Black Girls Ride Magazine December 2016

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uilding a sisterhood is no easy task. With over a decade of bonding, Street Angels MC has proven that they are heaven sent to the streets of Atlanta. Let’s meet the ladies who have earned their wings in the streets... Want your club featured? Email us! 8 BLACKGIRLSRIDE.COM

When and where was your club founded, and who were the primary founders? Street Angels Motorcycle Club, Incorporated was founded on Wednesday, January 29, 2003 in Atlanta, Georgia. The club was established by 11 awe-inspiring women known as: Get Gone, Cocoa, Stingray, Venus, NonChalant, She-Devil, Angel, Mystique, Sinister, Freeway, and Skyy. What is the club’s mission or motto? Street Angels Motorcycle Club is a collaboration of professional women riders who are dedicated in our efforts to promote the safety, camaraderie, and patronage of the riding population as well as provide for the community. Our Motto: It’s black and blue til I’m through! What challenges have you faced as females in Club? As a female club, we faced several challenges. In the beginning we faced not being taken seriously simply due to our human anatomy. Then, there is of course the matter of individuals within the motorcycle community doubting our longevity as the stereotype goes, “When you get a bunch of women together nothing can be accomplished.” Thus, we had to prove ourselves by being visible, riding hard, and acting upon what we stood for as a club; ultimately converting our naysayers into yeasayers.

What annual events do you promote? Our club is always willing to lend a helping hand to any good cause as community service is a part of our mission. However, Street Angels Motorcycle Club, Incorporated promotes and supports the following annual events:

desired an organization that we could bond with while being able to truly make an impactful difference. Annually, we provide them varying paper products. As well, we host dinner nights where the Angels themselves cook for the center, and we sponsor professional workshops to prepare women to enter the workforce.

Street Angels MC Anniversary Celebration - On January 29th each year, our club celebrates by hosting a party with a theme.

Academic Scholarship – Street Angels Motorcycle Club, Incorporated has a 501 (c) (3) named Street Angels Scholars. The club awards scholarships yearly. Graduating high school students must apply for the scholarship, participate in an interview, and be selected by the committee to receive this award.

Little Free Library – Year-round the club sponsors a free library for a community in the DeKalb County area. The library is stocked with various genres of books for school-aged children. Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation – It is unfortunate that several of our members have in some way been affected by this horrific disease. So, every May, our club participates in the Race for the Cure. This is a mandatory event for us. Women’s Resource Center of DeKalb to End Domestic Violence – We have sponsored this center for the last four years. As a club, we

Kickstand Promotions, LLC Feeding Families for Christmas - We have participated in this great endeavor for the last 5 years. Every year during December, we come together with other organizations in the MC community to provide the requested items in an effort to aid several families in having a better Christmas.

What are your favorite cities or roads to ride? Of course we appreciate the ride in our hometown, Atlanta. Yet, Street Angels Motorcycle Club, Incorporated loves to spread its wings. Some of our members’ favorite cities and roads to ride are as follows:

What does your club look for in a member? We look for mature, professional women riders that mesh well with our organization. We expect members to be positive influencers, supportive, lend encouragement, and fully participate in all endeavors of the club.

Cities Clarkston, GA Dahlonega, GA Dawsonville, GA (Amicalola Falls) Lumpkin, GA (Providence Canyon) Helen, GA Chattanooga, TN Nashville, TN

Are there any last words you’d like to leave us with? Street Angels Motorcycle Club, Incorporated is not just a club, but a sisterhood. When any individual asks a member who we represent we tell them, “We’re heaven sent, and it’s black and blue til we’re through!”

Roads Interstate 85 N Interstate 75 N US 78 400 N to GA 9 Pacific Coast Highway Great Highway What should a woman look for in an MC club? A woman looking to join a MC should look for a club that suits her best according to her goals, interests, expectations, and rationale for desiring to become a member. She should look for camaraderie and sisterhood that compliments her and vice versa. Essentially, the woman should consider what the club stands for and not what they claim to stand for. She should choose wisely.




“ground pounder” is defined as a rider who will ride thousands of miles in a single trip. In 2016, we’re proud to see a rise in the amount of women who’ve established themselves as ground pounders. India “Blu Rose” Moss began pounding well before the current trend. As the founder and National President of Hurricane Biker Girls MC, one of the first female MC clubs in San Diego, Blu Rose has always been just a bit a head of the pack. We recently recognized her with our 2016 Ground Pounders Award at the Beautiful Bikers Conference. Here’s why we’re honored to add her to our legacy...

members. They invited us to all kinds of runs. We eagerly went. This is how I became so adaptive to long distance riding. I was married with a young child, but I made arrangements with the hubby for my weekend rides. Sundays were MY day.

