May, a lot of people would come here to eat that. They would sell lots and lots of ‘Xūnlāsī’ during that time. ‘Xūnlāsī’ is basically a roasted toad, maybe not that many people would eat it at other places, but this is a delicacy amongst people who live around here. They are tasty because they eat the bugs from the fields which gives them added flavor. People who love ‘Xūnlāsī’ get addicted to them: they will eat over 5 kg each time. My younger sister is a big fan. Every time she is back home, she will eat a lot and even bring a lot with her when she leaves.

了,也到了该成家嗰年纪了,就想着 都要学起来了。 侪要学起来了。 [6:46] ( 指导接下去说什么 ) 现在我 [6:46] ( 指导接下去讲什么 ) 现在阿 们从菜场走出来了,这条路以前一下 拉从菜场走出来了,箇条路以前一下 雨就都是积水。开发的比较晚,都是 雨就侪是积水。开发嗰比较晚,侪是 泥土。现在政府规划得很好,马路很 烂泥。现在政府规划得老好,马路老 干净,两边都开了专卖店。还有中国 干净,两边侪开了专卖店。还有中国 移动,便利店,超市什么的都开出来 移动,便利店,超市啥嗰侪开出来 了。因为我是在上海的,每次回家都 了。因为我是勒上海嗰,每趟回来侪 会在这条街上逛两圈,就感受一下, 会勒箇条街上逛两圈,就感受一下, 蛮开心的。 蛮开心嗰。 [4:56] This fruit stand is very cheap because the owner of this stand grows 10



孟云芳 : [ 转孟云芳 ] [ 枫丽路望右转 ] 再望前走,就是古镇,大概是初一 辰光开始建设嗰。大概有三四条街, 从初一嗰辰光看着它慢慢造起来,感 觉老亲切。古镇还有嗰古戏台,平常 每周侪有人勒唱戏,蛮多老人勒迭搭 看戏,生活嗰老惬意。


孟雪芳 : ( 催促孟雪芳望前走 ) 箇搭 是爿新华书店 [Map #3],以前是爿老 小嗰书店。老欢喜来箇搭,小辰光我 特别欢喜看书。


孟云芳 : [ 转孟云芳 ] [ 枫丽路往右转 ] 再往前走,就是古镇,大概是初一时 候开始建设的。大概有三四条街,从 初一的时候看着它慢慢建起来,感觉 很亲切。古镇还有个古戏台,平常每 周都有人在唱戏,蛮多老人在那看 戏,生活的很惬意。


孟雪芳 : ( 催促孟雪芳往前走 ) 这里 是间新华书店 [Map #3],以前是间很 小的书店。很喜欢来这里,小时候我 特别喜欢看书。

[8:33] ( 汽车鸣笛打断 ) 小辰光老师 [8:33] ( 汽车鸣笛打断 ) 小时候老师

会布置课外作业 看外国文学。我记 得我勒箇搭看嗰第一本名著,就是 《红与黑》,印象老深,因为哪能看 侪看弗懂。因为是镇上唯一嗰一间书 店,所以(店内)小孩子老多。特别 是星期六、星期天,现在可能已经呒 有啥小囡会勒箇搭看书了。当时由于 业余生活(课余嗰娱乐活动)比较 少,所以阿拉会勒箇搭消耗(消磨) 掉老多辰光。漫画,像是《机器猫》 啥嗰,小囡钞票(零用钱)有限,弗 可能买整套嗰箇种物事 — 连环画啥 嗰。箇搭就是唯一一嗰省钱书店阿姨 又弗会讲侬嗰地方!几嗰小朋友各自 看完还会回去交换心得,会扮演弗一 11

会布置看外国文学。我记得我在这里 看的第一本名著,就是《红与黑》, 印象很深,因为怎么看都看不懂。因 为是镇上唯一的一间书店,所以(店 内)小孩子很多。特别是星期六星期 天,现在可能已经没有什么孩子会在 这里看书了。但当时由于业余生活 (课余的娱乐活动)比较少,所以我 们会在这里消耗(消磨)掉很多时 间。漫画,像是《机器猫》什么的, 小孩子因为资金(零用钱)有限,不 可能买整套的这种东西 — 连环画什 么的。这里就是唯一一个省钱书店阿 姨又不会说你的地方!几个小朋友各 自看完还会回家交换心得,会扮演不

his own fruit. The peaches and watermelons sold here are very juicy. When it is summer, we love to come here and buy them. The fruits are cheap but are good quality – it’s the best deal you can get around here!

[5:28][Walked into a dead end looking for a way out.] [Walk out of the local market towards Fēnglì Lù.] When I was young, I didn’t like helping with housework. Now that I am older, I will sometimes help my parents cook. After I started working, I realized how hard it must have been for them to clean and cook while still working. I want to help to make their life easier so sometimes I will cook something that we all love.

[6:04] My favorite dish when I was

young was snow peas, but back then I did not know what it was called. My mother would tell me it is called ‘jade oil pea’ 1, now whenever I see it at the markets it gives me very special memories. When I was young I never knew one vegetable’s name from another. I never helped with housework, let alone with buying food.

[6:30] Now that I am older and it is





枫泾 样嗰角色。比方看完了《葫芦娃》, 七嗰人就会扮七嗰角色,勒屋里向 “ 大闹天宫 ”,想想还是老开心嗰 迭辰光。再望前走就是枫泾古镇嗰一 嗰 门 框 [Map #4], 伊 上 面 又 四 嗰 字 “ 唔奴喔哩 ”。“ 唔奴喔哩 ” 勒 枫泾话里就是 “ 阿拉屋里向 ” 嗰意 思。(箇名字里)是有种本地嗰乡土 (气息嗰)闲话勒里向。上海人,外 地人,大家双休日嗰辰光侪欢喜来孛 相,因为可以休闲游嘛 ~ 还因为 (离市区)老近,高速公路下来就 是。

一样 的 角 色 。 比 如 看 完 了 《 葫 芦 娃 》,七个人就会扮七个角色,在家 里 “ 大闹天宫 ”,想想是很开心的 那时候。再往前走就是枫泾古镇的一 个 门 框 [Map #4], 它 上 面 又 四 个 字 “ 唔奴喔哩 ”。“ 唔奴喔哩 ” 在 枫泾话里就是 “ 我家 ” 的意思。 (这名字里)是有种本地的乡土(气 息的)话在里面。上海人,外地人, 大家双休日的时候都喜欢来玩,因为 (现在)有种休闲游嘛 ~ 还因为(离 市区)很近,高速公路下来就是。

街 ” 。靠近河浜,对面是有嗰 “ 古 戏 台 ” 。当五月一日,十月 一日嗰辰光 ( 台上 ) 是会唱戏嗰。记 得第一年枫泾古镇开放嗰辰光就特别 欢喜到箇搭来。因为可以听到免费嗰 唱古戏,小朋友们侪觉着老好奇。而 且箇搭嗰河道里会有乌蓬船等一些游 玩嗰设备。夏天嗰辰光自己能孛相能 娱乐一下,邪气好。箇条街上有老多 吃嗰!最近一腔老流行嗰就是 “ 熏 拉丝 ” 畀 “ 浜边鱼 ” ( 音译 ) — 河里自己养嗰 ( 鱼 ) 。老鲜美,畀雪 菜一道烧嗰。还有一种蹄膀。枫泾有 四宝,就是 —“ 枫泾丁蹄 ”,“ 豆 腐干 ”,“ 枫泾黄酒 ” 畀 “ 状元 糕 ”。箇四样物事,基本上来 ( 旅

