02 | CarDealerMag.co.uk Partner with us and book your first warranty before 30th September to be in with a chance to win 1 of 5 55” TVs. Scan activateto. Or visit: warrantywise.co.uk/activateTerms & Conditions apply. Full terms are available at warrantywise.co.uk/activate. Make Money. Save Time. Protect Customers. .Fixed or variable pricing .Warranty cover you can be confident in .Dedicated account managers

kate@blackballmedia.co.uk SALES MANAGER Kevin Day kev@blackballmedia.co.uk ACCOUNT MANAGER Michelle
Twitter: @CarDealerEd CHIEF SUB-EDITOR John
A large chunk of the programme was devoted to the worldwide shortage of semiconductors crippling new cars and, in turn, affecting used car sales – which the Car Dealer editorial team have written tens of thousands of words about since 2020. It neatly summarised all the things you and I have known since Covid struck. But towards the end of the programme, the motor trade came in the firing line – and it wasn’t pleasant viewing. The programme found that Cazoo and Cargiant had been offering used cars with a dark past. While they looked shiny and smart in their online pictures and even scrubbed up well in the metal, a Skoda Karoq at Cargiant and a BMW on Cazoo were, in fact, repaired accident write-offs. There was no mention of the cars having been written off in their advert descriptions, but copies of their salvage reports showed them in their previous states. Car Dealer had actually covered this story earlier on the day of the programme’s airing, and Cargiant contacted us to put across its side of the story. The company assured us that as soon as the Karoq’s previous life came to light, the car was removed from sale. Further checks of its stock inventory found the Skoda to be the only undeclared write-off on its books. When approached by Channel 4, a spokesman from Cargiant said that it had paid market price from ‘one of the world’s largest vehicle remarketers’. I am, by no means, going to sit here and defend the actions of these two big names in the used car business, but what I will say is that they’re not alone. I’m sure many readers are aware of the ‘Dodgy Cars’ Facebook page that is actually about this very issue. The page frequently discovers undeclared write-offs that are repaired and offered for sale on some of the UK’s most famous car dealer forecourts – some, in fact, are even sold under OEM ‘approved used’ schemes. The page exposes the motors by using Vcheck – a service that, for a relatively small fee, checks a car’s history and produces a report that’s more detailed than some of the go-to names in the car check business. Dealers and customers can use this service, for instance, or carry out a whole number of checks to a car before they hand over their cash. But why should they? Just like the DVLA has done with MOT tests, why can’t a car’s history be freely available? It’d make everything a lot more transparent; let me know if you agree. Lastly, I’d like to say this is your last chance to nominate yourself, a supplier or car manufacturer for a Car Dealer Power award. Entries have been very strong this year but there’s still time to name and shame the best and worst in our industry. I really encourage you to spend 10 minutes filling out our anonymous survey – you can read more on page 13. I hope you enjoy the issue. Towards the end of the programme, the motor trade came in the firing line – and it wasn’t pleasant viewing. James Baggott james@thebaize.com Bowman john@blackballmedia.co.uk Gordon Searle
ASSOCIATE EDITOR James Batchelor james.batchelor@blackballmedia.co.uk Twitter: @JRRBatchelor FINANCE MANAGER Kate
michelle@blackballmedia.co.uk Twitter: @cardealermich STAFF WRITER Jack Williams jack.williams@blackballmedia.co.uk Twitter: @JournoJack25 MULTIMEDIA MANAGER Jon Reay jon@blackballmedia.co.uk Twitter: @JonReay HEAD OF DESIGN Graeme Windell graeme@blackballmedia.co.uk Twitter: @graemewindell CONTRIBUTORS Jack Evans, Nigel Swan, Ted Welford Car Dealer is published by Blackball Media Ltd (company number 6473855). All rights reserved. Conditions of sale and supply include the fact Car Dealer shall not, without our consent, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of in a mutilated way or in any unauthorised cover by way of trade or affixed to any part of a publication or advertising, literary or pictorial matter whatsoever. Car Dealer is fully protected by copyright. Nothing may be reproduced wholly or in part without AwardsDistributionVATCompanypermission.No:6473855No:GB343704904ISSN2756-1364 Blackball Media Units 1 - 2 Warrior Court 9-11 Mumby Road, Gosport, PO12 1BS T: (020) 8125 3880 W: CarDealerMag.co.uk THE ADVERTISINGFINANCEEDITORIALBOSS Car Dealer is distributed to a database of up to 12,000 franchised car dealers, independents, service and repair sites, car manufacturers and suppliers. Advertisers are supplied with a print certificate every Winnermonth.ofBest Business Publication, Headline Auto Awards 2012 & 2014 JAMES BATCHELOR Associate editor
CarDealerMag.co.uk | 03
Acouple of days before this magazine was published, the industry in which we all work was placed under the spotlight on primetime national TV. My good mate Ginny Buckley fronted one of Channel 4’s Dispatches programmes, entitled Why Is My Car So Expensive?. The investigative journalism programme explained why new and used cars were rocketing in price, and also why more than ever cars are increasingly on the hit list of thieves.
There were the usual talking heads, including former Aston Martin boss Andy Palmer and the SMMT’s Mike Hawes, exalting, in layman’s terms, quirks and features that have plagued the new and used car industries for the past two years.

04 | CarDealerMag.co.uk 1961
CarDealerMag.co.uk | 05 DASHBOARD FORECOURTCOMMENT DATA FILE ‘We are fighting not only for our rights, but for the rights of the wider dealer network.’ 10 ‘The R8 might be entering its final years but this RWD version shows that this is a car to be enjoyed while it’s still here.’ 30 ‘Auto Trader is a fascinating business and a true success story for the motor trade.’ 19 ‘The automotive sector has had another tough month and is drawing on its fundamental resilience.’ 54 IGNITION. CONTENTS 32 Investigation: How did Auto Trader get so big? 6 High Court ruling implication 10 Car Dealer Power 2022 13 No way back for car industry 15 Used Car Awards 2022 16 Car news round-up 24 News digest 26 Feedback 42 Business news 44 Car Dealer Live & podcast 49 Finance 50 Supplier news 53 COMMENT James Baggott 19 Big Mike 20 James Litton 23 FORECOURT Audi R8 30 Kia Niro 32 Ford Transit Nugget 34 FEATURES Nürburgring 24 Hours 36 Cool stuff 39 Goodwood Hillclimb drive 40 Audi RS 6 celebration 46 DATA FILE The Statistics 54 LCV news 56 Suppliers Guide 58 Long-termers 595934 6 ISSUE 174 | SEPTEMBER 2022 13 10

BEFORE the huge digital transition fired up its success, Auto Trader was a successful magazine publishing company. It all started in 1977 when entrepreneur John Madejski launched Thames Valley Trader after bringing the idea back from theThatStates.idea eventually morphed into Auto Trader. In its heyday, nearly half a million magazines rolled off the presses every week, and they were split up into 13 editions that spanned the length and breadth of Britain. Auto Trader had 70 offices around the UK and even owned two regional presses that not only printed its magazines but those of other publishers, too. But in June 2013, the final print edition was published and the firm went 100 per centAutodigital.Trader is now a webbased giant with millions of users logging on to its techladen platforms every day.
The car search function is so popular that at its busiest times it serves more than 5,000 requests every second.
Ask anyone with a passing interest in cars where they search for them and it’s highly likely they’ll say Auto Trader. The classified car advertising giant has been a staple of the motor trade for four decades and has morphed from a magazine picked up from newsagents’ shelves to an app available on smartphones. After years of paper-based publishing, the company conceived a website offering before Google even existed – and it was this early adoption of technology that set it off on a path of monumental growth.
Our latest Investigation video documentary looks at the rise and rise of used car advertising giant Auto Trader – morphing from a traditional magazine publisher into the tech giant that it is today.
In a word, yes. Bosses like to compare the business to Zoopla or RightMove – similar marketplaces in the property world that don’t own or make anything, but instead simply connect buyers with sellers. Today, the brand is built around a huge website that attracts a staggering 10.8m visitors everyEachmonth.week, it displays 3.7bn pictures of cars to consumers and has on average more than 400,000 models advertised for sale at any one time. Auto Trader says its visitors spend 8.8m hours every month on its platforms and 14,000 car dealers across the country currently use them. Steve Fowler, editor-in-chief of Auto Express, said: ‘Auto Trader is kind of a necessary evil for car dealers isn’t it? They just can’t avoid being on it. ‘It’s the biggest used car classified platform in the UK. And if you want to sell cars, you’ve got to talk to them, whether you like it or not.’
The transition from print to digital wasn’t a quick one. The website was launched in 1996 by a small team of engineers – two years before Google
But just how did Auto Trader get so big? How did it grow from a well-thumbed mag to a tech titan that last year made £25m profit every MONTH?
As part of our special Car Dealer Investigations series, we’ve chatted to car dealers, consumer and motoring experts, as well as the very people leading the business to look at how Auto Trader grew into the advertising giant it is today. You can watch the video now on our YouTube channel or listen to it as a podcast on your favourite platforms by searching for ‘Car Dealer Investigations’.
06 | CarDealerMag.co.uk

It’s all a far cry from the old-school publishing days where print adverts were collected by local sales staff who’d visit car dealers weekly, even taking pictures of the cars for them.
It’s these huge figures that have got up the noses of some car dealers, who look on enviously at their margins when they are lucky if they return two per cent on sales themselves.
In its offices in Manchester and London, the firm has winched classic cars through the windows of its fourth floor offices to be used as meeting rooms. There are free drinks for staff, soft seating breakout areas for collaborating colleagues, while software engineers can doodle on the walls as they come up with new ideas.
Independent Motor Dealers Association chairman Umesh Samani said he has a ‘love-hate’ relationship with Auto Trader. ‘It does sell cars for me,’ he explains in our video. ‘So I like it from that sort of perspective, but it comes at a cost. It’s very, very expensive.’
WHAT DO CAR DEALERS THINK OF AUTO TRADER? Ask car dealers what they think of Auto Trader and most will tell you it’s a love-hate relationship.Theylovethe results they get, but hate the bills they have to pay to get them. In our video, most tell us they love the fact the firm generates impressive leads for them and don’t mind paying for the results. Sean Kelly, MD of Vines BMW, tells us he ‘loves’ Auto Trader as it has ‘the biggest marketHowever,reach’.he added: ‘We get lots and lots of prospects and customers that might not naturally come to our business. ‘But I hate that [Auto Trader] is a bit of a monopoly as well. ‘The danger with that is there’s great power in that and, a bit like SpiderMan, you can only have great power if you have great responsibility, too. And sometimes I’m not sure they do.’
‘When we look at our influence over the car-buying journey, typically 70 to 80 per cent of retailer cars are advertised on our marketplace and we influence a similar percentage of those sales. We know the ROI from that is really, really strong.’
IN THE video, we speak to Auto Trader’s CEO Nathan Coe and the firm’s chief operating officer Catherine Faiers. Faiers, pictured below, explains that Auto Trader thinks of its relationship as a ‘partnership’ and says it helps that the firm has ‘huge influence over the carbuying journey’, which means it delivers ‘value for money’. She added: ‘We’d say that we influence more of [car dealer] sales than any other partner they work with – we’re their most effective marketing channel.
CarDealerMag.co.uk | 07 was even conceived – but it was a full 11 years later before digital revenue matched print for the first time. And it took a further six years before time was called on the physical print edition for good in 2013. These days, it likes to think of itself as more Google cool than stuffy mag publisher.
HOW MUCH MONEY DOES AUTO TRADER MAKE? Auto Trader’s digital shift helped the business slash overheads and ratchet up profits. In 2021, the firm posted its best-ever results with pre-tax profit up a staggering 91 per cent to That’s£301m.anoperating margin of some 70 per cent.

The special documentary is published on YouTube and as a podcast on your favourite podcast platforms. Coe said: ‘I think the car industry itself is likely to be around for a very, very long time to come. So I think as an industry, actually, it’s pretty well placed to cope with the threats to come. ‘Who does well in the industry is probably the more important thing.’
NATHAN Coe said Auto Trader will be helping dealers set themselves up to offer as much of the buying process online as a customer would like to do –but also ensuring they can complete what they want to in a physical dealership. He added: ‘They might want to reserve a car, they might want to get a part-exchange quote, but then actually they’ll complete that deal with the retailer. ‘We very much believe in a bricks and mortar – or “clicks and mortar” if you like – world where it is going to be omnichannel. ‘And that’s exactly what we’re building, because that is going to be the way that most consumers go about buying a car.’
These will see car manufacturers sell new cars directly to consumers on their websites with car dealers paid a fee to hand them over.
Car dealers need to prepare for big changes coming to the automotive industry if they’re to survive and thrive in the coming years.
Coe was speaking to Car Dealer as part of a special Investigation video into how Auto Trader grew into the advertising giant it is today.
Coe also gave his opinion on online sales and how important they will be to car dealers in the future. He said Auto Trader currently believed that ‘about five to six per cent’ of car sales are made without an interaction with a physical dealership. ‘Over time, that might grow to 10-15 per cent,’ he explained. ‘But I think many retailers, and you’re even seeing this with the online car retailers, are starting to set themselves up to be omnichannel businesses, because probably in five to 10 years’ time the majority of people will have some interaction with the retailer, because at the end of the day, these are used goods and they are all unique.’
Chief executive Nathan Coe speaks exclusively to us as part of our latest special Investigation video.
Auto Trader CEO Nathan Coe told Car Dealer that he believes the car industry is ‘well placed’ to be around for a ‘very long time to come’ – but there are obstacles to watch out for.
‘And at some point, they’re going to be most of the cars that you’re selling. So thinking forward, even though the business is so much about trading day to day, you need to know that your business is at some point going to need to be ready for electric in terms of how you prep vehicles, store vehicles, what you do on batteries and how you sell those cars.’
Coe said he believed electric vehicles will shake up how the industry performs both in new and used car dealerships. ‘I do think electric vehicles are going to come at us very, very quickly,’ he said. ‘Certainly, as a new car retailer if you’re not good at electric vehicles, you could find yourself caught out very quickly.
‘The industry itself is in a really good position, and fundamentally people are going to want cars and the freedom and independence that they provide. It’s really important for retailers to be thinking about how they make sure they’re thinking today about what they need to be good at in 10 years’ time and being prepared for that,’ he said.
‘For anyone that’s in used cars, it’s easy to not be thinking about electric now because they make up such a small proportion of the car parc. But at some time in the next 10 years, electric vehicles are going to be the sort of cars that you need to be good at selling.
Coe also believes that electric cars will have a knock-on impact on new car dealers as manufacturers roll out more agency agreements for sales.

ar Dealer’s latest Investigation video looks at how Auto Trader got so big. The documentary features interviews with a host of car dealer bosses –including franchised and independent – as well as motor trade experts. We ask bosses from Auto Trader if they’re embarrassed by the profits the firm makes, what they think was the catalyst to its huge growth and whether they believe the firm has peaked. And we chart how it all began for the advertising giant and look at how it grew into the hugely successful business it is today.
CarDealerMag.co.uk | 09
Top car dealers including Snows chief operating officer Neil McCue, Vines Group managing director Sean Kelly, Swansway Motor Group’s Peter Smyth and Luscombe’s boss Robin Luscombe all give their frank opinions about the brand.
Steve Fowler Editor-in-chief of Auto Express OUR PROFITS WITH THOSE CAR DEALERSHIPS
The exclusive video has interviews with Auto Trader’s executive team including chief executive Nathan Coe, chief operating officer Catherine Faiers and Chris Kelly, the firm’s chief technology officer. Last year, Auto Trader made record pre-tax profits of £301m – a margin of around 70 per cent – which equates to some £25m a month. Coe says the motor trade shouldn’t compare these profits to what car dealers make – instead, they should look at other marketplaces such as RightMove or ‘ITrainline.thinkthat our margins are very, very high. ‘But you’ve got to remember that we operate a very different business to a retailer – we have no plan to be a retailer – and actually, in the marketplace space, the sort of business that we are, those margins are more‘Therenormal.are,believe it or not, businesses with much higher margins.
Nathan Coe Auto Trader CEO Auto Trader is kind of beingjustisn’tfornecessaryaevilcardealersit?Theycan’tavoidonit.
Consumer motoring journalists and finance experts also give their opinion on Auto Trader in our video. Steve Fowler, editor-in-chief of Auto Express, says: ‘Auto Trader is kind of a necessary evil for car dealers isn’t it? They just can’t avoid being on it.
‘It’s the biggest used car classified platform in the UK. And if you want to sell cars, you’ve got to talk to them, whether you like it or not.’
We also speak to Specialist Cars and IMDA chairman Umesh Samani, Car Quay’s Jamie Caple and Emerald House of Cars CEO PJ Quinn about the independent dealers’ thoughts on Auto Trader. CEO says 70 per cent margin is nothing to be embarrassed about.
‘So I think it’s not something that I feel embarrassed about, I think it is just the nature of the business that we‘Werun.are always thinking about doing the right thing, making sure that any price changes that we make are reasonable and respectful of what’s going on for retailers and the value that we’ve delivered.’
It’s importantreally for retailers to be thinking about how they make sure years’goodtheyaboutthinkingthey’retodaywhatneedtobeatin10time.

