Supt. Miller Summer Update: #bixbybonds

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Aspromised,webringyousummerupdatenumbertwo, #bixbybonds!

It is certainly not news to anyone that the Bixby community is growing rapidly, as evidenced by the opening of multiple new businesses across the city as well as scores of new residential neighborhoods in various stages of development. Our school districtiscertainlyfeelingtheimpactofthisgrowth.

For some context, since my arrival in Bixby five years ago, our student enrollment has increased by nearly 30%, from about , students in to over , students today. Last year’s BHS graduating class of students was likely our last numbering in the s. The next three classes at the high school will all have more than graduates, which will be followed by graduating classes of or more beginningin .

Our last two bond issues have focused on proactively addressing this growth. This included the construction of two new elementary/intermediate campuses, an , -square-foot addition to the middle school, and a separate Ninth Grade Center.Since ,wehavealsorenovatedourCentralElementaryandIntermediate campuses, constructed a new Band facility, installed a new track, restored our pool, added new turf for baseball, softball, soccer, and football, and made numerous improvements to existing facilities - including replacement of HVAC units, interior painting of several schools, floor replacements, parking lot repairs and enhancements,roofingupgrades,andinstallationofnewsecuritycamerasandother safetyupgradesacrossthedistrict.

The bondissuewasdesignedtobuildonthisprogressbyincreasingourcapacity andcontinuallyimprovingourexistingfacilities. Specific projects on last year’s bond proposalareoutlinedonthefollowingpage.

Supt. Miller Summer Update: #bixbybonds


Academic Bldg - , sq ft facility, including new classrooms and multipurpose learning spaces


Stadium Upgrades: Added new sections for home and visiting bands, approx added seats.

Sidewalk awnings NE, NI, CI, EE, and MS

Home of the Spartans (HOTS) renovationsincludes new FB locker rooms, coaches' offices, and training spaces

Anticipated Cost Status
$ - $ million In progress. Anticipated completion late fall . West Campus
$ . million Complete July East Intermediate
$ . million In process. Anticipated completion July
$ , Complete
field $ . million (final project from bond) Complete Tennis Court Resurfacing and
$ , Complete Playground improvements EE/EI and NE/NI $ , Complete Central Elem HVAC Upgrades $ , Complete Middle School Roof Repairs $ , In process. Anticipated completion Oct North Elementary
flooring, HVAC, safety upgrades $ . million In process. Anticipated completion Oct Furniture
$ million Complete July
Expansion - twenty new classrooms
Track and Cross-Country Bldg, incl new turf on the soccer
new screening
enhancements - new
Upgrades NE/NI
In process. Anticipated completion
$ - $ million In process. Anticipated completion

West Campus Expansion

Track & Cross Country Facility


of the Spartans Rendering


Two additional projects that the district has begun are a new Maintenance building and a new District Administration Building. The maintenance facility will be constructed just east of the transportation building off Mingo. The new administration offices will be located on the land just north of the existing Ninth Grade Center. These facilities were not part of the bond issue, and are being funded separately. The maintenance facility should be completed by February , followedbytheAdminBuildingnextOctober.

The district is also working closely with the city on the design of the exciting new Bixby Performing Arts Center. The city is planning to break ground on this $ M project in early on the site just north of the First Baptist Church downtown. Construction should begin in early with an estimated completion date of February .

We are grateful for the talented architects and construction managers who are assisting with our current projects. These firms include KKT Architects, GH Architects, Dewberry Architects, CMS Willowbrook, Nabholz, Stava Construction, and a long list of subcontractors, engineers, and advisors. The firms have been tremendous partners for Bixby Schools and have worked diligently to keep our projectsontimeandonbudget.

Ofcourse,thesemanyprojectscouldnothavehappenedwithoutyourdirectsupport ofourbondissues.Wevalueyourtrustandarecommittedtodeliveringhigh-quality facilities and programming for the community and our families, now and into the future.Asweliketosay, “Wearebuildinganextraordinaryfuturetogether.”



Supt. Miller Summer Update: #bixbybonds

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