BUSINESS MAGZTER$9.99BUYONAMAZONISBN: 978-81-953570-0-0 AUGUST 2022 | Issue 26 FEATURE Branding & PR How to Boost your Brand By Dr. Vaneeta Aggarwal New kinds of FundingA Detailed Study By Aniket Aggarwal AGILITY - A Significant Trend for inESGBusinessesSustainableIntegrationVentureCapital WOMEN How to overcome the working woman guilt: raising the kids vs. career duties PSYCHOLOGY How to manage difficult people By Dr. Neeta Pant E-magazineSTRATEGY

Bi z emag Medi a i s a 360 degr ee cov er age of bus i nes s es acr os s a podcas t , webcas t , e magaz i ne publ i cat i on & per manent web URL We wor k wi t h Gl obal Ent r epr eneur s , St ar t ups , Uni que Bus i nes s I deas , Sk i l l ed Ment or s , Women Out l i er s and s har e t hei r s ucces s s t or i es and i nt er v i ews ! Our e magaz i ne i s r ead i n mor e t han 80 nat i ons bel ongi ng t o each cont i nent W H Y U S ? B i z e m a g M E D I A F O R E N T R E P R E N E U R S & B U S I N E S S E X E C U T I V E S 3 4 6, 1 0 3 + Mo n t h l y R e a d e r s 39 0 , 8 7 5 + F a c e b o o k P a g e v i e ws 5 28 2 E ma i l S u b s c r i b e r s 29 0 , 9 0 6 + I n s t a g r a m r e a c h 3 k + L i n k e d i n F o l l o we r s 1 29 , 20 8 + Un i q u e v i s i t o r s 45 . 9 K Y o u t u b e Da i l y v i e ws S O C I A L M E D I A S T A T BS usi ness St rat egy e Magazi ne O U R P R E S E N C E www b i z e ma g c o m On l i n e S t o r e s Ma g z t e r , A ma z o n K i n d l e , I s s u u e . c o m T wi t t er : @Bi z emag ; @L s t r at egy q Facebook : /bi z emag ; /L s t r at egy q I ns t agr am: @Bi z emag ; @L s t r at egy q L i nk edi n Bi z emag Yout ube : @Bi z emag Make your Brand Globally Visible Are you a business, Entrepreneur, Start up or a Coach with unique skills Then be heard among audience from the globe over 70 countries. Engage us for PR coverage Bi zemag Podcast A p p l e , Go o g l e , S p o t i f y , A u d i b l e , A ma z o n Mu s i c , P o d t a i l , A n c h o r + 1 5 mo r e Soci al Medi a


Dr. Vaneeta Aggarwal Founder & CEO Disclaimer - The Maga zine producers and edi tors are not responsible for any views, opinions and information provid ed by the writers. The content produced here is copyright of Business strategy e-magazine and cannot be reproduced in part or full form with out official approval. Any graphics depicted within the magazine are solely for symbolic representa tion and are taken from stock free options.
The Indian Rupee hits a record low. The Indian currency dropped to a massive all-time record low of 80.05 against 1 US dollar. You will now have to pay more for your mo bile phones and save even more for holidays abroad.
• The second vital reason for this fall is the Russia-Ukraine war. There is massive disruption of the supply chains.
Some of the vital reasons for this fall are:
• Prolonged inflation is being attributed to the economic crisis raised by COVID 19.
Editorial Post for July - Depreciation of Rupee Value
You might be thinking - how will all these complex matters affect you as a commoner? Well, the answer is that - the gas and fuel you buy will get more expensive. The raw materials needed for car building will get expensive, lead ing to a rise in vehicle cost, and most importantly - every day use items such as sunflower oils will get expensive.
AUGUST 2022 | ISSUE 26 | 4
This is the most massive fall of the rupee against UD dol lars. Since 2014, the Indian Rupee worth has declined by more than 25%. Here are some crucial updates you need to know about the rupee depreciation value.
●• Multiple foreign investors have pulled out of India, weakening the country's foreign portfolio. The core reason behind this is - rising interest rates in the USA as compared to the Indian market.
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BRANDING AND PR How to boost your brand By Dr. Vaneeta Aggarwal

There is a definite lack of clarity among business owners and common people when it comes to what connects and what disconnects marketing, brand ing, and PR. While recent developments have indeed blurred the dividing lines there is still a significant difference between them, especially between PR and branding. We will look at the latter in the following paragraphs. Let us begin with branding: Branding- It is how the product or service or business exemplifies. On the other hand, we may describe PR as: PR- It is how trusted sources portray you or their opinion about you as borne out by the medium. Good PR and Branding when combined with proper marketing is very much the formula to the success or failure of a brand, if there was indeed such a formula. Experts very well know the value of third-party endorsements like tes timonies, awards, media, and press mentions, social perception and a dedicated community. These are the things that are most likely to re sult in a diverse group of people like retailers, customers, and investors to invest time and money in your brand. These factors are a good portion of PR. Marketing and PR The concept of what makes up for PR and what constitutes marketing is a common confusion that many people have. Branding is essential and big firms often create lack of clarity in the core brand message by separating the PR and marketing teams. Ideally, there needs to be an integrated approach to the two with both work ing in tandem to serve the brand. Coordination and cooperation of PR and marketing activities result in greater success of the whole branding process.