五月一日,十月一日的时候 ( 台上 ) 是会唱戏的。记得第一年枫泾古镇开 放的时候就特别喜欢到这里来。因为 能听到免费的唱古戏,小朋友们都很 好奇。而且这里的河道里会有乌蓬船 等一些游玩的设备。夏天的时候自己 能玩能娱乐一下,非常好。这条街上 有 很 多 吃 的!最 近 很 流 行 的 就 是 “ 熏拉丝 ” 和 “ 浜边鱼 ” ( 音译 ) — 河里自己养的 ( 鱼 ) 。很鲜美,和 雪菜一起烧的。还有一种蹄膀。枫泾 有 四 宝 , 就 是 —“ 枫 泾 丁 蹄 ” , “ 豆腐干 ”,“ 枫泾黄酒 ” 和 “ 状元糕 ”。这四样东西,基本上 来 ( 旅游 ) 的人会一一吃遍,( 因为 ) 味道很好。还有这里,就像你看到

[10:31] ( 走路 ) 这条是 “ 和平街 ” 。 [10:31] ( 走 路 ) 箇 条 街 是 “ 和 平 靠近河,对面是个 “ 古戏台 ”。当

almost time for me to get married, I am now starting to realize that I need to learn how to do these things.

[6:46][Discussing what to say next.]

Now we are walking out of the local food market. This road [Fēnglì Lù] used to get flooded easily because this area was developed relatively late. There was mud everywhere. Now that the government has redeveloped the area, the road is a lot cleaner and a lot of shops have opened like China Mobile, convenience stores, supermarkets, etc… I now live in Shanghai city most of the time, so every time I am home I walk along this street and experience the new changes. It is a great feeling!

[7:42] [Turn right on Fēnglì Lù [ 枫 丽 路 ]. Yun Fang: Ahead of us, is what is called the old town, I think they started redeveloping the town when I was in the 7th grade. It is only about 3 or 4 streets, and because I saw it being renovated, I feel very attached to this place. This old town has an old theater stage. Some people would go up and sing on stage every week, and a lot of 14

Fengjing 游 ) 嗰 人 会一一吃 过 来 ,( 因 为 ) 味 道老好。还有箇搭,就像侬看到嗰 “ 熏拉丝 ”—— 嗰大,肥汁,用了 老多料:生姜,葱等,是用专门嗰炉 子熏出来嗰,箇味道老好。像阿拉平 常吃嗰烧烤,加上孜然嗰味道,就老 好 吃 。 迭 嗰 物 事 也一样 , “ 熏 拉 丝 ”,我自己勒二十岁前是弗欢喜 吃嗰,二十岁以后反而喜欢吃了。可 以降火,是老好嗰物事。现在箇条街 上开了老多店 ,像是:古玩,还有 些瓷器,布艺,“ 老布 ” 做嗰衣 裳,老有特色。欢喜嗰人可以买回 去,看看,弄弄,怀念一下六十年 代,爷爷奶奶伊拉嗰生活。

的 “ 熏 拉 丝 ”—— 个大,肥汁, 用了很多料:生姜,葱等,是用专门 的炉子熏出来的,味道很好。像我们 平常吃的烧烤,加上孜然的味道,就 很 好 。 那 个 东 西 也一样 , “ 熏 拉 丝 ” ,我自己在二十岁前是不喜欢 吃的,二十岁以后反而喜欢吃了。能 降火,是很好的东西。现在这条街上 开了很多店 ,像是:古玩,还有些 瓷器,布艺,“ 老布 ” 做的衣服, 很有特色。喜欢的人可以买回去,看 看,弄弄,怀念一下六十年代,爷爷 奶奶们的生活。

[12:41]( 提 醒 内 容 ) 我 还 记 得 , 我 们 小学的时候,我们几个同学会一起过

[12:41]( 提 醒 内 容 ) 我 还 记 得 , 阿 拉 来。因为有同学是住在这里的,就到 小学嗰辰光,阿拉几嗰同学会一道过 来。因为有同学是蹲勒箇搭嗰,就到 箇搭来孛相。迭辰光古镇还呒开发, 阿拉自己会去附近嗰田里挖几根蚯 蚓 。 用一根 绳 子 , 拿 铅 丝 做一嗰 钩 子,放勒河浜里钓鱼。可能钓上来嗰 侪是 “ 小猫鱼 ”,老小嗰迭种 ( 鱼 ), 但迭辰光心情侪老好!心情老激动, 会拿回家去烧,烧了自己又弗好吃, 因为鱼太小,所以就畀家里嗰小猫吃 了。箇种新鲜、活嗰物事,猫侪欢喜 吃。来孛相过老多趟,也会勒前面一 点去孛相。像是 “ 和平街 ” 过去迭 搭,有一段铁路,铁轨。迭里有条小 15

这里来玩。那时候古镇还没有开发, 我们自己会去附近的田里挖几根蚯 蚓 。 用一根 绳 子 , 把 铅 丝 做一个 钩 子,放在河浜里钓鱼。可能钓上来的 都是 “ 小猫鱼 ”,很小的那种 ( 鱼 ), 但那时候心情都很好!心情很激动, 会拿回家去烧,烧了自己又不能吃, 因为鱼太小,所以就给家里的小猫吃 了。这种腥活的东西,猫都喜欢吃。 来玩过很多次,也会在前面一点玩。 像是 “ 和平街 ” 过去那里,有一段 铁路,铁轨。那里有条小河,我们会 在一早约好了人,去 “ 钓龙虾 ”。 让男生去田里捉二三十只 “ 咯笃 ”

senior citizens love to watch it. Life is very relaxed for them.

[8:19][Urges Lemon to speak.]