Mackie says RCI ‘destroyed’ his long-established and top-performing family firm overnight in November 2021 after it was ‘suddenly and without warning’ cut off by the two manufacturers from its systems via the Groupe Renault-owned RCI.
10 | CarDealerMag.co.uk DASHBOARD
MAJOR CONCERN ‘That meant we were unable to keep our customers safe and mobile as we couldn’t
• Bid to claim damages from RCI Financial Services was rejected in shock move Kevin Mackie Dealer group boss by John Bowman john@blackballmedia.co.uk
They everythingcut off. It wasn’t possible for us to continue to operate at all –new or used cars. We were frozen out and no one would talk to us.’
ealer group boss Kevin Mackie has vowed to fight on after the High Court threw out a bid to claim damages from Renault and Nissan’s finance provider that he said effectively sank his business overnight. Mackie Motors says RCI Financial Services unlawfully withdrew key financing services and terminated contracts giving just seven days’ notice. The dealership business had also been seeking to add the two manufacturers to the same lawsuit.
• Acting on behalf of Renault and Nissan, finance provider denied it access to systems
The debacle followed an article that appeared online last year, which made claims of money laundering in connection to Kevin Mackie’s estranged wife. The Scottish outfit denied any wrongdoing, insisting that the loan transactions RCI investigated were normal, and describing the article as ‘unfounded clickbait’.
• Mackie Motors case could have huge implications for European dealer network
It’s a ruling that Mackie says will have serious ramifications for the entire European dealer network, because it effectively means two-year rolling contracts enjoyed by franchise dealers can be ended in seven days without any good reason for doing so.
• It effectively paralysed the business and dealership properties had to be sold to save jobs and support customers
Speaking in court at the earlier hearing, David Cavender QC said RCI had cancelled its deal on the back of ‘unsourced allegations’ and that the article was ‘a political bid to blacken her name’. The court was also told that the National Crime Agency hadn’t deemed it necessary to investigate the ‘internet gossip’. When the problems subsequently started, first Mackie Motors’ parts supplies were cut off, then 48 hours later access to all systems including vehicles was similarly removed.

Then, in December, Mackie Motors was given seven days’ termination notice, with RCI stating that it wasn’t obliged to give a reason.
Mackie Motors was also refused permission to buy all the used stock that was on funding plans, with RCI instead selling the vehicles at loan value, which Mackie reckoned cost the business more than £300,000. To save the 75 jobs and support his customers, Mackie said he had no choice but to make the ‘heart-wrenching’ decision to quickly sell the franchise properties.
We were unable to keep
Mackie Motors’ Renault showroom in Brechin
The properties were acquired by Park’s Motor Group, with the staff transferring to Park’s as of January 1, 2022, although Mackie Motors continued as a business entity.
From left, aftersales manager Graham Reid, Kevin Mackie, sales manager Derek Clark and parts manager Frank Menmuir with the Groupe Renault award given to Mackie Motors as UK Dealer of the Year 2019 for Renault
Mackie Motors – which operated from three sites at Brechin and Arbroath for Renault, Nissan, Dacia and MG – was shut out from not only the finance systems but also all the clearing accounts and operational systems introduced by RCI and the manufacturers’ alliance over the years. ‘This meant that the Mackie Motors business was paralysed,’ Mackie told Car Dealer. ‘They cut everything off. It wasn’t possible for us to continue to operate at all – new or used cars,’ he said. ‘We were frozen out and no one would talk to us.’ It couldn’t propose any repeat or conquest customers or access exclusive finance offers, nor could it keep existing customers updated on their vehicles’ delivery.
Then, in March, months after the properties had been sold, the alliance manufacturers cancelled their dealer agreements, claiming Mackie had been in breach of contract.
To make matters worse, 64 new car orders that were at the import centre awaiting delivery to customers who had waited months for the vehicles were cancelled overnight –with more than 30 of the cancelled orders destined for disabled customers.
CarDealerMag.co.uk | 11 access the parts to repair their vehicles,’ Mackie told Car Dealer. He added that a major concern from a dealer perspective is that the unilateral removal of finance services means franchised dealers are unable to treat customers fairly in accordance with their FCA obligations, because they wouldn’t have access to their incumbent franchise finance providers’ subsidised offers. These are driven by the manufacturers and offered via those incumbent finance providers, which are often owned and controlled by the manufacturers themselves, he said.
Mackie contacted Renault UK’s then MD Vincent Tourette as well as top figures at Nissan and within RCI to try to find out what had gone wrong, but the only response was RCI telling him it was ‘having technical issues with some dealers’ and would get back to him with an update as soon as possible.

‘If this is the way that the dealer agreements are written, I think there’ll be a tsunami through not just the UK but the European dealer network, because billions in investment goes into new sites. ‘Who in their right mind is going to put millions into something that will take them years to get their money back if it can be terminated in seven days? Nobody!’
‘No matter what franchise you’re operating, if you don’t have access to the manufacturers’ suite of finance offers, you’re dead as a business.
Kevin Mackie Dealer group boss
Richard Coates, head of automotive at Freeths, told Car Dealer: ‘The decision by the High Court is, in our view, fundamentally wrong and we believe that the Court of Appeal will overturn this judgment. ‘Everyone in this sector is currently affected by this decision.
He added: ‘Our legal team are appealing against the judgment on various points of law.
He began a legal action, as reported by Car Dealer, but that was rejected in July.
’Industry specialists have confirmed this claim is completely unworkable where a dealer is cut off from the franchises’ own finance offers for new cars,’ said Mackie.
Car Dealer contacted RCI Financial Services, Renault and Nissan about it, and Renault UK told us in a statement: ‘Renault UK was not a party to these proceedings and has no comment.’Meanwhile, Nissan issued a similar statement to us, saying: ‘We are not able to comment on this as Nissan was not party to those proceedings.’ We have yet to hear back from RCI Financial Services. We are fighting not only for our rights, but for the rights of the wider dealer network. If they can do this to us, they can do it to anyone.’
He said he was astounded to hear RCI claim in court that Mackie Motors – which was ranked number one in the UK for Renault sales penetration at the end of 2021’s third quarter and in the top five for customer satisfaction – could have found an alternative finance provider for its dealerships.
‘It destroyed my mum Janie and dad Ron, who founded the company in 1977, to see the family business go from hero to zero for no good reason in the space of three weeks,’ he Brechin-basedsaid.Mackie, 54, took over the business in 1991, when it was selling some 92 new Renaults a year from its sole franchise at the time, and took it to sales of 2,200 new and used cars as the business expanded.
‘But we refuse to be beaten, and while we recognise that this is like a David-versusGoliath situation, we are not prepared to walk away, and we will continue our fight in the‘Ifcourts.RCIcan kill off Mackie Motors on seven days’ notice “without any reason” and defend these actions as their legal right, then the ramifications for the European dealer networks are‘Ithuge.means that if any manufacturer wants to change or remove a dealer from their network at any point, all they need to do is instruct their preferred finance provider to invoke the seven-day termination clause and close access to all systems. ‘They control all the data and access to everything the dealers need to survive.
12 | CarDealerMag.co.uk DASHBOARD
‘RCI and the alliance incentivise and reward dealers on the basis that they sell their cars and use their exclusive new car finance, and they have groomed dealers over the years to become wholly reliant on the essential integrated operational systems now in place. ‘We are fighting not only for our rights, but for the rights of the wider dealer network. ‘If they can do this to us, they can do it to anyone.
Now he is launching an appeal against the ruling – with top commercial dispute resolution lawyers Freeths, which specialises in retail motor matters, fighting the case –not just because of what had happened to him but because of what it means to all other franchised dealers.
‘The alliance franchise standards require franchise dealers to make huge investments in their dealerships. ‘It will be interesting to see how investors and banks react if RCI can legally terminate a dealer with no reason in seven days and override the rolling two-year dealer agreement.’
He added that he was further astounded when it was claimed that alliance manufacturers were within their rights to supply ‘zero’ vehicles to any of their dealers if they so wished.
‘I genuinely believe there was not an understanding of how a franchise dealer operates, as we are more than certain the relationship formed many parts of an umbrella contract.
‘In essence, all retailers should check the suite of agreements they have, otherwise they might find themselves in Mackie Motors’ very unfortunate situation.’

This year’s Car Dealer Power sees a grand total of 20 supplier categories, covering areas such as websites, paint protection and finance provision, plus two for manufacturers. It only takes a few minutes to complete the survey. Independent dealers can skip the manufacturer questions and go straight to naming the best suppliers.
Car Dealer Power award winner G3 Vehicle Auctions says that scooping the Auction House of the Year prize last year was a direct result of listening to its dealers and keeping physical sales at the forefront of its Manyoffering.ofthe G3 team tuned into the live online announcement from their auction hall to find out they’d scooped the accolade, and they were ecstatic to see their hard work rewarded with recognition from their industry peers and customers.
The Yorkshire-based auction house’s co-owner and director, Matt Dale, pictured at top, was eager to congratulate every staff member who had a hand in G3 winning its first Car Dealer Power award and he described what winning the award had meant to G3.
Voting closes on Wednesday, August 31. The awards will be handed over in October after the winners have been named in a special video, due to be aired on Wednesday, October 12.
Click here to find out who won last year’s awards of the August 31, so don’t Dale
tells of pride at winning last year and how suppliers can be in with a chance this year. LISTENING TO OUR DEALERS HELPED US SCOOP TROPHY
We’re looking for the cream
As a result of the award, G3 has reported a jump in key metrics such as a 56 per cent increase in buyer account applications year on year, and a 105 per cent increase in the number of dealerships that are now using G3 to dispose of their vehicles.
CarDealerMag.co.uk | 13 AWARDS
‘We made a bold statement by opening our brand-new physical auction centre in the middle of a pandemic, and not only was it a hugely successful year of trading in 2021 for G3, but to also win such a prestigious award voted for by car dealers really shows that we are doing the right thing by improving our offering year on year,’ he said.
crop in the following categories cardealerpower.com SUPPLIERS • Cleaning Product of the Year • Recruitment Agency of the Year • Trade-to-Trade Remarketer of the Year • Used Car Valuations Provider of the Year • Consumer Lead Generation Site of the Year • Dealer Management System of the Year • Website Provider for Independent Dealers • Website Provider for Franchised Dealers • Provenance Check Provider of the Year • Warranty Provider of the Year • Paint Protection Provider of the Year • Auction House of the Year • Trade Insurance Provider of the Year • Online Advertiser for New Cars • Online Advertiser for Used Cars • Finance Provider of the Year (Sub-Prime) • Finance Provider of the Year (Prime) • Video Provider of the Year • Extra Mile Award • Product Innovation of the Year MANUFACTURERS • Manufacturer of the Year • Car of the Year Click here now to vote for your favourites Voting for this year’s awards will close on Wednesday,
‘We were extremely honoured to top the votes for Auction House of the Year, and seeing firsthand how hard each and every member of the team had worked to create up to 14 physical sales every month for our dealers to attend, we couldn’t be prouder.
‘The national recognition it carries gives us an immense sense of pride, showing just how much a focus on customer service plays in creating a lasting impression.’
delay! G3 Vehicle Auctions staff react as it’s announced they’ve won the award G3 Vehicle Auctions co-owner Matt
‘We were up against plenty of experienced competition, and just being nominated for this award really gave us the confidence to feel like we were in with a chance.
Dale added: ‘We would like to thank our customers and peers for voting for G3 last year and hope they do so again.’

14 | CarDealerMag.co.uk WarrantyDeliversthat Service you can trust, quality you can rely on When it comes to quality our Safe & Sound Warranty package delivers unrivalled cover and peace of mind for your customers. Open it up and you’ll discover a service you can trust, one that delivers you unmatched opportunities to attract more business, grow your margins and drive more volumes into your workshops. It is the UK’s gold standard with: Gross profit increased by up to 21%* - quality cover means higher margins More repeat business - with the peace of mind that your customers gain More workshop revenue - as warranty work comes to you Call us today to find out how you can receive a Safe & Sound package that will delight your customers and grow your business. T: 01844 293810 E: Sales@Safe&Sound.co.uk W. wmsgroup.co.uk *Achievable improvement when 36 months’ Supreme cover is added to the typical retail price of a vehicle.

Manufacturers have discovered that volume isn’t everything when it comes to the chase for profit.
New car sales slipped by nine per cent in July after the worst June on record since 1996, and the Bank of England increasing interest rates to 1.75 per cent has put further pressure on consumer confidence, not to mention disposable income and availability of finance. SMMT chief executive Mike Hawes said: ‘The automotive sector has had another tough month and is drawing on its fundamental resilience during a third consecutive challenging year as the squeeze on supply bedevils deliveries. The next prime minister must create the conditions for economic growth, restore consumer confidence and support the transition to zero-emission mobility.’ John Wilmot, chief executive of car leasing comparison website LeaseLoco, added: ‘Now the market is facing a new problem in the form of weakening buyer demand, as the cost-ofliving crisis begins to bite.’
The lack of new car supply has seen used prices soar by 41.5 per cent since 2019, according to the Auto Trader Used Car Price Index, and Nothard doesn’t believe it will return to its previous ‘normal’. He said: ‘We’re in a position where reduced numbers of cars in the market have pushed up prices and values, but there has been an assumption that the situation will ease over time and return to some kind of normality. ‘[But] it’s looking less and less likely that this will happen. Production will certainly rise but probably only to a level where the average new car delivery time is six months. A return to anything resembling pre-pandemic volumes seems unlikely. It’s going to be an interesting few years.’
The pandemic, supply issues and spiralling inflation are set to change the shape of the car industry with no return to the pre-Covid ‘normal’ of oversupply, heavy discounting and easy availability of new cars. Industry experts and manufacturers themselves have warned that the immediate availability of new cars may never return, while restricted supply will mean fewer discounts at retail and manufacturerto-dealer level in the future, as the entire industry is forced to reshape.
‘For some, this is becoming a future strategy. While they do not want to strangle supply to current levels, with waiting lists of 12 months or longer for a new car, they also do not want to return to the kinds of production levels seen pre-Covid.’
BMW reported earnings before interest and tax of €3.4bn in the three months to the end of June – a 32 per cent drop on the same period last year, when orders rebounded sharply after pandemic lockdowns, but higher than most analysts’ predictions. But the premium brand warned that ‘ongoing inflation and interest rate hikes will continue to shape the macroeconomic environment in the coming months and impact demand’. BMW boss Oliver Zipse said: ‘New orders received are somewhat reduced. [But] at the same time, there is an order backlog, especially when it comes to e-vehicles, which is at an alltimeDanielhigh.’Röska, an analyst at Bernstein, said: ‘The important message is the timing: investors have mainly been expecting growing weakness in 2023. ‘Given the length of current order books, a warning for yearend ’22 likely implies that BMW is already seeing weakening consumer sentiment today — likely led by flagging European demand.’ Car sales across the EU were down 14 per cent to 4.6m in the first half of 2022, versus 11.9 per cent to 802,079 in the UK.
Philip Nothard, chairman of the Vehicle Remarketing Association, said the period between March 2020 and today had taught manufacturers that there were greater profits to be made by reducing supply and keeping new vehicle prices high – profits that carmakers need to achieve in order to redress massive losses incurred by the pandemic and the lack of availability thereafter, thanks to the global semiconductor crisis.
BMW gloom as its earnings tumble WARNING New reduced.somewhatreceivedordersare Oliver Zipse BMW boss Philip Nothard
BMW is the first manufacturer to acknowledge that falling consumer confidence and rising inflation will hamper future sales. Its shares fell as its worries about the global economy outweighed a posting of earnings exceeding market expectations in the most recent quarter.
He said: ‘For decades, car manufacturing has been a volume business, not just for mainstream manufacturers but for prestige and even luxury brands, too. Building more [cars] was seen as the best way to make money. ‘However, when supply was cut substantially during the pandemic, many car makers found that they were able to make equivalent or greater profits despite selling fewer units. Reduced volumes meant that they could keep prices higher.