Importance of PR People familiar with the mechanics of marketing are quite aware of the tremen dous and intense competition going on between competing brands. In such a scenario PR can prove to be immensely useful in its role as an earned media. The potential of prop er PR is especially significant for small business brands. Accordingly, some market ing gurus attribute to PR ten times the impact of traditional advertisement. Media carries with it the reputation of being an independent, third-par ty entity and when they say good things about your brand, it serves as an endorsement. With the kind of competition existing in the current market, business-owners often make the mistake of giving into hopelessness. They are often tempted to think that they will not be able to compete with the big-league compet itors out there who hire a full house of dedicated publicists. But the truth is that they are wrong in that assumption. Journalists usually have this soft corner for the little guy, the underdog. As a new busi ness it would be shrewd for you to craft such a brand-sto ry and present it to the public accordingly through the me dia. If you employ proper PR strategy, a small brand with limited resources and pack a punch and deliver a knockout to bigger businesses when it comes to branding. The following strategies work great for PR efforts and serve to lay a solid foundation for your brand and its awareness:
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As a business owner or other stakeholder, it is important to un derstand what your business is all about. Read and learn about your niche thoroughly and stay aware of the latest develop ments in your field of operations. You need to be a part of pro fessional organizations in the same sector and be a participant in educational events. Ensure a comprehensive understanding of the target audience and their preferences regarding choice in media outlets. It is only after you have completed these steps that you can get recognition as an industry expert and gain attraction as the same in the eyes of the press.
The very first thing businesses need to do for proper branding is to put into words the vision and mission they have or espouse. Spell this out in written vision and mission statements. While these are rudimentary, they are terribly important too. It is a vi sion of what your mission is going to be and how you want to be in a point in time in the future. It is through these documents that people get the answer to the most critical question of your value proposition- what is it?
• Make your mark in your industry niche as a trustworthy thought leader
Once you have this sorted out, businesses can proceed to de velop the essential messages they want to convey to the peo ple through the brand. If you want your brand to gain recogni tion in earned media, then such messages are what gets you there. Ideally you need inbound marketing to complement your PR efforts to ensure that your brand is visible and credible and readily recognized amongst your target audience.
It might be a bit of challenging work but with sufficient effort and diligence it is very, very achievable. Just remain aware of industry news and key personnel in media houses that cover the business topic of your interest. Do not be afraid to reach out to suitable journalists if you need that.
Small businesses especially stand to gain a great deal of traction from such moves. If a major media outlet quotes key company per
• Create a brand with a solid value proposition and get greater brand recognition
Besides educating people and raising awareness in your niche, also ensure that you host dedi cated events. Another promising idea is to sponsor community work which will help you voice your opinion on local issues. It will raise local awareness of your business and boost positive brand PR.
• Tella compelling storythrough yourbranding efforts.
Another PR activity that will boost your brand and company profile considerably is publication of articles under the apparent authorship of the designated company personnel. Such efforts need to be continuous and are best left to experts if you do not have the time and skills for it.
Reporters receive several hun dred story suggestions and pitch es daily. So, it is especially im portant for business owners and marketing personnel to respond quickly and effectively to queries from journalists. If they ask for an interview, schedule it at the earliest possible time or swiftly provide them with the information they are looking for. You need to stand out as a me dia-friendly business brand that supports and tends to the needs of journalists. This is truer for print journalism which is on the wane and must deal with con siderable cuts to available media resources.Onceyou have made sure that a story will help your brand and your target audience, make sure that reporters can cover it with ease. In this context it is essential that you pitch to the right journal ist at the right media house. So, double-check to see everything fits in with that. With a comfort able relationship with the media, you will find it easy to improve the effectiveness of your PR strate gies overall.
• Remain accessible to journal ists and help them
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Dr Vaneeta Aggarwal Founder CEO Bizemag Media & L’strategyq Advisor
To Sum Up Remember success in PR comes from continuous efforts and you cannot achieve it overnight. If you display commitment to your PR initiatives, then earned media will effectively complement the marketing you do to raise brand awareness and recognition.
A timely engaging story is some thing that all of us appreciate. And that includes reporters too provided you are presenting it to the right reporter at the right time like we mentioned before. All businesses can find positive sto ries in their history and activities. Just make sure that the story you are choosing connects real peo ple with your product or service. Give a thorough thought about who the ultimate buyer is and use whatever available chances there are to present your brand attrac tively through stories to them.
sonnel, your public profile stands to benefit greatly. Small local financial businesses that find mention alongside national ones is an example of such elevation of company profiles.


somewhere in the range of 2014 and 31st January 2022, Indian new busi nesses have raised near $116 Billion in subsi Everythingdizing.
begins with bootstrapping. As the business develops, you really want assets for tasks, extension, advertising, creation. Contin gent upon which stage your business is in and its capacity to produce returns, you look for seed subsidizing from private bankers, then move to financial speculators, and later send off a first sale of stock (IPO). There are three sorts of startup financing: eq uity funding, debt funding, and government grants. Each subsidizing choice has its advan tages and disadvantages. For example, funding through equity has no reimbursement pres sure; however you need to relinquish a stake in your organization, making it the most costly type of financing.
The Indian startup environment has made some amazing progress, with numerous tech new businesses open ing up to the world and almost 42 or ganizations becoming unicorns in 2021. As per Indian Tech Startup Funding Report 2021, Indi an new companies brought $42 Billion up in fi nancing across 1,583 arrangements in 2021, and 2,487 exceptional financial backers took part in startup subsidizing. A huge lump of financing went into, programming as-a-administration (SaaS), online business, fintech and customer service Generallyindustries.speaking,
1. Angel Investors Angel Investors are individual financial backers or an organization of people with family asso ciations or rich experience. The vast majority of them are capable business people who have experienced the most common way of begin ning a business. They comprehend the trouble spots and potential open doors.
The startup funding system has advanced an gel investors and venture capitalist. New busi nesses can raise assets from various sort of financial backers and platforms with the view of their requirements and stage. In this article, we will talk about 10 funding choices for new companies.
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Angel Investors go about as guides to young business people. In any case, they contribute a lesser sum than venture capitalist and antic ipate more significant yields. A few famous individual financial investors Kunal Shah, Rajan Anandan, Ritesh Malik.
5. Corporate Venture Capital
2. Angel Networks and Platforms
Angel Networks and Platforms is where finan cial investors pool their assets to put resourc es into new companies. As they work collec tively, these financial backers can give huge funds and hedge risks. The platform gets equity holders for startup, and they benefit if the startup flourishes. A few famous platforms are AngelList, Ven ture Catalysts, LetsVenture.
3. Venture Capital Fund Venture Capital Funds are an organization whose business is to give money to promis ing new companies. This point is where the startup subsidizing goes to a higher level. As venture capital funds are an institution, they give a lot of cash-flow to an organization for development and extension and screen it’s progression to guarantee their investments and high turnover. Venture Capital Funds re ceive equity or equity linked instruments from new businesses as a trade-off for the financ ing. They leave the organization when it deliv ers an IPO or is gained 4. Micro VCs One branch of venture capital is Micro VCs, with a lesser fund size of around $60 Million - $70 Million. Micro VCs invest their resourc es into idea stage of new businesses and get stake holders in return.
One more branch of VC is Corporate Venture Capital (CVC). CVCs are huge multinationals
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These investors have excess money that they will take a chance in your endeavor at the seed stage. Prior to financial planning, they screen the startup, examination, and perceive how much the organizer has contributed. Whenever they are converted, they give you financing in return for convertible obligation or value proprietorship in your startup.