Lemon: This is the Xīnhuá bookstore [ 新 华 书 店 ] [Map #3]. It used to be a very small shop. When I was young, I loved coming here to read books.


motorcycle horn honks ahead.] When I was young, my teacher would ask us to read foreign books. I remember I read my first foreign book here. It was ‘Le Rouge et le Noir’ 2. I thought the book had a very deep meaning even though I couldn’t really understand most of it. This was the only bookstore in this town, so a lot of kids would hang out here especially on weekends. Nowadays, not so many kids come here anymore. Back then there was a lot less entertainment for kids, so we spent a lot of time here. Comics like ‘Doraemon’ 3 were very popular. Kids like us didn’t have a lot of free spending money and it was impossible to buy the whole set. So instead, we hung out at the bookstore and read every issue. This was the only place where it was free to read and the āyí 4 there never kicked us out. A couple of



Fengjing 河浜,阿拉会勒一早约好了人,去 “ 钓龙虾 ”。叫男小囡去田里捉二 三十只 “ 咯笃 ” 拿脚拗断,拿来钓 龙虾。小辰光 ( 龙虾 ) 老多,现在弗 多见了。以前早上四五点钟起床,( 一上午 ) 就能钓一桶,拿回去烧。现 在因为生态基本上被破坏了,已经呒 有了。


把脚折去,拿来钓龙虾。小时候 ( 龙 虾 ) 很多,现在不多见了。以 前早上四五点钟起床,( 一上午 ) 就 能钓一桶,拿回家烧。现在因为生态 基本上被破坏了,已经没有了。


孟云芳 : 这里枫泾比较有名的还有 “ 金山农名画 ”。记得读小学三年 级的时候,这时候老外还觉得比较稀 奇,还会特地过来看,农名画。记得 小学的时候学校旁有 “ 一堂 ” 老奶 奶,画农名画的,比较有名的。外国 人还特地过来,请教画农名画。还会 到我们学校来合照留念,觉得特别开 心。

孟云芳 : 箇搭枫泾比较有名嗰还有 “ 金山农民画 ”。记得读小学三年 级嗰时候,箇辰光老外还觉着比较稀 奇,还会特地过来看,农民画。记得 小学嗰时候学堂旁有 “ 一堂 ” 老奶 奶,画农民画嗰,比较有名嗰。外国 人还特地过来,请教画 农民画。还 会到阿拉学堂来合照留念,觉着特别 [15:03] ( 穿 过 泰 平 桥 , 桥 下 左 转 ) 往 开心。 前是枫泾小学了。这边的是枫泾中 学,我记得我读中学的时候已经是五 [15:03] ( 穿 过 泰 平 桥 , 桥 下 左 转 ) 望 十周年了。我姐姐也是读这个中学, 前是枫泾小学了。箇边嗰是枫泾中 高中毕业的。枫泾中学有初中、高 学,我记得我读中学嗰辰光已经是五 中、中专。比较大,比较旧,特别古 十周年了。我姐姐也是读箇嗰中学, 老。读初中的时候觉得教学楼蛮破 高中毕业嗰。枫泾中学有初中、高 的,有个小土丘,课间休息的时候会 中、中专。比较大,比较旧,特别古 和同学们一起在土丘上玩。我读初三 老。读初中嗰辰光觉着教学楼蛮破 就是在这个地方。 嗰,有嗰小土丘,课间休息嗰辰光会 畀同学们一道勒土丘上孛相。觉着蛮 [16:10] 开心嗰 我读初三就是勒箇嗰地方。 孟雪芳 : [Map #5] 这里有座桥,比较 小的。因为造古镇,所以这桥就用一 17

friends, after reading the new issue, would talk about it and even do role–playing. For example, after reading ‘Hūlu Wá’ 5, we would find 7 people to play the 7 different characters in the comics and play the scene of ‘Destroy the Heaven Palace’ at home. Now to think back, it was so much fun! Up ahead, there is the entrance sign for the Fēngjīng old town [Map #4]. Written over the entrance is: ‘Wú Nóng Wò Lī’, which in Fēngjīng local dialect means ‘My Home’. The sound of this is very ‘countryside’ but very ‘homey’ to us. People from Shanghai and other parts of China would come here during the weekend because this place is not too far from the Shanghai city center.


[Turn right on Shēngchǎn Jiē [ 生 产 街 ] after the gate.] This is Hépíng Jīe [ 和 平 街 ] 6, right next to the river. Across the river is the ‘Ancient Theater Stage’. There are always shows going on during Labor Day [May 1st] and National day [Oct 1st]. I remember when the old town first opened, I loved coming here because there were always free shows and they really fulfilled our childhood



孟雪芳 : [Map #5] 箇搭有座桥,比较 小嗰。因为造古镇,所以箇桥就用一 块块嗰石头拼起来,像拱桥一样,蛮 有特色嗰,比较高,造了护栏。望迭 边看,可以看到迭边三沟桥嗰风貌, 我小辰光也欢喜到箇搭来孛相。但小 辰光呒迭么多嗰物事可以孛相,最多 在弄堂里乱窜,畀小朋友孛相游戏, 找弗着老开心 , 结果自己迷路了。我 记得自己小辰光就有箇么一次,读小 学嗰辰光,钻进了弄堂,从来呒去过 嗰地方,就钻进去了,结果发现自己 弗认得,老无奈嗰,就大声嗰喊同 学 “ 啊!那快点来啊!我勒箇搭 勒 箇里啊!!” 最后终于被寻到了, 照道理来讲,枫泾是古镇嘛 ~ 小弄 堂是比较多嗰。箇搭是 “ 古戏台 ” 旁边一嗰吃小吃嗰地方 [Map #6],小 辰光从来呒来过。小辰光呒去过,现 在也呒去过,弗晓得迭里啥味道。 虽然讲生勒古镇上,但是有老多物事 还是呒亲身体验过。我嗰记忆基本上 侪是小辰光,初中十六岁嗰辰光,因 为十六岁之后就出去了嘛!箇条街上 我记得有阿拉最恐怖嗰数学老师。我 记得小辰光爸爸妈妈对阿拉学习上要 求比较高,阿拉侪要补课,箇种补课 阿拉侪要逃。比方有四嗰小囡,两嗰 是小姑娘,补了一半就会逃脱 , 出去 买吃嗰。到老街上,小辰光吃嗰最多

块块的石头拼起来,拱桥一样,蛮有 特色的,比较高,造了护栏。往那边 看,可以看到那边三沟桥的风貌,我 小时候也喜欢到这里来玩。但小时候 没有那么多的东西可以玩,最多再弄 堂里乱窜,和小朋友玩游戏,找不着 很开心 , 结果自己迷路了。我记得自 己小时候就有这么一次,读小学的时 候,钻进了弄堂,从来没去过的地 方,就钻进去了,结果发现自己不认 识,很无奈的,就大声的喊同学 “ 啊!你们快来啊!我在这里在这 里啊!!” 最后终于被找到了,照 理来说,枫泾是古镇嘛 ~ 小弄堂是 比较多的。这里是 “ 古戏台 ” 旁边 一个吃小吃的地方 [Map #6],小时候 从来没来过。小时候没去过,现在也 没去过,不知道那里什么味道。虽说 生在古镇上,但是有很多东西还是没 有亲身体验过。我的记忆基本上都是 小时候,初中十六岁的时候,因为十 六岁之后就出去了嘛!这条街上我记 得有我们最恐怖的数学老师。我记得 小时候爸爸妈妈对我们学习上要求比 较高,我们都要补课,这种补课我们 都要逃。比如有四个孩子,两个是小 姑娘,做了一半就会逃课 , 出去买吃 的。到老街上,小时候吃的最多的就 是臭豆腐干、肉串,还有小时候最最 喜欢吃的 “ 大头 ” 雪糕。就是一个 娃娃头的,它的眼睛是咖啡的,我们

curiosity. Sometimes there was this old ferry in the river with arcade games. During the summer, it is a great place for entertainment. Also there is a lot of food to eat here! Recently, the most popular food is ‘Xūnlāsī’ and ‘Bāngbiān Yú’ [ 浜 边 鱼 ], which is a river fish that is very fresh and tasty. It goes very well with pickled greens. There is also a pork feet dish… Basically, there are 4 ‘treasures’ in Fēngjīng: ‘Fēngjīng pork feet’, ‘dried bean curd’, ‘Fēngjīng Yellow Wine’, and ‘Scholar’s Cake’ 7. Everyone who comes to Fēngjīng should try these 4 things because they taste really good. Especially the ‘Xūnlāsī’ – the huge, fat ones. It is usually cooked with a lot of ginger and scallions and a special pot is used to smoke it. The taste is very good. Personally, I love the BBQ style: the type with tons of cumin, mmmm yummy! Before I turned 20, I never liked ‘Xūnlāsī’, but for some reason after turning 20, I started falling in love with it. I found out later that ‘Xūnlāsī’ is really good for lowering the body ‘fire’ 8. It’s a great thing. There are also a lot of new stores that opened. There are some antique stores, 18

