Biznesa angļu valoda, 2. studiju posms

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Biznesa angļu valoda (BUSINESS ENGLISH)


Kursa autore: Mg. paed. Kristīne Kvēle-Kvāle

Biznesa vadības koledža


SATURS Studijvedis ........................................................................................................................... 9 Apzīmējumi ....................................................................................................................... 15 Kursa apraksts ................................................................................................................... 17 Docētājas uzruna................................................................................................................ 21 9. nodarbība. Company Structures ................................................................................ 23 1. The Business Organisation ............................................................................................ 25 2. Types of Business Activity ............................................................................................ 26 3. The Organisation Hierarchy .......................................................................................... 28 4. Organisation Chart ......................................................................................................... 29 5. Management Styles ....................................................................................................... 31 Dictionary .......................................................................................................................... 39 Exercises ............................................................................................................................ 41 Key .................................................................................................................................... 43 Reference ........................................................................................................................... 45 Test .................................................................................................................................... 47 10. nodarbība. Telephone Language .............................................................................. 51 1. Telephone Language...................................................................................................... 53 2. Taking a Message .......................................................................................................... 59 3. Leaving a Message ........................................................................................................ 60 Dictionary .......................................................................................................................... 63 Exercises ............................................................................................................................ 65 Key .................................................................................................................................... 69 Reference ........................................................................................................................... 71 Test .................................................................................................................................... 73 11. nodarbība. Recruitment ............................................................................................ 77 1. Recruitment ................................................................................................................... 79 2. Letter of Application ..................................................................................................... 82 3. Curriculum Vitae (CV) .................................................................................................. 84 Dictionary .......................................................................................................................... 91 Exercises ............................................................................................................................ 93 Key .................................................................................................................................... 97 Reference ......................................................................................................................... 101 Test .................................................................................................................................. 103




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12. nodarbība. Meetings ..............................................................................................107 1. Types of Meetings .....................................................................................................110 2. Structure of a Meeting ...............................................................................................114 3. Minutes ......................................................................................................................120 Dictionary ......................................................................................................................123 Exercises ........................................................................................................................125 Key ................................................................................................................................127 Reference .......................................................................................................................129 Test ................................................................................................................................131 13. nodarbība. Formal Writing .................................................................................135 1. The Letter ..................................................................................................................137 2. The Layout .................................................................................................................139 3. A Memorandum (Memo)...........................................................................................144 4. Faxes ..........................................................................................................................146 Dictionary ......................................................................................................................149 Exercises ........................................................................................................................151 Key ................................................................................................................................155 Reference .......................................................................................................................159 Test ................................................................................................................................161 14. nodarbība. Marketing ...........................................................................................165 1. Buying and Selling ....................................................................................................167 2. The History of Marketing ..........................................................................................167 3. Marketing ..................................................................................................................170 4. Ingredients of the Marketing Mix ..............................................................................173 Dictionary ......................................................................................................................177 Exercises ........................................................................................................................179 Key ................................................................................................................................181 Reference .......................................................................................................................183 Test ................................................................................................................................185 15. nodarbība. Finance ................................................................................................189 1. Everyday Monetary Transactions ..............................................................................191 2. Bank Services ............................................................................................................192 3. Balance Sheet Entries ................................................................................................195 4. Annual Report ...........................................................................................................196 5. Describing Trends .....................................................................................................198 Dictionary ......................................................................................................................201 Exercises ........................................................................................................................203 Key ................................................................................................................................205 Reference .......................................................................................................................207 Test ................................................................................................................................209



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16. nodarbība. Presentation .......................................................................................... 213 1. Planning and Preparing a Presentation ........................................................................ 217 2. Delivering a Presentation............................................................................................. 220 3. Language of a Presentation.......................................................................................... 221 4. Visual Aids .................................................................................................................. 222 Dictionary ........................................................................................................................ 225 Exercises .......................................................................................................................... 227 Key .................................................................................................................................. 229 Reference ......................................................................................................................... 231 Test .................................................................................................................................. 233 Par eksāmenu ................................................................................................................... 237





Biznesa vadības koledža



Biznesa vadības koledža


Vispārīga informācija Pirmā līmeņa augstākās profesionālās izglītības studiju programmas Biznesa vadības koledžā (BVK) tiek īstenotas, izmantojot tālmācības metodi. Tālmācība ir atzīta par lietderīgāko izglītības ieguves formu strādājošajiem tāpēc, ka:  tā dod iespēju mācīties Jums vēlamajā vietā un laikā;  tā ir Jūsu iespēja apvienot mācības arī ar tādu darbu, kas saistīts ar biežiem komandējumiem, ar darbu maiņās, ar darbu, kurā ir nenormēts darba laiks;  tā ir iespēja kārtot eksāmenu vai ieskaiti jebkurā Jums piemērotā dienā un laikā;  tā ir iespēja saņemt konsultācijas, izmantojot elektronisko pastu;  studējošais katrā priekšmetā saņem īpaši veidotu izsmeļošu mācību grāmatu, kurā iekļauts viss studiju kursa saturs.