8. Family Offices
7. Accelerators & Incubators While all the above funding choices are for new compa nies previously carrying on with businesses, incubators and accelerators resemble private academies for new businesses. These projects run for four to eight months, where they furnish entre preneurs with finance and a platform to interface with investors, tutors, and different startups. Accelerators & Incubators are commonly found in signifi cant urban cities and take an equity stake in exchange for the program. These projects are either shown to individual substances or part of large partnerships or big tech orga Somenizations.ofthe well known ac celerator programs for Indian Startup Businesses include Y Combinator, GSF Accelerator, Microsoft Accelerator, Goo gle Launchpad Accelerator, JioGenNext among others.
One of the unknown aris ing funds for Indian Startup is family offices. India has a past filled with family owned companies that give their abundance to the future generation. This model in cludes Azim Premji of Wipro, Anirudh Damani of K. Damani
AUGUST 2022 | ISSUE 26 | 14 that put corporate funds into micro, small and innovative new companies either for innovation, ability pool, or to secure an objective market. CVCs give new companies assets like marketing mas tery, vital bearing, or a credit extension. Being related with large names gives new companies a lift. CVC gives funding in exchange of stake holders in the startup. Among Indian CVCs are Mahindra Partners, Reliance Ventures, and Times Group's Brand Capital.
6. Venture Debt Fund Equity is a costly source of financing and funding for new businesses. Thus, NBFCs offer a hybrid scheme called ven ture debt fund that give obli gation supporting to VC-up held startup companies. Bank credits or equity are not a reasonable funding choice when a startup is extending and needs working capital. Venture Debt Fund pro vides money in exchange for non-convertible debentures (NCDs) and equity warrants. Alteria Capital and Trifecta Capital are a few players that give venture debt funding to Indian new companies.
10. Revenue FinancingBased
AUGUST 2022 | ISSUE 26 | 15 Group, and Gaurav Burman of Burman Family Office (finan cial backer in Dabur India). Family workplaces are more enduring than angel inves tors and give new companies additional time, cash, and assets to develop their orga nizations. India has over 140+ family workplaces that have vigorously providing funds into the Indian startup space. They have been favorable to effectively engaged with 50+ such arrangements consis tently beginning around 2015, a report by Praxis Global Alliance and 256 Network. The report further predicts that Indian Family Offices are supposed to contribute 30% of the assessed $100 Billion to be raised by Indian new businesses by 2025. 9. Crowd funding One of the less well known funding choices for new companies is crowd funding. A few retail financial inves tors searching for elective venture choices gather on a stage, skim through business planning, and put funds into their preferred startup. Each financial backer contributes a proper sum (distributed loaning) in a business thought bearing in mind the end goal of getting a higher interest. These are additional crowd funding equity, yet its legiti mateness in India is sketchy. Crowd funding is inclined to debates and tricks. SEBI cautions against unregistered computerized crowd funding Someplatforms.ofthe outstanding crowds funding platforms for new business incorporation are Indiegogo, SeedInvest Technology, Mightycause, StartEngine, GoFundMe, Pat reon, GripInvest, ImpactGuru.
The revenue based funding permits a startup to get its future incomes forthright so it’s very well may be handily organize stock, advertisement and promoting spending. The compensation part is adapt able and flexible, adding up to a pre-concluded level of the income an organization creates a large number of months. In the new times, India has seen the ascent of a few revenue based support ing organizations which are tending to the income needs of the ingRevenueorganizations.basedsupportorganizationsforIndian Startup include Velocity, Klub, GetVantage among others. Thus, India has arisen as the third-biggest startup environment universally, through different funding and investment choices that energize entrepreneurs. These funding and raising support options provides fuel for business development.
Aniket Aggarwal Investment Banker B.Sc (Business Management), Aston University (UK)

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Agility - A Significant Trend for BusinessesSustainable

“Changes are always con stant and unavoidable”. But the changes that have hap pened over the past two years rival witnessed in all parts of the global as a most evolutionary and transforma tiveBusinesstimes.
AUGUST 2022 | ISSUE 26 | 18
What Does Agility and Flexibility Resemble?
Post-Pandemic Business Changes: The Covid pandemic and its related lockdowns, followed subsequently by huge supply chain interruptions and most recently in Russian attack of Ukraine have together dove the UK into a monetary and cost of living in everyday items increased significantly toTheextents.pandemic drastically changed how and where cus tomers shop. They hope for something else – vast choic es, quicker delivery, free re turns. But, they currently have less cash to spend. The most recent two years have like wise seen better approaches for directing business prac tically, through Conference calls and Remote demonstra tion. Also, we've seen chang es in the manner in which we work, with additional home and working hybrid. We have solidly turned into a computerized first society and economy. To prevail in these changes, organizations need the agility and adapt ability to respond rapidly to unfavorable circumstances and be sufficiently proactive to expect them.
The Organizations might have strong functional plans and business set up, how ever unbendingly following them when the landscape changes don’t ensure a good outcomes and results. They need to work towards suffi cient adaptability that they wanted to be flexible for changes. Companies should find, that they need to quickly adjust their arrangements, their plans, their pricing or the channels they sell through. A
Agility took on significance in 2020. Organi zations were exploring con ditions not many might have anticipated. As the beginning of 2021 seems to give busi ness as usual up until this point, business pioneers trust ing that changes were tran sitory will be finding for ex tremely permanent solutions to remain more competitive.