Fengjing 嗰就是臭豆腐干、肉串,还有小辰光 那时候,一起攒钱去买。 最最欢喜吃嗰 “ 大头 ” 雪糕。就是 一嗰娃娃头嗰,伊嗰眼睛是咖啡嗰, [18:30] ( 敲 打 金 属 的 声 音 后 孟 云 芳 阿拉迭辰光,一道拼钞票去买。 接 ) 这里是一个 …

[18:30] ( 敲 打 金 属 嗰 声 音 后 孟 云 芳 接 ) 箇搭是一嗰 …

[18:40] 箇条街还是 “ 和平街 ”, 箇边是双号,刚刚走嗰是单号,我还 勒箇边蹲过。箇边有嗰 “ 人民公 社 ” [Map #7] 。小辰光,五六年级 嗰辰光,因为屋里蹲勒比较远,读书 勒镇上嗰小学。我就记得迭辰光就觉 着自己老残古,周六周日才能回家, 周一到周五侪要读书。有嗰奶奶畀侬 烧嗰饭啥嗰,难得爸爸妈妈来看一记 就激动死了。

[19:17] 还有箇搭,“ 人民公社 ” 隔

壁就是邮电局。小辰光就欢喜交交笔 友啥嗰,阿拉也跑勒嗰蛮勤嗰,买些 信壳。两三角洋钿嗰老大一张嗰信 纸,写些啥畀笔友,到邮电局来寄信。 箇是小辰光比较浅嗰记忆。弗是做嗰 老多嗰,因为读书比较紧张。和平街 六十几号就是阿拉数学老师嗰家,小 辰光比较怕箇搭。每次侪会绕过箇搭 走,特地弗会从箇边走,怕畀老师捉 牢,, 叫侬做老多题目,畀侬卷子啥 嗰,问侬箇嗰,特别吓。现在自己想 19

pottery stores, clothing stores with clothing made with antique cloth. They are all very unique. People who come to visit love to buy something to bring back to their home and they also enjoy [18:40] 这条街还是 “ 和平街 ”, the nostalgic feelings of the 1960s here 这边是双号,刚才走的是单号,我还 – the era of our grandparents. 在这边住过。这边有个 “ 人民公 社 ” [Map #7] 。小时候,五六年级 [12:41] I still remember when I was in 的时候,因为家住得比较远,读书在 Elementary School, a couple of 镇上的小学。我就记得那时候就觉得 classmates would come here together 自己很可怜,周六周日才能回家,周 because we all lived in the area. We 一到周五都要读书。有奶奶给你烧个 used to come here to play before the 饭什么的,难得爸爸妈妈来看一下就 old town was even established. We 激动坏了。 would all go to the nearby field and dig for worms. We used a piece of string [19:17] 还有这里,“ 人民公社 ” 隔 with a little hook made of lead, hooked 壁就是邮电局。小时候就喜欢交交笔 the worm, then put the hook in the river 友什么的,也离的蛮近的,买些信 to fish. Sometimes we would catch tiny 壳。两三角钱的很大的信纸,写些什 fish, and we got so excited. We would 么给笔友,到邮电局来寄信。这是小 take these fish home to try and cook it, 时候比较浅的记忆。不是做的很多 but they were too small and we were 的,因为读书比较紧张。和平街六十 only able to feed it to the cats. The cats 几号就是我们数学老师的家,小时候 loved these little ‘fishy’ things. We 比较怕这里。每次都会绕过这里走, used to come here to play a lot. Also on 特地不会从这边走,怕被老师逮个正 He Ping Jie, more in front, there is a 着 , 做很多题目,给你卷子什么的, section of railroad tracks. There is also 问你这个,特别害怕。现在自己想 a little river there. We would all wake 想,其实也没什么,因为孩子从心底 up early to go there to catch crawfish. 里都有些怕老师。现在我们再往前 The guys would go to the field to catch 走,是一间 “ 农民画馆 ” 因为是古 20 to 30 little frogs and break their





枫泾 想,其实也呒啥,因为小囡从心底里 侪有些怕老师。现在阿拉再望前走, 是一间 “ 吉人画馆 ” 因为是古镇开 发嗰辰光造嗰,所以小辰光嗰 记忆里呒特别深嗰印象。

镇开发的时候造的,所以小时候的记 legs, and use them as bait. There used 忆里没有特别深的印象。 to be a lot of them here but now they are all gone. We would need to wake [20:36] up 4 or 5 in the morning and a whole 孟云芳 : 枫泾的小吃是很多的,比如 bucket’s worth would take a whole 有一家 “ 三桥小吃店 ” 。 morning. Then we would take them [20:36] home and make a delicious meal out of 孟云芳 : 枫泾嗰小吃是老多嗰,比方 [20:46] 这里枫泾烧麦、馄饨、小笼 them. Now, the environment has 有一家 “ 三桥小吃店 ” 。 很好吃的。小时候比较喜欢吃鱼, changed and you just don’t see these 龙 things in the wild anymore. [20:46] 箇搭枫泾烧麦、馄饨、小笼 虾,爸爸妈妈总是买来吃,特别鲜。 老好吃嗰。小辰光比较欢喜吃鱼,弯 [14:23] 传 ( 虾 ) 龙 虾 , 爸 爸 妈 妈 总 是 买 来 [21:10] 这一带 小 吃 店 比 较 密 集 , 小 Yun Fang: Another famous thing in 吃,特别鲜。侪是河里的特产 河浜 时候没有,因为发展古镇才有的,开 Fēngjīng is the ‘Jīnshān Peasant 里的水太混了 弯转侪呒了 龙虾侪呒 了很多,很多人都来玩。 Paintings’ [ 金 山 农 民 画 ]. I remember 了 根本捉弗着了 初中时 有座桥 早 when I was in 3rd grade, the foreigners 上去上课看到 桥上嗰石板一半落到 [22:09] found these paintings to be very unique 河浜里了大概是夜道走嗰人忒多了 孟雪芳 : 小时候小吃店比较少,印象 and would come to see them being 石板落到河浜里了 觉着蛮稀奇嗰 里只有 “ 烧麦、馄饨 ” 什么的。说 painted. There used to be a ‘Yītáng’ 9 到烧麦,在上海(市区)卖的是用糯 next to our school. This old grandma [21:10] 箇一带 小 吃 店 比 较 密 集 , 小 米做的。这里的烧麦里面就是肉,比 who paints them was quite famous. 辰光基本上呒有,因为发展古镇才有 较小的,自己家里做的。因为喜欢吃 Foreigners would come here just to buy 嗰,开了老多,老多人侪来孛相。 的人多了,慢慢的就开了小吃店,味 some paintings. They would take a 道很本地的,但是很好吃。小时候只 picture together in front of the school to [22:09] 有生病的时候才能吃的到。生病的时 document their trip. It was such a 孟雪芳 : 小辰光小吃店比较少,印象 候 爸 爸 妈 妈 问 我 “ 想 吃 什 么 ?” refreshing experience for us. 里只有 “ 烧麦、馄饨 ” 啥嗰。讲到 “ 想吃小笼、馄饨 ”,才能来买一 烧麦,勒上海(市区)卖嗰是用糯米 碗 , 小时候真的是比较奢侈的东西。 [15:03] [Cross the Taìpíng Bridge [ 泰 平 做嗰。箇搭嗰烧麦里面就是肉,比较 小时候还特地会想要淋场雨,能生 桥 ], turn left at the bottom.] Going 小嗰,自己屋里向做嗰。因为欢喜吃 病,吃好吃的东西 , 很开心。想想小 forward from here you will see the 嗰人多了,慢慢嗰就开了小吃店,味 时候有很多开心的东西。 Fēngjīng Elementary School. On this 22