‘As the market was changing, we adopted a distance sale process that consisted of always offering a video call to the customer, letting them know about the 14-day distance-selling rule to put them at ease, and actively promoting free delivery within 100 miles. ‘Quite a bit of extra work was needed to make sure we were as sharp, responsive and efficient to give us any chance against the tough competition!
Coming first
‘Coming first was a huge morale boost for the team! We are only a small, family-run business in the south-west that’s been built from the ground up, so a small player compared to some of the bigger fish in the competition. ‘We pride ourselves on never being beaten on price and always giving the best customer service, and having that commended with a nationally recognised award is so rewarding.’
‘It also helps with branding and gains trust from customers who may not have otherwise looked at you before. Car Dealer always put on a good spread, too!’
He encouraged other dealers to get involved and put themselves forward.
‘We've already put ourselves forward for 2022’s awards and hope to win even more. They are a nationally recognised award, backed by some of the biggest names in the motor trade.
Tim Carpenter Sales PlymptonmanagerCarCentre by Jack Williams @JournoJack25
From left: James Bush, sales director at category sponsor Motorway, Tim Carpenter, Morgan McMinn, Stewart McMinn and Mike Brewer
'This consisted of us making sure that all calls were picked up within three rings and every email was responded to within the hour.
'Dealers who win this award can enjoy the prestige and honour of being recognised for their hard work within the motor trade.
KEY DATES FOR THE ASAWARDS2022AREFOLLOWS: Nominations close Sep 30 Nominations list revealed Oct 10 Shortlist revealed Oct 24 Awards night Nov 28
16 | CarDealerMag.co.uk USED CAR AWARDS 2022
was a formoralehugeboosttheteam!
The 2022 awards – brought to you once again in association with Black Horse – are being held at The Brewery in London on Monday, November 28, hosted by TV’s Mr Wheeler Dealer Mike Brewer. It only takes a few minutes to enter for an award. There are 23 dealership categories, and nominations can be made by filling out the form accessed on the next page. You can nominate your business, staff or anyone you think deserves an award. Our judges assess every entry and whittle them down to a nominations list. These go forward to the mystery shopping stage, and the top five finalists are named in our shortlist, with the winners announced on the big night. We will also hand out eight manufacturer gongs.
To stand a chance of coming out on top at the Car Dealer Used Car Awards, nominees must be willing to go the extra mile. That's according to Plympton Car Centre, which scooped the Used Car Sales Team of the Year prize at last year’s ceremony, and sales manager Tim Carpenter said it was important to have an eye for detail. The Plymouth-based dealer said the prize provided a ‘huge morale boost’ following a challenging period for the industry brought on by the pandemic. He told Car Dealer: ‘The extra work that we put into the award was all about tightening up our sales process. Although we were confident that it was already pretty tight, we knew that to have any chance of winning we had to go that extra mile.

CarDealerMag.co.uk | 17 TO NOMINATE A DEALERSHIP OR SOMEONE IN A CATEGORY, SIMPLY FILL OUT THE FORM HERE Sponsored by UsedUsedUsedUsedUsedUsedUsedUsedManufacturerAWARDSMANUFACTURERCarSchemeSmallCarMid-SizedCarExecutiveCarSportsCarSUVAFVCaroftheYear Sponsored AutoProtectby Dealers’ Dealer Sponsored by GardX Service & Repair Outlet Sponsored Warrantywiseby Used Car Product Sponsorship available Social Media User Sponsored by iVendi Use of Video Sponsored by Visitor Chat Used Car Website Sponsored by CarGurus Used Car Online Sales Experience Sponsored Codeweaversby Specialist Used Car Dealership Sponsored by Blue Motor Finance Used Car Sales Team Sponsored by Motorway Used Car Dealer Principal Sponsored by Aston Lark Future Star Sponsored by Northridge Finance Used Car Customer Care Sponsored by RAC Dealer Network Used Car Supermarket Sponsored by Mann Island Finance Newcomer Dealership Sponsored Moneybarnby Used Commercial Vehicle Dealer Sponsored by Close Brothers Motor Finance Days To Turn Sponsored by Auto Trader Diversity & Inclusion Sponsored by MotoNovo Finance Used Car Dealership: Up To 50 Cars Sponsored by Black Horse Used Car Dealership: 51-100 Cars Sponsored by Black Horse Used Car Dealership: Over 100 Cars Sponsored by Black Horse Used Car Dealership Group Sponsored by Black Horse Outstanding Achievement Sponsored by Trade 2 Trade Lifetime Achievement Sponsored by GardX CATEGORIESAWARD If you are interested in sponsoring an award or would like to book tickets for the event on November 28, email the sales team HERE ANDSPONSORSHIPSTICKETS NOMINATIONS CLOSE ON SEPTEMBER 30 Sponsorship includes all seven car categories SOLD

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For years, I’ve fielded questions from car dealers asking me ‘what are you going to do about Auto Trader?’ The aggrieved – often not happy to put their name to their comments – would be furious that Auto Trader was ‘charging them so much’ for advertising. In fact, log on to any car dealer forum – ours included – and you’ll find similar comments from dealers.
I’d always ask them, when challenged directly, if they were so unhappy with Auto Trader’s prices why did they continue to use them? And the answer was always the same: ‘Because that’s where I sell my cars.’ It was with these comments ringing in my ears that I contacted a number of dealers to take part in our video. We chatted to a large number of them – franchised group bosses, smaller franchised dealers and independent used car dealer owners – and all were mostly very positive about Auto Trader. Yes, there were some who weren’t overly happy with the bills they had to pay, but all admitted that they used Auto Trader because it helped them sell their cars. Most don’t begrudge the huge profits the advertising giant makes either, saying that they were happy to pay for a quality service – and that’s what they got.
What I think dealers really don’t like is the domination Auto Trader has – it’s the largest player in the used car market by a huge margin, attracting an audience six times bigger than its closest rival. Chatting to the experts for our video on numerous Zoom calls and in person, it was clear there’s actually a lot of respect for what Auto Trader has achieved. Few can deny the business rapidly shifted from traditional publisher to tech giant, and the fact it launched its website two years before Google even existed is quite remarkable.
We sat down with Nathan Coe, the CEO, Catherine Faiers, the COO, and Chris Kelly, the CTO – all took the time to answer our awkward questions. Before we started the project, I made it clear to Auto Trader that this was going to be no ‘puff piece’ for the brand. It needed to be unbiased, balanced and talk about the good and ask about the bad. I said I’d be tackling the elephant in the room – its prices – and asking dealers what they really think about the brand. Auto Trader didn’t know who we’d be talking to and the interviewees were told they could say what they wanted.
CarDealerMag.co.uk | 19 James Baggott founded Car Dealer Magazine and is the chief executive officer of parent annoying@CarDealerEdtimespendsprovider.automotive@BaizeGroup,companyanservicesHenowmostofhisonTwitterandtherestof us. EACHHAVELETJUDGMENT,OURAGAINSTBETTERWETHECEOHISSAYMONTH
Those now running the business know they’re custodians of a national brand that will be around for decades to come and are concentrating on improving relationships. The business gave away millions of pounds-worth of advertising during the lockdowns and eased pressure on dealers at the toughest of times. That help did not go unnoticed. Everyone we spoke to respected it for making those moves when some dragged their feet and it’s gone a long way to thawing tensions with the motor trade.
There are few motor trade suppliers that divide opinion quite like Auto Trader – and it’s for this reason that we wanted to produce a video all about them as part of our Car Dealer Investigations series. Unlike Cazoo – a previous subject of the series – Auto Trader was open to the idea and welcomed us to its offices in Manchester to take part in the filming.
Auto Trader is a fascinating business and a true success story for the motor trade. It’s transformed itself and is now reaping the rewards of that hard work. Yes, the motor trade might like to have a quiet moan about the bills they have to pay, but at the core most actually have great respect for what the business has managed to achieve.
The very fact they opened their doors to our cameras and were happy to answer any questions we threw at them says a lot. I asked them if they were embarrassed by the profits they made, whether they thought the business had peaked, and what they thought of their rivals – and none of the tough questions were dodged.
JAMES outSpeakingCar dealers may moan about Auto Trader’s bills but there’s a lot of respect

Acouple of weeks ago, I was out doing the weekly grocery shop when I bumped into a bloke I didn’t recognise but who knew instantly who I was.His name was Paul, and he pointed out that last time we’d been together he was neither bald nor fat (unlike me), and that I had, in fact, once been his boss. Awkward moment dispensed with, it all came flooding back. He’d worked for me when I was the senior sales and service manager at a Fiat and Alfa Romeo main agent in the early Nineties, not long before I set up on my own. Back then, he was a service assistant, or in main dealership terms basically a whipping boy, whose job it was to do any or all of the things that nobody else wanted to. Our regional manager at the time was a complete t**d. Nobody liked him and he made himself especially unpopular with senior dealership staff by setting us unrealistic targets on sales volumes, service revenues and keeping warranty costs to a minimum. Indeed, he’s the reason I jacked in main dealer life altogether, leaving him with nine beige Fiat Cromas in group stock as a final hurrah. (I’ve told that story in this column before, but essentially I found the most unsaleable transporter-load of cars I could from central stock and ordered them to the dealership the day before I handed in my notice.)
Who is Big Mike? Well, that would be telling. What we can say is he’s had more than 40 years in the car trade so has probably forgotten more about it than we’re likely to know.
20 | CarDealerMag.co.uk
The trick I played on vile regional boss was wrong – but worth every penny
That wasn’t the first time I got even, though. Before that – it would have been about 1991 – I played him at his own game and, to this day, Paul was the only other person who knew about it. But by reminding me in Asda, he no longer is, as it’s too good to keep secret any longer. Anyway, the regional manager turned up for his monthly visit/snoop around the day after I’d received his latest fax (remember those pre-email days where you had to rely on a roll of paper and a phone line to send a stroppy missive?) and he’d put my nose pretty much out of joint over warranty claim costs. When I saw him turn up, I was overcome by a really evil idea. His car was an Alfa Romeo 164 V6 Lusso in bright Alfa Red – the very same colour as our demonstrator, which was parked in the front row of our used forecourt in the hope that some Alfa-lover would fall for it and save us too much of a car-crash on the residual value.
When I saw that his car had the very same black leather interior as well, I hatched a wicked, wicked plan... No sooner had he arrived and disappeared into the back office to tear our dealer principal a new one (not that he’d done anything wrong; that was just the type of person the regional manager was), I summoned Paul out from the parts store to go and get the 164 demo off the forecourt. Between us, we He’s the reason I jacked in main dealer life

Paul then took the regional manager’s 164 and parked it neatly in row one, complete with our £15,995 pricing plaque in the screen, leaving the demo in itsWhenplace.the meeting was over, the dealer principal was visibly purple with rage and our favourite head office visitor waddled down to ‘his’ 164, climbed in, lit a smoke, popped his Ray-Bans on and went to start the car – only to find that the ignition key just jammed in the lock. It wouldn’t turn at all. He tried locking and unlocking it via the remote button (at which point I almost soiled myself, as if he’d looked to his left he’d have seen a red 164 flashing its four-ways at him among our used stock), got back in and failed to start it again.
Rather than inquire politely at the service desk, he got back out of the car and called me (or ‘You there’) over to have a look at it. Unsurprisingly, I couldn’t turn the key in the ignition either, so I summoned Paul out to have a look as well. He was the perfect act, not only keeping a deadpan expression but also going ‘Oh for f***’s sake, not this problem again’ without a single prompt. I followed this by explaining to the regional manager that we’d seen a few Alfas with the same issue and that the only cure was most likely a new lock set and central locking ECU. Half an hour later, he was on his way back to head office (a good 160 miles away) in a Fiat Panda 750L, our least powerful and most miserable courtesy car, while I was ordering up a new lock set and central locking ECU – as well as logging seven hours of labour – as a warranty claim. A handy little two grand towards next month’s revenue target for a repair we wouldn’t have to carry out. Illegal? Yes. Immoral? I’ll let you lot decide… Besides, we valeted it for him before he picked it up…
CarDealerMag.co.uk | 21 then hastily swapped the regional manager’s possessions from his own car to the demo (his tape cassettes, Ray-Bans, cigarettes, tube of mints and – yeuch –packet of condoms), being careful to put them all in exactly the same place as in his own motor. We then went to even greater detail, carefully swapping over the number plates, head office tax disc holder and fag-burnt floor mat to ensure it was absolutely identical to the car he’d parked there less than an hour earlier.
When withvisiblyprincipalthewasmeetingtheover,dealerwaspurplerage.
When I saw that his car had the very same black leather interior as well, I hatched a wicked, wicked plan...

22 | CarDealerMag.co.uk
Many traditional brick-based retailers, independent or franchised, shouldn’t dismiss the benefit of their capital-intensive retail environments.
TalesTraderTrader has more than just a place vehicles
However, in the spirit of someone who still appreciates nuance in arguments and can accept that both sides can be right, I would urge caution to those staunch supporters of Auto Trader that sole reliance on cars with large margins or high performance scores is fraught with danger.
I understand why so many independent and franchise dealers alike view the company with so much contempt, but what has become clear to me (and many others, no doubt) is that Auto Trader is no longer an advertising medium to attract customers; it is a data analytics company that has a much greater impact on used car sales than many think.
Speaking personally, I wrote a vitriolic piece about Auto Trader more than a decade ago in which I highlighted that the platform was nothing more than a conduit between dealer and customer and that any would-be tech disruptor could challenge its pricing model.
A used purchase.emotivestillpurchasecarisahighly
I also wrote a more recent article in which I said that Cazoo founder Alex Chesterman would have been better served targeting Auto Trader instead of retail car sales.
CarDealerMag.co.uk | 23
become far
James Litton is an automotive retail consultant who always has something to say about the industry he loves.
By profiling cars using the desirability rating and giving customers tangible pricing information as to the competitiveness of each car, Auto Trader has been driving many advocates of the product to solely use the tools provided in the dealer portal suite to target certain models.
to advertise
he results of the recent Car Dealer Magazine investigation into dealer sentiment about Auto Trader should really come as no surprise given the binary nature of the world today. It seemed that opinion was well and truly split between the for and against.
Auto Trader has been at this for a long time and I for one was slow to see the benefits of the old i-control system, which predated the current technology, but I speak to many dealers who claim the software has revolutionised their business.
In my work with dealers over the years, you see many consumers search for a used car online and then look for locality as a number one criteria.
Used car retailing from 2022 and beyond needs a blended focus on stock acquisition, preparation standard, video and image quality and sales process. It is possible to be a successful business with or without Auto Trader, but if a hard look in the mirror reveals flaws in any of the above, at least Auto Trader can help cut some corners.
A used car purchase is still a highly emotive purchase, and while Cazoo and Cinch will say they sell thousands of cars, one can only imagine that with a robust stock selection, customer-focused sales process and high preparation standards, many of these buyers would have stayed local. Then there is the competition for these high-margin, high-performance cars, particularly for those dealers with more captive purchase environments such as independents buying from BCA using its Partner Finance or franchised dealers supporting manufacturer used car initiatives. As an example, grocery retailers (an equally competitive market) find different retained margins in a huge variety of products and car dealers need to consider a balance and profile to stock.