AUGUST 2022 | ISSUE 26 | 19 few organizations have even needed to change their whole go to marketing techniques to go through the difficult times we are encountering. Obviously, the Covid period has brought the both victories and washouts. Innovation organizations in cluding Apple, Alphabet and Microsoft have all seen their reasonable market value develop since mid 2020. What's more - until the typical increase in the cost of everyday items began to chomp recently. Webbased streaming and other recreation memberships that helped those at home with overcoming pandemic. Cafés and food industries rapidly embraced internet/ online ordering and home delivery option were en abling them to continue selling while a large number of their disconnected competitors winded up losing everything. Hospitality Industries endured enormous ly. And major Shopping outlets, bars and Cafes were closed in the 1st year of the pandemic. In some case, the large corporate supply chain - including Zizzi, ASK and Pizza Express were shut down in certain areas for goodOthertoo.Industries didn't gain well throughout the pan demic. Airlines, Carriers, inns and hospitality industries saw their income dive in the overnight. They couldn't adjust to offer something besides their center business and needed to depend on government help to survive. McKinsey is foreseeing a 'once in a blue moon' wave of expenditure on capital resources by 2027, with around $130 trillion of investments in capital projects pointed toward decreasing carbon influences and restoring obsolete infrastructure. This is expected to boost the short run development, yet only those with effective supply chains and flexible activities will actually be able to gain by Assumingit. the past two years have shown us anything, that's what it is, in future, the fruitful organizations will be those that are adequately agile to flex and turn. By adjusting to additional expected disturbanc es, they can change their organiza tions enough to make the most of different open doors.
Insights Provide the Impacts for Agility and Flexibility During uncertain financial eco nomic times or an unfurling cri sis, you and your authority group should have the option to quickly recognize trends and patterns with the goal that you can settle on sig nificant direction of your business. Finding when to adhere to a strat egy and when to change it, implies you having incredible information, examination and understanding. Business insight can assist you with exploring the fluctuating economy and establishment func tional changes. You will also be able to stay up with client needs, streamline for occasional trends or adapt better to negative monetary effects, similar to inflation. More over, data can embrace taking of reasonable courses of risks that see you make the best of any valu able opportunities introduced. This may lead to changing your esti mated pricing policy, or downsizing your contribution, or in any event, changing your sales appropriation mix to support another channel. To demonstrate the legitimacy of your proposed key change, you

AUGUST 2022 | ISSUE 26 | 20 can demonstrate various business model scenarios in your monetary programming. You can do this rapidly, which assist you with arriving at firm decisions about how your organization can amplify the open doors from any circum stance.Exploiting the ways of change with the economic & environment change will give you more upper hand and guarantee feasible develop ment and proceeded with business achievement. Agility results in Steep Changes in Organization Suc cess. Business houses claim that there has been over a 30% increase in efficiency of the business models with agile transformations. The multiple domains that have benefitted from agile trans formations are customer sat isfaction, employee efficiency, customer engagement, and the swift processing of com pany tasks. The surveys have shown remarkable proficiency in business performance. We will end with a very small case study reference to understand the association between agility and emergingtrends:sustainable The skincare and cosmetic industry is skyrocketing today. There has been a significant paradigm shift in the industry - from promoting beauty by setting standards to promot ing beauty by the principles of inclusiveness. This sustain able change in the industry based on the agile business model has resulted in fantas tic responsiveness and out come.Also, every skincare brand today focuses on using nat ural ingredients; even their packing cases are biode gradable and plastic free. Thus, the business is orient ed toward beatification and profit making and has an environmental edge. These agile business models are well-suited and well-per forming for sustainable busi ness development. The inter twining and fab rication of sustainability and agility can boost business growth and performance.


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The globe is rapidly evolving. Destruc tive tropical storms, drought, and rapidly spreading wildfires all through the United States over the most recent couple of years show the negative and strong impacts of environmental change while racial and orien tation imbalance has pushed well established social and monetary issues into the common spotlight. On top, all things considered, a worldwide pandemic has emphatically im pacted the manner in which we work, travel, socialize, and live practically for the time being. These developing catastroph ic events have made a more grounded need for capable venture and have incited financial backers (Investors) to search out ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) contrib uting for the purpose of con trolling risks while proceeding to areas of strength for procur ing high returns. In 2020, financial backers (Investors) in Mutual Fund and ETFs put $288 billion world wide in economical resources, a 96% expansion over the en tire 2019 as per GBI Research. As Investors increases to favor ESG it makes one wonder: how have the venture capital fund ing (VC) markets adopt it? Venture Capital firms concen trate investing resources into new businesses and startup which increase competitive advantage. In a perfect world, VCs focuses that their portfolio organizations should produce sales and profits before com petitors enters the market and decrease profitability. While VC is a generally new asset class, it's as of now reshaping huge segments of the worldwide economy. Effective Venture Capital up held organizations have solid potential; they can make an enormous number of occupa tions, convey significant ad ministrations, and solid returns, especially in developing busi ness sectors. While the consid eration given to ESG issues has never been more prominent, VC has limped along other asset classes in the modifica tion process of ESG practices. Nonetheless, this might be changing as VC organizations figure out how ESG contem plations can add values to long term achievement and advan tage monetary returns. The Ascent of ESG in Venture Capital Consideration to this point: the total US-domiciled assets under administration utilizing the sustainable financial plan ning methodologies developed from $12.0 trillion at the begin ning of 2018 to $17.1 trillion at the beginning of 2020, as per the Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment Bien nial Trends Report. The Rise and Benefits of ESG in Funding But still, Different Funds estimates just 11% of Venture Capital firms in the US contrib ute through an ESG focal point. While this number has been developing, Venture Capitals are as yet falling behind other asset classes. ESG contemplations can be risky to the long run progress of both new businesses and venture upheld organizations. Some proof demonstrates the way that comprehension and integrating ESG arrangements into work practices can assist Venture Capital with turning out to be more appealing to beginning phase venture orga nizations. For instance, organi zations and business visionar ies will generally incline toward and look for ventures from VCs with an evident history of ethi cal behaviors.

