od always has good desires about us. He gives us the same desire and power to do His will. He hopes that we prosper in everything we do. However, our thought pattern is what limits us. We need the mind of Christ to grow in life. The mind of Christ is one of the interesting themes in the Bible (1 Corinthians 2.16). Jesus had a good attitude with all the people He met in life; even His enemies felt the love of God. Jesus was kind and bold enough to pray and bless His enemies even when they were against Him. We must require the same attitude of Christ. Jesus is the most authoritative person that the world has ever seen. His reign is forever and His kingdom is everlasting. Just before crucifixion Jesus Christ was asked by the Jewish high priest “Are you Christ the son of the blessed?” And Jesus said “I am; and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of power and coming with the clouds of heaven” (Mark. 14. 6-7). Jesus was never afraid to confess that He is the son of God and His reign, second coming.
BLASSON N. MATHEW President, Kingdom Perspectives
The same Lord desires that all of us shall reign in life. He prospers our life with the intention to use us in a special way. If we wish to receive His blessings, we need to walk with God in His perfect plan. God did a great plan to bless us in Christ- the begotten Son of God. God knew it beforehand that we will not be a blessing in this cursed world until we are spiritually delivered. Thus, we read in the Bible that “even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him” (Eph 1. 4). By faith if you pray “Lord come and have your way in me” surely He will be merciful to you. The Holy Bible says His grace is sufficient for you and His power is made perfect in your weakness (2Corinthians 12.9). Are you a person in need of help? If yes, take the help of God. All those who look unto the Lord, their faces are radiant and never ashamed (Psalm 34.5). Live by every word of the Lord. Just like God had said to Joshua, let me advise “May you be careful to do according to all that is written in it (word of God); for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success (Joshua 1.8). May the good Lord fill you with His mind, boldness and grace that you may be greatly useful.
Gospel | Literature | Education
Kingdom Perspectives | Jul-Aug 2020