Mapping shanghai II- Growing Up With Shanghai Flyer (Chinese/ English)

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Mapping Shanghai II Terence Lloren,Shen Yi: Growing Up With Shanghai

Mapping Shanghai 系列之二 Terence Lloren,沈祎:Growing Up With Shanghai

Growing Up With Shanghai 项目邀请了年龄在 29-35 岁的上海本地年轻人,请他们在这个城市中选择一个对他们个 人来说具有特别意义的地方,艺术家与他们一起在这个地方及周边行走,并做现场录音。在行走过程中,“行走者”用上 海方言讲述个人的记忆,这些录音从一个侧面记录了 1990 年代上海爆炸式的发展状态;这群行走者也正式随着这个 城市一起“成熟”的一代。录音这一方式在这个项目中具有非常重要的意义,它不仅将“行走者”带回到那个环境本身,同 时也记录下上海方言特有的发音。 每一次行走活动结束后,艺术家都会做一本带有这些地区的照片的小画册,其中包括了由上海话翻译成普通话和英文的 文字;这也让更多希望探索这个城市、建立和这个城市更亲密关系的人可以参与到这个项目中来。在这次讲座活动中, Terence 和沈祎将会介绍这个项目,包括他们合作工作的方式,以及声音将怎样来帮助你和周围环境创造一个更深的 连接。 K11 讲座系列:Mapping Shanghai Mapping Shanghai 由一系列讲座和工作坊组成,它是 chi K11 Art Foundation 2014 年公共活动的重要部分,由英 国摄影家和研究者 Liz Hingley 策划。Mapping 一词在这里将不再局限于地理学上的含义,而是指来自于不同领域的 艺术家、设计师、建筑师和学者通过各种手段对这个多样化的城市所展开的研究方法,以及创造性的感知手段。该系列 活动的主讲者和参与者由外来者和上海本地人组成,他们将呈现给大家的可以说也正是对这个不断成长中的城市的各种 独特的记录。如果您对这个主题有兴趣,并且愿意和我们分享您的创作、思考,和有趣的呈现方式,欢迎您将您的活动 提案发送邮件至。 K11 艺术空间新展“印象派大师莫奈”正在布展,K11 地下三层将暂时关闭至 3 月 7 日。

时间 主讲人 策划 地点

2014 年 2 月 23 日 16:00 - 18:00 Terence Lloren,沈祎 Liz Hingley K11 Art Foundation(上海市黄浦区淮海中路 300 号香港新世界大厦 56 楼)


Terence Lloren

Terence Lloren 是一位声音记录者,也是 Bivouac Recording 的创办人。他专注于通过田野录音和声音内容来丰富人 及其环境之间的互动。Terence 从 2006 年之后开始在上海生活并工作。

沈祎 沈祎,毕业于香港城市大学创意媒体学院,媒体文化文学硕士。曾连续两届获得香港“城市文学节”诗歌组冠军。2013 年曾受邀作为唯一中国影评人评委参加在巴黎举行的第三届法国国家电影节。2012 年作为策展人策划北岛首个摄影 展。作为摄影师,沈祎的个人摄影作品已多次在意大利、法国、上海、大理、丽水等国际摄影节上展出。现居上海,从 事电影文化写作,诗歌创作、摄影等项目。


K11 Art Foundation 郑志刚先生 (Adrian Cheng)于 2010 年创立 K11 Art Foundation。K11 Art Foundation 是一个旨在推动中国当代 艺术运动发展的非牟利机构,为大中华地区新晋艺术家提供一个具创意的培育平台,并将他们的作品带到国际舞台和广

大群众面前。K11 Art Foundation 着手促成多個具创意及跨区域的合作項目,向亞洲以至全球介紹中国的优秀人才, 以及展示他們的潜能。通过研究、行动和伙伴关系,以及汇聚各界对艺术的热爱和能量,K11 Art Foundation 为大众 提供了多样化的活动和展览,以教育和提升社会对艺术和文化的鉴赏能力。在武汉和贵阳的 K11 艺术村(艺术家驻村 计划)更提供了空间和平台,让许多年轻艺术家创作和展示他们的作品。

Mapping Shanghai II Terence Lloren,Shen Yi: Growing Up With Shanghai The ‘Growing Up With Shanghai’ project features live soundwalks from local Shanghainese young adults between the ages of 29-35 at a place in the city that is personally significant to their lives. The audio recordings are in the Shanghai dialect and indirectly document the explosive development of Shanghai during the 1990s through the memories of the ‘walker’. As the city was ‘maturing’, so were they in their own lives. The use of audio is a significant part of this project not only to immerse them within the location itself, but also as an effective way to document the Shanghainese dialect’s phonetically unique sounds. Each walk has a booklet of photographs alongside the translated transcripts from Shanghainese dialect to Mandarin and English, making this project accessible to anyone wanting to explore and have a deeper connection with Shanghai. In this lecture, Terence and Shen Yi will discuss the project, their collaboration and how sound can create a deeper connection to your surroundings. K11 Lecture Series - Mapping Shanghai Mapping Shanghai is a lecture and workshop series curated by the photographer and researcher Liz Hingley as major part of K11 Art Foundation's 2014 public program in Shanghai. This series offers an extensive exploration of the city through the presentations of artists, designers,

architects, and scholars. The word “mapping� here is taken beyond the geographical term to explore this multilayered city through different methods of research and creative channels of perception. Mapping Shanghai brings together expats and locals to document this expanding city. Anyone interested in this theme, and would like to share their portfolio/idea/presentation can send proposals to B3 is closed for the upcoming exhibition installation "Master of Impressionism - Claude Monet" until March 7th.

Date Lecturer Planner Venue

Feb 23, 2014 16:00 - 18:00 Terence Lloren, Shen Yi Liz Hingley K11 Art Foundation (56/F Hong Kong New World Tower, 300 Huai Hai Road Central, Huangpu District, Shanghai)


Terence Lloren Terence Lloren is a sound recordist and founder of Bivouac Recording. His projects focus mainly on enriching interactions between people and their environment through field recordings and sound. Terence has been living in Shanghai since 2006.

Shen Yi A Chinese photographer and poet, Shen Yi graduated from City University of Hong Kong, holds a MA degree in creative media and is working as a features journalist and film critic in Shanghai. As an artist, Shen Yi specialized in photography, poetry, curating and experimental moving images. She has created several art projects that received domestic and international recognition and awards over the past few years.


K11 Art Foundation Founded by Adrian Cheng in 2010, the K11 Art Foundation is a registered not-for-profit organization that advances the development of the Chinese contemporary art movement by providing the creative incubating platform to nurture artistic talents in Greater China and bring them to the international stage and the broader audience. The foundation has embarked on creative collaborations and cross-regional experimentations regionally and globally to showcase

Chinese talents and their full potential. Through research, initiatives and partnerships, as well as harnessing the passion and energy of the active participants, the K11 Art Foundation facilitates the public to enjoy a diverse array of programs and exhibitions to educate and raise the collective appreciation of arts and culture. The K11 Art Villages (artist-in-residence program) in Wuhan and Guiyang offer the space and platform to many young artists to create and present their works.

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