THE MG 5 has gone on sale with the latest incarnation of the firm’s electric estate car bringing a variety of upgrades to the exterior and interior. Available to order now, it’s priced from £30,995 and features a range of up to 249 miles from a single charge. It’s also equipped with vehicle-toload tech, which means the car can power other devices with its battery. Two specifications are offered – SE and Trophy. The former has a number of standard features including adaptive cruise control and a rear parking camera. Trophy – from £33,495 – gains a full leather interior and 360-degree parking camera among other extras. MG
XCeed gets updated look and 201bhp engine
KIA has revealed an updated version of its XCeed crossover, bringing an updated design and new range-topping petrol engine. Introduced in 2019 as the first Ceed-based crossover, it’s now been updated it to keep it competitive in this popular class. Many of the changes focus on the XCeed’s design, with the model getting new LED headlights and a revised front grille, bumper and air intakes, which also bring aerodynamic improvements.
24 | CarDealerMag.co.uk
Manufacturers have been refining their models and producing new ones. We look at some of the results...
Sixth-gen Civic Type R revealed HONDA’S latest Civic Type R has been revealed following several months of being teased. The sixth-generation Type R is due to arrive in Europe early next year and has already proved its capability by setting a new record lap time for front-wheel-drive cars at Suzuka Circuit in Japan. Said to be lighter and more responsive than before, the new Type R takes the body of the recently introduced standard Civic e:HEV and adds a lower, more aggressive stance on the road. It sits on lightweight 19-inch matt-black alloy wheels, too, wearing Michelin Pilot Sport 4S tyres.
Bringing a sportier look to the rest of the line-up, it’s offered with a 201bhp 1.6-litre petrol engine that can reach 60mph in 7.3 seconds. GENESIS says its third electric car to be launched in the UK –the Electrified GV70 – will be priced from £64,405. Powered by dual electric motors linked to a 77.4kWh battery, the Electrified GV70 is said to return up to 283 miles from a single charge, while 423bhp allows it to go from 0-60mph in four seconds. The ability to charge at speeds of up to 350kW also means it can be charged from 10 to 80 per cent in 18 minutes via a rapid charger, too. Electrified GV70 to cost from £64,405 GENESIS
New MG 5 goes on sale priced from £30,995
Another key addition is a GT-Line trim level.

THE new Jeep Grand Cherokee 4xe plug-in hybrid has gone on sale in the UK, with prices starting from £69,900. Due to arrive early next year, it’ll be available in Limited, Trailhawk, Overland and Summit Reserve specifications, with the powertrain said to be able to deliver up to 31 miles of electric-only range alongside a 0-60mph time of just over six seconds. It’s centred around a 2.0-litre turbocharged petrol engine, which together with two electric motors provides 375bhp and 637Nm of torque. Grand Cherokee 4xe hits the UK market JEEP Extra equipment now found on 208 PEUGEOT PEUGEOT has introduced changes to its 208, with more standard equipment. Active Premium+ and Allure Premium+ trim levels now replace the existing Active Premium and Allure Premium. They gain more equipment at no extra cost, but models with new Euro 6.4 emissionscompliant engines incur a £110 premium. Among the add-ons, Active models now have automatic windscreen wipers and air conditioning, while Allure gains a new seven-inch touchscreen with navigation.
RENAULT ASTON MARTIN Arkana hybrid crossover is given style tweaks for 2022
HONDA has unveiled its new ZR-V – a hybrid SUV that expands the brand’s growing electrified line-up. Revealed in Japan, where the ZR-V will go on sale first, the new model will sit between the HR-V and CR-V in Honda’s SUV line-up.
The coupe-crossover gains updated trim level names in line with updates made recently to Renault’s other cars. Previously offered in S Edition and Iconic trim levels, these are now Evolution and Techno grades. Prices for the Evolution start from £26,695, with standard equipment including two seven-inch screens and a reversing camera. The Techno is available from £28,695 and includes a larger 10-inch Click to watch the new Aston Martin badge being made Aston Martin kicks off ‘new era’ with redesigned logo digital instrument cluster and 9.3-inch touchscreen, plus tinted rear windows.
RENAULT has updated its Arkana hybrid crossover for 2022, with the model getting revised trim levels and slight styling tweaks.
CarDealerMag.co.uk | 25
ASTON Martin has unveiled a new version of its famous wings logo to signify the launch of a ‘bold new creative brand strategy’. Designed together with British art director and graphic designer Peter Saville, each new hand-crafted badge will grace Aston Martin’s next generation of sports cars. It’s the first major update to the logo since 2003 and only the eighth time it’s been changed in the firm’s 109-year history.
Showcasing a smart and elegant design, the ZR-V aims to be the sportiest model in the firm’s SUV range, with a large grille and imposing horizontal bars helping it to stand out from the crowd. Wide LED headlights also feature, while the body-coloured wheel arches and lower areas help give it a sportier design than other models in its segment. Inside is not too dissimilar from that of the latest Civic.
CITROEN C3 range expanded with ‘Shine’ version CITROEN has announced a new ‘Shine’ specification for its C3. Available exclusively via the Citroen Online Store, the new grade sits above the value-based ‘You’ trim level and beneath the C-Series. Available in four colours, it also comes with 16-inch alloy wheels and a black roof plus black colour pack, which brings black inserts to the bumpers, lower door panels and dashboard. It has a 108bhp 1.2-litre turbocharged petrol engine, mated to a six-speed automatic gearbox.
ZR-V previewed in Japan ahead of 2023 launch for hybrid SUV

Hippo staff total tops 300 for first time Pimp My Ride is coming back BOSSES at Hippo Motor Group say the firm has reached an ‘important milestone’ with the company’s workforce topping 300 people for the first time. The Blackburn-based retailer has reached the landmark after 116 years in business, during which time it has remained in the same family. The outfit was established in its current guise in 2007 by Tom and Richard Preston but has heritage dating back to 1906.
LOSSESEVENT Hendy thrills with performance day
The long and the shorts of it… Motorpoint agrees 2022/23 sponsorship deal with Portsmouth FC SUPPORT
THE famous early-2000s car restoration series Pimp My Ride is returning to the UK. Hosted by British rapper Lady Leshurr, the new six-part series on MTV UK’s YouTube channel –starting on Friday, August 19 – will highlight the cost and environmental benefits of buying second-hand parts via a partnership with eBay’s Certified Recycle Hub. The work is being carried out by Surrey-based workshop Wrench Studios.
USED car supermarket group Motorpoint has become an official partner of Portsmouth FC. The deal will see it support Danny Cowley’s side as they attempt to secure promotion out of English football’s third tier. Meanwhile, Jay Sadler’s women’s team will have branding on their shorts throughout the 2022/23 season. Jennie Sim, Motorpoint’s sponsorship and charity manager, said: ‘Portsmouth FC is a fantastic team at the heart of the community, and to be able to support Portsmouth FC Women as well, at a time when women’s football is one of the fastest-growing participation events in the UK, is fantastic.’
Cazoo falls even deeper into the red MORE than 3,000 petrolheads flocked to Thruxton for the Hendy Performance Day. Visitors were treated to static displays of more than 500 cars from car clubs and performance car enthusiasts together with track action from precision driver Paul Swift, pictured, as well as special guests Tiff Needell and British Touring Car driver Árón Taylor-Smith.HendyGroup chief executive Paul Hendy said the event was a ‘total sell-out’ and plans were afoot for it to return in 2023. CAZOO more than doubled its losses during the first half of 2022 versus the same period last year. It shouldered a £243m deficit for the six months ended June 30, 2022 – a 141 per cent increase on the £102m loss it made in the same period in 2021. Cazoo improved the number of cars sold, though, shifting a total of 43,668 – a 113 per cent rise on the 20,454 it managed to sell in the first half of 2021. A total of 30,386 cars were sold retail while 13,282 were wholesale.
What I Traderdominationdon’tdealersthinkreallylikeistheAutohas.
James Baggott p19

Driven by Pendragon’s mystery suitor is revealed
Forecourt: p32
He made
HUMPHRIES & Parks is the latest dealership to join SsangYong’s UK network following the departure of OwnerMitsubishi.Marcus Joy, pictured, who runs the West Malling dealership with sons Sam, Bruno and Soren, said: ‘We are delighted to partner with the SsangYong brand with its range of award-winning valuefor-money vehicles.’ It became a Mitsubishi franchise dealer in 1976 and was the brand’s longestestablished dealership in the UK.
It’s into England for Sinclair Group Humphries & Parks signs to SsangYong
SNOWS has snapped up south coast rivalThePicador.deal,for an undisclosed sum, sees the Vauxhall name being added to Snows’ portfolio of marques. Around 90 Picador staff from its Sholing and Chandler’s Ford sites will join the group but its Vauxhall showroom in Winchester has closed with staff offered Picturedrelocation.arePicador CEO Graham Jacobs, left, and Snows chief operating officer Neil McCue DEAL
WALES’S largest car dealer, the Sinclair Group, is moving into England after buying Shukers.
Riverside celebrates 40 years of business
CarDealerMag.co.uk | 27
Snows adds Vauxhall as it buys Picador
CarGurus appoints new MD of UK division Supplier News: p53
RIVERSIDE Motor Group is celebrating notching up 40 years in theItbusiness.beganlife in August 1982 with a Volvo showroom on York Road roundabout in Doncaster. The showroom for the Swedish marque is now in Wheatley Road as the group has expanded over the years, with sites in Hull, Wakefield and Barnsley too, representing Seat, Cupra and Honda, plus its own approved used car centre. Today, the group employs more than 200 staff.
The deal, for an undisclosed sum, sees Sinclair acquiring the £50.2m-turnover Shukers Group from the Rubery Owen Group and three sites, which includes taking over Shukers’ Land Rover dealership in Ludlow.‘Thisisa great fit for us,’ said Andy Sinclair, pictured, managing director of Sinclair Group.
Big Mike p20
A MYSTERY buyer that failed in its bid to take over Stratstone owner Pendragon has been named as Lithia Motors. Car Dealer reported that the deal fell through after one of Pendragon’s biggest shareholders refused to join the talks. It was subsequently revealed the attempt came from US giant Lithia Motors and that the party that refused to enter into talks was the Hedin Group. Together, the group and owner Anders Hedin own 53 per cent of Pendragon. PUZZLE ‘The Kia Niro has grown considerably and this growth spurt can definitely be noticed in the cabin.’

The bhp car.performanceelectricExperimental’Polestar’sof‘2 Feature p40
28 | CarDealerMag.co.uk NEWS DIGEST
MINI has become the first car brand to have its entire UK dealer network approved by the Dogs Trust, it has beenTheannounced.BMW-owned firm has been working with the charity to help make all of its 131 dealerships welcoming and safe for pooches. Staff at Mini dealers have gone through online training covering topics such as how to approach a dog, how to avoid hazards for dogs and how to make pets feel at ease. APPROVAL
STONEACRE has unveiled a stateof-the-art Volvo showroom in the north-east of England following a £5mStoneacrerefurb. Volvo Sunderland boasts new-look ultra-modern facilities, including Volvo’s signature lounge area plus an extension to the cosmetic repair facility and storage centre. David Nicholson, from Stoneacre Volvo Sunderland, said: ‘This is an incredibly exciting time for Stoneacre Volvo Sunderland.’
First Ariyas shipment arrives in UK after 43-day voyage from Japan – and another is on its way IMPORT
Stoneacre unveils £5m showroom
Together, the two carriers will have delivered just over 1,300 Ariyas. The Port of Tyne has also extended its commercial import/export partnership with Nissan for another five years. 476
The cars were transported here aboard the Nordic Ace, which docked at the Port of Tyne in South Shields after a 43-day voyage from Hitachi in Japan. The Ariya is manufactured by Nissan at its Tochigi plant in Japan and the next shipment is due to arrive at the Port of Tyne in August.
Stellantis widens used car initiative
Mini’s UK network now a doggy delight
THE first shipment of all-electric Nissan Ariyas has arrived in the UK.
FORMER TrustFord chief executive and chairman Stuart Foulds has died suddenly. Foulds, who would have turned 68 in August, only retired from the company at the beginning of this year, having taken on the roles in July 2017. However, he died on July 14 after an operation following a heart attack some weeks previously. Acting chairman and CEO Stuart Mustoe paid tribute, saying: ‘We extend our heartfelt sympathies to his wife Moira, his children and wider family.’
STELLANTIS has expanded the range of vehicles available via its used car programme, widening it to models from Fiat, Jeep and Abarth retailers. The Spoticar initiative was launched last year, putting approved used models from Stellantis brands on one platform, along with other brands that a Spoticar retailer has. But used vehicles from Fiat, Abarth and Jeep now sit alongside fellow Stellantis brands Citroen, DS, Peugeot and Vauxhall. Stuart Foulds dies suddenly at 67

CAR dealers have been revealing their most memorable customer interactions of the past year as part of a new survey by CarGurus. It lays bare the weird and wonderful requests dealers have to handle every day. One customer inquired if a car could fit a medieval jousting pole in it, while another asked whether the dealer could pay the insurance for them. One even offered his children in part-exchange!
EV Technology Group buys Moke majority EV Technology Group has bought the majority shareholding in Moke International – maker of the reborn 1960s Mini Moke car. The company says the deal is valued at $55.1m (circa £46m) in cash and stock, and it’ll own approximately 65 per cent of Moke International with an option to acquire up to 100 per cent of the remaining shares. It follows Moke International launching a pureelectric version of the Moke.
Feature: pXX Halifax site becomes 12th Bravoauto store Toyota showroom to go up on ex-Ford site
Feature: p39 Planning on heading out to explore this summer? We’ve found some cool products that could make your time off even more enjoyable
SCORE! LSH Auto has signed a three-year sponsorship deal with Silhillians RUFC. The agreement with LSH Auto’s Mercedes-Benz of Solihull dealership comes ahead of the new rugby season. Logos will be on 480 shirts and advert boards will be on display.
INCHCAPE has expanded its Bravoauto used car brand with the opening of a new dealership in Halifax.Ithascreated 14 new job roles and is the 12th Bravoauto store, following recent openings in Crewe and Halesowen. The Halifax store is the largest site to date. Franchise director Rebecca Sides said they planned to have 17 stores by the end of the year. Inchcape rebranded its UK used car centres as Bravoauto last November.
DEALER group Drive Motor Retail’s Stockton-on-Tees showroom is celebrating 10 years of partnering with a driving school. The site, which sells Vauxhalls and Citroens, has supplied more than 50 vehicles for 5 Star Driver Training. Four of the instructors now teach pupils in new Vauxhall Corsas that it’s supplied. General manager Chris Shutt said: ‘We’ve had new drivers buy a Corsa because they’ve enjoyed driving one while learning.’ CHANGE
CUTS: Ford is looking to axe as many as 8,000 jobs as it seeks to cut costs and increase focusing on EVs, according to industry insiders. The cuts are set to take place over the summer, with the jobs axe falling on the Ford Blue unit as well as elsewhere.
MACKLIN Motors is to open a Toyota dealership on what was its Ford site in Hamilton.Itsaiditwould be ploughing about £1m into building a state-ofthe-art showroom, with five jobs created as well when it reopens later in the summer. Macklin won the Toyota franchise for western Scotland earlier this year after it was lost by Arnold Clark, as reported by Car Dealer PICTURED ARE GENERAL SALES
Weird asks revealed Drive celebrates one ‘L’ of a partnership
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BITE-SIZE Used retailingcar from 2022 beyondandneeds a blended focus.
Joust a minute...!
REPORT: Carzam was more than £2.4m in debt when it called in administrators, newly published documents reveal. It was placed into voluntary receivership on June 1, and its ‘estimated total deficiency’ then was £2.439m, said administrators.
James Litton p23
CarDealerMag.co.uk | 29 ‘Quote.’
GOING: VW CEO Herbert Diess is leaving the company three years before the end of his contract. Diess – who led VW’s electric vehicle drive and clashed with unions – will leave on September 1, to be replaced by Porsche chief executive Oliver Blume.
GROWTH: Citroen is aiming to expand its business outside its core European markets. That’s according to UK MD Eurig Druce, who said: ‘Last year, we saw 20 per cent of our sales move to outside Europe compared with 15 per cent the year before.’