Data, and Diversities are 3 regions incredibly impacted while evaluating ESG estimations.
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The Positive effect of ESG on Venture Funding VCs frequently target problematic organizations and innovation firms. Nonetheless, tech organizations and organizations using troublesome methodologies commonly haven't fostered a respon sible way to deal with ESG issues. These organizations can miss out when guideline strategies are implemented, or a public media crisis and threatens to obliterate the reputation of a promising startups.Unless, VCs start deliberately incorporating ESG into their venture dynamic interaction, critical risks could be neglected. For instance, the reception of corporate administration structures, work envi ronment strategies, and administrative frameworks can assist with moderating risks and give major areas of strength to the inexperi enced founders.
Risk Management VC organizations address one of the most hazardous sorts of investment. In any case, VCs don't have a methodical way to deal with social risk man agement. Commonly VC risks covers variability around the preparation and execution of new innovations, overseeing administrative vulnerability, growing fair terms for clients, vendors, and colleagues, and administration concerns like laying out major areas of strength for board of direc tors. ESG systems can give a set of risk management tools to the business people and fund managers which are used to address risks and so cial effects prior in the organi zation's development. Data While ESG data and rating exist on public organizations and the monetary perfor mance of VC firms, there is no free evaluation or reporting ESG data set accessible for risks and performance in the venture funding market. Data is important to any invest ment dynamic cycle.
Alternately, exploring early ventures through an ESG focal point helps VC portfolio organizations get rid of possible risks. ESG standard address issues as example; diversity, board structures, labors freedom, ethical data, and ecological ef fect that assist with relieving risk and recognize new open doors. For instance, the effect of We Work's administration issues or the reputational damage of ride-sharing applications over the privileges of gig economy laborers are instances of material ESG issues that adversely affected investments.
While VC portfolio organizations are simply starting to survey the main ESG estimations across beginning phase and late-stage investments there are three key regions that can be extraordinari lyRiskimpacted.Management,

• The Paris Agreement: This one was signed back in 2016 that brought about 196 countries on the same platform with the plan to consid er climate change as an essential factor while investing in future projects
Looking forward: Laying the establishment for strong funding and investing in ventures capital Once organizations are working at scale it tends to be hard to change. By consolidating ESG pro cedure almost earlier, Venture Capital investors can determine issues when they start and es tablish the groundwork for strong, practical, long term sustainable development. ESG activity plans at the beginning phase of organizations ought to be adaptable, flexible and be rolled out in a stag gered methodology that tends to material ESG opportunities, risks and potential open doors all through the organization's development.
Various global ESG policies often find impactful implementation. The notable of which are:
An ESG materiality evaluation engages you to cover your present status and layout future drives while thinking about your business objec tives and dangers without any problem.
As per Harvard Business Review, women-led new companies got only 2.3% of VC financing in 2020. While the VC industries has initiative drives to further development of diversity in funding leadership and founder teams, an ESG focal point and data transparency could uphold these objectives. By using ESG observing and announcing tools to progress diversity, VCs can guarantee their ventures which comprise more ethical and balanced work space culture.
An untold obligation to social government assistance, ecological stewardship, and moral administration requests to everybody. Using an ESG approach, organizations can tempt progres sively particular shoppers, draw in and hold top ability, and draw in financial backers through a beneficial, versatile organization. Furthermore, not in the least does ESG execution support more grounded money management proce dures, yet it can likewise uphold exits as well.
United States Sustainable Development Goals: This one was adopted in 2015 and provided an active framework for companies and investors to consider 17 global sustainable goals are crucial factors while investing.
VC subsidizes that can show an insightful way to deal with ESG the board can likewise build up some momentum with a developing number of restricted accomplices. The Estimated values of ESG materiality assessments: With increasing enquiry of the financial inves tor is more often about what your organization is doing as regards to capable investment, how you treat vendors and employees, and your commitment to support startups, and different activities that fall under the ESG umbrella, and having replies to these questions is significant.
ESG data gives insights into the executive practices, diversity and incorporation inside the work environment, tracks ecological endeavors and results, and gives equal data on prescribed procedures within an industry. These insights could assist VCs with making a risk relief channel that prompts better monetary results.

The greatest stress you go through when dealing with a difficult person is not fueled by the words or actions of this person, it is fueled by your mind that gives their words and actions importance. By Dr. Neeta Pant

Some common behaviours of difficult people • Taking credit for other
Do we all not continuously forced or ex pected to work alongside people who we would prefer avoiding? Don’t we all at times get so frustrated that we want to scream out loud or just want to kick some one out of out lives. Let’s be true, we all do! The actions, intentions, or the attitude of peers at time becomes unbearable. At work, we all en counter considerable amount of difficult peo ple; they can be bullies, demanding, negative thinkers, loud mouths, gossip mongers, nonteam players, under-miners, non-listeners, stubborn and what not…. Circumstances may become maddening, frustrating, and frighten ing too for us to handle. One thing is common amongst all difficult peo ple, they need to be addressed. Else, bad be havior or attitude will become a habit for them. Whatever may be the circumstance, however difficult the situation may be, we must address them. Everyone has bad days and experiences thoughtless moments, but, if the behavior con tinues, or worse, escalates, we must address the behavior. people’s
jobs • Double standard personalities • Shouting at others • Endless talkers & Non-listeners • Non Team Players • Underminers & Stubborn • Always criticising • Work-bullies • Gossip-mongers • Demanding • Aggressive, Rude & Anxious Behaviour • Always competing for no reason • Spotlight seekers • Blaming others constantly • Lacks empathy, compassion or concern • Callous Behaviour • Superiority complex; Unnecessary show off • Distrusting of others • Selfish, all about me approach • Stealing ideas and thoughts and showing them as your own