Fengjing 道老本地嗰,但是老好吃。小辰光只 有生病嗰辰光才能吃嗰到。生病嗰辰 光爸爸妈妈问我 “ 想吃啥 ?” “ 想 吃小笼、馄饨 ”,才可以来买一碗 , 小辰光真嗰是比较奢侈嗰物事。小辰 光还特地 会想 落雨了 要淋场雨,可 以毛生病,吃好吃嗰物事 , 老开心。 想想小辰光有老多开心嗰物事。 [ 穿过北丰桥后向右转 ] 以前还勒箇 搭 摔 过一跤 。 箇 搭 有 三 座 桥 [Map #8],箇搭是 “ 和平街 ” 畀 “ 北大 街 ” 嗰交接处,我小辰光,也勒箇 搭住过一段时间。小辰光读书,公交 车弗方便,所以就住勒箇搭。下雨天 望前冲,结果就 “ 咕噜噜 ” 嗰滚下 去了。小辰光嗰记忆里从楼梯上滚下 去嗰记忆太多了,我就是八辈子畀楼 梯有仇。勒家里刚刚造好房子,我六 岁还是七岁嗰辰光,从二楼滚下去 嗰,躺勒迭里闷特了,响也弗敢响 , 额骨头上就有老大一嗰包,就会想 “ 哪能走路弗看路呢?!” 就会提 醒自家落雨天走路要小心一点,再望 前就是我妹妹读书嗰小学了。


孟云芳: [姐姐让妹妹讲] 弗是小 学,是我嗰初中,读了四年初中 从 预备班开始,读到初三。预备班畀初 一是勒学校里读嗰,因为年代久了, 23

[ 穿过北丰桥后向右转 ] 以前还在这 里 摔 过一跤 。 这 里 有 三 座 桥 1 [Map #8],这里是 “ 和平街 ” 和 “ 北大 街 ” 的交接处,我小时候,也在这 里住过一段时间。小时候读书,公交 车不方便,所以就住在这里。下雨天 往前冲,结果就 “ 咕噜噜 ” 的滚下 去了。小时候的记忆里从楼梯上滚下 去的记忆太多了,我就是八辈子和楼 梯有仇。在家里刚刚造好房子,我六 岁还是七岁的时候,从二楼滚下去 的,躺在那里闷住了,响也不敢响 , 头上就有很大一个包,就会想 “ 怎 么走路不看路呢?!” 就会提醒自 己下雨天走路要小心一点,再往前就 是我妹妹读书的小学了。

[24:04][ 姐姐让妹妹说 ]

孟云芳 : 不是小学,是我的初中,从 预备班开始,读到初三。预备班和初 一是在学校里读的,因为年代久了, 有五十年了,我们的爸爸,甚至有几 位老师也是从这里毕业出来的,读完 大学再回来继续教书,觉得这个学校 很亲切。读高一的时候,我记得是六 十周年庆吧?搞的很隆重。再往前 走,这条路是我预备班开始每天的必 经之路,这个古镇也是我从初一到初 三,看着它一点点建起来的。房子, 码头都是一点点的建起来,都是在我 眼皮底下建起来的,觉得蛮熟悉的。

side is the Fēngjīng Middle School. I remember when I started this middle school; it had already been here for 50 years. My older sister also went to school here from junior high to high school. Fēngjīng Middle School has a junior high, high school, and Professional Training School. It is still considered a big school even though it is relatively old. It has a lot of history. When I was in junior high I always thought to myself how rundown the school was. There is a little hill over there. During the breaks between classes all of us students would come here to play and relax. I studied here until 9th grade. 10


Lemon: [Talks to sister about high school and then begins.][Map #5] Before, this used to be a small bridge but when they redeveloped the old town they used stone to build it. Its U–shape is very unique. It is kind of high with railings. If you go around, you will see the complete view of the ‘Sangou Bridge’. I also used to come here a lot for fun when I was young. There was really not much to do for



Fengjing 有五十年了,阿拉嗰爸爸,甚至有几 位老师也是从箇搭毕业出来嗰,读完 大学再回来继续教书,觉着箇嗰学校 老亲切。读高一嗰辰光,我记得是六 十周年庆吧?搞嗰老隆重。再望前 走,箇条路是我预备班开始每天嗰必 经之路,箇嗰古镇也是我从初一到初 三,看勒伊一点点造起来嗰。房子, 码头侪是一点点嗰造起来,侪是勒我 眼皮底下造起来嗰,觉着蛮熟悉嗰。 然后就搬到了新嗰校区,也比较大。 读初中嗰辰光就有嗰比较大嗰体育 场,上体育课嗰辰光就感觉老开心 嗰,而且老师也弗是特别严格,上课 嗰辰光 ( 体育课 ) 感觉老开心嗰。刚 才经过我一嗰同学屋里,伊嗰爸爸是 阿拉嗰老师,经过了有辰光出来打打 招呼,感觉老开心嗰。


孟雪芳 : 箇搭是 “ 北大街 ” 三百多 号,小辰光老师号召要参加志愿者, 我是队长。阿拉成立嗰小队名字叫 “ 小白鸽 ”,寓意是 “ 代表畀 平 ” ,也忘记了是啥人起嗰名字。 箇搭三百多号,当时是嗰老太 ( 住 着 ),阿拉有空就来帮伊。伊住嗰地 方属于老街古弄堂,里向暗搓搓,壁 角阿拉帮伊拿墙贴好。箇嗰八十岁嗰 老太,阿拉第一趟去,拿阿拉吓死 了。阿拉用报纸贴墙嗰辰光,畀阿拉 讲 “ 箇搭有影子,迭里有影子 ~!” 25