When did you first begin to ride motorcycles? In 2001, my bff Kisha aka Stallion and I, were talking in general about life endeavors we wanted to pursue. One of her dreams was to start an all girl motorcycle club for girls like us. (Girlie girls with tomboy tendencies, is how i always described us). In 2002 we were both involved in a car accident and with the settlement money we got our first bikes and the journey began in late 2002.

Tell us about your first Long Distance trip? In 2014, I started saving up my vacation time at work so that I could take a month off and just tour the whole country side. So after saving the vacation days up, I took one week and went to Canada. I figured that Canada would be my ‘work up’ ride. I was easily doing 400-600 miles each way, from San Diego to Northern California and Arizona, so I needed a new challenge. Riding 1500 miles each way seemed a reasonable step up. Canada was exciting because, besides Mexico, it was the only other foreign country I’ve ridden in. After that experience, I wanted to ride even farther!

At first we mostly rode locally and to Los Angeles a lot. We rode in the canyons with some guys that used to meet up at a local parking lot for group rides. That is where I realized I love sport bikes. Every single weekend I went riding. I would go with the group to the canyons to see how they manipulated their bikes. Seeing how low it could lean and how fast it could go. Then Stallion and I would go so we could practice alone and get more familiar and comfortable. I personally wanted to keep up with the skilled riders. I pushed myself 5-10 mph faster every time I would go thru the turns. How did your love for long distance riding develop? We met lots of riders both independent and MC

Eventually, I divorced the hubby and more free time became available. Now that I wasn’t playing the role of adult care giver (aka wife), I had much more free time to live my own life. I found myself riding everywhere I could in the time I had available to myself. I always wanted to go across country and see all the places I had heard about.

So, where did you go next? The next year in 2015, I took the other 3 weeks and rode from San Diego to New York by myself. This was my first Cross Country ride. I didn’t want anyone slowing me down or not being properly prepared or not able to keep up my pace or stamina or vice versa. I also did not ride straight to New York. I tried to stop at every landmark or super scenic tourist attraction I could. I figured if I didn’t live to ride another ride, at least let me see all I could see before I go.



I went to the Grand Canyon, even though I was mostly rained out, I went to the four corners monument, Niagara falls, Colorado River, Black Forest, Black Hills National Park, Mt Rushmore National Monument, Stopping thru for the Sturgis Rally, rode across every bridge in New York including the Brooklyn Bridge where I met up with Porsche, loaded my bike on a huge ferry from MI to WI just for the sake of saying my bike goes by land AND by sea. Where did your ride take you this year? This year, my second cross country ride was from San Diego, CA to Key West, FL. Again, not going straight there, I detoured to Alabama to meet up with other riders for a Bessie Springfield run. Whenever I go across country, I try to make it my business to stop and visit friends and family all along the way. I partied with my sister chapters and met club sisters ive never personally met before. I visited with my brother, cousins, aunties and old friends I have not seen in years. Each trip brought life long memories and adventures I will never forget. I was able to even see my dad one last time before his unexpected passing. In all, I’ve rode in 3 countries and 31 states. I am not really interested in completeing all 50 states. For me, the purpose and quality of the time and ride is more important than the number of states stacked. I’d rather just ride and enjoy each place.


When I say nothing brings me more joy than my joy for motorcycling, I promise you, no one knows the depth of that statement for me. I love the independence it gives me. It detaches me from all the worldly miseries and stresses. I don’t and cant think or worry about anything while im riding because every sense is absorbed with manipulating the ride, absorbing the sights and smells and the surge of adrenaline while avoiding the murderous cagers and other obstacles.

I ride a sport bike and a tour bike. I enjoy riding my sport bike the most because it allows for a wider range of mobility and much more adrenaline pumping, fun ride. My tour bike is great for trips that are several days long or require multiple weather gear changes and of course riding my munchkin around. She loves riding to the set picnics. She knows when the local picnics fall on her weekends with me and now she tries to get on the long distance runs with me too. I hope to be riding for many years more, but if not, know that these past 15 years I have been riding have made my life worthwhile. Enabling me to experience things and see places i probably would never have seen and experienced. If i die today know i died happy.