Grenades – They bottle up their anger and then let it explode on others. Mostly, their an ger won’t even be about the subject at hand. They are generally confrontational and can be a handful as well as bossy. They want their way and will do anything to get it.
Whiners - Whiners have a problem with almost everything that’s going on around them. They simply love to complain and crib and would like to dwell in their own perceived issues.
Snippers – If words are weapons, they certain ly can kill. They expertise in using sarcasm and make rude comments to hurt your feelings. They generally have like thinly veiled contempt behind their actions. Know It All - Like the label suggests, they know everything and also have opinion on every thing. They tend to talk in generalizations and No Person - They would always try to discour age you from what you are doing, no matter what.
Difficult people come in different guises. They get in our way, unintentionally or deliberately too. They obstruct us from achieving our or ganisational goals. Few areDowners - are almost impossible to please. They will always have something bad to say, will constantly criticise and judge. Their inten tion is to pull us down all the time.
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Types of difficult people hold high opinion of their own opinions. They like to try impressing others and draw compar isons. You contradict someone who is ‘know It All’, you’re in for trouble.
Yes Person - You will have a “yes” from them for almost everything but later they will hold resentment for their very long to-do lists.

Pessimists - Always end up saying ‘That’s not possible because…’ or ‘That won’t work be cause…’ when presented with an idea. If a pro posal has 10 positive aspects and 1 negative one, they focus only on the negative one.
Pedantics – However urgent the situation might be and speed is needed, they will insist on following the rules word by word. They are more concerned about doing things the right way even if it means missing the goal. They do not have situational flexibility and rigid.
Ditherers – Would hesitate conveying you a decision and will always reply ‘Let me get back to you’. If you chase them up, they will probably trick you off with another delay. Dith erers’ indecision is motivated by differing fac tors and all of them can severely slow down your progress.
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Players - Players of office politics. Their motive is to make you look bad in other’s eyes and ob struct your progress. Last minute, they will do something that will make them look the ‘hero’ and will end up receiving lots of praises.
Bystander – Happy to stand on the side lines but do not take action as for them ‘That’s not my job’. They don’t take responsibility for any thing outside of their perceived domain.
Showman - They talk too much even when they do not have anything worth saying. They want their voice to be heard and to be the star of the show. Any meeting they are in, they waste oth ers’ time without anything productive to add.
Passives - These will contribute nothing. They let others do the hard work. If you coax some thing out of them, it will be of no value add.
I’m Too Busy - When asked for their input, they say ‘I haven’t got time to do that.’ They are inca pable of thinking rationally, and do get upset if you want to pile yet more on their to-do list.

AUGUST 2022 | ISSUE 26 | 30 Why must we deal with these difficult people?
3. We may end up being perceived as imma ture professionals who are unable to handle situations. We may end us getting labelled as a ‘difficult’ person which can have conse quences for our profession.
2. Constant complaining about the fellow-work er or situation can earn us the title of whiner or complainer. People will wonder why we are unable to solve our own problems.
4. We may earn a title of a ‘high maintenance’ worker if the situation lingers on which may have devastating impact on our career.
Identify Hidden NeedsThere is always a hidden need that led to difficult behaviours. It could be like losing a parent, failed rela tionship, health issues etc. To cope, perhaps the person is taking their stress out on ev eryone that crosses their path.
1. If left unaddressed, the situation can get worse. It may give rise to unnecessary con flicts which simmer below the surface and then erupts above the surface at work as counter-productive.
Stay Calm & Listen – When a situation is emotionally charged, losing temper is not going to help. When the difficult person sees us in calm demeanour despite his/ her actions, we might get their attention and desirable results too. Be there to listen to them and while listening, focus on what they want to say rather than what you want to say next. Try listening to them to discern their hurt or frustration. Understand The Person’s Intentions - No one is difficult for the sake of being difficult, there certainly must be some underlying current. Try finding what is stopping him/her to cooperate. Is there some thing that can be done to help them to resolve the situation?
Get Some Perspective From Others - Seek opinions from people who have experi enced similar situations in some way or another. They
15 powerful strategies to deal with difficult people –Exhibit Kindness & Compassion – Nothing will get ac complished if two people are being difficult with each other. Perhaps using kindness with a difficult person may diffuse the situation and we may get more of what we want. When we show compassion, chanc es are that we get them to respond positively. Be Non-Judgemental & Respectful – Many a times one becomes difficult if one is going through a tough ordeal. If a person is acting unreason able, high chances are that they are feeling some sort of vulnerability or fear. We must listen & understand to gain perspective, not judge them. Generally, people know when they were wrong and if their behavior was good or bad. Showing respect, even when it is not deserved, may com pel their behaviour to change.

Set Limits And Boundaries - There are times where being friendly with, listening to, complementing doesn’t work. In these instances, it is time to distance ourself or limit interaction with them as best we can. We have the right to be assertive and set our boundaries.
Self-Reflection – Self-reflection certainly helps. Think hard to under stand why their behavior is bothering us so much. The possibility is that we may be the difficult one that people have issues with. It might be a diffi cult pill to swallow but we may be able to notice that perhaps we think that we are rubbed the wrong way but it could be the other way round.
Nothing Personal – Difficult behav ior might be originating from that individual’s belief system, we must not take it personally. Many a times we end up saying – they are doing that on purpose. Think about it, if we give credit to others for knowing our triggers, we need to be aware of our own triggers and work toward guarding against that behaviour that’s irritating us so severely.
AUGUST 2022 | ISSUE 26 | 31 would be able to see things from different perspective and may offer a different resolution and a neutral perspective. It is a way of finding out “if it is them or me.”
Explain Your Intentions - People sometimes resist or are being diffi cult because they do not understand our intentions behind our actions. Ex plaining where you are coming from, it might enable them to empathize with our situation. This lets them get them on-board much easier.