The days of the big-capacity supercar are numbered but the plucky V10-powered R8 lives on – for now at least. Updated to bring even more power than before, we’re testing it here in RWD form with power being sent to the rear wheels rather than the more traditional four.
WHAT’S NEW? As well as more power than its predecessor, you can also get it in hard-top coupe and droptop Spyder layouts, with a lightweight aluminium body there to try to keep weight down.
HOW DOES IT LOOK? The R8 continues to be a great-looking car – to our eyes at least – with excellent proportions and some real presence. Our particular car came in a striking Tango Red colour with contrasting bronze-coloured wheels; it’s one of the nicest R8 specifications that we’ve seen. Although some might like the huge wing that you get on quattro Performance models, the more understated looks of the RWD are still very appealing. It’s by no means a wallflower, mind you – this is still a car that turns heads wherever it goes – but the gloss-black accents and more streamlined appearance make it feel just a little bit more undercover.
WHAT’S IT LIKE TO DRIVE? It’s remarkably easy to drive, while on longer jaunts the R8’s well-sorted suspension ensures the miles breeze by. That engine continues to shine through, although emissions regulations have made it a little more muted than before. Even so, its performance is superb, with instant response and savage acceleration. The steering feels even sharper in this lighter RWD version, and although it might not be the last word in feedback, it’s plenty accurate enough.
Audi R8 PerformanceV10RWD Price (as tested): £150,075 Engine: 5.2-litre V10 Power: 562bhp Torque: 550Nm Max speed: 204mph O-60mph: 3.5 seconds MPG (combined): 22.2 Emissions: KNOWLEDGETHE
The R8 might be on borrowed time, but what’s it like to live with at the moment? Jack Evans went for a spin.
30 | CarDealerMag.co.uk AUDIFORECOURTR8
Carbon-fibre-reinforced plastics take these weight-saving efforts one step further, too.
WHAT’S UNDER THE BONNET? The R8’s appeal has always centred around the glorious 5.2-litre naturally aspirated V10. As before, power is sent to the wheels through a seven-speed automatic gearbox.
WHAT’S IT LIKE INSIDE? When the R8 first arrived, its cabin felt like a real step forward, with its lack of central The glorious 5.2-litre naturally aspirated V10 kicks out 562bhp.

As we’ve mentioned, the R8’s Virtual Cockpit setup felt pretty next-level when it first arrived but these days it’s starting to creak a little. The navigation system isn’t all that detailed, while moving around the separate menus is tricky. Apple CarPlay is included, but again, this is a system that thrives on being operated through a touchscreen, so using it via a rotary controller is hard. During our time with the car, the Apple CarPlay could connect a phone call, but for some reason the microphone in the vehicle wouldn’t pick up our voice. At just over £150,000, the R8 RWD certainly isn’t cheap, but what you’re really paying for is all that engineering and theatre. It’s a bit of a shame, though, that the in-car tech feels a little bit behind that of others.
The R8 is still great looking, and with the Tango Red paint plus bronze-coloured wheels it makes for a very striking car. The cabin is starting to show its age but there’s still plenty of space for two occupants.
WHAT DOES THE PRESS SAY? Auto Express said: ‘The R8 RWD feels just a little too powerful for its own good, and that’s half the appeal. The other half comes in how it behaves in the corners – ditching drive to the front wheels makes for a pointier, more lively-feeling car, even with the electronic aids fully engaged.’ Autocar said: ‘It is and will remain one of the best advertisements going for high-performance road car engines powered by petrol.’
TARGET BUYERS: People who want the most handling-focused R8 around.
THE RIVALS: Porsche 911 BMW M5 MercedesCSSL
With the push for downsizing and electrification, it’s something to celebrate while we can.
KEY SELLING POINTS: 1. Rock-solid interior 2. One of the best engines on sale today 3. Everyday usability DEAL CLINCHER: The R8 RWD is Audi’s famous supercar distilled. It’s focused but still retains that excellent all-round everyday comfort. screen and Virtual Cockpit setup ensuring the driver was free of distractions. And although that still remains the case, the cabin of the R8 is just starting to feel its age somewhat. It’s nice to have physical controls for the heating and ventilation, but the whole affair feels a tiny bit off the pace when compared with rivals. The cabin offers a surprising amount of space for two, while there’s enough room for a weekend’s worth of luggage, thanks to the 112 litres of volume within the nose of the car.
WHAT DO WE THINK? The R8 might be entering its final years – and it’s predicted that a fully electric successor is on the cards – but this RWD version shows that this is a car to be enjoyed while it’s still here. The cabin might be showing signs of its many years in existence, but this is a thoroughly enjoyable and usable supercar that really can dive into daily duties without anyThehesitation.V10might’ve been quietened by regulations, but it remains one of the all-time greats.
The R8 might be entering its final years but this RWD version shows that this is a car to be enjoyed while it’s still here.
CarDealerMag.co.uk | 31

WHAT’S UNDER THE BONNET? Whether you opt for the regular ‘self-charging’ hybrid or this PHEV, you’re getting a setup focused around a 1.6-litre petrol engine. The difference lies in the electric motor – which becomes more powerful in the latter – and the battery, which swells in capacity. Combined, you get 180bhp and 265Nm of torque, driven to the wheels via a six-speed dual-clutch automatic transmission. You should get up to 40 miles of range, too, while CO2 emissions of just 22g/km put this in the business car-friendly category. Kia says that you could achieve up to 353.1mpg, but this relies on the batteries being topped up at all times.
Jack Evans finds out what it’s like.
Price (as tested): £39,175 Engine: 1.6-litre petrol engine with electric motor and battery WHAT IS IT? Kia’s Niro has been a hugely popular car for the South Korean firm. Originally offered with a three-pronged approach to engines with hybrid, plug-in hybrid and fully electric setups, it’s been a consistent sight in the monthly list of best-selling models. Replacing a car like that is never easy, but Kia appears up to the challenge with the new Niro. Sitting on a new platform and with a range of new technologies, the new Niro has returned with a host of revisions to ensure it can be just as successful as the car it replaces.
32 | CarDealerMag.co.uk
WHAT’S NEW? Much as before, the new Niro remains available with a trio of powertrains, ensuring there’s a setup for all buyers – although it’s the plug-in hybrid that we’re focusing on here. Overall, the Niro is longer, wider and taller than before, bringing improved spaciousness and practicality as a result. The older Niro’s rather underplayed styling has been massively overhauled here, too, with a new, more exciting exterior look brought into play. Not only does it give the Niro added presence, but it brings it closer in terms of design to the rest of Kia’s range.
WHAT’S IT LIKE TO DRIVE? Getting acquainted with the Niro is a pretty straightforward process. There are no gimmicks or strange dials, while the steering wheel is much the same as the ones we’ve seen in other recent Kia models. That ‘ease of use’ theme continues through the driving experience of the car, with the PHEV setup switching between electric and petrol power without any fuss. It’s quiet, too, with good levels of refinement. The steering is quite lifeless, mind you, while the brake pedal has an odd sponginess to it. That said, you do rely more on the Power: 180bhp Torque: 265Nm Max speed: 100mph O-60mph: 9.5 seconds MPG (combined): 282.5 Emissions: Under the bonnet The 1.6-litre petrol engine is mated to an electric motor with battery and produces 180bhp and 265Nm of torque. Kia is back with a hybriditsapproachthree-prongedfromhybrid,plug-inandEVNiro.

WHAT’S THE SPEC LIKE? The Niro is absolutely packed with standard equipment. Prices for the plug-in hybrid start from £33,245 in entry-level ‘2’ grade, but the level of kit at this level is impressive. All cars get 16-inch alloy wheels, automatic headlights and an eight-inch touchscreen infotainment system with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto as standard. Our test car was ‘4’ specification which, although commanding quite a premium at £39,175, did bring a host of extra touches such as a larger 10.25-inch touchscreen, heated rear seats and an electric sunroof.
The Kia Niro has grown considerably for this second-generation car. It’s now 65mm longer and 20mm wider and this growth spurt can definitely be noticed in the cabin. In the rear, there’s loads of head- and legroom. We particularly like the USB-C charging sockets in the backs of the front chairs, which give the rear a clean look. However, the plug-in hybrid is the worst off in terms of boot space. At 346 litres, it falls some way behind the regular hybrid’s 451 litres and full EV’s 475 litres. Lower the seats and it increases to 1,342 litres, but you’re better served with one of the other variants if maximum boot space is what you’re after.
WHAT DOES THE PRESS SAY? Heycar said: ‘The Kia Niro does everything right for a family SUV – it’s easy to drive, feels reassuringly safe and generally very comfortable.’ Honest John said: ‘The new Kia Niro manages to be both rational and likeable. The looks may divide opinion but it’s certainly more characterful than the old one.’
WHAT DO WE THINK? By making one of its best-selling models even more practical than before while giving it a stronger identity through more eye-catching styling, Kia has really strengthened the Niro’s appeal. It’s also backed up by the same level of standard equipment that made the original Niro such a hit, while its trio of powertrain options means that, as before, the Niro should continue to appeal to all manner of buyers. Inside The new Niro gains lots more space in the cabin but the hybrid system robs the boot of litres. Style It’s got a really bold front end, while the new design also incorporates boomerang-shaped lights at the rear. The Kia Niro has grown considerably and this growth spurt can definitely be noticed in the cabin.
CarDealerMag.co.uk | 33
HOW DOES IT LOOK? There was little to shout about when it came to how the old Niro looked. You could argue that it catered to all tastes, but it certainly wasn’t exciting. Things have changed for the new car, which has a really bold front end. We particularly like the sharp daytime running lights. Around the back, the almost-boomerang-shaped rear lights continue the theme, although the large slab of panel underneath them on the sides does look a little ugly in our eyes.
TARGET BUYERS: Those who want a plug-in hybrid that feels more like a ‘traditional’ car.
THE RIVALS: Honda HR-V Audi A3 TFSI-e Hyundai Ioniq KEY SELLING POINTS: 1. Great level of standard equipment 2. Efficient powertrain 3. Futuristic looks DEAL CLINCHER: The Kia Niro returns as a multi-faceted hybrid with a great approach to value for money. regenerative braking to slow the car, with the paddles behind the steering wheel there to adjust how harsh the regen is. However, after pulling the paddle several times to get the most regen possible, it requires an additional ‘long hold’ to achieve maximum braking.

Good old fashioned diesel power, that’s what. Diesel is arguably still the default choice in this market thanks to its flexibility plus long-distance cruising economy, and the Nugget gets a 2.0-litre unit with 128bhp, 148bhp or 168bhp, while the longer wheelbase Nugget Plus does without the 168bhp unit. Six-speed manuals come with the 128bhp and 148bhp, and a six-speed auto is on the 148bhp and 168bhp. We, however, tested a 182bhp with the auto ’box engine, which has just been taken off sale.
Price (as tested): £84,741 Engine: 2.0-litre, diesel WHAT IS IT? Sales of camper vans, caravans and motorhomes went through the roof because of the pandemic, as Brits looked to stay local rather than jet off into the sun. Demand is still high now despite lengthy waiting lists, so it seems about right to look at one of the most recent additions to this specialist sector. The Nugget (yes, it really is called that) is based on Ford’s perennial best-seller, the Transit, and is built in conjunction with legendary camper van builders Westfalia. It’s sold through 17 specialist Ford dealers across the UK.
WHAT’S IT LIKE TO DRIVE? It would be very easy to nit-pick and complain about the slightly oversprung suspension, loose body control and fidgety ride on rough surfaces, but this is a camper van – owners will be driving this, more than likely, fully loaded with luggage and crockery in the drawers. While the VW California does feel a bit more agile, the Nugget has a decent balance between speed and comfort, with the accurate and well-weighted steering being a highlight. The 2.0-litre diesel is pretty hushed too, and while the gearbox does hunt for the right gear at times, it gives a mostly stress-free driving experience.
Power: 182bhp Torque: 415Nm Max speed: 112mph O-60mph: 12.2 seconds MPG (combined): 36.2 Emissions: 204g/km CO2 Under the bonnet This 2.0-litre diesel produces 182bhp and 415Nm and is mated to an automatic gearbox.
JamesNUGGETTRANSITFORDFORECOURTBatchelor sampled the outdoor life to put Ford’s camper van to the test.
WHAT’S NEW? Well, it’s just the outside that looks like the type of Ford Transit you see on every street in the UK. Inside receives a bespoke interior designed and built by Westfalia. There’s sleeping for four people, a pop-up roof and, depending on which Nugget you go for, even a bathroom. Perhaps ‘bathroom’ is putting things a little too strongly, as the longer Nugget Plus (5,399mm in length versus the Nugget’s 4,972mm length, or ‘L2’ and ‘L1’ respectively in Transit-speak) gets a loo and a washbasin.

CarDealerMag.co.uk | 35
HOW DOES IT LOOK? It looks like a Transit, which is both a good and a bad thing. Ford’s mid-size van still looks smart despite being nearly 10 years old, especially when painted in our van’s Chrome Blue.
KEY SELLING POINTS: 1. Refined engines 2. Accurate steering 3. High standard specification DEAL CLINCHER: Interior layout offers something different. The Nugget has that rugged yet comfortable feel that makes the commercial van versions so appealing.
TARGET BUYERS: Mature customers and family buyers. THE RIVALS: Volkswagen CampervanVauxhallMarcoMercedes-BenzCaliforniaV-ClassPoloVivaroElite
WHAT DO WE THINK? A camper van version adds another string to the Transit’s famously talented bow and in many respects it succeeds. While a VW California is nicer to drive and a V-Class Marco Polo feels more special and pampering for similar money, the Nugget has that rugged yet comfortable feel that makes the commercial van versions so appealing. For many, the lure of California’s heritage and the Merc’s sophistication will be too hard to ignore, but the Transit shouldn’t be ignored – especially if cooking and entertaining in a camper van is their number one priority.
Inside It has a well-thought-out interior with a pop-up roof that reveals another double bed.
Style The Nugget has a smart look with its Chrome Blue paint, despite the Transit being nearly 10 years old.
WHAT DO THE PRESS THINK? Top Gear concluded the Nugget is ‘much more van-like than a California, and it’s not cheap to buy’. The Caravan and Motorhome Club said: ‘There’s no doubt it brings something different to the sector.’
WHAT’S THE SPEC LIKE? All Nuggets get an eight-inch touchscreen with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, while sat nav is optional. But of more interest is the standard camper van equipment – and in this regard, the Ford is very generously equipped. There’s too much to list separately, but our highlights are an awning, two folding chairs and a table, heated and swivelling ‘captain’s chairs’, auxiliary 400W fuel-fired heating system, 42-litre fresh water and waste tank, warm water boiler and a central electronic system to control the heating, fridge and more. Active models add more off-roader styling. Build quality up front is a bit patchy, but the quality of the Westfalia conversion is very high.
WHAT’S IT LIKE INSIDE? Refreshingly, the Nugget offers something different from its two chief German rivals and has a completely different layout to its interior. Instead of a kitchen built along one side, it’s in a loft house-style ‘L-shape’ at the back, complete with a cooker, sink and fridge. The sofa/double bed, which is normally at the back of the VW and Merc, is in the middle of the van, meaning the Ford gets sliding doors on both sides. The pop-up roof opens up to reveal another double bed. Our Nugget Plus added a Thetford bench toilet with electric flush, privacy screen between the loo and sleeping area, and a shower attachment for the wash basin. When used as a sofa, there’s a table that can be attached to the floor and the two front seats spin round to create a cosy dining room. Overall, it’s a neat design but probably more aimed at people who like to cook frequently in their van as that kitchen arrangement takes up crucial storage space.