Studiju norise Tālmācības studiju būtiska sastāvdaļa ir patstāvīgās studijas jeb darbs ar tālmācības materiāliem (grāmatām), kurus BVK speciālisti ir sagatavojuši tieši Jūsu vajadzībām. Ikvienā grāmatā Jūs varat atrast: •

būtiskāko Jums nepieciešamo informāciju, kas strukturēta nodarbībās (tās atrodamas uz baltas krāsas lapām);

nodarbības kopsavilkumu, lai nostiprinātu iegūtās zināšanas;

terminu skaidrojošo vārdnīcu;

vingrinājumus un pašpārbaudes jautājumus;

uzdevumu un vingrinājumu atbildes;

papildliteratūras sarakstu padziļinātai kursa apguvei;

pašpārbaudes testus un kontroluzdevumus, kas palīdz kursa apguvē.




Biznesa vadības koledža

Pievērsiet uzmanību apzīmējumiem (ideogrammām) kursa sākumā! Tie palīdzēs Jums apgūt kursa saturu. Studiju materiālā atradīsiet arī to kompetenču uzskaitījumu, ko Jūs iegūsiet vai attīstīsiet kursa apguves laikā. Strādājot ar tālmācības grāmatu, Jūs: 

lasāt tekstu;

veicat uzdevumus;

atbildat uz jautājumiem, kas atrodami šajā tekstā;

uz lapas malām atzīmējat sev būtiskāko informāciju, dažādas piezīmes, radušos jautājumus u.tml.;

izmantojot kopsavilkumu katras nodarbības beigās, apkopojat svarīgāko informāciju;

lietojot terminu vārdnīcu, atkārtojat un aktualizējat būtiskākos terminus;

veicat vingrinājumus, atbildat uz pašpārbaudes jautājumiem (to pareizās atbildes varat atrast nodarbības beigās), lai pārliecinātos par to, ka esat pilnībā izpratis/-usi un apguvis/-usi nodarbības saturu;

lasāt piedāvāto papildliteratūru, ja vēlaties kursa saturu apgūt vēl dziļāk;

ja vēlaties, veicat pašpārbaudes testu (pareizās atbildes dotas lapas otrā pusē) vai izpildāt kontroluzdevumu, kas palīdz Jums nodarbībā iegūtās teorētiskās zināšanas pielietot praktiski.

1. Katra studiju kursa ietvaros paredzētas arī praktiskās nodarbības klātienē. Tās: 

notiek vienu – divas reizes mēnesī;

palīdz izprast teorētisko jautājumu atbilstību Jūsu individuālajai pieredzei, rosinot uz diskusijām, domu apmaiņu, kā arī dodot iespēju samērot savas zināšanas un prasmes ar citu grupas dalībnieku zināšanām un prasmēm;

ļauj Jums apzināties sevi jaunā sociālā vidē, kas rosina domāt, pilnveido profesionāli un personīgi.




Biznesa vadības koledža

2. Kursa apguves laikā Jūs kārtojat ieskaiti vai eksāmenu.  tas notiek klātienē: katras klātienes nodarbības noslēgumā kopā ar grupu Jūs kārtojat ieskaiti/ eksāmenu;  līdzdarbojoties atvieglojumus










uzdevumu skaitu);  ieskaiti/ eksāmenu varat kārtot arī individuāli Jūsu izvēlētajā laikā, iepriekš vienojoties ar Studiju atbalsta centru;  ieskaites/ eksāmena rezultātus Jums paziņo BVK Studiju atbalsta centra darbinieki (pa tālruni, ar vēstules vai e-pasta starpniecību). 3. Vienu reizi semestrī Jums ir iespēja saņemt arī attiecīgā kursa docētāja individuālas konsultācijas. Konsultāciju laiki ir atspoguļoti Jūsu studiju grafikā. Ja vēlaties saņemt individuālu konsultāciju, aicinām iepriekš pieteikties Studiju atbalsta centrā.

Studiju atbalsta sistēma Studiju atbalsts ir mērķtiecīgi radīta sistēma, kuras galvenais uzdevums ir palīdzēt Jums adaptēties tālmācības studiju vidē, sasniegt iecerētos rezultātus, iegūt kvalitatīvu augstāko izglītību. Pirms studiju uzsākšanas un studiju laikā Jums palīdz BVK Studiju atbalsta centra darbinieki (konsultanti), kuri kvalitatīvi sniedz atbildes uz jautājumiem, kas saistīti ar: •

tālmācības grāmatām (kur, kad un kādā veidā tās saņemt, kā ar tām pareizi strādāt, cik daudz laika jāpatērē optimāla rezultāta sasniegšanai);

kārtību, kādā notiek klātienes nodarbības un konsultācijas;

ieskaišu/ eksāmenu kārtošanu, vērtēšanas sistēmu un kārtību u.tml.

Studiju kursa saturu Jums palīdz apgūt koledžas mācību spēki. Nekautrējieties izmantot viņu palīdzību klātienes nodarbībās un konsultācijās!




Biznesa vadības koledža

Studiju laikā Jūsu rīcībā ir BVK bibliotēka, kurā varat atrast literatūru vai noskatīties mācību videofilmas, kas nepieciešamas kursa dziļākai apguvei. BVK studējošā apliecība ļauj Jums izmantot arī citu bibliotēku pakalpojumus (skat.

