BHS Fine Arts Newsletter: November/December 2021

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Fine Arts Newsletter


November-December 2021

Our Faculty & Staff

Steven Collins Band and Music Theory

Blake Dean Visual Art

Betty Fisher-Stanton Theatre, Speech, and Debate

Julie Jankowski Visual Art

Cynthia John Vocal Music Accompanist

Jeremy Parker Instrumental Music and Band

Kevin Pearson Vocal Music and Choir

Krista Sessions Piano

Alysia Shepard Fine Arts Technician



Piano Recital Saturday, December 11 3:00 pm Bixby High School Auditorium

Bixby Christmas Parade & Buy Bixby Finale Saturday, December 11 Parade Steps Off at 6:30 pm Downtown Bixby Oklahoma Choral Directors Association Junior High All-State Choir Concert Saturday, January 8 1:30 pm Oklahoma City Convention Center Ballroom Bixby Drama and Debate Tournament January 14-15 Bixby High School Writing a Will Can Be Murder: Joint Middle School-High School Play January 20 & 21 7:00 pm Bixby High School Auditorium Oklahoma Music Educators Association All-State Band, Jazz, and Choir Concerts Saturday, January 22 Tulsa Performing Arts Center Vocal Solo and Ensemble Recital Tuesday, February 15 7:00 pm Bixby High School Choir Room OSSAA Vocal Solo and Ensemble Contest Saturday, February 19 Claremore High School

The Singing Spartans Go Caroling...Virtually!

The Bixby High School Choir is excited to showcase its annual Virtual Caroling Project! Click the image below to listen to some of your favorite singers belt out their favorite holiday songs.

Students Advance in All-State Choir Auditions

The BHS Choi r r ecentl y had a r ecor d number of st udent s audi t i on f or the hi ghl y- competi ti ve Al l - Stat e Choi r s. Kar a Kannady, sophomor e, r eached the second r ound of audi t i ons f or t he Okl ahoma Musi c Educator s Associ at i on Al l - St at e Choi r , competi ng agai nst thousands of students acr oss t he st at e, gr ades 1 0- 1 2. Li l l i an Fowl er , f r eshman, was accept ed i nt o t he Okl ahoma Chor al Di r ector s Associ ati on Al l - State Choi r and wi l l r epr esent Bi xby at t he f esti val i n Januar y, al ong wi th f i ve of our i ncr edi bl e Bi xby Mi ddl e School students.

Singers Shine at the All-District Honor Choir

Sever al BHS Choi r member s, al ong wi t h a l ar ge number of Bi xby Mi ddl e School students, par ti ci pat ed i n t he Nor t heast er n Chor al Di r ector s Associ ati on Al l - Di str i ct Honor Choi r , al ong wi t h st udent s f r om a di ver se ar r ay of Gr een Count r y ar ea school s such as Owasso, Bar tl esvi l l e, Wyandotte, Mi ami , Cat oosa, and Locust Gr ove. The hi gh school choi r member s i ncl ude Li l l i an Fowl er , Emma Gof f , Wi l l Cr addock, El l a Poe, Kar a Kannady, Jack Wi gnal l , Al exi a Sul l i van, and Andr ea Mor r i s.

The Pride of Bixby Takes Home the Gold

On Saturday, October 30, the Bixby High School Marching Band competed in the Oklahoma Bandmasters Association State Marching Contest. For the seventh consecutive year , the Pride won first place in class 6A-2 with their show Beyond .

Check Out the Award-Winning Performance Here

Bixby Band Goes to Branson

Recentl y, the Pr i de of Bi xby Mar chi ng Band t r avel ed t o Mi ssour i to compete i n the Br anson HS Mar chi ng I nvi t at i onal . Thi s was thei r f i r st out- of - state contest i n t wo year s and t hei r f i r st appear ance ever at the Br anson I nvi t at i onal . The Pr i de pl aced f i r st i n cl ass and took hi gh vi sual , musi c, col or guar d and per cussi on i n the pr el i mi nar y per f or mance. They advanced to f i nal s wher e they took f i r st pl ace, won al l cat egor i es, and wer e named gr and champi on of the 7t h annual Br anson I nvi t at i onal . Of par ti cul ar note i s an anecdot e f r om Di r ect or Jer emy Par ker : " As I wai ted i n the l obby of our hotel ( t he mor ni ng we checked out) , I was appr oached sever al t i mes by ot her guest s and hot el staf f . Thei r comments wer e ver y compl i ment ar y of our st udent s' behavi our and manner s: We heard there was goi ng to be a band checki ng i n l ate on Fri day and we were concerned. . . . . your ki ds were so qui et. . . we hardl y knew you were here. Your students were so pol i te. . . everyone answered wi th ' yes, ma' am' and l et us take the el evator f i rst. Your students are wel come here anyti me. . . best student group we have ever had.

Thi s says so much about the expect at i ons of our school and communi ty. I want to thank our f acul ty at BHS and 9GC f or i nsti l l i ng a cul tur e of r espect and humi l i t y i n our st udent s. These students r ef l ect the val ues of thei r communi t y and r epr esent those val ues f or other s to see. To me, thi s means mor e than any tr ophy or pl acement. "


SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11 3:00 PM BIXBY HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM T h i s Concert is Fr e e a n d O p e n t o t h e P u b l i c

Students' Artwork Featured in Downtown Bixby

The Bixby community is invited to view the artwork of students in the Bixby High School and Middle School Visual Arts Programs throughout the holiday season. The works can be seen in the Scale House Building beginning with the Bixby Historical Society's Festival of Trees on Thanksgiving evening (November 25) at 5:30 and will remain available during the many events that occur throughout downtown Bixby, such as the Wine Walk on December 7 and the joint the Bixby Christmas Parade (sponsored by the Rotary Club) and Buy Bixby Finale (Bixby Metro Chamber) on Saturday, December 11. Additionally, there will be a Christmas Concert at Charlie Young Park on December 18. All artwork will remain available for viewing throughout each of these events and the entire month of December.

Source: National Arts Education Association

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