His Hand Simply Touches Redemption’s Blessings in Passing Offered by Doug Blair, Kitchener ON, 2021
It is a Little Thing...
It is a little thing
For God to start up my breath
Little for eyes to gain sharp clarity
Little to imitate the parents’ laughter. 1
And so up the ladder of years.
This is the Lord of Angel Armies.
Why, just one of those angels
Routed enemies 185,000 in number.
While the preserved clans slept.
He has knowledge of my concerns
Heard my tense supplications
Is taking up the remedy
Even now as I finish this little tribute
To the Almighty One and Father.
Sunrise Hopes Yes Child I have promised you A life with prospects rare I shepherd every path you take I tend and teach and care. You only have to trust my Oath My Promise that’s the thing Unyielding, timeless, constant To you my Priest and King. I share my throne...imagine that. And all the priestly task Forgiveness offered freely, yes To everyone who asks. The price was paid by Jesus Yes, didn’t He give His best? So pleased I am Redemption’s Lamb. And you my Child, can rest.
(Read Letter to Hebrews chapter 4)
Raised to Newness of Life
So you’re getting water baptized?
People at that church are eager
To have you pass through the dunking.
Yes Jesus did say ‘Believe and be baptized’.
And they will receive their own satisfaction
Chests expanded with the thought
That they had brought it together.
But really we have here a New Believer
So very eager to obey in
The next perceived directive from the Master.
Saved already.
Hear that again; saved already
Through Sovereign Choice
Through repentance unto Life.
A most personal passage
Bringing the Joy of forgiveness and rest.
Regeneration is a done deal.
But then Friend, we have that issue
Of the Lordship of King Jesus.
And baptism is a confession of that fact.
There is such a translation through the New Birth
The old life is dead (under the waters)
The New Life has come supernaturally
(Rising up again to delightful fresh air).
We show that we have followed Jesus
Will follow Jesus, whatever the challenge.
Colossians, So Clear
Recently it’s Colossians For the heavenly minded folk Who have dropped all self 6
For the Lord of Life And His heart and humble yoke. He is God in flesh And the Rescuer Who took all of Satan’s wrath And the claims of sin Nailed them to His Cross Cancelled...made of naught Now Friend, you do the math. There is no philosophe Or wisdom so called That can top the Mind of Christ And He in us, the new Mystery shown Joyful riches beyond all price. Fully the Creator true In all push and pull And the ebb and flow of Life. And by Him consists every pulsing thing Harmonized and free from strife.
Heart Explosion Might I tell you in a short chat Things that Jesus put in me Undeserving and all scrambled But He came and rescued me. Took my old wives’ tales and ethics Showed the failure of all sweat. Said a gift made for my taking Was just waiting there to get. Then the scriptures shone in new ways And much converse turned to Christ Payment of a dreadful penalty Was all His at matchless price. And a friend of faith persuasion Dropped a bomb, oh precious Word That my case was His to rescue Long before the World occurred. Takes the Spirit for understanding
Mental effort, wasted time. And that Spirit could indwell me What a prospect; how sublime!
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
4 They wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way; they found no city to dwell in. 5 Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them. 6 Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses. 7 And he led them forth by the right way, that they might go to a city of habitation. 8 Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! (from Psalm 107)
It’s the joy of our sins all forgiven.
It’s the peace of the Lord’s resumed smile.
It’s the hope of new tasks in the Kingdom.
It’s the hush of His presence a while.
It’s the promise of kin never parting.
It’s the safety of homes filled with grace.
It’s the dignity love gives the lowly.
It’s the Body where each has his place.
It’s the troop of a marvelous Captain.
It’s the news of a battle well won.
It’s the end of all fretful endeavour.
It’s a right-standing now in God’s Son.
It’s the certainty His Word is faithful.
It’s the relish in simplest of prayer.
It’s the blazing of light at life’s passing.
It’s the knowing our Christ will be there.
(Picture by Maynard Dixon)
at October 10, 2010 Labels: Death Loses, Gospel of Peace, Poetry, Prevailing, Thanksgiving