e h t e c n a m r perfo art* a conceptual practice * not to be confused with performing arts
definition & specificities Performance (n.) "accomplishment" (of something), from perform+-ance, is the act of performing; carrying into execution or action; achievement; accomplishment; representation by action. Or that which is performed or accomplished; a thing done or carried through; an achievement; a deed; an act; a feat; especially, an action of an elaborate or public character. Or a live show or concert. Or the amount of useful work accomplished estimated in terms of time needed, resources used, etc.
Performance art
is attested from 1971. Fine art context Interdisciplinary Audience Authentic Experience live act or via media scripted or not reenactment possibilities archived or captured
origins* al musical t n e im r e p x E d invente d n a t il u b s t ins trumen between o l o s s u R i by Luig and 1930. 0 1 9 1 ly h g ro u Italian Futurists (1909-1920) Dada (1916-1923)
Russian constructivists (1917-1934) Bauhaus (1919-1933) SurrĂŠalistes (1924-1966)
Hugo Ball performing at the Cabaret Voltaire in ZĂźrich in 1916. Stu dents in sports clothing designed by Varbara Stepano va for An Evening of the B o ok, photographed by Alexander Ro dchenko in 1924. * not confined to Western world art traditions
A recording of the famous sound poem of Kurt Schwitters is realized in Frankfurt in 1932 : Fümms bö wö tää zää Uu, pögiff, kwii Ee
Jackson Pollock at work in 1948: paint is spontaneously dribbled, splashed or smeared onto the canvas.
Workshop managed by the architect Buckminster Fuller for the experiment of geodesic dome summer 1948 at the Black Mountain College.
Inspired by Le théâtre et son double of Antonin Artaud, John Cage creates in 1952 his first ‘event’ with Merce Cunningham and Robert Rauschenberg.
Atsuko Tanaka, Electric Dress, 1956. A burqa-like costume with electrical wires and co lo ured lig htbulbs symbo lizes post war Japan’s rapi d transfor mation.
Between 1959 and 1962, Yves Klein sells 8 pieces of the conceptual Zone de Sensibilité Picturale Immatérielle.
Yard of Alan Kaprow knows success in New York in 1961. The visitors move with great difficulty on piles of tires which they re-arrange at will.
In 1965, Yoko Ono presents at Judson Church Theater, Cut Piece: members of the audience are invited to approach the stage, one at a time, and cut with a pair of scissors a bit of her clothes off – which they are allowed to keep.
Michael Heizer makes Circular Planar Displacement Draw ing to be erase d by firs t rain in 1970.
Trisha Brown, Woman Walking Down a Ladder, 1973.
Since the 1960s a variety of new works, concepts and the increasing number of artists led to new kinds of performance art.
Otto Muehl, , 1963. Materialaktion
Gina Pane, . PsychĂŠ, 1974
Chris Burden Shoot, 1971. rge, & Geo t r e b l i G g ing The Sin , 1970. re u Sculpt
Josep h Beuys, I like America and America likes me, 19 74
C harlotte Mo orman & Nam June Paik, Concerto for TV Cello and Videotapes, 1971
Orlan, Literature to Stand Up Strait, 1976
d, 1980. Third Han e h T , rc la Ste
g, 1994. Oleg Kulig, Mad do
Jenny Ho lzer, Marq uees, 1993.
Marina Abram o vic, The artist is present, 2010 .
Darren Roshier
le, 2012. Lei Yang, No tit
Marguerite Bobey, La forêt qui m'habite m'a gardée en elle comme une ombre, 2013.
Andreas Pashias, Vandalism (5 Blue lines), 2014.
essaie d(e s’)autohistoriciser, 20
thank you for your attention * Conversatio, video-performance of Valentine Verhaeghe and Michel Collet. Sat at the table in a terrace, two characters strike up a dumb conversation‌