Kā vislabāk mācīties? Iesakām vienas nodarbības apgūšanai veltīt 90 minūtes dienā. Studijas vēlams organizēt šādi: •

izlasiet materiālu, uzrakstiet atbildes uz jautājumiem tekstā (uzdevumiem, kas apzīmēti ar , pareizās atbildes dotas nodarbības beigās);

lappušu malās atzīmējiet sev būtiskāko informāciju (izmantojiet šīs piezīmes praktiskajās nodarbībās klātienē vai individuālo konsultāciju laikā);

pievērsiet uzmanību konstatējumiem, kas izvietoti uz lapas malām, jo tajos vēlreiz akcentēta svarīgākā doma. Tos ērti izmantot, atkārtojot apgūto vai gatavojoties eksāmenam;

vēlreiz pārlasiet nodarbības saturu, pievērsiet uzmanību kopsavilkumam un terminu skaidrojumam;

atsauciet atmiņā iepriekš apgūto, atbildiet uz pašpārbaudes jautājumiem, salīdziniet savas atbildes ar kursa autora piedāvātajām atbildēm, kas atrodamas nodarbības beigās;

uzrakstiet pašpārbaudes testa vai kontroluzdevumu atbildes / risinājumus;

gatavojoties klātienes praktiskajām nodarbībām, iepazīstieties ar papildliteratūru, sistematizējiet savas zināšanas, sagatavojiet jautājumus diskusijām klātienes nodarbībās.



Biznesa vadības koledža


Kā sagatavot pārbaudes darbu atbildes? Pašpārbaudes uzdevumi Nodarbību noslēgumā ir jautājumi un uzdevumi, kas domāti sevis pārbaudei. Iesakām atbildēt uz paškontroles jautājumiem un veikt paredzētos uzdevumus. Šie uzdevumi paredzēti tikai Jūsu prasmju pašvērtējumam. Par savas atbildes precizitāti varat pārliecināties katras nodarbības beigās, papildu informāciju varat gūt konsultācijās vai praktiskajās nodarbībās, uzdodot konkrētus jautājumus un pārrunājot radušos problēmu.

Pašpārbaudes testi Rūpīgi izlasiet testa jautājumus! Nesteidzieties! Izmantojiet šos jautājumus kā mācību plānu, kas palīdz pievērst uzmanību galvenajam nodarbībā! Vēlreiz pārlasiet studiju materiālu un pārliecinieties, vai visiem jautājumiem esat veltījis / -usi pietiekami daudz uzmanības. Mēģiniet formulēt savu atbildi! Pēc tam salīdziniet savu atbildi ar piedāvātajiem variantiem un atbilžu lapā atzīmējiet to, kurš visprecīzāk atspoguļo Jūsu domas! Salīdziniet savas atbildes ar pareizajām, kas dotas pēc testa!

Kontroluzdevumi Iesakām veikt arī kontroluzdevumus. Tie paredzēti, lai Jūs pievērstu uzmanību svarīgākajai informācijai tekstā un apgūtās teorijas praktiskam pielietojumam.




Biznesa vadības koledža

Ieskaites un eksāmeni Ieskaites un eksāmeni BVK tiek kārtoti klātienē. Studiju kursos, kuru apjoms ir 2 kredītpunkti, ir viens pārbaudījums – diferencētā ieskaite. Studiju kursos, kuru apjoms ir 4 kredītpunkti, ir divi pārbaudījumi: diferencētā ieskaite un eksāmens. Informāciju par to, kā tiek organizēta ieskaite vai eksāmens, Jūs varat atrast grāmatas pēdējā lappusē. Ieskaites/ eksāmeni tiek kārtoti klātienes nodarbības laikā. Tos Jūs kārtojat kopā ar savu grupu, saņemot atvieglojumus (mazāku uzdevumu skaitu). Ir pieļaujama arī individuāla ieskaišu/ eksāmenu kārtošana, kas iepriekš jāsaskaņo ar konsultantiem (BVK Studiju atbalsta centra tālrunis ir 67803261).

Atcerieties, ka ieskaite/eksāmens jānokārto tajā semestrī, kad apgūts attiecīgais studiju kurss!

Vēlam sekmes studijās!




Biznesa vadības koledža



svarīgi iegaumēt


vērts padomāt

uzdevumi, uz kuriem atbildes atradīsiet nodaļā “Uzdevumu atbildes”



terminu skaidrojošā vārdnīca

vingrinājumi, uzdevumi un pašpārbaudes jautājumi

uzdevumu atbildes

ieteicamā literatūra




Biznesa vadības koledža



Biznesa vadības koledža

9. nodarbība

COMPANY STRUCTURES 1. The Business Organisation .......................................................................19 2. Types of Business Activity .......................................................................20 3. The Organisation Hierarchy .....................................................................20 4. Organisation Chart ....................................................................................19 5. Management Styles ..................................................................................19 Dictionary .....................................................................................................19 Exercises .......................................................................................................19 Key ...............................................................................................................19 Reference ......................................................................................................19 Test ...............................................................................................................19

In this unit you will:  get acquainted with various business organisations;  get acquainted with different types of business activity;  learn about organisation hierarchy;  learn about different departaments of the company and their responsibilities;  get acquainted with various management styles.