随后就搬到了新的校区,也比较大。 读初中的时候就有个比较大的体育 场,上体育课的时候就感觉很开心 的,而且老师也不是特别严格,上课 的时候 ( 体育课 ) 感觉很开心的。刚 才经过我一个同学家,他的爸爸是我 们的老师,经过了有时候出来打打招 呼,感觉很开心。


孟雪芳 : 这里是 “ 北大街 ” 三百多 号,小时候老师号召要参加志愿者, 我是队长。我们成立的小队名字叫 “ 小白鸽 ”,寓意是 “ 代表和 平 ”,也忘记了是谁起的名字。这 里三百多号,当时是个老太 ( 住 着 ),我们有空就来帮她。她住的地 方属于老街古弄堂,里面很暗,我们 帮她把墙贴好。这个八十岁的老太, 我们第一次去,把我们吓死了。我们 用报纸贴墙的时候,和我们说 “ 这 里有影子,那里有影子 ~!” 年纪 大了,注意力有些分 .“ 小白鸽 ” 服务队做好事,不论什么情况都要坚 持下来,那时候老师还在学校里表 扬。可谁知道过了两个月就坚持不了 了,被吓跑了。但那个老太太是很可 怜的,是孤老,儿子都在外地,难得 回来。老太太都八十多岁了,我们每 次去都是贴贴报纸,拣拣菜,烧烧 菜,淘米烧饭什么的,开心还是蛮开 心的。她正常的时候还会和我们说说

entertainment when we were young so we would play games like ‘hide–and–seek’ in all these little streets. We would always try to find the best hiding place and sometimes we would end up getting lost. I remember once when I was quite young, I hid in these little streets. There was this one street that I had never been to before that I entered without thinking. When I realized that I had no idea where I was, I felt so helpless. So I just started screaming to my friends: “Hey you guys, hurry! I am here!” At last, they found me. Fēngjīng is an old town, that’s why there are a lot of small alleyways and streets. This is a snack area next to the Old Theater. [Map #6] I have never been here before, neither when I was young nor older. Although this place is called the ‘old town’, I have not experienced a lot of things here myself. My memories here end when I turned 16 because that’s when I left. I remember on this street, the scariest thing was to run into my math teacher. My parents had very high expectations for my studies so we always had to do extra class work. We would always try to think of ways to skip the extra classes our parents

枫泾 年纪大了,精神有点不正常 注意力 有些分散 .“ 小白鸽 ” 服务队做好 事,弗论啥情况侪要坚持下来,迭辰 光老师还勒学校里表扬。可啥人晓得 过了两嗰月就坚持弗下去了,被老太 吓特了。但迭嗰老太太是老可怜嗰, 是孤老,儿子侪勒外地,难板回来。 老太太侪八十多岁了,阿拉每次去侪 是贴贴报纸,拣拣菜,烧烧菜,淘米 烧饭啥嗰,开心还是蛮开心嗰。伊正 常嗰辰光还会畀阿拉讲讲伊小辰光嗰 事,伊工作辰光嗰事,但是阿拉还是 被伊吓跑了。侬也晓得,小孩子嗰辰 光勒暗一点嗰地方,讲鬼故事,侪会 吓得鸡飞狗跳,所以结果阿拉大家侪 弗去了,我箇嗰 “ 队长 ” 也失效 了。 再望前走是座 “ 施王庙 ”,是 阿拉小学。 [Map #9]

她小时候的事,她工作时候的事,但 是我们还是被她吓跑了。你也知道, 小孩子的时候在暗一点的地方,说鬼 故事,都能吓得鸡飞狗跳,所以结果 我们大家都不去了,我这个 “ 队长 ” 也失效了。再往前走是座 “ 施王 庙 ”,是我们小学。 [Map #9]


孟雪芳 : 我们小时候玩的地方就这么 些了,因为是孩子,小学、中学,可 能中学以后就出去了。这里是最集中 的一块区域,因为小时候那些玩伴都 在这里,很多好玩的东西:钓龙虾、 钓鱼、去公园野餐,还记得我们野餐 还把公园里的一块草皮烧了,因为点 火的时候太兴奋了,还有一次煮龙 虾,把火生好了,拿水来煮的,但是 却一顺手把火给浇灭了,好无奈啊! 捡那些柴禾很辛苦,所以就都回家去 了,本来想奢侈一把的,大家从自己

孟云芳 : [ 到施王庙时掉头 , 回到三桥 交界处 ] 小学里有口古井,以前有嗰 人死勒里向,所以每次走过嗰辰光有 点怕嗰,后来就用石头封起来了,学 堂比较古老。 阿拉嗰小学老古老, 经常畀镇里嗰学堂有比赛 ( 大意 ), 每一次到镇上侪感觉老开心,看见别 人嗰学堂觉着特别大,特别开心。


孟雪芳 : 阿拉小辰光孛相嗰地方就箇


arranged for us. There were 4 of us in the extra class – two of us were girls and we would only attend half of the class then sneak out from the back. We would hang around the old streets and buy all kinds of our favorite foods and snacks – dried smelly tofu, meat skewers, and ‘Big Head’ ice–cream. ‘Big Head’ ice–cream is this kind of ice–cream that is shaped like a doll’s face. The eyes and mouth were brown [Chocolate] and the rest is white [Vanilla]. We would all save up just to buy that ice–cream.

孟云芳 : [ 到施王庙时掉头 , 回到三 桥交界处 ] 小学里有口井,以前有个 人死在里面,所以每次走过的时候有 点怕的,后来就用石头封起来了,学 校比较古老。 我们的小学很古老, 经常和镇里的学校有比赛 ( 大意 ), 每一次到镇上都感觉很开心,看见别 [18:30][Sound of hitting metal.] This 人的学校觉得特别大,特别开心。 is….


[18:40] We are still on the He Ping Jie, this side is double numbers. We were on single numbers. I used to live here before. There is a ‘People’s Commune’ [ 人 民 公 社 ] 11 building here [Map #7]. When I was in 5th or 6th grade, because our home was far and school was near here, I used to live on this street. I used to think I was such a unfortunate little kid because I could only go home on the weekends. From Monday to Friday, I had to stay around here for school. There was an old lady 26

Fengjing 么些了,因为侪是小囡,小学、中 学,可能中学以后就出去了。箇搭是 最集中嗰一块区域,因为小辰光迭些 孛相伴侪勒箇里,老多好孛相嗰物 事:钓龙虾、钓鱼、去公园野餐,还 记得阿拉野餐还拿公园里嗰一块草皮 烧了,因为点火嗰辰光太兴奋了,还 有一趟烧龙虾,拿火生好了,拿水来 烧嗰,但是却一顺手拿水畀浇灭了, 好无奈啊!捡迭些柴禾老辛苦,所以 就侪回家去了,本来想奢侈一拿嗰, 大家从自己家里拿了物事,有嗰拿锅 子,我拿嗰了盆,结果生火生嗰满脸 灰,却畀伊拉一盆水滑了一跤畀浇灭 了,觉着好凄凉,迭嗰辰光。差弗多 阿拉小辰光孛相嗰物事就箇么多,可 能男小囡有更多,小女孩呒迭么粗 旷,所以也呒迭么多。小辰光嗰记忆 就箇么多,小学、中学侪是勒一道 嗰。每每到一嗰地方侪会想起来,小 辰光是多么嗰好,迭么无忧无虑嗰, 虽然迭辰光呒箇么多好吃嗰好孛相嗰 也弗能出迭么远嗰远门,但是,可能 侬走到离侬家五十米外侬就老开心 了,我讲我今天要出去孛相了,就是 去嗰同学家里,觉着伊妈妈烧嗰菜好 吃,自己屋里向包嗰粽子勒自己屋里 吃觉着弗好吃,勒别人家里吃自家包 嗰粽子就是觉着好吃,箇种思想可能 老多小朋友侪有,我也弗例外。 27

