Ministering to Omniscience God, Is It Possible? Offered by Doug Blair, Kitchener, 2021
Doesn’t Need Me, But...
What do I add In praying to Almighty? He who has all resource Knowledge power. But I pray and Pour out adoration Something overtakes me
Such an hour. He the Giver Never tiring of it He the Lover Seeking those to love. In my prayer I come To hear His heartbeat. Set apart from World of push and shove. Then He whispers Guidance for the morrow Who would think The Highest stoops so low. Him to heed and follow Onward Glory. Him to trust and praise Increasingly to know.
From Isaiah 57
15 For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
Intertwined, with the Sap Flowing
(Part of devotional in Our Daily Walk by F. B. Meyer)
...there is Life which is resident in Jesus Christ, stored in Him, abounding in Him, which He longs to communicate to every soul that trusts in Him. This was the witness of those who knew Jesus most intimately in His brief human life--that "God hath given unto us Eternal Life, and this Life is in His Son." "He that hath the Son hath the Life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not the Life." This more than outweighs the down-pull of the serf-life. The law of that life makes us free from the law of sin and death, for it has mastered death and the grave.
This Life is communicated and sustained by the Holy Spirit. We must be one with Christ; we must be in Him, as the sponge is in the ocean. We must be in Him, not only in our standing, but also in our daily walk. We must be in Him as the branch is in the vine, and the vine-sap in the branch. And this must not only be a theory, but an hourly experience. We must abide in Him and He in us. But how can this become our daily experience? There is but one way. Through the co-operation of the Holy Spirit, as we walk in Him (Gal 5:16).
He is the essence of the Life which is in Christ Jesus. "The Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death."
Note: Some other suggestions: 1) Get before Him in silence and wait. 2) Render a service of some sacrificial import to His glory alone. 3) Pour over those Four Gospels, and in a way which notes the continuum of action and the juxtaposition of sayings. (We tend to ignore their cohesiveness and flow.) 4) Sing His name often. 5) Pray to Him about anything. 6) Record briefly what you think He is saying to you and examine how His "comments" work themselves out. 7) Culture a thankful heart...Doug F. B. Meyer Fruit of Spirit Spiritual Currency
Coming Fully Alive
Folks are dying And the status quo Is cutting off their breath Generation passes on Things workable Things sociable But Christ-less still It might as well be death. He made the stars And gardens shouting colour He warms the sick And widows find their kin. He robs the grave Of every threat, finality And cheers the saints With ways to enter in. And they respond With praise that
Stretches heart strings And they respond With deeds that Shame the proud As partners all They shoulder service gladly With words and helps The Spirit has endowed. (We enter into the holy place assured of the sufficiency of the blood offering of Jesus for sin. The Holy Spirit is glad to make a dwelling in us and to guide, comfort, equip and teach as we allow Him. Spiritual understanding grows and a sensitivity to the Lord’s whispers and commissioning.)
How Large ? I want to show you just
How large a heart can grow
And Omniscience knows for sure
The ways to tell you so
The ways to hear a whisper
For rich relief and rest
And services to lead you
In sharing in God’s best.
You must adhere to scripture
I give the strength, you see
And as we meet in quiet
You shine with more of Me.
But you will hardly notice
Lest pride might lead to boast
It happens oh so naturally
As you my Grace will host.
As you will work with Jesus
Two yoke-mates in the field
The heart will grow; compassion know
Securing Love’s rich yield.
William Carey, Father of Missions and Bible Translator to India