What the Visitor Said. Posted on February 4, 2020
from Doug Blair, Waterloo ON
Friends in the faith, I am honoured to be here with you. For a couple of recent services I have soaked in your fellowship, the heartfelt singing and the messages delivered by your Pastor. He is a man of much love and study and closeness to Jesus and facility in speaking to numbers of people. BUT he can be intellectually proud. So can I admittedly. A one-time lawyer used to delivering position papers and advocate’s arguments. I have found myself speaking sometimes in the same fashion as one who habitually drives his car without thought, missing reference points along the way and potential hazards or delights. Force of habit? Overly confident? Lacking in respect or diligence for the task at hand? Tired? Responding to duty without enthusiasm? Now you are probably sitting there thinking that I take too much liberty and simply show myself to be a naysayer. But stop…hear a word from the letter to Hebrews: 24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. (Hebrews 10) The 25th suggests the mutuality of exchange. Not simply to be sitting under the preaching or teaching, thinking that all is correct and beyond a second look. Remember the healthy censure of the Bereans to the words of Apostle Paul (Acts 17: 10, 11). Sometimes we listeners fall asleep in conscience and in wonder. Same old, same old. The Preacher feels an intense loneliness and vulnerability. He receives kudos and fawning in a way that is harmful to reverence and humility; harmful to brokenness (Psalm 34: 18) I recall reading a wonderful book by Andrew Murray of the early 20th century entitled Humility. In his delightful fashion he showed that humility is critical to every aspect of our faith…receiving, meditating, serving, praying, giving, taking, bearing witness, discipling, facing adversity or death. Our carnal nature does not want to hear this. But our spiritual nature must feed on it for more of the mind of Christ and unity in the global church of the Spirit’s urging. (1 Corinthians 2: 16) http://www.g4er.tk/books/murray_humility.pdf Having said all of this, and having acknowledged my own stumbling to these obstacles, allow me now to address a few of Jesus’ words about the “unprofitable servant” in Luke 17…
So Who Do You Think You Are, Doug?
Not much really. Having little in the way of influence, credit or friends. But impressed with a trust to be fulfilled. Messages of enlightenment for the hurting and searching and confused. God set it up at least a decade ago according to His puzzling sovereignty. He would have it so...and He brought the messenger and anointed spouse Hilary through many a breaking and questioning; delightful children being raised; menial jobs and assignments; the occasional shining moment of help or testimony to another in need and graciously willing to listen or to read.
Rubbing Elbows in the Sight of God DECEMBER 15, 2013 / ISSUUDOTCOMSLASHDEWANE / “This is the time in the service when we remember special needs of our own. We think of Emily at the hospital; of Derrick and Jane adjusting to the needs of their little new arrival; of Steven going off to seminary out of state; of Peter in his job search and of all those let go from the factory; of comfort for Marjorie so soon after the loss of Cam…”
The associate Pastor’s petitions and intercessions went on for another two minutes covering diverse territories, with the congregation occasionally mumbling, as if one garbled voice, “Lord hear our prayer”.
It was all different for me, a visitor trying to participate without tripping over my tongue.
I thought that the singing had been stiff. The organist was proficient but the booming old set of pipes made the people’s lyrics seem indecipherable. The sermon had been a moral lesson without any clear 3
indication of a foundation text in scripture: particularly from the four precious life-giving Gospels.
And back home I attended a “Word” Church with upbeat contemporary praise and protracted teaching.
Teaching ...always teaching…
But these people bowed in significant silence and prayed for one another. One had the feeling that it was a given that some would come forward with visits, helpful errands, gifts or letters and phone calls. I did not see that too often at my “Home” church. I almost failed to recognize other parishioners out of context in other public situations. There was an attendance but not much fraternizing.
And sitting there in that pew, some words of Jesus hit me like lightning:
Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye have made it a den of thieves.” (Mark 11: 17)
This prayer and visitation and unselfish service I had seen in early years at churches of a more liberal setting. United Church and Anglican. But no messages of born again, repentance unto life, Second Coming of Lord Jesus, the indwelling of Holy Spirit, signs and wonders. These came later in charismatic and pentecostal and house church formats.
Freedom, open exchange by participants, laying on of hands and prophecy. But then again a growing casualness with Poppa God and Elder Brother Jesus. A confusion over leadership. Some false doctrines in teachings of men (ie. inner healing or generational curses or prosperity at the bank). Oh Doug why don’t you just settle down and acknowledge that “no church is perfect.” There are good points in most. God has a wide variety of implements in His royal toolbox. Only the Galilean days of service and joyful stories, the Cross and the Empty Tomb and the poured down Spirit need be acknowledged with noticeable reverence.
Christ-Like Posted on January 11, 2020
Is it a thing of much study? This walking the way our Lord trod Prepared for the moments of blessing And hearing the whispers of God? I open the Book oh so often And cram the head tighter with facts And memorize portions of richness
From Gospels and Psalter and Acts. But oh how it slips to the background And oh how the stamina fails While Jesus seemed never to waver Or fail to hear beggarly wails. His praying so often in secret Those nights when the others would sleep Now there’s where the energy came from And there’s the communion so deep. The will of His Father familiar The heart of a Healer sublime. It was not in facts or in formulas. But just Triune Love every time. And He prayed the doors would all open For us to soak richly in this Resulting in servants transfigured And thriving in Heavenly bliss.
Painting by James Tissot
There are a number of faith and inspirational ebooks at the following site: http://blairdoug64 https://issuu.com/blairdoug64/docs/after_the_window_washer__and_a _few_others_
Also a blog on prayer https://breathlessbeckonwor.wordpress.com/