Blackberry Farm Fall Newsletter 2018

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A W I N D OW INTO FALL While the end of Summer is always bittersweet, the arrival of Fall is a welcome breath of fresh air between Summer and Winter. I’ll open all the windows—even the doors!—and take a moment to slow down and recharge. Life can move so quickly; before I know it, a new school year has started, the leaves have all changed color and the holidays are almost here. Now more than ever, it is so important to me to take the time to embrace and enjoy Fall on the Farm and all the bounty this beautiful season brings. As a mother, I certainly feel the excitement of kids going back to school, entering into a new year of activities and new stages of life; I feed off their energy and the liveliness it brings to the season! At the same time, however, Fall is the perfect setting for the quiet and mindful moments I intend to continue cultivating: a long walk in the woods below a fiery canopy, leaves crunching underfoot; a restorative yoga session to balance my day; a peaceful afternoon spent in the Wellhouse or relaxing in the Meadow Lounge, cup of hot cocoa in hand. The Farm is always there when I need to take a deep breath—sometimes in more ways than one. This year, with so many remarkable events on the horizon, our entire team couldn’t be more excited to share memorable moments and fresh perspectives with you. From the chefs plating delicious vegetables just harvested from our Garden and transitioning their menus to the warm, comforting foods of the cooler seasons, to that first big, crackling log fire with gooey s’mores, to enjoying Autumn’s splendor from the thrilling seat of a road bike…and of course, gathering together for the holiday traditions we cherish. Looking out over the Smokies and to Blackberry Mountain, ribbons of color washing over the trees, the beauty of Fall on the Farm is never lost on me. Year after year, I find myself captivated, pausing at the open window to count my blessings. For me, Fall is a time of preparation, of celebrating the beauty and bounty of the harvest with family and friends in the Garden, in the kitchen and at the table. I can’t wait to share it all with you this season.

Mary Celeste Beall, Proprietor

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