It’s billed as one of the must-see events for car fans, which is why – having never been before – I thought that it was something I should definitely check out. The drive down to the Nürburgring is pretty straightforward, in truth. I’m lucky enough to be piloting Audi’s latest RS 6 for the journey south, with its 4.0-litre twinturbocharged V8 seeming the perfect fit for a weekend full of petrol and noise. Boarding the Eurostar at Folkestone feels like a rite of passage for trips such as this. The ‘long’ carriage is the best option for the RS 6, too – I’ve been down the standard-size train in cars this size before and ended up in a sweaty mess of worry trying to avoid kerbing every inch of wheel. Instead, the larger train allows you plenty of space to get on without any stress – it’s well worth getting the ticket if you’re driving something a littleFunnilylarger.enough, I join the train just behind a colleague who is also heading to the Nürburgring. It’s got that real sense of pre-match excitement; like the 10 minutes before kick-off or the period prior to the plane taking off. We chat about the route we’re taking down south and, before you know it, it’s time to get cracking. The breeze down to the Nürburgring isn’t all that exciting. We go across a small section of France, travelling close to Lille and slingshotting past Roubaix and into Belgium. From there, it’s an easy wobble across to Liege before heading south-west and into Germany. There’s a small blip of derestricted autobahn – where the RS 6, unsurprisingly, feels very at home – before we’re nearing the Nürburgring area. Everywhere around the Nürburgring feels like it has gone into full-on festival mode the moment you arrive. There are cars of all shapes and sizes, while motorbikes are numerous, too. Flags flutter in the breeze and everywhere there’s a huge sense of excitement that can be felt.
FEATURE The Nürburgring 24 Hours is seen as one of the most iconic events on the endurance race calendar. Located at the famous ‘Green Hell’ in Germany, it’s a race that is known for its torturous effect on both driver and machine, with miles of undulating and uncompromising tarmac facing each team looking to take home the win. But it’s also seen as a real attraction for spectators, with thousands of people descending upon the ’ring to create their own slice of motoring nirvana within the forest surrounding the circuit.
The RS 6 waits in the tunnel Spectators get settled in The starting grid is packed
JACK EVANS joins the thousands of 24 hour party people who flock to the German forest for the endurance spectacle. ’RING

And there’s a good reason for that excitement when the race gets going. We’re fortunate enough to see it begin from above the start-finish line, with 138 cars heading on to the 15.8-mile circuit. It’s hard to imagine the kind of mindset that the drivers are in, knowing that there’s a full 24 hours of racing ahead. From there, the party really gets going. Again, that festival atmosphere is palpable everywhere, with the smells of cooking food and sounds of dance music combining all around the circuit. We wander around the behind-pit area, checking out the vendors who sell pretty much anything car-related you could think of. Fancy picking up a new set of race boots during your time there? That’s more than covered. As the race gets going proper, you can feel the pressure building. But it’s when the light fades away and darkness takes hold of the ’ring that the excitement really builds and the forest comes to life. Honestly, we’ve never seen anything like it. Many keen fans of the N24 pitch up the week before the race starts to get building and the fruits of their labours are nothing short of astonishing. We start hiking up towards the famous Karussell – a fearsome area of banking – and walk past a threestorey construction with working bars, sound systems and strobe lights. There are fires blazing everywhere (inside metal bins with the Nürburgring circuit outline cut into them), while at one point we even need to cross the path of a huge rope swing jauntily drifting across the walkway. There are caravans, tents, parked cars Great action on the track Huge parties frame the circuit
One of the big structures in the forest The sun begins to go down on the 24h Nürburgring and scooters everywhere. The most striking aspect of it all is that everything is taking place just metres away from where drivers are going head to head in the pitch black. The background of techno music and heavy metal is underlined by the reverberation of engines. We finish our first day at the Karussell. There, stood atop a huge scaffolding structure, you can see the race cars as they come thundering up to the bend. There are sparks as the undertrays catch tarmac, and lights as the disc brakes glow hot under immense pressure. The sound difference between the cars is a huge contrast, too, with our highlights being the soaring V10s of the Audis and Lamborghinis. The V8powered Mercedes-AMG GT3s don’t sound half bad, either, while the Porsche RSR models scream through the blackness. For us, that few hours at the Karussell is the highlight of the race and one that captures the whole spirit of the N24. It’s utterly surreal; you’re there, surrounded by partying and music, yet while watching some of the very best endurance racing around, all while being in the heart of the German forest. It’s superb. The next morning and the cars continue to pound around, albeit while looking battered and bruised. Some have fallen by the wayside during the night, but a good number soldier on. When the chequered flag fell, it was Audi’s turn once again to hoist the gold trophy, with the firm’s sixth win in 10 years coming in this 2022 race. But although the N24 is an event centred around racing, it feels so much more than that. It’s an all-encompassing spectacle, combining high-octane thrills with the kind of atmosphere that many a music festival would love to capture. As we meandered back through Belgium and France, all we could think about was how long it would be until the next one.

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Elliot Brown Land Rover TrophyDefenderWatch£595
Swedish electric car firm Polestar is already known for creating some particularly sleek EVs, so it’s unsurprising that its partnership with bicycle manufacturer Allebike has resulted in a very sharp-end package. Called the Allebike Alpha Polestar, it’s based around a lightweight carbon-fibre-reinforced polymer frame. There’s also a range of gold-coloured components, just like on Polestar’s performance models. It’s available exclusively via Polestar’s online store.
Sony portableX-Seriesspeakers
Allebike Alpha Polestar from £139 £8,000
A good set of travel speakers is a lifesaver when you’re out and about, be that for barbecue hosting or weekend camps. Sony has released a trio of new speakers – called X-Series – with each designed to pack a real punch despite their compact dimensions. All three come with a retractable handle to make them easier to carry, while even the smallest version offers 16 hours of battery play time.
Land Rover recently unveiled a special edition version of its classic Defender, designed to pay homage to some of the famous off-roader’s adventure and exploration successes. Called the Defender Works V8 Trophy II, it has all manner of goanywhere features and a unique paint scheme. A special-edition watch has been made to mark the occasion, too. Built by Elliot Brown, this camouflaged watch is limited to 1,000 units with each one costing £595. It also has a cool luminescent face that glows brightly at night.
These summer months are really flying by, aren’t they? Regardless, there’s still plenty of time to get out and enjoy things, particularly with the school holidays now in full swing. So if you’re planning on heading out to explore, we’ve got some top products that could make your time off even more enjoyable.
Oakley Xeus AG sunglasses It feels as though Oakley has been pushing hard with new special-edition sunglasses – and the Xeus AG build on this. These hark back to the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo (held in 2021), where they were released to show the very latest of what Oakley had to offer at the time. Fast-forward to 2022 and the Xeus AG have resurfaced, this time finished in a striking silver colour as opposed to the original gold. Incorporating Oakley’s Prizm lens technology, the Xeus AG will definitely get heads turning. £384

‘Rev it!’ some mischievous kids shout at us as we make our way to the start of the legendary Goodwood Hillclimb. But there won’t be any ‘revving’ in the car we’re in today – as Polestar’s ‘2 Experimental’ is a new breed of performance car. In fact, it’s one of the quiet and electric kind. And in this ‘First Glance’ pack of cars going up the hill, more than a third of them are EVs. Quite some progress, right?
On our slow crawl down to the startline, Rydholm’s passion is incredible. He’s been with Polestar from the start, initially in the Volvo days when Polestar was the Swedish brand’s performance arm. Those with a good memory might recall the wild C30 Polestar and S60 Polestar from the early 2010s, while he played a major part in the Polestar 1 – the Swedish firm’s first own-brand car. A ‘1’ is in front of us in the queue, while Polestar’s significant new ‘5’ GT car is behind, albeit still wearing heavy camouflage as it isn’t due on sale until 2024. But the ‘2 Experimental’ is Rydholm’s baby, as he was the person to develop it for the Goodwood Festival of Speed last year. Initially just meant as a one-off, it got such a good response that his team has been tasked with producing a special edition version of it – the Polestar BST Edition 270. Changes on both cars include specially developed tyres (Rydholm says 10 different sets of rubber were made by Pirelli before he found a set he was happy with), new 21-inch matt-black wheels from the Polestar 1, a front strut bar, upgraded brakes and lowered suspension to name just a few changes. In Rydholm’s words, ‘it’s small details that create the car’. We also can’t forget about the boost in power, with tweaks to the motors meaning this Polestar 2 puts out 476bhp – a significant uplift on the 402bhp offered with the regular ‘Performance’ version.
has a thrilling drive up the Festival of Speed hillclimb in the Polestar ‘2 Experimental’, courtesy of the manufacturer’s chief test engineer.
The Polestar is quick out of the corners Rydholm is not taking the hillclimb leisurely!
Taking the wheel of the Polestar 2 for our run of the legendary 1.16-mile stretch of tarmac is Joakim Rydholm, chief test engineer at Polestar, and a man who knows more about how these cars drive than any other person on the planet.
By this point, we’re at the startline, and as the marshal signals us off, the Polestar

We’re at the startline, and as the marshal signals us off, the Polestar 2 sets off like a rocket. The Polestar ‘2 Experimental’clipsacorner 2 sets off like a rocket. We’ve been in and driven plenty of EVs, but the way this ‘Experimental’ puts you back in the seat is still surprising, accelerating rapidly to the first corner and impeding hay bales getting closer and closer.
Some people take the hillclimb quite leisurely; Rydholm is most certainly not one of those, clipping the apexes, gathering plenty of dust and really pushing this EV to its limits. By now, we’re approaching the notorious Molecombe Corner, which has been home to a number of crashes over the years. He brakes late, with the seatbelt gripping us tighter and tighter the more the pedal is pressed (it does this for safety reasons), but we fire out the other side in one piece and shoot towards the ‘flint wall’. It’s the narrowest, most daunting part of the hillclimb, with no give if anything should go wrong. We’ve been lucky enough to sit in the passenger seat for a number of runs up the hillclimb over the years, but this feels by far the most committed effort yet. There’s virtually no easing off whatsoever. Out alive, we accelerate onwards towards the finish straight, clocking around 110mph as the flag is waved. At the top of the hill, we gather in what can only be described as the world’s greatest car park, with all the ‘First Glance’ vehicles coming together with the supercars and hypercars that had been up just before us. Even in this company, our Polestar 2 is still able to hold its own. Although this ‘Experimental’ might be a one-off, it very much represents an ‘offthe-shelf’ EV that customers will be able to buy. Considering its performance up the hill, it’s a mightily impressive car and feels all the more spectacular from the passenger seat. The 270 folk who get the production version of this particular car will certainly be lucky people indeed… HERE TO WATCH A VERY HAPPY TED WELFORD BEING DRIVEN UP THE GOODWOOD HILLCLIMB IN THE POLESTAR

Samuel Welwyn
@RacingPuma Franchise car dealerships (usually on two-year rolling contract) can effectively be terminated in seven days by manufacturer’s finance arm for any (or no) reason.
42 | CarDealerMag.co.uk FEEDBACK Your comments via email to editorial@blackballmedia.co.uk
Quiet times – not helped by motor factors’ prices rising
Good money after bad. I owned a very busy GM dealership during the miners’ strike. It overtraded for its capital base. Funder GMAC called in, stock funding which strangled us. Funders are arm’s length but without them you are effectively terminated. Save your money and health, Kevin.
Cast your mind back two months and you may remember our featured image was the current eyewatering price of fuel. Here, we’ve got a flashback picture as Ancaster Group celebrates 50 years of being a Nissan dealer. Its Datsun showroom in Caterham is seen circa 1980 – when petrol prices were displayed per gallon. We worked out that the ones at the Total garage equated to roughly 29p per litre... Those were the days!
Kevin Mackie to fight on after court blow
More and more of our readers are joining the debate – and it couldn’t be
Several dealers near us have been saying the past couple of weeks have been very quiet. Is anyone experiencing the same? I suppose it’s a time of year thing.
The writing was on the wall way back in December. I have already seen a couple of local workshops close up for good since the end of February, but it has got very quiet between then and June. It has picked up a bit this month, but it doesn’t really affect me because I’ve been semi-retired for years so not chasing figures these days. The north-west Highlands seems to have its own economy and way of working, though. Dave2302 Prices at motor factors are getting crazy – oil is nearly double what it was two years ago. Trouble is, customers don’t appreciate this fact around here even though I try to educate them. Good thing is they also don’t appreciate that cars have gone up too until I offer them more than they paid two years ago for their car. It’s me Lots of inquiries but not enough buyers. I’ve got four to sell. I’m a small dealer. Let’s see how this month goes. Oil and other parts have gone up so much. Slademotors My dealer PDR work slowed a bit this week for the first time this year. My sales of windscreen repair kits to dealers and garages wanting to upsell services has increased a lot. Screenman
Cazoo and Cargiant offering write-offs for sale
I’ve been banging on about it for years, so again it’s no big surprise, and with the ‘home repairers’ being paid to stay at home through Covid, you can bet there are many more out there waiting to bite some unsuspecting customer.

BMW Bandits At their present profit-per-unit they do not have a sustainable business, and if they carry on as they are it will not be if they go out of business but when Petrol head Here’s how to get the best pictures of interiors
Samuel Welwyn Use the Auto Trader cones that they have at the counter. Pick the best ones out you find and ask for Sally – she does the rest. It’s so Oooh,easy. forgot that was 30 years ago. It’s me Forum: CarDealerMagazine.co.uk/forum and give them a follow! ‘Online disruptor’ is putting off the inevitable CAZOO’S LATEST RESULTS These figures are pretty shocking and made even worse by the continually impressive results being released from the established dealer groups.
BMW Bandits
Any tips for making interiors, especially cloth seats, look good in photos? I find on photos they look 10 times worse than they do in real world. BIGNIT Use a DSLR – don’t use a camera phone. Slademotors Take the photos after a wet vacuum. They always look better when damp. Marc Take your pictures in the shade where there are no shadows and spend the extra money on having your vehicles fully valeted.
CarDealerMag.co.uk | 43 Our website at CarDealerMag.co.uk On FollowTwitter:@CarDealerMag We’ve teamed up with Car Sales Memes to bring you a few of their funniest captions and slogans each month. Enjoy! easier to get involved! Sign up to our forum at CarDealerMagazine.co.uk/forum Car Dealer reserves the right to edit comments Best trade b******t I have heard in over 50 years. Cazoo’s top guy has stated that he is very proud of their latest results, losing £240m in six months, which I think equated to losing five grand per sale. Shares are now 50 cents, down from 10 dollars. This guy might be better off going into hiding. You guys make sure to tell your punters to steer clear. Trade vet These figures are pretty shocking and made even worse by the continually impressive results being released from the established dealer groups – yes, the same ones that were being written off due to the market-changing potential of this ‘disruptor’! With the chances of recession appearing to be increasing daily and the dire results, it’s no surprise the chief financial officer is exiting stage left/been given the boot. With such a decline in share price since listing, they are going to find it really hard and expensive to borrow any more money, so no wonder they have started a European business review. Their cash burn has been out of this world and needs to be cut quickly. The problem is, trying to cut costs/staff/sites quickly is normally very expensive! I’m sure they will also start spending big trying to manipulate their share price to put off getting delisted, so expect paid-for research, lots of positive spin announcements from the board and pumping going on. Can only see that putting off the inevitable for so long before they have to turn the lights off. A good friend of mine with an Italian wife pointed out that ‘cazzo’ in Italian is not the sort of name you would give any company! Worth Googling ‘cazzo’ for a laugh!

BP’s earnings reach 14-year high at $8.5bn
Economic growth ‘will hit standstill in 2023’
The London-listed firm, which provides car, travel, home and pet insurance, saw its pretax profit plunge by 48 per cent to £251.3m in the first half of the year – down from £482.2m a year earlier. Claims costs have risen this year because of higher used car prices, steeper repair costs and slower repairs, wage growth, plus pandemic restrictions lifting. But its pre-tax profit exceeded pre-Covid levels, increasing by 19 per cent compared with the first half of 2019.
Claims costs cut into Admiral’s earnings
SLUGGISH productivity across the UK as well as regional and gender disparities are slowing economic growth, a new report has found. The economy has recovered to pre-pandemic levels but high energy prices and the rising cost of living are slowing growth, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development said, adding that the gross domestic product will reach a standstill with completely flat growth in 2023.
SECOND-QUARTER profits at BP more than trebled to a 14-year high as it reaped the benefits of soaring oil and gas prices. The oil giant reported underlying replacement cost profits – its preferred measure – jumping to a far-better-than-expected $8.5bn (£6.9bn) for the three months to June 30, which was up 204 per cent from $2.8bn (£2.3bn) a year ago.
Purplebricks slumps to £34.8m loss from profit
THE boss of online estate agency Purplebricks says the firm’s annual results were ‘not good enough’ as it slumped to a loss. It reported a pre-tax loss of £34.8m for the year to April 30, against profits of £3.6m the previous year. CEO Helena Marston said the figures were ‘very disappointing’ but added she was taking ‘decisive action’ to turn the business around.
INSURANCE company Admiral has said its half-year profits were cut almost in half amid soaring claims costs, but the business exceeded pre-Covid earnings.