As the sun set on a beautiful Wednesday evening in Long Beach, I was first given the opportunity from Victory to straddle my dream. I sat upon this beautiful beast called a Victory Cross Country Magnum for the first time and was instantly in love. As a female sports bike rider, I was much impressed with the weight of this machine at 784 lbs. I had an expectation of it being heavier, but it was light due to its innovative two-piece, cast aluminum frame that allowed Victory to provide its riders with an outstanding ride and smooth handling. With the weather warm, I kicked it in gear and off we went. The handling of a sports bike to a cruiser is different to say the least, but it did not take long for me to become comfortable with its 106, 6 V-Twin Engine, and low driver seat height. The rear suspension features an adjustable air shock, which provides a smooth, comfortable ride. When I pulled up to my destination, the Victory Cross Country Magnum stole the show! People came from every direction to check out its sleek yet and stylish curves, and every one wanted to touch and explore its features. The demo came in a high dollar paint, with eye-catching graphics, Magnum-pearl-white-black. We loved the highperformance audio system, blasting 100 watts from 6 speakers! Upon leaving that destination and heading home, I rode off with two male riders on Harleys. It was an enjoyable ride and a little comical for me, as well. The men I rode with positioned me in between them. I say that to share this little story. I come from a sports bike, I clearly do not have music on my bike, nor do I choose to ride with music.



As the three of us rode along, I was hearing some good jams. I thought to myself “dang his speakers are good, I can hear his music all the way back here and it’s clear as day”. Then there came the point that I broke off from the guys. I threw up the peace sign and off I went. Mid-way, I transitioned from the 10 to 5 Fwy, and I realized I was still hearing music. Just then, it hit me! The music was on “my” bike!!! I was suddenly like a kid in a candy story dancing in my seat, turning the music up, switching channels and all the while I could hear everything so clearly as high speeds. I was impressed and at that point wondered how I had ever survived without music before this. The Magnum is equipped with Bluetooth, it goes ‘Boom’ courtesy of six-speakers wedged into the front fairing, the clarity and volume appreciated on Los Angeles loud freeways. My next venture out was a little 375 mile ride to grab tri tip sandwiches up the coast with 20 fellow


riders. I looked forward to this ride to really put the Magnum to the test. As we headed up the coast, in typical LA fashion, we found ourselves in traffic. Since we had a three wheeler with us, lane splitting was not an option. We hoped off and hit Malibu canyon. This is where I think I was most surprised with the performance of this bike. Again, I’m used to the agility of a sports bike in the canyons, where one can easily dip and bend in the curves. This bike proved not much different. Sure, I had to be more cautious, as I could not put as much bend in the turns, but it handled the canyon with ease. The Magnum kept a very even flow, as we swayed through the canyon roads. Once we jumped back on the 101 and headed north, it was full speed ahead. We hit some wind, and I was able to handle this cruiser with ease. I barely felt the wind at all. The Magnum accelerates quickly up to freeway speed, its suspension providing a cush ride on rough roadways.

I did that same ride last year on my sports bike and I must say the Magnum is clearly a far more comfortable ride. The only thing missing was a back rest. It is not a standard feature, yet highly recommended from fellow Victory riders, especially if you plan to do any real distance riding. Once I had returned home that night from being out on the road all day, I found myself ready to still get up and go. My body was nowhere near as tired as I surely would have been had I ridden my sports bike. The next morning Porsche, SeCCRet and I were at it again. This time we rode around Long Beach and San Pedro. Again at every destination this bike demanded attention. In my own observation from riding the Magnum I would love to see some additions made as standard options with this bike (which is very limited as it has most everything one could desire form a cruiser) is a seat rest, heal tow

gear shifter (although the one that’s standard did not bother me as it’s what I’m accustomed to with my sports bike), and an engine temperature gauge would be helpful on those warmer days or when we were stuck in the stop and go traffic. The Victory Cross Country Magnum is smoothhandling and comfortable, it has powerful baggers with impressive cargo capacity and the versatility to deliver a great ride experience around town and on the open road. A style that could only Victory could provide. My overall rating for this cruiser is a definite 10, I have to give it a 5 STAR rating as it provided the most enjoyable ride on short and long distance. In the future I would love the opportunity to travel cross country on it to really put it to the test!



O Photos by: Christina Shook, Sarah Moreau, Sean Ray, and Jackie Joyner

n behalf of Black Girls Ride Magazine, thanks to all of the registered guests that came out to support the 4th Annual Beautiful Bikers Conference, presented by Indian Motorcycle, Victory Motorcycles, and Polaris Slingshot! This year’s event was held November 18 - 21, 2016, at the fabulous Courtyard Marriott in Downtown Long Beach, CA. For the first time, we expanded our itinerary to three days, jam-packed with information and celebration of women who love the ride. Special thanks to our additional sponsors: Law Tigers, Gravitate Jeans, Hudson Motorcycles, L8D Ryder Gear, Irv Seaver Motorcycles, Chic & Curvy Boutique, Motochic Gear, Evil Empire Designs, and Westside Motorcycle Academy. Take a ride with us...