9. nodarbība


Biznesa vadības koledža


9. nodarbība

Biznesa vadības koledža

1. THE BUSINESS ORGANISATION One way of classifying business organisations is by their legal status and ownership. Many large businesses are public limited companies (plc), which means that the public can buy and sell their shares on the stock exchange. To become a sole trader is the simplest way to start a business. A sole trader is a person carrying on a business, for example, a hairdresser or a greengrocer. A sole trader is self – employed and entirely responsible for all aspects of the management of the business. A private limited company can be formed with a minimum of two people becoming shareholders. They must appoint a director and a company secretary. If the company goes out of business, the responsibility of each shareholder is limited to the amount that they have contributed; they have limited liability. That’s why such a company has Ltd (limited) after its name. A limited company is a separate legal entity or ”person” in its own right. It may, in its own name, acquire assets, incur debts and enter into contracts. A partnership is a group of individuals carrying on a business by agreement, for example, a legal practice. All partners are responsible for the debts of the partnership, and profits and losses are shared. A public sector organisation is owned by the state. Most state organisations are financed by public funds (mainly via taxation), and exist to provide cost – efficient services.

Decide on the advantages and disadvantages of the following forms of business: a private limited company; a public limited company; a sole trader; a partnership. Advantages



A private limited company

A public limited company

A sole trader

A partnership



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Biznesa vadības koledža

2. TYPES OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY There are many different types of business activity. Some organisations make and build things, some – sell and distribute things, while others offer information and services. The following table shows the main types of business activity. Types of business activity

What do they do?

Manufacturers They buy in raw materials and components, and co – ordinate labour, machinery and processes to convert these into more complex components or finished products, which can then be sold. They are brought in to carry out Contractors operations or projects for clients, according to the terms of a contract or agreement about what should be done, at what price and by what date. Contractors may have similar agreements with sub – contractors. They ”buy” knowledge and Service expertise, which is then ”sold” to organisations clients and customers. They buy things which others have Distributors, made, and then sell them to wholesalers, customers. retailers These perform a full range of Non – profit business transactions, but do not organisations have the primary aim of making money for their owners.



Makers of soap

Designers of information systems, builders

Schools, hospitals, solicitors Supermarkets, distribution firms Charities, public sector organisations


9. nodarbība

Biznesa vadības koledža

Read the company profiles and complete the notes below.

The Coca-Cola Company exists to benefit and refresh everyone it touches. Founded in 1886, the company is the world's leading manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups, used to produce nearly 400 beverage brands. The company purchases and distributes certain non-carbonated beverages such as isotonics, teas and juice drinks in finished form from The Coca-Cola Company. The product brand names of the Group includes Coca-Cola Classic, Diet Coke, Sprite, Caffeine free diet Coke, Cherry Coke and diet Cherry Coke, Citra, diet Coke with lemon and diet Minute Maid soft drinks. The corporate headquarters are in Atlanta, with local operations in more than 200 countries around the world.

Name of the company ____________________________

Name of the company __________________

Virgin is a leading international company based in London. It was founded in 1970 by Richard Branson. The group has seven main divisions: cinema, communication, financial services, hotels, investments, retail and travel. Virgin operates in 23 countries, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, Asia and South Africa.

Foundation year __________________ Headquarters ____________________________ ____________________________ Business activities ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

Foundation year ____________________________ Headquarters ____________________________ Business activities ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Markets ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

Markets ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________



9. nodarbība

Biznesa vadības koledža

3. THE ORGANISATION HIERARCHY Most companies are made up of the following groups of people:  the management;  the workforce;  the shareholders. The organisation hierarchy has implications for the ”shape” of an organisation. A tall organisation is one which, in relation to its size, has a large number of levels of management hierarchy. This implies a narrow span of control (the span of control refers to the number of subordinates immediately reporting to a superior official). A flat organisation is one which, in relation to its size, has a small number of hierarchical levels. This implies a wide span of control.


Divisional Directors Department Managers


Department Managers

Section Managers Assistant Managers

Supervisors Supervisors Charge hands/ Team Leaders Workers

Wide Span of Control


Narrow Span of Control

*MD – Managing Director


What kind of organisation do you work for in terms of the organisation hierarchy? .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................



9. nodarbība

Biznesa vadības koledža

4. ORGANISATION CHART The management structure of a company is usually shown in an organisation chart. Study the following example of an organisation chart.


Managing Director (MD)


Production Director

Marketing Director

Financial Director

Sales Manager

Advertising Manager

Market Research Manager

Personnel Director

Management Accountant

Research and Development Director

Financial Accountant


As you can see, at the top of the company hierarchy is the Board of Directors. The Board is usually headed by the Chairperson. The Board appoints a Managing Director or Chief Executive Officer (CEO), who is responsible for running the business. Senior Managers head different departaments within the company. These may include the following:    

Production; Marketing; Finance; Personnel or Human Resources (HR);

    


Public Relations (PR); Information Technology (IT); Research and Development (R&D); Distribution; After - sales.


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Biznesa vadības koledža

Now it is your turn to draw an organisation chart of the company you work for!