THE UK is set to fall into its longest recession since the financial crisis and inflation will peak at more than 13 per cent in October as gas prices soar, the Bank of England has warned.
Decision-makers hiked the Bank’s base interest rate to 1.75 per cent from 1.25 per cent on August 4 – the biggest single rise since 1995 – as they tried to control the runaway inflation.
WARNING Strikes poised to hit deliveries and collections
ALL Royal Mail deliveries and collections will be ‘shut down’ across Scotland during four days of strike action, a union has warned. The Communication Workers Union said services will be disrupted as a result of the industrial action, set to take place on August 26 and 31 as well as September 8 and 9, in a dispute over pay. But Royal Mail insists contingency arrangements will be in place during the strikes and Covid testing kits will continue to be delivered.
Interest rate is raised to 1.75 per cent

At its launch in 2002, the RS 6 was Audi’s most powerful car RS 6 returned to a V8 engine
Launched in 2002, the RS 6 is now marking 20 years of being Audi’s allwheel-drive performance estate and saloon icon. Proving to be a perfect blend of performance and everyday practicality over four generations, it continues to be as coveted as ever.
Let’s take a look at those 20 years of the Audi RS 6…
Although the RS 6 might not have been Audi’s first ‘RS’ model, it’s arguably the one that’s stirred the most interest in the brand over the years.
‘Making more from less’ – the 2013 C7 That phrase above was Audi’s own words to justify the use of a smaller engine and moving away from the legendary V10 powerplant. In fact, the C7 generation, launched in 2013 with its 4.0-litre V8 engine, was actually the smallest in RS 6 history. Power even dipped slightly to 552bhp, although thanks to an extensive use of aluminium, Audi managed to shave 120kg from the model, making it much better to drive. The saloon version of the RS 6 was discontinued with this generation but was indirectly replaced by the RS 7 Sportback, while adaptive air suspension was introduced to maximise ride comfort – something Audi’s customers had been asking for. Towards the end of the C7’s life, Audi introduced a hotter Performance model, which saw power increase to a huge 597bhp. In fact, it remains the most powerful RS 6 to date, with a 0-60mph time of just 3.7 seconds.
FEATURETedWelford takes a look back at 20 years of Audi’s performance icon.
The first hit – the 2002 C5 Following the success of the Audi RS 4, the German firm’s performance arm was tasked with creating another ‘sporty renovation’ of an existing model, and it was Audi’s larger A6 saloon and estate that was selected. Far from being just an A6 with a larger engine, its suspension, transmission and even the appearance were tweaked – growing in length and width. This was predominantly to accommodate its 444bhp 4.2-litre V8 engine, which was actually developed and tuned in the UK by Cosworth, and at the time was Audi’s most powerful model. The only RS 6 that actually went factory racing, the C5 could be had as both a saloon and Avant estate, with the latter proving the most popular. At the end of the production run, Audi launched a limited-run ‘Plus’ model, which saw its power increase to 469bhp, while the speed limiter was raised from 155mph to 174mph.

The latest RS 6 is the most advanced with the fastest acceleration yet The second-generation RS 6 was again available as a saloon and estate The 10-cylinder icon – the 2008 C6 As if a V8 engine wasn’t enough, Audi increased the cylinder count to 10 for the second-generation RS 6, with a 5.0-litre unit being selected and producing a huge 572bhp – a power figure that even exceeded the firm’s R8 supercar at the time.
Responding to demand for bolder-looking performance models, this latest RS 6 is the most aggressive-looking version yet, riding on huge 21-inch alloy wheels, while its extended bodykit makes it three inches wider than the regular A6. The RS 6 also rolls off the main production line now, rather than being altered in a specific hall like its predecessors. The first RS 6 to be sold in the US, the C8 brims with the latest tech, from its rear-wheel steering system to a cabin dominated by screens to give it a particularly modern feel.
Responding to demand for bolder-looking performance models, this latest RS 6 is the most aggressive-looking version yet.
The tech giant – the 2020 C8 In early 2020, Audi’s fourth-generation RS 6 started to arrive in showrooms and brought a whole range of advances. Retaining the twin-turbo 4.0-litre V8 engine from its predecessor, power stood at 592bhp, although its 3.4-second 0-60mph time made it the fastest-accelerating version of this wagon to date. It even ushered in light electrification, with a 48-volt mild-hybrid system to enhance efficiency.
It was a huge engine, weighing close to 300kg on its own, and was a major engineering feat that had to use lots of motorsport know-how to tune.
Again offered as a saloon or estate, the former was able to accelerate from 0-60mph in just 4.3 seconds, while ceramic brakes were an option for the firstButtime.despite the performance, the RS 6’s styling was very subdued, not being much wider and more aggressive to look at than a regular A6, which all added to its appeal at the time.

Monday, November 28, 2022 at The Brewery, London Our glittering awards night is getting closer To book tickets or for more information call 020 8125 3880 or email sales@blackballmedia.co.uk

He added: ‘We have around 7,600 Polestars on the road in the UK – you see more and more of them and that figure is going to grow.
He added: ‘We will increase the numbers, and as we get close to the opening we’ll talk about where they are. I think that we have to increase the geographic footprint of Polestar in the UK.’ Spaces are designed to give potential customers an ‘experience’ rather than a traditional dealership feel, and as such ‘experts’ who aren’t on commission are on hand to help customers and are encouraged not to actively ‘sell’. Goodman admitted the firm still has ‘a job to do’ to make the Polestar name chime with buyers. Our sales are up 75 per cent year on year – the brand is resonating,’ he said.
Swedish electric performance brand Polestar plans to more than double its UK footprint as it seeks to ramp up brand awareness in readiness to launch new models. It currently has three ‘Spaces’ across the UK, but this will grow to more than six in the next 12 months.
The first to open will be in Battersea Power Station in September, just as the London landmark officially opens after a £9bn transformation. It’ll join Westfield London, Solihull and Manchester.
‘But we’ve still got a job to do with making people understand what Polestar is and what it’s about.’
Brand set to more than double UK footprint to boost awareness ahead of model launches
Confirming the news to Car Dealer Live, Polestar’s UK CEO and head of global communications, Jonathan Goodman, said: ‘Our plan will be over the next 12 months or so to more than double that [the current three‘TheSpaces].nextbig one will open in the third quarter – it’ll be a really fabulous-looking facility in Battersea Power Station.’
‘One of the reasons why we haven’t seen car subscriptions accelerate over the past few years is because of price,’ he said.
CarDealerMag.co.uk | 49 INDUSTRY VIEWS NEWS AND THOUGHTS FROM CAR DEALER LIVE DASHBOARD The latest from our fleet Long-termers: p59 Watch our Car Dealer Live broadcasts as they go out or catch up on any that you’ve missed at: cardealermagazine.co.uk/live
LOOPIT Subscriptions can work in tandem with dealers Subscription services don’t have to take customers away from the traditional car dealership, believes Andrew Mortimer. The executive chairman of car subscription software company Loopit says dealers can compete in a market that sees many third-party companies trying to take customers away from the traditional forms of car ownership. ‘Car subscriptions don’t have to replace a dealer’s business – they can sit alongside them,’ he told the Car Dealer Podcast. Even in a costof-living crisis, car subscriptions are desirable to consumers, said Mortimer.
‘Are we where we need to be? Absolutely not. I think there is huge scope for us to grow the awareness of the brand, and that will take time.’
’If you look at some of the new car subscription services the OEMs offer, it’s a very niche market and people are paying a lot for flexibility. When you extend this to the used car market and you consider a dealer could be offering these cars over a much longer period, they start to make sense.’
POLESTAR I think that we have to increase
GoodmanJonathan Polestar UK CEO and head of communicationsglobal

The consumer used car finance market reported new business up 10 per cent by value, but three per cent lower by volume in June compared with the same month in 2021. In the first half of 2022, new business volumes in this market were 12 per cent higher than in the same period in 2021.
An advert for Trade Centre Wales has been banned from the airwaves after the Advertising Standards Authority ruled that it was ‘misleading’ listeners. The ad claimed that the used car supermarket group was offering ‘hundreds of cars from just £20 a week’ but an investigation found that wasn’t the case. It’s now banned the Car Dealer Top 100 firm from rebroadcasting the advert, which originally aired on February 13. The advert stated: ‘Trade Centre Wales is proud to offer probably the UK’s cheapest cars with hundreds of cars from just £20 a week. Fiestas, Corsas, Fiat 500s; all just £20 a week. Drive away today for just £20 a week with £99 deposit. See our price promise online.’ The voiceover went on to say: ‘Trade Centre Wales. Open ’til six tonight at Neath and Cardiff North. Cash price three nine nine nine. Deposit ninetynine. Credit amount three thousand nine hundred. Two, sixty weekly payments of twenty pounds. Total payable five two nine nine. Representative APR twelve point nine per cent, twelve per cent fixed.’
One listener went to the company’s website but was unable to find a car at the stated £20 weekly price. He took his complaint to the ASA, which launched an investigation and discovered that the £20-per-week offer was only available subject to strict terms and conditions. It upheld the listener’s complaint and ruled that the advert mustn’t appear again in the same form. ‘We acknowledged that the voiceover first stated that the finance offer was “from just” £20 per week, but noted it then stated that it was “just” £20 per week twice after that,’ it said. Image: Google Street View
CONSUMER car finance new business volumes fell in June by 12 per cent compared with the same month in 2021, latest figures from the Finance & Leasing Association show. The corresponding value of new business decreased by six per cent over the same period. In the first half of 2022, new business volumes were six per cent higher than in the same period in 2021. The consumer new car finance market reported a fall in new business of 21 per cent by value and 28 per cent by volume in June compared with the same month in 2021. In the first half of 2022, new business volumes in this market were four per cent lower than in the same period in 2021. It was the sector’s largest contraction in new business volumes since February 2021, said the FLA.
Volumes and value of businessnewdrop FLA by Jack Williams jack.williams@blackballmedia.co.uk
Trade Centre Wales radio finance ad ruled misleading INVESTIGATION

As a result of the semiconductor crisis, there has been a scarcity of new cars on the market, which has increased valuations across both the new and used markets. Consumer demand for new and used vehicles has also led to some record-breaking years in terms of turnover and profit for many in the trade. However, there are already reports that consumer demand is declining. It is true that some car valuations have started to drop slightly, and although I do not wish to be negative, we have some tough and difficult times ahead of us. As banks and lenders typically become risk-averse during tough economic times, their appetite for lending reduces, and the Bank of England is predicting a deep and long recession towards the end of 2022. In the coming months, I expect some motor finance companies will also begin to tighten their lending criteria to minimise their own exposure as financial difficulties in the economy start to bite. Many motor finance companies temporarily withdrew from the market altogether because of Covid-19’s lockdowns, and those who remained chose to only service highcredit-rating customers to reduce their non-prime lending exposure.
At First Response Finance, we truly put our customers and dealer partners at the heart of what we do. The most important aspect of our business is that you can count on us and rely on us when it comes to your non-prime customers and we’ll be there when you need us most. If you’d like to discuss how we can assist you and your non-prime customers, please give us a call on 0115 946 6365 or email us on marketing@frfl.co.uk
Richard Pygott As reduces.forappetitetimes,economicduringrisk-aversebecometypicallyandbankslenderstoughtheirlending
is digital marketer for First Response. Call him on 0115 946 6365 or email pygott@frfl.co.ukrichard. There are difficult times ahead – but don’t panic!
he past few years have been filled with uncertainty – and with record-breaking inflation, the cost-of-living crisis, the semiconductor crisis, a war in Europe unlike anything seen since the 1940s and lockdowns because of the pandemic, the economic outlook for the next few years is even more uncertain.
First Response Finance didn’t stop lending during the national lockdowns. We also kept our phonelines open, ensuring that even in times of uncertainty, our customers knew they could contact us to discuss their concerns and that we would be there to support them. As a result of this, more than 90 per cent of our customers continued to pay us! In addition, we decided not to furlough our employees. Instead, we gave them the tools to improve our business processes that they felt needed improving and the changes that were implemented have contributed to record growth as a result. The team at First Response Finance have also begun collaborating with third parties to support our future growth, as well as ensure that even more motor dealers and customers can benefit from our award-winning services.

Scan the QR code to join our Dealer network and receive a Welcome Hamper* First Response Finance Ltd, 5 Regan Way Chetwynd Business Park, Chilwell, Nottingham, NG9 6RZ. Authorised & Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England No 03560611. *Subject to the information provided, meeting our onboarding criteria. We could tell you all about how our customers have voted us as the UK’s number one motor finance lender, or that we were voted ‘Sub-prime Finance Provider of the Year’ for seven years by our dealer partners. But we don’t like to blow our own trumpet. Instead, we let our customers do the talking… I have had four cars through these guys. They go out of their way to find the right deal and repayments. I will use these every time! November 2021

AUTO Trader has been honouring the best dealers for customer service with the launch of its Highly Rated 2022Theaccreditation.firmhasbeen handing out a selection of Highly Rated assets to dealers, including stickers and digital logos to promote ‘exceptional’ customer service. Some dealers have also been having a Highly Rated logo added to their Auto Trader profile page and Retailer Store.
CARGURUS has made Amanda Symonds the new managing director of its UK business. She will lead the CarGurus UK and PistonHeads teams and joins the used car buying platform and Car Dealer podcast sponsor with more than a decade of online marketplace business experience. Symonds studied for an MBA at MIT Sloan School of Management, graduating in 2010. Post-business school, Symonds spent almost seven years at Tripadvisor in a broad range of roles, giving her an in-depth understanding of online marketplaces. Two new vice-president roles are created New features help to find stock more quickly
Amanda Symonds is made MD of UK division
CarDealerMag.co.uk | 53 SUPPLIER NEWS
Professional services arm is bought out ‘Exceptional’ customer service is recognised CONNECTED motor retail tech firm iVendi has created two new vicepresident roles as it aims to double its revenue in three years. John Cross, pictured left, has become vice-president of engineering and Dale Reed, right, has been named vice-president of product management. Together, they bring some 55 years’ experience. According to Zoominfo, iVendi’s most recently available revenue figure stood at $13m (£10.8m).
USED car marketplace Motorway has updated its website to help dealers find the vehicles they want much moreThequickly.newfeatures include more powerful filtering, saved searches and personalised stock alerts. Motorway says it means dealers can get to the right stock quickly. It has also brought forward the start time of its daily sales by two hours to 8am. Saturday and Sunday sales have been added as well.
ACCOUNTANCY firm Armstrong Watson has strengthened its position in the motor trade by taking over the professional services arm of ASE.
Richard Pygott p51
ASE’s specialist automotive tax, audit and accountancy team have joined Armstrong Watson in a new office based in Cheadle. Motor dealer tax expert Michelle Malone, seen here with Manchester office lead Steve Preston, is heading up the automotive sector. Armstrong Watson has 18 offices.
Although I do not wish to be negative, we have some tough and oftimesdifficultaheadus.