Acknowledge Differences – People just become ‘difficult’ to deal with, in some situa tions. People have a different personality as compared to us and we might find that hard to deal with. There are people who simply have difficult personality traits. Idea here is not that we must become best friends with a difficult person or be the one responsible for changing them. We must understand that there is a reason why their behavior affects us so significantly. May be, we are too sensitive or maybe we are the difficult one, not willing to change our ways or view points. Either way, this is the perfect time to self-reflect and, if necessary, intervene and influence someone’s life for the better. While not all “difficult people” are bad people, we must learn to live with them and see the best we can in them. Difficult people may be your greatest gift in attaining the character ~ Vincent Thomas To get in touch –9650655535 |
AUGUST 2022 | ISSUE 26 | 32 Key Takeaways
There is a background - One important con tinuum that explains difficult behaviour is the background to their thought process, their belief system which propels them in being difficult.
It is not them, it’s their behaviour - People aren’t their behavior. It’s not the person, it’s the behavior. People can change as they are spectrum of possibilities. People demonstrate patterns of behaviorWe can identify these patterns that will help us anticipate, interact, react and manage more effectively.
Dr. Neeta Pant Senior HR, Professional, Clinical
Passive vs. Aggressive - Another important continuum that explains why people do what they do is their level of assertiveness. Few demonstrate more passive behaviour, while others demonstrate more aggressive be haviour. Our own reaction - How are we perceiving & handling difficult behaviour depends upon our own life situations & circumstances, thought process, belief system as well. Everybody is Somebody’s Difficult PersonDifficult people are all relative. If we are facing difficult people, we may be posing difficulties for others as well. Balance is the Mantra - At the end of the day, it’s demonstrating balance that helps keep behavior in check.

How to overcome the Working Woman Guilt : Raising the Kids Vs. Career Duties By Dr. Vaneeta Aggarwal

• Family members and surrounding people make the mother feel in capable of her duties as a mother.
How Do you manage to do all that by yourself? Whether you are a woman working in the corporate, private sec tor, or the centralized government sector. Whether owning a boutique or being a successful entrepreneur, if you are a woman and you have come far up the ladder of your pro fessional life, it is not possible that you have not heard this question at least once.
The preconceived notion of society that work and family cannot go well is the fundamental reason for the stereotypical concept that women are a better fit for the home. Raising children and securing their future has become a chore labeled for women. We have feminists coming up with plenty of arguments against this idea. But the reality check says something else. The picture says that because it is a woman who had carried the child for a long time in her womb and has felt the child's presence even before it was born, she feels the child’s responsibility is more on her. This is quite natural, and this instinct gives rise to “work ing woman guilt.”
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Roots of the Problem Before we get into the depth of how one can overcome the guilt and have a harmonious life, it is es sential to decoding the concept of this guilt. What do you think gives birth to such self-inflicted guilt?
It is often even the partner (hus band ) who makes her think that she prioritizes work more than her children, which is a grave mistake.
• The pre-existing stereotype is too gravely sculpted in women's minds that if they cannot devote

TRY TO HAVE AT LEAST ONE MEAL TOGETHER. Your child is busy as well as you are. But make sure to have at least one main meal with your child, sitting at the same table without any gad gets around. If possible, cook at least one favorite dish for your kid every day. Do not let your child forget what their mom’s cooked food tastes like. The most important rela
• It is not about the number of hours you spend with your child, but the values you impart to the child and the connection you share with your children matters the most. Practical Life Hacks GET UP EARLY This is important and perhaps the most crucial advice to every working mom. Set your day at the earliest possible. Settle your tasks that need to be done at home before your child gets up. This is very important because working mothers usually get signifi cantly less time to spend with their children. This is main ly because you do most of the work when your child is awake, and then you miss out on time, always running be hind the clock, stressed and overburdened. So, you need to manage your time well and thus start your day early.
AUGUST 2022 | ISSUE 26 | 36 their entire life to their kids, they fail as mothers. But, at the same time, the truth is that - strong women who have a sense of self-worth and importance of identity raise strong children who think the same.
• It is not a cardinal sin to be a working mother. You are going out to work, and opening work opportunities for others has nothing to do with your role as a mother. The game is all about time and responsibility manage ment. So, the first task is to eliminate guilt and realize that you are a woman who has her own identity and can independently support herself and her family. This has nothing to do with what kind of a mother you are.
• Society and women, in par ticular, have to start believ ing that becoming mothers is not the end line of being yourself. Your name, iden tity, and self-worth are enhanced by being a moth er. It is an added feather on your hat, but it is not the only feather, and you do not have to make it. Your love for yourself as a human be ing and a woman deserves priority.

TALK Find out at least 10 minutes in the day to sit with your kid, hold their hands, and listen to them. Listen to everything that makes sense to you and those that do not make sense. Nev er display in front of your kids that you are not interested in listening to them. This shall make them hide things from you which may get them into trouble. There should never be a communication gap be tween you and your kids. TRY TO LEAVE WORK AT THE OFFICE Try not to drag your office work home. This makes the kids feel that their work is more important than theirs. Make them understand that your work is essential but not at their cost.
Forgetting important dates is one of the things that disap point children more than any thing. So, make sure you re member the important dates like those of Parent-Teacher Meetings, their concerts, their parties, etc. To make things easier, set reminders on your phone. Even if not always possible, make sure to turn on time on these special days to have fun with your kids. FINAL WORDS
Remember that you do not have to prove your worth as a mother to the rest of the world. It is an intimate affair between you and your kid. Both of you have to be happy with each other. The world has nothing to do here. Make your kids understand this right from a very young age. They must know, understand and learn that their mother works and her work is as essential in their mother’s life as they are. Imparting the good values in your children from a tender age helps them rise above prejudices and let them visualize their mothers first as human beings and then as their mothers. A mother is na ture’s most prized possession to a child; there should be love, acre, and responsibility to strengthen the bond.
tionships are built over food. The same principle applies to all relationships, including kids and parents.