家里拿了东西,有的拿锅子,我拿个 了盆,结果生火生的满脸灰,却给他 们一盆水滑了一跤给浇灭了,觉得好 凄凉,那个时候。差不多我们小时候 玩的东西就这么多,可能男孩子有更 多,小女孩没有那么粗旷,所以也没 有那么多。小时候的记忆就这么多, 小学、中学都是在一起的。每每到一 个地方都会想起来,小时候是多么的 好,那么无忧无虑的,虽然那时候没 有这么多好吃的好玩的也不能出那么 远的远门,但是,可能你走到离你家 五十米外你就很开心了,我说我今天 要出去玩了,就是去个同学家里,觉 得他妈妈烧的菜好吃,自己家里包的 粽子在自己家里吃觉得不好吃,在别 人家里吃自家包的粽子就是觉得好 吃,这种思想可能很多小朋友都有, 我也不例外。

[31:49][ 停顿 ] 这条街走完我想我们 就差不多了,古镇也就一条 “ 和平 街 ” 一条 “ 北大街 ”,三桥为一 个中心,差不多我的记忆也就保留在 这块范围了。其他好像也没有什么 了。

[32:13][ 花 絮 ] [Map #10] [ 走 上 清 风 桥 , 停 ] 走上这座桥,有时候晚上乘 乘凉挺好的。在这里,桥下有座电影 院,小时候会来看看电影。学校组织

who cooked for us here and once in a while, when I got to see my parents, I would feel so happy and excited. Next to the ‘People’s Commune’ building there is a Post Office. Pen Pals were in fashion when we were young. Although we lived not too far from each other, we still loved buying letter papers for 2–3 cents and writing something to each other then going to the Post Office to mail the letters out. I don’t have many memories of this because of the heavy school work. #60 – something Hěpǐng Jiē is our math teacher’s home. It was a very scary place to us, and we always tried to walk around it. Unless I absolutely had to, I would not pass by here at all because I was so scared to run into my math teacher. This teacher would ask us to do a lot of math problems and take practice exams. It was so scary but now that I think about it, it was not really a big deal. I guess all kids were born to be afraid of teachers. If we go forward from here, there is ‘Nóngmín Gallery’ [ 农 民 画 馆 ]. This was renovated together with the old town, so I do not have many memories about this place.







[31:49][ 停顿 ] 箇条街走完我想阿拉 唱歌比赛,比如,班和班比赛,抽出 [20:36] 就差弗多了,古镇也就一条 “ 和平 街 ” 一条 “ 北大街 ”,一个中心 街 ,三桥为一嗰中心,差弗多我嗰 记忆也就保留勒箇块范围了。其它好 像也呒什么了。

六个孩子,如果抽到我,我就会特别 兴奋,其实我是五音不全的,纯粹在 里面瞎掺和的那种。小时候我都觉得 比较骄傲,因为你可以代表班级,参 加一些活动,帮你化个妆,涂个小腮 红,扎个蝴蝶结,这些都是我们觉得 [32:13][ 花 絮 ] [Map #10] [ 走 上 清 风 让人兴奋,比较激动的事情。现在想 桥 , 停 ] 走上箇座桥,有辰光晚上乘 想很好玩,小时候。 乘凉挺好嗰。勒箇搭,桥下有座电影 院,小辰光会来看看电影。学校组织 [33:14] 差不多,今天就到这里,我 唱歌比赛,比方,班畀班比赛,抽出 们说的都是小时候,从小学到初中的 六嗰孩子,如果抽到我,我就会特别 一些好玩的事情,和在这里生活的一 兴奋,其实我是五音弗全嗰,纯粹勒 些趣事,总的来说走一遍现在仍记忆 里面瞎掺和嗰迭种。小辰光我侪觉着 犹新,很多好玩的事情,也有糗事, 比较骄傲,因为侬可以代表班级,参 以后可以有机会的话慢慢讲,好了。 加一些活动,帮侬化嗰妆,涂嗰小腮 红,扎嗰蝴蝶结,箇些侪是阿拉觉着 让人兴奋,比较让人激动嗰事体。现 在想想老好孛相,小辰光。

[33:14] 差弗多,今天就到箇搭,阿 拉讲嗰侪是小辰光,从小学到初中 嗰一些好孛相嗰事情,畀勒箇搭生活 嗰一些趣事,总嗰来讲走一遍现在还 是觉着记忆犹新,老多好孛相嗰事 情,也有糗事,以后可以有机会嗰话 慢慢讲,好了。

Yun Fang: Fēngjīng has a lot of snack stores, for example this one is called ‘Sānqiáo Snack Store’ [ 三桥小吃店 ].

[20:46] The Fēngjīng ‘Shāomai’ [ 烧 麦 ] 12, wonton, and steamed pork buns are all really good. Also, because I loved fish and crawfish when I was young, my parents would always buy them from here. They were really tasty.

[21:10] There are a lot of snack stores

here. They were not here when I was young. I think it is probably because of the redevelopment of the old town and the increased traffic of people.


Lemon: When I was young, there were not as many snack stores, only a couple for ‘Shāomai’ and wonton. Talking about ‘Shāomai’, in Shanghai, most of the ‘Shāomai’ are made by sticky rice, but the ‘Shāomai’ here are made with meat. They are smaller, like the ones you would make at home. Because a lot of people love to eat them, more and more ‘Shāomai’ stores have opened. The taste is very local but very good. I was only able to eat them when I was 30

Fengjing sick. Whenever I was sick my parents would ask, “What do you feel like eating?”. I would say, “I only want steamed buns or wonton” then I could have a bowl. These were considered special foods for a kid back then and were not eaten often. I always wanted to get wet in the rain just so I could catch a cold and eat the good food. I was so easy to please. It’s fun to remember all these childhood memories. [Cross Běifēngqiáo turn right after the bridge.] I fell really hard here once before. Right here where the ‘3 Bridges’ [ 三 桥 广 场 ] 13 are meeting. [Map #8] This is the crossing between Hépíng Jiē and Běidà Jiē [ 北 大 街 ]. I used to live here for a bit when I was young because taking the bus to school was not convenient. One rainy day, I was rushing and ended up falling down the stairs. Somehow I have many memories of falling down the stairs. The stairs are probably my worst enemy. When our house was first built, when I was 6 or 7 years old, I fell down the stairs from the second floor and I just lay there silently. There was a big bump on my forehead and all I was 31





枫泾 thinking was, “Why wasn’t I watching where I was walking?” From then on, I would always remind myself to be careful during rainy days. Up ahead is my younger sister’s elementary school.