In fact, private registrations in the year to date are now 3.7 per cent up on 2021 as manufacturers prioritise private buyers rather than fleets.
Private registrations in the year to date are now 3.7 per cent up on 2021 as manufacturers prioritise private buyers rather than fleets. Click here to see our top 10 rolling sales charts for July 2021 to July 2022 by James Batchelor @JRRBatchelor
54 | CarDealerMag.co.uk STATISTICS THE LATEST REGISTRATION FIGURES DATA FILE Nissan Qashqai 2,514 Mini 2,410 Hyundai Tucson 2,267 Volkswagen T-Roc 2,221 Volkswagen Golf 2,204 Vauxhall Corsa 2,121 Audi A1 2,098 Kia Sportage 2,087 Toyota Aygo X 1,939 Toyota Yaris 1,811 CARS SOLD IN JULY 2022
the year has reached 49.9 per cent to deliver a 13.9 per cent market share, showing ‘the volatility in the supply chain’, it said. July was a weaker month for hybrids, with registrations falling 6.7 per cent to take 12.2 per cent of the market, while plug-in hybrids fell by 34 per cent, which cut their market share to 5.8 per cent. Taking a look back over the past six months, the SMMT said it was ‘unlikely’ the market will be able to recover from the loss in registrations. It has therefore revised its full-year outlook to 1.6m units – a 2.8 per cent fall on 2021. The organisation has also changed its 2023 estimate and believes some 1.89m new cars will be registered next year, rather than 2.02m, with plug-ins making up 27.8 per cent of the market. SMMT chief executive Mike Hawes said: ‘The automotive sector has had another tough month and is drawing on its fundamental resilience during a third consecutive challenging year as the squeeze on supply bedevils deliveries.
July recorded the smallest fall in new car registrations this year, latest SMMT figures show. The month saw a nine per cent decline compared with July 2021, with a total of 112,162 units being registered, new data published on August 4 by the industry body revealed.Julywas the fifth month in succession where registrations fell, but it was the smallest drop recorded so far this year and showed the ‘resilience’ of the automotive sector, said the SMMT. Ongoing supply chain issues – primarily a shortage of semiconductors – along with disruption caused by the Ukraine war and Covid lockdowns in China were to blame, said the organisation. Registrations of private cars were all but identical to July 2021, but it was the fleet sector that bore the brunt of supply chain problems, with the number of cars being registered to large fleets falling by 18.2 per cent to 50,014 units.
New car registrations fall again in July with SMMT revising expectations
The SMMT noted that July 2022 was the weakest monthly uplift for pure-electrics since the However,pandemic.growthin
Registrations of pure-electric cars grew by 9.9 per cent to 2,243 units and achieved a 10.9 per cent market share for the month.
‘While order books are strong, we need a healthy market to ensure the sector delivers the carbon savings government ambitions demand.’

-13.54 Tesla 3 0.00 8 0.01 -62.50 21,297 2.33 14,777 1.43 44.12 Toyota 8,820 7.86 9,160 7.43 -3.71 59,076 6.46 61,316 5.93 -3.65 Vauxhall 3,937 3.51 4,952 4.02 -20.50 51,737 5.66 58,395 5.65 -11.40 Volkswagen 10,182 9.08 12,454 10.10 -18.24 66,076 7.23 97,863 9.47 -32.48 Volvo 2,403 2.14 3,994 3.24 -39.83 21,587 2.36 31,137 3.01 -30.67 Other British 186 0.17 168 0.14 10.71 1,332 0.15 1,437 0.14 -7.31 Other imports 115 0.10 135 0.11 -14.81 983 0.11 991 0.10 -0.81 Total 112,162 123,296 -9.03 914,241 1,033,269 -11.52 Figures supplied by SMMT CUPRA -97% +210%
CarDealerMag.co.uk | 55 Seventh consecutive monthly drop in sales LCV news: p56 JULY 2022 JULY 2021 Marque 2022 % marketshare 2021 % marketshare % change 2022 % marketshare 2021 % marketshare % change Abarth 8 0.01 270 0.22 -97.04 994 0.11 1,580 0.15 -37.09 Alfa Romeo 175 0.16 114 0.09 53.51 959 0.10 848 0.08 13.09 Alpine 26 0.02 9 0.01 188.89 197 0.02 111 0.01 77.48 Audi 8,915 7.95 10,184 8.26 -12.46 62,707 6.86 78,026 7.55 -19.63 Bentley 121 0.11 103 0.08 17.48 1,018 0.11 710 0.07 43.38 BMW 7,855 7.00 7,863 6.38 -0.10 61,372 6.71 73,187 7.08 -16.14 Citroen 1,034 0.92 1,858 1.51 -44.35 16,149 1.77 18,752 1.81 -13.88 Cupra 1,839 1.64 593 0.48 210.12 6,897 0.75 3,751 0.36 83.87 Dacia 3,414 3.04 1,688 1.37 102.25 15,525 1.70 8,588 0.83 80.78 DS 275 0.25 235 0.19 17.02 1,746 0.19 1,093 0.11 59.74 Fiat 1,390 1.24 1,613 1.31 -13.83 12,783 1.40 11,293 1.09 13.19 Ford 7,241 6.46 8,567 6.95 -15.48 68,024 7.44 83,265 8.06 -18.30 Genesis 62 0.06 27 0.02 129.63 361 0.04 54 0.01 568.52 Honda 1,678 1.50 2,837 2.30 -40.85 14,572 1.59 15,455 1.50 -5.71 Hyundai 6,488 5.78 5,959 4.83 8.88 47,396 5.18 37,301 3.61 27.06 Jaguar 1,249 1.11 1,288 1.04 -3.03 7,940 0.87 13,142 1.27 -39.58 Jeep 193 0.17 517 0.42 -62.67 1,556 0.17 2,628 0.25 -40.79 Kia 7,006 6.25 7,829 6.35 -10.51 64,461 7.05 53,106 5.14 21.38 Land Rover 4,840 4.32 3,240 2.63 49.38 27,745 3.03 39,456 3.82 -29.68 Lexus 470 0.42 1,114 0.90 -57.81 5,336 0.58 8,275 0.80 -35.52 Maserati 55 0.05 55 0.04 0.00 471 0.05 392 0.04 20.15 Mazda 1,182 1.05 2,252 1.83 -47.51 12,801 1.40 15,855 1.53 -19.26 Mercedes-Benz 6,244 5.57 6,786 5.50 -7.99 52,062 5.69 65,653 6.35 -20.70 MG 3,076 2.74 2,411 1.96 27.58 28,149 3.08 16,005 1.55 75.88 Mini 3,150 2.81 3,136 2.54 0.45 25,396 2.78 25,760 2.49 -1.41 Mitsubishi 0 0.00 451 0.37 0.00 0 0.00 5,013 0.49 0.00 Nissan 4,662 4.16 3,855 3.13 20.93 35,958 3.93 40,543 3.92 -11.31 Peugeot 2,504 2.23 2,602 2.11 -3.77 34,500 3.77 37,350 3.61 -7.63 Polestar 193 0.17 309 0.25 -37.54 3,021 0.33 1,951 0.19 54.84 Porsche 1,495 1.33 1,149 0.93 30.11 9,867 1.08 6,985 0.68 41.26 Renault 2,088 1.86 1,304 1.06 60.12 16,933 1.85 17,016 1.65 -0.49 Seat 1,838 1.64 4,352 3.53 -57.77 14,625 1.60 30,432 2.95 -51.94 Skoda 4,157 3.71 5,196 4.21 -20.00 26,962 2.95 38,102 3.69 -29.24 Smart 73 0.07 114 0.09 -35.96 894 0.10 934 0.09 -4.28 SsangYong 93 0.08 103 0.08 -9.71 867 0.09 718 0.07 20.75
Subaru 75 0.07 135 0.11 -44.44 603 0.07 946 0.09 -36.26 Suzuki 1,352 1.21 2,307 1.87 -41.40 11,306 1.24 13,077 1.27

56 | CarDealerMag.co.uk REGISTRATIONS OF NEW COMMERCIAL VEHICLES 3.5 TONNES TO 6.0 TONNES JULY 2022 JULY 2021 YEAR TO DATE Marque 2022 % marketshare 2021 % marketshare % change 2022 % marketshare 2021 % marketshare % change Ford 6,632 35.42 7,480 31.69 -11.34 62,516 38.33 70,659 32.85 -11.52 Volkswagen 2,667 14.25 3,048 12.91 -12.50 14,209 8.71 23,683 11.01 -40.00 Mercedes 1,557 8.32 1,923 8.15 -19.03 12,011 7.36 17,062 7.93 -29.60 Renault 1,482 7.92 755 3.20 96.29 6,220 3.81 10,299 4.79 -39.61 Peugeot 1,198 6.40 2,056 8.71 -41.73 12,856 7.88 17,655 8.21 -27.18 Citroen 1,094 5.84 1,815 7.69 -39.72 13,859 8.50 16,358 7.60 -15.28 Toyota 797 4.26 663 2.81 20.21 7,964 4.88 7,975 3.71 -0.14 Vauxhall 780 4.17 2,110 8.94 -63.03 16,420 10.07 21,186 9.85 -22.50 Fiat 460 2.46 728 3.08 -36.81 3,248 1.99 5,689 2.64 -42.91 Nissan 392 2.09 605 2.56 -35.21 1,867 1.14 8,232 3.83 -77.32 Iveco 307 1.64 458 1.94 -32.97 2,142 1.31 2,708 1.26 -20.90 Maxus 277 1.48 259 1.10 6.95 2,232 1.37 1,033 0.48 116.07 MAN 229 1.22 247 1.05 -7.29 1,188 0.73 1,889 0.88 -37.11 Isuzu 215 1.15 368 1.56 -41.58 2,209 1.35 2,391 1.11 -7.61 Renault Trucks 190 1.01 224 0.95 -15.18 1,116 0.68 1,474 0.69 -24.29 Land Rover 186 0.99 343 1.45 -45.77 1,190 0.73 2,399 1.12 -50.40 Isuzu Trucks 122 0.65 119 0.50 2.52 828 0.51 687 0.32 20.52 SsangYong 44 0.24 28 0.12 57.14 490 0.30 279 0.13 75.63 Suzuki 39 0.21 96 0.41 -59.38 161 0.10 162 0.08 -0.62 LEVC 19 0.10 22 0.09 -13.64 195 0.12 102 0.05 91.18 Fuso 18 0.10 8 0.03 125.00 127 0.08 134 0.06 -5.22 Dacia 17 0.09 0 0.00 0.00 58 0.04 0 0.00 0.00 LDV 0 0.00 4 0.02 0.00 0 0.00 74 0.03 0.00 Mitsubishi 0 0.00 247 1.05 0.00 0 0.00 2,989 1.39 0.00 Total light CV 18,722 100.00 23,606 100.00 -20.69 163,106 100.00 215,119 100.00 -24.18 JULY 2022 JULY 2021 YEAR TO DATE Marque 2022 % marketshare 2021 % marketshare % change 2022 % marketshare 2021 % marketshare % change Peugeot 117 34.72 79 16.81 48.10 466 15.75 649 18.38 -28.20 Ford 65 19.29 39 8.30 66.67 827 27.95 447 12.66 85.01 Mercedes 56 16.62 98 20.85 -42.86 627 21.19 819 23.19 -23.44 Fiat 47 13.95 139 29.57 -66.19 523 17.67 1,005 28.46 -47.96 Iveco 36 10.68 32 6.81 12.50 154 5.20 170 4.81 -9.41 Maxus 8 2.37 0 0.00 0.00 139 4.70 0 0.00 0.00 Citroen 4 1.19 22 4.68 -81.82 84 2.84 56 1.59 50.00 Volkswagen 3 0.89 32 6.81 -90.63 45 1.52 177 5.01 -74.58 MAN 1 0.30 6 1.28 -83.33 21 0.71 71 2.01 -70.42 Renault Trucks 0 0.00 16 3.40 0.00 18 0.61 96 2.72 -81.25 Other imports 0 0.00 4 0.85 0.00 17 0.57 21 0.59 -19.05 Vauxhall 0 0.00 1 0.21 0.00 17 0.57 4 0.11 325.00 Isuzu Trucks 0 0.00 2 0.43 0.00 13 0.44 12 0.34 8.33 Renault 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 8 0.27 4 0.11 100.00 Total heavy CV 337 100.00 470 100.00 -28.30 2,959 100.00 3,531 100.00 -16.20 DATA FILE REGISTRATIONS OF NEW COMMERCIAL VEHICLES LESS THAN 3.5 TONNES LCV NEWS
Seventh consecutive monthly drop for market Figures supplied by SMMT Figures supplied by SMMT by John Bowman john@blackballmedia.co.uk
THE LCV market fell for the seventh consecutive month in July – down by nearly 21 per cent to 18,722 units, according to figures published on August 4 by the SMMT. Although order books were strong, ongoing worldwide supply shortages caused by the pandemic caused the sharp drop, said the SMMT, with the registrations total almost 24 per cent below July’s pre-pandemic five-year average of 24,598.
The top-selling LCV in July was the Ford Transit Custom at 2,737 units. In second place was its Transit sibling (2,024) while third was the VW Transporter (1,499). Because of the weak registration volumes, the SMMT has now downgraded its industry outlook for 2022 from 328,000 to 307,000 units.

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Sportline 2.0 TDI 200PS DSG Price (as tested): £47,630 Engine: 2.0-litre diesel Power: 200bhp Torque: 400Nm Top speed: 133mph 0-60mph: 7.9 seconds Emissions: 179g/km CO2 Mileage: 4,795 Dacia
Family cars have a lot thrown at them, and ‘our’ long-term Skoda Kodiaq was certainly given a thorough testing during its time with James Baggott I’ve been looking after our Skoda Kodiaq since February and in that time have managed to test its abilities in a number of real-world arenas. From cross-country trips to the Alps, where it excelled with load space and comfort, to full-on family life adventures back home, the Skoda and I have been through a lot.
During its time with me, I’ve been busy renovating a should-have-been-knocked-downinstead house and the Kodiaq has been an absolute godsend. Its most common habitat is the local recycling centre – and it might just be me, but on these now-weekly trips I can’t help wondering how other car owners manage with their hatchbacks and saloons.
The first is the doors. While the clever little black plastic protectors that pop out and stop the Skoda’s or other people’s doors from being scratched are very helpful, most people struggle to close the doors properly. They need a bit of a slam, and every passenger I take leaves the door open slightly when they get in or out. I’ve also got an issue with the warning notifications for a near-empty windscreen washer fluid bottle. The bonging once is (sort of) fine, but every five minutes while travelling at 70mph on a motorway is frankly unnecessary. I tried to explain to the car that unfortunately I hadn’t had time to fill it up between junctions as I was travelling at the national speed limit, but it ignored me. A warning light is fine; a bonging is completely surplus to requirements.
The Jogger has arrived on the fleet as one of the most budgetorientated cars around. 3,096
Lastly, a very modern moan, but the front cupholder is incapable of holding two hot drinks from a well-known coffee establishment without popping one of the lids off and emptying scalding hot liquid over the interior. I get this is a minor gripe, but the fact that two coffee cups cannot sit side by side without liberally applying latte over the cabin is a major design fault in my book. And yes, I am that petty. Gripes over, the Skoda really has become a brilliant family car. While I wasn’t sold on the looks at first, the more time I spend with it, the more I admire the Sportline’s stance. It’s got a chunky, purposeful presence and looks rather smart in the striking blue paint with black trim. It’s incredibly comfortable too and I’ve really enjoyed having the full-length panoramic sunroof and, during the scorching summer, a truly excellent air conditioning system.
Family cars need to be pretty flexible as one minute they’re fully loaded with people and their holiday gear, the next loaded to the gunwales with boxes from Ikea. So it’s an ability to adapt and assist in life’s little challenges that’s so important.
CarDealerMag.co.uk | 59
The Kodiaq really is a jack of all trades and master of most and has done everything asked of it. Kodiaq Jogger
Over time, I’ve nearly got used to the Kodiaq’s sluggish throttle response – a seconds-long hesitancy when you put your foot down hard at junctions or roundabouts. This borders on the annoying/dangerous and means you have to drive very differently. While I’m on the subject of gripes I’m going to rattle off a couple more...
The Kodiaq, with its third and second row of seats folded completely flat, has van-like levels of carrying space and not once has it failed to take everything I’ve wanted it to.
Recently, family life has become a little more complicated with the addition of a new baby. Coping with the small person accompaniments is something the Skoda has helped with wonderfully. It’s not until a new baby arrives do you realise quite what a logistical challenge doing absolutely anything is. Having a car that can swallow the buggy and bags needed to sustain a little one’s trip to seemingly anywhere is very handy indeed.
Family cars really do have to be a jack of all trades and master of most, and I honestly haven’t asked the Skoda to do something yet that it hasn’t been able to. That, in my book, makes it a winner – even with those minor foibles.
Nissan Qashqai With a cracked windscreen and a slow puncture, OE21 NXC has been in the wars lately, but both issues have now been resolved. Mileage: 13,412

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