Read what several people are telling about their job responsibilities and decide which department each one works for! Write your answer in the space after each description. 1. Before a company decides to sell a product, our department must decide in which regions it will be the most successful and what types of consumers we want to reach. ( __________________ ) 2. Our company is going through a difficult period and we have to reduce the number of employees in several departaments and provide the rest of the employees with the appropriate training to increase efficiency. ( _________________ ) 3. Every year we produce reports showing how the company is doing. We are very busy, because at the moment we are preparing the results that will be included in our next report. ( __________________ ) 4. Communication is the main aspect of our department’s work. We answer enquiries made by our customers and inform mass media about our new products and changes within the company. ( __________________ ) 5. We have been having problems with the quality of several spare parts produced in our factory. So we are going to organise a meeting to discuss ways of improving some of our manufacturing techniques. ( __________________ )



9. nodarbība

Biznesa vadības koledža

Join the description of the problem with the company department which is most likely to deal with it. Put your answers in the table below. 1. Human Resources

a) We have major problems with the cash flow from our overseas partners.

2. Distribution

b) We can’t continue our work until the network is fixed.

3. Marketing

c) Two of our subsidiaries have encountered serious problems with assembly lines.

4. Finance

d) We have to call a press conference to announce the launch of our new product.

5. Public Relations

e) The work of the laboratory has been very unsuccessfiul and we are thinking of closing it down.

6. Research and Development

f) We have to pay more attention to staff training.

7. Production

g) There are five lorries waiting outside the warehouse and there’s nothing to put in them.

8. Information Technology

h) The results of the latest survey show that we have to think about the diversification of our products.









5. MANAGEMENT STYLES Which management style is the “right” one? Which works best? It has to be admitted, that a style which is appropriate and effective in one situation will not work in another. Although management styles are very flexible and adaptable according to circumstances, several researches have been carried out to develop a clasification of management styles. The Ashridge Studies found four broad management styles.



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Biznesa vadības koledža

Read carefully the following descriptions of each style!

AUTOCRATIC (tell) The manager makes all the decisions and issues instructions which must be obeyed without any question. Advantages  Quick decisions can be made when speed is required.  It is the most efficient type of leadership for routine work.

Disadvantages  Communication between the manager and the subordinate is one – way, which may result in lack of helpful feedback.  It does not encourage initiative from subordinates.

PERSUASIVE (sell) The manager still makes all the decisions, but explains them to subordinates and attempts to motivate subordinates to carry them out willingly. Advantages  Selling decisions to the staff might make them more willing.  Staff will have a better idea of what to do when unforeseen events arise, because the manager will have explained his/her intentions.

Disadvantages  Subordinates might not be committed to the decisions in which they have not been involved.  It may be felt that the manager only pretends to be concerned for employees’ view.

PARTICIPATIVE (consult) The manager confers with the subordinates and takes their views and feelings into account, but retains the right to make the final decision. Advantages  Employees are involved in decisions. This encourages motivation through greater involvement.  Employees can contribute knowledge and experience, to help in solving problems.


Disadvantages  It might take longer to make decisions.  If the manager does no take employees’ advice they might perceive this process to be meaningless.


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9. nodarbība

DEMOCRATIC (join) The leader and followers make decisions together on the basis of consensus, compromise or agreement. Advantages Disadvantages  It can provide high commitment  The authority of the manager might to the decision reached. be undermined.  It takes advantage of the  Decision – making becomes a very knowledge and expertise of long process. individuals in different areas, for  Clear – cut decisions might be high – quality, flexible decision – difficult to reach. making. * Source: Organisations and Behaviour. – BPP Publishing Limited, 2000. Now, answer the following questions concerning four previously discussed management styles!


1. Which of the four classifications would you expect to be most popular with subordinates? .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................

2. Which of the four classifications would you expect to be perceived by subordinates as the most common style? .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................

3. Which of the four classifications would you expect to create most favourable attitudes to work? .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................



9. nodarbība

Biznesa vadības koledža

Read the text about the company “Health Products” Ltd! Health Products Ltd is a producer of pharmaceutical pills, powders and other medicines for retailing and for prescription in chemist's shops throughout the country and abroad. Many of the products it makes use the latest technology and the production management works closely with research and development. Although they rarely admit it, many of the production managers enjoy the technical challenge of manufacturing the products. In fact they could be said to manage products and processes better than people. Every Monday the management team meet to discuss the priorities and problems of the job. This Monday the least technological part of the job was under discussion for the first time. The problem was in the packing section, which had just been taken over by a new manager Mr Ray East, and he had raised this problem. The products were packed using production-line techniques, where operatives stood at “station” two metres apart. Here each operative had quantities of a few of the products, which they placed into boxes that were slowly moving down the conveyor. Sometimes the order attached to the box required the products a particular individual handled, and sometimes not. The problems that Mr East found on his appointment were recounted to the meeting. Absenteeism was the worst problem and it meant either high overtime bills or orders not being available to the customer at the promised time, or both. He said that discussions with the packers showed a lack of job interest or boredom, which resulted in mistakes, accidents and suspected sabotage. One day the conveyor belt ground to a halt, with much cheering from the operatives who all sat down on the nearest box and then groaned when the repair was finished. The repair showed that the breakdown was caused by a bolt that had been dropped into the conveyor cogs, sabotage was suspected but impossible to prove. Statistics showed that accidents and mistakes were on the increase. There was a lack of team spirit and the operatives were unwilling to help each other when the occasion arose. The operatives were paid just the same as others doing the same type of job in the region. Mr East proposed that the production-line was scrapped and that the operatives worked in groups and sat at “desks” which stocked all the company's products and then one packer could complete a whole order for a customer. Small groups might even deal with particular sets of customers, whom they might come to consider as “theirs”. The “desks”' would be arranged so that they could see and talk to each other as they worked. The details were not worked out, as Mr East wanted to consult the packers first and seek their active participation in making the change. Some of the managers welcomed the idea but others were unconvinced. Their criticisms were: “Asking the workforce for their ideas will only complicate the issue, explain the plan and sell it to them”, “They only work for the money, give them a bonus for better work”, “We tried participation ten years ago and it didn't work” and other disheartening statements.



