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Red Angus Open Yearling Heifers

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Hillview Farm

Hillview Farm

Hcf 2206 Tinkerbelle

Lot 64 is a big growthy heifer with calving ease genetics and will be a great addition to anyone’s herd. Her granddam’s offspring have an ADG of 3.5 lbs/day with an average live weight of 1285 lbs. at time of harvest. Her sire gained over 5 lbs/day and is out of Beckton Halfmann Hustler R588. In early March, Lot 64 weighed 780 lbs.

Hcfny 2211 Liza Petunia

Hidden Canyon Farm Enterprises, LLC

Lot 66 is out of our top producing cow line. This AI sired female is a balanced trait female and will do many things well. Her dam’s steers gained over 3.5 lbs./day under our natural feeding program and is also the mother of our current herd sire. Early March weight was 764 lbs.

Hcfny 2211 Liza Petunia

Lot 65 is a fancy heifer with low birth weight and above average growth genetics. This Profitbuilder heifer is out of one of our good cow families. Offspring from her dam gained over 3.8 lbs/day in our natural feeding program and her calves will work well in any marketing program. Lot 65 weighed 828 lbs. in early March.


Hcfny 2229 Leah Mia

Hidden Canyon Farm Enterprises, LLC

DOB:05/04/22 REG#: 4626747 RE: 2229

LJC Merlin T179

WFL Merlin 018A

WFL Commitment 042Y

Leland Marksman 6629

Glacier Chateau 744

Leland Chateau 747

Messmer Pandora W044

Bieber Make Mimi 7249

Feddes Big Sky R9

HCF Lucille Big Sky Leah Feddes Lakina 310

Foster’s Chateau 859

Erwindale Eclaire Lucille 63

Erwindale Eclaire 846


Gh 1670 Kalamity 3192

Lot 67 has brood cow stamped all over her. She combines Glade Haven and Feddes genetics resulting in a female that possesses the genetics for growth, carcass and milk. She will definitely work in the herd selling calves into feeder programs or selling on the grid.

1670 Kalamity 3192


Spf 72w Kimberly 01k

Spring Pond Farm

Here’s what happens when you combine multiple generations of Spring Pond Hereford genetics with some “old school” easy-doing, range-based Hereford Genetics from Topp Herefords of North Dakota. Tundra females tend to be lower-input type of cattle which will stay in your herd for many years, and bring in a great calf each and every year. Here’s a great female who can serve as foundation seedstock for the progressive Hereford Breeder, or use these genetics to begin building a Premium Red Baldy breeding program. Kimberly’s dam is shaping into a carcass queen, as her first calf posted 107% ratio for both IMF and REA.


SPF 262S Wildcat Willie 01W


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