4 minute read
Water/Wastewater and Engineering
Rick Shaffer Director
The Water Utility provides treated drinking water to customers, water for fire protection, and treats water after it has been used so that it can be returned safely back into the natural environment. We provide service to approximately 13,000 retail customers and wholesale service for the City of Hudson Oaks. With a staff of 52 employees, the Water Utility is comprised of 6 divisions – Administration; Water Purification Plant; Maintenance; Rehabilitation; Engineering; and Water Reclamation Facility.
We strive to provide reliable, high-quality, and affordable water and wastewater service for our customers by planning for future growth, securing dependable long-term water supplies, promoting water education and conservation, proper maintenance of our existing systems, and improving our treatment capabilities.
• Operate and maintain a 14 MGD water purification plant. • Operate and maintain a 4.5 MGD water reclamation facility. • Operate and maintain a water distribution system of 292 miles of pipeline, 7 pump stations and 10 water storage tanks. • Operate and maintain a wastewater collection system of 220 miles of pipeline and 24 lift stations. • Provide engineering design, construction, and inspection services. • Review design plans and permits for residential and commercial development projects. • Provide public education on water conservation practices, watershed protection, and wastewater disposal.
Winter Storm Uri wreaked havoc for many water providers across Texas. Weatherford was fortunate to have fared very well during this time. This was not simply due to luck, but to the preparation and preventative steps taken prior to the weather event, the efforts by staff working around the clock to maintain the water distribution system, and being able to rely on our city’s Electric Utility to avoid major power outages at critical facilities. As a result, we were able to keep water flowing to our customers throughout the event.
During this time, staff responded to: • ~600 calls for service over a 7-day span; • ~30 pipeline breaks over a 2-week period (this is almost as many as typically experienced during an entire year); and • water demand doubled in response to those pipeline breaks and customers’ running faucets to prevent frozen pipes.
• Produced 1.54 billion gallons of drinking water from the water purification plant. • Treated approximately 993 million gallons of wastewater at the water reclamation facility. • TCEQ conducted an inspection of industrial pretreatment program – received zero violations. • Completed construction of a new 500,000-gallon elevated water storage tank. • Responded to 2,975 work orders for water (~50% increase over FY20, largely due to Winter Storm Uri), and 1,392 work orders for wastewater. • Reviewed/notified customers usage for ~250 potential leaks and highwater consumption to help customers save money on their water bill. • City crew replaced/installed ~9,600 linear feet of water and wastewater pipeline, at ~60% of contractor unit cost. • Contractors replaced/ installed ~29,000 linear feet of water and wastewater pipeline.
• Performed ~1,500 plan reviews for residential and commercial projects initiated by developers. • Collected ~1,200 lbs of unused medicine from residents during the Take Back Meds Program, plus over 900 lbs at the Police Dept, helping to protect our environment and water supplies.
• Construction of granular activated carbon (GAC) filter contactors at the Water Purification Plant for additional taste and odor treatment capability. • Design of an additional reclaimed water project to provide up to 1 MGD of additional water supplies. • Construction of process improvements and pump station at the Water Reclamation Facility. • Rehab of Lift Station #1, and expansion of Lift Station #17. • Replace ~10,000 linear feet of aging water and wastewater pipeline with city crews; and ~20,000 linear feet with contractors. • Design of an additional water storage tank to serve development around Lake Weatherford.
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