9. nodarbība

Biznesa vadības koledža

When you have finished reading the text and have completely understood it, read the following statements and decide which of them are TRUE, and which – FALSE.

1. Health Products Ltd is a public limited company.


2. The managers at Health Products Ltd are good at working with people.


3. Mr East has been working for Health Products Ltd for ages.


4. The employees working on the production line didn’t have a chance to communicate and co – operate.


5. The worst problem was that the employees were absent from work very often.


6. The packers showed lack of interest in their job, which resulted in accidents and mistakes.


7. Such behaviour didn’t cause any losses to the company.


8. The employees were willing to help each other.


9. Mr East wanted to dismiss all packers.


10. All other managers were convinced that Mr East’s new idea would work.


As you most probably know, various management styles lead to different outcomes. Now get acquainted with another text that discusses various management practices!


Traditionally the model of leadership has been very simple – managers gave orders and their subordinates carried them out. This was an authoritarian approach. However, things have changed. In many cultures, there is management by consensus, when decisions are not imposed from above in a top – down approach, but reached in a process of consultation. Using this approach all employees are asked to contribute to decision making. Another development in management has been coaching, when future managers are being brought up by the existing ones in regular coaching or mentoring sessions, where they discuss the skills and qualities required in the particular organisational culture. Another recent trend has been to encourage employees to use their own initiative or the right to make decisions without asking managers first. This is called empowerment. Using this approach, decision making becomes more decentralised and less bureaucratic. Managers often delegate authority – they give other people responsibility for work rather than do it all themselves.



9. nodarbība


Biznesa vadības koledža

Match these pairs of contrasting management styles! 1.

















hands on


people – orientated


task – orientated


laissez – faire

Now when you have read more about different management styles, decide what management style was being exercised in the Health Products Ltd! What, to your mind, are the advantages and disadvantages of this style? .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................

Describe briefly the management style in the company you work for! .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................



9. nodarbība

Biznesa vadības koledža

In this unit you have come across many new words and phrases related to organisation structures and various management styles. Let’s revise them! Match the words with their corresponding definitions! Put your answers in the table below. 1. headquarters

a) a person whose business is the sale of goods in small quantities to consumers b) agreement c) ability to initiate; drive; energy d) the distribution of functions and powers from a central authority to departments e) the department that deals with the market research in order to attract a profitable demand for a product f) an employee g) a business person who produces goods on a large scale by machinery h) the department that communicates with the mass media and the society i) the power to issue directives accompanied with the right to expect obedience j) an organisation that does not have the primary aim of making money for its owners k) policy of non – interference l) to work in partnership m) teaching n) a person who contracts to perform work, e.g., building work o) the department that is responsible for the money matters of the company p) buyer q) main offices of the company r) the department that is responsible for the production process s) bringing power, authority, administration under central control t) a company that is wholly controlled by another u) the department that is responsible for hiring the right people for the right jobs v) to assign responsibility or authority to other people

2. subsidiary 3. manufacturer 4. retailer 5. contractor 6.

non – profit (organisation)

7. to delegate 8. initiative 9. finance 10. marketing 11. production 12. public relations 13. human resources 14. subordinate 15. centralisation 16. laissez – faire 17. decentralisation 18. consensus 19. customer 20. authority 21. to collaborate 22. mentoring

























9. nodarbība



Biznesa vadības koledža

Insert at least 10 of the new words from the previous exercise in sentences of your own! .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................


9. nodarbība

Biznesa vadības koledža

DICTIONARY abroad – ārzemes; ārzemēs absent – promesošs absenteeism – neierašanās darbā accident – nelaimes gadījums to acquire – iegādāties advantage - priekšrocība to agree – piekrist agreement – vienošanās aim - mērķis to announce – paziņot announcement - paziņojums to appoint – iecelt (amatā) appropriate - piemērots to arrange – sakārtot; vienoties assets – aktīvi assets and liabilities – aktīvi un pasīvi authoritarian - autoritārs authority – vara; tiesības autocratic – autokrātisks; patvarīgs to benefit – gūt labumu beverage – dzēriens bureaucratic – birokrātisks board of directors – valde boredom – garlaicība broad - plašs cash flow – naudas plūsma chairperson – priekšsēdētājs challenge – izaicinājums charity – labdarība to cheer – uzmundrināt circumstances – apstākļi clear – cut – skaidrs; noteikts cog – (zobrata) zobs coaching – trenēšana; apmācība commitment - saistības to complicate – sarežģīt components – sastāvdaļas concerned – ieinteresēts; norūpējies to confer (with) - apspriesties consensus – vienprātība to consume – patērēt consumer - patērētājs to contribute – veicināt; dot ieguldījumu contract – līgums to convert – pārveidot; konvertēt (valūtu) convinced – pārliecināts conveyor – konvejers cost – efficient – rentabls criticism – kritika ANGĻU VALODA II