The weekend started on Friday, November 18, with the Ground Pounders Block Party, hosted by Sarah “SeCCRet” Moreau, Hugh “Highway Smiley” Smith, Shareef “Reef” AsSadiq, and Porsche “PT” Taylor. These seasoned cross country riders have racked up thousands of miles on ground. We were honored to have them share their riding history and words of encouragement to new and intermediate riders, who might be considering their next cross country trip. Guests mingled, shopped our vendors tables and enjoyed shrimp, crab, and steak lite bites, with DJ Smoke spinning live. We also introduced the Polaris “Choose Your Ride” Sweepstakes, and showed guests how to enter to win their own Indian Chieftain, Victory Magnum, or Polaris Slingshot SLR using their smartphones!

This year, we expanded our event to include educational Rider Breakout Sessions, featuring some of the most dynamic women in motorsports! The Rider Breakout Sessions covered “Beginning Bikers”, “Getting on Track - Riding For Sport”, “Long Distance Riding”, “Accessorizing For Your Ride”, and “Adventure Riding/Riding Abroad”. The “Beginning Bikers” Session was led by 16 year old riding sensation, Delshateki “Dirtybird” Izquierdo. She spoke about her first cross country riding journey. Her mother, Ruby “Thunderkat” Izquierdo, spoke about allowing her to choose her own path, and supporting her on her journey. The Beginning Riders Session also featured Erika Willhite and Amanda Cunningham, owners of Westside Motorcycle Academy. As one of the few female-owned training schools in the nation, WMA has trained over 20,000 novice and re-entry riders in the physical and mental skills to become safe and responsible riders. Our “Getting on Track - Riding For Sport” Session featured the first African American professional female road racer, Joi “SJ” Harris, who talked about her journey into racing and the importance of track days. She was joined by the legendary, Erin Sills, who holds the Guiness World Record as the fastest person on a production sport bike, her BMW S1000RR. Erin spoke about getting started in the sport, and her record breaking runs on the Salt Flats.


Our “Long Distance Riding” Panel was led by Sarah “SeCCRet” Moreau, who shared the story of her rides, including this summer’s 6 week, record-breaking coast to coast ride. International adventure rider, Sandy Kron Borden shared her journey riding across country over 10 years and 15 countries with her family. She inspired riders to travel outside the country for new experiences. Shana Ann Slettedahl of Polaris gave examples of accessorising your ride for long distance trips. The “Adventuring Riding /Riding Abroad” Panel was led by Alisa Clickenger, of Women’s Motorcycle Tours and producer of the Sisters Centennial Motorcycle Ride, and epic cross country ride from Brooklyn, NY to San Francisco, CA. She shared with us her plans to host the first women’s ride to Cuba! Later that night, we hosted the “Ride The Runway” Riding Gear Fashion Show, and the Beautiful Bikers Awards, in celebration of women who love the ride. Guest enjoyed a delicious dinner and fresh fruit sangria, as we continued our legacy in honoring the women who inspire us on ground. Beautiful Bikers Awards Honorees include: Katrina “Dutchez” Roscher - Lifetime Achievement Award, India “Blu Rose” Moss - Ground Pounder Award, 2 DEEP WMC - Beautiful Bikers Club Award, Cali Angels LAMC - Sisters In Service Award, SJ Harris - Sport Rider of the Year Award, Erin Sills Renaissance Rider of the Year Award.

We ended the weekend with our annual Beautiful Bikers Ride and Photo Shoot. This year, we road to the historic Korean Friendship Bell Park, in San Pedro, CA. Special thanks to the men of Gentlemen MC Los Angeles, who served as our road captains, and worked hard to keep us safe in the rain! We chose the Korean Friendship Bell as our ride destination because we believe that some of the best bonds are built on ground. We were honored to have these ladies traveled from far and near to celebrate with us! Even riding in the rain, these ladies shine bright! The ladies enjoyed lunch and we had the awesome, Christina Shook, behind the lens for our photo shoot. The weather provided an incredible back drop, and we completed the Beautiful Bikers Mannequin Challenge, which went viral in just 2 days! Special thanks to our staff: Sarah Moreau, Toni White, Christina Farr, Lonnie Brown, Sean Ray, Robert Sheers, Ken Stanberry, DJ Smoke, DJ Jiji Sweet, and Porsche Taylor. The year’s conference was an awesome weekend of fellowship, education, and riding! Next year will be even bigger and better! Please be sure to save the date for the 5th Annual Beautiful Bikers Conference, November 17 19, 2017, in Long Beach, CA!









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