AUGUST 2022 | ISSUE 26 | 39 ASTRO
• Mars will be in conjunction in the house of Aries and Taurus after 10th August.
The planets are all set to bless your lives in August 2022. The significant transits of the planets that will likely happen in August will majorly impact human lives. Let’s us first have a look at the significant planetary changes that are likely to occur in August 2022:
August is an excellent month for IT professionals. August may be the lucky month if you plan to go abroad for your career and work. It is going to be the perfect time for family relationships. So, you can prepare some family trips. August shall invite wealth to your life. So, be sure to make space ready for additional in come. There can be minor health issues. If possible, stay away from overconsumption of non-veg during this period. You shall be blessed with opportunities. One concern may be trust issues. So be careful who you trust in the family or the professional spheres. You will have a healthy relationship with your spouse.
Mars will continue to transit in the house in August. There will be increased incidences of mental health issues. Therefore, you must keep your electrical appliances safe. There can be dete rioration of physical health. This month is good for higher edu cation. This is an excellent month for opportunities to connect to the legal profession. Your materialistic happiness will arise. Your physical health is at stake during this month. You can buy some land or a vehicle during this time. Expect good results for competitive exams. Establish good relationships with mentors or teachers during this month.
• Mercury will make a transit to Virgo after 21st from Leo.
• After 7th August, Venus will make a transit to the Cancer sign.
• Sun will be in the house of Cancer till the 17th, and in the second half, it will move to Leo.
Here is the August Astrology Report for the various star signs
August is an overall positive month for you. Success is all set to knock on the door. You will enjoy a suitable environment favor ing growth. The professionals in the art and media industry will enjoy happiness and prosperity. There can be multiple minor health issues, so stay protected. August is a great time to start your career in the communication industry. It is a fabulous time to enroll in competitions because there are high chances that you will win. You will earn more in August.

For the Cancerians, august is your month to improve relations with your family members. Your leadership skills are getting a rise. August is a great month to start with pending group proj ects and a diplomatic career. This is a great time to waive the flag to your investment ventures. Your friend’s circle will appre ciate you with a high rise in your popularity. Take a short trip to the mountains to cleanse your soul. Do not take up unnecessary risks during this month. August will compel you to spend more than you earn; you should ensure not to fall into the trap. Prac tice meditation to calm your soul. This is your time to travel. Plan as many trips as possible, and all of them will be successful. Lead your company or join a po litical career because your leadership skills are rising. This will be a financially blessed month for you, owing to the positive movements of Mercury. Work on your speech and communi cation methods. This is an auspicious time to improve the fam ily assets. You may not have very good relationships with your spouse. August is a good start for your higher education goals. Watch out for your expenses on luxury fashion items. Prioritize saving over expenditure to enjoy the month better.
August is a particular month for the Virgos. Your personality will be fantastic; people will trust and listen to you. So, this is an ex cellent month to start corporate projects. You may be physically separated from your family. August strongly supports your trav el plans. This is not a great month for your academic career. Your education may receive a gap, and you must put in extra effort to save it. This is the perfect month to get married. It can be a troublesome month for your health so watch out for digestive issues.
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August is a mixed month for you. Your finance will improve, in cluding benefits in investment ventures. You can successfully execute long withheld plans. The transit of Mars can be deroga tory for the physical health and romantic relations in life. There are chances of health issues, so stay aware, especially for respi ratory disorders. It is a good month for your abroad travel plans. There are high chances of promotion and financial gain. You may get involved in a romantic affair during August. This is a great month to start your business ventures. Sign part nership deals because it is a financially blessed month. New avenues for income will open. It may be a month full of emo tional turmoil with your spouse or partner. If you want to pursue a spiritual life, go out for pilgrimages. It will take more fort to grow in your academic career. Your relationship with friends, family, and spouse will be in danger. The first week is good for appearing in competitive exams and tests. There is a chance of winning a big prize during august so that you can test your luck at casinos. There is a positive movement of Jupiter for your house. You will earn plenty of wealth assets and improve family connections. For an academic career, the first half of the month is better than the latter. Grave mental health issues may accompany specif ic health issues. Make sure that you take good care of your self. Your professional journey will be smooth and hassle-free. You will gain better financial stability. If looking forward to a job change or improvements, this may not be a great month. There will be a lack of stability in your life.

August is the time for professional establishment in your life. It is a great month to start a new career, especially for people connected to the media industry. Mercury in your house will favor higher education. However, there may be issues in your personal relationships with your wife and children. This may be an excellent time for people trying to get a government job. You must be very careful and watch out for your steps in your per sonal life. August may facilitate long pending promotions and enhance your success in professional fields. Watch out for your expenses because this month can affect your personal savings. You will spend too much. August is well suit ed to favor your foreign trips. You may be physically separated from your family, but it will take you closer to your professional aspirations and dreams. This is a great month to start with your spiritual journey but not a good month for your interpersonal re lationships. August needs you to work harder and gain better momentum in life. You can feel sluggish and less productive but keep on working hard. August can bring you an opportunity for private sector jobs. You'll probably experience greater prosperity in the form of a raise, increased money, or a rewarding job offer. You may very soon find wealth and riches more readily available to you, but you must work hard for it in order to reap the benefits. Addi tionally, until the spring of 2023, Saturn will continue to develop his presence in your region of isolation and rest. Saturn, who bestows lessons in life, will be bringing your attention to karma, which will either result in you receiving the benefits of the pros perity you have brought into the world or will plague you with the baggage you must now atone for. During this period, you'll feel the urge to face everything you've established while also healing and growing spiritually.
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