customer – pircējs debts – parādi decentralised – decentralizēts to decide – nolemt decision – lēmums to delegate – deleģēt disadvantage - trūkums to distribute – izplatīt distribution – izplatīšana to diversify – dažādot division – daļa; nodaļa efficiency – efektivitāte to employ – nodarbināt employee – darbinieks employer – darba devējs to empower – dot iespēju; pilnvarot to encounter – sastapt; sadurties to encourage – iedrošināt; veicināt enquiry – pētījums; pieprasījums to enter – ieiet; vienoties; iekļaut entirely – pilnībā expertise – kompetence; speciālas zināšanas feedback – atgriezeniskā saite; atsauksmes finance – finanses finances – finanses; ienākumi flexible - elastīgs funds – fondi; naudas līdzekļi to groan – vaidēt halt – apstāšanās hierarchy – hierarhija human resources – personāls implication – iesaistīšana; iejaukšana to imply – nozīmēt; netieši norādīt to improve – uzlabot to increase – palielināt initiative – iniciatīva information technology – informācijas tehnoloģija intention – nodoms; nolūks issue – jautājums; problēma labour – darbs lack – (kaut kā) trūkums to lack – trūkt to launch – sākt ražot laissez – faire - neiejaukšanās leadership – vadība legal entity – juridisks subjekts legal status – juridiskais statuss level – līmenis

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9. nodarbība

Biznesa vadības koledža

liability – atbildība to limit – ierobežot losses – zaudējumi machinery – iekārta management – vadība manager – menedžeris managing director – izpilddirektors; rīkotājdirektors marketing – mārketings mass media – masu mēdiji meaningless - bezjēdzīgs mentoring - apmācība network – tīkls non – profit (organisation) – bezpeļņas (organizācija) obedience – paklausība to obey - klausīt to offer – piedāvāt organisational culture – organizācijas kultūra owner - īpašnieks ownership – īpašumtiesības packer – iesaiņotājs to participate – piedalīties participation – piedalīšanās partnership – līdzdalība to perceive – saprast; uztvert personnel – personāls powerful – spēcīgs prescription – recepte (zālēm) to pretend - izlikties primary – galvenais priority – prioritāte private limited company – sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību production – ražošana profit – peļņa


public limited company – akciju sabiedrība public relations – sabiedriskās attiecības range – klāsts raw materials – izejmateri to reduce – samazināt to refresh – atsvaidzināt to require – pieprasīt; prasīt retailer – mazumtirgotājs retailing – mazumtirdzniecība to retain – paturēt; saglabāt; atcerēties routine - rutīna sabotage – sabotāža self – employed – pašnodarbināts to sell – pārdot share – daļa; akcija shareholder – akcionārs size – lielums sole trader – individuālais komersants solicitor – jurists span – (laika) sprīdis; (tilta) garums; (upes) platums; (roku) plētums spare parts – reserves daļas spouse – dzīvesbiedrs stock exchange – birža subordinate – padotais subsidiary – meitas kompānija superior – priekšnieks; augstāks, labāks survey – pārskats to suspect – turēt aizdomās; apšaubīt team spirit – komandas gars to undermine – graut; iedragāt; mazināt (ietekmi) unwilling – negribīgs via – caur wholesale - vairumtirdzniecība workforce – darbaspēks


9. nodarbība

Biznesa vadības koledža

EXERCISES Exercise 1. Complete the crossword using the given clues.

1 2





7 8

9 10

11 12




Across: 2. To work in partnership 3. Main offices of the company 8. Teaching, mentoring 10. A businessperson whose business is selling goods to customers 12. Committee that is at the top of the Company hierarchy 13. The right to act without asking managers first 14. Section of an organisation 15. Person in charge of a business or department

Down: 1. A company that carries out projects according to the terms of a contract 4. Authorisation 5. To give other people responsibility for work 6. A company controlled by another company 7. Employees 8. A person who heads the Board of Directors 9. A businessperson who produces goods on a large scale by machinery 11. Expert knowledge or skill



9. nodarbība

Biznesa vadības koledža

Exercise 2. Read the text and fill in the blanks using the words below. analyst avoid companies challenge