Yun Fang: No, not my elementary school, my junior high. I started here from pre–junior high to 9th grade. Only my pre–junior high and 7th grade was in this school. This is a very old school, almost 50 years old. Our father and a couple of our teachers all graduated from here. After college they came back here to teach us, perhaps because they felt nostalgia for their old school. Remember the school’s 60 year Anniversary when I was in grade 10? It was such a big deal. In front of us is the road I passed by everyday when I was in elementary school. I saw the old town slowly developing from 7th grade to 9th grade. All the houses and the piers were slowly built right underneath my eyes, so it really feels like home here. We moved to the new campus which is also 34

Fengjing big. We had a really big playground during junior high. It was so much fun during PE class and our PE teacher wasn’t tough at all. We just passed the home of our classmate. His father was our teacher, and he would say “Hi!” to us. Such a great feeling.


Lemon: This is the Běidà Jiē #300 block. When I was young, our teacher asked us to do volunteer work. I was the captain and our team’s name was called the ‘Little Pigeons’ which meant ‘Peace’. I forgot who gave us that name. This is the #300 block is where an old lady lived, we would come here to help her out whenever we were free. Her place is part of the old street alleyways and very dark. We would help her fix the walls. She was over 80 years old. When we first went there she really scared us. While we were using newspaper to fix the walls she would keep saying, “There’s a shadow, a shadow…”. All the girls were so scared and didn’t want to come anymore but we had just formed the ‘Little Pigeons’ volunteer team, so we had to continue 35





枫泾 no matter what. We were even being praised in front of the whole school! Who knew we would quit after only 2 months? It was just too scary. Poor old lady, she was all by herself. Her son was away and was seldom home. We helped her with fixing the walls, picking vegetables, cooking, washing rice, etc… It felt great to be able to help a senior citizen. On the days she felt better, she would tell us about her childhood and about her work when she was younger, but we were still scared of her. You know, kids are kids – dark places and ghost stories always get the better of us. Also, because we were all too scared to go, my position as the ‘captain’ was also forfeited. Up ahead is the ‘Shīwáng Temple’ [ 施 王 庙 ]. It is our Elementary School. [Map #9]


Yun Fang: [When you reach Shiwang Temple turn around and walk back to the 3 Bridges intersection] In the elementary school there is a well. Someone died in there. Every time we walk by it’s a little scary. After a while they used stones to seal the well. Our Elementary 38

Fengjing School is also very old. There are always local town school competitions being held here. Every time I came to the old town, I felt really excited to see the other schools compete. I felt that they were so big and new.


Lemon: This is about all the places we remember when we were young because we were just kids when we lived here. We were here from elementary school to junior high then we left to go to another high school [outside of the old town]. This is the most concentrated area for entertainment. We all used to hang out here and there was a lot to do like catching crawfish, fishing, or having a picnic at the park. I even remember burning a small patch of grass during a picnic in the park because we were so excited lighting the fire. This other time, we finally started a fire for the water to boil the crawfish, but we accidentally spilled all the water and put out the fire. We were hopeless. It was such hard work to pick up all the wood and gather all the cookware from home. We all wanted to enjoy a delicious meal of crawfish but instead 39





枫泾 we got dirty and smelly just trying to light the fire which we accidentally put out. Who knew a little slip could ruin everything? It was so sad. This was about all we did when we were young. Maybe the boys had more fun things to do, but girls like us were not as crazy, so we didn’t do as much. These are all memories combined from 1st grade to 9th grade. Every place is special and brings back good memories. It was such a happy and worryless life. Although we could not eat as much good food because we couldn’t stray too far away, we had fun even 50 meters from our home. I would always say that I wanted to hang out at a friend’s place. I liked to go because my friend’s mother’s cooking tasted real good. When I ate homemade ‘Zòngzi’ 14 at home it never tasted as good as the homemade ‘Zòngzi’ at my friend’s house. I think all the kids thought like me and of course I was also the same. This is about it after this street. The old town is basically the Hépíng Jie, Běidà Jiē, and at the center is the ‘3 Bridges’. Most of my memories remain in this 42

Fengjing area. Mmm… there’s not much left to say.

[32:13][Map #10] [Walk to the top of

Qīngfēng Bridge and stop] Walking on this bridge, it is great to get the summer wind here. Right at the bottom, there is a movie theater. I would come here for movies when I was young, and our school concert competition was also held here. The competition would be between our classes. Each homeroom would pick 6 kids. I would feel so proud and excited to be picked because I would be representing my class. Actually, I was really bad at singing, but I just loved participating. They would give us make–up and put a little bow in our hair. It was so exciting. It’s so funny how easily excited and moved I was when I was young.

[33:14] This is about it. Let’s stop here

today. We have talked a lot about when we were young and the fun things we did from 1st grade to 9th grade as well as all the fun things about living here. Taking this short walk it feels like everything happened just yesterday. Good memories and bad memories. If 43



Fengjing we have a chance to do this again in the future, we could definitely think of even more to talk about!



Footnotes 1) Literally translated. China are as follows: Kindergarten–6th 1) 三 座 桥 分 别 是:清 风 桥 , 竹 行 桥 , 2) ‘Le Rouge et le Noir’ or ‘The Red grade–Elementary School; 7–9th 北丰桥。 and the Black’ written by Stendahl (Marie–Henri Beyle). 3) ‘Doraemon’ is a Japanese comic/cartoon character. He is a blue cat that has a magic pouch in which he can pull out any magical object or tool. 4) Pronounced ‘Ah–Yee’. Literally ‘Auntie’ but generally a polite way to call older women. In this case it is an older woman shop assistant. 5) ‘Húluwá’ is a popular Chinese cartoon featuring 7 brothers with special powers. 6) Hépíng Jiē is actually across the river. 7) The ‘Scholar’s Cake’ or ‘Champion Cake’ is a sweet rice snack popular in Fēngjīng where it has been made for over 100 years still using traditional methods. 8) It is believed that certain foods affect the balance of ‘fire’ in your body which is often related to certain health conditions. For example, more ‘fire’ in your body is believed to get rid of pimples. 9) Local dialect which means ‘House’. 10) Typically, the school system in

grades–Middle School; 10–12th grades–High School. Usually these levels are separated into different schools. 11) Sort of like a town hall. Started during the ‘Great Leap Forward’ a ‘People’s Commune’ wasa collection of farm collectives in which everything was shared. Ideally, these were formed to organize collective efforts in a township to efficiently focus efforts on various tasks that wereneeded to sustain the town. 12) Steamed pork dumplings. Usually served as dim sum. 13) The three bridges are Qīngfēng Qiáo [ 清 风 桥 ], Zhúxíng Qiáo [ 竹 行 桥 ], Běifēng Qiáo [ 北丰桥 ]. 14) ‘Zòngzi’ is a sticky rice ball stuffed with different fillings wrapped in a bamboo or reed leaf. It can be enjoyed as a snack or small meal.


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