choice director expertise impressed

independent leadership powerful perspective

support spouse trust trusted

Behind Successful Men, There is a Wife who Gives Sound Advice By Alexandra Frean

COMPANY wives are more 1)____________________ than they may have dared to guess. A survey has found that nearly two thirds of directors of leading 2) ____________________ prefer the advice of their 3) ____________________ to that of another board member or colleague when facing a difficult 4) ____________________at work. Only a quarter of directors in the Mori poll said their chairman, chief executive or managing 5) ____________________ would be the first person they turned to for advice. Bob Arnold, director of the consultancy firm Chiumento, which commissioned the research, said the main quality that business leaders sought in their advisers was not 6) ____________________ but trust. This is why wives were their natural 7) ____________________. “Naturally, independence, objectivity and experience are sought-after attributes among the people advising board members. But 8) ____________________ is the most important,” he said. Julia Middleton, chief executive of Common Purpose and an expert on 9) ____________________ and networking, said a common problem for company bosses was that their colleagues were so deferential that their advice could not always be 10) ____________________. “The advantage of many spouses is that they won’t hold you in too much esteem,” she said. “They provide 11) ____________________ of course, when all looks grim. But they are also able to get you to face the difficult questions you would rather 12) ____________________” Although Rowan Gormley, chief executive of Virgin Wines, has an advisory board, he often asks his wife Jenny, a former systems 13) ____________________ and now a full-time mother of three, to meet people he is thinking of hiring. “Because she does not read the same business magazines or newspapers as me, she comes at things from a completely different angle. I might be 14) ____________________ by someone because they have an MBA and they have worked at McKinsey, but she won’t consider them in those terms. “Business people have a tendency to behave like sheep. Jenny has no allegiance to the flock and so can take a more 15) ____________________ view. It’s difficult for someone whom you are paying to tell you that you are making a mistake. Jenny sometimes tells me straight out that I am completely wrong.” John May, chief executive of the seed company Thompson and Morgan, said his wife Hazel, an accountant, provided him with a vital reference point to the world outside his office and helped him to put things in 16) ____________________ “I wouldn’t ask her if we have filed our corporation tax correctly or what we should do about our marketing strategy. But if somebody was being inappropriate or unreasonable, I could ask her, “How would you react to this?” he said. 42


9. nodarbība

Biznesa vadības koledža

KEY p. 23 1. The Coca – Cola Company. 2. 1886. 3. Atlanta. 4. Manufacturing, marketing and distributing of non – alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups. 5. In more than 200 countries around the world.

1. Virgin. 2. 1970. 3. London. 4. Cinema, communication, financial services, hotels, investments, retail and travel. 5. In 23 countries, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, Asia and South Africa.

p. 26 1. Marketing 2. Human Resources 3. Finance 4. Public Relations 5. Production

p. 27 1. f 2. g 3. h 4. a

5. d 6. e 7. c 8. b

p. 31 1. False 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. True 6. True 7. False 8. False 9. False 10. False



9. nodarbība

Biznesa vadības koledža

p. 32 1. d 2. e 3. a

4. b 5. f 6. c

p. 33 1. q 2. t 3. g 4. a 5. n 6. j 7. v 8. c 9. o 10. e 11. r

12. h 13. u 14. f 15. s 16. k 17. d 18. b 19. p 20. i 21. l 22. m

Exercise 1. p. 37 Across


2. collaborate 3. headquarters 8. coaching 10. retailer 12. Board 13. initiative 14. department 15. manager

1. contractor 4. empowerment 5. delegate 6. subsidiary 7. subordinates 8. Chairperson 9. manufacturer 11. expertise

Exercise 2. p. 38

1. powerful 2. companies 3. spouse 4. challenge 5. director 6. expertise 7. choice 8. trust


9. leadership 10. trusted 11. support 12. avoid 13. analyst 14. impressed 15. independent 16. perspective


Biznesa vadības koledža


9. nodarbība

22. Chilver J. English for Business. A Functional Approach. – DP Publications Limited. 23. Cotton D., Falvey D., Kent S. Market Leader. – Pearson Education Limited, 2001. 24. Joseph F., Travis P. Fast Track to CAE. – Pearson Education Limited, 1999. 25. Mascull B. Business Vocabulary in Use. – Cambridge University Press, 2002. 26. Organisations and Behaviour. – BPP Publishing Limited, 2000. 27. Oxford Minireference Dictionary & Thesaurus. – Oxford University Press, 1997. 28. The New Penguin English Dictionary. – Penguin Books, 2001. 29. Tullis G., Trappe T. New Insights into Business. – Pearson Education Limited, 2000. 30. Vince M. Advanced Language Practice. – Macmillan Publishers Limited, 1998.



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Biznesa vadības koledža


9. nodarbība

Circle the correct answer in the answer sheet. There is only ONE correct answer for each question.

1. My name is Alan Green and I am the Marketing Manager at PPB Germany. PPB is a _________________ of PPB Corporation , which is an 78% shareholder in the company. A. subsidiary B. subdivision C. apart

2. The company _________________ a total of 7,540 people. A. gives employment B. fires C. employs

3. PPB Corporation _________________ five autonomous companies. A. have B. consists of C. consists from

4. Each company has its own Managing Director. The group is _________________ three divisions. The first is Industry Systems. It produces software for PPB’s customers. A. split B. divided into C. taken apart

5. The second is Technology, which is a _________________ of computers and its components. A. contractor B. non – profit organisation C. manufacturer

6. The third _________________ is Services, which sells computer services, for example, training. A. division B. part C. segment



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7. PPB operates in five _________________ markets. A. segmented B. targeted C. target 8. The first is _________________ – that’s shops and supermarkets; the second is financial services; the third – healthcare; the fourth – manufacturing and the fifth – transport and travel. I’m in charge of a team of 25 people who report to me. I report directly to the Managing Director. A. retail B. sells C. sales

9. As our work schedule is very busy, I often _________________ authority A. authorise B. give C. delegate

10. and encourage my subordinates to use their _________________ without asking me first. A. initiative B. initiate C. power



9. nodarbība

Biznesa vadības koledža












































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